I’ve lived out of the United States and in Eastern Europe for nearly two years now. Despite this, there are some things that seem so simple in nature that I simply cannot fathom. The reason for this? The things that were such a part of my childhood are seemingly nonexistent in my home country, but seem to be reasonably alive and well in other parts of the world.
Allow me to illustrate my point.
I’m about to move into a new apartment. For the first time, I’ve picked a place a bit out of the very city center. My logistics will suffer slightly, but I’ll also have quite a bit more peace and quiet (less British stag parties stumbling through my street).
The first day when I signed my reservation agreement, I walked by one of the many public parks in the area. I saw a basketball court, and instantly looked forward to being able to shoot around a bit when the weather got nicer.
But then, I was hit by disappointment. There were throngs of children on the playground next door to the court. I instantly assumed by the number of them, plus the gate around the area, that it was a schoolyard. I’m not joking — on a random Monday afternoon with temperatures in the low 30s, there must have been 40 children all screaming and playing on the playground.
A week later (the day I’m penning this), I walked by the park again on my way to one of my favorite coffee shops in the neighborhood. It was much quieter today, as it’s a brisk 18 degrees Fahrenheit day here in Europe, so the playground was a bit more empty. Well, this time I ventured closer to the park, and, low and behold, it’s actually a completely public space to use.
Now, you might be thinking—big deal. But, let me pose you this question:
How Often Do You See This In America?
The answer, based off of recent experience — not much. When I visited my parents in California over the winter, the weather was consistently in the 60s. I drove or walked by the local park, which has basketball courts, baseball fields, and way more amenities than this Eastern Europe park, every day I was there (three weeks).
Do you know how many kids I saw running around in that park? Throughout the three weeks, probably less than I saw total in that one afternoon last week.
When I was a kid, it was a given. The parks and playgrounds were always full. We played silly games on the playground, played pickup basketball/football/whatever we could get on hands on, and spent as much time as we could outdoors when the weather permitted. And we had the freedom to do so. As long as we stayed within the general confines of the neighborhood, our parents allowed us free reign to do what we wanted provided we checked in when needed.
Obviously, my sample size of this is small. It’s constricted to just the one park in the neighborhood I grew up in. But, from what I hear, this is what the deal is these days. Kids who are 8 years old would rather stay in and play on their iPads than actually go outside and throw a ball around. My fellow ROK colleague Quintius Curtius recently tweeted:
These days, if you gave a kid a baseball to throw, he’d probably:
1. Not know what it is.
2. Ask if there is an app for it.
3. Say he’s “feeling tired and listless.”
4. Ask if the baseball is organic.
5. Laugh at you and go back to his video games.
6. Report you for abuse— Quintus Curtius (@QuintusCurtius) February 20, 2018
Now, It May Not Be This Forever
I was having a discussion with a British friend recently, and he was asking about the state of girls out in Eastern Europe. While I hesitate to throw blanket statements on entire countries, much less entire chunks of continents—-the simple fact of the matter is that nobody knows.
The EE playground might become a barren wasteland as the next generation of children decide that playing on their tablets is more exciting than climbing on a jungle gym.
As for the girls?
Right now, the girls who are on the young side of things in Eastern Europe at least grew up without smartphones. That is rapidly changing. A girl who has her first smartphone at age 22 versus 12 is going to be a drastically different person. The girls who will be becoming of age in a few years in this part of the world may have very similar attitudes that Western girls have exhibited in the last decade.
And, more to the point, there is a shocking number of girls in these countries that are simply dreaming of a better life abroad in places like London and New York because of smartphones. It’s globalized hypergamy now. While many people argue that we live in the best time ever, it does come with it’s pitfalls. There is just no way to predict what it means now that dating is completely global in nature. There will definitely be some downsides to the local men in less developed countries as their women begin to pursue men who are higher up on the food chain.
But For Now, I’ll Enjoy This
I won’t try to predict how the world will turn out, or what the exact state of an Eastern European country will be in the coming years. I won’t claim to have a solution to the Tablet Toddler phenomenon that seems to have completely overruled America—now a land where children would rather play with a random iPad app instead of going outside and playing catch.
And for now, I’ll just enjoy what I can here. Even if it’s something as simple as a sunny day shooting hoops, while the kids run around on the playground—making me nostalgic about a time that isn’t coming back.
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Oh no! First it was our living rooms, and now our playgrounds are dying!
My 6 year old plays out in the road every day, about 5 others his own age out with him. He also loves ‘Sonic zombie’ on youtube but directly the day gets cool enough, he’s told to go out and play on his bicycle.
When tech is allowed to abuse kids with apps, maybe parents should be allowed to trick them with cocaine into playing outside.
We are at a point, were I at least wouldn’t hesitate to compare the abuse the tech companies do to society with the one drug dealers do.
Yes. Blame inanimate objects.
Don’t give institutional emasculation or helicopter parenting any credit please
Dude, I do that too.
And if you’d care about that, you’d know, how deep libtard-tech is involved into the emasculation.
Blame these objects’ (((creators))).
no need to put them on cocaine. They’re already on amphetamines like Adderall and such.
We live in the best time ever?
I don’t see it at all.
Go back in time to 1900, then try listening to some music or watching a movie.
Don’t scratch yourself while digging the garden, no antibiotics.
Try not to die in the trenches of WW1 while you’re there.
Public transport, horse or rail?
Just imagine me as a child running across a poppy fields like mad.
I had a childhood with only a few toys: a chess game, a pack of playing cards, a playing ball, a flute, and several Communist puzzles.
Outside the agriculture work (helping the parents) there was nothing else to do but play with other guys or explore the surroundings.
There was little food and few opportunities but I wouldn’t give that childhood for all the smartphones in the world.
So if smartphones didn’t exist than all the emasculation in the school system and degeneracy would vanish
I remember the 60s as beatings, bullying and boredom.
Nostalgia ain’t reality.
What do you expect when the educational system is trying to turn (white) boys into girls. Physical games boys used to play, like british bulldog, were banned long ago in school yards. Keeping ’em flabby and pacified so there is no revolt.
“Physical games boys used to play, like british bulldog, were banned long ago in school yards.”
Can you specify which decade or two? Thanks you.
My primary school banned it in ’95 because it was “too rough”. Our coach let us play it after football training though. Parents didn’t intervene back then, but that was 23 years ago. Now…holy fuck!! Shreiking cunts and cucked fathers lol.
It’s worse than that. You can’t let your kids play outside. Police will be called and CPS will open an investigation into you being a negligent parent for letting your kid roam outside unsupervised. Speaking from personal experience.
I wonder if you have heard about Let Grow?
If not, here’s their introduction: https://letgrow.org/restoring-childhood-resilience-fighting-push-overprotect/
In Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,
Esther Brown
Have you read the short story “The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury (if I recall accurately)? When I first read it in a high school textbook, it sent emotional chills down my backbone; but I never thought, consciously, that it could apply to this time.
Did I see where someone might “get into trouble” with the authorities because they let their kids play outside? If anyone cares to simply “bitch” and not deal with the non-specific crap the gov’ment might spew out, then, my friend, they already own you and shut up. Yet the one thing the gov’ment can’t deal with is to have one man to stand up and tell them to bugger off. Because it confuses them. And when one man stands up, others are inspired to do the same. Even Mao understood the “one rain drop” analogy. The Bundy’s stood tall and persevered against armed tyranny. But you can’t? Holy Shite!
Little crumb snatchers belong outside to do a couple of things. Exercise their imaginations, exercise their little bodies and exercise their self-reliance to grow up and be something. Steer clear of trouble, watch out for your little brother and be home for dinner.
What’s especially sad is that most kids would actually rather play outside then sit in front of a tablet. Whenever I kick my kids outside, they bitch for like 2 minutes and then go out and have a grand time. I think it’s a combination of laziness by the parents, and a culture that has convinced itself that our kids are in danger all the time. This is the safest time to be alive and yet everyone acts like if they leave their kid alone for a few hours they’re being neglectful. We used to spend HOURS outside of the house when I was a kid.
Quit blaming inanimate objects. It’s because of all the paranoia surrounding parents not letting their kids play outside (helicopter parenting)
Never mind people are having 1 kid and like 4 pets which would lead to demographic problems later on
Move to the countryside. It’s a whole different and anachronistic world where I live. Cities tend to be infested with liberals, who used to be tolerable 20 years ago but have since gone batshit insane (thanks Obama). They will call child services if they see you so much as talk sternly and with authority to your child.
Where I live kids still ride bikes to hidden ponds along the railroad tracks, catch frogs and play guns; play baseball with dad and have a picnic watching 4th of July fireworks. Basically get out of the NE corridor and the liberal west coast cities…a lot of places in between are still sane.
You’re absolutely right. My liberal den mother neighbors will call child services, Johnny Law, animal control, city codes, or any other agent of the state over the most petty issue or misconceived slight. Never mind the two registered sex offenders who live on my block too. There aren’t many children in my neighborhood, but it’s no wonder decent parents fear johnny law and convicted pedophiles if they let their children out in the confines of their own yards.
The kiddy-diddlers’ houses need to get struck by Italian lightning.
I wish they would go away. The sex offenders registry states that anyone taking retribution against them will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I took one to municipal court 4 years ago. It was over another matter. I lost big time. The mangina judge rolled over like a submissive simp. Terrible times when pedophiles are protected. Even the Italians in my area don’t mess with them.
Yep the home town I grew up in use to be white and conservative but as it grew economically more and more liberals and Hispanics started moving there. 20 years ago my mom, who taught grade school use to have a bearded dragon in the class room and kids even got to play with it and in 5th grade I remember being able to take care of caterpillars and watch them morph into butterflies.
Nowadays my mom can’t even let kids take a stuffed owl home without parents complaining about a potential for diseases or live. No unhealthy treats because of the obesity epidemic.
Liberals and most non Asian whites lack self awareness and cannot take responsibility for their own actions. When a kid doesn’t get an A these liberals don’t blame their kids for being laxy, they blame the teachers for not being good teachers or motivating their children to study.
It’s no coincidence the self improvement, gym, community is overrepresented by right wingers especially white and Asian men. These are the most likely to have self awareness, admit their short comings/failures and work on them than other groups.
I sbould add, it’s laughable that so many liberals are into overly “protecting” children given their propensity to support murdering them, but that’s another story.
Has anyone noticed the elites create a problem and then offer a solution?
Oh no, ballots have hanging chads, let’s have electronic voting machines.
Oh no, terrorists attacked the WTC, let’s have TSA groping, CIA torture, and NSA wiretapping.
Oh no, Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, let’s invade Iraq.
Oh no, bankers committed fraud and ruined the economy, let’s have bailouts.
Oh no, healthcare is expensive, let’s have Obamacare.
Oh no, the Internet is slow, let’s have regulations.
Oh no, the police are killing black people, let’s have cop cameras.
Oh no, your phone might be stolen, let’s have kill switches.
Oh no, someone shot people, let’s ban guns.
Oh no, immigrants are buying mobile phones, let’s ban prepaid phones.
Oh no, someone called someone a bad word, let’s ban free speech.
Oh no, a junkie bought drugs, let’s ban cash.
Oh no, a terrorist bought a clock with a debit card, let’s ban anonymous debit cards.
Oh no, we started wars, let’s import refugees.
Oh no, Muslims have encrypted mobile phones, let’s ban encryption.
Oh no, Russia and China are large countries that might oppose the Jewish NWO of debt, bombing Iran, illegal immigration, immorality, homosexuality, and feminism, let’s increase the military budget.
Oh no, the US has too many illegal immigrants, let’s build a wall.
Oh no, Russia is releasing propaganda, let’s ban free speech.
Oh no, Russia is hacking voting machines, let’s allow DHS to control the elections.
Oh no, the 99% are unhappy about tyranny, let’s ban protesting.
I applaud this comment
Sooo glad i had my childhood before the techno takeover. Shut down the grid. problem solved.
The elite won’t let it happen, as long as they are in control of the grid and there is lots of money to make by controlling the sheeple.
No wolf will ever give away his prey voluntarily
I lived four years in the US during the seventies. Coming from a European country where the kids always played outside in all types of weather, it took some time getting used to playing by myself every time the weather was a little cool or the few times there was snow outside. My friends were mostly afraid to get dirty and I remember how my Jewish friend once had to dress up for what seemed like an eternity in clothes that only small children use (full rubber rain suit) in my country just to play for half an hour in mild weather with sleet.
So what the headline of this piece says is not something I can relate to. It’s been like that for decades, at least. When the weather was fine, yes, the Americans played outside also.
I’m white American born and raised and I constantly played outside . By the late 1980’s when I was 7, 8, 9 years old, I would constantly tear up my jeans or other pants on the knee because I was always getting into the dirt. My skin tore off the palms of my hand on the monkey bars. On the swing, I would get as high up as I could and jump, I would climb up rope, play Ninja with other kids my age…We even played Americans versus Commies since we were still in the Cold War in the late ’80’s. That was probably the best time ever to be a kid…Nothing beat the awesome GI Joes, Transformers, and we would build huge bases in the sand with MOBAT’s, APC’s, Bridge Layers, anti-air missile systems…In the summer, we would go in the forest and have paint ball gun wars pretending we were in the film Predator…No kid in the US today will ever mimic the great outdoor days of the 1980’s. NO WAY!!!
Also, I might add, many of our parents worked their asses off to provide a roof over our heads. My Dad was and always has been a conservative…He put me in private school knowing how bad the public (government) school curriculum was even in the ’80’s.
With a new 5g location-specific EMF grid any person of any age can be dropped right where they are standing.
With poisonous grey skies and roaming muddrapists your city-dwelling child has a 49% chance of making it thru the week without a predator’s attempt.
The Article does emphasize that EE women will soon be 100% digital hypergamist, and this could be a subject in itself.
But what is actually “outside”?
Dangerous people (insane/medicated/retarded), cops, SJWs, beggars, criminals, pedos, drug dealers, foreign invaders, and sickly animals all stumbling around under a polluted, hazy, and unstable sky.
If you go to a ‘public space’ there will be, guaranteed, a host of gang based minorities who will size you up long before you even know they are there. Despite the fact your local government will CCTV record your every movement for AI analysis it will still not prevent your local Wu-Tang clan from stealing your wallet and watch.
Any chick you would PUA like its 1999 will have a Smart App under her razor-sharp fingernails ready to have YOU hauled away for speaking ‘What a nice day it is today’.
Fees and permission apply for anything you might even consider doing.
Park your motorcycle on the trail and walk to the water’s edge with your girl?
No. You must park in a designated spot for $50 and apply for an UberGreen Shuttle.
Talk a walk? Go for a swim? Hike up the hill?
No, that is Corporate Private Property owned by the Queen. Denied.
Fly a kite? Climb a tree? Paddle your canoe?
No, that is environmentally impactful. Denied.
Have a ROK meet-up or read the Bible sitting under a tree?
No, DHS rejects your ‘inappropriate social gathering’ . Denied.
By 2019 you will be stuffed into your tiny Agenda 21 flat that locks you INSIDE.
Permission to go Outside will be on a per-request basis and include a carbon output assessment rating.
Jogging? No, excess carbon dioxide output. Denied. YOUR DOOR WILL NOT OPEN.
Instead you will be a shut-in.
Staring at a “work-page” for your government employment requirement your dark wall-screen will switch over at 7pm and you will have a FILTERED media system that shows you image after image of Wakanda Trannies.
They are the future, You are the horrible past. Their perverted sexuality is so much better than your CIS-beta thirst.
Random adverts of GucciManes covered in gold trinkets and posing with their cellulite puckered fat-ass trannie-hos fill your empty mind with notions of “if only I could be so street-like”. You become quietly envious of beings who cannot complete a sentence.
The stream of inescapable commercials are interrupted occasionally with Awards ceremonies wherein a statue of ISIS is given to some 7 foot tall “actor” that even Charlton Heston would have trouble dating. You would jerk it to the oleaginous charcoal 38DDs but the 3%bodyfat six pack, breadbox skull, and 19 inch biceps leave you confused.
Political messages appear on the screen and you suddenly bolt out of your retaining-chair to grab your ‘response mechanism’.
You are already logged in by the chip in your spine but your nervously await your chance to agree with the Satancrat Government.
On the screen the Sudanese Doctor-Senator poses the new Referendum question, “Should 5 year old children be allowed to neuter themselves?”
For the first time in years you hesitate. That seems… ‘wrong-ish’.
There is ONLY ONE answer allowed, but you have to Confirm that answer.
Your screen blinks “AGREE”.
Ten seconds evaporate.
15 seconds.
Your door swings open revealing the ROO$H Team Polizei,
You failed to AGREE and speak EXACTLY what is expected of you.
That hesitation is considered “AGGRESSIVE”.
Days of Fluoro-Soy and Vaccine injections await you in Re-Trainment.
You will learn to NOT criticize Transbestials.
You will NOT dare question ZioZog Corporate Think.
You will genuflect before the Cushitic Charred Ones.
You will not Think or Speak ‘Contrary Thoughts’ that might jeopardize AdRev flow.
You will GENTLY assent to every idea put before you.
You live, breathe, and die based on instruction.
Who needs to go outside when life is this good?
In Texas the playgrounds are busy when the weather is decent. Mostly Mexican kids. If the parents don’t speak English, the kids do. They are becoming Texans.
I’ve noticed kids still play organized sports, but it’s like a job. Parents organizing everything, parents coaching, parents telling them what to do. Some kids enjoy organized sports, some kids don’t. But no kids play these games on their own. Kids don’t play pickup games of anything anymore. They don’t even throw a ball around. It seems organized kids sports has taken the fun out of playing sports.
Anyone here grow up in New Jersey? Remember “Kill the Guy with the Ball”?
In my neck of the woods, it was called “Smear the practitioner of an alternate lifestyle”.
My children are rarely in front of screens. They read books, study maps, cook and bake and play with each other. However I can’t let them play outside because of kidnappers, legal ones aka CPS and the busy bodies that call them. Kitchen window overlooks a small safe private yard and I used to let them play while I cooked dinner. Neighbor was calling me every few days to tell me if one climbed a tree and then to tell me that I needed to be outside with them. When I refused to raise my children the way she wanted me to she called CPS. Thankfully the laws in our state were on our side but still very scary. I want my children to have the happiness and freedom my siblings and I had growing up but it’s an uphill battle. Sad.
Exactly why I wrote the above “piece”.
I am sorry for your suffering and I will say a prayer for you and your family.
Remember it was not long ago if a neighbor accused you of anything they would have to appear before you. (the Right to Face Your Accuser!)
If the Police were called, and the accusation was petty, the Police would arrest the accuser for improper use of police services!!
Up until the 60s what you did in your own house was your business!!!!
If anybody said anything you yelled “MYOFB” and that was it!
Now an anonymous social grid implicates you in a Beast System that has rules for every aspect of your life.. including what you think and say!!!
It wasn’t until the 80s when the cracked out ghettos warranted “domestic violence” response to essentially take on the ‘masculine father’ role of the minority families.
Now the (((legal system))) involves you in MeToo sexiam, BLM racism, and Minority ‘micro-aggression’-ism with ‘zero tolerance’ for your ‘in-tolerance’!!!
All of this is NOT about fair societies… it is about REMOVING YOUR FREEDOM.
I think I played almost every sport in elementary and middle school and I also did summer camps and leagues. I started out with soccer, then baseball, basketball, football, tennis, sailing, weightlifting, and taekwondo. I think I liked taekwondo, baseball and weightlifting. I was not good at tennis or basketball. I say try everything because you might always find a better fit in something new.
I played outside and spent a considerable amount of time outdoors. When I switched from private school to public school in 10th grade, I quit playing sports after being diagnosed with Asperger’s. I went from having some friends to having none when I switched schools. This was around 1995-1996. The kids at the public school were vicious and cruel and some were as big as a grown man in those days and I was tall and skinny and not strong at all. I eventually got into weightlifting and taekwondo my senior year and by that time, almost everybody left me alone and did not bother me.
If I had to do it all over again, I would just have stayed the whole time in martial arts and weightlifting. Most won’t mess with you. I don’t agree that children don’t play outside anymore. Its white kids that don’t play outside anymore…Everyone else that’s non white is outside at the park doing chin ups or at the basketball court doing slam dunks.
This isn’t like the movie Goonies and its not 1985 anymore. Most places, even suburbs where I live, I would consider unsafe. Well, that’s how good ‘ol diversity works out for you.
At my first school we played dodgeball in the yard back in the late ’80’s-early ’90’s…I remember getting hit with in the face, in the nuts, and we still got up and played. It was fun and we enjoyed it…Couple fights sometimes broke out! Nothing bad…I swear to god, they have got to be chemtrailing something really bad on us overtime. Who knows what??