Americans Continue To Get Fatter Than Ever

Sensible nutrition helps to stay fit, but with the increase in big multi-national corporations dominating the food industry with more small farmers going down under, obesity is now a worldwide epidemic. Nearly one-third of Americans are fat, and heart disease, cancer, and obesity related diabetes are rampant. It has become so common that people think it’s a normal part of life. Africa is even seeing historic levels of land blubbers ever since the explosion of fast food chains invading countries like Kenya.

Diet and exercise has been advised by many, but even though 51% of Americans meet the government’s recommendation of aerobic exercise, they are still the largest specimen of homo-sapiens. Big pharmaceutical companies and food manufacturers continue to profit, but human health continues to plunder because the “technologically advanced” civilization includes the following dangers…

Chemically Laced Food

Unless you eat organic, you are likely to be exposed to products loaded with artificial ingredients –


Injecting mammalian genes into plant species has not been definitively proven to be safe, but there is counter evidence that shows a problem. With most of the soy and corn in America being owned by Monsanto, the super biotech powerhouse, the challenge becomes harder as some companies don’t even need to label GMO foods.

“Sugarized” Food

Two time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling was opposed to sugar as too much leads to fat gain. However, more beverages and products are being made with refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Processed Meat

Livestock are injected with bovine growth hormones, nitrates, and are fed feed that can contain plastic residues, GMO grains, and meat of other members.

A Mechanical Way Of Life

Cut throat competition in a career focused society has created a population that functions under tension, frustration, and blood pressure due to the following factors…

Sedentary Lifestyle

Modern living has made people accustomed to sitting in front of a computer all day. White collar jobs require work done on an electronic device which emit electromagnetic waves elevating stress. Human beings never adapted to live in such digitally infused environments.

Lack of Sleep

With the economy getting more competitive, more Americans are working harder than anyone else, and it has taken a toll on their health.

Slave Labor

Since Americans are working so much, they are just too tired to eat right and hardy have time to enjoy life, share intimacy, or even just to relax.

News-Induced Depression

Living in this dark age is giving people a lot of stress which negatively effects cortisol levels resulting in fat gain. In men, the belly tends to balloon up, and in women it piles up in the buttocks, legs, and arms.

All of these have collectively created a nation of sick citizens by disrupting their hormones and metabolism. It is done purposely, because the daily wear and tear of the body leads to diseases and bad health habits. This creates a society that’s too worn out to rebel, making it easier for globalists to control them. The scientific community likes to boast about the latest advancements in genome editing, breakthroughs in biotechnology, and how scientists can engineer at the molecular level. However, they have not fixed the obesity epidemic.

Taking Action

Eating organic whenever possible and avoid common problematic foods like soy, corn, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, hydrogenated oils, and high carbohydrate low protein diets are advised.

Sprinting, swimming, kettle-bell swings, and punching/kicking a heavy bag are excellent for melting fat as well as calisthenics for strengthening the abs. Walking in nature, listening to music, dancing, and sitting in quiet helps calm the mind from daily stress. Turn off the TV, don’t associate with people who put gunk in your head, and keep focused on goals.

A friend I used to know was once asked by another about whether or not the meal he was having was organic. His response was, “I make it organic”. Being happy and enjoying your meal in peace of mind can alter its effect on you. Likewise, if you consume food while arguing, or constantly worrying about if it was organically produced and whether or not the farmer was smiling when he packed your apple, you’ll go crazy.

Laugh a lot after your meal, watch a funny show or movie if you have to. Be thankful upon rising and retiring as gratitude has a powerful calming effect. While there are forces in life beyond your control, you have the power to exercise, choose healthy foods, and control how you react to “bad” events.

Read More: Why Are Americans So [email protected]#king Fat?

82 thoughts on “Americans Continue To Get Fatter Than Ever”

    1. Don’t have to do anything, their hearts are already imploding, they will die from their excessive uncontrolled in disciplined consumption EARLY. No one ever died from obesity when they were starving.

      1. If consumption is NOT what it is to blame for obesity, why are Bulimics and anorexics so skinny? they are pukers, that is bingers and purgers, they are forcibly rejecting their own consumption practices and therefore with regulated INTAKE are skinny.
        This is not rocket science. I never said it was healthy, I went straight to the obvious, if the food going in is not processed by the body or not available to the body, it is IMPPOSSIBLE to get fat (process the food that the body converts into fat).

  1. No carbs (keto) and fasting are the way to go. While I think processed food with chemicals is gross, it’s all the carbs in them that make you fat.

      1. As with everything, balance is necessary. The body will make the glucose it requires in the body via a process called gluconeogenesis. Excess protein is often converted and the remainder shit out.
        Cyclical keto is an interesting style, as it allows almost a best of both worlds situation. Excess protein is the common cause of ketoacidosis. Not keto in general.

      2. he will become skinny man as he will lose his muscle tissues too.
        not good at all.

        1. You need a combination of carbs, healthy fat and protein to function properly and have a lean mass.
          carbs fat Protein
          45 % 20% 35 %
          most efficient way to build strong lean body. otherwise your energy will fall drastically.

      3. Simple carbs like fruits or potatoes, sure. Processed carbs however, will just make you store fat.
        Keto is necessary if youre over 20% body fat. Then its good to switch over to cyclical.

        1. processed carbs are the enemy sure.
          but the main idea is not to lose the muscle tissue if you are Keto… need energy to perform a great workout.

    1. Although not a terrible idea, the body does need carbohydrates. Ketoacidosis is not a good thing. Processed sugars, refined carbohydrates, trans and saturated fats, not enough hydration, rest and all around laziness are huge culprits in this. Also too much booze and fried garbage goods.

      1. Ketoacidosis and Ketosis are two totally different things. The keto diet switches your main source of fuel from carbs to ketones, which are made by eating healthy fats like coconut oil, butter, and fatty cuts of meat. The only carbs should come from mostly green veggies. YouTube the keto diet for more info, or look for the keto article on ROK.

  2. I recently watched a show where a girl was lost in the Grand Canyon for 21 days. She lost a lot of weight.

  3. Think I’ve seen the oaf in the top pic before… and those are REAL tats. Can’t remember if he just wanted them or he got some money from some or all of those chains to be a walking advertisement for them. But anyone that would do this has issues beyond simply not giving a damn about what he eats or how fat he is.
    Author mentions historic level of blubberism in Africa. Blacks have to be careful more than other races. They evolved over thousands of years to endure periods of famine on the African continent. Their bodies adapted to store fat very efficiently. That’s why in western countries given the diets and easy, cheap access to food, they have become the most overweight race. Readily observable in the US, and backed up by stats.
    In the USA, as many fat whites as there are, a higher % of blacks and “hispanics” are fatties.

    1. Black women in the U.S. are specifically the worst. If they are over age 15 it just seems incredibly rare at times to actually see a thin one.
      By comparison, a lot of their Caribbean or Brazilian counterparts have bodies to friggin’ die for. (Much better personalities and attitudes too.)

      1. The personalities are not better at all! Black woman’s angry persona is global. Its not cultural its the strength needed for raising kids alone by design as is the genetic way of them.

  4. I think that fat guy with the tattoos lives in my neighborhood. I’ve seen a guy that looks just like that walking a pug.

    1. Could be. When you seem him, just say “Hey tubby, could you pull up your right sleeve or your shirt? Just gotta check something out..”

  5. Good article but your missing the #1 reason: Lack of shame.
    Every wealthy culture has the ability to eat basically any foods they want. In a globalized world, unhealthy food is universal. Even some less developed countries have problems with their burgeoning waistlines.
    But many countries still remain skinny because they have a healthy sense of shame and fear. Fear their friends and family will laugh at them and shame them. Far from being unhealthy, shame for being fat is the #1 indicator of a nation’s health.
    It’s no coincidence that the “do whatever you feel like” attitudes of America and the obesity epidemic go hand-in-hand. Countries with the most intense fat-shaming (East Asian ones) are also the skinniest. Although it is changing due to Westernization, fat shaming simply keeps the pounds off. We need more fat shaming weeks on RoK. Now more than ever.
    As Roosh said, if American men collectively agreed to not date or fuck women over 200 pounds, we would see the greatest total loss of weight in 3 months in the history of mankind. Impossible? Sure, for now. Thirsty dudes be thirsty. But ultimately if some fat bitch who’s a 2 can pull a guy who’s a 6, nothing will change. Men just must agree on a standard. The lack of standards in American society is one of the biggest reasons we’re circling the collective toilet bowl.
    I hope it’s not too late but I’m not optimistic. The millennial attitude of moral apathy, nihilism, and outright hostility to anyone with standards is a death blow to the health of our nation. All the while every year people get fatter and sicker. Do the right thing, be a role model, be healthy, be fit, be a model member of your community. In a fat world the fit man is king, sexually and socially. Statistically speaking some of you who read this need to lose some pounds, so do it already, stop stalling and start now.

    1. Aside from willfully breaking at least two deadly sins, fat people get sick more often and stay sicker longer than others. IMO, they don’t break down and die fast enough. If America ever descends in to any real form of chaos or anarchy, they will be shot first.

      I also observe them not having enough energy for etiquette or discipline in public, and they usually fail to cover their coughs/sneezes during cold and flu season. Once they hit a psychological tipping point (enabled by “fat acceptance”), being unhealthy just becomes a body-positive default setting for them after a while…because they have given up on life’s essential pursuits, and are finishing last in the Darwinian race.

      When it’s a fat woman, any man in their life is almost always a mental or physical defective with zero standards. They will try to apply their “live and let live” rules upon you, and will take the moral high ground in a state of cognitive dissonance. Instant UPGRADE! On the inside, these people hate themselves. In addition to every other burden they place on society, they seem to passive-aggressively enjoy trying to make healthy people sick. I drop micro-aggressions and negative vibes on them, but nothing blatant b/c these days they will sue you for any perceived sleight. Dealing with them can be worse than dealing with children (i.e., a complete dead-end when it comes to rationality), and the only way to fix them is by force.

      They are VERY lucky we live in a world of laws, else I’d be directly fucking with them at all times. They are burden on society and the health care system — the #1 example of a selfish, lazy society.

      1. In the program the “Last Ship”, the one city administrator used Human corpses (particularly wanted FAT bodies) and were burned to power the electric station. Like whale blubber of olden days, the future recycling of fat people should take note. They are an alternative FUEL, not a an alternative FOOD, when SHTF happens. If they are a liability in other ways, they can and will be used in a manner that is beneficial TO ALL concerned.
        If scarce fuel will have to be used to burn the dead (to reduce the stank and decay of the bodies but also to rid the healthy society of diseases from the dead, and potential pollution from the corpses), the maximal best practices will demand the multitasking for SURVIVAL and multiple best outcomes (most best cases results) be served… That’s not anti-human, that is cold core logic. Call me a ghoul, but if you think about it. I am right.

      2. These people in general are not a bit more lazy than their lean counterparts. That doesn’t mean I’m saying they aren’t lazy, mind you. Only that it’s not a particular laziness that makes them fat. Do you really think all that stay lean achieve this through pure will and effort? By and large they’re as much lazy and voracious as the other. Read Gary Taubes, it all comes down to how your body react to blood sugar. Fatties’ bodies overreact. All is converted to fat on the spot. It’s so crazy that their body cell actually starve because of glucose depravation. So they are hungry just after stuffing themselves to the full. Hence the vicious circle. So it really are genes after all (and, of course, the ubiquity of sugar), but those with better sugar-processing metabolism like their not earned moral superiority too much to admit it.

    2. We do need more fat-shaming weeks and other sources of humor on RoK. Lately it’s been too many alt.right articles. You can get that on Daily Stormer, Stormfront or VNN. Let’s get back to basics.

  6. This is all very true and makes loads of sense, but Processed Meats would be very hard to give up. At least for me. No Sopressata? No Mortadella? No Corned beef or Pastrami or Black Forest Ham? Not happening.

  7. After watching a video on how a civil war would play out, all I could think about is a bunch of fat people slap fighting.
    Decisive battles at McDonalds Headquarters over who controls the McDouble supply!

  8. Fatties in (((Toronto))), Montreal, (((NYC))), LA and (((San Francisco))) believe that they are celebrities!

      1. Affirmative on the CA coastal cities. Tight clothes with bare bellies out, rolls out, back fat out, weird make-up and hair to accent. Sure, why not, they’re surrounded by fawning “fans” (enablers) every time they walk into a restaurant or pastry shop. It goes beyond normal politeness; if you live in LA, you’ve probably seen the near-theatrical display to “uplift fatty.” When a hot girl starts glad-handling and complimenting them, thinly-veiled as warped form of pity, yeah well I guess fatties = fewer in the competition for her, so she’ll be nice to fatty. Sidle up to the buffet and it’s “You better make it more, because…y’know…I’m MORE!!!” And it does sound like “mwah-ha-ha-haaaaaa” afterward, to which I am not chuckling in agreement but staring daggers when they get this bold. At the beach, holy shit, my eyes; bikinis size 20+

        1. Cringe inducing visuals…thx…I think. My intestines shivered at the bikini part.

    1. I didn’t know that women in Toronto were Joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzz….No wonder everyone hates a woman from Toronto.

    2. Not so much into the whole (((echo))) thing myself, but if you all find it edifying, then (((Montreal))) is warranted. Montreal’s Jewish community is one of the oldest and most populous in Canada, formerly first but now second to Toronto and numbering about 100,000 according to the 2001 census. (cf. Wikipedia)

  9. Force Fatfucks 300 pounds or over into mandatory fat camps
    and make them pay for it,these idiots are a burden on the world

    1. Fat camps…hell any forced government internment camps (they should also make prisons this way too would keep the population tired and weak enough to not rise up and make them less costly for taxpayers, and can feed them all the unhealthy processed high fat and carb foods) be equipped with treadmills ellipticals rowing machines and bikes and all should be rigged to generate electricity that is fed back to power the lights and heat.

  10. There is no mystery to this.
    Our food is not poisoned. Its not GMO’ s or antibiotics.
    It’s eating too much. Of anything.
    I would unhesitatingly choose modern day foods and preparation to what stone age people did. Heck, cooking was one of the bedrock springboard of civilization. Along with agriculture and animal husbandry.
    If you keep your caloric intake at your level of need, your body will burn it all. No more hypertension, arterial plaque, lethargy, etc.
    No need to pay shocking prices for “organic” etc.

    1. Most foods are poisoned by MSG, artificial colors, high fructose corn syrup, pesticides, “vegetable” oil, soy, etc.
      Most foods lack proper nutrition to keep us disease free…even most organics.
      I agree..
      Proper cooking, agriculture, and animal husbandry is great!

  11. If you have never been with an overweight woman, it is terrible. I finally did it this week. I had a pumpkin spice candle lit, a citrus air freshener in the wall and citrus aerosol, and I could still smell her gamey pussy across the room. I tried to get out of it, but luckily she stuck to mostly giving me some toothy blowjob for what felt like forever rather than kissing me, which felt like a rabbit nibbling on my lip. Small hands is not better…her stumpy fingers could not even fit around my dick. The bitch even pulled the condom off. Weird.
    I cannot believe how many men have lowered their standards to avoid the drought of involuntary celibacy. So many chads these days are walking around with these precocious cat ladies on their arm. In the battle of wits, women are winning because they are gaining the upper hand: they are getting fatter and more judicious, while men are tolerating it.
    Whoever first pointed out the flight path of the ‘liberated’ woman deserves a Nobel Prize because it is 100 percent true – The concept of ‘hitting-the-wall,’ the alpha-beta dichotomy etc. It needs to be expanded upon though.
    All a man has to do is be visibly muscular, reticent and Red-Pilled, and women will do the rest (Briffault’s Law). You don’t even have to pay because women will white-knight you. Suddenly everything you say becomes ‘funny.’ That is what ‘humor’ is to a woman, not actual jokes, because actual humor is unattractively self-effacing to women. ‘Making her laugh’ means being attractive (not silly) because being with somebody better than her makes her ‘giddy,’ which is why she giggles.

    1. This post is absolutely perplexing to me dude. Just jack the fuck off next time or wait until a decent one crosses your path — what’s in your imagination is 10X better than what you just got in real life. Amazed you could even get hard with a woman like that. You lowered your standards then immediately talk about how you can’t believe it in others. I would thumb-down your post if I hadn’t seen you write a few decent ones in the past.

      1. She never ‘hung on my arm’ like I am accusing chads of unworthily sporting. Also, she was a brand new coworker who got fired the next day because she reeked of alcohol. I surreptitiously hung out with her, making painstakingly clear to her that nobody else is to know about this. So there is nothing hypocritical about my post. I don’t even consider myself an alpha…but in this situation I was the alpha, because I think ‘alpha-beta’ is situational and analogous rather static.
        Thus alpha fucks (unemotional, noncommittal prick)/beta bux principle applies…and I followed it because I completely ignored her at my job and did not even acknowledge or assist her unless she requested it…always giving her one-word answers with minimal eye contact. I am in a position with this job that has a revolving door to experiment with the women coming and going, where #MeToo does not apply because I make the same amount as them, but I am much better at the job. Just being competent and aloof makes you attractive.

    2. Whoa bro, that is as intense as it is disgusting. Very descriptive too, you should become a writer. Damn, You must have been super desperate.

    3. LOL what you guys don’t understand (or maybe I am just not articulating it well enough) is I live life and take notes constantly instead of trying to be perfect all the time like I used to, trying only to experience the best (making myself desperate). But I am not desperate…anymore. So many times I have eschewed these unsavory situations and regretted it. Now I experience it all because you need these lousy situations to get better and learn. It is like a sexual spring training or farm system that you must experience before you can consistently remain in the majors.
      I played baseball growing up and I remember the coach was trying to ‘kill two birds with one stone’ by making batting practice also pitching practice just to save time. Instead of separating the two, like the pros to do, where the specialized batting practice pitcher just lofts the ball so the batter can make contact and practice hitting home runs, you had your pitcher throwing everything he had and the batter swinging as hard as he could instead of being actual practice, like the warmup before a hockey game where you lightly shoot the puck so the goalie can stop it and get those twitch fibers ready for the game rather than actually trying to rocket a slap shot past him.
      …Thus concludes another weak sports metaphor lol.
      What I am getting at is this crazy bitch is simulating what a man needs to experience…witnessing a woman beneath me, begging for my number that I was reluctant to give, spamming my pocket every few minutes with how badly she needs me again while I say nothing and watch her step-by-step try everything to rendezvous. Then watching her prose go from hopeful to paranoid. You gain all this insight by one night of mediocre sex. It was worth it. Although creepy, it was also amusing.
      She even texted ‘Did you cum in me? I need to know if I should get birth control pills.’ She knows I didn’t, but she is trying to frighten me into responding. She even told me that night that I could ‘start having sex with her if she fell asleep.’
      I am still digesting what terrible things I can write here about the lie of ‘rape’ because I just don’t believe it actually exists anymore.

      1. I would be useless. the boner don’t rise because it just cant for this image or in reality. Fatness or rolls is the ultimate visual saltpeter.

  12. Great concept for an article but it soon became evident this is just a place holder from someone looking for a Litecoin from Roosh. The research is cursory and contradictory:
    Since Americans are working so much, they are just too tired to eat right and hardy have time to enjoy life, share intimacy, or even just to relax.”
    That’s it? Where is your evidence of increased work loads or more than the usual 40 hours per week? Are part time workers any leaner from not working as much? Why is it everyone who “doesn’t have time to relax” still seems to spend hours upon hours watching Netflix and playing video games?
    Come on, man, at least try a bit. The ROK community can do better than this.

    1. Men do not perform well at “relaxing” when they are mentally and physically exhausted and mal fed. End of story. Then or now.

  13. Good article, the only thing here that I strongly disagree with is the “eat organic” recommendation, as I believe the whole organic food industry is a load of bull.

    1. Most organics are overrated.
      “USDA Organic” only means fewer pesticides, which is better…but they are still devoid of suficient nutrition.
      There are some quality organic products out there though

  14. If your getting fat become a communist. The communist manifesto is the greatest weight loss book ever written.

      1. The Ukrainian genocide Holodomor from the (((communists))) suggests otherwise.

        1. Interestingly at one stage Ukraine was planned to be to promise land for the (((chosen people)))
          I guess like Palestine they needed to eliminate or remove the natives first.

        2. The Uganda plan was the funny one as was the Jewish oblast in Russia which still exists. They were offered so many different places even there was offers of parts of Canada but there is only one HQ they wanted.

  15. Oooohhh. GMO’s are scary and we can make up bulls*** Sci-fi words about them. Too bad they’re false
    No, Virginia, Monsanto doesn’t “own most of the corn and soybeans”.
    This is a weak leftist article from those two hollow talking points. Shouldn’t masculine men know how good is REALLY produced , not hide behind silly myths ? Yes, I’m a farmer.

  16. fat chicks is where black culture really nails it with liberals as black men accept them. Ironically women only go for black men not for their character or brain but for their lean and toned bodies.

    1. The common black man has learned to adapt to the slim or should I say fat pickings. Or starve.
      Brothers with money and status don’t fuk around with land whales.

      1. Seriously? I can’t tell you how many black guys I’ve seen with fatass white girls. That seems to be the norm

      2. There are enough snow bunnies out there with daddy issues or just no self-respect to hook up with jocks and hip-hop “artists.”

  17. Not only are the Americans fat fuckers but they are strange looking motherfuckers as well. White Americans look very different from White Europeans. White Americans have strange and funny body shapes and disproportionate sized hands, feet, noses, ears, teeth etc. I would say they even smell differently. Must be all the steroids in your meat and all the chemicals in your GM vegetables. In the end, the Americans are probably sitting on a huge cancer timebomb. In Europe, particularly, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal….most food comes from farms within a 50 mile radius.

  18. I believe the shortest time that US obesity increased (or doubled) was between 1997 and 2002. But if you really want to see an increase, you should see what it did between 1990 and 2000 and then 2000-2010. Unbelievable! Its probably several different factors (not just food) causing the massive increase.

  19. The more obesity rises in America, the more the visual ipecac affects me. WHO would want to go out and do anything with others when your entire field of vision can never be completely cleared of visual fatness, and who really wants to go out and eat in restaurants with obese people. I know that sounds really really bad and so hateful, but when you find it hard to overcome your revulsion, you have to learn to cope to not be revulsed as badly. if the visual is so unappealing, then you either have to wear blinders of some form, or just choose to not go out and be subject to it all. Obese of either sex is just that visually revolting to me. And anecdotally speaking, I have noticed that fatness trends exploding in the communities around me. I really have learned to put on visual blinders to get through the days.

  20. Who let this Liberal twat write an article on ROK? Take your tin foil hat off and take responsibility for your own actions, buddy.

  21. One of the big problems we have in the US is the most of the affordable foods are basically shit. Add to that we’re addicted to them and to convenience, and we have a recipe for disaster.
    It also seems that recent generations were not taught how to plan and make healthy meals frugally. If we could change that we might have hope.

  22. I for one can’t understand how these fatties live with themselves. Maybe I’m overly self-aware but even when I gain a few pounds during the winter I feel very uncomfortable with my gut. And so I eat less, which is the lazy man’s way of dieting. It always works. And I always feel better when I only eat what I need to…not feel hungry. And I’m a pretty big guy (6’3 240) who could easily be a fat bastard if I wanted to. God knows there’s a literal cornucopia of things to eat and drink around every corner in this country.
    This whole obesity epidemic basically boils down to the fact that there are people who are ruining their lives because of their food intake. That’s all it really is. They can’t resist the urge to eat and are willing to destroy their bodies and their overall health because of “nom nom nom it tastes so good!”. I can’t wrap my head around the whole concept of eating so much all the time that fatness basically becomes their entire identity. It’s their “lifestyle”. A trip to my local Wal-Mart is an object lesson in human stupidity. Or is it gluttony? Or sloth? Probably a little, no, a lot, of each. Unbelievable really.
    When I was a kid (70’s) there basically were no fat people. A moderately overweight short guy would be the Fat Man at the carnival freak show. Now a moderately overweight person is practically a rarity.
    Maybe I’m old-fashioned like my dad but the whole obesity epidemic is just beyond my comprehension, even as social reality presents it to me everyday. And it all boils down to the shocking inability of large portions of the general public to only eat what one needs to and then digest the calories and repeat as necessary throughout the day/week/month. How can a person destroy their Sown health and well-being over something as basic as food? Does not compute.
    And the saddest thing of all to me is all the women out there who would otherwise be cute/attractive/hot if they had simply put being thin at or near the top of their list of things to do in life. It’s really not that hard to be thin. But it appears it’s a whole lot easier to just let themselves go. SMH.

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