Why Money Is Not The Game Cure-All That Many Claim

There is a residual belief among game-denialists (and regular guys) that money trumps everything when one is looking to meet girls, but the picture is much more nuanced. Yes, of course, money can be attractive but it is not the cure-all that many believe.

It is well known that with the growing feminization of men in the west, and a greater incidence of soy boys, there is a subsector of game denialists who, rather than seeking to improve themselves or make an effort to actually talk to women, would prefer to believe against all evidence that an average-looking guy who is not rich cannot possibly have sex with an attractive girl. These men would prefer to fantasize about their ideal alpha crush (Chad Thundercock) and vilify those who don’t share their cucked views.

Those with a more rational, masculine perspective can also get hung up on the money question, though. Women are attracted to security, right? They like the nice things in life? They appreciate power. So surely it makes sense that the richest man in the club on any given night of the week will do best?

Maybe. But then again, maybe not. In reality, intergender dynamics are far more nuanced than the denialists—many of whom lack sexual experience—would claim.

Go to any nightclub in the Mayfair district of London. These clubs are packed with some of the richest men in the world—the city’s population includes not only rich Brits, but also Chinese and Russian men (still!), plus others from all over the world of enormous wealth. In the denialist’s simplistic view the nightclub becomes a kind of auction house where the most affluent guy automatically walks out with the hottest girl.

If only it were that simple. In fact, you will regularly see wealthy men sitting alone at their £10,000+ tables completely ignored by all the women. Why? Because they lack charisma, humour, and social ability. They lack game.

At the same time, you will regularly see barmen in the same clubs—who get paid a pittance, comparatively—going home several nights a week with truly gorgeous girls.

Attraction v. Arousal

How can this possibly be the case? Very simply because there is a huge difference between attraction and arousal. Yes, a woman may well be attracted to a man’s wealth. After all, if a man offers to buy you expensive gifts and take you to Dubai then that is not something to be sniffed at. Don’t be a fucking hypocrite. Put yourself in her shoes. What would you be thinking?

But is that girl necessarily going to be aroused by such a man? No. Arousal, born of animalistic desire, is something else entirely.

I know a girl who works at one of the big, expensive London department stores. She told me that many of the girls there—young, Eastern European beauties—have sugar daddies. Men who will buy them presents and take them away to exotic places. But almost all of these girls also have regular boyfriends on the side: guys who are not rich, but who they actually fancy.

I do not condone such behaviour or claim that it is representative of all women. But here’s the thing. Real arousal is created in the hindbrain. At the core. Money may be an extremely alluring ‘nice to have’. But it’s not what lights the sex fire.

Why do you think the meme about the rich woman sleeping with the pool boy exists?

Why do you think ‘hot felon’ Jeremy Meeks is reportedly to marry billionaire’s daughter Chloe Green?

Actually, if money really were all then it would make things a lot simpler. Instead of thinking about pesky trivialities like one’s social skills, grooming, dress sense, humour and so on, one could simply work 20 hours a day on some boring business idea, make a few million bucks and automatically have an Instagram model girlfriend.

But of course, it’s not that easy.

Lover v. Provider

Now, no one is claiming that rich dudes don’t wind up with hugely attractive wives and girlfriends the whole time: of course they do. But the question is, is it necessary to have these advantages to do well with women?

In actual fact, it can be detrimental to your chances of quick sex to appear to affluent. Why? Because if you position yourself as the sugar daddy then you automatically put yourself in the ‘provider’ box. You are potential boyfriend / husband material. A man to look after her. Someone she will date 25 times and take to meet mother before having sex with.

The lover, on the other hand, is the bad boy she would never introduce to the family, but who she will sleep with fast. The plumber. The electrician. The tattooed biker who’s only in town for a night and who doesn’t give a fuck. The no-hoper who has no cash and sits around smoking weed all day.

Ironically, it is these archetypes who will have sex with her more rapidly than their more refined competitors.

So reliable is this apparent contradiction that one top London game coach I know tells his rich clients to take off their Rolexes and expensive clothes before approaching girls, and to play down their wealth when talking to them. Putting oneself in the ‘rich provider dude’ category carries very real costs, and not merely financial. It means you’re less likely to be intimate with her in the short term.

So next time some snowflake tells you that only money counts in the sexual marketplace, take it with a huge pinch of salt. Even someone like Dan Bilzerian is successful a large part because of his game—his cocky-funny demeanour and his huge Instagram social proof. And the whole point of ‘game’ is that by learning enhanced social skills and being bold and unafraid, guys are able to bypass what blue pill society (and game denialists) think is necessary to be attractive. For myself I can say that in all my time doing game the amount of money I make has never come into question, and I have dated the daughters of millionaires and celebrities, amongst others.

So don’t believe soy boys who are too weak to man up and take control of their dating lives—look around and see what is actually happening out there for yourself. You’ll be amazed, and you’ll be glad you did.

Want to find out how jerks and bad boys get the hottest girls? Click on the link now to read Troy’s latest book How To Be An Asshole 

Read More: Game Is About Incremental Improvements, Not Miracles

129 thoughts on “Why Money Is Not The Game Cure-All That Many Claim”

    1. Money makes your life easier and contribute to you happiness as a whole.
      the idea is to know how to spend it and living the life you really want.not like the famous junkies who appears on TV. they are mostly betas and can’t control their behaviors….weak mindset.

      1. Many studies have shown that the correlation between happiness and income tends to peak around 75k per year. Any large increases after that milestone is not accompanied with the happiness that most people think it does.

        1. @ Burton
          I absolutely agree with that “factoid”.
          I know that the more money I made over the years, the less happy I became. Went from getting laid once or twice a week with a streetwalker (very early 20s) to 3 to 4 times a week with classier escorts (late 20s onward), but still, I was happier then. I think the more money you make/save, the more you fret. In my experience, anyway.

        2. Burton:
          I believe that a $75k POST-tax income for a single guy, not divorced, and no kids can be plenty, unless living a crazy lifestyle.
          But for a married man with children, $75k gross income per year is poverty in many States. Even in a low-tax State like Florida, $75k will mean you will live in a hellhole ghetto apartment if you have a wife and 2 kids. Rent for a small (but in safe area) 2 bed 1 bath in Orlando is running well over $1,700/month, in the Kirkman Road area or MetroWest. That is because the massive influx of Brazilians into North Miami and Orlando metro area have artificially inflated real estate and rental prices to extremes.
          Divorced guys or men paying child support (often ~30% of his GROSS, per-taxable monthly earnings), $75k will be tight, since $52k a month MINUS taxes (you will pay the tax burden for child support, their cash is received tax-free, clean) will mean you will live tight.
          Sop I am not sure I buy the $75k argument. That sounds like Millennial altruistic BS.

      2. While that’s true, not needing money frees you more than having lots of it. Yeah, we all need food, shelter and that shit, but do we need the latest iphone, or latest playstation, or latest car, or whatever? I’m perfectly content without these things. Hell I don’t even need money to pick up girls, I don’t buy them drinks.

        1. asdasda
          I agree with….if you become dependent on materialistic things, you are less likely to be happy.

    2. “So don’t believe soy boys who are too weak to man up and take control of their dating lives”
      Don’t need to worry, no red pill guy and especially nobody here would acknowledge any soyboy’s opinion. Nobody !

    3. I notice “Alberto Barbosa” is deeply emotionally attached to Troy Francis. Alberto was all over the last Troy Francis article comments, emoting frantically like a menopausee after a failed night out.

    4. Wrong Troy,
      We do believe a normal man can have sex with an attractive girl.
      I did when I was 17/18/19, but after that it wasn’t worth the time, effort and expense.
      Marrying and keeping that attractive girl, not for long, and she’ll take your house when she tires of you.
      These days it’s just easier to pay.

      1. JD:
        I manage to pull 7s and 8s all the time with non-stop cold approaches and parallel online game. It is rare, very very rare for me to even engage a 9 these days, either in Rocky region or central Florida.
        (7-8 for me is based on appearance only; if we deduct for their shitty personalities, bitchy attitudes, and the occasional 1,000 cock stare, then -1/-2 all of them. So maybe I am really nailing 5-7s, if we account for non-appearance). 🙄
        I agree with you that for me to score a “solid 9” in America today, it would be a lot of work, and I mean a LOT of work. (My Stats: I am going on 36, I am a solid 8 appearance, pretty boy type who lifts all the time, full head of head, blue eyes/medium brown hair combo, very cool car, excelletn taste in clothes, make decent money, own house, no kids, no ex, and with a “I don’t give a damn attitude, I make my own rules” attitude. The girls can sense some power behind my attitude, which is legit, not trained, because I am almost irrationally confident and I am a master at Amused Mastery and I am good talking a blend of funny and confident game. This is not “game”, it is my natural personality, which matches some game strategies).
        I am basically bringing a LOT to the table for a female creature with 2 holes, tits, and nice hair and cute face. All that being put on the table for the woman…. seems fair. 🙄 And for me to get a 9, it would be a lot of work for me, I would need right place right time, plenty of luck, and to re-work my game to Roosh or Roissy levels. That will be WEEKS of work and practice.
        But why should I have Rooshify or Roissy-fy my game, which works fine for me right now, all over again just to nail a 9 or 10??? I have gotten by my whole life using a blend of 80% Daygame and 20% online game. I cold approach ALL the time, everywhere and I can tell you guys: it is a numbers game if you have the basics nailed down. I am NO game-master. Yes, I have an appearance advantage over SOME guys, I employ a lot of game strategies, but ultimately, it is a numbers game. Approach enough at grocery store, street, and run some online game on side and it will come to you.
        I agree with JD that it is NOT worth the time, energy, and BS for me to go through all that to bang a 9 or 10. To be honest, I just read Bang Ukraine and IF I am at a point I feel the need to bang a 9 or 10, I will sponsor a “regular non-prostitute” HB-9/10 in Ukraine or Belarus or something. In America, I would have to spend weeks mastering game to the pros for a 9. It is not worth it.
        The problem for me is finding a quality girl to LTR. I prefer relationships over quick ONS hook-ups. Yes. I am soooo Beta for that mindset. 🙄 One thing I am getting so tired of is experiencing the shitty attitude girls/high mileage girls, it is not even funny. I can understand why so many guys prefer P4P or ONS these days. Having experienced quality girls in mid-1990s in high school and college, I am having a hard time adjusting to this shittifycation of our women in middle America.
        Even at church (which I have been attending less and less lately), the “heat is on” to match me with “this great woman I know” type situations. People I barely know come up to me offering to intro me to some woman they know, most are not even in my church. It seems like everyone in my Christian church group seems to have access to an endless supply of single moms (or divorced ones, looking for a new target!), recent converts/fakers, girls that partied too much and now they are near/post Wall and now they want a “quality guy”…. most are in the 28-40 age range women just desperate to nail down a sucker… I mean a husband. 🙄 It is to the point I feel like I am walking around with a target on my back.
        How stupid do these people think I am?? 😡 I already told people in church in no equivocal terms that I am NOT getting married again – period. No one tells me what the hell to do, that is why I like to work for myself and could never join military. Having 1 wife and having her pass away is enough for me. These people do not understand “risk-benefit”. 🙄 Besides not wanting to marry again, I am not going to ruin personal relationships in my local church by going out on a date with some stupid woman they happen to know, later talking crap about me if we do not connect on a date (or worse, if I nail and bail on the lower quality ones). -_- Just depressing, dude.
        I am starting to see JD’s point and maybe the way to go is to pay, stop wasting hours each week doing cold approaches or writing back online and just pay and get top quality 9-10s, on my terms, and have them leave when I tell them to.
        Problem is…. can I do that and still be the Christian man I have always been?? Yes, I sleep with women unmarried now, but that is one thing. Now a P4P…. totally different ballpark. That is explicitly condemned in 1 Corinthians 6:15 “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! ”
        If I was not a Christian guy, I can see the wisdom JD is saying here and just pay for play (P4P). The average woman in our country today probably has just as much mileage as a 22 year old P4P… so….. *sigh*

        1. ChrisCool,
          “can I do that and still be the Christian man I have always been?”
          Jesus had no problem with hookers.
          But your preacher that approves of homos and lesbians may.

        2. Regarding the rating system, it really only applies to the individual. My 8 might be your 7 or your 9. What’s the most important thing is to be fucking someone you’re actually sexually attracted to, rather than just another hole. Maintain self dignity by only fucking women you find value in, and girls will find you more attractive. Guys will respect you too. Win win.

        3. I TOTALLY agree with you about the women in America, and you are dead right on all your observations, which leads me wondering WHY you are banging your head against the inevitable WALL HERE, and not banging your (little head) on the incredible “little plowed” pastures of ex-pat Paradise found in foreign countries! I SEE you KNOW about them from your further posts here, but you seem SO SET on something that is RED, WHITE and BLUE… but that is only leaving you BLUE! I’ve LONG ago decided the frustrations and foibles found here in US of A, are NOT WORTH IT, and written them OFF completely… and you do NOT need to give up your “bachelorhood” if you don’t want to… but you WILL find plenty of 8+’s that you don’t need to empty your wallet to enjoy a great time with, but sure, the expense and TIME of going there is one Bar that is set too high for many to even consider, but in the end, comparable to the time and expense of “normal dating” here, when looked at on a cost per “lay” average. Plus, your dollar will just go MUCH FURTHER there whether it’s in Asia or Eastern Europe, or even Central or South America!
          Oh, and it’s interesting you bring up 1 Corinthians 6:15, but stop there, and don’t continue to verse 6:18, “Flee from sexual immorality”, (oh my!) WHICH having sex with ANY unmarried woman IS (whether P4P or not..!) I’m just saying… that is; IF you are a TRUE “Cool Christian”!!
          I’m not judging you, but don’t call yourself that, and then pick out ONLY the verses that you think are worth following! And, yes…we are ALL sinners saved by GRACE, and not under “law”, but your “explanation” just reeks a little, and gives Christians that most common “label”: hypocrite!

    5. Who the fak are you? Anyone who has lived a little while in this world realizes, sometimes after the divorce, that money doesn’t keep a woman satisfied. Ignoring game can guarantee a life of misery. I’ve had the experience of competing with a cashed up corporate lawyer for the attention of third world hotties..even there game shined through.

    6. It is next to never that you see a wealthy dude, even if hes a 4-5, with an ugly woman
      Thats as rare as a negro holding down a job…
      Ones focus should be on your decent paying career and then finding a good woman, They are out there, younger the better. Why? Less time to become independent, a bitchy attitude, a High N partner N count to stifle bonding, proven scientifically. Women with less than 1-2 lovers, have a next to 0 divorce rate.

    7. Great article!
      Let us also consider the following: The last years, a lot of progress is made in the understanding of the political reality of the world. We can agree that propaganda is intensively used as a means to suppress the masses: feminism, multiculturalism, leftism in general. The question now is: how much does the elite lie to establish their system? How far do the lies go?
      Feminism and multiculturalism are only the tips of the iceberg. The rabbit hole is much deeper than that. The matrix is much broader.
      In this brand new free 300 page document, the history, the tactics and the lies of the elites are revealed. Including the most important lie, the one that was not discovered until now.
      The intro video can be watched here:

  1. True, women are good at multi-tasking men: beta orbiters, sugar daddies & Chads. The important part is to never be the 1st.

    1. And no shame to those of us who prefer to take alternative routes like homosexuality. Sometimes enough is enough when it comes to dealing with women.

      1. “Sometimes enough is enough when it comes to dealing with women.”
        But that doesn’t mean you have become a homo!

      2. For years, I used to date high quality girls while living in “middle America”. Back in 1990s, even into early 2000s, it was all “relationship-based” with the girls. But the girls had a LOT to offer in return for an LTR situation, because they were high quality girls. The girls were pretty, very feminine, in good shape, they were sweet too and cared about their man.
        (I wrote about this and my HS experience in 1990s here, if curious: http://www.returnofkings.com/162403/the-metoo-movement-has-ruined-my-sex-life#comment-1287616 ) .
        Now, with the drastic decline in the quality of our women in America (everywhere across America, it seems), it is hard to even WANT to be in an LTR-type situation with a woman.
        But there is NO WAY I would even consider hooking up with a dude. Nothing can be compared to a woman’s beauty, skin, hair, and smell. I feel uncomfortable even bro-hugging another man. I guess I am from another forgone generation where even slight male contact seen as “affection” was looked down upon and widely viewed as unacceptable.
        But to say our women have gone so far to the crapper that some guys should consider homosexuality………. NO. No way I can go for that. Disagree with you wholeheartedly, WarBlade.
        If you want women and are having trouble, change yourself, get some game strategies or even go Pay For Play (P4P). Anything is better then even considering homosexuality.

        1. P4P also sucks. I have million better ideas of spending my money instead of paying some ugly ass hooker for starfish sex and counting seconds until the paid time is over.

  2. “Money does not buy happiness. I was just as happy when I had 48 million dollars compared to when I had 50 million dollars” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

    1. Well that is pretty much the same amount of money. Going from having 50 thousand to 48 million must feel good.

  3. If a girl doesn’t care that you are broke, it is quite possible that she already has a steady income stream from other dudes. If you grew up spoiled, I would imagine there would be little to no concern about where money flows from, it just does. Pretty sure the chick in the first pic still thinks money grows on trees.

    1. The chick in the first pic looks almost pre-pubescent. The manosphere is anti-TNA to the extreme.

    2. Most women do NOT have a “steady stream of income”. The ones that do are carrer-cunts, many are fat, or they are so bitchy, they will disgust you so much you will either hate-fuck them or she will disrupt hard-on with their cuntish, unbearable behavior. You should see some of the “young female lawyers” I deal with regularly. I would rather punch some of them in the face then screw them. They are vile leftist cunts.
      Most of the time, the Western spoiled females live with their parents. These parents spoil her with free housing, expensive gifts, and money to go clubbing. They are Baby Boomer parents, so they themselves are spoiled, and have raised the current crop of Millenial and Gen X AmeriCunts we meet today.
      They are lazy, entitled, and cuntish behavior. That is why they “do not care about money”. They had everything handed to them, even more then Boomers had an easy life handed to them.
      The funny thing is next generation (born after year 2000 – some will be kids of the Millenials) is being called “Generation Zero”. That is what they will inherit from us: ZERO. They will inherit a country that is in total decline, a country where we do not get along anymore, and have nothing in common with each other. Hell, we do not even speak the same language. In California, 42% of the total population speaks a language other then English at home. 42%!!! Think that will be a problem in the future?? 🙄 How about the fact 1 in 5 in California is basically homeless or semi-homeless and yet have a job?? Not only that, if Trump does not hold the line and follows through on his instincts and buck the warmonging globalists and continues the useless never-ending McCain-Bush-Obummer-Lindsay Graham wars, our debt will become such a crisis so fast, the whole system will collapse and reset and it will be ugly. Really ugly.
      Best docu-movie about Generation Zero is this: http://generationzeromovie.com/ –> available on DVD, Netflix, etc. Totally worth watching it. 🙂
      I highly recommend it. It is about economics and how even before Gen Zero takes over from the Millennials, we will have a massive crisis. It will reset the current, unsustainable system.
      Once we have a massive crisis, system will reset. It will be painful, however. But women will not have parents to bail them out and hand them an easy lifestyle, so they will become much more amenable to men with cash. Only upside of the mess that is coming.

  4. So Women are fuking rich dudes and grabbing hot Chad’s on the side. Well no shit.
    Looks/money/status and I would say in that order for the most part.
    That still leaves average dudes armed with pickup lines and try-hard charisma left out in the cold with their dik in their hands.
    Oh but its so successful in Ukraine and Bangladesh…. fuk me…

    1. A proper national collective ideology would redistribute all of the females properly and fix that, and other, problems. Think big my friend.

    2. Oh, I believe (in fact, I know so) that we will have a currency and debt crisis in America in the near future. Once we do, the sugar daddy and parents “safety net” for women will be greatly diminished.
      It will reset that it will resemble Ukraine, where women will need a man in their life to make their lives more comfortable or stable.
      See that Generation Zero movie. It is from 2010 and you can see their predictions today. Obummer set-up in motion the crisis, you can see it now unfolding slowly.
      Once it does, women will reset back to their “need for a man” like in Ukraine or Philippines.

  5. I doubt the girl in the bikini photo feels the need to fabricate a lie as to where she gets her money. If you asked she would say, “I get it from my daddy.” She probably sleeps with a teddy bear.

  6. @Troy : it takes a lot to be a millionaire, specially in this era full of smart people. if you are able to make money this means a lot.. you’re probably smarter than a guy who only have “game”. it takes a lot of efforts in a daily basis and on the long run to make a successful business.. that’s why it attracts people around you and, of course, women.
    once you’re there, you don’t need much game if any. your only problem it chosing the right one.

  7. Troy really nailed it on the matter of attraction vs. arousal. He deserves credit for this. Think of it like a man being attractive to one woman, but “slumming it” with one that is arousing, but skinny and not as good looking. It’s not exactly the same, but the spirit of it is similar enough.

    1. I think it was Rollo Tomassi from The Rational Male who said if first. Never confuse affection with attraction and attraction with arousal. Also, you can never negotiate genuine desire.

      1. A woman is just a hole to cum in. What she is thinking at the time doesn’t matter. I never care what women are thinking, I suspect most aren’t really thinking about anything while you’re banging them.

  8. “Even someone like Dan Bilzerian is successful a large part because of his game”
    Fukin lol A good looking man with a shitload of cash and a kuntload of social media status has ‘game’ that the guys that frequent this forum can all achieve if they just stopped being “soy boys” Ha!
    If Dan was dirt poor he would be wearing muscle T’s and scoring basic sloots that were left over from the taller Chad’s at his local watering holes. As he is now he just has to point at a bitch with an Instagram or facebook account and she will be on her knee’s in a flash. That’s not ‘game’ you can simply read from a book.

    1. With his attitude, he’d have more tattoos and pull hot thug ghetto bitches and college girls. You dont see the difference between him and Zuckerburg?

      1. Zuckerberg is ugly and Dan is not, is that your point, that game is really just genetics?

        1. They are both a-holes though.
          Zuckerwitz will rob you blind when you’re not looking. And Bilzerjerk will throw your little sister off a roof.
          Come to think of it, I with that jerk would’ve thrown my reptile of a sister off a roof…

    2. Dan Bilzerian is just a retard who wastes daddy’s money on coke and parties. Women only flock to him for his wealth and social status. His good looks just make it easier for the chicks who use him.

    1. Lol, I agree Nick. It’s one thing to be red pilled, but to fall into the depths of bitter cynicism where everything sucks is not the answer. I tried warning these guys.

      1. Cynicism is a dangerous side-effect of taking the Red Pill. It can later lead to the Back Pill or straight up radical MGTOW after sometime, if cynicism from too much reality, if it is not kept in check.
        Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) came to DC thinking it was a corrupt, but still overall fair place. He just gave an interview at his disgust with how bad DC has become and that it is an evil hellhole of corruption and fraud. He said “I came to DC with no friends here and I will leave with no friends here”. He has become very much cynical about how bad it is. he has been red pilled beyond belief, but at least he has refused to join the corruption. He just did an online video discussion with David Bratt (R-VA) too if you are curious about DC shithole.
        But this is what happens when you red pill. The trick is to keep cynicism in check. It is a daily struggle and you must be aware of it to counter it.
        I find myself becoming more and more cynical with women I deal with as of late. I prefer LTRs then quick hook-ups, but the quality of our women has declined so much in the 12 years I was out of the dating market that most of them are un-datable now.
        At least I am aware of my cynicism and try to keep it in check as much as possible. I sometimes go on dates with some women expecting these women will be pretty faces, a couple holes, all cloaked in their arsenic-filled personas… just holes for some relief. The risk is thinking this way from the get-go is a big risk that I can miss out on a truly great girl to LTR…. 🙁
        So again…. recognize the signs of your own cynicism and keep it under control. Be realistic, but try to see the positive in whatever situation, as much as you can. 🙂 It is a conscious decision to look for the good in any and every situation and keep cynicism under control. Living with too much cynicism is not a good way to live a happy, fulfilling life.

        1. Thanks for sharing about Colorado. Seems like the place is getting worse, like many others do as well, unfortunately.
          Automaticslim: Yeah, these places change fast. Often in the wrong direction, with obesity, feminism and immigrants.

  9. I do largely agree. Money and social status are often outliers, looked upon in a larger perspective. Most guys don’t compete with celebs anyways, so it’s rather looks, confidence and determination that matter for the middle man.
    Even in a celeb city like L.A., New York and San Diego there are a lot of average people who are not really part of the status hunt fixation, and then looks, personality and behavior (social skills, confidence etc) are what differentiate the weat from the chaff.

    1. I wouldn’t call San Diego a celebrity city. It’s mainly military, zoological tourism, and just an all-round pleasant place to live due to probably having the best year-round weather in the USA.
      ComicCon Weekend brings hordes of celebrities great and small, but so does DragonCon in Atlanta, which kind of doubles as the new Hollywood.

      1. I could have written a celeb like L.A. AND places like NYC and San Diego for the sake of clarity. San Diego is pretty competitive, though, and that was my main point.
        I am still hoping for to read about states like Colorado, Utah and Montana if guys have any “luck” there.

        1. @ W.A.
          I have been to Co. Ut. and Mt.
          Beautiful states all 3.
          But I was riving across country at the time and did not go looking for what I usually look for, so no reports on that front.
          Was 1990, too, so may have changed “just a bit” since then.

        2. William:
          Utah is Mormon state, basically. Most Conservative Christian girls in America, maybe even more then the Amish in rural Pennsylvania. Not sure about Montana, but that is a Conservative State for sure, I bet they have some hot girls there.
          I live in the Eastern front range of the Rockies right now. What do you want to know about it?
          There is still some relationship-based girls in CO, but due to “Californization” of the State, we have some major problems here. Real Estate and rental prices are sky high, so expect to pay a lot. wages are also high, so that helps. 🙂 Taxes are going up since Devilcrats took over State control since 2006 (thanks new Californians moving here), BUT taxes are still tolerable. One huge problem is since the legalization of weed, the State quality of life has declined and it attracted druggies from all over the country. It transformed Denver’s City Park and downtown areas into a homeless camp for drug users and welfare recipients. You cannot even lock your car at night in Capitol Hill, City Park, old town, and most of downtown Denver or bums will bust out your window to either sleep inside your car or search for stuff to steal. We are not (yet) at California levels of homelessness, but the junkies are all over the place and most are on welfare, of course, so tax revenues from weed sales go to fund the bums and their healthcare and other needs. 😡 It sucks.
          In the more rural areas, you can still meet one or two decent girls in small town Colorado, but in time, any availability of a decent girl will vanish as well.
          Greeley, a smaller city in the northern part of the State of Colorado has become a literal warzone, full of illegal criminal aliens cooking meth and working drug distribution using the I-25 corridor to take drugs north. Greeley went from middle class town, to total “white flight” and now Greeley is an illegal immigrant criminal shithole. Gunshots ring out non-stop, day and night in Greeley and police chases all over the place. I interned with a criminal and immigration lawyer and the cases we got from Greeley were all huge drug busts, shootings/murders, child pedophilia from Central American immigrants, and just shit. Welcome to open borders immigration. 😡
          Boulder is basically a “wealthy Soviet city” and it is insane left due to Univ Co Boulder campus. They have a statue of Lenin in the campus, I kid you not. Denver has become a rundown, homeless shithole. North of Denver, you have some smaller “suburbs” (Northglenn, Thornton, etc) that are cheaper to live in, but with a lot of illegals and some crime. Girl quality has plummeted there.
          The places in CO to be in are: Douglas county, Jefferson county, Arapahoe county, the ski towns, some parts in Western slope, or the mountains in general. Denver and I-25 area are “front range” of mountains, high plains and some hills, basically. You CAN still find some decent girls, but not as many as used to be. South of Denver on I-25, you will find the best places to be in and with highest quality girls (compared to the absolute crap in Boulder and Denver).
          Greenwood Village, Centennial, Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, Parker, Colorado Springs, and other such places. Avoid Denver, Pueblo (shithole), Greeley, and Boulder. If you want whore,s they have plenty in Boulder and in Denver, of course. But for all other purposes, stay away/

  10. Troy, find a good girl and marry her. You are old to “game”. When you reach 80 years old, will you keep going “the game”?
    Come on, man. This is a waste of time.

    1. I would tend to agree with you sir. I too was, and still am to some extent, a proponent of game, but really I don’t take it too far. Troy is right about his points above, but I can sympathize with your view as well. It makes it all so difficult. Are you Portuguese or Brazilian?

    2. Quit boomer posting. If marriage had the same value and stability today as it did decades ago, then there would be no need for game.

  11. Game, status, monet, looks, smv.. it’s all bullshit. All you’ve gotta do is MABL – Make A Bitch Laugh. Even the corniest guy always has women if he can MABL.

    1. Lots of guys who are funny are also orbiters . I’ve seen them on my girlfriends fb. Doesn’t mean she’s fucking him

    2. Clown game? Yeah, uhh, no…
      I’m not a fucking court jester. If you need that to smash then do your thing but trying to compete with her iPhag for her insect like attention span ain’t my thing. Just take your pants off, you’ll be crying tears of joy, close enough to laughing…

      1. You don’t realize that by competing for the attentions of a slut, trying to charm her into bed, that you’re already playing the clown?
        Try wearing a shit eating grin non-stop, acting super happy and positive, making sure the conversation topic never strays from HER and making sure everyone’s eyes are on YOU even if you’ve got nothing to say.. works better than brooding “alpha” sexuality, intellect, status or money.

  12. Money helps, but it’s one piece of the puzzle. A relationship with God, family, friends and weekend daytrips are the other pieces. (Thank God for Only In Your State.)
    To paraphrase Jim Carrey, “I wish everyone could be rich so they could realize that money doesn’t solve everything.”

  13. If you are rich you don’t need as much game as regular dudes, only a little bit of game will take you a long way.

    1. If you’re confident you’ll attract more girls in the street than if you’re Mark Zuckerberg. Just saying.

  14. Troy Francis
    I go to Mayfair every year.
    The billionaires who frequent the area -mainly men from the Gulf Arab countries (Saudi, Qatar, UAE etc) are among the few ones who do not need game at all. Yes, you heard that right.
    They all have wives (often more than one) back in heir home countries that still have been largely untouched by modern feminism. They have many kids.
    They don’t want to London to “game women”. They come to London for a few weeks each year to have fun. In that case it usually means gambling and prostitutes.
    Yes, the girls you see with them are just that…prostitutes. They are paid to give those men company and provide them with sex for those few days. The prossies cannot black mail these men as some of these Saudis, Qataris etc have good friends in the British Government.
    Sorry, there are lots of men out there who don’t need your clown “techniques” in order to get women.

    1. Even roosh recommended and popularized the clown technique. I think it’s just thug technique. Go up to chicks and dance on them, open conversation, being the confident dude who doesnt give a fuck. I’ve seen it work for 15 years.

      1. Somewhat . If they ain’t into from the get go it doesn’t matter what kind of clown you are

    2. Does anyone know how to debate anymore? For fuck’s sake, here’s a good example: The OP says that a couple of billionaires come to london to gamble and fuck prostitutes, THEREFORE… whatever the fuck he wants to say.
      What’s your IQ, OP? Not high. You learned that exact arguing tactic from a woman. ANECDOTES DON’T MAKE ARGUMENTS. FUCK!!!!!!!
      P.S. No, I couldn’t give a fuck about the topic at hand, I’m just sick of seeing this line of (lack of) logic.

  15. A sufficient amount of money can give you freedom and safety …
    …which usually also means an increased chance of finding and keeping the woman you want.

  16. It would be nice to see a few actual statements from game denialists inserted in this article, to demonstrate their position as Troy claims. As it is, they’re presented as straw men. “They say”, is the same approach lefties use. Take an example from Dalrock who uses quotes with devastating effect.

    1. Game Denialism is real and it is making a comeback (of sorts) because so many PUA’s have been maligned and many were targeted to be demonetized. The void gets filled by MGTOW, black pill, and defeatism (game denialism). The problem is that Feminism are counter-attacking PUA/Game theory to help them regain control, since there are many movements for men that continue to this day, despite their non-stop onslaught and millions from leftwing orgs to crush our voices.
      Dalrock is a gifted writer. He has red-pilled a LOT of Christians, and has saved a lot of Christian men from marriage-divorce traps. Not everyone has the gift of writing well or using quotes for or against a certain point of view.
      And I also recommend checking out https://Dalrock.wordpress.com/ for Christian men (and women). Great discussions, Dalrock is now working with FabiusMaximus.com and Cane Caldo on several issues regarding Christianity, masculinity, and avoiding marriage.
      Fabius is also working on solutions for men to end the gender wars and restore sanity to our countries. https://fabiusmaximus.com/2018/04/12/the-first-solution-to-the-gender-war/
      ^^^ Recommended. ^^^

  17. I had a date on saturday. I dressed business casual. I made very clear that I’ve been to 15 countries, have a great career in addition to my own small business. She told me my life was really inspiring. She talked about her thug ex boyfriend cheating on her 5 times and smoking weed all day.
    Then she flaked. Haven’t heard from her in 5 days.
    I’m telling you guys: young, sexy girls prefer thug-ass loser bad boys. Their dumb, naive heads are in the moment, looking for the best party, festivals, weed, cool dudes, most aggressive ashole in the club, etcetera. It’s really only the women in their mid-late 30s who start looking for money, and maybe the occasional instagram model who meets a billionaire. (very rare).
    I have a lot of clients who make tens of millions, and all they get are gold digging divorcees. I have other buddies who are bartenders and servers, and they fuck young hot chicks all the time. This is a country where women don’t need men at all. So being wealthy will only appeal to a small percentage of women. Now fame, and popularity on the other hand is very powerful. Women worship celebrities in the US. Even being popular in your social circle makes an enormous difference.
    My advice is to get your bad-boy, caveman, clown game on like roosh always recommended and go after naive college girls.
    In before some dude looking for a wife says “that’s no way to find a wife.”

    1. This is what makes Asian girls so appealing in many respects. They don’t naturally panty-moisten to weed smokers, general aloof losers, or western celebrity culture.
      A combination of beta provider and world game can still work wonders in cultures like Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, etc.

    2. Thank you for being honest . This same phenomena has been going on since the 70s. My best friend got 3 girls pregnant in high school now in our 40s I fuck better looking women and he’s with a ham beast , over 200 lbs . Some of the girls I have sex with are due to my money some not . Women still don’t make shit as compared to men , at least the hot ones , but yes while they are young they make enough as a waitress and fuck bad boy thugs . .

    3. My advice is to get your bad-boy, caveman, clown game on like roosh always recommended and go after naive college girls.”
      ^^ That’s the best kind of game. Girls will say “this” and “that” but all they really want is some guy to boss them around as if it were the Neolithic.
      Add in some good social skills and her trust and you have the winning combinations.
      Make sure not to confuse this with provider game because you will run into dead ends.

    4. David
      You hang out in the wrong locales, with the wrong types of loser people.
      Find a Church, Volunteer group, Club-pick a hobby, and proceed. Country Club also. Lots of nice girls out there that desire more than a weed smoking thug.
      That you even gave one time of day says alot about you. Id excuse myself after she said that and call Uber for her and be done with it. What the hells matter with you?

  18. Game has too many components, it doesn’t hurt to learn all of them. You aren’t going to perfect them but at least be capable in money making, charisma and other aspects.
    Game is really managing your life. Get it sorted and the people who you’d like to have will come.
    I emphasize on people as game helps on the other areas, it’s not just girls you know.

  19. I’m beta provider material. Have my own house, great career, and I’m pretty well off with a great career.
    I just had a date through a matchmaking service with a woman who was pretty attractive. She was with her ex boyfriend for 8 years. From looking at pics of him and her description of him, I would argue that I’m much more intelligent (99% percentile), more attractive (6 vs 5), more fit (170 vs 210), more rich (85% percentile), more outgoing, more open and honest, more strong-minded. He had cheated on her two years into their relationship and again eight years in, before she broke up with him. I was really looking forward to seeing her again. She was even disgusted with MeToo haha. I was into her. As part of the matchmaking review she said all of these things, yet our ‘life views’ are a bit too different. How do you know this from a two hour date? Should I have been the monkey and simply entertained her to get to date 2? Is that what we need nowadays? I’ve seriously been doing a matchmaking service and while I was only really into 2 of the 8 women I was set up with so far, none of them wanted to go out a second time… it’s like they need the perfect freaking guy just to get more than an hour of their time. It’s insane.

    1. Sorry to hear about how the date went. I do think game has a key role in both seduction and maintaining the relationship. I’ve been trying to think of an analogy that might make sense. Currently I’m thinking something like this, consider a music stereo system. Well self improvement, the red pill, status, success, looks etc is the actual system. Game is the volume knob. I genuinely think that game has a role in maximising a persons current SMV but it won’t actually increase your SMV. So for instance, a man who is a 6 with no game really only gets the benefits of being a 3 or 4 (or 0 if he doesn’t approach). A 6 with game can play as a 6. Self-improvement will take him to a 7 or 8. Hope this makes sense.

    2. A date where all she can do is talk about her ex-boyfriend.
      You are one hell of a loser.
      If I don’t fuck her the night I meet her, I wouldn’t see her again.

    3. “more outgoing, more open and honest, more strong-minded.”
      …and more easy to get fooled, manipulated, leeched out and accused !!
      @JD said it right!

    4. Why U want a girl that was f*cked by another man for 8 years?
      What in the hell is wrong with you guys….?

  20. To be honest, women like hot guys, funny and above all YOUNG guys .. 23-34 max. Woman likes fun, adventure, Alpha male’s, aggressiveness, look’s, and … LOVE, they are crazy for love.
    Women like money? yes, its logic, its nature , but it’s not what makes them lose their minds

    1. Yep women like all that…love? Not so sure. Money these days doesn’t mean much as women make their own…so that provider male whether alpha or beta is a thing of the past. Yea sure ALL women want the hot chad alpha provider but its not necessary these days. Looks trumps all…and with looks i say power, social dominance, charisma, and a “im the man” attitude work wonders. I have a friend whos a cop..right around 30..6ft…loaded with tattoos..excellent shape. Looks play a big part in his sucess. However..what really sets him apart is his ATTITUDE. He knows he can bodyslam more than half the bar in most places..has a zfg attitude and assumes womens attraction to him. Women pick up on that real quick. Matter of fact..wed have girls come up to us and say “you guys think you are so f*ckin cool dont ya”…we just laugh and go “yea…we are f*ckin cool” then watch the floor get wet under them. These guys dressing nice ..wearing cologne…and chatting up women is all well and good…but i just lol at a lot of those guys. Look like they are trying to hard to win over a woman. They HATE that sh*t. Theyd take that cocky/funny douche with LOOKS any day over mr prim and proper i have a nice car job house etc etc

  21. Instagram star Mariah Sunshine Coogan , 23, killed in plane crash was in a plane with an Indian guy and some surfer dude .
    You don’t think money is driving her ability to vacation ?

    1. Yeah, but they usually close their eyes during sex, or it’s night time and the light is off. I expect she’s thinking of Brad Pitt/Justin Timberlake/et al.

  22. Troy is on point with this, great article. I see this all the time and would like to add that I do not subscribe to AWALT. A ripped and broke surfer dude or bodybuilder will have no appeal to a women who is only attracted to millionaires, a white guy has little or no chance with a woman who only dates black men, a black woman has no chance with a white man who isn’t attracted to them and so on. Take an evangelical church girl out to a baller club and have a coke bender and you probably won’t hear from her again. I’m big on matching personality type and establishing value before meeting whenever possible. However, “value” means different things: for one person it could be $1000 cuff links, for another it could be do you have molly in your sagging wal mart trousers and so on. Overall, my first night score rate is about 90%. It’s not because I’m anything special; it’s because I’ve done my “field work” and like any good lawyer, I only take the cases I can win. Game is a critical component of this because a woman must feel safe and protected or she will not have sex with you. However, game is useless unless you know your target audience and where to leverage it. Reality based dating coaching is incredibly helpful but like those “6 pack abs in 6 weeks” videos, the mythical PUA techniques that “make any woman sleep with you” simply do not exist. Most of them are peddled by semi broke guys who are living in a basement apartment and the hot girls in their promo videos are paid models. As with all things in life, there are no short cuts. Know thyself and get boots on the ground and eventually, ye shall reap the rewards!

    1. Bryon:
      You got the Post of The Article thus far!! 🙂 Great points.
      AWALT is absurd and so is NAWALT. Anytime you say “all” (100%) or “none/never” (0%) of a group is/is not a certain way, then you run into problems. We have 320 million people in USA, ~160 million are women. Are you going to say that every single one of these 160 million women is a whore and like the same things and that the exact same game works on every one of them?? 🙄 Come on….
      Clearly, girls that fit into certain categories will need to have Game adjusted to them. In y local church for example, I am already known as widowed guy, did not run around on my wife, and I am known member of the church with a life very well put together. I get offered to meet “this girl I know” by tons of people, because the people there want to find a good Christian guy for a woman they know (or often, a relative or friend). They consider me a “Safe bet” to set-up dates for me. But my “Credentials” at church would never work with California girls that like cocaine and are whores.
      Even when I was an American teenager living in Brazil for 4 years, Caveman game did not work with many, and I mean MANY hot private school girls I made out with. You have to customize based on the Brazilian girl’s group/click mentality. The trendy girls (Patricinhas) needed a more “Maurichino” (chilled/preppy good looking guy) Game approach. The “generic” Brazilian girl responded to some Caveman, but that was just responding to male confidence and dominance (pressure to make out). Caveman game is simply confidence and aggressiveness, that is all. That can be applied (to an extent) in many areas of life.
      Get a feel for your audience. A comedian feels the room with opening remarks to see how loose and laughy everyone is and adjusts jokes based on test opening reactions to see how audience responds. Public debaters adjust based on their opponent; obtuse and arrogant opponents should be mocked while intelligent and coherent ones should be countered intelligently as well. It is like understanding the jury in a self-defense case. A Conservative jury will respond one way and a liberal jury will respond another way and remarks and strategy should be tailored accordingly.
      Bottom line: you have to customize Game (strategies) to the type of woman you are targeting, based on situation, time of day, location, and other factors. Yes, women are group-thinkers, they all follow the advice of some celeb they like or whatnot, they wear “trendy clothes” someone else sold to them and told them to wear, etc. That is because women think collectively, men think individually. But to say exact same Game style works universally, that is absurd. 🙄
      Think gaming girls in NYC and rural Kentucky, you cannot game girls in these places the same way. Even the time of freakin’ day in exact same city area affects the type of game used (think Daygame vs Night Game!).
      See target female–> consider situation–> tailor your strategy based on the type of woman she appears to be –> engage –> date/bang.
      PERSONAL NOTE to Bryon: Are you an attorney, Bryon? Do you want to join me and finish writing a join article for RoK about surviving a legal case and what to expect in different types of cases work (i.e. bench trials, jury trials, admin courts, etc)? I am veteran Paralegal and 1st year law (1L), writing about my experiences and client stories. Goal is to help readers navigate legal system and not to be blindsided. I can send you what I have so far. Let me know. Thanks! Chris.

      1. Hi CC
        To clarify…AWALT …only refers to females innate biological drive of hypergamy and seeking (using) men for resource acquisition.
        Unfortunately it’s been corrupted in common parlance by bitter Incels to mean “all women are whores” which is simply not what it actually means.
        But in the purest sense that I outlined above that I’m afraid AWALT is true.
        Because they literally are ALL Hypergamous and ALL use men to acquire resources.
        Once you view women thru these “truth glasses” everything they do suddenly makes sense.
        Sure there are the odd freaks who are as good as men at acquiring resources (i.e., females who are in the Top 1% of performers – probably more like 0.1%) but guess what…those are some of the most hypergamous creatures on the planet…they literally cannot settle for anyone beneath them…
        What we are now seeing with the advent of feminism and social media is all the “moral” restraints to suppress “AWALT” have disappeared…fat unattractive women are rejecting their males equals because “AWALT” and women with even the slightest bit of SMV have lost the plot completely. Why? Because AWALT.
        Hope that helps clear things up…ignore the Incels interpretation… they view life through a very biased lens.

  23. $$$ always buys “love.” (I use quotes because love, in the romantic sense, is a fictional construct.) All women are for sale. Some just charge more.

  24. Agreed.
    You need money enough to survive, to pay the bills, and to have some savings in case some unexpected problem comes up. Once you have that, it is enough.
    Fuck being rich, takes too much energy to pursue it.
    Game, game, game.
    Striving to become rich = possible pussy tomorrow
    Game = pussy now.
    You choose.

  25. This is like the 3rd piece in a row that Troy has gone after “game denialists”. All the negative comments the last few months must have really ticked him off.
    He is spot on here though.
    I can speak from experience.
    You can bang some of the hottest girls in the world with money. But is will never make them want you.
    But like I have said here many times before, I would rather bang 7s to 10s who don’t give a sh*t about me, than have a 5 who “loves” me. Every freaking time.

    1. Do you pay prostitutes because you refuse to waste time pursuing females regularly or another reason?

      1. Because no female that I find attractive has ever shown so much as 1 milligram of attraction towards me.
        In other words…I am one ugly bastard!

        1. That’s not a strong enough justification to pad some lazy female’s bank account. & in present day society, most of these prostitutes still live double lives & don’t actually think of themselves as prostitutes, so you providing them money inflates their ego, buy silly shit & brag, &, more often than not, makes them forget their place in the social ladder. Now, if it were still like in the not-so-distant past, & a prostitute accepted she was one & didn’t put on a front via social media, etc., I would say go right ahead.

        2. There is truth to what you say, but in the end, I gotta get laid. And I’m not settling for any plain janes. So ego feeding or not, the young hotties selling poon will get my disposable income. Just being honest here, as always.

        3. AS,
          It ain’t your looks, it’s your occupation.
          Try working as a drug dealer, hit man, bouncer and they’ll be all over you.
          Men who work in IT just aren’t attractive to women.

        4. @ JD
          IT ain’t getting the panties wet.
          No matter how good the pay is.
          Bouncers and coke dealers can be as ugly as sin and still get hot girls. I see it all the time. Even the ones that barely speak English score hot American girls here in NY.
          Oh well…I got to be me…play the cards I am dealt.

    2. AS,
      I bought my current wife from her mother, she cost $3,000 and was a solid 9.
      Nearly 10 years later, she may not love me, but our children love me, and she’s still here with me.
      Does she want me? Probably not. Do I care? Not really.
      But she really really wants the house we live in and there are 22 years left of payments to be made on it.

      1. @ JD
        I bet your mother in law loves you too.
        You assumed financial responsibility for her daughter. Probably a huge relief for the old bird. Hopefully she sends over some good food for you once in a while. Or babysits your kids when you go on vacations (or “holiday” as you chaps say).

        1. My wife babysits the kids while I am on holiday. That’s her job.
          Vacation time is ‘men only’, no lack of local women wherever we go out here. Pointless transporting any of them around with you.
          Off to Saigon with some pals next week to check out the bars and nightlife ….

  26. Women bottom line are attracted to status and the power associated with it. Game from my definition of what I’ve learned is the demonstration of having it, or ability to acquire it. Ultimately? Genetics (height, muscularity and aesthetics), Intellect and resources (money being the biggest example) all play a role. All women want the best of what they can get depending on their cycle; ovulating and ready to go? Alpha male it is. Drying up for the month? Providers please. Being hypergamous as they are, they’re always going to want the unicorn that has it all the same way we want that virginal 9-10 that can fuck like a pornstar , go barefoot and pregnant and drop to an 8 post wall and into their 40’s+. That shit ain’t realistically happening.

  27. To Troy Francis
    Why rich and successful people and celebrities get the best looking girls? Cristiano Ronaldo for example is not going to clubs after his football training and game girls for pussy. The girls will come to him because he is a man of status, money and fame. Rich people have abundance and if a girl does not want to be with them then the rich men can get a million more.
    Money = success
    Only a communist would say that money does not help you succeed in life
    Just remember the “grab them by the pussy” by Trump. It describes what I am saying

    1. Rich and succesful famous men, with money and status?
      1. Either they run good Game on young women,
      2. They fuck high-end escorts for ridiculous amounts of money.
      Money helps, but it is not a shortcut to a woman`s lust and love.

  28. The world is in the edge of war, americastani scum yet thinks were to put their trash of dicks.

  29. Troy, respectfully, your articles suck. I didn’t need 600 words to tell me Bill Gates is gonna have a tough time gaming 20 year olds in a Manhattan bar.
    You rely on beta males with 0 game to buy your products and supplant your income. Think about that, you produce such little value to the world. Your whole life is being a dancing clown, being on a leash to the pussy. I bet when you meet/approach girls you lie about your job or where your income comes from. Pathetic

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  31. Troy.. Troy.. Troy
    i believe you will never learn enought to be sage enought to see the real deal men have today
    money matters, try to show no money to women and then let’s see what happens.
    Beside, who feel the need to learn game today? and i mean for what purpose Lord Troy??
    for a bang? i may fuck whatever woman i want with money, even if i would be an ugly beast! hell they fuck ghetto druglords full of std’s ffs!!
    for a marriage material? lol that’s sound hilarious nowadays! are you serious Troy?
    look, i know ROK will pay for every article, however this kind of repetitive mantra you are spreading here that lacks of any real reason for men to aknoledge the true is somewhat funny.
    Women always wants LOOK MONEY AND STATUS
    this is the reality today! and whoever believe in a different way is wrong to the bone!
    i may pay a ranked 10th escort to fuck an ugly man and i may do the same think to let her marry the same man, love is gone decades ago! wake up! Troy! wake…up!
    now, as i told you before, and as Roosh stated in one of his article, today’s men are generally speaking just buffons for women, since they may pick a bang from a wide array of men, from Mr. starving average joe to Mr. rick sugardaddy, and believe me, none of them are marriage material nor deserve your time and hard earned money, i spare you the legal part im sure you already know it well so.. marriage? noway! for a bang? better pick up ann escort! free bang? maybe but only for those chicks who already are into me, otherwise you’ll be tricked and scammed in the future.
    however, if you really believe it’s cool to Game sluts/landwhale/std’s bar chicks and so on, go ahead and please, take also my part, i won’t mind!

  32. As growing men, Money will boost your confidence and sharpen the blade to a sharper edge when it comes to approaching girls. Its a resource to increase our value. If you broke financially and already have solid game, money will only amplify your skills set to a higher degree and will open the gates to a variety of different pussy in the fisk market locally and internationally. (I live in Tijuana MX and San Diego CA) . james bond gear, have the blacked out sports car , a nice watch , a stylish haircut and trimmed beard with a thick rubberband in your pocket and come back and tell me if the looks you get from every girl wont pump you up. There is levels to this and you have to obviously use your money tacticfully with some discretion. Only a few street guys can pull it off.

  33. why are some of you incesantly debating the same things over and over and over again? conclusions on this topic have been made almost two decades ago. income is great, but for game, potential for income is enough. end of story. people shouldnt be allowed to post on this forum without having read basic literature.
    yes, our society has “shittified” as @christiancool so eloquently stated, but this aspect is true as always.
    actually, i agree a great deal with your first post,christiancool. although i would say that things were mostly OK even until 2010 or so – i was able to get LTRs with 8s ( occasional 9) without much game to speak of.
    i am considering moving back to where i emigrated from in 1997. i dont see the kind of semi-success i had ever happening here again. unless, of course, shit hits the fan. but i dont have high hopes about that happening either.
    p.s. sorry about nuggets, cc. they fought valiantly. jokic is the beast.

  34. Money works just fine at getting sexual access to beautiful young women’s bodies. Trust me on this point. Money may or may not arouse them, but it will usually cause them to give the appearance of arousal and that is enough. (If not, next them, plenty more where they came from.) Do we ever really know what is happening inside another person’s head? Does Troy Francis exist or is he just an annoying bot that Roosh uses to fill up this forum with drivel? Does it matter if I am replying to a bot versus a real live idiot? Likewise, if my hot young Ukrainian escort moans externally but internally is yawning is that different from her moaning because of true arousal?
    That game advocates are mostly guys who don’t have money (or guys whose money comes from selling pooh-uh crap to gullible fools) is truer than this red herring about “game denialism”. Guys like me aren’t denying that getting warts removed from your face (as it appears Troy has finally done because of the flak he received after releasing that shocking video of himself a few weeks back) helps and maybe clown game also helps at getting free pussy. But it’s a lot easier just to pay. Safer too. Not common to marry or have children with escorts, especially if they are in foreign countries. Whereas many are the pooh-uhs who’ve eventually succumbed to marrying some slut “he gamed” (versus she gamed) into giving supposedly “free” sex (that eventually costs vastly more than escorts when the divorce occurs).
    As for Troy’s notion of working 20 hours a day and easily becoming a multi-millionaire, it doesn’t work that way. Once again, the drivel king produces just that. You have to work smart not hard. And you need some luck, never forget that factor which you can’t control. If you’re one of the unlucky ones who can’t become a millionaire, then yes maybe game is the way to go, though even there you need a different sort of luck, mostly to do with unchangeable looks (not like those removable warts Troy had) and innate personality. Not every introvert or autist can become charming and outgoing, regardless of what pooh-uh gurus will tell you whilst trying to sell you something.

  35. “If only it were that simple. In fact, you will regularly see wealthy men sitting alone at their £10,000+ tables completely ignored by all the women. Why? Because they lack charisma, humour, and social ability. They lack game.”
    They don’t need a “game” or they are complete Asperger or something. They pay high-class escort for fuck if they want it. They don’t need drama, shit tests and mind games.
    “At the same time, you will regularly see barmen in the same clubs—who get paid a pittance, comparatively—going home several nights a week with truly gorgeous girls.”
    How old are those “truly gorgeous girls”? 15-25? Still inmature in head, they don’t think about future, YOLO.
    25-30+ SMV is declining, they will fuck with “young stud” to prove themselves they still worth something.

  36. Ugly rich men always end up falling into the “cuckzone” this has already been debated to exhaustion in the Incel community.
    Faceandlms is the best game analyst I know.

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