Quit Your Porn Addiction And Improve Your Game At The Same Time

ROK’s February sponsor is Quit Porn Get Girls, a resource to help you quit a porn addiction within 30 days while simultaneously helping you improve your game.

Today’s society is filled with men who have lost their way. In the jumble of  the internet, information overload from all media outlets, easy access to porn and the changing face of male-female relationships, men have somehow lost their compass.

Two of the main areas where men are adrift are sexuality and relationships with women. If pornography is destroying your relationship, making it difficult for you to relate to women, or affecting your sexual life adversely, [Quit Porn Get Girls is] the right place.

I’ll teach you  how you can reclaim your life by:

-quitting porn
-learning how to attract and relate with women
-get laid
-build an attractive lifestyle.

We’d like to thank Quit Porn Get GIrls for their support of one of the most controversial web sites on the internet. If you are interested in becoming an ROK sponsor, visit our sponsorship page. You can also drop a couple bucks in our tip jar.

98 thoughts on “Quit Your Porn Addiction And Improve Your Game At The Same Time”

    1. We are proud to be affiliated with a site such as ROK, which we consider to be one of the few sites dedicated to preserving masculinity and shedding light on all factors that lead to the decline of masculinity and thus, society.
      We will continue to support ROK and thank the many members of the ROK community who have patronized our site over the past few days and hopefully, many days to come.

      1. You’re doing a great job, QuitPornGetGirls. Both by helping to destroy the spread of porn and also by supporting the manosphere.

  1. If you’re short, Black, ugly, or otherwise undesirable and don’t like ugly chicks, don’t want to go gay, and don’t want to pay hookers (and in the case of Black men, we cannot even get hookers), then pr0n is really the only sexual release you’re going to get.

        1. Are you forgetting basketball? Baseball? Hip-hop? Lol. But stereotypes aside, game is ultimate equalizer. Secret tip: Piss her off, then immediately make her laugh. eg: “Hey bitch! (she turns around) Who you calling a bitch?!?!? “Ahhh, you thought I was talking to you. I would never call YOU a bitch. What’s your name?”

    1. Isn’t red-pilling all about taking control of your situation? If you’re ugly, determine if it’s an issue of nutrition, build, hygiene or style and amend it. If you’re black, stop fretting, you’re not significantly worse off than you would be if you were rural and poor (and white). If you are black and well-read and charming, you’re much better off. And if you’re short, get funny. Actually, funny is a good idea no matter what your obstacle. Porn is a symptom that you have accepted defeat. Reject it and make your situation better.

      1. I like northeast Asian women. I am a Black man, so I must accept defeat. Black men that like good-looking women and don’t play football, or Black men that like Chinese, Japanese, or Taiwanese women period should just throw in the towel.

        1. What do you have going for you other than your color? You get women by offering them something: i.e. wealth, strength, security, social networks, fame. Lift weights=strength. Get money=wealth/security. A woman will leave the most handsome man of any color if he doesn’t provide these things for her.

        2. Color isn’t something I have going on. Being Black is a bad thing in this world, not a good thing. If I were white I’d be in Taiwan or Singapore somewhere going balls-deep bustin’ all kinds of nuts.

        3. Man, if you were white, with that attitude, you’d be exactly where you are now. How do I know? Because I’ve seen Black guys in the Philippines, Indonesia, S. Korea, Taiwan and mainland China all with bishes on their arm. I couldn’t tell you how they looked because I’m not ghey, but they were just regular looking dudes. Focus on the money and women will come.

        4. Dude, let’s be completely honest here. Here is the hierarchy of races in terms of bagging women: 1. Black men 2. White men 3. Hispanic/Asian-Indian Men 4. East Asian men.

        5. If you’re talking quality women or Northeast Asian women, I don’t have a bead on 1st place, but I know that as long as you’re not Asian and not Black, you can get a decent number of decent looking women on the merits of being foreign. Some say that FBS’s do well in China and Taiwan too. If you are Black though, you’re going to be living under a bridge jacking off in Asia. Black men are globally in last place and there’s no hope of advancement.

      2. Not sure of the black part , since I do not have enough black friends to make an accurate reference, but if you are a guy and short, yeah your fucked.
        Best to move to SEA( and that is if you like Asians…I know Asians are an acquired taste) or save up hookers. There is nothing you can do in our personality to become attractive to Caucasians if you are 5’6 and below. I’m5’11 and see how easy it is for me as a pussy compared to my shorter friends who struggle hard….and get no results.
        Manlets need porn man…sad but true. I even tried helping my 5’1 friend…no luck. The best results was getting one of them a fuck with a fat latina.

        1. Yeah dude, take a trip over there. I mean I have 2 black friends with Japanese GFs..and these jap girls really take care of themselves.

      3. If you’re Black it’s about realizing that no matter how hard you try, you’ll never amount to anything in this world and you’ll always be stuck with fat chicks or celibacy. Black men that don’t like fatties should just give up on life.

        1. I’m surprised you’d say these things, G.
          I’m sure the dating game is harder for black men living in asian populations but I can tell you that here in the US, black men are not racially handicapped in the dating game whatsoever. Any man who does not look like Steve Urkle is usually swimming in mid-grade pussy, at least. All of these white nationalist types who keep polluting the manosphere with their bile are doing so because they feel threatened by this very favorable climate for interracial dating in America today. High-quality pussy may not be an abundant resource here in the US, but interracial preferences are very strong and growing.
          Buena suerte, mang.

    2. “Heartthrob never, black and ugly as ever”
      sorry, I had to. That’s one of my favorite songs.

    3. What does being Black have to do with anything? Just face it you are a beta LOSER. Once you come to that realization you can then change for the better. Plenty of black guys get girls of all races so don’t blame it on your race cus you can’t get laid. I don’t know how much height matters either except to really shallow girls. But it all comes down to having game, because I have seen BUTT UGLY dudes with hot chicks on their arm and they weren’t rich.

        1. Been there. Japan used to be alright, but those days are long gone. Black men that don’t want to be stuck banging fatties or like Asian women in particular should just throw in the towel.

        1. @grandadmiralgainz:disqus That is completely silly what you’ve just said. First off, the fact that many black men may be doing the wrong thing, such as going to jail, drugs, etc. helps your cause MORE. True, PRIOR to you opening your mouth they may compile you as another black guy. As far as hip hop, athlete, etc. There are WAY more avenues for black men. What about joining the military and getting stationed overseas? The uniform itself attracts TONS of women. How about getting a job, keeping debt at a minimum, having a degree and a skill? You mean to tell me that once she sees you haven’t fallen into the multi-baby mama, felony, thug trap that other races won’t give you a chance and only fat girls? Absolutely inane logic, I’m a male nurse that’s black (only 0.5% pf RN holders are black males) and I get loads of vagina. As soon as I say I’m a male nurse whatever misconceptions get thrown out. Was I told I couldn’t be a nurse cause I’m a man? Yes! In fact I have never met a black male nurse in my life so I had no role model to go after. The opportunity is there, you just have to go out and get it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get education, join military if you are in shape and of age, and go and get a skill. Good day.

        2. Is any of the tang that you get Chinese, Japanese, or Taiwanese? That’s what I like.
          I have a career, degree, etc.. It doesn’t really matter. Military is no place for a straight Black man. Not only is there a chance that I wouldn’t get stationed in Japan or Korea, there is also the fact that I wouldn’t get any out there, and I’d be forced to watch other dudes get laid when I can’t. As a civvie, I can just choose not to go so i don’t have to watch.
          Black men can make money (albeit more difficult), but we still won’t get laid by attractive women on a regular basis, especially NE Asian women.

  2. Great to see a sponsor with a product that’s constructive and mirrors our own values.

  3. Nothing drains your focus, energy, and masculinity like porn. Quitting porn was one of the biggest accomplishment I made in recent years.

    1. Porn exists to show the world that there are simply NO LIMITS to what women will do for a little bit of money.
      But even more importantly, porn employs millions of women with zero skills, brains, drive, or ambition and gives them the ability support her own kids and earn more than a doctor with nothing but what she was born with.
      It rewards women infinitely more than it rewards any man.
      While a woman can buy a house with porn….. a man can see what his girlfriend (or bride) was once up to before deciding what to get her for Valentine’s Day.

      1. Watching porn was the key evidence for me to permanently depedestalize women. Especially the bukkake facial compilation videos. I am unable to look at any woman as pure, innocent, modest, moral, or spiritual after seeing that.

        1. It’s an Einstein moment for sure.
          I mean you see her with the “angry” fuckface:
          Then she takes a load to the face.
          But then she wants roses?
          Or “romance”?
          I don’t…… quite…… it just doesn’t add up.
          Somethings just a wee bit off with those numbers.

      2. Once I discovered that the women used in porn have child-like personalities (saw some behind the scenes videos and documentaries about the life of porn stars), I slowly turned away from it. Meeting real women and not needing extreme stimuli to get a boner is just so much better and motivating. But hey, I think porn does serve as a wedge against women’s sexual power over men.

        1. I used to date an extremely well known porn star – BEFORE she became a porn star. Before the fake boobs and hair. When she was her most lovely. As soon as she expressed desire to buy bigger boobs, that was the end of it. I lost my hard-on.
          She was “real”….. until she wasn’t anymore.

        2. I’m kind of fascinated by documentaries on the subject, but most are trying to be too titilating or judgmental to work. What are the best you’ve seen?

      3. One of my friends is an IT pro. He designed the web pages for one of the first paid internet porn sites. The site owners…..who eventually ended up in prison……produced most of the content for their net porn biz. The girls who do porn don’t earn as much money as you may think. 20 years ago it was typically $1,500 per scene… a bit more for anal, inter-racial, or other fetish. It probably pays LESS today. The girls make most of their money from the strip club circuit: Lap dances, photos, “rub and tugs”, etc. The porn vids are like advertising for the stripping. Very few girls become “stars” in the porn biz…..where they can earn enough money to live out the rest of their days without working.

        1. I did only say it gives them the ABILITY to.
          And as we all know…..
          Just because a woman CAN, doesn’t mean she DOES.
          The porn star I dated (mentioned above) is the only one I know personally became a self-made millionairess in less than 9 years. For being a cum dump. That’s “too much money”.
          She was making $2500 a week as a part time stripper when starting out. So is a girl I went to school with who became a burlesque performer in Vegas. Again. Too much money for her skills and cuntribution to society.
          Jenna Jameson is no longer in the money. She sold her name for $110 million , and a few years ago, swore never to go back to porn. She recently made an announcement that she is BROKE and will be returning to porn to support her kids.
          But regardless of how much they *can* make…. $1500 per scene is a weeks pay for more than the average American household. That’s $75,000 per year. Assuming one “scene” per week.
          Whatever the number really is…. it’s “too much money” in a world where women are hornier and more promiscuous than men.
          So it turns out ALL of them are GROSSLY overpaid.

        2. Your “proof” that women are more promiscuous than men is a survey conducted by More Magazine(whatever that is) and reprinted in the Daily Fail? The only thing the More Magazine survey “proves” is that there is a very large percentage of the general population that has failed statistics 101….you included.

        3. Well you don’t really need that article, you can just look at the world around you. When we’re done…. we’re done. Women would go all night if they could have their way.
          Even IMMEDIATELY AFTER sex….
          women want more sex.
          (perhaps you need more experience with women to know that)
          Plus, they own vibrators! Because they can’t get enough orgasms! Where do you think the expression “go fuck yourself” comes from. It’s because men need to tell women to go and fuck themselves to take care of their horniness and promiscuousness – while we do amazing things like building internets, and exploring other worlds, and breaking records held by other men.
          “Statistics 101” is RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES.
          I passed.
          You failed.

        4. It’s not possible to “sound” a certain way through typed words. That’s just an infantile deflection away from my being right (and I even provided a link) and you providing NOTHING – not even a counter argument or contribution of any value. You didn’t even make an effort to disprove what I said. That makes you a failure.
          If you are hearing “sounds” in your head from reading typed words, then you might want to turn the volume down a notch, because you must be insane.

        5. Don’t be so sure. I can type 120 words per minute and that takes hardly any effort. Just a little wiggle of the fingers, a single mouse click to “post” – and it’s done. So I can’t imagine what you’re talking about. Care to elaborate? Feel free to include specifics.

    1. Fuck the Alpha – Beta labels. Why do you feel the need to qualify yourself with such loose categorizations?
      I don’t know what your relationship is with your girl, but that’s what defines your masculinity, not the things you both do together. By the way, both porn and weed fucks your brain regardless of whether you consider yourself “Alpha” or “Beta”.

      1. I like to set up my ipad with the camera on and inverted so I can see my dick go in her vag or asshole from a different angle. It’s kind of like watching porn for me it’s pretty good.

      2. what can I do to become an alpha male? I’m tired of having sex with women that don’t give me shit tests as tests for my alphaness. I want to become an alpha on no-fap and no-porn, and run my own blog like real alpha do. Where can I find sources on feminism so I can learn the arguments I can use against feminism?

        1. the red pill reddit and this site are pretty much all you need. Read the books that Roosh has recommended, as well.

        2. “what can I do to become an alpha male?”
          Alpha is much more a state of mind than anything else. One way to learn about that state of mind is to learn from alphas and learn their state of mind. Then practice on that.
          For me the hardest part of stepping up to alpha was deliberately and with forethought doing things that I knew would severely upset both the woman I was dating at the time. I was brought up to always take care of womens feelings and to never deliberately hurt a womans feelings.
          As an alpha one of the things you need to get comfortable with is knowing what you are doing by choice, deliberately, will very much hurt the womans feelings. But it is in demonstrating that what she wants is not important to you and in demonstrating that you are quite happy to “hurt her feelings” that they respond to your alphaness.
          After the first few times they will still be really angry and complain about “you hurt my feelings” but they will admire your willingness to maintain your alpha state no matter how much they try and guilt you to control you or manipulate you.
          It took me quite a while to get over the feelings of guilt when I knew what I was doing and saying would cut my fav#1 to the chase. That guilt being installed by my mother from a young age by the way.
          “Where can I find sources on feminism so I can learn the arguments I can use against feminism?”
          Why bother arguing against feminism? Everyone knows feminism is a hate ideology that was created by the Illuminati as part of the depopulation program. I don’t think there is anyone with a brain who is talking about feminism who does not know this now. But women like feminism because it gets them freed goodies stolen by the guvmint from their men.
          The fact that it is a deliberate plan to reduce the number of people and create great misery between men and women is not a concern for women and it is certainly not a concern for those in guvmint.
          You are much better off to rescind your consent to be governed and ignore feminism.

        3. 4 years ago I was very beta, and it was by choice.
          Attempts to criticise me for being beta previously are laughable. Attempts to characterise me as still beta are even more laughable.

    2. Do weed and porn make you better at fucking your girlfriend? Will cumming be better because of those things? Will they make her want to stick around? Will mass weed and porn habits make you both better able to build lives that you are proud of?
      Consider everything you consume by this standard, from food to music to movies to interpersonal relationships.

      1. High sex is the shit. Weed also makes chicks horny as hell (at least from my experience). Also, weed is much, much better for you than the poison that is alcohol.

        1. If it makes you better, do it. If it doesn’t make you better, don’t do it. And don’t concern yourself about whether something is Alpha or Beta. Concern yourself with achieving your full potential.

      2. I don’t know.. when we smoke weed we get really really horny. She dresses up in some lingerie. We have mind blowing pre-sex with all the increased tactile sensations. Then I fuck her like a beast because I can’t feel the fatigue. I jizz about 4 meters far when high on weed. Then when it’s all finished I get some serious palpitations, like I start to feel all the fatigue I couldn’t feel while destroying her. Also makes my cock bigger and harder.
        But I don’t want it to be like that anymore.. I want to become an alpha male, not a beta having sex with his girlfriends while watching porn…

  4. Great combo. I don’t think quitting porn addiction has a good chance of working if not paired with other constructive changes.

  5. If this website takes the porn discussion seriously in its draining of manhood, then it would be going in a direction that is wider than what we simply regard as ‘dangers of feminism’. It’s all related.

  6. What the fuck, the site says “porn makes all men rapists”. The idea that thought can be punished is highly totalitarian and genuinely a key component of the feminist agenda.

    1. I know right? What with the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon amongst american females and world wide still going strong. And with regards to domestic violence game, Chris Brown has legion of adoring female followers and Rihanna still pines away for him. The accusations of porn makes abusive rapists out of all of us rings hollow.

    2. i am wondering if there’ll be a day when the sponsor for the month will be a false flag for a fembot organisation [as in, dress itself up as one thing, but actually be another]. what better a way to hit the site, than economics.
      i almost didnt even want to write that, but its been a worried thought at the back of my mind for some time now

    3. also porn is fine. addiction to porn is not.
      some people equating jerking off to freeing their mind and worries, whereas the testosterone/excited anxiousness, they get from not having had a fuck in a while should spur them onto both great things [pursuing some excellent ass, and also using that sexual energy towards great accomplisments]
      but i dont agree with what all the christian types say that its so evil or a big sin. its basically just like any other form of mental masturbation [overuse of fake media/entertainment bullshit to sedate/emasculate an increasingly angry/frustrated youth]
      same issue i have with legalisation of weed [i mean i think less regulations are good so i wouldnt complain] but fuck man, you are going to get even more lazy beta fuckers than usual if everyone is smoking some bud every other minute.
      not one single person i know who smokes on the regular has had an intellectually stimulating thought in their life.
      going back to the porn thing, its also why porn gets increasingly more brutal. as people become even more beta and herbish in their lives, they need an increasingly extreme fetishised numbing drug to offset how powerless they feel. goddamn i love kink.com but they absolutely cater to this emasculation of real life.
      also explains why japan a once strong warrior society has had such social isolationism, that young men rarely fuck women over there but resort to online alternatives, and the population declines ever more slightly.
      fuck even huxley said something about how when people’s rights are taken away sexual freedoms increase accordingly [keep the men numb and weak]

  7. Porn is good for me, and it doesn’t interrupt my game. Hot chicks dig me, cause I am real Alpha.
    Porn is good for men cause it represents women for what they are, just a cheap whores.
    Romantic comedies sucks, cause they fuck up with mans brain, porn rules. The dirtier, the the better!

    1. Maybe you’re a natural alpha, but a lot of men grow up with moderate social anxiety and porn can help coping with that. I think that’s where addiction comes from.

  8. While I must agree with the author that porn serves no real purpose other than to drain a man of motivation and side track him on personal advancement……I must say, I love porn and all its freaky fantastic slutiness. It does give you slanted views on women in general but its not that much of a slant.
    Porn hinders you…in excess and does nothing for game. Quitting porn will improve your life.
    With that being said, there is nothing better in porn that watching some hot chicks get gangbanged , DP’d and bukkaked…… other than well, actually doing the gang banging , DPing and bukkaking all over them lol.

  9. Somewhat on topic, somewhat not, but seriously I can’t believe I’m saying this but thank you RoK for that hair article. After I saw this
    https://twitter.com/Sadora13/status/428244255149015040 I just could not believe that this woman said that last thing she said (Basically, the author of the “girls with short hair are damaged” article has the same mindset as a rapist, therefore people who don’t like short hair on girls are rapists). If not for that, I’d never have known how many crazy people there really are out there! Now I feel like every time something didn’t go right with a girl, I oughta be counting my blessings…

    1. STOP GIVING THEM THE ATTENTION THEY CRAVE! This has nothing to do with porn. These people fucking LOVE IT when you talk about them when they’re not around!

      1. Since this is about an RoK sponsor, it’s about RoK in general IMO. BUT I get where you’re coming from.

  10. Hi Roosh,
    I thought the choice of sponsorship was a bit strange….after all, porn does not do a man any harm as long as he is reasonable about it. It is much less harmful that alcohol and cigarettes which is common enough. Just like burgers porn can be good or bad for you.
    All that said….my comment would be “I wonder when we are going to see lots of articles talking about how women using vibrators is bad for their relationship and they should throw the vibrators out and focus on their man.”
    Could you imagine the hatred that women would throw at an article that says “vibrators ruin your relationships and if you want to keep your man throw the vibrator away”? It would make the whole short hair thing look like a drop in the bucket.
    Maybe someone should do such an article on RoK….about how vibrators are more damaging than porn to relationships.
    Once thing I will add. Reading these comments from women the last 6 years? It is clear that western women are totally clueless about how to manage relationships.
    The woman who was my prospective wife 2.0, I actually did love her and I was convinced we had a future together, just had no idea because she had been brainwashed with feminism. She was a great woman. I can easily say I only know one other western woman who could compete with her for the quality of woman she was…..but she was poisoned by feminism and so wanted to be my “equal” when she was nothing of the sort. It was very sad and upsetting for me that this was the case but I dodged the bullet when that ended.
    I have decided I am going to do an informal video channel just on teaching western women how to manage being in relationships with men….they certainly need the lessons…..that’s for sure.

  11. Saw the production of an “amateur” porn video once. It was basically a few camera guys, a girl, and two guys in a hotel room. The whole taping took about eight hours and six of those eight hours were the two guys reaming the girl. I mean every which way to Sunday. Every hole, every position. When her vagina would get too swollen, they would shove a condom filled with ice (yes the whole mini-fridge was full of them) up it and switch to a blow job scene. She probably took at least five facials, had to swallow half a dozen times, and got creamed in every other hole. The dudes were clearly popping Viagra or something else and the chick was whacked out on something. The whole process was pretty disgusting. To top it all off, after getting reamed in and out for six hours the girl got paid $1200 in cash. That was it. (The guys got paid $50 in cash, but they did get an all access pass to a pretty decent looking woman.)

      1. What kind of source do you want? It is a personal story. It was not me doing the shooting. It was a gig a friend picked up at the last minute to help shoot. I thought it would be “cool” to go along. It was not cool, but certainly did open my eyes to the nature of women.
        It’s not like this porn production experience was unique. Descriptions of such shoots are readily available across the internet. I am sure if you can work Google you can find one that is similar.

        1. The nature of women? More like the nature of drug addiction.
          Just because a thing is bad for women doesn’t mean it’s inherently good for men. Much like the woman, the men who appeared in that scene will be challenged to lead a normal life. If they follow a legitimate career path, or have social/family lives, they will need to hide their involvement in the porn industry and face a tarnished reputation if the secret came out. And, in the end, they will have to carry against their conscience the fact that they were willing to abuse a desperate person for 6 hours straight just for $50 and the reward of doing so. Maybe that doesn’t mean a lot to some people; I guess that’s they got their in the first place. Nobody wins in this scenario.

  12. Porn – especially heterosexual anal porn being the biggest culprit for influencing the spread of STDs and indirectly responsibly for falling demographics, as more men (and women) are influenced to choose it and practice it over normal sex – has to go. Porn destroys both individuals and families, eventually destroying societies. It’s great that ROK is taking the initiative to stop the spread of the porn disease into society. Thumbs up!

    1. If you want a perfect example of porn slowly destroying a society from within, look no further than Japan.

    1. porn are stealing your dopamine, without dopamine you lost your creativity and the capacity to enjoy life. and also you can end with ED

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