What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous

‘The Jealousy Game’ is a game that most women play at some point in a relationship, some more than others. The game works like this: she picks out another man, usually one she has at least a moderate degree of attraction towards, and she flirts with him, either by talking about him in an adoring fashion, or by displaying non-verbal cues of interest to that man while you are around (e.g. extended eye contact, warm smiling, touching her hair, neck or face, etc.). She chats him up in your presence, all the while expressing profuse admiration for his most mundane qualities.

If online, she exchanges a chain of messages, usually drenched with emoticons. She will turn up the volume on her notification alarms, filling the room with an annoying barrage of ‘dings’. She might even give out her contact information to that man, or tentatively arrange to meet up with him (again) sometime in the future.

In short, she gives feral attention to another man, and that attention is of higher quality or quantity than what she normally gives to you.

All this fawning attention and time spent on this other guy, is done with the express purpose of making you feel intense jealousy. The kicker is that it is only right that you should feel jealous, because she is giving the kind of attention to another man, that she should only be giving to you.

The Jealousy Game is purported (by women) to be a test of ‘how much you love her’. So in her mind, if she can make you jealous somehow, then your jealousy is evidence that you ‘love’ her.

But smart men should not be deceived into believing this hamsterbated justification. When women use the word ‘Love’, it is usually a deceptive misnomer. Women generally do not understand what altruistic love is.

Why Does She Play The Jealousy Game?

The Jealousy Game is actually a bomb loaded with several payoffs, all to her interest:

  • It keeps the emotional interaction of the relationship at a visceral, feral level, which supercharges her appetite for drama.
  • She hones her skill in exercising her feminine powers.
  • She poses a test of your emotional obeisance (or lack thereof) to her feral power.
  • She tests your frame, and gets to understand how you deal with her apparent ‘lack of self-control’ around potential rivals.
  • She is ‘testing the limit’ to see what she can get away with.
  • She compares you to the other guy, to see who stacks up better.
  • She can put you on the defensive and watch you squirm, just for her own egotistical pleasure.
  • She might harvest information from these encounters to use against you, or to stick you to the wall in a future argument.
  • She explores and tests the interest in her from other guys, thus scoping out ‘greener fields’.
  • She revises and refines her estimation of her own SMV.
  • She indulges her fantasy of being one who is desired by men.
  • She expands her social network.

No matter how the game plays out, she wins a prize. Even if nothing further develops between her and the other guy, the sheer pleasure of hijacking the attention of two men is a worthwhile consolation prize to her.

How A Man Should React

There are four possible reactions that a man might have when his girl plays the Jealousy Game, listed in ascending order of personal benefit and relationship management effectiveness:

  1. To get defensive, upset or angry
  2. To promptly try to make her jealous
  3. To tease her
  4. To ignore her

The first is to be avoided at all costs. The second option shows a modicum of awareness, as it compares to dread game, but if done as a reaction, it appears too obvious and comes off as childish in her eyes.

The fourth option is the best response, because you don’t want to give her any satisfaction, or any feedback that might be interpreted as a sign of weakness. Ignoring her moves in the Jealousy Game is a test of your constitution and emotional control, which can be very challenging.

But depending on the circumstances and the personalities involved, ignoring her behavior might appear like you are silently condoning the behavior, or that you are too weak to face up to it. You will know this is the case, if and when she slowly grows more aggressive and arrogant in her approaches to other men. In this case, teasing becomes the best option.

The most important thing to remember in teasing is to stay calm, be emotionally detached, and seemingly entertained by her antics. Whatever she is complaining about that drove her to make you jealous, just agree and amplify it to the point of mockery. Laughing at her is almost always a good move. But if you get upset and angry, then you’ll come off as butthurt, you’ll give her satisfaction, lose the game and push her away.

Specific Points And Plays

If she has made it known that she joined an online dating site, just stay calm, keep busy doing your own thing, and watch her using your peripheral vision.

tinder app

If she is contacting an ex, you could tease her by asking her personal questions. Don’t be afraid to dig into her on that, and be sure to make her ex look pathetic. If you’re lucky, her guilt will kick in. Another trick is to ask her pointed questions to bring her back to reality. Adding specific details will confuse her and throw her off.

If she can actually talk about such things calmly and arrogantly, and add her own spin to it, then your relationship was over a millennium ago.

If she actually does jump into an affair, or leaves you, then you’re better off without her. Dump the thot and move on. That’s tough advice to take, but it’s better to face the reality of it head on, and stay on top of your life, because life is too short to play the jealousy game.

Read More: Jealousy Should Prompt Learning

142 thoughts on “What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous”

    1. I wish Roosh would deal with your constant shitposting.
      You provide nothing of value here from what I’ve seen.

      1. This bich wants to end free speech! Typical fuckerberg soy boy thinks he some god among apes.
        Go crawl to buzzfeed for your censorship and soy latte you faggt.

        1. What is buzzfeed? Somewhere you wiggers gather???
          Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open, kid.
          You have no relevance here among men.

    2. First and foremost, you understand that it is a game, it is a shit test.. do no get mad. Get mad and you lose. Do not get mad. You don’t give a fuck. You win. Game over. It’s that simple. Ghost her, next her, laugh at her, do what you gotta do but do not get mad.

      1. And DO NOT ask questions because you don’t fucking care. Do not say, “who is that?” “Why are you talking to him?” Bla bla bla, you don’t care. Just know that under any circumstances, you will start with a “I don’t give a flying fuck attitude,” after that, you have time to calculate your next move.

      2. Yep its the shit test and all women use it. When she decides she’s going to shit test you, it’s not always with a guy. What I mean is you could be at her family’s BBQ for the afternoon and she will act like you don’t exist while she talks non stop to her sister or mother the whole time you are there. She will barely acknowledge your existence at places like this because she knows you don’t really have any option but to sit there. If you walk out and catch an Uber home or say something she gets exactly what she wants, it’s like a failsafe shit test unless you know exactly what going on. Women all use the shit test, my wife liked that one after we had kids because in between work and kids our social life wasn’t full. I soon worked out what she was doing so I’d find the TV remote and net flix account and pay her, her ignorance in kind without ever showing that it bothered me in any way at all. The problem is with a lot of guys they think women are wired like us but they aren’t, they can’t live without being stupid by either saying stupid things, doing stupid things or playing stupid games. They are ruled by hormonal driven illogical, irrational and emotional thoughts and behaviors, once you understand that you have a chance of keeping some of your sanity!

      3. I thought you were talking about ENGIMA73 that niggah all upset at my posts lol. BETA BUX

    3. I just sleep with another woman that night. It’s great to live in a country where there are so many easily available attractive women that you don’t have to endure this nonsense.

      1. John Dodds, I used to think you were perhaps a shill, but now I see you’re just an old senile boomer fart. What makes the whole thing have such a bad taste, is that if you were a shill, I’d actually have a little more faith in the world. But seeing as how people like you with minds like you ACTUALLY exist, it’s disheartening to say the least.
        If a woman cheats on you, or tries to make you jealous, you just break up with her. That simple. Playing this cat and mouse game with a girlfriend/wife of who fucks who more is EXACTLY what the elites who promote all this degeneracy to our women, want in the first place.

      1. Steely Dan appears to be an enemy of this site, posting ridiculous shit to make us look bad to lurkers and to give ammo to those who monitor this site.

    4. They tried subverting this place with disinfo, but that failed horribly. So now what they’re trying to do is to make this place the home of the lowest common denominator, by introducing comments that promote n/wigger talk, and horrible advice.
      When comments like ” niggah you beat the shiit outta her” make up the top comment, what this does is two fold, first it pushes away the majority of intelligent readers away from ROK, which means less intelligent contributions, and it might make the “on the fence” idiot think that we’re all a bunch of double digit I.Q. projects living, nappy headed hoe slappin “niggas”, and since he’s a follower and easily malleable reader, he’ll adopt this low brow culture thinking that’s what we’re about.
      Ultimately, it leads to subversive articles (of which there has been quite a bit) which use rappers or leftist/feminist pseudo intellectuals like Joe Rogan as “beacons of masculinity”, of course, the malleable on the fence reader looking for answers, might actually start listening to those articles, and in his mind, why not, they’re after all, featured on the prominent ROK website his buddies spoke so highly about.

  1. I always make it pretty clear to any woman of mine that if she flirts with other men or cheats I will benefit the most because I will be justified to return to playing the game again and meeting younger, and fresher women then her. So go on flirt and cheat if you want – you will end up as ageing slut spinster and I will have freedom and younger pussy.

    1. Yea, I do same but don’t bother making it clear. I just do it. Had a girl I was seeing about a year, it was on border of becoming something more serious. We had mutual connections and had both gone to a few of each others’ family events so the assumption on both sides of family was we were a steady relationship. Until, she made this little scene of hanging on every word and showing attraction to one of my sister’s married friends.. in front of his wife no less. I let the whole thing blow over, fucked her that night (with no concern but my own pleasure), next day I dumped her.
      It was my sister’s anniversary dinner no less when she pulled this shit escapade. She probably said 5 words to me during that dinner, and completely hung on his every word, and scooted her chair over much closer to him for the entire meal. After I confronted her, she ran to my sister embarrassing us both, asking if she thought she was out of line and seen to be flirting with her best friend’s husband. My cunt rag sister said no, but any moron could see wtf was goin on here. Naturally, she may have been using this as some ridiculous shit test jealousy or exit from our little “relationship,” regardless I had the last laugh. Another mutual acquaintance after we split (another girl I banged unbeknownst to her) revealed that I’d banged well over 100 women and she would be seen as a blip on my pussy radar. Check mate you dumb hoe, you just played yourself.

  2. Not dealing with all that shit is a much better alternative. Fuck her for a while and when she starts shit just get rid of her. Let her play her stupid games with others.

    1. It’s definitely a lot easier to next a chick whose getting real annoying / more trouble than she’s worth after you’ve at least fucked her a couple of times.
      The notch/conquest is complete, and yet she’s proven not to be worth sticking around for. Hunt for the next meat.

      1. Whether a guy tries for a high notch count or not, it’s usually ultimately women’s fucked up behavior that drives a guy to bang a bunch of women anyways. These hoes…

  3. I make a point of never competing for a woman with another man, for sex or attention or both. If she thinks she can have me and “him”(possibly at the same time – and I don’t even mean a treesome) she’s clearly not good enough for me, case closed.

  4. This has never happened to me with a woman but if it did, it’d be adios. She can play these games with other guys.

  5. Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat………

    1. DeNiro’s character in that movie was a lonely and aging 50 year old thief, as ‘cool’ and ‘poised’ as he was, and with a house by the sea to boot. His lack of ability to truly love someone and constantly be susceptible to seeking revenge was ultimately his downfall.

      1. Quite the opposite. He loved Eady. He had a code and lived by it, until she came along. He broke the code (walking out), solely for her. If anything, THAT was his downfall. He would’ve had time to off Waingro and use his out, if he had just walked out on Eady.

        1. De Niro wanted to get back at the shit-bag serial killer who had snitched him out to the crooked investor and went into police protection.
          Chances are he would have been busted in New Zealand anyhow, however. Maybe 10, 15 years later but in the age of surveillance and globalization and Interpol De Niro would eventually been arrested by NZ police and deported.
          However, his immediate freedom was blown over a petty vendetta.

    2. drama queens aren’t worth the trouble, but they do get me in the mood to pick up other women. And it always works out that there are plenty of others that pop up … and put out

  6. Something tells me men in Saudi Arabia don’t have to bother yhonking about issues like this…

      1. Stones of justice go a long way enforcing proper behavior in females. Here in the US we had tje shaming system, where tbe mothers, grandmothers, aunts and friends would ensure the proper behavior of females. But that was done away with starting in the 60s. Now those same people encourage the slutty and disrespectful behavior we see today.

        1. Yes, the saying “Like mother, like daughter” unfortunately rings more true today.
          Also a more fitting take on the old true adage “ Show me the boy and I’ll show you the man” can definitely be applied to females too as “Show me the girl and I’ll show you the woman”

        2. AutomaticSlim, I completely agree. To keep a long story short. I would see my friends playful happy go lucky tomboyish soccer infatuated little sister, get HORRIBLE advice from her much older, fatter, sluttier, loser sister.
          Mother of course, was nowhere around, and by nowhere, I mean in her room watching T.V.

    1. Yeah they’re too busy tossing around camels and children enough to bother. Methinks you would fit right in which why you admire such backward scum.

      1. I do not “admire” them.
        Just pointed out one part of their system that produces a positive for their society. Just because I dislike muslim society in general doesn’t mean I can’t recognize some parts of it that work well. As you seem to allude, the muslim practice of homosexual abuse on young boys is horrific and abhorrent and should be stamped out with extreme prejudice. But some of the rules they place on females work very well towards building strong families and societies. Once allowed to work, own property, have bank accounts, etc.. females become feral, out of control sluts. It is unavoidable. They have no self control and need to be penned in. Post 1960s Western society and the cesspool it has become is proof of this.
        But I will admit, since I am only one guy and can’t do anything to reverse this trend in the west, I enjoy the young sluts. Specifically the ones who need money. Costs me an arm and a leg, but I enjoy them.

        1. One thing a weakling porncel like you will never grasp is that women don’t need to be corralled like cattle when the men aren’t pathetic thirsty simps. We submit to men who demonstrate strength, who have character and mental and physical fortitude. You simply don’t have the tenacity or character to encourage submission. Your failure as a man has everything to do with women being out of control. As is evinced by you bragging about paying whores as if that’s a testament to your manhood. When all it really means is that you’re embarrassingly and shamefully desperate and thirsty.
          No woman is going to pine for some porn-addicted impotent thirsty freak like yourself.
          Women have become the way we have because you are all a bunch of substandard useless video game playing teenagers. Sorry but women aren’t rushing out to be beautiful, sweet or loyal to that. 😂

        2. @ Cat lady
          – I have never “bragged” about banging escorts. Being honest about my life experiences is not “bragging”.
          – Not a weakling. Have loads of tenacity. Been alone my whole life, no help from anyone, and still able to get what I need. Maybe not what I always want, but certainly what I need.
          – I have not played a video game since Tetris on my old 286 back in the early 90s.
          – Haven’t been a teenager for a very long time.
          You’re batting .000, Ms Katz.
          I get up at 5:20 AM every weekday and do my exercise. Shave & shower, put on a shirt, tie, and dress slacks, and commute 65 minutes. Work a 10 hour day as a consultant for Wall St. firms.
          Lose 40% of my earnings to taxes for things that I never use, things that go towards supporting lazy parasites. And I’ve been doing this for almost 31 years.
          Does that sound like a game playing teenager to you? And at this point in my life I really don’t care if girls are “rushing to be beautiful, sweet, and loyal” to me. As long as they are young, hot and need money, I’ll get what I need.

        3. Been doing all that shit for 30+ years and you’re still resigned to a life of paying women who find you repulsive and don’t give a shit about you to fuck you. And can’t even sire any offspring out of the “hot young women” you pay out of desperation. If you were really that rich and desirable these whores would be trying to baby trap you, not bearing the walk of shame each time they leave your smelly old man apartment.
          Yep, sounds like a arrested-development teenager indeed. Only now you’re a lonely old man. Sucks doesn’t it?

        4. What a nasty woman.
          You must be loads of fun at your book club meetings.
          BTW, I’d rather be a “lonely old man” with cash and the ability to use young, pretty escorts at will (at hotels & brothels, not my apt) , than to be stuck married to a fat, wrinkled old bag. Or worse, be divorced and paying alimony / child support. Also, I don’t like children. Never did. So very happy I do not have any.

        5. Like I said, you don’t have any money otherwise you wouldn’t have any trouble finding a young trophy wife. Actual rich old men do it everyday. Old fat women you’re rattling on about wouldn’t even be on your radar but they are because you’re a loser.
          I also find it a relief unfit people like you are sterilizing themselves right out of the gene pool by not having children. It’s like you were never here because you weren’t. Those whores you paid will be glad the day they stop getting calls to visit your smelly old man apartment.

        6. This “discussion” is going nowhere, so I’ll end it here. All I can say is that I am being 100% honest about myself. Always have been, whether on the internet or in real life. Never once said I was rich — merely upper middle class/well off.
          And I will also say that in the comments posted back and forth here, I have not insinuated anything about you (except the part about the book club) or insulted you. You on the other hand, have gone out of your way to insult me and many others on this board. I think that speaks very loudly regarding your “character”. You truly are a nasty woman. Have a nice Sunday.

        7. Forgive me for being too “harsh” but I don’t take kindly to weak losers on the internet who champion Islam and beating women while summarily promoting sex trafficking and whoredom by paying broken damaged women to have sex with a disgusting malfeasance like you.
          You and the rest of your shitty degenerate ilk are a big part of the problem. You’re in need of a good strong patricarchal beating yourself.

        8. “Future Cat Lady”
          LOL, post a pic of your body, no-so-secret internet fattie. No headshot, do not doxx yourself (I can do that fine for you, if I have to, trust me on this).
          Put up or shut up.

        9. Cat Lady,
          I pay all the time, I paid for my wife, I pay for the girls on the side.
          And I DNA test the kids. Why not pay, in reality women never love anyone but themselves, and the kids still love you whether their mom is an employee is irrelevant to them.

        10. @ Cat Lady
          Even though I said the conversation was over, I saw this comment from you and figured I’d respond one last time:
          ” You’re in need of a good strong patricarchal beating yourself.”
          Good luck with that. I’m in the 80th to 90th percentile of physical fitness for men my age. So you better find a very fit and younger guy for that (if he will listen to you, that is). And on the off chance that happens, be aware that I keep something special in my laptop bag for such occasions.
          Or perhaps you can grow up, stop threatening people online, and learn to accept differing opinions without making childish threats. Nah, I guess that is too much to ask of a brainless, worn out, dried out, used up piece of nasty old snatch like you.

        11. at FCL….your diatribe was so funny i nose douched with hot coffee…hysterical cunts like you could be comedians if you werent so serious ajout the utter garbage you spout.

        12. AutomaticSlim, once your game gets a bit better, it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. You’d be surprised how many young sluts give it up right away by impressing them with lies.

      2. A shrew like this was handled by a good backhand before society went to hell. (Btw, that’s not domestic violence any more than spanking a misbehaving child is. It’s proper discipline.) Now she’s trying to compare dick size with the men. I know her type. They use an industrial strength vibrator every day for 20 years and then resent men because nothing but a jackhammer will get them off. She’s tried every color and combination of cock and nothing worked and she’s bitter.

      3. Cat Lady: since you’re hanging out here quite a lot and talking shit, I think it’s about time for TITS or GTFO. You owe us no less.

      4. Cat Lady, I like how you used a laughing emoji because I know it is the opposite of how you really feel.
        -Dr Phil

    2. “yhonking”
      I phucking LOL’ed for real, yo.
      It’s 2018’s version of “covfeve”.
      I will now beat this term into the ground, resurrect it, and then beat it some more.

  7. Stupid. The only way to get her to stop acting up is to walk. Just walk. If she comes running back, having learned the error of her ways and that you don’t take shit then, good. If she doesn’t come back, that’s good too, you don’t want a cunt in your life.

    1. And that’s when you tell her to get on her knees and give you a nice long BJ as an unspoken apology.
      That kind where they look up to you regularly with those sad and submissive puppy dog eyes like “I won’t do it again master, I promise” and you just look at her and smile in a manner which clearly reeks of schadenfreude.

      1. Haha, I love it when they look up. I just look down and give them raised eyebrows and a little head shake, like, “What?” You should try it, every time they think you’re looking down in approval, then switch gears like they’ve been reprimanded. A girl’s confidence is so easily shattered.
        Truthfully, though, I’m bored of blowjobs, I often just skip that step.

    2. It’s amazing that there would even be a discussion about what to do when your woman is acting like a whore. Whether it’s to get your attention or simply because she’s a whore it means one thing only: next.

  8. You have five options
    1. Leave the bitch
    2. Leave the bitch
    3. Leave the bitch
    4. Leave the bitch
    5. Leave the bitch

        1. Future Cat Lady, if you’re not an advertisement for “Keeping your Pimp Hand Strong” when with a woman, I don’t know what is.

        2. > Your failure as a man has everything to do with women being out of control….
          Women have become the way we have because you are all a bunch of substandard useless video game playing teenagers.
          Methinks the lady mixes up cause and effect. Women are not good at logic.
          Women have become the way they are by ridiculously unfair legislation, constant propaganda, white guilt, and removing the father from the home using big boys in blue with small penises and big clubs and guns. This has everything to do with women “being out of control.”
          You are the same type who handed out white flowers to men demanding they ‘go over the top’ and sacrifice themselves for you. Guess what darling. Back then? Men were respected by the women and they were treated very differently. Today? Men are continually shit on by women and we are not stepping up to do fucking shit.
          Let it burn.
          Men have become substandard video game playing teenagers because the type of women available to us are hot young sluts unsuitable for marriage or arrogant, unpleasant, judgmental women like you who insist on being in control over everything all while whining that men are not stepping up and risking prison to knock you the fuck off your god damn pedestal.

  9. If you’re single and dating, then ignoring her is the obvious answer.
    She’ll end up thinking “Wtf why isn’t this guy worried that I might be a useless slut? Is he some kind of self-confident person or something?”
    But if you’re married and your wife is pulling this kind of shit what do you do? You can run Game sure, but you don’t really have the option to just walk without destroying the family.
    The Romans had this shit worked out correctly.

        1. Yep, I’m married the 2 time, 3 daughters. Good, loyal spouse.
          All in all nice family, but next life….no chance for doing that again 😀

  10. Good article.
    I ignore thots.
    What is there to be jealous of? A ho flirting with a douchebag?
    If she wants to go then let here. If she stays fuck her.
    Forget alpha and beta. Some men need to become more Sigma.

    1. True. true. I describe myself as Sigma. It’s a most rational role. What happens quite often to natural alphas when they “want to settle down?” They finally, after decades, let some back-stop hoe turn them at least 49% beta. I just can’t tolerate these women. I see holes and flesh. that’s it. all actors. nothing more.

  11. Happened once. She wanted to make me jealous by flirting with some random guy. I just ignored her and that was the end of that. We were not even dating. She called me later to say she just wanted to see how I handled situations like that. Told her i do not play around like a teen. That was the end. I ended up hooking up with her sister. That was great. I still see her from time to time since she plays tennis at my work.

  12. Leave the venue when she isnt looking and turn off ur phone/block her number. After that if she cares enough to call u and ask for forgiveness proceed to bang her a couple more times in the most sexually deviant ways then piece her out. Alpha out!

    1. “Alpha”
      Your whack ass ain’t no alpha you embarrassing fucktard. Go back to playing videos games and having porn induced impotence at 20 years old 😂

      1. Careful. For all u know my cock has already been in all ur orifices 😂. Butttt probably not cause i only fuck hot bitches and they too busy with their man and 3 side dudes to read blogs let alone comment on them

        1. You sound like a 12 year old bay bays kid wigger. You don’t get anything but $10 weekly allowance from your mammie

  13. Haha you virgin losers in the comments don’t understand this behavior because you’ve never had a woman value you and your opinion enough to try and make you jealous. You are invisible to women, we are not going to vy for what’s not even on our radar. 😂
    It’s also funny you resent women for seeking attention when y’all thirsty asses give us the attention. It’s like blaming a starving African kid for being hungry.
    In short, we only try to make men jealous we actually care about. You’ll never experience that because women don’t give a shit about you.

      1. Yeah okay guy, who writes tall inceltales about swooping in on a girl’s sister. You are ridiculous.

        1. @Future Cat Lady
          I’m genuinely curious to hear from a woman’s perspective, since you said before that women only try to make men who they care about jealous, what do you think is the right reaction for the guy? You mentioned beating the guy up?
          An ex of mine did the same thing, only I wasn’t there at the time – she took a selfie with the guy instead. I calmly asked who it was, she got defensive, and I told her I was gonna find the guy (I live in a small town, he wouldn’t be hard to find) and beat the shit out of him.
          According to this article I should have just allowed her to chat up any guy he likes and do nothing. I can kind of understand it, but I’d agree that it seems like a weak response too, and it seems that you agree.

    1. What do you call an Ethiopian that takes a shit?
      A show off.

    2. Cat lady I have NEVER blamed an African kid for being hungry. There is plenty of elephant dung to go around. If the dung is fresh, it still contains a lot of nutrients and drinkable fluid. Those kids know that and if they say they don’t, they’re full of shit. *rim shot.

  14. I would be like bitch am leaving and flirt and hook up with another girl in front of her. I have done it before hilarity ensues😈

  15. 5. Rekindle your romance.
    This is advice for couples who have been together for a long time. She wants you to look at her the way you did when you were first wooing her. She wants you to show her that she is still your one and only. If you have jobs and kids, you probably don’t go out on a date any more. So change it. Taker her out for a date once a week. It doesn’t have to be a fancy restaurant. Go to a movie theater. Go skating, swimming, take her on a bicycle trail. It should be a place where you and her can be together without interference of others. You should not take her to a place where she will be surrounded by young studs looking for a one-night stand (= don’t bring her to a bar). Take her outside, to nature, where she can see your physical skills and feel safe because she’s with you.
    If you just ignore her, as many suggested above, it will confirm her assumption that you no longer care about her and that she’s unloved. Of course, if she no longer wants to be with you, then you have a real problem. Either way, don’t just ignore it.

    1. You’re being wayyyy too kind, dear. None of these dead-dick porncels even have girlfriends. Instead they have sick Napoleon fantasies about beating women because they don’t have the balls to beat up other men and prove their manhood the proper way.

      1. I agree beating women is for losers without any emotional self control. They give true alphas a bad rep. We on the other hand have adapted to the female nature. We let u hoes do what u do while we with our next bitch 😂

      2. “because they don’t have the balls to beat up other men and prove their manhood the proper way.”
        Just played your hand. This is the oldest shit test in the book and on one here is falling for it from a hottie much less a blue haired fatty slob like you.
        Yeah, going to get assault charges to prove something to you? Your pussy ain’t that good. Nobodies is, walk on fatty…

        1. You literally sound like a girl, you dead-thorndick chump. It’s easy to see why a pussy like you would never fight for a girl, they’d have to want you first. You’re why the West is dead, pussy asses like you everywhere to scared to fucking fight. You deserve to have everything taken from you because it isn’t yours. 😂
          P.S. The kind of men I like would split you three ways by your nugget pouch. And you’d know it just by them looking in your right asseye. And the piss running down your leg is all they need to laugh at you, walk away and call you a pussy.

        2. The hoe condemns men that beat women (i do too) but would like to see more men fighting each other for womyn. How incredibly stupid can this statement be??? Cat lady, please re read your sentence and come up with whatever fuck ed up logic that made sense to you then!

        3. John Dodds- Yup!
          Was still trolling pretty well in earlier posts but totally outed himself here with this aggressive language and writing style. NO chick writes like this.
          So you have to wonder what kind of guy comes to a comments section and pretends to be a woman? I’m still going with blue haired fat boy but one who is gender confused like every tranny in the world.
          Cat Lady, go tuck your cock and put your dress on but that little button in the front is just a tiny cock, not a clit, no matter how much you want it to be otherwise. Like I said before, walk on fatty…

      3. Cat Lady, I like reading your posts. Projection seems to be getting easier and easier to spot. The use of “we” stood out as well when referring to other women. Like you were trying to group yourself with other hot women, lol. Hot women don’t waste their time on sites like this. Only a broken woman would come here to vent. Also funny how you say “future” Cat woman, it implies that you are young. You’re not young, I can tell by your verbiage. My guess is you’re hovering around 40 years old (post wall), too old to be hot and not old enough to shake off the bitterness. Heh.

    2. If I have kids, and have been with a woman that long, and she “needs” this shit or “else” she’ll go hop on another dick, she can fuck off royale. Life presents way too many higher priorities to pander to some modern-emo-cunt’s lack of stable emotional quotient. If she’s not a total cunt she’ll be getting the above-mentioned rekindled treatment anyways. Most guys operate within the realm of what I said anyhow, and bitch demanding more or else she’ll use her pussy to get more, can join the hoards of broken hoes you see on dating sights and frequenting “girls nights out,” as old washed up, soon-to-be leftist SJWs. The expectation for men, especially straight, white, Anlgo-Americans has been so far beyond that of others for so long (decades now) there’s no more free shit – and that includes time – to give. If she wants to stray, let her remind herself of just how harsh the jungle and wilderness is. Live a chaotic life, get chaotic results.

    3. Calm down, guys. You have fragile egos and you give up easily, do you know that? All I did was suggest that you rekindle the romance. But, okay, don’t do it. Don’t rekindle the romance. Let it fall apart and then start anew with someone else. I’m sure it gets easier as you age…not. The more broken relationships lie in your past, the more suspect you are to new partners. By the way, I don’t approve of the jealousy plot either — it’s undignified.

      1. Rekindling the romance should only ever be an option AFTER you’ve meted out appropriate punishment. Why would you reward bad behavior?

        1. Yes, the appropriate response for a married man is to take your wife by the hand and lead her from the venue. If she drops her hand you walk out shortly after saying your goodbyes to the people there you care about. She will follow, or she will not. She will launch a non-stop bitch fest and each time you remind her that her behavior was inappropriate she will renew her gaslighting. Hold frame. Ignore. Discipline her for this behavior. If she followed you home, fuck her good that night. If she didn’t follow you, I would arrange for you to not be home when she is home. She has shown herself to be a plate, not a wife, and you should act accordingly.

  16. All women are in essence community property. Hit it raw dog, then pass it to your homies. Next! No such thing as cheating in this case.

  17. FWIW……who gives a shit what she does? Channel you inner Captain Rhett Butler up, front, center and “frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” her. Maintain abundance mentality always, always, always……..ALWAYS….and make sure to employ it on the thot.
    Just my $.02

  18. Dump her, immediately, and pursue other options. You should ALWAYS have other options, because she does. It is the only thing to do — because she’s done with you.

  19. At some point in his life, any reasonable man will wear thin of patience for this b.s. Ask yourself, could the girl doing the jealous behavior successfully date themselves based on their own ideals? Certainly not. Pulling this shit into your late 20s, 30s, even 40s is a no-go-hoe. See, they’re stuck in a cyclical redundancy error. They’ll think they can hop off their merry-go-round after it’s too late. No one will want them then. And yes, it’s a sure fire equation every single time. The best thing you can do for them if they decide to try to reconnect is convince them they can always do better. Thus, they completely destroy their chance in this lifetime for any decent relationship with a man. They don’t deserve to feel what true love is, so just do whatever it takes – without wasting much of your time – to guarantee they don’t. Help them create their own prison, most have.

  20. The most effective way is to agree and amplify the troll. If you can’t, ignore the troll. Last option in case you have no self-worth, engage the troll and win.

  21. At 47 years of age I’ve learned through the decades that pussy is all the same.
    Blonde, brunette, red head, purple, pink, doesn’t matter.
    It’s in their nature to be attention seeking whores. Every last one is insecure and more concerned with everyone’s biz on FB. And god help you if she knows who your exes are. She will stalk the fuck out of them.
    I especially like it when they tell you what your ex is up to.
    Like I give a shit. My next gf will be talking about younthe same way.
    It’s a cycle fellas. Don’t get caught up in it with today’s modern and liberated woman.

  22. everyone here is a larping phaggot
    if you’ve gotten yourself deep enough into a relationship with a thot that plays jealousy plots on you to care that much, then you had made your mistake long ago.
    there’s no need to let the faggotry ensue by “teasing her” or “ignoring her”
    you need to undo the relationship with this hoe and beat yourself until you figure out at what point did your judgement fail you.

  23. If she flirts w/ other guys in front of you or trys to initiate a stag-off for her amusment; flip the script on her and pimp her to the other guy. Tell him its only $20 bucks a fukk.

  24. What is this bullshit article?
    If she has joined a dating app or is contacting an old ex, you don’t try to game her by ignoring her. You just fucking cut her out off your life completely forever instead of being a cuck.

    1. Bravo. Joins a dating app? The fuck are you wasting your time with a girl who’s doing that anyways? Just leave.

  25. Make it clear to women what the boundaries are, and that if she breaks them, what the attached consequences will be like. If she crosses said bounderies, you enforce what you said. Don’t be lenient, don’t be merciful. I’m a teacher. Women are like children you have to be consistent (maintain frame) at all times. She will push you until she finds out if you are a man of your word or not. She will respect you even if punished, if you always keep your word and maintain the established bounderies. God bless you all.

  26. ANDY
    Since women really amount to three orifices producing pleasurable friction what difference does it make if one decides not remain with you?
    No woman who ever truly did anything bad or good that was world-changing-Stormy Daniels, Michelle Obama, Monica Lewinksy-was ever anything but three body cavities that latched on to a man who wanted them as a receptacle for his dick.
    If all men went queer tomorrow women and children would run through alleyways like stray dogs.
    Butch dykes, for example, are rarely the power-players that gay males are. They simply sit in ratty houses trying to compete in male-dominated professions and beating one another up.
    Gay males-Versace or Andy Warhol or whoever-can actually excel in female professions like fashion design.
    This is because women were not really designed to run society-they were designed to receive loads in their vagina and pump out children.

  27. Lets be honest, is this someone you would want to have a long term relationship with that does this type of behavior?
    Are there really women out there who wouldn’t do immature behavior like trying to get you jealous?

    1. >Are there really women out there who wouldn’t do immature behavior like trying to get you jealous?
      Before the wall? No.

  28. When you still live in the “Matrix” of North America or many parts of Europe, nexting a decent looking chick who’s crossed the line that you’ve invested in (financially and emotionally) is virtually impossible for 99% of guys. They have too many reasons in their minds not to give her the boot. BUT, when you live in a society where you are highly valued and have cheap access to all sorts of young, cute pussy (pros and non-pros alike), then you actually look for reasons to part ways with chicks because of their relative abundance. I can’t manage dating / fucking more than 3 women at a time, so when I meet an interesting new prospect, someone “old” has to go…
    I usually use the “texting at the table while with me” excuse. I’ll just get up, pretend to go the bathroom, then just leave the restaurant / cafe when a chick is texting in front of me (regardless of who it’s with). I’ll text her 10-15 minutes later saying she can continue to date and fuck her precious cell phone if she likes, but I’m moving on. I actually enjoy doing this to chicks who I never really connected with. Even better if I can stick them with the bill! I then ignore their incredulous replies and lame excuses, while setting up a date with the new, more interesting prospect. As such, my tolerance level for bad or disrespectful behavior from women has become extremely low in the last 5 years. The pussy is definitely off the pedestal now, thankfully.

  29. I don’t think any of these steps are necessary.
    Just bail. It’s really easy. Fuck that bitch, find another.

    1. I was thinking the same thing, and wondering why the author never mentions it as an option.
      Just pack up and leave, as a wife-material female would not shit-test her man.

  30. Just chill out about it. It’s all good, man. If I really want her, she’ll know. I’ll tell her how I feel and if it’s not the same, move on. No biggie. Bout as manly as it gets in my book.

  31. From what I’ve gathered, it’s actually more of a problem if she flirts with the other dude secretly than if she does in front of the boyfriend.

  32. My wife tried that trick on me after nearly thirty years of marriage. Amongst other things I went off, did some sexting with a stranger who I never met and never intend to and let her see the ensuing conversation later on. She doesn’t play games with me like that any more.

  33. The comments here more than the article itself prompt my response.
    Game was never designed to attract the type of women one would marry; it’s a confidence boosting exercise to practice on easier women.
    In some ways, it’s an ironic form of male self validation because, face it, being any sort of ‘cel (including an escortcel) is depressing as fuck.
    Misogyny is exactly what hardcore feninists want so they can rally the female masses around examples of “oppression.”
    ROK and the PUA movement got a few things right (and, in my opinion a few things very wrong).
    What’s right: self improvement (physically and mentally), a sense of moral values (where rhey appear and male advocacy (men standing up for themselves).
    What’s wrong: misogyny, crypto-fascist dog whistles (MRA, not PUA), and conspiracy theories (MRA).
    Women aren’t the enemy, but feminism has gone too far. I think MRA should do the following:
    1. Boycott all forms of sex work (including porn). It’s amazing how feminists and sjw’s advocate for sex workers and yet hate consumers of sex services (predominately lonely men). This sort of double think would be like McDonalds saying anyone who eats their hamburgers is a disgusting fatass.
    2. Stop trying to party like it’s 1939 — the fascists and commies both lost. It’s over. Alt-right and sjw should cut the crypto fascist and psuedo- Marxist bullshit. Find something new. Let the sjw ouroboros eat itself and stay true to higher consciousness democracy. Next time, vote in someone who isn’t an orange clown who can’t get anything done. Be an articulate and intelligent foil to sjw nonsense and stop sounding like a bunch of tin foil hat wearing yokels.
    3. Incels, man the fuck up and stop whining. Find value in yourselves and you won’t be incels. You bring down the gender. Stop idealizing some fictional guy named “Chad” like a bunch of closet homos and figure out what you have to offer. Don’t give me that jawline bullshit, either, we’re men not orangutans (only alpha orangutans have brow ridges, it’s over for ridgless orangutan men) .
    4. Learn to say no to women sometimes, you thirsty dipshits. They’re only “sluts” because dudes are so easy for them to fuck. Plus, hearing “no” confuses the fuck out of them.
    I’m sure very few of you will agree with this but, fuck it, maybe one or two people will start to rethink their outlook.

    1. So many rights, and so many wrongs from you; I had to give you two thumbs, one up and one down. (You can do that for some reason, and yet can’t undo a vote. It’s weird.)
      How in the hell are men fighting for their rights automatically fascists, misogynists, or conspiracy-theorists?

  34. 1) Throw her in the gutter and go get another
    2) Put her on the block. A ho is a ho, and might as well recoop any investment.
    Or we can do what the MSM would have us do:
    3) Be a total beta and up the ante, toss more money and jewels at her and let her know you’ll do anything to keep her. Might as well let her peg you while you both watch vids of her screwing her tricks. Sell your story to Cosmo and have even more women take advantage of your pussyhood.
    Aren’t modern mores progressive?

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  36. “Whatever she is complaining about, just agree and amplify it to the point of mockery.”
    Perfectly describes my pop even today.

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