How To Identify Flaky People And Block Them From Bringing Drama Into Your Life

Flakiness is becoming a social epidemic. There are still people who are reliable, honest, and industrious, but they’re less common to find than in times past. Protecting oneself from people lacking those qualities is increasingly important as the Kali Yuga continues.

Unfortunately, anyone can be a flake: neighbors, family members, co-workers, romantic interests, or sometimes even “friends”. However, there are ways to identify them and to mitigate their influence in your life.

Misplaced priorities

Not knowing what’s important in life is a sign of immaturity. Further, that obviously causes personal instability. Some real examples:

  • Someone already nearly $100K in credit card debt buys a hot tub and replaces the McMansion’s perfectly good carpet with wood planking.
  • A high school student drops out a few months away from graduation, because smoking weed all day is more important than earning a diploma.
  • A convict gets out of jail and immediately starts committing the very same crime; apparently a slow learner.
  • A roommate contributing nothing forces a paying roommate out, while a third must then pay all the bills and housing expenses.

The first was a yuppie housewife whose husband was working his ass off, but still they sank into debt. I also know multiple examples of the next items. Yes, I was the paying roommate who got kicked out twice because freeloaders wanted my room to store their crap. Unfortunately, people like that often drag others down with them.

Entitlement mentality

These “special snowflakes” often consider themselves more talented than they actually are, more virtuous, more intelligent, etc. Naturally, they’re bad at recognizing their limitations. This adds up to feeling more deserving. Faced with reality, they might retreat to an escapist Walter Mitty fantasyland. Some will believe ordinary jobs are beneath them, the world owes them a living, or the rules don’t apply to them. At worst, they’ll act as if they’ve been divinely selected, and everyone else’s rightful role is to serve them.

The harsh truth is that life isn’t a Disney fairy tale, and you have to take the bad with the good. It’s hard to get enthusiastic about the fact that most people—oneself included—will become fairly ordinary working stiffs. (The grass isn’t always greener on the other side; billionaires and celebrities have their problems too.) Really, the disappointment should wear off about the time one stops wearing a cape to school.

There’s another side to the self-deception. If Joe Blow is so wonderful, then why isn’t he rich, famous, or at least recognized for his wonderfulness? Flakes might consider themselves chronically unlucky—nothing to do with their own choices, of course. Others get consumed by envy, hating success or happiness in others. Some might become rather paranoid. That could result in lashing out against society rather than constructively participating in it and pursuing upward mobility. Another avenue is pretending to fit in and play along while passive-aggressively taking advantage of everyone else, including their friends and benefactors.

Of course, all the above is messed up nine ways from Sunday. Still, a flake’s delusions of grandeur and persecution, leading to self-defeating behaviors, are understandable in that context. Note well, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve one’s station in life. However, careers aren’t built overnight, and expecting instant results isn’t realistic.

Other signs of flakiness

It’s prudent to consider anyone a flake until proven otherwise. Sure, that’s cynical, but experience has taught me to be a judgmental bastard that way. The signs aren’t always obvious. Flakes can have much superficial charm, and seem at first like they have their lives together. Be on the lookout if you notice any of the following signs:

  • Chaotic relationships and work history
  • Constant excuses; everything’s someone else’s fault
  • Rejects constructive advice
  • Defeatist mentality
  • Believes self-improvement is unnecessary
  • Has a problem with every solution (resourceful people have a solution for every problem)
  • Flagrant dishonesty
  • Incessant negativity (beyond actual problems or simply having a bad day)
  • Lack of humility
  • Constant drama
  • Habitual gossip and backbiting
  • Two-faced behavior and blatant hypocrisy
  • Laser-guided selective memory

These traits (and the foregoing) have much in common with Cluster B cases. However, they aren’t always bad enough to meet clinical diagnostic criteria.

Flake mitigation strategies

Always set proper precedents and boundaries. Doing so actually might keep things pretty tolerable. Helping friends out is okay if it’s occasional and reciprocated. However, beware of attempts to push the limits; consider that a Shit Test. Don’t become an unpaid errand boy. It’s not your job to make extraordinary efforts for other people that they can do themselves.

More importantly, you are not anyone’s bank or credit card. Flakes are often desperate to “borrow” cash, because of their chaotic lives and misplaced priorities. However, freeloaders certainly won’t be as desperate to honor their commitment to repay you, even if they swear upon a stack of Bibles. Paying you back will be a lower priority than paying their weed dealer.

Never commingle finances. Sure, that cell phone plan might be cheaper going in with someone, but not if you get stuck paying the entire bill every damn month. No cosigning loans either, not even for your brother. If anyone pouts about your lack of generosity, don’t accept the guilt trip.

If circumstances force you to deal with them, start documenting everything. Get a call recording phone app, or a wearable voice recorder (where legal, of course). Save those emails and texts, and keep a journal. If it’s impossible to keep flakes at arm’s length, have a calm but firm talk about their antics. If you get the “you’re persecuting me” shtick, there’s your answer.

If that doesn’t sink in, then ghost the flake. I’ll even do that to relatives as needed; I’m just a dick that way. If it’s someone at work, that’s more difficult, since you might have to change departments or possibly find another job.


Fixing a flake would be a service to humanity. However, unless you’re a psychiatrist or a surgeon specializing in cranio-rectal extraction, that’s not your job. Unfortunately, nothing short of a personal epiphany is likely to pop a flake’s ego bubble.

Perhaps one reason we’re seeing more flakiness lately is because too much self-esteem stuff was pushed onto kids during the 1990s. A legitimate and healthy form of pride only can result from a sense of achievement. That in turn comes from getting good at something or accomplishing cool stuff. Anything else puts the cart before the horse.

Still, the problem’s roots go deeper than that. The counterculture zeitgeist of the 1960s got the ball rolling: scoffing at traditional values, questioning everything to death, “situational ethics” (useful for coming up with justifications to do whatever you want), and all the rest of it. That made “anything goes” stuff not just seemingly acceptable, but fashionable.

Hopefully things won’t get worse. Industrious, high-trust societies are better than the alternatives; those tend to be hellhole countries. Hopefully future generations will start getting things right. This means that positive character traits like honesty, dependability, and a good work ethic should be given the emphasis they deserve. Refusing to tolerate the intolerable is a positive step, personally and societally.

Finally, always keep your bullshit detectors well-tuned.

Read More: Stop Associating With Losers

51 thoughts on “How To Identify Flaky People And Block Them From Bringing Drama Into Your Life”

  1. This article more or less sums up why I have a six pack of beer and chips for when the societal meltdown event happens. Whole swaths of stupid will get swatted flat in a bloody mess, and you know, I should be horrified at the thought, but instead, it is met by cold uncaring heart. So what, good riddance. It will be the last greatest show on earth, and it just doesn’t seem like it can happen soon enough to clear the ash and trash out of the way so we the survivors can get on living meaningful fruitful lives instead of being trapped in the sick glue of the current stupid societal mire.
    nihilist black pill attitude is not helpful, but required these days…ya just have to stop caring about unrepentant stupid and vapid people. I get better at it each day.

    1. FWIW, I write comments as a cathartic exercise to let the mental anguish of our situation, go. I strive to be a better more color wise expressive and alliterative writer than to be a practitioner of “CPT Obvious” commentary. If I can paint a “Picasso” in two sentences that a third grader can understand and adult can chuckle at( double plus ungood if they share it later with other like minded scholars, triple dog dare risk points if I am quoted!!), then I have succeeded in my efforts.

      1. Life is dark, one should embrace it rather than treat it like its only for sleepy and fuckey time.

        1. This: ” sick glue of the current stupid societal mire.” I played music a lot when I was younger, drummer. I liked the honesty and precision of the instrument… you can’t put a wha wha pedal and distortion on drums and make them sound good. Precision variance is not an option, the attack of the stick on anything it hits is far too jarring to ignore…. just like the honesty of lifting weights, running a few miles, etc. People who disconnect themselves from the numbers associated with personal performance, esp in activities when unaffected by other humans decisions, have got to go from your life.
          This flaky bullshit has crept into everything from Wall Street, to gov’t, to Main Street, to friends. I’ve tried to instill in my daughter that while it’s important to do a lot of things proficiently well, gauging what you have the capacity to do properly, with maybe 2-3 things extraordinarily well, is a key planning & execution technique for living life properly.
          These flaky people, they operate in constant half-assed chaos. Doing virtually everything half-assed, but so overly prideful as to broadcast it all on social media. The OP mentions lack of humility. I’d correct that to say ZERO humility. DGAF and FU to everyone memes people actually live-out in reality. The big rush to fill nursing positions in health care due to aging baby boomers. These nurses are fucking ALL garbage ass wipes. The entire medical field’s quality of care has tanked tremendously, zero humility outside of what it takes to keep from getting fired, and they’ll hire anyone with a “degree.”
          I’m currently planning my exit from a small “family” run company which I sell for. They’ve proven to a team of well-seasoned professionals in their industry (especially since the brother left and his sister and spoiled son now run it) that they will fuck anyone over on a whim to stay in control of their corner of the local industry they never truly learned. We’re all watching this company die a slow, but exponentially increasing death. Lashing out at people unpredictably, fucking people out of pay, not performing for their customers, and talking a good game of 2-faced bullshit is finally catching up to them after 55 years in business, and while it hurts to watch 3+ years of my hard work go down the tubes, it’s equally enjoyable to watch these assholes lose it all.

      2. I feel you, you’d have to be blind or optimistic to the point of stupid to say things are a-okay right now.
        BUT, take heart. Check up on Q-anon, there are people who read out and analyse the latest posts, seems like a lot of people, including Hilary, are going to jail. You might have to quadruple your stocks of beer and popcorn. Trump is doing a tonne right now, FBI’s resigning, a whole bunch of democrats and republicans are not seeking re-election, CEO’s worldwide are being fired or resigning, human organ harvesting is a top priority (the Syrians refugees are being harvested by organisations in Turkey, around 18K so far), so that’s coming to an end, along with scores of human trafficking rings.
        Sure, there’s more work to be done, but you can’t say that it looks like the future’s going to be more of the same. We’re in pretty darn exciting times, we’re just too depressed to see it.

    2. I’ve been leaning towards the black pill as of late and at the end of the day I don’t think it brings you much happiness either.

      1. a life force drain will never change, so feeding them freely, tends to make you less caring until you can sever their life sucking link.

        1. The saying;”It’s lonely at the top,” has taken a newly shifted meaning. It’s actually lonely at many places in the middle-ground now if you’ve stuck to your laurels. I think the worst are family members who’re flaky, a true dismemberment of what counts in life, and I’ve had no problem chopping off family in that last 5 years. It really doesn’t get shadier than an disloyal family member, especially of this behavior is exhibited in your later adult years and you’re from a stable nuclear family. like I’ve experienced lately.

        2. @ GRock, flakiness rots core values, but it particularly hurts most when family that should weather most of societal faults, is suddenly afflicted by them internally. a most unkind internal cut from where society begins its formation and based from family bonds and values. had it happen to me too. sucks big time…hence the old saying “blood is thicker than water”. not anymore it seems.

      2. The “black pill” is the feminist sjw equivalent of “Tokyo Rose” style “you can’t win, so just give up” propaganda.
        It serves to demoralize young men into thinking life is hopeless. This demotivates them, causes depression and anxiety related problems and sets up a misogynist rhetoric straw man for post-modernist leftists to point to and use to cast all MRA as a hate group full of losers.
        I would encourage anyone contemplating the black pill philosophy to instead focus on self improvement. Of course, the black pill dictates that self improvement is futile and that all is lost. The black pill tells you to look in the mirror, catalogue all of your flaws in minute detail, and then go cry about it on the Internet. It incites men to become self-loathing, lesser versions of themselves. It’s the crab pot where the group pulls doen the individual.
        Fuck the black pill; that shitty self-defeating mindset needs to end ASAP.

        1. Thanks for this, that was my conclusion as well. It seems like a waste of time to be so pessimistic (even though that’s my mood some days) and energy.
          Keeping yourself active with strides to lessen the flaws that the black pillers find in themselves may be a way of bringing them out of that mindset.

        2. Great post. And this is why I would never go MGTOW.
          I fully support a mans’ decision to not bother with women and focus on other pursuits if this is what makes him truly happy. But when I read the majority of posts or videos online from guys who identify as such, they don’t seem happy to me. In fact, they come across as the other side of the coin to bitter feminist cat ladies with sour grapes who’ve taken an “If I can’t be happy, nobody can!” attitude.
          If the majority of MGTOW men I saw were well-dressed, well-groomed, in shape, positive, living productive and interesting lives and genuinely happy being indifferent to women, I might think there was something to living that way. But instead MGTOW’s generally have the “stopped giving a fuck” look to them- sloppy, unkempt, out of shape and bitter. For a movement that claims to be all about “going your own way” and not caring about women, I find it ironic how most of them devote most of their time and energy to talking about women and why men are idiots for investing their time and energy into women.
          Like I’ve said before: women are only as bad as you allow them to be. If these MGTOW’s stopped blaming the SJW’s/ Jews/ feminism/ women/ the media etc. then they might be ready to take that uncomfortable look in the mirror and go “Hey- maybe if I took more responsibility for my life and stopped having such a shit attitude, most of the problems I bitch about would go away?” But it’s much more convenient to the ego to see yourself as the victim. You know who else has this mindset, ironically?
          The mistake these guys make is thinking that women will give a shit if enough of them check out of society. Women give a shit about guys like this not bothering with them like your dog would give a shit if you stop feeding it birdseed.
          Show me a man who says “enjoy the decline” and kicks back, checks out of society and lives for his own pleasure and I’ll show you what is wrong with the world. If guys like this took some responsibility, went “Holy fuck- what a time to be alive, I can actually play a small part in shaping this world how I want it instead of blaming ____________” then our society would already be a better place.
          It amazes me how guys like this can think they are “woke” and “enlightened” without seeing that the life they choose is EXACTLY what the regressives, the SJW’s and (crucially) their puppet masters want. I have no respect for a man who decides it’s all too hard and gives up. They deserve to be forgotten by history. Granted, there are many aspects of our culture, women (and men) in the West that frustrate me, but I’d sooner die having done everything I could to shape my world into how I want it than spend the rest of my days banging hookers and shitting on anybody who tries to better themselves or pursue a long-term relationship with women.

    3. I see where you’re coming from with this. I get into arguments with one of my brothers about it quite often. He’s a committed leftist, not quite a SJW but really thinks we’re all marching into a better tomorrow. He always asks me how I can be positive about my children and personal relationships when I’m so fatalistic about the culture at large. It’s because I can only impact what’s directly in front of me.
      See…I can have a direct influence over my children, I can choose who I hang out with and date, I can quit my job and find one that I like better. But there’s not fuck-all that I can do about what the morons in my state capital are doing (and forget all about D.C.).
      So an easy way to explain it is that I’m red-pilled in my personal life, black-pilled on the culture. I’ve given up worrying about things I can’t control and as far as I can tell they’re going to get a whole lot worse before they get better. But my personal life? That’s all me.

      1. Joms,
        “See…I can have a direct influence over my children” only with the compliance and agreement of your wife. After the divorce rape, that will be stopped.

        1. JOHN
          Yeah but you’re daughter must have been what? In her 20’s by the time your wife and yourself divorced. She is now 30 year old Lesbian, right?

        2. I’ve been divorced for a couple of years now. I have 50% custody. No one is telling me how to raise them.

    4. I don’t have much to do with other people (outside my wife and kids), so I don’t have this problem.

      1. JOHN
        “Don’t Need Other People”
        Once in a great while in Southeast Asia an American ends up being a hassle to other Americans. Let me run down Clinton Macbeth’s story.
        Macbeth was a Connecticut guy of Scots background (No shit, his name was Macbeth) who was an ex-military contractor in Iraq and served in the US army when he was young in the Philippines.
        In the US he had lost his condo to his wife and whatever money he had to her. Which probably was all of $30,000.
        Macbeth eventually became homeless in Cebu. His money ran out. He had a relationship with a local girl that did not work out.
        Macbeth would approach other Americans and tell them a story about being robbed, no ID or passport (Actually stored in a hotel that took $50 to keep his stuff indefinitely) and try to bum 500 pesos off them. This worked every 3 days and got him a bottle and a meal. He slept in hammock on the beach.
        He sussed me out as being sympathetic and soon was bothering me. A Filipino was sympathetic to him and offered him and English-teaching job but Macbeth was too lazy and the money to small.
        Macbeth tended to get in fights when he was drunk and end up far on the losing end of them. One time he punched a Ladyboy and was beaten up (Mildly) by 20 Filipinos. Another time he was drunk in a Korean hotel and Korean guys chased him down the road and he ran into a Cebu Police Station and these Korean guys kicked him on the FLOOR! Right in front of the Filipino cops!
        When Americans gave Macbeth $100 once in a while buying his story, he’d spend it on a girl at the bar and be broke within 3 hours again.
        He HAD a return ticket to the US (They make Americans get one these days).
        But he explained to “I have no respect in front of my kids. I’ll be sleeping in the local park. Punks are in our city park at night and they’ll do something to me (He was probably right, he would have been a victim of a Clockwork Orange type assault by young thugs sleeping rough in his Connecticut city where as Filipinos don’t for some reason care).
        Slowly, Macbeth began to lose his marbles. His approaches to Americans got A LOT more aggressive. He did in fact burglarize another American’s residence with some Filipinos he’d met on the street-an old man (Macbeth was in his 50’s) he “cleaned out”.
        Eventually we went to the Consulate and told them to contact Immigration and get rid of Macbeth permanently and they did. But ever single American had to complain for him to be bounced.

      2. JOHN
        When I saw US Navy Blacks in Dubai saunter into the KFC every so often when the vessel docked I groaned.
        One occasion these guys got into a fight ordering chicken.
        So, no, I want nothing to do with Americans overseas.
        Another time there was a Mexican Embassy Guard in Dubai who hung out in sleazy bars with Russian hookers and pimps. He never talked to me but gave me the evil eye-probably because I was making more in a day than he made in a week.
        Off-duty, he would sit outside seedy buildings, probably stoned or drunk. I drove past once he and he looked at me with a crazy grin on his face. I did not look back but I thought “This is why I left America.”

      3. JOHN
        I would cross the street to avoid another American.
        Why do you think I live overseas. Mexicans, Negros and Trailer Trash cannot obtain a passport or support themselves abroad.

  2. Then there are the loser “friends” and family members who always need a favor. Cutting those people off is also key to getting ahead in life, they are never going to return the favor back, and you are the company you keep.

      White people in the middle-class seem to have smartened up about crack cocaine but in Detroit when I was growing up it was common for one family member’s addiction to destroy the family.

      1. Ex-Gf of mine had a friend who was stuck on this guy she “loved,” not sure if because of the “bad boy” image or what. Anyways he’s a opiate addict, not sure if heroin or what… from a well-off family, has a construction company that was once very successful. So I was asked to talk with him having beat strong addictions when I was younger that most people can’t manage without multiple attempts at rehab. My final advice to him was;”Look dude, I started trading off pain killing for pain addiction. So my advice to you is learn to become addicted to the pain itself. Once you like pain and embrace it, you’re on your way to fixing your fucked up life.” 3 months later he’s on the local news for getting car-jacked and house ransacked. Clearly my advice didn’t strike a chord.

  3. Since all people,, at least westerners, seem to act in their own self-interest, I consider all of them “flaky,” as they’ll abandon character and committment the moment a situations conflicts with their need to satisfy themselves in the here-and-now. And, I’m not just talking about females. Men are increasingly displaying the most unflattering forms of flakiness in avery aspect of life.
    It’s gotten so bad that I have to take the attitude of, “Yeah, sure buddy. I’m sure you’re going to come through on that” to everthing I’m told, committed, or promised by someone. Reagan may have spouted the phrase, “Trust, but verify.” However, I now assume the position “Fakey, until proven otherwise. “

    1. PREP Z
      People everywhere act in their own self-interest and it is only Northern Europeans with exception of Irish, whose mentality is more Mediterranean and Catholic, who as a result have not been fucked up the ass because of this equitable egalitarian Protestant/Lutheran outlook.
      Refugees, for example, do not really wish to remain in Sicily even though it is nearer to Africa than Sweden is and neither do Syrians wish to hang around Athens.
      This is also the reason-and Zion freaks here will agree-why the Anglo-Celtic in the US interior feels completely sodomized by everyone. He is. The Jews and Italians and Asians never had egalitarianism in their countries or a society free of corruption. They take it for granted and thrive on the Bureaucracy in America, able to feed off it. The Anglo-Celtic cannot thrive.
      The same reason that refugees rape women not in Italy but in Germany is the same reason why New York is doing better than Indiana.
      Or one of them.
      For a fair period of time, English-speaking Protestant countries were more or less the best in the world. Australia still has vestiges of this, New Zealand has been trashed by Chinese kleptocrats, U.S. has enough Jews and Italians and Arabs to keep the Chinese from totally taking over the US but only for their self-interest.

      1. ” The Jews … never had egalitarianism in their countries ”
        That’s a really silly thing to say about us.

  4. It’s funny, I’ve been thinking more about this lately with some of my “friends”. Complete flakes that love being around you when the times are good for you but man they are no where to be found when shit hits the fan.
    It’s this mentality of ME, ME, ME. I rarely see people going out of the way to initiate contact anymore instead reliant upon the other person to do it and when you stop getting in touch with them they start asking questions why you don’t keep in touch anymore.
    Relationships, friendships, family relationships, are two way streets people. Makes you realize how few decent people there are out there.

    1. When your relationshits start yielding LESS material and fiscal benefits and likely as well personal drama benefits to them, they tend to avoid you, in the end or attempt to guilt trip you into maintaining a losing end relationshit with them. With that in mind, if you cant use the flakies for deserving punching bags, what good are they , really? Flakies are flaky, so why give a sh*t about them if they are soul sucking vampires, right? That’s why I am so black pill now.

  5. Convicted and Does the Same Crime Again
    Detroit perspective.
    Most felons commit the same crime 25 times before they are caught. Sometimes, and this is the insidiousness of crack cocaine and meth, a normal person becomes a burglar or mugger to support a habit.
    In order to survive in most US prisons, unless it is club Fed and even in there stock market swindlers and crooked accountants dream up worse ways to screw people over, you become more of a criminal. You join a racial gang, smuggle, fight and generally become hardened.
    Convicts who are in for drugs will always come and sell drugs again. The money is too easy not to.
    Most convicts for rape or assault have done the shit their entire lives. They were on probation for something similar when they were arrested and convicted and they will be on parole for this crime when they commit the same one again. Jeffrey Dahmer, for example, was out on bail and killed 4 of his victims between when he was convicted and when he WENT TO JAIL.
    Meth or crack will turn angels into shit bags but non-addict criminals are most incorrigible. The guy who makes a living from commercial burglaries broke into some other kids house at 9, committed his first B&E at 10, burglarized his school office and stole at 12 and did his first bit in Reform School at 14.

  6. “Someone nearly 100K in debt installs…”
    This is the same reason why the gambler who has already spent 4 months in a hospital and lost a testicle borrows money from the same Italian or Russian that ordered the beating.
    “Smoking weed all day is more important”
    In the 90’s before student loan made such a thing completely impossible, I knew middle-class potheads in my university who were 25 years old and had been living in the dormitories since they were 18 years old. Those potheads that managed to get into college at all usually stayed in college for 5 or 6 years. I remember one was James, a black guy, who scraped by with AA loans and C grades. We both enrolled in 1993. In the year 2000, he was STILL at the same college.
    But most of the time, the younger the pot smoker, the more likely he will be to graduate to hard drugs. The kid who is smoking pot by 13 will usually end up a heroin addict, a meth head or a crack cocaine fiend. Only because these are the hardest drugs and the end of the “route” as they used to call it.

    1. MM,
      Only 100k in debt? …….. did he buy his house for cash? …… or do people not consider home loans as ‘debt’?

      1. JOHN
        After a South Carolina neighborhood collapsed a bunch of Irish gypsies came to the US and bought them for almost nothing.
        The blacks were so awful that the Irish gypsies could not bear being in the neighborhood.
        You can buy a house for $200 that was worth $400,000 only 20 years ago. It would be like buying a house on Count Dracula’s property, except that vampires have to be invited in.
        Black underclass also reproduces incredibly quickly. So another words each ghetto crack whore will produce 4-5 children and if there are say 10,000 underclass blacks within 15 years you have a population of 50,000 out of control SCUM-type juvenile delinquents like the ones who preyed up Winstone.

      2. JOHN
        I was referring to the chronic debtor being a chronic debtor.
        It is like our repeat offenders in the US.
        You will find that like CARLIN in Scum, their record of incarceration goes back to age 12, they had 50 infractions in Borstal and adult prison and they are on parole for the same crime.

  7. An expression I find suits the modern single mother very well whose ‘children are her world’ is: Finger in too many pies.
    Basically, she gives you no assurances that she will put in the required work to develop a relationship and will quickly put you in reserve should her other commitments (girlfriends, family, kids, work associates) put demands on her.

    1. Modern single mother…
      The single mother essentially fucks Alphas and then the Beta raises the children. Like that bird who sits on other birds eggs.
      Her first passion is the masculine Alpha who impregnated her. But she enters a relationship and grudgingly puts out to the Beta. When the Beta is screwing her, she fantasizes about sucking the cocks of beastly men.

    2. Don’t be fooled, it’s her excuse to open up her schedule to fuck random guys and keep the whole thing on the DL from whoever she claims to faithfully date. What’s gonna happen to the Bitch who’s raising 3 daughters alone because she cheated on their father and got divorced when the kids were too young and easily impressionable, but each passing year having kept her “ways” from her daughters, she brings random “guy friends,” esp other single guys with kids her daughters? Her 3 daughters will literally do exactly the same. Youth, whore, raising techniques. Get pregnant, scam some guy outta child support, and perpetuate the same vicious cycle. The Whore Mother portraying “strong, respectful Independence,” who was targeted by the evil man (innocent exhusband). These are the worst women of all, and they’re virtually everywhere in the USA.

  8. “When the Beta is screwing her, she fantasizes about sucking the cocks of beastly men.”
    True dat. Yo.

  9. Con game: Often refered to as “the wire game.” Seems to come natural to flakes. I’m not even sure if they’re aware they’re doing it. It goes down like this; I am a bookie, I have inside info on a horse race and we are sure to win. I ask you for $500 and promise to double your money. You agree. I take your $500 and we lose the bet. I inform you of the loss and you are outraged. I let you vent then I say, “hey man, I’m really sorry about all this… oh hey, I just had a thought. Let me call you back.” I call you back an hour later, “dude, you’re not gonna believe this. I was able to pull some strings… it wasn’t easy but I was able to get $250 back. The mark is happy because he already suffered the psychological loss of $500. Sometimes the mark thanks the con artist in the end.

      1. forex does this all the time. When you make a bet on the price, they don’t actually put the money in, b/c they assume you are going to lose, if you win, they pay you, if not they pocket the money.

  10. I give people 2 chances. If they break plans, or flake twice, they’re gone… Out of my life… And this is FOR LIFE. No exceptions. I’ve had so many exes and others want back into my life, after realizing what they did. Nope, no thanks. There are another 7+ billion people out there to have relations with… You do not need to accept anyone who does not actively want to have relations with you.

    1. The Golden Rule isn’t quite dead yet, but in California it’s ailing badly. I’ve gotten played by “talented” flakes, repeatedly, and I refuse to let it sway my frame, moral compass and that sort of thing. I admit I am bad at screening them out sometimes. Many Californians possess an absolute mastery of “the flake.” The sun has set on their ability to behave as true adults…not worth trying to save them from their shallow games.

      “Flaky” can sometimes manifest as a mentally-deficient, twisted rethink on “cool.” Modern American values are pretty warped when it comes to this subject…people are walking contradictions. Some people around here are so shallow they see “flaking” as a social power move. To distance themselves from their lack of integrity, they’ll act like YOU are the loser for behaving with integrity…for NOT flaking, or for calling someone out on their repetitive dysfunctional BS need to flake (because you should get called out for wasting other peoples’ time, that’s just Human Relations 101).

      I acknowledged the emergence of this trend in the early 2000s and it has gotten worse. It’s anti-social, and possibly driven by people being overwhelmed by technology and/or social media tools, and it has become the “new normal” in my area.

      Some have come to believe being phony is being “socially tactful” and it can be difficult to read such unpredictable people. Maybe they got burned in the past, and now they’ve found it fun to burn others. I had some decent friendships fizzle out this way. People who actually care, and make plans, and follow through on their word, are almost seen as losers around here. It doesn’t show any signs of reversing, and it’s got that black-pill energy forming around the edges of it.

      I’ve gone through the loss of some long-term friends who just up and began flaking out on everything…even when I’ve done nothing wrong to provoke it. A couple of these disconnections really hurt. If you keep dishing out unsolicited invitations like “Yeah man, you should totally come out to our property in the country sometime” or “yo we should hang out next weekend and get some BBQ” then you better fucking well mean it or shut your hole…what you’re doing is not polite. I mean, what is your twisted propaganda dude? Why even SPEAK? What are you getting out of duping me in such a puny, scummy way? I resent their lack of balls. I’ve given a couple of these kooks a savage rebuke, but it didn’t make me feel any better. But at least I let them know I know what’s happening. Disenchanted, but I value even more the few solid friends I do have left.

      1. well said. polite society suffers greatly with bipolarism and this kind of random leading on and blatant lying. as such it fundamentally destroys from with in like an aggressive cancer.

      2. Ocean, I have had many similar experiences, and sometimes I have given people the benefit of the doubt, after one incident of flaky behavior …. and I then end up kicking myself afterwards, because of course it happens again.
        It is my impression that this sort of thing is on the increase. It is linked to the decline in conventions and manners.
        I think I meet more flakes than average, because I like writing and creative life. That’s a good way to develop one’s intellect and also a good way to meet the worst flakes on the planet.
        You wrote: ” What are you getting out of duping me in such a puny, scummy way?” Isn’t that the question? I have one incident – I should write it up as a short story – where someone invited me to lunch, and cancelled when I turned up. It is something to do with self-importance, being able to snub someone.
        Other flakes are always trying to get help with some project which they are too lazy to work on themselves. What it all adds up to, is the lack of sincere friendship.

  11. Goddamn!
    that Yoko Ono
    should die already.
    And the same for
    those assholes
    applauding her!
    (heard one guy
    saying: Wonderful)

  12. I always enjoy Mr. Albrecht’s well written articles, and his insight into this very real epidemic of flakey people. I’m now 60, work two jobs, and I’ve had more than my fair share of flakey people to contend with. But in recent times, it seems to be growing worse and worse. In my day job, its mind numbing how bad its become. Having young folks at my day job show up 1-3 hours late daily, won’t answer the phone, mondays and Fridays are national holidays, want to take naps, and won’t do a lick of work. One young woman demanded a week’s bereavement because her parakeet died. My day employer gave her two days off, and this old man had to cover her duties, and mine as well. Makes no sense!

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