A lot of articles at ROK chronicle the tactics employed by men to convince women to play hide the salami with them, often internationally. Back in the 80s, many of us guys employed a game enhancer that is all but disappearing from the scene. We didn’t have a name for it because without the internet or social media, there weren’t a lot of ways to spread hashtags. Today, I call it “proxy sex,” or more accurately “proxy game,” which is when a guy aids another dude in getting laid.
I don’t mean physically helping as in holding a woman down, or coaching a dude to raise his butt higher. Proxy sex is when a guy puts in a good word or two for another dude which closes or enhances the deal. I did this for a colleague’s husband once.
Lisa was a trim, athletic attractive brunette. One day, she was bitching about her husband, Jeff. She was going on how distant he was. I explained, “Look, Lisa. Men are easy. Just give him some real gymnastic sex and make sure he medals.”
So Lisa did just that. She gave Jeff Olympic level sex. When I saw her again, she was real pissed.
“I did what you said, and a lot of good it did!”
Always going for gold, I added, “Sometimes, it takes more than just once.”
I suspected it wouldn’t matter how many times or the manner in which Lisa boffed Jeff, but that didn’t stop me from hooking up a fellow dude bro. Lisa and Jeff eventually divorced, but not before a guy I barely knew got screwed on the uneven bars, and as such, I got laid by proxy.
When a guy helps another guy get ass, it’s as if he’s getting ass too. I’ve done this when I was younger even when I was experiencing a dry spell myself. If I wasn’t getting any, I would default to helping some other guy get some since it’s better to have someone, somewhere getting laid then none of us at all.
I once ran into a girl my roommate, Doug, had a thing for. I knew she wasn’t interested in me. She liked beach volleyball types so I played up my roomies stats then tipped her off that he was in a tournament over the weekend at the local beach. I told Doug she would be there so he brought his A-game. He played so well that he and his doubles partner took first place. Later that night he spirited his dream girl back to our place and took that trophy too. They eventually married. He never knew that I hooked him up through proxy game.
Once my sister’s friend thought she would tap me for some brotherly advice. Her boyfriend stopped communicating and stayed out late with his friends. She wanted to know what I thought was going on. I explained, “Guys get very introspective just before they ask a woman to marry them. He’s probably looking at diamond rings right now.”
Safe to say that dude got his testicles drained that night as his girlfriend attempted to seal the deal. Truth is I thought he was likely getting ready to dump her.
One time, I went for the grand slam. A married friend and his wife were having trouble conceiving. They were considering expensive medical fertility procedures. Now, this is a serious matter and my man-ipulation of the situation was more based on sound medical advice rather than proxy game. I told him about the “Three and Thirty Rule”: to have sex three times every day for thirty days. It’s the advice I give all couples struggling to conceive.
Impregnation is a numbers game. Fact is many married couples do it far less frequently than they might think. The Three And Thirty Rule worked for me. Doctor’s painted a bleak picture for us due to medical concerns. After the best month of my life, my wife was pregnant. I passed this advice to my friend who tried it, and it worked for them too.
My generation was always into ball busting. There was no anti-bullying agenda. You developed a sharp tongue or a hard punch. The unwritten rule about ridiculing a friend was “never in front of the girl you liked.” It was a curtsey kind of thing like the British infantry never shooting at officers. Unfortunately not everyone back then subscribed to this gentlemen’s agreement. One night, a friend brought along his cousin on a night out.
Jerry was not a welcomed addition. He had the annoying habit of interrupting me just as I was reeling in a punch line. He would interject a lame comment which made us all look like douchebags for hanging with him such as, “So what do think about Oliver North?”
Secretly, I wished Jerry would choke on that little umbrella in his drink. Jerry had to get drunk to grow balls big enough to talk to women which meant he wasn’t getting anything tonight or any time soon for that matter. I never drank when I was out because that deliberately dulled the senses including the ability to detect fat.
I had managed to get two girls to show interest in our little group of three, but Jerry was fucking it up with his numbnuts banter. I slipped away when Jerry inserted two straws up his nose then exclaimed, “I am the walrus.”
The two women pity laughed. I made my exit when Jerry continued, “Goo goo g’joob.”
I started talking to a fat chick to get closer to her good looking friend. Back in the 80s, there was plenty of fat shaming and fat chicks knew their place. They were there to clean up the guys who were left on the shores of Dunkirk as the tide receded and the lights came on.
It took awhile, but eventually the fatty sensed I wasn’t drunk and left me with her attractive friend. Things were moving along nicely when I noticed a dude standing to the side of my target. Initially, I thought it was her boyfriend, stalking his girl on a Friday night. Back then, Friday nights were for friends and Saturday nights were for significant others. Friday night was everyone’s “upgrade night.” Sometimes boyfriends got all macho and would challenged a lone male, sniffing up his girlfriend’s skirt. That’s why we always took a wingman.
I was both pissed and horrified to see the dude was Jerry. Best I could tell his cousin got tired of Jerry’s “walrus gumboot” and retreated to more fertile hunting grounds.
“There you are,” Jerry exclaimed.
“Yeah,” I said unenthusiastically trying to convey to my pretty woman that I didn’t care for this clown. Garbage began emanating from Jerry’s mouth, “Is your mom doing your laundry tonight?”
I looked at Jerry then to the attractive woman circling her mixed drink with her finger. On the way over, we were discussing where to find a good tailor, and I mentioned that my mother was an excellent seamstress who would do alterations for a small and reasonable fee. Now, Jerry in his drunken state was using this information to cock block me.
“Does she fold your undies for you too?”
Jerry asked as he guffawed uncontrollably. I looked to my girl who was picking up her belongings, ready to leave. I don’t know if Jerry’s comments or Jerry himself made that woman depart, but depart she did. Jerry just stood there with a dumb look on his face as a black hole of dearth spun just above his head. I thought that no amount of proxy game could ever get this guy laid. Even the fat chicks passed on a ride on the Jerry-mobile which I’m sure would be a let down on par with the first time Priscilla Presley fucked Michael Jackson. The visual made me dry heave.
Unbeknownst to me, Jerry’s cousin was in earshot of the whole exchange. Later, he spoke to my attractive girl to repair the damage, by employing “The Sensitive Guy.” He told her that Jerry was “slow,” but I always treated him like one of the guys, insisting on bringing him out with us. He laid it on thick, telling her that I had a cat named “Tuborg” (his favorite beer) and that I volunteered at a suicide prevention call center. It was all bullshit, but it worked.
This narcissistic world is letting proxy game die an untimely death. You should help out your buddy get circus sex even when your game is off, and if you think you’re a stud that doesn’t need assistance to get on the trapeze with a 9 or 10, then go ahead and sign the waiver. We’ll stop helping you. Just be warned that some of your game might be the result of unseen heroes, tossing you a bone now and again, because I for one got by with more than a little help from my friends.
Read Next: The Expectations Of Modern Women Have Lost Touch With Reality And Common Decency
I have helped friends get laid but they don’t really return the favour (or don’t know how to), so I get by myself. I don’t think its a lost art, its just that most people are instinctively self-centered and so cannot do it; it requires too much self-sacrifice, even if just for one night, on their part.
I don’t have friends that need help getting women in bed. Why would you hang out with betas?
Don’t get me wrong, liked the writing, and the tall tales.
Just didn’t agree.
Betas get in your way. Having your friends help you out doesn’t make you incapable. Even Chad’s can be blocked by Johns.
In regards to the “tall tales,” a friend privy to many of these events commented, “Next time at least change some of the names.”
Dodds- I didn’t read the article to mean that the friends NEED the help getting laid but that you’re making it easier (or at least NOT making it harder) by “helping a brother out”. Cheers
Dodds, a guy can have his shit together and still not able to bed lot of women (not talking about hookers here..).. a guy need to have a very high SMV nowadays.
a nolife loser who lives in his mum’s basement and a normal looking engineer who is making decent (but not high) living, both can’t get laid. but they’re not the same.
You may be right, and I may be wrong.
He he, I only help friends not to get laid, save a lot of money, enjoy a good live without expensive spouse.
If you wan’t to have sex, pay for it. It’s the cheapest, best and safest sex you can have.
not the best and not the safest. but the cheapest indeed.
The rating system on several platforms for whores here in Germany was a game changer.
So, good safe and cheap or she is out of business.
After arrival of sophisticated sex bots competition for women will be harder.
Think its about 4 years from now…
Whilst I can understand RoK doing ‘game’ articles, IMHO as Roosh himself admits on his own site, not only is game less effective than 15 years ago, but I would say that ‘game’ is not as important as initial attraction and social connections. PUAs are always trying to market products as a new and improved form of ‘game’ when its just a scam – most of it is over-complicating the matter if it is not ineffective. Even if you look like Gollum, some attractive girl somewhere is into you and you just have to recognise her when she’s there and make a move.
For sure, game has some effect, but its more how to “not fuck things up” and its return-on-investment is poor, considering the amount of time you put into it. Most even physically unattractive guys in Scotland don’t have problems getting average to cute chicks, so PUA is more a money making industry and scam run by the top PUAs(who are all part of the tribe and want to promote western degeneracy, which non-tribe members fall for).
RoK tows a strange line, between articles which perpetuate degeneracy and those which preach against it. I already know it and many of the people writing articles and commenting are part of the tribe, so it explains a lot. I don’t know how much ‘new’ traffic this site gets, but I wouldn’t mind seeing more articles about western decline as to my mind this society has come to its end. There’s little need to perpetuate further western degeneracy and end to the white man- we’re already there and its like flogging a dead animal.
Quite the comment here sir. This is all true. While I would advocate “game,” the extent to which it is a religion is disturbing. Game should be engaged in within reason and not turned into the reason for one’s life. These guys choose game over patriarchy, and they think they’ll win in the end. As each generation gets smaller, there will be fewer women to fight over, but even then they’ll still be vying with each other in irrational fear of the “beta” label. Just goes to show that man needs religion I guess.
Men must date without “saves”, except advice, otherwise they will suffer a lot more when a “saved” women ends an LTR or marriage; better that less competent friends fail early and are mentored, and wilful losers are discarded.
I found the two “Rational Male” books a far more useful Red Pill grounding than high-noise, often depressing (Black Pilling) Red Pill article sites like ROK (I rarely visit now), for useful information and methods.
Game looks useful for becoming a better man, but seems flawed if it has to cope with many shit tests (doubt/greed from women); I think a lot more men should be doing ruthless, systematic, precise manipulation of female psychology, to tame women, with little or no shit-tests, until enough women are tamed that amoral Gynocentrism BS and male oppression can be disposed of.
Speaking of looking like Gollum/Sméagol – also be an nba player like Sam cassell. That helps
What’s left, craping in a bag in Africa? The Roman Empire was degenerate, but what replaced was worse for a millenium.
Yes, the wingman approach works and is essential for picking up women at clubs, etc.
It’s also a fact that men with friends have more success than loners in the dating arena. Having a wingman (and being able to play that role also) exponentially increases your chances in a nightclub or bar setting.
PUA Game isn’t obsolete but it needs to evolve from the 2003 ers canned approaches, pop psychology and other fakery into something more akin to guys just being more confident and interesting versions of themselves.
First, I encourage at least 80% of single men to abandon online dating altogether and focus on irl interactions instead. Online dating flr men is the equivalent of 50 crows all swooping after the same piece of tinfoil: too much effort and competition for too little return.
One thing game encouraged that always applies is overcoming approach anxiety. In today’s climate, approach needs to be done judiciously (less overt sexuality, less obnoxiousness), but it’s still a necessary step in meeting women.
If you must be a loner, practice your day game and approach women outside of nightlife venues. While being at a club alone looks creepy and beta as fuck; however, talking to a woman at the grocery store or other neutral daytime environment when on your own doesn’t.
It also builds camaraderie which is what most men cherish after having a family of his own.
You need male comrades [especially when married with kids]. The proxy help doesn’t end at the pick up years. Married family men without proxy help from other bros will become entrapped by their western wife and locked up in a mancave. Asian women do the ‘eyeball’ thing too, always looking at whatever you’re looking at, listening to everything you say to another woman. They get up your ass like a wedgie.
I’ll focus on western wives because they need special intervention from your bros so she doesn’t try to isolate you from bro friends and reduce you to a house mouse. In some neighborhoods, the women act funny when you visit your bro friend. He’ll say he has to do some shit and you gotta go. His bitch is pulling his strings, standing there silent with her arms crossed. And right after you just done laid some real red pill preaching to the bro on how to properly control and contain the perfidious western shebeast. It’s SHE that wants you gone and you were just getting warmed up spitting red pill patriarchal memes and constitution over the dinner table – RIGHT BETWEEN the turkey’s legs – just where it belongs. You hadn’t even gotten to the math lesson part where she’s got x number of eggs remaining and needs to hurry clean up that lovely dinner table so you chums can get CRANKING some more fine fresh progeny for our great green republic. – – And she CUTS YOU OFF?? WTF?
Sometimes western wives go hatchet on outside bros when they invite hubby to leave and do some cool stuff. White western wives don’t do the poke-a-long Asian munchkin when hunting or scrapping, but the western bitch tyranny needs to be broken.
DIVORCE RAPE courts is another area that collaberative red pill bros can intervene and flank whenever a cell phone posessing western wife gets frumpy and wants to do a hatchet job on her mancave prisoner. You can make minivan tires go flat, create ‘man drama’, slip her cell phone into the microwave for 3 seconds, all kinds of stuff to throw a rag into her fickle plans. And all as a ‘guest’ of course. Sometimes you can see more clearly what a black widow is contemplating than the blinded impending victim sees.
Keep red pill patriarchal comrades closer always. It’s the only way to relay the proxy power. Neighbor men shouldn’t sit their on their poarch and say “moooo” when a deputy delivers his neighbor man walking papers. It’s time for man action. And then visit the house with some man drama. Then it’s a good day and you invite the bro fishing for the evening. Man action – use your imagination!
That much gay innuendo could only come from a man with a gay imagination.
@HAHA – Helping your neighborhood brahs thwart their bitchwives plans is not gay. It helps the community ‘P’ (patriarchal) level all around and raises property values in general when bitchwives are disempowered from ravaging households. How you read my words as gay is puzzling to me. I proofread my stuff with a sharp patriarchal tooth but sometimes I write lyrical and lucid where you read my words and you see yourself in reflecting rippling pond water, so whatever is on your brain may mirror something differently than how I worded it. Err something like that.
Of course I say “use your imagination” meaning dealing with the deputy serving your neighbor walking papers. I won’t say anything incriminating but there are ways to get the system pigs off your neighbor brahs back like sending them elsewhere on a goose chase. I watch a lot of wylie coyote and love the fake brick wall trick.
I’m sorry for coming across as gay brah. A proctologist has to stare straight into an anus to diagnose the problem but that doesn’t make him gay. If I go where it’s uncomfortable to point out and give the stink eye to the real problem, it doesn’t make me gay either. I promise you MCGOO is not an anus monger.
If a married man need a man cave, he’s already in trouble and not got proper control over the house!
It’d be easier for the married man to Red Pill himself by reading the two “The Rational Male” books, e.g. while alone or at work, preferably as ebooks bought on his separate account, on his never-shared/locked tablet/phone, so that the wife can’t find physical books. My married neighbour is reading them at work, so that his wife doesn’t know.
That;s the whole thing right there Barbatos; you nailed it. The purpose of the above article is to build camaraderie. And as for men having more success with friends involved, this is something so obvious but many religious game addicts can’t understand it. A soldier is more successful in a platoon rather than alone. A busy landscaper is more successful with employees than on his own. This idea of being a lone wolf has gone way too far, as has game worship.
Being at a club alone looks creepy and beta as fuck only if you are a creepy beta.
I dont know how much I got laid when I used to go clubbing alone on holiday, before knowing throug aspie pua website that going out alone couls have been creepy
I’ve done this many times.
Our brotherhood must be built on
having each other’s backs not narcissism.
It’s the easiest way to build loyalty from friends.
Great reply. Loner narcissism won’t restore proper order. I’ve been in small bars in small towns where it is made clear by the locals that you can drink there and party, but the women belong to the men there and you better make sure you don’t violate the rule. They were Italian guys mostly, and they were not concerned much over what women ‘chose.’ Funny how that works.
Chasing women is a waste of time and money. If I want sex I hire a escort you pay the bitch to leave………
if you have to pay, you are the bitch!
@Black British Guy
Just make sure you don’t wind up arrested over it. I’m not sure how escorts work.
In the UK we have a app called adultwork.com. Where you can find local Escorts in your area. And alot of these Escorts are verified and have reviews by people who have fucked them. So it’s pretty safe and very unlikely you will get stung by the police.
Britbongs, black, white or otherwise, don’t seem to understand how bizarre, foreign, and unintelligible your Marxist culture is to outsiders.
What’s normal in a country where people die in jail for waving pork in someone’s face, or where cops with pink fingernails raid your house for butter knives, is probably abnormal to average people outside the UK.
Always be mindful of this.
Your country is a perverse aberration–the SJW equivalent of North Korea.
To outsiders you are a strange people.
This inspired me to buy some hookers for my bud
He likes Anime so i will get him some Asian ones
In school uniform ?
I have never seen this happen. In fact, my former so-called lifelong friends would reward my loyalty, when their girlfriends found themselves in my bed behind their backs (when I was a restless virgin growing up), with a cockblock each and every time the group slut wanted me.
They would all stay up late in the living room and the guest room when these girls and I obviously wanted to be alone, and these guys would not leave, and then mock me for it later on.
The last time they did it was the final straw and I burned every bridge because they knew I just watched somebody die in my house, and none of them would even let me talk about it.
So now I play by no rules. I started gaining skills without the baggage of so-called close friends to bring me down…and I will remorseless fuck the girlfriends of my friends if the opportunity presented itself. Friendship and relationships are fleeting these days anyway.
It’s every man for himself because the pussy is getting scarcer, and you cannot afford to pass up another notch on your belt, lest beta atrophy sets in again.
This happened
Somehow I agree with this.
This comment comes from the dude that couldn’t grasp the concept of a wingman or how to have friends and kept calling another commenter a woman when they tried to explain it to him multiple times. Sad!
Read it again, stupid. I probably have more ‘friends’ IRL than you phony ‘players’. I just don’t pretend they are something more special than they actually are. Keep pretending be the Dos Equis character you keyboard chad. Name just ONE TIME you actually got laid because another guy helped you. You can’t because it doesn’t actually happen that way.
How about getting back to the good old days when the father, brother or uncles took the kid to the local whorehouse and got him laid. Perhaps we would not have Elliott and Alek murdering innocent people because they can’t get laid.
My wife’s brothers took me to the whorehouse to get laid.
Strange but true, it made me uncomfortable.
Yeah but I thought cooperation was beta?
What ever happened to self-improvement and being competitive and confident?
You don’t need to lean on someone else to be your best.
If you depend on others to be exceptional, then ur the textbook definition of a beta male.
Individualists end up being evolutionary losers.
Strong cohesive units/tribes dominate individualists, even when extremely outnumbered.
Almost all game guys are extreme individualists. And they think they’ll always win somehow. They won’t breed, they’ll sully (willing) women (like it matters what they want if it wrecks civilization) and then unproductively run of to become “digital nomads,” thinking they’ve counted coup against the enemy. Oh, they’ll blame “betas” or liberals or whomever, but if they were the men they claim to be they’d collectivize and restore order. Hedonism cannot save you.
You’re also the textbook definition of a conquering force. The invaders that are about to swamp our lands must all be “beta” then. Make sure you mock them with that term just before they club you to death son. By your estimation there need not be a military, at least not in units, maybe we can send soldiers individually to fight.
This fear of being thought of as “beta” by people you’ll never meet is almost as ridiculous as mainstream people’s irrational, superstitious fear of being called “racist.” They will die to avoid it, and you will give up everything to avoid this contrived label as well. Carry on.
I applaud you good sir, for your collective-mindedness. It is part of a mentality that will restore our civilization. 99% of “game” guys are, however, obsessed with ruling over ruins. They want everyone around them to founder so that they can pretend to be kings. While collectivist invaders who do everything for each other amass at the gates. They wish to bang other men’s wives/girlfriends, etc., and make ridiculous excuses for their treason after the fact. Most of them will find life unbearable under a restored West. Getting laid is fun for a few moments and all, but civilization comes first.
fuck civilization. you are on your own anyway. nobody gives a shit if you die right now, besides the people close to you.
Guys, we understand that it is undesirable to be “beta,” but this foolishness has gone way too far. Your ingroups and societies are far more important. The “racist” of the manosphere is “beta.” All of you are living in far too much irrational fear of this word. I wouldn’t doubt that most of you constantly have it in the front of your brains all day, wondering if every breath you took was “beta” or not. Guys, it’s too much. Focus on restoring your civilization and all men will be structurally above all women socially, like before. Systemic solutions are required for systemic problems.
no. there is no togetherness just because people are also male. fuck civilization. get your own tribe, and the outsiders who you deem fit can become part of it. but the general society is your enemy now and always. there are important tribe criteria that cannot be followed by retarded society.
Not the point of the article, the point is to build it and sustain it. Just because something does not exist at the moment doesn’t mean it can’t in the very near future. It’s all about culture.
We need to build this camaraderie amongst men once again. This is the only way men will be allowed to be men once again like it was before. The only way.
you cant be friends with people just because they are male. proof: go to an american prison, you can become a part of a gang. if you are you cant become part of the other gangs just because they are also males. male worship is just as bad as female worship.
In my late 20’s I dated a woman 25 years my senior. She told me stories about a trick she often employed to get her guy friends laid. The trick was simply putting a lesbian move on whichever girl her male friend was trying to ‘close the deal on’. This would make the girl in question so insecure about her own sexuality that she would bang the guy that night just to reassure herself that she was straight.