Seventy-six men were brought into a lab in pairs and instructed to compete for the attention of an attractive female confederate. As it turned out, the men’s testosterone levels directly tied with their expression of dominant behavior and with how much the female confederate indicated that she “clicked” with each man.
Researchers from the study concluded:
These findings provide novel evidence linking T with evolutionarily adaptive behaviors in humans and suggest that T interacts with people’s explicit dominance motives to regulate behaviors that enhance mating success.
That’s all good and well, but we can’t extrapolate the results from this study because they observed the preferences of just one woman. To define the relationship between testosterone and attractiveness, we’ve got to dig deeper…
Testosterone and Facial Masculinity
Studies have found testosterone levels to directly correlate with perceived facial masculinity.
In this study, researchers constructed pairs of digital composites from the faces of men with high and low testosterone. These composites were then presented to subjects who were assigned the forced-choice task of assessing the masculinity of the pairs of photographs. Across the board, the photographs from the high testosterone composites were judged to be more masculine than the photographs from the low testosterone composites. The attractiveness of the faces, however, were open to interpretation.
Women assess a man’s attractiveness based on whether her goal is short-term or long-term mating. In this study, researchers tracked the possible facial cues in men’s faces that women use to assess attractiveness. Here’s what they concluded:
Men’s actual and perceived affinity for children predicted women’s long-term mate attractiveness judgments, while men’s testosterone and perceived masculinity predicted women’s short-term mate attractiveness judgments. These results suggest that women can detect facial cues of men’s hormone concentrations and affinity for children, and that women use perception of these cues to form mate attractiveness judgments.
In other words, when a woman’s goal is short-term mating she goes for the man with high testosterone. When her goal is long-term mating, she assesses how interested a man may care for infants.
And this leads us to the question…
How Would You Define An Attractive Man?
You might say that an attractive man is one who is strong, assertive, dominant, and sure of his path and purpose in life. I agree. But to break it down from an evolutionary standpoint, the traits we consider attractive are simply those that enhance our chances of survival and reproduction.
So the question to ask is:
What traits in a man would a woman seek out in order to enhance her own (and her offsprings) chances of survival and reproduction?
Confidence, strength, and decisiveness are definitely traits that factor in, but in his exhaustive 20-year cross-cultural analysis, Dr. David Gilmore makes the case that all masculine traits fall under the umbrella of three larger traits that embody what it means to man. These three traits, as Gilmore writes in his book Manhood In The Making, are 1) Protection, 2) Procreation, and 3) Provision. Let’s go over each of these “P’s” one at a time.
How Testosterone Factors In To The 3 P’s Of Masculinity
The 3 P’s of masculinity explore the big picture of what it means to be a man across all cultures. As you’ll see, testosterone is a major driver in the expression of each of them.
The first “P” is protection. As Dr. Gilmore writes in his book, the essence of protection comes down to the need to “establish and defend boundaries.” A man must be able to draw the line between safety and danger. If that line is crossed, he must have the ability to spur into action and defend his family and tribe against outside threats. It’s plainly obvious how testosterone factors into this – a man with low testosterone will not have the strength, endurance, or mental fortitude to deal with outside threats (if you’re wondering what defines an “optimal” T-level, check out my ultimate guide here).
The second “P” is procreation. This trait requires for a man to successfully pursue women and spread his seed. Testosterone is a biological determinant of this trait. Without optimal T-levels, a man lacks the potency and virility to actually “get it up” and sexually satisfy his woman.
The third “P” is provision. A masculine man provides the majority of resources – whether financial, emotional, spiritual, economic, etc. – for the sustenance of his family and tribe. Once again, you can see how testosterone factors in – without optimal testosterone production, a man will lack the motivation and drive to provide.
In essence, higher testosterone levels make a man more masculine – this point is undisputed. In general, women find masculine men more attractive. But in reality, it will vary on a case-to-case basis depending on whether a woman’s goal is short-term or long-term mating.
Interested in natural testosterone optimization? Check out my free quiz that will analyze your current situation and offer personalized advice moving forward.
Read More: 5 Myths About Testosterone That Seriously Need To Die
Lack of testosterone won’t even make you CARE about attraction anymore. Only more soy food.
Haha that made me lol
From where do ye hailst Mo? It’s only the 5th of July and Confederate women are spotted already?
Lack of testosterone in a nutshell :
That is so creepy. It’s very hard to imagine the mental state of the kind of person who would think such a video was a good idea.
Since no women find me attractive, then I guess my testosterone is a flat ZERO. I can still curl 120 lbs relatively well when I’m at the gym. My head still hasn’t inflated or gotten any wider, so yeah, I must be a flat ZERO.
Good article, but I’m beginning to see everything through the lens of social Darwinism and it’s seriously debilitating mental health and social interaction wise. Human beings of all races, creeds and backgrounds are just brutal animals trapped in an endless competition for survival and resources in attempt to reach the top the domience heirchy which they will evetubally will fall from or be replaced. Some world….
when an exception appears, or if you witness an exception, your whole existence will be shattered
Yup, your beginning to see through the matrix. The way things really are versus how you would want them to be or the way society tells you they are.
I find it actually rather freeing. Basically, everything people do is motivated by self interest, it’s just some are better at hiding it than others. Recognizing this fact helps you see through the bullcrap.
Even charity, the “most selfless of acts,” is often done for publicity or feelz or reminding oneself that you’re of a higher station than others.
I don’t deny that this perspective has left me rather jaded, but at least there is less wool over my eyes. Even my current FWB: she treats me REALLY well because I know she wants to be wifed up and knocked up (she’s told me both). But I can see the future and don’t want to be bound up in frivorce court (again). One child support payment is enough for me thanks. Only a few more years to go…
Excellent article. Really breaks down what being a man is really about. I feel like there’s a generally a focus on the “3 Steps to Becoming Chad”, but very little in the way tapping into our evolutonary masculine roots. Kudos to you, your articles have and continue to be very well written and informative.
Appreciate that brother.
Hurr durr muh testosterone!!!
Who gives a fuck?
I don’t plan, I just do.
I’m proud of what I do.
Testosterone… w/e, it’s a spontaneous side-effect of doing the right (masculine) thing. But chasing directly after it for its own sake? An admission of ignorance. A fucking cargo-cult mentality of the bugman space monkey. lol
Test should be chased. When you chase more test, you become more masculine, and you do more masculine things that give you more test. Just make sure that test comes from inside, not out.
Testosterone… the sequel to muh insulin
Not quite true anymore. Women are now attracted to men for the same reasons men are attracted to women. Looks.
Put an ugly man in a room with 3x theT of a good looking guy, add a hot chick and tell me again who walks away with the girl.
“Women are now attracted to men for the same reasons men are attracted to women. Looks.”
True, but it is also quite perverse.
All throughout history a females worth has been her youth and beauty and a males worth is his ability as a provider and protector,which is really the same thing. Then the 60s came along and changed all that. Welfare, food stamps, daycare, no fault divorce, alimony, child support, AA/EEOC, etc.. And the west is in a tailspin/death roll because of it.
FYI, provider and protector are the same thing because to be a protector is to keep others out of danger. Sure, a muscular, athletic, badass MMA fighter may be able to beat up a thug one on one, but he’ll get destroyed by a gang. A rich old guy, on the other hand, will have a house in a gated community, employ security guards, and take vacations in safe, guarded areas with his family.
The rich provider will keep his wife and family safer. Maybe not as “cool” as being an MMA badass, but a better protector.
Some men may need to get a 5 or 6 versus a “Perfect 10”.
I rent 7s/8s/9s and occasional 10s.
The 10s are considerably more expensive.
I purchased a perfect 10 to marry, nine years later and she’s eaten her way to a 6 on a good day. Me and my wallet haven’t appreciably changed in that time.
@ JD
That’s one of the reasons I rent.
Not always happy about it, but sometimes I am…
Sure, but how does an average man secure an average woman when average women have unrealistically high expectatiOns.
Women have unlimited sexual access to men of far higher quality than them and with the welfare state, positive discrimination (equality) and their heads filled with (((feminist))) poisons they don’t really need a man to live their frivolous, selfish, entitled lives.
It’s not men wanting only 10’s. That’s female/Ju speak. It’s that it’s a winner takes all market for men now and the rest are begging for scraps.
We live in a global marketplace, no need to shop in a country where all the goods are overpriced and low quality.
@Automatic Slim
Logically, what you’re saying about rich man vs MMA fighter is true. But since when have men been able to attract a woman with logic? Our society has evolved but we still have the same caveman programming, the same goes for the things that trigger attraction. Studies show that when it comes to physical/sexual attraction women look for signs of physical strength – a side effect of high testosterone of course.
Think of the who “alpha fuxx beta buxx” idea, “bad boys” vs “nice guys”, “lover vs provider”. Replace “alpha/lover” with “protector”, and “beta” = “provider”. A woman might marry a financially well-off beta, but she’ll still lust after the alpha. She might even cheat. Ideally you should be both. It’s possible to make good money and be in shape.
@ Adam,
I agree with your post, but what I am saying is that prior to the 60s, females did not have the option to cheat. If she was discovered, she would be
1) shunned by her family and friends
2) divorced by her husband
3) have no financial options.
Who cares if they “lust after” a bad boy as long as she is doing taking care of the cooking/cleaning/sex? Prior to the 60s, she could lust after the bad boys all she liked, but most often could not act upon it. Now they can act upon and not only are there no repercussions, they are treated like heroes for it.
In regards to being in shape, of course I agree. But a guy working a whilte collar job and being out of the house 12 – 14 hours a day between work and commute is only go0ing to have so much time to stay in shape. Yes, he should do what he can when he can, but their will be a big difference between him and some “bad boy” type that works as a bouncer at a club or something, and wakes up at noon to hit the gym for a couple of hours. In the “old days”, the best females would present themselves to the bread winner. Now they chase the bouncer.
And society is much the worse for it.
@ Adam
I suppose what I am trying to say is that society is much better off when there are terrible repercussions for females acting upon physical attraction. Physicality is for men. Women need to be policed — mostly by other women (mothers, aunts, etc..). They should be so afraid of dishonoring their families that they never cross the line. Society breaks down otherwise. We are seeing this now in the West. Societies without dutiful, obedient, honorable women are slowly collapsing.
And people here get pissed when I say Donald Trump is a beta male. Trump really do the beta bux thing. Trump is as alpha as Bill Gates, money does not make you alpha in the animal kingdom. And btw, Trump plays golf, is that an alpha male sport to you?
@Automatic Slim
Yeah, I agree with most of the things you’re saying and things were probably better back then, but we’re not gonna go back to that any time soon so we have to adapt. I work a lot of hours and commute a lot but still manage to stay in shape. Eating well takes almost no effort and diet is about 75% of it. Training wise 2-3 short but intense training sessions are enough to be in better shape than the majority of guys, the idea that you need to spend hours in the gym to have a decent body is only true if you want to take steroids and be huge which obviously you don’t need to be. Sometimes I haven’t even had time to train but with a good diet I kept my gains.
@ Adam
I exercise 4 to 5 times a weeks (body weight stuff and light weights), but now at 52, it just doesn’t have the same effect. While I am in better shape than the majority of guys my age, I am not where I would like to be. Also, I don’t judge myself against guys my own age, but the ones who are much younger. I suppose that is because I am not attracted to women over 30 in any way, shape or form.
My diet is OK I suppose, not great but not terrible. TBH, my two biggest problems are heavy drinking and lack of sleep. My exercise would have much more effect if I could correct those issues. Thinking about joining a gym.
Well put AutoSlim👍
Putting insanity aside, average girls with high-expectations will change them, when repeatedly hit with brutal truth. After 50 visits to a nightclub w/o any interest from men (other than perhaps fat slobs), a 5 adjusts her standards accordingly.
Even with a rich provider, she WILL still cheat and go for the badass dude that won’t give 2 shits about her.
If you’re good looking and believe that women are attracted to looks, then kudos to you. If you aren’t good looking and believe that women are attracted to looks, then you’re doomed. I try to operate from the standpoint of doing and believing that which moves me towards my goals. In life, you aren’t entirely in control of your looks. You can, of course, step up your style, lift, groom etc. But after you’ve maxed out in that department, it’s important to forget about looks and narrow down your focus on that which you have control over, i.e. your thoughts and behaviors. I believe that women are attracted to a man’s behaviors. Who know’s if that’s entirely true or not, but it is definitely a belief system that gives you the power.
” it’s important to forget about looks and narrow down your focus on that which you have control over, i.e. your thoughts and behaviors. I believe that women are attracted to a man’s behaviors. Who know’s if that’s entirely true or not, but it is definitely a belief system that gives you the power.”
That’s an interesting outlook you have there Mo. I imagine a guy would be “happier” with an outlook like that.
Heh Ignorance is bliss they say
Or you could just move to a country that doesn’t have welfare and forcible asset transfer on divorce. Or even a country that stones an adulteress to death.
Good looking men will more than likely have high testosterone and a fat slob in a Nintendo tshirt and neck beard will have the low testosterone…
more like a good-looking guy is more likely to possess adequate T, where’s a fat-slob gamer IS more likely to suffer from low-T.
Chiseled faces, sharp cheekbones, lean bodies are sexy for both women & men. Never was into women with round faces, don’t buy into the bullshit evolutionary propaganda which states that historically men preferred meaty women, basically fat ass bitches.
HAHAH that BS of men preferring fatties come from images from a short period in art history and from the fact that to increase the women´s ego the fashion industry reduced the size numbers. A size 14 from the 50´s is now a size 2 in 2010´s. So when a land whale read that attractive models were size 14, their full of cholesterol brain think that that men with love them in the 50´s because she is a 14, but in actuality she would be a size 60 in that decade and men would be pucking seeing her.
Her brain’s not full of cholesterol. And that’s the problem.
Oversimplification of the human behavior is the common mistake made by amateur researchers. The Manosphere has an obsession with the subject of testosterone because it presents a relatively an easy answer and a quick fix. But it is not the answer.
Yes, testosterone is ONE of the factors which determines the mating desirability of the male partner but not the only one. Ideally women look for a combination of virility, agreeableness and resourcefulness. Depending on their own mating ranking the female could be willing to compensate for the lack of one trait for another but if she’s presented with an opportunity she would seek a male showing a balance of all three.
Recently I saw a film about a dating agency which matches women with 7+ inches men. At the start, all women were very excited at the prospects of meeting these “gifted” men but in the end they all went home alone reporting that they did not feel the chemistry was right. So this example clearly demonstrates that big dick (high testosterone) does not necessarily equals higher mating desirability.
Yes, they are certain women who go for pure T men but they themselves are usually quite one sided in their own physical and mental development.
whines about oversimplification, then oversimplify.
Dick size is determinate by genes not testosterone, you born with a big dick does not matter if you are a low T with a useless limp dick. Ironically the answer is the same, women prefer big dicks for short term and it´s not that important for long term.
There is another type of agency the one who matches women with millionaires. How many women go home alone reporting that they did not feel the chemistry was right? hahahahah
Sorry to break it to you but the dick size is by large determined by the T levels during puberty.
I’ve thought about making a profile on SeekingArrangement posing as a multimillionaire and state that I won’t start paying until after the first “test drive.”
ONS then ghost!
Clearly you have written this comment without even reading the entire article. Read the last paragraph on the 3 P’s of manhood and how testosterone factors in to each of them. Also, please don’t let “films about dating agencies” dictate your beliefs about how the world really works.
You are right, I did not read it. So you should consider re-wording the title because it’s what made me decide not to waste time.
Plus, you use as top picture of a man who’s known to hire women to pose around him which has nothing to do with T levels.
“Recently I saw a film about a dating agency which matches women with 7+ inches men. At the start, all women were very excited at the prospects of meeting these “gifted” men”
7+ inches = “gifted”?
Where was this? China? Japan?
Another great article Mr Saleem, keep up the good work.
Appreciate that bro.
Appreciate you being so active in the comment section, seems most writers on ROK do not. Also, i found the correlation interesting between women who are searching for long term mates and T. Can you please elaborate on how women see or are able to feel whether a man wants to have kids, unless otherwise verbalized. The short term and high T make perfect sense, but it feels like most of the older readers on this site are looking for a long term female to settle down with, even if it is in the U.S. Eventually we all get tired of the abundance and Alpha mentality because we want to start a family. Thank brotha!
For sure man.
Well, in the study cited above researchers observed the men’s scores on the interest in infants test to be related to the women’s assessments of how much the men were interested in kids. If you’re looking to settle down and have kids, then just keep that intention clear in your mind. You still need the alpha mentality because no woman wants to get impregnated by a beta. Definitely check out Victor Pride’s classic article on this topic:
I’ve managed 6 impregnation’s that I know about (1 didn’t make it) in LTRs, don’t feel my testosterone is high. Banged another 5-10 good Catholic girls in the last two years without either party having protection, so might be more, I don’t usually bother giving my name or asking theirs. Always happy to have more kids, not all that bothered to raise them, but will if they’re handed to me. My 6 year old son lives with me, I’ll be 70 when he’s 14.
Call the bullshit on this Momo or what is your name dude!!
I’ve seen your website, dodgy quiz + requires email address!
Whatever snake oil you are selling son, cannot fool the pros!
This article, the first pic: that famous “good looking criminal” dude, Jeremy Meeks or [email protected] is his name!
Guy’s got shit weeny body!!!
Momo, I’m a pro level cruiser weight athlete, I’ve got 3 times more ripped FUNCTIONAL body, above 95 kg, without using fucking PEDs / steroids!
My Testosterone is through the bloody roof!
Not to mention ALL THE REST of the guys whom are pro athletes BUT they did not born with the lucky face like that half breed mongrel negro/white boy!
Their Testosterone levels are through the bloody ceiling son!
But they weren’t born with THE LUCKY FACE!!!
If I would miss a punch.. the wind of it would still take his head OFF!!!
But I still don’t have HIS LUCKY FACE!
I’m nowhere near ugly, nor a wimp like these incel virgins who visit this site, JUST stated some facts that test level does not determine the beauty factor on a male!
Yep, I get your point Momo, you try to get these incels from here to visit your website and yes, Testosterone is a serious FACTOR for a masculine facial bone structure development BUT there are countless hyper masculine guys with manly faces whom aren’t attractive enough for bitches BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T BORN WITH THE LUCKY FACE! ! !
Go down to a proper fighting gym, you’ll see masculine faces! Lot’s of them are non attractive beauty standard wise, a few of them are, but whatever is the outcome, they are MANLY FACES!!!
All the rest I give you credit: Yes, test level is UNBELIEVABLY IMPORTANT! ! ! ON ALL LEVELS!
So, not to take My words as an offence, you might really wanna help these miserable, weak chin, fat waist, faggot bearded English office boys and turn them to the better!
JUST stated a fact, that plenty of “very handsome” sissy boys with zero to none Testosterone levels got very pretty faces UNTIL you see them below their necks buddy!
But if you go down to an average building site anywhere in UK then you’ll might see some testosterone freaks with plain or non good looking facial characteristics!
For sure man.
Well, in the study cited above researchers observed the men’s scores on the interest in infants test to be related to the women’s assessments of how much the men were interested in kids. If you’re looking to settle down and have kids, then just keep that intention clear in your mind. You still need the alpha mentality because no woman wants to get impregnated by a beta. Definitely check out Victor Pride’s classic article on this topic:
I appreciate the fact that You done your research! Seriously!
Props to you buddy!
And I’m nowhere near in the status to argue with those researches.
Just wanna point out that MOTHER NATURE indeed DOES some funny outcomes regarding to human offspring!
I remember these from My mother, she was a very well known top top top of the tree agricultural engineer back in Hungary, she said that if you follow back… let’s say a family bloodline ( I’m NOT stating here intermixing with other races as blacks/browns/etc.!! ) for argument’s sake, then you’ll see that most of the offspring ( as sons/daughters ) are sometimes nearly 98%-100% similar to their grandparents, even if the parents are NOTHING to do with them looks wise My friend!
So, let’s say for argument’s sake that daddy was indeed a very low T male and mommy wasn’t a beauty pageant either.
But son became a beast ( [email protected] loads of Eastern Europeans like that / plenty of English – Irish giants are like that!! ) and daughter became a beauty!
Or: very attractive mommy…. but daughter became a witch skull fugly beast of a female!
Countless of cases like that!
Which LEADS back to one important point bud: Test level IS JUST ONE FACTOR AMONGST THE MANY!! Let’s say: maybe 50-60 % IF the person is lucky indeed.
There are other gene / blood related FACTORS that don’t give a F about individual Testosterone levels..
Anyway, I see, you really want to contribute to the better so no offence bud!
Just trying to remind You that researches are sometimes ( many times! ) are non relatable or false OR SERVING SOME KIND OF AN AGENDA!!
( Did I mention the parasitic bloody jews??? )
Toronto womyn hate men regardless of testosterone. The only way men interact successfully with Toronto womyn is the Alek Minassian way.
That blonde on the far right in the hot tub though. Damn.
she’s 6.5-7. not anything that should induce excitement.
other 3 chicks: gross. Danny boy needs to step up his game.
T has something to do with but human chemistry is far too complex to say it is the magic bullet.
Low T is definitely a problem some men suffer from in the Western World especially and has real health consequences. But just telling them to east red meat, pump some iron, and/or do a 3-month course synthetic T isn’t going to fix their problem. It will help a little but a fix – no.
High T can be even more dangerous then low T for some.
Also, the “guidelines” of where a man’s T should be given his age aren’t even that great. Studies are all over the place.
I think I the best advice I got was from a researcher I met at a bar. He basically said 1) we have little idea overall 2) you should get tested every 12-18 months and stay around mid-range 3) for most men simply eating about 3 oz of red meat a few times a week and doing weigh bearing exercise 2-4 times a week is going to be enough.
But, yeah, I don’t think if you just “triple your T” a band of hot ladies is suddenly going to appear in your hotel room.
“But, yeah, I don’t think if you just “triple your T” a band of hot ladies is suddenly going to appear in your hotel room.”
A band of hot ladies won’t magically end up in a guy’s hotel room in that sense, however perhaps that man will have a higher drive to pursue women, indirectly helping him get laid.
I like the article.
To sum it up.
If you look like someone a woman can suck the most protection, procreation, provision, and emotional support out of, then you are a man.
High-T everybody!
“I have become comfortably numb” as Pink Floyd wrote. That’s me. I am numb. Once upon a time, I was in so much pain that I wished to be numb. Now my wish came true and I hope I never go back to feeling normal human emotions. Drugs didn’t numb me. They made me feel. Now that I have been drug-free I get number each year. This is for my own protection. I used to have compassion. I used to have empathy. I used to try to understand people but people don’t want to be understood or cared for. They want an ego boost. They want money. They always want something. I am not offering anymore. As for testosterone, bring it on. Give me a dose or not. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters.
When I saw the tryhard poser 5’7 gnome Dan Bilzerian in the pic for this article I instinctively misread the title as:
Test makes a huge difference. I’ve been eating keto for a 6 months and I can see the test pumping me up. Girls are checking me out like never before. Now I need to focus on game to max out my gains.
Tell me how your high T and pumped body stops entitled women falsely accusing you of rape after? Tell me how it stops them getting pregnant and claiming 20 years of child support? Or a LTR going bad and her claiming your home?
Banging women is the least of our problems.
RoK already has articles on covering your ass, so I will follow RoKs advice on avoiding trouble.
@john dodds Paternity tests are a real thing, you know.
No laws punishing paternity in SEA.
If they don’t have a government contract with me (marriage certificate), they have no claim on my money. No regret rape or false accusations either, if she goes somewhere alone with you, that’s consent.
You dudes are just living in the wrong country, nobody cares about women’s foolish decisions out here.
Even the UK is better than the USA for paternity claims, the most they can ever take is 25% of your net income (for three kids), after that mom just gets reduced child support, you can have 10 kids with different women and they still only get 25% split between them.
Look man, there’s a lot of bullshit out there, but you can’t focus on that. I stopped talking to girls because I tuned in to all the stupid shit going on. It made me a hermit. A 24 year old hermit. This is no way to live life.
I agree with you except your name!… Should change your name something else like Dave Nocuck…
You can trust what when say they want while participating in a research study. As you all know, women are 100% consistent. Their actual real-life choice PERFECTLY match their stated desires in a clinical setting. In a study, 500 8.5’s say they want a “high-T” guy. Two months later, you will NOT find 450 of those same women banging/financially supporting some 5’8, 140lb emo “musician.”
Another profound article.
typo. “You can trust what women say…”
Ironic that the handsome, chiselled, testosterone fuelled guy in the pic is actually a convicted criminal who’s likely regretting being such a pretty boy in prison; he’s someone else’s girlfriend.
Yes, not much doubt testosterone is important.
But what this article reminded me of, is writer Harlan Ellison. An Almost Famous Author. He died last week. He had game before anyone. According to him, he bagged over 500 attractive women. Because love ain’t nothing but sex misspelled. He could even score as an unknown.
Keeping in mind he said most writers are congenial liars, I never had reason to doubt him. Even though he stood only 5′ 3″ tall. And had a nasally voice. Because he had the gift of gab. Also known as the power of personality.
Not to mention hair. He kept a strong hairline even as it turned white.
And who here would think Harlan was loaded with testosterone? Because I never did.
And yet, he could outscore most men. He was even married 5 times. The last one lasting 32 years. The horror. Just thought I would mention it.
Protection, procreation, provision. If you haven’t done or aren’t doing these three things you aren’t really a man yet.
Sterile men are just women with dicks.
Procreation will turn you into some thot’s unpaid bodyguard & lifetime meal ticket. While you’re doing your 12-hr work day, she’ll be having her pussy ravaged by a mud shark. If he impregnated her, she’d have you raise/support Tyrone’s love child, while she was out with her friends, making fun of you, as she spent your $ on shoes & purses.
Enjoy your life as a beta cuck.
I detect an autobiography.