If I may I would like to offer some life advice for young men and women…
Whatever you do, do not get married. Do not even consider it. It is a terrible business decision and you will always regret it but by the time you do, you will be institutionalized to the point where you cannot function outside of the structure of having your wife tell you what to do and what to think and when to take a piss.
Then, because you are such a pushover and not man enough to do what you think is best, or because you are constantly saying wimpy things like “whatever you want honey” to avoid confrontation, she will be turned off (not knowing exactly why) and will start looking around her and mistaking the passing sexual attention of some nearby single “bad boy” and think it’s long term dating interest.
She will start thinking she is wasting her prime years with you. The loyal schlub that pays all her bills. She will start consulting her friends (who are probably already divorced and miserable) and they will seek to validate their own stupid decisions by telling her “you deserve to be happy” (when really they want her to be miserable, let’s face it, women hate each other).
Then one day just before she hits the wall (because you weren’t smart enough to marry a girl 10 years younger than you) she’s going to screw around with some guy and say “it just happened” (even though it never just happens) or she’s going to flat out leave you. Then you get divorce raped, then you are back out in the wild with your game skills so atrophied you don’t even know how to talk to a girl. You will spend years in misery recovering from this.
The only way to avoid this kind of shitty outcome with your wife is to be a man that makes HIS mission, (not his wife) his priority. She will respect you then, and while she will constantly try and test your resolve with dramatic meltdowns and childish fits, every time you don’t give in, she will love you more (as opposed to her losing respect for you and loving you less).
As it ought to be
Women want to align themselves with a stronger masculine presence, it makes them feel feminine, special, and safe. They want a man with unshakable confidence, who believes in himself and who knows how to take charge of a situation.
The only way to become this kind of man is by living a full life, filled with adversity, defeat (and victory), setbacks overcome, and the type of life experience that evokes personal growth. You simply cannot achieve this by the time you are 25. It just won’t happen, and marrying early will surely put a halt on completing yourself as a man.
Take your single bachelorhood, and travel as much as you can. See the world around you. Meet beautiful women from all walks of life.
Be honest with yourself about what you want out of life, do not bend to societies expectations of you. Society does not care about the individual, only you will ultimately be on your side.
Stay fit, healthy and strong. Keep learning, study a second language, write about your life, study a martial art of some kind, learn to grill out like a champion (get a “kiss the cook” apron, trust me) and be like the shark that has to swim or die, only do it with self-improvement.
Do not become a fat bastard that puts Doritos on his sandwich. Be better than that.
Memorize this poem:
If— by Rudyard Kipling
(‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies)
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
Men – if you are one of these wimps that has to have someone because you are needy and lonely (it’s going to fail because you are needy and lonely), or perhaps you have seen the world, completed yourself as a man, and are ready for a family, marry a younger girl.
Women don’t age well, and keeping attraction is vitally important. If she is your age and you are both in your 30s, she is going to look 40 while you still look good.
DON’T get married in the US, and preferably not to an American girl. Their manners are atrocious, they are narcissists addicted to getting “likes” on Facebook in order to give them a sense of self-worth.
Now for the women…
They need to learn to get their sense of self-worth by accomplishing things of merit.
Girls like to feel feminine and special, but because most are spoiled brats (who don’t even realize they had things handed to them their whole lives), they take the easy way out and throw on a slutty dress to get the quick fix of validation and post a “sexy” photo in order to get male attention.
It’s something I pity women for because it becomes a horrible cycle of need, where you only feel good when someone is giving you attention. It causes you to spend more time in front of the mirror instead of spending that time doing something noble, and of good character.
It ruins you, because you are addicted to a fleeting short-term fix of cheap self-worth, of which there will never be enough.
Women who sleep around don’t realize it, but they are screwing up their ability to be emotionally loyal. They become addicted to the high of a new relationship, the chemicals and hormones that are released when they are intimate with a man (even with a one night stand), and so they are forever chasing that high as well, often confusing it with “being in love”. The trouble of course happening when a relationship takes its natural course and that “newness” being over, they think they are no longer in love, and seek out another man. The emotional and psychological costs of living this type of lifestyle is just not worth it.
Do not fall into the trap of trying to “enjoy your younger years” by dating around (also known as being a slut) just so you can later on decide when you are approaching 30 that you’re ready to settle down.
While I advise men, especially in the US, to stay single I’m advising you to lock down a good man as soon as possible.
Men need to be tempered like steel through all the trials I described above.
Women need to be sculpted and molded like a piece of art, and that can be done when they marry early to a man of substance who becomes a mentor of sorts.
Women need to be lead the same as when they do a ballroom dance.
Men of substance and means don’t want a 30 year old girl who’s about to hit the wall. The type of men you want value youthfulness and attractiveness and more than anything, they value a girl they can trust.
A girl who has spent most of her adult life partying and texting 15 different guys at once riding the cock carousel is not a girl who will ever be trustworthy. She is ruined, damaged goods, and not worth the trouble or risk.
She has lived a life of deceit and manipulation, and no amount of wanting to change will turn her into a suitable lifelong companion. She simply cannot recover from that kind of social conditioning.
I know what you’re thinking, it’s “I don’t need a man to be happy! I have my career! I have my looks! I have my friends!” Ladies, I’m here to tell you, you have been fed a feminist lie. Just as men feel masculine when they fix things around the house for their wife or protect her from spiders, women feel feminine (and special) when they take care of their man and their family. The feminist lie that the only difference between men and women is their “parts” is an intellectual, bullshit, myth and if you don’t shape up soon, you will later find out the hard way.
Men and women are very different, and feminism is causing our poor women to create a disconnect between their feminine nature, and how they live their lives by being more masculine. They are taught to view all men as “potential rapists” instead of their protectors as they historically were (and still are). The result is a horrible one, as they go from failed relationship to failed relationship (driving good men away with crazy demands and a sense of entitlement), with the caliber of man declining each time as they get older and more worn down until their cat is their only companion.
Look at any older feminist and despite what she claims, she is a sad and lonely spinster, bitter at the world and unable to let go of the dogma she’s bought into because she has self identified with it so much, to reject it now would destroy her sense of self.
Men of stature DO NOT CARE if you have a college degree, those things are a dime a dozen, they want a woman who has her shit together.
She works in human resources…but who cares?
Don’t think because you have a degree that means you are special. EVERY girl has some bullshit degree (probably in HR or women’s studies) and men of stature DO NOT CARE about that.
A needy, high maintenance, whiny, girl who is hot, has about 72 hours until her attractiveness wears off. Don’t be some vapid and vacuous party girl that’s good for one thing.
Learn to make decisions about what to do, and what you think about something on your own and without consulting your friends. Nothing is more unattractive than having to deal with a woman who is the type of person that follows the advice of the last person they spoke to.
Become a feminine, trustworthy, SOLID, and well-balanced human being.
And if you really want to stand out, learn to cook well. Most women actually gain a lot of satisfaction from cooking the interest of their affection a nice meal.
Oh and for God’s sake, stay in shape and stay out of the tanning bed.
Don’t try and pretend to be this type of girl, BE this type of girl.
Find a man who is worthy of that type of woman and become devoted to him.
Women, look for a man who is willing to tell you “no.” Look for a man who will make decisions and not say “Whatever you want”. Look for a man who is driven towards his own mission. Look for a man who tells you that you’re cute when you get angry. Look for a man who other men want to be. This is the type of man you will stay attracted to, and this is the type of man that will value a girl that makes a trustworthy companion.
Lock this man down, because this man is going to have his pick of women and if he is wise, he will choose the one that’s described above when he is ready for a family.
Read More: Life Advice From The Doctor
Nice Article
You’ve just described what people were like prior to feminism and all the other modern day fuck shit.
Agreed, shit like this makes my blood boil. I wonder if we can ever come back from the brink of collapse.
Apparently, I should have scrolled down some more. Once again, you finished strong: “I feel nothing but disgust for the modern world but I still have to preserve what I believe is right and do what I must.” I second this notion. Below me is U MAD who says “I wonder if we can ever come back from the brink of collapse.” Yes, you silly mask wearing warrior, we can. Study history and you’ll find that our ancestors have done it many times. R U MAD bro, don’t be. Keep investing in yourself and when the time comes, help us lead society back on its feet…I don emphasize with the sentiment, but do not waste time concentrating on it.
Truer words have never been spoken.
I’m glad I found this website. I had these views most of my life being from an Arab family but college blue pulled me. Now I’m going back.
I can vouch for this.
After an LTR where you actually give of yourself it leaves you a little broken and it takes time to rebuild.
Something the author isn’t taking into account: When you are young, you are still figuring out your mission. Your mission changes along with financial changes, value changes, social changes.
It’s impossible as a young man nowadays navigating a broken economy to have a straightforward life path. Your station will fluctuate unless you lucked out or figured out the system early. A chick will leave you even if in your head you are remaining consistent… Too many things can change and are out if your control. Sure a super pua can avoid this.. But I’m talking from a normal guys pov.
My point: don’t Marry until you got your shit figured out proper.. If even then.
Nvm I finished the Article and it says forget about marriage before 25.
My point still stands though, she wants a man who can overcome adversity… But she ain’t Gonna wait too long to watch u figure it out. At least that is my experience.
Solid piece.
By the time I do figure it out she’d have aged too much for me anyway and can fuck off.
Sad but true.
A woman will lose that lustre of youthful beauty over time. But don’t underestimate the power of attachment that can develop.
I watched my ex change from a 20 year old to a 25 year old and even though I visibly saw what was gonna happen my attachment, sexual chemistry, and emotional closeness didn’t change. If I met her in her 30s however truth is I’d probably be like huh? Who are you? Oh u have a phd that’s nice. Cya later.
Why is that sad?
Seeing emotional closeness as “problem” destroys the very foundation of society you all blame feminism for even further.
I’ll keep enjoying that emotional part of human nature with all my girlfriends that might come along.
Youre welcome to cripple yourself. But in the end its the only life you have.
I don’t think a person who avoids ’emotional closeness’ with women is to be called ‘crippled’. Eventually, every man’s heart hardens with age, and more faster if he has been hurt by a woman before.
If a man shames such a fellow man, for not enjoying ’emotional closeness’ – it’s akin to feminists telling successful bachelors in their 40’s to ‘man up’ and enter into ‘relationships’. At the end of the day, every man’s life path ends up uniquely, even though the trends might be similar for certain periods of time.
To each man, his own. I’ve done the ’emotional closeness’ thing before, gotten my life burned badly, lost precious years of my youth, yet healed back completely and gotten back into the swing of things. A lot of my friends who are red pill too however didn’t face the same problems as me, and have comparatively more pleasant experiences than me. Today, when it comes to women, I focus primarily on sex and pleasure with no attachments, no emotional investments – which I’ve told them at the start of the relationship.
Problems usually come up when these women fall in ‘love’ with me, demand a relationship, and get clingy. That’s when I’m ‘forced’ to end these connections. I think I’ll stay like this for a very long time (I’m in my 30’s now) and I don’t see marriage or love as a worthwhile investment as of now. But I don’t ridicule fellow red pll men who’d want to go for that – maybe they’ve found their unicorns, so they know better. To each man, his own.
The love of a woman can be a poison for one man, yet be medicine for another. A woman can be trash for one man, and a treasure for another. Both men are correct because men judge women on their own experiences with them.
The true height of wisdom a red pill man could attain is when he realizes that his own vision of life is not shared by a fellow man, so he doesn’t try to make him a clone of himself. He shares his wisdom and experiences to fellow men, but doesn’t try to tyrannize them into accepting them.
He doesn’t project his own bitterness onto others. He lets others live, as long as he is allowed his own life in peace. But usually, a red pill man is rarely allowed to live his own life with peace by society.
good call and tolerant view. I agree with you and I had no intend to change your way, if my initial post seemed that way.
I just wanted to remind you,…. as a stranger…, of the things there are in life and that bitterness comes easier than most people might think. If it comes in little doses.
From my own experience now I know that the thought of dying alone, without an offspring or an relationship that goes on over decades feels devastating to me.
And that good relationships always existed throughout history, as did the bad ones.
The “red pill” view, Game, the blogs of tomassi, this one and CH just handed me an incredibly potential tool to take very big influence on this matter, which without, maybe could only work with great luck.
I think that’s why nature created the faculty of reproduction within every species. To continue life.
That’s a thought which bugged people in olden times. In traditional societies. People wanted to reproduce because they knew that they wouldn’t live forever. So they ‘lived’ on through the legacy of their offspring.
In today’s world, that feeling is dead. People don’t want to have children, because they feel there is no worth to it. A feeling shared by some red pill men too, because they don’t want their offspring to be exposed to the same filth of social degeneracy that they’ve been exposed to. Or simply the realization that in today’s materialistic times, there is no actual thing as a ‘family’.
Your kids might go off their own track someday, and abandon your red pill indoctrination to become blue pill chumps to ‘blend’ with the flow of the PC society we live in today. In the end, every human has some ‘expectations’ in life – especially from the people that he loves or cares about. Sometimes the expectation can be to loved in return. In today’s world, keeping expectations from someone is sometimes itself a stupid idea. There is no guarantee to human relationships, even those related by blood. This realization can be painful, and can cause people to give up on attachments, or the process of forming attachments by starting a family.
So in the end, one can’t judge a man truly without walking his path first. To each, his own.
I’m 34 and still not married. I’ve been married at 25 and divorced to 29, that too to a girl from the FSU. I don’t believe in marriage or love at all now. Today, it’s just sex and variety. I might marry again not now – when I’m in my 40’s or 50’s, but it would take an exceptional woman to change my mind.
An excellent article and spot on. I don’t have anything to add. Thanks for sharing it.
“A girl who has spent most of her adult life partying and texting 15 different guys at once riding the cock carousel is not a girl who will ever be trustworthy. She is ruined, damaged goods, and not worth the trouble or risk.
She has lived a life of deceit and manipulation, and no amount of wanting to change will turn her into a suitable lifelong companion. She simply cannot recover from that kind of social conditioning.”
This is what I never get about the captain save-a-ho’s out there. She’s damaged goods. Her father raised her incorrectly(or wasn’t there due to corrupt laws) and the culture then ruined her entirely. Of course the legal system backs her up for anything she wants to do, but she will never come back. Heed this advice any non-ROK men or new ROK men(I assume regular ROK people know this), these women will ruin your life, especially if you’re dumb enough to marry one at a young age. You can’t fix what has broken for years.
Captain save-a-hoes are both brainwashed and desperate. They’ve gotten so little female attention over the years, that they’re willing to take anyone they can get.
You’re right! My buddy just had a kid with one, and he was a dude that didn’t get that much attention from women.
It kind of bothers me that all the men here only advise guys to not marry these women. Dont get into ANY emotional entanglement with a slut (a young, attractive American girl). Young men catch feelings very quickly and Ive seen several guys accidentally get into an emotional relationship with a girl that was just a friends with benefits a few weeks ago. The whole reason for sites like this is to warn men about how emotionally connected you can get to a girl through sex. Everyone puts on this player IDGAF front, but its just a part of life. Sex is not just sex.
After you fuck a girl the first time, you should assess her value to your life and come up with a number for how many times you are going to fuck her again. Stick to this number. If shes good in bed, hit it 5 more times and cut it off. 10 times is the limit and if it goes beyond that, have other plates to spin.
He is so right, it’s not enough to “just” fuck and advising men not to marry estogen-based parasites. Those kind of women are nearly professionals at manipulation. You would not “just” kiss a viper or “just” put your head in a starving shark’s mouth, so don’t even bother with these kind of bitches. Chances are if you feel like you can’t or won’t wait abit for something of quaility, then you will get what you paid for and as anybody that has a fraction of a brain will tell you the prices are tooo damn high and NO MAN should to willing set themselves up for failure because most of the time either you get her pregnant or she breaks your heart or even a STD. Nothing good comes from messing with women like this. Don’t get burned.
Good stuff. Oh the irony that women tore down every institution that was designed to provide for them materially, spiritually, and emotionally, all for cock and a quick buck.
Women think only about the short term. The long term repercussions of their actions will put a burden on civilization, until it collapses.
lol..no. It was to ’empower’ them. I never knew that so many women (in the U.S.) had it so bad?
The poem was the best part
Everything else we already knew
Also: don’t get married is advice for you secular foilk. Its great if you’re a devout non-pleb tier Christian, or Muslim.
But you faggots are too smart for religion, right? So enjoy your marriageless life, and no sons
Um, okay. I will.
Enjoy licking my cum out of your wife’s well-fucked snatch.
Becoming a father is the pinnacle of masculinity. Some men just aren’t cut out for it…
Aren’t cut out for what? Ejaculating into a woman and causing her to pop out some crotch fruit nine months later?? Looks to me like there are billions of chumps around the world who are “cut out for it.” Quit patting yourself on the back. It takes no fucking talent to become a father.
No desire for fatherhood: Nature’s way of removing the genetically flawed.
So true! Just look at all the keen genetic specimens having kids today! We’re practically becoming a race of geniuses and supermen!.
It may take no talent to become a father, but it takes talent, skill, effort, and patience to BE a father. If you need proof, take a look at all the fatherless sluts and manginas out there.
Major difference between being a quality father and just knocking a girl up. Any worthless scumbag can do the later. It is much more honorable that one admits they are not willing/capable of being a quality father than becoming a useless one.
“Ejaculating into a woman and causing her to pop out some crotch fruit nine months later??”
No desire of fatherhood can also be nature’s way of telling that the women available to men are flawed and hold no value worth of being procreated with.
Sometimes fathers cannot prevent their daughters from being sluts and their sons from becoming gays and manginas.
The father of the slut who blew 24 guys in spain – did he train her to do that? The father of Michael Sam – did he train his son to be a faggot? In the end, it also comes down to individual choices.
Lol, more ‘man up’ talks….
Upvote for “crotch fruit”
You’re so offended about my post that you’ll project an image of yourself as fornicating with my wife, as a fantasy form of revenge? How alpha of you! The only thing that could make this more alpha is if you did it about my mom too! Please don’t!
All sarcasm aside…
Devout Christian and Muslim women actually do reserve their virginity. You won’t find them in the club, so if you run night game they won’t be there. People like you will never get a virgin wife.
Don’t want one. I kind of enjoy it when a woman knows what the hell she’s doing. But hey, have fun with your virgin and your imaginary sky daddy!
“Devout Christian and Muslim women actually do reserve their virginity. You won’t find them in the club”
Yeah… like the devout christian virgin who recently sucked 24 cocks in a nightclub in Magaluf.
Good luck being the one kissing her on the mouth after that.
Timely article. Solid stuff for reflection just before the upcoming weekend.
All I’d have to add – Men: marry virgins. Women: remain virgins.
At first my reasons for this were strictly religious, but as I’ve gone through school and life, I see there are social, emotional, and biological reasons why virgin women are worth more. Tradition doesn’t lie.
If I could give a million upvotes, I would. Can you imagine what the men who married former carousel riders go through?
Pillow talk:
Husband: Wow, that was amazing!
Wife: I know! You’re the 50th best I’ve ever had!
Well it is not reallistic that a husband would get into top of her “best bangs she ever had” chart. How can a single man compete with threesomes, foursomes and all other gangbangs she experienced?
Actual conversation after banging a chick… “That was amazing, I
orgasmed almost 7 times and you’re not even the biggest I’ve had.” I
looked at her and said, “Thanks, You’re tits aren’t the biggest I’ve
seen but you swallow with the best of them.”
What happened next?
Nice fairy tale nigger
She apologized and said she meant no offense, I told her it made her sound like a slut. She then asked if I was interested in a threesome (upping the slut ante I guess), another guy and her. I said, “Are you crazy, hell no but you can invite a girlfriend if you want a threesome with me.” She said no and that it was okay since “Most men aren’t secure enough to handle a threesome” adding that she never had one but was interested. I called her a crazy bitch. We f**cked a few more times over the next few weeks and I ended it when she asked me to get her pregnant.
Seriously, where do you find these specimens? Even the mighty Bonobos, simian kings of poon and wang as it were, have not been observed to take it that far with their females.
I really hope that “you’re” in “you’re tits” was autocorrect
The crazy ones are always good, just have to know when its time to go.
Ha, it was. Good catch, it reads pretty funny as “you are tits…”
“Nice fairy tale nigger” Just out of curiosity, would you say that to a guy in person?
I highly doubt it. Racists are cowards by nature. They scurry along walls and keep out of sight. Similar to rats.
That doesn’t sound made up at all.
A Kabbalistic Rabbi once told an analogy that when a light is turned on in a dark room, the dirty, unclean creatures; cockroaches, rats etc, will scurry under the chairs and desks or into holes. The Light being like Truth.
I think even bonobos will think that we are insane if they ever observe our own sex and mating habits!
…or simillar to sexist mysogeeenists aka red pillers. would u state your views on womanzees in public or in the company you work for? I doubt it as well.
I would say it to someone if person, if he was blatantly bullsitting and I was calling him out.
Lol oh wow!
Yeah, but what about the chicks in this vid?
I bet a lot of thirsty guys would marry them…
The Decline of the west!
and the 100th biggest….
Fisto gave the following advice to young women.
“She will start thinking she is wasting her prime years with you. The
loyal schlub that pays all her bills. She will start consulting her
friends (who are probably already divorced and miserable) and they will
seek to validate their own stupid decisions by telling her “you deserve
to be happy” (when really they want her to be miserable, let’s face it, women hate each other).”
A bit more needs to be added. As much as women hate each other, homosexuals hate women more. If your talking to your gay friend about your lover, he will sabotage you EVERY time. He cannot stand the idea that you have it better than him.
Gay men are the worst frenemies a woman can have.
Yeah…women don’t like husbands who have put their dick in hundreds of vaginas either.
It makes me wonder how men ever let themselves be tricked into thinking that marrying a woman who isn’t a virgin is normal. Forget even the fact that non virgins can’t bond as well as virgins, its simply a matter of principal. If another man has been in her vagina you don’t commit to his sloppy seconds. One should not let another man one up him that easily.
Well, no…Here in western europe if you, male or women, have looks between 5-10, it is almost certain, that you fucked before you hit 18.
I’m now together with a croatian model, who happend to be still virgin with 23. But only her extreme IQ and strong psychoanalytical skills “saved” her.
Extremely intellectual women work both ways.
They can either strongly rationalize not to sleep with anyone, or strongly rationalize their sluthood.
But the fact remains that virgins in western societies are a unicorn. And sometimes they’re actually not unicorns – but fat, , obnoxious, unattractive land whales who have a horn on their foreheads.
As a female virgin in her mid 20s, I can relate to this on a number of levels. I feel that in guarding my virginity, I am also guarding my heart. I don’t hide this fact if a man gets to know me, and it also helps me gauge someone’s character by understanding their reaction to this fact.
And I think that will help a future serious relationship be more fulfilling. No stats to cite, just a sense from observing my peers.
A young woman with logic! And it’s true, I was most committed in my first relationship *technically* the way its suppose to be is virgins marry virgins, sex is sacred, infidelity was punishable by death. A healthy culture reproduces from young couple who raise their children in their youth and pair them with good matches from respectable families.
That aside, you need to share alot in common (that being a primary and normal desired trait) if you are a virgin lady looking for good relationship. While I don’t necessarily agree with what marriage has become, a solid LTR is pretty much the same idea.
The most important thing is to guard your heart until you find someone worthy of it.
Another man hoaxed into the web of a woman, only to feed her the attention she wants. The rules are clear that responding to women is not permitted, but there is a reason for this.
You see, as enlightened and as well spoken a woman can be, at least on paper, her actions so often deceive. For it is in women’s nature to deceive, for all kinds of validation and hedonistic pleasures.
The supposed woman that you responded to knows the follies of man, and knows that she can manipulate you into response, merely by appealing to your intellectual faculties. The mere hint of woman, specifically intelligence in a woman, has brought a response from you.
You indulge not yourself in stating your opinion, nor even the woman, but the woman and her tricks.
I recommend reading the Humanae Vitae. Although, it was written by Pope Paul VI, I’m not Catholic and I still enjoyed reading it.
>as a female
Get out
Truly an excellent rebuttal. Good job.
It is highly likely that a virgin girl in her mid 20’s has developed some serious, debilitating notions about sex and sexuality.
Having your body scream for a dick to the point of bleeding and not getting any for over a decade has to fuck you up.
You will most likely be a sexual dysfunctional and will soon develop a disgust for sex and an almost prudish sensibility (what do you think happened to the catholic school nuns)
It is unfair and paradoxical, but that is life baby
I highly doubt Apple’s anal hymen is still intact.
I think the name ‘Apple’ suggests:
– An apple shaped body. Which is not sexy, with no butt. Thus the incel virginity.
– Or an apple colored ass. Possibly a nickname assigned by a man because of butt shape, from first person view during doggy style.Thus, the anal virginity is indeed doubtful.
Pretty sure you are not voluntarily a virgin. How fat and ugly re you, hon? Also, how about you fuck off. Read the rules, women and faggots are not allowed to post here.
That’s easier said than done my friend. Most girls will have at least taken it in the ass by the age of 16. You would sooner find an unicorn than a virgin.
Very true. Go to Catholic europe or latin america, and see ‘virgin’ girls sucking cock and indulging in promiscuous premarital anal sex with numerous ‘boyfriends’ in their teens. It’s like their asses have taken more sperm enemas than actual enemas they might have taken in their life. Same applies to conservative Middle eastern women.
With the rise of hymeneal restoration surgery, this farce of virgins being wife material becomes even more conspicuous. I’d rather trust an animal than a woman when it comes to sexual morality.
Animals mate during seasons, women mate during moods.
The pill makes western women’s moods last approximately 1 night a year.
You really are a fucking retard. It’s quite funny that you use the unicorn figure of speech. The Unicorn was basically the Rhino. Additionally the horn was a medieval phallus substitute or metaphor. Many a maiden desired the horn as it were. There are quite funny illustrations about it. It’s obviously a cock anyway.
What a befuddling comment you have written…
Marriage before late 20’s is impossible in Amurrica and if you remain a virgin……
It is highly likely that a virgin girl in her mid 20’s has developed some serious, debilitating notions about sex and sexuality.
Having your body scream for a dick to the point of bleeding and not getting any for over a decade has to fuck you up.
You will most likely be a sexual dysfunctional and will soon develop a disgust for sex and an almost prudish sensibility (what do you think happened to the catholic school nuns)
It is unfair and paradoxical, but that is life baby
“Serious, debilitating notions”
If you consider loyalty, obedience, and submissive behaviour serious and debilitating, you don’t have to marry me, I won’t complain.
Yeah you got me. I was talking about loyalty, obedience and everything nice.
For those who didn’t: Marry early and you are poor, marry a virgin(late) and she is as exciting as a mannequin. It is a paradox
this is true, but really, have fun finding one. it doesn’t matter what country she is from, after the age of 18, it is very difficult to locate a female that has not fallen for the clap trap. there are many who claim to be pure, but lie….
A Virgin American woman, are you a troll?
yeah, from some of your posts here, you don’t seem to be worth a whole lot yourself.
This would be ideal but in this day and age very rare.
This is a great article. It gives good advice for men and women to work towards a life they would enjoy instead of a life with ever increasing levels of depression.
This should be taught in high schools.
Agreed. It would make things a lot easier than to go through all the BS first. We are taught the blue pill as children, and we eventually learn that we wasted many years living a lie.
Yes, agree. Never take any dating advice (let alone marriage advice) from a woman.
I told my son AND my daughter NOT to get married, but learn to be the one on top in relationships always.
My daughter doesn’t need any “mentor” SHE is the mentor.
She’ll be moving back in with you after her divorce, I take it?
This article is spot on. I am 27 and I am just about to enter the prime of my life. I have spent my first few years out of college in the corporate workforce. The employment opportunity is great for your early/mid 20’s because it gives you a care free life during the time you figure out what your really want to do. I have gained much experience in life up to this point, and I now have decided what I should be doing. Many people want to travel the world, but I find it more appropriate to stay put and move to a small US city where I can make a difference. Maybe I only impact a dozen people at the end of my life, but that is more than one can do in a cubicle.
Why does it make complete sense to be with younger women? Obviously, they are going to be prettier, but they aren’t going to stay pretty. It allows you to become accomplished and experienced by the time you are ready to start a family. I won’t be ready for children for years to come, and a girl my age will be closing in on her years of infertility by that time. Sure, we may relate more at first, but that is only easier ice breakers. With a masters degree, a very good current income, and good savings, I don’t need a girl with a college degree. I honestly don’t want one who went through the liberalizing institution that is known as an American university. The vast majority of girls that attend university get corrupted by the agenda taught by the liberal arts department which contains only depressed and angry professors. All I want is a someone who will find fulfillment in staying home and raising children. Who will let the boys be boys and the girls be girls. It honestly doesn’t sound like much to ask, but apparently it is these days.
Very realistic goals, I applaud your honesty…kids these days with their fucken heads in the clouds…they don’t realize how much effort it takes to create dreams. Social media doesn’t help with the realism either. It’s just a mass of people who are trying to out-advertise each other and make their lives seem more important. But that reality doe. A real man knows what the actual reality is. Fuck modern society.
The ones who display themselves through social media as having the “best times” are actually the same people who feel the most emptiness on the inside.
All the people with huge goals are the people that have never worked hard enough. If you think you can be the next big music icon then I know off that bat that you haven’t even tasted any success in the music industry yet. Dreams and goals shouldn’t be egotistical. If you want to be a presence, it shouldn’t be for fame or fortune. It is because you want to reach people and bring positivity to their lives.
You’re a better man than me. I dont know if its in the genes or some people are just brainwashed to be egoistic assholes…
JLundone, very good commentary once again. Most of your comment belonged in the “tattoo” article. It would have fit just as nicely there. Your last two sentences are spot on. I love/hate it when another man says something so close to my own heart that it requires no additions on my part. Overall, this is very good advice to both young men and women. It’s too bad most won’t heed its warning. On a side note, am I the only dude who looks forward to the collapse of the dollar and the decline of western civilization? To me, this is the only realistic way to put nature back in balance. Also, men like us will be appreciated much more so without all the trapping of modernity. The sooner the better in my book; If it doesn’t happen soon, after the collapse finally does occur, we will have to legalize polygamy to kick start our declining birth rates…just keeping one woman in line is difficult enough…ask Ray Rice. It will be chore to keep multiple women under control.
Very noble and level-headed approach. Good luck to you on your quest for normal, healthy living. May godspeed you young friend.
#Martel733 Actually I am responding to Martel733: Good point bro. Thanks for the hip check and “Be careful what you wish for.”
I’m 29 and now very doubtful this ‘prime’ time exists, as they say, a good indicator of future behavior is past behavior, or basically, if your past was shit, the future probably will be too. You don’t wake up with a cleared memory and confidence in yourself just because you’ve rotated around the sun thirty plus times.
Add into the mix your late teens and twenties being the most important foundation years that shape your viewpoints on the world.
Of course, this is all based on each individual, I’m probably just bitter and jealous that I am the one in five that falls into the lose:lose category and now know that I’ve missed my boat and know blindly that it is too late.
So power to whoever ‘makes it’ i guess.
I’ll be in the shed tying the noose.
Yeah, but you would also have to compete with me dude. I mean come one, look at me.
Could argue some minor points but overall is the truth, as seen in “A Man Wants a Wife, Not a Co-Worker”
Truer words were never written: ” let’s face it, women hate each other”
“Misogyny: When a man hate a woman as much as women hate each other”
Very true. If you take the man out of the ‘equation’ (i.e. office full of women), then you’ll see just how fast these women can tear each other apart.
A man has nothing to do with it (many times he is just a scape goat). Women are their own downfall in most cases.
good read. a lot of good points. one thing I’m always left wondering though, is maybe no one is happy in marriage and/or monogamy, not even women who have built their lives around being a text book good wife. maybe only a small minority of men and women actually want to or enjoy being conservative in their attitudes towards sexuality and relationships. why is society so hell bent on repressing sexuality as a whole?
So on one hand, this website preaches to men to marry a virgin and to girls to stay virgin and on the other hand it teaches techniques of how to exploit women for sex. The boss even has a dedicated article – How To Have Sex With A Virgin.
Care to explain?
I believe this is where the phrase “have your cake and eat it too” is used.
I was disgusted with this site to see a promotion of race-mixing in several articles, but they are all written by different users, like all of the articles of this site, so there can be a contradiction many times. (sorry for my english, hope that makes sense)
What you call race mixing, I call hybrid vigor. When did ROK become the sewing circle of limp wristed xenophobes.
If you feel inclined to race-mix, I would think that is nature’s way of removing you from the pure gene pool. If you had good genetics, you wouldn’t have a desire to blend them away.
We notice that race mixing happens most strongly in the fringes of society, such as homeless crack whores, or in the Hollywood degenerates.
When I see a man with a woman of a strange race, I wonder what aberrant behaviour forced him to leave his racial kind.
Truer words were never spoken. Just like they discovered the same species of whales have different races in different geographical locations with adaptations to them, and are on different evolutionary paths, the same goes for Humans.
The reason why writers on here are saying “Go experience woman from all walks of life” is because they got sick of the entitled feminism race-mixing sluts that dot the streets just because their friends did it or they saw it on MTV. Other cultures still have desirable feminine traits, but if you are going to have kids (not just sex), you are throwing away good genetics if you have them. Men who do not take race into account are generally are really looking at money (CPO), status (why have 1 girl when you could fuck 100 in *insert 3rd world country*, or something else that they are lacking.
Exactly, my friend. There are guys here who say “racism is ridiculous. it’s 2014”. Then they rejoice over traditional women, just before defiling strangers.
Embracing tradition must be done on ALL fronts, not just the easy ones that no one will call you a racist over.
Humans aren’t different enough to benefit much from hybrid vigor anyway, and xenophobia is needed to prevent distinct identities from being wiped out.
Or conquerors, they were infamous for “race mixing”. Charlemagne, Ghengis Khan, yup those guys were just homeless crack heads.
Charlemagne was a great king, 7ft tall and a warrior of noble blood. He sired a grandson, Charles Martel, who defeated the muslim invaders of Spain. Far from a “race-mixer”
“He was large and strong, and of lofty stature, though not disproportionately tall (seven-feet tall). His head was round and well-formed, his eyes very large and vivacious, his nose a little long, his hair white, and his face jovial. His appearance was always stately and very dignified, whether he was standing or sitting. …. His gait was firm, his whole carriage manly, and his voice clear.”
White people are part neanderthal and asians are part denisovan. Blacks are mostly pure sapiens. Youre already a mutt if you know or species genetic history. The wolf will be around after the poodle, and so will the hyena.
(In case you couldnt tell, your “pure” ass is the poodle in this analogy)
WTF is a pure gene pool? There is more variation within human populations than between them. You need to go back to school. My genes persist irrespective of which women I fuck them into. It’s amusing to me that you race purity cheerleaders frequent Roosh’s board when he’s some kind of damn Paki or something and quite successfully bangs women all over the world. Get thee to stormfront before I resurrect Mohammed Ali and Jesse Owens and have them kick your asses.
Dude, Lewontin is a self-admitted Marxist and should not be taken seriously.
That there is more variation in one gene pool does not mean that each gene pool is not distinct in its own way, having a greater portion of certain genes compared to others. If you want to mix it up, that’s fine, but there’s nothing wrong with guys who want to keep it pure either.
Humans do benefit from hybrid vigor (see heterozygous advantage) but you are correct about the last part. Xenophobia is needed to prevent distinct identities from being wiped out. Still, mixed race humans have a genetic advantage. White Nationalists believe otherwise because it makes them feel special.
White people ARE hybrid vigor- part Neanderthal. Thus Europe has civilization and Africa still looks like shit. Also, the “other” civilization, Asia, is also an example of hybrid vigor- part Denisovan.
Also, each race has a bell curve. A mixed progeny of say, two Olympians of different races or two Nobel Laureates of different races is going to be superior to a “pure” specimen whose parents were both Average Joes of the same race.
Such a stupid oversimplification.
If you’re an average white person, you’re only slightly better than the average black. Black geniuses are your genetic superiors, even if they’re *gasp* mulattoes. Get the fuck over yourself.
The vitriol wasn’t intended for Helmuth, I just happen to be under your comment.
I chose those two to make a specific point, as their DNA has been spread far and wide millions of people can trace their lineage back to these two.
“When I see a man with a woman of a strange race, I wonder what aberrant behaviour forced him to leave his racial kind.”
– The ‘aberrant behavior’ is often the abhorrent behavior and appearance of the women of his own racial kind.
Yeah…that’s not really how it works. You shouldn’t rely on Stormfront for this kind of information. There’s a powerful confirmation bias on those message boards, you’ll just end up with sophistry.
That said, I’m going to go ahead and bottom line this since it’s obvious you don’t understand the topic well enough to debate it:
No. 1 – Africa’s predicament is much more than genetics.
No. 2 – if you had research conclusively proving Neanderthals and modern humans have interbred at any point, you would be famous.
No. 3 – In general, more heterozygosity is good.
Lastly, you can’t have it both ways.
Either populations are biologically, sufficiently different enough to be considered distinct groups (e.g. races); In which case hybrid vigor applies and thus “slightly better” becomes “much better” or race is an artificial construct because we’re all Homo Sapiens.
Choose one.
Charlemagne’s daughters, however were sluts.
Even a good king may not be a good father.
“Charlemagne’s attitude toward his daughters has been the subject of much
discussion. He kept them at home with him and refused to allow them to
contract sacramental marriages – possibly to prevent the creation of cadet branches of the family to challenge the main line, as had been the case with Tassilo of Bavaria
– yet he tolerated their extramarital relationships, even rewarding
their common-law husbands, and treasured the illegitimate grandchildren
they produced for him. He also, apparently, refused to believe stories
of their wild behavior. After his death the surviving daughters were
banished from the court by their brother, the pious Louis, to take up
residence in the convents they had been bequeathed by their father. At
least one of them, Bertha, had a recognised relationship, if not a
marriage, with Angilbert, a member of Charlemagne’s court circle.”
Makes sense now. I was thrown off since you had already made my point for me.
Look at Snoop Dogg.
A DNA test read by George Lopez on Lopez Tonight revealed Snoop Dogg to be of 23% Native American, 6% European, and 71% African descent.
I’m not surprised at all. Many blacks are more closely related [genetically] to Europeans than other blacks.
White Nationalists don’t like to hear this but a strong case could be made against race as a biological construct.
Historically, the way we’ve divided racial groups has been on superficially available phenotypes rather than on any significant genetic difference.
You’d be surprised how close we are despite differences in skin color. You may be more genetically similar to a person who looks your polar opposite than you are to a person who looks almost identical.
Snoop Dogg is half european.
Yes, that’s why mixing rates for niggers and Jews are so high.
Charlemagne was Charles Martel’s grandson not his grandfather. It’s best to know the facts before you post.
I most definitely agree. The reason why the United States dominates the Olympics is probably because of hybrid vigour, something that the UK has quickly caught onto. Even if you look at the white guys who dominate the swim events, how much of their blood is an amalgamation of different European types, Native American and maybe one mulatto slave girl? A shit tonne of Americans. This is highly beneficial in athletics. West Africans (where most of the Slave Trade took place) and Eastern Europeans have a higher proportion of fast twitch muscle fibres, which makes them extraordinarily good at sprinting and Olympic weightlifting. Arguably a combination of different genotypes will make you better at multiple events and also strengthen your white blood cells against an array of diseases. This is notable present in Brazil, one of the most athletic people on earth but nearly no infrastructure to support anything else but football (soccer) and occasionally MMA.
Can you actually quantify the advantage? The only advantage I’m aware of is that they are lost boys.
Okay in theory you can’t prove that intelligence and genius is connected to being white, but it’s a reasonable empirical and historical observation. It could flip but almost everything that is advanced appears to come from Western Europe or in some cases east Asia. There’s almost no evidence of black intellectual genius anywhere. If it isnt some sort of deep genetic difference I’d like to have the difference explained. Part of Darwin’s motivation in his study of species origin was to explain such racial differences.
Also hybridity simply favours the inferior half of the splice. Almost all the high end blacks are 1/4 1/2 whites. Even then they are often inferior. The dearth of blacks at the high end of the bell curve (we can even look at Africa too) is terrifying for doctrinaire liberals.
The darks as always are on the war path for fair skin. Producing a half caste is almost always a genetic leg up for a black. Always a step down for the Asian or European.
The majority (97%) of the UK medals in the last Olympics were in fact won by pale faces. Mo Farrah and that Heptathlete were black and mixed race respectively. That’s about it. The England football team is now packed with hybrid vigor and was humiliated in the World Cup. So was Brazil.
I’m a perfect Hybridman
Yeah, because African-Americans are such desirable neighbors and coworkers. Walking talking adverts for Hybrid Wiggers.
Can’t argue with you there. Historically, property values decline and crime rates to go up when African Americans move into a neighborhood. However, genetically, more heterozygosity is good. I’m not endorsing a particular view, just repeating scientific fact.
It depends what you mean by ‘quantify’ Genetically speaking, diversity is generally better.
Outward appearance is what we focus on but other invisible factors (e.g. T-cell wall configuration) can mean the difference between life or death is certain situations within people who outwardly look very similar.
Also note that our environment plays a role in many issues. For ex: Having white color in a butterfly can be perceived as a defect but if the landscape changes to white, it becomes advantageous.
Yep and just to add to your point(s) we need to look no further than Jim Thorpe. Native American and European ancestry, considered one of the most versatile athletes of all-time. The guy was a stud; Pentathlete and Decathlete while excelling at Baseball, Basketball and Football. More heterozygosity is most certainly better; It really isn’t even debatable.
You talk such tosh. After all the migration into the the UK take a look at the British Olympic medal winners from the London Olympics.
If anything that example proves this point. USA, China and Russia outperformed [which is an understatement] TeamGB at the 2012 Olympics, who went on to perform abysmally at Sochi.
The UK is in an advanced state of hybridization. The Afro-Carib and Afro population is large and largely hybridized. There is a large South Asian population that has hybridized. This hybrid group does not show up in the medal count in any meaningful way.
Additionally there is an apples and oranges comparisons there are 150 million Russians, 1 billion Chinese and around 300 million American citizens. There are only 65 million Brits. The historical per capita medal count for Brits is very competitive. The best sporting nation on a per capita basis is Australia. Which until very recently was more British than Britain.
The lack of winter medals is fairly simple. The British do not have an alpine region. However the Norwegians do and they are genetically close to the English and dominate the medal count.
By what measure did the Russians outperform the GB team? The Brits won more golds. The Russians also lost out on a per capita basis quite badly. Sure the Russians won a few more silvers and bronzes. In either case I do not see the diverse populations in either state doing much for either nation in boosting their medal counts. If anything the hybrids you speak of appear to be no shows. Then you have to look at Australia. This is the most competitive nation in the history of the Olympics. Is migration from Africa or Asia helping them win medals? No. Hybridization does not appear to work as you advertise. Your posts are beginning to have the whiff of trollery based on this example.
You do realize that there were lots of extremely gifted all rounders at large when these now “modern” sports were being codified?
It’s sad that sports are just another arm of bullshit Multiracial Multicult these days.
(GB wasn’t even on this chart)
Animal and plant biologists have known for over a century that mixing two diverse species of a plant or animal can result in more vigorous and healthy offspring. We’re literally hardwired [to some degree] to prefer dissimilar MHC’s [Major histocompatibility] genes because this leads to a mix up of genes which keeps genetic defects to a minimum and leads to a healthy interplay of genes.
Not everything is propaganda or a conspiracy, I’m just stating facts. I’m sorry if those cannot be reconciled with your warped world view.
Where did I say that there weren’t? Also, you’re comparing one gold medal for Men’s Doubles Tennis to two gold medals for the Pentathlon and Decathlon, respectively? I’m sorry but some sports ≠ to others.
I believe this is where the phrase “have your cake and eat it too” is used.
More like the cake is the only thing we have to eat in a time of famine.
“Life is so bad all I can do is fuck :((((“
What’s the point of having cake if you can’t eat it? You can keep the cake, I just want to eat it.
I think I can explain. There were many men who just wanted to find a nice virgin girl and settle down. There were also men who were natural born players, but they were a minority of the population. But when Women’s Liberation hit, women began to have astronomical levels of casual sex, and men were FORCED to adapt and learn Game, so they could reap the rewards of this new culture. If things were different, I would much rather have an LTR or marriage than banging random sluts.
I hear a squeaky wheel spinning fast …
Nope, no hamster. When we take the Red Pill, we realize the truth about our civilization, that it is a Matrix. Just because we realize the Matrix doesn’t mean we can LEAVE it. We still live here, so we can only make the best out of a bad situation.
My perspective: I’ve treated women with respect my whole life and been a beta good honourable guy. I’ve been cheated on, lied to, had myself and my family humiliated, almost lost my career, lost friends… Oddly enough the more I treat women like they don’t matter the more they respect me.
I quit…
My parents are still together after 30 years and you guys can cal them beta or whatever but fact is we have a nice little family that will stick it out too the end. My parents value that me and my brother will honor them… Maybe that is worth more than notch counts. I’ve just lost faith in achieving that so fuck it…
I quit…
I didn’t say I give up mind you.. I said I quit.
You mean?…
The pill originates in Alice in Wonderland. The Tranny who wrote the Matrix got a lot wrong.
Baudrillard even thought that Matrix misunderstood the idea of the Simulacra.
No that would be the iGiveUp.
Quitting is opting out. I’ve begrudgingly decided through experience that what my parents had is not in the cards for me.
Quitting is quitting on previous ideals. I haven’t given up. I’m Just clarifying. I think you have the wrong idea about me.
I’m in a phase of reprioritizing my values.
but,..but the picture says it right there…i quit…lol.
I get what you mean. congrats to your decision, as most people never think critically about their live as a whole in any way.
There is no dichotomy here.
This is the world feminism has bequeathed us.
I have told my son not to marry, and my daughter will be told (soon) to lock down a worthy man as soon as possible.
How can this lead to a sustainable future when the best course of action for both sexes are diametrically opposed to each other?
It can’t. And it won’t. The current model is broken – feminism broke it. This is why it is so obvious that there will be a reset of some sort – there is much debate about what form it will take but one thing is clear – feminism will not be part of it.
In the meantime it doesn’t stop us advising men and women the best course of action for them as individuals. This is advice for people, not society
I have told my son not to marry, and my daughter will be told (soon) to lock down a worthy man as soon as possible.
Why don’t you buy your son a copy of Poosy Paradise to teach him how to fuck other father’s virgin daughter?
He doesn’t need a manual when he’s proficient in the practical.
What’s your point?
Point is that there’s clear dichotomy (as you put it) on this side and I’m just trying to figure out what the motives are.
There is no solution – there is no fix to where we arew now.
It’s over
That’s the point.
Agreed. We adapt, or we die.
Adaptation would be impregnating as many women as possible to bankrupt the welfare system and make women come back to me begging for protection..
But don’t marry, have no children and fuck as many sluts as you can is in fact the opposite of adaptation: it’s self-destruction.
That makes no fucking sense.
This is a good point and I’ve been struggling to figure out the solution here as well.
The fact is… betas will have children… they may raise some other dudes’ bastards as well… but he’ll still get to pass on his genes and have some kind of legacy.
RedPillers… if they do not reproduce… will eventually just dissolve and disappear.
The irony is I’ve slept with more women than your average beta.
From an evolutionary point of view… in the modern context… having no self-respect (i.e. committing to a ho, being cuckholded, becoming a pack-mule) is probably going to be the evolutionary strategy that wins out.
I think where you are tripping up here is trying to look for society wide solutions – a fix that will restore the balance between men and women.
It’s way, way too late for that.
That is not going to happen without a major reset of some sort. It will likely be disruptive, painful and costly.
Until it happens (and it will. if history is any sort of guide) it is pointless trying to pursue any sort of plan. At this point there is no planned or orderly way out of the feminist cesspit.
What we CAN do is observe, debate, learn and act. Understand the dysfunction that we live in, test our ideas and apply them to ensure we make the best lives for ourselves that we can.
For men it means self improvement and guarding your commitment. For women it means self awareness and guarding your sexual access.
There is no reason not to thrive in this environment. But it will be the result of choices you make as an individual, not choices made for you by wider society.
Yes, this website ‘preaches to men to marry a virgin and to girls to stay
virgin and on the other hand it teaches techniques of how to exploit
women for sex.’ Stop trying to reconcile them. Both are valid positions for men in today’s feminist world.
Yes, it’s fucked up, but this isn’t a world created by the mass of men. But it is the one we live in and we can either rage against it or adapt to it.
But we can’t fix it – that boat sailed long ago.
Who says we can’t impregnate women and raise the kid on our own?
You don’t have to marry the girl you had sex with
What is there to explain?
Of course this means that men will be competing over a very small pool of virgins, but there’s nothing wrong with that
Too late. Already married a few months back. Gonna have as many nationalistic children was can 🙂
by nationalistic you mean racist right?
Racism is only a small part of nationalism, friend
And that’s supposed to be a bad thing?
Have you been talking to the Shekelsteins again…
Oy Vey! The Goyim know!
Good luck man.
I’d love to raise my own little army one day.
Great advice, especially for the ladies. I liked everything, except for that poem, it didn’t even rhyme..
One addition for men: use steroids in moderate amounts.
This is good advice; it’s based on an understanding of how a man’s nature differs from a woman’s nature, and how they can compliment each other in ways that bring about the greatest amount of total satisfaction and happiness. Men and women are tempted by short-term gains in some areas if their lives to deviate from the advice in this post. But the combination of an older-experienced-successful man together with a younger-inexperienced-dependent woman produces the highest overall benefits throughout their lives. In times past, some women were guided by their parents toward this arrangement; and some men were counseled to achieve success in their career before marrying.
Exactly. What has happened is there are no societal restraints to keep people from acting like savages.
Mike, you get it.
Anyway, until having children outside of marriage becomes the norm, I still think men should get married.
If anything, I suspect there is at least a small genetic component to left-wing mangina-ness. If we don’t reproduce, this leaves their offspring to occupy to much of the demographic pie. Ideally you want to find a woman who isn’t some kind of equalist flake, and create many traditionalist-minded children with her. Over generations, they will begin to outnumber and surround the white liberal demographic, until the enemy is so marginalized they cease being a significant political force. Then we shall have our bloodless victory.
The irony is that white liberals hate white people far more than other races hate whites. I’ve had Hispanic friends who can take a few politically incorrect jokes, but some white lib will pipe up and get angry.
Those cause mongering pop offs and their stupid little tests of purity don’t even fool the minorities they are trying to impress.
It is the norm already. Especially if you’re black.
Newsflash, your children won’t inherit your political affiliations. In fact, I urge you to try to force them into following your beliefs, and watch how fast they’ll grow to resent you and become the exact opposite of what you want to ‘mold’ them into.
I’ve heard that from a lot of people, and I have no doubt that kids sometimes do the reverse psychology thing
However, I’d say it’s still effective on a large scale. I owe my nationalism to my parents’ strident and natural Han chauvinism. Nationalistic societies do in fact, raise nationalistic children overall, provided you don’t force it down their throats.
I also live in a country where nationalism was the norm for a long time, now those nationalist are mainly idiot football hooligans hated with a burning passion by rest of young people. You know why? Because it was all a huge, despicable lie. My country has been in a war not that long ago, many peoples parents/members of family are still missing, many died, got raped and tortured. And for what? So some lard ass old men can have their bank accounts fill up even more. People are waking up, but not in the way that would benefit said lard assess. Young people in my country had lies shoved down our throats since the day we were born, and we do not like it. Not one bit.
I spy with my little eye… A leftist balkaner who resents that he can’t get a Jugo babe.
Your country sucks
why is that relevant?
No such thing as ‘Jugo’ babes, is there? Your ignorance is showing.
Great reply, thought provoking as expected.
Former Jugoslavija? Are you familiar with it?
Argentina? Possibly a Bosniak. Dobra Dan motherfucker.
There are two types of proscribed nationalism. There is suborned nationalism (manipulated by YKW: see pre-Anschluss Austria and there’s Franco like fascism). Then you have the National Socialism which resembles Crusade.
Fuck Sluts. Date Virgins. Marry the Unicorn.
In a perfect world, yes.
Let me give you some life advice, Fisto.
SEA is an acronym for the American city of Seattle. It does not stand for “South East Asia”.
Keep your bugs, jungle heat, and flat chested skanks to yourself pls.
How is that “life advice”?
To the readers of this site, SEA is South East Asia. We don’t give a flying fuck about Seattle and the hairy armpit having women that reside there nor the wimps that pander to them.
No one should give a flying fuck about Seattle, however it’s subtle but transparent anti-americanism. Seattle is a major world city, and the SEA acronym for South East Asia has never been used outside this little community. To the *entire world* outside your little bubble, SEA stands for Seattle.
AND ASIAN WOMEN HAVE NO TITS OR ASS. Might as well fuck little boys dude.
Again, I couldn’t care less what you brand as Anti Americanism. I’ve served my country, was in the most elite infantry unit in the world.
The asian women I bang have firm perfect tits and ass for days.
But they only happen to be 1 of my 4 favorite types of women so don’t worry regardless.
Classic troll is classic. Asian girls don’t have tits or ass and I’m secretly a homosexual.
Don’t dislike gentile Americans or the USA because of the Jews. That’s the life advice here son.
For men, I think it is fine to marry especially if you are doing so in the context of having a family. It actually is doable and you can be generally happy without having to import some woman who doesn’t speak English from Central Europe. I would add the following general riders though:
1. Don’t get married before experiencing life as a single man. This means probably no earlier then your early to mid 30’s, once you have achieved a good amount of professional goals, and after you have had sex with at least a few dozen women.
2. Don’t marry a whore. More then two or three partners (which means she probably has had ten to twelve) and just walk away from the idea of any type of LTR. Once a whore always a whore.
3. Do marry a woman that has some religious values even if you do not necessarily have the same values. This signals they believe in something more then just the self entitlement feminism teaches them.
4. Do marry a woman that is 5-10 years younger then you. This is just common sense. Especially if you want her to bear children.
5. Get a pre-nup. This won’t protect you from divorce rape completely, but it will help soften the blow and will protect your non-martial assets.
6. Don’t believe in “marriage for life”. Go into marriage realizing there is a very good chance that you will be getting a divorce at some point in your natural life. Accept this realization and put into your mind that if it happens, it happens. You will do your best to reach a fair and amicable separation and just get on with your life. Having this realization alone will probably help “save” your marriage more times then it might fuel its failure.
7. Even shlub marriage counselors will tell you this reality – don’t let your marriage become sexless. If you have not had sex with your wife for more then two to three weeks, get going at it. Sex is one of the main things that bonds any romantic relationship. The absence of it is dangerous. If it is your wife refusing to put out tell her that is not acceptable and if she doesn’t want to have sex then you will find someone who does. If she persists, make good on your declaration.
For women, your advice is much more simple. Do whatever you can to look as hot as possible. Stay hot for as long as possible. Don’t whore yourself out. Be nice. And if you find an Alpha who wants to marry don’t wait for the next one that might come along, do anything it takes to lock him down.
I agree with you.
Its fine to live with a divorced emotional rollercoaster slut(a 6/10). The slut supports me(no rent, food, vacations). All I have to do is keep her crazy ass company for 3 hours a night. All day I have to myself for whatever the fuck I want to do. Sure You might feel like a POS sometimes but its all good, free ride because when this mofo lands a good job IM OUT 🙂
Hi I know you said not to date/marry American girls but what about Welsh/English/Irish/Scottish girls are they less corrupted or still toxic?
Scottish girls are pure filthy sluts I love travelling up north to hook up with them. Hope that helps pal.
Thanks but what about Welsh girls I’m Welsh so I’d like to hear other opinions to make sure I’m not looking at the situation through rose tinted glasses?
Welsh birds are filthy the majority of UK porn stars are Welsh cause they absolutely love sex Its best you just stay away from marriage son
As an American, I went to the birthplace of Sir Tom Jones, while doing a semester in England. I was glad I did, the women I met were much less bitchy and pompous than the girls of SE England. I was successful in my week there, but the women did not seem overtly promiscuous. I credit my success to receiving an American bump while there. Then again, this was a decade ago.
Thanks CM I’m know there is promiscuous girls in every place, but I think there’s still hope for Welsh men a lot of our nation is rural and traditional and still holds Christian values, which is good for someone like me who although reads the red pill blogs would prefer to settle down with a good feminine woman.
Get out of the west. Period.
What kind of duty as a father would you be doing to your children if the lips of their mother that kissed them to sleep every night where the exact same ones fucked by every single asshole during her carousel years?
Avoid marriage
The most important advice for men (irrespective of age) is when it comes to LOVE, or loving women.
So, remember these maxims:
1. An overwhelming majority of women (I’d refrain from using the words “all women”) love men for what men do or can do for women – and not for what men are.
Women, only in extremely exceptional cases, love men for what they are, even if the men didn’t do anything for them in return. But again, this sort of ‘love’ also doesn’t last for long.
2. Love is a fleeting but immensely powerful illusion, and women are masters at creating and maintaining that illusion in men’s minds.
3. Women are often in love with the feeling of being in love or the concept of love, than being in love with men themselves.
4. If women are not in love with love, then women are in love with themselves. You’d see either of the two choices, or both these choices taken by women (a self absorbed woman who is in love with concept of falling in love).
5. Don’t mistake sexual passion, lust or care for love. More often than not, it’s a female trying to control you or bind you to her by that.
6. A woman’s support or love for you during your shitty times can inexplicably turn to scorn and disdain during times of abundance, and vice versa. This is the irony of female behavior, which sometimes even women themselves find it difficult to explain.
One of the best articles I have ever read. If a women reads this, she will accuse any men agreeing with this to be a misogynist.
The traditional role was ALWAYS meant to be MAN works and WOMAN stays at home and looks after family. That was what helped maintain the family bond.
Now men are metrosexual trophy husband effiminate, emasculated henpecked simps and manginas and women are the masculine bread winners.
Sick times we live in. Can’t wait for Jesus to return,
There’s really nothing wrong with misogyny, as it is defined in the west
I read an article saying don’t marry, then a good deal of comments saying marry in this case, marry in that case, wtf?
No, you read an article saying live a single life long enough to decide what you truly want and if you have to marry, do so under certain circumstances and for certain reasons. It is not a case by case basis.
Please… Abandon marriage, abandon the West! Make money here but do not even think about marriage. I don’t care if you are Mr. Alpha big dick Olympia, the West vis-a-vis the Anglosphere will rape you financially, paternally and emotionally. Entrepreneurship/business is the only redeeming characteristic the West still has over the East. The way Russia is currently being treated by NATO/US is deplorable, to gang up on the world’s last white patriarchy and last true buffer to Anglo/American/Israeli poison is disheartening. A country that just wants to return to its Orthodox Christian and Tsarist roots is being internationally berated by YKW. Every man on this forum should be in selfish mode in regards to his government and marriage. For all you Brits and Americans out there, there is no reason to be loyal to a government completely beholden to a foreign power and governments that are against the natural order. I’m done as should you.
Most of us have already pretty much hunkered down and disconnected from this general society at large, which pretty much feels like a veritable alien force by now. If it were not for a variety of local attachments we would have long moved on to greener pastures, you can be sure of that. Many of these so-called western countries do not offer anything of true value anymore, with the possible exception of a certain level of comfort and material standards and security (the less hopeless ones anyways). Boy, how the wool has been lifted from our eyes. Only the most gullible and brainwashed remain, convinced that what they see here is all there is to it and that it really is the best they can hope for. For anyone else, the lies simply become white noise over time, and we simply ease to pay any more attention to them. The upcoming years are going to be interesting to say the least.
Its money. All of the better countries everyone talks about are poor, especially compared to the US and UK.
Painfully true…
What do you expect the truth to be? Satisfying? Of course not. The truth always sucks.
Russia is being punished for two things.
They armed black Africans against their white masters in the era of decolonization.
They effectively kicked out Jewish control recently.
It’s a perfect storm unfortunately.
Jesus Christ, Mr Christopher, did you just scan my brain and say exactly what I’ve felt for the last eight years? Agreed, Agreed, Agreed…and I couldn’t agree more with your sentiment. I swear, some of the regular commenters should be writing here at ROK. I will say this though, is Putin just the Hegelian Dialect opposing force to the western debt enslavers? Is Putin just trying to make Russia strong in order to defend itself…or is he trying to change the course of history for the BRIC’s and possibly the western countries? I’d like to consider Putin the leader of the free world; however, this could just be my bias against our own way of doing things.
Vlad Putin is thee buffer to Western poison. He is building a ‘Fortress Russia’, that will be nearly impervious to direct Western military incursions or another Barbarossa. This time the West’s only hope of dismantling Russia will have to be another domestic funded revolution a la’ 1918, when men such as Jacob Schiff with the aid of Wilson and other freemasons funded the downfall of the Holy Tsardom and replaced it with some of the most vile and repugnant people who of course took their orders from New York, Washington and London vis-a-vis Trotsky and Lenin.
Putin’s KGB experience and certain experienced loyal ‘dogs’ within his inner circle will mitigate this threat unlike Tsar Nicholas II. There have been over 20,000 new Orthodox Christian churches built since the rise of Putin, in addition to kicking western funded oligarchs mainly from the ‘tribe’, with Russian economic output being increased over 500% since 2000. In addition to the impressive military build up and Russian reassertion in Ukraine and other FSU states, he also seeks to dismantle the corrupt IMF/World Bank hydra with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) bank recently founded a few weeks ago, headquarted in Shanghai.
Some serious geopolitical moves are being made against the current Anglo/American/Israeli world order, and whatever lackey/puppet may sit in the White House, whether his name be Obama or Bush, will quickly figure out that no matter how ominous of a leviathan the West’s current supremacy may be, it won’t be easy blunting the BRICS without another world war. At this point, the BRICS led by Russia and China won’t be easy to dismantle from the inside as was the case with Libya and Egypt. Any man with a brain abreast on the reality of the current situation and conscience can no longer stand with the West. Our governments led from Tel-Aviv are the evil empire now.
Man do you know your shit. I’m convinced the only thing you don’t know, is how to love these hoes.
One thing I will add as a footnote, for anyone who didn’t catch LC’s allusion, is that Jacob Schiff was a Rothschild agent as well as one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution. He personally financed Trotsky’s trip from New York [back] to Russia.
As the head of Kuhn, Loeb & Co he worked tirelessly to overthrow Russia’s tsarist autocracy and along with Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Jerome Hanauer, Max Breitung and Isaac Seligman [is anyone noticing a pattern?] financed the Bolshevist usurpation of Russia to the tune of $20 million.
Hey bro, as a master chess playing judo champion, I would LOVE it if all of the implications of what you said came true. However, I am forced to confront reality. What did Putin do as a consequence of the sinking of the Kursk, the Polish plane crash, the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the overthrow of Ghadifi, the overthrow of Mubarek, the stealing of Kosovo and turning Camp Bondsteel into a great European drug trans-shipment point. You can see, I can go on and on. I realize Putin-like all other Russian leaders of the past-prefers to deal with issues privately rather than using the media as a mouth piece. I’m just saying that if you and I come to blows, I too, will control my emotions and allow you to make the first move, BUT AT SOME POINT, I will counter your moves and defeat you with very little effort on my part…please be man enough (which is what I expect from a man of your stature) to understand I mean no disrespect to you personally. Concentrate on this: Where the fuck is your counter punch Vlad???
Mr. Putin is in quite a precarious situation. Any student of Russian history knows that Vlad had to rebuild Russia from scratch. The amount of damage and whoring Gorbachev and Yeltsin did to Russia, sent their economy, infrastructure and military apparatus back to 1960 levels. In addition to selling Russian state assets including the vast oil fields, mineral, diamond and gold mines off to parasites such as the un-dearly departed Boris Berezovsky, Russia was also entirely dependent on the West for technology and economic aid. Within 10 years Putin had severed the cord, repaid IMF loans off, nationalised Russian state assets and started rebuilding the military. However, regrettably, Putin needs the West for trade and technology. Russia has the technology to completely modernise its military but it doesn’t have the budget to sustain building it.
Also, I hate to say it, the Slavic mindset however fierce it may be, doesn’t lend itself to innovation and doing more with less. Example, the Germans. The Germans everytime after every calamity, have the technological and innovative capacity to rebuild their military apparatus and economy with virtual little to no aid from outside sources. Putin is playing the long game in the Ukraine, although I felt he wasted a vital opportunity to crush the Western backed whore government of Yatz with one almighty blitzkrieg.
But then again, the Russian mindset is not one of aggressive elan and wunderlust of the Teutons but one instead of defence. The Russians want to bleed you dry. If the Bear could be described as an MMA fighter, he’d be one of pure counterstrikes, leveraging his opponent’s weight against him and attacking at a vital moment. The key is patience. Read of Tsar Alexander I and how he patiently bleed Napoleon’s forces on the steppes of the Rus’, in that you’ll discover all you need to know about Russia.
I’m Palestinian (but born and raised in US), 35 years old, and last summer I went to Palestine to find and marry my slim 19 year old virgin wife. I wish I could share with you guys the amazing feeling of being with a woman that caters to you, is a virgin, has never been on Facebook, Tinder, POF, OKCupid, etc, is feminine, and knows her role as wife. It just blows my mind that everyday some guy here marries a woman that probably had more sex partners than he has and is so corrupted by social media and feminism.
Lucky guy I’m white but I’m attracted to Arabic girls.
Lucky you. You married a virgin from a good family.
The rest of most of the world, is usually fucked.
Guys meet girls who call themselves virgins who are not oral or anal virgins. Guys meet girls who say they’ve had one or two partners, that too in relationships, while actually fucked 10 or more men in casual one night stands or p4p arrangements.
Or guys actually meet virgins, who remained virgins because they were so unattractive that no one wanted to fuck these women. So these marriages are nothing but adjustment for the sake of finding chastity in a woman.
These are the fucked up choices for most men.
No wonder women are the source of most of men’s miseries.
I’m an attractive 29 year old virgin. I literally have gone no further than kissing because I am saving that for marriage. And I look every bit as good as I did at 18. Take your generalizations and shove them – all you are doing is making yourself look stupid and ignorant. Oh yeah, and a man has no right to demand that his wife be a virgin, unless he is one himself. I have no interest in a skanky bag of diseases who has no morals and fetishizes my virginity. Creepy and gross.
“I look every bit as good”
IF IT’S ON THE INTERNET, IT MUST BE TRUE! Because feminists and the truth have a great track record…
If you’re such a catch, why aren’t you married off yet, old girl?
LOL! Something does smell fishy…
You lost me right there. Men do have such a right and we exercise that right by not marrying whores. Have fun dying alone old maid.
Cassie, the only thing about you that’s as good as when you were 18 is your command of logic and your feel for the real world.
No one wants a 29 year old with god knows how many mental issues that claims to be a virgin.
“I literally have gone no further than kissing”
– She meant blowjobs. Kissing dick.
Because I have struggled with a serious illness throughout my 20s and wasn’t able to date. And not being “married off” doesn’t mean anything except to an ignorant moron who makes assumptions, aka YOU.
Nope, I’m not an old maid and I will not die alone. It’s hilarious how you think everyone is afflicted with your ignorance. I have plenty of guys interested, more than I did in my early 20s. You, on the other hand, probably will die alone unless you seek counseling for whatever it is that brought you onto a cesspool such as ROK. Decent women don’t like sociopaths.
Yeah, and you would know that HOW? You know nothing about me. You think you’re being hurtful when really all you’re doing is making a fool of yourself. Insults grounded in ignorance mean nothing.
Oh, and plenty of DECENT guys are interested in me, whether you want to believe it or not. As for mental issues, in fact, I have struggled with severe OCD and depression, which is a large part of why I haven’t dated. I recovered from those things, which took more strength and courage than someone like you can even imagine, and have built a wonderful life for myself. Go ahead, make fun of me for my past issues – show what an ignorant cretin you really are.
No decent woman wants the type of guy who frequents a site for sociopaths such as this one. It is likely that every single man on this site has mental issues, so it is funny that you would project that onto me. At least my mental issues were treatable – personality disorders, on the other hand, are not.
No, that is just what you think because your mind is in the gutter. You have no ability to understand that some of us are able to preserve our virtue, because of your own rotting morals which you project onto everyone.
People who assume that a woman is undesirable because she isn’t married by a certain age are likely just not very intelligent. Some of us didn’t marry young because we weren’t ready and wanted to wait until we had our own shit together to tie ourselves down to someone else. That’s right, women are people with emotions and goals, not just objects who are meant to be married off to random guys at young ages and be used by their husbands forever. Some of us have standards and didn’t settle for the first guy who came along – in our early 20s, we wanted to better ourselves rather than tie ourselves down to some sugar daddy like I’m guessing some of you are. And in the end, we end up with BETTER quality men (like my wonderful boyfriend) rather than some lowlife like Return of Cavemen boys who think women are meant to be used by men and who would likely be physically and emotionally abusive.
Yeah that’s probably your dried up crusty arse. Lol!
Not an intelligent thing to say, but you can’t really use logic to talk to people who are so stupid that they assume that any woman who isn’t “married off” by a certain age is lower in quality. Most women who are single at 30 are probably so because they don’t want to settle for shitty men like the ones on ROK.
It makes absolutely no sense. Marrying later is actually SMART, but there are actually people stupid enough to assume there is something wrong with a woman not even 30 for being single. The ones who are “married off” young are likely to be divorced in their 30s or even before that, yet they’re the lucky ones? It just shows how far up your own asses your heads are.
I don’t plan to get married until at least 30. And I’ll be better for it, not that any of you losers will understand that.
Your name implies you are a woman. Why are you posting misogynistic shit on this site? Do you not have a life, or anything better to do? If you’re a man, why aren’t you married off yet? Awww, poor baby, no one’s ever wanted you, and no one ever will.
Oh yeah, and check out the picture Cassie posted of herself. I can absolutely believe she looks just as good as she did at 18. She is clearly single by choice – not that you have any understanding of this concept, but getting married is not the be-all end-all of life for many women. It’s only the sad losers on this site who think women’s value has any correlation with her age of marriage.
You frequent this site, what’s that say about you?
Please don’t talk to me about your strength and courage.
Fucking laughable.
You live in the USA lady.
I met a man that had his whole family tortured and killed in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge. The whole country was enslaved and 1 out of every 4 people were murdered or worked to death. Do you think it took more or less strength and courage to keep on living after you see your wife’s throat cut in front of you?
Jesus the arrogance is astounding.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. No women allowed here.
I don’t “frequent” this site, I am just on it today.
Your arrogance is astounding for thinking that someone’s struggle is insignificant just because it didn’t have to do with war or genocide. I am not engaging in any conversation that compares the two because it is irrelevant. You just brought that up because you didn’t have anything pertinent to say and thought that you could cut down what I was saying.
You are the one who is “fucking laughable.” You clearly don’t really know anything about mental issues, particularly not OCD, or else you wouldn’t be calling the idea of someone having strength and courage for overcoming it “laughable.” It does take tremendous strength and courage, more than I am sure you have, to be able to retrain your brain from those sorts of thoughts. I am not comparing this to witnessing family being murdered because once again that is irrelevant, but I was housebound for nearly two years and had no support, recovering completely on my own. And again, I don’t expect you to appreciate what that means, because you have no understanding of anything like this.
I never said I live in the USA. You have no clue of my circumstances or the conditions which surround me. To assume makes an ass out of you.
And I am assuming you don’t have the same level of mental fortitude that I do, because you hide behind your computer and write shit. You don’t even have the courage to post under your real name, using an alias instead. Because you know how the world will see you if they know this content comes from you.
Your struggle is completely insignificant.
You are the one that brought up your mental fortitude and gave examples why you’re so strong.
In turn I compared your struggles to someone else’s.
That’s VERY relevant. Since you imagine yours to be so nearly insurmountable.
I can tell you live in the USA by your attitude, the way you write, and I can also tell you’ve spent very little time abroad, if at all and that mommy and daddy paid for everything and probably still gives you an allowance.
I have a pen name, for practical reasons. It has nothing to do with my mental toughness. Perhaps you should do some more reading about who I am if you’re that interested. That’s me in the photo by the way.
The only women who sometimes legitimately look as good at 29 as they did at 18 are foreign women. I have NEVER seen a white woman pushing 30 who could legitimately pass for 18…though many seem to think they can and brag about how young they look. It’s like, sorry but no lady, you look every day of your age. I did admit Cassie looks a little younger than her age, but more like 25, not 18.
Yeah, that’s your hamster…coming up with all sorts of flawed arguments so you can believe that you are in your prime as an old man. LMAO!
Maybe she doesn’t WANT to be married? That is a possibility you know. Not every woman has the singular life mission of getting married young. You must be a moron to say such things.
You are ignorant. I know people with mental illnesses who overcame them and live successful lives, and it DOES take tremendous strength. And shame on you for acting like it is nothing because of genocide in other parts of the world. You don’t know what anyone is going through other than yourself. If someone with all the resources in the world like Robin Williams can commit suicide, it shows that these illnesses are VERY real and not to be made light of.
Too bad this “illness” didn’t finish you off. Good for nothing, past-her-prime vagina. Good luck finding a guy, most won’t deal with you once you are 30, and if you are still 35+ with noone, then get ready to be alone.
hey dude, not replying in relation to this comment but couldn’t find a way to contact you. Are you running any sort of blog etc, post-leaving swoop?
I miss reading your work, ideas and stories man.
Roadhouse chronicles is a personal favourite
Because not everyone sees it as the end-all-be-all of life to get married as soon as possible? That’s something that people who actually have developed frontal lobes understand. I’m sorry that you don’t have the capacity to see that maybe some women want more than just a husband and family for themselves.
If anyone is good for nothing, it’s you. What an ugly person it takes to write something like that to a complete stranger. You must be a completely miserable specimen. I’m sorry that no one loves you and likely no one ever will in your entire worthless life, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to abuse strangers online.
The state of most western cunts is like this.
They go to spring breaks, sex spots like Ibiza and the Carribean, etc, and then they want to get married some day in their late 20’s by calling themselves as virgins…
Are you sure her anal hymen was still intact?
She isn’t permanently mind-fucked by the Hebrews?
Fisto as refreshing it is to see you post again, where the hell have you been? Swoop the world has been quiet from your presence for many a month now. And I really loved those roadhouse chronicles
I’m glad you liked them. I am no longer on Swoop.
ah thats a shame. where do you rest your blogging laurels now?
I will be starting a new blog sometime over the next few weeks I think.
Well keep us at ROK etc updated
I sure will buddy. Thanks for saying so.
Best article I’ve read on here in some time
Thanks Mike
Ah, the man who lead me to the idea of pinay women. Good to hear from you
More bullshit from this ridiculous site. Most women are not interested in men 10+ years older. Dating around does not necessarily equal sleeping around – the fact that you think it does says more about YOU and your rotting morals than it does about any woman. And men in their 30s do not look better than women the same age – that is just nonsense. It is a lie you boyosphere sheep love to tell yourselves so you can feel superior to women. Protip – toxic insecurity like yours is not attractive to women. At all.
Men are also not interested in 29 year old virgin rejects.
They’d rather go for younger virgins.
By “men” you mean only the sad, misguided losers who read Return of Kings.
I’m confused, didn’t you just read Return of Kings?
If what you say is true, did the men who rejected her for the 29 years of her incel life, also losers? Or did they read RoK too?
Yeah…looking at her picture it’s obvious that she hasn’t been rejected for 29 years. You just assume that because you are such a reject and can’t imagine someone actually CHOOSING to be a virgin. I’m sorry you can’t get laid, but that’s just you. And likely your repulsive personality.
No woman is truly “incel.” Even a butt ugly woman or one who weighs 400 pounds can get laid if she really wants to. Cassie also clearly says that she is WAITING FOR MARRIAGE – that clearly means she is not an involuntary virgin. You are just assuming what you want to assume, but instead of insulting her, you are making yourself look like a retard.
Any reasonable person out there who may be reading this – check this loser out lol. A woman says she is a virgin waiting for marriage, and he repeatedly talks about how she’s a reject and incel. Just completely disregarding everything she actually said.
Read that as “the men who read it and buy into it”.
She said she is waiting for marriage. That is the OPPOSITE of “incel.” As others have said, no woman is really “incel” – any 300 or 400 pound woman could go out and get laid that same night if she really wanted to. And often with a pretty good looking guy, even though most will deny they ever had anything to do with her afterwards – but your insult of guys rejecting her for sex is just ignorant as all hell, as no woman could really be a virgin because she’s a reject. You do realize that when you make statements like that and just selectively listen to what you want to hear rather than what is being said, you are just making yourself, and ONLY yourself, look ridiculous, right?
Being losers and reading ROK – not really mutually exclusive…
It’s truly hilarious that she said she was waiting for marriage and you still just not only twist the facts but actually get them 100% wrong just to make your stupid false point. Calling her “incel” and saying guys rejected her is incorrect and just makes you look like the blubbering retard you likely are.
You’re projecting. FOR YOU, being a 29 year old virgin would mean you are a reject. For me, it means I chose not to have sex because there hasn’t been anyone I loved yet. Also, I was struggling with medical issues throughout my 20s, and dating was not a priority. I have been through things that you would not have had half the strength to survive, and made it out to the other side in one piece.
And plenty of men are interested in me – yeah, I’m sure you’ll come back with some crack about that, but all you’ll be doing is making a fool of yourself. I look every bit as good as I did at 18. The people who have a hard time believing that are just projecting their own FAILURE to maintain their youthful looks. And YES, younger men look better. I go for personality rather than looks, but in terms of looks men in their 20s look better. Deal with it.
I’m not projecting. But exposing. Your butthurt hypocrisy.
“And plenty of men are interested in me – yeah, I’m sure you’ll come back with some crack about that, but all you’ll be doing is making a fool of yourself. I look every bit as good as I did at 18.”
– That’s why you come to rant here.You want validation? You’re bootyfool!!!
“The people who have a hard time believing that are just projecting their own FAILURE to maintain their youthful looks.”
– You’re statement implies that even if you’re butt ugly, we’re damned if you don’t agree with your self perception. A pic please?
“And YES, younger men look better. I go for personality rather than looks, but in terms of looks men in their 20s look better. Deal with it.”
– Lol. Did you notice the contradiction in your statement?
On one hand you say you prefer looks. On the other hand, you say you prefer personality. Don’t sit with your ass on two chairs. Your butt crack will grow wider.
You’re not very bright, are you? I said I care more about personality than looks. That doesn’t mean I don’t notice looks at all. And butthurt hypocrisy? Lol that’s rich. That applies to the author and commenters here more than anyone – all of the hateful content on this page is brimming with it. Secure men would not feel the need to write crap like this. Fine, I’ll post a pic – not that I need your validation. In fact, I fully expect you all to be nasty and hateful in your comments because that is all you know how to be. My validation comes from within, with a little bit coming from my boyfriend as well (who is sitting here right now laughing at you people).
Damn, Cassie, you just SLAMMED this loser. If you are a virgin, it is CLEARLY by choice.
“Virgin rejects” – wow, you are really no better than a schoolyard bully. Grow up.
And women who actually have brains are not interested in losers who talk shit to random women online. They’d rather go for men who are actually decent human beings.
Replace ‘most’ with ‘average’ and we can agree since no one here is interested in average women (i.e. You). Here are young women interested in successful, old men 15+ years their senior.
There’s WAY more where that came from but notice how happy they look? Lastly, here’s a website full of young women interested in successful young men: https://www.seekingarrangement.com
Protip: It’s the weekend. Stop trolling websites you hate and get out of the house and earn that neckless.
You are telling us your experience from women in your little bubble of an echo chamber you reside in, the fact is women do love distinguished men.
Distinguished in their careers, their travel, their experiences, their knowledge, their looks, and their prowess in bed.
Because you and your sandal wearing ilk don’t want a man that wouldn’t look twice at you anyway is irrelevant.
And please spare us all the junior college psych profiling.
That’s weird. My father is over 10 years older than my mother. And his father was too. Must be coincidence.
No, not coincidence. Your father and grandfather just likely had the same mentality about women and marriage, and they passed it onto you, which is why you are the type of man who frequents this site. Pretty easy to figure out, actually.
Women – do experience multiple men. So that when you do settle down, you know your sexual worth and his, in this world. But if he is an insecure man, don’t tell him your number. That is the advice that should be given to women, but you won’t get that advice from a man. Any advice that is given on this website is geared toward the man’s benefit, so women take it with a grain of salt.
” But if he is an insecure man, don’t tell him your number. That is the
advice that should be given to women, but you won’t get that advice from
a man.”
– Lol. You’re not only a slut and whore, but a lying one too.
Can imagine what kind of daughter you’ll spawn some day – if you ever do that. You’ll teach her to ride the cock carousel and tell her to lie too about her numbers to some guy someday who’d probably want her.
Women like you are the scum of society today. Not only have you messed up your life, you’re corrupting other women too.
We men, on the other hand, are asking women to stay virgins here – which benefits women in the long run, as women themselves then become valuable, virtuous and worthy of gaining a man’s trust and commitment.
You’re instead asking them to shed virtue and become lying sluts and whores, making men distrust women even more. It’s true when it comes to women that misery loves company. You’re miserable and you’re out to make more women miserable and evil like yourself.
The Kipling poem is my favorite — and I’m not a poetry fan, really. About a year ago I printed it off for my 13 year old son and he put it on his bedroom wall above his bed and knows it well.
Basically what this article is saying is for men to venture out into the world, develop themselves and become grounded and confident, before making the life changing decision to settle down (solid advice for both genders), and telling women to settle early (before they really know who they are in life), cloister themselves and not experience life. So that whatever man they’re with can take advantage of their inexperience, and naivete. Lolol. Sorry ROK, another desperate last ditch attempt to confuse the dumbest women left in the world. With the growth of gender equality in the last few decades, now men are finally starting to get a taste of the unfairness of the subjugation that women have experienced at the hands of men for thousands of years. Doesn’t sit pretty with you men, now does it? You guys are fighting a losing battle, so just quit right now, or else at least be honest with yourselves and the world and admit that this website is just a lame attempt to give loser men a purpose in the world by telling them to bury their emotional needs and be lifetime international boy whores (don’t forget STD class 101, cause don’t you know condoms are only very really effective against AIDS gonorrhea and chlamydia), cause they can’t pull hot girls at home, and got burned in a relationship or two like everyone in this sorry world. Sorry, just speaking truth.
What you don’t understand, is that women NEVER “learn” who they are in life on their own. They are TOLD who they are and the longer they wait to lock down a high value man as I’m describing, they will wind up being told all the bullshit you have obviously bought into.
Now you’re just an angry, little, inconsequential, feminist. You’ve been told you’re a strong independent woman by other weak women spinster women the result is that you are now one.
Imagine if you had married early to a strong man of stature that told you that you had value as a mother and wife and that you were desired for bringing value.
Now all you can bring is tired ass cliches.
You think I’m telling women “not to experience life”? I’m telling women how they can have the most rewarding life possible.
I’ve seen those women you think are experiencing life while I’ve been traveling. They’re disgusting pigs. I often wonder if all native women think that all white women are fat disgusting slobs.
You think those women honestly are fit to have families?
First of all, great post Fisto.
Secondly, the female commenter’s idea of ‘experiencing life’ is that she meant ‘the cock carousel’. Typical feminist slutspeak jargon.
When a woman says she wants to ‘experience life’ – it usually means she wants to experience as many cocks as possible on the cock carousel.
These women then bring emotional baggage from their prior ‘life experience’ into a marriage or commitment, and make men miserable. Never fall for a woman who says she’s ‘experienced’ or wants to ‘experience life’. She’ll never be happy herself, nor will she ever make you happy. If she says she wants to ‘experience life’ with you, it usually means:
– She wants to experience sex with you (which is fine, just don’t commit to her)
– She wants to experience other cocks later after you’re committed to her, married to her, and taking care of her financially
Oh no I got it. But the greatest offenders of the cock carousel are the ones traveling abroad where they have total anonymity. Hell, they are the real sex tourists.
Why is it that the people who say “I’m just keeping it real” or “I’m just speaking truth” are always the biggest idiots?
They’re also the people that never shut the fuck up long enough to properly understand things before commenting.
I have ask just cause I am curious, what if your female and you just have absolutely to get married or have kids? What should I do, remain celibate for the rest of my life?
Don’t go seeking logic from an irrationally angry segment of the population. The men that frequent this website would all have their own exclusive harems if they could, while spouting self-righteous bs to the opposite gender all day long. Same as it ever was through all history. This site is just a way for [email protected] men to jack off mentally when they’re done jacking off physically, cause they’re angry they cant get hot women, while they themselves are nothing great to look at. 2/3 of the US population is overweight or obese and that goes for both genders. The ones that aren’t, are definitely not on this site, they’re out there living they’re life. For the record i’m female, with a bmi of 20, and i just read this website for entertainment. It’s hilarious.
Yeah… this site really confuses me. On the one hand we have articles ranting about how awful and terrible western society/ women are. Then we have articles that talk about how to bed women, one article I read even promoted men cheating on their spouses… weird site..
This website cannot stand on logic, and exposition of the deepest truths. That’s why the articles contradict themselves. The truth is that life is not easy for anyone, of either gender, in either the 1st or 3rd world. But there would be no premise left for this [email protected] site, if that were discussed candidly. The only bit of truth discussed is that society is not geared for the advantage of the individual and its up to the individual to look out for themselves. That goes for both men and women.
The articles contradict themselves because they’re different authors whose opinions are not indicative of a collective consensus. Isn’t that obvious?
It mainly seems to be the preserve of Negritos attempting to fuck white chicks.
What are you even talking about you pathetic, mangina scumbag?
BMI is bullshit. You’re probably a skinny-fat slobby knob slobberer
Nope, I’m a runner. For real.
I’m not surprised on bit. Women like you need endurance to catch all the men who run from you as fast as humanly possible.
I had to look at myself in the mirror and take a mental audit after reading this one: Am I fat? No, I’m in incredible shape. Is my hot girlfriend currently sprawled across my [Restoration Hardware] sofa, naked as the day she was born, watching ‘The Wrath of Khan’? Most certainly. Would most people agree I am something to look at? Abso-fucking-lutely.
I can only imagine how many men on this website don’t fit your ignorant stereotypes so keep them to yourself. Moreover, I don’t know any attractive, young and/or desirable women who have the time to troll websites they hate because they have healthy social lives. Which gives us a pretty good idea of how you have going for you.
As I said above, you sound very uneducated and aren’t making valid points so much as you are asserting broad generalizations. You can keep silent and let others guess your ignorance or you can speak and demonstrate it but something tells me you’ve already made your choice.
Maintain whatever purity you have, as most men value that. Find a dude who’s reliable and ready for marriage, and demonstrate your value as a potential wife and mother. If you have a sexual need that needs attention, masturbate.
It isnt that hard.
So a man who wants to stay single forever should go [email protected]@k all over the world, but a woman who wants to remain single should masturbate? Are you f n kidding me?????
She made no mention of a female remaining single. She seemed to want to maximize her potential value as a potential mate to a suitor.
Does feminist rage cloud your reading comprehension?
She did not say she absolutely has to get married and have kids. Re-read. She is possibly not a native English speaker, the grammar is slightly off, and is trying to express, that if she is single does she absolutely have to get married and have kids? And if she doesn’t is she supposed to stay celibate for the rest of her life?
Female chastity is valued, cherished and sought after literally everywhere in the world because all men desire women with fewer sexual partners. It is literally the only thing all men, (regardless of race, color or creed ) can agree on and it’s also why men don’t marry prostitutes.
Conversely, male virgins are often the object of ridicule since their virginity is evidence of inexperience. The movie ‘The 40-Year-Old Virgin’ is a great example of how our culture views virgins. Women don’t want men who can’t other women. In general, women prefer men who are desired by other women.
Further, there is absolutely no practical value for male virginity in the real world. Literally, no one gives a shit about male abstinence except you, which is only because of what you perceive to be a double-standard. I hate to break it to you but your double-standard has a name, it’s called ‘Open Market Valuation’ Learn about it.
Lastly, you sound very uneducated. As the saying goes, you can keep silent and let others guess at your ignorance or you can post something and demonstrate it. Something tells me the former may suit you best.
Personally, if you really value building a stable family with someone you trust, I think men and women should be virgins until they get married.Why? Because sex builds intimacy and trust for BOTH parties. I don’t find anything wrong with male virgins, I actually find them more attractive because it shows signs of self-discipline. And I think it’s really shallow for women to look down on someone because he’s a virgin. That’s sad, and probably comes from their own insecurities. Obviously, there are some virgins who really have mental issues, but that’s a different story. But DO men want to be virgins or be sexually faithful? Doubt it, because they seduce women and cheat when they get the chance, not because they feel like it’s the “right” thing to do. So, yes it’s a double standard.
Oh, now you not only project your archaic views onto all men, you claim to know what women want as well. *eyeroll*
Sorry, but no. Most chaste women have no interest in manwhores. They would prefer a man with morals.
Numbers don’t lie Babe.
Isn’t a rerun All My Children on?
Go troll somewhere else.
By the way, author, I love the way you objectify the latina in the photo and comment that her career, which earns her a LIVING, is worthless, while in another part of this article, you tell women to “learn to get their sense of self-worth by accomplishing things of merit.” So awesome!! Your logic is bursting at the seams with flaws.
The logic is sound. A do-nothing job isnt an accomplishment worthy of merit.
You’re either a woman or a fag if you cant see that.
I am a woman. HR is not a do-nothing job. It protects corporations from employee lawsuits, and is the go to department for employee concerns, in any company. Because nature and humanity destroying corporations are the testosterone created monstrosities of this Day and Age. If you don’t know that, you’re… well, probably just a typical ROK reader. More importantly, her HR job earns her a living, so she is not at the economical whims of some sado-masochist male.
Sociology majors need to be hired somewhere.
Corporations are what make the world go around, dear
Were it not for whiny leftists shrieking about “oppression”, HR would serve no purpose
The first thing I’ll point out is that her boss is likely male. So, ironically, she’s still at the “economical whims of some sadomasochistic male.”
Secondly, as the CFO of a company with an international presence, I can say from experience that you could train a rhesus monkey to handle HR functions. Which is the sole reason why companies are beginning to outsource and automate those functions.
Lastly, the “typical ROK reader” aren’t critical of women because they’re women but rather because of women, such as yourself, who speak as if they they know something when clearly they haven’t the faintest idea as you’ve gone out of your way to prove. Learn some humility and then maybe you can lecture us.
Regardless, you’re not welcome here. Feel free to let the door hit you on the way out.
I’m a woman who can’t stop reading this site, and I’ve been waiting for this kind of article for a while. Some many articles focus only on goofy/confused feminist women who are trying to compete with men. What are women who are more traditional supposed to do if they want to find a spouse? At least men have manosphere sites–there aren’t many forums for women who are fed up with the feminist bullshit.
I’m a woman who can’t stop reading this site, and I’ve been waiting for this kind of article for a while. Some many articles focus only on goofy/confused feminist women who are trying to compete with men. What are women who are more traditional supposed to do if they want to find a spouse? At least men have manosphere sites–there aren’t many forums for women who are fed up with the feminist bullshit.
Go to church. And if you’re really that traditional you would already be doing that. You are a poser.
So only religious people can have traditional views about the relationships between men and women?
No, but traditional people today know that if they want to find a traditional spouse the church is a prime place to go. Please don’t act like you didn’t know that. How old are you?
Posers don’t like when their double standards and hypocritical ways are exposed. If you want a virtuous spouse you need to be a virtuous spouse. Yeah, I said it. And the fact that BOTH men and women are falling short these days, is beside the point. The point is if you want a refuge from the insanity, don’t look to this site to save you. Either get your [email protected] to church and settle, or get your [email protected] to the gym, get in shape, and play. Notice that neither option involves sitting your fat @ss in front of this angry confused irrational website.
Men have become like this, because women are themselves corrupted. It’s nothing but adaptation to the slut culture of today. Women are to blame themselves for creating this scenario.
Who controls the supply of sex and peddles it? Women. It’s like men are hated for taking the sex which easy women offer them.
The irony is that women often themselves shame men who don’t fuck about or who can’t get laid. Women (virgins included) want guys with 12” donkey dicks and sexually skilled guys who can give them multiple orgasms while fucking these women like jackhammer compressors. Is he supposed to know how to do all this without ‘practice’? Bullshit.
It’s the truth that men were supposed to be experienced when entering a commitment, and women inexperienced. You can train a virgin. Not a slut – she’s for everyone, and she can never be happy with one.
So does a man know all this when he pops out from his mother’s womb? Every knowledge, every skill develops with practice. Sex included. That’s another reason why men sleep around so much these days. Not to mention the low standards of women who give it out freely. So would a man with sane judgment commit to a sperm toilet of a woman? Never.
You hate men for being like this.
But what you forget is that if all women decided to stop slutting and whoring about, then men would automatically be inclined to marriage and commitments.This however, is an impossibility because there is no hope for the future considering the present environment of sluts and hoes. Women will never fucking admit that this however. They’d blame men, as if men were fucking fellow men to be called as promiscuous. Men were and are fucking women, not men – in this age of promiscuity.
Women are falling more and more in standards because they are like cattle – they follow the herd mentality. If one bitch fucks around and gets away with it by snagging a good guy, then other women follow suit. Women have no courage to stand alone. They need to be a part of the herd. And the herds (or hordes) of women today are usually sluts and whores. Is this a lie?
“If you want a virtuous spouse you need to be a virtuous spouse.”
Why is that? There’s nothing wrong with hypocrisy in the first place – your mistake is assuming that men and women are equal, or should be seen equally
Okay, so how is lilablue a poseur again? I must have missed that part because it sounds as if you consider anyone who doesn’t share your solipsistic world view a poseur?
You are the one who is like cattle – falling in line with “red pill” guys who think they know everything. You are incapable of thinking for yourself.
Men are supposed to be experienced and women not? Sorry, but for anyone who looks at premarital sex as a sin, it is just as much a sin for men as it is for women.
Then again, I’m thinking most of the men on this site are going to burn in hell anyway, so there’s no use in talking about this stuff with you doomed losers.
Thanks for the laugh.
You answer your own question? You’re a troll
No, I just posted two answers to his/her one question, because I am opinionated. I’m a woman, don’t you know? Haha! Throwing the “troll” label at me does not take away from the truth of what i am speaking. If anyone who disagrees with this website is a troll, then i feel sorry for your readership.
What if you’re from an ethnic group (such as some East and South Asian, non-Abrahamic African etc) where the majority of people attending services of your faith are folks age 50+ that don’t speak English? Or what if you’re one of very few Jews or Muslims in your area?
What if your immediate family is anti-Christian, and you couldn’t date until your 30s due to having to be the breadwinner – not for your spouse, but for your parents + extended family? What if going to college / trade / professional school isn’t a “feminist choice”, but a mandate because you are viewed as a lifelong investment by your family? I remember the tradition of giving my first paycheck to my father.
Sure, in your parents’ country, or time period, you would’ve been able to afford to marry. But not here, where costs are much higher. This is a pretty big question to be answered. Steve Sailer’s affordable family formation meme may mostly be about urban vs. rural life, but it rarely takes into account family obligation – not just for immigrants, but for poor families in general.
Something to chew on.
How about just don’t go looking for “love” in the bars and clubs, or go to a christian dating site, or joing a club for a wholesome activity like a book club or chess or hiking where you can meet normal people who want to do sane things. It’s not that freaking hard. Common sense, people. Stop doing stoopid sheet and you’ll stop putting yourselves around people doing stoopid sheet. But if you just want to travel the world so you can find party cities get drunk and f*** easy, then keep reading this traditional, wholesome website.
You seem like a total idiot. What you are describing isn’t what she said at all. And this is not a “traditional, wholesome website” but a cesspool of negativity and men who are honestly just bad people. You can’t comprehend the idea of a good, chaste woman being single because you yourself are not capable of moral restraint, so you assume everyone is as morally decrepit as yourself.
> but for your parents + extended family?
You fucking leave because you have no obligation to them? Like any sane person?
> but a mandate because you are viewed as a lifelong investment by your family?
Not their choice?
Enjoy the public nursing home where your kids will send your atomized, disconnected ass once you’re too old to be a Rugged Individual (TM). Where the home health aide will turn you over once a day, if you’re lucky.
Sorry, if you have to rely on your children, you probably suck with money. On the other hand, at current rates, I could have a private nurse until I’m 70 or so, starting today, at the going rate…
Seriously: Don’t burden your children with taking care of your shitty ass.
Lmao, were you born through spores or something? If you were born without a financial obligation to family, you’re like the global 1% in terms of financial privilege.
Be thankful. Not everyone is as lucky.
Erm… why would anyone opt to support their family? It’s not like there’s any punishment for moving out and, ya know, having an actual life…
That thing? Independence? That thing we’re supposed to be preparing children for?
If you’re having kids and can’t pay for yourself, you probably shouldn’t be having kids…
The financial obligation isn’t a parent charging a basement-dwelling youth rent. It comes from a cultural heritage, the perspective of which is that you are born as a financial support system for extended family – the individual being a part of the whole rather than deracinated, atomized individualism .
Yes, collectivism, a horrid idea that is dying out in all but the worst societies, and one that produces inferior individuals (related to our other argument) who generally accomplish less on the societal/planetary scale.
That you think your parents deserve anything at all means you don’t expect people to actually care for and support their children, to push them to be decent individuals. If you think that being déraciné is a bad thing, I’d highly recommend you do some studying into the field of intelligence studies.
individualism only tends to do well in societies extremely rich in natural resources. historically, it was more popular in western rather than eastern europe for this reason.
modern society, which is based on financial resources as a superlayer to natural resources, is no longer extremely rich in resources. individualism may have made sense in america of the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s, but it is far different today.
btw. it’s not just parents. for me for example, because i’m one of very few in my family living in the west, i’m on the hook up to second cousins.
> individualism only tends to do well in societies extremely rich in natural resources.
Information age; natural resources are largely irrelevant.
> it’s not just parents. it’s cousins, aunts, uncles, and more.
Familial ties are irrelevant and harmful.
> i’m obviously a dumb collectivist,
That’s exactly the point. You’re dumb, generally uneducated, and unaware of the world around you, so I sought to correct you to what current standards and acceptable actions are in the 21st century in modern society, so you might shoot for those, or enable others to.
i’ve said my peace, whatever works for you. i’ll just go my own way now.
Wow. This comment was revealing. No one hates women more than other women. Lol.
If you want to engage with women please go to their websites and do so. This is a male only space.
I don’t want to engage with women. I want to engage regarding this article, right on this webpage. I am a woman. And this article is advice for both men and women. How can this be a male only space then?
Have you heard of the phrase ‘seen but not heard’? We have plenty of female readers but they choose to respect the rules of the space. Keyword: Respect.
I bet you though you were clever.
haha my replies to posts are being blocked now, im outta here for now, i see a chord has been struck for the night
No chords were struck, you just have trouble reading. Women and homosexuals are prohibited from commenting here. Go somewhere else.
Here my advice to the young… Don’t be indoctrinated.
Why am I not attracted to… Google search that phrase.
Answers in this order:
My Wife Anymore
My Husband Anymore
Nice Guys
Black Guys
It’s interesting to type in variations and see the top searches.
someone ban that iseethroughyou bitch, she is a raging feminists. My head hurts reading her bullshit.
Don’t marry or commit to any girl who uses frequent anal sex to bind you to her during courtship. No matter how feminine, caring and loyal she is. She’ll use anal to make you her loyal dog .
This article covers some important bases. I’ll add a little pork to the beans and mention the battlecry of SMASH CIRCUMCISION NOW! and another favorite LEGALIZE POLYGAMY! The advice to controlled and trapped men at the beginning is really describing how the female gender with their feeble logic make busywork of emotionally wheeling around their surgically psycho-sexually handicapped men. What a taxing waste of life and energy for both partners. The foreskin chopped men compare in sexual command to the command a person in a wheelchair has over his compromised limbs. They can get it up but the neuro feedback never hardwired at puberty. So more mental energy is required to construct separate and disconnected fantasies to keep the sex engine in lead. Manipulative jewish women and vaps from other houses know they can lead or tow a man by the ‘cauterized point of nerve severance’ spot of desensitization. Your woman completes your nerve bridge so to speak. Find a good woman for that job or better yet just CUT THE FUCKING PRACTICE OUT. Circumcised jew Howard Stern humorously struts around like a pussy gestapo but does he control any of those models on his shows? Hell, they’d run circles around his ass.
Ah yes Islamic polygamy. That’ll make the west stable. Sure thing. What total wank.
Lol. +1
The guys on this website who yell ‘polygamy’ can barely catch one girl, let alone hold down several.
What are you talking about?
The advice are from
defeatist’s point of you.
realistic solution (as someone already mentioned it) is POLYGAMY. Both men and women LOVE polygamy. It’s perfect for the man as he has a variety and perfect
for the woman as she has a strong man who is capable and desirable and they have
their sisters to help with the upbringing of the children.
is the manosphere is not a movement and it promotes quick shag and go mentality and it has no clear direction of what it wants to achieve.
Rooshko is making a little money but
this site has grown out of his business model and so it needs to find a
direction or it will die out.
You are recommending things that are not currently a reality.
I am dealing with things as they actually are by working within the existing framework.
Your advice doesn’t serve anyone now.
Polygamy is a good solution. But first it has to be allowed in Christianity, and then in the countries following it. It makes sense to argue for its allowance because with the current promotion of gay marriages and women priests.
But it is highly unlikely that the PC elite would allow that. They’d rather promote feminism, and homosexuality, instead of polygamy. They’d rather see a man fucking a man’s ass, then fucking multiple women and supporting them within the framework of marriage. They don’t want men to reclaim their masculinity. They want men to be dominated by a breed of slutty women who’d screw around, and then yet establish their dominance over their men in a monogamous arrangement. The real reason why marriage sucks today is because of monogamy, not because of marriage itself. Monogamy simply takes away a man’s power, and often destroys his freedom, his options and his dreams.
The real reason why marriage sucks today is because of monogamy, not because of marriage itself.
Spot on!
Polygamy is already practised amongst the Mormons
Michael Cawley, the head of this plural household, says he expects his family to keep growing.
“One of the interesting things about our lifestyle is we believe that our Father in heaven blesses us and those blessings entail the children who come into the family,” he said. “I may have another lady that comes into the family…I’m pretty sure I’ll have more children that come into the family and so as the husband and the provider, then a lot of what I do is prepare for that.”
The polygamist lifestyle is illegal in all 50 states, but residents of Centennial Park say they allowed our cameras into their home because they want to show just how average and normal their lives are. The Cawleys will also appear on TV’s “Polygamy USA,” which airs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on National Geographic Channel.
Cawley’s first and second wives said they agree with their husband’s viewers.
“This is where I choose to be. … I truly am happy with this lifestyle. I truly would be unhappy in something different, I truly would,” Rose said. “Living in a monogamous lifestyle simply would not be full enough for me.”
Exactly. The sisters have a saying ‘monogamy is monotany’. The patriarchal polygamous family is the strongest cohesive structure known next to the synthetic diamond, and thus very difficult for the state to control, undermine and subvert. This is why president Abraham Lincoln gave US marshalls the green light to hunt down polygamous Mormon men like jackrabbits. But they perservered. It would take an army of moustache manginas and fat ladies with nametags to harvest the polygamous children and dismember the family. Always teach your children TO BITE. Not us of course, BUT THEM. The feminazi regional mobs can’t ‘high five’ with broken fingers and bruised knuckles. Poly women don’t ‘defect’ from the tribe on a whim either. A malcontent sister must deal at the table with her other sisters as well. No surprises coming home finding her shit packed with note ‘gone to moms to get some space’. They’re all in it together. No single TV soap opera will trigger cold feet. The propoganda shit doesn’t work when they all watch each others back. A rock solid family with hammy wheels turning yes, but never all at once, and no jealously – BUT SOLACE. For a sister, it is the peace of taking your afternoon nap, hearing your other sister moaning orgasm and tossing the lube to the left, and then picking up the nap where you left off, knowing everyone is happy.
Polygamy is only good if there is no hypergamy.
I doubt any man could withstand hypergamy from multiple females at once and live, or not bolt for the door. Polyandry is hypergamy by definition. whereas polygamous sister wives are the sweetest things so long as the package isn’t broken. Not for individual sale.
in reply to john. Rooshko’s put some silly banning procedure …. AGAIN!
So what’s the problem, john? We thing we wanna live in peace life because we’ve been domesticated. Men crave conflict, challenge, danger – it’s natural.
Solid advice for the men.
I would add that the U.S is probably done, the most you can hope for is to find a good woman and live in a small town away from all the craziness. I was raised that way by my parents, some outside influence but not as much and people in small towns tended to value family. I’m not sure if this can replicated , going to another country especially latin countries may be a good bet.
The cultural inertia/snowball is just rolling and there is no way to stop it, some type of collapse will have to happen before the pendulum swings back to a more neutral position. I don’t advocate for women to be your slaves or anything anyone should be free to leave a relationship/marriage when they decide it’s what they want to do.
However, women are being fed an impossible expectation by the media of men. Men need to be protectors/providers/soulmates and a ton of other things, and if they are not you should look elsewhere. No man can be perfect but yet this idea is pushed on women I believe and they have bought it. They also believe that the government wants them to work for equality’s sake and don’t consider that the government may want them to work for tax/money purposes same goes for corporations. I’ve seen some of these women in the workforce as they get older they are rarely happy. Yes the straight out of college ones are happy, but let them spend 20-30 years there and then they realize the mistake they made.
Just follow the money, we are living in a 21st century version of the southern plantation, the sooner some realize that, the happier you will be in the long run.
http://wh.gov/lu9OU Please sign this petition to impose the death penalty to child rapists. 100,000 signatures are needed in 30days. Stop having a battle of the sexes and start helping people!
death penalty to mothers who circumcise their sons
That I would sign
Parents (men and women) circumcise their sons.
Religious idiots circumcise their sons. I don’t hate jews, but I don’t see the practice as being humane
I’m pretty sure there’s more American christians than Jews around the world who circumcise their kids.
Spot on! I avoided marriage and instead travel, sail, race cars and enjoy single malt scotch.
Most pf this advice just repeats what Roosh is saying. Shitty advice, double standards, but not even original.
Well there’s a problem with your idea and it has to do with the economy. Double incomes are required to actually live a decent life style.
Nicely written sir, thanks! Hopefully lots of people will read this.
great article. one of the best i have read on this site in quite sometime. i sincerely hope both men and women alike adhere to the wisdom that has been shared here. These are exactly the type of women men are looking to lock down, and the men described above are exactly the type of men that women will stay attracted to.
Advice for men: Pursue many different women in your life
Advice for women: Don’t pursue different men, stay chaste, pick only one man.
Why is this so hard to understand for people ? There will be losers in the game of life, not everyone is going to win, the advice is spot on for both men and women. Those who follow both men and women will have a better shot at a fulfilling happy life, those who don’t well they will just end up like everybody else it’s not so hard to figure out.
It’s implicit that most women will not follow this advice, so those whom do pick one man, won’t lessen the pool of those willing to take a ride on the carousel, that block stretches down the street.
The women who do follow this advice have a happier shot a fulfilling life, life is more than 20s and early 30s, and women don’t realize that, after 30 a woman’s value drops like a rocket even if she is a virgin.
You see all these kids running around with Autism and birth defects, it’s very sad the older you get the higher the percentage you may have one of these kids as a female. ROK should look for someone to do a writeup on this, as other men need to hear the birth defects/autism angle on older women having kids.
It’s not hard to understand, it’s contradictory. If all women would follow this advice given here, men couldn’t follow the advice because there would be no women around to have casual sex with. This only works if women DON’T follow the advice given here.
So, It sounds like what you’re saying is that it would fix our society? It would be easier to settle down if we weren’t surrounded by sluts?
Of course it’s contradictory. Men and Women are two different genders with differing drivers.
I think maybe you have some sort of reasoning problem. Do you think that men’s and women’s goals are in alignment now? Of course they aren’t. And my advice addresses what is in the best interest for both genders.
Now let’s look at the practical aspect of your argument. ALL women are not going to follow this advice, nor will ALL men. So your argument doesn’t hold up in reality.
A certain percentage of men are incarcerated and ground into paste by society. The same thing must happen to a certain percentage of young women. The Bill & Nancy profiles in the criminal underclass are as necessary as the solid middleclass hypocrite.
“after 30 a woman’s value drops like a rocket even if she is a virgin.”
Such arrogance. You assume that just because YOU believe this, that it is fact.
As for birth defects/autism – the difference in rates of these events is NEGLIGIBLE between 20 and 34. Even at 40, the chance of anything going wrong is 1%. Yet you boyosphere weirdos harp on birth defects constantly – do yourselves a favor and learn what the numbers actually mean before spouting your crap.
And the man’s sperm causes birth defects as well if the father is 35 or older. So older men who want children with younger women because an older woman would “cause birth defects” don’t care about birth defects because they don’t care that their old mutated sperm is going to play a role. They are just looking for excuses to date/marry young women.
Studies have been done showing that kids born to mothers over 35 have been more successful in life. I’m assuming few if any of you fall into this category, and you think just because you had teenage moms who missed out on their whole lives to shit out loser spawn, that that should be how it is.
For guys who suffered through a teen drought and a spartan 20s, the 30s are pay back. Big time.
I had a couple of sons young. So some of what I see among younger men is unfamiliar to me. Either extreme the playah or the monk. However the clever guys who didn’t have Muh luck, they will have their day later on.
You sound like a vicious crone.
Women can have a shitty teens and 20s and have the 30s as payback as well. As much as you would laugh at the idea, the 30s are the BEST years of a woman’s life. As long as she stays away from men like the ones on this site.
I hope you’re right and the 30s really are the best years! My teens and 20s were full of depression and OCD and I couldn’t even live my life. I look forward to a happy and healthy 30s, and since all the women in my family age well, I’ll look like I’m in my 20s! I’ve seen enough of this site now to see how full of toxic insecurity these guys are, and it leaks out into their posts as pure venom. They are not to be taken seriously.
There was nothing vicious about what I wrote until the last sentence. You just think it’s vicious because you don’t like the FACTS I stated. And I fully expect my 30s to be payback for my teens and 20s as well, where I was unable to date. At 29, I am hardly a crone to anyone who isn’t a pedophile.
No man wants a 30 year old woman over a 22 year old everything else being equal. Sorry. Your value diminishes over time.
Now the ‘hamster dance’ beat is echoing in my head. ”buh-duh-bee-bo-be-bo-doop-dooh” . . . please stop
Right, so on the one hand, you argue that men who don’t want you because you’re 29 are pedophiles but on the other hand you keep saying how you look in your 20s.
You’re saying that men should only date 30 year olds that look like they’re in their 20s rather than just date girls in their 20s?
You have an out of control hamster, and let me drop some more info on you, your mental issues are still very much there.
No one here is insecure because of their preference in women. Even if they are insecure they come to this site for a variety of reasons but self improvement is a very big one.
I’ve never actually met a man in real life who didn’t want me because of my age. And I couldn’t care less who men date, especially not men like the ones on this site. I prefer that they leave me alone actually.
Look in my 20s? I AM in my 20s. Actualized, healthy men generally believe that age is just a number. They may not want to date older women, but they don’t have a problem dating women their own age. So yes, for any guy 29 or older, if a 29 year old woman is too old for him, he likely has some kind of a problem, possibly pedophilia.
The word “hamster” gets thrown around a lot here, and it’s funny that you don’t realize that the real hamsters are yours. Especially this myth that men are in their prime in their 30s – it takes a REAL hamster to convince yourself of that.
Funny that you would say I have mental issues just because I don’t agree with you. It takes a serious personality disorder to write this kind of article and to make these kinds of comments. Also, this site has nothing to do with self improvement. It is all about filth and propping yourselves up based on falsities. Self improvement sites would have workout regimens and career advice, not game techniques and hamster food for insecure males.
If men follow my advice, they will be in their prime in their 30s you dumb cunt.
Being 29 isn’t being in your 20s lady. You’re more in your 30s than your 20s.
I hate to break it to you, there’s a reason you’re still a Virgin.
No man wants to put up with you because you are not worth the trouble.
That is saying a lot considering how many pussies there are out there.
No one here is saying they wish things were back in the caveman days.
They want a return to traditional gender roles. That produces healthy families.
I don’t think you have mental issues because you don’t agree with this article. I think you have mental issues because of your problem with reading comprehension, your inability to see how your choices are a reflection of those issues, and finally, how those choices have put you exactly where I say they will in THIS article you don’t agree with.
IF you think that doing the things I describe and recommend aren’t about self improvement that’s another red flag.
No, that’s your hamster dance you are hearing. So tell the voices in your head to stop, not me. The 30s are when a woman comes into her own as a person and is really comfortable in her own skin, unlike the insecure “finding herself” 20s. Of course this has no relevance to you, because you view women as pets rather than people and don’t care about what’s going on in their heads.
There you go again, speaking for all men. You are not omniscient. You don’t have the authority to say “No man wants” this or that. And a person’s value doesn’t diminish with age. Although if you want to make that argument, a man’s value diminishes over time as well – his looks are declining, his physical ability is declining, his sex drive is declining, etc. How exactly is a 35-40 year old man at his peak, other than in your imagination??
Also, a woman’s value is not based on how much a “man wants” her. Sorry, you are not that important.
First of all, calling someone a “dumb cunt” just shows how weak your argument is. You need to resort to petty, mindless insults to have an impact, because there is no substance to what you are saying.
Men can follow all the advice they want, but the truth is that their prime is in their 20s, not their 30s. You look older, your physical prowess is in decline, your sexual peak was 15 years ago, and the only thing you MAY have more of is money. And STDs. And women are caring less and less about the money because they can make their own now.
29 is more 30s than 20s? Ummm…okay then…it seems you need to go back to elementary school and learn about tens digits and ones digits.
How many times have I said that I am WAITING FOR MARRIAGE? It doesn’t seem like I am the one with the reading comprehension problem here. I am against premarital sex – THAT is why I am still a virgin. I have had men interested, but I wasn’t in love with any of them enough to spend the rest of my life with them. It is your flawed reasoning that would conclude that “virgin” equals “undesirable” in every single case. Maybe it does for you, but not me.
“how those choices have put you exactly where I say they will in THIS article you don’t agree with”
I clearly said that I have a boyfriend. Not that that even matters because a woman’s worth is not measured by her relationship status. “Where I am” would be a great place whether I had a boyfriend or not, because I am happy with my faith, my family, my friends, and my career…in that order. God loves me no matter what age I am, so I couldn’t care less whether some flawed lost soul such as yourself thinks. You act like being single at a certain age is a fate worse than death when many women PREFER to be single so that they can better themselves. Obviously women bettering themselves seems worthless to you because women are nothing more than cattle to you, but not everyone sees it that way. I was single for a long time, BY CHOICE. And obviously, I wasn’t “slutting around,” I was getting my own shit together so that I would be able to give a relationship everything I have to offer rather than going into one when I wasn’t ready. It is sad that you don’t understand that a woman can CHOOSE to be single for perfectly legitimate reasons.
Projection isn’t just a voice device 😉
stop replying to women
I would be every dime I have you are unattractive.
Have you noticed this is a site with mostly men from all walks of life from all over the world?
They seem to agree with me.
That’s a pretty encompassing sample size.
But I’m supposed to take a physically and mentally unattractive woman’s opinion on what men want?
Do you see how absurd that sounds?
And cupcake, I’m in my Mid 30s and I practice what I preach, I’ve never been more worldly, more fit, more knowledgable, better in bed and more wealthy than I am now.
I know this seems like an impossible feat to you, but it’s very much a reality.
stop replying to women, it makes the site noticeably worse
Yeah you would know that better than anyone. This entire article reeks of it.
Buddy, women are going to be here regardless, this isn’t about women, this is about other men learning from them. I wrote this article, I know what I’m doing.
Lol the fact that you wrote this article shows the exact opposite. You don’t know shit…unless your entire purpose was trolling, then I guess you do know what you are doing.
Unattractive, don’t have a husband…yes, these are the main browbeating tactics someone like you would use. Because you think women’s entire worth comes from their attractiveness. And that NO woman could possibly CHOOSE to be single – there must be something WRONG with her if she’s not married by 25! She can’t possibly be HAPPY – NO, every woman in the world secretly fantasizes about having a meaningless, generic life staying at home and raising kids from a young age and being dependent upon some douchey old man who slept around before meeting her, no education, no career, no unique purpose in the world whatsoever! You are right on!
Men from all walks of life – yeah, your “sample” doesn’t represent all men. It represents men who are like you. Most SANE men think you are reprehensible. Even most MRAs I know think that the guys on this site are sociopaths and not to be listened to.
You don’t have to take my opinion on what anyone wants. Just keep doing your thing – you are providing good entertainment for a lot of people. We can basically see your male hamster spinning its wheels every time you say something.
You’re in your MID-30s??? HAHAHAHA! And you think you’re in your prime and put down women younger than you as being too old?? Worldly and wealthy, okay. Knowledgeable (even though you didn’t spell the word correctly, ironically), maybe, even if it is the wrong kind of knowledge and really more ignorance than anything else. Better in bed, yeah that’s what you think lol. Fit, maybe, but not as much as you would have been had you followed the same regimen in your 20s. You also leave a lot out – such as your diminished sex drive, the wrinkles on your face, your HAVING to work out more so as not to become a lardass (unlike in your 20s), and your greying and possibly even balding head. That is NOT more attractive to women, sorry to say. Except the golddiggers who want your money and will TOLERATE your declined appearance, picturing the young hot guy from Twilight while you are having sex with them. And worldly is just another word for having been around the block – good women don’t want men who have banged around, sorry.
Even though you are an old man yourself and don’t seem to be married – you think you have the right to judge women who are much younger than you for being unmarried. It shows just how fucked up your values and standards are. Have fun dying alone and miserable, with nothing but your piles of money and an eventual hooker to comfort you.
Oh yeah, and if you were so great, old man whose sexual peak was 15 years ago…you wouldn’t be writing articles like this, nor would you be on this ridiculous site to begin with. You’d be out living your awesome wonderful life. Which is most likely a lie.
This entire idea that men are in their prime in their 30s and 40s is just a big display of BUTTHURT over the reality of losing your hair.
You really don’t know who you’re talking to. What you are describing is the opposite of what I am. Maybe you should go over to my old blog and read more of my material. SwoopTheWorld.com Don’t confuse me with the other 2 authors.
And yes, I often tell girls in their late 20s they are too old for me.
You really don’t know what you’re talking about regarding the audience of this site.
Everything from ex con to CEO is a reader and follower of these doctrines.
Oh and I’m proud to say I have been an athlete my whole life on every level.
I am more fit than I was in my 20s and that’s when I was on the U.S. National team in wrestling and placed 4th in the Olympic team trials.
I admit that I am not the typical man, but I think with a lot of work more men can be like me.
Again, I’ll refer you to my old blog. SwoopTheWorld.com.
Maybe you should reread it and then reflect.
You are crone.
Why would I read your blog? It’s probably just more filth, and I don’t want to give you any more hits.
Funny, because many girls in their late 20s would say YOU are too old for THEM. And no sane woman of any age would want a man with such a repulsive personality anyway.
Everything from ex con to CEO – you truly don’t get what I meant. I meant no decent man will follow the bullshit on this site. Of course there are losers from all walks of life who read and follow it.
Your athleticism – nice, but it doesn’t make up for your nasty personality. You actually talk shit to women you don’t even know and who have done nothing to you. You obviously have some sort of deep insecurity.
As for your comments about Cassie’s virginity, you just don’t seem to get it. Some people have morals and are virgins due to those morals. Nothing to do with no one wanting her, which is obvious from the picture she posted. Adriana Lima was a virgin until she was married at 27, and no sane person would call her undesirable. She is in her 30s now so I’m sure you would think she is too old, but she is still way out of your league and definitely wouldn’t give you the time of day.
You want more men to be like you? Sorry, but most men are decent human beings, so they can’t be. You really just seem very cruel and like a genuinely bad person from everything you have written here.
That bitch is Bix Nood material alright. The brain is small in that one.
I don’t wanna burst your bubbleheads but men do, quite clearly peak in their thirties. Athletic men tend to peak in their athletic careers 25-29 if they are white and a little earlier with black athletes. Men fully enter their professional vocation around 30 though. Academics, medical professionals, politicians, military officers etc. As a man your prestige among other men kicks in around this time. At this time you will get 24-27 year old women flinging themselves at you and you can dictate terms to them. You will also find that 27-40 women are pissed off at the attention you get.
Men, this is the epitome of the female mind. Notice the many hypocritical statements. She takes offense at me “talking shit” but has not problem coming to this blog and commenting first doing exactly that.
She makes all sorts of erroneous assumptions and tries to shame you when she doesn’t get her way with insults about greying hair and lower sexual drive when her arguments don’t hold up to scrutiny.
She thinks that comparing a supermodel and another person that offers nothing in the same age category refutes the general rule that bitches age faster and worse than men.
This chick has obviously been on the carousel, has hit the wall, and is now talking about how high her and other’s morals are.
Right here is every reason to leave the USA and get a feminine woman that knows her place.
Gentlemen, in other parts of the world women have tact, grace, feminine poise and beauty and are charming.
Arguments don’t hold up to scrutiny? It is a PROVEN FACT that men’s sexual peak is in their early 20s, and it is all downhill from there. And you may be the anomaly that doesn’t have a single grey hair on his head, but most men your age do. FACT.
You are the one making assumptions. And they are all incorrect by the way.
This entire comment is all about you being butthurt that I refused to read your blog after you posted about it multiple times, wasn’t impressed with your athletic accomplishments, and called you a bad person. And with this comment, all that you have shown is that you really are a bad person. You’re just a bad seed. Maybe therapy will help you, and maybe not.
I never claimed that my morals were high. Just that some women do have high morals, and that you can’t comprehend that because you have no morals at all. I’m betting you have never been in an actual relationship? Just meaningless sex with random girls, and that is all that they will ever want from you. Even if you decide to settle down, no decent woman will want anything to do with you.
Women in the USA know their places. It’s you who is having a hard time accepting it. And women all over the world are learning and catching up too. Japanese women in their 20s, for example, are more and more often saying NO to marriage and children to focus on their careers. Women can go to school and work now, it is ONLY going to become more widespread, and there is NOTHING you can do about it but whine like a bitch on a site for sniveling, pathetic little boys who can’t accept women as equals.
Please do leave the USA. In fact, it would be preferable if you would just blast off into space and leave the planet entirely. The women will be so much better off without your kind.
Don’t listen to these losers. The 30s are the best years of a woman’s life. She may not look as youthful as she did in her 20s, but she is confident, secure, and coming into her own as a person. These losers won’t understand that because they think of women as objects and think it’s downhill once she starts to age because of appearance alone, but that is their problem. Do not make it yours. This entire site is meant to soothe the feelings of a bunch of butthurt males who are past their prime and trying to convince themselves otherwise. They are to be pitied, really. They have nothing of value to offer the world, so they have to come here and fling feces around to feel good about themselves.
A complete loser with no morals, conscience, or heart talking about “self-improvement.” Hilarious! Self-improvement isn’t about the superficial bullshit that you care about. No decent woman is going to give two shits about your muscles or your money when she sees what kind of festering cesspool of a human being you are. If you want to demonstrate self-improvement, forget about the superficial and start where it counts. Go to therapy and attempt to become a better person. I don’t know if it will be possible because you may be too far gone, but it could be worth a try.
Calling a 29 year old woman a crone (especially when you are actually older than her) just shows how fucked up and out of touch with reality you are. It makes YOU look bad, not her.
Racism and sexism…now I know to ignore you completely. And thank you for making very clear the caliber of people who follow these articles.
Lady I don’t care if you read my blog or not. I’m not on it anymore. I referred you there because you keep describing me as a person I’m not.
I’m perfectly happy with my life, it’s women like yourself that have bought into feminism that will be miserable.
Yes, I agree it’s spreading across the globe like a cancer, and unfortunately all of these women infected by it will be miserable also.
They don’t see the bad things like the neurosis, the lack of fulfillment, the meaningless drudgery. They just see dumb bitches being able to buy their own purses smiling in photos.
Not the hopeless loneliness that comes along with being in their 30s with too many wrinkles from smoking and drinking like men.
I don’t think it will happen in the East or former soviet Union but I can see Latin America being tainted.
Ah well.
Cassie – I saw your picture. You do look younger than 29 – but not 18. Maybe about 25. You are in good shape and I can definitely see how some men would find you attractive (though I personally don’t because I like women with more curves, not fat but curves, there’s a difference – white women’s bodies are usually too flat to do it for me so don’t take it personally). I’m sorry for everything you have been through, but this is not the place to talk about your life story, I hope you understand. There are forums and support groups for that – this is a men’s website that doesn’t welcome female comments at all, so you should understand that people here aren’t going to be sympathetic to your experiences. I am going to disagree with the others and say good for you staying a virgin. And it’s good that you have a boyfriend. You are, however, at the age where I would say, if he is not the one, dump him and find someone else. It’s not find yourself time, it’s go time. Your value is decreasing by the day, and you should use your remaining beauty years to find the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. You may think your 30s will be your best years, but the truth is that wall is coming up faster than you think.
I understand that not everyone has the same life experiences, and you were dealt a shitty hand. Fair enough. But be realistic about it and own the fact that you are a 29 year old white woman who does NOT look 18. Your life will likely improve a great deal once you stop living in a fantasy land and see your life/options for what they really are.
18-22 is the best, anything over that is usually too old. Thinking a 29 year old’s too old makes me a pedophile? LOL now that’s rich
God I’m so glad I’m married right now.
If you are older than 29, then thinking a 29 year old is too old is very weird. Normal people would agree. I didn’t say thinking 29 is too old makes one a pedophile, I said thinking of a still youthful looking 29 year old as a crone makes one a pedophile.
The fact that you think 18-22 is the best, unequivocally, means you are very shallow. Yes, most women decline physically after that age (though I haven’t yet), but they develop into more interesting, wise, intelligent people. The fact that you value looks and youthfulness above all shows how shallow you are. Good luck ever finding a real, meaningful relationship with your main criteria being age and hotness – you’re gonna need it. And if you don’t care about a meaningful relationship and just want great sex – that 18-22 year old is not going to be young forever, and as time goes on, less and less young women are going to want an old man so you are going to have to go to hookers to get any at all.
You’re a pathetic old man who needs to prop yourself up by calling a woman YOUNGER than you, more youthful, less DECLINED than you a crone. I feel sorry for you.
Yeah, of course you’re going to claim you are happy with your life – you don’t want your pals here to know how miserable and unfulfilled you really are. And you won’t admit that your obsession with your physique and money are reflective of the fact that those are the ONLY things you have going for you. Personality wise, you are complete and total garbage. The only way you can get girls at all is by developing your superficial attributes, and they are shallow girls who are willing to date a douchebag because he has superficial qualities that they like. No decent woman would let you touch her with a 10-foot pole. So enjoy your muscles and your money, and think about them as you look in the mirror. When you are alone with your thoughts, and don’t have some girl around who is pretending to like you, your thoughts of your prowess and riches will distract you from the reality of what a loser you truly are.
If you think 99% of men don’t go for hotness over everything else you’re very naive. I wonder if any of these men who supposedly go for age and wisdom over looks get off to videos of a woman fully clothed reading a book and talking about how interesting and wise she is.
No, that 22 year old is not going to be the same age forever, but there are always young college girls, and most of them like older men. Also, it’s funny that after making your point that most women decline physically after 22 you feel the need to point out that you haven’t. Classic.
Actually, plenty of men think that 30 is absolute prime for a woman – mature and youthful at the same time. Of course you see women as objects so maturity and other personality aspects mean nothing to you. And no woman wants a loser who has nothing to offer in the way of personality, who is past his prime physically as well. Sorry, but you are well past your physical peak, whether you acknowledge this TRUTH or not, old decrepit man.
I just turned 40, and I only search for females up to a maximum age of around 24-26. After that, most of them hit the wall and look like shit, all the life goes out of them and sex is no longer interesting for them.
Just… unattractive.
Pretty soon I’ll be plowing my through dozens of 18-24 year olds, and when I get to 50 and decide to have a family, then I will find a late 20s woman who is ready to have kids. I’m not sure whether I will keep mistresses or not. See how I feel when I get there. Say hi to your cats for me!
You are loser.
A woman’s value isn’t based on whether or not she is a virgin. Of course you wouldn’t understand that, and you think men who sleep around are desirable.
Basically, a man should sleep around and live life until he is well into his 30s, and then marry a young virgin who will have his kids and keep his house so he can go on with his career. A woman, on the other hand, doesn’t get to obtain an education but gets married at 18-22 and has her entire life revolve around child rearing and house slaving. Then, when she’s in her 40s and the kids are out of the house, she has NOTHING except to take care of her husband who is now practically a senior citizen. Then he dies, so she has to be a widow for the last 20-30 years of her life, with NOTHING to do because her kids are grown and she never developed real world skills.
So men get to live life, have lots of experiences, and contribute to the world and women just exist solely for their use and to live largely meaningless lives. Nice.
Do you really not see the social dynamic in play here? Men and women are different, because of that they have different things they should do to reach the best possible outcomes.
The “best possible outcomes” are not as black and white as you think. Some women have no interest in having children, or at least no interest in having children in their 20s. Some men would rather be good husbands and fathers and devote their time to that rather than money and a player lifestyle – and they don’t want to wait until they’re almost 40 to settle down.
Let me take a moment to note that “Cassie” and “Babe Chandler” are the same, bitter woman who’s been here for ages just to try and convince people that her old ass is just as valuable as younger ass. Complimenting herself with a sock account while calling people insecure.
There’s butthurt, then there’s you, “Cassie”.
So just because women agree with one another, means they must be the same person. So I can conclude that all of you ignorant, narrow-minded men are the same person then, posting under multiple names?? That would actually be a relief – it would show that rather than there being a group of men with alarming views like this, there is only one troll with too much time on his hands.
I don’t know who Babe Chandler is, but I can’t disagree with anything she has said here. I guess that means we HAVE to be the same person?? Lolol.
You both do have the same inconsistent logic problems. It would be an easy mistake to make.
And what exactly is wrong with that?
Think about it a long time with your ant brain, some day you’ll see that something doesn’t add up.
Tell me more about how women are emotionally and physically the same as men and have the same needs
Like the poem. Never seen it before.
I often reread it and ponder on it line by line. What Kipling was saying, what sort of functional relevance was happening at the time and how it relates to my own life.
It’s very balanced.
Stop answering to women. Keep this website a male only space.
Also, not one of them presented a reasonable argument. It is like having a discussion with a 5 year old. No wisdom, just big words.
I see your point but I don’t answer to women to try and change their views. I answer for the benefit of other readers that are still confused and might not be able to make these distinctions yet.
Exactly. The part written for women I will give to my daughter. Women are teachable; they just have to be constantly reminded of what’s right because their emotions are always sending them off course. This is why feminism is so very evil; it encourages those flights of capriciousness instead of taming them.
True. My wife now finally admits that she is ruled by her emotions and actually thanks me when I calmly check her tantrums. Nice.
What if a man would like to have children? I consider it the only viable point of life and don’t see how this can happen in a healthy way without marriage of some sort.
If you read the article in it’s entirety that question would be answered.
I like to think as plain as I believe. 7.5 B people are unsustainable, shit, 4 B population isn’t likely sustainable for a very long period (1000s of years). At least not living the lives with all the amenities required to become a self-improved man per today’s standards. So I’d be a heathen to my own beliefs if I had more than the 1 child I’ve already had out of wed lock.
It doesn’t take Nostradamas to foresee this, and it’s already happened/happening.
My advice is fuck women that don’t seem overly slutty, but not prude, they all rode the carousel somewhat. Virgins are rare unless you’re still young or in a foreign country I assume. Don’t marry any of them, because none of them are entirely sheltered from western influence and it’s cancerous spread, and don’t get wrapped up in LTRs. Focus on career but realize that won’t save your ass in the end either.
All you’ve got is the desire for intellectual curiosity to keep your sanity, and the balls to act upon what you’ve learned. Dignity in knowing you were tough enough, important enough to yourself to break the cycle and believe in something and stand for it is the reward at the end of this life. FWIW.
I’d solve the population problem by defining Africa as a Cluster
bomb Unit target. When I see an Impi or otherwise a crowd of em looting or rioting I can’t help but think of Bomber Harris or Spaatz or even Doolittle having picked the wrong opponent.
More advice for women. Stop eating junk/processed foods and cut down on the drinking. Now that it’s summertime I’m amazed at all the slim, young girls who have sagging butts and thigh cellulite. I’m not talking about the fatties or the oldies, I’m talking about the slim, otherwise hot, girls in their 20s. It’s like only 1 out of 20 slim girls have a tight butt and smooth thighs. What’s causing all this flabby assed cellulite? I think it’s all the crap processors put in our food these days, combined with the fact that women don’t know how to cook so they’re caught in the downward junk/processed food spiral. When I was in my 20s tight-assed, smooth-legged women were the norm, even some of the thicker ones.
Cellulite. UGH! The sight of it makes me want to vomit. No wonder women love tattoos; they’re great for covering their cottage cheese.
God bless tight little Thais! 😀
Why don’t we agree to let women have the workplace if they want it so much? Obviously having the luxury of being a stay-at-home mom with some extra time to pursue her own passions is inferior to corporate slavery. This feminism shit is all about women leeching off the accomplishments of men for their own validation.
How is it so obvious that women leech off of mens accomplishments? They don’t have the balls to start their own business outside of the corporate world. They need diversity quotas to get them ahead in large companies that men primarily built. If they are so capable, why don’t they truly compete in a free market with entrepreneurship and drop this corporate garbage? Do female attorneys actually get some sort of validation from her boss telling her she did a good job after spending 80 hrs a week nestled in contractual law?
Fuck it. If the author is going to let women comment, women answer me this. How about we switch spots? Women go to work in a fucking cubicle while we do the shit that actually pleases us such as: spending time with our children, building things for the house, shooting, fitness, mountain climbing, and basically whatever the fuck we want. I’ll take that over the current situation every day.
Sure, I’ll contribute some income from teaching white-water-rafting lessons or personal training for hot 20 year olds. I heard selling oil paintings on Ebay can make some money. I’ll look into that.
I’m not speaking from a dead-end job POV. Younger readers, if you don’t know the job market which women are so desperately trying to get a piece of very well, let me make this clear: A very high percentage of “prestigious” corporate jobs, attorneys, are long, brutal, and all basically the same shit. You’re woken by forceful alarm, wear an overpriced suit to a corporate jail cell, have a boss who is pissed off at you, a client who needs this and that by tomorrow, which leads to you making your underlings lives miserable. You’re subjected to daily indoctrination of “corporate diversity culture.”
I’m done with these pedestalized jobs that I’ve worked my entire life to be miserable at. Women, if you want to be the breadwinner, I will hand you that title on a silver fucking platter (that your salary will buy)
Stop trying to be Jay-Z and Beyonce. That chick was only able to marry the ugliest famous man in history by being
1) way fucking hotter than you are
2) 12 years younger than him (which Jay prolly fucked over 1000 women in that time) 3) a supposed virgin at marriage, whether that’s true or not she had an impeccable reputation for not being a slut
4) She directly helped his music career by being a hip-hop artist. And no, working in mortgage banking while helping your husband in corporate banking is not a “power couple” It’s boring as fuck.
Think if anybody was helped it was her. Women celebrities always get a boost from all the hype over the married, the wedding, and having a kid. So much so that they’ll be willing to buy one(I mean adopt). He’s always had large record sells, the clothing line, his music producing, and everything else. Unless you want to say that the marriage increased his appeal with a female audience. That I’d agree with.
I agree. My wife is a SAHM, and I work freelance in video and photography. It’s been an experience building my business and ensuring I put my foot down on unrealistic purchases i.e. huge home, extra car. We have one car, and she gets it if she asks. She gets an allotment for food every week, with some ‘fun’ money (the one time I caught her opening a credit card account I didn’t know about, my hand was sore for a week. She enjoyed it though.) I’d say life is pretty good. We go on regular vacations with the kids, have a clean and pleasant home, and I get to shoot and go on weekend trips whenever I want. Helluva lot better than working nine to five.
For men. Be good sons and be good fathers; love your mothers and love your daughters. All other women are garbage and should be treated as such (the exceptions being bosses or employees, as you rely on them for your income).
Be nice to bums; you could easily be one of them someday, thanks to our ruinous, anti-male laws.
Ha ha, you’re right about the push-over thing.
I was never an equal-workload-at-home guy; I worked (and it was heavy-fucking-lifting work) six days a week, so she was damn well going to do the house/kid work. When I came home I crack open the beer/wine and invited her to drink with me; if she didn’t, then fuck it, more for me. I never did laundry, changed diapers, washed dishes, or cleaned anything, but I did cook because I’m a fucking amazing cook; I love to get smashed while cooking with the music on. She was a good Russian and she was cool with it.
But when she wanted things done/bought/whatever I would generally go with her flow as I’m naturally an easy-going guy (unless you’re my business competition, then I want to bury you!). Over the years, as she met and made a couple of good local girl friends, he demands kept gradually escalating: new car, bigger house, etc. I gave in a bit but when things started getting too outrageous (I hate debt), I put my foot down and wow, did she ever go bitchy on me. Luckily by the time the kids were old enough, she went off to local college, got herself an (honors) accounting diploma, and a fairly wall-paying job, which minimized my financial obligations to her as far as child support goes. I gave her my half of the house; not to be nice to her, but to make the divorce easier on the kids (no sense displacing them if wasn’t necessary…then she’d eternally cast me at the bad guy); it wasn’t a big deal to me as it was just a small portion of my assets.
At any rate, she was great until she made her two crappy best friends, one whose husband was a typical Mr. Nice Guy as defined in the book “No More Mr. Nice Guy” who fawned over his ever-demanding wife (the snotty, nothing’s-good-enough-for-me-unless-it’s-got-the-best-brand-name type bitch) day and night and made me look like a prick to my wife, and the other an old (mid-40s) sex-mad cougar who was in the process of divorcing her husband of 20 years and taking half of his personal/business assets (compared to him I got off real easy). There was just no me swimming against these tides.
If I did it all over again I’d become a strict Muslim and marry a Muslim hottie and keep her barefoot and pregnant.
For women; do not get tattoos, they’re not feminine, and besides, they stopped being cool about twenty years ago.
“Don’t think because you have a degree that means you are special. EVERY
girl has some bullshit degree (probably in HR or women’s studies) and
men of stature DO NOT CARE about that.”
By chance did you attend college with handle-bar mustachioed men riding unicycles to class? Is this 2014 or 1914? I just graduated magna cum laude from a research university with a Neuroscience degree. Easily 50% of my class were women who were enthralled with the material we were learning. I don’t think many people embark on rigorous academic endeavors in order to troll for mates, regardless of whether or not they possess internal or external genitalia.
Per grad school, by the time I’m in a position to have children I will be in my early 30’s. To feign that this is without question, physiologically deleterious for my future progeny is just slightly disingenuous. I’m captivated by epigenetics and wholly believe that a confident, happy, healthy, educated mother in a mutually enjoyable and rewarding relationship is in a far superior position to successfully procreate than some miserable, desperate creature stuck in a scenario with a partner who keeps dropping hints about her depreciating value. I don’t need to compete with my partner. I do however intrinsically need to achieve certain life objectives and strive for an experiential existence (not to be interpreted as cock carouselling or whatever cock colloquialism you gentlemen like to wield here). As a female I’m every bit as industrious and inquisitive as you are and I thrive on growth, learning and accomplishment in equal measure with you. We have such a finite window to maximize our life experiences. So you’ll pardon me if I don’t exactly lose much sleep fretting if “high stature” males are getting hard over my impeccable GPA and obscenely victorious MCAT score. I sure do like the pride in my handsome, sexy boyfriend’s eyes as he gloats over his baby being accepted to med school though, and I love that he wants to chaperone and protect me when I start volunteering for Doctors without Borders. I also love the fact that when we do get married he won’t have to work himself into an early grave because I bring a lot to the table too. I’m proud that I’m a worthy and contributing partner and in a self-defined context that works for both of us.
My parents have been happily married for 35 years. My mom is beautiful, fit, loving and successful and she treasures my goofy, awesome, brilliant dad who in turn adores her with all his heart. They’re both highly educated professionals and they’re my template for how to attain a happy, ethical existence. This website ridiculously caricatures both genders. I’m sorry to douse
your fetid hate-fuck fantasies but not every woman is an archetypal
sorority bimbette or a frumpy, brainiac with conspiratorial designs for
mass castration. Nice guys don’t all finish last. In fact, all the one I know are worshiped by their loyal, respectful and accomplished partners. I know mine is 🙂
For someone that’s so smart you somehow missed that I never said you shouldn’t pursue your own goals.
I simply said men of stature don’t care about your degree.
And they don’t.
You’re boyfriend is either a prominent man or he’s bad boy that gives you multiple orgasms
And lo and behold, by your own words it also sounds like you are displaying the qualities I advise women to do.
Congrats on being accepted to med school, come back and talk about how great you are after you graduate.
You aren’t every bit as “industrious and inquisitive” as men.
Everything you know, every conclusion you think you came to, another man of greater ability told you.
“You aren’t every bit as “industrious and inquisitive” as men…”
That’s exactly what some of the laziest bastards with the worst grades in my program used to caterwaul when I’d diplomatically invite them to study groups and the like when their grades would falter. They’d cackle and mutter slights about sluts, bitches and “feminazis” under their breath – all the while partying, garnering academic probation and flaking out on career solidifying internship programs (totally commonplace – the guys in my program humiliated themselves coming in hungover, tardy, etc.) You do a disservice to men by perpetuating the myth that they can underestimate ANY of their competition in high demand, meritocratic challenges. Never underestimate your adversaries – particularly those clad in Hello Kitty print scrubs. I am the proverbial “gunner” and NOBODY sees it coming with me (very petite and uber feminine).
“Everything you know, every conclusion you think you came to, another man of greater ability told you.”
I scarcely doubt you’re reinventing the wheel in your respective field either. So in effect, we’re all the beneficiaries of the men who blazed them thar’ trails prior to our hitting them. “Next!”
“You’re boyfriend is either a prominent man or he’s bad boy that gives you multiple orgasms.”
He’s the most decent, kind, ethical guy I’ve ever known and it’s his loyalty and friendship that keeps me perpetually wet for him. He helps run his adorable parents’ small, humble, mom & pop appliance store. So no, he’s not conventionally “prominent” to anyone but me. Despite his being neither a “bad boy” or an oligarch – There are no shortage of admirable attributes that make him a totally desirable man. His amazing heart and creative, loyal personality is what makes me worship the ground he walks on and the more respectful and loving he is the more I want to submit to any and every deviant thought in his brilliant and egalitarian mind 🙂 This website does do a phenomenal service for men like him as it’s only made me appreciate him a thousand fold (I’d have never treated him with anything but respect and love before – but now knowing what creepy, insulting opinions most of you hold – literally animated hearts shoot out my lachrymal glands for him now) So kudos on that. Nice guys should be treated with all the love and lust in the world, where as douchey ass hats should always be the target of mockery and emasculation.
Your straw man arguments have convinced me. Forgive me if I don’t believe them.
You’re what 24? 25?
You don’t know shit outside of the little feminist echo chamber you’ve grown up in.
Being a career student doesn’t count much to me.
I am also not impressed about what you say you’ve done in a CLASSROOM.
I have news for you, it’s women that made nice guys finish last.
If you do think nice guys should be worshipped, you are the outlier here and if you have any integrity you’ll acknowledge it
“douchey” “asshat”
The predictable shaming.
You do realize you’re falling right back into tired old feminist arguments and insults right?
I’m sure this is also a reflection of your actual accomplishments.
You are exactly the reason men are leaving en masse.
Nasty attitude with a superiority complex that you haven’t earned.
While this article doesn’t have any new concepts it does put together nicely a plan for men and women to actually be, dare I say it, functional in a happy relationship.
Or for men to at least do something noteworthy.
You might very well be magna cum laude, but every semester there’s another asshole doing the SAME THING cupcake.
I’d like to see you actually build something.
Or work in an oil field.
Maybe till a garden on a farm. Or fix a fence.
Every bit as industrious as men?
I’ll bet you have to ask your boyfriend to open that jar of peanut butter.
I said I would refrain from further commenting but did need to concur with you that anyone who treats a loyal “nice” partner poorly is disgusting. Shame on any girls who do it – and lots do for sure. I’ve volunteered over 1500 hours at an urban hospital caring for indigent patients – so I’ve done a little more than just didactic classroom fare. I’ve changed the diapers of unambulatory American war vets and washed the gangrenous wounds of homeless diabetics. I work my tail off and need only impress those whom I love, those whose health I need protect and those who will one day author my paycheck. Who’s to say I’m even a “feminist” either. I’m a humanist thanks 🙂
Keep in mind that humanism suffers from the same sort of childish idealism as feminism, so that’s not really an acceptable alternative
But let’s take this one at a time:
-Assuming your experiences are valid, and that your study in neuroscience is on the medical side and not the social side, it does not negate the observable fact that men are, overall, superior to women in basically every academic field that matters. It is unwise to underestimate people, but even more unwise to assume they are equals.
-Volunteer work is the indulgence of spoiled whites, and holds no tangible value. Is that something you should be proud of, or ashamed of?
-I’m afraid your boyfriend is only impressive to small minority of westerners, again mostly whites who’ve lost touch with reality and believe emotions like empathy or egalitarianism are virtues. Outside of these privileged bubbles, nice guys usually do finish last, while bad boys get the love.
And also, do you talk the way you write? Or is it your way impressing strangers on the internet?
>>Assuming your experiences are valid, and that your study in neuroscience is on the medical side and not the social side,
Yes, my degree is from the college of natural and agricultural sciences. It’s a research-heavy, neuro-sci degree. My school did offer a neuroscience BA through the psychology department, but that isn’t the program I was interested in. I’ve always loved learning about the nervous system both anatomically and physiologically.
>>it does not negate the observable fact that men are, overall, superior to women in basically every academic field that matters.
Unless, you provide citation for this assertion, I can only accept this statement as conjecture and my “observable” experience clearly runs contrary to your statement.
>>Volunteer work is the indulgence of spoiled whites, and holds no tangible value. Is that something you should be proud of, or ashamed of?
Kids of every background and heritage participated in this rigorous, premed, clinical internship. We were thrown in the deep end and forced to negotiate some of the weightiest, most intimidating and honestly disgusting situations imaginable. I’ve found this experience invaluable. If you can’t handle some of the creepier sights/smells/emotions commonplace to a clinical environment – it is imperative that you find out prior to investing the 200K towards the MD. That’s a pretty hefty tangible value, no? Am I ashamed that I’ve comforted and cared for severely ill patients and had the opportunity to learn and observe on the transplant floor, the ED, the OR, the ICU – nope. Not a shred of shame. Misanthropy is not a masculine attribute – it’s just abject coldness sans reason. If altruism and a reasonable sense of empathy is only impressive to a handful of westerners… then god bless America (says the agnostic girl).
Yes, I always talk and write like this. Just my idiosyncratic way, I suppose.
Ironically, the quote below is from an article titled ‘For Women, Academia is Still a Man’s World’:
This literally took seconds to find.
That article you cite is referencing the lagging career paths of “academics” i.e. professors. I did not interpret Tongzi’s quote (“it does not negate the observable fact that men are, overall,
superior to women in basically every academic field that matters.”) as having anything to do with disparities in tenure rates between the sexes.
From an epistemological standpoint, the article you cite in no way attests that one sex is uniformly more academically perfunctory than the other.
You’re arguing semantics. Most readers would consider the figures to be a strong indication of “the observable fact that men are, overall, superior to women”. I suspect the data is why the Fed is pushing to establish hiring quotas for women.
Regardless, you’re straining gnats but do feel free to interpret “superior” however you like.
Lastly, “from an epistemological standpoint.” is as fallacious as it reads. You’ve eliminated so many cases that what remains is much less impressive than what @tongzi:disqus’s initial statement would have led one to assume.
Nice try Tali but this demonstrates why women aren’t allowed to “wax polemical” here.
Again, I admire your audacity. However, you are unfortunately still encroaching.
Sorry I know women aren’t supposed to partake in the festivities here and I’m not trying to be a rabble rouser. Just thought some of my insights might pique some interesting dialogue. I shall hence refrain from further diatrib-ing. Fare thee well, men of too much suspect and too little faith in humanity.
Actually I welcome your comments, especially if you can drop the goddamn snarky remarks and actually make a counter argument without ad homiens or straw men.