Occasionally I write about East Asia here at ROK, and after having spenth about a month in South Korea, Japan, Vietnam and other locations, I have additional insights and information to share.
Since Vietnam, while being a rather interesting emerging market, has almost completely been ignored on these pages, I will specifically look into America’s former arch enemy and what it may or may not offer in regard to travel, women, and similar phenomena. Here are my four major observations.
1. Materially and culturally it is somewhere between the Philippines and Taiwan
The average income level in Vietnam is actually lower compared to the Philippines. On the other hand, Vietnam has less of the ultra-poor slums and more people clustered somewhere in the middle. After all, most Vietnamese are peasants or low-skilled urban “entrepreneurs.” The communist government aims to avoid the worst living conditions for its people.
In the same spirit as China after the 1978 economic reforms, influenced by the advice from Lee Kuan Yew, however, Vietnam has slowly yet gradually implemented state-capitalist policies which have increased foreign investment, improved the country’s poor infrastructure, and led to higher economic growth.
Since economic development and culture often, although not necessarily go hand in hand, the Vietnamese have generally ended repulsive behaviors like feasting on dogs, cats, and even rodents (in the rural areas).
With the tropical climate, multiple motorcycles literally everywhere, a Chinese heritage, and some degree of modernity all taken into consideration, think of today’s Vietnam as somewhere between the Philippines (overall poor) and Taiwan (overall wealthy), both materially and culturally.
2. You will see Koreans everywhere
Koreans are not only making themselves globally well-known through K-pop soft power, but by being physically scattered throughout large parts of the world, including Vietnam. Pretty much every corner of major cities like Hanoi and Da Nang are affected by the omnipresence of Korean tourists. You will definitely see more Koreans than mainland Chinese, although South Korea has a population size of roughly 4% of that of China.
While I am generally sympathetic towards South Korea and its citizens and denizens, they can be a bit annoying with their many silly bathing suits and loudmouthed beta boys. On the other hand, you will see quite many young Korean women in tiny shorts, showcasing their long and slim legs. One Korean girl out of ten is attractive, while only one Vietnamese girl in ten is better-looking than the average Korean girl.
3. Most women are average or ugly
That leads us to the next point. Unfortunately, most Vietnamese girls are not attractive. Lack of make-up and other “inauthentic” measures are some of the underlying reasons for this, but the facial features are perhaps an even more constraining factor. The typical Vietnamese girl is short, slim, and dull.
You will, of course, find cute girls in Vietnam, but not that many, and the stunning Oriental 9s and 10s are extremely few. For instance, I saw a typical postcard beauty outside a temple in Hanoi, who was dressed in a traditional costume, but she must have been one in a thousand.
4. Da Nang and Hoi An are the best places
Vietnam is geographically and population-wise a big country, and I have seen far from all of it. On the other hand, I have seen enough to draw the conclusion that Da Nang and Hoi Are likely the best places it has to offer, while you may skip Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and the smaller average cities. Hanoi is not that bad but not as nice as Da Nang and Hoi An.
In Da Nang you will find the most optimal balance between tradition and materially developed areas, and at the same time less of the overabundance of pollution and congestion so typical for the largest Asian cities. Typically, you will use GrabTaxi, a rented motorbike, and a little bit of walking as the main ways of transportation, and they are all cheap. Stay close to the beach area but make sure to take a ride with the extensive cable car in Bana Hills. Even the urinals inside the club New Phuong Dong Nightclub are shaped like a woman’s ass, and overall Vietnam has nothing of the #MeToo anti-sexist memes and behaviors.
The small and picturesque Hoi An, on the other hand, offers a retreat at some of its fairly cheap yet high-quality hotels, a clean and nice beach (An Bang Beach), and touristic yet somewhat authentic shops and restaurants.
Vietnam seems very far from a poosy paradise and not a place to dwell permanently. Instead it offers great tourism for a rather low amount of money. Especially if one picks the right spots and avoids those that are not worth the investment in time, energy, and money.
Read Next: How To Get Laid In South Korea
I beg the differ. Hoi An is the tourist trap destination aka Venice of Vietnam and the country has card and away the most consistently attractive women in SEA.
Sure there’s not many 8s or 9s like Colombia or Ukraine, but consistent 7s and there are no trannies and AIDS ridden whores around like Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia.
It’s an incredibly fun country riding all the way up or down from Saigon to Hanoi. And cheap. Really….really….cheap
Philippines has one of the lowest HIV rates in Asia.
Serious question,
If there are no blacks in Asia, where does all the aids come from?
Gay homoes who have been with black dudes
Heroine (sharing needles) is popular in parts of SE Asia
From the last time your mom visited there…
Was in Vietnam earlier this year, found the women very attractive. Was approached by young women more in HCMC than I have ever been hit on before in my life. From “Hello, I’m a university student, would you like to buy me a coffee?”, girl in 23/9 park, all the way up to “I want you to take me back to your room and fuck me”, waitress in a restaurant.
John you have marketed Vietnam than any Vietnamese movie, tourism ministry communications, this article or anything anyone will ever say!!!! will be on my way there very dark compered to you but loaded and dress expensive
are there stop and shop – red light districts such as Makati, and Thailand?
I am more picky.
john dodds- Those three fit the article’s description; short, slim, and dull. Based on what you say about their offers, make sure you only bang the ones that cough.
“Instead it offers great tourism for a rather low amount of money”. To the traveling nomad I believe this statement. For everyone else who might be taking a one to two week trip is it really worth the plane ticket, travel time, language barriers, and hot and humid weather to get to a country with average women?
Yes, it was!
Good point. Also you do need a pre arranged visa still for many nationalities (much easier to get from Thailand or phnom penh) and you need about a whole month to see Vietnam properly.
It’s best to just include the country as part of an extensive trip in SEA in general.
As a Brit, free 2 week visa waiver on arrival and my VietJet airfare was $60 each way.
Saigon Green beer, 60c for a 450ml bottle in bars, cheapest 2 week drinking binge I’ve ever had, surrounded by available women.
“VietJet airfare was $60 each way.”
From Britain or where?
Chiang Mai airport, direct flight. The only cheaper destination is Changsha in China ($50 out, $25 return) but my VISA costs $30.
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) is also cheap, 90-day visa waiver on entry. Manila (Philippines) is a bit more expensive at $100, 30-day visa waiver on entry. I usually manage a trip to all of those places every year (or two).
I beg the differ. For being a tourist trap destination, Hoi An is – except for the specific traps which can easily be avoided by anyone who is not a complete idiot – very cheap. I paid about the equivalent of about 35 dollar per night for a 5-star hotel there. Plus, one might as well as stay in bordering Da Nang (1 million) which has more to offer. Da Nang/Hoi An are really pleasant places to stay in and definitely cheap enough.
As for the girls I am not saying that they are worse than Thais and Filipinas, but that most are not attractive. Northeast Asian females from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and middle- and upper-class mainland Chinese families are more well-groomed at least and maximize their beauty potential. But like I have said I am not positive regarding the faces, too. Northeast Asian girls have better skin, appropriate makeup, nicer clothes and whatnot, but perhaps also slightly better faces. I would not trade Vietnam for Japan, South Korea or Taiwan any day, although I would prefer to stay there longer time due to lower prices.
Taiwan’s my favorite place in Asia. Very few westerners there (Even in Taipei for the most part) and it’s a microcosm for the perfect society.
Pure social cohesion by lack of diversity with a 105 IQ population and its corresponding ultra low crime.
The women are almost as consistent as Japan too.
Disclaimer: I worked for a Taiwanese group, albeit I was based in Hong Kong…
in general i DO agree with you, Taipei though is, in terms of architecture, a butt-ugly city and not exactly striking you as a first world location in terms of look and feel, despite the high standards of living of the country.
I guess it’s part of the charm though, a reminder of how Asia looked in the mid 80s
Yes it can be challenging to districate yourself around Taipei without a basic knowledge of Hanzi
South Korea being better than Vietnam? In terms of living standards: yes. In terms of the quality local women: absolutely not.
I’ve never been there, at least not yet. But in old books Vietnamese were described as the n*ggers of asia. Why do you suppose that is/was?
Like you I find Vietnamese women to be sub par for Asia and Taiwanese woman to be much higher quality. I used to live there and found it have a real bell curve with women’s looks and dress. Few young women are fat or dress like feminists and few are stunningly beautiful. Most dress well, are slender and a 6 to 8 in looks. Taiwanese women also age better than women in any other country that I have visited.
Taiwan though is a young man’s playground because few women will date a man more than 5 years older than them. Also, few women over 40 date.
Asians are inferior at least in terms of physical appearance and wtf is with that toilet, do they openly state now that they are societies based on prostitution?
Absolotuely right. The Yellow race is inferior to the white race. The are primitive, disgusting, evil savages. All of their development is stolen from whites or given to them by whites. They have never developed anything on their own, including the gunpowder myth. They contribute nothing to the world.
They are sneaky, lying, cheating, two -faced monkey cockroaches.
Too many people on this site give far to much respect to the yellow race. They deserve none.
You have to love snowflakes who are so insecure about their whiteness that they have to be defensive at any mention of another race…
Yeah, they are so inferior that they own OVER 25% of the US’s National Debt.
If they called in that debt, our economy would collapse.
Keep thinking you are superior there, heir douche.
Loud Korean betas… God yes you nailed it man, basically the scourge of Asia: skinny, relatively tall and lanky, overly manicured creeps covered with facial creams 24 hours a day trying to act tough, cool and gangsta.
Hated Korean dudes when I was there in the Army, 25 yrs ago. Didn’t have much use for the women either.
South Korean men ARE gangsta. lol
My favourite part is when he shoots the nails into the legs of that dirty Chosun Jeok cockroach while he has his older brother on the phone.
(too lazy to embed sorry)
The Thai guy playing the Vietnamese hitman was killer
Great movie. Basically Korea’s “Leon The Professional”.
Yeah that hitman is cool. They snub him in the movie as a “third world Asian” because of his nationality lol
Charlies..man..they are in the trees. man
All of Indochina used to be nothing but pan faces and flat stick bodied females. However, it does seem like the French occupation of Vietnam along with American Gi’s have contributed genetic upgrades to the Vietnamese women. At least some now appear to have developed some boobs.
It is unlikely that Vietnamese girls slept around that much that much. don’t forget, it is a country with a large population.
Didn’t read. Just the pictures.
I am there -5 months…
Lol, if you actually read they talked about how it’s really not like the pictures!!
Go anyway you’ll have a blast. Went to Saigon with a good friend on New Year’s day and just lived it up for 2 weeks. Everything is cheap, the food and booze is great, interesting sights, and the girls will be pulling on you. Oh and the government will ironically leave you alone so you can do just about anything unlike certain western police states. I have no regrets.
Haven’t been to Vietnam since 2002 but at that time I thought the women were mostly attractive. They were slightly curvier than Chinese or Korean women, at least in the backside, and had a graceful femininity to them. Maybe things have changed since then, but they were on the whole more likely to be pretty than women anywhere else in SE Asia.
As for traveling I tend to agree with just about every opinion express by the author. Hoi An and Da Nang were the most enjoyable and Hanoi is far more bearable than Saigon.
“… but they were on the whole more likely to be pretty than women anywhere else in SE Asia.”
Correct. On average, Vietnamese girls are way better than Thai or Filipina girls. Very feminine. Not too easy but still approachable.
Many of them are truly wife material.
Only Cambodian (Khmer) girls come close to them in that region. Sadly, Cambodia as a country is not a place to spend much time in it…
Oriental Mongoloids are considered to be the most advanced phenotype-wise, but that doesn’t mean they are attractive, (usually the opposite, I’m afraid). Then again, beauty is subjective, and an average-looking submissive Asian wife is better than a pretty blonde-hair blue-eyed Western bitch who is “proud and independent” and will leave you for Jamal anyways.
Let’s be honest, if your goal is marriage and family, any I mean ANY non-White girls is better than a White girls.
Good goy. Marry and have non-white children.
That’s a moronic saying. If you want family you want your own genotype so you carry on your genes, not have them submerged in the morass of browness.
If you are just looking for a temporary f*ck, one may do if you don’t breed her.
LoL wtf? Whether the woman you mate with is white or not, the baby will surely still carry your genes.
Also, family is so much more than carrying my genes.
I’ve seen a lot of white men got separated from their babies and couldn’t see the grow up because the mom is a fucked up woman who happened to be white and won the full custody. At the end of the day, her mind, her love, her attitude and her grace that will raise my babies, not the pigment of her skin.
Visited Vietnam in 2012.
I t seemed to me the average Vietnamese girls were still quiet genuine (this might have changed since) – a lot more so than the average Thai or Filipina girl.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally i think Vietnamese girls are way more attractive than the Korean ones and their behavior tend to be better than their Korean counterparts. (Visited Seoul int he same year.)
Vietnam (as per 2012): getting a visa a seems a bit of a hussle compared to Thailand or the Philippines. However it s reasonably safe country, people are generally decent and welcoming. The girls seem feminine enough – not too easy but still approachable. The climate sucks, though.
P.S by the way, if you visit Vietnam, do not, I mean, do not ever talk about politics and never say anything remotely critical about the government.
I try to be as honest and correct as possible. Both countries have quite large populations and I admit there is a huge in-group variation. But after seeing dozens after dozens of 5 feet Vietnamese girls with flip-flops, no make-up, and mediocre (at best) faces, there is a big trade-up to see quite many thin, long-legged and well-groomed Korean girls in super-tiny shorts at the restaurant, beach or pool. I hoped to see much more local talent, for mere observation, but was disappointed. (My girlfriend looks better than 99% of all people in those countries, by the way.) Actually, many of the best-looking women from Vietnam have been women in their 40s, who are much more well-preserved then the average white woman in the same age span.
As a Vietnamese living in a city that is not filled with foreigners, reading this article feel funny to me.
All places you list are tourist traps even for Vietnamese.
Yes. But you must understand one thing, brother, and that is not Vietnam is a poor country and if you live in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, France or Sweden, a dollar more or less for food means nothing. I am sure I could find slightly cheaper food in other cities but I have seen enough of the local “restaurants” in smaller as well as larger Vietnamese cities than Hanoi and Da Nang to say thanks but no thanks.
I was more than happy with a chicken (or pork) baguette and coffee in Highlands coffee for around $1.50. Not to mention I was once approached by a really pretty girl while having one.
That baguette was likely handled with filthy hands and sooner or later you’ll end up with serious tropical diseases from parasites to tuberculosis that local joke doctors can’t effectively help you with / will misdiagnose.
You get what you pay for.
That girl was likely a pro or was trying to run a con on you. Never trust viets.
Larry Simmons
Vietnamese pork baguettes and Highlands coffee was one best sandwiches I’ve ever had and highlands coffee is on another level. You don’t know what you’re missing out.
@larry simons
Are you talking about western doctors? Experienced all that in NYC.
Thai private hospital was best care anyware
Spent lots of time in Vietnam. I find the women there quite attractive and feminine. Cost of living is low, absolutely zero feminist #metoo bullshit. They are friendly to foreigners (although watch out for the foreigner-hunters, pros and semi-pros).
On the other hand, recently spent some time in Japan. Holy sh*t the girls there are incredible looking. Cute with perfect clothes, nails and makeup. Ultra feminine. I wanted to bang about every 3rd girl I saw.
Is language a big barrier in Japan ? And how open are the women to different degrees of interactions ?
For that matter, what was your experience in Vietnam ?
Oh wow. Finally a RoK article that isn’t just “American girls are trash, go to Asia, South America or the Middle East and find a girl there so that the white race is even more watered down.” I swear that RoK could be even better without all the “white girls suck so go find a brown or Asian girl” nonsense.
I guess if you want to visit for a month and bang the same 45 girls that every foreigner is banging, then the Philippines or Thailand is your best bet.
Vietnam (Saigon, may as well ignore the other cities) becomes infinitely better when you live there AND when you make $5k+/month AND live in a nice apartment. I suppose the same applies to other SEA countries, but Vietnam is probably the cheapest and easiest to break into these circles.
“I guess if you want to visit for a month and bang the same 45 girls that every foreigner is banging…”
In a way this probably applies worldwide, too. That sixth sense you’ve already developed reveals how shallow the dating/banging pool actually is for some unskilled tail-chasing tourists. When they’re not at home on familiar ground, the limits and prospects change; it’s pure vanity to think otherwise, and sloppy game. It also means showing some restraint and a little pride in selectivity among women in general. No deliberate work is actually needed. I think we all have that one friend who is just too horny and oblivious to the fact, tries too hard, and in the end he bangs the same chick every other thirsty foreigner banged b/c it was so easy for “the same 45 girls” to single him out. He’s not going to quibble about quality over quantity, but I will.
A new bang is a new bang, do I care how many other foreigners she banged? Not really, I just want my turn. It isn’t as if I’m gonna marry her, or even bang her more than once.
Living in HCMC.
Sadly, # 3 is bang on. This is of course subjective, but i share the author’s view.
Vietnam is a clusterfuck of swarms of kamikaze style moto drivers (most people are too poor to own cars) and unhygienic street food.
The women have cash registers for soul and thiefs ripping smartphones out of your hand are prevalent.
It’s a sketchy south east asian commie hellhole where nobody trusts each other.
Sure it’s one step up from the slums of Manila, but it really should be your last option…
That’s a very exaggerated description, although it contains some truth. Crime rates are nothing to be worried about – homicide statistics show the same low figures as in Northeast Asia and western countries. But I agree that snatching of necklaces and bags are a quite common form petty crime, at least in Saigon, and a certain level of street-smartness is required. While dirty street food may be a problem there are many ways to avoid that: you can go to better restaurants, buy your own food at supermarkets (they are unfortunately not as common as in Northeast Asia but you can find them), and after one major sickness in SEA your body and system are more or less immune to it. Overall, Vietnam is a great destination for tourism: many nice places to visit and cheap.
imagine how economically brilliant
that nation would be had it not been
crushed by communism. Hong Kong
became an economic powerhouse all
BEFORE being handed back to China.
For some reason my comments about Tekashi 69 would not be accepted in the article ROK made about him. So I will post it here.
“”It’s almost as if Donald J. Trump was describing Tekashi 69 when he said, “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”””
”Would it not make perfect sense that the King of Clown World is an Insane-Clown-Posse-Beastie-Boys-MS-13-hybrid?”
Please get rid of this bullshit. I sincerely ask this as a fan of ROK.
1. Tekashi69 was to a Mexican mother and a Puerto Rican father. He is not 100% Mexican.
2. Black gang members cause more crimes, drugs, rapes than Mexicans.
And I can pull up at least 10 more if you think i’m full of shit.
3. 69 is a Bloods gang member not MS13.
4. Do some proper research next time before running your mouth. I don’t even like the guy myself but get your goddamn facts straight!!
‘The typical Vietnamese girl is short, slim, and dull.’
I would extent that observation across S.E Asia.
Generally ugly to very ugly girls all over with very few exceptions but even these are mentally zombies and dull as phuck.
“The typical Vietnamese girl is short, slim, and dull.’”
Asian cultures are conformist and don’t value independent thought or analysis but increasingly Western white ones don’t either. At least in Asian ones the Women are not so entitled and judgemental. Most Asian women are more feminine and bring more traditional female skills to a relationship them do most women in the US and western Europe.
I meant dull as in having a boring and uninteresting look, rather than unintelligent, in this case. There have been several studies which show different results, but urban Vietnamese people at least have an average IQ of about 100.
Let me see, talk to an entitled interesting overweight white woman with ZERO chance of a fuck and spend all evening buying her drinks, or take a dull slim Asian woman back to my room for hot sex at an upfront charge of $30. Damn bro, that’s one hard decision!
Damn, man. So hard.
Americans are such pussified snowflakes now that they want the Gestapo to hold their hand when they pee-pee.
Americans used to support freedom, but they have now morphed into Nazis and Communists. Americans will easily go to the gulags because Fascists think the police state only affects Commies and Communists believe tyranny targets Nazis.
Conservatives tend to support small government, be moral, go to church, be responsible, be independent, and oppose killing unborn children. Conservatives generally dislike alcohol, drugs, premarital sex, and minorities.
Liberals often favor science and Socialism and are impulsive. Leftists are more likely to support welfare, drinking, drug use, homosexuality, and open borders.
Since Americans tolerate debt, wars, nanny state laws, Obamacare, food stamps, regulations, offshoring, homosexuality, increasing taxes, illegal immigrants, security cameras, license plate readers, checkpoints, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, curfews, gun bans, searches without warrants, mandatory minimums, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, private prison quotas, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, 3 strikes laws, kill switches, National Security Letters, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, police militarization, NSA wiretapping, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, private prisons, FOSTA, TSA groping, and Jade Helm then what is to stop the elites from sending the 99% to the concentration camps?
The US has crossed every line.
Life has become unbearable. Who wants to live in a prison? Hard work is punished with taxes and regulations, jobs have been offshored, illegal immigrants are flooding the country, and laziness is rewarded with welfare.
Wake the fuck up.
I have lived here for 3 years, am going back for a fourth, and heartily disagree with much of this “expert’s” opinion.
1) The average Korean woman is no more attractive than the average Vietnamese. It’s just the Korean has probably had plastic surgery, has no personality, a terrible relationship with her parents, is depressed and dealing with suicidal thoughts.
2) There are many 8’s, 9’s, and some 10’s available. You have to go to the right places, work the pipeline hard if you aren’t a nightclubber, as I am not, but they are available to you if you present well and “live here” with a real non-English teacher job. That being said English teachers do quite well here too. I work with dudes in their mid-4o’s with wives in their early 20’s that are legit 8’s (body) with 9 (faces) and 10 (personalities and values.)
3) Vietnamese women take care of their men and families. Better than anywhere else I have ever lived-USA, Czech, Costa Rica, Taiwan, and it’s not close. They are also way more feminine with better food, although you could make that case for Taiwan too. Family values are strong here and they are better off for it. Adults opinions count, grandparents the most, and children and teenagers not at all, and they are all the better off for it.
4) The value of life here is hard to beat. High-quality amenities at bargain basement prices, travel opportunities abound, nice people and a lot to appreciate every day of the week including a vibrant expat community from every corner of the world.
5) The worst things about this place are the pollution, the traffic, the language, and litter. But you can find that in many cities. There is no garden of Eden on this earthly plain.
I would rather live here than any other country in Asia and the only places that even compare if you are gainfully employed and want to live well and save well are Thailand and Cambodia. The Philippines are great too but a lot of crime and bullshit you don’t have to deal with in Indochina. Though the common English and familiar Catholicism are nice.
Some of you can actually see and recognize reality. While too many others remain firmly rooted in delusional thinking thanks to the permanent attachment of Rose-colored glasses.
Yes, everything is relative. And I suppose anywhere in Asia is better than life in the middle of many cities (or districts) dotted around America, Australia, Britain, and Canada. And please spare a thought (if you can) for those out-voted White Frenchmen who now find themselves surrounded by “immigrants” from Africa!
But wakey-wakey boys … if I could play you a few videos (or MP3s) of the behaviours of these ugly, loud-mouthed, arrogant, Farang-hating, Thai-Chinese bitches I unfortunately have as near-neighbours (in the house I am currently renting) then you’d soon question why you ever thought SE Asia was a viable, long-term solution.
Prior to the Vietnam War, most Thais were nothing more than rice growers and fruit pickers … with an average IQ under 90. It’s only thanks to the WHITE MAN that they now have highways, tollways, television, tampons, universities, their own airline, and functioning hospitals. But no Thai is ever going to admit that … isn’t that so?
Fortunately for this world … the Vietcong defeated the globalist forces of the Banking Cabal (a.k.a. the US Army and USAF) thus ensuring this region didn’t end up with two nations producing Lady Boys and boring women by the tens-of-thousands.
Do you have any idea how many feral dogs are now living in the streets of Thailand? The numbers have already reached vermin levels. Added to which are the millions owned by Thais as pets or as cheap (and noisy) security guards.
If these lazy Buddhist numskulls keep refusing to perform a mass-cull of these packs of shabby mongrel dogs then Thailand’s poster name will have to be changed from the “Land of Smiles” … to … “Welcome To One Giant Open-Air Dog Kennel”.