Why Game Is Necessary

Those in the manosphere who study and discuss game have a lot of critics. White knights and feminists alike are quick to shame, calling knowledge of game and discussion of it an unnecessary waste of time (at best) or evidence of misogyny (at worst). To hear them tell it, you could be forgiven for concluding that an understanding of game and how men/women interact is useless or evil.

Individual life experience, of course, tells us otherwise. Unlike women, men cannot obtain high sexual value by merely growing up. For most young guys, self-improvement is crucial to building a rewarding sexual/romantic life. In a world rife with feminist-inspired androgyny and plagued by a genuine dearth of honest instruction to young men about how to actually be men, the manosphere is a lifeline. It is one of the only places available where men can have honest discussions about masculinity, what’s right/wrong when it comes to women, and how to honestly evaluate themselves and tackle their own romantic/sexual faults.

What you are about to witness is the result of the absence of that lifeline. Incredibly needy, insecure, whiny and utterly unwilling to acknowledge and correct his own weaknesses, this is the kind of male bred by the actions of those who stand against game and despise the manosphere that helps to promote it.

I’ll let the evidence speak for itself.


Those who oppose game and the manosphere’s promotion of it often cite the need for men to turn to such sources for advice as “tragic”. To them, I say there is no tragedy in seeking self-improvement from like-minded men. The tragedy is in preventing men (especially young men) from doing so and risking the creation of more “males” like this one.


Game and self-improvement are the best ways out of the pathetic abyss illustrated here that so many young, desperate, inexperienced and insecure males fall into. Nobody wants to be Moses Garza and, hopefully with the growth of sites like this one, nobody will have to be.

Read Next: Why Game Is Necessary (Part 2)

157 thoughts on “Why Game Is Necessary”

  1. Jesus, that is a horrible train wreck that has happened before it really happens. That kid needs a uber-family-of-fat-americans-sized-bottle of red pill, and a pussyyectomy stat doctor.

    1. remember he has to give his paycheck to his step sisters, prostitution won’t help either…

      1. He should realize that he shouldn’t give money to a woman unless he’s fucking her.

        1. Nah, even when you’re fucking her only give her breadcrumbs. Sounds like chest-thumping but I learned the hard way many, many years ago – was in a LTR with a babe, took her everywhere, paid for everything and she was happy. After 3 months I asked her why she liked me, she said, “Because you take me out (and pay for everything).” BOOM. Dumped on the spot.

  2. Normally I’m not a violent person, but I would mercilessly punch this guy until he died or MANed up.

      1. Yes clearly I wont be able to sleep at night cause of this guy. Damn I’m such a Beta. Better cancel that date and stay home and watch Girls or something…

      2. I give Charlie the benefit of the doubt of coming from fatherly instincts and values. Tough love of some sort is the necessary remedy. Glad to see some of us are evolving the community to more cultural potency.

    1. Did definitely make me want to punch myself in the face to avoid his pussification from infecting my eyes.
      Someone needs to take away his internet pity party and then to a strip club.

  3. Obviously that kid needs a bit of help, but did you really have to publish his name so anyone can find it now? Bit of a crap thing to do, to be honest.

    1. you must be new here.
      Those screenshots can be found all across the internet.

    2. People have to understand the internet is public. Not understanding that concept is a dangerous pitfall.

    1. Just imagine in the adolescent comes here to get answers that will help, and then reads that. You made it personal by the context. I think that comment should be removed. It is not wrong to think it, or even to write it in the abstract without a specific target in mind, but what that is is wrong for what it potential is limited to being. And if you want to have an honest conversation about mercy killing, you would look higher in the food chain, instead of at some young, fungible AFC last in line–but picking on the weak is not scary, which is why it is politically fruitless, culturally fruitless, pretty much fruitless. Yes, could save others from a shooting spree, but violence ought to address first causes as a priority. There will be more and more and more shooting sprees. It’s all the same even if the names change from such an intervention as suggested. So push the kid over the edge, cause you are not seriously going to do it as a keyboard jockey or keyboard bully.

  4. School shooter in the making. There is no action without counter action. Feminist did their best to destroy men, now young boys start shooting THEIR daughters.
    That is not right, but it’s just the consequences of their cruel actions.

    1. Very true, Tom Dane, but don’t stop, please. Or whatever lurkers here.
      “That is not right, but it’s just the consequences of their cruel actions.” That is a contradiction begging for the Socratic method and discovery. Not right but expected? Are not the wages of sin death? What I am getting at is: What is morality? or the right one? The way I read that, you are having it both ways. I think you are on the doorstep of wisdom, so I mention a potential doorknob, completely unlocked of itself.

      1. Not sure what you mean. What im saying is that this kids been brutalized his entire life, by teachers, his single mom who told him to man up and respect all womyn (im sure of that), by the promqueens who called him creepy and laughed at him, by the absense of his father who was never there to tell him how to train weights or join a boxing gym or whatever to lift his spirits (his mom probably divorced him and took him to cleaners, then later told his son what a loser his father was and got a restraining order). He never had any support AT ALL only people who ridiculed him.
        Some people simply snap and im not saying that is right, but of course it’s expected to happen. He is thinking, ok they ruined my life, im gonna ruin theirs. It’s that simple.

        1. I am framing it as morality, and maybe that is me trying to fit what you said into my perspective instead of seeing your perspective. I would call “ok they ruined my life, im gonna ruin theirs” a moral code. If you are a slave, and there are nice people in the free class who pay taxes that support the order that enslaves you, is such a moral code incorrect. There are many layers to choose from for what is the moral choice. I think one must honor and love oneself first. Friends that don’t do that are not mentally independent and that ‘friendship’ is not anchored in anything real, IMHO. Being a moral person and being an explorer of knowledge can lead to difficulties of inconsistency. I think I am making a related point, but maybe I am not.

  5. It is this young man’s father who could have prevented this. I was not surprised to see that his father is accusatory towards him.
    Moses if you see this, start reading the content of this site now.. I was in a worse position than you at that age and everything turned our better than fine.

  6. Mopey, desperate teenagers aren’t anything new but publicly airing all your angst is just pathetic.
    I was an introverted, frustrated kid in high school so I focused on working and learning guitar. By the time college came around I was in three bands, had cash and plenty of poosy. It’s amazing what three years and a little persistence will get you.
    Kid, get a job and a hobby.

    1. This could be the beginning of intervention by masculinity, eventually. We can predict trouble. If we can predict it on a case by case basis, it might open some eyes and give us more cultural and political sway. At least the pain ‘inflicted’ here is far more remote, far less relevant to what happen next destructively, and is the pain that might motivate cure. Without discomfort, there is no motivation to advance one’s abilities. We see modern women.

      1. I’ve never agreed with the Spartan way, but stuff like this makes me reconsider.
        Raise boys from day 0 to be strong. Keep boys and girls separated. Put boys in a harsh environment. Forget about poosy, they have to be learn to be uber-manly just to ensure they have enough to eat.
        By the time they’re the age this kid is, even the ‘natural betas’ will have become indestructible men.

  7. At first i was going to say man this kid is a fuck up, but give him a break, he’ll be eaten alive anyway and he’s young, there is a small non zero chance he can change when he’s older.
    then i saw the quantity of his posts. That is such a lot
    No point in publishing his name though and even if its out there on the internet, male shaming is a trait exclusive to feminists, and fatties.
    I like how Genghis Khan did it, if they’re not of age don’t kill them or in this case eviscerate them on the internet. [atleast in the film mongol, his actual history is far more interesting but i digress]
    if he was older i would say go full hog.

    1. The point of this post is not just to shame Garza’s behavior, it is to illustrate the necessity of self-improvement among men. This is what males become when the seeds of whiny beta insecurity and youthful sexual frustration are allowed to grow unchecked. These examples are needed to show the world why game and self-improvement are a positive thing for men.

  8. Jesus H. Christ. Pages and pages and pages of whining self-pity. Swap out the word “girl” for “boy” and it could be a fourteen-year-old fat girl.
    And what’s tragic is the poor kid seems to be perfectly fit and healthy, decent-looking, and bright. If he wasn’t mired in a world which wants to neuter him, he’d probably be a charming, manly little fellow.
    That’s a word we never hear any more: “manly.” It simply no longer exists in the Dictionary of Newspeak.

    1. We also don’t hear the word feminine either, unless it’s derogatory. Androgyny ftw…

  9. Big problem when you have someone starting to see Hitler as an Idol. Is it just me, or this screams out Columbine?
    A perfect example of how such a complex and decadent society as ours can produce this kind of problematic kid. I hope this is being followed up closely at school, because his neediness and obsessive mentality will easily transform into hatred and anger and when he shoots everyone around him, how many votes will Obama win for visiting the bloody walls of the school or how much profit will the poisonous media make out of it?
    Interesting to think about how much the feminist and destruction of family values based society we live in has to do with this case. Probably access to manosphere alone would not fix anything. He is way to young to understand somethings. It does look like lack of fatherhood, strong male examples, and misguided youth for sure.

    1. I thought that too. Sounds like this schlub is past beta whining, this is almost clinical D. If his shit is so public why hasn’t one of his “acquaintances” or a guidance counselor seen this and recommended some intervention? Or his dad, who seems to have the time to say he’s a shit – do your DUTY man and at least try to help your son! (No, not “manning up” – while some kids can’t be saved, as the parent you have a DUTY to at least try).
      Now if they all tried and he won’t listen to anybody, well, then, yeah – see if he comes to school with a big heavy gym bag…

    2. I thought that too. Sounds like this schlub is past beta whining, this is almost clinical D. If his shit is so public why hasn’t one of his “acquaintances” or a guidance counselor seen this and recommended some intervention? Or his dad, who seems to have the time to say he’s a shit – do your DUTY man and at least try to help your son! (No, not “manning up” – while some kids can’t be saved, as the parent you have a DUTY to at least try).
      Now if they all tried and he won’t listen to anybody, well, then, yeah – see if he comes to school with a big heavy gym bag…

    3. Hilter provided an alternative to the univeralist Matrix. He was not entirely wrong because he criticized the Matrix, he was labelled entirely wrong by the Matrix. Hitler is a symbol of dejected outsiders with unrealized potential, or at least believe they do. Morality is not universal, it is a social construct subject to evolutionary selection under might makes right, or do you players wrong women. lolzlolzlolzz

    4. “Big problem when you have someone starting to see Hitler as an Idol. Is it just me, or this screams out Columbine?”
      It’s what happens when lost, hopeless, sexually frustrated young men find there way to /pol/ rather than ROK. There but for the grace of God go I…

  10. tl;dr
    epilogue: moses commits suicide, dan franco bangs natalie garcia. the end.

  11. Attention. He know’s what’s he’s doing. It’s game, just like the stuff here, the difference it is ineffective, terrible, cannot-find-the-words awful game. Spamming Facebook hoping his broadcast make someone (a girl) come in and “save” him.
    I’m not sure I know really know anything, no matter how much I been around the manosphere, but I know screaming on Facebook like him only achieve the opposite he hopes.

    1. yeah that’s exactly it…. he wants to relate to a girl in the way he thinks girls relate…..but that’s how girls relate to other females not to males.
      a girl might draw a guy in with this needy stuff, but a guy just looks weak and pathetic.
      you do have to feel a little sorry for him though…in the same way you might feel sorry for a north korean solider…. it’s a socialist society that breeds these misled people…….

  12. As always, great social commentary and criticism from Athlone.
    Depressing to see this, but only through such examples can the point effectively be made.
    The adoption of feminine traits by men in the US has been one of the most startling and disturbing trend I’ve noticed in recent decades. And it is not confined to age, either.
    This post, and Mr. Minter’s response Roosh’s post yesterday, made me realize that the rise of the male attention-whore is a real and palpable trend. Whiny, self-pitying, and pathetic. Like a dog coming back to its own vomit, he felt a need to come back here and seek more attention, and manipulate us evenmore, by posing as a helpless loser. If he really had the courage of his convictions, and was sincere in his beliefs, he would not have stooped to answer his critics, and gotten his fiance to fight his battles for him.
    Men in this country are in deep trouble. And part of the anger I feel towards the whole Minter situation is generational. I said the same thing to Paul Elam in my comment on Emmanuel Goldstein’s article “The Men’s Rights Movement Is No Place For Men”. I told Elam that we feel the older generation, instead of mentoring us in a sincere and honest way, has used us. They milked us and milked the country for all it was worth, and then threw us to the wolves. Elam’s and Minter’s generation caused the present predicament. I have lost faith in most of the older generation. They care only about themselves, and running off the Florida to collect Social Security while Rome burns.
    Salvation to us will come, but not through them. Look to yourselves, men.

    1. You only need to look at their voting record to see what the baby-boomer generation valued. They are the masters of sacrificing tomorrow for gains today.

    2. I wouldn’t exactly call this great social commentary. This isn’t something we haven’t already known for a long time.
      You are quite right about the Baby Boomers though. They are the single most destructive generation ever to be spawned by humankind, and the day they are finally removed from power cannot come soon enough.
      It is quite depressing that it was my grandfather’s generation that spawned them, no less. My grandfather was a navy man. His ship was the first ever to be sunk by a Japanese Kamikaze. He was stuck at sea in shark-infested waters with no food or drinkable water for three days until he was finally rescued. He lived on. He survived.
      Generations X and Y, we must strive to emulate our grandparents, and not our vapid, inane, tunnel-visioned parents. Unfortunately we haven’t been the most successful in that.
      This picture my friend showed me really says it all:

      1. unfortunately after the war, the kids got spoiled rotten in the 50s and 60s and became so selfish and conceited as adults ….. their children are a mess…..
        with the exception of the brave few that basically grew up emotionally neglected and swamped by boomer parents egos….. these guys had to find their own way in life…. some of them turned out overly nice, some of them turned out overly mean, some of them emulate their parents completely….. but many are quite introspective and philosophical.
        The question is, as the X generation takes power from the baby boomers, whether they can swallow their damaged egos, and make something great out of the world or plunge it into a petty hate filled war….
        the most important thing to learn is not game for the sake of nailing chicks, but game for the sake of having the influence and power to do something decent in society.
        that does involve holding a wife down, as hard as it might be, and as alien as it might be to the disco one night stand generation, it is still a worthwhile cause.
        a man who cannot hold down a woman long term is called a boy. a little boy…. nothing worse than a 40 year old adolescent.
        we have a whole generation of 60-70 year old adolescents.

      2. True except for one thing. The ‘Greatest Generation’ of men biologically fathered and of women ‘culturally fathered’ the Baby Boomers. The Greatest Gen were tools of the NWO. They failed us. They are not role model any more than military troops are minutemen.

    3. I wouldn’t exactly call this great social commentary. This isn’t something we haven’t already known for a long time.
      You are quite right about the Baby Boomers though. They are the single most destructive generation ever to be spawned by humankind, and the day they are finally removed from power cannot come soon enough.
      It is quite depressing that it was my grandfather’s generation that spawned them, no less. My grandfather was a navy man. His ship was the first ever to be sunk by a Japanese Kamikaze. He was stuck at sea in shark-infested waters with no food or drinkable water for three days until he was finally rescued. He lived on. He survived.
      Generations X and Y, we must strive to emulate our grandparents, and not our vapid, inane, tunnel-visioned parents. Unfortunately we haven’t been the most successful in that.
      This picture my friend showed me really says it all:

    4. problem is Quintus – you can’t take this schlep and then do the opposite…. hopping from one chick to the next in an endless string of disco lays is no better…. more manly and more male ego bravado… sure…. but no better….
      one is a nazi, the other a communist…. in the end they essentially amount to the same thing…..

      1. Respectfully, I disagree. Nazis are nationalist circumscribed militant socialists and communists are univeral, non-circumscribed militant socialists. Just an in-group difference. How does that parallel incel vs. player?
        Women are a resource, natural, wonderfully responsive playthings for the lucky few. You put the horse in front of the cart to say a young man should not treat women the way they deserve to be treated and reward to be treated and penalized to be treated as you know doubt suppose. Women are not the answer. Men are the answer, and part of the masculine solution is employing the feminine resource. Nearly all Western women are ruined by a fiat system of liberation. Women worth having will require husbandry from fathers that do not exist yet, of daughters that do not exist yet, from a patriarchic political system that does not exist yet.
        This problem we face is a Gordian Knot. It must be sliced, and people must be hurt regardless of what choices we make, but no one will live well in a wholesome way until the knot is cut or fades away, if it does, which is even more misery that cutting ASAP. Part of being a civilized man is conquest. I ask for you and others to get over it.
        An endless tring of disco lays is proof of a skill set and a platform to move to a next level. Have you not witnessed the personal development of Roosh, yet you comment here?

        1. Women are far more than a plaything my friend. With all due respect that is the comment only an adolescent would make.
          Without women no one would exist. Women are mothers first and foremost, and this should be respected and honored. THIS IS WHAT has been lost. In feminism women shit out a baby and go back to work. There is no love of the feminine.
          Feminism has made women hate themselves and now men hate them too. Great!.
          I doubt anyone including Roosh has ever delivered a baby, or been through a pregnancy (not to mention a quick two years of weaning the little bugger). It’s a real tough thing to do, least of all for a small scared girl.
          I don’t see how nailing hundreds of chicks proves anything at all, other than you are a man with no soul, no heart and no ambition.
          Gaining skills in terms of influence, persuasion, correct use of language, positive thinking, ambition, training, etc. etc. these are all good things for any man or women to do, but it can be done without corrupting you soul.
          When there is social breakdown and a riot do you blame the heavy handed police or the guys throwing rocks at them ? Bitches and Players, just two sides of the same futile battle.
          If you want to be a real man, find a way to start a real, sure learn some game, but use it for something…..
          Do something more than troll about. Create something to fight for.Build a unit, build a family, doesn’t have to be a straight forward wife and 2.4 kids, can be a different unit, but don’t just troll about the world until you’re 40+ that’s as childish as the 17 year old who thinks she’s hot shit because she got the iphone 5s and uploaded her cappuccino photo.

        2. You wish to draw love blood out of a turnip. Mothers lust for their reproductive success from their genes, just below the cockles of their hearts. Love that is unconditional is not an objective evaluation of worth as a person, only worth as DNA immortality. Pedastalizing mothers is the gateway love. Love as women use it is a weapon of intrigue, and you are its casualty. I think a mother’s ‘love’ is very, very special, but it’s not what women or you believe it is. You ask to be a resource and tool of women, and to promote it as women are collectively designed to promote it. Disney simply refined it into the princess entitlement and false foundation of marriage. I, however, like that you commented. PLease refer to my post Color Me Fiat Yellow and read the quote from Will Durant to know what marriage must be for working existence in reality.

        3. Soon a player will write the book “HIV game: Manosphere edition!”. Cocksuckers!

        4. i’m not trying to put anyone on a pedestal, men deserve to be on a pedestal far more than women.. they built the planet out of the caves….. . any dumb cunt can get pregnant…..
          All I am doing is stirring things up a little and leading away from this
          pure macho game BS that by admission of the best of the best players just leads no where… game is about influence, persuasion, charisma, communication, charm… you don’t have to keep fucking a different women 4-5 times a week for 10 years to learn that shit… it’s a basic skill….. like using a knife and fork…. Or opening a bank account…. And those same skills should serve you in life, business,
          career, friends, money, connections the lot… I mean at least put your game to work and snag a billionaires daughter. Russell Brand had the right idea when he
          nailed Katy for millions…. One for team men right there. Trolling about does nothing. A good player should be a millionaire many times over, and have dozens
          of women fighting over him. After year 2 he is wasting his talents (or has none) if he keeps having to go back to the same one liners for the same one nighters. There is some massive
          insecurity, some fear of commitment, fear of responsibility in there, that’s being hidden by ‘game’, notches and flags.
          i am not saying that i have all the answers, but I suggest anyone who wants to game women, first attend a couple of natural child births, and pull the baby
          out and cut the cord as I have done myself. that will change you and better you more than 1000 dumb ass lays.
          What I am saying is that if you look for bitches you will find them, if you
          look for turnips you will find them, women will tend to be whatever you want them to be, they will be a reflection of all you are. If you are secure and confident
          they might get in bed with you, but if you lack the balls to go further than that, they will smell your fear and become bitches once again.
          At one point or another in life, a man needs to stake his very existence on something, to put his flag in the sand, and unless he does it with a woman at his side, he’s just a boy (or a faggot).
          A proton without an electron is just a free radical, a cancerous nuisance, a teenager that’s 30 years too old.
          When William the conqueror invaded England in 1066, he had his men burn the
          ships, so they fought and won or fought and died. When there is no turning
          back, when it has to work, when you stake your all, then you find a way.
          These days the problem is both men and women have too many options, too many
          words in both ears and no need to actually strive for quality.
          A guy like Steve Jobs comes along and does a half decent job of designing a phone and everyone falls about speechless, when in fact, that kind of drive and passion, and till death do us part, that he showed in his life, is the bare minimum standard a man should aim for.
          Once you figure this shit out, then bite the bullet and plunge at it and there’s no turning back, and the woman at your side will reflect that and ride along with you, for better or worse.
          Return of Kings isn’t it ?
          Are we talking about corrupt impotent fat old kings that sat in their castle balling little boys in the ass all day, or the kind that marched for Valhalla ?

        5. Paul W., that last comment makes sense to be. However, it is advanced compared to incel brainwashed. You wrote:
          “After year 2 he is wasting his talents (or has none) if he keeps having
          to go back to the same one liners for the same one nighters.”
          I would not tell a man who he is for sure or the speed and certainly that his life will unfold to greater heights, but I agree with the sentiment completely. And that includes getting laid as a litmus test for the animal foundation of being a civilized man that we need to reclaim. If we were surrounded by wife material, we would not need to reclaim anything because patriarchy guards wife material from feminine imperative spoilage.
          I am not sure, but maybe we are finding common ground. We are not trolling on MM, so that’s worth something. lol

        6. This response from ‘Wellner’ is post with no substance just a bunch of flowery BS.

        7. No. Cat lady is a woman who has life opportunities blaring at her on every corner, who wastes them all and then finds a substitute in cats.
          Men do not live in a land of offered opportunities, so it’s hard to find an analogue there, but as I understand 80% of pro athletes go broke after 2 years of not playing right? So there’s an example. Or perhaps MC Hammer.

        8. I was thinking about it differently. An unmarried spinster etc. Men don’t depreciate the same way women do. Because our SMV is derived from numerous sources we can be successful and satisfied far later in life while women who’ve hit the wall are desperate for a beta husband,kids,etc.

        9. I’ve read all of your posts on this site and I feel we could learn a lot from you. Why dont you have a blog yet?

        10. Wellner, this is the best comment I’ve read in a long time and I agree. Well said;
          Unfortunately, I wished that more people saw the world through this perspective, and read less of the unproductive viewpoints that have been promoted in some comments, though I understand where they are coming from, since there are some truths to their argument. However, while everybody has the right live their lives their own way, one has to answer if what one is doing is a well-examined life? When one seeks something (through goals, hopes, expectations), what implicit values are driving the individuals? Some will prefer a life of pleasure and other’s a long-term commitment with a nice family.
          One can be a victim of circumstances, or they can make the chances to accomplish their dreams. It’s not easy, but giving up will only make one more miserable.

        11. > ” I doubt anyone including Roosh has ever delivered a baby, or been through a pregnancy (not to mention a quick two years of weaning the little bugger). It’s a real tough thing to do, least of all for a small scared girl.”
          And a young man who has to learn coal mining?
          Cows birth, too. Why act like pregnant women are some mysterious “life force.” Having a child, once conception occurs, is like a bowel movement: autonomic.
          Plus most women, historically, had other women around (including her and her husband’s mother), plus the “village” cutting her slack.
          I don’t buy into this “sacred female” shite…not unless providing “magic beans” is accorded men.
          I agree guys who screw a lot to screw a lot are hardly heroes. Most of the “hotties” they brag about are not. Still, everyone finds meaning in their own way.
          Cat Steven’s song “Father and Son” is about how it’s impossible to transfer wisdom. What gives meaning to one person’s life might not to another. And sometimes (most?) you have to go through something to get beyond it. So maybe guys need to learn Game to bone the chicks to get beyond being manipulated by them to get needs met.
          One thing I don’t like is men shaming other men for being “needy.” We all need. And not everyone needs the same thing, nor in the same amounts, nor at the same time.
          We need a male Hippocratic Oath. That is, if you can’t help a guy get were HE thinks he wants to go, don’t hamstring or block or mock him.

    5. Same in the UK. Older generation fucked us (not always on purpose). They were sold a ton of lies and then decided to kick the can down the road. They complain about reduced pensions. I won’t even get one (and I’m going to be the doctor). The only way I will get affordable healthcare is because I am the doctor. People live in ignorance until the society comes crashing around all around them and then they will ask ‘what happened’?
      I won’t be screwed by feminists/the elderly entitled generation/other people I don’t agree with. Society is where you are enslaved to other people’s beliefs that don’t work. We are the final generation in the ponzi scheme that is Western society so we get screwed over the most. Fuck that. I really hate hearing that I’m lazy when its harder to get an education, where I have to be more educated than that guy was when he got the job and when that person says he built society so I should be thankful – a society that is falling apart due to his selfishness and short-sightedness. Apparently I’m supposed to be thankful because I get to play with a fucking ipod.

    6. With all due respect, you are projecting your hatred of Baby Boomers presumed to be homogenous in the archetpye you enjoy dispising from some dark, unhealthy place. Stop feeding that think: it’s ugly.
      You do have a point about Baby Boomers, and if Mark Minter has been conditioned into that blue pill thinking, and can’t entirely excise it, I suppose you and every other blogger/commenter/reader is worthy of casting the first stone, since you have never discovered any blue-pill remnants, since your self-reported personal development has been a perfect success.
      Human relationships are with people who are not perfect measured against ideals. They are perfect as measured against the laws of existence. You do NOT set the standards of life. You do NOT set the standards of constructive morality. You are drawing blood from a useful ally, or a useful example in the future, but you have killed that possibility. Do you, would you, could you, put your dick in a woman, knowing her female imperative? Would you, could you, be friends with a mortal man who sooner or later will do you wrong out of his nature and the facts of life? If you can’t navigate around the pitfalls of competing interests and limited harmony, you are an island, but you are not. You are making an example to feed a dark mental thing not your id, or your fundamental nature is dark. I refer to Freud’s mind taxonomy. I think you have more potential than you are using. Fear is the mind-killer. Pointing at MM’s fear does not prove your house is spotless order. I wish all the haters would be introspective enough to make lemons out of lemonaide, because that necessity is the very thing that makes the world a man’s world. Man up, for yourself, to yourself, with yourself.
      I look forward to the excoriation without logical substance and consistency from whomever. Lot a chaff in this Manosphere. This so-called event and issue with MM and Kate is a growing pain. Even now, evolution is happening, and this community will not be as it is now in the future. Might makes right. Scapegoats give you might to others. There isn’t even a dictator here to benefit from advancing the scapegoat narrative. Pathetic. The pathetic defense of projection as a psychological defense cause the world is scary. Republican stooges and Democrat stooges are just fodder to the system, and so are you if you don’t self-actualize and continue to exciss your blue-pill programming. Life is about process perfection not arrangement perfection. That is why content civilizations fail. Stop being afraid of the work while criticising the haters of Game, and the hypocritic like.

    7. Nice to see another red-pill truth. We’re more alone that we’ve thought we were. Partial fault belongs to our fathers. They’ve could have teached us, warned us, taken us by the hand and program us, instead we’ve had to ram our heads into the barred walls of this so called societerian cage. In a way, I am thankful to them as leaving us ,,to the wolfes ” as I believe it has awaken something. Something most of us know & feel and makes us want to push futher. I now push the label a little more by saying once again that I encounrage identifying all the negative variables and studying them, but we must evolve and construct plans to change the world. Go forth !

  13. This kind of a kid will reject any red pill any loving/caring friend tries to give him. “It’s easier to raise strong children than to fix broken men.” He’s hopeless.

    1. He’s only hopeless because women vote and men’s hands are tied so as to not administer the break-and-rebuild therapy he so desperately needs. He has a seemingly astronomical shot with being broke by life such that he can rebuild by his own reflections into something congruent to his potential. I think I am an exampe to some degree that such a thing is possible. I was on my way when I discovered the Manosphere and Game. Maybe getting there is feasible for him too, with some luck. Odds are against, of course.

      1. Well yeah everyone “has a chance.” Most men in the Manosphere are living examples of it. But I’ve tried before to help out friends like this kid (though not nearly as bad) and they just don’t see it worthwhile to invest time into fixing themselves or they straight up refuse to believe there is anything wrong with them. Beta + lack of philosophical intelligence (made that up) = hopeless. Of course this is an opinion based on my experience, but I think many will agree.

        1. No, you are RIGHT ON, Daiki! It is well documented in our sphere. An article from Hawaiian Libertarian comes to mind. You can’t lead a horse to water. You never unplug someone. Every man must unplug himself. What we can do is give him awareness of himself to plug into himself reflexively and find his potential as a man. I expect many unplug and then re-plug, defining a small window of opportunity. Luckily, in that moment the search engine is at hand to direct them to the Manosphere. I fear that as a choke point on our growth.

        2. Clarification of intent: CAN lead a horse to water but not drink. So not worth the trouble of trying to force the drink. We’ve all tried and felt the sad futility of it.

      2. Dude, when I was in Iraq and Afghanistan I used to look at their country and smugly say to myself “You see, this is what your philosophy as got you. In MY country we have xbox and budweiser while you savages mire in your own flith.” I wasn’t wrong but that doesn’t mean that every part of their culture is wrong either. These muslim fundamentalist KNOW that this bullshit, this whiny feminist nazi crap is EXACTLY what happens when the cat is let out of the bag. When Men fail to rule with a strong hand. They prefer a country of shit with submissive, obedient wives, and strong men to a nation of decadent, craven, weaklings. Since I’ve embraced the red pill my life has begun improving dramatically. Much thanks to ROK and thoughtful comments like yours.

  14. Somebody send him Torero’s Daygame book or something…he could relate to it, as it describes the whole journey from oxford geek to king…although Tom was hardly such a pussy:-) Giving him just game tips won’t help.
    I was never so tragical but what actually happened to me was that one girl basically invited herself to my appartment and even changed her clothes here “for the PE lesson”…I didn’t fuck her, I just didn’t know how to escalate and also didn’t understand what just happened at that moment. Fortunately I found game later, but at that moment, what I believed to be true about women prevented me from super easy lay. All those ideas that women in fact don’t like sex much etc…now it seems funny but it’s in fact not:-)

    1. This kid is not normal, even for today. Normal is your former situation (as well as mine: not hooking up with girls when the opportunity is clearly there.
      This kid is on another level. Possibly personality or mental disorder.

    2. This kid is not normal, even for today. Normal is your former situation (as well as mine: not hooking up with girls when the opportunity is clearly there.
      This kid is on another level. Possibly personality or mental disorder.

      1. I knew one, exactly like that. Ocean of tears on Facebook…he actually complained about girls and life, but the underyling problem was epilepsy and schizophrenia. Loved uniforms, weapons and paintball. Commited suicide at the age of 20, jumping under the underground train.
        This guy’s Mein Kampf reading suggests this might be similar case, it’s probably not just absence of sex that caused this.

      2. I knew one, exactly like that. Ocean of tears on Facebook…he actually complained about girls and life, but the underyling problem was epilepsy and schizophrenia. Loved uniforms, weapons and paintball. Commited suicide at the age of 20, jumping under the underground train.
        This guy’s Mein Kampf reading suggests this might be similar case, it’s probably not just absence of sex that caused this.

      3. I just see a kid who has never had a strong male role model in his life, and been feminised by female educators and feminists to behave in this manner, believing feels is what women desire in a man.

      4. Please see clip starting at 9:00 mark:

        They are picking us off little by little, but from the weakest to the strongest. It’s normal. It’s Fabian. It’s by design, which is why setting interest rates is so important. The squeeze determines what volume can stay in and what volume will fall out. Whichever. They don’t care. They float above the system.

        1. The call to Christians to provide bodies for the Military-Industrial Complex is in the next clip:

  15. Somebody send him Torero’s Daygame book or something…he could relate to it, as it describes the whole journey from oxford geek to king…although Tom was hardly such a pussy:-) Giving him just game tips won’t help.
    I was never so tragical but what actually happened to me was that one girl basically invited herself to my appartment and even changed her clothes here “for the PE lesson”…I didn’t fuck her, I just didn’t know how to escalate and also didn’t understand what just happened at that moment. Fortunately I found game later, but at that moment, what I believed to be true about women prevented me from super easy lay. All those ideas that women in fact don’t like sex much etc…now it seems funny but it’s in fact not:-)

  16. To paraphrase Calvin Coolidge…
    I think women want a solemn ass as a man…and I think I’m going to go along with them.

    1. I believe stillness is where a man finds God.
      Your logic is sound, but the quieter the man, the more active the hamster becomes trying to ‘understand’ him. You’d better have the discipline to train her out of the inevitable ‘What are you thinking right now?’ and ‘Do you love me?’ harping you’ll get. Nip it in the bud early.
      Most women are incapable of understanding what I’m thinking due to the communication gulf between average female IQ’s and mine. I use stoicism and physicality to appear socially-desirable, because true communication with a woman is impossible for me.

      1. I don’t mind that she has an active hamster. It is what she wants.
        But it is also my choice to not submit to it…or let it rule my thinking.

  17. To paraphrase Calvin Coolidge…
    I think women want a solemn ass as a man…and I think I’m going to go along with them.

  18. Yo this shit is fucked up. Why you had to plaster the dude’s name all over the article?

  19. Yo this shit is fucked up. Why you had to plaster the dude’s name all over the article?

  20. Dude what the hell was the point of plastering the kid’s name AND face on the article?

  21. Dude what the hell was the point of plastering the kid’s name AND face on the article?

  22. Some of you are getting all butt hurt over his name being posted, but there’s already a tumblr page that makes fun of him. Althone isn’t really putting anyone on blast here. And if anything you should be looking at it as more of a case study for the kind of “men” that we are being churned into our society.
    At this point, I could only see him making any sort of refuge by creating a new FB page (or just 86ing the whole FB thing altogether) and changing schools. He’s already created a really shitty reputation for himself, and trying to pull a 180 isn’t likely to accomplish much.

  23. Some of you are getting all butt hurt over his name being posted, but there’s already a tumblr page that makes fun of him. Althone isn’t really putting anyone on blast here. And if anything you should be looking at it as more of a case study for the kind of “men” that we are being churned into our society.
    At this point, I could only see him making any sort of refuge by creating a new FB page (or just 86ing the whole FB thing altogether) and changing schools. He’s already created a really shitty reputation for himself, and trying to pull a 180 isn’t likely to accomplish much.

    1. He aired his dirty laundry to the Zuckerberg world. Remember the internet is like the wild west.

    2. He aired his dirty laundry to the Zuckerberg world. Remember the internet is like the wild west.

  24. Couldn’t read through all that emotional crap. Does this poor kid have any males in his household? Or is he being raised by single Mother?

  25. Reading the replay comments to this kid and the comments here, prove to me something i have long believed about us men as a collective. We men don’t have a sense of group identity like women, we don’t really support each other. We rather mock this boy’s cry for help.
    The reason feminist spread like wild fire is because women in general have group cohesion.This is also why the men right movement is not going anywhere, we usually don’t identify with each others pain, unless we are in the same boat.
    It is very sad. I think there is an evolutionary reasoning behind this.
    This is why i propose for starters we need to get rid of divisive, unproductive terms like alpha-beta dichotomy and change it to those who have master the game and those who haven’t yet. Competition is a good thing but it can be destructive when it is not accompanied with some degree of cooperation. We need to get over this pussy scarcity mentality. And stop measuring ourselves worth by virginia approval.
    Just a thought….

    1. I agree…throw out the Greek letters. That’s all they are.
      Plus nobody ever masters game…every man is in a different level of it. Your level reflects back on how much work you’ve done.

    2. i laughed at him but at the same time i sympathized with him. Maybe most people cant relate but its sobering to think ‘I could have turned out like this if I hadn’t stumbled onto game’. maybe I would have had enough sense not to post myself spiraling out of control on facebook but these could have been my thoughts all the same. Is it really that daunting of a concept, that you can feel sorry for someone but still find their pathetic behavior hilarious?
      boys dont really socialize like girls. we make fun of each other and the first one to take it seriously loses. thats always been my experience and its what ive always felt from the manosphere when we have a laugh over a beta. Even when i first discovered game i learned to laugh at myself and my mistakes rather than get pissy and defend them. I dont think having a laugh over some beta is as serious as you make it sound. I think it would be worse if we tried to socialize like little girls and be nice to each other upfront but only superficially.
      and dont think women are cohesive either. i thought about posting this on the HR post but i was on my phone at the time. my mom recently had to quit her job of 17 years because she had made a ‘hostile work environment’ for some other bitch. in reality my mom had mentored her throughout their 2-3 years together, gave her a ton of advice and stuck up for her when other people came down on her. she was still completely hopeless. then one day the bitch got her feelings hurt and filed a complaint. they decided to ‘err on the side of caution’ and asked her to resign over nothing.
      i point this out not to say ‘women have it bad too’ or what have you but to point out the cohesive ‘sisterhood’ that we sometimes suspect exists between women is a sham. its like how feminists think theres a ‘patriarchy’ or an ‘old boys club’ were all benefitting from at their expense. from where we are standing we can see thats nonsense and men dont typically help one another just because they are both men, but from the outside it may look like that. from our point of view it may look like all women are playing for team V but in reality thats only as long as there is zero conflict of interest. put women at odds with each other and watch that ‘group cohesion’ crumble.
      bottom line: our ‘culture of cruelty’ as it were has more honesty and good intent in it than women’s faux sisterhood and it would be foolish to try and imitate it.

      1. > “boys dont really socialize like girls. we make fun of each other and the first one to take it seriously loses.”
        Such training lets feminism thrive. Because, you know, guys are too busy looking cool to be bothered taking anything “seriously.” It’s the SNARK STANCE. Easier to be sarcastic than open yourself to being hurt.
        > ” I dont think having a laugh over some beta is as serious as you make it sound.”
        I wonder how the male being laughed at feels….
        Reminds me of a scene in CHARLY when the protagonist sees a retarded kid being mocked. Everyone laughs but him. He goes and helps the kid.
        It’s not “manly” to mock those who can’t defend themselves. In fact, it’s cowardly.
        Men have no trouble acting like hard-asses. It’s the brittleness of muscle-bound douches in prison who are so “strong” they want to kill anyone who looks at them the wrong way. Their confidence is mile-wide, angstrom-deep
        I always find it odd that men think they are “strong” for not expressing feelings. The opposite is true.
        Will Smith was offered the part of a gay guy in some movie (La Cage Aux Folles? Kiss of the Spider Woman?) and refused. He said, basically, “I ain’t no fag.”
        Years later he admitted he’d made a mistake. He was new to acting and scared. He later noted that Rod Steiger and others had played gays. It was ACTING after all.
        The point is that Smith was scared he’d be called names and tried to cover it by being macho. It’s wasn’t about homosexuality. It’s about men acting out their keep-everything-inside socialization, the process that keeps them in chains.
        Males are terrified to admit they have needs and are sometimes sad, afraid, etc. So they pretend they cut their own ice… making themselves easy targets for feminist laws.
        Men don’t unite and fight because in order to do so they’d have to admit they need help. And most guys would rather die than admit vulnerability. So they bluster and stomp about like big, ballsy macho muchachos. Meanwhile, their kids and cash get taken away by feminist-controlled courts.
        What must boys think of feckless fathers, modern males, and the non-moving men’s movement?

    3. @michaelderrick, I agree exactly with your profound observation except for one thing, you are trying to absolve us of fear of the ugly side of life with vocabulary drift. Handicapped->Physically Challenged->Special Needs. Men must face the truth and use vocabulary as a tool, not be used by vocabulary and blue-pill technocrats. Excise the blue-pill fear, please.

      1. You are wrong my brother; i don’t want any absolving of anyone, I was merely suggesting that we make the ManSphere’s more inclusive and empowering. We want kids like him to come here and learn and grow as a man. And not just how to get women to sleep with you but, much more than that…like how to self actualization and redefine masculinity to men’s benefit. Your kind of rugged individualism is not going to get us far in this feminized and increasingly collectivise world.
        I Believe Masculinity must be redefined by men for men and removed from the stereotype and roles that has been placed on us by tradition and popular media. I am not saying that I dislike frat boy culture; I am just saying that it should never define me or you for that matter.
        Men are much more than our base desires but we need to realize this and fight back when we are being made into simple clowns and idiots. Being limited to a creature whose only desire in life is to ogle tits and ass, drink beer and watch sports is a bit harsh right? So is the basement virgin that plays video games and masturbates 5 times a day. Yet these are the 2 extremes that we are measured against—you can also add in the woman-beating, date-raping, chest-beating target of man-haters today if we’re being thorough.
        So what can we do, we complex, intelligent and dynamic gentlemen of the modern age? It’s relatively simple…Those of us who are firm in our manhood, who make positive moves both
        financially and in our lifestyles should make an extra effort to bring a boy along. We also need to identify with each other better. Most importantly our identity shouldn’t not be determined by women.
        Now is not the time to stay “strong and silent”. Now is not the time to be ashamed of your machismo, or your attraction to beautiful women. Stand firm in who you are and teach a young pup to find that same strength within himself. It is the only way that we can stop this wave of destruction being wrought by feminst whose aim is to destroy our identity and everything that we are.

    4. You’re right, but in a way it’s the freedom to be extremely individualistic and competitive that’s worth preserving. In order to emulate what the feminists do, we would need to descend into a “community” model, where people are called out and shamed with ideological taboos and no real dissent is tolerated save complaints about how the movement isn’t sufficiently puritanical. In order to defeat the enemy, we need to become the enemy. And I’m not sure that’s worth it.

    5. The best way to help these poor guys isn’t to ‘teach’ them Game. The best and most effective way is to cleanse their environment of feminist propaganda. It’s really not that hard.
      And about measuring each other by vagina approval, I completely agree. That is a form of pussy pedestalization.

  26. The number of people protesting the use of his face an name on here is a testament to the decency of the people who read this site. It’s cheering for me to realize that RoK isn’t made up of the typical cyber-bullies, who gang up and train their laser-sights on a single person, and try and “expose” every minor foible that they’ve made in life, while glorifying in their own anonymity.
    Though of course, the cat is out of the bag with poor Moses, so pretending to leave him anonymous is pointless. This isn’t ridiculing him, it’s educating him.

    1. God, I like your sense of humor embedded in wisdom. An I’m agnostic. I am instructed with the subtly of your effortless patience and your greater popularity.

  27. Our natural reaction is to shame this kid, of course. Having taken the red pill, this kind of omega game disgusts us. But we only feel it on an abstract level. We’ll never understand the primal revulsion that women feel when they see a man like this. Look at how the girls comment on this dude’s posts, they act like they’re typing through a fucking napkin just on the off chance that this guy’s genetic code might be able to replicate over the internet and implant in their uterus through keyboard-finger osmosis.
    I’m having to resist the urge to laugh at him, because this is serious. This is what our culture is shaping men to be. He didn’t make this shit up. This kid is the blueprint of the blue pill. Even if he has a father at home (probably not) the deck is stacked against him. He goes to school and gets fed blue pill ideas by the female teachers and the female administration. He goes to work at the grocery store and works mostly with women, with an HR department that is solidly blue pill. If he goes to church, the cheesy church ladies all pinch his cheek and tell him what a nice boy he is, how he’s going to be rewarded with female attention if he just stays the course and keeps being nice (translation: a doormat for women). The entire culture is rigged to turn Moses into a walking wallet who provides for a woman until she gets bored and throws him out of his own house.
    We shouldn’t be surprised that he’s buying in. He’s getting blue pill dogma from every possible angle, and he buys it like he’s listening to his financial advisor telling him to play the long game. He really believes it’s going to work if he just doubles down and keeps his balls in a jar. And the title is dead on – game is necessary. Forget about getting laid, can you imagine him successfully negotiating a job offer? Or the price of a new car? Or even saying “no” to a woman’s unreasonable demands? It’s not just his sex life that’s fucked, every facet of his personality that could make him assertive and masculine is under siege 24/7. And it’s not just him that we need to be worried about. This is an epidemic, and we will lose another generation of men if we don’t push back.

  28. It is interesting that his Facebook “friends” even pay attention to him. That’s obviously what he craves, thus the bizarre antics. It is also interesting that people have no sense of shame; everything is made public these days.

  29. The sad thing is, he doesn’t even look that bad in those bathroom pictures.
    Yet his neediness and self-hate drags him down to unfuck-/dateable status.

  30. What’s even worse is that this kid is tying all of his issues in life with the lack of a girlfriend. Unfortunately, its common that a lot of the dysfunction these androgynous males of this generation stems from a void that they believe is caused from the perceived self worth gained through female affection. Case in point, you have young Moses here referencing Hitler, sharing his cryptic messages alluding to suicide, (i.e. knives and shit) and constantly writing titnographs about his misery being avoided through spending what little money he makes on a girl that doesn’t even exist. I’m preaching to the choir, but self-worth is needed, preceded by a slap from a positive male role model.

  31. I feel sorry for the kid, is it really that hard for the new generation to even get a fucking hug? No wonder why he’s desperate.

  32. From personal experience, I would have to say that game helps, but it depends on the society that you live in. Game is mostly for Western societies and subcultures. Also, I had noticed that in the UK, a lot of women do date men who are gamma males – perhaps its because only these men will tolerate the women’s B.S (and the women may play around on the side).
    As much as I respect game masters, game is not something that many men can excel that and it certainly seems we are passing the point where we reach diminishing returns. It also may be true that men will need more than game in future and the question remains how to address this?
    I don’t know if you guys agree, but I think access is more important than game/looks/anything else. If you are a sh1t ass guy who lives in a area/subculture where there are enough thoughtful, somewhat feminine and attractive women; then you cannot fail to score. I think many writers have alluded to this, and whilst there might be a few anecdotes of how the converse is true, yet access to such women is the most important thing that trumps all other qualities.

  33. Carson D:
    Getting this worked up over an internet troll is beta.
    Maybe, but appointing yourself the internet’s “beta police” is pretty omega.

  34. This is beyond feminism ducking up men. This is the convergence of a dozen different factors. A society that is insensitive to males, feminism, an abusive or absent father figure.
    This can be turned around though.

  35. I know this dude is just 16 and some 16-year olds are like this. I know he has a lot to learn, and might even snap out of it someday.
    But still, This is actually a pretty good sneak peek at the future feminism has in store for us: Betas being milked, worked to the bone, used and given nothing in return, while the small percentage of natural alphas are the only ones that get anything. Then once those betas realize the shitty deal they’re in, they totally break out and snap, becoming worse than nazis, taking down what’s left of civilization with them. From one extreme to the other, but never any sort of moderation. That’s what feminism is about, and is what real men should NOT be about. Men should be about moderation and rationality.

    1. A Barry Goldwater quote comes to mind: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” I believe conquest must be culturally absolute, or the challenge festers. There was a reason in old times you killed the children of the defeated king as well. “What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” Evolution does not operate without waste, which is why it works so well. I would argue to be accurate and precise, which is perhaps moderate or measure, but perhaps not. Or should I pull out this more convincing argument: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3lQSxNdr3c

      1. Right, I mean moderation with regards to our instincts and desires. Give in to them a little, but never too much. I should have made that more clear.

  36. How did this kid manage to socialize(albeit, ultimately unsuccessfully) with so many hotties in the first place…? Every second comment is an attractive girl…

  37. This sad piece of shit is why males in every culture, all over the world, have traditionally been taught to restrain their emotions.

  38. You know, its funny how you guys claim to help people who are struggling and stick up for your common man yet you make fun of a young kid. Yes, he might be a bit crazy in the head but imagine how he would turn out in the future if people actually reached out to him and tried to show him the way, imagine if this kid had a role model or someone to show him the way.
    Yet it seems like whether it is Athlone, Roosh, or any of the “Manosphere” guys, they would rather rip on this kid mercilessly and expect him to man up out of the blue. Personally, I would rather try to help a kid like that than make fun of him. What kind of grown man makes fun of a kid that young who is going through problems?
    Now we even have people saying they would punch him, REALLY!!!!
    See, if any of you writing these articles actually got laid you would either
    1. Not even bother to ridicule the kid
    2. Actually try to help him
    The Manosphere loses credibility every single step of the way to me and comes off as a bunch of sexually frustrated virgins who cyberbully people rather than players. You can decorate your blogs, put up pictures of girls in bikinis, and talk about some imaginary player lifestyle but when you have to attack a kid online that is going through mental issues, it lets all the REAL players know you are all keyboard jockeys.
    My message to all these “Manosphere” people (what a dumb name too btw), if you want to get some credibility, help this kid and struggling people out. Do something useful and productive for once and make a difference in someone’s life.
    That is if you actually get laid.

    1. Even though this is all over the internet, I agree with you that there was really no point to this article. Everybody in the manosphere already knows how bad things have gotten and why they’ve gotten this way.
      Unfortunately though, I don’t believe that any of us trying to help him will work. Look at all of his Facebook comments. Oftentimes, someone will respond trying to help him and he’ll just continue with that craziness. Eventually, the other person just gets pissed off and say fuck it.
      He strikes me as someone that will not change until he’s ready to do it (and then will do it himself). Of course, he may never be ready….

    2. You’re such a fucking dumbass, you didn’t even read the article. Nowhere did Athlone ridicule Moses. The entire point is that if we want to help young men like these, we need to be more accepting of game and teach them game.
      Make another retarded comment and you’re IP banned.

      1. Several people, especially “Mark Vega”, tried to give Moses some Red Pill but I doubt he took it. I’m surprised he still has friends at all, that they haven’t all unfriended him. You can lead a horse to water…

  39. Man i’m so mad i seen this shit… there’s probably a ton more where that came from :< smfh

  40. McGinnis, are you insane? The kid was 16. A boy of 16 is still a baby. The kind of 16-year-old male you are unfavorably comparing him with, by implication, has not been the ‘default’ 16-year-old-male since the Dark Ages.
    A 16-year-old girl, by contrast, can get married and can be a perfectly adequate wife and mother if circumstances require. Expecting a 16-year-old boy to act and think at all like a man is simply ludicrous, and human society has known this since the beginning of time.
    If you went back in history to the ‘manliest’ imaginable time and place, you could still find Moses Garza IIIs at the age of 16 (indeed at any age.) They’re just a certain normal slice of the normal bell curve of males. This is a sampling error on your part and it’s perfectly ridiculous otherwise.

  41. This is the truth!!! I agree with you completely! Where have all the real men gone? Why is it so hard to find a real man nowadays? I am a teacher and quite frankly I wonder do boys like these have fathers? Who will teach them how to behave like Alfas or at least to try to be one? I am sick of White Knights and Betas, luckily, in our country this is still not such a widespread phenomenon as it is in the USA, and I sincerely hope it will never be.
    I am from Croatia and I was appalled when I read what kind of feminism is popular in America nowadays…We have feminists, but not as radical as you have them. None of them would claim that life would be better if there were no men, that being in commited relationship will make you less worthy? I will not comment on this any more, but such social

  42. “Game and self-improvement are the best ways out of the pathetic abyss illustrated here…” This is the greatest website. Ever.

  43. lol this was a good read, and some of Moe’s comments are pretty funny. BUT it has nothing to do with “game”, i think the real cause is working at a grocery store for free. that might not make everyone suicidal and hitler-worshipping, but it probably would make me

  44. Wow, this guy is like the biggest pussy alive – can he even find his balls. If *cough* yeah, like that will ever happen*cough* this guy ever finds a girl, she will totally turn him into her man-bitch.
    maybe he would have better luck if he didn’t pussy-block himself by being a pussy all the time.

  45. I really want to know what this guy did for work lol. Seemed to get paid well for a kid his age.
    Edit: Haven’t read the whole thing. Groceries, I guess? Lol.

  46. I’m not sure if I am stating the obvious but is the future girlfriend he’s talking about his stepsister? This has been bugging me for a while but I haven’t seen anyone point it out. He seems to be obsessed and completely whipped with her. Any thoughts?

  47. “Relationships sink when they have too many passengers.” No. Relationships sink when one passenger is too goddamned fat!

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