A Week Of Praise

With the recent overwhelmingly large success of Fat Shaming Week, I think it’s time to take a different tack on things. That is to say, I believe it’s time for a Week of Praise.

Currently, there is much anger and negativity in the manosphere. It’s very easy for an outsider to peg us as bitter, pessimistic, and as a bunch of negative Nigels. I’m not saying that all the negativity, bitterness, and anger out there are misplaced. They exist and there is good reason for them too. I believe there needs to be a balance. Positivity to balance out the negativity. Moderation to balance out immoderation. We need some Yin to our Yang.

Our shame can only have so much effect by itself. The stick is only so effective without the carrot. Knowing that women seek attention by design, it only makes sense to portion it out accordingly. With shame, we let women know what not to do, lest they suffer our displeasure. With praise, we let woman know what’s okay and what we like. Feminists, magazines like Cosmo and Vogue, and washed up cougars shouldn’t have a monopoly on telling women what it is that men desire. Women need men to lead them. Otherwise, you have a case of the blind being led by the blind.

There are still women out there who are striving be good women in an age of temptation, and in the crab bucket we call today’s society. I see no reason why those special women shouldn’t receive some encouragement.

It is time to let women know that:

  • It’s okay to be submissive to a man
  • It’s okay to be good at cooking
  • It’s okay to be good at cleaning
  • It’s okay to want to be a traditional, stay-at-home mom
  • It’s okay to be feminine and petite
  • It’s okay to be skinny and interested in staying in shape
  • It’s okay to get married young and chaste
  • It’s okay to take care of your man according to his wants and needs
  • It’s okay to not like effeminate men

I dream of the day where women brag about how well they treat their men, how much and healthy they cook, and how much they gyrate their baby factories in an attempt to placate the insatiable appetite of their beloved husbands. I dream of a day where women speak of their husbands with reverence and follow the examples of celebrities renowned for their class, poise, modesty, home-cooking, and loyalty.

Therefore, I issue a call to action that men hoist the examples of women who got it right on high. We’ve told women what they should dread turning into. Now is the time to show them what they should aspire to become.

Read More: 5 Ways To Land (And Keep) A Quality Boyfriend

99 thoughts on “A Week Of Praise”

    1. I think this should apply to men too. For all the hand wringing in the manosphere that exists about overweight women, there are plenty of lazy and fat men out there who could (and do) stand to lose some weight, if for no reason other than self improvement.

      1. True.
        Starting during Fat Shaming Week I decided to lose a bit of excess weight I have built up over the years — it’s not much, but enough to make me slightly overweight. I’m four pounds down so far — probably more like six or seven pounds in body fat.
        Only thing is, it is easier for men to lose weight than women because we have more muscle, so former fat chicks have put in more work than men who’ve slimmed down.

        1. Not comparable, men are supposed to need more food than women. The problem is that many women eat nearly as much as men while being far from having the same needs.
          Also, a thin woman is attractive, a thin man is not, he’ll have to go to the next step : lifting hard and watching his diet like crazy. So saying women have to put more effort to get an attractive body might not be very accurate.

      2. Yeah but remember, there are many good looking guys in media, and unlike women, un men become inspired when we se a guy who is muscular so men have even created a gym culture. Women have no such fitness culture and inspires women, if she wants to be fit, it is merely her own interest. The exception is yoga, but you get left wing hipster chicks going into that which is not pleasant.

  1. Honor Hot Moms.
    Honor female submissiveness to awesome men (historical examples).
    Honor girls with feminine style.
    Honor the role of good mothering and child rearing.
    Honor the virtue of feminine nourishment.
    Honor cleanliness.
    Honor women with culinary virtue.

    1. That’s backwards. She should be honoring YOU – first.
      “Return of KINGS” remember?
      While women love to be “treated like queens” … are you going to be her SUBJECT? The only person who decides if she is a queen, is the KING. Treating women like a queen is fine for peasants. Women today actually EXPECT that from you. Even the fat and fugly ones.
      The choice is yours of course. Subject? Or KING.
      When you’re a KING, suddenly women are not so demanding of being “treated like a queen anymore”. After all, the King will do away with her if she fails to please him.

        1. I know what you *mean*…. however, feminine qualities should be EXPECTED in females. You don’t honor a tree for being green. You don’t honor the sky for being blue. You just keep walking. SHE SHOULD have feminine qualities.
          The fact that women have butched up and are masculine to a point where men would consider giving her a medal ” for feminine qualities” is silly and only further over-inflates female value.
          You don’t Honor someone who “takes care of their kids properly” because THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR KIDS PROPERLY. You don’t PRAISE her for that – you EXPECT her to be that. See the difference?
          That’s like a man expecting “respect” because he can say “I AINT NEVER BEEN TO JAIL!!!!”
          “You’re not supposed to go to jail you low-expectation-having motherfucker”
          – Chris Rock.

        2. Just do some homework into social engineering that plenty of fish dating site in both New York, and Western PA. Slim pickings gentlemen. Very easy to spot a train wreck, a mile away. Given there are mostly single mothers in Western PA, young too. Almost at an alarming rate. NYC girls just appear bat shit crazy, at most, keep seeing 2nd language Russian, guess there is a glimmer of hope.

      1. Women are choosers. They are the ones who can more easily “do away with” a man if he fails to please her than a man can do away with a woman.

        1. At first glance, it’s easy to see it that way, but it’s FALSE.
          Because there an important difference between ACTIVE selection — and PASSIVE selection.
          Women are PASSIVE in their selection. They don’t take an ACTIVE approach to approaching men, asking him out, getting his number, picking him up, taking him out, entertaining him, proposing, buying engagement rings to “ask for permission” to love him etc… they sit back and expect MEN to make this initiative.
          They do not OFFER and initiate (like men), they wait to ACCEPT and /or REJECT – and they prefer this position. They are hard-wired for this.
          When a Man seeks to buy a mobile phone… he gathers the data, compares the POSITIVE points and specifications, he works to QUALIFY it, and then makes a purchase decision based on that.
          A woman does the opposite. She does the equivalent of smashing every phone on the ground, rejecting, playing games, conducting shit tests in an attempt to DIS-qualify and “break” him….. and the “last one standing” who is willing to put up with her CRAP is the one she now tries to convince herself is “THE ONE”.
          Women do not “choose”… they wait to BE CHOSEN. While consensual sex only happens when SHE wants it to, commitment will only happen if HE wants it to. The list of things women want from men (even before she met him!!!) is infinity longer, outrageous and often extremely unrealistic.
          Men look to QUALIFY women.
          Women work to DIS-QUALIFY men.
          They use what I call the “American Idol” method of *choosing* a winner. It’s not really the BEST singer who wins…. it’s just —>> the last of the eliminated.
          Women want more from men – and therefore MEN ARE THE PRIZE. Women EXPECT him to bring more to the table than she does. So she doesn’t choose JACK DIDDLY.
          He does.
          And that puts him in the position of doing away with her if she fails to please. The idea that “women choose” is exactly what they WANT you to think. No she doesn’t. She is only able to choose from the pool of men WHO FEEL LIKE SHOWING INTEREST. If the desired male shows no interest and doesn’t make any effort to pursue – nothing will happen.
          A woman can make no effort and still be chosen. She prefers it this way, so right there, she can make no claim that she chooses.

        2. At best, that only describes how men and women might choose each other. The fact of the matter is, most women, even average looking women, often have up to around 5 men waiting in the wings for her, at all times. If she’s attractive, it’s more than 5. A man can set out to APPLY to choose her, but she is the one who ultimately has to be the one to LAST decide which man out of the pool of men want her that she wants to be with. She gets the FINAL SAY in approval since she’s the one with the options.

        3. That is not even including the women that do actively pursue men, which is being more and more encouraged as well as more and more practiced. Personally, if I want a man, I can’t bother with waiting. I want him. I take take him.

        4. I got news for ya, honey; you are not Grace Jones, and are certainly not Olivia d’Abo, no matter how many times daddy called you, “My little princess.”

        5. Yes, women are like Monkeys.
          They don’t let go of ONE branch…..
          until they have a really good grip on the NEXT.
          She keeps a circle of beta orbitters in her back pocket (who would never be her first choice) – including a few gays – to boost her self esteem…. and to make sure she can still get a date on national holidays if it doesn’t work out with the dude banging her now.
          Having men waiting in the wings is just her BACKUP plan. None of those guys are her first choice. That’s why they are “waiting in the wings”………. AND HER *CHOICES* VANISH the minute those men take their attention elsewhere.
          Too many women make this mistake of thinking she does the choosing – especially the really attractive ones, and boy does it hit them when they figure out it isn’t true. HARD.
          If woman do all the *choosing*…. then WHY ARE ALMOST 100% OF THEM TOTALLY DISSATISFIED WITH HER HUSBAND??
          A woman’s husband is NEVER her “first choice”.

        6. It’s intellectually dishonest to push what women are “ENCOURAGED” to do.. as what they ACTUALLY do.
          EVERYBODY knows it. Even in a time when women are able, equipped, and even LONELY(!)… they will still refuse – en masse – to make an initiative.
          Please save the “NOT ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT” bullshit where it belongs – not here. YOU are not the majority. YOU are the lowest common denominator. To ignore 99% of the cases for the 1% who is “not like that” is intellectually dishonest.,. and nobody will learn goddamn thing about anything that way.
          Look up grasshopper. Not down.

        7. They ‘choose’ when they have an abundance of men orbiting them. In countries where men are hard to come by, they seem to start grumbling about ‘where did all the (good) men go’.
          I put ‘choose’ in quotes because they rarely walk up to these orbiters, or even ‘hot guys’, and ask them out or say, ‘Hey, you’re cute. I wanna talk to you.’ Nope, they’ll drop hints, flip hair, push tits in faces, adjust their crotches (kidding), or talk about OTHER guys asking them out or saying that they were hot, and so on.
          If enough men start ignoring women, I’d love to see what frenzy they’re driven to. They might even start actually choosing.

        8. For that to happen, you’ll have to change biology. Men are slaves to sex, and women know it. Any man can ACT like he’s ignore her, but she will always know better.

        9. 100% are totally dissatisfied? I’d love to see what cherry tree you picked that little statistic from. 😉

        10. Will she?
          Women are WAY more sexual and sex-obssessed than men. Why do you think they own vibrators?When we’re done, we’re done. Women would go all night if they could have their way. They just want sex 15 minutes after us!
          They WANT you to think that you want sex more than she does. Women NEED you to think that. That’s how all those whores prop up their prices!! But it’s complete bullshit. The second you figure out that SHE wants sex more than YOU – dude, she is POWERLESS.
          You gotta start flipping the script on them IMMEDIATELY:
          When a chick tells you something you don’t like: Don’t say “Sorry sweetie, can I have some of that overpriced vagina anyway? Please? I’m a slaaaave to sex”…. tell her that’s not getting her laid – in as front of as many people as possible. Preferably a group of her stuck up bitch friends – with a great big smile on your face. Then walk.
          Stop thinking you’re a slave to sex. Never forget who the whores are. Women are hornier than you. Live it.

        11. Well, since you asked….
          You have +72% of all divorce , domestic disputes and domestic violence solely initiated by WOMEN. Every divorce attorney can tell you that.
          Then, out of the divorces that are NOT initiated by women, CNN and Oprah will explain how miserable and dissastfied middle-aged , sandy vaginas start resenting their husbands – even when they are “happily married
          There it is in all it’s glory. That cunt represents and speaks on behalf of populations of women who suffer what’s known as a “mid wife crisis”….. and they actually IRRITATED when her husband still greet their ungrateful fatass with a SMILE in the morning – just because she would rather behave like a complete b*tch before 10 AM. That’s what a man has to look forward to after 16 years of busting his ass to make her “happy”. And even though she is “happy” she is MISERABLE with him.
          But that’s still not enough for you… enjoy the numbers and hard DATA which shows you that WORLDWIDE women dispise their husbands and are only there for HIS WALLET.

          Happy to help. Carry on. As you were.

        12. After seeing the thread, I realized it’s a WOMAN. Big surprise. 😛 A scared woman at that.

        13. Men can be slaves to sex unless they learn not to be. Women can be slaves to a man’s commitment unless they learn to EARN it. What Gina Tingles pointed out was quite true – women can go on all night and day for sex when they really desire it or find a desirable man. They aren’t so different from being slaves to sex – they’re just harder to please and take more convincing (for good reason). All you have to do is experience a rejection from a desirable man to understand that (whoopsie).
          That answers that crap about ‘Men are slaves to sex, and women (or so you think) know it’. Ever notice the men who are desired by many women? They have EXACTLY the same attitudes as some HB8/9 surrounded by beta orbiters.
          Yes, ‘any man can ACT like he’s ignoring her’, and if he plays it right, she’ll fall into his clutches the same way weak men fall into those of a woman who flips her hair and winks at them. ‘but she will always know better’ depends on how perceptive and accurate her ‘intuition’ is, not just because of the fact that she’s a woman. A genuinely perceptive woman can certainly fish out butthurtness from betas/omegas, but even her glass wall would be shattered on seeing a man who’s genuinely not bothered about her tests (just like beta men get bewildered when women don’t come home with them after dinner and wine).
          And lastly, as Chase Amante’s blog points out, it’s all a case of market availability. Dick is inexpensive AND highly available, and sometimes commitment and gifts and all that nonsense from men. And from women, pussy is locked up, and may be given on signs of commitment, gifts or cash, or someone SHE desires. If things were reversed, as it is with alpha males, ugly or old females, or even a young woman who was in an accident/has bad genes, the script turns on its head. That’s precisely what happens – these kinds of women have to get alpha or even greater beta men drinks, gifts, say ‘I love you’, and pamper them. The normal trend is beta, insecure men running after hot and average girls and picking them up and placing them on thrones (*vomits*). If men stop doing that, women will take over.

        14. Excellently put. You got my vote. Women get shocked beyond belief when men turn them down for relationships, and are mad when they’re refused hookups. Even I was when I heard of such accounts.
          Gina Tingles for president (of the Pussy Club).

        15. We’re tired of old men asking us out. We want someone OUR AGE, and we want someone good looking (not the king, but not a dog either).
          Before I got married, I was sick and tired of old fucks asking me out, and the uglies(!!) Jeebus.
          The man I married was 2 years older than me, good-looking and WHITE (MY color, tired of the fucking minorities asking me out too).
          H wasn’t 10 years older, not 15, not 20….he was MY age….

  2. Honor Hot Moms.
    Honor female submissiveness to awesome men (historical examples).
    Honor girls with feminine style.
    Honor the role of good mothering and child rearing.
    Honor the virtue of feminine nourishment.
    Honor cleanliness.
    Honor women with culinary virtue.

  3. Teaching women it’s ok to be lapdogs. Great. Keep dreaming, son. I feel for those that take this piece of shit blog seriously.

      1. I do not have a registered user account on this blog. I do not even see a way in which it is possible to register a user account on this blog.

  4. Or basically praise women that make men happy n keep a relationship going. Different men want different things so I’m expecting a diversity of positive things from men.
    But beware of the feminists with an obsession for thin privilege n a hatred for the term milf. They will come

    1. My relationship to most women of the world is, “stranger.” I am indeed happy with most women who keep that relationship going.

  5. ABSOLUTELY NOT. What the fuck are you doing suggesting you make it easy on women and give them “encouragement”? Haven’t you figured it out that women will NATURALLY RETURN to this state when the entire structure of feminist lies crumbles around them??
    They are so far gone — and have sunk to such a low —- that the only hope of salvage is to enjoy the decline. Let them be fat! Let them be broke ,destitute terrible single mothers. INSIST on their “independence” they want so badly.
    What you are suggesting is buying her a bunch of flowers BEFORE she blows you and loses the weight.

  6. You gave yourself the answer when you said “Knowing that women seek attention by design……”. You don’t offer them praise. you walk away and ignore them. They will try ANYTHING to get men back. Including folding your laundry. (ever notice women start going the gym right AFTER a breakup?) You can see this in your personal life. Women will naturally return to their state by homeostasis. Leave a polluted river alone and it clean itself up.

      1. True, even if she does not have enormous knockers, every time you see your dick print going up and down under those abs is make it that much harder not to impregnate her a fourth time too early.
        Good job on the man who tagged that one. It seems pretty obvious all those kids have the same dad.

      2. Attractive women don’t have washboard abs. Attractive women have a little belly roll of fat. It’s an indicator of fertility.

  7. I strongly doubt all the kids in that picture are from the same father. The one on the right in particular looks way more . . . ethnic.
    As for the premise set forth in the article, well, I could see it garnering even more feminist/ mangina hate and/ or hamster acrobatics than even fat shaming week. We shall see. . .

    1. The woman is of mixed Asian race. Her husband is Caucasian. The children will, each to a different degree, revert to the mean of the grandparents.

      1. The woman is of mixed Asian race.
        If I had to guess, Chinese father (surname “Kang”), Filipina mother (hence her first name “Maria”… she also looks Filipina herself).

      2. Genetics are a funny thing. At first glance none of the children appear to share a race. The one on the left looks straight-up white, the center child looks more east Asian, and the kid on the right is darker and certainly looks mixed.
        What’s interesting, though, at least from my own observations, is that the offspring of a black/white couple will always look black to some degree, no matter how lily-white the one parent and his or her parents may have been. To put it another way, a white woman can have a black child but a black woman can’t seem to have a white one.

  8. Hahahahahaahhaa, this has potential to get the feminists and their sycophantic pussies in tow FAR more incensed at us. I love it.

  9. This was really nice to come across after a day of being barraged with insults from feminists for being a woman who wants nothing more than a husband to submit to and please and children to care for. I can’t find much encouragement from anyone. It’s constantly making me question my beliefs and desires. So yea, this kind of reassurance, especially from men, is always a good thing and like a breath of fresh air!

    1. So..you are a married woman with children. Why the fuck are you here? Dont men have enough problems without bitches like you adding your worthless opinions?

      1. No no, I’m not married and I don’t have kids. I wasn’t really trying to add my opinion to anything. I just wanted to say what a pleasant thing it is to find encouragement to be the kind of woman I am when I’m constantly being put down for it. That’s all.

      2. No no, I’m not married and I don’t have kids. I wasn’t really trying to add my opinion to anything. I just wanted to say what a pleasant thing it is to find encouragement to be the kind of woman I am when I’m constantly being put down for it. That’s all.

      3. The fact that you do not care about the opinion of a woman is perfectly understandable.
        I that case, the the masculine thing to do would have been to utterly ignore her. Nothing like deafening silence to drive the point home.

    2. “I can’t find much encouragement from anyone.”
      More than that, it isn’t allowed and any man worth having as a traditional husband knows it. This will colour his behaviour in the relationship, because it must.
      What’s more, whether you admit it consciously or not, you know it and it will colour your behaviour in the relationship. You may wish to submit, but you hold the power, thus his dominance will always be at your sufferance, which may be withdrawn at any moment.
      You cannot submit from a position of power which you yourself are powerless to revoke. All traditional marriages are now, to one degree or another, dysfunctional codependencies.

      1. Hmm, I never thought of it like that. I suppose you’re right. However, I don’t think it will have any affect on my behavior. I mean I may know I hold the power, but I don’t want it. I’d like to not have it at all. Some women may say they wish to submit but only because they know they don’t truly have to and can opt out at anytime. Me, I want to submit because it’s in my nature and because I believe that’s the right thing to do. I know I can’t revoke it, but I’d never use any power I have over my husband. I’d still have it sure, but to me it’s worthless. What I feel I can get from my husband and what he can get from me from submitting to him/him having dominance over me is worth much more. Anyhow, I hope I understood what you were saying!

        1. “I hope I understood what you were saying!”
          You seem to have the gist of it, even you haven’t grasped its full import yet.

      2. While this is objectively true, when you are married to a man who is your King, nothing that the law has to offer, means anything. His very presence is his power and to lose that presence would mean losing everything.

  10. Just do some homework into social engineering that plenty of fish dating
    site in both New York, and Western PA. Slim pickings gentlemen. Very
    easy to spot a train wreck, a mile away. Given there are mostly single
    mothers in Western PA, young too. Almost at an alarming rate. NYC girls
    just appear bat shit crazy, at most, keep seeing 2nd language Russian,
    guess there is a glimmer of hope…

  11. Thanks to the girls I’ve dated who’ve supported my projects and even helped me with the work. Thanks to the girls who are continuing to do so.
    Thanks to the girls who’ve cooked for me, including a vegan I who made me steak, and a pro-chef who taught me cooking.
    Thanks to the first girl I dated who brought up the idea of threesomes to me first, and sold me on it, forever setting me on the path of non-monogamy.
    Thanks to the girls who’ve spent time learning my body and discovering new ways to pleasure it, just because they enjoy my reaction.
    Thanks to the girls who approached me first, and were direct about liking me, and what they wanted from me.
    Thanks to the women I’ve been with who’ve been entirely unapologetic and shameless about loving me and wanting me to be happy, successful, and fully realized whether or not it meant doing exactly what they wanted.
    It’s good to give thanks.

    1. The geisha is a grunt’s idea of a refined courtesan. She is the ultimate refinement of the military town tavern girl with a room upstairs, from which she actually arose.
      To the court she is a reductio absurdum caricature of what the base consider refined. No lady would wear her hair up.
      That said, let us examine her behaviour. She serves food and drink. She plays the samisen. She can hold an intelligent conversation without being even the slightest bit controversial while doing so.
      She is, in all things, the very image of what a grunt desires in a . . . boring housewife.
      No man transfers his wealth to a geisha in order to obtain a jogging partner or engage in a screaming hissy fit.

  12. I know all those things are okay. Doesn’t mean I want to do them myself. I’ve noticed this tendency some men have to say “it’s okay to like/do
    whatever” when they want to convince me to, like they’re trying to say “you already have the opinion I want you to, you’re just saying you don’t because you think you shouldn’t. But it’s really okay for you to be exactly what I want you to be!!!” Ugh. Obnoxious.
    Anyway, I thought you all thought submissive women were bad and dirty and huge disappointments to you (or is that just sexual submissiveness, not general submissiveness)?
    And what’s wrong with effeminate men? Are you all jealous that they’re mostly more attractive than you?

    1. “I thought you all thought submissive women were bad and dirty and huge disappointments to you”
      And you were wrong.
      “Are you all jealous that they’re mostly more attractive than you?”
      “Attractivity” is defined by the opposite gender’s choices, so no.

  13. Women don’t respond to prayers. They respond to incentives. You’ll see women start hitting the gym, learning to cook something edible, and saving their opinions for someone who cares when all their other options are exhausted—that is, when welfare states run out of the money of taxpaying men, the global banking system collapses with them and “too big to fail” businesses can no longer use borrowed money and gubmint subsidies to keep the sisterhood in make-work jobs where they spend their days reading Jezebel and answering personal e-mails, while the men who got passed over for promotion do all the actual work.

  14. Funny that those who bleet about bullying often have no problems paying out fit women on instagram etc.

  15. Unfortunately, most men unless they are 9’s get treated by females about one level higher than a dog turd. I found this article useless.

  16. A much needed reminder and a possible segway into beginning to realize that not all women are evil feminists, not even in DC, Toronto and here in SF, and being an asshole isn’t the same as being alpha.

  17. Smoking hot. What is it about Asian broads that’s so friggin’ hot?? Can you believe she birthed those 3 boys out of her vagina and still looks that good????

  18. “Therefore, I issue a call to action that men hoist the examples of women who got it right on high. We’ve told women what they should dread turning into. Now is the time to show them what they should aspire to become.”
    I already told them…they are not listening. I have told western women time and again they could learn a lot from eastern european women. This is how my fav#1 talks about me…western women actually hate on her for saying these things about me.

  19. Yes! We should praise the qualities we love. Strength, honor, integrity, and direction, in men. Submissiveness, gentleness, femininity, and big hearts in women. Another great reminder… Of course there are other good traits, but these are just the ones that came to mind 🙂

  20. We are out there!! (Not petite but curvy and healthy!)
    My husband has a drink ready for him when he gets home and dinner ready 30 minutes later. He doesn’t need to come home to more work because that’s why I stay home. He comes home to a happy wife and I treat him like the king!!!

  21. For every person who “slut shames” or “fat shames” there’s someone telling me I’m in an abusive relationship just because I like to cook for my boyfriend every night. I’ve been told to “seek therapy” because I tried to lose vanity weight. I have also been told to seek therapy because I asked anonymously for sex tips, worried that I was boring in bed. Apparently women must believe they are goddesses in the sack for no reason at all. Oh, and I’ve been told my boyfriend was abusive because he voiced preferences about my hair and clothes- but of course, I’m allowed to voice those preferences for him. I’ve also been told that I was a pushover, just because I try to be a pleasant person and pick my battles. I’ve been told that my sexual partners number needs to be in the double digits before I get married or I “haven’t lived”.
    I’m glad you wrote this.

  22. Yeah man, my wife’s gluttony distroyed our marriage. Being addicted to food requires the same brain wiring that happens with drug addicts and alcoholics. Food addicts might be able to drive, but they’re irrational, can’t deal with the most minor of daily stresses, are angery, mentally scattered, can’t take care of hygiene or basic needs. . .Men instictively know that fat women are like this, no matter how hard they try to hide their defects. It’s not only that young thin women are attractive, it’s that fat women are horrible to be around.
    It’s really time, for the benefit of women themselves, that they look in the mental mirror and take responsibility, instead of making food addiction all about just men rejecting them for hotties.

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