A Perfect Example Of The Americunt

I see Grandma Beatrice every other Christmas. She attends with her husband when the celebration is hosted at my cousin’s house, and on the years that my own family hosts, she goes to her other children’s homes.  Last year’s Christmas set off some fireworks between myself, Grandma Beatrice, and Jayne—my 21 year old cousin.

“Aww, you don’t have an official job yet?  That sucks.  Maybe you should try harder,” Grandma B mocked, while reaching across the couch to grab my cheeks like I was a toddler.  Her chubby, wrinkly arms stretched farther and faster than I had anticipated for a woman her age and weight, and before I knew it my cheeks were between her fingers being kneaded like a loaf of bread.

“I just graduated from college a week ago. I have a verbal offer to start in February but I haven’t signed the paperwork yet,” I gritted back.  I took hold of Grandma B’s wrist and removed her hand from my cheek.

I’d had enough of Grandma B’s drunken comments and bullying, and removed myself from the situation.  All night, she had been ragging on my sister and I.  She has always been the one to promote “cousin rivalries” between the families, and she was on the side with the losing grandchildren.  I had spent the majority of my Christmas Day being harassed by her for not “officially” having a job, for having an “easy” major (I studied economics, you be the judge) which allowed me to graduate school early, being literally poked by her repeatedly to get my attention like a child would do to a parent, and plenty of other little digs designed to get a reaction out of me.

My little sister had been belittled as well.  She had just been accepted into a prestigious university that Grandma B’s granddaughter had been denied at.  Of course, Grandma B said the only reason she was accepted into the school was because she is half-Asian.  Never mind her 4.2 GPA and excellent testing scores, she threw the race card in the mix to hamsterize her own granddaughter’s denied admission.  She could not admit to her granddaughter’s stupidity and lack of work ethic, so she had to bring my little sister down.  This made my father furious, and he attempted to argue with her that being Asian is actually now a detriment to admission at universities.  Poor Dad never learned game though, and his logical, well-thought out arguments eventually were overpowered by Grandma B’s drunken womanese yelling and ranting.

By the time Grandma B had finished turning my cheeks a brighter shade of red than Rudolph’s nose, I had had enough of her bullshit.

I called her on it.

I looked her dead in the eye, and as silence from the other 15 people in the room enveloped around me very sternly said, “Do not touch me like that again.”  I stood up, grabbed my half-empty bottle of Blue Moon, and walked into the next room to shoot some pool.  Five minutes later, as I’m lining up a difficult shot, in walks my cousin Jayne, screaming:


Slowly rising from my shooting position, I look her in the eye, smirk, and pause for a long three seconds before saying, “Really, Jayne?”  The smirk sets her off into another rant of incoherent womanese between the tears streaming down her face.  I look at her again, scoff, and turn back to the pool table.  I have nothing more to say to someone who is going to act like a child.

Jayne stormed upstairs to her room, slamming the door amidst tears.  Grandma B comes into the room and accuses me of upsetting her poor granddaughter.  Of course, I was being pinned as the bad guy; the evil man who made the poor little girl cry.  She’s a 21-year-old woman, for fuck’s sake.  She should be capable of handling her own emotions.  I told Grandma B that I did nothing wrong, and ignored both crazies for the remainder of the night.

Jayne is every bit the crazy American girl we all love here at ROK.  She goes to the same university I attended and lives in the same city I do.  However, her college experience has not been what mine was.  Every roommate she has had has not enjoyed her company; none will live with her for more than a year, and the last three years there has been a fallout in which she won’t speak to some (or all) of her roommates.  She’s suffered from a likely eating disorder.  She was OCD to the extreme – washing her hands up to 10 times an hour to the point her skin turned into a dry raisin.  Her acne was so bad from stress that she had to take an extreme form of medication to combat the acne, which involved bi-weekly blood tests and no alcohol whatsoever.  She has never had a boyfriend and I’m fairly certain she’s somehow made it through almost four years at a Southern California party school without getting laid.

The point I’m trying to make is, she hasn’t had an easy life the last couple of years and I had always tried to be as sympathetic as I could towards her.  She is family, after all.  I would take her out to dinner and check up on her every couple of weeks.  However, throughout all of this, no one in her own direct family has held her accountable.  It’s always somebody’s fault, but never hers.  There’s always a way to rationalize the blame for her own shortcomings and issues by pushing them off to another external force.  Everybody always was willing to allow her, and her family to do this.

I just never really cared, too bad Jayne made the mistake of pissing me off.

Nobody ever had the balls to call Grandma B or Jayne on their shit and stand up to them.  I never had a reason to.  Until my sister and I were flat-out insulted, egged on, and treated with no respect.  I stood up for us.  I had the balls to calmly put these two “grown” American “women”, who are so used to walking all over men, in their place, by using almost no words whatsoever.  How did they react?  Like children throwing a temper tantrum because Santa Claus brought them the wrong doll for Christmas.

Their tantrums continue to this day, as Jayne is refusing to participate in any Christmas gatherings in which I will be present at this year.  She has, in her own words, “no respect” for me, because of this situation and because I didn’t help with the dishes at Christmas last year.  I’m the only one in the family who is willing to stand up and make waves, but she’s so irrational she won’t listen to me.  Everybody else in the family simply goes along with it, refusing to ruffle her feathers because they fear it will send her back in a downward spiral of girl craziness.  What the rest of the family fails to realize is that by allowing her to skip out on the festivities, they’re simply promoting her behavior.  They’re telling her it’s okay to act irrational, throw tantrums, and be a child, because she’s being rewarded for it.

Her attitude is the perfect example of what women are continuing to become in this country.  Nothing but spoiled, unapologetic children who are never held accountable.

I’m thinking for Christmas, I’ll mail Jayne a bag of cat food.

She might as well start stock piling for the future.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday, to all you readers.  Thank you for all of your support.

Read More: My Grandmother, The Dodo

198 thoughts on “A Perfect Example Of The Americunt”

  1. Everyone has family that tries to push their buttons. Everyone has to deal with shit from family during the holidays. These weren’t two random bitches at a bar; they were family members you’ll have to deal with for the rest of your life. The grandmother is an old lady with nothing left to do in life but talk. Considering nobody washes their hands 10 times a day for attention, it sounds like your cousin has legitimate, medical mental problems. Pick better battles, man.

    1. “These weren’t two random bitches at a bar; they were family members you’ll have to deal with for the rest of your life.”
      I call Bullshit. You don’t own anybody a lease of insulting or belittling you. It does not matter one bit if they are closer or furter on your genealogical “who fucked who” tree.

      1. I agree, we aren’t obliged to deal with anybody for the rest of our lives. There are whole branches of my family tree that I have lopped off for being trashy, and I feel the better for it.
        Being old is no excuse for lacking class.

      2. Having a family that is constantly critical of you and is never impressed with your accomplishments is what builds character. Being a sullen brat towards women who are more valuable to your family unit than you is called being selfish. reassess your worth to your family and put the pride aside.

        1. This is not true. Supportive families build character. This manipulative shrew got what she deserved. Hard to see how an old bat and a mental case are more valuable than this eloquent and thoughtful young man.
          I’m getting so tired of people calling out young males for being ” entitled” and ” selfish.” As an educator and father I try my damndesr to slip in red pill truths, but there’s only so much I can do.
          When someone complains about the young males’ “sense of entitlement,” they are basically asking, ” How can you dare to what’s in your own best interest and asserting yourself instead of bowing down like a beta and serving the powers that be?”
          No military service unless it’s in your best interest. No marriage unless it’s truly auspicious, no respecting the aged just for being so, no self- sacrifice in a society that is already willing to offer you up against your own will.

        2. Right. You deserve to undermine and disrespect the family that gave you a roof and food and an education etc etc. Move out when you’re 14 and bitch about your terrible family then. This is emo white boy bullshit. Family is forever. Family is blood.
          Bitching about your “terrible” family is the little boy equivilent of white girls who cut their wrists or who have eating disorders.
          Families disagree and fight. You should participate in that fighting to defend your side, but maintain a respect for your elders.
          Young men acting like spoiled, opinionated pussies? Man up and respect your grandmother’s bullshit opinions.

        3. “Man up” and do what every one else wants you to do instead of what’s in your best interest. Your role as a young male is that of a subordinate, expendable resource designed to benefit women and elite men only.

        4. Respect is earned and can be squandered. It’s not automatic. That’s straight up white knight, mangina thinking.
          People who choose to put you down or deliberately undermine you are not worthy of your respect or forebearance, even if they are related to you or happen to possess a vagina. You have no obligation to accept and encourage their anti-social behavior. Seek out pleasant, like-minded individuals and let the angry losers be miserable alone.

        5. “This is emo white boy bullshit.”
          “Bitching about your “terrible” family is the little boy equivilent of white girl…”
          Nigga you be trippin.

        6. So what if you have no blood family relations? You can’t fall back on “family is blood.” And neither can you say “family is forever.” He acted neither spoiled nor opinionated. We only have his viewpoint but this is his article so you have no basis on saying that how he responded wasn’t justified.
          How is telling someone–anyone–who is touching you in an inappropriate and demeaning manner not to do so disrespectful at all? What if this was a girl writing it and she was talking about her grandfather?
          Oh, right, you would stick up for her.
          I like how you are so willing to dismiss his thoughts and feelings while saying that he is a “pussy.” Interesting dichotomy of thought and action.
          I also find it interesting how the “men” who are defending the actions of these women seem to disregard them as actual human beings who can choose to act in better, more family-oriented ways. Why does the author have to put up with their childish actions but they aren’t obliged to treat him with some level of respect and family patience?

    2. My grandma is a cunt dude. Shes a complete bitch to everyone in my family but me luckily. She feels totally entitled for no fucking reason other then she has a vagina. Entitled bitches need to go.

    3. You’re not obligated to take crap from anyone, including family. Grandma could have congratulated him for graduating and rooted for him to finalise the job. Instead she belittled him. My response would have been: the paper work is in process and I look forward to having more money next year spend on family Christmas gifts. Anyone up for a game of pool?
      And Jayne waging war a year after a spat is a classic example of how some women can never let the smallest thing go – and how they play the endless victim and try to shame you by getting the gaggle of gals all wrapped up in the endless drama. My response now would be: I’m sure the family would love to see you this Christmas and hear how you are doing but ultimately the decision to attend is yours.
      Ultimately I’ve found it reply that the glass is half full and then minimize future contact.
      Grandma, I appreciate your desire to see me gainfully employed. Can I freshen your drink (exit to bar)?

  2. Option 1:
    Act the same way she does. Every time she does it immediately throw it back at her: pinch her to the cheeks (best while she is doing it) and belittle her the whole night.
    Randomly get up smile and do hug her strongly.
    Fight crazy with crazier and irrational with more irrational 🙂 and above all Enjoy.
    What i would do (not living in the US):
    I would politely warn her that she is disrespecting and assaulting me and next time should expect a legal self defence response (living in Eastern Europe has it’s benefits).
    Of course that would be only if the family does not put the bitch in her place first, which is extremely unlikely. Oh and if she does it again i would slap the bitch so hard, her ears will ring for a week. Family means MUTUAL respect, not f*ing with people with no repercussions.

  3. Description says you’re an engineer, article says you’re an economics major. I’m an actual engineer and the only econ classes we took were macro and micro, because we had too. So which is it?
    Secondly, if you want to show off how bad ass and alpha you are, an article about standing up to a passive-aggressive elderly woman and a 21 year old girl with mental issues is not the right way to go about it.
    Is this what a male version of a Cosmo article looks like?

    1. My guess is that he studied econ and has a job as an engineer.
      Also, I think that the author should speak for himself, but I’m quite sure that the point of the article wasn’t his alphaness or anything similar, but merely a good, family example of some women behaviour.

      1. My guess is that he’s a loser with no job just like the other bullshit fake writers on here. He probably lives in grandma’s cellar

        1. My guess is that your mom huffed a lot of gas and paint while pregnant with you. Yet again an idiot woman shows up with the same old, predictable taunts. Except being a half-wit has caused you to forget to call him small-dicked and weird and creepy and to say that he can’t get laid. We know you’re too stupid to ever respond with counter-arguments, but are you dumb cunts EVER going to come up with new insults?

        2. Goddamn! Is this old bit still being used?
          Maybe we should all provide links to pics of our homes to avoid seeing these comments?

        3. That would just be met with accusations of photoshopping.
          Just cut right to immediate ridicule with trolls.

      2. How can somebody be an engineer at 22? It is really so easy? Or engineer in the States mean something else than in the rest of the world?

        1. If you study directly after high school, and there is a possibility to attain a BA in the engineering field, I guess depending on what country you studied. However when I hear engineer I associate it with a MSc degree.

        2. You can. I finished my BSc at 21 and was a working engineer at that age. High school here is finished at 17 or 18, and the undergraduate program is 4 years long. To become a licensed professional engineer, you need at least a Bachelors and to have at least 4 years experience, and to sit for a difficult exam. Maybe that’s the analog to what you are thinking of.

        3. Indeed. He probably lives in Europe where engineers have roughly 5 years of University education and at least a master of engineering. Also engineers here are not licensed for general purpose engineering. The only credential necessary is a formal education.

      3. Agreed. Our female friend here, trying to quibble with the author’s credentials, is throwing out a red herring or two. Anything to distract from the obvious batshit behavior of the modern American woman.

        1. I have to disagree. The author sounds like a Gamma doing his best Alpha impression. He didn’t stand his ground or stand up for his sister. He just told the old hag not touch his face and bailed like a mark-bitch. He didn’t do anything except respond to passive-aggression with more passive-aggression and left his family to deal with the fall out. If Jayne has ‘no respect’ for him, it’s probably his own fault.

    2. engineers need to design safe and inexpensive structures. i dont know about you but i took an economics class specifically for engineers.

      1. From the article: ” for having an “easy” major (I studied economics, you be the judge)”
        I think the class you are talking about is “Engineering economics” or the like, which I also took, but that’s not a real econ class in my opinion. It’s a finance class. Economics and finance are related but definitely are not the same. Economics is to accounting what physics is to engineering. Does that make sense?

        1. Does it matter? It’s not like your major determines where you are gonna end up – I for sure know that I won’t end up doing anything relevant to what I’m currently studying.

        2. Who fucking cares? How is that even relevant to the general themes of the article, I.e. greasy granny and OCD McGee.

    3. What is the right way to deal with your extended family?
      I see three options: A What the poster did, B Divorcing them and C to tolerate them on their terms.
      Myself, I went with divorce, because in the end there was no one I really wanted or needed in my life.
      But if, and that will be the norm, you have at least one person you are fond of in that group, what do you do? There is a fine line between being a douche and letting others pick on you.
      You don’t have to tolerate crap from people merely because they are older or merely because they have mental issues.
      And of course this smells of Cosmo: There is a connection between women controlling social environments and them reading magazines in which social issues get attention.
      Men need a Cosmo – I know I did. I just always thought that this stuff is for women.

      1. I’m sorry he contradicted your childish notion that every woman is an angel who we should treat with kid gloves. Outgrow your mommy issues. Women, especially American women, rely on beta instincts like the ones you’re displaying. In fact, that’s why they act the way they do. It’s called a “Pussy pass”. The author was wise enough not to hand one out even if it’s a withered old hag he’s related to or some young twat who hasn’t figured life out yet.

    4. This is a white- knight mentality. Standing up to his abusive female relatives is actually a strong sign of courage. There are so many “strong” men willing to do violence against other men yet now and scrape to females. The very fact that feminists, white knights, and manginas are eager to pounce on the author is by itself alpha cred.

      1. Alpha cred? Way to prove your masculinity by being a dick to a drunken elderly women. When I think of alpha males I think… those that put their grandmothers in their place! You don’t demand respect from your elders, male or female, they already have it. Pride is important but will stunt your personal growth if you don’t temper it.
        The break down of the nuclear family is the main contributor to the rise of feminism. Women marry the government instead of searching for a stable male. It has skewed the natural balance. It is very important to maintain strong family ties. Walking away from drunken granny with a smile is nothing compared to the big picture. I grew up in an archetypical patriarchal family, Dad at work, Mom at home working an occasional part time shift when she got bored. Dad got home around 4:30, dinner was served at 5:00. The house was spotless and cleaned daily. The foundation and advantage that gave me over my peers was substantial. When I create my legacy, my wife will stop working, and my seed will have the same advantages that I did. This is how men stay dominant in society, by assuming the natural leadership position. That starts at home.
        Little bit of a rant there, but I believe it explains why so many men are “calling out” this article.

        1. The breakdown of the nuclear family is tragic, not the breakdown of the extended family. Unless you still live with your parents, they are not your nuclear family, let along your grandparents.
          In fact the nuclear family is quite the opposite of the extended family in the sense that a man and a women, madly in love with each other, will stand together against each other’s crazy relatives.
          In the ideal case, their bond is actually hold up by a genuine biological imperative, rather than mere social convention or economic necessity.

        2. In a truly patriarchal family structure women are nurturing towards men. If they step out of line there is protest.
          Sorry but no, I don’t automatically respect my elders. They do not have the right to control me ie be emotionally abusive.
          Feminism is nit the result of the breakdown is the family, it’s one of the causes, and whole your family background seems admirable, perhaps more admirable than mine, I can eith pride say that the women in my family didn’t ever get drunk and turn into bitches. No one had the right to do that.
          You have to be very young to assume you’re going to have a legacy and a homemaker wife. That is by all means possible if that’s what you want, but beware.
          The cat’s out of the bag as far as I’m concerned. Blue pill conservatism is just as destructive as blue pill liberalism

        3. Nothing in and of itself. However granny turning into a hate- filled, mean- spirited drunk means she is not upholding her end of the family dynamic.
          It’s not like this man went off on an non- combatant.

        4. Aileen, we’re not giving you a pussy pass, okay? It doesn’t matter if the woman is geriatric or college-age or passes herself with a male handle on a comments board. The author was describing the average ‘americunt’, not proving whatever alpha qualities you’re referring to. Sorry, but this article looks like it hit too close to home for you. Engage in some binge comfort-eating; you’ll be fine.

        5. Adam, you say “Way to prove your masculinity by being a dick to a drunken elderly women.”, except what he actually said was “do not touch me like that again.” Read that part again. How is that being a dick? She’s treating a grown-ass man like a baby and he told her not to. Respect is earned, not granted.

        6. Not taking any crap from anyone IS alpha behavior.
          A real alpha earns and demands respect, and reciprocates.
          Family does not automatically earn respect. Family members need to be taught socialization skills like anyone else. Your notion of automatically respecting an elder cheapens respect and excuses disrespect.
          Your father had a spotless home because he did not tolerate disrespectful behavior from other members of his family, and I am fairly sure that he returned the respect that he got.

    5. Maybe he studied economic engineer field. Don’t know if that’s a field in US, but in many countries in europe it is.

  4. From bio: Trouble.Maker is a 22-year-old engineer, fitness enthusiast, and guitarist residing in California.
    From article: I had spent the majority of my Christmas Day being harassed by her for not “officially” having a job, for having an “easy” major (I studied economics, you be the judge).

    1. I assumed this was from last Christmas, which works out if he graduated in 3.5 years. As for being an engineer with an econ degree… I suppose its possible depending on type of engineering. Most entry level engineering jobs are a learn on the job experience anyway.

      1. Do you really think that the major is crucial to the recruiters? I’d say it doesn’t matter a lot, there’s a lot of people in finance, for example, who have no relevant majors (or no majors at all)

        1. These Motherfuckers sure are concerned about this kid’s job. Maybe he oughtn’t post a pay stub for strangers online?

      2. I don’t know what it’s like in the United States, but in Canada the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists determines who can be licensed as an engineer. Unless you went through an accredited engineering program you’re not an engineer and can’t practice as an engineer. Not anyone can call themselves an engineer.

        1. In the US, the PE licensing designation (professional engineer) is really only required for civil engineers working on government contracts. Sometimes only one engineer in the entire firm is required to be a PE to secure government contracts.
          Outside of civil engineering, getting the PE designation is not even really considered among US engineering majors.

  5. You acted like a dick to your grandmother, your cousin stood up for her, and that makes her “a perfect example of the Americunt?” This article completely lost me.

    1. Telling someone to “not touch me like that” makes him a dick? If a guy touches a girl in an unwanted fashion, that’s called rape…

      1. It was his grandma — not even close to some guy grabbing a random girl at a bar. Seriously, every day this site becomes more and more like a grown up version of the He-Man Woman Haters Club.

        1. So you’re saying that unwanted/inappropriate touching by a family member is ok because it’s a family member? Really?

        2. Yes. Really. Its your grandmother. This isn’t a slut at the bar you are picking up, this is a woman that is physically responsible for your existence. Even if she acts bitchy or condescending you man the fuck up, smile, and extricate yourself from an uncomfortable situation with tact.
          You have constructed an absurd straw man argument, injecting incest and child molestation into a discussion of an elderly woman condescendingly pinching her grand son’s cheeks. This is a tactic typically employed by feminists and has no business here.

        3. “So you’re saying that unwanted/inappropriate touching by a family member is ok because it’s a family member?”
          No, I never said it was “ok.” I just said it wasn’t comparable to groping a girl at a bar. And, comparing a grandma pinching her grandson’s cheeks to incest is equally ridiculous. Get mental help, please.

        4. He should have smacked the wacky old bitch upside her head. You are another mangina / white knight faggot.

        5. She doesn’t have the right to be vile. Are you forgetting the insult to his sister?
          What’s up with so many condemning to author so harshly, accusing him of betatude? Taking back comtr of family dynamics is EXACTLY what we need to be doing.
          Patriarchal families are happy, healthy, and supportive on the whole. Matriarchal ones tend towards the opposite.

  6. Are you sure she’s the one we like to criticize?
    21 years old, not fat, and avoided the cock carousel at college sounds pretty good to me.
    Grandma B sounds like the problem. But every family has embarrassing relatives.

    1. Exactly — reading this, I just kinda felt sorry for Jayne, whereas Grandma B sounds like the real cunt.
      In general this article is pretty incoherent.

  7. I’m honestly glad I live in SoCal, while my entire family lives in NYC.
    Cheers to all you !

  8. “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” I’d say leave your grandmother and simple cousin alone.

  9. Is just me or this site has turned into a whining bunch if no-name guys who think their “alpha” by calling out their family while proceeding to more whining and less action.
    Bunch of pussies here. Kings my ass

    1. alpha response is to roll your eyes at grandma while she pinches your cheeks or make a joke out of it, not drop to her level…

      1. Too bad this site refuses to provide solutions outside small time petty crafts to the point of sounding bitter. Used be Roosh etc now I see names I haven’t even heard of preaching the same old whining guff which is so far from Alpha.
        Roissy and his site are miles better than this crap.

      2. No an Alpha respones is not even fucking wasting time with stupid christmas get-togethers with you family. How fucking gay. My mom, dad and sis made me fucking miserable my whole fucking life. Now that I own my own home, have all my shit together I dont put myself in a situation where I am not enjoying myself. Thats just retarded. Families, wives, Santa Claus, God. “Love” – All a bunch of socially constructed bullshit. A real man doesn need any of that shit.

        1. Iv been married 30 years. Have two sons and a daughter and wouldnt want to be my age now and a single man with no family. my wife is my best friend and thats what your missing out on.

        2. There’s a difference between Christmas with your wife and children and Christmas with your family of origin.

      3. Moral of the story: You Can’t Be Half Pregnant.
        A true Alpha would have deflected the hand before it even reached his face and informed her that the behavior was inappropriate. If you’re going to up the ante, be bold and see it through to a conclusion YOU determine. The author is so submissive he might as well be a ‘bottom’
        This asshole instigated a cat fight, left his family to deal with the fallout and is indignant because his cousin has ‘no respect’ for him. I bet he ripped off his clip-on tie as he stormed to his room with his blue moon.
        I award this man no points.

    2. The problem has more to do with female trolls who make comments here posing as men, exonerating cunt behavior.

  10. I get what you are saying, its not just this one instance that you have been demeaned by your toxic relatives. Truthfully, unless you have these issues in your family you will sympathize with his granny and cousin. Everyone has a limit, he reached his and managed not to lash out with mega animosity or humiliate himself and sister.
    If his cousin has a mental problem, she should get help not cuddled for ridiculous behavior. Also someone posted that no one washes their hands 10 times a day, that depends on what you have been doing all day.
    I have relatives like this, its disgusting to see everyone conform to their BS just to not rock the boat when they know what they are doing is wrong. Good for you for standing up for yourself. Hope you have a better holiday this year.

  11. This is very much the typical american women.
    Just think…soon enough, there will be gangs of outlaw young men roaming the suburbs, shooting and killing those women they don’t rape. You will have the very great pleasure of standing aside and not doing a damn thing to save your Americunt cousin.
    It is only then the true import of her poor attitude will be made very clear to her.

  12. A ‘virgin’ gave birth to a the son of god, who was also god, who was sent by god/himself to save mankind from his/ daddy’s wrath by returning from the grave and flying up to heaven. Or, even more improbably a Jew had a job in construction.
    – Cool story, bro.
    Xmas is a waste of time. I’ll be sitting this holiday out. My family will get gift donations to charities that I support anyway and I will get drunk.

    1. Yeah there’s no way a higher intelligence could work out how to impregnate a woman without sex.
      Oh wait, don’t we have IVF and test tube babies…….

    2. Your off topic swipe at Christianity belies your “fun loving” screen name. Kinda sounds more like you’re bitter and insecure.

      1. “I see Grandma Beatrice every other Christmas”
        Xmas is the celebration of “A ‘virgin’ [Who] gave birth to a the son of god, who was also god, who was sent by god/himself to save mankind from his/ daddy’s wrath by returning from the grave and flying up to heaven.”
        I’d say that my comment is relevant

  13. Jayne is every bit the crazy American girl we all love here at ROK. She goes to the same university I attended and lives in the same city I do. However, her college experience has not been what mine was. Every roommate she has had has not enjoyed her company; none will live with her for more than a year, and the last three years there has been a fallout in which she won’t speak to some (or all) of her roommates. She’s suffered from a likely eating disorder. She was OCD to the extreme – washing her hands up to 10 times an hour to the point her skin turned into a dry raisin. Her acne was so bad from stress that she had to take an extreme form of medication to combat the acne, which involved bi-weekly blood tests and no alcohol whatsoever. She has never had a boyfriend and I’m fairly certain she’s somehow made it through almost four years at a Southern California party school without getting laid.

    Welp, guess that proves not even the most desperate guy will settle if his choice is nothing or batshit crazy./

  14. Simple solution:
    Stand up, leave and say why you are leaving. Go and have a blast at the hottest bar/club in the area.
    Do not attend future events where the crazy hags will be attending, if invited say why you are not going. You were not put on this Earth to take shit from people.

  15. Brother, you need to relax, you let granny get to you and now you look like a prick amongst your family. Yes, it’s frustrating dealing with crazy, but use tact. Or at least some agree and amplify. Just remember, holidays are for drinking. And this behavior is in no way unique to America.

  16. This article lost me. How is this vignette of minor family intrigue related to masculinity? The link seems tenuous at best.

  17. Nice story overall, although I’d do one thing differently – I wouldn’t say ”Do not touch me like that again”, but rather something along the lines of “I’m tired of your insults”.
    The former resposne might have raised a lot of thoughts like ”He’s acting childish” from the others at the table, while the latter response clearly signifies what’s wrong (and by being the first to attack, you would have got some unconscious support from the majority of others).
    Of course, the support of the others isn’t all that important, but a year later, everyone will remember that you flipped and acted a bit childish at that moment.

  18. Econ sucks. I gave up a lot of nights out to study in order to get a degree in economics. Only a few majors have consistently lower major gpas.

  19. Poor content. Meaningless drama and family feuds. Sounds like a story a woman would tell. -______-

  20. Being a minority Is a major contributing factor whether you get accepted or not.
    For some reason if you have a pussy or you are of color free rides are available to you (grants, African American scholarship, Asian scholarships, the list goes on….).
    My question is do Eastern Europeans(White Folks…yup me), since they are not bonafied Americans and thus should be considered minority, why do they not get free rides? Set race aside and just think about it…

    1. It’s because ‘anti-racist’ is a codeword for Anti-White, and besides we all look the same to them.

    2. Fuck you, gypsy.
      This is the US. You are white. Just like a Jap, and Hmong and an Uzbek are all “Asian”.
      I see you’ve internalized NOW and the NAACPs liberal, PC victimization bullshit just like the rest of the trash.
      You are free to leave if you don’t feel like a “real” American.

    1. Too bad a lot of Black men use that site to scoop up the ugly fatass white bitches. OKStupid, Plenty of Fat, FATch.com, etc.. Someone get the SJWs to boycott it, that will be one time that they prove useful.

  21. Sorry, but I don’t agree with the actions in this article. You aren’t gaining anyone’s respect by telling off an old woman, or belittling an OCD.
    Just smile, and walk away. Why are you giving their behaviour recognition? Be constructive, give you sister positive reinforcement to counter all the negative.
    Being a man is about building yourself, and by leading others to be stronger around you.

    1. Smiling and walking away WILL gain respect ?
      If you don’t indicate WHY you are walking away nobody will make the connection between grandma’s actions and you walking away.
      The guy is a grown man, granny was trying to establish dominance, he did the right thing by calling her on it.
      Old age is no excuse for a lack of class.

      1. Yeah I agree that smiling and walking away isn’t the right approach either, but I don’t know his family, there could have been a better way of handling it.
        Personally, I’ve never experienced shit like that.

      2. as people get old they change. the cycle of life is coming to an end and they start to behave childish, become stubborn, selfish and sometimes irritating…some do it more, others less, depends on their personality. actually some old people don’t even behave like grownups therefore it’s silly to even try to prove your point or be mean with them…just ignore, try to change the subject, walk away, distract them whatever….being old is not easy, and before we experience it we can only judge them, but you never know what you’re gonna be like if you’re lucky enough to live that long. so be kind to them, their life is not getting any better….oh and behaving like that with an old woman and a girl with mental issues is not really alpha, masculine, whatever..if anything tells me that the author still needs to grow up…in the worst of cases, if you don’t like spending christmas time with your family just don’t go….or pass by to say hello, come up with and excuse and leave….there are many alternatives…but bragging around about being bitchy with an old (and maybe even crazy) lady is not much of a success…

        1. Translation :
          You have to allow yourself to insulted by people who took no interest in their personal spiritual development when they were younger because you have to suffer the consequences of their selfishness in not maturing spiritually as well as chronologically.

        2. i don’t know how old his grandma is or what is her background, but i can tell you that both of my grandparents (and many other people’s as well) grew up being poor kids in big families, living and growing up during the war, occasionally not having enough food for everybody, working and having big families themselves. what kind of personal/spiritual development are we talking about in those conditions? do you really think that some of those people had time and sources to do anything else but take care of their households, earn money and make sure they grow proper children and give them education and chance for better life. not everybody had the same possibility and luxury to work on themselves like we do nowadays…so don’t judge them, some of them have been through though times that we don’t understand and will hopefully never experience ourselves. they could not afford to get too…spiritual. apparently there are bunch of people who are simply mean and have been that way ever since they were born. but old age just makes it all more difficult. and nobody is immune to that.

        3. My grandparents came from large families and grew up during the war and often didn’t have enough to eat, but they managed to not be inconsiderate jerks in their old age.
          Improving oneself spiritually is the one thing that doesn’t cost money.
          Stop trying to make excuses for insulting, disrespectful behavior.

        4. My grandfather was a stone cold killer in WWII. He never talked about it but it was clear it traumatized him severely. My grandmother buried her first child only to have a strip mining company rip up his body and most of the family farm months later. She actually saw her tiny sin’s corpse rolling downhill. She faced real, literal starvation. Her first husband was killed in WWII. Her second, my grandfather, struggled as a sharecropper after returning from war. They still loved me deeply and made sure I knew it.

  22. How was this poor excuse of an article approved to be on this site? This autistic horseshit really dilutes the good of this site.

    1. If it’s not obvious to everyone here, this female has made 3 separate posts against this article, basically saying the same thing. Wouldn’t you be happier posting on UrbanBaby?

  23. I’m sorry you have such a horrible grandmother. My mamaw (appalachian term for grandmother) always favored the boys in the family. After a holiday meal she would make my girl cousins get up off the couch so the boys could sit and relax. Then she would make the girls clean the kitchen while the men talked about guns, hunting, fishing, guitars, or livestock.
    She was what most on here would call a ignorant hillbilly but she knew exactly how the world really worked.

    1. Appalachian here. I loved my mamaw’s holiday dinners. She made a ham that could almost melt in your mouth. She use to say the rosary for a 17 grandchildren every day.
      That’s a mamaw. Not this passive-aggressive, manipulative b.s.

  24. While I agree that the behavior here is not optimally alpha, come on people. Being so cool and collected when it comes to your family is very hard. The pure beta thing would have been to just accept it and laugh it off. Drawing a line in the sand is far more alpha than that, and is correct in principle. Just not optimized.

  25. WELL DONE!! You took a stand and didn’t take any shit! The cousin mistakes her importance and position in the family……and she needs dick…badly!!! He didn’t disrespect his elder. He let her know he wasn’t going to accept her treatment of him…..as a man he was in the right completely.

  26. I just wasted 3 mins of my life yet again.
    This site really sucks balls now.
    And one more thing: earn to respect your family,looser.Family is über alles, however bad it is.You are f* shame to all men.

        1. Well, given that women commit 92% of REPORTED child abuse and very likely much more I am sure that children who have abusive mothers would also like to speak up….but often they can not because to criticse a mother is forbidden….even when she is a adulteress, prostitute, criminal child abuser like my ex was.
          So no. It is not “family abover all”. It is “women above all”…and us older men are pointing this out to the young men. We are pointing out that no matter how good a husband and father they are when a criminal woman victimises them he will very likely have his children and house stolen from him and be hated on by all and sundry.
          We are telling the young men 5% is the new 50% if you happen to be a man.
          And the young men are listening because the proof of all this is in my books. The very fact that the only response from western women for being exposes as the liars and hypocrites they chose to be in the 99.9% majority is more lies, more hypocrisy, more hatred….FOR SIX YEARS….tells the young men everything they need to know.
          Sweetie. It is over. Women left too much evidence around for us to collect and give to the young men. The young men are quitting. They are no longer going to “man up” or “grow up” and take the crap deal called “married with children”.
          It’s over. You will soon be equal before the law. And you are going to hate losing all those “wimminz privileges” that have been accorded women for 5,000 years.

        2. Well The Truth Be Told had more than 8,000 downloads in 18 months when it was free. We did our best to get it out there via places like 4chan and other mens sites. Lots of men actually complained I was “selling” a free ebook that would save young mens lives. How is that for man hatred?
          The old version is still free but a lot of the links are broken because my YT channel was shut down.
          I decided to ask for CHF10 for the new version because men do not appreciate something they do not pay for. CHF10 was arrived at as the price of a cheap meal here where I live. For CHF10 you can get a cheap meal in a turkish restaurant. You can get a low end pizza in a pizza place for CHF10 . It costs about CHF12 for a decent pizza in a pizza place here.
          So my opinion is that if the man really wants to read what I have written and up to date? The price of a cheap meal is a very reasonable price to ask for. If a man does not want to buy me a cheap meal for all the time and effort that went into the experience gained to write The Truth Be Told? Then he is welcome to just say no or just ignore the offer.
          All these men who like to bad mouth me for asking to be paid for The Truth Be Told who have done nothing useful themselves? They are just like petulant 5 year olds…really disgraceful.

        3. The complaints and negativity are getting to me. These Internet alphas have fantasies that differ dramatically from how life is.
          Ill be checking out those books for sure.

  27. Yeah TM,
    I LOVE how the wimminz always blame the nearest man when a woman crys. One time I was on the phone to my step daughter Kristen Robinson. She was 27 at the time and I was calling her to come to Dublin to care for her two younger siblings while her brother was in chemo. Jennifer had lied to me and told me Kristen would be returning with her. When I arrived in Dublin expecting Kristen to be there she wasn’t. So I called her to challenge her on this point.
    Her little brother and sister needed to be cared for while Jennifer was with Jarrod for the next 4 months of chemo. She turn me down flat. How about that.
    Anyway…during the call she broke down and started crying. Her “issue” was that Jennifer consistently lied to her and it “broke her heart”. I told her “get used to it, you mother is a liar, she lies all the time. You are old enough now to deal with her being a liar.”
    Anyway…whe was at my mother in laws house. She comes out of the bedroom crying and says she was talking to me. So my mother in law called Jennifer and told her “Peter made Kristen cry”…so Jennifer attacks me….I shoot back with “what she was crying about is the fact that you are a liar. She is crying about how you lie to her and she feels very hurt that you do that. And how do you and your mother deal with this? Well by telling more lies like I made Kristen cry and then attacking me over the lie. Gee….how right Kristen is, eh?”
    And for anyone who wants to troll her? Her linked in is here. Notice the work history. Another do nothing that took a university position away from some man who might have made something of his life…nothing but NGOs, non profits, and bullshit work on her resume. And she is 33 now.
    And a man like me stands up to these man hating bitchs? Oh, you would think I raped, hung, drawn and quartered Mary mother of Jesus.

      1. Which is why I get emails every week from young men thanking me profusely for being willing to publish my books.

        1. Thanks Asplund.
          One thing that most men do not realise is how manipulative women are of their daughters. Women are more manipulative and vicious with their daughters than they are even with their sons. Women most just ignore their sons and treat them poorly. But the daughters? They viciously emotionally manipulate them to create a dependency that the daughter can never break thereby ensuring the daughter will take care of the mother in old age.
          This was the case with Jennifer. She constantly told me how her mother emasculated her and manipulated her when she was a teen to crush her self esteem. The reason she got deliberately pregnant at 16 was to get away from her mother. My fav#1 told me exactly the same thing. That she deliberately got pregnant at 17 to get away from her mother.
          And yet? Jennifer dutifully called her mother for about 2 hours every week because it would be unacceptable to her mother not to do that. Jennifer even once claimed “I love my mother more than you love your mother because I talk to my mother more than you talk to your mother.” That is what I call a hamster at full speed!!
          I shot back with “given you women claim to be the better communicators I would have thought talking to your mother every weekend for 20 years would have been more than enough time to get the message across.”
          I saw Jennifer do this to Kristen, my step daughter. I would stop her and take her aside and say “Remember how you told me you hated how your mother undermined your self esteem as a teenager? Well you are doing it to your daughter, I recommend you stop that.” She would stop for a while. But as you can see from those two emails. She has emotionally manipulated Kristen into the trip to Dublin for christmas followed up by Kristen asking for Jarrod bank account information.
          When our daughter was growing up Jennifer would do the same. She was undermining Josephines self esteem to create an emotional dependency on her. I hit the roof and I spoke to her very harshly about doing this as this is child abuse and in this case it was my child. This is one reason why she refused to work. By having me out of the house working to pay for everything she could more easily abuse the children.
          When I went through Jennifers SMSs on the phone I paid for when we divorced she would be sending 5 to 10 text messages a day to Josephine, then 16, and maybe 3 to 5 per week to Joshua, then 14. She showered attention on Josephine as part of creating the emotional dependency.
          On 2002 Kristen came over to be our au pair for a year. She was 21 at the time. Her and Jennifer fought like cats the whole time. Jennifer would often be calling me and crying saying that Kristen was vicious and cruel. I would say “Well, where do you think she got that from? You taught her well. She is paying you back for your emotional manipulation when she was a teen. Get used to it.”
          Jennifer used to ask me to intervene with Kristen to “tell her to behave better and treat me with respect.”
          And I would say “You told me as she was growing up that she was not my daughter and I was not allowed to interfere in how you chose to raise her. Now she is an adult I sure as hell am not going to try and tell her what to do. I offered to help raise her. I told you what mistakes you were making. I offered my help. You refused. So deal with your own daughter. And by the way? Notice how she treats me with respect and is like a kitten around me. She would not dare to talk to my face like she talks to you because I would absolutely smack her one if she did.”
          So yeah…you young guys who have never raised girls? You might think your crappy mothers treated you bad. But I can assure you that when a woman is a child abuser like Jennifer Toal is? She abuses her daughters MUCH more viciously and cruelly than she abuses the boys.
          And by the way? My fav#1? She got pregnant deliberately at 17 to get away from her mother….Now? She has spent the last 18 years or so working away from home to send money home to “mum, brother and son”. She was lamenting to me one day “by getting pregnant to a man who would not support me all I really achieved was to make myself dependent on my mother to raise my son. I made myself a slave to my family.”
          And her mother and bother and son do not care about her at all. She is very well aware of this and it deeply pains her that she has worked for 18 years away from home and sent every penny home and no one cares that she did that. Sound familiar?

        2. I have seen all of this first hand. It’s amazing how many passes women, especially older women, get to manipulate and abuse others. That’s what a lot of critics on here are not getting. The author took the first step towards becoming free from a very destructive cycle. And yet somehow he’s getting piled on.
          That’s a harsh story you’re telling, but people ought to pay attention knowing what we know now about female behavior.

  28. It’s kind of sad how proud the author is of standing up to his grandmother…and how he felt bullied by her. Come on rok…you just published a quintessential omega article

  29. I don’t know what Game the author of this sad little article thinks he was playing, but when you let a grandmother get your goat, you’ve lost. Making a dramatic pronouncement like that and walking off is just pathetic. It’s omega aspiring to beta.
    And then writing an article about how you had “the balls” to stand up to an old woman? Jesus. The Spartans at Thermopylae had “balls.” The Apollo astronauts had balls. Whiny little bitches who get picked on by old women then snap when pushed too damn far!?! Christ.
    Find a truly masculine role model, dude. You’re not understanding some of the basics.

    1. Spartans would not tolerate grandma- diva either.
      Him telling his grandmother to fuck off doesn’t mean he can’t go kill people in Afghanistan or anywhere else. There are more than thirty seconds in a day.
      I try not to compare myself to the ancient Spartans too much. This society generally frowns on murdering other people as a coming of age ritual, infanticide, slavery, etc. You can pursue the homosexual pastimes of the Spartans though.

      1. The point, sunshine, is that men with balls don’t get needled by grandmothers and girl cousins in the first place. The author of this self-congratulatory whine-fest article does not reveal the thousand little micro-cues, body language, physical size and tone of voice that he telegraphs every second of every day. He fails to realize that he invites the nitpicking and insults. That is Granny’s way of reminding the author that he’s an omega pussy in general.
        The author handled this not by becoming a powerful man that no one would fuck with, but by becoming sullen and bitter — by taking her crap for years. On this day, he took it for hours. Then after he’d stewed in his resentment for a while, he drank his liquid courage and snapped at Grandma like he’s a 14 year old girl. Then he stormed off so as to get the last word and avoid the awkwardness he’d caused. That strikes you as manly dominance?

        1. The fact that he didn’t back down is proof he’s headed I. The right direction.
          My own admittedly subjective view of what a ” real man” is is one who doesn’t put up with hos and biotches. The first step to alpha is shedding female manipulation and guilt trips.
          This whole labeling guys “omega” and “beta” arbitrarily right and left is counterproductive. This young man is 22 and already breaking free out if a negative family dynamic. That’s admiral. I may be wrong, but it seems like you’re angry at him for not already being the next Charles Bronson, which is unrealistic. It is not his fault his relatives are bitches. Furthermore he’s taking steps to correct their behavior by standing up for himself. I’m getting the impression that you’re hating on him for taking that step?

        2. I’m not angry about anything. I’m rejecting the claim that the way he acted represents having “balls.” What about the 60 minutes of behavior prior to his outburst? Why did he eat shit all day, then stew about it. A real man would have reacted without passivity at the FIRST insult, not waited an hour while he worked himself into a snit. He’d have said so in front of everyone and basked in the awkwardness, not drop a bomb and leave the room like a bratty girl. A man would have set the tone for the group from the get-go.
          This article is about a boy’s first, clumsy, petulant attempt at telling bitchy family members to cut the shit. He’s still a long way from being the man of the family.

        3. “This article is about a boy’s first, clumsy, petulant attempt at telling
          bitchy family members to cut the shit. He’s still a long way from being
          the man of the family.”
          Yeah, that’s called growing up. Why are you going out of your way to tear him down? Do your whiny pronouncements of his “omega[ness] aspiring to beta” make you feel like a big, strong man?

        4. I’m not trying to tear him down. I’m trying to call it what it is — an outburst, an over-compensation for years of annoyance and put-downs by women.
          It’s not an example of manliness to be held up for others, on a site dedicated to masculine ideals. It’s not a story (as it’s falsely titled) about how to best deal with a quintessential Ameriscrunt. In fact, the bitter vindictiveness aimed at the cousin and Grandma is a sign of his continuing weakness — he’s only announcing the emotional power these women obviously still hold over him.
          His bio states that he trains men to be more masculine. But everything in this article screams “immature boy with deep-seated resentments who hasn’t learned how to assert himself calmly and powerfully.” It’s like a 110 pound teenager who thinks he’s ready for bodybuilding competitions.
          Ok, so he’s decided he doesn’t want to take it anymore. Great. But don’t hold this author’s behavior and attitudes out as some kind of ideal for men. On the Masculine Scale, he’s barely tipping a 2.

        5. So he’s supposed to be Chun Yun fat right out of the gate? At 22? He needs to feel guilty for all those years he let his grandmother manipulate him, you know, when he was 15-16.
          Your idea that alphas don’t get fucked with will be corrected by your own experience. The tallest tree is where the axe strikes first. This young man took the first step towards breaking out of an abusive dynamic and you’re condemning him for not being Chuck Norris.
          If he is some kind of “Omega” for telling his drunken granny to shove it then what does that make you?
          He’s heading in the right direction. Especially given the example set by his father ( the true beta in this situation). I don’t know what I’d do if I had the kind of mother who condemned my sons.

        6. Then title of the article should have been: “The Day I Decided to Stop Acting Like a Complete Bitch around my Female Family Members (and Very Nearly Succeeded)”

      1. No, it’s about the author — the MAN in the story. His behavior. His choices. The way he carries himself. The cousin felt like she could screech at him, not because he was so alpha when he told off his grandma, but because of his pussy omega way of behaving in the 22 years leading up to that moment.
        I don’t care how women act. They’re not going to change. I care how men act, because only men can really change. As Marcus Aurelius said, the answer to EVERY question and challenge and problem is: It’s up to you.

        1. I don’t disagree with idea that the proverbial buck stops with men. And of course his 22 years of beta brought this on. I don’t think anyone denies that. He was raised beta by a beta. This is an article about him stepping forward on the road to alpha. I’m exited to read more by him. After all, there’s so much potential in these young alphas.
          I agree with you that we can’t control women. However we can’t expect every young man to be a ripped, alpha who has read Meditations. 90 percent of men go their whole lives without overthrowing womens’ rule. I wish I had this writer’s intelligence at 22- my twenties would have been much different.
          You shouldn’t let have to be a perfect alpha to have something to say. I know Roosh views this site as his “giving back” to society. I agree with that in that this site and many others helped me immeasurably. A lot of men need help and support. This site is just as much for the aspiring alpha as the hardened player. Or at least that’s my perspective.
          I’ve enjoyed reading your comments.

  30. The only way to counter granma is to bring your own grandma with you… me and my granma both had awesome time trolling others in family… I’d provide all the ammo and my gran would fire away, all weapons hot…
    any other way, you’d look more like a tool…

  31. You guys trying to shame this man for standing up to his relatives are not taking into consideration the fact that these exact types of manipulative women are running lives.
    The real beta/ omega (these terms are used so much they are becoming meaningless, much like “fascist”) is to tolerate shit you can’t stand.

  32. The perfect gift this season for the Americunt….
    A pair of breeding kittens – one male, one female.
    Forget the Chia pet. With this pair of pets she can then have and endless supply of crazy cats to worship her crazy ass the rest of her crazy life.
    No batteries required!
    Add in a vibrator and she’s set for life.
    No MEN required!

  33. “Slowly rising from my shooting position, I look her in the eye, smirk, and pause for a long three seconds before saying, “Really, Jayne?” The smirk sets her off into another rant of incoherent womanese between the tears streaming down her face. I look at her again, scoff, and turn back to the pool table. I have nothing more to say to someone who is going to act like a child.”
    This was amazing. Wish I could do that.

    1. College-level coursework undertaken at the high school level, usually in the form of “Advanced Placement” program (AP) classes, is factored in to the student’s GPA on a 5.0 scale. Hence, the 4.2. Of course, don’t let the “college level” part fool you. The usual American college curriculum is laughably bad. Even the first year of STEM majors is essentially remedial, intended to shore up the gaps left by incompetent high school math and science instruction. No depth or rigor to speak of, lots and lots and lots of busy work and paper shuffling. It’s optimized for producing future two-bit, quarter-ton perimenopausal middle managers… with attitude.

  34. Good fucking article, man. In the end, these spoiled little bitches are going to hit the wall at age 30, and the alpha men will no longer give her any attention and she will become an even more extreme spoiled little child “WAAAHHH WHY AREN’T MEN SHOWING ANY INTEREST IN ME ANYMORE???”
    Time is the great equalizer. These spoiled little brat bitches are all going to end up growing old alone with their 10 cats.

  35. Wait what? Are we your fucking therapists? Booooorrrrriiiiiinnnnng.
    Your cousin and grandwahwah are dumb cunts. Feel better now?

  36. Snapping at your nan is not cool. You just say “Oh that’s nice” and ask for some good food.
    It’s not rocket surgery.

  37. Proper game will work just as well on your family as it would on a stranger in a street.
    That said, I’m not sure this article is an example of game. The author clearly stood up to a family member he thought was doing wrong, then gave space for cooling off. If he is to be faulted, it should be for not verbally explaining all the things she did to upset him right then.
    As the aftermath indicated, said elderly family member clearly thought it was acceptable for her to constantly berate family, comparing them to one another. The idea that someone may consider her conduct inappropriate was a shock. This is consistent with my experience with women.
    Lastly, everyone has their emotional limits. You can’t just say “put your big boy panties on…” and pretend everything is okay forever. Emotional issues need to be resolved rationally, rather than letting them fester. Said grandma, as the elder family member should have been the more mature person here.

  38. Other than some comments relating to the fact that you aren’t obligated to be around toxic people, this article is garage. I’ve noticed something in common with a lot of poor article contributions to ROK. The writers all sound like they are trying too hard to overcompensate and show how “not beta” they are. If you truly understand then there is no need to anything other than humble and share something helpful and profound…this was neither. It wasn’t even a coherent rant.

  39. Oh look at me I’m such a badass, I stood up against my old grandma because she “disrespected” me and then I made my cousin cry..
    You’re an idiot.

    1. Loos like Sam is short for Samantha.
      For the author: I enjoyed your article. Makes me very thankful for my family.

  40. Economics is a pretty good degree. Very good degree for finishing early (Good luck doing that in Mechanical Engineering). If … BIG IF … it involved plenty of calculus, statistics, and computer programming. Some accounting and finance would be good too.
    If you don’t have this, I would highly recommend that you take some online courses in programming ASAP. There are also math, stats, accounting, and finance course, but those are harder to find.

    1. Econ mixed with computer programming and heavy statistics emphasis, Econometrics is a really good investment to make. At least, according to Captain Capitalism.

  41. I swear the quality on this site is getting worse and worse and articles like these annoy me. I cannot imagine how you can re-read this garbage and not feel ashamed at how much of a bitch you seem. Grow the fuck up and no one cares about your family problems yah fucking cock munching beta fag.

  42. Some of these comments just illustrate that you people didn’t bother to read the article, at all.
    One, she’s not my blood grandmother. That should be taken into account when analyzing the story. Would you take shit from someone who is not your own blood? In no way though is this an “alpha e-brag” story, it’s purpose was to simply illustrate how American girls are coddled, and how it results in their own craziness…you know, hence the title “Americunt”, not, “I’m Such An Alpha.”
    Secondly, I have an Econ degree and I had the right connections to get in the field of a rather specialized type of CS/CE. That has nothing to do with the article, though.
    Hope that clears it up.

    1. This was a terrible story at illustrating that and I’m sure we’ve all bumped into women a lot worse than this. Who cares about your cousin and her grand mother? Frankly I don’t. How about illustrating a story about the real Americunt’s that are in every Starbucks in the city with their fucking boots and tights and iCunts in hand.

  43. My grandmother on my Dad’s side was a raging cunt. I only regret that she died before I was old enough to call her that to her cunty little face.
    Her funeral was a day of blessed relief to many in my family.

  44. My aunts uncles grandparents and cousins laughed at me because i am single (was for 3 years and still going. No luck with women but had 2 previous relationships). I disowned all of them.

  45. How did you study Economics and then become an Engineer? I’m curious because I’m studying economics too and would love to know more about this career path?

  46. no crazy cunt grandma or cousins (at least that I have to see at the holidays) but I do have an insane sister… and another one that becomes completely irrational when she drinks… and a brother that’s insane… FML

  47. I don’t understand how she is the spoiled one when you’re the one who refuses to help with chores?

  48. “My little sister had been belittled as well.”
    Considering how 90% of the “articles” on this site do nothing but belittle women, I don’t feel sorry for you or your dear little sister in the slightest.

  49. Perhaps you should have had the maturity to realise that drunken Christmas grandmas are generally a nightmare, and that everyone has to put up with some form of bullshit. I get asked at every family get-together if I’m still with ‘that dirty Jewboy’, and many other insults, so I just spend the time smiling at her while wondering if there is any such thing as sarcastic funeral-flower arrangements. Also, do the washing up and you’ll be golden for the whole year.

    1. Perhaps you should have the maturity and sufficient courage not to deal with family disagreements with passive-aggression. I don’t see that your attitude is any better than his; if anything it’s worse since you’re actually wishing a relative dead rather than getting that pent-up aggression off your chest, as he certainly did, and telling someone their bullshit will not be taken. Or are you the kind who keeps aggression by family members against fellow family members quiet?.

      1. Why are you following me round Disqus, making me defend comments that I made two years ago? You have a picture of me in your head that puzzles me, as some mega-feminist man hater and I’m not quite sure where it comes from. Concentrate on the real world in the here and now.

      2. What’s the point in fucking up the one occasion in the year that we all meet? I can tackle my grandma for her racist bullshit another time, but I make no apology for keeping my powder dry over Christmas.
        Haven’t you ever coped with a person you don’t like by fantasising about a time when you don’t ever have to see them again?

        1. Nope. That sounds like the sort of resentment serial killers harness before buying guns and shooting up a campus. By your own posting, you don’t engage in passive-aggressiveness against your relatives on one occasion, you do it constantly. It’s not healthy, dear, and you need to abandon it before it turns you into a sad, old woman trolling on the Internet … oh.

        2. So you’d rather tackle your grandma and her racist tendancies at Christmas lunch and ruin everyone’s day? That sounds very selfish. I don’t understand why you think I’m passive aggressive, can you please give me an example?

        3. So what’s the alternative? If a relative makes a remark you find objectionable, do you fly at them across the table? Everyone deals with big family gatherings differently, and I choose to keep the peace.
          I’m not sad, or old, and someone who disagrees with you is not automatically a troll.

        4. I love how you are so afraid of confrontation or assertiveness that you class anything other than privately envisioning death for another person as “flying at them across the table.” It remains the point: passive-aggressiveness is not healthy, and it shows in your posting.

        5. I really don’t understand what you’re arguing for here. I can’t see what would be gained by being drawn into a disagreement at a big family do because a) no one wants to ruin the occasion and b) that’s probably exactly what the person wanted in the first place.
          I’ve looked at the definition of passive-aggression and I’m still not seeing it. Just because I choose at certain times to draw my horns doesn’t mean I am incapable of action when necessary.

  50. A Perfect Example Of The Americunt? Is that they study Islam from propaganda that is the mainstream media and then say Islam is a cult of death. Pathetic AmeriCUNTS.

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