Kathleen Wyatt may soon receive a lottery win. Eking out an existence through menial jobs and welfare for decades, she now has a potential ticket out: her ex-husband. They were approaching destitution when they were married, but following the divorce her ex-husband Dale Vince has become a renewable energy multimillionaire. Britain’s Supreme Court has now reversed a Court of Appeal decision and allowed Wyatt to make a claim for a slice of Vince’s fortune. She wants a staggering £1.9 million.
The history behind this case, when you compare it to Wyatt’s current lust for Vince’s money, is nothing short of astounding. Two decades ago, when the marriage had already crumbled, it was established that Vince lacked any financial means for alimony or a settlement.
The couple had actually ceased co-habiting and separated years before the divorce. After leaving her, Vince travelled incessantly in a refitted ambulance and fire engine for close to a decade, literally living the existence of a hippie.
Vince created his now £57 million wind energy company in 1996, four years after the 1992 divorce and a decade after the separation. It then took some twenty years for the firm to reach its present prosperity, which makes it thirty years since the original parting.
Pure madness
Many legal analysts are playing down the impact of the Kathleen Wyatt decision. But the implications are clear: the law gives legitimacy to claims that women require financial rescuing years after separation and regardless of whether the man had assets during the marriage.
Imagine a couple, aged in their early thirties, who decide to divorce. The man is a recently graduated physician, working in a major hospital as a junior registrar. The wife earns less, as a paralegal, teacher, nurse, interior designer or minor administration official or clerk.
At the time of the divorce, no formal division of assets occurs. The couple may just be overjoyed to see the back of each other, or both feel there are no substantial joint assets to partition. On the happier and more reasonable side, the woman may concur that the man, as a result of his career choices relative to hers, deserves to keep the bulk of the marital treasure trove he earned.
This new development in the UK demonstrates, however, that a woman is either free to change her mind or can sit on her hands for decades. She may even strategically avoid making a claim in her youth or early middle-age to maximize a subsequent payout.
But it gets worse…
The ex-husband’s earning capacity, while well above average now, will only increase over time. After sufficient years honing his practical, as opposed to university, credentials, he may branch out into specialist medicine or join a surgery as an owner-partner.
Our hypothetical man could be 53, married to his second wife and have four children (some going through college), and along comes the first wife wanting a free ride. The successful doctor has a thriving practice, $1.5 million in the bank and other high liquidity assets, and another $4 million in property and other assets. He then loses what it takes the first wife to earn in fifteen years, plus lawyering costs.
Inasmuch as I sympathize with Mr. Vince’s predicament, clearly he will not be (financially) devastated by even a £1.9 million payout. Thankfully but not completely reassuringly, one of the Supreme Court judges described that sum as a ludicrous amount. The real risk is for those in the middle and upper-middle classes, for whom a mere $100,000 payout would represent a proportionally calamitous outcome. The legal fight to ward off such a payout might double the total financial losses of an historical ex-husband.
What if Dale Vince had gone bankrupt?
Dale Vince could have founded his company, built it up to £100 million in two years and then saw his dreams go bust before his very eyes. He might have ended up £15 million in debt. Could Vince have claimed financial support from his ex-wife at that point, let alone two decades later? Of course not.
It would have been a similar story for billionaire Donald Trump. His first wife Ivana took him to the cleaners in the early 1990s but could Donald have claimed from her when he was in business bankruptcy and close to personal bankruptcy around the same time? Nope, nada, not in a billion years.
The asymmetry of court systems, both in their basic discrimination against men and the selectivity with which they develop legal doctrine (interpretation does change law, especially in the Commonwealth nations), would never allow such a pro-male scenario to take place.
Women still insist on a free feminist lunch
The modern court system is replete with morally frivolous claims by underachieving ex-wives wanting an “income.” It is bad enough that socialite or simply less hardworking women immediately put their foot on a chunk or the majority of a man’s wealth at the time of a divorce. The supreme indulgence (pun intended) bestowed on Kathleen Wyatt this week only shifts the divorce court parameters from delusional to intensely hallucinogenic.
Men have been third-rate inhabitants of family courtrooms for more than an era. “Fathers” such as Carnell Alexander, whom I discussed late last month, are penalized for not meeting legal deadlines and forced to pay for another man’s baby after the mother and court official have blatantly lied or essentially disappeared. But deadbeat ex-wives are now being given the opportunity to legally scam an ex-partner out of newly acquired riches years after the couple parted ways.
We’ll know from online British newspapers if Kathleen Wyatt is ultimately successful in both her £1.9 million bid or in getting any money at all. Whatever the case, she deserves nothing but our collective contempt.
Read More: Man Must Pay $30,000 Child Support For Someone Else’s Kid
I keep hearing that when Dale Vince and his new wife had a kid, Wyatt took care of that kid. Sounds like Vince made a blue pill hippie bullshit fuckup saying, “Oh, ex-wife, we’re totally still cool with each other because that’s the modern grown-up way of doing things. Watch my kid who isn’t related to you while I keep up my hippie act?”
And of course she did, because then it seems like she’s still “family” and here she is getting the dough she wanted.
Fucking hell, he dodged a bullet there. She looks old enough to be his mother. Women really do age like milk.
Kathleen Wyatt in 2003:
Her in 2015:
Aging like milk is an understatement.
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2865950/Wind-farm-boss-abusive-ex-wife-asked-maintenance.html
I’m definitely saving those images, and putting them on my smart phone… to look at in case of visible tent emergency.
Very old nuns works for me
Jesus. Well, they were hippies.
I for one, am looking forward to the development of genetically engineered Replicants.
Ever see the movie “Cherry 2000” ?
A movie ahead of its time, to be certain. It’s actually not awful to boot.
Be yourself
Oh yeah, man- that and Blade Runner. I’m mid forties, I grew up expecting to be off-planet, never mind having flying cars, etc.
What a fuckin’ drag it is living in the post-modern age. Sincere sympathies to the younger men out there dealing with this shit every day…
It is kinda cool being an old guy tho, at least for the career I have. I’ve travelled the world and the States; end up being a mentor to a lot of younger brothers, and still get my pick of the litter from all the little honeys I work with…
I sweat to God Joe and I are not the same person with two different accounts! Heh.
You don’t happen to be involved in something called “Cultural Resource Management” do you, man?
No, lol! With an intense interest in Germanic and Celtic cultures and languages and civilizations that sounds like the ideal profession, but I suspect it is likely something different than what it sounds like. Why do you ask?
It’s just a fancy way of saying “contract archaeology” is all. You do sound a lot like an old pal of mine from the job years ago…
My line of work is notoriously Blue Pill; for me, it’s truly like being a shark swimming thru a school of fish. I’ve definitely taken advantage of things I’ve read by others here, tho I was always sort of a clueless alpha cat growing up- it was just a young Joe acting like Han Solo that got me in good with the ladies, as well as allowed me to coast thru life on my own terms as much as possible…
I’ve honestly tried preaching the Red Pill Gospel to younger men I’ve worked with, but it ain’t easy; some of these youngsters are really fuckin’ conditioned to the bullshit they’re surrounded by all their lives’. Still, it’s a damn good feeling to see their eyes open up to the possibilities the Red Pill offers.
It gives me hope…
Yeah, I’ll be grabbing me a Priss model. Assuming it comes with longer, less frightening hair.
Keeping the black eye bar make up though?
Depends. Could be sexy in a certain lighting. Assuming Vangelis music was playing softly in the background.
Freaky great movie. Roy Baddie (Battie? Batty?) is a mothefuckin’ superhero.
If this happened to me, and I had the resources this guy has, I’d just do society a favor and find a way to make this parasite disappear. She wouldn’t get a fucking dime of my money.
I’m vaguely familiar with Dale, we have a few mutual friends and he is a real Alpha with a remarkable charisma about him that few people have.
Unfortunately he is very principled and I suspect this is why he has opted to take the legal route. I suspect his ex-wife’s lawyers hoped he would settle out of court and he probably felt he had a better chance at fighting a fairly high profile legal battle. It is a decision I suspect he will regret taking.
This is indicative of not just the work ethic of some women but of British people in general. Mr. Vince made a business empire from scratch and someone from his past wants a slice of the cake for nothing. Disgusting.
Men, particularly business owners should start hiding their money from both the state and leeches.
This is the very basic rule that applies to ALL men who have something of value. I would say as long as you have $100 000 you should take steps to protect it.
You can be muli-millionaire and not own a dim, 100% legal, you know.
My stocks are all in someone else’s name, for tax purposes. My cash is all in cash apart from a few grand in the bank. All of my assets are in someone else’s name, even my car isn’t mine on paper.
How does one go about accomplishing this?
Trusts and a good estate planning attorney.
Good question.
My stocks are all in trust, my late grandfather who made his money on the stock market established this for me so I’m not 100% on how it works but I have a financial adviser who sorts out buying, selling, etc. for a small fee. My brother legally bought my car, I gave him the cash. I’m insured on the car but legally it isn’t mine.
When it comes to cash find an income stream where you don’t get paid via bank. Take cash in hand where at all possible. I know several people who have established companies and the company gets paid and they take a salary from company earnings, which is minimal. Again, I’m not 100% on how this works. When you get cash, find somewhere where you can be 99% sure the money isn’t going to get stolen or destroyed and keep it there.
Good reason to own gold bullion. Portable and easy to hide.
Indeed. What is not in the system cannot be touched by the system. All men should be keeping significant wealth outside of it.
The reason why owning more than a few hundred $ in gold will end up being illegal for all but banks
Aw man, what a shame, all mine got stolen a while ago. No, I didn’t report it, the last time I reported something stolen the cops didn’t care.
And they’ll know how precisely? I have a boat load of silver bullion and cannot find a single one of the units that can call the Feds and report me.
Good thinkin’
I’m thinking about just buying £1000 worth of gold or silver, simply because its something I’ve never really done before and it may be good to have it in a bug out bag stashed somewhere in case SHTF.
Buy gold bullion coins- Britannias. Tax free. And tell no one you have them.
This wasn’t even the biggest news story that affects men this week. Just the other day the law commission which is a government advisory board recommended confiscating the passports, driving licenses of men and electronically tagging them whilst under a daily 12 hour curfew if they don’t or can’t pay their ex wives.
This idea has been around for years.
The Family Court is open tyranny
Wow. What country?
Fucking hell
Once women obtain powe, they use the government to rule over men. MGTOW is my solution.
How will that help?
That girl you know from the office? Yeah, she went ahead and got knocked up at the club last week and in 9 months is going to list you as the father because she forgot that guy’s name who she banged in the men’s room and you were so nice the other day when you said “hi”. Ten years from now you get a notice for failure to support “your” child.
This is the world we live in. There are no longer any simple solutions, outside of just fleeing the shores, or violent insurrection or a blessed natural disaster that does the job for us.
My plan is to get the hell out before that happens.
It is becoming incredibly difficult to escape these despicable anti-male philosophies. Where will you run? Unless you are ready to forgo life with electricity, options are extremely sparse.
Here’s some good news though
Bless this Judge –
Of course, nobody says anything about the fact that despite being unemployed and with no marketable skills, the mother still has the daughter…
A woman would have to be a serial killer not to get custody.
And even then it would be 50/50
can’t find the article but there was a case here in NYC where a woman was mentally unstable and killed her kids. She had been institutionalized before and the father had tried to get custody. But sadly you know family court.
There’s numerous similar cases
If that judge made that ruling, wouldn’t the other judge say a similar thing to that Wyatt woman? UK law is precedented law
The vet guy was contesting paying alimony of 75k a year for the rest of her life.
The judgment was welcome, but the original circumstances were fucking outrageous
Simply astounding! When I first heard of the case, I thought that it was a ridiculous mockery of the idea of the law itself and was, if anything, a clear demonstration how far anti-male UK has gone that the case was even heard in Court of Appeal instead of dismissed in the First Instances . But now that cunt has actually WON?! If the sexes were reversed the man would not have received a penny and would be publicly shamed and mocked. It’s official: UK is a society where men are simply walking ATMs and nothing more. Could have anyone 40, 30 or hell even 10 years ago imagine that such decision would be made? I think that the whole Manosphere must try to unite against this. Our inner competitiveness should not blind us that there is officially a war on man waging with full force. Everyone: MGTOW, MRA, PUAs should realize that NOBODY, I mean, NOBODY is protected from the deranged narcissistic entitled Western female, be it from false rape or domestic violence accusations or “legal” robberies such as this. I want any feminist who whines about the “evil oppressive patriarchy” be slapped in the face with the copy of this decision. Clearly, it is patriarchy which allowed this ugly cunt to collect her paycheck from a man who made his money with honest effort, while she was slutting it up in pubs and moaning about how hard it is to be a woman. AGAIN: boycotting marriage is not enough, passive strike against society is not enough, we must actively try to show the world that without man to build and maintain this world, the whole “girl power” feminist fantasy will collapse in an afternoon. There is no other way left anymore.
I hope to God that the male judges, lawyers, politicians, and whomever supporting this gets financially raped by their ex wives, lovers, or ONS as well. They are the gatekeepers of this nonsense. This is a real disservice to society.
Politicians are indeed the most prolific whores in existence; the most parasitical “profession” in history.
They will.
Yes an Atlas Shrugged type scenario. Go “galt” on those bitches. Hey ladies you fight the wars, you build the bridges and dig the ditches. Atlas, who carries the world on his back is by no coincidence a MAN.
They don’t fucking care. Women will never appreciate what men do/sacrifice for them. They have an entitlement mentality.
They only hurt their daughters and granddaughters. Is sad in a way.
This is not about justice. Or what is right or wrong.
It is all about goverment. And goverment is all about money.
Goverment knows they have to pay for women. As long as there is a man who can get the bill, goverment will be happy to let him pay. Better he than us, right?
Conclusion: If you get married, you WILL lose part/most of your money, one way or another; the only question is when: at the time of the divorce or 10/20/40 years later?
This is another story which highlights the corruption of the family courts. Children growing up (but in particular, boys) see this happening all the time and it has helped to ingrain the message that marriage is a disaster. Even though you as a man, have worked hard your entire life, the courts will attempt to suck your money out of you by any means necessary.
From the ridiculous and unfair settlements to ailmony and child support, people are starting to realise that men are getting financially raped up the ass. The absurd decision making skills of the corrupt and bias judges, along with the other slime and scumbags involved in the family courts, have made it clear that marriage needs to be avoided at all costs. Do not engage and interact with any women who is pressuring you into getting married. If this happens, you need to leave her and cut of all ties with her. I promise you, you would be doing yourself a great favour. Women have their own intents and men really need to wake up to this fact.
Feminism has destroyed the nuclear family, the workplace, the media, the government, and the family courts. It is an evil radical liberal movement that will stop at nothing, in the pursuit of (cough, cough) “equality.” Which is why there is now a rise in the number of men boycotting marriage and choosing to go their own way. The decline in marriage for men between the ages of 20-34 has risen by 70%. And it will continue to do so. This is the result of what these evil feminazis have done to our society.
When men have been deprived the right to work and jobs, being turned into trophy husbands and henpecked simps, being pushed around by bossy and agressive masculine women who are calling all the shots in a relationship, being told by government and media that men are evil and the dumb ones in society- then all of this combined will lead to a man snapping and waking up to his senses.
The manosphere, MGTOW and all these other online movements are the results of decades of destruction and a hostile enviroment being created by today’s women and the evil forces in society. Which is why men need to continue to protect themselves. Never get married, do not have children you cannot afford, save your money and understand that that the system has been designed to trap and destroy you.
My pal was telling me last week, a workmate of his was getting absolutely fucked for child support and alimony by his ex.
He had a good job, but because of living expenses, at the end of the month he was down to pennies.
After 2 years he went over to his ex’s house and said “listen, call off the Child Support Agency (the body in the UK that prosecutes for payments), and we’ll come to a fair settlement, or I fuck off to China/India/Peru/Wherever and you’ll never see me again, and never get another penny”
She realised his seriousness and the fact that she and the government had drove him to desperation, and finally relented.
I think more and more men will start doing this.
A good reason to learn a second language.
D’accord. C’est vrai, mais je suis tres bête. Quelle dommage.
Com certeza meu amigo. Aprenda Espanhol, Francês e Mandarim, e você conseguirá se comunicar com mais da metade do mundo.
Portuguese, che? 🙂
Interesting because I actually understood everything you wrote and I don’t speak Portuguese.
“Certainly my friend. I understand Spanish, French and Mandarin (Chinese), and (thus) can speak and communicate with most of (the rest?) of the world.”
Im working on Russian….it’s fuckin hard.
I also want to get around to Portuguese one of these days, I think its similarity to Spanish makes it more confusing.
whatever, every man needs to find his own niche with foreign women, anything is better than Americunts
Do you speak Spanish already? I ask because reading the Portuguese below I understood much of it.
Yea I can read some of it, but actually hearing brazillians speak its hard
Close. I said “Certainly my friend.Learn Spanish, French and Mandarin
(Chinese), and then you can communicate with more than 50% of the world.”
If you learn Portuguese, you can understand at least 80% of any dialogue in Spanish. But, FYI, Brazilian Portuguese is waaay diferent from European Portuguese. We have plenty of indian, african and regional expressions that no Lusitan ever used.
Try an online language exchange. This will give you the opportunity to practice via video conference with people in Brazil.
The best way to combat the rise in malicious and evil women is to simply boycott marriage altogether and to get a vasectomy.
This is simply a response to the hostile environment which has been created by the feminist movement.
The problem I have with that is it plays into feminists’ hands.
They want the destruction of the family, which is the bedrock of western civilisation
The bedrock of humanity. They have families in other civilizations too. 😉
Yeah you’re right.
Don’t worry. The Russians will save civilization. I’m serious. Look at the games they are NOT playing. They will save civilization from being forgotten and they will also save Caucasians from extinction.The rest of western civilization deserves its doom and extinction.
You also can’t live with women because some states have “palimony” laws. Look it up.
“The best way to combat the rise in malicious and evil women is to simply boycott marriage altogether ”
Then they will simply resort to paternity fraud. And I’m talking where some cunt pulls a name of a guy she has never met before out of a hat, tells the court he’s the father of her womb turd, and the courts will go along with this, and disallow a paternity test, and start extorting money from the guy.
And it is already happening.
Western civ is going down anyway at this point. The question is — should men be paying the tab? I say no.
VR and robotics.
In France
Then instead of hoping for a collapse, we’ll have to cause one.
Time for Project Mayhem
Team Obama is already on the job. Witness ratcheting up Ferguson immediately after the winter broke so that the thugs could come out and set things on fire in comfort. Coincidence? Yeah, sure.
Which is one of the major reasons that the AngloZionist Western Empire hates Russia with a passion, even threatening WWIII to break up that country or wipe it off the map. I sincerely hope that the exact opposite happens – after I emigrate to some Polynesian island of course.
City people vote in this anglozion government. Cities get nuked. Self-solving problem.
yeah hypersonic pistol rounds from 100+ yards out but with accuracy. Did they release the caliber used or did they forget to throw down some .223 shells behind the black ops as they split the scene?
Heh, wouldn’t that be irony for the Leftists? They sneer at Russia and goad them enough, so Russia nukes Chicago, NYC, D.C., L.A., Miami and Hollywood?
Suddenly the clouds would part, the sun would shine and motherfuckin’ unicorns would leap over the rainbow of cotton candy goodness that would sprout out of the ground.
World’s already wrecked. Imagine rebuilding it without them.
Agree. If we all stop breeding we can starve the beast of the souls it feeds off of to survive. There will simply be no one for the parasitic Jew Zionist class to enslave.
Hint: What do all those cities have in common?
This is essentially retroactive law. In other words, a court can follow you for years after a judgement and if later it appears you could pay a larger fine than you originally paid, it can then make a new judgement to increase your fine from the original amount. Or it can make new laws that take effect 20 years in the past making previous legal behavior illegal and then lock you up today.
Retrospective criminal law has always been the ultimate taboo in Anglosphere legal systems.
However, government can easily get around it.
Apply a retroactive civil judgement, and then prosecute in a criminal court for non-compliance if they don’t pay up.
Remember to make sure you have your second passport in hand when you make this threat.
Most western countries put holds on your passport if you are behind in child support.
He wasn’t behind.
But I think he was at the point of swimming the English channel anyway.
Salary £2,500 a month. About £1400 on cocktail of alimony (spouse support as it’s called here) and child support. Plus he co-owned debts that she had racked up.
After rent on a flat, car, taking the kids out when he could, and living expenses, he was broke.
Jesus Christ. What the….I’m speechless.
Uh, yeah. That’s fucking impossible. And the more you make the more they take.
He lost his overtime allowance, so ended up with about £800 a month less pay.
But the system was painfully slow in adjusting what he owed in payments.
If you don’t mind me asking, in regards to living costs, what city did he reside in? Was it London?
My god. Is Manchester turning like London? From what I have heard, there are more people moving there than ever before in the UK.
Not as intensely expensive as London.
But the better neighbourhoods are still obscenely priced.
£400,000 for a house in Worsley.
£300,000 for a shoebox flat in the city
Half a million for a bigger one
I do hope your friend can pull this off should he need to. Just get that second passport!
what about cases like Dave Foley? His ex divorced him at the peak of his earning power on TalkRadio, court refuses to lower what he owes, is so far in arrears that he would be arrested if he set foot on canadian soil.
You get locked up for not paying what you don’t owe but can walk around free for not paying what you do owe (bankruptcy).
O Canada…
The True North strong and free my ass.
That is deeply troubling. I used to think marriage only exposed you to financial liability. Now I see there is also serious criminal liability involved as well.
What the fuck?!!
How is that possible?
theres a financial incentive for the courts in the US to dick over men, so I assume the same applies in Canada, UK, etc…
Ha. I was thinking about this. I watched this month ago and it’s mind boggling, isn’t it?
I know but…
it blow the mind bc it says to foley “fuck you! get another sitcom!” as if they grow on trees and hes slacking off…
More common than you think. That same family court, child welfare shit is happening here.
Whoa, this is required listening… Really, someone should do an article on this. A few key points:
(1) Ex wife had mental illness (“borderline” personality disorder). At least 1 in 4 women have mental illness. http://www.returnofkings.com/58160/5-reasons-why-girls-with-mental-disorders-should-be-shunned
(2) Ex wife calls friends and families and tells them that Foley is physically abusive. Nothing is too low once the divorce comes. Men never truly know their wives until the day of divorce.
(3) Together for 11 years, she made him “feel like the greatest guy on earth” at the beginning. No matter how good you feel, no matter how unique you think it is, things can and probably will go to shit.
(4) Successful, rich guy, funny, goes without sex for 11 years (once a year). Lack of sex is par for the course in marriage.
(5) “What do men friends always do? Never say anything, just sit there and quietly hate her” Start manning up and being honest with your friends about the dangerous woman in their life. Tell them, warn them.
(6) 11 years of twice a month suicide threats Mental illness and the man becomes acclimated to it over time.
(7) Foley must earn $40,000 a month to pay her the $17,000 a month she is “owed” for not fucking him for 11 years. How expensive is that pussy? After marriage he got access once a year and now he’s paying around half a million a year to pay for it. I could buy a lifetime supply of top shelf hookers for what he blows in a couple of months now. And this was all just child support–she didn’ t even ask for alimony.
(8) Men are saints (or perhaps stupid) for putting up with this type of assault on their well being without striking out. People like Foley’s ex-wife are way more a threat to well being than a wedding party in Iraq, but you never hear about drones taking out exes.
No, fu$king idiots!
BPD, oh no. The WORST. If you are trapped with someone like this, seek help. Honestly.
Should be a map, with points, corresponding to links on whats going down,updated with this. Someone should get onto it. ( I would but Im dealing with too much right now, to relearn an entire professional skill.)
As more men start to move to other countries, their own government will pass laws forbidding you to leave, or have other countries comply with extradition (ie. cut financial aid to that country) to enslave you.
Congratulations you feminist cunts. THIS is where all the good men went. The fuck away from you!
That is starting to happen yes.
I read about agreements throughout the English speaking world, plus France, Germany etc
Will? Check out the clamp down on expatriation by the U.S. government after 2001. They even claim that you owe taxes 10 years AFTER you are no longer a citizen.
Yup. Been researching with the intent to expat and in some cases the government is even *refusing* to accept applications to renounce citizenship, irrespective of whether or not you pay taxes. They can simply sit on your application indefinitely, without giving you any reason.
Shades of the former Soviet Union or the Eagle’s Hotel California.
Nazi Germany didn’t have this gall. The Soviet Union didn’t even have the temerity to do shit like this. The U.S.? You bet!
I suppose one of the cardinal points to take is “don’t ask them to expatriate” and simply go to some non-extraditing off shore island and hope for the best. Not that there are many of them remaining, the U.S. basically strong armed all of the tax havens after 2001 into being “friendly”. Or else.
“…As more men start to move to other countries, their own government will pass laws forbidding you to leave…”
They already do. Try getting/renewing a passport in the US if you owe over £2500 in child support…
We’ll just adapt while they rely on Big Daddy Government to enact & enforce whatever stray thought they feel is important. It’ll be a race to outrun our possible fate.
I’d like to think our side will prevail. Setting specific plans, risk identification & management, building empires & having a logical approach executed with discipline & dealing with uncertainty is not something natural to most modern females.
Isn’t the statute of limitations 7 years? Or did they change that in the name of national security?
True, the problem is that they have white knights helping them. They may be reprehensible, but they’re still men.
It’s not a matter of statue of limitations. You’re not doing anything illegal. They simply claim that you owe them taxes, period, or your host nation will receive, and comply with, extradition orders. It’s fucked up. We were looking at Costa Rica for a while. Not now. Wyoming it is.
Offshore AND off grid.
Of course, when a fellow does this, he needs to be single. He needs to be unlike all these guys I have met “going off grid” and there’s big fat wifey and all her “needs” (meds, doctor visits) in tow. So they off grid still needs a road and still needs to be close to a town because big fat wifey.
No more rule of law, just rule of law enforcement.
I always wondered how this played with people who hold passports in nations which do not extradite their citizens for tax issues.
A lot of countries won’t extradite their own citizens for any reason.
Not paying what you owe is not breaking the law. I never thought of it that way. Lying on your tax return under the penalty of perjury is illegal and that has a statue of limitations of 7 years.
Them bastards!
I suspect only the Irish and Israelis could give you a sound answer on that.
This is how more and more work becomes ‘black market’ work. Not just avoiding onerous taxation, but to avoid other oppressive laws and regulations.
Oh, I see what you mean. An expatriate might be a better resource than me on this then.
There are always ALWAYS ways to escape, you must be diligent in finding them.
Another reason to not get married in the West.
Your only hope today of having a good family looks something like this.
1.) Don’t get married in the West
2.) Find an online business/stream of passive income
3.) Move to NorthEast Vietnam.
4.) Find an 18 year old girl with 10 years of plow experience
5.) Keep her barefoot and pregnant
6.) Block all access to American television/movies
This is what it has come to.
Brazil has a strong fuk u America attitude, and has maintained nonextradition as long as I can remember. I think most people overestimate Uncle Sams ability to intelligently collect taxes, especially from overseas in third world countries(this would include Costa Rica). I should know I was receiving large 5 digit wired money from drug connected countries, while not paying taxes. IRS who? I think the mistake most people make is doing it half way..thats where you get screwed the most. When I was in Argentina..no one complied with the law, and everything is negotiable. I even met a woman who worked as a lawyer going after smugglers, and she wasn’t able to give me a concise explanation of what was illegal.
In one area of work I was in, I looked into the laws and realized it was better to do it illegally and get caught than it was to do it legally. Now there’s incentive!
I love the show Doomsday Preppers for its unintentional hilarity. Many preppers tend to be fat/obese and look like they require a whole lot of medication. If end times come, they are going to be fucked real quick when they can’t get insulin from the Costco pharmacy.
That whole segment of the Right is rather embarrassing. They are simply stockpiling so that people like me will have something to eat once the shooting starts. God knows I won’t be violent towards them, but others will, quickly, because they’re easy targets, their firearms notwithstanding. If you can’t sprint between fire positions in an extended firefight, you’re dead, period, full stop.
Later, I’ll stroll by and grab some of their beans.
I am a Canadian ex-pat living in China. This country has a lot of issues but in terms of women there is simply no comparison.
Right. As I mentioned, don’t even bother telling them you’re leaving. Fuck them. Going through permissions and paperwork to leave seems exactly opposite of a good thing to do.
Or take out the bandits who just took them out.
Dunno anything about the laws but I’ve heard that Ecuador is a hot spot now for foreign real estate.
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave…
Well said sir, I would add make sure she’s a virgin and not experienced sexually.
thats only SS, right?
That would have sounded insane a couple of years ago but I am considering something just like this, should I get the desire to marry / reproduce.
Went there and didn’t see much foreign activity but loved the place. Thought it would be sweltering hot on the equator but it was lovely. The women were thin, attractive, and eager. The big cities have some crime. Public transportation is a nightmare (but taxis dirt dirt cheap!) But it is beautiful, cheap, and great food. The chicken there tasted like a different species than the frankenmeat I must have been eating in the states. Plus their government has the balls to support Snowden and Julian Assange, who is currently protected in their embassy in UK.
Harry Browne had a good chapter in his great book How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World (reviewed by Roosh) on this. Basically he said look into what the penalty for noncompliance is, be aware of it, and then if you are ok with the risk, just do whatever you want and don’t worry about asking for permission. Often times noncompliance is not much more expensive even if you get caught.
If you told me this when I was 20, I would have laughed. Now, when a friend tells me he is getting married in the States, I laugh.
I’m not stockpiling shit. I’m taking theirs.
Rifle, pistol (nato rounds), Knives, 550 cord and a fire source. I recommend a Spetsnaz shovel too. An emtpy a can of trust. Won’t be needed. Only what I can carry. Airborne Infantry style.
You sir have a point. Wait. Let the bandits do the grunt work, suffer their loses and take their shit after you hit them.
Womens bitching about alcohol started prohibition. Best thing that ever happened for organized crime. Got them into a foothold for possibly killing a president or at least near it.
Thanks for the input.
Read in a local newspaper that you can score a seaside place in a white-community for around 20k. Got me thinking that when I’m ready to invest it will be something like that. The paper touted it as the next “Costa Rica.”
If you liked it so much maybe take a look at the real estate prices and activity… Sounds like retiring North Americans might be headed down there. If one could get settled there as a young pup I imagine the sky is the limit for partying, pussy, and love.
An immigrant I met at a bus-stop a few days ago told me that there are 3 Ws of happiness.. Work, Weather, and Women… Got me thinking…
Your mistake is thinking that “what you owe” is anything they say. I can say you owe me something – that doesn’t mean it’s immoral for you to say no. What they have is guns and the willingness to kill you but pretending that this makes your debt some sort of moral obligation is ludicrous. Logically you simply go somewhere their guns don’t reach which is what leaving means and good on those who make that choice. F**k the U.S., it deserves to die.
I agree, I believe the US is already moving in this direction by denying new passports to anyone who owes child support.
“If you owe $2,500 or more in child support, you are not eligible to receive a U.S. passport.”
“Under the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistant Act, failure to pay child support or alimony may be grounds for Passport Canada to refuse to issue a passport to you, or to suspend the current passport issued in your name.”
Canada, bear in mind Canadians have a constitutional RIGHT to travel in and out of canada.
This is why it is important to have a foreign nation passport.
Yup, it is looking highly attractive to me
Almost Walking Dead like though, isn’t it? How do we bridge that gap between zombified White Knight & enlightened man? Do we go for a quick mercy shot to the head (metaphorically speaking of course) & let the zombified just be or is there a batch of Red Pill antidote that can be conveniently disseminated somehow?
Partially rhetorical questions by the way..(heh, i had a good night sleep & that helps)
Weirdness ensues. I am actually moving in that direction. Ok, so she isn’t 18 but rather 26 – give me a break, I am 48. I have a royalty stream that will kick in later this year. I will keep my ESL job so that I can stay in China where income tax is less than 10% rather than returning to Canada where the CRA will rape me for a third or half of the income from my intellectual property.
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Funny. I was in Belize and looking at property (along with Costa Rica at one time).
This move has more to do with paying the government and less to do with owing “child support”.
They’ve got to keep the gravy train running along (now that the USA manufacturing has left and it’s no longer good at anything).
Its about keepng men with children trapped in to paying.
I think the feminaizs are going to do it for us. They are going to push men so far, that even the white knights can’t excuse their behavior. Sort of like a rubber band effect, they are going to “stretch” us so far. That we are going to “bounce” back with a vengeance. But it might not be until a generation or two.
I was there (both places) investigating senoritas with a junior officer in the Guatemalan Air Force.
It was about 1988. Does that count?
I wonder how many men have been pushed into under the table work, and tax evasion because of the laws largely put into place by women.
I assume you mean, Asian women are better. Can I ask what you do for a living over there? I’m considering expating to China, maybe Japan. But the pollution is kinda turning me off.
I teach English. I would prefer to teach economics or critical thinking, for which I am better qualified for. However, I have some IP that should start providing an income stream.
My recommendation is that you look at Xiamen. It is semi-tropical and clean as a whistle because there is no heavy industry there. It has at least two universities plus other private schools. It also has a large ex-pat community so if you are tired of noodles and rice you can go out for Mexican or hit an English pub.
You can get a TESL certificate in a matter of weeks. Here http://jobs.echinacities.com/ is the best place to find a job.
I make less than minimum wage but perks and the cost of living here mean that I live a lifestyle that would take about $50k.
Guys do not appreciate that various Asian cultures are different. Chinese girls rock, especially if you stay away from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
“In chess the pawns go first.”
You are blaming women, and that is like blaming a cat for eating your parakeet. It’s ridiculous,
What you need to do is start holding the men accountable for letting this faggotry continue.
I don’t get it, why are you advocating such an insanely lazy position? You are a man, you have a brain, you have discipline. Is it too much to expect you to have your shit sorted out?
You should have a years supply of food. And at least one week of water. Full stop. You should have a place to shelter if the big one gets dropped. You should have a location to bug out to, a bug out bag, and a rational plan to get to that location. You should have a generator with enough energy for about one month. And enough ammunition to make you an unpalatable target.
The rest of your neighbors are miserable fucking idiots. Why are you proud to be adopting the habits of miserable worthelss idiots?
Then you are a murderer and a thief. In a rational society you would be hunted down and killed.
Do what you’re implying is that women has no ability to reason and behave like an adult. She is then not responsible for her actions and behaviors? That there is what feminists and manginas want.
I at least give women the benefit of the doubt that they are logical and capable human beings and are able to accept responsibility.
Better hope THEY don’t also have guns. Odds are they will. So be prepared to DIE trying to steal their stuff. You probably WILL die, too. First, you don’t seem like a very good decision maker. (or you’d do a but of prepping yourself) Next, If you lack the motivation, dedication, & coordination to even plan for your own survival, I don’t hold much stock in your ability to mount a successful raid on groups of people who have been planing THEIR survival, for years. (do you really think they won’t be expecting lazy losers like you??)
“Law” is an illusion. POWER is the only reality. The “law” is whatever the government SAYS it is. It’s rule by decree. This is a reality because the government has, through force of arms, (police & military, corrupt courts, judges & politicians,etc) the “POWER” to force it’s will on the people, & basically do as it pleases. Justice is dead. Rule of law is dead. Guilt/innocence are irrelevant. If the government wants you in jail (or dead) bad enough, that’s exactly where (or how) you’ll end up.
Ecuador is the least corrupt nation in South America, & has the highest human development index. It has the most transparent government, freest press, easiest to to business, scores highest in human rights, etc. Also, something like 75% of the population are of European descent. If you HAD to pick a South American country to move to, you couldn’t do much worse than Ecuador.
You clearly can’t detect humor. I spent 12 years in the military, I’ve jumped in the dark, rappelled and shot shit you’ve dreamed about. I’m a combat veteran. I’ve land nav’d for days, Carried 80lb rucks 20+ still run a minimum of 25 miles a week. Been days without food. Sleep under the stars in a poncho and more than likely you’d die if you ran with me and I’m 51. I learned one thing: Motivation and tactics is the deciding factor in every situation. I’ve seen ripped men fold from becoming demotivated and mentally exhausted. When people psychologically break down under stress they loose their shit. Strength is short term, endurance is everything.
Have you been watching peppers? That show is about people who live to spend money on shit they’ll never use and put it where they’ll never be able to get to it in time. If you need a p-38 to open a can of beans and can’t trap an animal you’ve limited your options. Don’t lose the p-38, guard it with your life.
Think about this: Human history is a story of migration and survival with basic low tech skills, patience and endurance. People will become animals and you’ve need to be able to kill without thought or feeling unless it has some kind of short term tactical advantage. If they kill you you’ll never have to worry about you next move and they may have done you a favor. Trust will become useless even among people you know if they have any doubt and fear. They’ll be the first to kill you in your sleep. If you each have a common bond to survive and have measurable skills the team can use you have a chance. If you don’t they’ll find a reason to kill you like a woman deciding to leave you to “find herself.”
Yes I have in the course of being Airborne Infantry had the privilege of M.O.U.N.T training and tactics for years and live fire exercises. Yes, I have done house to house, in combat, in Urban areas.
Planning? You speak with the confidence of a man with little pratical skill.
The best laid plans can fall apart quicker than a house of cards in a wind storm. I refer you to Murphy’s Laws of Combat.
* No OPLAN ever survives initial contact.
* There is no such thing as a perfect plan.
Survival comes from a will to live not simply hording crap in one location that everybody wants. The bigger the target the more fire you draw. You have to know when to stick and when to move. You have to be disciplined. I’m not a super soldier, but I do have a real sense of situational awareness through years of training.
Great people get killed in the first contact. Many paratroopers died before they touched the ground. Many never got out of the door. You never really know. I’m not faulting you for having an opinion or not having the experiences I have had, but come on don’t be a fucking asshole and make assumptions about people you don’t know shit about from one fucking message. I’m a loser?Whatever. Your opinion has the market value of a bag of shit in Ft Knox.
Just read this comment because someone upvoted a comment of mine cursing you out for what you said. I am upvoting this comment because I see the truth of it. I cannot confirm the rest re: your training, but I have read extensively about survivors and know a large number of survivors of many situations and your statements about “big targets” and what it takes to survive are spot on from what I’ve read and heard
“Survival comes from a will to live not simply hording crap in one location that everybody wants.”
Amen to that. 1000x amen. I was just reading an account of a boy who went through the camps, the only reason he survived is because he and 9 other boys like him made a pact to live through it. That was it, that was all they had to work with and somehow they survived.
I apologize from calling you a thief and a murderer as I thought you were serious and I have a strong sense of justice and outrage against that kind of thing.
Apparently it’s real bad in Canda.
More and more men are simply not marrying.
Now that is an Alpha response to gov/feminazi screwing you over! Bonus points would have been given for successfully grabbing the kids and moving to another country.
I’ve heard it’s real bad in Canada. I recall a few years ago watching a documentary on this. A guy was living in like a 1995 Dodge Caravan because nearly all his paycheck was going to ex-wife in alimony. Of course he was also denied access to his kids.
I’m hearing more and more of this shit going down.
It’s fucking tyranny. Pure and simple
I’m surprised men haven’t been doing this to begin with. I always thought if I ever got into a situation where I was getting financially fucked I would just leave the country.
Absolutely. That’s always always always been a backup plan. Financially fucked? Declared bankruptcy? Divorced and just want to start *completely* over? Go somewhere warm and pleasant. But now I’m starting to think I just need to go there anywhere, without having a disaster. Isn’t feminism a good enough reason?
Which is exactly why in the US at least, they immediately cut off your passport. Can’t have the slave leaving the plantation without massa’s permission afterall
The thing to remember here is that a marriage contract is like a contract with the government. The government can change the terms whenever it likes, to suit its self. And you can never terminate this contract even after a divorce.
I could see things getting worse considering the amount of hysterical men haters in governments. And all this in the name of equality and “diversity”.
Now I ask, exactly what is a man to fear from a total collapse of civilization is this is how it treats him?
meh, disease, looting… basically, libertarian utopia is post-katrina New Orleans.
Or was that rhetorical?
Except for all the government money spent on resettlement and aid, all those out-of-state police officers barging into old ladies homes uninvited to take away their revolvers, and then remove them from their home, and tons of curfew orders… yeah… I guess you could say it was a libertarian utopia.
And as a single man you do not have to deal with that. You stay alert and know when to punch instead of being a mangina clinging to your urban apartment. GTFO and leave the women to the thing they created.
BTW, the thugs are gone in a week in an environment where you can shoot them dead. They run out.
Absolutely incorrect. As a libertarian I take umbrage at that. Libertarians are the original small government Constitutionalists. The hippie element that is both small and ALWAYS the focus of others is insignificant and irrelevant.
Was watching an old Bill Burr routine where he talked about women being assholes. The reason being because you cannot legally punch a woman. Shit yeah, he said, if I knew nobody could touch me no matter what I did I’d be an asshole too.
Which is true.
The thugs know that they are untouchable with Unky Obammy in the White House. Hence Ferguson.
There is an old saying in Puerto Rico that I always found interesting.
Accuerda puerca, le llege su noche buena (sp)
Sounds like where we are right now.
and billy b married a proud feminist.
I fear he’ll get cut in half.
He lost ALL credibility. His post marriage act went predictably awry. The feminist/women jokes disappeared and he started going slightly left of center politically. He may have been before, but he starts expressing it openly after marriage. He’s dead to me.
Though I’ll always appreciate his pre-marriage material, top quality stuff right there.
Libertarian is just a modern, hip word for anarchist.
I listen to his podcast from time to time. sometimes, his woman walks in, gets airtime. I have noticed, since they tied the knot, that her attitude has gotten much more condescending and malicious. Its like listening to their relationship slowly go to shit on a weekly basis.
So you prefer law and order over chaos and freedom?
Good. Serves him right.
I’m normally forgiving of an innocent, doey eyed young man who thinks he’s found his special snowflake. He’s deluded, but he doesn’t *know* he’s deluded.
Listening to even one pre-marriage act of Burr’s demonstrates that his eyes were not only open, but glued open with toothpicks and superglue. He has no excuse. He pussed out. Fuck him.
I’m not going to debate something that is not worthy of addressing. If that’s what you think it is, then it’s obvious you’re either willfully ignorant, or have a political axe to grind. What paleos and neoconservatives want to call it is not relevant to the actual reality.
whoa, I think youre being a bit harsh on the guy- fuck him? If youre a long time fan, you know he is a bit doomer-ish, so he knows which way the wind in blowing (see his bit about living in the SoCal desert, how growing his own zucchini wouldnt matter, as the biggest guy on the block would just steal them). I think he gave in bc it wont matter 10 yrs down the road- be happy now…
The reason you can not debate the issue is not because it is not worth addressing but because you want to believe what you want to believe. I am challenging your world-view, which is why I can understand your fear. You don’t want anyone calling into question your personal convictions lest they actually shake their foundations. You are quite comfortable in your rut and how dare anyone to cause you discomfort in your chosen and serene position. Take the violence out of the equation and there is essentially no difference. The term Libertarian was invented because the reality of anarchist violence makes one unpopular. Libertarian sounds like liberty. Oh, how American! How can someone argue against the most sacred of American tenets? The truth is you are an Anarcho-capitalist because you worship money and want to be left alone to pursue your personal wealth, which is much more important to you than anything else. To claim that libertarianism is not anarchy re-packaged is just semantics. I would have a lot more respect for your position were you just honest, with yourself. Trying to convince you of this would be about the same challenge as convincing a charismatic pentecostal that their dogma is heretical from any traditional definition of Christianity, or a modern conservative that America was not founded on the ideals and beliefs of capitalism. It is pointless.
No, the reason I’m not going to debate is because I’ve covered this ground so many times in my life that it gets tiresome. In the end you won’t change your position, I won’t change mine, and you’ll walk away smug and declare victory even if you got your arse handed to you. This is an old reel from an old film that I’m tired of watching.
So there you go.
Further, I’m not going to debate why I’m not going to debate.
If you have anything outside of this topic to contribute, feel free, but I’m not getting caught up in your need to sneer.
Like I said, if he didn’t know. But not only knew, he became a preacher for the cause. And then sold out. I despise that kind of selling out. And his excuse? “I didn’t know what to say at parties to married people”. As if following local politics is only possible with a wedding ring on.
And as you point out, his wife is starting to get snarky. Be happy now, indeed.
I have no desire to sneer but trying to debate with you is like playing chess with a monkey. You knock over all the pieces, shit on the board and say (I Won!). As I stated earlier, you are afraid of anyone tampering with your world-view, that is why you carry a gun while living in a relatively crime free zone. I mean, why carry out in the boonies!?! Not too many gang bangers in your neck of the woods.
Yes yes. There there.
Whatever guy. I didn’t even read after your first sentence. And now I won’t read anything on the rest of the thread by you since you need to continue being confrontational.
Bye guy.
Pretty much the same thing I have reached. These days I don’t explain why I have a gun, I just say “because I can”.
Real liberty has nothing to do with needing the right reason or permission or even acceptance from anybody else.
And I also find that people have degenerated to such extent that debate with them is impossible. The only thing I fear is that they can hide in a voting booth and extend their stupidity into laws enforced at gunpoint. It’s the worst kind of mob violence: by proxy and no personal consequences.
So I just move on. I don’t need to explain myself to anybody, and if someone thinks they are entitled to an explanation, then I might take time to amuse myself in the destruction of their little bubble.
I have had the pleasure of being attacked by women. But it was not just two hands on me, it was her hands, plus the hands of the cops she would call if I defended myself, the hands of the prosecutor filling out the papers to charge me, the hands of the jury with their thumbs up their butts to convict me, and on and on it goes.
When I see a woman today, I see an entire army behind her, ready to pounce on me. It’s so bad that I have even lost my sex drive.
When I first saw Burr I immediately showed all my friends. I found presenting his material as a clever way to spread red-pill material without becoming that “crazy guy.”
Put someone on stage telling funny non-PC jokes with a laughing audience laughing and people will start to agree. Make the exact same point of your own volition and you could lose your job.
I saw some of Burr’s material from the last couple years and I agree it has lost all its edge. You can tell he has to limit what he says. Haven’t paid attention to him for a while now.
That is exactly what I told the police officer when I was getting my finger prints taken for my carry permit, he asked why I ‘needed’ a gun. “Because I can have one” was the reply.
Why NOT carry out in the boonies?
Confrontational? You call that confrontational? Your father must be very proud of you, Miss. What a cowardly woman, just like the real Jefferson.
False Dichotomy. I prefer Order and Freedom over Chaos. Freedom is impossible under Chaos, because your life becomes immediately dictated by your needs… Survival in Chaos is not a Log Cabin in the Rockies, It is more akin to an armed Camp in a burnt-out hovel.
Uh huh. Except that Libertarians are firm believers in the nonviolence principle and ‘freedom of action’.
As a party, They support gay rights… rights which are forced on heterosexuals at gunpoint.
As a party, they support abortion. The murders of millions of innocents by decree.
As a party, they support unlimited Immigration.
As a party, they support uncontrolled industrialism and mercantilism, as well as multinational independence.
Those are just the four biggies. There’s a much longer list of things they ‘support’ which gives rise to nothing more than the destruction of this country.
Tell me again the difference between Libertarians and Liberals?
Do not get me wrong, I am totally in favor of ‘small government constitutionalists’. But the Libertarians are NOT that simple… their party united, originally, behind Ron Paul, and since has split off into the byways of compromise… they have simply become liberals that hate alphabet agencies.
Look Jeff, I respect the hell out of you, but I have seen your comments for years, and if you ever WERE a libertarian you have stood still while the libertarian ship sailed far, far left and left you behind.
That’s the problem with evil… it never runs out. I’d much prefer a well-run dictatorship.
I wouldn’t compare thugs to women though. Thugs kill other thugs quite regularly. Only the high profile cases have “opportunists” jumping in to grab attention. I wouldn’t want to walk a day in their shoes.
Women however, are protected on all fronts.
yes, except that those cops would be replaced by… I dunno… whatever warlord the cops didn’t have the power to stop.
I would like to agree with you but it seems to always be those Law and Order folks who keep putting me in the back of their squad cars. The Law and Order folks who keep taking my money at gunpoint. If I resist they turn to their orderly little world full of orderly little men with big guns to take from me by force, kill me in cold blood or haul me off to an extremely orderly building and lock me in a nice orderly room. Then they will very orderly take me to see some orderly judge who is probably much dumber than myself who will send me up the river, or sentence me to death which will be performed by a doctor to very orderly specifications. All so very orderly.
I guess the only safe thing to do is show material from dead comedians like Patrice O’Neal and George Carlin.
You can say more with freedom than you can in captivity.
Like I said, It’s not an either or proposition. everything in moderation, including law enforcement.
unmoderated food means you die of diabetes. No food means you starve to death.
The same goes with sex, the free market, even freedom. a little is good, too much or none at all is terrible.
I was just lamenting feminist’s destruction of language and how it fundamentally destroys individuals ability to simply communicate and have empathy for one another. One cannot understate the harm of feminism.
I have a natural alpha friend with a happy marriage, at least it seems to be, so while I agree with you in general, it is not all doom and gloom and there are happy stories. All through school he was banging 8s and 9s, and had this girl for years as a plate who was obsessed with him, only a 6 or around there but with a great rack and very feminine. The most feminine western white woman I have ever met. This man had girls chasing him his entire life, was popular and good at sports and what not. He shocked everyone and married the plate saying he wanted to have a house full of kids. So now she is always pregnant. He is always fucking other girls and she looks the other way. No friends or extended family. No cell phone. No internet. She is just at home every day taking care of his kids and cooking food for him. Whenever I go there she is smiling and happy, looks at him with love shining in her eyes in a way I’ve never seen a woman look at a man. Serving him and waiting on him like he is a king. And the man himself is mostly a fuckup, can’t keep a job, happens upon good jobs and money by chance and luck. He say the reason he got a woman to love him so much is because she doesn’t talk to any other women. Women poison each other and make each other discontent in their relationships. But other than when he is asked how he achieved such a marriage, he does not even know, and cannot explain why other than that.
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. So from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.
The problem is that, well, have you seen the fat landwhale uglies that some men have wifed up and how they treat their husbands in public? Underneath they’re all the same. If you’re gonna get rooked, get rooked with a hotty, at least you’ll get some non-viagara sex out of the ordeal (unlike with a fuggly).
I have. It is disturbing. Fatness aside, I don’t know why you ever stay in a relationship with somebody who doesn’t back you 100%. Not a yes-woman but somebody who shares your goals and work to further them. Then again, I run into few people in life who can do or take constructive criticism correctly.
Also, I think Jimmy Soul was on the right track, but mixed up “pretty” with “hot” and “ugly” with “cute.”
Totally correct. Go for looks. They’re all the same, but it is easier to deal with if she is good looking.
Absolutely true.
My younger (attractive sister) just separated from her husband, really good dude who’s all about the family and I predicted this would happen.
I’ve tried explaining to him that “attraction” is the most important thing you need to maintain and he acts like he gets it. Found out he’s babysitting their youngest child while she “goes out.”
Sad to see this unfold, but most men are clueless and their ego won’t allow them to truly open their ears when men in-the-know try to make them “aware.”
He has custody of a daughter from a previous relationship with another *gasp* attractive woman. I think some men do the equivalent to women in trying to lock a person down by having a child, except it doesn’t quite work for men the same way.
He still sleeping? Awake? Dreaming?
But your gene pool will be forever corrupted should you choose to have children with her.
That song was written at a moment in time where even pretty women had manners and virtue.
You are no better in 2015 with a 3 bagger beast than with some revolving door labia’d Kardashian type.
“I have a natural alpha friend with a happy marriage, at least it seems to be, so while I agree with you in general, it is not all doom and gloom and there are happy stories.”
This happy story just isn’t possible in most marriages.
Yep. Feminist friendly courts are raping men again by allowing a ‘gold digger’ access to her ex’s assets many years later. The moral of this story is DON’T MARRY!
It’s to the point males must not only avoid marriage, they need to avoid women all together. Every action a man makes around women can now be turned into harassment thanks for feminist-centric legislation which is out-of-control.
I never watch SUV but the other night I caught it. My blood was boiling. It was a play on Ray Rice. So the dude was an athlete who decked his wife. The guy was remorseful, went to anger management and various other things. The wife didn’t press any charges NOR wanted him removed. She saw it as a mistake he made and forgave him. Bit it didn’t mater. The DA charged, convicted and tossed him in jail while the wife was enraged they did this to her, hubby and child. At the end the wife flips out on the DA for leaving her son without a dad when she didn’t want him charged. But what was the message at the end? Doesn’t even matter what she ‘the victim’ wanted, “they did the ‘right’ thing.” Yes. You see. Not only can a man not make 1 mistake, Feminist Centric legislation will dictate to the family what’s “best.”
It strikes me even some folks on the left are aware of how absurd -hit’s gotten. For example, I have a lefty friend on FB who’s always posting disdain for the right. But the other day I noticed he posted a story on the absurdity of young men not only having to bare all responsibility and be mind readers when it comes to sex … they’re getting hit with life altering felonies for harmless actions which have been re-defined.
Its whole schtick is “ripped from the headlines”, no??
From the headlines and to push the bogus DV narrative.What could I ultimately take away from this episode? The State knows what’s best. A man makes one mistake and even the wife doesn’t want to press charges … well according to the state she doesn’t know what’s “best” so they’ll just decide that for her. (Actually … I’ve seen this happen in real life. A wife was screaming at her son and the neighbors heard the screaming so they called the cops. When the cops arrived, the husband was holding the wife back from beating their son. The police automatically arrested the man. When the wife told them what happened and he didn’t do a damn thing wrong … didn’t matter. He was arrested regardless and charged with DV.The state is literally arresting men and charging them with DV when witnesses profess it wasn’t.)
I hate that show with a passion. It’s endlessly women as victims and men as the big bad evil men. Yet this episode was a little fascinating. You of course got that POS dude proclaiming “a man never puts a hand on a woman” and “he’s bigger so he has to retain if being hit by a woman” BS. While a woman who works with him begins to hit him at a bar to make a point, that if attacked by a woman it’s natural for a man to get tired of taking blows and strike back.
Is this any surprise? Women only marry to claim their payday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq36RgL3LKw http://www.blowmeuptom.com
Agree. These types of rulings are dangerous because the results will be more men either fleeing the country or becoming very volatile (nothing to lose at that point).
Women divorce – they take money, the kids, the house and half your pay. They remarry or have a new boyfriend with income plus their own income while you scratch just to make ends meet.
Desperate men will do desperate things….our government needs to wake up.
Can’t agree more. Divorce/custody fight ate over half of my life savings and then some. Men are third class citizens in the family court system. Usually female judges and female attorneys. Louisiana now has “Parent Coordinators” which are court empowered social workers who weigh in heavily on the mother’s side in custody wars. You cant even file a complaint against one. The Judge no longer has to do the dirty work. Parent Coordinator can slander with zero due diligence on their part and the judge will be instantly swayed.
Truth speaks the truth. Don’t get married. If you get some skank pregnant god help you.
Pre nup….pre nup…pre nup!
It’s not just for the rich anymore.
Those don’t work anymore.
Many prenups are basically overruled, hell even not legally getting into marriage maybe enough as some courts consider long-time coexisting as marriage. SO basically, excluding one-night stands(and those have other risks, like chances of false rape accusation) men have no possible way to interact with a female without risking their property and well-being. I’m really starting to see the point of MGTOW now.
I hope you mean long-term co-habitation! I co-exist with lots of females!
Yeah. that’s what I meant. Though, considering how the situation is going, even coexisting may become a problem (manspreading is a clear sign of what’s more to come:http://www.returnofkings.com/53991/manspreading-shows-the-social-retardation-of-young-women
Women have been known to simply pick a face out of the crowd to falsely accuse of rape.
Co-existence with women puts you at risk.
I don’t know about “many” but again, if you dont have a lawyer that can call the judge on that bs, expect to get financially raped. These things are designed so that they aren’t invalidated easily, despite the fact that some judges think they can do whatever the hell they want.
After men stop cohabitating with with women (although why anyone would do this is beyond me) to avoid liability I’m sure they will start the forced marriages with LTRs
Yeah, that’s because our side of the world will rock and theirs will be smoldering.
It’s better than going in naked. With the right lawyer, they can have some real teeth.
They do work in general, they are just expensive but it’s worth it in the long run.
Also, state law is a factor.
The problem in the USA is that judges have asserted significant power to throw out what would otherwise be considered legally binding prenuptial agreements.
A divorcing wife can cry poverty and a judge can simply say she didn’t know what she was doing when she signed the agreement.
Very true, but that’s what the appeals court is for. A lawyer worth his money is going to know this and appeal in the best legal manner possible.
Of course state laws also play a factor.
My advice to anyone getting married is to
first: research the Marriage laws in your state. if they are stacked against you, move, then marry somewhere else where that isn’t the case. Make sure that prenups are recognized and arent easily contestable.
Second, get the prenup made as early as possible. Get yourself the best lawyer you can afford.
You are bound to spend a few bucks on all this, but it will be worth it, in that the XX won’t easily be able to take your hard earned money in case of a divorce.
Which state(s) has the best laws that are favorable to men?
If you are talking about laws overall and not just laws regarding Marriage, conservative red states will most likely have laws where judicial activism is kept to a minimum.
I said “most likely” for a reason, because there is no state that is judicially immune from activist judges. Even texas will screw a Man over under the right conditions.
The cancerous reach of feminism extends everywhere; it’s just that in some places it’s an iron grip, while in others it’s a soft grasp.
Judges wipe their ass with prenuptials
It comes down to the lawyer and how good he is, which would require the money involved to ensure that as a fact. A good prenup can’t easily be dismissed by a bs judge, lest he wants to invite a judicial smackdown.
I do agree that a lot of these judges basically consider themselves gods, but with the right lawyer you can call check on that real quick.
I dont know about that man. I read that these divorce courts are now “equity” courts where the judges can pretty much do whatever they want- hopefully a lawyer on this site can chime in, bc I am not one…
It was probably due to the state’s specific laws. They can sabotage even a decent pre nup.
but yeah, judges think they can do pretty much whatever they want. There is very little accountability if one doesn’t seek it personally.
We’ve already exhausted the truth about prenups.
For a man to want indentured servitude to a woman so badly that he’d ignore one single risk, however tame it may seem is illogical as best, masochistic at worst.
Any protection is better than no protection at all.
Outside of moving to a country which won’t enforce this court ruling what can this guy do?
Feminism = When women want equality and the benefits of the 1800’s at the same time.
Not to mention the returning Victorian views on sex.
It boggles the mind really, that women can see this happen, and still wonder, “Where have all the good men gone?”
Trust me ladies, the good men are less and less willing to give you one red cent of their life’s earnings every single day. It’s because you ladies do not stand up and attack women like this that men are so reluctant to use you for anything other than sex.
The western Whore doesn’t deserve Good Men, She has proven herself unwilling and uninterested in Family and her role as a loving wife and mother, in doing so western woman has cornered herself where her only contribution is being a whore to men, the western woman has essentially wiped out all her qualities that would attract men, all she has left is 3 holes to offer in a relationship, but men aren’t stupid any more, even the holes loose their luster when Men see the whores dragging there husbands to divorce court, when a man gets into a relationship, he must think with the head on his shoulders , not with the one between his legs, gone are the days where a woman will stick around because she has to relay on a man to survive , daddy govment takes care of her post marriage problems now.
Male masturbation is on the rise, the lack of decent women is staggering.
Man I would love to have some kids some day but you read this… damn!
– Masta Ace.
No man, you can still have kids. But here are a few tips from your uncle Jefferson.
1. She lives in a foreign nation.
2. She does not speak, and is incapable of learning, English (dumb and cute)
3. You only present yourself to her as Rockefeller T. Hamsterlicker III. Never tell her your real name (assuming your real name is NOT Rockefeller T. Hamsterlicker III of course).
4. Have three passports from three separate nations with three different identities on them at the ready
5. Always ensure that she’s used to you taking long “business trips” out of country. This gives you a good head start in case she decides to divorce.
As fucked up as this is, it’s also great. It has put the final nail in the coffin for me on whether or not marriage is worth it. I really hope it convinces other men before it’s too late.
The government has been trying to replace daddy, government is winning.
It would seem that feminism in Britain gets even more legal deference than it does here. What are marriage rates doing there? About what they’re doing here, better, or worse?
40% divorce and climbing I believe
Marriage rates are plummeting as are birth rates. I believe they are ahead of us on the feminism curve, to be honest.
It’s so bad in the UK now, there is a shortage of sperm at sperm clinics and they are having to import sperm from other countries.
Words fail me. I had no idea.
What countries I wonder?
I believe the USA and Denmark are the two biggest countries they import from.
Well, that’s hopeful at least.
Here’s an important list that every man should read (feel free to add on):
In the UK:
1. Men can be made to give ex-wife cash payout after twenty years – http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/windturbine-millionaires-ex-wins-divorce-battle-10100096.html
2. Men must prove a woman said ‘Yes’ under tough new rape rules – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/11375667/Men-must-prove-a-woman-said-Yes-under-tough-new-rape-rules.html
In Japan
1. Tax the Handsome: One Homely Guy’s Solution to the Declining Birth Rate – http://en.rocketnews24.com/2012/12/11/tax-the-handsome-one-homely-guys-solution-to-the-declining-birth-rate/
1. Man may be jailed for not paying child support for son who isn’t his – http://news.yahoo.com/video/man-may-jailed-not-paying-203459828.html
If we live in a truly Equal world then divorce should be two people going separate ways, no alimony ,no money ,no anything , just two people walking away, as far as i’m concerned if a man is still supporting his ex wife, he should have sexual rights to her.
This story has three messages:
1. The laws are misandrist
2. Women are insatiable bloodsuckers
3. Laws and women work together
I hope good comes out of this case: Less men marrying.
I think hitmen are going to see an uptick in business.
“Taken to the cleaner” might acquire a whole new meaning.
This type of legal precedent only serves to reinforce the idea that a man should avoid marriage.
What an ugly women, in every sense of the word.
The case is especially galling since:
1. They separated actually after 2 years marriage, but divorced after 10.
2. His real son moved to him as soon as he was 18 and was working for his real dad for years.
3. His ex-wife owns her own house and is not poor by far despite being on welfare.
4. She has 4 children by 3 men. Only one man is someone decent and he left her 32 years ago.
5. She currently lives with a 24 year old jobless Omega in a sugar-momma relationship and a few of her daughters while one of her daughters is in prison for robbery, prostitution and heroin abuse.
6. She was not only supported throughout the years by the husband with additional cash, gifts, but also by the man’s son who gave money and even cars to the woman.
7. One daughter claimed that the case was for “women power”.
Yes indeed – it is all for “women power”. Because nothing says feminism than the fact that you can rinse a man forever because he was so stupid to marry or fuck a lunatic bitch once. Men should be forever grateful for such wonderful women.
Here her house and her other daughters by other men who are counting on the cash:
Such rather obvious bigotry would never be tolerated were such actions taken against a politically-protected group. Under the current political paradigm men are operating under what must be viewed as Jane crow. Understanding this, a man must take responsible steps to protect himself. The first step is of course to avoid marriage.
The second is to make sure you always keep a shovel and a bag of calcium oxide in your trunk, and enough gas to make it out to the desert and back.
You know, in case she decides to get uppity.
Current day feminists are sex positive whores who blame all their problems in life on men. Case closed.
…Whom also have the power of the state (the biggest WK of them all) at her beck and call. The End.
The biggest mistake western society made was giving women all of the power in the dating game. I hate women. Even the ugliest of them can find relationships without even trying! Now I know why in Muslim countries women get told just to shut the fuck up and get picked a husband. Because if you were to set 25 women across from 25 men, all of those women would run man. There is no balance at all. Western society completely caters to women to the point where men are not even seen as human beings. It’s truly game over for society. . . Women have all the power. Men are sperms donors and atm machines. So dehumanizing to wake up as a man one day and get it. You don’t matter. Society will collapse at some point. . Men willingly married before Feminism. We worked hard and died young to pay for our kids and lazy wife. Now we can’t get jobs and when we complain we are called whiners. Women have all the power. It’s true. As a man over 30 people want to know two things from me. Why am I not married and do I have a job? . I’m money and that’s it. Money that the trashy sluts want spent on their thugs kids because daddy is a deadbeat. . I do not care for a society that treats me like shit. Once I would have married for the dream. The kids and cute sweet wife. Now I say fuck it. It’s just that… A dream
The biggest mistake society ever made was teaching women to talk.
Just another reason not to get married….
another reason not to get married…. Notice how he made his wealth when he was “SINGLE”!!! no woman dragging him down, no woman beating him down, no woman trying to emasculate him, no woman clouding his judgment…the list goes on and on….The more I think about what is happening to this poor guy just makes think of how much more I realize marriage is the biggest scam, worst contract any man can ever sign in his life!
On every level.
the ugly old bitch is definitely not renewable, contrary to the guy who gets better year after year. Good wine vs crap soda.
Absolute madness.
Any man who chooses to marry in the 21st century needs to be wrapped in a straight jacket and immediately institutionalized.
Well said.
I read this story the other day and it blows my mind. How is this even possible?
With government all bad things are possible.
My sentiments exactly!
I think it will only get MUCH WORSE over the next 25 years. What we are seeing now at the upper court levels are the first and second generation of judges who went through feminist indoctrination during college back in the 60s and 70s – and that was 2nd wave feminism, which wasn’t all out insane like the SJWs of today (though insane enough).
Can you imagine when the current crop of mangina SJWs, now graduating college, become lawyers and judges over the next couple of decades, with a fresh crop making it to the supreme court? You ain’t seen nothing yet as to how INSANELY ANTI-MALE things will become. If you think it’s bad now…
At some point this whole house of cards will come crashing down but we aren’t there yet and might not be for another quarter century.
Anything’s possible with a diseased mind. Liberalism, feminism and political correctness are diseases on society.
This is the fault of the government, it doesn’t want to pay welfare anymore so it’s searching for an out. Its found it.
It’s part of the bread and circus last gasp collapse.
lol at least theres still some justice in the world
Women are already seeking to change the alimony laws. In some states they are seeking to end permanent alimony payments now that women are starting to get the short end of the stick.
Seeking to end it for everyone or just for teh bitches?
I don’t know for a fact, but I suspect I could make an accurate guess rather easily.
Watched a show on elephants last night. The female zoologist was marveling at the odor given off by the massive bulls as it was mating season. She then said “You can just smell the testosterone coming off of him. My female colleagues also find their scent quite stimulating.” Sly grin too.
Sounds like a woman into beastie porn. lol Feminists say she has a right to sue the animal for support payments.
Awesome. Pheromones are a real thing.
ok, but how does one mimic this effect? I dont have huevos the size of basketballs, am at a disadvantage.
Good question. I assume you don’t have a rutting elephant to rub up against? I’d go with work out right before a date or job interview as the next best measure.
Yet another compelling reason for men to avoid marriage like the plague. And yes, I’m married.
And same.
This is bullshit. Major loss of respect for ROK. This comes through lots of articles and comments. Nobody forces you to kill yourself. Being a man means taking self responsibility at some level. You can always get divorced, even if you’re unfairly destroyed by the family court, you still have your life. Also hate video with robot voices. ROK deserves to die if this is what its about. Total fail.
Why major loss of respect for ROK? It’s just one user posting a video on a discussion board here.
kfg =! ROK.
And so far as I know M has never commented here.
In any case, I knew I’d get at least one “Man up!” comment for this, but I didn’t expect RoK to be given the blame. I am man enough to take responsibility for actions that are entirely my own.
Total fail is your attempt to discredit ROK through the attack on this video.
If you disagree with its premise or the intent of the poster that’s one thing, but to then use that foundation to attack ROK as a whole is pretty pathetic. It’s like blaming FB for all the violence written on FB. This is just an interactive medium buddy, ROK is not responsible for the comments and intents of its members.
This means so much coming from an anonymous account.
Troll somewhere else with that female shrill.
I’ve just read more into this case. The decision is NOT final, she hasn’t been awarded the payment yet. He could still be successful in having this claim struck out.
True but the dangerous mentality of the court has been exposed, with some on the panel pre-emptively opining that she should at least be awarded a mortgage free house! What the hell is that?
It’s dangerous that her claim wasn’t rejected out of hand. Also, she remains an unethical person whether she wins or loses.
What the f*ck? Seriously??
I haven’t yet read the article linked in the post, so forgive me if this is mentioned, but I’d like to know if the issue of alimony was indefinitely reserved in the judgment dissolving the parties’ marriage. If so, as much as I sympathize with the guy, I can’t say I blame this broad for going for the jugular.
Hear that?
The deafening silence of the media Social Justice Idiots (fuck calling them warriors) is palpable. Isn’t this case something in their domain? Social justice?
Particularly given he’s actually one of their own, happily working on alternative energy, from which this vampire will extract cash?
Wow, this takes the sickness to another level.
This is why marriage is dying and won’t last much longer.
Never marry, never live with a woman. Period.
Rubbish I cant believe this.It is just goes against any logic.
What does logic have to do with the modern leftist legal system precisely?
Ha- have you guys seen Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil”? It used to be one of my favorite flicks, partly bc of the absurdity of it. The theme and tone are not so funny anymore.
Seen? Own actually, yes.
Its a funny twist on 1984 for the uninitiated, but I never thought it would come to pass, ya know?
Im finally gonna check out his latest(and probably last) flick, Zero Theorem, this weekend- when was his last flick,like ten yrs ago?
To be honest I had no idea he had a new movie out. I have not been inside a movie theatre in forever. My whole “not going to fund the Lefties any longer” philosophy at work. I’ll look for the trailer for the movie you mention online, it’s great to hear that Gilliam is still active. Great mind and fantastic vision.
The Criterion 3 disc set was the second DVD I ever bought (Blade Runner was the first). The documentary The Battle of Brazil is almost as good as the film itself.
If the facts of the article are true, by any other name Kathleen Wyatt is a thief, no different than the common thug who would break down your door in the middle of the night. She is using government to break down the door and threaten her victim, but it makes her no less culpable.
Young men, why would you marry?
Its cases like this that are reason why the manosphere needs to be proactive in regard to their rights. We must advocate for ourselves because no other group will. Neither the media nor women or minorities.
The reason the media has so much protection in the States is because they have fought for their rights in the courts with the argument that lawsuits against their organisations will cause a chilling effect on free speech.
Men must argue that such rulings as the one against Mr. Vince will create a chilling effect on marriage. Young men will be reluctant to commit to women and have children like Vince and Wyatt who had their daughter, Emily.
Absolutely unbelievable.
Kafka himself couldn’t make this shit up.
I disagree. Ever read The Trial?
Can’t you keep your money in a LLC so that way she can’t touch it?
Where have all the good men gone?
A non-extraditing country if they’re smart.
Hee. hee. I always watch for your comments, they’re intelligent and funny.
its just a matter of time before divorced men start singing calypsos while toiling in the sun for the benefit of their owners
Proverbs 31:3
“Do not give your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings”
The picture says it all.
He has PRIDE! He has built a great business and made something of his life.
In the UK this guys company – ELECTROCITY – has created an “electric highway” by putting an electric car charging point in every motorway service station across the country. They are now being used for close to 1 million charges per month.
He’s paved the way for a better, greener, cheaper future, which may benefit millions of people.
On the contrary – She looks ashamed of herself.
Remember brothers, God gave Eve paradise and it still wasn’t enough for her.
The female, by nature, will always want More.
I spent 4 years as a divorce attorney in Canada but this shows me that the UK is absolutely batshit crazy. Maybe his son has some claim on his wealth but how do you justify this entitled cunt?
This is crazy! And she is an entitled cunt. I am also Canadian (and a woman), and thankfully have never gone through a divorce. It’s my understanding that alimony is no longer awarded (or rarely awarded) in Canada. Am I correct? Child support payments are still insane, but that’s another issue. If it hasn’t already, alimony should be going the way of the dodo bird. It stems from a time when women didn’t work–we work now–we don’t require or deserve a top up to our incomes.
In Muslim countries when a young couple gets married the fathers of the bride and groom come to an agreement on the amount of the “mahar”, which is how much the man will pay to his ex-wife if he wants a divorce. On average it’s usually around $5K (at least in Palestine that I know of). There is no alimony or 50/50 split of assets. If the man wants a divorce he pays the mahar to her father and sends her home. If the woman wants a divorce and initiates it, then she doesn’t get the mahar,she gets nothing.
I had on Hannity (gag me with a fork) a couple of days ago and he kept on about how Muslim countries do not have equal rights for women. He went on and on so much that I thought he was a progressive (which he is). Everything he railed against was American policy before 1912. I thought to myself how enlightened the Muslims are for restricting their womens freedom. It seems every woman can’t stand a man laying down the law unless he is wearing a uniform. Then she will listen to his instructions in rapt attention, immediately dismissing them afterwards of course. They pass laws to neuter men then complain that there is no Real Men anymore. If a man does try to stand up and Be A Man like they crave and demand then a woman will place a call to 911 and a man who belongs to an organized gang with gun, taser, night-stick and plenty of other men (back up) will show up at her beck and call to straighten everything out, to her benefit, once again (of course).
This is very smart.
If women desire marriage, they’re digging their own grave. Who in their right mind would get married with all these horror stories?
It’s still a long road to go before men truly realize the truth. There are still many many men that think they’re girl is different
Listen to Tom Leykis (plenty to be found on YouTube) and you’ll discover why.
These women are scum; setting aside feminist agenda, patriarchy or really any reason they could use to justify these kinds of actions, it’s just a scumbag thing to do.
Now more than ever we need to push to have the rights of women revoked. They’ve shown they’re incapable of using them properly or fairly, and it’ll mean an end to feminism. Stop hiring women for work gents, ‘man’ is the new base standard for the workforce.
When businesses start losing insane amounts of revenue due to these bitchcentric quotas and restrictions we’ll see a change. The bottom line trumps women’s “rights” any day of the week.
Ex husband need to be punished because he built a successful business, all those liberal judges love to punish men.
I have no words for the travesty of justice this represents in the family court system. What is wrong with women? I’m a woman and I fundamentally do not understand the arrogance that it takes to have these expectations of men, government, and society. Are we such selfish creatures? I was raised as a feminist but realized very early that equality can never defined. And while gender roles can be stretched, we can’t fight biology and why would we want to. And bottom line. You, and you alone must live with the choices you’ve made.
Unfortunately, “awoman”, your sisters think differently.
And the reaction to these crazy laws and the impact it has had (and continues to have) on men has resulted in MGTOW – which is starting to be noticed by the powers that be and society in general.
And it will grow and have a considerable impact.
If I were you, if not yet married, or if you haven’t secured the slavery of a beta provider using some other method, I’d get the project under way – post-haste.
And if you are married, good like finding a new catch, once you’re done with the starter husband … unless you’re into the idea of being used as a cum-rag.
Men are waking up en masse and have found that living life on their own terms is not only possible; it is the rational and logical path to happiness, given the misandric society we live in, which is evidenced by the article in the original topic.
The only way it will change is if the sisterhood starts to fight feminism like it’s smallpox, or once the system has totally collapsed. I don’t like the chances of the former happening, so I’m betting on the latter.
Haha. Married 30 years. Sorry 😉 Oh, and married and had children before my peers as it was my generation that started marrying later and waiting longer to have children. So I went MOW to coin your vernacular. I use every opportunity I have to state my views on the craziness and what it takes to recognize that personal relationships involve a fair share of compromise (at different stages by both peopls) but if you compromise together (and have sex every day ;-)) it all evens out in the end. Usually. I’ve been fortunate but mainly it took a lot of work. But totally worth it. The older I get and the crazier it gets the more vocal I’m becoming.
Me too! Happily married, no children by choice and very career oriented. My choice not to have children was personal and I salute you and every other person who made the sacrifice, by the way. So, while you and I may have chosen very different paths, I think we would agree that the current legal and political climate is becoming more and more misandric by day. Not only is it woefully unfair to men, it flies in the face of every accomplished and legitimately independent woman. I, like you, am becoming more and more vocal about this. Feminism has become the new patriarchy. Totalitarian and completely one sided in its stance. It’s no longer about equality, it’s about one gender usurping the other. I no more desire being told how I should feel or how I should behave by another woman than I do a man. And yes, marriage takes work. It’s not a fairytale, but well worth it with the right person.
100% agree with you alex. I agree with ubermensch that the sisterhood must step up to help right the craziness that feminism has spawned.
Yep. You’d like to think a sense of morality and decency would be enough to right the ship, but alas here we are. Personally, I actively and publicly shame women when they express an entitled, narcissistic attitude. Makes me real popular at parties :D.
You’d be surprised how many women agree with her. I am happily married, and very career oriented and so from my position this crap is cringe worthy for entirely different reasons. Women like the entitled twat featured in this article are an insult to every woman out there who is legitimately independent. Listen up sistas: you wanted the ability to pursue a career and become financially independent, and you got it, so stop leeching off the men (or former men) in your lives. Have some fucking pride. The family law courts are so one sided these days I’m surprised more men don’t leave the country.
Notice, gentlemen, that unicorn posts on topics like these do not contain a single shred of sympathy for the males involved.
Women are only against feminism and women who are “like that” for purely superficial reasons. It will always be about how these women make them look.
Make no mistake about it, women are incapable of such a virtue.
I don’t know how you got the impression there was a lack of sympathy in my post, but I apologize if I offended you. I have no superficial reasons to speak for or against feminism. Being a professional whiner (SJW) does nothing to move a culture forward. In fact, it tears a society apart. Common decency degrades when the legal system empowers one group. Women like the one featured in this article literally make me sick. I have worked very hard for everything I have in my life and it would literally kill me to have someone tear it to pieces. This is what happens daily in divorce courts. So yes, I am very, very sympathetic to men who’ve experienced this. In the end, there are no points earned for being a good, honest, hardworking, decent, human being. That is a terrible reflection of our society.
I’m a woman as well, and the Family Law system is nothing short of ludicrous these days. I’m Canadian, and I don’t think alimony is awarded much here anymore (only rarely, I believe). Nor should it be. Even so, men get raped when it comes to child support payments. If the actual cost of raising a child was anywhere near what men are being billed for, no one, married or otherwise, could afford to have a kid. I’ve never understood why child support payments are based on the father’s income, as opposed to the actual cost of the child (which presumably differs depending on geographic region, but surely it could be calculated). I cringe every time I hear something like this. These women really do want it all. If you’re such a strong, independent woman, stop bilking your ex husband for his hard earned money. Go and earn your own. I earn a good living, so does my hubby. We don’t even have shared bank accounts. We split the household expenses 50/50 and don’t interfere with the other’s spending beyond that. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I have no words for the travesty of justice this represents in the family court system.”
The remaining 4 billion of your peers do:
“Ching Ching!”
“What is wrong with women?”
Everything. See God for full changelog.
“I’m a woman and I fundamentally do not understand the arrogance that it takes to have these expectations of men, government, and society.”
Somehow, someway, you must not be on the receiving end.
“Are we such selfish creatures?”
“I was raised as a feminist”
The better ones among us were raised on thought.
“equality can never defined”
Equality between the sexes has never, does not, and will never exist. Thousands of years of biology and evolution will not be undone by any number of brainwashed generations.
“And while gender roles can be stretched, we can’t fight biology and why would we want to. ”
Female biology is to attach herself to the fattest host and feed until he is either dead or depleted.
” You, and you alone must live with the choices you’ve made.”
With the female alternative being, “everyone but you must live with the choices you’ve made”.
This is what is known in legal terms, as a “precedent”.
Any man who happens to be even mildly successful will be subjected to similar claims on his life.
I’m so glad my ex-wife had children with another man and then remarried. Her chances of taking me to the cleaners under a similar pretext are quite diluted now. She gutted me badly enough on the first round, but I recovered – only because there were no children to speak of.
I’m not rich, but I am now debt free and reasonably successful. I keep that little tidbit of information very quiet indeed.
It stings and it sucks, but this is the world we live in now.
MGTOW and fuck ‘n’ chuck really is the only answer … having a family has been deemed illegal by proxy.
I honestly don’t know how people survive divorces financially. Even without taking absurd child support payments into account, the cost of buying someone out of your home is astounding, especially if you’ve both lived there a long time. Both women and men can be subjected to this, although men are usually the victims. I have both male and female friends who own their homes and simply cannot take the risk of allowing someone to move in with them. This is not helpful to a society with an ever increasing cost of living.
The now thoroughly discredited reason for alimony to exist in the first place was that the wife’s non-monetary contribution to her husband helped him earn more and become a success. Based on this, the wife is “owed” a substantial share of his wealth at the time of the divorce to compensate her for all the goodies he wouldn’t have been able to make without her at his side.
Here though, the man didn’t get successful until AFTER his wife left so using the above logic she was keeping him down and she therefore compensate HIM for the years she held him back.
If I were him I would John Galt the situation. Don’t wait for the court case as you are simply negotiating how much the thief is allowed to steal from you not the morality of the theft in the first place. Sell the business. All of it, now, while you still control your assets. Send as much as you can overseas, Thailand is a good choice, and pursue citizenship elsewhere.
Well the basic idea was that women are valuable only when young and hot.
A wife used to marry young and when divorce became an option, it was clear the man married her in her prime and would enjoy her best years, then dump her for a new young bride when she became old.
Now what to do with the old hag? Thats why we have alimony. He paid her money so she would be taken care of and he could have sex with juicy, young pussy. That was the deal back then.
Been a while since reason was writing the laws.
No surprise there, fair laws can only be written by men.
An artist’s rendition of a modern family court.
Hahahah loving that!
Is this any surprise? Women only marry to claim their payday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq36RgL3LKw
Tom Leykis changed my life. Got to talk to him once on the air.
He was able to do his show again after his CBS contract expired in 2012, live Mon thru Fri, 3-6 pacific time http://www.blowmeuptom.com or search tom Leykis on tune in app. The week’s shows replay over the weekend.
Tune in app? what’s that? Thanks for the info.
TuneIn Radio is an Internet radio browser and player for Android.
ah okay. Random, but have you heard or read online the letter a divorced husband sent in to Tom Leykis? It’s radio gold. Tom read it over the air while the writer’s wife was in the car tuning in. I’ll have to find the URL now.
Never heard of that.
Indeed, pure gold
I coulndnt find it on Tom Leykis’s website but found it here:
LOL that was brilliant!
I remember when he read that over the air. I was actually in the car with my ex. It was definitely a memory I’ll never forget. She just went quiet and was stunned.
Yeah Tom Leykis woke me up a great deal 3 years ago. Brilliant man.
The answer is quiet obvious, he should hire a lawyer, borrow as much money as possible, sell his business, take every single penny he can get into one account at a major international bank, transfer it to some sunny tropical place and leave the UK forever. Its not worth it to live in a communist country where someone can take millions from you over having sex 20 years ago.
too late for that. they will get his money anyways.
It is a smart move to do that BEFORE you marry/go to court.
Once you stand your ground you have lost, no matter if you win or loose you have lost.
If you want to win you have to own nothing (you can still be multi-millionaire) when you first enter the court.
PS: As an american you are basicly screwed from the start since FATCA. Sorry to say but for an american the tax man will do all the dirty work for your ex and world wide too.
Unless the court ordered him he can’t move his money or he had his accounts frozen its not too late. As long as he is fine with leaving England and never returning.
Aspiring writers of the manosphere and beyond, the time has come for a different take on the supernatural romance. Women to date have been moistening their panties over a weedy male vampire who sparkles in the sun and feeding their delusions with sociopathic female killers in “The Hunger Games.”
I believe there is now a space in the market for an alternative take on the modern urban horror novel: the rise of the female vampire. Because frankly that’s what the court system is making every married woman into: a creature of the fucking night that will suck your vitality and your resources right out of you and make you into a shadow of your former self if permitted.
too late my friend. Underworld (the movie) and its sequels brought us that already.
I would like a satire comedy that is very close to the truth. Opening scene is a group of women sitting around a table collaborating on how to get cash and prizes from beta males under a swinging overhead light…
Yuck. How dare she? SHE walked out of HIS life and now, this? Ingrate.
No wonder Englishwomen have a low reputation.
Another reason to never get married.
And all that money, that would have gone to furthering his company and thus the human race will now go to impulse shopping.
And she had to sacrifice NOTHING to get it.
The current family law system is completely one sided, and you are defenceless. As unfair as the current situation is, it’s unlikely to change anytime soon. And while you have every right to be angry about this, you also only have so many years on this planet with which to carve out a life.The following advice is purely pragmatic.
a. You don’t have to get married, lots of people lead happy lives this way, but some of you may still want to.
b. The only way to protect yourself is to find a woman with skin in the game. She must be financially solvent. Period. Not only will it protect you from being leeched in a divorce, it is also an excellent determination of character. A woman (or man for that matter, but we’re talking about women) who is running up consumer debt has zero self control, no planning skills and no sense of personal responsibility. She is shallow, entitled, and will run you into debt faster than you can imagine. Contrary to popular belief around here, not all women are like this. Find one who isn’t.
“Contrary to popular belief around here, not all women are like this. Find one who isn’t. ”
So every man who got screwed willingly married a woman who was” like that”?
Please enlighten us with the criteria to look for barring the clairvoyance we’d require.
Unicorns are for children’s books.
Greed is female biology.
To deny all women are parasitic is to deny their biology.
I can’t think of any man “willingly” marrying woman like that, and I genuinely feel sorry for those who did.I know, because I’ve been there.
Ideally, find a woman who’s been burnt like you, in a marital/co-habitation agreement. I don’t mean “I didn’t get what I think I should have gotten”. I mean burnt. As in, I had to give away half of MY shit. I naively let a boyfriend move in to my condo (with a pre-nup). I never billed him for the mortgage, property taxes etc..He paid a couple of small bills every month and was still able to walk away with half of the equity. You can all take a moment to laugh about this, I’d probably feel a smug satisfaction about this if I were in your shoes. God knows it almost never happens that way around. I get you’re anger, I get you’re frustration. I was lucky enough to have this happen very young, it would cost me much more these days. I also had time to recover, but it’s enraging when someone can walk out of your life with half of the assets you worked so hard and sacrificed for. Mutually assured destruction is the only way to enter a marriage safely these days. It’s sad.
My advice really is sincere.
‘You have, I want’- the basic premise of unfettered greed.
The modus operandi of the whorimus avoidpersonalresponsibilityus (woman).
Isn’t there middle eastern countries where marriages have the man take all the property the woman had?
That’s how it should be.
There is no excuse for men to want marriage in 2015. In fact, I’d sever all ties with anyone who did as they are more than likely a detrimental influence and mentally unstable.
I’m willing to bet on that the vast majority of female millionaires (90 % +) have aquired their wealth through either inheritance or divorce settlements.
In the state & city of NY, I unfortunately can speak from experience that the judge/ H.E. will issue a “token” $50 child support/alimony amount if you have no money AT THE TIME OF THE DIVORCE – this allows the ex wife to re-file at ANY LATER DATE for what is called an “up-ward modification”. I’m here to tell you – you can guess what happens.
Bloody hell, she looks more like his Mum than an ex-wife.
this is setting a precedent. like the author said, middle class men will be ruined by this and most likely become homeless or worst.
Once upon a time,
A prince proposed to a princess. The princess refused the prince’s proposal. As a result, the prince lived happily ever after.
The End
ALL woman are whore, proof right there.
This legal precedent may be the best thing to happen to men ever. Coz if one thing will kill marriage and usher in a new age of prosperous bachelorhood, this is it. And listening to throngs of whiny TV harpies bitch about men not wanting to marry while their ovaries dry up, that’ll be the icing on the cake.
I saw the article last week on some news website. This must be the most scandalous woman I’ve read about this year. How can any person think it’s normal to leech of somebody else’s work. Let alone 20 years later. Now I don’t think he should hire a hitman, but I would understand if he would do so
(Just a small comment so please read all before you respond). The press just want to spin it as sensational. it’s actually small and mundane and doesn’t set any dangerous precedents for other divorced men. She’s not getting his post breakup wealth and she isn’t entitled to it – that’s a manipulation of the facts to sell tabloids. She wanted 100K to cover child support over 18 years that he never paid a penny to feed or clothe his son. A court said she had the right to that comparativley small sum and he refused to pay it, so now she’s added damages. He should have just paid. No father abandons their kid for 16 to 18 years. There is no suggestion from him that she prevented access. He has never made any such claims. Fair enough the kid is reconciled with his father now but that doesn’t change the fact that he lived in poverty for 16 years because his father couldn’t be bothered. They never had a financial settlement so its all above board. None of this damns all fathers, just this father. I’ve no problem calling out grasping women but this is actually pretty fair. He was a dick not to just pay.
He didn’t have to pay anything . what you left out as a good woman would is the guy wasn’t at all wealthy at the time. She was just after the fact things didn’t work out. Women get divorced all of the time thinking they are going o live well with out the asshole. Years later when reality set in and they didn’t get a replacement chump you get his set up the UK came up with.
If she went to the court. For. This. She. Should. Be. Hanged. Or. Should. Be killed. By. The man . Or. We should all. Live. As. Degenerates as they. Want. Us. To. Be. And kill women. And. Have them. As. Sex. Slaves. O have. No. Problem. With. That. I weighed. My. Options. And the. Third. One. Is. The. Best . Kill the. Fat. Ugly. Whore. Looking. Police. Calling. Whores.
Makes no sense for alimony to be a % it should be a set amount that covers basic needs like food and a rent in a small condo. Letting these leeches living the way have with a rich husband is fucking injustice, you’re the one that wanted the divorce so I’ll give you a couple months worth of rent and food until you can get a damn job or someone to support them. And there better be a penalty for the ex-wife that by a fixed date didn’t get a job or someone to support them like a beta boyfriend, I would say the average span of time given is at least 1 year. After that point you giving or not is your decision