The American Elite Hates America

Wrecking a prosperous country is a difficult task. Anyone who attempts it must have a strategy to subvert its biggest institutions from within, which includes the military, media, academia, and government. To accomplish it in the fastest and most efficient way possible, you would need to find percolating ideologies that has America hatred built-in before elevating its adherents to positions of power and influence. This is exactly what has happened in the United States.

Most of academia hates America. If you told them that in fifty years America will possess a world culture and that those with European ancestry will be an oppressed minority, a huge celebration would take place in universities throughout the country.

Most of the media hates America. In news broadcasts, movies, television shows, and newspaper articles, fantasy notions of egalitarianism, “white privilege,” and America privilege are allowed to brainwash citizens to feel guilty that their ancestors created a great land.

Most Pentagon bureaucrats who control the military hate America. In the most shameful social experiment that the Western world has seen, the military is becoming a gay pride parade before our very eyes while being weakened with the introduction of emotional women into key combat roles. The military will soon be unable to defeat even third-world enemies.

Most feminists, social justice warriors, liberals, and even conservatives hate America. The entire range of the political spectrum have been infiltrated and corrupted by those who want to give an unholy death to traditional American values. Consumerism, nihilism, and Islamic and Mexican interests will take over instead.

Most US politicians hate America. They are traitors who are legislating anti-American policies to the highest globalist bidder in order to enrich themselves. They wrap themselves in the America flag to suckle at the treasury before going through a revolving door that leads to corporate riches.

Most Silicon Valley technologists hate America. They create apps and devices that are tearing apart the social fabric of family and tribe while hurting the middle class. Then they use their newfound billions in wealth to agitate for gay marriage, transsexual rights, and open borders.

If you are to accept my argument that the cultural and political elite hates America, we must logically conclude that an individual or idea that is supported by the establishment also hates America, or at least pushes an agenda that will certainly lead to America’s decline. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a favorable light, that person hates America. If they report on a specific public policy in a favorable light, it will lead to America’s destruction. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a negative light, however, that person loves America, or at least promotes ideas that would lead to a stronger America.

George Orwell once said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Applying it for our purposes leads to the following: in a time where anti-America agendas are wrecking the country, ideas or individuals who are consistently attacked must therefore lead to a stronger America.

It’s no coincidence that anyone who preaches the following ideas will be denounced with a label like racist, misogynist, homophobe, or Nazi:

  • natalism
  • nationalism
  • heterosexuality
  • traditional family values
  • Christianity
  • masculinity
  • patriarchy
  • skepticism of pro-Israeli interests

Compare that to issues on the following list, which are consistently supported by the elite and their institutions:

  • feminism
  • homosexuality
  • open-borders immigration
  • transsexuality
  • contrived race wars (e.g. Black Lives Matters)
  • Islam
  • multiculturalism
  • abortion and birth control
  • environmentalism

Because I support a handful of items on the first list, you will never see me embraced by the establishment. For the rest of my life, they will be a thorn in my side, using intimidation, character assassination, and fear in order to shut me down. What you saw in Canada is a sign of how much energy they’re willing to spend to silence me. (Postscript: this article was originally written before the meetup outrage.)

I’m taking notes on who is attacked in the media and who is not. If they are attacked, that must mean their ideas threaten the establishment, so I will either become their allies or at least not attack them myself. For example, have you noticed that men’s rights activists are constantly attacked while the men going their own way group (MGTOW) is not, and even discussed sympathetically? It’s because the latter group promotes social isolation and reproductive sterility, which matches the establishment’s depopulation agenda. On the other hand, white nationalists are being roundly attacked through the proxy of Donald Trump. Therefore the latter group must have at least some ideas which strengthen America.

While I will not become a men’s rights activist or white nationalist myself, it appears that our sphere has matured enough that petty in-fighting can be discarded to focus on a powerful enemy. As long as you remember that those who hate America are promoted on mainstream channels, shows, networks, and platforms, you’ll easily be able to decide who is on the right side of this war and who is not.

This article first appeared on Roosh V.

Read Next: America Is Becoming A Homosexual Nation

489 thoughts on “The American Elite Hates America”

  1. The Polish elite loves Poland. They want the Rapefugees to GTFO.
    This kind of magazine cover would NEVER make it to print in Germany, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, U.K., etc

      1. You had more important things to do, like tearing the MSM a new asshole at that press conference.

        1. Thank you. I imagine if this cover were to appear in Der Spiegel it would read “Ways to Make Islamic Refugees Feel At Home”

        2. “Offer Your Home To A Male Refugee To Keep Your Wife Entertained While You’re At Work”

      1. Islamists ski (implied “while”), Gwalt (implied Disney) North Americanizes European pee.

        1. I guess that is better than the last time I tried to have a soft drink while eating Chinese food. Those bastards made pee pee in my coke.

        2. It just surprises me to no end to know that Muslims ski. Who knew?

      2. As someone who’s actually Polish:
        The Islamic Rape of Europe
        Our Report: What the Media and Brussels Elite are hiding from citizens

    1. Poland got balls. Hairy, large bull-tiger-shark-dragon-horse balls to do this in ultra-PC Europe. My respects. I really wish they don’t suffer the atrocities Europe is about to go through in the next years, they clearly don’t deserve it. Let the PC countries like Germany, Britain and Sweden and the others deal with that shit..

      1. Polish people are very racist. They don’t really give a fuck about their own country, because they all want to leave their shithole country to study and work in Western European countries.
        They are just racists. There are temporary Polish workers in Sweden that attacked Muslims, but they don’t benefit from it, because they have to leave the country when their work permit expires. They attacked Muslims, simply because they like it to attack Muslims.
        In my country they killed an innocent dark taxi driver, because they wanted to feel how it’s like to kill a dark person. Don’t underestimate the stupidity of Slavic people.

        1. Stupid slavic people, eh?
          Like the ones who built and flew Mir?
          Muslims routinely attack us, that’s bound to make people hate them. It’s not “racist” because, last check, Islam is not a race.

        2. GOJ, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to remind people that Islam isn’t a race. It’s a head shaker.

        3. “They attacked Muslims, simply because they like it to attack Muslims. In my country they killed an innocent dark taxi driver, because they wanted to feel how it’s like to kill a dark person. Don’t underestimate the stupidity of Slavic people.”
          The case when “racism” and “stupidity” saves your civilization right here.
          Your tolerance will be greatly appreciated in the upcoming european caliphate, Inshallah gheaour !

        4. We have entered the age were racism and prejudice are survival mechanisms.
          Your globalist masters have pushed matters in this direction with their dictate of “multiculturalism”.
          Diversity + Proximity = WAR!

        5. “The case when “racism” and “stupidity” saves your civilization right here.”
          Quote of the decade.

        6. Now I can get a better name for “The Law of Chronological Depreciation in Increasing tensions”. Replace it with “The Elastic Band Ratio”. Still have 19 days to see if my math is right (predicted islam refugee violence at Feb 17 +/-19 days).

        7. Good question.
          I would prefer it to be right, so I know we have a Nostradamus on our team.
          Although I don’t want muslim violence to happen.
          It’s weird.

        8. You dont fight off barbarian scum with flowers and incense.
          If slavs are stupid but taking care of their own and not selling out their neighbors to PC lynch mobs, what does that say about the rest of us?

        9. Racist? Good! I hope the Poles are racist and kill cucks, Libs, Marxists, Leftists, Jews, Muslims, and non-Whites on sight. That means Poland survives.

        10. Don’t make judgements about Polish people as a whole.
          I can’t speak for emigrants to the UK or Sweden – the ones who left are usually the worst of the lot as they are the least patriotic.
          But the Poles (as a whole) I’ve encountered in Poland and here in Canada are all amazing people.

        11. Yeah those stupid polish Slavs who gave America the implosion model for the atomic bomb and provided critical assistance to win our independence with their upstate New York fortifications that proved to
          Be the turning point of the American Revolution. Stupid polish Slavs

        12. In case you haven’t noticed, racists are the guys who will save your sorry ass from Islam.

        13. Stanislaw a pole was one of the key figures to design the first successful atom bomb triggered by an implosion.
          Also, Einstein did not discover how to split the atom or create the chain reaction necessary for an a bomb. In the second case that was fermi, an Italian.

        14. To the Idiocracy the term is equal to calling somone a witch. In fact it’s equivalent to calling somone a nigger: saying that you and your thoughts are worthless only its applied to Whites.

        15. No Einstein didn’t. Had very little to do with it except writing a letter to Roosevelt. Einstein isn’t even responsible for E=mc^2. Frenchman Henri Poincaire, German David Hilbert had already covered his work and done a better job. Einstein likely plagiarised Hilbert.
          Two German Chemists Hahn and Strassman discovered fission. They used chemical methods. The quantum mechanics of Heisenberg, Planck and Bohr allowed the process to be understood. Relativity has nothing to do with it, it’s all quantum mechanics.
          How to build a reactor and a bomb was fully appreciated by 1939. I can show you a German newspaper clipping where there is discussion of circulating a slurry of uranium oxide with the reaction controlled by adding cadmium salts. Or an Austrian physics conference in Viena where it was proposed to build an atomic bomb by imploding a hollow metal tube of uranium. Everyone knew by 1939. It was only a matter of details, money and time.
          The first device to produce more neutrons than it consumed was Heisenbergs Leipzig sphere, Klara Dopel calculated that scaled up to 5 tons it would be self sustaining. Thereafter Szilard and Fermini achieved glory with the first reactor and the Germans were outspent and out resourced.
          Einstein is a myth, more known for his fake pacifism, political ideology and Zionism which he promoted with his celebrity. If Einstein disappeared it would have as much impact as Kanye West disappearing. It would be quieter and more intelligent.

        16. I think many Germans would now welcome getting invaded by Poland. It would be a salvation from their own lunar left leaders.

        17. Nazi created it, Einstein helped foster it’s practical use on the field. Kind of like the light bulb with Tesla and Edison(being the plagiarizer and taking credit for it)

        18. “We have entered the age were racism and prejudice are survival mechanisms.”
          Unfortunately you are correct. It will be these over zealous nationalist meat-heads that will no doubt play a key role in protecting their culture.

        19. “They attacked Muslims, simply because they like it to attack Muslims”
          Much like when Muzzies in europe attack all non-Muslim europeans simply because the Koran mandates this…

        20. Nothing wrong with it. I was agreeing with you on the fact that things are becoming so extreme that whites are being backed into a corner. I was refering to the “over zealous meat-heads” in sarcasm aimed at Marcus who doesnt see the bigger picture.

        21. Don’t underestimate the stupidity of Slavic people.

          Yeah, because smart people are ethnomasochist cucks and manginas like Germanics and Gauls.
          Why and where once proud, racist, nationalist, conquerors, explorers Germanics lost their balls?
          Poles are doing dirty jobs for Swedes which are cucks and manginas. Not that I approve killing of dark taxi driver, but many nonwhites and nonwhite Moslems deserve death or deportation for crimes and (gang) rapes they commit and they get away with it or get silly sentences.

      2. Polish football fans scared the shit out of me when the EUROCUP 2008 went down in Vienna. Not a single guy under 6″ and 200lbs. Impressively masculine culture, Vienna may need their help again…

    2. There were NO rapes in Cologne. Just m’lady misguided white knights trying to fight for women’s “honor”. A month a half – no evidence of rapes. The whole Rapefugees term is based on a lie- basement-dwelling manginas who want to keyboard warrior on behalf of women who would laugh at them in real life.

        1. Cute. Keep saying it; maybe it’ll be true. I’ll wait for the evidence. Show it if you got it. That’s how we prove things nowadays. I realize I’m taking an unpopular view. I also know you don’t have the facts.

        2. You make an assertion then challenge me to prove it wrong.
          You do know that’s a failure of logic, right?

        3. The assertion is that these immigrants raped a bunch of people. The news stated it as fact. It’s been almost 2 months and there’s no evidence of rape. No convictions, nothing. You and the mob that are pushing this angle are the ones that need to supply evidence.

        4. I’ve never seen a conviction in 2 months except a few video taped, ten witness acts. Nor have you.

        5. There are no trials. There is nothing to go on. There is no video. Every eyewitness account I’m seeing – none claim to have seen rape (just ‘sexual assault’ which is feminist exaggeration of grab-ass). None of the accusations had any heft and none to my knowledge are being prosecuted. Now I’m sure you will say this is because the police are a bunch of sycophants to Muslims or something.
          People here don’t realize how they’re playing into the whole BS “rape culture” theme of feminists; and we’re doing it because it’s against some weird brown-looking muslim so it’s a-ok. Feminists don’t need to accuse migrants of rape culture; we are doing it for them. Of course, WE don’t have rape culture, but they do; so attack them. Evidence not needed of rape. Fine, let’s do that; but don’t come complaining to me when you are hit up with fake rape charges and get what’s coming to you when whoever decides these things does so with zero evidence.

      1. You can only hold up the lie for so long. Too many countries and too many reports with the media and police trying to cover it all up.
        Muslims still aren’t going to bang you so stop being a white knight for them.

        1. Muslims are not going to bang me? WTF. Are the women you’re shilling for going to bang you. No, that’s why you’re white knighting. Show the evidence of rape or STFU.

        1. I don’t care about the hearsay. Where is the hard evidence? What eye-witnesses? My question is not whether they saw grabass but if there was RAPE. Big difference.

        2. There is a lot of shit going down in these countries since the arrival of these “migrants” (I mean illegals). We’re talking an increase in all crime plus harassment (a few have been raped). Police are coming out and finally reporting that they’ve been covering up the actual stats for awhile now (both in Germany and Sweden). The media has been staying away from it as well.
          If you want to stick your head in the sand, then it’s your life and your choice.

        1. Snowden released information pertaining to invalids and morons getting increased Bennies from big daddy gov to push the ‘narrative’ their way, so that question is quite valid.

        2. Lets SEE the evidence genius. I am not persuaded by mindless repetition by people who have no facts.

        3. You only need to google:
          rape in Sweden
          rape in Germany
          rape in Austria
          It’s all there for you to read.
          While you’re at it, google crimes in these countries as well. You’ll see quite an increase in Sweden since the “migrants” have arrived. These are actual stats (facts).

        4. For ‘rape in austria’- i see a white soldier committing rape; there was Actually evidence and he was convicted ( . Same here ( Where is the evidence of migrant rape? I do see cases of migrant rape; but I am not clear it is at a higher % than locals, and my contention is Cologne NYE because it was so sensationalized. Of course if you have hundreds of thousands of any kind of people, there will be a crime rate.

        5. Here you go…I’ll help you out:
          In Austria, ten year old boy raped:
          In Germany, crime increases:
          In Sweden, rape increases:
          Again, stick your head in the sand if you like but crime overall has increased quite a bit since these “migrants” have come to town.

      2. you’re in major denial – they were not just in cologne, but in several cities around Germany while your like minded SJW pals in the so-called news media suppressed the story.

    3. And that’s how interracial porno flicks start. But jokes aside, that is indeed ballsy. Then again, when your country has been dismembered, reglued, dismembered again between two behemoths, reglued, and put under a repressive regime in a span of 300+ years, you would be skeptical of outsiders too.

    4. Knowing Germans as I do I would bet every penny in my pocket versus every penny in your pocket that there currently exists refugee rape porn that otto normal burgher is currently whacking off the ole knockwurst to

      1. I would not doubt the leftist in Sweden start producing pamphlets like:
        “How to rape Swedish women safely: A guide to your rights in Sweden as a migrant.
        I hear their were “Holocaust” porn films in Israel. I don’t doubt you.

    5. The magazine is just taken out of Context…this is just more “mommy Porn” like in the case of “50 shades of Grey” , notice the 500+ at the top of the Magazine, it’s a European rip off version of that Book.. “500+ Shades of Tan”, Hell the women love it, ever notice in European countries like Germany all the women holding up signs welcoming the Immigrants, well there is a Reason for that….

    6. The elites are doing everything they can to punish Poland for their nationalism. S&P recently downgraded their credit rating to BBB+, essentially because of higher legal standards for journalism and opposition to Islamic immigration.

    7. Not all of the elite, just the patriotic ones.
      We as well have our liberal, leftist degenerate ‘elite’ (represented in the Gazeta Wyborcza and the Civic Platform and embarrassingly enough in some academia) – luckily patriotism is still valued and the true patriots seized power last October while the traitors are being slowly moved into obscurity.
      WSieci – only appeared in 2012, quickly becoming the most popular media hub in Poland.
      After years of communism and post-communism Poland is finally ruled by a patriotic party that as you said loves Poland.

    8. Vlad Dracul impaled tens of thousands of invading Muslims…500 years latter they’re STILL afraid to go into Romania. That’s how these inbred, borderline retarded fanatics have to be dealt with…way to go Vlad.

      1. I love history and got on a kick about that. He terrified the Muslims so much that it affected their thinking about all the other nations they were bothering. They didn’t want to run into another guy like him. And didn’t the Church, for whom he was claiming to fight, eventually work against him because of his horrific reputation?

      2. Maybe one reason psychopaths exist in a society is not because they are amoral parasites taking advantage of trust but because they are sometimes beneficial.

    9. she is very sexy, any man would want to ravage that woman, regardless of religious persuasion or ethnicity !!

    10. That little picture of positive propaganda in the top-left corner helped restore a little of my faith in humanity, too.

    11. Poland is an interesting case. They are trapped between two giants and have an attitude like that of a Titan. Yet they can never deliver.

  2. Just passing by waiting for feminists and SJW’s to hate on this article also. Not one article is ROK enough if no lunatic comes by triggered.
    On the topic , i don’t have much to say , i haven’t been to America , but i know this is not happening just there. I suspected also since a long time ago that there is a depopulation going on for some people’s interests , i just dismissed it as paranoia. Seems i’m not alone. We have to wake up. Nationalism is the answer , everybody in his birth country with no outside interference or connections , only visiting , not living. Everybody to take care of their own food and crops , no cheap import.

  3. “…The Promethean nature of Descartes’ method, that is, the pursuit of method that brings with it control of the object, but does not bring with it civil wisdom.”-Donald Philip Verene
    These “academically” trained and/or influenced are contrarily trained to lead men and civilizations. “-Ism” destroys civilization.

  4. One of your best articles to date. It’s funny… when our ancestors came to this country they did so because they were not happy with the countries they lived in. Notice, they did not complain, they didn’t try to change the fabric of the nation they lived in they left, they came here and they built what was not too long ago: the greatest nation on earth. So some advice to our leftist, weak, unfortunately fellow Americans: Leave.

    1. Droves and droves of SJW’s will threaten to leave the country if Trump gets elected. If it happens and only a few actually follow through, that’s a victory in my mind.

      1. The little pricks never follow through on that threat. They know that if they left in droves, that we’d quickly realize what an absolute burden they are to even tolerate, and we wouldn’t let them back in.

        1. Next time I’m in Seattle sans girlfriend, I’m buying you a beer. Will not accept no for an answer.

        2. Thanks man! Why Seattle though? I live outside of Columbus, Ohio. heh

        3. Just noting that I couldn’t live in a rain drenched city mostly, I think. Plus it’s full bore “blue zone”.

        4. Oh it is. The gay mayor “the gayor” recently painted several city crosswalks rainbow colored. That was a priority for him. I’m an hour ferry ride west of Seattle. Much better on my side of the Puget Sound. Weather not as bad as people perceive.

        5. I have a son that just moved to Columbus to take a job. He had no luck looking in state for a CPA firm job following graduation from college. In one week in Columbus he had five job offers and took three very seriously before accepting one. I may be in that area more often in the future.

        6. This is White Collar Town Central. I didn’t know about CPA’s, but if you’re in IT/IS you can practically write your ticket, throw it in the air and watch the companies kill each other trying to be the first to get you.
          If you do come into town we ARE going to have some drinks, man.

      2. Strictly from a trolling point of view a trump victory would be amazing. Just watching morons crying in the streets.
        They will riot in the most ineffectual way ever.
        It reminds me of a couple of years ago when the occupy wall street thing was in the news, a bunch of guys from some underground anarchist book shop (because that’s actually a fucking thing) marched to a starbucks on Astor Place which has floor to ceiling windows. The newspaper story says they attacked with bats and rocks TRYING to break the glass…..when 10 people can break a floor to ceiling window with bats you know there is some serious lack of protein.
        I almost miss the occupy fuckers. I remember their big plan to disrupt business by standing in the doors of subways to totally fuck up the flow of rush hour traffic.
        Half as a joke and half seriously I wrote “occupy this” on a bat and carried it with me to work. No need, dumb hippies never showed up. I guess if they had the gumption to make a morning rush hour they wouldn’t have been protesting.
        Oh memories.

        1. We had one dude, in a tent, on the Statehouse lawn, which was the beginning and end of the Columbus Ohio OWS movement. Heh.
          Meanwhile, our pro-gun demonstrations routinely number 5,000+.
          Priorities – we got’em.

        2. Like always, the news made more of them in NYC than actually was.
          My favorite was when they tried to stop the NY Stock Exchange with a drum circle. They tried to disrupt the people who continued working after the first tower came down, like 4 blocks away, until the nat guard basically dragged them out….with drumming.
          It was just a bunch of whiny kids camping out and getting laid.

  5. Often times the reason why they hate America is not merely because they are out of touch and wealthy enough to be insulated from the real America but because they (the hostile elite) are NOT AMERICAN. Next time a Supreme Court decision horrifies you, check who voted for it. They will be Jewish, hispanic, gay, Black, etc.

    1. You know, not to put too fine of a point on it, but there is not one Protestant on the court, at all. Strange that we seem to be having our predominantly Protestant culture “guided” by people who at some level don’t relate to it…or us.

    2. Very true, just like when you see a seeminly “white” person bitching about white priviledge, make opression and such – dig a bit deeper and you’ll see a big, hooked nose sticking out

    3. It’s baffling how many people seem to believe that Jews are just the same as Gentiles, and are fighting on the same team. Every shred of available evidence points to the precise opposite.

      1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you just say above in the thread that you’re a Jew? If so, then by advocating for some of these other posters, doesn’t that imply that you’re fighting on the same team as us? If so, then shouldn’t we disbelieve you based on every shred of available evidence that points to the precise opposite?
        Just trying to make sure I have all of my ducks in a row here…

        1. First, I am extremely rare in my outlook, and so any generalizations based on me will usually fail.
          Secondly, I am fighting on the side of the truth. But at the end of the day, every human being has natural tribal loyalties that supersede other considerations (unless they are a self-loathing leftist).
          For those reasons, I wish to be considered an ally in the struggle to reclaim White nations, but people like me should not be placed in high positions of leadership or authority in any movement advocating White rights.

        2. I know a few jews who are aware of jewish activism against whites and dislike it.
          I also understand human tribal loyalties. I agree with you, particular jews are not to be hated, but jews as a group have had net negative effect on western society.

        3. For one, if liberals get their way european jews will have to live alongside muslims. And let’s just say, unlike germans, muslims will have no qualms in attacking jews.
          Some jews are afraid of “nazis” more than they are afraid of the muslim horde. They would rather risk living alongside muslims than have nationalists come to power, because never again !
          That’s stupid, but hey it is what it is.

        4. Because I believe they are the best in the world, full of the best people in the world. I believe that the Zionists who dominate the discourse are being incredibly foolish and short-sighted, driven by lust for power, in their drive to subjugate the West.
          I am aware enough to see that as soon as the strong White West falls, the Jews are equally doomed. Why others don’t see this is beyond me, but like I said the lust for power blinds weak men.

        5. Yeah. Honestly I don’t get it either. I know they’re pissed about the Nazis but that’s gone. Do they really believe that non-whites are going to somehow treat them well? But like you said, lust for power blinds pussy boys. They better open their eyes soon.

        6. The healthy way to see it (in my view) is like a competitor in a sport. One one one, members of rival teams can certainly be close friends. And there is no reason to “hate” your rival teams. You can sit around and discuss tactics with them if you like.
          But when the curtain goes up and it’s time for the final contest, each man is right to express loyalty to his own team.
          Should Jews be hated because they are on a rival team? No. But they sure as hell should not be trusted and given high positions of power either!

        7. Great way of putting it.
          We are competing for a piece of the pie. And whites and jews are competitors. Jews have pushed the narrative of multiculturalism to weaken their competitor that’s it. Unfortunately, it will have repercursions for them as well.
          Do I hate jews ? No.
          But I do understand our competing nature so there is that. I call them on their bullshit and do my own thing.

        8. ordinary jews fear attack and anti-semitism, and I imagine the implications of the changing demographics caused by the refugee crisis will not be lost on them. There is perhaps another side though, which is that where jewish safety is threatened, either in the present or as a ‘spectre’ on the horizon this may have the effect of underlining and reproducing a negatively defined Jewish identity.

        9. I’ve known and met a lot of Jews I like as people. I’m not a fan of the Zionist that seem to use their own people as cannon fodder to enrich themselves in a very destructive game and demonize everyone else. I admire the fact they retain their identity and culture I don’t like those that attempt to destroy ours. Live and let live.
          Then again. We whiteys have our own destructive assholes to deal with.

        10. “I am aware enough to see that as soon as the strong White West falls, the Jews are equally doomed.” I can’t disagree with that. I do disagree “we are the best in the world.” Each “race” has unique attributes that set us apart. We can’t claim to be better than Blacks as a whole. We appear to be on completely different developmental (spiritual) paths. What a White man excels at and Black man can fail, but we can’t say they are inferior because of it. We can’t make a comparisons like that.
          I do think Zionism is going to be the end of Judaism. It is dangerous to Jewish people at large and if the pace doesn’t stop, it may prove to be disastrous to others in collateral damage. It may be a hard core skinheads wet dream to conquer the “Jews” it isn’t going to happen. Many Jewish people have the same sentiment as you. They have reflected deeply on that very issue of Zionism being dangerous, but it seems, from my observations, the Zionist have a well oiled and tuned fear factory going. “The Gentiles are capable of killing you at any moment!” I certainly have no desire to kill Jews for being Jewish. Just don’t fuck with me and I’ll leave you alone. I hope the feeling is mutual. I have a greater disdain for White Politicians than Blacks, Jews or Asians.
          When you have people separated from their culture and identity they become exceptionally dangerous and brutal. That is the origin of a Black Panther. That vacuum becomes a Neo-Nazi Skinhead. They’ll create a culture that is destructive to belong to something. Zionism is interfering with cultural development of other peoples. Not healthy.
          I perceive people getting to the point that they retaliate against the innocents of a group that they can’t compete against or feel oppressed. The “Gentiles will kill you” becomes a self fulfilling prophecy due to a lack of self-reflection on what Zionist did to cause it. We whites can be outrageously brutal when our trust is violated. Country folk are slow to anger but swift and violent in retribution. We will brutally murder our own people as a means to an end to regain equilibrium. We have been far more merciless to people than look like us than people who don’t.
          There is this twisted sense of altruism we both have “To make the world a better place” (Tikkun olam) in our image that’s exceptionally destructive to others. It’s a lofty goal from a singular perspective, not in reality. What works for Blacks doesn’t work for Whites. Regardless of whether race is a construct or not, it exists and we all need to have our own path of development and stop fucking around with other people and cultures.
          Sometime I imagine the core of Zionism isn’t even Jewish but something completely alien to it. Jews are simply being used as a proxy for them. It could happen.

        11. Do you have the slightest knowledge and understanding of what “western society” has done to Jews over the past centuries? For hundreds of years, Jews were treated with murderous malice, causing immeasurable grief and pain to countless innocent Jews. Now, that we have the real power in the West, we’re giving you a taste of your own medicine, albeit in a far quieter and stealthier way. And the exchange rate is 10:1 i.e. for every Jew viciously killed and maimed throughout the centuries, ten Europeans or “whites” shall slowly perish.

        12. Don’t worry about it. We already have, or control, all the levers of power among the dumb goyim. The only area where Jews don’t have a presence is the military/the Pentagon. However, when it comes to a battle between guns and gold … gold always wins! Amazing how 5-star generals salivate when a bundle of cash or a small bag of gold is held in front of them.
          Besides, our katsas have gathered enough dirt on most senior members of the military and the U.S. intelligence apparatus that they’re basically our lackeys, err, our bitches. Trust me, when a senior judge or U.S. intelligence officer refuses to do our bidding, we remind them of how awful it would be if their penchant for teenage male prostitutes came to public light … and schzaaam! they’re begging at our feet to be our servant! That’s how you conduct business with the dumb goy.

        13. Wrong again, you Levite. You obviously have no understanding of the Zohar, and have no clue as to the mystical dimensions of our mission, as mandated by Adonai.

        14. *Friendly jab alert*
          You need to check and make sure you still have ALL of your ducks before checking if they are in a row, because well, you know. Heh.

        15. Now that the global economy is beginning to fall apart, more and more people are becoming aware of the JQ, and Israel won’t have nations to extort for money, what will you do? In other words, the tables will turn.

      2. Why should it be any different? Learn you own history, and stop with this ridiculous self-hatred. You’re one of us, always will be one of us; G-d’s chosen. The dumb goyim are getting exactly what they deserve: for centuries they have treated the Jew with contempt and murderous spite, and by G-d does vengeance served cold feels good.

        1. Ah screw it, you’re right. Let’s just keep turning the screws on the stupid animals. It’s kind of fun watching them suffer.

      1. be-tahbūlōt ta`aseh lekhā milkhamāh ( בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה).
        -By way of deception, thou shalt do war.
        It’s a no-brainer, Adam boy. We’re grossly outnumbered by “people” who want to rip us to pieces like the savage beasts that they are. All we have is our wits and cleverness to survive. Try to keep up, will ya.

  6. In regards to the environmentalism characterization, consider China which does not value or support environmentalism and compare them to here (there are many other examples too).
    Some people may go a bit extreme with it, but with normal environmentalism, I don’t think it’s fair to lump it with all the other socially destructive liberal movements.

    1. Yeah, the EPA is shutting down and gutting West Virginia and Kentucky and parts of southern Ohio, wholesale. They are replacing all of the plants they’re forcing shut with nothing, not even a solar charging wrist watch. Two winters ago, when we were in a deep freeze across the nation, we were 1 to 2 power plants away from full production capacity for the entire nation. Those plants are now closed. Pray that from hereon out, winters stay mild.
      So yeah, I’m going to go ahead and consider that “destructive”.

      1. Without knowing the specifics of what you’re referring to, I presume those were coal plants. In which case, good for the EPA. Sorry my friend, but we’ve got to switch over to cleaner forms of fuel. We can retrain Americans in areas affected by closures to work in the solar, water, wind, and nuclear energy sectors, but we cannot continue burning CO2 and ignoring the massive but invisible costs.

        1. They switched to nothing. That’s the whole point. Not now, not in the future, nothing, there is nothing there. Your “good feelz” is going to cause massive brown outs and blackouts across the nation come the next hard winter. If they sustain longer than a day or two, that will mean a lot of actual deaths. Human lives.
          Who is this “we” in “we can train”? When did we become a centralized command and control economy anyway?

        2. The fundamental problem with what you’ve offered is that it promotes government management of resources used by businesses and firms. This creates enormous amounts of government corruption. It is better to let individuals decide what to patronize and what not to patronize.

        3. The electrical grid runs on coal, nat gas, nuclear, and to a lesser extent, hydro power; coal is still responsible for 30 or 40% of that energy mix- how do we makeup for that shortfall? Yeah, coal is dirty, but what do we do to replace it?

        4. I suppose, at least, the government could compensate For the loss of jobs by offering some training or even relocation to another area with better jobs.

        5. But these people have lived in these places their entire lives. These plants didn’t shut down because they couldn’t sustain themselves, they were forced out of business by government out of sheer hatred. Why the hell should people have to pull up roots that may be hundreds of years old simply because the government decided that they no longer mattered in the big picture of this nation?
          What the government *should* do is get the hell out of the “shut down America” program and leave us the fuck alone.

        6. Fair enough. And while you do bring good points, at the same time, stuff like government subsidies to industries like ethanol should also end. If we are to cut taxes, I think the best approach is to also cut the cord to those receiving subsidies. Also, no more stadium subsidies to NFL owners. Fuck them.

        7. I agree. By subsidy however I refer strictly to actual financing. Letting a company keep it’s own money is not a subsidy. However, most eco companies, especially the ethanol ones, are heavily “invested” in by government and yes, drop that immediately.

        8. We replace coal with nothing, see? Now do you get it? Nothing, which is what we deserve. We need to starve and die so that the rest of the world can get on with life without rotten no good America corrupting it and giving people ideas. /sarcasm off.

        9. I’ve gotten to the point where I think leftism should be destroyed. You can’t reason with them and they have no other goal other than to destroy you. Sometimes you just have to defend yourself no matter what silly names idiot left turds call you.

        10. As I’ve stated before, I’m more and more coming to see why most in Chile approved of Pinochet, and still consider him a great hero.

        11. Same here GOJ. I used to be completely disgusted because I loath fascism as well but what are you going to do when your opponent will not listen to reason and wants nothing more than to completely destroy you?

        12. Ah, so a collectivist. The Mighty We.
          Coal is shifting to nothing. That article is “should, gonna someday, we assume”.
          Your good feelz are putting people dead out of work and come a major weather season, in the dark and possibly worse.

        13. My most bitter arguments are with the faux Xtians who defend their “churches” to me. The post modern “church” is the focus of the problem in America today. Our spiritual foundations have been destroyed, and when the foundations are destroyed, the righteous are screwed in this world. I esteem the next world more than this one, but that does not mean that I as a man am willing to just stand around with my fingers in my ass and let this world goto hell in a handbasket on my watch without some very hard and loud bitching. And preaching to the wicked of the eternal fate that awaits them for picking the wrong side.
          Psalm 11
          1 In the LORD put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?
          2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their
          arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.
          3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

        14. Doubtful. Cite some links and I’ll believe you.
          A collectivist? Society moves forward largely due to the effort of teams of people. We — WE — can form teams of trainers to help people get new jobs in the energy field. Yes, it’s painful, but it’s better for American and global society in the long run.
          Sounds like you’ve got some scratch invested in the fossil fuel industry, otherwise you wouldn’t be reacting so badly to what is a very common-sense position.

        15. I apologize for putting the words in jammyjaybird’s mouth for him. I thought it was obvious what he would say and also that the guy would not actually be honest and say it.

        16. Your green revolution is invested in the gas/oil/coal biz whether you like it or not.
          How do we harness wind and solar energy? With machines. These machines cannot be built or shipped to wherever w.o the benefit of hydrocarbon energy. The excavators run on diesel fuel, they extract the rare earth minerals. They might get put on a train which runs on coal. Then they are sent to a factory, which runs on nat gas or coal…see what Im getting at?

        17. Cite links to show something isn’t happening. Got it. I’ll also provide some links confirming that Elvis has, as of yet, not risen from the grave.
          I reject your collectivism. Take that shit back to the Stone Age where it belongs.
          I have no “scratch” invested in fossil fuel, outside of whatever petrol resides in the gas tanks of my cars and motorcycle. You simply are looking for confirmation bias e.g. – I’m right, so if you disagree, that means you’re part of “them!” which explains everything, because I can’t be wrong.

        18. And when people freeze to death, it was for your noble green cause which is based on a lie.
          You are in a cult.

        19. Have a friend in Madrid who was an officer in Chile in the bad old days. His friend was one of the 5 pilots who nailed the palace Allende was in. He had some stories.
          Pinochet was a hero from what I have read and the Chileans I spoke too.

        20. If what you’re saying is true, there are no doubt plenty of watchdog organizations who have been screaming about the nation’s lack of energy preparedness for a bad winter season. Please link to one of these sources. Mining lobby-funded groups aren’t acceptable.
          My friend, you’re the one living in the Stone Age, at least with your short-sighted unwillingness to acknowledge that the world is healthier without fossil-fuel CO2 emissions than it is with them. That’s real Stone Age thinking: if I can’t see the danger right now, the danger doesn’t exist. When Miami’s underwater and New York can’t pump out its subway system, maybe you’ll be singing a different tune. The rest of us are trying to look ahead.
          Sorry if I’m coming off a little bullheaded here, but this is one topic about which I know I’m right. You cannot defend the burning of CO2.
          BTW, my grandfather was born and raised in a coal mining family in western Pennsylvania. After four years in the mines, he got the hell out at age 22 and went to college, got an engineering degree, graduated at 27. He never, ever wanted to return to the mines. The people of Ohio and WV energy sectors need to reinvent themselves the same way my grandfather did.

  7. Progressives are filled with self loathing, and in america conservatives are looking more and more like they are on the progressive trajectory. Conservatives are moving more slowly on that trajectory but its the same curve.

    1. In part, I blame ginormous McChurches that have dotted the landscape in the past 20 years or so.

        1. For all the “Catholics worship saints” stuff they throw around, Protestants do have a weird cult of personality towards their preachers. Two, one thing I did notice about churches here, especially Baptist churches, is the ridiculous influence women have, which seems to have the effect of men getting undermined in their own ministries. And don’t get me started on churches trying to be hip and cool by introducing modern music, among other modern nonsense.

        2. It’s difficult for me to find anything resembling a traditional old school church. If the Catholics were still pre-Vatican II I’d consider that, but they aren’t, and I’m just not into that whole Pope Franky Social Justice Warrior Environmentalist thing that much. Most Protestant churches are wackmobile and depraved, as you note. I’ve thought about Orthodox (Russian or Greek) but don’t really know enough about either one yet to make a decision. I’d hate to discover that they too are full of shit and heresy. If that’s the case (fingers crossed that it’s not), what’s left?

        3. Good thing you mention Francis. He’s visiting my double hometowns of Cd Juarez/El Paso TX today. Since I no longer live there I won’t be attending. However, it’s amazing how batshit crazy people are going for him. As for me, I’m still a bit undecided about him. He seems more sincere and in touch with the common person that John Paul II or Benedict XIV. My brother loathes him though, although that’s partly because the visit will bring chaos for him, since he’s a trucker. Plus, apparently, they’re shutting the schools in the El Paso area.

        4. I attend Russian Orthodox mass with the wife though I am catholic. There are a lot of similiarities if you exclude the icons. I know a guy who converted (his father in law was a russian orthodox priest and would only give his blessing if he converted) and he had no regrets

        5. I grew up as Orthodox. Say what you will, but it is one of the few churches free of leftist crap.

        6. That’s where I’ll start then. Am starting to get a bit distressed at how awful so many churches are. I thought it would just be the hippy dippy Methodists/Episcopalians I’d have to avoid, nope.

        7. I’ve heard that from a number of people from the protestant sects. The more hippy they go, the less people attend. With the catholic parishes, I find it all depends on the local priest.

        8. There are also RC parishes that offer the traditional Latin mass. The priests and and congregants at these tend to be a cut above.

        9. I understand. I am catholic but of Traditional persuasion, hence for me he is another heretic. Sorry but had Frank been borne 150 years ago he would have excommunicated and kicked out of any Catholic church, no matter how “sincere” or “in touch” with the people he is. The same goes for JP II and Ben.

        10. Perhaps take a look in at St. Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church, Columbus. Services in English.
          The last time I was there someone had chalked up the sidewalk outside in rainbow colors in support of homosexual love. A shot across the bow, I suppose.

        11. Dude, any church that has a cross and belief in trinity is likely pagan. People can’t even be sure jesus died on a cross, the word stauros used in the bible means stake. Egyptians and Aztecs worshipped crosses. The Vatican Church is pagan with its egyptian obelisk and pagan symbology. The bible never said jesus is God just a gpd /authority. Most churches don’t even say god’s name in the bible, Jehovah/Y-H-W-H.
          True christianity is Unitarian, no cross, Also no immortality of soul and no hellfire.
          Check out for more info.

    2. Just look at the crowds Hilary takes pics with – mainly brown faces. That is the future she wants for America and the world

    3. I used to think I was conservative, but now I realize that all I was doing was providing cover for cuckservatives. So now I’m a nationalist. I was always a nationalist, but now I know enough to say so, and I understand the difference between a cuckservative and a nationalist.

      1. I’m a nationalist, but there has to be more than just that, nationalism is not an actual political ideology, it’s an “adjective” you toss onto an ideology. Every ideology can (or can not) be nationalist. USSR – nationalist when it counted. Nazis – duh, traditional U.S. – nationalist (prior to the Viet Nam war, and a bit in the 1980’s), each nation in Feudal Europe – nationalist, etc. All totally different ideologies, but all nationalist.
        It is right to drop “conservative” think, given as it means little to nothing these days, and I’m fond of “alt-right” since it describes hard right and libertarian, more or less. I’d just advise making sure that we don’t fall into the trap of Collectivist Nationalism. That kind of shit is major scary.

        1. I see your point, and I agree completely. I would say that I’m a small “l” libertarian Nationalist, or perhaps a big “C” Constitutional nationalist. Definitely not a Socialist nationalist, if you get my drift.

        2. ” Collectivist Nationalism”
          Curious, what is that supposed to mean ?
          You think socialists with a national inclination are a bad thing ? I might understand the libertrarian leanings, but in my opinion americans exaggerate the threat of “colectivism”.
          Socialism as a in-group strategy is very appealing to westerners, it’s only a problem when it is spread to outside groups that it becomes a problem.
          Of course as libertrarian I understand that you prefer free market and low taxes over socialism.
          I’m just saying. I would rather live under a pro-white “big government” than an anti-white “small government”, a la “cuckservatives” free border, more diversity crap.
          Although I understand your preference for the free market, I am ok with that and I agree somewhat.
          Ultimately the litmus test is, do they act in the interest of europeans, particularly straight white males or do they act in the interest of the liberals who scream it’s the current year ?
          Other factors are important, but this one is primary to me. Big government vs small government matters less to me now in times of crisis, where our main goal should be reigniting pride in the european identity and expelling third worlders as well as making it acceptable to act in the interest of whites without shame or guilt.
          We will figure the small vs big government part when we solve the current crisis, for now it is mainly pro straight white male vs anti white, anti male, anti straight.

        3. I’m just saying. I would rather live under a pro-white “big government”
          than an anti-white “small government”, a la “cuckservatives” free border, more diversity crap.

          Well, we don’t have small government anymore. That was destroyed some time ago. We now have an enormous government run by nutcase leftist maggots now.

          We will figure the small vs big government part when we solve the current crisis, for now it is mainly pro straight white male vs anti white, anti male, anti straight.

          I definitely want small government but I hear ya. At the moment we’re in a struggle for mere survival against the Leftist crazies.

        4. Yes, spot on.
          This is my problem with evangelicals from Middle America who vote for Carson or Cruz instead of Trump because of the abortion issue.
          Southern states are most “diverse” and therefore the most “racist”. In those states people don’t choose “anti-abortion” vs free choice, or small taxes vs big ones.
          The only issues that matter are guns and borders and anti PC leanings.
          In other words when your life is threatened by “diversity” you don’t think of, hey I like Rand’s Paul small taxes and anti TPP stances, you think “holy shit send this beaners back where they came from, and don’t dare take my guns or I will kill you”.
          Liberal northern states like New Hampshire or Vermont don’t face diversity so they are the least “racist”, but this will change with the import of Somalians.
          States in the Midwest like Iowa, still vote based on religious issues, because “diversity” is not an issue there yet. As if Cruz will manage to stop abortion. Good luck with that.
          Evangelicals are just boomers who have not yet woken up to the reality of the looming disaster caused by immigration and PC culture.
          I feel sad for them on one side, on the other hand fuck boomers.
          In desperate times people become tribalistic and identity politics become question number 1, liberals call this racism, I call this survival. If we are to survive, we must organize to defend our identity and the right to pursue it without being called racist. Once that is settled we’ll talk about abortion or taxes.
          No white guilt for me and no guilt for being a masculine man, cucks can call me names as much as they like, I don’t care.

        5. I mean, that I reject socialism, no matter how nationalist or non-nationalist it is. I will work for the common good and for my fellow country man on the tacit agreement that we all work as free men and respect each other’s rights (and duties). What I will not do is bow down to nor endorse some overriding “Social Committee” dictating my role in life and confiscating my dignity and integrity as a human being. Fuck that, women already have a system doing that to me now, why would it be any better if we changed out the Femi-Buro for the Nationalist-Buro?

        6. Right on. Every person on earth lives in a nation, some good, some bad. Nationalism literally, or support of the nation, is not necessarily a good thing, even when the nation itself is well governed and stable. But when the nation is bad, it’s awful.

        7. I also must mention how the left has used the word fascism to smear anyone, to the point people do not know what “fascism” means.
          Fascism is not totalitarianism, fascism means “everything must be done with the interest of the state in mind”.
          The Italian fascist regime had no racist undertones. The fact that liberals use fascist and nazi interchangeably is a problem.

        8. It’s kind of like the adjective “Extremist”. We’re supposed to cringe in horror lest we be called that, but why is it so bad? What if I was an Extreme Nice Guy who went out and saved kittens from trees? Why is that “extremism” bad? But no, just say “extremist!” and it’s over…well, used to be, they kind of overplayed that word. Same with Nationalist. It can be good, or bad, or neutral, depending on what political ideology its attached to.
          As I’m a libertarian (mostly, except immigration issue) I’m a Nationalist Libertarian, or some such thing like that.

        9. I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
          Acceptance Speech as the 1964 Republican Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.
          Now that is the Barry we should have elected.

        10. “The Italian fascist regime had no racist undertones” Indeed, Portugal and Greece where similarly examples of benign fascist States that where conservative, christian and without an elected government. The absence of an elected government to administer the affairs of a State, does not mean it’s either fascist, chaotic or oppressive. Is a Nation that’s run by an elected Government that’s bank rolled by lobbyists and special interests any more fair and equal than States that are run without an elected Government?
          Why do countries like the USA and Britain have more wealth inequality between the richest and the poorest then? It’s interesting the way that left wing/liberal thinkers/SJW always ignore this consistent undemocratic inequality and concentrate instead on largely superficial equality issues like trasngenderism etc.

        11. Spot on! To be an extreme believer in freedom and justice is a virtue not a vice.
          Great quote from Commander Rockwell
          “We are ideoligical fanatics. But did you think how this country was founded ? It was built by fanatics. When I was fighting against those japs, they made fanatics out of us, and trust me we were. Now they say it’s bad.
          We believe in something more than our own human life. If you are going to be a doctor, be a fantaical doctor. All great artists were fanatics. Those who are not will just chug beer and will die as nobody”
          (from 4: 40 and on)

        12. Great post.
          Indeed it’s better to be ruled by a benevolent king than a democratically elected leader that hates your nation.

        13. re. “undemocratic inequality” I imagine there’s an element of good old fashioned misdirection involved there i.e. feminism might be good for the elites (lower wages / more taxes etc) but its primarily good for the elite because it distracts from the accumating going on at the very top

  8. Both the vile members of the Frankfurt School and Antonio Gramsci independently produced what Gramsci called the “long march through the institutions” in which communists would gain access to each and every institution, promote their own, ruthlessly eliminate enemies first then neutrals and then completely control the institution. Then the institution (academia, church, infotainment, law, etc.) can be used to further the cause of communism. This has resulted in the phenomena we see where the leadership actually hates their own country and countrymen. This is the effect of the cultural-marxist left that essentially controls the West.

    1. That’s true.
      And what I don’t understand is why so-called conservatives and other groups who hold high opinions of their own intelligence allowed this to happen. Until we adopt the same win-at-all-costs mentality that the left adopted decades ago, and until conservatives in general stop believing that it’s enough to just have the truth behind you, we’ve already lost.

      1. They are a bunch of weak, cowardly cucks. That is why they hate Trump and love losers like John Boehner and Lindsey Graham. True conservatives are absolutely disgusted with the GOP.

    1. For every one “giving up” there are hundreds or thousands more who just leave, like Roosh, but retain citizenship. Which makes these numbers truly scary.

      1. And I will be one of that number soon, but not soon as I would like. I was raised in a patriotic family to be a patriotic citizen. I was raised with the expectation that I would serve the nation in the military as part of my duty to the nation, and I did. That attitude will die with my boomer generation. Many of you hate boomers and blame them for everything that has gone wrong, especially with intersexual relations, for the past 100 years. Good luck with your stewardship of the nation which is about to begin. I will wish you well from afar.
        BTW, I loved the line in the Hitler speech where he said it was better to let die that which is destined to die. I related that to the entire western culture. It is doomed to die and the first rats to abandon the sinking ship have the best chance of avoiding the suction when it goes down.

  9. Just like the ethnic minority that took control of Russia in 1917 hated everything Russian, Christian and Slavic. They killed millions of my kin. The same junta controls America and the West.
    Why Westerners are so blind?

    1. Because the Baby Boomer generation were the most brainwashed in world history, and they bought all of the lies hook line and sinker, then made it a crime to speak the truth. We have been living in a bubble of false indoctrination for about 60 years now. Nobody even knows what is real or true anymore, it’s all just deception.

      1. Make that about 50 years.
        If you know where to look and how to look for it, Truth can be found. The only thing that hasn’t become crystal clear YET is who all the players are and what level they are on. I stress the word yet.

    2. The red terror isnt taught in schools. The holico$t is, though.
      You already know the score.

    3. You mean the Bolsheviks consists of Cheka and Lenin and pavel.
      Then again their ideas is all about overthrowing the old and opposition like now liberalism

  10. Poland, Hungary, and those other anti-globalist, anti-Muslim, anti-feminist Baltic and Eastern European nations are the next great hope for humanity. The next civilization of prosperity and ingenuity will emerge there… assuming they stay sensible and resist the leftist West as we collapse.

    1. ” The next civilization of prosperity and ingenuity will emerge there”
      I kinda doubt it. It is true that traditionalism and patriarchial values are being upheld while stopping progressiveism, but the corruption of the east europeans will ensure that 99% of the people will struggle economically.

  11. I might blow your minds here mates, but I will tell you the root cause of this.
    Are you ready ? It’s … the Holocaust.
    The current cultural zeitgeist is a result of the post-WW2 sentiment, particularly disdain for the Nazi regime.
    In an attempt to prevent a 3rd World War, governments went into overdrive in their attempt to de-nazify Europe. The problem is Germany was not only about racial superiority and hate for jews, it was also about : masculinity, patriarchy, integral family, traditional gender roles, etc.

    Thus any attempt to promote traditional family structures, true nationalism and everything else we advocate here became verboten. The Overton window shifted, and rational ideas suddenly were outside of it overnight. Insane liberalism on the other hand became popular, as a response to Nazi Germany.
    This only got worse with the anti-Vietnam movement in the 60’s, when this sentiment was exacerbated, thus becoming “anti-nazis” became popular, which in essence meant hatred of your race, gender bending, lack of rigid sex roles, casaul sex, no patriotism, heroism, no nothing.
    There is a belief that nationalism and masculinity were the causes of WW2 and that it would not have happened if Germans hated themselves, hence white guilt. It makes no sense, but that’s the line of thinking. There is no way to defeat it without being called “nazi” or “far right”.
    Of course this is bullshit, we know very well that germans hating themselves and destroying natonal unity by bringing people from the Third World won’t bring peace to Europe, in fact it will do the exact opposite. But Holocaust guilt blinds us.
    This is why Eastern Europe and Israel are the only countries openly pursuing nationalism and patriarchy, they don’t carry holocaust or colonial guilt.
    In fact, ironically attempts to stop WW3 by actively destroying Europe, like Merkel is doing, might cause a rift between Western and Eastern Europe, and who knows, we might have to fight due to Western European desire for self destruction in the name of virtue signalling.
    Godwin’s law and white guilt is in the reason for all this bullshit.

    1. And if anyone is wondering what role jews played in this, we’ll it’s simple.
      Jewish overrepresentation in media, culture and news is a result of the post-WW2 world were jewish tribalism kicked into overdrive and jews in fear of another holocaust promised themselves to promote cultural marxist values to the goyim, even if they did not practiced what they preach.
      Because criticizing jews became socially unacceptable after WW2, jews relentlessly promoted each other through nepotism, to the point that most cultural institutions have an insane jewish over-representation.
      And again, using the moral capital that being an “opressed minority” gives you, they created the $PLC, ADL, AIPAC, etc. Organizations that promote, not so much “anti-racism” as much as they reinforce the post WW2 white guilt, cultural marxist narrative. Thus even Christian, and PUAs (yes, seriously, they made a list of dangerous personalities on the manosphere) became “dangerous” because the promoted even a slice of masculinity and dignity.
      (Notice a familiar face there)
      Cultural marxism itself was jewish invention, which contained race and gender denial and was meant to weaken nazi Germany, It’s destruction of society is not an accident, it is it’s main purpose. In other words, western society must destroy itself in the name of “diversity and equality” so that jews can feel 100% safe there will never be another holocaust. Even if that means the host society will literally kill itself by virtue signalling itself into oblivion.
      That’s why any attempt to point out jewish bullshit is met with hate and accusations of racism. Even, if you say nothing false. Jews hold moral capital due to the holocaust, so they will never allow anyone to point out the level of their power or suggests that they are not victims. This explains the barage of holocaust movies, meant to guilt goyim further and the SPLC attacking people for making true statements. They never refute them, they just call you an “anti-semite”.
      This jewish activism was explored by Kevin McDonald in his book “Culture of Critique”, there are also some great ocumentaries on this on youtube by Red Ice Creations.

      1. Any doubters here, trust what this man says is the truth. Coming from a Jew who is sick and tired of watching this twisted web of lies destroy the best countries in this world.

        1. I thought your name was a gag. You’re brave for going against the tribe. Norman Finkelstein is still banned from entering Israel.

        2. And of course David Cole, the jewish holocaust revisionist who had to change his name and hide from fellow jews for questioning the sacred cow.

        3. David Cole had to go into hiding for a looong time. Lol. On another note, it’s pretty insane people still believe in the Holocaust Myth. How on God’s green Earth could the Nazis kill 6 million people in 4 years?

        4. “How on God’s green Earth could the Nazis kill 6 million people in 4 years?”
          With masturbation machines of death of course.

          Also, fun fact. Anne Frank’s diary was edited by her dad.
          The part about masturbation was added by him.
          This should tell you something abouth these “survivors”.

        5. What’s funny to me is how anti-Trump people make arguments like “You can’t just deport 11 million people from a country! That’s logistically impossible, we just have to live with them now.”
          And then in response you can ask if they’re Holocaust deniers. Because the history books teach us that the Nazis, in the 1930s-1940s (over 70 years ago), managed to round up and CREMATE 11 million people (6 million Jews + 5 million others) despite being on the losing side of the bloodiest war in human history. If they were capable of such a feat so long ago, there’s no reason America with its #1 economy can’t accomplish a much simpler feat in 2016.

        6. Not to mention we already deported illegals in the past.
          Tell them to look into Operation Wetback.

      2. With your point on PUAs… here’s a fun fact actually:
        The original PUAs were Jewish! No joke, some of the movement founders that is… (similar to the movement founders of 2nd and 3rd wave feminism).
        It makes sense, as a PUA lifestyle simply promotes degeneracy whereas a *masculine* lifestyle promotes the values in the article above such as healthy Nationalism and Natalism.
        Here’s a list of the Jewish PUAs:

        1. It is indeed true. In my opinion PUAs had little value besides basically saying “go approach there”.
          While it is indeed curious that most of early PUAs were jewish, this is the case were I think it is not a “conspiracy” but rather jewish nature coming forth.
          There is value in PUA nonetheless. Later on Red Pill philosophy developed to meta-analyze the mating market and male female relationships, with guys like Rollo Tomassi coming forth.
          Of course Chateau Heartiste turned PUA into something more than just go fuck bitches, analyzing the social dynamics behind game.
          Ultimately game is (looks + approach). The fact that PUAs never mentioned looks was very suspicious as that is exactly what guys with cheetos fingers needed to hear most. Also they lied by saying you can get ANY woman by using game, which is stupid because some women are not sexually available and that’s it.
          The best mainstream PUA was Paul Janka, he was very SWPL, lived in New York and had a good job. He focused mostly on getting phone numbers quickly and moving on.
          The other most legit PUA, although less mainstream would probably be Good Looking Loser. He basically explained his theory : looks, approaches, no anxiety, and that’s it. Direct or indirect does not matter as much. I am mostly in line with his vision.
          My theory on why jews were attracted to PUA is because PUA was one of the biggest scam industries out there, whatever nuggets of good advice they gave.

          PUA in itself was a reaction to a collapsed marriage market due to unfair marriage laws and unmarriable women, as a result of the sexual revolution.
          If the disastrous effects of the 60’s revolution could be reversed the need for PUAs would go away.

        2. I personally add Tyler/Owen from RSD to the list of legit PUAs, and he is Jewish as well I believe. His Youtube videos are honestly one of the biggest reasons I managed to turn my dating life around.
          But as you said, nowhere in his philosophy does he emphasize the welfare of society as a whole, or overarching morals coming in to play at any time. Many men will just stop at a similar “enjoy the decline” philosophy and it’ll work out fine for them, unfortunately many men like us are cursed to aspire to something greater in the end.

      3. Do you have a solution? Roosh pointed out that christians are not as tribal as hews are, and that may be the bigger reason.

    2. Yep all of Germany’s strong masculine men were killed during WW2. I am proud to say that my father and my uncle killed their fair share of Germans. I am grateful for all in my father’s generation who help kill off those fucking Nazi bastards.

      1. You mean the cucks who fought on the wrong side of the war, against their own people, at the command of wealthy international Zionists?
        Yes, quite the legacy to be proud of.

        1. General Patton said Americans fought on the wrong side in the war.

          The West should have allied itself with Germany and destroyed the Communists in the East, who were the real enemies of western civilization.
          German hatred of jews was a reaction to what jews did in Eastern Europe during that period. Genrik Yagoda, a commie jew orchestrated the Holodomor which killed 10 million ukrainins before Hitler even came to power in 1933.
          Why do we never hear about those guys ? Oh right, it is because history is written by the victors and selective memory is a thing.
          I agree that Nazi had excesses, particularily their disadain for slavs and mediteranians. His racial theory was slightly off. The one problem with Nazi Germany was their radical Germanism which made sense at the time when they did not live in a globalized world. But now we need pan-European racial conscoiusness to defend our continent against the great hordes ot third world invaders.
          Not everything nazis did was wrong. This american WW2 vet gets it.

        2. That’s interesting. I’ve come closer to GS Patton’s view on this too even though I absolutely loath national socialism. What a shitty choice. People like the Poles could choose only between the tyranny of Hitler or the tyranny of Stalin. Don’t know how they withstood it.

        3. Yes, I disagree with what Hitler did to slavs.
          I am East European and the fact that the organized famine, which 3 of my grandparents went through is being silenced by jewish organizations to not lose the spotlight in the victimhood game is disgusting.

        4. Yeah I never even knew about Stalin’s starvation of Ukrainians until the internet. That was one of the first things I ran into that got me thinking, “Wait, Stalin was part of the ‘Allies’ in WWII and we supported this monster?” Hell, that shithead FDR even called him Uncle Joe! I thought, “What the hell?!”
          I’m now almost where Patton is on this issue. All the Allies did was make the world safe for Communism and other nutcase leftists.

        5. I learned about Stalin and the Ukranians in high school actually. Strange how different things get by region isn’t it, education wise?
          We were also instructed to read Anthem, and had “right wing survivalists” come into the school as guest speakers and warn us against government. Hell, we even had a Problems of Democracy class during senior year where it was demonstrated how easy it is to vote in a dictatorship, and you were taught how to and expected to lead some form of resistance to the Dictator (who always, it turns out, was the teacher, which taught us about rigged elections). Fun high school.

        6. It really was. It all changed in the 1990’s when the State stepped in and “standardized” everything, meaning, all forms of traditional American “rebel against unjust authority” type stuff was removed with great prejudice.

        7. Keep in mind, when deer season came, you could (in fact had to) bring your shotgun to the principle’s office, in full field dress (hunting license, cammo, etc) in order to get an excused 3 days off for hunting. You didn’t have to hunt, but if you did, you brought your gun in and demonstrated you were ready to go with the license, bang, 3 days. Honor system really, but the boys all did hunt and nobody pulled any bullshit.

        8. Yep, they killed a lot of Krauts. They got some great souvenirs, too. I own a Nazi battle flag from North Africa and a 9mm Lugar. When my uncle’s division arrived in Germany they got to fuck all the women they wanted because the Nazi bastards were all dead.

        9. Thanks for showing the bystanders how depraved and sick the “Greatest Generation” was….just a bunch of brainwashed idiots and murderous rapists, attacking their fellow White man on nothing more than a pack of lies. Your ancestors were useful idiots, and it looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

        10. Pretty low isn’t it? To actually BRAG that your forefathers were rapists and war criminals. Poor Steve must not have much to be proud of if that’s all he can think of.

        11. Liberals no qualms against rape and murder, if it’s against bad guys.
          The bad guys being of course christians, straight white males, PUAs, “nazis”, and “rape legalizers” like Roosh.
          It’s never the guys that actually rape though, like muslims.
          It’s amazing how they boast about killing fellow europeans in a war that consolidate the power of commies over half of the continent for the next 50 years.
          But as soon as it comes to touching those sacred jews, god forbid.
          Steve H seems to care more about the fate of jews than fellow europeans (if he is one), typical cuckservative.

        12. Where is your family from, if you don’t mind me asking?
          Mine is from England and Scotland exclusively (both sides came here after WW2). Just mentioning for full disclosure.

        13. Yeah, watch Tom and jerry?
          Tommies = British
          Jerries = Nazi
          Notice how Jerry was the Good guy while Tom was the evil one?
          Remember the cartoon was created before US entered WWII

        14. Random question, but can you help me find a legitimate source on that quote? I have scoured the internet trying to find one but have been unable to do so.
          Verifying these quotes is important, notably in documentaries mentioned above like TGSNT and Hellstorm, there are more than a few fictional/fabricated quotes.

        15. Students from my high school would actually park their pick-up trucks with a shot-gun or rifle in the gun rack. No one thought anything of it. Completely different “Republic” in those days.

        16. No, they could have negotiated with Hitler over the status of Danzig (95% German, but under Polish control after the Treaty of Versailles) and the Polish corridor instead of counting on Britain and France to back them up no matter what.

        17. A NYT reporter named Walter Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for his work in covering up the Holodomor. His plaque is still hanging on the wall at the NYT today; apparently they don’t see it as a bad thing. FDR rushed to recognize the USSR diplomatically while the Holodomor was still going on.
          Also, don’t forget that Poland was invaded by Germany AND the USSR (USSR got about 60%). Britain and France immediately declared war on Germany. Hitler offered to pull back out of Poland except for Danzig and the Corridor, but the British didn’t want to talk. Meanwhile, the Soviets moved on to invade Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and Finland, sending millions to the gulags, but this was no problem, because socialist paradise or something.
          Fun fact: on the eve of WW2, the Bolsheviks had killed somewhere between 10-20 milliion civilians. The National Socialists? <1000

    3. I’m 50. I would have never thought this 5 years ago. Hitler was right. He was successful at rebuilding Germany and the core values of Germans. Nationalism works it works so well it was a threat for any other nation to witness Germany’s success and economic freedom from international bankers.
      Did he paint Jews with a broad stroke? Sure. Zionists fired the first shot and indoctrinated Jews into the demonization of White Europeans and scared the shit out Jews. The Zionist Elite used their own people for their own interests. Whomever sits at the top of the Zionist food chain appears to be quite adamant at the destruction of any nation or culture that opposes them. Russia was the first great success of attacking the culture, industry agriculture of Russia via banking and finance. The Czars opened the door to their own demise.
      I can’t accept the Holocaust. Reading from sources on both sides it could’t exist and wasn’t practical. I do accept the narrative was and is extremely important is order to justify anything the Jews do as an act of preservation. They have proven they will use anything and everything at their disposal to subvert and destroy a culture to strengthen their own. They hide behind false altruism and religion. They are a minority in the world yet claim everyone else are no better than cattle to be exploited and used. They are, simply put, agitators and revolutionaries hell bent on destruction. They hate you with a passion we can barely comprehend whether you are Black, White or Asian. If you are white they reserved a special hatred because our values, cultures and ethics are diametrically opposed.
      If you follow the crumb trail on any issue it leads back to jewish organizations. They aren’t hiding their intent, but they are demonizing people for calling attention to their goals.
      It’s simply an uncomfortable truth. You can disregard the facts or continue to be bewildered why shit is spinning out to control. Zionism is a danger to humans who practice Judaism and the world if left unchecked.
      If you think I’m wrong I challenge your to look into it yourself. Don’t buy the Hitler Channel shit or consult a “Neo-Nazi” (They are simply lost worthless people) read. We have literally be sold a sack of shit for 80 years. It’s quite disturbing to see it, but you have to confront it.
      We are losing because there is no sense of honor or integrity in this struggle. They have no normal boundaries or sense of fairness. Their religion fundamentally condones xenophobia, slaughter and subversion warfare. Do you find it strange they openly support immigration, diversity homosexuality open borders yet reject it under their nationalistic jewish identity? It appears to be very altruistic. It isn’t. It is an attack on the core principals that have bound nations and people together for thousands of years.
      You can call me a Anti-Semite racist “nazi.” The reality is your people and culture. Whether you are white, black or latino is being systematically dismantled.
      Ever notice Jews identify as “white” to garner support yet firmly reject being labeled as “white” among. They are white when convenient and Jewish when needed. They simply cannot exist without an enemy. The entire fabric of their being requires an adversary to strengthen their “racial” identity. Yet they are the primary proponents of the “Race is a construct” ideology.

      1. My instinct is to agree with you. However, nationalism only really works, I believe, in a nation with a common bond. Nationalism could work for the Italian or the German or the French, but not for the US. What is an American? For every group that thinks they are American there is another group to say they aren’t real americans. With no shared blood ties to the land, I am afraid nationalism simply falls apart.

        1. This is the problem of the American identity.
          The fight for american identity occured in the 60’s with two different visions fighting each other :
          1) those who believed America was a country of Anglo heritage and protestant background
          2) those who berlieved America was an “idea nation” based on constitution and small government with no regards to race
          The second vision predominated. Up until the immigration act of 1965 America was 90% white. Now it is only 65% white, with hispanics and other third worlders being the main addition.
          The problem was that America as a melting pot is a myth.
          America was a melting pot of WESTERN EUROPEAN nations, and even then they had to impose a 30 year moratorium to assimilate them.
          Cucks are trying to pretend beaners from the Third World who can’t read will be assimilated just as easily as people of Western descent (when even then this wasn’t easy).

          These are the future rocket scientist guys, they just don’t have the opportunities we have. They will do the jobs we won’t, they are natural conservatives. Backbone of America right there.

        2. The country itself was English (Anglo-Saxon) and Germans. I believe it was over 50 percent of the population if I recall. Of course the Irish and Italians came a little later.
          I somewhat agree we have lost a common bond which is exaggerated by time and distance from Europe and our fore fathers. I think Nationalism would work but we need to be deprogrammed. The US has been propagandized and over entertained. We have been separated from our culture, traditions by a manufactured and idealized “Americanism” that is in fact alien to us. It was fabricated in a Hollywood studio.

        3. Italians and Irish came much later. Think, when Joe DiMaggio played for the Yankees a lot of people were against “ethnics” playing in the leauge and it was shocking when Kennedy, an Irish Catholic, won the presidency.
          Should we have a national identity based on Anglo Protestantism? Fuck, if that were the case Canada would kick our ass.
          The truth is, we were supposed to be joined together by a belief system rather than a racial identity. This wasn’t such a bad idea, but it seems that when push comes to shove it doesn’t work—the belief system gets sold and we are just a nation of consumers

        4. Yep, a belief system sounded like a great idea but we’re seeing it isn’t backed by reality. There are cracks in the veneer of the American dream. Carlin hammered that topic. It is a pipe dream.
          Bound together by a common belief system? Great idea! Like a soup sandwich. “Its a soup AND a sandwich. Its AWESOME!” Until it is served. “This is an awful fucking idea. How in the fuck am I going to eat this? Why did I listen to that fucking loser. Shit!”
          America has a history of Italians hating the Irish and Germans hating the English. Consumerism and the economy seemed to erode our differences or pushed them under. Ideally I think White Europeans need to understand we need to work together. We are being targeted for annihilation. It isn’t like just Italians are the target. “Meh.” Are we going to purchase and consume ourselves into oblivion for a fleeting moment of Euphoria over buying a cool item with a credit card? That’s all the government and bankers want you to really do.
          “We are a nation of migrants bound together by a common belief and idealism. We’re a melting pot! ” This country is full of retards and childish wishful thinking. “Life is going to be a beautiful rainbow of peace, love and diversity or we’ll dox you, shake you down and issue death threats you fucking racist hater and get you fucking fired!” The general public sits in front of a TV getting bullshit shoveled into their heads rather than actually living. Waiting for something or someone to loose their shit over and get offended. They’ll go full blown self-righteous and become a victim of whites, colonialism, rape culture. Name it. The fact is: Those people are clueless and dangerously fucking insane. Automations waiting to be activated remotely by the media machine.
          We’ve been asleep at the wheel. Suddenly getting blinding headlights in our eyes and saying “What’s that assholes problem! Oh, shit I’m in the wrong lane!”

        5. This is exactly right. This doesn’t take away from the thought experiment that the founding fathers tried. Both their motives and ambitions were based in a good strong decent desire to do right, to end injustice yadda yadda yadda.
          There is no way they could have possibly imagined what 200 years of their big plan would lead to. I promise you something. Bring back to life the whole posse from Independence Hall from 1787. Get Hamilton and Hancock and all the rest of em who were there thinking they changed the world.
          Force them for one hour to live in modern day America and they would immediately get drunk off their faces and call up George III and say, “ya know what….keep it” right before cutting off their dicks to make sure they didn’t procreate.
          They were swinging for the fences in the bottom of the 9th in the 7th game of the world series in a tied game. They didn’t intend to strike out so massively, but they fanned the whole front row.

        6. Along with SomeRandomFellow’s response, yes that is one of the difficult things in implementing a nationalistic government in America 2016. The majority of America’s heritage was a kind of white Western European mongrel race, which is more than enough for forming a cohesive nation. Nazi Germany and modern China are good examples, with such a large land mass there is plenty of variation in genetics and racial history, but they are “German enough” and “Chinese enough” and formed nationalistic countries perfectly fine.
          With the way America is today, only 60% white and the remaining 40% consisting of the most racially and culturally distant people possible, in my opinion we need a government more like Singapore under Lee Kuan Yew. He knew he was dealing with a country of many different racial groups, so he curbed democracy and enforced rule of law with an iron fist to maintain order. This is what America needs today if you ask me – with so many racial groups fighting for influence, balkanization is the only result if we can’t keep the rule of law and let the free market and other neutral influences sort things out over time.

        7. American immigration in the past was also based on shutting the gates every now and again to let the “melting pot” groups assimilate.
          A notable example is the Immigration Act of 1924 which essentially shut the gates entirely, in order to, as one government official quoted, “preserve the ideal of American homogeneity”. There was virtually no opposition to the Act. And this was only 15 years before WWII broke out, when the Allies all joined together to fight those evil racist Nazis!

          Now, ever since 1965, the gates have been ripped off completely, and the window of time allowing people to properly assimilate has long passed.

        8. I couldn’t agree with you more. With a huge land mass and a very diverse populous, some form of autocracy will be necessary. I have said it here and I will say it before…I have never voted. I have never registered. I will never do so. It isn’t that the votes don’t matter. That is what morons say. It is that the office itself doesn’t matter. Power is an illusion or simply a scenario and I refuse to participate in the illusion.

        9. “With no shared blood ties to the land, I am afraid nationalism simply falls apart.”
          Disagree. Being American was that you had unalienable rights despite background and you had to recognize, and respect (despite what you personally believe), other Americans had the same rights you had. Better known as rule of law. Due process, equality under the law, etc.. thats what made American nationalism execptional.

        10. It’s a fine thought until the feminists take over. It all works right up to the day where women get to vote

      2. When It comes down to it, I will support my Israeli friends over any Muslim scum or white trash. I am not Jewish, but I have a lot more respect for them than haters like you..

        1. “When It comes down to it, I will support my Israeli friends over any Muslim scum or white trash”
          This is irrelevant to Europe. It is not one vs the other in Europe.

          Europe is for Europeans. As for the morality of what jews do in the Middle East, that is another question.
          PS : What is your definition of “white trash” ? Is it jew aware europeans ?

        2. That makes you a traitor – assuming you are White.
          I don’t see any hate in his post, and I’m a Jew.
          Sorry buddy, but I think you’re a total loser and a moron.

        3. Sorry dont think that way. I know a lot of fine Jewish people but you obviously hate yourself. I am white, but white is not a race, its just a lack of melatonin.

        4. White trash= uneducated, lower class, hater. Will follow an ideology of hate because he has no experience in the world. He sees himself as a victim of a worldwide, mythical conspiracy perpetrated by jewish boogeymen. Just as pathetic as a social justice warrior in his ignorance.

        5. Well you obviously don’t think Whites deserve a country of their own, you don’t believe race exists, and you are slavishly conformist…which makes you a typical blue-pilled sheeple SJW. I suggest reading a lot more before opening your stupid yap and making a gigantic idiot of yourself.

        6. There is a difference between a SJW and a jew aware white man who demands a nation for his people. The difference is that one of them is correct and the other is a deluded fag.
          There are plenty of highly intelligent people in White Nationalist circles, such as Kevin McDonald and Richard Spencer and some that have passed like William Luther Pierce and George Lincoln Rockwell.
          There is no “conspiracy”, just massive jewish influence over society that negatively affects europeans, especially men. It’s a fact.
          Not every White Nationalist is a whiner, though some are. That would be like pretending every jew is a greedy banker. While a tendency exists, it does not perfectly describe each individual.

        7. Whatever you say, yarmulke boy. Gutless punks like you will never be part of the solution… just part of the problem.

        8. I have two college degrees, one in STEM and one BA, as well as decades of real life experience actually doing things, amassing wealth, siring a family and figuring out life. I’m also very precise with rhetoric and logic, and am well versed in canonical literature as well as modern theory regarding rhetoric and
          So, white European lineage men are under attack, this is clear from any rational examination of the propaganda and media, not to mention law. Even women are admitting it now.
          Now that your ad hominem has failed….your move.

        9. Thanks for your opinion, but I don’t give a fuck about it. I don’t care whether you agree with mine either.
          Hate doesn’t have anything to do with my observation. I have found the people that truly hate are the ones that hide behind fragile beliefs and claim they are loving, caring and altruistic. That’s how they want others to perceive them. Those very people want to rigidly enforce their ideology and say, quite remarkably, they distain authoritarianism, yet exhibit that very trait.
          I don’t care for Abrahamic religions. They are cut from the same cloth. They are dangerous but use different methods of destruction. I don’t care what they believe as long as they keep it to themselves. I do however believe “Jesus” called them out over their hypocrisy and was likely murdered over it. He was a threat the religion and made people aware of the choice they had to reject it.
          I don’t care if Israel exists. I don’t want one fucking dime of my tax money going to Israel. There is enough Jewish wealth to support it, if they wish to preserve it. Why do they need our money. Time to put their big boy pants on and grow up. Don’t take the food off of an American’s table, black or white to build a fucking wall around Palestinians and their “Jewish Activist” claim the US is “evil” for wanting to construct a wall. They are hypocrites on almost every point. I don’t give a fuck about what some desert dwelling camel jockey proclaimed about what their god said 2 thousand years ago.
          Calling me a “hater” is simply a SJW’s childish slur. It has no meaning to me.

        10. Oh you poor sap. It must really stick in the old caw that a lot see through your stereotypical typecasting, caricatures and narratives. That you know that we know ………
          I’d also be worried.

        11. Amazing how physical anthropologists can identify a “social construct” from a skull, isn’t it? It might be a good idea to think rather than parrot what your sociology professor told you. The “one-drop” rule is a social construct. Race is a biological reality.

        12. Probably similar to his definition of “fascists” or “racists”– anyone that he can point at to virtue-signal to other goodwhytes. No real definition necessary.

        13. Ah callimg your belief “facts” as to make them immune to facts?
          Look up the origin of the term and Bolshevik revolution while you’re at it

        14. GOF – I too have done research, and what is your take on jewish people in general? Would you befriend a jew? How does one know if he can trust a jew? On one hand I can see that Jews were not always the victim, at the same time I’m not comfortable with blanket shunning an entire group of people.

        15. When you operate in the world you learn to notice how much power Jews wield. They are an organized gang.

        16. You would have to include men like Cicero and Degas in that number. Men like Ezra Pound and Will Shakespeare

        17. Simple. As long as the topic has nothing to do with nazis, jews or white interests overall then you will deal with jews mostly fine, presuming they are of the secular leftist type.
          But their victim identity is a big thing, so if they think you are “nazi” they will turn on you quickly. That’s pretty much it.

        18. “But their victim identity is a big thing, so if they think you are “nazi” they will turn on you quickly. That’s pretty much it.”
          Does that mean they can think you’re a nazi even after having known you for years?

        19. Some of them, yes. The holocaust indoctrination is much worse in jews than it is for whites.
          There was once a study made asking jews, “what is judaism about ?” And more then 80% said it is about remembering the Holocaust. It is literally part of their identity.
          Jews are known to turn quickly on those whom they percieve to be even a little critical of organized jewry, whether in Hollywood, DC or Israel, even if they know the guy for years.
          Just look how a jew breaks down when confronted by Black Israelites (warning: it’s pathetic)

          Of course not every jew is like that, but many are. Jew males tend to be sneaky, feminine, bitchy and socially akward with shrewd wives. They tend to work as accountant, lawyers and artist, rarely in red or blue collar jobs. The exception to this are rich jews (who are even more tribalistic than other jews) and the few jews with some sanity in them. Most jews in the US liberal faggots anyway most of the time.

        20. So would you ever befriend a jew? And that said, there are some hot jewish bitches to be found; would you ever fuck a jewish girl? Or have a jewish girlfriend?

      3. 14 million individuals with a country the size of Rhode Island have more power than the rest. They are very organized and that is for damn sure. Go to Mexico City, they run Polanco- the wealthiest financial district of Latin America and the same applies for the rest of the world. It is a mind fuck as a Latino to go to a coffee shop in Polanco and listen to nothing but Hebrew. This is just an objective observation. It is obvious they are in control all over the world. Just travel around, again its a mind fuck. If anything, that’s enviable.

      4. It’s like pointing out that Jewish groups are the biggest supporters of
        gun control and when you point it out you get called antisemitic.

      5. “I can’t accept the Holocaust.”
        The evidence is out there. It happened. I have met others that need to deny it in order to attempt to fill a logical gap to something else. In fact it wasn’t 6 million, it was10 but for some reason the 4 million goy don’t get brought up much. This is not including the 3 million soviet POWs.
        Czar Nicholas II downfall was not allowing reforms and/or agressively eliminating his worst political enemies. Lenin came back to Russia after being sheltered and supplied by Bismark’s Germany. An enemy of the Czar was a friend to Germany at the time. In fact I have read he was given financial Support as well to purchase the weapons for the bolsheviks. Amazing how small things have such lasting consequences and the unpredictability of it all.

        1. You can go to the Online Holocaust museum watch videos and hear stories of Jews that played in orchestras, children being born, soccer leagues. Camp stores. From Jews. Why the fuck would Germans offer health care, sports, libraries, camp canteens to people and kill them, while fighting a war on three fronts? They can’t be both amazingly evil and stupid at the same time. You really have to throw common sense out the window to imagine them rounding up people from hundreds of miles to offer those services only kill them when the labour was more important. Why not shoot them were they fond them?
          The Russia was financed by the US and authorized by Roosevelt under the Land Lease act.
          I don’t believe in the tooth fairy or Global Warming either.

        2. The bottom photo is the swimming pool at Auschwitz, a “death camp” according to the standard narrative. Yes, it’s inside the wire.
          The other two photos are of the US camp for German prisoners at Sinzig, Germany after the end of the war– nothing but barbed wire and a muddy field. No structures of any kind except a very few tents. This was not a “death camp,” we’re told.
          For extra credit, of these two, which camp was the Red Cross allowed into to check on conditions and deliver aid and supplies? Which one was the Red Cross excluded from?
          The victors write the history books.

    4. “The Closing of the American Mind” by Alan Bloom and “Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline” by Robert Bork provide good background and analysis on how this was carried out.

    5. Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story NEVER Told!
      (start with part 27 first. EU is going in that direction)

      bonus: Hellstorm – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany

      1. These are good documentaries for looking at things from the other perspective.
        People should look into them.

    6. That speech on women by AH is making things even more clear to me now.
      He essentially called out the Communist notion of equality as being idiotic when applied to women – that women were suited for other roles so that both sexes could thrive and be healthy. Fantastic stuff.

    7. You’re dropping a LOT of red pills!
      I’m glad to know men like you still exists. It means we still have a future, a future without groveling cucks. There’s nothing worse than being surrounded by women who are dysgenic lunatics and men who are virulent cuckolds.

  12. I’ve heard some wealthy Bush and Rubio supporters whining about “low information voters.” Historically this was code for blacks and Hispanics, but now it refers to working class whites supporting Trump. These elites are so deluded as to think lower taxes are the only things white Americans value. Truly astounding how out of touch they are.

    1. I don’t think they’re out of touch. They’re very smart, it’s just that they don’t give a shit about anything except their eternal job security.
      Term limits are the only answer imo. We have limits on the presidency and yet allow congressmen to fuck things up for 40 years and that’s simply insane.
      If people want to be a public servant, fine, go to DC and do your duty for a couple of years, much like serving in the military. But when you start wanting to make a career out of it, no. Fuck you and go home.

  13. You can see the priority of the ruling junta (hat-tip Nevsky) by how they allocate violence. Not everything is about me, but some things are. I am the true martyr-without-a-cause, as I was beaten half to death for expressing curiosity about an agenda-less happy hour that had been cancelled anyway. There is no ROK cult or underground army that I’m aware of. There had never been an ROK meet-up to my knowledge. And the whole damn thing had been cancelled, anyway. Why marshal the forces of mindless brutality to respond to an innocuous non-event that had been cancelled? How can something so outwardly harmless engender such a vigorous response?

    1. You were the one who got beaten? Seriously? Any details that you can share?

      1. OK. I don’t really want to put myself or my loved ones in danger for the benefit of the greater good, as I don’t expect the greater good to ever do the same for me, but I will at least try to tell the story.

  14. Without having a clear understanding of the Jewish Question (and no I’m not talking about becoming a frothing neo-Nazi), then you will find it very difficult to understand why we are seemingly under continual attack, from all sides, by a vicious enemy within.
    Once you gain a clear understanding of the JQ, the games being played underneath the veneer of civility come into clear focus.
    I recommend everyone study as much as they can about WW1 and WW2, because the current mess we are in is merely a continuation of the themes those wars were based on – the Bolsheviks vs. the Nationalists.

  15. The hate increases in intensity and concentrates towards the bottom of the hierarchy. It is necessary to use passion to motivate the pawns, and inoculate them from logical argument or recognizing the negative consequences of their actions. Culture has been feminized to magnify sensitivity to the emotional stimuli relentlessly broadcast through mass media and reinforced through social networks.
    There is not much hate at the top, as emotion should not be allowed to interfere with intricate planning. Though, perhaps we can see some frustration at times. It is like the frustration a slaughterhouse owner feels when too many cattle resist running through their carefully designed ramps to the kill floor.

  16. It’s not just the United States elites that hates it’s own people. It’s the same all over the western world. But to be fair it has always been this way in a supranational european context, but with perhaps a different practical expression.
    Europe and in extension the West is built on conflict wether internal (waring factions or kingdoms) or external (conquest). This trait of white people is not just doom and gloom because it serves to advance those who fight to stay alive in a world devoid of natural enemies. It is basically internalized darwinism that keep whites from devolution.
    The problem is that when other non-white peoples are introduced into western countries they to become draged in this internal fight for domination. Willingly or unwillingly they are now part of this game. And as can be seen this addition has tipped the scales in a direction not favorable for whites in general.
    What will be the outcome? It’s to early to tell but if we don’t force ourselves to improve physically, mentally and spiritually all the damn time and fight for what we belive in, we will not survive long term. And the rest of the world will not show any mercy for those of us who fail and become disposessed in our own countries. Because there is no idea of global human rights, fairnes and solidarity across different ethnicities in the minds of most peoples outside the west. It’s just a manifestation of our will applied to others but in reality they don’t really share our mindset.

    1. Humans will always be humans, ideologies such as social Darwinism are just that, justifications

  17. Do you want some prediction of what North America wiil be? See the illuminatis card game it is very logic.

  18. Most American citizens – which not the same as the American people- hate America. White Women and non Asian minorities hate America because in a free and capitalist society they don’t do as well as others, even though compared to their counterparts in other countries they do much better.
    The elite is ultimately not the problem. The citizens who the elite react to are the problem. The majority of those citizens may have American citizenship, but they are not the countrymen of the American people.

  19. We already can’t beat out third world enemies, that ship has sailed brother. I don’t have the time for a long dissertation here, but I will warn you to be Leary of Donald Trump…. If he runs as an independent, he will end up being another Ross Perot. He will divide conservatives and Hillary will get elected as president.

  20. I would ask the author “Do you like America”? You saw how the establishment, including mayors, governors, and police chiefs, reacted to your desire to have a men’s club gathering. You see the promotion of political correctness and hypergamy and social justice run amok. You have chosen to leave for more reasonable, tolerant nations. So why all the finger pointing asking if others love or hate this nation? Do you love America? Should I?
    Pointing fingers at whether you “love” a nebulous idea such as “America” (I’m not even sure what that means? It’s government? It’s people? It’s multiculturalism? The ideal of America that the founding fathers thought of but is nothing like where we live today?) is not helpful.
    What is the opposite of love? Apathy. The powerful don’t give a shit about America, its values its history, its people or any of that. They just don’t care.

  21. They don’t hate you. You must understand that the mentality in Western countries is very individualistic. People only care about their own lives and so does the elite. If they can benefit by bringing in refugees, they will simply do it. They don’t care if they ruin the country, as long as it benefits their own lives and own agenda.
    You won’t see this stuff in countries that are less individualistic. They are less inclined to harm their own people, even if they can benefit from it. There’s nothing wrong with individualism, but Western countries are very extreme in it.

    1. This isn’t about “individualism”. American individualism has traditionally meant that the individual is free to express himself both economically and politically but only insofar as he does not violate the rights of others. Where you get that it means “fuck everybody, me me me ” is anybody’s guess. In reality I often find that the most “fuck everybody!” types are the ones furthest on the Left who holds the most collectivist views.

  22. “Most US politicians hate America. They are traitors who are legislating anti-American policies to the highest globalist bidder in order to enrich themselves. They wrap themselves in the America flag to suckle at the treasury before going through a revolving door that leads to corporate riches.”
    Now give this man a BEER!

  23. “I’m taking notes on who is attacked in the media and who is not. If they are attacked, that must mean their ideas threaten the establishment””
    Interesting methodology. As a rule of thumb it would certainly be an interesting exploratory tool as well as method of weaning oneself off the MSM etc. Beyond that I’d beware of drawing conclusions that are too strong: if particular agendas are consistently supported and other agendas consistently opposed then yes, that probably indicates a common elite / political class agenda. On the other hand strategic agendas of the sort described probably only apply on a relatively small range of issues, and might potentially be provisional rather than consistent over time: IMO there are issue’s the elites care about and beyond that you may well have something approaching a democracy and a free press with it i.e. there may be dangers of assuming that everything is ideological / strategically determined.
    MGTOW might well be a case in point: there may well be a population agenda, agenda 21 (or whatever the new agenda they recently agreed upon is called) but equally it’s just as likely that MGTOW are ignored because they don’t really threaten anyone in any obvious way
    Great first paragraph btw

  24. Many here and about the web seem to have this impression that all hope is lost. That Western Civilization will just fade away under a horde of mass immigration and Cultural Marxism. I tell you, this is not the case. Civil War is right around the corner in Both Western Europe and North America, specifically the United States.

    1. I am old and infirm. For instance, I am now incapable of running, or even walking any distance, due to arthritis. I would probably be in the first wave of casualties in such a civil war. Still I wish you good luck with that. I personally don’t see it happening in my life time, which I will grant is getting to be a smaller and smaller window all the time.

    2. It really does feel that way doesn’t it. The air is electric between gun owners right now, like we’re just waiting for somebody to step up and say “Ok men, let’s get this done”. Especially since Scalia died, it feels nearly touch and go.

        1. Same. I thought the one a while ago was too. We’re now at a stalemate with that situation, 1 them, 1 us.

        2. Personally I hope it doesn’t come down to it, I’m hoping the next election can bring the Country back, but if the next election proves futile, and we continue on down the Path of some point something’s got to give.

        3. Lady Luck is fickle. We’ll see what happens. In this day and age we go from crisis to crisis almost weekly, thanks to our “Community Organizer In Chief” and the internet. Keeping the powder dry.

        4. Same here, and keeping it replenished and abundant. Yeah the great Community organizer and Chief …how the heck did we wind up with that guy Twice? What gets me is the left says Trump supporters are all blithering idiots and many are ignorant and without college Degrees (as if degrees even matter anymore), meanwhile Obama supporters are all the “Obama Phone” types…Hopefully Welfare Check day falls on Election day and they all forget to go out and vote democrat.

        5. I really don’t believe in national level elections any longer. I have friends in “100% Obama voting” districts of Ohio who told me point blank that they and most of their neighbors voted for Obama. Complaints filed result: shut up, go away.
          So basically at this point we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.

        6. Yes. Them and many of their neighbors didn’t. Net result “Shut up, sit down, be quiet”

        7. I heard there was a Case in Vero Beach Florida (I could be wrong), but there were supposedly Residents there voting from the Grave…Maybe they were eager to be Part of the “Historic election”.

        8. What gets me is the left says Trump supporters are all blithering idiots and many are ignorant

          They obviously haven’t visited their mirror in last several years.

        9. Exactly, the Left’s base is basically the Ignorant “Low info voters” (as Rush Calls em) and the free hand out Welfare types. The left has only tactic in running for Office….Republicans are All ignorant bigots.

        10. “Exactly, the Left’s base is basically the Ignorant “Low info voters” (as Rush Calls em) and the free hand out Welfare types. The left has only tactic in running for Office….Republicans are All ignorant bigots.”
          There are three types of liberals :
          1) The annointed
          2) The entitled
          3) The benighted
          The first group consists of SJW and marxists that want to impose their vision of utopia upon society, they are called annointed as in Thomas Sowell’s book “Vision of the annointed”
          The second one votes out of self interest. Most blacks are here. Even though blacks might disagree with gay rights and open borders (hispanic migration means competition) they will generally vote Democrat because of welfare.
          In the past there were a few blue collar democrats that voted due to workers unions. But those democrats have been expelled(Jim Webb) and have been replaced by sjw cunts (Hillary Clinton)
          The third group are guys who are still blind. White males who geniunely believe the “white guilt” bullshit, or the poor college student who spends inordinate ammount of time choosing products that pollute the environment less or giving money to charity to help starving africans or stop whale hunting and fur collecting.
          Thus, liberals are either one of three : a sjw, a welfare reciever, a bleeding heart naive person.

        11. It’s to bad Jim Webb dropped out, the way that guy talked at his Debates, you’d thought he was a republican…Real “Old school Democrat”.

        12. And to escape the discomfort of being guilty and white they become self-righteous liberals. Some white leftists are the most self-righteous, nasty people I’ve ever met.

    3. I doubt it will be civil war but there will be a war between classes. Marx actually predicted it and its happened many times before. People will rise up when they run out of resources and go after the elite. The whole world is on a downward slide while the 1% are profiting more than ever.

      1. More likely a civil war. Pretty much all nonWhites hate White people at one level or another. Just a fact. Since jews have Israel, I’m assuming most will flee when SHTF. Their “I’m not White, I’m jewish,” shtick won’t work on nonWhites.

    4. I try and keep optimism alive on ROK forums, I have this nasty habit of resistance to my last fiber, high school and my corporate job were “fun” with this attitude.
      We are inundated with propaganda and shit 24 hours demoralizing us and instilling fear. Get angry, get prepared, get creative.
      When people hit rock bottom they either give up or rise to the challenge. We will begin to see leaders emerge soon enough.

    1. I believe that white women and minorites hate white men. They are indifferent to America. However, in order to tear down white men they must tear down America, and they are A OK with that.

        1. Heh. A .45 is on my nightstand and another one is close at hand. And the son has a loaded shotgun and rifle, as does the daughter. Somebody breaking into our house has a death wish.

        2. Nothing wrong with “redneck”.
          Ever notice how the Left sneers and insults based on “working”. Redneck = farmer. Salt of the earth working man who brings more value to the nation than them. And to them, it’s an insult.

        3. Better man than me. We only give the state chalk outlines.

        4. Perhaps. I’d like to see a return to penal labor and indentured servitude for criminals. A stomach wound can turn in to very cheap labor if you shoot true… otherwise the state bag und tag

        5. Let’s see what leftist urbanites do when the mainland turns against them. Were are they going to get all their food from ?

        6. Gotta love a man who you don’t need to teach what is dangerous and what is not. The most ignorant rednecks have made it this far and not by chance

        7. One of the core tenets of Leftism is contempt for the White working man (they don’t seem to mind other races). It boils down to a class war between white collar and blue collar. But the interesting thing is that liberals who signal the hardest usually come from low SES backgrounds. They are desperately trying to ditch their working class roots and gain the acceptance of the popular crowd.

      1. white women are too stupid to understand how good they have it with white men. they will learn the hard way, and I won’t be saving any of them

        1. I agree with your sentiment somewhat, but it is unproductive. Women are stupid, it’s not news.
          You can’t trust a cat, but you can trust a cat to be a cat.
          Let’s focus on promoting positive european male identity, free of cuckery, and promoting traditional waifus and castigate women who cuck themselves to get multicultural cookie points.

          Every women who adopts kids from Somalia, when there are homeless kids in her own country must be berated.
          The women who are feminine and plan to grow masculine men and feminine women must be celebrated.
          Here is a picture of a qt aryan waifu to light you up

        2. Not all white women as we should not generalize. But I agree a lot of white women don’t realize how good they got it.

    2. White women will slowly wake up as brown hordes attack, don’t worry.
      As for minorities, they will regret getting what they want. A world without whites is a world where no one will care for “minority rights” or whatever, and no one to guilt for free reaparation bucks.

      1. Can’t even watch it on the actual YouTube website, but I can here on ROK in the embedded video you posted.
        On YouTube, it wants me to “sign in to confirm my age” because the content might be “inappropriate” for some users.
        Next step: “Shut it Down”.
        Comments are good (and funny) though.

    3. That’s what is really fucked up. Because white women in america are most privileged females on earth. But they believe they are oppressed.

      1. well, if he did, that would mean that he developed a mental illness and we should feel sad for him. I would feel sad for him like I do all the mentally ill men that have allowed their sexual perversion to evolve into a mental disorder. its really sad that men would give up their masculinity for a sexual perversion. but thankfully there are ways to help them, by following the tips they can find on this website, they can learn how to become real men again, like they used to be. and it is up to us to help them. we will encourage them to lift weights and rebuild their body, cleanse their minds and think freely, and heal their soul through good old fashioned Christian prayer. fortunately, things will start turning around in our society.

      2. lol, even if roosh did go Caitlyn jenner, he’d still be more of a man than you, you fucking queer. michaelmobius you shouldn’t trivialize transgenderism. it is a severe mental illness, and we need to help those people as best we can. it is very sad that these men allow a sexual perversion to destroy their minds and bodies.

  25. The Soviet Union spent a great deal of time and treasure ensuring we’d get to this point.

    1. sometime i am wondering if russia is not behind the shit we have, they are now capitalist and we are becoming communist.

  26. The elite hates every organized country or large organized groups. They want various groups to squabble and fight so don’t realize they or there system exist and that they are the true enemy. In the so called communist countries the elite don’t hide they are in power but steal money of the people. In the “free world” we are tricked by the elite. We think are free because of our democracy and capitalism but the problem is the elite control our democracy and capitalism. They decide what is democratic, control the tax spending and then profit of everything we do.

  27. Read this:
    – Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America
    – What is Cultural Marxism?
    – Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media
    – The Hijra. Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration
    – Practical Idealism. The Racist and Supremacist Roots of the Ideology behind the European Union
    – Euro Mediterranean Declaration of 1995
    – Jewish involvement in the promotion of ‘hate speech’ laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.
    – Relay of Life. What you always wanted to know about the ‘Brussels EU’

  28. I believe the first order of business is outing those who are driving this machine and not doing business with them or their cronies. Where this is not possible, a black market should be actively cultivated. I am a firm believer in personal independence and pushing myself to expand what I can create and what I can manufacture in order to attain such goals. A good place to start is talking to local skilled tradesmen and observing what they do. One of the best sources I’ve found has been machinists and welders whom I deal with at work.
    One huge difference between today and a hundred years ago is that men today are very one dimensional and specialized. This is not a bad thing necessarily since it is an economic reality; I strongly emphasize obtaining base knowledge and means in as many disciplines as possible. Learn to bake, learn to fix broken shit, learn to cultivate produce, learn anything and everything that existed say pre ww2 and get the means until it simply isn’t economical or practical.
    If you are in a white collar profession that is not technical, I strongly encourage gaining at least some technical background. Pick up an old edition of a calculus text, a mechanics (statics and dynamics) text and see what you can make of these. Common sense and fundamental technical knowledge will go along way as shit starts to fall apart.

    1. Foxfire series of books. Start with the basics. Great post.

      1. I had no idea such books existed that had any real gumption to them. I strongly encourage men to have tools (guns are tools also). I suggest the “mechanical engineers handbook” for those who are truly handy/poor when approaching anything with the potential for serious failure mechanically.

        1. It is an amazing series, if it’s available online get it. If not, and you can get it, get it. A solid foundation.

        2. Should do an article on Ohio contraptions and innovations. In my experience its miraculous how people who are functionally illiterate can make these machines that are simpler than a trained engineer. Transient workers from here have had better ideas than elites in academia. Very humbling

  29. I’ll respectfully disagree on one point. The elite hate Jews, and the Jewish state, as much if not more than they hate America. The detritus of the Third World, and Muslims of all races, are too stupid to be a threat to the elites anywhere on the planet. The average Jew is much brighter than the average Gentile elite, and in a world where merit counted for something Jews really would rule the world—and we’d all be much freer and happier.
    As it is, the elites insist that threats to their rule be eliminated. The Jews must be driven out of the Gentile world, lest their children take spots at the top of the heap already occupied by a less accomplished and less deserving elite.
    That’s why they brought Hitler to power yesterday and why they’ve opened the borders to Jew-haters from the Muslim world today.
    Israel herself must be isolated, if she can’t actually be wiped off the map without starting a nuclear war.
    (The atomic bomb is another fruit of Jewish intelligence that’s done more to bring peace to the world than possibly any other. It ended war between developed nations because national elites could no longer profit from invading each other’s countries.)
    Israel has a government that explicitly takes the side of the Jewish nation in disputes, not a global elite that never tired of scapegoating and murdering Jews. Naturally, nobody in power wants that kind of thing catching on.
    The God of Israel, an unashamedly patriarchal fellow, is the one God. May He continue to bless America and Israel both, and curse all who will either one harm.
    And may His sons on earth continue to stand with America and Israel both.

        1. Barbara Sphincter is a mentally disabled psycho who doesn’t represent or control anything. “most damning”? lol. Everybody posts the same few-second video from several years ago. Wow. don’t you think you could find a better proof than that?
          plus did you notice that she was talking from SWEDEN? try to connect the dots.

        2. so what exactly is it supposed to prove? why didn’t you mention, for example, Ezra Levant, Carl Levin, Ben Shapiro or Breitbart?

        3. I don’t consider any one of them anything other than Jews who think about what’s good for Jews.

        4. and that’s why you selectively picked Jews with specific views while ignoring the ones who think exactly the opposite.

      1. You need better smarts than average to join the elites and stay there, so there are plenty of people of Jewish blood among the elites, to be sure. Some even keep a few of the more entertaining Jewish customs.
        Very few among the elites, Jewish or Gentile, regard the actual Mosaic Law as more than a useful slave-morality they are under no obligation to follow themselves. You don’t become an elite by believing in right and wrong or in a God that isn’t money.
        Just as few regard the Jewish state as anything but a holiday camp at best or an embarrassment that gets in the way of the oil trade at worst. Certainly Mother Israel isn’t something any of them would put on an IDF uniform and fight for.
        What, pray, would the average Jew or the Jewish state gain from the Islamisation of Europe?
        And what was the last kind word any so-called “Jew” in high places in the West had for Israel?

      1. I don’t know. This statement kind of gives him (((away))) IMO:
        “That’s why they brought Hitler to power yesterday and why they’ve opened the borders to Jew-haters from the Muslim world today.”
        Out of all of the people affected by opening the floodgates, he only mentions that these Moslem and North African hordes are “Jew-haters”.

      1. “(The atomic bomb is another fruit of Jewish intelligence that’s done more to bring peace to the world than possibly any other. It ended war between developed nations because national elites could no longer profit from invading each other’s countries.)”
        Seriously, I wasn’t even sure if this was satire.

        1. My Grandfather has told me many times he’s Thankful for the Dropping of the Atomic bomb on Japan, he said he was gearing up to go invade if they didn’t.

        2. Maybe, but this part made me suspicious
          “that’s done more to bring peace to the world than possibly any other”
          Seriously, the atomic bomb brought most world peace ?
          Maybe it made people wary of land invasions, but if the cold war taught us anything, giving people flying apocaliptic death sentences is a bad idea.

        3. Why do they not need them? The odds of Iran developing a real ICBM are minimal. It’d be a theater weapon. Doesn’t somebody else in the middle east have nuclear weapons? I support a 100% nuclear free middle east

        4. There is exactly one other state which does not conform to the NPT treaty there. I’d like to see sanctions on both rogue states

    1. you fool, he said “skepticism of pro-israel policies” NOT jews! what he is referring to is Zionism. the Zionists are a small minority of radical extremist jews, being helped by many collaborators in the Christian (usa, uk, nato countries), Muslim (turkey, gulf arab nations, suuni elite), and Atheist (western media and scientific elite) communities. they are responsible for all the feminist nonsense, and the whole anti male agenda in the west. its a modern day imperialism, and a western form of religious theocracy. we in the western countries must purge our nations of this evil Zionist ideology.

      1. Exactly.
        Zionism = sabbatean frankist jacobians = Rothchilds = elites.
        The true tribe of Israel of the Torah/Bible = Jews

        1. I think the modern jews come from the 10 lost tribes of Israel. their communities were destroyed by God and scattered for their wicked ways, but they congregated in Europe in disobedience to God’s will, and they have restarted their wicked practices. the modern day Zionism is the ten lost tribes of Israel going against God’s command and regrouping in the holy land. surely then, they must be a wicked, vile group of people. Zionism = Satanism.

  30. -natalism
    -traditional family values
    -skepticism of pro-Israeli interests
    It looks like Eastern European nations are going to be the first to step up and defend the West (by promoting many of these values in Roosh’s list). I would also add anti-Islamisation to the list.
    Hopefully, Russia will lend them support; and hopefully we can get Trump in, and many of the crooks out, so the US can begin our own struggle of preserving our White majority (if we don’t we can kiss the Constitution and the Bill of Rights goodbye; only “Whitey” on a large scale is really interested in preserving such “trivialities” as the right to keep and bear arms).

        1. We have an advantage, the early internet (1994-2001) was almost solely libertarian from a comment perpsective. I was one of them. Now we have some level of power. The Left is *fantastic* at propaganda, but we have the advantage of a head start and we’re not fuddy duddy.

        2. I just try to do my part in pushing the Overton window as far in a pro-White, pro-Constitution, pro-West, pro-European direction as possible – even if this involves “rap songs” about Germany’s old Fuhrer.
          It’s counter propaganda to force the issues to the forefront – issues like immigration, the Islam problem, feminism, the European invasion, disastrous trade deals like the TPP, and other issues that would never have been touched on (in depth, that is) had certain “extreme” individuals and groups not forced them to.

        3. Ever take a peek at the Boomer Bible and “Shuteye Town”? RF Laird has some fun stuff. Think his deerhound died and he stopped blogging though.

        4. Amazing how things get pushed so quickly and mindlessly. I love the little snowflakes defending people like Malcolm X. Exactly what the hell is the difference between X and Hitler except one effectively succeeded and the other got killed by his own? Have them answer that

  31. So what can we do? I’m serious are there any opinions?? Let’s say a small group of people that are on the same page as us tries a retaking of the country.
    Can such a small number govern a much larger mass of degenerate culture? Can they actually nurse that culture back to healthy life? Can they fight those numbers? Can they keep power without resorting to the tyranny the we already have?

    1. There are two options: Go Galt, or give the Pacific Northwest idea a try. The former is easier, and therefore most likely. People will just continue dropping off the grid, until there are very few hosts left for the parasite to feed from.

  32. Anybody else get a message that said “your comment has been removed by a Mod” ? Just tried to reply to someone about 15 min ago, and I couldn’t because of that message… I though I was Banned, but I’m still here…don’t know if that was a Glitch , or was “Anonymous” hacking the Thread?

    1. It has happened to me as well.
      It is probably because you use a VPN or proxy, it happens when you write in from different IP adresses.

      1. Hmmm, well i’m using the same PC I always use, and I only switched computers a year ago… probably it’s a glitch, Thanks for the tip though.

  33. The country is being transformed by the social engineers who have been at work for over a century. It’s about power and wealth. Study what happened between roughly 1890 and 1930 to really understand what is going on. From traditional american schooling going away in favor of Prussian schooling methods to the medical cartel to company town utopias and more. The wars, the federal reserve, eugenics, and much more.
    This isn’t a superficial wrecking. This is a transformation of a free people into a traditional serfs. Look at what they’ve instituted. Strip it of its modern coatings. What is realestate tax really? What is income tax really? What is compulsory government school traditionally for? Ask the questions, strip away the modern nonsense. It’s a very old system underneath going in bit by bit. What is debt? How was debt used in the company town? What is licensing? Understand how what is implemented in our world today is the same effective thing to the system used hundreds of years ago and in some cases thousands of years ago.
    Just study it. Look at it for yourselves. Understand history and it all becomes apparent.

  34. Do the elites hate us? Well, who are the “elites”. The “sjw’s” and mainstream media would have you believe that the “elites” are the 1%, as in the top 1% of wealth in America, the West and the world. They think its some darkened smoke filled room with overweight and old white men plotting and scheming against the poor and innocent using all kinds of derogatory hate speech i.e. nigg*rs, faggots etc. If you have ever seen the movie “Nixon” where oliver stone has Nixon meeting in mysterious places with assorted industrial CEO’s etc. That is suppose to be our “elites” and, apparently, they are still at large today and more powerful than ever.
    WAIT, how could that be? Taking some queues from the article above, how come we’ve seen such an emphasis on homosexualism especially over the last ten years? I mean its been obnoxious. No all powerful or even very powerful elite of white heterosexual men would have allowed that? And, it wasn’t everyday America funding the myriad of homosexual activists groups. So, where did the money come from? homosexuals are only 1.5-2% of the population. Look up the net worth of the celebrities in our country. Oprah alone is > 1 billion. Howard stern several hundred million. Talking about homosexualism, how about fucking ellen? Major movie stars are all in the several hundreds of millions. How much do you think lady gaga is worth? Consider other parts of the media, anchor on cbs or msnbc makes fucking BANK! Some asshat like piers morgan is pulling in 7 figures at least. Then you have the upper middle class, the “wealthy” who a generation ago were WASPy industrials or executives, the kinds of capitalists those above hate. Today, their wealth is being redistributed. The new wealthy are the academics who enjoy a nearly inelastic demand curve for education thanks to the notion that every motherfucker has to go to school. Where do you think all that student loan money goes too? > 1 Trillion and counting, fyi. Answer: the professors, the academics the administrators. All these aforementioned people added together create an incredible source of funding and wealth for the progressive machine and its no secret where their politics are. Worst of all is their hypocrisy. For these are the people who stand in “solidarity” against this mythical 1%, when they are the fucking 1%!
    Oh and yes, these fucking people in their ‘salons’ and fund raising parties for aids research etc sit around in drug dazes hating on all of us.

  35. Yes it’s OK to “Hate Amerika”. You heard me!!
    Let me start by saying that if you love the ideas of freedom (both social and economic) peace, and prosperity
    well I have bad news for you, those days are long gone..
    When I look out in a country that I live in I feel disgusted..
    Imagine a place where the national debt that every citizen is responsible for is just about $100,000..
    Imagine a place where the job market can only be described as destitute, you are competing with 1000+ individuals for every well paying position ..
    Imagine a place where the parasites of society are not only embraced and encouraged, they are created in mass numbers, “Congress” imports million+ humans from the third world countries every year..
    Imagine a place where restricts, regulates, requires license fee’s or Taxes for nearly every action one can take during the day. Federal income Tax: 30% (my bracket), state income Tax 13.3% (CA) federal Unemployment Tax, federal Insurance Contribution Act Tax, federal Excise Tax, federal and state fuel Tax, capital gain Tax, corporate Tax as high as 45%, sales Tax, death tax and countless others Taxes and fee’s, to many to mention..
    Imagine a place where we spent our nation’s treasure to send soldiers abroad to kill millions of people around the world, in the name of peace and phony democracy ..
    Imagine a place where the destruction of capital takes place daily with the stroke of a keyboard. Inflation and the erosion of our hard earned money is denied vehemently, while simultaneously being championed as the savior of our economy. Every talking head at the Federal Reserve, Bloomberg TV, and government run university around the country proclaim “if only we had inflation, another bubble, everything would turn around”. While they say this, I pay 6 dollars for a gallon of milk and 3 dollars for a loaf of bread.
    Imagine a place where it’s law enforcement / assassination squad have “killed” near 9000 of it’s citizens since year 2001..
    And worst of all, imagine a place where the inhabitants that DOESN’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF IT! As long as people have their, 55″ flat TV’s, Amerikan Idol, sports, mindless consumerism, their large #4 at IN and OUT Burger, and their Toyota on a 7 year term in the garage, they could careless about their freedoms or privacy.They could careless if the government can tap their Internet or can surveill their backyard. They could careless if the Federal Reserve doubles the money supply in one year. And they could careless about an economic and cultural apocalypse, as long as it hasn’t happened just quite yet..

    1. Damn, dude. I don’t actually plan on giving up in this struggle, but this image came to mind after reading your comment.

      1. Can you blame him? There’s really not much hope for we younger guys right now. The west, and increasingly the rest, looks FUBAR.

  36. Conversely, most Americans have a visceral hate for our elite, despite the never-ending cramming down our collective throats of how we should emulate these cretins’ success. The elites who run all of our major institutions don’t have any loyalty to America as a nation state that was founded with enduring values that bind the populace as free citizens; our current elite class instintively treats the populace at large as a giant work plantation/consumer beehive/sheeple farm which churns constantly for the sole purpose of elevating the ruling overclass and their undeserving spawn as the mandarins of our rotten little empire.

  37. If the elites hate the rest of us, it’s for reasons that go back long before our Founders. In a nutshell, it’s because they are not responsible to us, for us, and they are not responsible for the nation on the whole, nor are they really interested in that. It’s not entirely their fault; it’s just that they aren’t really responsible for the nation they purportedly rule. But they have to pay some lip service to voters and such because if they hope to remain irresponsible, they have to transfer that responsibility onto everyone else, to maintain the illusion that just because we can vote, we count for something in their eyes.
    The nature of our nation is not democratic or republican, but Oligharchy. There is no such things as republics or democracies, but Monarchies and Oligharchies. Before I continue, let me stress that all nations have oligharchs and that they are necessary for any nation to function. What is an Oligharch?
    An Oligharch is merely a person, whether in the public or private sector, who has some sort of access to political power. Back in the Middle Ages, we called them Nobles. Today, they can be heads of banks, corporations, activist groups, trade unions, high ranking members of the military, bureaucrats, elected politicians and others. And they are all competing for power among other oligharchs. However, as bitterly competitive against one another as they can be, they are united by two things: Fear of the Mob (they are very fearful of mob violence), and Fear of a Strong King. A strong king can check all of their activities with one stroke of his little finger, and can destroy any of them, or all of them, at his pleasure, should he so desire.
    When the oligharchs run a nation, they turn the nation into one great big feeding trough. This is why they’re never concerned about rising debts or deficits, becuase it’s not their money and they are never responsible for how the money is allocated to them, or for why. This is why government power always grows because the goal is to make the feeding trough bigger and bigger to feed all the piggies. Without a King to check this activity from time to time, to pen the piggies in, so to speak, you’re always going to have this kind of problem. It takes extraordinary effort for an oligharchy to be hemmed in without a king; the last time it was done pretty effectively was under President Calvin Coolidge, who I suspect didn’t get the memo of what the real job of a President is under an Oligharchy, which is to make sure all the piggies get some slop. As such, the oligharchs both inside and outside the beltway were determined that such an event would never happen again. They have succeeded, through various means.
    Now, having said that, if you want a bell-weather to know what the oligharchs are thinking, particularly around the corridors of power in Washington and in other state capitals, look no further than the Episcopal Church. They have always, since before the Civil War, have blessed whatever the elites wanted. Back after the Civil War, the oligharchs fancied themselves after British aristocrats, tailoring the Ivy League to expressions of Oxford and Cambridge, and the best boarding schools in America after Eton. Since then, you can see how it is that the Episcopal Church has gradually, over time, and sometimes suddenly, accepted: divorce, Contraception (back when most Christian denominations didn’t), eugenics (now called Population Control), abortion, priestesses, feminism, and same-sex marriage. They are also big on Amnesty for illegals, anti-gun legislation, and I am already beginning to see the signs they may be supporting radical free trade, and polygamy.
    So of course the elites are against whatever the rest of the nation wants, because we’re a nation founded on Revolution, which makes us something of an artificial nation. The rest of the nation believed we were going to have something at the very least guided by Judeo-Christian principles, but you might say we were scammed. Without a force powerful enough to guide the nation sensibly, which no oligharchy can do or even cares about, we live the result.

      1. Yes, but sometimes it’s not always a good thing if the oligharchs have any say in how it’s done. Consider that in America we really don’t have a free market, and a good indicator of that is who controls the currency? We don’t have a free trade in currency; we did at one point, when banks used to issue currency based on precious metals and other resources. Today, we don’t, and mainly due to a form of protectionism that only protects the oligharchs from financial responsibility. This is one of the reasons they’re not so much interested in saving money as they are into cash flow, because money could become worthless overnight, but so long as the money is flowing they figure they could weather any inflationary period (especially those in the public sector).
        Sometimes, yes, free trade is good, but not always good when it undermines our own productive base. A ruler must temper this with some intention of making his own nation as productive, if not more so. Oligharchs care nothing for this, because they’re not responsible for the nation on the whole (not even the President is; he’s only responsible for making sure government functions).
        Lots of things can be a good thing, but rulers have to look at them objectively, always being aware of what possible calamity these things can bring. Take, for instance, the danger posed by large standing militaries. Now, I’m all for a strong defense, but a monarch was always wary of maintaining large forces during peacetime because they were always a threat to his rule. Which is why, throughout the Middle Ages, most monarchs opted to, instead, allow commoners to keep their own weapons and equipment, to draw levies in times of war, which is partly what some of our Founders envisioned (especially Jefferson). Military forces don’t generate wealth, therefore they don’t pay for themselves, therefore when they are not actively fighting or getting ready for a fight, they are a huge drain on the treasury, and even when they are fighting there’s no guarantee that victory will recoup their expense.
        For this reason, monarchs were also very wary of creating new bureaucracies. No monarch in the day would ever have considered something like the IRS. Because such people in charge could use the power of the IRS to potentially usurp more power and authority than they would be allowed, which is mainly why income taxes were extremely rare and short lived.

        1. Which only goes to show that our language has been so badly co-opted, and we need to define our terms in order to know what’s being meant. The main purpose of being a monarchist is to cut through the gordian knot of modern political newspeak and to see things with clarity.

  38. “The military will soon be unable to defeat even third-world enemies.”
    Some would argue, convincingly, that what you suggest is already happening.

  39. “While I will not become a men’s rights activist or white nationalist myself, it appears that our sphere has matured enough that petty in-fighting can be discarded to focus on a powerful enemy.”
    A sizable portion of the alt-right and mil-right are coming to the same conclusion: No friends to the left. No enemies to the right.
    We are entering into 4th generation warfare over the body and soul of the western civilization. We need all the allies we can get.

    1. I love where this is going. No need to have problems with MRAs and White Nationalists when they agree with 90% of my worldview and have our best interests in philosophy.

  40. Bah. Agree with you until you whine about “skepticism of pro-Israel interested.” Yeah bucko, you share that with both the Jihadists, the Left Wing Academics, and the Democratic Elite. They’re all anti-Isael. Why would you want to hitch your wagon to that evil movement?

    1. Rephrase it in your head if you so please, to “skepticism of pro-any-country-that’s-not-America interests”. Our nation and our people should be top priority in all of our policies and dealings (note: I didn’t say it should be the ONLY priority, but the top priority).
      Israel is a perfect example, because American politicians and business elites care more about Israeli stability than American stability. Notably, lobbyists representing foreign interests are required in the US to register as such, but for some straaaaange reason, Israel is the only exception to that law (
      This kind of thinking in America needs to change immediately.

      1. I can and would argue that supporting Israel is within America’s interests, but yes, there is no complaint about real politick in which nations do not have friends only common interests.
        However, the amount of slander directed against Israel is not merely comparable to the slander directed towards Jews in past eras; it IS the same as the slander directed towards Jews as a people. It is merely the form that is currently “acceptable” to the modern anti-Semites. Jews in the past were accused of baking Matzah with the blood of Christian babies, and of selling human organs. Israelies in the present are accused of baking Matzah with the blood of Arab babies, and are accused of harvesting human organs. In the end, we are not that different from previous generations.

        1. It is if you points of criticism are off the charts conspiratorial, and you fail to be critical of other nations who do far, far worse than Israel yet are beneath your notice. When all you criticize is Israel and no other nation, then yes, it is anti-Semitism.

        2. “if you points of criticism are off the charts conspiratorial”
          I gave you a sourced example bud, if you want more details on a topic go ahead and ask
          “you fail to be critical of other nations who do far, far worse than Israel”
          Like what? Give examples. The US gives the most foreign aid to Israel by a long shot. They’re the only ones who don’t have to register as a foreign lobby (see above link). We don’t have dual-citizens from any other country heading our corrupt Fed ( Israel is the only country that’s allowed to proliferate nuclear weapons without any pushback from the US ( What other nations get ridiculous privileges from the US like that?

        3. Your complaint was about American policy. Right or wrong, that has nothing to do with Israel’s actions.
          As for Israel being the only country that is allowed to… proliferate nuclear weapons without American pushback? Really? Are we so hard on Great Britain? Have we been trying to stop their nuclear arsenal? If we are, I certainly haven’t head anything on that grounds.
          And if you can’t tell the difference between a nuclear weapon in the hands of Iran or North Korea, both of which threaten death and conquest of its neighbors and are run by unstable maniacs, versus Israel which has no agenda of conquest and maintains its arms for self-defense, then you can’t tell the difference between why a law abiding citizen or a policeman should be allowed to carry a gun, but not a criminal.

        4. Great Britain signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty you dingus. Israel hasn’t, and their government actively fights against international pressure to do so.
          “both of which threaten death and conquest of its neighbors and are run by unstable maniacs”
          And those are different from Israeli politicians how?

          and these are just two examples, there are many more

        5. You can post a few kooky Rabbis if you like. You can berate Bibi Netanyahu for being a (gasp!) conservative politician in Israel, if you like.
          The fact of the matter is, Israel has offered multiple times to sacrifice the territories gained in the 1967 war in exchange for one thing the Palestinians have never been okay with: Peace.
          Has Israel threatened the extermination of Iran, as Iran has threatened extermination of Israel? No. Not even the kooky Rabbi you mentioned has done so.
          Notice on the second link you posted, how the Kooky Rabbi’s remarks were condemned by Jewish groups. Now tell us where to find a condemnation by Iranian moderates of those remarks.

          Oh gosh… doesn’t seem there are any.
          You see you confuse remarks by crazy civilians with the official policies of nations. Perhaps you think the words of civilian Jews carry the same weight as those of Iranian rulers? Perhaps there’s a word for that. I’ll use moron for now. Moron.

        6. So you can generalize the leaders of other countries as “unstable maniacs”, but when Israeli leaders act the same way, they’re just “kooky rabbis”? Okay.
          That “kooky rabbi” was the longtime leader of an Israeli political party with multiple seats in their Parliament, and his recent funeral was the biggest in Israel’s entire history, with over 800,000 people attending. To say that he had an influence on Israel’s national policies is an understatement.

          Some reporters say that those quotes from Iran were misinterpreted (,, but regardless, it has nothing to do with America. If Israel wants to take over whatever land and have their spats with Middle Eastern Muslim countries, fine. But that has nothing to do with America. The fact that these distant conflicts are given front-and-center attention in American media and politics is absurd. This was my point to begin with – Israel’s issues are their own, they’re a first-world country with insane amounts of money, they can take care of themselves. Americans need to get off this belief that Israel’s spats have anything to do with their own domestic concerns (in a general sense at least), and Israel is a good example, BECAUSE of the sheer amount of attention their country gets in American politics.
          Hell, even in Washington D.C. Ted Cruz said “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you” ( Which country’s presidency is he running for here??

        7. Well you’re betraying yourself by showing how little you understand Israeli government. He’s about as representative of mainstream Israeli government as Jill Stein (the candidate for the Green Party) is of American politics.
          Let me explain how the Israeli Knesset works to you, since you’re too much of a blockhead to learn about it yourself.
          Israel has proportional representation. Unlike America, where the party that gets the most votes in a particular district (congressional district or state) sends their guy to Congress, in Israel each party gets to send a number of members to the Knesset according to their percentage of the votes. Most of these will go to Labor and Likkud- the major parties in Israel. But there is a percentage of little parties that get seats as well. So you’ll have a handful of members from kooky ultra orthodox groups, a handful of members of Arab parties that want to destroy the country who’s Knesset they are serving in, parties that just want to legalize marijuana, et cetra.
          If you were to apply this system in America, let’s say the Republicans got 45% of the vote, the Democrats 40%, the Green party 3%, Libertarians 5%, Peace and Freedom 2% Socialist Party 3%, and some odd ball ISIS terrorist cell got 2%. That means the Republicans would get 45% of the seats, Democrats 40%, Green 3% and et cetra. So you would have an ISIS kook sitting in Congress, so your equivalent in another country would point at us and talk about how America has this lunatic leading a political party in America. Well… yes…. but it’s not a major political party.
          So you see? You’re sliming the general Israel polity from the leader of a tiny party which is not mainstream. Which would be about the equivalent of casting negative judgements on America, because Jill Stein leads the Green party.
          Thanks for making excuses for Iranian threats. What a guy you are. Sure. There’s never been any Arab agitation to destroy Israel and the Jews, and all the thousands of examples of the last 70 years are just made up by Zionist propagandists. Is that your position?
          Yes, Ted Cruz support Israel. He’s a great candidate, I support him for president, and it will be a welcome relief from Obama flirting with Iranian and Cuban dictators and stabbing our allies in the back. I am glad a strong candidate for the Republican nomination is not willing to lick the boots of anti-Semites. It was Leftwing infection with Anti-Semites that turned me away from Liberalism.
          And yeah, if we don’t support Israel, they’ll see alliances elsewhere. If you think America should just withdrawal from the world and have no hand in world affairs…. well you can…. but that was the ideology that led to World War 2 being the catastrophe it was. Perhaps that doesn’t bother you though.

  41. The elites have lost now, because Trump will point out that men don’t have a right to be pregnant and ban the shit out of it. That will also mean ending SSM, voiding all SSM in every state. The elite are terrified.

    1. Well, I have heard that if Trump is elected he’ll start by reversing all of barry the potus’s executive actions. Don’t know how that will reverse ssm, but, it will deal the progs a very decisive blow for sure.

  42. Good article. I love Roosh’s worldview/politics. You forgot to include the family as a main institution that has been subverted.
    I don’t think the media’s reporting on Roosh was a “top-down” job, I think that the writers figured they would get more clicks by writing “rape advocate organizes meetup” rather than “location-independent playboy writer organizes meetup.”
    I’d love to clarify who exactly the elites are, as hard of a task as that may be. How many are there? Is it based on money or power? Is the CEO of an F500 an elite by default. How about an F1000? Is Sean Hannity an elite, or is it his bosses boss? Is a mid-size business owner who contributes to Hillary? The term “elite” is so vague.

  43. Homogenisation, stabilisation and de-population are the names of the game. Where we go after that in our obedient, individualistic, blissfully-ignorant, mocha-coloured Brave New World is anyone’s guess.
    Man, I can’t even satirise without getting depressed by the thought.

  44. Central to all this hatred for America are the Zionist Jews who promote filth at every turn. It is on record that these people that have been expelled from more than a hundred countries throughout history.

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