3 More Mainstream Movies With Subversive Themes That Slipped Under The Radar

The following explores three films challenging the leftist narrative, deliberately or otherwise.

District 9

Vikus, after exposure to bug juice

The premise: A flying saucer hovers over Johannesburg in 1982. After nothing happens for three months, a team drills into the hull, finding a million starving and miserable space bugs. The aliens are moved to a camp called District 9, staying for nearly three decades. The alien “Prawns” are mercenaries, but who their bosses are (and why they stopped on Earth) is unknown. Many questions are left unanswered, though a sequel may yet be made.

The Prawns are routinely dealt with harshly. Because of friction with the locals, the now 1.8 million aliens are to be moved to a more remote location, allegedly better but basically a concentration camp. One of the mean bureaucrats accidentally sprays himself with bug juice and starts turning into a Prawn (recalling The Fly). His attitude changes as an evil corporation plot line quickly unfolds.

These days, they could get paid for doing this.

The spin: This has obvious parallels to South Africa’s former apartheid policies. Even Star Trek’s ham-fisted political messages were usually more subtle. The aliens are depicted as victims. The medical experiments are especially unconscionable.

The squalid internment camp was a real shanty town about to be shut down and its residents moved to another government housing project. Basically it’s like what was happening in the plot, although the new location actually was better. The filmmakers changed little about the shanty town’s appearance. Surely this horrified many upon learning this background information—this much was real!

The final take: The only Prawns displaying intelligence and ambition are Christopher (surely their leader) and his son (about as cute as a little space bug can get). The others are dull and aimless. They’re hive-like, suggesting extreme r-selection. By the end, their population is up to 2.5 million; they breed like, well, bugs. How will that work out in the long term?

Besides Christopher and his son, they aren’t seen improving their collective situation, doing anything with their individual lives, or engaging in cultural exchange. All told, they just aren’t fitting into earthly society, apparently unmotivated to do so. They’re not working, starting local businesses, building better residences, or even cleaning up their neighborhood. The Prawns just loiter and cause trouble, which is why they’re walled off and to be evicted from District 9. There aren’t any good solutions.

Life imitates art

The MNU corporation clearly goes too far. Even so, chronically aggressive populations—idle and unassimilable refugees particularly—inevitably require a certain degree of what Mussolini called educational severity. Why let them in, especially if firmness necessary to manage them seems morally unpalatable? This science fiction story unintentionally highlights a real-world problem. Letting in hordes of hard-luck cases, incompatible with the host society and a net drain upon it, creates an imported lumpenproletariat. How does society benefit?

As for the depressing shanty town in the film—again, a real settlement—it was trashed out because the people there weren’t cleaning it up. Otherwise it would’ve been threadbare but tidy. They did this to themselves; nobody forbade them to pick up their own garbage. Oh, and wasn’t ANC rule supposed to bring harmony to South Africa and end poverty? It didn’t quite work that way. Looks like the film’s metaphor went further than expected. From that perspective, District 9 unintentionally was 2009’s most politically incorrect film.

Falling Down

Continually irritating the wrong person is a bad idea.

The premise: A man who wants to attend his daughter’s birthday gets stuck in an epic Los Angeles traffic jam. “D-FENS”, a victim of the divorce industry and recently unemployed, snaps from stress. He walks away from his car and suffers one indignity after another. Instead of taking it, he fights back. Naturally, the police get involved, and the stage is set for the final tragedy.

It’s a decent look at the quiet desperation of the early 1990s. A recession was going on, though small potatoes compared to the latest. The LA riots were in recent memory. Other destructive trends were afoot, the final results only a few could begin to predict.

The spin: This did strike a chord for those disliking these trends, being put down constantly by the leftist establishment, and being told the country our forefathers built doesn’t belong to us. (These days, even establishment conservatives tell us to go to hell, just like sneering leftists.) Liberal reviewers noted the “angry White male” theme with displeasure.

Unfortunately, the message is that we indeed must take one indignity after another, and we’d better sit down and shut up about it:

D-FENS: I’m the bad guy?

Policeman: Yeah.

D-FENS: How’d that happen? I did everything they told me to. Did you know I build missiles? I helped to protect America. You should be rewarded for that, but instead they give it to the plastic surgeons. You know they lied to me.

Policeman: Is that what this is about? You’re angry because you got lied to? Is that why my chicken dinner is drying out in the oven? Hey, they lie to everyone. They lie to the fish. But that doesn’t give you any special right to do what you did today.

The one bright spot is that the policeman defers retirement, contrary to his overbearing wife’s wishes. He stands up for what’s important, and succeeds. Still, it’s not enough to redeem the movie.

Dude, the ham and cheese womlette and whammy fries ain’t that important!

The final take: Unfortunately, the filmmakers depicted D-FENS as a nut, rather than a rational person badgered too far. Most of the things D-FENS gets aggro about are unimportant, such as inflated prices and the breakfast menu ending.

Further ensuring it didn’t encourage those with “wrong” beliefs, the filmmakers inserted a scene with a whacky military surplus store owner, straight from the Central Casting department specializing in rednecks with green teeth. (I can imagine the wheels turning in their heads—“We don’t want to give ‘those types’ encouragement, do we? If we don’t fix this, we’ll never get invited to another Oscars celebration!”) Every cause has its oddballs, and I’ve known a good number both on the left and the right (actually, the left is nuttier, and smelly), but not quite like the caricatured store owner.

The resistance theme is there, but it’s pretty thin gruel. You can’t leave it to Hollyweird to play this sort of movie straight. Aspiring independent filmmakers should take note.

Demolition Man

Cops in 2032 are literally pushovers. This bad guy’s got style!

The premise: After a hostage situation goes dreadfully wrong, a cop is convicted of manslaughter and placed into a cryo-penitentiary where—while in deep freeze—he’s subjected to subliminal propaganda to reprogram his mind. In 2032—thirty six years later—the bad guy escapes and the cop is thawed out to deal with him. The present-day police are too inept; they haven’t had a “murder death kill” in ages.

Culture shock is a big element; everything is tranquil, but dreadfully boring. For a few examples: the oldies station just plays old commercials; sex is telepathic interactive cyber-porn; profanity is fined with robotic efficiency similar to traffic cameras; foods that are “bad for you” (including salt, meat, chocolate, and spicy foods) are illegal. Other than that, cameras everywhere monitor the citizens.

The spin: This one was quite intentionally satirical. Showing a disgustingly nice world was a big “take that” to those complaining about violent movies. It’s a brilliant send-up of nanny state political correctness run amok.

The film made its point quite effectively. It included many shout-outs to Brave New World, which everyone should read. Orwell’s 1984 depicted a future of unremitting brutality, but Huxley’s classic currently describes better where we’re headed. It’s a shallow existence of mindless hedonism with the “bread and circuses” approach to control the public. With a few advances in biotechnology, Brave New World is entirely possible.

The final take: The subversive theme is played 100% straight. Demolition Man’s society would look awesome to all the tofu-addicted, genderfluid, psych med munching crybabies graduating from collegiate Social Justice Warrior indoctrination centers every year. However, that describes merely a fraction of what they think the world should be; only scratching the surface of the SJW agenda.

Much science fiction, as well as dystopian literature, extrapolates present-day trends into the future. It often—but not always—seems dated later on. (It’s 2017; where’s my damn hovercar? I’ve had fun with this concept in my own stories.) Fifteen years from now, how much will our society resemble Demolition Man? Most people in 2002 would’ve found today’s degradation hard to imagine. If the public in 1987 knew what was in store and who was behind it, they would’ve taken decisive measures.

Accurately extrapolating trends is difficult. The current trajectory is 80% Brave New World and 20% 1984, though the “carrot to stick” ratio could reverse. Perhaps by 2032, civilization might hang by a thread. Alternatively, a massive backlash will emerge and depose the society-wrecking regressive left. Like I keep saying, the future is what we make it.

Read More: 7 Mainstream Movies With Subversive Themes That Slipped Under The Radar

162 thoughts on “3 More Mainstream Movies With Subversive Themes That Slipped Under The Radar”

    1. “Stop! We are your friends!”
      Heh, dude, that is so on point.

      1. What’s funny about that comparison is that the average leftist continues to spread that message for the martians. I KNOW that they don’t believe it themselves. Heck, consider the white leftist who spreads around white guilt and how bad white people are and then… avoids non-white neighborhoods.
        I often confront them on what they’re saying. If they believe it, how do they handle these contradictions? Simply, the just change the subject, walk away, call me a name or combination of the above. They are consciously aware of their deception yet they continue to preach this as the gospel truth even as most gain nothing in the process other than to avoid admitting that they’ve been lying all along.
        And I suppose that’s what drives the mind of a leftist: They are cool aided into the faith by thinking they’re supporting making the world into Sweden (ABBA era). Then they’re told that people who leave the faith or don’t belong to it are losers and are taught to regard such people as subhuman. This drives them to avoid confronting their beliefs at any cost: They’ll lose their friends and become part of the “problem”. Then after a few years, they become terrified of being a fool all along (at least openly) so they hide the evidence from themselves.

    2. I think of the Mohammedans as the aliens in the “Alien” movies, especially in whichever movie “The Company” was breeding them in an attempt to train them. Of course the aliens had none of that, rampaged and killed their “benefactors”.
      Sound familiar?

      1. In the case of the left, goal was to bring in just enough outside voters for their own side in order to win elections but not necessarily to eliminate the locals. It’s sort of like stuffing a ballot box. Leftists believed that just as red stater kids often become leftists after going to university and being indoctrinated, surely third worlders would follow suit too, yes?
        But red stater kids are pacified by white guilt and materialism while third worlder kids are hyper racist (the cultures they are from are not secular bastions of tolerance) and on college campus, they are encouraged to engage in double standards and cry foul at racist against them while exercising it against others. So why should they assimilate when the whole system is set up for them to rampage through?
        This is because the same kids such as Hillary who grew up privileged and isolated from the consequences of their social engineering (well educated, smart leftists can afford to be limousine liberals) then continue to run the factories that destroy the western culture that created them.
        In the Alien Resurrection film, the way the aliens escaped was something a building security guard would have observed: How do you imprison hostile creatures who bleed acid that can dissolve through nearly anything? The military (“Not an evil corporation” as put by the villain) couldn’t have secured a henhouse from a fox.

    3. Mars is a big desert sand planet. And in most martian intepretations is that they are war like

  1. Michael Douglas to gang bangers: “Well maybe if your fucking sign was in fucking English I could fucking read it.”
    I rather enjoyed that movie!

    1. By far the best movie of all the ones these articles have shown to date.

      1. An underrated movie (or 2) is Crocodile Dundee.
        The movie is about a real man’s man who doesn’t live, talk or act like a typical modern western man.
        He treats the cute NY girl like a girl and basically tells her she’s only a girl. Being a NY girl she decided to show him. Well that works out for her until she needs the man to save her and she winds up falling for him.
        He punches a dude in the bar who insults him (and again he wacks the girls beta b/f who tries to mock him), grabs a trannie in the package and sends the thing out of the bar to wild cheers. Drinks, had fun and is a decent guy living his life his way.
        In the second one he defends his women and tells the cops he doesn’t need their protection he’ll do it his way and takes down the Columbian drug cartels (a non pc villian).
        Anyways the movies have been on lately and they are different watching them as a red pill adult than a kid.

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        1. Need a dome around America, and heavy vetting of all foreign visitors to the United States.

      3. Falling Down was the story of the American Dream crashing for the average working guy, and then him losing it as a result. These days most working guys just take it that the American Dream is no longer there for them. They find other outlets to deal with this kind of reality, of course you got some that don’t.

    2. “Have you ever heard the expression, ‘The customer is always right’?
      Well…Here I am.”

    3. The author missed the point on “District 9”. It was an anti-immigrant movie. South Africa suffers from illegal immigration from neighboring black countries who want what the white man built. The same people made “Elysium” which also was anti-immigrant. The bad guys are actually the good guys.

    4. If they rebooted that movie today, the Mexicans would have lawyers from the ACLU threatening to sue the guy. That movie came out in 1993, yes the US was in recession in the early 90s but the reality was that it was nowhere near as bad as the “recession” of 2008.
      And they were somewhat sympathetic to Douglas’s character, if they made the movie today, he would be portrayed as some Neo Nazi or a Mass Shooter.
      Also around that time you got to see the effects of “diversity” on America’s cities. And that has only gotten worse in the past 24 years. Its to the point that many whites support it, not just fringe leftists, who are no longer a fringe.

    5. I wish they would put up sighs in Spanish at the river about leaving all your garbage there. We have “free” garbage cans everywhere. But the grate state of C.A. decided it was better to pay a non profit to clean up all the trash after it washed downstream into the ocean and back up on to the beaches.
      Apparently mu environment doesn’t trump low information voters.

  2. District 9 is a nauseating movie, filled with PC propaganda from beginning to end, it is a badly disguised allegory of the ‘poor blacks’ under Apartheid.
    I have mixed feelings with Falling Down, It could be interpreted as a poor beta loser snapping a la Columbine, or could be interpreted as a critique of the alienation of the modern world.
    Demolition Man? blacks as alphas and white men as effeminate pacifists? let’s build an inclusive democracy? I pass….however Bullock looks extremely hot in it.

    1. I don’t think that Stallone played a beta.
      Falling Down to me, on first viewing when it came out, was your second interpretation. The good man pushed too far by a cynical hateful society.

      1. Stallone’s character is ambiguous, while he certainly has good traits, he’s a little too much nice guy for my taste.

        1. He spent decades locked in a SJW reeducation camp though, so I can begrudge him being a bit of a bleeding heart after they defrosted him.

        2. He was being brainwashed/pussified while in cryo-sleep. The controlling computer would implantation new skills and desires after running a personality profile.
          At one point Stallone’s character complains that he wanted to knit and didn’t know why or how he suddenly knew how to knit, sew, & taylor.

      2. Hey Ghost. Please read my review.
        I think Falling Down was a great red pill film where the hero was thwarted by a beta male police detective who decided to find his manhood by going white knight (using authority to put down other men).
        Imagine… if Pendergrast had retired a day earlier and the keystone cops LAPD never tracked D-fens down. He goes to his home, with the bag of guns (put in the tool shed in the back for safe keeping) and tells his passive aggressive wife: Go ahead, call the police and report me for violating the restraining order and wait until I get out of jail and then…
        Call her bluff.
        Used to men running up to rescue her (such as white knight Pendergrast) but now put on the spot, she would have caved. D-fens would have moved back in and using his newfound confidence, found another job and moved on.
        Pendergrast would have retired and gone home to a skinless chicken and nagged about all the home improvement projects he needs to keep up on and then would have gotten divorced after his wife finally nagged him beyond his pain tolerance.

      3. I seem to remember a not insignificant scene in falling down that sits in my mind when Prendergast the cop was sitting in traffic and notices, laughs at a coca cola sign and someone has graffitied a small man gawking at or crawling out of a woman’s cleavage. Remember that (or am I imagining it..) Is part of the whole red pill nature of the film, with even those inside the matrix realising the absurdity of it all. Just wonder what to make of the ending of Falling Down..

    2. Not to mention in falling down they had to have that cliché knuckle dragging, white supremacist, gun loving psychopath to re inforce the message that white nationalism is ‘crazy’.

      1. I didn’t mention that because this is not a NS/WN website, but yes, that character is basically a walking cliche to teach the masses that we, ‘evil’ NS’s/WN’s are just a bunch of psychopaths/gunloving/closethomos/whatever.

    3. Stallone was the bigger alpha. Hence he won in the end. It was red pill in that it showed how a pc tyranny turns all our men into simps. Get’s so bad they need a blast from the past to clear things up!!!

  3. With regard to District 9 and South Africa, here is a good article about the beloved ANC, the liberals just can’t get enough of, poor down trodden communists.
    The Documentary is said to be good, still a bit watered down so as not to upset the mindless masses deifying St Mandela, not acknowledging the fact that he was a terrorist, who personally authorised the reign on terror under his watch and the ongoing chaos which is South Africa today.


  4. Another unintentional Redpill movie by Blomkamp: Elysium. Watch a bunch of shitty losers fuck up a wonderful society for everyone else, because they’re entitled to… something? Pretty good analogy for the latinos streaming across the border.

    1. Blomkamp’s movies are really quite subversive. He does a good job disguising it.

      1. Not really, most of his films are made in South Africa, which is a great example of how mixing different people on the same land will create conflict and general misery.

    2. I found it amusing how a futuristic society would allow its government to be controlled by computer and some hack would force SJW down everyone’s throats. After a few months flooded with illegals, the whole society collapses and that’s that.
      I found it amusing how the futuristic society would locate itself in space. Wouldn’t it be far more economical just to get a remote island and dome that? Same thing with all space movies where the villains relocate to avoid terrestrial troubles: Just find a remote spot on earth and harden it.

      1. i found it funny how their only defense from spaceships was a dude on earth with a missile launcher. Not to mention all of their robots showed up too late. I’ thinking where are the damn robots when the people invaded.

      2. I found it amusing how the futuristic society would locate itself in
        space. Wouldn’t it be far more economical just to get a remote island
        and dome that? Same thing with all space movies where the villains
        relocate to avoid terrestrial troubles: Just find a remote spot on earth
        and harden it.

        Because they can and are not idiots. Nowhere in earth is impregnable unless the invading forces are made up exclusively of retards. Even among the Arabs intelligent fellows are left, let alone among Asians and mixed groups or even blacks. It’s a lot better and safer to just move the whole thing to space…if it’s feasible and you really want something impregnable. Let alone natural disasters that can just shatter your precious dome…

        1. I’m reminded of one of my favorite sci-fi films: “Logan’s Run” (from the 70’s) where the logic didn’t make a lot of sense: an underground community of post atomic war survivors about 2 centuries in the future have developed such technologies as teleportation (which Logan uses to order up a pretty girl on a dating website delivered to his TV) but then goes to work using a monorail system (if you have teleportation to deliver girls, why use the monorail?). Similar logic inconsistencies in Elysium: With the technology the elite had developed, it was possible for them to leverage them to build a moon base or even go interplanetary with the elite. Leaving their space dome in full view with refugees regularly trying to pull of a “jump the wall” game we see with Mexico and the USA doesn’t make a lot of sense.
          In addition, a whole space economy would need to exist to generate these innovations such as magnetic air shielded space domes, dealing with the massive space junk we currently have in orbit, radiation (the estimate now is that after 2 years or so in orbit, solar and gamma radiation will trash your nervous system putting in doubt whether a manned mars mission is possible). This isn’t all just developed magically in some lab and put into effect for a rich pleasure yacht. There’s TRILLIONS of dollars in space resources such as nickel, iron and even gold asteroids out there. Would the super elite leave all that unharvested just so they could have a space yacht in low orbit to tempt the locals into attacking?
          Elysium was just a bad film overall similar to how Battlefield Earth as a Scientology film bombed: Kind of funny in a way how the actors and writers are just so sincere but amazingly clueless.
          As I said, one thing that makes the elite today different than posed in the films is their discretion and secrecy. If you want to spot the rich, go to Connecticut and Central New Jersey just outside of the major cities and drive along the roads and you’ll see fortresses with rustic looking fences but electronic surveillance and very few of the amenities visible from the road. They typically have tennis courts, pools, and guest homes but they are flashy. This is what my Swiss friend calls “Swiss style”: rustic looking homes appearing as if a 16th century carpenter hacked it all together but inside… luxury.

      3. They want to guarantee they don’t get invaded, that is why they had a high tech space station. The elites lived on it, while the rest of the world lived down on Earth. Would not be surprised if the Earth really looks like that in 100 to 200 years. Even then I hear the global population will hit a peak in that time, and it won’t be much higher than today.

        1. I often pondered at how the real elites are nothing like Donald Trump in that most of them keep a very low profile. Even as they seek to make the world into a third world hellhole via their short term profit grabbing enterprises, they tend to want to live in the middle of the first world such as Switzerland, Monaco, or New York City and blend in with the upper middle class locals.
          There’s nothing more conspicuous than a shiny space station in the sky.
          One thing that does make sense is that the elites are wondrously inefficient with money. Sure, a big space station is a poor waste of resources but then again, so are their mega yachts. In the film, to make that space station work required 23rd century technology including:
          1) Magical shield technologies that kept air in but also allowed ships to land.
          2) Artificial gravity.
          3) Space shuttles that could economically go to the space station and back.
          4) Auto-doctors that could cure millions just sitting around in people’s homes.
          Those alone should have created a major space economy to transform humanity (in good or bad ways) that are totally going to waste. Forget about lower earth orbit! How about setting up colonies for the wealthy TOTALLY away from Earth and perhaps on the moon or Mars? If Earth sucks so bad, why do they want to be close to it?
          But then again, as I said, the elite today seem to be taking the planet down a path of destruction where they might get in the way (look at how WWII ravaged many of them). So they aren’t entirely on-the-ball when it comes to the consequences of their actions but that goes for us too.

        2. I’m not sure about Trump anymore, I had my doubts about him when I read more about his daughter and son in law, Ivanka and Jared. He seems to be falling into controversy after controversy. And its clear Bannon is on the margins and will likely be fired. Jared and Ivanka, as well as others are globalists.
          To me Trump is really just a member of the elite club, and has been that way for years. He was saying because of his status as a billionaire, he thinks he can change the system. That being said the system in place benefits him and his family. So I really doubt he would change it.

        3. ANYONE, good or bad, would fall into controversy with the leftist media simply for not being one of them. Since Nixon was threatened with impeachment, EVERY Republican since Ford has met with a threat of impeachment: Reagan with Iran/Contra, GHB with claims of Iran connections, GWB accused of going to war “illegally”. In the meantime, the left does much, much worse and gets a free pass from the media: Bill Clinton and whitewater, his commerce secretary accused of bribery dying in a plane crash (with the airport technical manager dying of “suicide”), his lead counsel committing suicide, etc. Obama then had the IRS engage in anti-democratic tax penalties against conservative groups, selling Uranium to Russia (yeah, that same Russia), the list goes on.
          Yeah, we don’t know if Trump is going to do what it takes but keep in mind, he’s only been in office for a few months and the left are going hysterical. That alone is worth it to see them suffer for another 3.5 years at least. Even the educated leftists I know agree that a case for impeachment can’t be made for at least 2 years and this will require them to get the Republican Party to dismantle itself voluntarily. At this point, if the Republican Party is that worthless, perhaps that won’t be such a bad thing.
          Will Trump become like Schwartzeneggar and go native (or back to native?). Possibly. I think it’s more likely that the left has their long knives out for him and won’t forgive him for what he said about illegal immigrants no matter WHAT he says or does so if he does “kiss the ring”, so to speak, he’ll be made an example of and I don’t necessarily mind that. I wish the left had thrown Schwartzeneggar under the bus after he rolled over for them.

    3. I’ve heard that the Maaaaaaaaatt Daaaaaamon flick is ironically spreading a right-wing message, but I haven’t seen it yet as I’ve also heard that it sucks as a movie?

      1. It unintentionally begs the question: What happens after the SJW’s win in the film?
        The “paradise” space station can’t handle a billion or so refugees flooding into it. How would Jodie Foster’s place look if she invited all of her illegal immigrant nannies and housekeepers to bring their families there to live?

    4. elysium ? i hated the end and the underlying message : i just saw the metaphor of refugees who came (read : invade without any consent, and wreck all the work of people to build something clean and prosperous) in europe just to gain a better life with free med care, enjoy the profits of the fruit of labor of others and so on.
      And this, years before the actual european migrant crisis.

      1. plus the dude who plays the South African merc has some cool one liners

      2. Explicitly right-wing movies won’t get made. The more clever among us saw that the Jodie Foster character was the good guy.

      3. Consider: Why was it just the residents of L.A. looking to invade Elysium? In the case of the west, it’s the whole third world looking to invade. Elysium should have been getting hit by bogeys daily from around the world. Perhaps L.A. was one of the few places left that had the capability to engage in space travel.
        The whole leftist film was amusing in that the majority of the Elysium residents were white (the color of evil) comprised by white, leftist actors such as Jodie Foster (who seemed to relish playing a bad, white racist but did it so awkwardly that she seemed self-loathing).

        1. If they were really going to push the race thing in the movie then Damon would be the villain on the Space Station, and Foster would be the hero of the story.

    5. The problem with the borders has to do with liberals and also mainstream conservatives. When Trump tried to pass a travel ban, the airports were jammed with SJW protesters, many of whom were whites. Many whites these days are leftists. Even those that are conservative have embraced leftist ideas. What do you expect with immigration?
      The mainstream Republicans also want refugees from Muslim nations, also want illegal immigrants.

      1. I’m reminded of this line from Star Wars:
        “Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their numbers.”
        By the same token, the left can drum up an army of white SJW’s for a protest if it means a Woodstock festival day of making funny signs and showing off their nude bodies while screeching about “body shaming”. But statistically, they make up only a fraction of the leftist electorate.

        1. They don’t need to run around nude. They easily influence society with their wallets.

        2. I came of age during the initial burst of modern leftist values and now we’re sort of living in the secondary aftermath: After decades of bashing “white privilege” (throwing non-affluent “privileged” whites under the bus by privileged, smug leftists) they’re now starting to eat their own.
          Consider Bernie Sanders. A traditional Soviet era progressive from one of the few remaining leftist white majority states (up north, where it’s cold and non-whites tend to not want to move to) and he couldn’t drum up enough non-white leftists to get him through the primaries.
          If Elysium is a leftist tale of a nightmare right wing world, imagine what the leftist one would look like: A “diverse” community of entitled non-whites who eventually decide to overthrow their “privileged” non-white masters and then what? Detroit? Los Angeles?
          Indeed, Elysium begs the question: a century into the future the left will no doubt have made the world into a non-white diverse paradise so won’t they have everyone on green energy and free high quality healthcare by then? The left is great at blaming the right for their failures but when will make a movie portraying a utopian society that works?
          Well, ok, they already did: Star Trek. The series originated as seeing the Earth from the point of view of those who were in a military branch of the space program (think of that, this was the progressive view of the world during an era when most leftists were bashing the USA military as baby killers in ‘Nam)
          So anyhoo, not a lot was known about what Earth was like in Star Trek but it was assumed to be a paradise: A technocratic society where one could have as much food and medical care as one liked from replicators but… how was overpopulation addressed? There were civilians engaged in space travel. Was this a communist society made up of total government control over the civilian population?
          Later on in the series, the heroes of Star Trek found themselves addressing possible corruption of government at the highest levels. This meant that the benevolent dictatorship of Earth was continually vulnerable against driving the planet to extinction because the population was so pacified. The Ferengi said the Earth was “boring” indicating that even the leftist producers of the show recognized that even if their worldview came true, it would result in human stagnation.
          Although in South Park, Trey and Stone are supportive of the Hispanic community, they did confess in “goobacks” that a diverse community “melting pot” ultimately became a hell made up of the worst of all cultures put together as each sunk towards the lowest common denominator. Similar to Idiocracy, the overpopulated future where nationalities no longer existed as eradicating itself. Even as Trey and Parker portrayed the conservative opposition as rednecks out to “gay away the future”, they didn’t dispute the fact that the rednecks “having sex in a pile” were doing better than the liberal douchebags embracing a miserable future for the sake of avoiding being “racist”.

        3. Some conservatives enjoy Star Trek because it’s one of the few sci fi movies that show a good optimistic future.
          Much nicer than Hunger Games, Alien, or Blade Runner, which all portray dark dystopian future societies.
          In general all sci fi movies have a leftist narrative except maybe the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones films.

        4. I don’t know if it’s a “right wing” narrative, but the “Starship Troopers” and “Ender’s Game” have a right wing lean towards them: In both futures, Earth is united due to external war in a bid for survival for utopian justifications for government takeover are obsolete. In the book series prequels for Ender’s Game, it goes into how humanity slowly lost its freedom as the government took over more and more power in the wars.
          Both such films introduce food for thought in that they don’t portray life under such a militaristic regime as awful. The government rarely abuses its power and most people live quite well but freedom of speech is as forbidden as an Antifa dominated Berkeley. 🙂

  5. As an aside, a commenter here on the RoK forums once mentioned that you rarely see truly evil black villains in film in recent decades. Simon Phoenix in Demolition Man is a real departure from that trend.

    1. True. But that was decades ago.
      Wesley Snipes was *the shit* in his day. Great actor.

    2. The very black villain (Richmond Valentine, played by America’s favorite domestic terrorist, Samuel L. Jackson) of 2015’s Kingsman: The Secret Service is a recent exception…and the most recent right-wing movie AFAIK.

  6. If I remember “Falling Down” right it was about two white men:
    White Man #1 – The Cop – is *with the program*. He’s adjusting to the new multicultural world. He has a lady cop as a partner, and Hispanic at that. And he’s thriving.
    White Man #2 – The Defense Engineer. He’s struggling to adjust to multiculturalism. He’s not with the program and suffers for it.
    The programmers are giving you two choices – and only two: shut-up and get with the program. Or be a loser and fight it and perish.
    Nothing too subversive from my vantage point. Typical Cultural Marxist crap.

    1. Hey Jon,
      Please read my review below. Pendergrast wasn’t thriving. Until this “last day” case, he was a wimp who had no respect from his peers and his wife treated him like crap. Only by cracking this case and going white knight does he finally get some respect for himself and stand up to his verbally abusive wife.
      It wasn’t multiculturalism so much as showing that white knights can get respect when they’re in authority but for the rest of the men, life is tough: The manager at the Whammy Burger who slaves away, the Korean storeowner, the “not economically viable” black guy among others who are suffering but nobody cares and this film is an indictment of the supposedly “diverse” inclusive leftist society that ignores the plight of nearly all men while providing justification for the powerful white guys that the left claims to “check privilege”. Pendergrast and his white male police chief will continue to crack male heads of all colors and creeds and provided they do so in the defense of women (justified or not), the system is ok with that.

      1. Guess I should watch it again. I’ll check out your review.
        I just remember feeling that if only “D-FENS” would accept his new lower station in life, things would at least stabilize for him. Instead he kept rubbing his nose in his misery, remembering how things used to be – pre open-borders. Pre-feminism.
        The very name “Falling Down” meant the movie was about white men falling down in social status relative to everyone else.

        1. Not just relative to everyone else. The Korean store owner, the gang banger, “non economically viable” guy, all of them lived sucky lives. The SJW’s didn’t tear down the evil white guys and make utopia, they made… L.A.
          And that’s what’s so subversive about the film: the left portrays diversity as this Swedish paradise when it’s more like East L.A.

        2. That was the vibe I got. Middle aged white man getting “down sized” out of his job, wife is in the process of divorce raping him and alienating his children from him, his area undergoing ethnic replacement,… basically watching everything he spent his life working for slipping away. Depressing as it was accurate what was just happening (NAFTA, open borders, feminization of the Courts, etc…).

  7. Demolition Man is worth it for Edgar Friendly’s (Denis Leary) “I have seen the future” speech. Everything else is bonus.

    1. he would be playing the Red Pilled male part correct?
      living in the sewer underground eating rat burgers

  8. I wrote a detailed review of Falling Down in a previous comment thread: https://disqus.com/home/discussion/returnofkings/7_mainstream_movies_with_subversive_themes_that_slipped_under_the_radar/?utm_source=reply&utm_medium=email&utm_content=read_more#comment-3270545892
    But it’s worth writing one from scratch. Here’s my attempt:
    Falling Down was an amazing movie made in a time (post 1950s) when Political Correctness makes it impossible for a mainstream Hollywood film to make a “red pill” film. Consequently, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the writers had to muddy up the waters and portray the white male protagonist as slightly crazy but it also works in a strange way because that’s how the culture treats men overall.
    As an laid off Aerospace industry engineer recently divorced from his wife, Douglas represents the typical blue pill guy the system has discarded. His ex-wife, portrayed masterfully as a passive-aggressive victim type, gets a restraining order against him simply because he gave her a bad look. While sitting in traffic waiting to drive to a park to eat his lunch and feel productive, he gives up and decides to call his wife and ask to attend his daughters’ birthday party. It’s when a series of events happen that drives him out of his “playing by the rules” worldview. The Korean storeowner refuses to give him change without purchase and then the change he offers him can’t even make a phone call. Flummoxed, he verbally tells the owner off and the owner threatens him with a baseball bat and D-Fens (the protagonist) stands up for himself probably for the first time in his life. The commentary and wit is astounding in this film in pretty much every piece of dialogue including self-deprecating humor by D-fens against himself.
    Throughout the film, the way D-fens interacts with other characters addresses the dysfunctional nature of modern society and the plight of men: the Korean storeowner trying to make a living, the gang banger who roughs people up to get by, the snotty rich guys with their golf club memberships and most importantly, Detective Pendergrast whose on his last day and living the blue pill dream dominated by a shrew of a wife. The shrew verbally abuses him and has reduced him to a blubbering mess. Just as D-fens has snapped and is going red-pill, Pendergrast also snaps but goes sort of upper blue pill by becoming a white knight: He stands up to his own wife, but he punches another guy for saying something bad about her (even though it’s true) and defends D-fens ex from D-fens doing a murder-suicide (because that’s what is assumed about men who don’t play by the rules)
    The way the plot plays out, D-fens is at a turning point in the film at Whammy Burger. Whether this was intentional by the writers or to portray D-fens as a typical male psychopath is brilliant because it leaves us the audience to decide. Is he just taking a break for breakfast before dropping off the bag of guns and begging for a chance to attend his daughter’s party OR does he finally go gangster and DEMAND what is rightfully his? When a manager dismisses a reasonable request from him, he says eff it and decides to become like the gang banger he grabbed the guns from. He had previously been living a sort of living death for the past year so he shows a gun and demands breakfast but changes his mind. Later, when a construction worker tells him off, he decides to use a rocket launcher.
    Note that he doesn’t go on a murder spree. Only one man is killed and it’s a racist (that D-fens finds repugnant) who threatens to turn him in. Since the racist is largely unlikable (most leftists wouldn’t mind seeing him die) this murder is relatively easy to justify to someone in D-fens mindset.
    At that point in the film, D-fens still thinks that the police are not onto him and goes home but a female policewoman is there. He shoots her to get out but doesn’t “finish the job” and having nothing better to do, runs to his wife and child on the pier. That’s when the white knight Pendergrast shows up. Pengergrast asks him “what were you going to do?” and D-fens says he doesn’t know which makes sense. At this point, D-fens doesn’t know what he should do. Life on the run as a middle class white guy with no criminal experience? Pendergrast accuses him of being on a murder suicide rage which is insulting to D-fens who, like most divorced men, are treated with disdain by the system.
    Pendergrast reluctantly guns down D-fens in a suicide-by-cop action but secretly enjoys the consequences. By knocking off other men, he can now be a tough guy much like D-fens had become, but legally. He stands up to his wife, gets respect from his peers (tells his boss to eff off) and lives like a man.
    To show that this was not a “white male is a racist murdering jerk” is the segment with the “not economically viable” guy. A black guy with this sign and in a shirt and tie much like D-fens is protesting a bank not wanting to give him a loan and asks D-fens to remember him. D-fens had killed a repugnant white supremacist and expressed sympathy and respect for most people he had encountered: the Korean storeowner (whom he sought to reason with), the gangbangers (whose territory he respected and said he’d leave), and even the snotty rich guys on the golf course that got in his way (he offers to help the guy find his heart pills). But naturally, these nuances can either be lost on a typical viewer or were perhaps unintentional for the writers which is what makes it so neat. You don’t get this on a first viewing so for studio execs looking to green light a “psycho white guy” film, it works. It got the film made.

  9. Here are some of the movies I think have real subversive messages:
    – 300 (2006). Historical inaccuracies aside, a good movie.
    – A History Of Violence (2005)
    – Assault on Wall Street (2013). There are 2 possible interpretations for this movie: rightwing or leftwing. I prefer the first.
    – Bravehart (1995)
    – Conan The Barbarian (1982)
    – Death Wish 1 (1974)
    – Excalibur (1981)
    – Ex Machina (2014). The true nature of women.
    – Fahrenheit 451 (1966). Of course, the book is better, but the movie is not bad…
    – Gone Girl (2014). The true nature of women, and the pussification of men.
    – Het Vonnis (2013). Excellent European movie.
    – Macbeth (2015). Maybe 90% faithful to the play.
    – Merlin (1998)
    – Metropolis (1927)
    – Michael Collins (1996)
    – Nineteen Eighty Four (1984), Of course, the book is better but blah blah
    – Northmen A Viking Saga (2014)
    – Red Dawn (1984)
    – Red State (2011). Extremely subversive.
    – Soylent Green (1973)
    – The 13th Warrior (1999)
    – The Boondock Saints (1999). If you ignore the fag is an excellent movie.
    – The Crush (1993). Again, the true nature of women.
    – The Wind That Shakes The Barley (2006)
    – They Live (1988)
    – Valhalla Rising (2009)
    – Vanishing Point (1997)
    I omitted the popular ones like Fight Club, Matrix, etc.

    1. Cool list. I have to check out Valhalla rising.
      One of my favorites is “Dark Star”, one of Carpenter’s (I think) first movies. An example of what space exploration would really be like after the corporations got through with it.

      1. I found Dark Star incredibly slow.
        Valhalla Rising is excellent, believe me.

        1. Kids….
          Ok, I have a REAL challenge for you: Watch “The Saragossa Manuscript”, in Polish with subtitles. A short 4 hour romp (restored lovingly by Jerry Garcia of The Grateful Dead.) A tale of interconnecting stories similar to the classic “The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie”
          I suppose you weren’t a fan of THX1138 as well?

        2. I’m going to search “The Saragossa Manuscript”. I have watched very few eastern European movies…I tried with some of Andrei Tarkovsky’s works but didn’t work.
          I saw THX1138, is good but extremely depressing.

        3. If you haven’t watched many Eastern European movies, perhaps a good one for this theme is “Sexmission” (available on DVD/stream from Netflix). The plot is that due to a scientific accident, all of huMANity is eliminated except for women and two (Polish) astronauts in suspended hibernation are woken up a half century later into a world run by women.
          Although it was meant to poke fun at communism, it makes a far greater mark against feminism as it implies that women are easier to control and lack motivation to challenge authority.
          Another classic against communism but also unintentionally against effed up societies in general is “What will you do if you catch me?” “Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie złapiesz?” The plot of the film is irrelevant as the different things that happen along the way poke fun at how people take the crazy world around them for granted. In two scenes, I found it difficult to distinguish parody from reality where a character get a drink of water from a vending machine USING A GLASS THAT HE THEN PUTS DOWN FOR REUSE (turns out to be true, actual commie thing) but on the other, in a restaurant, the customers use cutlery chained to the table (false).

        1. It was Carpenter’s student film expanded with a small budget. In the beginning where the corporate executive gives his ra-ra speech, the kid doesn’t look older than 20. 🙂 (Couldn’t he at least get someone’s dad to be the bad guy executive? 🙂
          I love some of the clever shots such as making a massive vertical shaft out of a hallway but filmed on the side. 🙂 Such techniques were also in use in another of my favorite relatively low budget films:
          Seksmisja was filmed in the Wieliczka salt mine which should be a wonder of the world.

        2. Carpenter always felt like a liberal shill, especially when you see his Escape From films with Kurt Russell, so much obvious social commentary, it was really obvious in the second film Escape from LA, where the villain is portrayed by Cliff Robertson, who plays a conservative Ronald Reagan like President, I thought he was wonderful in the original Spider-man.I was shocked such a clean cut film could be made by Hollywood in the 21st century, of course most other movies gradually got more dystopian.

        3. Escape from LA was total liberal propaganda, more so than its predecessor. That came out in 1996, just about the time when liberalism truly took root across America, and it only got worse ever since. I recall the character who portrayed the President was Cliff Robertson. It looked like they were creating a parody of Reagan, as Robertson looked like Ronald Reagan.
          These days everything Hollywood makes is some kind of BS political propaganda. They never actually make movies to entertain people.
          The new Alien movie failed, I guess they put too much high brow social commentary and BS, rather than make an interesting entertaining movie.
          Even that bonehead Chris Evans started sharing his political opinions with people. I guess since he is rich, famous, and good looking, its ok for him to have a political platform.

        4. What I found pretty funny about Escape from LA was how Carpenter portrayed as a sympathetic character a Muslim woman offering to sleep with Snake after soon meeting him and how Christian fundamentalism was fascist.
          Looking at the film in retrospect, it’s kind of funny. I’d love to see Carpenter and his ilk try to live and make films in Islamic nations.
          What made Escape from New York funny was at the time NYC was a liberal, crime ridden sh*thole before a Republican mayor cleaned it up. The left are sometimes totally clueless about their paradoxes of their ideology such as the media going after Trump for saying he likes to gr*b p*ssy and yet Hillary’s husband is the WORST out there. So I’m ok with them spewing out nonsense.
          I agree that Escape from LA had a lot of obvious “right wingers are crazy Christian religious fundamentalist” nonsense in it but I just rolled with it. _I_ can handle it unlike most leftists who have a problem trying to watch South Park and get ripped in equal time (South Park hits right wingers too but since the left hits the right hard on a regular basis, we’re used to it. They aren’t.)

        5. I remember Cliff Robertson most in Spider-man, could not believe such a wholesome film could actually be made in the 21st Century. Kind of reminded me of the Christopher Reeve Superman films, back when they actually made movies to entertain people, not shove their political views at audiences and not display wholesale degeneracy.
          In the new one Spiderman is living with an aunt that is a MILF, Marisa Tomei. So the whole morality angle has been tossed away, its even more weird because Disney is making it.
          Uncle Ben won’t be in the movie, and Peter Parker’s aunt seems to be hitting on Tony Stark, whose an alcoholic and uses psychiatric meds. Wonderful family entertainment. By the way Robert Downey Jr has been vocal about his feelings about Trump. Most people forget Downey was a drug addict, had a severe psychiatric problem, and spent time in prison before he made a “comeback” as Iron Man.
          I thought Thor was good because of Odin being a strong father figure, very few films have them these days. Odin punishes his son for his foolishness and Thor redeems himself with bravery against a giant.

        6. It was so obvious in its politics. Lot of politics in today’s movies too but it’s not as easy to decipher. I hear Christopher Nolan pushes conservative ideas in his films. It’s hard to see a leftist idea in his movies because all the main characters tend to be strong masculine men in his films. All his Batman films had an emphasis on dads. Even Inception and Interstellar it was the recurring theme.
          Also saw the new Pirates film and it has a strong message about the importance of fathers. No wonder the critics hated it. I thought it was wonderful.
          See similar themes in Thor films. Masculine heroes like Thor and Odin and effeminate bad guys like Loki.

      2. Movies haven’t been good for years. I loved the original Star Wars, apparently in the 1970s it got no love at Comic-Con. Even the Fox executives at the time didn’t like it, but then again most of those guys were enjoying Clint Eastwood and John Wayne type movies. So for them to see a guy like Mark Hamill as the hero of the story must have been a bridge too far, I guess that is why Han Solo was always more popular, he was the real alpha male.
        Lately I think Star Wars has been taking on a not so subtle political tone, particularly in Rogue One and TFA.
        That being said, the original movies were great, so were the first three Indiana Jones films. As I said Hollywood has failed to make a truly entertaining movie in decades.

        1. Here’s another way of looking at it. I think there are MORE great films out there than ever before and I have a hard time keeping up but most are independent or Hollywood films that aren’t well publicized. Consider Idiocracy and Office Space: Both were not marketed very well. Scarface was released on Christmas Day. Yeah, that’s right: One of the most violent (and great) mobster epics released on Christmas Day. The studio execs were probably snorting coke when they came up with that idea. So Scarface did poorly at the box office but was a major hit in rerelease syndication on payTV and video.
          But yeah, Hollywood has been dumping mostly stinkers when it comes to the box office at least. I have had little reason to go to the movie theater and plunk down 10 bucks rather than wait for DVD rental.

    2. Fahrenheit 451 (1966). Of course, the book is better, but the movie is not bad…

      IMO, the best Fahrenheit 541 movie is Equilibrium (2002). Dunno if that counts as a popular movie, though I understand it had a bit of a renaissance once its star, Christian Bale, hit the big time.
      Which reminds me of the ultimate “Bros before Hoes” film, the dystopian & somewhat subversive A Boy and his Dog (1975), which had a comeback when its star (Don Johnson) hit it big in the next decade with Miami Vice.

        1. Darn it. You beat me to that observation.
          I didn’t see that end coming either. It was shocking to me but then immediately made me amazed that such an ending could be made.

        2. No other movie has anything quite like that ending. Both hilarious and horrific, but totally in character and authentic.

        3. Every time I see a commercial for Animal Planet’s “It’s Me Or The Dog”, I have a flashback to that ending….

        4. a woman would have to be something pretty darn special to compete with a telepathic dog if you ask me

      1. I think 1984 was dark and also quite prophetic in that it has a message I sometimes see in various authority figures:
        That power is about the ability to treat other people like shit.
        I’ve been in workplaces where the managers seemed to think that they had the right to treat people like shit and get away with it. They had money and you had to eat it. Since I’m frugal and make it a point to always have a supply of “f*ck you” money in my bank account, I could always tell them that and they were shocked because so many people out there live paycheck to paycheck. To me, I’d rather drive a 15 year old Hyundai and be able to hold my head high than lick someone’s boots to make lease payments.
        Really, that should be an article on RoK if not already: Money is like life itself. That doesn’t excuse being a douchebag about it but if you see some new gadget you don’t need, think of it in terms of how many days of your life will be spent paying it off. (By the same token, I’ve spent a half hour waiting for gas at a nickel off a gallon at costco and asked myself: Is a half hour of my life worth saving 2 bucks?)
        So in 1984, the authorities become ever increasingly excited at having achieved such total control of the society that they could now openly just treat people like shit and get away with it. That this mattered more than their own affluent lifestyle. The ability to abuse someone and get away with it, like some rural hillbilly with a torture dungeon, was paradise.
        I also loved A Boy and His Dog which had the ultimate ending that would offend feminists.

    3. – Vanishing Point (1997)
      what the hell bruv??? the one with the Beverly Hills 90210 dude over the original Kowalski??? wow big call mate!
      – Excalibur (1981)
      agree, cool movie for sure

      1. Vanishing Point is a rightwing movie. I didnt know he was in Beverly Hills 90210, never watched that.

    4. Would also recommend:
      Dark City (1998)
      Bohachi Bushido: Code of the Forgotten Eight (1973) – Falls apart a little at the end.
      A Company Man (2012)
      Flash Point (2007)
      My Father is a Hero/The Enforcer (1995)
      Jeremiah Johnson (1972)
      A Better Tomorrow 2 (1988)
      A Lady Takes a Chance (1943)
      Lonely Are the Brave (1962)
      Executive Decision (1995)
      The Ghost & The Darkness (1996)
      The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935)
      Soldier (1998)
      Repo Men (2011)
      Assassination Games (2011)
      Skin Trade (2014)
      Bullet Train (1975)
      The Living Daylights (1987)
      City on Fire (1987)

    5. With the exception of Conan The Barbarian(which I enjoyed quite a lot, enough to make me interested in more stories with the character), I haven’t watched any of the movies you listed. Looks like this will be a busy month for me, hehe.

      1. If you liked Conan the Barbarian, check out the Polish “With Fire and Sword” series filmed during the communist era with an obsession with historical re-enactment (17th century European warfare, blood and all) and also kitchy 1960’s romances and big haired Polish women.

      1. Red Dawn (the original, not the stupid remake) is one of the most anticommunist and rightwing movies of the last 40 years.

        1. North Korea invading America? Who are they kidding? The person who made that must have been tripping on LSD.

        2. (((Hollywood))) is just the Ministry of Propaganda of the (((Elites))), so movies have political and educational purposes.

        3. Pretty much, now the latest target of the elites is God and Christianity. Did you hear about the mentally ill man in Oregon who stabbed two people? The media is now portraying the thing as Islamophobic violence. All when its clear that the man must be mentally ill. Witnesses were saying the man was ranting and raving, it was clear he was mentally ill or on drugs.
          Of course when a brown or black person does something intentional like that idiot with his car, the media tries to downplay it, saying the guy had a mental health problem.

  10. They Live. Saw it when I was young and it made a real impression on me; that and Rowdy Roddy Piper was a badass. But nevertheless, the themes in it left me with a deep suspicion of authority, advertising and the other mind-control out there being forced on the unwitting populace.

    1. I’ve only ever heard of “They Live” because Duke Nukem uses the line about being out of bubble gum and kicking ass.

      1. Still a decent start to learning of it all the same.

  11. Falling Down is good, Demolition Man is still one of my favorites. I used to like it because it was absurd, now it parallels close to current culture. I feel like John Spartan walking around today sometimes. The only thing we’re missing today is the automated fine/ticket dispensary so we have something to wipe our ass with… oh wait we do have those, forgot about traffic cams.

    1. Don’t worry. The SJWs and their allies are working on that. Anything they don’t like they will try to censor to the max.

      1. and the fact the left/libs want to turn all heterosexual relationships into the type Huxley and Spartan have (that VR thing, with a strict no touching policy)

  12. The sad part about Demolition Man, as I mentioned before, is just how prophetic it really was. Truly ahead of its time for 1994 (the year it came out).

    1. Yeah, but with this difference.
      Even the ‘bad’ guys in Demolition Man had succeeded in creating a civilized society. It was wussy, but in many ways was livable.
      On the other hand, Parker and Stone in South Park generated a more accurate portraying of what the left creates: Shi TPa Town but this was just after another gentrified region had failed (known as the development next to Kenny’s home).
      In the former, which has happened in the states, the left attempted via massive subsidies to recover inner city regions that had become war zones and failed miserably. These regions were then abandoned again.
      But then other regions with, er, less “diverse” demographics did gentrify other regions but just transferred the suburban lifestyle of the limousine liberal but locked out their core voting electorate via higher prices: The average leftist elitist does have a point to brag about their education and superior income ability and they need every nickel of it for “whole paycheck”, er “Whole Foods” and to pay double price to live in a loft apartment. In the dystopian season of South Park, this ultimately resulted in humanity being threatened by internet ads that had evolved to drive humanity out of existence. I hadn’t seen that coming and was pleasantly surprised because it also indicates a natural problem with the Soviet economy of western leftism: Most people can’t afford to be cultural leftists.

  13. In Demolition Man, all the restaurants have become Taco Bell franchises because that company won some kind of restaurant war.

    Yeah, funny, right? You’d think that could never happen in the real world. But in our reality, Jeffrey Tucker, the libertarian crank and open borders cuck, writes that we should look at Taco Bell restaurants as modern-day houses of worship:
    Every Taco Bell Is a Chapel

    1. could Taco Bell beat McDonalds in a war for the crappiest food and dominate in a mass “fattening” of the global populace?
      im not American so i have never had Taco Bell.

        1. fast food tastes good to be sure….but his point is, fast food is generally speaking terrible for you. like not even average terrible, its just flat out dog shit levels of bad for you.
          so yes you are blessed if youve never had it.
          but as said….it does taste rather good.

        2. I love tex-mex, but that place is not even close. I don’t begrudge anyone having fast food once in awhile (once a month), but I avoid TB when I’m in the US.

        3. if you are constipated, Id recommend a refried bean burrito to clean out your pipes

        4. Funny thing. As someone from Mexican descent, I grew up on Mexican street food all my life, never ever got sick. I go to Taco Bell, every time it never fails, I get a horrible stomachache. Go figure. It’s just garbage. And people wonder why I poke fun at gringos mercilessly.
          And it’s not just Taco Bell. I’ve gotten sick from eating Chipotles, Rosas Cafe (a Tex Mex eatery that from some reason is popular her in the West Texas Permian Basin), Del Taco, and Taco Cabana.

        5. Regarding the stomach– same here. I grew up eating the real stuff at my neighbors houses (mixed neighborhood) and know the difference. I went to chipoltes once from a recommendation from family and once was enough.
          About decade ago when I was back home I visited my neighbors mother, who’ve I known for over 30 years, and spent over an hour or two writing down her recipes. I now make my own stuff at home. Threw a few dinner parties and served tex-mex which went over well. Especially with our russian guests.

  14. Perhaps by 2032, civilization might hang by a thread.

    People mock the Alt Right by saying its ideas date from the ’30’s. But they have the wrong century: The Alt Right looks to the 2030’s and beyond to come into its own.

    1. Dunno about that theory (BTW many links on that site are dead), but SB is definitely uncanny valley material IMO.

  15. I have to wonder if the screenwriters of Demolition Man modeled the character Raymond Cocteau off of one or two real-world utopian intellectuals I knew of: F.M. Esfandiary, who in the late 1980’s lived in L.A., had changed his name to FM-2030 and had gone into cryo with Alcor in 2000; or Jacque Fresco, who lived in Florida and had reportedly died earlier this month at the age of 101.

  16. In District 9, why didn’t the aliens simply all climb into their Independence Day-esque mothership and go home, instead of eating all of our cat food and playing dice in their self-made shantytown?
    The film demonstrates that, with the help of whitey, the “Talented Tenth” alien leader could make the ship again capable of interstellar travel.

    1. and the filthy prawns loved the prostitutes too, dont forget the pros!

      1. If they couldn’t fly why as the one prawn and his son trying to collect enough “juice” to power up the saucer and fly home?

      2. But the aliens ultimately did fly to the ship. IIRC, they were about to fly to the ship near the beginning of the movie, but the human protagonist unwittingly stymied them.
        At the ending, instead of flying home and promising to return in 3 years with a “cure”, why not bargain with Earth to load up the aliens and take them home, solving the problem then and there?
        Instead of living in District 9 to begin with, ruining Earth for the humans, why aren’t they just packed onto their ships? Wasted space.

        1. For the same reason Europe have refugees instead of paying another nearby Islamic country with no war to take them, it would be more easy and cheaper than bring them to Europe. That’s why the movie slipped under the radar. The prawns were a bunch of good for nothing junkies for cat food. And the reason humans would not let them return to their ship was because they have alien weapons and tech that human fear. Humans take their weapons and the prawns become dependent of humans and their highly addictive cat food and welfare, basically the prawns were the blacks from space.

  17. Demolition Man is quite scary when one looks at all the draconian shit going on in real life and the same portrayed in that movie.
    In the story every citizen has a chip under their hand to be tracked. Obama wanted to RFID chip americans for healthcare reasons – but anyone who is not a complete idiot today knows where this would all be heading. Luckily this first attempt to make the chip required by law failed. But each generation gets stupider, there could come a day..

    1. Own a cellphone with Sim card? Already chipped. The healthcare fiasco is just a red herring to make you believe you aren’t already chipped.

      1. Good point. But at least it is easier to throw their cellphone or sim card in the river, unlike an embedded object under the skin.

        1. But that’s just it: You don’t. You consent to the tracking for convenience. You probably have Internet billing turned on for most of your bills.

    2. I personally wouldn’t mind biometrics in place since the primary purpose of our relative anonymous society is now to enable the illegals to run around rampant and for identity theft.

      1. Dude – you gotta listen to what you’re saying. The illegals are allowed to stay for the purpose of trashing and destroying white race. Nothing happens to these useful idiots. The attacker in Orlando was already being tracked by by the feds, and he already had a record, yet the authorities did nothing. No – the boimetrics is to keep humble, law abiding citizens under an iron fist, and the illegals are given the freedom to destroy what said humble citizens create.

  18. I think Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’ better portrays regressives and where they’re trying to push us then either ‘1984’ or ‘Brave New World’.

  19. D-FENS was a rational person. They even showed it in the scene where the bald, crazy anti niggers and jews guy is saying he’s just like DFENS. But he says no, he’s not like the crazy guy.

  20. MANY years ago I watched (on a black & white TV with rabbit ears) “The Dating Game” and “The Newlywed Game” and laughingly predicted “The Divorce Game”.
    “Divorce Court” premiered in 1984 and ran nine years until 1993. It was revived in 1999 and ran again until 2016. (There was another series that seems to have had odd years. I’m not certain if they were connected.)
    I again laughingly predicted “The Running Man” and to my horror witnessed the White Bronco chase through Los Angeles in 1994.
    Today volunteers are lining up to participate in “The Hunger Games” in Russia:
    At my age, I H-O-P-E nobody remembers “Logan’s Run” or “Soylent Green”!

  21. Of course Demolition Man had to be mentioned. What I like about it is the two alpha males in it. Both the flawed yet good cop alpha John Spartan and bad boy alpha Simon Phoenix. Of course you need both in civilization. Especially someone like Phoenix, who can always keep you alert and prepared. Heck, I think even God needed Satan to make his servants stay on alert, like for instance, Job.

  22. Most whites under 35 today in America resemble the people in Demolition Man, very much living in the clouds, but that being said American society still has many of the same problems that have existed in the late 20th Century. In many ways its only gotten worse.

  23. The look on Sandra Bullock’s face, just like most millennial women these days.

  24. The people who want refugees in their countries are the same people that support policies that turn them into refugees in the first place. Regime change and all that stuff has turned the Middle East upside down. These same folks were living with their dictators, even Muslim nations aligned with America are dictatorships like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Only difference is those places are rich.

  25. Getting down some of the movies in these posts. Thanks. And fuck you.
    Have a good Memorial Day.

  26. When it was released, the critics hated Demolition Man but it holds a place of honor in my DVD collection. Several years ago I wrote that the collapse of the welfare state would bring an end to feminism, but then Martin Armstrong showed how to save the state. Depressing thought, until he, Clif High, David DuByne and others pointed out that a mini-ice age, if not a full blown little ice age, has already begun, which will cause big increases in food prices as bad weather destroys crops (and it is). The welfare state could yet collapse, and 2032 could look very different.

  27. All good movies but I wouldn’t say the messages “slipped under the radar”. It might seem that way if you weren’t born when they came out but for those of us who were adults when they came out, the messages were pretty clear.
    Falling Down for example is legendary and we repeated the best lines to each other continuously.

  28. Yes Falling Down fucks up because unlike Taxi Driver it lacks the courage of its convictions and is too ‘pro world’. As the film progresses the world around Douglas’ character becomes too normalized, which merely heightens his pathology. In Taxi Driver we get the sense that Bickle is merely an extreme manifestation of a completely sick society.
    Totally different message.

  29. Demolition Man is one of my favorite films. It’s rather funny to think that what was meant as satire has become the real-life goal of California these days. It’s only a question of if they’ll get there or “Escape from L.A.” first.

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