Amongst the relentless and often hyperbolic calls to pinpoint the genesis of the stale feeling of the half-century-old ‘extreme’ genre, I propose something different here and something I’m sure I’m going to be outnumbered by the number of people who will disagree with me.
Metal defies the genre that defined it. It is much more than simply a couple of blokes standing around playing live music featuring themes of Satan worship, womanising or drug use. It is an expression of the dirtiest of subcultures, those who are truly lost amongst the groupings that befall a modern society. It is no secret that ‘the metal community’ has attracted people together purely based on a vague agreement in music they like, but at the expensive of all other interests, values or opinions.
Today, we see a community that will oust the fringe whose ideas began it for being too extreme, controversial or offensive. For now, I feel it has betrayed what it initially was with this regressive open-armed approach to inclusivity.
With the perpetually shifting of the Overton window, some topics that were once controversial can now be discussed on mid-morning television programs where others are now outright banned from even the thought of contemplation, let alone discussion.
If you define the genre of metal as merely that combination of instruments earlier proposed then you needn’t worry – as this will continue eternally. The stagnant flesh that hangs off those tired bones will continue for as long as modern-day ‘rebellion’ can be depicted as doing what your parents didn’t. The rise of newer bands on the outskirts of metal – such as Greta Van Fleet -will attract grandparents and their grandchildren, missing out on the parents who chose genres other than those that contained Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath.
Instead, the beckoning call that I have always felt for was for those earlier years, and those are the records I always default return to, where audiences were genuinely scared at the sights and sounds they were experiencing, the freshest output being in the early 90s with Norwegian Black Metal.
Before Ozzy Osbourne became a meme thanks to $auron Osbourne & MTV, fans of his and of his boys from Birmingham were legitimately terrified of John where the potential for something truly threatening was always present.
Later, symbols of anarchy such as Johnny Rotten left the youth of Britain terrified that he may actually be hiding under the bed. Fights and violence were never far from a good ‘music’ show. The mystique and intrigue that surrounded even earlier bands such as Zeppelin would be destroyed through the modern way to enjoy music and it’s creators.
An entire mythos was created around Jimmy Page, the Occult and his fascination with Crowley. Today, music journalists would be requesting his latest opinion on Brexit, Trump, or any other mindless distraction that keeps ancient and decrepit publications in circulation.
Metal now focuses on inclusivity – that everyone should feel safe in a home that has been created for the homeless. When you’ve nowhere to go, metal fans will happily take you in. It ignores that you might not actually like anything that’s of any stern use. Blink 182 & Green Day? In this paper-thin world, those bands have has much use for tender as fans of Burzum or Witchfinder General.
The value has been betrayed. You are more likely to find the values within other genres that have yet to face this parasitic infestation. True country and electronic music are making big gains where metal has long abandoned the interest of its brothers. This must be stopped.
The message of true strength, true suffering and the strength to be found within the suffering have been replaced by plastic and disposable emotions for a plastic and disposable world. Where safety is the culture’s only capability, any danger must be stamped out as quick as a spark is produced.
The myth of the binary black or white and good or bad mindset leaves little room for any real acts of rebellion where attempts to do so will face threats of the law, doxing and hurt to one’s family as the outcome. Coming back from a show with a mouth full of blood or the missing of a few teeth is as ancient as listening to the music in a mono output. Instead, the floor is flooded with ‘men’ weighing six stone ringing wet and Disney neck tattoos.
I’ve always believed music to be a solo enjoyment and although I enjoy a live show (performer and pedestrian), nothing can get me closer to the experience of the message that being on my own in a dark room with headphones on. It is there where I now retreat to be truly terrified. To clear myself of the distraction, of the bright lights and weak drunken fools who only know a state of being an extreme extrovert to keep the distance as far as possible from their true thoughts, dreams and fears.
Join me. Grab a Robert Johnson discography CD, smoke a cigarette with Sinatra, put a spell on Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, dance to the radio with Ian Watkins, take a soulside journey with Darkthrone. Take what you find into the real world.
There is still time to be you.
Read More: 4 Steps We Must Take To Fix Society
Will this work for your Toronto fans?
Or is ER the only way for the Stacys there>?
Vote for Faith.
No, fcking cuck! Vote for DIMITRI THE LOVER!
He’s the greatest PUA ever in the history of Canada
If you’re willing to put in the work, it will work. If you’re not satisfied with the rewards, you may have to relocate.
Toronto cunts hate men, only a military invasion or genocide against these cunts by Vladimir Putin will make life easier for men living in that feminist dump.
“How to improve your physical appearance so that you receive warmer responses from the girls you meet. I discuss ways to optimize your body hair, head hair, beard, hygiene, and style, including the one style rule you absolutely must follow.”
I understand this is important to point out for the American audience. In Europe most young men dress well.
Like everything else, the sense of fashion in europe plumetted to a near NZ level.
See alot of hipster, wiggers and hobo. There is nothing more pathetic than a scrawny soy eater dressed like a lumberjack.
Have YOU gotten success in Toronto? Not even Dr. James Sears, DIMITRI the Lover was successful in his approaches in Toronto and he is the King of PUA, not that J e w i s h homo Mystery.
Sounds like “Game” is right up my alley: a “how-to” type book. 🙂 Actual strategy concepts. One can never learn too many strategies and build oneself.
I read Bang Ukraine and “Brazil Compendium” (I read the Brazil book just to be able to discuss book with a Norwegian friend who desperately needs game help in Brazil; I already mastered Brazilian game back in mid-1990s when I lived there 4 years as teenage American).
Bang Ukraine was excellent, to-the-point and lots of actual strategies to DayGame approach. It is a how-to, to the point. Is “Game” same style as Ukraine one?
Also, I want hardcopy (paper), as easier to read. I already write Law school work in a PC or iPad all day, cannot look at screen any longer some days….. so is there any way to order paperback outside Amazon?
I hate Amazon! -_- They charge more for almost everything now (since they are now a major player in online sales), they are run by globalist leftists, and they fund the American Bolsheviks.
I am in USA and if have another way to order Game paperback, I prefer to do so like that, IF POSSIBLE. Thanks! (Otherwise, I will order via Amz, even if I hate them…. I understand they have a quasi-total-monopoly on book distribution).
Ps. I agree with Roosh 100%: if you hate where you live – MOVE! I moved to Rockies for school a couple years ago, my quality of life and even Game improved tremendously. Just the feeling of leaving a place you hate to live in and the thrill of learning about a new area is elating and revitalizing!
Liking where you live has major positives in your quality of life, from game to appearance, to happiness. 😉 Move, trust me, you will be glad you did as soon as you get to new city/area/country. There will be some minor challenges to adjust at first, but each day, you will feel energized you left a place you hated. 🙂
This book will not work if you are a 5’2 balding Indian who is 50 years old and potbellied. At least not if you’re looking to bang jailbait/barely legal girls. It may not get you much success if you’re looking to bang attractive women in their mid 20s to mid 30s.
That’s the problem with these game books. What might work for a 6 feet tall, decent looking 20-35 year old man, in shape man who may need help with social skills is not going to work or at least work as well, for a 5’2 balding 50 year old Indian.
I saw Amazon has banned Roosh books. 😡
Man, I hate Amazon. I actually posted something about that above, BEFORE they banned Roosh books.
Amazon is an evil quasi-monopoly run and largely owned by an elitist, leftist Globocuck team.
I am gonna order the book, please find another way to sell and distribute book and I am ordering my paperback copy.
I am sorry it happened, Roosh. Let’s hope Trump breaks up this monopoly.
$20 and a bus ride to Montreal. Fuck Toronto!
Fight the feminist
You sound like a fucking CIA agent. MK Ultra?
Money. Gym. Nice clothes + Clean look. Confidence. Approach. Date. Bang. Am I missing anything?
… or 375 pages if you have neither of those.
Hey Roosh!
I got “Game” on my Kindle. Having skimmed thru it, I have a feeling this is a great book.
Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks Edward!
Congratulations Roosh. Hope it’s a success!
Thanks. It’s doing well so far.
I live in Toronto and with tight game a I bang a lot of cunts, mostly asians.
Rub n tugs don’t count!
it´s for losers. in my opinion. no offense. but losers will take it that way.
Hey you fucking J e w e s s ! H i t l e r should have really extERminated you in Aoshwitz!
i dont believe in the holohoax
I just ordered the Life’s Work Combo as my birthday gift for myself this year. Obviously I’m not the intended audience, but it’s remarkable to me how much better I understand women and people and relationships (and lots of other things) after just peripherally keeping up with some of these writings over the last few years. Lots more good information in here, I suspect – whether one intends to use it to bang women or not. I can just imagine how many people in my life would be horrified if they knew I intended for my boys to read this stuff someday. 😀
I appreciate it!
I’m looking forward to your book for girls!
95% of young men in Toronto would be incels if it wasn’t for p4p, or J e w s trafficking white girls for young J w i s h men for business.
Roosh, this weekend i will buy your book.
I am really curious about it.Waited the whole summer.
I hope it will be a big success for you.
Roosh, downloaded the full package. I keep getting an error when trying to download. It starts going and then eventually stops. Any thoughts?
Your order email should have the individual download links. I would try that. If you need more help, drop me at email from the form on
Bought the book and started reading it. Seems pretty spot on so far. I can appreciate what you said about testosterone. I am about your age and just got tested as well, and I can’t believe how low my test was and wish I had tested earlier too. Never had any problems getting it up, but I think it has had some negative effects in my relations with women, and men too for that matter. I think you’re right about the environment having something to do with it. No reason why I should have such low testosterone other than that. So I’m in panic mode doing all the research I can on bringing my level up.
Great to hear you’re getting value from it.
I read Bang in 2013, and while I did enjoy it quite a lot, the culture and dating landscape had experienced a great deal of upheavel since the book was released in 2007, and much of the information was starting to feel antiquated. Game is the book I’ve been waiting five years for Roosh to write. I’m only about a third of the way in, but I can already say with confidence this is the most comprehensive book of its kind ever written. The level of depth on topics such as personal grooming, text/voice-call game, and approach strategies is absolutely tremendous. This is the bible for how to run game in the smartphone era.
Congratulations on a outstanding achievement, Roosh.
Thank you JM!
Hey Roosh AKA “human cesspool of shit” as my socially awkward sensitive blue pill male feminist ‘friend’ would say.
Long time vouching for red pill and masculinity here, ordered your book to arrive in Finland. I have not read Bang, but will read this absolutely when it eventually arrives from Amazon.
I have lots of respect for you for enduring all this cultural marxist aligned soyboy feminist media hysteria that you get, being on (atleast) on the UK’s ban list for being an evil and dangerous thought criminal — atleast to the blue pill pushing global establishment that is — and spreading the light in darkness i.e. Return of Kings and rp-knowledge to show the way to transform boys to men. Lets keep up the truly righteous cause of fighting against the ongoing pussification of men in masse.
The western world truly lives in absolute unenlightened madness where the past’s masculinity is today’s misogynism.
On other note, I would like to ask if it’s possible to truly reframe this “red pill = misogynists” frame of view as I keep getting it from blue folks. I tell them that a man respects a woman by putting her in her natual role as a feminine woman submitting to a worthy man whom fucks her right while dismissing the hamster bullshit.
Truly atrocious how the misogynism accusations keep coming and the degenerates run left and right without control.
Thank you for letting me enjoy the western degeneracy more futher with this new book of yours. Wealth and prosperity to you Roosh.
Your friend is not nice. Thanks for buying the book.
Anyone hear that other rapper overdosed one less piece of trash
Yea. He was actually a pretty good artist. Not crying about it though.
He was trash a wigger
Ariana Grande is a satanic agent because that mozzie should’ve blasted her to smithereens at Manchester but she didn’t die.
Mac Miller is one less k i k e in the world but he dated that feminist and he Od’ed himself because feminism is Satanism and one day God and Jesus will lie up every femwhore and brutally dismember them from arm to head with no morphine or anesthetic. the pain will teach those femhores a lesson not to go against men and God because feminism is anti-God and evil.
Currently the #798 best-selling book on Amazon (AKA in the world).
I don’t know how well your other books did at their peak, but good job, R00sh. You’ve earned it. 100% self-made, unlike Rogan, Peterson and the whole other lot of shabbos goyim.
Speaking of Rogan, you mentioned his (((wife))) in your Roosh Hour. You forgot to mention that he started out doing comedy in Boston basements when he was “discovered” by (((Sussman))) and not long after he was getting work at MTV, Fox and other stations. Remember Rogan was young, pretty & athletic once. And success is never free for a working class goy without connections in Tinseltown, if you know what I mean.
Just google “young Joe Rogan” and look at those pics and that look in his eye. He was deathly afraid of being a working class, 9-5ver (in his own words) and would have done anything for the shekels.
no doubt Rogan took a few cocks into his butt.
Hey roosh, I’m in phoenix as, is there a store like a Barnes n noble where I can just go in person and buy the book
well i tried posting this review of his book game on amazon. it was rejected probably because it has the words ” hostile women ” in it. here is my review ” This is it. been reading it like mad this past two days since it launched on september 7th. the conversation method does work for sure. been using it with a vietnamese girl online. she responds with my lines then i do. and i asked her to show me what she was cooking and she gave me a pic with no resistance. usually girls online dont want to do anything. but foreign girls are usually the exception to the rule. so far i like the book. will take some work and adventuring to learn everything in the book. its important for men to read this book if you are in a western country in order to stay safe from hostile women and hostile men too. roosh rocks. boom shaka laka. “
Amazon is unfortunately my gateway for a “local money checkout” when byuing ebooks.
I “can’t into dollars” and also “can’t into international credit cards”.
Unless Amazon lifts the ban, there’s no way for me to get anything.