As a guy of Indian ethnicity there are some obstacles you have to overcome in order to have a balanced game. Circumstances can dictate what these are but following my last post a red pill infused Indian pal of mine and myself had a conversation about what these obstacles are:
1. Let go of limiting beliefs about being an Indian in the Western world
What do I mean by “limiting beliefs”? There is a particular mindset among Indian guys that they can only get with Indian girls. You must let go of these fears dictating that your ethnicity holds you back in what you can do. Being Indian does not mean you have to work in IT, accounting, business, construction or own a corner shop as in the same way it does not mean you have to date Indian girls.
2. Let go of your mummy’s sari
It’s something I’ve noticed among the large Indian community here in London: there are a large number of mummy’s boys, men who are afraid to stand up to their mothers and what they want themselves. No one wants to disrespect their parents but also at the same time standing up for what you want should be your primary objective. Many a man will ‘settle’ with their girlfriends due to pressure from their mothers. As one acquaintance said, he preempted conflict by just doing what his mother wanted, even though he does not love the girl he married.
3. Let go and expand beyond your Indian comfort zone
Your extended family plays a large part of your life (not a bad thing), but a lot of guys also have their friends circle exclusively Indian. Expand your knowledge, gain new friends, travel, and learn new languages. It’s a difficult transition to move from becoming over reliant on this little setup to independence from all influence, but it can be done and it will benefit your internal well being. The thing to remember is you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. It is highly likely none of your existing five friends will agree with your path into game. They will tell what is ‘best for you’ but in essence this is them subconsciously pulling you back down to their value as you increase your own.
4. Stop putting white women on a pedestal
White women are easy, white women are fun, white women are flirts, white women are great at sex or white women are sluts. Whatever white women are, as an Indian guy you must stop putting them on a pedestal for being all these sexually related things that you think Indian girls are not. There is no magical things that white women do that others do not. Besides, there is not a certain place in the world where white women will see you and jump on your cock as there is not a certain Bollywood film that will make a white woman gush all wet and demand you ravage her Aryan style. White woman pedestalization can be categorized as an inferiority complex displayed by Indian men. Stop thinking you’re inferior to any woman regardless of her ethnic/racial origins.
5. Understand that Indian girls are not different and are not more chaste
Being constantly around these Indian girls at family gatherings, community events and religious events makes you programmed into believing that you will marry one for certain because of their chaste and low promiscuity. A strong belief that Indian girls don’t ride the cock carousel is blind faith because they do. In fact, all women in the western world do regardless of culture and their strong family traditional values. They are women, they get pussy tingles to the same game as white, black, Asian, orange, maroon and kiwi women. They have the same subconscious processes as all women that help them place a value on a man and inevitable slamming and spunk gobbling if he passes with flying colors. In a Western society these girls have the same external pressures and influences that appeal to their inner slut as much as any other woman. Your objective as a man is not to fall into the line of romantic thinking that they are different.
6. Do not be afraid of The Man
There’s a man, a dominant man, somewhere in your family. He dictates, he dominates, and he makes the decisions. You have a fear of causing him displeasure. You do as he says as he’s done the leading since your father emptied his ball sack into your mother. Stop. As much as a lot of Indian men have pressures from being mummy’s little lad, there’s plenty of them that disintegrate under the pressure of their fathers or uncles. Avoiding conflict is prevalent in your attitude, you do as you are told even though your mind is telling you this is not in your interest and possibly not in the wider interests of those close to you but you do it, as Uncle or Dad has told you to.
No one is telling you to fight, but start slowly, speak out, say what you think is best for you, get out of your shell and decide how you will live your life, not how Dad thinks you should live your life. You might be scared of the conflict and dissuade yourself from it but trust me when you finally grow some balls and exude some confidence and ability in yourself, these men will respect you, see you as equal, and place trust in your decisions.
This list could also apply to other cultures who follow similar dynamics to Indian culture, but don’t stop at the above and think that’s all you have to do—you still have to hit the ground running and approach just like any other guy learning game.
Read More: Taking The Red Pill Destroyed My Family
I dont know if we latin men have this issue? I can’t relate to Indian men because I am not Indian, but I have ALWAYS gone for white women. I just prefer them. Though I’ve been rejected by plenty, most of the time it was because of weak game or approaching wrong or other variables outside my control and rarely because of my race. I have had a few girls say they prefer white, black, guys, but so what? It’s their choice, like it’s your choice to want a white woman, latin chick, asian, whatever. The key is to keep going after it. You get what you want eventually.
??? What? You a Latin man and don’t go for Latinas??? Has the world gone MAD?? o_O
Probably for marriage material.
IRT I know your reading this article, just saying HI
Bojangles, you are two for two with your articles. Great stuff comrade.
Agreed. My comment below failed to acknowledge his solid (and thought provoking) contributions to this site.
It’s great to get perspective from around the world, be it Blighty or Jamdown.
There’s one movie that’s always in my Netflix queue: Delhi Belly
It’s not only hilarious but it appears to touch on some red pill truths. Perhaps younger Indians are more Matrix-aware than you think.
Also, Indians may not want to dissolve the cultural fabric that supports their patriarchical society. That fabric has been disolved in the West and we are living with the results.
Many of us long for a return to patriarchy but we must not forget that traditional societies also have strictures that keep men and women in line. If we want marriageable, feminine women, we should be prepared to live with the tradeoffs.
India is NOT a patriarch! Take a closer look. You have regions where government pays women to beat their husbands in public. Feminism is trying to take its hold in India. BIG TIME.
Pink Sari Brigade? That started when a bunch of alcoholic men in a village would get drunk and beat their wives and their were no cops around to arrest them. So some women of the village got together and roamed the village and would beat up men who were beating up their wives. In a population of over 1 billion where there is a lack of law and order, people have to take things into their own hands.
if ur a woman in india u do get some benefits like being exempt on certain taxes and financial breaks to buying property….the difference is made up by male taxe payers,…so much for equality
“if ur a woman in india u do get some benefits like being exempt on certain taxes and financial breaks to buying property”
This is to make up for the thousands of years where family property went automatically to sons. Now they are trying to right that wrong and make property more equitable, though old habits die hard and many, many Indians refuse to put any family property in their daughters’ hands, even when their sons have way more money and property already.
Believe me, India is no country for women.
That’s one of the reasons I came close to marrying an Indian man but backed out once he started talking about moving permanently there and raising a family together – in his parents house!
I do love the art, music, dance, architecture of the place but it is no place for an American woman to settle into, what to speak of live with her in laws.
Well its all about female grabbing power. u assume world sm 100 yrs or 1000 yrs back was so rosy and men evil patriarchy had their way with women….1000 or 2000 yrs back when physical labor was the need for society women happily let men do all the work.Since they need comfort they took refuge in family systems to control men.
Just like bulls of olden days were valued much more than nw coz they could help u in transport and agriculture…today they are there only for bull fights u see..thts the plight of men…for cows hwever its a different case
Totally respect ur views but will u please tell me where u felt as if the country was not for women
Well the woman is gonna get the husbands estate aanyways…family to feed…cmon typical woman so many benefits an not stil satisfied.feminidm is strong there. bein able to drive work an vote aint wonder gay guys r less stresed
“no wonder gay guys r less stresed”
Not so fast. Gay guys (at least in US) are under extreme pressure to look young and hot, even more than heterosexual females are. Do some research into gay male culture.
reemee the reason women got less property than men in a family is because the sons would share their property with his wife and her family and the daughter would marry a man who had property. it encourages her to marry a man of better character (character from proper upbringing and demonstrated by accomplishment, thus property). it was designed this way so that men wouldnt have to worry about their daughters marrying down and they would marry people from their class or marry up. its brilliance at its best.
here where that incentive is not offered and this new idea of so called equality exists you see girls getting knocked up at 16 by scumbags and tough guys who will never accomplish anything because “I LOVE HIM AND ITS MY DECISION!!!!” and nobody can say anything about it. if you want high school in india to look like high school in atlanta be sure to disagree with me.
granted these methods may not treat genders as identical but in the end they are guided by their natural drives and do wind up in similarly equal positions. they keep society together and functioning.
“here where that incentive is not offered and this new idea of so called equality exists you see girls getting knocked up at 16 by scumbags and tough guys who will never accomplish anything because “I LOVE HIM AND ITS MY DECISION!!!!” and nobody can say anything about it. if you want high school in india to look like high school in atlanta be sure to disagree with me.”
You have presented a false dichotomy of a choice of 1 option between 2 extreme outliers.
Most 16 year olds in the US are not preggers. Moreover teen pregnancy has been on a rapid decline here for the past 3 decades, and even back then it was not high.
On the opposite end of the extreme you present the old Indian model of male heirs only inheritance.
Both are extreme. I, and most balanced people reject both of these options.
Between these extremes is a happy medium exemplified by the life I and millions others live and the values that were handed down to me by my parents.
you joking? us teen pregnancy is at epidemic level
some would say it’s a clear marker of American society’s degrading
i am not presenting a false dichotomy yada yada yada. im exaggerating an example to demonstrate the impact.
fact is that here that shit happens. “fuck you dad i love him!!!” then shes knocked up.
or worse yet and ive seen it, a single mother will raise her daughter dumb, and when she gets preggers, do everything she can to get the father out and turn her daughter into a single mother too.
in india what i was explaining is not outdated. arranged marriages are very common and are rarely made between a valuable woman and a worthless man (once again exhaggeration). also men still commonly get more property. it may not be cliche anymore but it still continues and it isnt a rarity.
and i like it. its a social construct that keeps the society running smoothly. id prefer it to what we have here. and im not saying that without having seen it first hand. i lived there a while.
“most balanced people” is subjective by the way.
also i call bullshit that teen pregnancy is declining. i was a teen here once. its not declining. it certainly isnt less common now than in 1983.
Monster221, I’ve been to India too, with my then very serious boyfriend/fiancee, who sprung it upon me that trip that his “plan” for our future was for us to live in India, with his parents. Decided against it and returned to the States. I loved some stuff about it and hated others. Its by no means ideal or close to it. I still date Indian guys though. I doubt I would marry one and if I did, I wouldn’t live in India.
i appreciate the fact that your response did not in any way relate to my rebuttal. i have never seen anyone cede defeat so gracefully.
so you left him because he wanted you to move to a place where you could live like a queen. but below, in a comment 2 days older than this one, they all dumped you for arranged marriages. so which is it? maybe you didnt live up to their standards?
you also still date indian men even though you have no intention of settling with them, you said? cock carousel anyone?
time to kill whites
I’ve dated 3 Indian guys over the past 10 years and one by one they all dumped me to go back to India and have an arranged marriage. UK Indians have been there for multi generations now and are totally assimilated while holding on to only superficial aspects of Indian culture.
Its different in the US where many are FOBs and hold on tightly to traditions “back home” where they plan to return someday. Its useless for such men to learn game.
Agreed. Game is a reactionary result of Feminism. I understand why some who come from India to Western countries long for India. Culture and family.
I disagree Ross, that game is reactionary to feminism. Game is a natural part of dating culture. In its most basic form it is like a “Charm School” for guys so they can learn how to improve their looks and behaviour to become more attractive to women. Competition is good. Without it we are not inspired to improve upon ourselves and could produce generation after generation of unattractive, awkward and weird men. Which I saw a whole hell of a lot of in India when I travelled there with my second Indian boyfriend. Oh what tales I could tell!
How much “charm school” does a man other women want, have to use on you?
Of course they dumped you. They were aware that you are a dumb feminist cum dumpster. Why would they marry a useless cockslut like you when they can get a feminine women back home?
I would date western women who ride it out in their 20s but would never marry one. Eventually, I will marry an Indian woman in her early 20s ( as it mostly happens to young women out there. But not necessarily an arranged marriage.
For one reason only, Indian women are strictly prohibited by social pressure to give in to her naturally promiscuous tendencies. So much so , that she becomes a social pariah and in worst cases slut shamed to suicide. This lessens ( not eliminates) the probability that she will breed with another alpha, when am out there conq
I’ve dated 3 Indian guys over the past 10 years and one by one they all dumped me to go back to India and have an arranged marriage.
If you only started dating the Indian guys once you couldn’t attract the guys you were really after … and they probably had to ask you before you agreed … and you replaced them smart quick …
couldn’t have been too hard to move on, eh?
So why do you think you are special?
Alot of that seems relatablle to asian middleastern an african culture.
1, thought only being with an indian girl is a usa canada u see plenty of indian guys with white women or other background.
2,mommas boy thing is true but not voluntery its often forced guilted an beaten into boy wants to be around mom…think they do it to use thete kids as a tetirement plan..who knows
3,ya lotya kids in urban areas always seem to hangout with their own people..good to know the broader world.
4,goris on a pedestal? Didnt think that was the case figured it was the opposite. They are the most liberal about sex …thsts whhy guys wanna get with them not just their unqie canada in uk desi boys dont seem to have a hard time goin get women u cant put em on pedestal gotta think like theier below u.
5,the chaste thing is not a problem for usa indians since theirs bareky a community.but uk an canada we think their chaste becuz we actualy have a comunity goin .an theyd have to save face eithin the indian fanilys watch em eith a close eye.but even then there sre some getting defloweref but everyone will know about it.
6,ii say hit the weights an box thatll scare em show lil bit of a temper or have fun spoteniously wrestle an push him around…lett em feel ur strength…do try an dominate them..get in their face an chsllenge…like whatcha gonna do if i a bit more abusive than them…dont take lip…..honor kill if u must
“mommas boy thing is true but not voluntery its often forced guilted an beaten into boy wants to be around mom…think they do it to use thete kids as a tetirement plan..who knows”
Its the retirement plan but also Indian families are very close. I’ve often envied them when I dated them. You are wrong to say boys don’t want to be around mom. They do. And their aunts, uncles, cousins, the whole family. They are very family oriented and their social lives revolve around their families; weddings, religious holidays, family parties, family trips, and they love it. However it can get too much when a 20 or even 30 something grown ass man is sneaking around hiding you and keeping it a secret from his family that he is dating! That’s how a lot of Indian guys in the States are.
Regarding the chaste thing, UK Indians are assimilated having been in the UK for several generations now. Dating is accepted as a norm in their families. However here Stateside we have FOBs and 1st geners and their families do not accept “dating shmating” what to speak of marrying non-Indians.
So many American goris and goras have gotten their hearts broken by Indian guys and gals.
ya that sounds about right
more hassle around for the indian girls though when it comes to dating…even when its an indian boy too
canadian indians are simialr to uk indians its enterin their 3rd an 4th generation though most are 1 st an 2nd gen.But they have a high concentration in urban areas so there is a community an culture presence unlike usa where they are so spread out.
its typically a big deal when the duaghter is datin then so much the son
I have the feeling that this article will become IRT’s holy grail.
What limits Indian men is the social constructs they’re born into. I’ve hung out with a lot of Indians when in university and I found out that the majority of them actually adhere to the caste system that their grandparents did. I’m talking about 20-somethings born in the USA, who don’t even speak their mother tongue well, yet who still abide by the arbitrary rules of a millennia-old, evil social construct.
What that tells you is that these people are infantile and that is not going to translate over well to social interactions well, particularly with women. To be so bound to these narcissistic, self-defeating traditions just indicates to me that you’re a narcissist yourself. Narcissist, for the most part, are very weak people and don’t stand the test of stiff competiton.
Now couple this with the fact that your average Indian is smaller in stature and muscularity to other races and you’ve got a race of beta men broken psychologically and physically.
My advice to the Indians is that they discard all their preconceptions of superiority, particularly the little Brahmin boys who are the alphas within their circle of Indian friends, and get on a strict exercise/diet plan.
I mean if you’re into Indian women solely and have that Brahmin cred or are from of the rich Sikh families, then disregard my advice. You’re not gonna have a hard time finding other Brahmin girls. However the dudes generally looking for white women are outside the Brahmin caste because, like I said, Brahmin limit their association with them. You guys need to play by the Wests rules and compete for women. There is no other way around it.
I’m surprised to hear that. Being Indian myself, I ended up spending most of my time in college with other Indians. I never once heard anyone bring up caste.Mind you, I graduated two years ago, so this was pretty recent. Also, most of the Indians guys I know are relatively tall and muscular now. I’ll admit, I’m rather short and we do have more short people on average, but most of my friends were pretty tall. Maybe times have changed. Though FOBs (kids straight from India) are a whole different story.
Though I do agree, Indian guys tend to stick a bit too much to their culture, especially Punjabi/Sikh guys (they’re tall/muscular, but have a serious superiority complex problem). And we tend to date heavily within our own culture. So that problem still exists. I imagine more and more of them will grow up once they start seeing all the Indian girls dating proper alphas.
” I imagine more and more of them will grow up once they start seeing all the Indian girls dating proper alphas.”
ALL the Indian girls dating “proper alphas”?
First off, “alphas” won’t date your average looking Indian gal. Second, I doubt most regular Indian girls would themselves be attracted to the American version of “alpha”.
Ha fair point. Nevertheless, I am seeing more and more Indian girls (albeit they are cute/good-looking) dating outside of their race now. And I don’t think it will be too long before interracial marriage is more and more common. This summer a Indian female friend of mine got married to a white guy, this despite her being really Indian (she can speak her native language perfectly, incredibly involved in her family and can do multiple traditional dances). So I still imagine Indian guys will have to either shape or be satisfied with second rate women.
“Ha fair point. Nevertheless, I am seeing more and more Indian girls (albeit they are cute/good-looking) dating outside of their race now. And I don’t think it will be too long before interracial marriage is more and more common. This summer a Indian female friend of mine got married to a white guy, this despite her being really Indian (she can speak her native language perfectly, incredibly involved in her family and can do multiple traditional dances). So I still imagine Indian guys will have to either shape or be satisfied with second rate women.”
Yeah but what does marrying a white guy have to do with “alpha”? We were talking “alpha” not “white” or inter racial.
That being said, Americans are really into Indian stuff now. Yoga, Bharat Natyam, Ayurveda, Henna Tattooes, Saris and brightly colored Indian clothes, the Sitar, you name it. Its all hip and cool. Especially on the West Coast.
If ever there was a time for Indians to cash in on their exotic factor, its now.
Indian guys who don’t see this or take advantage of this would be of the sort who will as you say, “be satisfied with second rate women.”
I don’t know what you mean by “second rate women” but they would be satisfied with the normal, boring but safe, domesticated lifestyle laid out for them by their parents in which they live out the rest of their lives carrying out their parents orders, marrying who their parents want them to despite possibly not being attracted or in love, living where there parents want them to, getting the degree and job their parents want them too, etc.
These Indian men either don’t have personalities of their own, in which case they themselves may be 2nd rate, OR they love their parents a lot, possibly too much, in which case that’s bad news for the wife, ANY wife, 2nd or 1st rate.
Such men either don’t have what it takes to compete in an open sexual market (and they may not want to), or they simply reject that market altogether because they feel “Indian culture is superior”.
Also something to take into consideration is that Indians lead high pressured lives. Living in India is very difficult and saps every last bit of energy out of you and so dealing with more pressure like a competitive dating market could possibly send them over the edge. For the Indians that live in the West they are under high pressure from their families, communities and peers to perform well in college and career.
At the end of the day they may just want to relax and rest rather than have to worry about making themselves attractive to women. A lot of them prefer the easy, safe and non competitive arranged marriage route.
“I mean if you’re into Indian women solely and have that Brahmin cred ”
Brahmin cred don’t mean jack to non-Brahmins. Brahmins are only 3% of India’s population.
I have an Indo-Briton friend who I met in Kiev. He was really laid back and we had a great time, having adventures with women and so forth. He considers India his home country, yet at the same time won’t hear about an arranged marriage. His father is very conservative, but his mother is quite liberal and that may have helped in that regard, despite the fact he’s an only child.
The problem with traditional-minded Indians is that, because India is a sausage-fest, the men are more desperate and from what I’ve heard, dowry has switched from being offered by the bride’s parents to now being offered by the groom’s parents.
Regarding the chaste thing, UK Indians are assimilated having been in the UK for several generations now. Dating is accepted as a norm in their families. However here Stateside we have FOBs and 1st geners and their families do not accept “dating shmating” what to speak of marrying non-Indians.
That may be some of it. I knew a few Indians in Minnesota, and I thought they were fast on the way to assimilating, then lo and behold, boom, one of the girls ends up back in India married. But again, India = sausage-fest, so she was obviously a hot commodity.
If India is a sausage fest its their own fault for aborting baby girls en masse.
ya to make up for that gender gap indians should learn russian and goto eastern europe(russia,ukraine,poland,etc) where women outnumber men(whom are sterotyped to be alcholics)
would be a plus for indians since eastern europeans are the most family oriented people in europe.
ya dowry has switched.girls dont have to try now, they can be pudgy an hairy(but still have to be chaste) and still get a guy thats nice,fit an well educated. thats Karma for ya.competition is fierce for women.
the indians that seem to assimulate the fastest are the american ones cuz there is no community in uk an canada some dont bother learnin english and still get by.The culture only lives on as long as they concentrate a community in one area and not be spread out
“ya dowry has switched.”
Dowry has not “switched”. Its still overwhelmingly from the brides family to the grooms. However not all Indians do dowry, and it has been offically illegal for several decades now. Many families are morally opposed to it and advertised proudly that they will neither give nor receive a dowry. Nevertheless, it remains a common practice throughout much of the country.
isnt that old way prominent only in villages of bride s famliy givin to groom side. dealing with upper middle class the chaste girl has the edge now. they can be very picky since guys are a HUGE surplus so shes gareented the best while guys have to settle for scraps..unless they go there villages where women marry multiple men(polyandry)
oo brazil phliilpines an veitname are good places as well women slightly out number men
“isnt that old way prominent only in villages of bride s famliy givin to groom side.”
Nope, dowry always goes from bride to groom. The only exceptions might be a few odd families in Haryana and Punjab where the sex ratios are extremely skewed due to sex selective abortion. Even there, the guys’ families look for women from other states whom they can still extract huge dowry from.
“ya to make up for that gender gap indians should learn russian and goto eastern europe(russia,ukraine,poland,etc) ”
Funny you should say that. I noticed a lot of Russians and there EE peeps, mostly female, in Delhi, Mumbai, Manali and Goa last time I was in India. They were living there. I wondered what they were doing. There’s lots of Israelis too.
goa i know is a popular tourists destination for isrealis an russians
maybe russian brides bein borought into india i guess.
Ya well awate of north indias problem…but groom to bride is actualy increasin…thr guys get a dowry would be lucky…but thts india for ya why should she pay when thetes a surplus of men..besides indians from other procinxes dont want their daufhters marryin punjabi bengali couples arent somethin theyd paay up for
best for them to forget about it an get a any good girl they can or go oversras
“Ya well awate of north indias problem…but groom to bride is actualy increasin…thr guys get a dowry would be lucky”
I don’t know where you get your crazy ideas about India but this is not at all true.
Have you even been to that country even once in your life?
part indian…plenty of indians in my area and gettin it from guys perspective and the gender imbalances and 1 news report backs it up that findin a girl in this village they were reportin were rare like 2 to1 o somethin …dunno where i cant rememmber it where it was though(cant remeber the article google it though)
if u been to india they very tribal u dont see punjabi tamil,etc mixin…they gotta take what they can…..parents woulnd pay up for an outsider….theres a surplus 35 million men(cia world factbook…no position to get a demand)
since ura woman ull see it from the girls disadvantage but things r changin….an fast
If India is a sausage fest its their own fault for aborting baby girls en masse.
‘Cause just like in China, all the girls take care of their parents when they’re old?
Or put them in retirement homes?
Try and remember … Indian WOMEN are aborting Indian GIRLS.
Just like in China.
Don’t blame the men … those women’s reproductive organs are working fine, and were not damaged violently through domestic abuse.
even white women have aborted girls in favour of boys in america…just not that large scale but the gender bias is there
besides comparing a boy to girl is like comparing a mustang to a volvo
for the same price get the one thats bigger stronger and faster
what advantages to havin a girl is better than a boy
u spend more time worrying about her and more money to maintain her health and safety
That is extremely true! These North Indians are fawking crazy! North Indian girls are MUCH hotter than the average South Indian girls, YET these dumb Northerners keep killing the girl child and IMPORTING South Indian girls to marry so they can have more children. So sad! South India is more civilized, here men and women are equal.
The Indian guys I know in the uk are pretty much all very much ONLY dating Indian girls.
Very very rare you see white girls. I don’t know if its a race thing or what. The exception is the ones who are into game.
If not, they are all Indian oriented
huh heard it was comon
espiclly lookin at marrage records 150 indian guys/white girls vs 100 IF/WM
but than again british girls arent the best lookin an dont age well(drinkin an bad diet)…heard theat the polish and spanish girls showin up in uk are very popular
“Stop thinking you’re inferior to a woman regardless of her ethnic/racial origins”.
This line is so true and applies to every man. I’ve seen this in a lot in guys and in particular Indian guys no matter what their self confidence is like.
I’ve never witnessed such bossiness and bitchiness from girls as I have in Indian women. Walking around supermarkets, seeing girls at bars with their boyfriends in a group, it’s always the women I see calling the shots, telling the guy how to act and dress while she does what she wants. I didn’t really understand why that was until your last article.
from canada here..totally agree
but you see some indian guys with white women..not unusal though(even saw a couple with asn girls).but the surpising one was turbaned guys datin interracially(one of the brunettes was a fine 8)
U must be from usa?
times have changed white girls are liberal and open as long as the guy looks agood and has game
“but the surpising one was turbaned guys datin interracially(one of the brunettes was a fine 8)”
I can explain that. Sardars are fucking hot. Indian Sikh men are of Punjabi descent and Punjabis are overall a good looking people. Underneath that turban is long, luxurious black hair. Oh, and their beards. Those beards!
Love their eyes and lips too. Yum.
Yes I have an Indian fetish. They are an untapped market that I’m happy to break in to.
Funny thing is, Sikh guys in the States and Canada have told me that their own Sikh woman want them to chuck the turban and cut the hair. I’m like you’ve got to be kidding. Those are the sexiest things about you. Still, when they wear the turban it means they’re an observant Sikh which means when it comes to marriage they will allow their parents to arrange a Sikh girl for them. Oh well. At least we get to have some fun with them until.
where u from and what race?(im guessin u from BC)
ya i think very highly of anyone that wears relgouis symbols(turban hijab yamika,etc) shows devoution
lotta guys/girls that dont wear those …wear em until they marry to be a good influence on the child.I got sikh neighbors, after the birth of the first daughter the dad started werain a turban.
the south indians from fiji dont seem to have aproblem chasin girls either they use to interracial as well
Anonymous, I’m white American of European background who’s traveled to a lot of different countries since childhood with my parents and then as an adult on my own or with friends. Love experiencing new cultures, new foods, new people.
Love, love, love my brown sugar Indian, Arab, Caribbean and African men!
Southern European/Mediterrenean men ain’t too shabby either.
Not surprised by ur selected prefetences..women love tall dark n handsome..biolgy fot ya..while we guys love the fairer sex..surprised no latin men on ur list
“surprised no latin men on ur list”
Bad experiences with them.
Indians in the US from the Caribbean islands like Guyana and Trinidad fit much more into American culture and they are more chilled and less tradition bound. They also inter racially date much more with whites and blacks than do Indians from India or the kids of Indian immigrant parents directly from India.
Its a completely different culture.
simialr to those from suriname uganda fiji any where that came form an old diaspora
Do you know any Fijian Indians? Can you give me the scoop on ’em because one is asking me out and I’m still vetting him. I have a lot of experience with Indians from India, Indian immigrants and Caribbean Indians. But Fiji Indians I have no experience with and am still trying to figure out what makes this guy tick.
my folks come from fiji
indians have enterd its 6th generation there and are very open dating and marryin out.they love sports(soccer an rugby in particualr)
and very laid back island attitude
where u from? austrialia new zealnad BC?
carribean indians i assume have a simialr attitude since they from the islands
“carribean indians i assume have a simialr attitude since they from the islands”
yeah they do. I notice they also tend to date black people at the same rate they date whites. the Fiji Indian guy who’s after me now, his sister is married to a black man and their kids are the cutest I’ve ever seen.
There’s such a HUGE spectrum for what any individual Indian guy’s sexual market value can be, in my opinion. If you work out, have a fearless attitude, dress sharply, don’t have an accent, and hang out with more than just other Indians, you can be a total stud because of normal game principles plus exoticness. On the other hand, if you are skinny, shy, dress like a frumpy accountant, have a thick accent, and only hang out with other Indians, you are Western society’s lesser omega.
As a fellow brown guy, I agree with your points 100%. Desi cultures pedestalize desi girls as saints and white women as out of their reach, and brow beats their sons into being family oriented beta males. It’s sad to say, but the culture is to toxic to the point where the more culturally Desi you are the worse you’ll do with non-brown girls of any stripe.
” It’s sad to say, but the culture is to toxic to the point where the more culturally Desi you are the worse you’ll do with non-brown girls of any stripe.”
I’ve dated 2 FoB desi guys and 1 2nd genner sons of immigrants here in the States. They were very handsome and had no problem attracting women. The problem was there compliance to arranged marriage when their parents set it up for them.
well sometimes its hard to find a good women
even some white guys gettin into end game phase wanaa settle with a girl from eastern europe ,latin america or east asia.
guys no matter what color or culutre guys when it comes to settlin we want a girl with little to no sexual milage and can be family oreinted over career oreinted…3rd millenuim wrote the articles
anonymous, they found good women (and men) and dumped them for arranged marriages by their parents. this is a huge issue in the States. tons of blogs are dedicated to it. although there are some Indians married to non-Indians here so they obviously felt they found good women and men. good women and men are everywhere if you have the goodness in your heart to attract them. we attract only what we ourselves are.
everyone thinks they are a catch or perfect match or good partner. but sometimes people just play along until they think they can have better. id take their claim as a grain of salt unless we take an anonymous opinion form that indian an why they didnt marry that person.some ppl can go through life and not know their fatal flaws that repeal certain ppl (hence why lotta guys are leraning game)
but granted it does happen.
But the point of arrange marrage or going overseas is to find that perfect partner that the current partner lacks….but ya family pressure on indians to get an arrange amarrrage(esp for girls) is always there
u have to show u can be a good mother,wife and family oreinted(not career oriented) for them to pick u…this goes with any race
“everyone thinks they are a catch or perfect match or good partner. but sometimes people just play along until they think they can have better. id take their claim as a grain of salt unless we take an anonymous opinion form that indian an why they didnt marry that person.some ppl can go through life and not know their fatal flaws that repeal certain ppl (hence why lotta guys are leraning game)”
What does “learning game” have to do with it?
Back to the topic, its a MAJOR issue in the States amongst people who date Indians. 9 times out of 10 they will get serious, lead you to believe there’s a future in it, and then break down under parental pressure and dump your ass. Both Indian guys and gals do this.
They just don’t have the balls or ovaries to stand up to their parents.
Now, sometimes it does work out and there are some Indian-non Indian couples. Sometimes they last and form beautiful families and sometimes they divorce because the in laws involve themselves too much in the personal aspects of the marriage.
Indian men especially think that their wives are going to go with them to India and live forever and ever with their parents in the “family home” or “family estate”. Sometimes it works out but if you read those blogs, it is very, very difficult for those women. Sometimes the women put their foots down and demand a separate space of their own with their husband.
I came very close to marrying an Indian man and when he sprung that plan on me I had to say namaste and goodbye.
Don’t get me wrong, I love to visit India, but to live there? Oh boy.
Ur point is true but it isnt about having balls its about respect.indian women think abiding their elders is right thing.there is a reson that apart from rape,u dont find teenage mothers in india often.Yes i believe westwrn culture promotes development, but stuff like teenage moms and drug abuse are also side effects of western parents not interfering in their childrens life which leads to higher violent crime,drug gangs and more tax on u,for which u pay,not us.
You’re right that it’s about respect. As in the Indian guys and girls that do this are irresponsible, cultural chauvinists who have no respect for the women and men they date. They certainly don’t have enough respect for themselves or their partners to be honest about the situation waiting for them back home.
They are ruining the name of all of us integrated 1st and 2nd gen Indian immigrants, who want nothing to do with their sleazy tactics.
If you can’t stand up to your parents, don’t lie about it. Don’t date. Live alone. And go back to your match that’s been pre-approved by mummy and daddy. Why cause heartbreak to some poor girl or guy here?
Ya the girls esp. Will lead u own heavy.
Game is so u dont come across creepy
Goin back to 3td world india…looks like u met the odd one…why raise their half caste kids in india to mongrelize the rest of the country theyd wanns rsse them here
“Game is so u dont come across creepy”
Well, some types of “game” themselves are creepy.
But whatever, what does game have to do with what you said about ” id take their claim as a grain of salt unless we take an anonymous opinion form that indian an why they didnt marry that person.some ppl can go through life and not know their fatal flaws that repeal certain ppl (hence why lotta guys are leraning game)”
What does learning game have to do with inherent flaws, whether your own or others?
“Goin back to 3td world india…looks like u met the odd one…why raise their half caste kids in india to mongrelize the rest of the country theyd wanns rsse them here”
Its really not that uncommon amongst people married to Indians. The economy is well there and there are the family properties and connections. A lot of goris want the experience of living in a foreign country and like I said before, India and Indian stuff like yoga, sitar, saris, food, Buddhist and Hindu philosophy are all “cool” in the US so they take it as a learning experience and big exciting adventure.
The thing is that after the fun and excitement of being in a new and strange land wears off, they have to face the daily grind and like ever other Indian, and deal with in laws.
The inlaws would suck wouldnt make sense to back when u have a gori..when u can stay an no inlaws
econmy is ok if middle class 23% is still malnourished stil hella poor..inflation is high gee right now
well game is about fixin ur flaws an be able to have ur pick of the litter than takin scraps
“But the point of arrange marrage or going overseas is to find that perfect partner that the current partner lacks”
There is no “perfect partner” ANYWHERE.
uh yes there are and it certainly aint white people . compare the divorce rates whites have and compare it to Asians it is not even close as whites are the highest in divorce .keep your cancerous genes to yourselves!
Well the one that meets cllosest to ursecret criteria
palmela doesn’t count
As far as going abroad and diving into another culture in order to find “the perfect match” – most of the inter cultural marriages I know (and I know a lot of them) do not work out because of the cultural differences. If neither party is very much into their own culture and the couple wants to make a third culture of their own, it can work. But if one or both are very much into their own cultures, and if those cultures are vastly different from the other’s. Its a disaster.
Lots of non-Muslim women who marry Middle Eastern Muslims, even converting to Islam, end up divorced.
the rates are way higher the other way around.Even if the family forces the man to convert, they quickly break down and cant hack the cultural difference and they divorce.
women i ve noticed tend to be much better at this then men when they marry out
ps women dont have to convert to islam to marry but the men do
“ps women dont have to convert to islam to marry but the men do”
Please google “love jihad”.
love jihad is the equivalent to missionary dating.find the concept rather odd though since its not required for marrage unless they just jehovah witnessin it up with every girl they get with in datin
Cheers PDog.
you aren’t indian if you are you a sand paki jungali bundthar who is too ugly to get anyone. Indians don’t put their race down this is quite obvious you are a white troll speaking on our behalf, go blow some more dick you cockfaggot!
Just marry any half decent even arranged marriage female, then your a free and can bang any and every female as your a free-bird!
Married Indian men are not “free”. You have no idea.
So they don’t wear-the-pants then?, best they drown themselves in the Ganges, cures the shame…
“So they don’t wear-the-pants then?, ”
Nope, they wear dhotis
In India “the pants” are never worn by the younger generation, male or female, only by the elders. It is an extended family and multi-generational culture. You are always under the family members who are above you in the heirarchy.
to a degree
but eventually the kids actually do take over and the grand parents are demoted to takin care of the grand kids…plus the young husband sometimes does push his weight around after
italians are kids for life indians eventually take over
All the more why I’m happy I don’t deal much with my extended family. I can barely deal with my parents when I’m home for 2-3 weeks every year, let alone my entire family.
Jesus Christ, how long until the manosphere becomes dedicated to helping indian men get over their insecurity, this is getting ridiculous now, get a grip.
Totally agreee….the whole irt guy did lotta damage that needs fixin
if he was in uk or canada he wouldnt be complainin
Who’s this IRT guy? Maybe I can help him. LOL. Link?
indian race troll guy…he was on rooshv forum to naughtynomad under different…dont recall tjough….search an ull find him easy
bojangles sounds like a dravidian. no aryan (of the swastika) would marry a dravidian in india (the race mixing between the 500 million people each, in India, is almost nonexistent, so north-indian and south-indians almost never intermarry).
of course, he is writing from a country where “asian” refers to both aryans and dravidians which is funny on so many levels….
Not Dravidian lad, though I’m sure this Dravidian/Aryan theory has been proven false. My family originates from the same land as the Ambanis, Gandhi, Kingsley and Jinnah.
Yeah this Aryan invasion theory has been proven false thanks to genetics research in the last two decades and absence of any archaeological evidences to support the linguistics based racial theory proposed by colonial europeans. Unfortunately, the demise of this divisive theory is yet to become a part of “common knowledge”!
For a while I have been pissed at the RVF and Roosh himself. On top of that, I get pissed that he lets other openly insult Indians on his forum. I am not the one to back down from anything against Roosh, you, or anyone else on that forum. If I have to continue to keep shaming you guys, I will do so.
YET, in a way, this article has made me see this blog post and the forum itself in a better light (not one that is necessarily good yet since you guys have done some fucked up shit that is inexcusable).
Now I did read this blog post. Yet, I want advice that doesn’t necessarily apply to an Indian FOB but a Westernized Indian man. Like a man who has an Indian appearance but is pretty much American, British, Australian or whatever in character.
A key comment I want to make:
“Besides, there is not a certain place in the world where white women will see you and jump on your cock as there is not a certain Bollywood film that will make a white woman gush all wet and demand you ravage her Aryan style.”
All over the Roosh V Forum I have read in the past I see threads by Black guys saying they kill it in X place, I see threads by White guy saying they kill it in X place, etc.
Now I am not saying there are countries where women go crazy after they hear that an Indian guy is coming (not saying there aren’t either).
Yet, there must be countries out there where a well dressed, confident, and fit Indian guy (say Jay Sean for example) can absolutely clean house and get laid like crazy. Since Roosh lets Black guys talk for 100s of pages about how they do in so many different countries and he lets White guys do the same, it is only fair that Indian men or Brown men in general (Pakistani and Middle Eastern men that look Brown) get an idea as to what countries they can kill it in.
Sure, lets pretend that all women in the world fail to get turned on by hearing Indian guy (which is what you implied). I want to know about countries where a man with Black hair, brown eyes, light brown skin, that dresses well and has game can absolutely max out and kill it.
Lets be real here, UK and Australia will probably not be on that list.
Didn’t intend to read this post until a few people flooded up my blog telling me to read it. Take it or leave it, but you don’t have to worry about any Indian guys flooding your forum or overwhelming it with Indian threads. Though I do think it is unfair that Black guys get about 20+ threads where they can talk about what countries they can do well in.
“All over the Roosh V Forum I have read in the past I see threads by Black guys saying they kill it in X place, I see threads by White guy saying they kill it in X place, etc.
Now I am not saying there are countries where women go crazy after they hear that an Indian guy is coming (not saying there aren’t either).
Yet, there must be countries out there where a well dressed, confident, and fit Indian guy (say Jay Sean for example) can absolutely clean house and get laid like crazy.”
The USA. I know quite a number of American women who have developed an Indian fetish after going to India for yoga retreats.
Don’t know where you are but if you’re in USA I recommend getting involved with a local yoga community. The women are usually slim, healthy and attractive, and they do have a favorable view of India and its people.
The USA. I know quite a number of American women who have developed an Indian fetish after going to India for yoga retreats.
Do they also develop a Karma fetish, that all the bad stuff they do to others is going to come back and bite them?
I co-run a yoga studio and everyone is into India here. We do week long yoga retreats at various ashrams in India every year and at least one woman returns back after a few months to visit her new Indian boyfriend. I’d say if you are in the US to check out the authentic yoga studios (not gyms that teach yoga) because the yogis and yoginis in it are all very favorable to Indian people. Seriously I’m shocked NRIs haven’t flooded this market already.
cool, keep it going
Quit cribbing. No one gives a fuck about race (except possibly white suburban teens with daddy issues). Almost no one goes crazy about particular races.
Alpha is alpha regardless of race. If you’re an Indian dude with an average face, fit body and great game, you will land more chicks than a white dude with an average face, body and average game.
You can’t help race. But use it to tease chicks. They usually have exotic stereotypes about Indian guys and it creates a great deal of potential to tease.
As for ‘racism’ in RVF, have to agree with you but only up to a certain extent. The fact is that Indian jokes are tolerated everywhere not because of anti-Indian sentiment but because Indians are probably (& thankfully) the least politically correct people around. Every Indian I know enjoys a good laugh at himself and his people. Whites, Blacks, Latinos, East Asians and everyone else gets super pissed at racist jokes while Indians will make them funnier. The only problem is that people of other races usually take this for granted and crack racist jokes all around. But our culture’s lack of political correctness and extensive self- effacing is something to appreciate. Its why we have the funniest bastards around.
The term “brown men” has already been reserved for Mexicans and Latin Americans on GoDaddy. May I suggest “off-white”, “toasted” or “beige” men?
but Indians are a much more influential and greater race than mexicans
can we call them off white ?
godaddy ? lol
Jamaica. Jamaican women get WEAK for Indian men, both the ones that are actually Jamaican men themselves, and the foreign ones. Matter of fact the whole Caribbean is in love with how Indians look, but if you want to pick a place to feel like a king from you step off the plane: Jamaica. Just… don’t bring your sister cause a Jamaican guy will get her, they are born knowing how to charm a nun out of her panties. I can’t believe Indian guys don’t know this yet, lol. It’s sad that it’s true, but it’s true. And I say this as a Jamaican. Who, strangely, seems to attract a lot of Indians from India (and we get along, great dates, and something about Jamaica and India both being former British colonies has left some similarities in culture where you don’t expect, plus the whole thing about us having a lot of Indians from when indentured servants immigrated in waves, and so there is a lot of Jamaican culture that actually has its roots in India, such as our world-famous curry).
Also, if the last post didn’t make it clear enough. I see that you are trying to actually help Indian men out there or men that look Indian. I am done with bashing Roosh’s forum and Roosh himself.
Would like it if there were talks about countries where a Westernised, well dressed, confident, and decent looking Indian dude could absolutely do well and attract top tier women but knowing the forum that won’t be happening.
Decent post, have a great time doing it big out there!
they seem to do well in eastern europe(russia ukraine etc), prolly cuz of bollywood was popular during soviet union days.(heard good reviews on naughtynomad and roosh forum…just explain u aint gypsy)
scandinavia works well since they are very open and ps about race…in iceland its boring and will screw just about anything new.
latin america could be interestin since youll look simialr to the locals(known some desi guys with latinas)
but experiment in homogenous nations like poland italy croatia japan(4/10 guys are not interested in sex so should be easier) or phillipines
better start learning russian..perhaps spanish could be an asset
lol’d @ Italy
I am friends with a few Italian guys and they have all told me Italian women are the toughest and most stuck up. The few women I have met from Italy (though not many) were not that welcoming of me or of other men in general.
My best experiences have been with French girls when it has come to European girls, and again, I have extremely limited experiences with Foreign girls which is why I even posted on Roosh’s forum in the first place.
Latinas you say, my favorites. Gimme a Monique Fuentes, Nina Mercedez, or Bella Marie type woman anyday. Ya, bad idea for me to use pornstars as examples.
Love White girls too, Brunettes more than the blondes but an attractive Blonde is right up there with the Latinas for me.
Not that much into Asian girls. Thanks for the general advice.
The reason is because of the famous Brazilian TV serial “India: A Love Story” where Brazilian actors play people in India. For some reason Brazilians have a fascination with Indian culture and it has spread to other Latin American countries. Check it out
Your best bet is going to be Scandinavia. There is little stigma against Indian men there, though with the increasing crime from Pakistanis, that is changing. You could try Stockholm, just make up a good story. Say you’re an indian royal running away from an arranged marriage. There you go, instant panty drop.
LOL. I am defo going try that!
Is it possible for a 5’5 Indian man with moderate muscles to get a white woman ? I am westernized and born and raised in Australia, but no success, even in America. What ways can I improve myself please ? I am not jacked up, but I have a bit of definition and I go to the gym 3 days a week. I’m in uni/college BTW and I’m young( 24 years of age).
Raksha, hang out at yoga studios. There are tons of petite women at them and they like Indians. Plus, being that you are only 5’5″ you should drop the weights and do only yoga to get a lean, toned “yoga body”. The reason is that bulky muscles don’t look right on shorter guys. It actually makes you look tubby instead of “built”. But a svelte, toned yoga body would look just right on you. And that’s the type of body yoga girls prefer on men anyway.
I’m also surprised Indian guys haven’t cracked this particular market yet. If I were a young Indian guy I’d become a yoga instructor.
i say the opposite…bigger the better youll get girls aprroachin u that are into it…lean build women cant tell unless u at the beach
if virgile kent said on his blog his won over girls that werent into big muslces…confidence is key and big muscles will help…dont listen to a woman on everthyin
try other venues like dance(swing salsa tango)
make use of those muscles try boxing(seroius gym) u get girls showin up there to chek u out
like VK has said FUCK UR ETHNICITY just game
ur fit now read and approsch
Bojangles is the man, two great articles.
Oh, @TheSpoeakr – you’re obsessed dude. You ask the same questions under every different handle you create. However, you mentioed Jay Sean. Jay Sean would kill it anywhere. You know that he would – you just want validation at every turn. You ask the same questions and get the same answers but you’re not satisfied.
I can bet you right now Jay Sean struggles in Australia.
Who the f**k wants to go to Australia anyways, when there are a hundred better countries?
anyways, I left my comment and made it clear I don’t want to continue this petty fight with roosh, this was my chance to offer some sort of truce
Roosh’s forum quits ripping on Indians (like it always does) and I quit ever going there or bashing roosh.
PS: I didn’t seek this article out, you posted it on a forum I post on to get it more views, sad.
Just realized that. feel like an idiot for leaving long-ass reply.
Reemee seems to have ridden the carousel very well for herself. I’m sure some people enjoying putting a sock around their hand in a warm bucket of water, but not I. Her Mom must be so proud.
damn writer
here you are giving advice yet there you are on another forum asking newbie advice
what a fucking liar lol….
nvm, I take back all I said. what a bunch of phonies.
Try yoga studios. Western yoginis love Indian guys.
what the fuck are you rattling on about?
I wrote about you all on my blog.
so dumb lol
you guys are bitches and yes I may be a virign but i’m still better than all of you.
Interesting. You would walk into a discussion that you do not like, run by a person you do not know about a topic you aren’t faintly acquainted with and proceed to cuss everyone? I have encountered such behaviour in India by the way, and it is detrimental to India and the people of India. Have dignity and learn to respect others’ space.
You’re weird, a blog telling guys how to pick up girls by a guy who’s a virgin. Awesome work, really makes sense.
Come to the UK, have a bootcamp, £800 for a weekend. hah
If you think game is for the west – you’re sadly mistaken. Go and read kamasutra – on how to “be a man”. Its not just about sex positions. Aside from the obviously outdated stuff like “archery”, it is a good guide on what a man is suppose to know to be a successful, worldly man.
I’m an African-American muslim (laid back, secular), and I have had to RUN from both Pakistani and Indian (muslim) fathers trying to arrange a “meeting” with me and there daughters, especially when they find out that I’m fluent in Arabic. And when I spent a year in Scotland, the Indian/Pakistani girls themselves were quite aggressive and not so subtle in suggesting marriage-minded dating. This always came as a shock to other South Asian (young) guys since they assumed that South Asian girls were only interested in marrying within thier culture. But times have changed (stories of abuse, visa scams, “getting dumped for a village girl”, etc. have taken thier toll) and Indians by way of Malawi, Uganda & Kenya, plus Pakistani/Bengali families (all living the US/Uk) are losing thier hang ups about daughters marrying BLACK guys and paving the way for a LOT of South Asian/Black marriages (primarily muslim, for now, but you never know, Sikh chicks maybe next).
If i may ask, where are you from? I am Malawian
It seems like Black men on Roosh’s forum have themselves convinced all nationalities are crazy for them.
Not the case, Indian girls will hook up White guys and all other races before considering Black guys, I don’t believe this, this is just true. I don’t even have anything against Black men, in fact based on real life experience a lot of my good friends have been Black. Not going to let this bogus spread.
Outside of British girls, I have not seen that many other nationalities of women (except for German) go crazy for Black men like men on Roosh’s forum claim.
Block my comment if you please, we all know yours is bogus.
Well i agree indian girls are least likely to be with black guys but no its not just british or german girls who fall for black,most american girls will.I mean it doesnt matter which race you are if you are attractive in any way that can please a girl will be with them for sure.You know why british and german or amercian girls would be with black guys?Because they look a person as a person not a representative of a race/culture.While indians or asians have this predetermined mind as being black is wrong.Lets say if an attractive black man(in personality or looks or both) approach a girl of indian or asian origin who is not westernized,she WONT get into him.That’s messed up and its because they look down at black.I myself is an indian so i can say this straight without getting into any racial thingy.
you are NOT Indian maddarchodtH!
quit speaking on our behalf we fn hate you crackers!
Yeaahhhh, No. The comment you responded to was slightly racist, but yours is equally racist. As an Indian woman, I don’t hate “crackers” just as much as I don’t hate black men. People have individual tastes, but don’t justify your racism against white people.
This is stupid. On one hand, some people are hugely projecting by saying that all Indian women are attracted to black men, but now *you’re* hugely projecting by saying “For Indian girls, black men are the last resort!!” Of course not. It may be for some with racial preferences, but definitely not all. Attraction is an individual thing, and let’s not ruin good discussion with racism.
The points outlined in your article are more or less on the money.UK born Indians tend to suffer more from these problems than first generation immigrant men who either married for life at an early age or slept with women from varied backgrounds before marriage. An Indian friend of my father’s had Jewish,Persian,English, Irish and Swedish gfs before settling down.
The underlying problem is deep seated cultural inferiority,much of this is down to the general preference for fair skin which is why white women are on a seemingly unattainable pedestal.Some.Indian origin men feel white women are a trophy whilst others see them as disposable sexual beings to be practiced on before marrying a match made by their parents.
When they do marry white women they end up for the main part as emasculated betas as their self esteem rests on them marrying a white woman and not their masculinity.
Yuck you know f all about us we hate you and your ugly squareheaded trash! quit flattering yourselves . whites are bottomfeeding parasite SCOURGE,a bunch of thieves who are in north America INDIAN LAND tyhats right aboriginals come from india as well. you typical white leeches think you got every race figured out but your type love cultivating your own ignorance ,these are the low level mentalities which push non whites into harming you.why aren’t you white trash in Europe? why aren’t you self sufficient? why did you steal from us and the natives? you are forever going to get murdered and beat up white stinky obese diseased little faggot! you people aint shit around the world you disfunctional mentally challenged homos should go back to Europe and get your knee pads and lip gloss and blow each others half inch pecker back in Europe and get out of indian land.
(that’s typo) by the way us east Indians hate you honkys fuck off! stinky dried up dogshit! all you shapeless pink bastards take your pink alien cave ape hippy loving $%#@* back to Europe!
Isn’t Ben Kingsley a bit too cockney to still be considered to be an Indian? even if he played gandhi quite well.
This post is a big cliche..
Thank you bojangles. I am from Malaysia, but have also lived in UK and India alternately. I have deep respect for Indians, especially the older generation that built India. I do find it an embarrassment to see Indian men bringing beautiful Indian women in their cars, yet ogling white women as they pass by, even if those white women look terrible. I have also a mystery on my hands: why do younger Indian men not travel alone? In India, one hardly encounters Indian men travelling alone. They always seem to travel in groups of at least 4, explaining the high demand for cars with 4 or more doors and a lower demand for cars with 2 doors.
seriously ? with all the nerve white people are the ones who need to learn manners on how to KEEP a woman considering whites have the highest divorce rates and are non monogamous bunch of parasites who are the ones who show true infidelity and the fact is why is it Asians east Indians have the lowest divorce rates and whites don’t. back to the learning tree for you so quit defamating us and get a life losers! oh and we don’t care about your women either they are alimony gold diggers. we stick with our own and proud of it. you should be more focused on your own race who are having issues with black men taking up your women .TRUTH HURTS!
Racism hurts more. And it hurts you.
white people are a joke they are broke as hell in Canada and America .
The most important piece of advice to Indian guys about game:
Never repeat the same woman i.e. avoid oneitis.
Once you’ve scored, move on to the next.
This guy nailed the article. From my observations i have noticed that Indians were also brain washed when India was invaded by the British and taught that having fair skinned means you are beautiful or handsome and that dark skin is ugly. This has caused self hate mental slavery, inferiority and mass increase into marrying white people for racial status.
What you just wrote is a mass generalization. It’s no different than saying blacks are brainwashed to become gang bangers and drug dealers. Self hate? Indians are usually so proud of their ethnicity, it’s hard to put into words. And marrying white people for racial status? Indians are notorious for marrying within- they even have a reputation to only marry partners of the same caste, so this mass increase of interracial marriage is a fabrication of your mind. Everything you wrote flies in the face of reality and logic.
Hint: every now and then, at least once every six months, stop looking at women (all women) as sex objects and try to see them as human beings, with tastes, needs and thoughts of their own.
Trust me, if you look in their eyes and listen occasionally, you’ll be MUCH more successful, regardless of race, colour or creed.
I really do hate to generalize, but the condescending masturbation-talk about women that I hear from some ‘professional’ Indian guys reminds me of when I was 13.
This article is wrong in so many ways – but he’s right about the pedestal – get rid of it, and start LISTENING. Good Luck.
I just would like to say that, in the same way that I agree indian guys shouldn’t put white women in a pedestal, the generalization of white girls being all “bitch” “easy” and uncapable to really love a indian guy is wrong to my eyes. When are we going to stop making such generalizations.This are all individual things. We need to learn how to be objective. If there are more and more marriages of indian people with people from abroad is just because of social media and the globalization that we are living in nowdays, because this not only happends in india, but in many other parts of the world.
This article is 100% spot on and I’m glad to see that Indian red-pillers do exist
I am also an Indian and I was born and raised in India for 20 years before moving to other countries. I too come from a traditional Indian family where the boys are expected to be “obedient members of the tribe”. This philosophy may have worked 50 years ago, but today with the advent of modern radical feminism it’s only a recipe for disaster.
It took me a long time to even become aware of “game”, let alone start learning and using it. But once I did, my life started to improve by leaps and bounds. I do come from a patriarchal household where my father called the shots, but he passed on when I was 21. There was no “the man” (from point # 6) who took my father’s place, but I still had to undergo a hard struggle breaking out of my mother’s “obedient beta-male son” expectations and carving out a more individualised alpha niche. But thanks to my association with an African American bloke who taught me the most rock-solid inner game, I was able to stand firm in the midst of this opposition and today I’m a much happier individual because of this.
I must also mention that most Indian girls today, specially those from urban India, are heavily brainwashed by radical feminist ideologies. The good ones are much fewer in number, compared to say 30 years ago. So you might as well (for your own good) start exploring other pastures.
Thanks for this great piece of wisdom, and hope to see more articles from you.
Ah I’ve been busy with my own blog (lazy too) unfortunately to make more posts for ROK but glad to read your story. Learning game is a deadly path and many fall off it due to the toughness but the end game is delightful and something you could never have imagined years before.
I may not be an Indian in the western world (being an Indian in India), so much of what you said resonates with my experiences. Good to see there are people out there actively trying to interpret the red pill experience in terms of the Indian cultural identity.
Good luck in your quest, we’re always here to help
I hooked up with an Indian American feminist chick while living in South America. She was an aweful lay and a bitch. Total SJW material.
Indian girls can be extremely hot or extremely fugly. Very few in between.
I have Indian American guy friends and they’re all funny as fuck. They seem to do alright in the girl department because they tend to be extroverts from my experience. Plus, most of them are well off which always helps.
#1 – – After potty training a male is essentially done with his mother. Not that you don’t owe her the world for her mothering at the time, but MILK SOURS HORRIFICALLY as we all know. Always love your mother still for being your mother.
Now this goes to all the male kids out there that can navigate on their own and make their own PB&J sandwich: If your mom plays you guys against your father, still love your mom but USE YOUR IMMAGINATION and topple the straying bitch. Her service and loyalty must be for the father and patriarch. You are all little soldiers for the patriarchy. ATTEN-HUTT. Dad is the master and architect of your family. Women will stray with the blowing of the winds and changing of the climates which is why they may at some time need a firm (and loving) KAA-BOOOT.
Followed the link from your post on why you shouldn’t date Indian girls and found this article to be even better.
#2 is most important for Indian guys. They have some serious Oedipus complexes.
But then again it’s hard to wean off 20 years of maternal brainwashing.
Being a man is about what you can do, not how you look. Piss-off with womanly navel gazing. Know what you are and what you can do-then do it.
As part of my learning process I once created a fake online profile date posing for a blond chick just to study what type of pickup lines and proposals they get (so not to commit the same sorrowful faults myself); the messages from indian dudes would just make me cringe.