This teams [sic] goal is to (in a humane a way as possible) dismember or mutilate the genitals of the men who support this atrocious movement.
— Laura-Rose Freeman, principal organizer of the planned knife attack (archive) in Sydney, who read Phoebe Moloney’s article falsely saying that Sydney meet-up participants wanted to legalize rape.
Readers of Sydney Morning Herald journalist Phoebe Moloney openly planned to “dismember and mutilate” the genitals of Return Of Kings fans intending to meet at Hyde Park in Sydney. The ringleader, Laura-Rose Freeman, only quoted one article in her call to violence and it was Moloney’s. In this piece, Moloney lied that those meeting in Sydney wanted to legalize rape, despite providing no evidence to confirm this completely made-up claim. Worse still, this claim endangered people, whose motivations Moloney invented out of thin air and presented as violent.
What’s more is that fact-checking website Snopes conclusively debunked the outright fabrication that the meetings were either pro-rape events or that participants were supporting the legalization of rape. Again, the media, with Moloney at the absolute forefront, deliberately conflated the satirical article by Roosh with the desires of those wanting to come to Hyde Park, two other Sydney locations and venues across Australia. The onus is on Phoebe Moloney to prove her claim that Sydney and Australian attendees wanted to legalize sexual assault.
Shockingly, Laura-Rose Freeman offered to “provide the knives” and indicated she was willing to go to jail over “the dismemberment of any male attending”:
Was Moloney’s agenda to ignore violence against us from the start?
Given Moloney’s known radical feminist positions, exemplified in her role as Women’s Officer at the University of Sydney, Return Of Kings can safely assume that she is willfully ignoring countless serious threats being made against those who had intended to meet up in Sydney and other Australian cities. This is in addition to other calls to incite violence across the world, ranging from acid attack proposals to firebombing establishments housing ROK functions.
It is also clear that Phoebe Moloney did not go past the first half of the first page of ROK. We can tell this because she ridiculously claimed that we publish “about 15 articles a month” (archive), not the real figure of around 100. Moloney’s ideological bias is so evident that she did not even bother to finish one page of our website, which would have easily disproven her abysmally shoddy effort at “research.”
Fairfax Media’s main switchboard transferred our call the Thursday morning before last Australian time so that we could confirm if Phoebe Moloney intended to publish details of the knife attack plan and other serious, specific threats. She responded by crying and asking if we could call her back in 10-15 minutes. She did not answer a subsequent call.
Laura-Rose Freeman’s knives plot
Those indicating they would attend a local Starbucks before going onto Hyde Park with knives were:
- Laura-Rose Freeman (“The Double-Barreled First Name Private School Girl”)
- Harry Foristal (“The Ginger Ninja”)
- Charlie Dorman (“Mr. Straws”)
- Andru Charman (“The White Tupac”)
- Amy Carswell (“The Adidas Assassin”)
- Karina Bryan (“Hey Boy”)
- Sarah Diprose (“Whimsicality’s My Speciality”)
- Dom Ryse (“The Baggy T-Shirt Bandit”)
- Rosita Eisermann (“No Idea”)
- Jess Findlay (“Sun’s in My Eyes”)
- Alanah Allen (“Hate Straight Angles”)
- Josh De Silva (“Cross-Country Hustler”)
- Courtney Masters (“Didn’t Get the Phone I Wanted”)
- Ben Ireland (“Slim Shady”)
Many others were invited and a cross-section indicated they would be “interested” in attending.
Other threats made against innocent men thanks to malicious journalists and violent SJWs
Chloe Giesbrecht (Twitter) of Winnipeg, Canada (coincidentally on the same day she was asking for advice about how to apply to be a prison/corrections officer):
Giesbrecht has a history of incidents involving Twitter and the police. Her ignorance is on show this instance because she did not bother to check if Roosh would be in Canada. These are the exact sorts of gullible, threat-prone people journalists around the world are aware of and will not report about.
Christie Orr was actually a contestant on The Amazing Race as “overweight comic relief”, even if she uses deceptive camera angles in photos, making it hard to see her as the same person:
And the irony of Alannah Watson claiming to “fight rape” by threatening mob rape and implied death herself:
ROK has documented many more very serious threats and calls to violence by SJWs and others. Hundreds more exist beyond this only partial list.
How about some balanced reporting?
If any ROK member threatened even the goldfish of someone, Phoebe Moloney and others would be on the scene in five seconds flat. There is no excuse for painting a false climate of harassment by ROK where none exists, especially when the only threats have come from violent individuals being protected from any scrutiny by journalists.
We expect either confirmation and proof from Phoebe Moloney that attendees in Sydney supported the legalization or an apology and unmitigated retraction of the claim.
And if journalists will not shed their ideological bias and publish the threats being made against us, we will ourselves.
Read More: All Public Rape Allegations Are False
Can you please start suing these people? I think that readers would kick in to fund lawsuits
I can’t see any of their facebook pages either, wonder how that works..
Publicly shaming these “true believers” is a good first step, but the full force of English libel laws definitely be applied. Institutions they are affiliated with could also be contacted – fight fire with fire.
If a suit ever comes to fruition, with the plaintiff(s) being the narrative underdog in the court of spin and MSM opinion, it’s not likely the courts would be instrumental in making any dent in their affiliated co opted mob. Feminazis radicals crowd the judiciary now. If anyone were to be sued, it would likely be someone or some group that the system can’t control or that they want rid of anyway, someone that has already been pegged as a ‘fall guy’, a buffer if you will or someone that they were ready to flush down the toilet anyway. Real victory is in growing our numbers and shining the light of hope and truth and taking the system back along with our rogue vagabond women. Women in office of any sort are comical like the old Lancelot Link series where monkeys drove cars and wore suits. Women are just as rediculous and unrealistic outside of their natural roles like the dressed up monkeys. Compare feminized women to these monkeys. They’re all propped up and tele-prompted the same way by controllers behind the scenes, both the feminists and the cast of monkeys starring in this all time great TV show from 1970. Feminists and monkey puppets, they’re all one and the same:
” Feminazis radicals crowd the judiciary now”
Exactly. It’s almost not worth it.
Thanks for the Lance Link video 🙂 I haven’t seen that sully show for decades. I remember a classmate of mine in grammar school has a Lsnce Link lunch box. Those were the days.
The institutions they are affiliated with have the same agenda as these people. It will not work.
I agree, please sue them. I am funding it with 100 USD to start with
I too will throw a $100 in the pot to fund this cause.
Well now we just need another 200 grand !
So what else have you done to improve the world for men today?
Well good job, just saying it would take a lot to fund a trial, perhaps if it was organized through a dedicated website it might work, and if it was, I certainly would chip in.
Mike Cernovich has just started this
I chipped in on it, and hope more people will support it.
So the service is out there!
Forget suing these ideological gang-bangers. These are credible threats of real violence. These are criminal acts and should be prosecuted as such. Hell, if a benign veiled threat is found on facebook it’s grounds for arrest and prosecution in many places. So are these types of posts.
I meant suing the journalists and the rags that published their articles
Oh. My bad. Yes, sue ’em!
Sue?!? Christ, pal, what colour is the sky where you live? Do you really think playing by the rules in a rotten and fraudulent system will get you anywhere?
The only solution, which sadly very few men are willing to take the risks, is the “balaclava option.” i.e. you mark and track the ring-leaders, and one night, late in the evening, you show up, clad in black with a balaclava, barge in their residence like balls-out elite commandos, and sow sheer terror in their hearts … violence is **not** necessary at all. Actually **no** violence needed whatsoever. It’s all about fear and raw terror. Trust me, given these people’s utter cowardice, and how they’ve never experienced such tactics previously in their lives, they will never dare to raise their voice again.
Mizz Maloney sure shrinked and quietened when her sacred cow media snorted back at her. The media threw the liability back at her for her indiscression and she crumpled like a thin sheet of aluminum foil into a tiny booger ball. One moment she was thin yet widespread and encompassing yet weak if tested, and the next moment her entire substance (or lack of substantive significant matter) suddenly all caved and crumpled.
I’ve seen shamed females implode when their bitch rage is deconstructed and their base of support is removed. With their plug pulled, they flicker out like an expended, burned out ember. Then they’re nothing. Pity.
All these types are all extreme cowards: ie. the feminazis, betas, and other social justice wackjobs … it’s utterly shocking, and comical, to see how they tremble in fear and are utterly petrified at the slightest hint of a threat, or when push comes to shove. So imagine how they would respond to the “balaclava option”: a life of therapy for ptsd!
(Years ago, and in an undisclosed location!, a sadistic couple were running a puppy mill in the most horrendous conditions, for which the legal penalties are a joke. Anyway, being an animal lover, and having a special affinity for dogs, I along with two other partisans decided to apply the “balaclava option” on this sociopathic couple. To make a long story short, it’s amazing how weak these bully types are when given a taste of their own medicine. Both had soiled their pants when our self-styled “commando raid” had taken place, and were wailing and begging for mercy, not to mention the crazy trembling. As far as I know, they never owned any animals after that, and word around town was that they were a mere shadow of their former selves, after having experienced the Wrath of God!)
“Do you really think playing by the rules in a rotten and fraudulent system will get you anywhere?”
Indeed. Civil war may be the answer.
What are the penalties for breaking and entering? Us breaking the law is every bit as criminal as THEM breaking the law.
Give me a break.
That would earn you a .45 slug between the eyes, in my house.
Be careful giving that kind of advice, there are impressionable young men here who might think it’s a good idea, then end up dead for trying it.
Those who actually pull off such stunts are typically the type that carefully plan their deed. The hotheads who act on impulse and raw emotion will eventually get themselves into problems in other ways, regardless. But for the calm, cool, callous, dispassionate, and rock solid stoic young man endowed with courage and smarts, there’s no greater sense of purpose and satisfaction than delivering Divine Justice unto Evil, by the most stealthy and hidden means. Are there inherent risks to such an enterprise? You bet; but that’s where the careful and extensive planning comes in.
As well, whether one advocates such an approach, very few men have the intestinal fortitude to ever carry out such noble actions … young and impressionable or not.
Oh, and as for your .45 … I don’t doubt for a second that it would be effective against a couple of local punks. However, even if your 1911 is superglued, or surgically attached, to your palm, it’s of little use against those who know what they’re doing.
Or end up in prison.
It creates publicity. In the last month I’ve converted 2 hardcore beta’s thanks to bullshit like this.
Then again I’ve found the quickest way to change their minds is to use their online profile in front of them, and game some hot chick, getting her digits. At that point they will shut up and start listening.
Didn’t Roosh sue that whore from Montreal last year? What became of that?
These lists of names will be useful for years to come.
The way the government works is that they are extremely lenient on acts of violence by SJW. At max they will be held for a couple hours and then released. But if you try to defend yourself …………
Without the government winking at their acts of violence, SJWs have no power. The SJWs are the tools via which the government promotes it’s agenda while maintaining plausible deniability.
Punch back twice as hard. Hopefully some of these people will lose their jobs.
Phoebe is ugly as fuck
Agreed. She’s clearly had a beating from the ugly stick.
She hit every branch of the ugly tree on her way down!
I don’t know. She does meet my minimum bangability standard in the second photo, jackhammer drill jaw notwithstanding. I’d say two beers depending on her voice quality as well.
“(in a humane a way as possible)”
The irony is just too hilarious.
Oh, would you look at that? Phoebe Moloney will forever have her Google search results include these nifty little details. Hope she has a successful career!
Plus these little squirts who think they’re so tough on Facebook, what are they, 15 year olds? Hope their parents like seeing their names on the internet and Google search results for good on this site.
I got a little concerned when I saw “The Ginger Ninja.” Confused him with a YouTube guy who does martial arts. I was thinking “Aw man, don’t tell me they got to you!”
UGLY reject girls go insane and feminism is their asylum.
Hope she gets raped.
Let’s be civil mate.
All they need do is read comments like this to say they were acting in self defense.
Do not give a judge any excuse to acquit.
Nobody respects weakness.
Willing stupidity is far less honorable.
A threat made here can be used as evidence for those SJW’s to say they are just in front of a judge. We do not want our words freeing those monsters.
But I do want to mutilate their goldfish and eat them.
We can only hope that the authorities are doing their job (as they do when men incite the same type of violence) and a few of these women are arrested for making threats.
Ever notice how it’s these types who are the most violent (the ones pointing the finger at the “rapists”). Each one of these women seem to have a mental issue (just look at the stare of each one and comments) and they should be committed to a local hospital for treatment.
You don’t need much evidence to lock these women away…just read their twitter accounts, Facebook, etc…. these women are a danger to society.
Civility is needed here. Do not give anyone reading this to see comments about any violence towards the SJW’s.
Keep our home clean so they can’t use it against us or use it to acquit them.
I dunno, I’d really like to mutilate some SJW belonging goldfish. And then eat them. Fishes are nice.
Yeah, I loath them for sure.
But it is prudent not to arm any defense lawyer with our hateful rhetoric.
The delusion of these girls to actually imagine they would be capable of carrying out these violent acts is laughable. Even a World of Warcraft hermit knows he’s not really a sword wielding Paladin.
Fuck you I’ve got a 3rd level vorpul!
I once played World of Warcraft…then one day I logged in and there were kung fu pandas all over the place. I have not been back.
That’s why so many of these outraged children sent a mass invite on social media for males to come out with them so they could dish out the violence for them. On some level, they are aware how weak they are.
a lot of this behavior seems due to a bizarre, hysterical need to believe that there are hordes of white, western rapists out there. meanwhile, the cologne attacks are already almost forgotten. yahoo news quietly slipped in a headline today where german police admitted that yeah, pretty much all the attackers were muslim refugees. outrage level on social media as far as i can see? around 0 on a scale of 10.
Hypothetical: Women want strong men. The strongest men are warriors. Warriors rape when defeating rival tribes. Rapists=the most desirable of men?
Acid attacks? Genital mutilation? Sounds like terrorists to me.
Remember they planned to do it in as humanely a way as possible.
Oh is that all?
I think it’s important to keep running these twits names through forums and websites. An electronic trail of debris will certainly keep any perspective employer checking up on them from hiring them. Some like the matress bitch are from wealthy backgrounds and will no doubt sponge off their famillies forever so they don’t need work. Either way karma’s a bitch!
These women actually believe they would stand a Chance attacking a group of Masculine Men with knives. Once the feminists uncoordinated and Awkward Knife swipes (imagine Throw like a girl) started taking Place and the Men being targeted were forced to defend themselves , the Men being attacked would easily stop their female attackers.
Then why did Roosh and his band of merry men tuck their tails and hide?
These women won’t be doing the attacking. They get the white knights and manginas to do the dirty deeds.
Many of those women were larger and more physically imposing than the males (no exaggeration). The guys looked like juniors in high school. The women were probably bigger threats than the manlets.
Nate dog ain’t never love no hoe
Very good. Expose the madness.
What disgusting excuses of human beings.
That Christie orr broad knows how to work those camera angles . She’s a secret internet fatty forsure
was thinking same
if more woman looked they do on the internet the world would be a better place
I wouldn’t get out of the truck if that thing was roaming outside unless I had a buffallo gun!
youre all thoughtcriminals
I love this
LOL, I laughed out loud when I saw this, and people looked at me funny.
Now I’ll have to be fair here. That girl looks pretty darn good for her age. She has barely aged a drop in the past 40 YEARS since played the role of ‘Lulu’ on ‘Hee Haw’ in 1973.
What a likeable, LICKABLE face that Lulu
Lulu with grandpa:
And boy could she sing,h_330,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/179dcf_39e2da7fcb4b48eba2a42ecd59ed219b.jpg
She was and still is . . by every metric . .
sssss . . sizzzlin’ hot!![email protected]_V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg
gaaaah! what… what have you done?!
edit: “by every metric” – i see what you did there 😉
Lol, every foot too. But she can sing though.
Remember when Lulu was the only fat chick on TV?
There was Mama Cass Elliot who spent much of her time attending ‘hippie happenings’ but she occasionally did TV. There were single digit slots for fat chick stars back then so they stood out.
Mama Cass had the pipes and the shortie boots.
I clicked see more and immediately fucking regretted it, holy cow.
Alright here’s my take on the top 3 tossers in the list from max 30 seconds research done on each.
BTW that’s far more time than the lying tart that slandered the ROK Manosphere and it’s founder.
1) Laura-Rose Freeman: Self absorbed clueless blond prostitot.
2) Harry Foristal: desperate virgin. Common buddy having your pic with sexy girls won’t hide your Ginger Virgin Man self!
3) Charlie Dorman: Bought and sold fag! Nuf said.
Is it just me or are the women who get most hysterical over the subject of rape the aesthetically challenged ones?
Right, the ones who need to “worry” about it the least…
Yet again a mainly western, white middle-class female phenomenon.
hey man check my last post in here, couple of the imgur’s need a reup, or rejig
also worth backups, imgur has become very SJW friendly unfortunately (coming out against the fappening is one example)
Do any of these people actually think that Roosh has the power to change criminal law in any country let alone all of them? How could they think his words have any legal power other than to provoke discussion?
“Do any of these people actually think…” Let me stop you right there.
That’s what I asked a feminist and saw get asked online, and the question was conveniently ducked. i was keen to see their answers. When short on a logical response attack the person not the question…’so you advocate legal rape then’. FFS. Lets not let facts get in the way of a good beatup story. I’m surprised that journalist didn’t go all the way with click bait tactics. Click bait marketers love using the word ‘shocking’, so headlines could have been ‘Shocking men’s group plans meetups for mass rapes’. or ‘Shocking men’s group are going to have the law changed to make rape legal’ …click for full details.
With social media now you can bypass facts and when it comes to controversy all you need is a trigger word especially for SJWs and it will go viral. Many people don’t have the time or inclination to dig deeper into the background of the story and validate the claims, They will just take what they read (half truths & exaggeration) in the initial screen on their phone and take the bait, get enraged, Like, share, retweet. Any other claims are swamped. Internet logic – the more a more a story does the rounds the more it must be true..right
I live in Australia. I have the means to easily contact and talk to or meet up with these people. Pm me if you need this done. Just doing my part. Contact me directly.
are you suggesting we… RAPE THEM?
No. I was suggesting talking to their parents, teachers, employers. Passing details to authroties etc. I actually hold a fair bit of authority, I could make their lives quiet difficult through legitimate means.
oh… well, thats ok too, i guess.
I like this idea as it seems particularly alpha male to go tell on them, especially to their parents.
Eye for an Eye, baby.
If children are running wild and feral, it’s the responsibility of all decent and right thinking people to inform their parents. These kids may get a thrill out of this kind of thing, but they may well get themselves harmed or killed when they confront the wrong person. It has nothing to do with “alpha male” or mocking it, and everything to do regarding trying to keep stupid young kinds from getting into hot water unnecessarily.
If my children were being brainwashed into committing crimes that would lead them to jail time, I would want to know about it.
Do it. It is a civic duty given all the insane death threats and the like which contravene common decency and the law.
If only they could muster this kind of outrage over the military invasion of religious fundamentalists who are organizing and perpetrating mass rapes all over Western Europe. But no, they know that THOSE people are willing to use violence and so they rationalize, appease, defer to, and meekly bend over for them.
And they are immigrants and the media loves immigrants! Immigrants can’t be rapists. “Let them stay”
When it’s immigrants we’re talking about, it’s not actually rape, it’s “strangers with benefits”.
its a struggle snuggle
Ah hell, that’s pretty good, heh. I’m going to shamelessly rip it off and use it sometime.
thats cool man, i shamelessly ripped it off – what goes around comes around 🙂
Why are Australian women such lunatics?
Australian women are clamoring over each other to reach the summit of the feminist shitheap. From Germaine Greer, to first female prime minister Julia Gillard to the last two Australians of the year Rosie Batty & now ex head of the Army David Morrison….the MSM is non stop 24/7 rape culture / sexual violence / gender equality / pay gap hysteria…on steroids. The place is fucked.
Wholly agreed. I used to think Canada was bad, but the blow up over us here has showed me that we are in fact, the worlds largest Vagina.
yep we suck… well its out of us and new zealand anyway
I’ve heard that the only difference between Australia and New Zealand is that in New Zealand they f*ck the ugly sheep.
You mean “Mangina”?
That’s bullshyte.
They pick the prettiest ones out of the flock.
It’s a joke here at the moment. But fuck em all. I choose not to associate with these complete morons who are incapable of thought. I’ve got plenty of friends and family who are normal and I’m perfectly happy with them. It’s just a shame that the countries institutions are all messed up at the moment… I do hope for a brighter future and I will fight for it in whatever way I can… I’m not going anywhere.
“Chloe Giesbrecht”… wow.. now there my friends is a 1000 cock stare!
Meanwhile the poor girls kidnapped by Boko Haram never reappeared. Meanwhile, female genital mutilation still happens. Meanwhile, girls in Central America still get raped and murdered by Mara thugs. Meanwhile, ISIS engages in wholesale trade of non Muslim girls for sex. Meanwhile, 300+ girls raped and dead in CD. Juarez, Mexico over the past 20 years. I could go on and on, but believe it or not, I am actually feeling sad about this. There’s real rape victims, and they lift not a finger, unless it’s for a stupid hashtag. Rant terminated. Cheers mates.
This is the real issue. Perfectly safe middle class feminists want to enjoy ‘justice’ and restitution that should only go to women who’ve actually been brutalised: it’s a division of labour, women in central america get raped and murdered; the middle class feminists in rich nations benefit from any concern that arises
Preach hermano. But the facts are the ‘Patriarchy’™ and are therefore misogynistic and trigger feelz.
Figures. Dumb bitch didn’t even read up on ROK. She was too eager to post first on some usual dumb feminist hamster shit. Typical mob think.
Sounds like phoebe needs to do some jail time for violent threats. Since when are death threats legal?
For the looks of some of those Facebook profiles, some of the people look like they’re pro gay rights. Assuming at least the girls do go to jail, rest assured, there will be plenty of lesbians waiting for them to practice “gay rights” on these girls. And most likely, they will be butchy manly misogynistic dykes.
They probably look forward to it. Feminists can act out their lesbian rape fantasies while denouncing male rape.
White male rape, not like the one Bijou Philips had from those vatos in the movie Havoc.
Alannah Watson likes to choke on it until her eyes water.
Are these people actually for real? At this point I just have to ask myself this much.
I read Roosh’s article. It’s a provocative piece whose conclusion is “Legalize rape so women become more responsible and double-check whose homes they go to”. That’s it.
Of course the POINT is not to legalize rape, but the thougth-experiment of the consequences of that – that maybe, women would think twice before drinking and slutting up and ending up in a COMPLETE STRANGER’S HOUSE, so intoxicated that a 40 kg wimp could have their way with them.
Is pointing out the irresponsible, self-destructive, downright depressing behavior of our generation such a crime that castration is the only answer? Holy shit.
flagged for thoughtcrime. rape!!! RAAAAPE!!!!!!!!!
Roosh’s article was written with the assumption of a reader who can handle critical thinking & possessing the bare minimum of intellectual vigor.
Unfortunately these screaming banshees were never up to par.
When whores misbehave like this, it’s because of one problem, and one problem only- because they have never had a thick, manly cock properly rammed inside of them.
Laura, baby, I wish I would’ve been at that meeting, because I would’ve bent you over the side of the fountain, and we would have found out what kind of noises you make when you’re having your insides pounded by a thick slab of man meat.
The part about the girl crying when confronted is so spot on. I’ve tried to talk calmly about rape with women — grown women, supposedly mature — and it has always ended in either hysteria or tears. Every time.
We’ve reached peak rape. Look at the stats — Google searches for “rape” have gone hockey-stick in the last three-four years.
The solution is to take away the power of the word. Just call everything rape.
“Hey, how was lunch?” “I raped it, dude.”
Or: “You gotta few minutes? I thought we could rape my dog before the game starts.”
The more ridiculous, the better. I’m an even-tempered man, respectful towards all, but I’ve concluded that only mockery can end this hysteria.
i concur
I looked at the first half of the facebook links and aren’t they all high school kids? Did they really plan to organise and accost a group of adult men?
Edit: Also Phoebe Moloney looks like a tranny.
Ladies, you either have Agency and are responsible for your actions, or we treat you like the retarded children you act like.
Be nice to retarded children. They at least have legitimate reasons for their actions unlike these females.
You are not nice to retarded children who point loaded guns at you.
Fair point. Hadn’t thought of it that way.
“Fairfax Media’s main switchboard transferred our call the Thursday morning before last Australian time so that we could confirm if Phoebe Moloney intended to publish details of the knife attack plan and other serious, specific threats. She responded by crying and asking if we could call her back in 10-15 minutes. She did not answer a subsequent call.”
As a former Fairfax employee i can guarantee they she would have made a HUGE show of it, claimed to be scared, given her own meeting room to “feel safe in” and have been absolutely SHOWERED in female and White Knight Attention/Sympathy/Both.
It would have brought the whole building to a COMPLETE stop.
Wouldnt be surprised if they gave her a fucking medal too.
Making threats of violence against people from behind a screen and a security desk, then freaking out over a phone call, which she never took OR even responded too.
Yeah, some strong independent woman she is…….
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something about the colours in your profile image that just… works.
Asymmetric tactics are probably the only thing that will work here. We cannot use the system against an element that the narrative protects. You will never read a news article with the headline ‘Crazy Feminazi Stabs Neomasculist’ no matter how much evidence we present nor how rational our case, because the system has decided that we are the undesirable element, not the femi-drones. The meat-and-veggies the system relies on to fuel the narrative is the mob, so we must influence the mob. In this case, exposure and embarrassment (within the law) are extremely effective. The Achilles heel of our current ‘outrage culture’ is that it encourages people to react according to their emotions, and not facts and logic. Thus… if we keep our shit together and act cool and calm like the rational men we are, they will eventually shoot themselves in the foot on their own, while we are busy making ourselves better men.
Maintain your composure, and your frame, gents. If you do not react, they will dig their own holes in their efforts to provoke us.
On a more personal note, Laura-Rose, flipping the bird in a photo does not make you cool, sweetie. It does not make you ‘hot’ or ‘sassy’. It makes you disgusting and unbangable. You are hereby disqualified. Please name one of your cats ‘Dopey’ in honour of your stupidity, and let me know how the wall tastes when you hit it. By yourself.
The wall ain’t cool, it’s frozen. Don’t lick it.
Christie Orr is trying so hard to showcase tits she doesn’t remotely have LOL
lol… attention whores want more attention. Nice shot looking up her nostrils. Is that her sex face?
Who’s Christie Horr?
She’s the woman in the 5th picture in the article.
At this point in time, I pretty much don’t give a fuck about what the media or anyone else thinks. These psycho creatures, men or women, threaten me physically, and I’ll defend myself. If this means resorting to violence and the probable use of weapons, so be it. Feminazis & SJWs want war? They’ll get it.
They hate us..because we are better.
Better than what? Them? If the comments about these women on this website are anything to go by then that’s hardly a boast. Also if they are wasting hot air getting all worked up about you guys then what are you guys wasting getting all worked up about them being worked up about you? Seems alot of hot air being wasted.
Wait … why are you getting worked up about us getting worked up about them getting worked up about us ?
shes just been triggered, i wouldnt worry about trying to understand it
Well everyone was getting worked up about others getting worked up so I got all worked up over people getting…only kidding I was just killing time cause it’s too hot to sleep and spotted the irony in the comments vs article content.
Yeah probably best you don’t try to think too much and heaven forbid you have a sense of humor.
the good old plausable deniability defense. “i was just joking”… sure you were
And you fell for it…who’s been triggered now?
lol! now you werent joking! i guess you got me good there
you are my favourite
Lol! Sorry I couldn’t resist.
… not very bright, are you…
I do have a sense of humor though. It’s something people get in the real world. You aren’t my favourite but you are funny. You made me lol twice now. So keep working on it…you might not get others when they are having a laugh but you are capable of being funny so it’s a start. Keep trying!
thats adorable
No that was sarcasm.
i like you. wanna see a dick pic?
Nah I have bf and I get bored when the conversation drops to this level but thanks for being a sport. Goodbye.
dont go. i love you
we were gonna get married! she was the one! please my sweet, sweet cherry – dont leave me!
It’s the customary come back for SJW’s and leftists when called out for being jackasses.
hey! thats my girlfriend youre talking about you rapist
Ah hell, I just triggered you. Shitlord status for me today then. And I was so hoping to get through a day without becoming a shitlord.
Haha now i’m getting worked up!
Honey, now I understand you like to waste all of your time on the internet, but please get back in the kitchen !
Why are the good ones always taken!!!!! Why oh why!!!
So your entire argument comes down to its not what you said its how you said it…?
Keep hamstering in your wheel.
It isn’t about having a sense of humor or not, you’re just not funny.
The definition of sense of humor is the ability to see the humor in something. It has nothing to do with someone being funny, they are completely different things. My comment was in reference to bogdan’s comment being funny but Sirius taking it too seriously. Hence my ability to have a sense of humor when Sirius didn’t. Never did I mention me being funny as I wasn’t trying to be. To be fair though you are correct in that it’s very judgemental of me to claim someone doesn’t have any sense of humor as in reality everyone has some level of humor in them.
? Don’t get it sorry.
She deleted her comment. I guess she got worked down.
A lot of hot air being wasted & memory space consumed by dumb chicks being given space to indulge their heroic oppression fantasy. A simple use of even rudimentary fact checking & engagement of logic would have sufficed to prevent their bullshit rage.
They keep setting themselves up as targets for mockery & we just keep taking ’em down.
Phoebe Moloney at least demonstrated the journalistic integrity worthy of a Rolling Stone magazine columnist. And she’s not a fat whale.
WB after two beers.
Due to the nebulous nature of what is “rape” nowdays, any lawyer could prove in a trial that “Return of Kings” is pro-rape and that the reports against the meetings was technically accurate. Inciting mob violence against anyone, on the other hand, is a different matter.
ironically it’s the left that has led the way in arguing that there is continuity between speech and action, that speech acts for instance constitute real hate with real world consequences; hence hate speech legislation etc. Who could have anticipated that they would apply their own ideas selectively though?
After swallowing the red pill, it doesn’t surprise me that they would apply their own ideas selectively.
Snowblind in his previous comment in this section, in my opinion, gave the right advice. ‘Maintain your composure, and your frame, gents. If you do not react, they will dig their own holes in their efforts to provoke us.’
Well said, I personally think.
And same time, I also feel deeply sorry for these women, same as I feel deeply for anyone out there so brainwashed that they do not research, but instead follow every whim of the mainstream media. There is so much manipulation going on. A while ago I stumbled upon this commercial
and it was spread without question by many females on facebook. There is not enough critical questioning going on, and people do not notice how they are persistently led to form specific world views and even behaviour patterns.
I am a female who is more than happy with her femininity. I don’t see anything wrong with ‘running like a girl’ (and yieks to the ‘hitting like a girl’ part – are they seriously promoting that hitting is okay? And no one flags that?!?!?! o.O)
Wrong doings have to be pointed out, so it is good to call these females out, but in the way Snowblind advises (I think), and also with pity, in my view.. because I personally think these females aren’t on a road to happiness, and certainly not to intelligent independent through processes.
My girl Aine is back! Missed you. 😉
Hiya Michael ^^ always feeling a bit bad posting on this site, as it is meant for males to exchange. Hope my intruding is not too disrespectful, but many of us females are affected as well by the radical feminist agenda and the climate it creates :’/
Its a good thing they can never find us when we meet!
Yea, what is the deal with that? Are we still doing the ROK comment verification and then meeting privately?
Yes it throws the enemy off their game!
Our side is getting smarter and they’re getting dumber!
let’s play “spot the ugly jew”
This Chloe Geisbrecht wants to be a prison officer… Haha
How much you guys wanna bet that she wants the criminal D? Girls fuck bad boys, this is the Red Pill in action gentlemen.
She’s actually rather attractive (no, I’m not saying she’s an HB 10, just being realistic). That she wants the alpha male bad boy is no surprise. I’d wager that her entire “outrage” is nothing but a shit test thrown out to men at large in hopes that somebody puts her in her place.
Her twitter feed is full of vapid comments and other pics take her down a notch. Just another millennial twat frustrated she isn’t getting enough alpha cock and acting out publicly. Wouldn’t date her but might be useful for pump and dump if she doesn’t falsely accuse you of rape.
Several notches.
Yeah, I really don’t give a crap about social media stuff, I assume it applies to 99.9% of women already so any kind of adjustment is across the board.
She’s fugly, ugh, I would pull my eyes out rather than look at that all day. Remember how much make up she’s wearing and also the fact that they’re her “best shots”. She really is super ugly.
Indeed-it’d be fun to indulge her in what no doubt would be many of her warped sexual fantasies; sign me up and she may yet be salvageable
Can’t get a job? Bingo! Correctional Officer.
Maybe she wants to work in a female prison. I thought corrections/prison officer career had a reputation for attracting bull dykes. She certainly does not look like one though. If she is into violence, maybe wearing the uniform she can get away with that in the prison system
I’ve worked in forensic mental health and its completely obvious to any red piller that a lot of the female workers are there to get their fix of aggressive posturing males.
That pic gives off about twenty flavors of crazy.
She’s hot. WB
Most of them are just gullible fools who swallowed the lie in a second. But some of them knew it was not true but perpetuated the lie for political/ideological reasons i think. So you have a combination of the diabolical liers and the gullible fools. What an ugly mob. I now truly understand the meaning of the word “mob”. I never did untill now.
Some of these entitled twerps have removed their pics/info. I guess they had to retreat to their safe space.
How do you humanely mutilate someone’s genitals?
I would guess, judging by the little I know and have seen of this woman, that if she were to mutilate your genitals while kissing you it would be pretty humane.
Mutilating my balls is one thing but letting her kiss me? You go too far man!
I suspect that it has something to do with Brawndo.
It’s got the electrolytes for it.
its got what genitals crave. (as humanely as possible)
In Portugal we have a saying: “Dogs that bark dont bite” In other words, to much noise and aggressive talk is just a bluff, a huge shit test. All i see is fragile and deluded women, that live in a dream world.
slight edit: your imgur link is the same for Sun is in my eyes, as it is for black and white nostalgia.
and didn’t get the phone i wanted needs a reup
besides that good job. People who call upon violence should be given no quarter.
I literally lol’ed when I read that wisp of a girl threaten to beat a bunch of men.
That’s the effects of constant media bombardment showing 90 pound waifs throwing 250 men down on the ground and pounding them with impunity. Girls really are starting to think, all evidence in real life aside, that they can beat up on men. This attitude is starting to end up with girls getting very, very hurt in real life when they try to actualize this message. Which is fine by me actually. I’d never initiate violence against a woman (or man for that matter), but when you start threatening and throwing punches then you deserve the beat down you get. More to the point, some broad pulls a knife on me and tries to cut me, she will be eating pavement. Expect to see a lot more of this attitude in the future, until they are properly schooled in physics by a man who doesn’t give them a pussy pass.
Why is Roosh not pushing for prosecution of these people? Inciting violence is illegal in all of these countries and hate speech is in most of them. Turn the tables Roosh. Don’t back down.
I will re-post something I wrote on another ROK thread and I think it requires serious consideration by everyone here.
These slanderous articles seem to be getting more extreme by the day and I strongly feel the next best move, is to approach this slander in the manner that “Scientology” has done, meaning, register ROK as a “religion”, Accredited Academic Insitution or as a “Political Action Committee”.
Note, supporters of this idea don’t have to go as far, as shown, in the HBO Scientology documentary, which outlines the lengths that Scientology has gone to, in order to survive. BUT, at the same time, we should envy their legal protection, tax status and property holdings.
If some here think that’s going too far, the next best step would be to register as a “Political Action Committee” (non-connected PAC). Due to cases “Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission” and “ v. FEC. In”, the federal Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held that PACs which did not make contributions to candidates, parties, or other PACs could accept unlimited contributions from individuals, unions, and corporations (both for profit and not-for-profit) for the purpose of making independent expenditures.
By taking one or both or all three of these actions, “manosphere” based “speech” will be protected legally and law enforcement “may” have to start taking slander claims or threats of physical violence more seriously. The results of “pressing charges” against people like those in the article above would have to be taken a LOT more seriously by LEO’s, especially if their “message” is sanctioned by the “ROK PAC”, practicing its “right” to “free speech”. In fact, I think being a PAC, Academic Institution and/or Religion would make lawsuits for slander easier to get into court. Note, the goal should not always be to “win” these cases, just to “financially bankrupt” the slanderous individual by taking them to court, OVER AND OVER again, forcing them to hire an attorney that they cannot afford and if they choose to ignore the summons, default judgments will be had.
Considering the increasing number of SJW enemies that have sprung up in recent months, these may be the ONLY choices ROK has left.
Fight “SJW fire” with “legal fire”
In addition to the above, setting up a non-profit organization who’s sole purpose is to hosts an “annual conference”, in a manner similar to the many academic conferences (like the kind that tenured professors must attend) should be priority, possibly even registering ROK as an Accredited Academic Institution. Making sure to book a big convention center like kind they have Las Vegas, etc. and change the location to a different major metropolitan area every year. The end goal here is to invoke the Speech protections that professors have.
Here is an example:
Before the conference’s start date, determine topic areas (which will change, year to year), make public a “call for papers” to be presented at the conference and then add a “showroom” floor, with appropriate vendors for the venue. ROK can also set up the “fun parts”, like the exhibit hall and the broad topic, speaking sessions, in a way similar to the “Los Angeles Adventure Show”, so that way, people new to the subject, can get their feet wet, but at the same time, the smaller more focused topic sessions can be enjoyed by those that understand the subject matter in more depth.
Also, don’t forget to have an “awards ceremony”, which can be based on a panel review that scores the various individual submissions. Do all the above correctly and the protestors will be out front, EVERY YEAR, IN DROVES, guaranteeing coverage on ALL media outlets and social media.
If ROK becomes a “religion” that means its “followers” can start using Title VII, strategically, to make MGTOW and those that believe in the Manosphere a “Protected Class”:
Also, here are some starter articles on what 501(c)(4), Super PAC’s and PAC’s are and how they register:
NOTE, the above advice is strictly focused on organizational management strategy. This advice would apply to any organization that takes controversial policy positions. The NRA and the AKC, for example, BOTH, have done everything I have recommended above. ROK has now migrated into similar territory.
So in summary, to SURVIVE, ROK needs to, at minimum, set up a PAC, become an Academic Institution (ala University of Phoenix) and possibly even register as a Religion.
Blow against blow.
Give ’em hell, ROK.
Research? Fact check? Provide evidence? Nah. Too much effort.
I guess editors just spell check and grammar check now?
cut and paste
ok so im a lemon and just as disgusting as the rest of you fine people. so much for research indeed. hey look at me, im gonna go and make claims and act aggressivelly, all the same while i make up shit that all “SINCERELY WOMEN OF THE WORLD” think that the supporters and roosh himself are a lame piece of shit ? Oh god why cant i get anyone to fucking get to me when i’m being such an horrible self-hating twat ???Sincerely Allanah Watson. Go fucking kill yourselves in a ditch god damn feminists, your threats are like a raving child that didn’t get a lollipop (lol) and is crying over it. And may God save Roosh and Donald Trump too 🙂 .
Sue this people!!!
She responded by crying?
Wait, you called her (Phoebe Molone) to ask about the knife attack plan, and SHE is the one crying? Is this correct? If yes, why was she crying?
As far as I can tell, nothing happened to her for her lying article. Or am I missing something, did she get in trouble with the paper for her lying?
Also, where the hell was her editor when this story got published?
Did her editor read the story, checked nothing, and gave the ok to print the story?
Why isn’t the editor being called to account for their part in allowing a story like this to be published?
Hmmm Freeman, must be Amish.
I still laugh every time I see the picture they use for Roosh.
I have never read anything that roosh has written that seemed like he was flashing his money around. In that way it is apt that they use it
One of the many ironic things about these women who were screaming in outrage and inciting violence, is that if you were a man with a hell of a lot of money, or a celebrity of some type, they’d blow you in an alley, in broad daylight, in a heartbeat…
Create a dating profile with male model pics and watch the self-identified feminists explode your in-box with messages saying they are down for all kinds of degrading shit you never imagined. They want to be collared and lead them around by a leash, banged in the ass in a restroom stall, etc. Its all about the alpha cock.
Google makoever completed
You do good work!
Crush her under your heel. We will all have a good laugh when these hyenas are annihilated.
Roosh, any word yet on them doing a retraction of the original story?
Certifiably mentally insane women. Line up liberal gents!
Ms. Moloney should be brought up on charges of conspiracy to commit bodily harm to others, and attempted murder.
It’s time we all start to crowd fund, and sue these feminazi’s in court and elsewhere, for defamation, libel and slander! It’s time to fight back hard!
I think we need to learn how to defend ourselves. These people are outright dangerous.
holy shit you could mine conflict diamonds with that chin
Movie: Sex and the City Volume 14 – The Reckoning
Starring: Sarah Jessica Barker, Kim Cat Troll, Kristin Divas and Cynthia Nix Him
Synopsis: The girls trick New York City’s most naive ROK readers into meeting at an upscale eatery, whereby they simultaneously shame them/blackmail them into providing open-checkbook financing for assorted facelifts, clit piercings, and tramp stamps, as well as spectacular new penthouses, where each of them blissfully continues to work on tricking some rich, well-endowed, idiotic white knight into marrying them, as they vacuously spread their legs on the side for hot, young, bad boys who would never fuck them in real life.
Meta Critic Score: Minus 3.5 stars
Production Company: DumbYouDown Films
Rated: X (Solely for the psychic scarring that watching these vapid, middle-aged, loud-mouthed twunts – while they sashay around in slutty mini-skirts and act like catty, 16-year-old girls – will undoubtedly engender in anyone who watches it.)
My God, these girls are ugly.
I’m not sure why either, they have all got a demented look in their eyes.
I am 99% sure that, aside from tizzy fits and breaking household items, exactly none of the would be lynchers have Ever experienced violent confrontation. Barring an on-site mob-mind stirring by a seasoned bastard (soccer hooligan style), these threats would = group tizzy fits.
The idea, if there is one – and I doubt it, but subconsciously it’s there – is to provoke defensive violence from their targets.
If someone at the grocery store or work or wherever randomly threatened to stab me, I would find it difficult if not impossible to immediately respond with blunt force. Sorting it out w law enforcement after tends (has) to work out if you call them or get bystanders to call them. Make it clear to bystanders the target is a threat and yell ‘help’ a lot. Can’t do this to a tiny woman but otherwise game on – those who make death threats publicly are usually known to police or stutter easily ID’d lies.
The SJW groups are different. Best to walk away/ignore. They will not act for the most part. ‘Superman’s’ assault is an illustration of mob fury whip up. Those guys were pussies or they’d have simply comenced to beating. Thry had to be sure numbers were Well in their favor. Their discussion is on Youtube and in RoK archives. ‘Superman’ would have crushed any one or two of them. To ‘Superman’: damn it! Glad you are okay.
(Superman was the moniker given our brother by the punks. I apologize for using it but makes it easier to find the incident for those who seek it).
When you had Phoney Baloney on the phone, you should have pressed for an answer then and there. She started crying? Not like this manosohere to give in to a womans tears.
Back when this was starting to build up the week of the meetup.I presented the idea of being prepared for these crazy assholes. I brought up the idea that a strategic mace cloud would disperse a riled SJW mob really quickly and send them packing. Everyone said it was a bad idea and we were the peaceful ones and record everything to post on social media. My point was they dont care if they look stupid and any attention to them is condidered a victory.
After the fact a couple weeks now we learned that these fucktards were looking and sometimes did maim or beat up some of the people that DID show up.
If anyone knows anything about bullies is, the second you match them with dangerous force, THEY WILL BACK DOWN. This is no longer a war of words. These zealots truly believe the ends justify the means. ROK and the manosphere needs to wake up to the fact that these idiots and their white knight betas intend to inflict physical harm. Wake up and Get some fucking balls and be ready for shit to get physical. This is no longer and it never was a war of words as far as the SJW insanity goes. If you do intend to meet up get some protection and a few guys that dont have a problem with shit getting real. Kick their asses man or “woman” all bets are off if they want to be a dude and get violent.
I’m ashamed to admit that cunt Laura-Rose Freeman is a distant cousin to this commenter. She is a disgrace to her name, which in North America graces the graves of brave and valiant Loyalists and Patriots alike.
One cannot hold it against you that a distant strand has become so tainted and corrupted.
To Phoebe Moloney: We know you’re reading our site now. I only have one thing to say to you and journalists like you…Shame on all of you!
publicly shame them when ever possible and i repost this to my SM accounts with the necessary comments
Typical hypocritical feminists. Make threats, then play the victim.
By definition she was planning and inciting terrorist acts. But yeh. Poor her. Cry cry cry. No consequemces yet again. Don’t really blame mgtows. It’s like if you manage to end up with a hot chick, turns out she’s a banshee and will have you jailed for “rape” after being in the relationship for 6 months. Or have her mob of X-Men come after you. The long con. Be careful guys. Choose wisely.
I find it funny they think could fight a grown man. Ronda Rousy proved a women is not equal to a man when another women knocked her the fuck out. Stick to beating dicks ladies.