One has to detest and at the same time admire the criminal genius of crooked Hillary “Rotten” Clinton and former President Bill Clinton. Consummate political game players, they went from backwater Arkansas all the way to the White House, and thanks to a Marxist media covering Hillary’s rear flank, she has a real chance at becoming selected (not elected) for the office of President for the next 8 years.
The stories surrounding the couple’s criminal activity stretch back to the very beginning of their rise to power, in 1980s Arkansas. Arguably, Bill fits the model of the sexually promiscuous psychopath perfectly, and Hillary fits the profile of the power obsessed psychopath perfectly. Together, they have repeatedly and literally gotten away with murder if emerging reports of their crimes are to be believed. The revelation of this criminality is thanks to the internet, not sycophantic journalists who won’t do their fucking job.
These stories are only a briefer on the mountain of dirty dealings involving this power-seeking couple. They involve allegations of everything from Bill fathering a son with a prostitute, a son he abandoned, to hanging out with a pedophile dozens of times on his private island, to trafficking cocaine then killing numerous people who witnessed and had knowledge of a cocaine drop in rural Arkansas, to killing nearly 50 people who had incriminating evidence against them, among countless other scandals you may not have heard of.
Bill and His “Peaches”
Monica Lewinsky was only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to former President Clinton screwing everything in sight. Even in his early days as Attorney General of Arkansas, Little Rock was awash in rumors about Bill’s sexual mania. When he became governor twice, according to the testimony of Arkansas State Troopers and body guards he couldn’t keep his pants zipped. These officials would later testify to witnessing Clinton’s sexual escapades with hundreds of women. Trooper L.D. Brown testified he personally drove Billy to hundreds of extramarital affairs on state time and with state cars.
Trooper Larry Patterson also testified he witnessed a department store clerk performing oral sex on Clinton in a parked car numerous times, including in a parking lot close by Chelsea’s elementary school and near the Governor’s Mansion. Patterson even went so far as to say he often felt like Clinton’s “pimp” who procured women for him to have sex with when he gave speeches as governor and was on the campaign trail.
I saw, on several occasions, Bill Clinton engaging in sexual acts. While I was either blocking the road or working security at the Governor’s mansion, I saw it with my own eyes take place, so it’s not a rumor, it is firsthand. I was told by Bill Clinton that this was part of my job, to keep people from finding out about his affairs… It was probably the most bizarre time I’ve spent in my tenure with the State Police. I would be required to go out into the audience and get women’s telephone numbers and their names, and to block streets and sit in women’s driveways until the wee hours of 3, 4, and 5 o’clock in the morning…that’s what I was required to do. I was told, when I protested about that, if I didn’t like it to find another job.
Officer Roger Perry also corroborates Bill’s sexual appetite, and details how he would use different troopers for hookups with different women.
The entire conversation inside a vehicle in a two-hour drive from one point to another would be totally about sex and women or jokes. He would actually ask people how they performed oral sex on women in cars. I’ve been in that conversation. He would ask if you had ever had two to three women at one time in one bed; things like this. Bill Clinton was obsessed with that. And he had certain troopers that he used for certain women. And Larry Patterson and Danny Ferguson were used for two women in particular.
And then, there’s one of the biggest sex scandals of all, with claims that Clinton fathered a son–Danney Williams—with a black prostitute, who to this day claims Bill Clinton is his father and to many bears a striking resemblance to the former President. According to Bobbie Ann Williams, the former prostitute, the pregnancy happened after a cocaine-filled weekend of partying. (Bill’s own brother, Roger Clinton, is seen on DEA undercover footage saying he had to get some cocaine for Bill because “he’s got a nose like a vacuum cleaner.”) The former prostitute, along with many other women who Clinton banged have reportedly been threatened, told to dummy up and keep their mouths shut by Hillary.
More recently, Bill was connected to convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein. As reported by The Daily Mail:
Bill Clinton spent enough time aboard disgraced Wall Street mogul Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ airplane that he should be eligible for frequent flyer miles, according to a shocking new report that reveals how often the former U.S. president road along with with the convicted sex offender. Flight logs reviewed by Fox News show Clinton took 26 trips aboard Epstein’s Boeing 727 jet, more than double the 11 flights previously known. Epstein’s jet was reportedly set up with a bed where guests had group sex with young girls.
The story of the Clintons goes well beyond banging half of Arkansas and spending a curious amount of time with a pedophile. (How convenient that legalizing pedophilia is emerging as an agenda item and is making its appearance in pop music!) Lamestream media featured reports on Bill’s sexual dalliances in 1994, but the bombshell went nowhere in the overall narrative, perhaps because the troopers revealing the sexcapades were being threatened.
Threatening Troopers
Once Bill had screwed half of Arkansas, and threw his hat into the ring for a Presidential run, several troopers came forward telling tales about what he had been doing in his more than a decade as governor. In the ensuing scandal the media dubbed Troopergate, State Troopers Larry Patterson and Roger Perry spilled the beans about Clinton’s “Cheatin’ Heart” to journalist David Brock.
Brock’s story caught fire, and started to spread. However, during Troopergate, Clinton reportedly threatened the police, saying their careers would be destroyed, and they themselves would be destroyed if the stories didn’t stop. Patterson, who was no less than a State Trooper being threatened, even received a handwritten note expressing concern about his health. He told interviewers:
I was not physically afraid of Bill Clinton, I was afraid of his power… He had some people [surrounding him] who were quite scary.
In addition to threatening law enforcement officers (and with a long trail of “Arkancided” bodies behind them already, as we will see in a moment), both Crooked Hillary and Bill referred to police as “ignorant son of a bitches.” Hillary was openly hostile towards law enforcement officers, to the extent many Arkansas State Troopers would work double shifts and overtime just to avoid traveling with her. One Trooper is quoted as saying:
Deep down that woman really hated Arkansas, the people in it, and almost everything else except being top dog.
Brock later apologized to Clinton, but did not retract any of the facts in his story. Maybe he was afraid he’d end up dead of two gunshot wounds to the back of the head in an “Arkancide”?
Mena, Arkansas
The Troopergate scandal pales in comparison to all the stories surrounding the tiny town of Mena, Arkansas.
Reporter Gary Webb of the San Jose Mercury News broke a huge story that alleged when Bill Clinton was governor, the Mena airport was a CIA Drop Location for cocaine being smuggled into the United States from Latin America. (Additionally, three presidential administrations have been connected to Mena, AR drug smuggling including Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton).
There is little doubt it was the center of a multibillion dollar drug running and money laundering operation. Reports also surfaced the airport was used to transport arms to Nicaraguan contras during the Reagan administration. Loads of cocaine averaging 300 lbs and worth millions of dollars were parachuted into remote locations in Arkansas in the single largest cocaine smuggling operation in U.S. history. Trooper L.D. Brown testified Governor Clinton was aware of all this in 1984, but did nothing to stop it. Perhaps because he was profiting from it.
A few years later, two young boys, Kevin Ives and Don Henry were found dead on train tracks in rural Arkansas after some say they witnessed one of the police-protected drug drops of the type detailed above. Arkansas State Medical Examiner Fahmy Malak, who by many accounts was falsifying death reports regularly, under the protection of Clinton’s power (in one case reporting ulcers had killed a decapitated man) ruled the deaths of Ives and Henry as “accidental,” the result of falling into a “deep sleep” on the train tracks after smoking marijuana.
However, forensic evidence showed their deaths were the result of foul play before they were put onto the train tracks for the next train to run over. Their deaths were only the beginning of a reign of terror once rumors of government-involved cocaine smuggling surrounding the case began to catch fire. Each time a witness came forward who claimed to have knowledge of what really happened during the botched drug drop and subsequent murders of two young boys, they wound up dead—usually from a shotgun blast.
People close to the case started dropping like flies. One witness, Keith Coney said he knew too much about the murders and feared for his life—and indeed, he was later found dead. Coney had been slashed in the neck by an assailant, and fled on a motorcycle only to crash into the back of a truck, a crash that killed him.
Boonie Bearden, another witness who claimed to have information in the case disappeared, never to be seen again. Keith McKaskle, who also claimed to have knowledge of the crimes died from 113 stab wounds. Next, Gregory Collins claimed to have knowledge of the murders, and was found dead of a shotgun blast to the face. Jeff Rhodes also claimed to have knowledge of the murders, and was later found dead in a dumpster of a gunshot blast to the head.
Richard Winters claimed to have knowledge of the Ives/Henry case and was also killed by a shotgun blast. Jordan Ketelson was killed before he could testify, also from a shotgun blast. How these people dropping like flies in rural Arkansas surrounding a double homicide never made it to the Nightly News only shows what a lock grip on information the media had over the nation for 50 years.
Jean Duffey, an agent with the drug task force went up against the machine to try and fight the drug smuggling. She later said:
I didn’t understand the power of the political machine back then, but after being persuaded by the FBI to assist in an investigation they opened in 1994, I learned of connections to the CIA, Mena, and drug-smuggling. I finally understood; to solve the train deaths case would be to expose the crimes of Mena, and no government agent who has come close to doing either has survived professionally.
Or literally survived, it would seem. Just when the Mena scandal was gaining momentum and even mainstream media coverage during the 1992 campaign, a Time hit piece came out and quashed the issue. Unfortunately, the rise of the internet was in its infancy, and in these days the mainstream media reigned supreme, so the huge scandal was quickly forgotten.
During the Clinton presidency, accusations resurfaced (most notably in the film Clinton Chronicles) that Clinton, during his time as governor of Arkansas, and other high-ranking state officials were involved in some way with illegal cocaine importation, money laundering, and drug use centered upon the airport in the tiny town of Mena. The claims never gained the traction with “journalists” they deserved.
Clinton Body Count
It freaks me out to even cover this. If I am found dead, I DID NOT commit suicide. All jokes aside, this is without a doubt the most serious of the possible Clinton crimes. Mysterious deaths have followed Hillary and Bill from Arkansas through their years in the White House, and mysterious deaths have started happening all over again in Hillary’s 2016 campaign.
Three men with ties to the DNC—one of which Julian Assange insinuated was the man behind the DNC email leak scandal—have all wound up dead this summer. Seth Rich was the email leaker, reportedly “robbed” then killed in the wee hours of the morning, even though his wallet and personal items were still found with his body. Rich was a data analyst, so it’s obviously he would have access to sensitive DNC computer systems.
Then there was Shawn Lucas, found dead on his bathroom floor after serving the DNC with a summons for fraud on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters. Finally, John Ashe apparently dropped a barbell on his throat a few days before he was scheduled to testify about shady financial dealings involving a former Clinton crony.
But wait, there’s more. These deaths are only the most recent on the growing Clinton Body Count list of convenient deaths. Earlier this month, author Victor Thorn perhaps became the latest victim on this growing list of bodies of people who either crossed the Clintons, wrote unflattering things about them, or had incriminating evidence.
American Free Press contributor Victor Thorn, 54, a long-time researcher and critic of Hillary and Bill Clinton, has been found dead. Police reports indicate he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
“Self-inflicted gunshot wounds” are the standard cover story for most of the 50 deaths on the Clinton Body Count list. Apparently, there are a lot of people inflicting gunshot wounds on themselves, often several gunshot wounds at the same time or numerous gunshots to the back of their own head. All in all, there are around 50 bodies of people who were close to the Clintons found dead under mysterious circumstances, most of them in the prime of their lives.
A few were either unbelievable strokes of luck or planned hits for the Clintons, like a plane crash that allowed them to wash their hands of two men at the same time: Ron Brown, former Chair of the DNC and Cabinet member who was facing a corruption investigation and threatening to expose the White House’s yet unrevealed Asian fund-raising scheme, and Charles Meissner, assistant secretary for international trade who faced federal charges for campaign finance fraud, a scandal that enmeshed the Clinton administration. These threats went away when their plane took off from mujahideen-infested Bosnia and crashed into a mountainside.
The most infamous name on the lengthy list is Vince Foster, found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington, a lawyer who had intimate details of the Clintons’ financials in dirty dealings like Whitewater. Foster made a call to Hillary hours before his “suicidal” death. The following day, in what looks like a huge coverup, Bill Clinton fired every U.S. attorney in the country and also fired the head of the FBI William Sessions, an unprecedented move in which all officials in those offices were replaced.
There’s even a White House Chef on the list who worked under the Clintons found dead in a mysterious drowning in New Mexico. Then there’s Mary Mahoney, killed in another botched robbery (same playbook as Seth Rich) who would have been a star witness in the Clinton impeachment trials, who refused Clinton’s sexual advances. Were these dozens of convenient deaths accidents? Or do these deaths reflect FDR’s prescient quote:
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
Murdering people surely goes well beyond the Monica Lewinsky blowjob scandal. But, as usual the media didn’t do their job in informing the American public what was really going on in the 1980s and 1990s.
Even More Scandals
The Clinton Foundation. Whitewater. Emailgate. Benghazi. Foggy Bottom. Sidney Blumenthal. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange incident, in which Hillary made a statistically impossible $100,000 profit off a tiny $1,000 initial investment. ADFA. Dan Lasater. Don Tyson tax breaks and DEA linked cocaine trafficking. The list of possible Clinton-involved crimes goes on and on and on.
To me, what is most telling about all these scandals is not that they happened, as it is coming to light that most people in government are totally corrupt sons of bitches, but what adept game players the Clintons are, and just how dirty they are. As Michael Corleone says in The Godfather III just as his own family is becoming involved in politics:
The higher I go, the crookeder it becomes.
The story of the rise of the Clintons is rivals the story of the rise of the Bushes. Here we have the two top political families in America, the Clintons and Bushes, who have been either President, Vice President, Secretary of State or running for the office since 1980, running the country like an oligarchy and involved in criminality that would make a mafia don blush. What is amazing to me is what sheep the American people have been, believing these people have their best interests in mind when really they’re playing the dirtiest game known to man to rise to dominance in a government that does nothing but waste taxpayer money, and in which they engorge themselves and their friends.
Gentlemen, the Clinton saga is proof political games have never changed since Greek and Roman times, but what has changed is how masterful politicians have become at fooling the masses, concealing their crimes and having the media play cover for them. Realize, when Trump uses the moniker “Crooked Hillary” it is not hyperbole. This duo has been involved in criminality most of their lives.
Read More: Crooked Hillary Accepts Democratic Party Nomination In Ravishing Chairman Mao Outfit
Trump better watch out.
It all goes back to the CIA my friend…
More like CYA (CoverYourAss).
Being rather serious here, be mindful of your back Relampago. As you documented, people drop like flies when they expose the absolute evil we call the Clintons.
What’s even more worrisome than the fact that they’ve done these things, is that it is openly documented that they’ve done these things, across a vast swath of sources, along with clear evidence of vast breaches of national security by both of them, yet they continue to walk free. Even the Average Joe knows that these people are basically the embodiment of the mafia. So called Law Enforcement could end this overnight if they banded together and took these two cretins into custody, instead of being afraid individually, but they don’t.
The thing is, many law enforcement officials are in on it. If the various murders are to be believed, they were not committed by the Clintons directly. I suspect many of those murders took place because of standing policy to cover-up illicit activities. I doubt the Clintons even met with the people involved.
But they probably knew about it all.
I’m willing to bet though that the Clintons are just middle men in all this. I doubt a coke-headed womanizer could mastermind much when he’s too buys spending hours talking, thinking, or having sex.
ALL high level ‘politicians’ are simply hired help. Front men. Expecting something real from them is like asking the clerk at your convenience store to change the price of gas, or what they’re stocking. That is why so many of them are freaks with strange predilections- much easier to control with threats of blackmail/exposure.
Waiting for Mike Cernovich to die under mysterious circumstances. He’s really pushing at Hillary and has over 80k followers on Twitter. God bless him for what he’s doing, but he’s painting a large target on his back.
I would have said, at one point in time in the past, that it won’t happen while the spotlight is on him. After seeing the recent murders of those opposed to Hillary and the DNC corruption, in broad daylight when they were clearly ready to drop the goods on her, I now believe that they’d do it on national television and walk away cackling with glee. And the Democrats would just pretend like it didn’t happen.
Trump is really an awful candidate, but if it’s between him and this lying sociopathic murdering witch, well, what choice do we have?
It is really unfortunate and while Trump has done quite a few reprehensible things, it may not even by one hundredth, or one thousandth, of the Clinton’s laundry list. My chief worry is that a third of the policies may still go through, due to past friendships/partnerships.
Outside of that, I am fully prepared to fight for my own freedoms for a few years knowing the government will have no interests in their protections over covertly being fucked and lied to for 8 years with platitudes of this being the best choice.
Politically, Trump is really a Democrat, and that is largely how he will govern, probably. He is just an Alpha in terms of how he acts and speaks, and a lot of people have responded to that. He has also leveraged a few “right-wing” positions to his advantage. Oddly enough, those “right-wing” positions — like border security, nationalism, etc. — aren’t even Republican positions, because the Republicans are such globalists now.
But I’d vote for Ryan Lochte for President before I’d vote for Hillary.
Agree with everything you said.
Wow, you might actually be the first person in here admitting that Trump sucks donkey balls as a Presidential candidate.
No he isn’t.
What other choice do Americans have? Don’t vote, stop paying taxes, respect the second amendment ( the militia part)
It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s already being shadowed by Clinton’s thugs. He better wear a vest.
You make a great point. The more crimes they commit, and the more brazen they are about it, the less it seems to matter.
Other politicians get tarred and feathered for a single comment, or a single accusation from 20 years in their past.
But the more evidence of crimes and corruption that mounts against the Clintons, the less it seems to matter.
Criminal, yes. Masterminds, no. They have eluded punishment not because they are particularly clever, but because they are loyalist parts of a machine that is willing to look the other way on their crimes in order to further its own ends. The Clintons care about themselves, period. Someone with no higher values or principles is very useful in the political arena. So the party apparatus has always been willing to trade their misdeeds for the certainty that they would never oppose any element of the party agenda on principle. Knowing that the media is also in the party’s pocket to provide cover, and the public are a herd of sheep steeped in decades of public school indoctrination only makes this calculus easier.
This is the thing that really gets me. Even if you believe her, and think she had no ill motives, Hillary’s defense to the email thing was basically that she was too stupid and careless to protect state secrets. So her supporters want someone like that to have more power? It’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard.
But she’s a “woman” and its just mean to criticize a woman for using yahoo mail at work. What are you, a misogynist? We all know that HR manual was created to control abusive male practices at the office, and that doesn’t apply to women, right? This election is all about girrrrl power.
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When you get down to the truth of the matter….. the only difference between the US and Mexico is the size of the corruption is so vast in the US no one can believe how insanely corrupt it is. In Mexico it makes sense. In the US its pure insanity.
It annoys me that the left is saying Trump with the nuke codes would be too dangerous. First, he wouldn’t get to just start nuking people all willy-nilly.
Second, Hillary, who is both corrupt and incompetent with emails is a better choice?? Who’s to say she won’t “mistakenly” leak them to China or Russia?
If we’re going to have the argument about either of these two people with the nuke codes, let’s at least be intellectually honest about the discussion.
And on the subject of Russia and China, how is it possibly OK to put someone THAT WE KNOW HAS BEEN COMPROMISED by both of them into office?
Clinton makes much of Trump’s offhand comment about Russia sharing her 30,000 emails as if this indicates Russia is in bed with Trump. But any moron knows Russia has those emails, and many others. Do we really want a president in office who can be so easily blackmailed by adversaries? It’s just insane.
Indeed. The media is really working overtime making Hillary look like the popular candidate. From everything I’ve seen, there’s virtually no excitement for her. She’s just the opposition to the GOP candidate…kind of the flip side to the last elections where no one was really all that excited about Romney.
It’s funny you mention this. I am literally the lone Trump supporter in my small office, but I never hear the Hillary supporters talk about anything they are excited about Hillary having done or proposed. Their conversation invariably focuses on how horrible Trump is. Now I will say that I often focus on how terrible Hillary is, but I do think Trump has some proposals I agree with on trade, immigration, terror, and I will also say that his visit to Louisiana to help unload supplies was on-point.
Even him doing that has brought criticism from some of the leftist tools/fools. Samuel L Jackson was whining that he was unloading play-doh as opposed to more useful items.
A) You’re basing your whole assessment of what he’s unloading based off one picture?
B) That picture was cropped. There were other items besides play-doh that was cropped out.
C) Are you saying a simple toy to help the kids isn’t welcome? I’m sure the kids appreciated having a small comfort during this horrible time in their lives.
D) Where’s Hillary and Obama? What have they done to help Louisiana? Pretty sure Obama golfing doesn’t count.
I also love how it’s now somehow burdensome for the president or some other VIP to visit. Yes, because when they don’t visit, they are detached, incompetent and clueless, but when they do visit, they are a burden and a nuisance (apply only to non-liberals threatening in an election year).
Any politician visiting my area is a burden. They lock up downtown traffic all afternoon and make it an absolute mess.
A note to all politicians: Don’t visit my state! If you do, travel like us commoners and don’t lock down the interstates, screwing everything up. You’re not special!
I agree. You can’t claim to understand the common man if you never sit in his traffic.
I’ve never been naive enough to expect my politicians to suffer my problems. When I see some wanker talk about how Trump, or Hillary, or Obama, or Jeb! really gets them, or understands their plight, I want to punch them in the face.
The bottom line is he showed up and offered his support. The sense of hope that a politician recognized your suffering enough to show up is most likely what mattered to those people.
Whether he unloaded Play-Doh or Dunkaroos is completely irrelevant.
If Trump can hold onto this image of being America’s granddad who shows up when she’s in trouble I think it is the right direction for his campaign.
He needs to balance out his current image of the gritty outspoken right-winger without showing weakness. I think gestures like immediately showing up in Louisiana are exactly he needs to do to show his relatable human side.
Oh, I agree. Just making the point that the claims of politicians understanding us are equally ridiculous. I don’t get to roll through red lights at 50 mph with an armed motorcade.
I don’t watch lamestream news anymore so I am not sure if Obama or Hillary even had a speech about the flooding and offer to send aid and support, even though they didn’t go down there to visit.
Obama, if he really cared, should have cut his vacation short and handled the relief. Hillary could have urged Obama to do so. But sadly, no.
First, he wouldn’t get to just start nuking people all willy-nilly.
They really do make it sound like there is a big red button like in the bathroom next to the shitter just incase, while taking a dump, he feel list blowing up the world.
I will admit if I had a Nuke button next to the shitter, I might have nuked Mexico and/or India after a couple of ….let’s just call them “uncomfortable” meals.
God I love some vindaloo, but “boom” is right.
Goan Vindaloo is great. When I order it I always say “I don’t want whitey spicy, I want old indian grandmother spicy” I do the same line when I eat Thai food. I go to a place where Sam, the Thai chef, laughs at me and says his eyes are tearing up cooking for me.
The place I get my vindaloo is so freaking awesome. If you are ever in NYC and need to find some awesome Indian let me know.
Definitely. I am the same. I don’t want “whitey” version. I want the shit-fire version. Thai, Indian, Chinese, Korean, you name it. If I wanted to eat Americanized shit, I’d eat at McDonalds.
If you are ever in NYC and need to find some awesome Indian let me know.
One awesome Indian, coming right up.
those are woo woo Indians, I meant hoo hoo Indians. You know, dots instead of feathers.
I actually think you would love the indian place I go to. It is made up to be like a British officers supper club on the sub continent. When you walk it it is like walking into a movie, from the glass wear to the Indians in tuxedos who are totally servile it is just perfect.
I have seen his grave. Not a man to fuck with if you valued your life.
That’s crazy talk
EDIT: Sorry, no. Crazy Talk was his cousin.
leg day much bruh?
Geronimo was one of the great men of history. My respect for him is extremely high. Mexicans raid his village and kill his family and he goes on full rampage against them with a huge vengeance. His leadership in battle was legendary among not just his own people, but with Americans and Mexicans as well.
I find that after such meals, nuclear weapons would pale in effectiveness to what I had wrought….
So let me get this straight – you love all these ethnic foods, yet you guys support Roosh who hates how immigrants from third world countries have destroyed American neighborhoods. The hypocrisy here amuses me.
I can’t speak for everyone here but I don’t hate inmigrants from third world countries. In fact, I think they add tremendous value to this country. What I hate is when immigrants from third word countries assume they are allowed to skip protocol, come here illegally, not assimilate in any way and then look for government hand outs which I pay for. Big difference buck. So try again.
Where, lolknee? I’m in Washington Heights.
Drunken Munkey on 92nd between 1st and 2nd. Tons of women, awesome place and great food but you really need to emphasize “not white people spicy, spicy spicy)
TBH, I think I would rather Trump dropping nukes on people that piss him off rather than Hillary sending thousands of American soldiers into some third-world hellhole (with ROE that require them to be actually shot and killed by the enemy before they can file a form requesting permission to return fire) to cover up Bill’s latest sex scandal or her own latest corruption scandal.
There are a few places that could actually use a nuke dropped on them.
Sending troops to the Middle East or anywhere with a conflict is done on purpose to keep the military industry in business. These defense companies has surplus weapons in inventory and capital is tied up in those. It is the best way to deplete stale inventory to keep the factory running.
One other way to help lower inventory is to sell them to the other third world countries in conflict so you can profit off of them.
I didn’t realize there were seperate keys for the oval office and nuke launching. I thought it was easier just to have one set.
I always assumed they were like the car keychains with buttons that automatically open your car.
OP, you doth give them too much credit. Masterminds are intelligent and cunning general, getting their lieutenants and foot soldiers to do their dirty work. The Clintons are high-profile hillbillies who’s crimes are as clear as plastic wrap. Just because they got away with murder (figuratively of course) doesn’t mean they are masterminds. On the contrary, they result to the most primitive tactics to cover their tracks. And, they rely on the rampant cult of personality and massive ignorance and stupidity of the press and people to ignore their glaring crimes and character flaws.
Wait you’re saying its bad to have the nuclear codes saved on your blackberry?
I’m surprised house of cards has lasted this long on netflix, because even if you’re only paying a small amount of attention, you’d realize that the underwoods are based on the clintons.
That said, as this article shows, people who vote for the clintons are either criminally evil or criminally stupid. Not sure which yet.
Why choose? “Both” seems like an acceptable option too.
Normally I’d agree, but to be criminally evil, one has to realize that evil exists, that the clintons personify it, and still vote for them in spite of that.
I don’t think that jump can be made by the average person in the hood who spends their days sipping 40s, lighting people up in drive-by’s, and using the word “fam” as a noun/adjective.
So was the first season of True Detective
It seems like no one wants to think about the fact that we have a warmongering, pathological liar rapist-enabling mass-murdering psychopath running for president for the democratic party…
Leftists control the media so fewer people know what’s really gone on
I wonder if Bill and Hillary are on drugs together? They look like it.
The drug is called “power” and they are utterly addicted to it.
Power is a drug for sure. They are both addicted to it. I just hope Trump wins in spite of the rigging process.
The people doing the rigging would really suck at it if Trump still wins.
Trump is a total game changer, and these people know it. That’s why they’re so concerned. His three key positions are enough to change the entire political landscape. Look at California, BEFORE the Reagan-Kennedy agreement on immigration and naturalizing all of its illegals, the state was Republican…it hasn’t been since Governor Wilson, who’s positions were overturned by federal courts. The state is a lost cause.
Face it, should Hillary win, it’s only a matter of time before we collapse. We cannot pay our bills.
I can’t imagine Bill hasn’t caught something incurable by this point.
Probably HIV or AIDS
Just out of curiosity, why would you expect he has a disease?
Because when you’re running somewhere north of 1000, you’re either sick, or you should be betting it all on the lottery.
One of his Mistresses mentioned that Bill claimed a notch count of 2,000.
I’d be shocked if that wasn’t conservative.
For banging Hillary his notch count should instantly incur a -3000 penalty…
Who says he ever did?
meh. I doubt that.
Point taken…hafta run a DNA test on Chelsea. I’m not swabbing that bitch, though…
I doubt Bill and Hillary do anything at all together unless it is scripted and staged in front of a camera.
Just shows how stupid the people really are, to even consider voting for her. If even a 10th of the accusations against them are true (and there are even more than in this article) they should both be locked up.
No shit, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Here we have a lot of smoke and a lot of fire, and they completely obscure the information.
Clinton Cash
“An investigation into how the Clintons have amassed millions in personal wealth through foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, a supposed charity, in exchange for political favors while Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State.”
Let’s not forget about Sandy Berger, who stole documents from the National Archives on their behalf during the 9/11 Commission hearings.
It seems he’s back in town:
The Sandy Berger sounds like a great name for a beach side burger shop.
Personally I think Foster was a suicide. He killed himself to get out of testifying, and because he had a major-beta love for Hillary.
He could have, you know, lie under testimony and get disqualified as a witness. That’s the most beta thing to do.
That ends with him going to jail, with the Clintons being implied as guilty by default, at least icopo. Plus he was too much of a poosey to last in jail or prison. Suicide saved his family some trouble.
Interesting the news is from a source based OUTSIDE the United States, no?
The Philippines president Duterte came out and is flushing out the corruption in that country done in the past 30 years. There have been reports of many deaths in the past couple of months since he took office. The corrupt government officials and police are offing each other to cover themselves. The UN recently told him to stop these vigilante killings and he basically told the UN to fuck off.
Good. Pacifying and unifying a populace often takes drastic measures. Duterte could be the next Lee Kuan Yew, at least potentially..
Note how Clinton murders are always rather comically explained away by the authorities: the victim “accidentally” dropped a barbell on his throat, the victim “committed suicide” by shooting himself twice in the back, the victim was “robbed”, yet nothing taken, etc.
I mean, come on…
As comical as ACME? All Clintons Murdering Establishment?
If Lochte was murdered in that Brazilian gas station after vandalizing the place it would have Clinton written all over it.
He never vandalized the place. After the accusations, independent investigators confirmed his story. The guy’s getting a raw deal.
As someone who powerlifts and olympic lifts as his primary means of working out… I call bullshit on that explanation.
Most people aren’t in shape enough to use a barbell in a way that would cause it to crush their neck, and those that are… are USUALLY very conscious about safety when doing so.
You don’t just “accidentally” drop a barbell on your throat.
Yup. I mean, I got pretty close to losing my balance on a power clean about a month ago. I really thought the momentum was going to put me on myback and the bar on my neck and even that wouldn’t have killed me.
I’ve had a few like that, in those situations it’s easy to push the weight forward and for you to fall back, as you said.
It should never hit your throat.
Even variations of the snatch, jerk, or overhead squat will put your head or back of the neck at risk for the bar coming down, but NEVER your throat.
yup. I never went down. I had THAT feeling. I am sure you know it. You know, where you are pretty sure that that is it and the world is over. It only lasts a second and then your body kicks in and handles the gravity. After that close call I had to deload and call it a day because I was shaking but that bar was never even close to touching my neck. If It did put me on my ass I would have been full able to have dropped the weight properly too.
I’ve had that feeling twice since I started lifting, where I thought “why did I go for it this time?”.
And again we’re talking a small segment of the population which experiences this with free weights.
Most people who “work out” use a treadmill, elliptical, do zumba, or use the machines at a globe gym that are so safe they teach bad form and make you weak.
That would make the cover story funnier: if the guy committed suicide by having his neck crushed by an assisted squat rack, given that such a thing is impossible.
Death By Smith Machine almost as funny as “Crushed by Elliptical Trainer”
I have been lifting weights for a really long time. There have been a few times I really fucked up. When I herniated L3 and L5 deadlifting I knew something was fucked up right away. The worst about that was that I killed my PR deadlift and then when I put the weight down the adrenaline was so high that I went to lift it again and didn’t set up right. THis is a huge fucking mistake if you are lifting big. That was a bad time and I fucking knew it.
The power clean balance issue wasn’t even that bad. I didn’t even go over. Once I got my balance down I just let the weights drop, sat on the floor and laughed my ass off. But I think that even if I would have went over it would have just been funny and that was a pretty legit power clean.
The story that this guy died by having his neck crushed by a barbell is categorically false. There is just nfw that happened.
Your back is another issue…I’ve seen fools on the bench lift weight incorrectly, and it’s dangerous as all hell, but normally I would think that the weight would settle on your chest rather than your neck…
oh no doubt a person can hurt themselves by lifting improperly or lifting with their ego. However, lifting in such a way that the bar hits your throat and you die? that doesn’t seem right.
It’s absolutely true. I’ve been in the gym for decades…and I’ve NEVER seen a guy on the bench drop a weight on his neck. It just doesn’t happen. I’ve seen guys mess up their backs squatting, I’ve seen people collapse on a machine, but NEVER a neck injury that killed them…
As a thought experiment, how would the authorities explain it if the thug sent by Clinton was killed by someone who was carrying a concealed weapon?
I vote: “murdered by psychopathic second amendment person for trying to exercise preemptive force to protect himself from the obvious evil intentions of an assault weapons fetishizing lunatic.”
It’s almost as if they are playing very dangerous practical “jokes” on Americans just to see how we react to certain situations. Obama has played many games with us. I think the golfing (while Louisiana is flooded and not visiting) is a perfect example of more mind games.
I agree they play games. How would Obama’s golf be a mind game though?
Basically (and realistically) communicating that he does not and will never give a flying fuck about us commoners. Other Presidents generally at least fly over disaster areas or show up directly, Obama ensures that he squeezes in every last putt on the field before being forced to leave his comfy resort. That’s godawful amounts of “fuck you” in a basket.
yeah, I can see that. I always thought he was just trying to play it cool by being non-reactive but it’s gone beyond that. I guess in a sense he doesn’t have to fly over disaster areas insofar as they form around him wherever he goes
The GhostOfJefferson summed it up quite well. I see many things Obama does as jokes or mind-games just to see how people will react OR, to see that the government media machine doesn’t step out of line. Did anyone other than alternative media criticize Obama for playing golf while people were losing their homes and lives? Nope. In fact, they made excuses for him. The media machine is government operated. The alternative media is for us though.
I seem to remember some of the (faux) rightest rags like the Daily Mail directed some mild criticism his way, but yes as a whole he metaphorically gets away with murder just as Hillary gets away with it literally
Things have become so completely upside-down and backwards in the last ten years I honestly have no idea how to evaluate things anymore.
Politicians steal money and get people killed? That’s fine let’s vote for them!
A 10 year-old boy decides he’s a 20 year-old girl? Ok I guess that’s fine!
I have no economic future even though I work 7 days a week? Sure let’s go out on the weekend and spend $400 on bottle service! American fiction is being re-written to be more inclusive? Cultural appropriation is bad but this is ok!
I had to move to America because my country has become a corrupt leftist shithole? Better move to the US and vote for leftists who hate traditional America!
I can’t find a good man? Better go on social media and post to the world about how much I hate men!
You could tell me some outlandish thing like… Man cuts off his own penis to appease his wife, and I’ll have no idea at all whether that is considered normal or not.
I am going to go into the Ferrari dealership on Park and 55th and tell them I identify as someone who can afford a California T.
If they refuse to give it to you, tell them you also identify as a xyr-trans-fecal-hot rod and take a dump in one. If they throw you out, scream “DISCRIMINATION!!!!” the whole way.
Dig a little deeper into Mena, Arkansas… specifically a guy named Barry Seal.
Then get your tin foil hat on, because Seal leads to cocaine-smuggling for the CIA, and the Iran-Contra affair, and the Reagan/Bush Administration. And more.
Didn’t that Barry Seal guy get murdered by Escobar goons in Louisiana?
He got murdered in Louisiana… allegedly by Escobar goons.
“…Sean Lucas, found dead…”
Shawn Lucas not Sean
Don’t forget the death of Bobby Kennedy, who was gunning for the same senate seat as Hillary. The Clintons made sure to seal the records on that one out of “respect” for the family.
If Hillary wins, Bill Clinton will get his third term in office – and maybe a fourth. Do you think the Big Boys are actually going to hand the presidency to a woman, especially a woman like Hillary. No freakin’ way. Bill will do all the heavy lifting in the background and Hillary will do the photo ops and read the prewritten speeches while posing as president…
And not to mention a fresh batch of interns to bang. Heck, I might have to disagree with you on that one. I suspect Bill will probably find a few “good” men to do the dirty deed for him while everyone else cheers on that empowered female president. After all, he already did the heavy loading once. Why wouldn’t he harvest the reward?
I mean, Bill will be back in the White House, no matter how you look at it…what, he’s going to play racquetball, go jogging? He knows the gig, he knows how it works. The elite trust him. If he isn’t the de facto president, you can bet he’ll be giving Hillary some heavy mentoring. And you can bet she’ll be asking him how to handle things in certain situations. I don’t think there’s a course she can take, called, “How to Be President”. And she doesn’t need to take one, with Bill hanging around…
Not that you don’t have a point. I mean, if anything, Bill will have to make sure there is an elite Geek Squad standing by to make sure Hillary’s servers don’t get hacked. Again.
And yet, while I don’t possess the knowledge of a CNN or Fox News “contributor”, I am a bit aware of how politics run when family or spouses are involved. And yet, you have to look at that other modern political dynasty, the Bushes. Now, Dubya did take in a bit if his father’s men, like Rumsfeld and Cheney, perhaps with the elder Bush getting involved. Of course, there are two differences. A father/son relationship is definitely not the same as a spousal one. And while Hillary seems to have too much of a drive at times, Dubya was the presidential equivalent of Billy Madison. Plus, Bill is not only old, but he looks pretty decrepit. Even if he wanted to run the show, I don’t think he could.
How I think would it would work would be like this: in the morning, Bill would head out to the WH Situation Room, huddle with his wife’s advisors picked by him, perhaps paid with Clinton Foundation money. He will make sure they supervise his wife closely, making sure she doesn’t fuck up. Then he will leave, squeeze a racquetball match, perhaps have a round of cigars and Scotch with important people. Maybe even fly to New York and mend fences with his frenemy Donald Trump.
I can see that happening, for sure…rumor has it George H.W. Bush ran the show when Reagan was president. Which I can see, too.
From what I hear, Bush Sr was a veritable yes man, a bit of a Sideshow Bob if you will.
Bush was much, much more experienced than Reagan, so that wouldn’t be a shock.
Didn’t he head the CIA…he had the chops, for sure.
90% of what you saw from both Bushes were personas. From the accents to the wordplay. It was political theater.
I think it’s the same for pretty much every president…but that’s just me.
I’d agree with Goofy ole Bill and Reagan, but not Obama, Ford or Nixon.
Carter seems like an either or.
Bullshit. Pure, bullshit.
More Bullshit. It’s pretty obvious, you know nothing about Reagan.
The Bushes are old time Progressives. Reagan knew this, Bush didn’t get near the economic programs of Reagan, let alone the foreign policy. All Bush did was enjoy what Reagan did, and then he went back on his word and raised taxes, this fucker is WHY we’re where we are, today.
Christ. Did you guys ever go to school? Carter was the second worst President in history, Obama is the first. We’re dealing with Carter’s FAILURES to this day, and we’ll be dealing with Obama’s for another 100 years! The society is done if Clinton wins, we will NEVER have the economy to pay the bills these people have racked up, never.
Where exactly did I say Carter and Obama weren’t shit presidents?
Rage, RAGE against the dying of the light!!!
I’m raging against false narratives. Reagan was a genius, read his letters, there’s at least four books filled with his writings. Your comment regarding Carter “either or” isn’t strong enough. Look at the ENTIRE middle east: Jimmy fucking Carter. Look at the Housing Crises: Jimmy fucking Carter. There’s at least $15 Trillion in damages from this guy, at least.
There were EXACTLY two decent Presidents in the 20th Century, Coolidge and Reagan. Coolidge was Reagan’s hero, and what do we get from the MSM? That Coolidge “caused the depression.” They’ve been lying since Wilson, and haven’t stopped the progressive claptrap. Socialism has never worked, anywhere, yet, we still get the Marxist-Leninist-Hitler-Mao bullshit from “higher education” on.
I almost wish the collapse would just hurry up and get here so we can FINALLY have it out with these people.
Rage Against the Machine, even IF they’re a bunch of collectivist idiots, their band name got it right.
First: Ou conversation was revolving around the persona of each president, not their talent, and as to whether it was really them, or affected. Maybe Carter is a goofy peanut farmer. Maybe he isn’t. No one really no knows. Clinton and the Bushes affected their behavior. Obama and Nixon don’t.
Second: I didn’t say Reagan was an idiot, or ineffective. Bush Sr. was a major power player in Washington. Wouldn’t shock me if he was running the show. Reagan was an actor, designed to play a part. He did it well.
Third: That’s Dylan Thomas, not some new-age band.
First: “persona” regarding POLICY is an inarguable position. Reagan was an actor, who had LEFT acting years before he became a governor. While President of the Screen Actors Guild, he debated politics and thought about the actions of politicians for decades before he became a President. He may have been a decent actor, BUT he was a Great President, NOT because he was a good actor, but because he understood that American Ethics were morally valid. The nation was founded upon the BEST principles of the Scottish and English Enlightenment.
Second: Carter wasn’t a “goofy” peanut farmer, he was a navy trained nuclear engineer. His political beliefs, which are apparent from his political career, incorporate all the negatives that the Left has employed or attempted to employ since before the first World War.
None of the Bushes affected their behavior. They are who they are, globalists. While they might have revered the Office of the Presidency, they were lacking on the IDEOLOGY of the CREATION of the Presidency and the nation that formed its highest office.
Finally, while Dylan Thomas might have raged against the ravages of time, the Rage Against the Machine is much more poignant. You use your analogy, I’ll use mine. It’s a matter of opinion, mine is that its better to rage against the machine rather than against age. There’s nothing wrong with aging, per se, however, the evil of political machinations of elites is worth fighting against. From that perspective, I have no argument with Dylan Thomas.
Andrew Jackson was the last decent president
Last good Democrat President you mean!
I think her health will fail and she would be MIA for most of the Presidency. Kaine will step in.
Actually, if she gets elected and then has the total breakdown @disqus_aHyDBkvUW5:disqus is predicting and dies and bill dresses up in her dr. evil outfit and a wig and pretends he is her it would pretty much be the best 80’s comedy movie ever
It will be like “Weekend at Bernie’s”. She’s practically at that stage with all these guys ready to prop her up if she “short circuits”.
Yes. Seriously, put the politics aside for a moment and think about the 80’s quality movie plot. A former first lady is elected the first female president but dies so her ex president husband dresses up like her, dons a wig and fools the country into believing he is her. That is so fucking 80’s it’s not even funny.
Weekend at Bernie’s meets Mrs. Doubtfire.
its such a brilliant concept.
Ah Mrs. Doubtfire, back women men wearing dresses was for comedic, rather than political, effect.
Silence of the Lambs – The secondary villain is shown to be a total nutcase because he wants to become a woman.
Social engineering, when we take a quick look around today – or one hell of a coincidence. Take your pick.
right. You have nut case drag and silly drag. Those were your two types. The Silence of the Lambs guy or the Robin Williams/Bugs Bunny/Monty Python type.
So heroic. So brave.
FUCKIN’ funny…
Yup. Especially now.
And then there’s this…
another proper use of drag
Coincidence. Men going in drag for comedic purposes, or to demonstrate insanity, is a pretty historical concept. Hell, original plays by Shakespeare were performed at the time strictly by men, so men had to dress and play the part of women.
Gotcha. And today’s acceleration of gays and transgenders being featured on TV shows and in movies, at a percentage that far exceeds the actual demographics…coincidence or social engineering.
And today’s acceleration of gays and transgenders being featured on TV shows and in movies, at a percentage that far exceeds the actual demographics…coincidence or social engineering.
That, my friend, is blatant Soviet propaganda levels of social engineering.
Blatantly blatant…straight out of the Commie playbook.
It’s so blatant that they can’t even make up excuses of “inclusion” and all that bullshit. If you watch any modern show and most movies, as an outsider, you’d come to believe that America was 25% homosexual and was run by Strong, Empowered Wymyns and Blacks. The criminal justice system is set up to accommodate the huge number of white male criminals who seem to perform every crime. The only way to beat the evil white man is, of course, to assemble Team Diversity. If he’s particularly evil, he’ll be shot in scenes where classical music is playing. And white women pair up exclusively with black males, no matter what. Exceptions for shows that have been on a really long time and weren’t part of the New Wave of television propaganda.
So I’m not the only one who’s noticed that…and then there’s the two out of three talking heads (or sometimes three out of three, or four out of four) on ESPN, who are black. Talk about driving away your core audience. But Disney owns ESPN (or at least they used to), so it all makes sense. Then, there are the scenes where they want you to feel sad (usually for a minority), and they play that sad, minor-key music. Women and betas start crying on cue…
Well, blacks tend to dominate a lot of sports, so it’s kind of understandable to a degree.
“And white women pair up exclusively with black males, no matter what.”
I gotta admit, that is true. Whenever interracial relationships are shown, it’s almost exclusively black male/white female. Every now and then you’ll see white male/black female or white male/Latina, but not nearly as frequently. And you almost never see any other kind of pairing, like Latino/white female, white male/Asian female, etc.
That actor now plays you on the show Ray Donovan×325.jpg
That was their excuse anyway
Blatant Soviet propaganda levels of social engineering are literally Hitler
The clinton foundation is worthy of its own article. Hillary and Bill set up their own self-serving “non-profit” foundation that escapes the tax regulations because its a “non-profit” organization. Its the most pure direct pay-for-play political slush fund ever created. The “donors” get higher government “access” in return for their “contributions”. Over $100mm in play, including foreign arab money sources.
that’s a lot of falafel
Chump change in the persian gulf but more than enough to buy off hillary for life.
I wonder if she goes full out #tagthesponsors ?
Bill gets “entertained” any way he wants when he’s in the region.
sounds fun to me
Hellary port-o-pottie guarantee
The Saudis would kill to have her back in the show. Odds are she’ll attempt to erase all of Obama’s Iranian outreach/hegemony-building, and reestablish her Saudi friends on top.
That also probably means we’ll see another f-ing war in the Middle East.
The Al Sauds backing a feminist? Well I never!
They’ve been whining about it publicly. Obama is not the friend that the Clintons and Bushes were. People love to decry the Jews here, but the Saudis have been way more complicit regarding our ME adventurism.
That is a veritable fact, good sir, soothly.
I have no love for the Iranian leadership, quite frankly, but because of this, quite frankly, the Saudis scare me more. In fact, I would be more worried if the Saudis get nukes than the Iranians. At least the Iranians seem to play the game more calmly. The Saudis are a bunch of loose cannons.
The leadership of both scare me equally. I think the Iranian people can be much more fruitful than the Saudis though.
At least the Iranians will have more resources. And at least the Iranians aren’t taking the new nuclear deals for granted. They are aware that if they do screw up, there will be a backlash not just from the outside but from within their own population.
Also, the Iranians still have a sense of culture. The Saudis don’t. For the sake of Islam, they are willing to destroy old monuments with the excuse of keeping people from committing idolatry, only to replace them with a bigger more powerful idol, the almighty shopping mall.
wahhabi islam is nearest version to ISIS sharia islam.
LMAO, the Saudi royal family are Jews. Repeat after me boys and girls. Can you say crypto Jew?
Stuff like this stinks. Its not just in the US either and I doubt its just the Clintons there, with the rise of the wealthy connected political class and revolving door with big business, and big business being involved in drafting up legislation that effects their industry.
“higher government “access”” is media friendly term for bribes to open doors for them to influence US political decision making process to benefit them, and possibly at the detriment of the average joe citizen. Just another form of lobbyist except with this variation an ex politician can still line his pockets (with admin expenses from the foundation) after he has left the profession. I wonder if the foundation is publicly audited?
Bwahaha, they don’t even audit the federal reserve and fort knox is empty. Wtv is there is coated tungsten
I read this book and it scared the shit out of me. You’ll find out about the people living in hiding from the Clintons, the secret deals, and how the FBI uses the “second interview” to change testimony. All done by a Brit, who Christopher Hitchens held in the highest regard.
Also “Hell To Pay”.
I came across this Clinton body count list last week, it probably needs to be updated by now.
this is better than just saying 50 odd people connected to the Clintons have died. I’d wanted to see how closely they were connected and how the death benefited the Clintons. It mentions it in some but not all.
Here’s the original Gavin McInnes article I got the link from.
thanks. I dont doubt the Clintons have done shady stit when it comes to their financial dealings, taking under the table payments, using undue influence to get their way, etc, but having a couple of hitmen on speed dial and that their political enemies are not digging into these associates dropping dead, that gets harder to believe. I need to see more specific info.
The Clintons are criminals along with most of the democrat leadership. There needs to be a purge.
What I don’t understand is why people seem so shocked that leading politicians of any party are criminals. That is the definition of the job. The fact that we have the interrubes now and it is harder for them to whitewash their bullshit by owning network news isn’t a shock. My grandfather new that politicians were criminals and liars back when there was 3 tv stations and 11pm network broadcast would sign off.
Finding out that there is crime and bodies underneath political dynasties is roughly as shocking as when I find out that young NBA players buy very expensive automobiles
It’s not shock that they’re criminals, at least not for me, it’s shock at how fucking open they are about it and how openly corrupt the system is when it comes to treating them as mafia overlords. Sure, most all other politicians have a skeleton in the closet, no question, but generally they try to keep it under wraps as much as possible. The Clintons just smile and flip us the bird out in the open.
It would seem that way huh. The thing is, it seems that it is working. There is no incentive for them not to do this if doing it consistently leads to success.
It’s going to lead to something much more dire, if the talk I hear at the range is any indication. There’s hating a politician because of his politics, or because he’s a race baiting idiot more into basketball brackets than actually trying to do something useful, but it’s quite another thing to look at a woman who has a trail of dead bodies behind her and think “Something needs done about this”.
yup. This also sounds likely. However, who is to blame here? I mean, at least partially we have to blame a populace that has, time and time again, over the course of decades, not just avoided punishing bad behavior but has fucking incentivized it. I mean, what reason would they have NOT to be criminals? They have met with more and more success at each turn.
The guys on the range are not philosophers nor concerned with over analysis. What they see is a clearly mafia type person with a trail of blood behind her. The “well, doesn’t society come into play for letting it get this far” never gets brought up.
The guys on the range should, if they care about the issue, think about what conditions allow this to happen.
They’re more doers than anything else. And frankly I think a lot of us gun types already know that things have gotten to the point where society allows and condones this. It’s the simmering anger that we have to continue to abide by this and allow it that gets them riled.
I really don’t see good things for this mafia witch.
Time will tell. She certainly has bad things coming but more often than not the idea that people get their comeuppance is not really true.
ALso, I had to think why “gun types” were related to a range. Ha. I didn’t get the connection at first.
I’m not shocked that politicians on both sides of politics are dirty and corrupted by lobbyists, and as you say may have a skeleton in the closet, but when it comes to having people bumped off and numerous times, its taking it to a new level of sinister/evil. I don’t believe the msm is all left controlled and covering up for the Clinton’s. If they can hype the shit out of something they will. Look at the media frenzy over the Monica bjs. I’m sure they have covered their tracks reasonably well in some of their shady financial dealings. Bill having lots of extramarital sex, like no shock there for many people, and for me it doesn’t detract from the person being a worthwhile leader (as long as they discreet about it). As for the Mena airport being used for drug running, well if it was a CIA operation, then it would have gone over his jurisdiction as a local governor. Chances are he would have known about it, maybe got kickbacks, special favors.
Out in the open, there is always hope with a scope if it bugs you that much
Clintons are literally hitler.
.for real this time
Even a quick Google search reveals that the Clinton’s have been involved in a long line of scandals dating back to the 70’s.
They just keep coming one after the other and somehow they always stay sufficiently clean to get away with it. I don’t know how they do it but I do know that id never vote for a Clinton.
It’s not possible to watch “news” anymore. Even the business channels are stuffed with socialist commentary about how “wonderful” Hillary would be for markets. What a laugh, GDP is less than 2% per year, AFTER a recession…only in America can a depression be called a “recovery.” Hillary will be the end of the nation as we know it, and for those of you who say, “they’re all the same, and it won’t matter who’s President,” I ONLY have to point to California after the Reagan-Kennedy immigration “deal.” Trump is the only choice for me.
Already knew all of this stuff, but it’s sobering to see it all listed out. I honestly do wish painful, protracted deaths on the both of them, as well as on anyone who ever voted for either of them.
More recently, Bill was connected to convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein. As reported by The Daily Mail:
Bill Clinton spent enough time aboard disgraced Wall Street mogul Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ airplane that he should be eligible for frequent flyer miles, according to a shocking new report that reveals how often the former U.S. president road along with with the convicted sex offender. Flight logs reviewed by Fox News show Clinton took 26 trips aboard Epstein’s Boeing 727 jet, more than double the 11 flights previously known. Epstein’s jet was reportedly set up with a bed where guests had group sex with young girls.
Sorry but how “young” were these girls? don’t be like the feminazis who knee-jerk about “young” ages here just to “virtue signal” our movement. If it’s younger than “18” it is shocking in feminazi America but it isn’t in many other places. Now if it’s like 10 or so it’s a different thing.
Its simple, guys. Hillary was a square throughout her childhood and high school. People like that tend to have a hard time getting over this part of life. When the bitch finally achieved a position of power, she got drunk on it.
Btw, the daily mail uk had an article today stating that the Vince Foster files have vanished from the national archives.
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“Dropped a barbell on his throat”
Do you even lift, bruh?
Hillary Rodham Clinton is the HR Candidate. To win this election we need to circumvent HR. This blog post explains how to do it :
How to Crack HR
Does it really suprise u the American people act like sheeps i mean people these days are either very dumb to real world issues or just giant pussies
Dialogue from “The Godfather.”
Michael: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.
Kay: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don’t have men killed.
Michael: Oh. Who’s being naive, Kay?
…”Arkancide” is what happens when you cross the Clintons..
By putting nearly unlimited power into the hands of government, we have vritually required every sociopath and criminal to make a beeline to take that power.
This is the real reason power mist be taken put of government and SUFFRAGE TO WOMEN MUST BE REPEALED.
Women are not actors, they are wealth, by giving them the vote, we are giving a resource the power to choose who to go, which means every spciopath will make it his mission in life to convince said reousrce to go with him.
Imagine if we gave cows the “right” to belong to whichever rancher they wanted. Obviously cattle thieves would start using tricks to get cows to go with them. Giving women the vote is much the same.
Danney Williams still claims to be Bill Clinton’s illegitimate son to this day ??
Slicky Willy had mumps as a young man & is sterile !! Chelsea is not his daughter, doesn’t even look anything about him ?? So Danney , your claim is just pure bovine excrement !
Which media sources used the term TrooperGate?