What I Learned From Banging 5 Girls In 7 Days

I feel sorry for Bronan and Nate, because they had to listen to me bitch and moan through what I now call “The great dry spell of 2013.” I went for over two months without a new or even a repeat notch – the longest dry spell in Thatch post-red pill history. It was brutal, and my anti-porn/anti-fapping policy went out the window in less than two weeks.

I won’t be specific for privacy reasons, but I don’t live in a city known for attractive women. It’s not in any way uncommon to go out barhopping all weekend long and only see two or maybe three bangable girls without a ring on their finger. They marry young here, divorce early, and then remarry instantaneously. The typical set in my city is one girl, her man who she started dating in high school (but still somehow managed to rack up 50 notches), and two of his beta friends trying to be cool in their ill-fitting JC Penny suits and fedoras. Bar game is a bitch-and-a-half here, so I day game almost exclusively. Even then, “What high school did you go to/are you one of Linda’s friends?” is the second sentence out of their mouths right after “I’m engaged.”

I dropped my phone.

I got a new phone.

What’s this iCloud thing?

Oh. It’s that thing that turned 197 phone contacts into 231 contacts. Numbers from girls I hadn’t seen or talked to in months or years repopulated on my phone.

About 20 texts to 20 different girls later, I had a date the following night that turned into a bang. She was a repeat so it wasn’t a +1, but at least I had ended my dry spell.

In all, I banged 3 repeats that week. Then, as if the day game prospects I had churned up could sense my success through their fem antenna, I picked up a +1 and got an unsolicited text from another. A few nights later, another +1.

So how about a little brutal honesty? Let me just dump it all into this article so the haters can rip Thatch a new asshole. I know some of you have just been waiting, so here’s your chance to armchair alpha in the comments section as I write things that go against traditional manosphere teachings.

Here’s what I learned beta beta beta betabetabetabeta beta beta beta beta betabetabeta:

I. Scarcity mentality is counterproductive, but scarcity itself is a fact that we often overlook in the Manosphere.

I just told you how it’s nearly impossible to meet single women in my city, and then I followed it up with how I banged a handful of them. But gentlemen, I’m older-but-not-old, my career choices have paid off, and I live in an uppity building in the heart of the city. Had I written this article 10 years ago in my early 20’s and lived in this poon-forsaken city, the whole article would have been about how I still haven’t broken my dry spell.

For those of you living out in a cornfield somewhere or in a rural town where the only thing on anybody’s mind under the age of 30 is literally “My god, I either have to get married or get the hell out of here,” don’t give too much credence to the AMOG keyboard jockeys who slam you the moment you talk about how rare it is to see an attractive woman – not just without a boyfriend – but without a diamond on her finger. Yeah, they’re both cheating on each other and they’ll be married and divorced in about 3 years, but the price of admission to that party is being married or engaged yourself. I call it mutually assured destruction game.

True, there’s got to be at least a handful of attractive single women around, and I insist you can find and bang them, but don’t beat yourself up for not grabbing a different +1 every other weekend. Depending on your age, location and resources, you may be in a situation where one decent-looking +1 per year followed by an LTR constitutes age and resources-appropriate game.

Just be honest with yourself when you assess your surroundings and your level of game. Don’t let the man version of the hamster convince you that your lack of poon is beyond your control. But I am painfully aware that the effort I put in here to pick up a +1 would have triple or quadruple the yield in other cities I’ve lived in – and I understand the same may go for you. Don’t beat yourself up too much over these AMOG comments if you’re living in Splitbritches Arkansas and don’t even see (much less bang) 5 hotties per month. My guess is that over 90% of those guys are full of shit anyway.

II. They’re all the same, and I’m tired of the game.

I’m going on my 5th year of writing in the manosphere. It does my heart good to see people quote my old personas in the comments section, and even more good when they quote something I said four years ago to completely trash something I said in a current article.

Some of the people who hate me the most are also my biggest fans. Heh.

A central theme in my writing over the years has been “they’re all the same.” I wrote this way because they are largely all the same in key ways, plus it really pisses women off when I say it, and it really pisses off beta fucktards when I say it bout their wives or girlfriends.

But when the day comes that you’ve banged every type of woman on the planet – rich, poor, good, bad, corporate, homebody, party, church, educated, dumb, funny, serious, political, clueless, etc. – you realize that “they’re all the same” isn’t something you just write in the manosphere to piss everybody off. It truly is like dating the same goddamn woman over and over and over and over again – just in a different body.

Bronan can back me up on this because we’ve discussed it ad nauseam: I told him I was going to double down, end my dry spell, and pick up a few +1’s so I could call it quits while I still had the mojo to go out while banging more girls in one week than most betas will in a lifetime.

I pulled it off, I have the pictures to prove it, and I’m fucking done with this mess. I’m sure I’ll change my mind in about three or four months, but for now, I’m over this shit. If you’re a betting man, you’d be wise to put money on my return looking more like a serial monogamist than a player. This is not because I’m ready to settle down, but rather because I’m just flat-out tired of chasing ass all the time.

III. I now understand why men get married.

Marriage is risky, however, I can see why men who get to my point in life say “fuck it” and take a walk down the aisle.

Even if it’s easy for you to get laid, it’s not *that* easy, and eventually you’ll tire of the whole rapid mating charade. When that happens, it’s much easier to fool yourself into thinking she’s special so that you can settle down and stop working hard to keep women interested. By the time you figure out that reasoning is severely and fundamentally flawed, you’re screwed.  But if you perceive your level of screwdness to be more tolerable than the pain-in-the-ass of chasing tail forever, you really may become a “happily” married man.

I get it now. It’s like eating steak for so long that a gas station hotdog actually sounds good.

IV. I’m running out of things to say.

Like I said, I’ve been writing in the mansophere for a long time, and I’m losing my passion for writing about game because it’s not new anymore. Take this article for example; I banged 5 women, three of which I’d be proud as fuck to post their photos, and the other two were bangable by any reasonable man’s standards – yet this article offers zero game tips. But what on earth can I possibly say that hasn’t been said 500,000 times already?

It’s also becoming increasingly rare for me to bang a girl younger than 25, so I’m losing touch with what the younger guys need to hear. About 5 months ago I tagged a girl shortly before her 21st birthday, but all of my other lays in the past several years have been in the 25 to 32 year old age range.  I don’t know what the next generation of guys need to hear, because the 18 – 22 year old girl crop is much harder to deal with than any of the chicks in my rotation. Just a few weeks ago I was playing tennis with my nieces and their girlfriends, and I remember thinking how much more advanced their status whoring and shit testing skills are than even the 27 – 32 year old attorney chicks I’ve dated. The oldest of that bunch was 15 if memory serves, and these are the “good ones” even by manosphere standards.

Christ almighty I pity your sons. I really, really do.

V. My writing is starting to suck.

These days I just ramble. When I look back at my old work and see the passion I once had about sharing new experiences and concepts I learned, it puts my current writing to shame. Look how long this damn article is. It’s going to be 2,000 words before I’m done with it, and I haven’t said anything new or noteworthy.


The bottom line is that what I learned from banging 5 girls in 7 days is that I don’t give a shit if I bang 5 girls in 7 days ever again. It’s too much work, there’s zero return on investment outside of an hour or two of carnal pleasure, and the moment I bust a nut, I can’t stand the sound of her voice or having her in my personal space. The sad thing is that the vast majority of them are actually pretty nice gals, but once they start in on me with the “OMG I never ever do this!” talk, a portion of what little bit of soul I have left dies.

I know too much. I’ve seen, done and heard too much. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but it’s really starting to become a drag.  I cannot stand being lied to or being snowflaked on as if I’m some retarded beta with a diamond in his pocket just waiting for the perfect finger. The fact that they actually believe their own bullshit just makes it worse.

I think I’ve finally come to the place where I prefer to be lied to by one woman at a time.

It’s been fun, gentlemen. I’ve fucked half your wives and all your daughters and don’t regret a minute of it – but I’m officially sending my player jersey to the rafters of the Manosphere Dome.

Read Next: Why You Think She’s The One

144 thoughts on “What I Learned From Banging 5 Girls In 7 Days”

  1. Nice post!
    I have just found your articles on this website so I hope you are not done with writing…
    Anyway recently I am hearing all to often from my player friends “I am tired of the game”, truth to be said I am in a relationship and thiking the same since few months now…

  2. I found this to be a mirror of what I’ve come to learn in the past year. These days a girl has to go out of her way to impress me for me to be interested and for me to even be thinking about (somewhat) committing, she has to come from a traditional family and be a daddy’s girl. That’s the only formula for success with monogamous relationships that I’ve come by.

  3. Man that was kind of depressing. Even considered going to either Central America. parts of the south or heading to south east asia. A lot more bangs for your effort there.

      1. No, not at all; real intimacy, real respect, real caring, and a real sex life with one person for the rest of your life are hallmarks of real maturity and real manhood.
        Be honest, getting laid is easy – *keeping* someone in your life the rest of your life and keeping **them** interested in laying you every day is the MUCH harder challenge. (Middle age is a bitch, trust me)
        Boys chase pussy, men capture – and keep – relationships.

        1. Ok then, I see where you’re coming from.
          I just don’t have much interest in that either. Relationships are for raising offspring. I’m not the fatherly type, so when I say LTR, I’m talking about 6 months max.

        2. Getting laid is not easy, if it was everyone would do it. That’s one of the main problem when girls ask, “why can’t we sleep around too?”. The reason is simple, a key that opens any lock is a master key, a lock that is opened by any key is a faulty lock. They just assume that we are playing the same field, but we are not. All they have to do is spread their legs, we have to do much more.

        3. Aaron Karo had the rule that if he was dating a girl for less than 6 months, she wasn’t his ‘girlfriend’, no matter how exclusive or not.
          Of course, at my age and level of (in)experience, I’m afraid of relationships, last thing I want is to get in too deep with a girl and then get screwed over because I don’t have enough experience to know what a girl is doing. Otherwise I’m not one for mate guarding.

        4. I’ve never had that problem – getting laid for me was easy – but, like the article, it got very old after the numbers stacked up a while. The true challenge was keeping it interesting. ( I’m a redhead so that might have something to with it)

        5. It’s not hard for me either, just like dribbling thru 5 defenders isn’t hard for Lionel Messi, or jumping over 2 NBA professional players isn’t hard for Lebron. My point is that it isn’t a generally easy thing to do, have a random guy do what Messi and Lebron do and ask him if it is easy.

        6. Oh come now, Faust, the difference between pulling pussy and playing the NBA is so great it’s folly to compare the two. The NBA is a highly selective organization that most will never get into and there are those who train extremely hard and still never make it in.
          Getting laid, however, is something that every man can do given they put forth the work into improving themselves. If getting laid was truly that difficult our species would’ve gone extinct years ago.

  4. I’m guessing you live where I do and if that’s the case then I understand exactly what you mean when you say that it’s possible to go 2-3 days without seeing a possible prospect and I’m 10 years younger than you are.
    Then when you finally do find a chick you think who is a nice girl she drops the “I don’t usually do this” line and you’re just like why do I even bother..
    Females are all the same whether they like to hear it or not.
    Good article as always..
    Hopefully one day I can become a writer on here

  5. what a pity. you were one of the better writers.
    i recommend viagra. or a redhead.

  6. Comprehension check time: The reason why people get troubled with the line of “all women are the same” is the need that to see such a girl to not be trash. “All women are the same” then to conjure an image of the sluttiest, skankest girl from memory and then applying to every girl in life. The logical conclusion is either ONS or celibate MGTOW. Of course anything from serial monogamy, traditional conservative, or even expat dislike the statement. Lines like “fool yourself into thinking she’s special” also imply the above interpretation.
    But the line doesn’t mean quite like that. It doesn’t mean there’s no truth in comparisons of quality of how women from Toronto versus the rest of the country vs Eastern Europe or somewhere else. It means all girls have buttons and behaviors that goes across all girls. All would say “I never do this” as in reflection as in all women want to not look slutty. All attraction is ground in some form of hypergamy even if it is express differently from girl to girl. A girl can be worth marrying, but it doesn’t mean she’s above everything. And a hard lesson is there for anyone who puts any girl on that pedestal.

    1. It’s a shame that it’s necessary to explain such an obvious concept in detailed terms, but I’m glad you did.
      There is a core that is every woman. There are traits exhibited by every woman. Some emphasize the good more than the bad, and those are the good girls. The bad ones, well you get the idea.
      There’s a completely used up whore out there who can deeply love you. There’s a sweet virgin church girl out there who will cheat on you under the right circumstances.
      We’re all just playing the odds. In the end, you can be loved or destroyed – and though you can influence her behavior through tight game and Alpha frame, in the end, the choice is hers, not yours.

      1. “In the end, you can be loved or destroyed – and though you can influence her behavior through tight game and Alpha frame, in the end, the choice is hers, not yours.” I agree! you can also do what my (alpha) husband did when he asked me to marry him, and tell your wife-to-be that you shall not tolerate any nonsense, inappropriate behavior around other men and tell her that if she cheats, she will find yourself shipped back to her parents in several separate Fedex containers. Even a woman of good character and good integrity takes note of a statement like that, its delivery and intent and resolves to live by it even if she never had a thought of doing otherwise. Of course you cannot discount the man’s confident and consistent frame over many, many years that he meant what he said, very precisely. He has never had to repeat it. Add to that what I’d consider to be a “tight game” and “alpha frame” and he gets pretty much what he wants, when he wants it and I do love helping him live the kind of life he wanted for himself. I hope a lot of you guys find a girl you can live with and marry. It’s a shame that you don’t believe that you will and have to spent so much time and effort with so many new “relationships” every day, every week, every month. It has to be exhausting.

        1. That’s a lot of words to say “they’re all the same except me.” Lolzolzzozloz.
          And for the record, comments like yours is what’s exhausting.

        2. Fair enough. The admin can feel free to erase it. I did think before posting, and usually I pass and just read. There is no way to say anything of any substance without this exact reaction. Or I haven’t figured out how to say it. Until I do I should simply read and learn. Thank you.

        3. Don’t sit there and tell us we can just do what your husband did.
          its a felony now.
          It may be a shame that we don’t believe we will find a girl we can truly invest in and trust
          It is more of a shame that we are largely correct.

        4. nah, it’s the men that are pussies….. for not putting the women in check….. the game has changed but you can put the women in her place…..
          you can mold a person, open them to you, and make them beholden to you…. and women are very much open to that.
          …. shit i’d love it if someone took care of me and took away some of my responsibility…. but i am a man i shoulder that….
          she just has to be educated…. this whole feminism thing and female independence is just a veneer…. you can’t change 200,000 years of genetics in a couple of decades….

        5. nah, it’s the men that are pussies….. for not putting the women in check….. the game has changed but you can put the women in her place…..
          you can mold a person, open them to you, and make them beholden to you…. and women are very much open to that.
          …. shit i’d love it if someone took care of me and took away some of my responsibility…. but i am a man i shoulder that….
          she just has to be educated…. this whole feminism thing and female independence is just a veneer…. you can’t change 200,000 years of genetics in a couple of decades….

        6. “Lolzolzzozloz”
          wait are you the lozolzzzolo guy that always used to post on chateau roissy/heartiste?

        7. No, I think you had some valid points. Just ignore those guys. I respect a woman that is secure enough to come into a place like this and say something that makes sense.

        8. mina, i thank you for your comments. perhaps you are the rare one that has the normal female traits but the left-thinking logical brain. if you were unmarried and didnt mention your husbands strict honesty, i would take your comments as ed did. however, you actually seem to be able to see that the concerns of your husband play an important factor in your own happiness, and in fact my x was much like this until she had a mid-life crisis and then completely imploded across the board, but she had a married aunt that lived as you suggest until her death. so i wish you the best in maintaining your proper charisma and your happy marriage. it is possible it is just rare in our “relativist” society, where happiness is always based on short-term thrill, and not longer-term success in elevated levels of thought, success, affection, etc. that run deeper than adrenaline bursts. i think this is part of what ed is running into… all of us usually hit some of this at some points in our life, some more than others; and then the sociopaths never experience any of it. im not gonna go 2000 words like ed though so ill leave it at that !! (-;

        9. It’s not about finding the right girl, or the right man, before you invest. People are not things. Love is the act of “investing”, committing, doing good things to another person, whether or not he or she deserves it.

    2. All women have the same attraction cues for men with alpha behaviors just like all men have the same attraction cues for women with fertile physical traits. Internalize this concept deep enough and your hang ups about finding “the one” and your Madonna/whore complex will disappear.

  7. Chasing women can be hard work if you don’t live in a place where true abundance exists. I live in a Southern shithole (for now) with a total population under 100,000, and while my job is great, the hotties are few and far between, and the legal yet unmarried ones even moreso. On top of that, I have to approach like a damn sniper in order to avoid burning through all the girls too quickly, or getting a bad reputation as a “creep” who is always approaching girls. You have no anonymity in a city this size, like you do in a place with a million+ population. Online game, tourists, and relationships/cheating with a stable harem are the only things that make this place livable. There isn’t even a university in town. After living here I can totally understand why 99% of guys just get married. It’s easy, and the path of least resistance, it guarantees them at least a little bit of action, hot girls are rare and to be held on to, and the typical guy has no game, which makes girls even more unobtainable.

  8. It’s lack of decent quality for me. I’m mired in a sea of mediocre looking women with boring personalities. When I see a truly beautiful woman, it’s like I’ve snorted crystal meth, I’m a different man, and all the effort suddenly seems worthwhile.

  9. Give us a few quick reports on 0 to bang on some of these girls. Especially the girl that texted you out the blue when you had already fucked a few others. How long did it take from meeting her to fucking her, and some of the others? Just curious.

  10. The candle that shines twice as bright, burns twice as fast. Although game seems to be a return to instincts to bring out your primal nature which will attract women, indeed studying more ‘primitive’ cultures and how men and women interact with each other gives genuine insight on how to culture attraction, let’s be honest, for the history of our species, anthrologically speaking, few men have had access to so much poon at any point of history and you have gone the extra distance in order to be able to help teach us.
    You were chasing the dragon.

  11. Sounds to me like you were doing what these MGTOW omegas always accuse PUAs of doing: making women the focus of your life (for a week at least). Perhaps you went into crazy PUA mode because of your dry spell and this is you burning out?

    1. Perhaps. But as usual, it’s a number of factors. Business travel, work, the age range of the women (they’re all ready to settle down now), etc etc.

      1. good escort, exclusive escort, sugar daddy, how about rent a wife ? that might catch on :-)~
        the players, the game…. i mean imagine moving house every weekend…… even if you got free rent it would be crap…….. sure people live in hotels and jump about the world, but most have somewhere to come home to…. something they are building on and investing in……
        just the same with girls…. new one every weekend is crap….. hopping long term relationships can work, but where are you going to get out ? every year ? every two years ? that sounds like a ticket to ending up lost and lonely or stuck with the wrong one, because you didn’t bail soon enough….
        women are good at sucking guys into more than they bargained for…. accidental pregnancy, shared leases, shared furniture, start building a house together…etc….. LTR gets complicated quite easily…..
        it’s not so easily… grass is greener… i’ve done 4 LTR, 4-5 years each….. not easy and a lot of investment lost to change out….

  12. Luckily in todays day and age relationships fail. so you can take a year off to to LTR then go back to banging sloots once it fails.

    1. This guy gets it. I plan to swing from LTR to LTR like a champ, but it’s nice to know I can have one of my trademark changes of heart if I so choose.

      1. Players are easier to not hate if they stick to short-term relationships, allowing women to avoid them easily, and making the female participants obvious participants, not victims. But now you intend to lead women on over and over, maybe having them thinking your exclusivity means something, the moments you spend together mean something they don’t, thinking you’re not planning to leave from the getgo, manipulating them the whole time, because you’re bored with casual sex, and tired of the effort? Good god, every human is an animal, with commonalities to other humans. Do you read about adventure and go,pfft, pathetic, how many other people have gone on adventures? The nature of human to be “thrilled” by challenging themselves and rising above. Like clockwork, another person exhibited commonalities. Which, makes the magic of the adventure less, and the person less. It dehumanizes everyone to me. So, I’m going to steal that guy’s wallet. He’s just an animal. So women share commonalities? We’re all the same (it’s not like IQ, or the big 5 personality traits exhibit a whole range, or anything. We’re the same game, and when you beat one of us, there’s no more challenge, mystery, excitement… Men vary greatly, though. Oh, wait, they don’t. That’s why I’m thin. Guess I should be bored and hurt a good man.) We’re all the same in the ways of interest to you. Doesn’t mean we can’t trust truly and cry deeply. Each twin still feels its own life as an individual would. … It’s fascinating to hear people be honest. But, disturbing, too. Viva manhood.

        1. Why is it that none of the chicks who post here understand what a paragraph is for?
          See? This is why I can lead them on and not think a thing of it. One big preachy paragraph? Kiss 6 months of your relationship life goodbye.
          Seems perfectly reasonable to me.

        2. women can fake orgasms.
          men can fake whole relationships.
          Seriously, “anonymous”, if a woman doesn’t verify a man’s intentions up front, but assumes them, and then sleeps with him without verifying-
          she has no one to blame but herself. That’s part of the upside and reason of “no sex outside of marriage” but women who want to eschew that approach and dive into the sexual arena are going to get hurt just like everyone else who doesn’t opt for the protection of skipping the carousel for marriage.
          Ride the carousel, pay the fare.

  13. What’s interesting to me here is how almost MTGOW you sound. The subtext of this whole article is that the work you put in isn’t worth the return on investment.
    I know single older guys who have just completely have given up on women and dating. They’ve been married and divorced, in and out of relationships and never been a PUA or anything like that.
    Then there’s a theme among manosphere writers lately that chasing tail isn’t worth it. Roosh’s tweets in particularly lately have been saying this.
    I myself have been dating and while there’s delusion in both sexes, today’s women are off the charts. They are mostly vapid and devoid of any substance, and they sit there and expect you to do all the work and entertain them. The idea that they have to have game is foreign to them as they’ve been told their entire lives that they are little princesses and that is still reinforced to this day in the mass media.
    Whether you’re a PUA or a beta who is sick of the way women act, it seems as if more and more men are coming to the conclusion that women are just not worth the trouble, and success rate on picking them up has little to do with it. Says a lot about our current situation as a society.

    1. “Then there’s a theme among manosphere writers lately that chasing tail isn’t worth it. Roosh’s tweets in particularly lately have been saying this.”
      Have you noticed it’s coming from guys who already has plowed through a ton of tail?

      1. Im not a MGTOW hater at all, but the idea of being tired of a race someone else ran is a little odd to me.
        And I used to think MGTOW meant MGTOW. I’m hearing now that’s not the same anymore. I need to look it up.

        1. TESTING IS FUN, BUT INVESTING IS BETTER……. The richest guy in the markets is Warren Buffet, not some smart ass day trader.

        2. TESTING IS FUN, BUT INVESTING IS BETTER……. The richest guy in the markets is Warren Buffet, not some smart ass day trader.

        3. well obviously you have to invest in yourself first and a part of that is learning game and learning about women and bedding a bunch of them so you know what you like in and out of the bedroom…..
          but you can’t just do that forever… shit even hugh heffener appreciates the benefits of having regular girls… if it was better just banging random ones for ever why did he choose regulars to live in his mansion ? doh !… he could have had a different one each day his whole life…..
          you can’t eat in the drive through every night, of course you’ll feel sick…. invest in a fridge and some kitchen tools and some culinary skills……

        4. well obviously you have to invest in yourself first and a part of that is learning game and learning about women and bedding a bunch of them so you know what you like in and out of the bedroom…..
          but you can’t just do that forever… shit even hugh heffener appreciates the benefits of having regular girls… if it was better just banging random ones for ever why did he choose regulars to live in his mansion ? doh !… he could have had a different one each day his whole life…..
          you can’t eat in the drive through every night, of course you’ll feel sick…. invest in a fridge and some kitchen tools and some culinary skills……

        5. i hope not because my daughter is only 6…. lol…… just saying it how it is man…. isn’t the truth a bitch…. people never like to hear it in black and white….. hell i’m only just figuring it out myself…..

        6. MGTOW doesn’t equate with ‘sexless Beta’….don’t listen to the haters. It just means you do what is best for YOU, and fuck anyone that doesn’t like it.

        7. Dear Mr. Thatch,
          I thoroughly enjoy reading your witty articles and comments (I am actually rereading everything that you’ve written on RoK tonight). There is no doubt that you are my favourite writer on this website.
          If a girl ever demonstrated your sense of humor at my dates, I’d be seriously chuffed and would consider her marriage material
          Although I understand your reasons for stopping to write, I sincerely hope that we will hear from you in the future (even if it is just one article, in which you share with us what happened. Did you have monogamous relationships? Did you take the risk and marry? Did you focus on yourself (i.e. Post-PUA MGTOW, where you don’t make women your priority anymore, but still have sex). Basically what happened to you?
          I am 31 right now. Having read your articles, I feel that I share many of your thoughts and there is a feeling of longing (“Sehnsucht”) for reading more of your writing.
          Having had my fair share of women, I am growing tired of their entitlement, and the work I have to put in to seduce them. At the moment I think it is best for me to follow my passions, i.e. travel, learn new languages and improve my existing ones and read some great books written in the past.
          You were right: Most young women today are annoying. I haven’t yet given up hope completely, but know that it will be a Sisyphean
          task to find a good one, with whom I would like to be in a committed relationship.
          Anyway, I am starting to ramble…thank you for your articles! They have meant a lot to me.

      2. Yup. It takes experience to realize that women are mostly all the same, that they tell the same lies, that often the notch is not worth the drama, and that you’re relieved when they get dressed and leave quietly.

      3. Yup. It takes experience to realize that women are mostly all the same, that they tell the same lies, that often the notch is not worth the drama, and that you’re relieved when they get dressed and leave quietly.

      4. The conversations are absolutely inane. I’m 42, and seem to date in the 25-33 range, with the occasional experiment in my own age group to test the (unproven) theory that older women are better lovers.
        If I don’t use Game to steer the conversation, and leave the woman to her own intellectual devices, I’ll usually hear some combination of these topics:
        – obvious fishing for compliments to raise or reinforce her value / status;
        – mention of exes to raise her value, not realising it’s lowering it;
        – the interpersonal relationship dramas of her circle of friends and family;
        – celebrities;
        – clothes / shopping;
        – television / film;
        – her future hopes and dreams, always unrealistic and fantasy-based compared to her perceived, not actual, value;
        – books. Either Oprah-approved, or Harry Potter / Twilight; doesn’t matter which age group;
        – either hints or confessed belief in some kind of unproven belief system: astrology; angel guides; psychics; ghosts etc to prove she’s a special and unique snowflake.

  14. PIcking up new tail is easy compared to finding a worthy partner. The rewards for picking up new tail are small and fleeting, but the reward for finding a worthy partner is huge and lasting.
    The real scarcity thinking is the belief that there are no worthy partners anywhere to be found. I see that thinking all over the manosphere.
    To find a worthy partner, FIRST you have to BE one.
    You can fake having “high value” with bar-talk bullshit long enough to get into somebody’s bed for a night using “game” sometimes, but to maintain a relationship with someone truly worthy you must actually HAVE “high value.” You can’t fake it.
    If all you’re getting is superficial phonies, maybe that’s because superficial phoniness is all you are bringing to the table in the first place.
    The good news is that nature abhors a vacuum. If you are really a high value man and you don’t let yourself get sucked into LTRs with losers, the right person will come.

    1. EXACTLY RIGHT !!!!… and it’s not about the women being crap, it’s about the men who don’t know how to invest in a woman properly, how to keep a woman long term, and how to deal with her BS long term. That is a another skill….
      Think of a player like a guy who has a handgun and can pop a few bullets, but an Alpha Wolf married guy like Bruce Lee…. a master at his craft….

    2. EXACTLY RIGHT !!!!… and it’s not about the women being crap, it’s about the men who don’t know how to invest in a woman properly, how to keep a woman long term, and how to deal with her BS long term. That is a another skill….
      Think of a player like a guy who has a handgun and can pop a few bullets, but an Alpha Wolf married guy like Bruce Lee…. a master at his craft….

  15. “But when the day comes that you’ve banged every type of woman on the
    planet – rich, poor, good, bad, corporate, homebody, party, church,
    educated, dumb, funny, serious, political, clueless, etc. – you realize
    that “they’re all the same” isn’t something you just write in the
    manosphere to piss everybody off. It truly is like dating the same
    goddamn woman over and over and over and over again – just in a
    different body.”
    This is my favorite thing you’ve written in a while. It’s definitely true. You teach yourself to stop caring because you really don’t see the big deal about it anymore.
    P.S Anybody who makes it out to be the best thing in the world probably hasn’t lost their V-card yet. And If they have, then they probably haven’t fucked a chick who didn’t look like an extra from Star Wars. I used to see plenty of these types rolling around claiming they got more bitches than everybody as if that meant shit.
    A lot of those ‘bitches’ were ugly as fuck to me but that’s another story

  16. Wow, 5 skanks in 7 days way to go dude, congratulations on your HPV.
    You sound just like the men who you and your ilk shamed for just not bothering with women. Now you’re trying to make the case that it’s somehow different for you because it took you 10 years to figure out what some guys knew from the beginning or what any man with half a brain could easily figure out, I guess intelligence and reasoning are not part of your “Alpha Frame.”
    In Edward Thatches mind…
    “I’ve fucked half your wives and all your daughters and don’t regret a minute of it –”
    In reality
    You’ve been doing “day game” for years, which is the art of walking up to women and asking what shampoo they use whilst trying to convey the body posture off an effeminate rapist. You’ve been walking up to ugly chicks on the street giving them all kinds of attention just for having a vagina, you’re the ultimate beta, guys who sit at home all day and play X-box have nothing on you, you’re that endangered species which started in 2000 with your cult leader Neil Strauss known as pussy pedastallius maximus.
    Just the like feminist contortionist cunts there are many posters in the manosphere who seem to stick their finger in the air too see which way the wind is blowing and then spout out an ideology based on that, and it appears the wind changed sometime last year. Now that PUA and “Game” are no longer the money making catch phrases they once were and are now more associated with effeminate men with mummy issues, I guess your retirement is the most logical move now that you’ve finally had enough of drinking Mystery’s warm jizz.

    1. Yes, we get it. You think having sex is a very, very bad thing.
      Will you kindly go away now, pretty please?

  17. Crazy talk. Girls are awesome. They smell pretty and do nice things for you.
    Hell, you’re average dude on this earth is an interchangeable sheeple as well. 90% of all humans are interchangeable sheeple. You have to stop wasting time plowing the 90% and start plowing the remaining 10%.

  18. Crazy talk. Girls are awesome. They smell pretty and do nice things for you.
    Hell, you’re average dude on this earth is an interchangeable sheeple as well. 90% of all humans are interchangeable sheeple. You have to stop wasting time plowing the 90% and start plowing the remaining 10%.

    1. … who will have higher standards than the other 90%. You might as well believe they’re all interchangeable. Even the hottest women out there. There’s a saying that it doesn’t matter how hot a woman is, there’s always a man out there that’s tired of her.

    2. … who will have higher standards than the other 90%. You might as well believe they’re all interchangeable. Even the hottest women out there. There’s a saying that it doesn’t matter how hot a woman is, there’s always a man out there that’s tired of her.

  19. This was exactly my argument against the player mentality, ultimately you’ll find yourself in no where land… or as they said in Californication, “drowning in a sea of pointless pussy”.
    Date lays are crap because it takes a while to know someone’s body well, and the best sex is not with a condom and involves some skills that your average 20 something doesn’t have. It requires some investment, effort and time to mold a woman.
    Thatch matey, first you need to cheer yourself up.
    Find yourself an A grade escort and visit her regularly.
    You’ll need to do the leg work until you find a good one, but when you do ….
    She’ll have skills you only dreamed of, give you massages and orgasms better than any disco tart, and probably cost you about the same in the long run.
    There are women that think of sex like men do and they really enjoy fucking, but the good ones made a career out of it.
    You can visit her when you want and fuck her exactly the way you want, and better still, other than telling her what you want, you don’t have to say a word to her.
    That is your first investment. And it’s an investment in yourself, because all that time you waste hanging about chatting crap with air headed tarts, you can now put into something more real. Like making money, or learning some cool manly skills.
    Later, if you are cashed up set up an escort to be exclusive or find a sugar baby, 50 shades of gray style and train her up.
    Ultimately most women behave like whores anyway, so why kid yourself.
    Players only fool themselves that they are getting something for free, and getting so called ‘notches’.
    It’s good experience, but without investment, in the long run, you’re not going to find the quality you want.
    The average guy settles for a wife (and perhaps the odd escort as a treat). The smarter one with some money to play with invests in one or two women, makes them beholden to him, and lifts them out of gameland by investing in them. There are probably better ways to do that than get married, as I mentioned above.
    It’s not that your over women, it’s that the quality is not there. That’s the problem of being a player, a tester not an investor.
    Game is for young guys, that think women are such a conquest, for young guys that want to play the field and for those who’ve been roughed up in relationships getting their own back on the female sex.
    Investment is for the the connoisseur, for the man who knows what he likes and what he wants.
    Think of it like this. You can drink cheap wine for $3 a bottle, or you can pick a $50 bottle and really enjoy it. You can buy tins of beer for $1, or pickup a 12 year old whiskey and appreciate it.
    Young guys (especially in the US) don’t know shit about appreciating true quality. You get older and you get more particular. That’s not depressing, it’s growing.
    Now you have all the experience and you know all the types, pick a type you really like, go looking for a girl you can mold and grow with and one that is open to your authority.
    What is the point of learning game and getting authority over women, if you just waste it in the end….
    A player saying he is bored of women because he had so many, is a like a guy that owns a hand gun and just blasts out the window every night.
    The point of having game is to use it….. and then limit it and create direction…..

  20. This was exactly my argument against the player mentality, ultimately you’ll find yourself in no where land… or as they said in Californication, “drowning in a sea of pointless pussy”.
    Date lays are crap because it takes a while to know someone’s body well, and the best sex is not with a condom and involves some skills that your average 20 something doesn’t have. It requires some investment, effort and time to mold a woman.
    Thatch matey, first you need to cheer yourself up.
    Find yourself an A grade escort and visit her regularly.
    You’ll need to do the leg work until you find a good one, but when you do ….
    She’ll have skills you only dreamed of, give you massages and orgasms better than any disco tart, and probably cost you about the same in the long run.
    There are women that think of sex like men do and they really enjoy fucking, but the good ones made a career out of it.
    You can visit her when you want and fuck her exactly the way you want, and better still, other than telling her what you want, you don’t have to say a word to her.
    That is your first investment. And it’s an investment in yourself, because all that time you waste hanging about chatting crap with air headed tarts, you can now put into something more real. Like making money, or learning some cool manly skills.
    Later, if you are cashed up set up an escort to be exclusive or find a sugar baby, 50 shades of gray style and train her up.
    Ultimately most women behave like whores anyway, so why kid yourself.
    Players only fool themselves that they are getting something for free, and getting so called ‘notches’.
    It’s good experience, but without investment, in the long run, you’re not going to find the quality you want.
    The average guy settles for a wife (and perhaps the odd escort as a treat). The smarter one with some money to play with invests in one or two women, makes them beholden to him, and lifts them out of gameland by investing in them. There are probably better ways to do that than get married, as I mentioned above.
    It’s not that your over women, it’s that the quality is not there. That’s the problem of being a player, a tester not an investor.
    Game is for young guys, that think women are such a conquest, for young guys that want to play the field and for those who’ve been roughed up in relationships getting their own back on the female sex.
    Investment is for the the connoisseur, for the man who knows what he likes and what he wants.
    Think of it like this. You can drink cheap wine for $3 a bottle, or you can pick a $50 bottle and really enjoy it. You can buy tins of beer for $1, or pickup a 12 year old whiskey and appreciate it.
    Young guys (especially in the US) don’t know shit about appreciating true quality. You get older and you get more particular. That’s not depressing, it’s growing.
    Now you have all the experience and you know all the types, pick a type you really like, go looking for a girl you can mold and grow with and one that is open to your authority.
    What is the point of learning game and getting authority over women, if you just waste it in the end….
    A player saying he is bored of women because he had so many, is a like a guy that owns a hand gun and just blasts out the window every night.
    The point of having game is to use it….. and then limit it and create direction…..

    1. Let me boil this down.
      “If you’re a player, you’ll get burned out and get tired of chasing pussy. Then you’ll no choice but to get married and be exactly where I am now. But with more experience. And more money in your savings account. And my wife’s name on your bang list.”
      Me thinks it’s that last statement that gets guys like you all worked up. “Can’t have your cake and eat it too.”
      Watch me.

      1. That’s kinda funny, because the young player who suddenly discovers the right lines to say to a girl to get from the discobar to the bedroom in two hours straight, thought he was having his cake and eating it too….
        Now I’m telling you after 4 LTRs and 3 marriages, that jumping ship doesn’t work either, but hey… don’t listen to me… go spend another ten years to figure it out…
        then when you’re 50 if you’ve got any balls or money left you can try the sugar daddy model, which can be summarized as putting your balls on the line but maintaining absolute control.
        step into my world, reap the benefits of my world, and tolerate my terms… that’s what a man wants and that’s why the worlds most wealthy guys have harems….
        see what the player doesn’t understand is the term “pay peanuts, get monkeys”.
        you’re disappointed in the quality, but you invested in junk.

        1. Why would anyone listen to a guy who decided that marriage in America was a good decision, not once, but THREE times? lol

        2. Why would anyone listen to a guy who decided that marriage in America was a good decision, not once, but THREE times? lol

        3. who says i live in america gringo…. i left the sluts high and dry, didn’t pay them a penny… but ultimately i lost a lot more than cash… i lost those years….i lost the time i spent building something with that person…. it takes a while to recover from a relationship and you’ll find after 3-4 years in one, you lose your game ALOT!…. so then it takes time to come out and start all over again….
          you guys think you know it all because you can get some drunk slut home from the disco or wow some chica in a columbian coffee shop, big deal….. you’re wet behind the ears until you’ve done 3-4 years of hard time….

        4. italian, greek, argentinian… and i move about the world and there is no international divorce law… and they were young and i keep my money parked offshore and never bought real estate… catch me if you can….

        5. Hah, out of the whole world you picked perhaps women who are the top 3 craziest. Marry a Spaniard to win your prize.

        6. Now I’m telling you after 4 LTRs and 3 marriage
          seems to me like you should have learned some game.

        7. I thought American girls where the worst in your opinion, but it turns out they come in 4th? I’d love to know how you came to the conclusion that Greeks are one of the top 3 craziest women on the whole world?

        8. I didn’t do a 10 year boner research on women of the world, and generally those kinds of stereotypes are BS. latin women tend to be more home orientated and less feminist in terms of careers and competing with men. I’ve lived and worked in 10 countries, visas, the lot. It makes break ups a lot easier when you know you won’t run into the person once a week in the grocery isle, and they were hardly traditional marriages, no suburban homes and big divorces.
          All i know about spain is it’s full of the most arrogant people i ever met, that treat the place like a garbage dump leaving old fridges and stoves at the side of the freeway, and last time i went through madrid airport through the security guards confiscated my liquor and took me in a back room and punched me in the ribs, and broke my sunglasses, so lets just say spain is not my favorite place.
          the mayor of one town sold himself 50EU, of national park land for real estate development and the poor pensioners had to tear their houses down…. that’s all you have to know about spain….
          i’d rather marry a Kazakstani goat than a spainard.

        9. i always had game, one of the best games is asking a foreign girl to marry you and moving with her to a foreign country that neither of you come from. it makes you captain of the ship instantly and makes break ups so much easier…. hard alpha mechanics work just as well as player semantics….
          what astounds me most about this article is that young guys on here are like oh wow you slept with 5 girls in one week… shit, i’d have sex with my wife 2-3 times a day…. 7 days a week, it’s so much easier when you have them under the same roof in the privacy of your own home.
          the sheer time you take up getting ready to go out and calling girls back and dragging them all over town, just so you can wet your whistle for 5 minutes…. who you fooling…. one cunt is more or less the same as the next….
          possession is 9/10th the law… and parking one under your own roof can be stressful, but it’s a hell of a lot easier than chasing them all over town….

      2. That’s kinda funny, because the young player who suddenly discovers the right lines to say to a girl to get from the discobar to the bedroom in two hours straight, thought he was having his cake and eating it too….
        Now I’m telling you after 4 LTRs and 3 marriages, that jumping ship doesn’t work either, but hey… don’t listen to me… go spend another ten years to figure it out…
        then when you’re 50 if you’ve got any balls or money left you can try the sugar daddy model, which can be summarized as putting your balls on the line but maintaining absolute control.
        step into my world, reap the benefits of my world, and tolerate my terms… that’s what a man wants and that’s why the worlds most wealthy guys have harems….
        see what the player doesn’t understand is the term “pay peanuts, get monkeys”.
        you’re disappointed in the quality, but you invested in junk.

  21. I’m 44 years old and, although I wasn’t as alpha or had the same level of game as Mr. Thatch here obviously has, I got enough when I was single that I don’t feel like I really missed out on too much. If I had to do it again I would have considered elective chemical castration in my early 20s and spent my time doing something more productive than chasing skirts, like inventing stuff, doing creative art for its own sake, exploring primitive locales, getting rich, or becoming a professional triathlete. All of those things would have been more fulfilling in the long run than seducing women (or men if I had swung that way). Of course, if I hadn’t had any success with women while single, I probably wouldn’t have this perspective and wouldn’t know that I hadn’t really missed out on anything.
    One thing about being married with children: it can be incredibly boring, but you will usually be in better health, richer, and generally better at getting along with other mature adults. FWIW.

  22. This was a great read as usual Ed. But it’s really sad to hear guys like you and Roosh moving on, when you lot are the inspiration for so many of us.
    And it’s also a little bit frightening to think that the game is being left in our hands. Guys in our mid-twenties who are just starting to find their feet and navigate waters more shark infested than any in history. There is such a wealth of solipsistic ego queens out there with a bevy of psychoses, just waiting to make you care about them before inventing a reason to leave you high and dry while pretending they’re the victim.
    What’s a guy to do, when in order to just get laid his game has got to be almost flawless, but after that if he wants to get into an LTR with a girl he cares about, the very act of caring about her is going to wreck his game and probably the relationship?
    While it’s exciting to get into the water and try and see where you measure up, it’s also left me feeling like I’m going to be strung out in five or more years wanting to move on without putting effort into attaining female companionship because as you said, it’s just not fuckin’ worth it.
    Cheers, Ed, and best of luck.

  23. This was a great read as usual Ed. But it’s really sad to hear guys like you and Roosh moving on, when you lot are the inspiration for so many of us.
    And it’s also a little bit frightening to think that the game is being left in our hands. Guys in our mid-twenties who are just starting to find their feet and navigate waters more shark infested than any in history. There is such a wealth of solipsistic ego queens out there with a bevy of psychoses, just waiting to make you care about them before inventing a reason to leave you high and dry while pretending they’re the victim.
    What’s a guy to do, when in order to just get laid his game has got to be almost flawless, but after that if he wants to get into an LTR with a girl he cares about, the very act of caring about her is going to wreck his game and probably the relationship?
    While it’s exciting to get into the water and try and see where you measure up, it’s also left me feeling like I’m going to be strung out in five or more years wanting to move on without putting effort into attaining female companionship because as you said, it’s just not fuckin’ worth it.
    Cheers, Ed, and best of luck.

    1. I think this article can be summarized in a few short lines.
      “Pay Peanuts, Get Monkeys”…. and “The Bitterness of Poor Quality is felt long after the Sting of a High Price.”
      That doesn’t necessarily mean dollar terms in price, but the price of what you put in…. in terms of effort, money, time, and dare I mention the L word ?
      Most women want pretty simple things, and if you find an intelligent one with a tad less emotion and a little more logical skills, or you just set a decent honest tidy woman up in a nice home, give her a couple of kids to keep her busy and go out of your way to make her happy sometimes….
      my gosh, you might have a nice home to come back to and a life of your own in between….
      if you’ve got the cash you can even keep a young’en on the side somewhere.
      The men set the tone of the women… if you go for one nighters, you’ll find tramps… because the decent girls won’t be gamed…. it’s like a filter…..
      Men get chewed up in marriage, same like men get chewed up in nightclubs, BECAUSE THEY DON”T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING !….

      1. “If you find”
        You make it sound like the search is so easy. A look around the manosphere should give you the feedback you need to dispel that notion pretty quickly.

        1. Finding a girl you can shape, is very different to picking Mrs. Perfect off the shelf… in this age of instant consumerism, we got used to thinking that everything should come prepackaged. Even Prince William spent 10+ years schooling Kate… and will have to continue until the day he dies…. You don’t find Mrs. Perfect, you behave like a real man, find a woman with good qualities that you can school and mold.. .and hopefully she will help you to reflect and mold yourself.
          A mountaineer doesn’t curse the mountain he finds a way to climb it.
          A Solider doesn’t curse the enemy he finds a way to beat them.
          A businessman doesn’t curse the competition he finds a way to out do them.
          A player is like a sports fisherman that always throws back his catch, and never learns to fillet the fish and make a tasty dish.
          A bitter divorcee man, is just catching a reflection of his own short comings, in his bitchy wife, that HE let get one over on him.
          One bad choice doesn’t lead to a divorce. Even a bad match can come good,
          One of the biggest problems is women will smell unhappiness and discontent on a man, then the feeback loop begins.
          It’s a man’s job to show his woman how to make him happy. A happy man has a happy woman. It doesn’t work the other way around.

    2. dont worry, youll figure out how to break em. cause after all, it is what they want… to be banged until broken. they just find “stupider” ways to pretend otherwise, and as all of us americans get far stupider, the girls surely wont be far behind, which is where the trouble you are having stems from.

  24. It’s funny this site is called Return of Kings, and last time I checked Kings usually have a Queen, and a Castle, and bunch of children to inherit their line and some loyal noble men….. and when IT PLEASES THEM, they bang a few sluts on the side, because they can, because they are the King….
    Last time I checked Kings weren’t trolling about coffee shops or discos for drunk peasant sluts….
    RETURN OF KINGS…. or not … Sir Roosh ?

  25. Tired of the game now I do a Ltr with a girl eho minds thr house plus a soft harem of career chicks who I can lockdown cuz they too busy to hunt. No kids no marriage

  26. Im a 22 year old who feels the same way.
    This is the best ROK piece I’ve ever read. I started with my awareness on game at a very early age – 15 is when I started approaching girls and using my social circle to meet new girls.
    In retrospect I was partially lucky for having seen the wisdom of the red pill at such a young age……but I will say the knowledge depressed me having learned it so young. But the principles stuck, with a beta fallback or two on account of a hot girlfriend
    And I got laid. Alot. I’ve been through 2 separate sexual reputations with girls at my college, one positive and the other negative (manwhore).
    After around 30 something notches I suddenly lost interest in more than half of the women I previously would have approached….6/10 and above.
    I began to get vexed and even pissed off when a 6/10 had the nerve to flake on me when I had 9/10 models crying at my door why i was seeing other girls.
    Just last week a 5/10 tried to set up a lunch date on me, most likely to try me out as a new emotional tampon. I flaked.
    Women don’t care about the work (or effortless attraction) that happened between you and SUPERIOR products to themselves – they don’t care about the hours you spent perfecting your own swag, or the scores of girls before them, they see you and they say “here’s a man I can take advantage of” or “here’s a man I can fuck” and it fucking sucks.
    On the plus side, after so many notches dry spells no longer phase you, they end quicker than they even began.

  27. Great story, Mr. Thatch, it helps me appreciate and understand your arc through manhood. This piece also help me appreciate my own path through the Charismatic arts. I’ve never done a ton of night game, nor even a lot of aggressive day game. My natural tendency towards game has never placed a maximal emphasis on high numbers and lots of notches. It’s always been about seeking those rare birds that really get me going on an emotional and intellectual level, and meeting them on my terms, in activities I that I enjoy and excel in.
    While I still run game on virtually every female I meet, I actually enjoy turning down broads for sex and intentionally friend-zoning them, seeking to really get to know them, to convey my value to and through them, and then they pass on their perception of my value to their friends and expand my social circle for the better too. This is long game, without a doubt, but it’s much more suitable to my nature than the numbers game that lots of guys run in the beginning.
    This sort of low-intensity, lifestyle-centered game allows me to meet and date more attractive, yet unique chicks, smarter chicks, women who are really interested in health and fitness. My notch count isn’t stratospheric, but it’s high enough to give me the experience I need to vet women carefully for their mate value. Yeah, I do want to be a father at some point. Marriage, maybe, if I find a gold-plated unicorn, but I will resist to the end on that one.

  28. Lost in all this opinion of this post, is this:
    Thank you for your service to the community. We are indebted to you for your contribution.
    Five years is a long time. I only discovered your writing recently and I have enjoyed it.
    I hope to read you again sometime. Please don’t be a stranger.

  29. I’m an old fart so I’ll share my experience.
    Age 45, Marriaged (25 yrs), Divorced (2 yr), novice PUA, notches about 25, ages 21-49 — hot, cool, artsy, corporate, profession, college girl, drunk bitches, party girls, blah blah blah.
    I’ll say it’s both worth it an not worth. I think every many should give it a go just to discover the truth in this article.
    I liken it to when I was a young lad in high school. It was top-level school that put a lot of emphasis on academic achievement. I thought I was an average B student and was dating a straight-A type. Just for shits and giggles, I set myself the goal one semester to get straight A’s. I’d do anything it took to make it happen. And being the kind of self-motivating, goal-oriented male I was I did it.
    I proudly waved my report card in front of my family and girlfriend for the expected atta-boy. I got brief obligatory congratulations from family and friends. Then I thought to myself, wow, that was some accomplishment. I’m glad I did it.
    Glad I did it once!
    After doing the math of how much harder I worked to get A’s instead of B’s in the tougher classes, I decided the work differential was not worth it in the end. Instead of busting my ass to get A’s that meant something to other people, I’d rather spend that time having fun, enjoying life, and accomplishing things that mattered to me — things that did NOT involve females. In fact, I poured much of that time into music. I got good enough at it to go professional. I probably would have if I hadn’t married straight-A girl and popped out two kids with her.
    So, It’s work playing the game and having success. Then, once you’ve achieved a level of success, do some real soul searching. Make sure your game is congruent with your life’s philosophy, religion and goals. Do a ROI analysis on your game — time, money, emotional drain, energy, distractions, etc — to determine if the costs are worth the results. Don’t forget “opportunity costs.” What are you not doing when you’re investing so much in game and women who, like Thatch says, are all the end in the same.
    Game and girls are like straight-A’s. Who cares in the final analysis. Maybe it’s an accomplishment at first, maybe something that impresses people at first, but after a while, like with most things, the glory fades. The hunt is just something you do to feed yourself. And there is no such thing as “hot” when you know the 10 that catches your eye has high odds of herpes (which condoms do NOT prevent btw).
    So, after some experience you do the Calculus and decide for yourself whether or not it’s worth it. Maybe a venue chance, to say Poland, gets the juices flowing again–maybe not. Eventually, pussy will lose it’s appeal when you factor in the amount of work it takes to get it. Eventually, you realize that it’s a lot easier to earn $300 dollars and select exactly the age, size, color, style and activities of the whore you’d like to hire for hour to bust your nut. You know that you won’t have to deal with lies, games, excuses, rape accusations, cock blocks, blah blah blah. It’s simply what you want, when you want it and the way you want it. It’s the most real type of relationship between a man and woman, even if it is evil in the eyes of the Lord.
    That’s why you just wake up one day and say “Suck it!”

  30. A) Men expect too much from women. They are good for sex and to have kids, period. If you think they are boring or stupid, you have wrong expectations.
    B) There’s no right or wrong way to be at any age. What you feel like doing at any given moment is the right way. Don’t let anyone shame you.
    C) All pleasure has its limits. More you get something, more its value decreases.
    D) Whore-John is the most honest and to-the-point male-female relationship you will find which is why its frowned upon by society.

  31. Well, congratulations. You’re still young, it seems, so I understand it takes time.
    But these women are a total waste of time and while it is good that plenty of men find this out the hard way, it’s still a waste of time.
    Perhaps the manosphere one day will grow up, and see that women are simpleminded childlike people, that need our protection. And, far more importantly, there is a New World Order out there that needs combating and which is very happy to see all the self declared ‘alpha’s’ prove their masculinity by something as silly as banging strangers.
    There is a war on dudes. You’re missed out there.

  32. You’ll be back, your biology rules, not your mind.
    Time for mastering your living now that you think you’ve mastered pussy getting

  33. I think of the people agreeing with your sentiments, a portion have truly fucked enough women and chased enough tail to agree with what you’re saying.
    and then there’s a big ass horde of people who would rather opt out all together and get all angry at women (its their nature, dont hate a retard for being a retard) then to perhaps actually get off their asses and work on the tail that they’ve been wanting. For those specific people, its very easy to rationalise being a loser, as being as sigma

  34. Best article you’ve ever written. Less tangential, more interesting than the 1 + 1 will result in 2 typical article types that can only interest idiots, less sensible, more incoherent. The full circle or just another stage?…. from naivety, to red pill, to seeing that even the red pill is eh. Banging women is cool. The hunt is cooler. But it’s just another part of life. I’d swap half the women i’ve banged for a better tennis serve.

  35. “Sometimes when people get what they want, they realize how limited their goals were”
    -Joan form Mad Men-

  36. I try to never think about the tail I’m missing as a young married guy. This isn’t as difficult as it seems because looking around at these worthless women brings me back down to earth and reminds me that I’ve yet to meet one worth what I’d lose if I pursued her. I have a female colleague with a fiancé. Ok. So, our firm has recently interviewed and hired a new associate. We all went out for a beer as part of the informal interview. My female colleague was all over this new dude, body language, hair flipping, leaning in toward him, touching him on the arm, etc. This guy is about an inch taller than her fiancé, and more muscular. Anyway, the boss hired the guy. Prediction: Hypergamous slut monster will strike again very soon. She will now be working in the same office suite with a better version of the beta bro she has now. Y’all can guess where this is going.
    A bit long-winded, I know, but the point is simple: it is a damn jungle out there! I’m glad to be married. If something happens and my marriage goes south, I’ll never have another steady.

  37. Oh wow. So this guy claims that he’s ‘older’, which would imply more mature/less obnoxious, yet he spends half this essay calling everyone else betas like some high school retard on bodybuilding forums (because that’s obviously what alphas do, call everyone else betas). Thanks for showing me I shouldn’t take this place seriously.

  38. Reminds me of grad school. I worked hard to try and get laid and didn’t get much at all. Also quite confused by all the social stuff. Took 1 PUA class in a big city with college girls and then immediately figured everything out. Now I’ve 8 lays and 2 LTRs. But the girl I’m with makes everything that came before seem pointless. On the surface everyone is the same. But in our own private worlds everyone is different in their own unique way. Hope you can find the lady who makes you feel joy, not cynicism.
    I do identify with your cynicism though because I felt it for a long time. I suggest ladies from other cultures. Somehow the women America seem to be iterating some Keynesian beauty contest of game theory and dating — who can game who and trick who in different ways. I fell in love with my fiance when I realized there weren’t any games and she is just a really wonderful person. Look through a person to their soul…

  39. Hmm, I’d say take a break, then let the ladies come to you. You don’t need patience, because you’re taking the break anyways. And within a month of just focusing on your own awesomeness, a cute girl will show up and be ready to impress you in the sack…

  40. I’m not trying to offend, but I just accidentally found this site after an experience with a person who probably thinks they’re one of you, and I respectfully hope you guys are very clear in your intentions with the women you meet.
    It’s interesting how the quality of women (lots of “crazies” out there, I hear) declines at the same time more men think like this… I very recently got divorced after a good girl past and a seven year marriage, and the first guy I went out with spent a month and a half convincing me that he was serious, including dinner with his parents, talk of the “good relationship” we were building, etc. Clearly I need to wise up, but after I slept with him he broke it off in a spectacular fashion that involved cussing me out and leaving me on the side of a lonely country highway in the dark. The reason for the break up was that I didn’t like the sudden “teasing” about his having “already f***** me.”
    So, I’m a little harder now, and I’m probably a little less likely to treat real men with the respect they deserve. So, don’t bother being rude to me in the posts, just know that every time you do this you remove one girl from the pool of women you’ll actually be able to tolerate having around you.

    1. jane, yes this is part and parcel of what our society is coming to, so please do guard yourself.
      however, let me tell you something. i can take a buddy out and make demonstration after demonstration with hot girls by approaching them. if i walk up and am REALLY honest, and i say that they are very attractive and that id like to take them out to lunch sometime— i will NEVER get a number let alone a date. if i intrude nearby, treat them like i barely notice them, but then on and off again bounce in and out of their conversation until they NEED to know what is up with me and why i dont notice them, then i get attention and this game continues until you learn what they are after and then play it till you get laid, if GUYS dont do this, they come off to your emotional brains as either “desperate” or “creepy”.
      this is the society that we live in. it is “tv induced” fantasy thrill living with no substance or depth.
      if you are really not that way and would accept a forward and honest and gentlemanly guy that approached you in an old fashioned chivalrous way, then you are the exception, just watch other girls, they think that there is something wrong with this behavior, SO GUYS DONT USE IT, WE USE WHAT WORKS. see, we are objective left-brain thinkers and you are subjective right-brain thinkers. in other words, your “putting out” as girls in the aggregate is what determines how we will act.
      if treating you like shit gets us laid, thats what well do. if being gentlemanly chivalrous men gets us laid, then that is how we will act. and i wont even say “laid” because many guys would be happy with meaningful companionship before they would care about getting laid, if that is what girls also wanted.
      but our culture drives all to value meaningless sex and diversion instead of stable relationships; hense why you see the true sociopaths who foment this system destroying the nations of the west while we are all distracted with endless mating games that they push on us through their media empires as they loot entire countries through their central banks and their puppet politicians.
      this is all very well coordinated cultural destruction.
      if youre interested in the root causes, check out “the occidental observer” website, realjewnews.com, infowars.com, and the counsel of conservative citizens website. the first 2 being the best.
      these will begin to give you the idea, or you can read “age of revelation” by elias bourdinot(one of the american founders), in fact, you could read many of them, or you could pick up a new testament.
      after all, human nature is not something new, and the root causes of the situation you dont like are nothing new either, nor complicated. although they are frustrating of course.
      best of luck to you.

  41. ed,
    that was the probably the best piece of man-writing i have ever read; although ive thought it myself a few million times !! lol. some of my friends dont get it, but they are rarely ever the ones who have tapped bunches of hotties, and it does get tiresome. some would say we’re bragging, but they still dont get that THEYRE ALL THE SAME !! … with hopefully that one rare exception mermaid or virgin that we’ve all heard about but never seen or met.
    and yet sometimes it still doesnt stop, even when you semi-retire. just the other day i was at a new country bar and walked in near closing and accidentally barely chatted with a hot chick as the bouncer was bitching about last call, so as we both got up to leave i asked her if she minded if i walked her to her car… just to be polite, no motive, no attempt. then she asked me to go grab a bite to eat with her, so i accepted, then on the way she asked directly, “do you want to go to a hotel and fuck ?” i hadnt even tried to kiss her or hit on her… and im 42 and shes 25 and a hot “10”.
    done deal, and then i wondered why i ever “worked” at it !! lol.
    so great article, and dont think that youll get much peace instead of piece in your retirement !! …unless you marry happily, then it will just be the same piece, which isnt actually bad since theyre all the same anyway, and i was hooked myself to a hottie for decade after a rousing 20’s, and i was perfectly happy being a 1 gal girl for those years and the sex was great, till her brain fell out and we separated, then back to the old games… work.
    so get where youre coming from. GOOD LUCK !!

  42. Interesting article, but a conclusion has been reached over and over again by guys in your shoes, you can’t fuck your way to happiness.
    Chasing woman after woman after woman in shallow sexual pursuits will NEVER be fulfilling in the long run.
    True happiness comes from within, and a deep and fulfilling relationship with a high quality woman is always more fulfilling than constant shallow sex with women.
    If you’d like more information on becoming a strong, confident, fulfilled, and free Man, then check out the site http://www.RealMenLifestyle.com

  43. Maybe you should move to a big city and meet beautiful, intellectual women who would be happy to add you to their rotation of no-strings-attached lovers? Hollywood says they exist 🙂

  44. Sauron666 is a posting on a thread that hasn’t seen a post for 2 YEARS. That is what trolls do with a new sock puppet to make it look like it has a big history of posting. This woman is a regular troll here.

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