Why The Native Peoples In Australia Were Doomed

We recently had Australia Day here down under. This involves a lot of beer drinking, barbeques, fireworks displays and SJW circlejerks over events that occurred centuries ago.

More than most countries, Australia is still in the midst of a serious guilt trip over our colonial past. As Australia Day commemorates the landing of the first fleet at Botany Bay in 1788, activists have taken to calling it “invasion day.” Sovereignty was never ceded they claim—as if that statement makes any sense.

We all know what these rantings and ravings are about. This is nothing to do with correcting historic wrongs, or actually helping indigenous Australians. This is nothing more than a group of brainwashed, grown-up children marching around desperately trying to lay claim to a shred of moral superiority.

Whenever I encounter one of these dumb, self-righteous fuckwits, I’ve taken to saying the following – “So if we sent you back in a Delorean to 1750, with the mission of preventing the colonization of Australia, how would you go about it?” Amazingly, I am yet to hear a satisfactory answer.

The Aborigines’ luck runs out


Doom for the Aboriginal culture did not come with the landing of the first fleet at Botany Bay in 1788—it came about ten thousand years earlier when groups of similarly nomadic humans started settling down into the first permanent settlements in ancient Mesopotamia.

Living in large groups, disease spread quickly. The peoples of the old world had to adapt as malaria, bubonic plague, smallpox and a hundred other epidemics swept through their cities time and again. It is not that the Aborigines were suddenly worse off than everyone else post-1788. After thousands of years of isolation, their luck just ran out, and like a species of flightless birds, their complacency cost them dearly.

Turning back the clock

Nor can you specifically blame the British for causing this. Lets say, hypothetically, they could be convinced not to settle at Botany Bay. Would Australia still remain untouched today? I imagine that without the British settlement, the French would have been right behind. If not them, then the Spanish, or the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Belgians, the Germans, the Italians…hell even the Swedish had overseas colonies.

Colonial World Map

As anyone living in the real world knows, you only have sovereignty over something so long as you can defend it, as Australia successfully did in 1942.

Of course, the whole issue is complicated. This isn’t to say we couldn’t have treated the native peoples more wisely at times. Of the half million or so Aborigines living in Australia in 1788, this number was down to under 100,000 by 1900. Around 20,000 died from violence (as well as 2,000 Europeans) the remainder from disease.

You can imagine the pattern. Settlers move into a new area. Local Aborigines spear their sheep. The settlers go out and shoot the Aborigines. This cycle went on for a century or so, as has always occurred when an agricultural society encroaches on a hunter-gatherer one.

There is very little to suggest a program of organized genocide against the Aboriginals however, though it is one of the left’s favorite myths. For years we’ve been told of the “Stolen Generations,” a system whereby thousands of Aboriginal children were apparently removed from their families by racist authorities purely for being black.


Other historians however, argue that the vast majority were removed over welfare concerns, growing up in broken communities where abuse and neglect were rampant. Many of them were half-caste children, which were often treated with scorn by the full-bloods of their tribes.

This hysteria has not only become mainstream, but practically unquestionable, since the release of the film Rabbit-Proof Fence in 2002. It supposedly tells the “true story” of a group of half-caste girls taken from a remote aboriginal settlement in 1931 to a “re-education camp” who then escape and walk 1,500 miles back home. I recall watching it as a kid (as it was screened in schools) and its actually a pretty good movie.

Unfortunately, its also mostly bullshit.

“Activism” can do more harm than good

You could ignore all this if these people weren’t doing any real harm. However, because of the stolen generations myth, welfare workers are now very hesitant to remove Aboriginal children from their families, even when they live under deplorable conditions. This has dire consequences. Indigenous children are four times more likely to experience sexual abuse than other Australian children.

There’s also the bizarre trend that more and more people are choosing to identify as Aboriginal in the census, even if it makes up a tiny portion of their ancestry. This would be equally harmless—except that federal government grants go to those states with higher reported populations of indigenous. Thus billions of dollars is not going to help remote communities, but being given to large, urban states for no good fucking reason at all.

Once again, the left is perfectly happy putting political correctness over saving lives, or common sense in general.

What about the noble savage?

Many also love to believe in the myth of the noble savage, but there’s nothing to suggest the Aborigines were less brutal than most native peoples. When humans first reached Australia, dozens of species of Australian megafauna—including giant wombats, kangaroos, echidnas, platypuses, koalas, goanas, snakes, crocodiles and turtles, were all wiped out by the coming of man.

Of course we all accept that killing animals is not on the same level as killing fellow humans, but is there any indication the Aborigines were different to the British forty millennia later? Australia would still have the diversity of the African Serengeti if not for the Aboriginal invasion. It is possibly the worst ecological disaster to happen in the history of this continent.

In an interesting twist, the Tasmanian Tiger, which was wiped out by Aborigines on the mainland and later by Europeans in Tasmania, is now a prime candidate for cloning. It may very well be brought back from the dead by those same fiendish white men.

Tasmanian Tiger

Of course, I bear no ill will towards the Aborigines. They have had an unfortunate plight over the past two hundred years. Even today, there’s a massive (though closing) gap between Aborigines and the rest of the population in living standards – everything from life expectancy to literacy to incarceration rates.

But these same activists are doing precious little to actually help them. Most have probably never been to a remote Aboriginal community or a detention center in their lives.

To them, they are not human beings, but mere playthings in a moral tug of war that benefits no one but the activists themselves.

We all know what this is really about. This is another great liberal wankfest. It is a mass of young “progressive” activists bragging about their moral superiority, and shutting their ears to anyone who dares call them out on their own bullshit and the harm it causes. They troll the world in a more insidious manner than any inflammatory-yet-true article written at Return of Kings.

Don’t give them the time of day.

Read More: 5 Signs The American Education System Is Doomed

316 thoughts on “Why The Native Peoples In Australia Were Doomed”

    1. And today the Pygmies and Bushmen of Africa are being slowly driven to extinction by the Negroes. But nobody wants to talk about it.

      1. Slavery originated in africa, and is the only place it still exists. Its not politically correct to remind people of that.

        1. Actually, parts of southeast asia also still have slavery. Although those are the parts of asia that the ‘smart’ parts of asia look at the way Americans look at Detroit.

        2. Slavery originated in Africa? Got a source for that? I find it more likely that it originated in either Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus valley or along the Yellow River since, well, those are the places where civilization first appeared.
          Not that it really matters, slavery is such an intuitive thing that everyone probably invented it independently.

        3. Slavery was common to all human civilizations until very recently. I agree that it is still practiced on the down low in many places. But that is not the same as the in your face slavery that existed through out most of history and in all places.

  1. Heck come to the Americas where Catholics conquered people who were sacrificing humans, got help from natives who were tired of being the sacrifice, but all we hear about is patriarchy, Spanish Inquisition, etc.
    Given the choice, would you rather live in a society with human sacrifice or one where you get told you might go blind for wanking?

      1. It makes me laugh – since the vast majority of Mexicans are a mix of Spanish, American Indian, and African blood.

        1. Actually the this is true, but have you noticed that the wealthiest and most educated and successful are often surprising white and have light skin. I have noticed this with Brazil as well where the top business people and racing drivers for example seem far more European than the bulk of the population.

        2. It’s hard to find anywhere in the world where white skin isn’t seen as better than black skin. In the West there’s a taboo around it, but once you get outside of the West it’s pretty common. The fact is, anytime you have a multiracial society you still have a hierarchy based on race. There’s a lot of amazingly stupid liberals who think mixed-raced people are going to save humanity from racism. Hell no, not even close. What actually happens is exactly what happened in Brazil, and even in Black America. Rather than a binary system of black/white, a status hierarchy is formed based on skin color and other features. In other words, a form of Colorism.

        3. That is because the people who maintained power in these areas are the White elites. Also their is a false image of white being better which is a flawed thinking pattern drilled into the heads of the people by Europeans. That’s why people like Chavez in Venezuela received so much hatred by the white elites and America, when he started helping the poor. Or people like Evo Morales in Bolivia also hated by the White Latino elite (Chavez is a native). Its a shame and actually pretty simple when you look into it. Its not because the White elite is in someway smarter or better.

        4. ..but the ruling classes in india and persia are also more european looking and they were there before the europeans.

        5. Yeah the Turkic Invaders and Mughals tended to be lighter skinned, also pale skinned may have meant not having to work in the fields like the lower class…however this wasnt always the case…Ancient Indians depicted themselves and many of theri Gods as Dark skinned like Krishna who is “Blue” or BLACK in fact his names mean Black or “dark” just as the Ancient Egyptians were Dark. However this new colorism paradigm was intensified with the arrival of Europeans and their historical whitewashing.

    1. Heck, the Germans were so civilized they gassed a group of people. Americans were so civilized they nuked two cities.
      I guess no one never heard of Boston tea party, George Washington, Franklin, etc…
      Heck the Americans were so civilized they had to fight a whole war over a group of people that they deemed inferior to them.

        1. Ahh the racist white american?
          Somehow an “afro”, whatever that means, became president of your own country. I doubt he is starving.
          Most Latin Americans, and most Africans, want nothing to do with EU and US. If you have not been following, quite a few have already given up their US citizenship. More and more people are doing that daily.
          Whitey for some reason, can’t stop going to those places. Whitey couldn’t help himself but to bring a huge influx of “afros” in his country to help him out. Everytime whitey needs help, he just let a huge influx of inferiors come in to alleviate his burden.
          You obviously never been outside of the US to see the moguls in places such as L. America, or Africa.

        2. Oh? I see niggers packing themselves on crowded boats to get to the EU. There is no end to the amount of spics trying to sneak into the US.
          We’ve been deporting the illegal filthy of Honduras and Guatemala back to the toilets that spawned them, knowing that they’d be murdered by their fellow sub-humans. The Republican Senate has already blocked several forging aid bills. We’ll sit idly while your worthless children starve to death.

        3. Ahh there he is…I knew he was inside of you somewhere. Bravo, racist, bravo. Now you can tell the world how much you despise niggers. Good on you mate.
          Don’t stop there. Please continue to spit your vitriolic nonsense of how much you hate black people. Did you forget your hood? Or did you get your grandpa’s?
          Let the readers of ROK know how deep the hatred is. Let them know how worthless those children are. Don’t stop now. Keep going.

        4. Ohhh you got me.
          I’ve said, in plain terms, that I am a racist and a White Supremacist by the definitions of those terms.
          Racial egalitarianism is as Blue Pill as Gender Equality. But you’re free to play make believe. Go rent a place on MLK BLVD.

        5. What a bunch of crap. Hordes of Blacks and muslims are paying smuglers dearly to let them into the continent of milk and Honey.
          Stop lying.

        6. Hey nigger lover, click on my screen name, go to the facebook link. I’ve been all over this world both as a tourist and a Soldier. When I hit Morocco this summer, I’ll have been to every inhabited continent on the planet. I’ve had naked, shit colored children beg me, in vain, for their dinner.
          Take your own advise– got a passport and go to the brown man’s country. It’ll destroy your asinine beliefs of racial equality.

        7. It seems a racist such as yourself will never learn anything.
          As if everyone you met were poor. Seriously, are you that much of an idiot? What, no white people are poor? I guess the trailer trash name calling is a myth in the US huh? There are no white men in the street begging?
          I’ve been on every continent except for Antarctica. I am glad I have met some great people along the way. Learn from the cultures, the languages, and the people. The way you are talking it’s as if there are no rich people except in America. Too bad you are talking to someone who’s been around the world.

          This must be you. Delusional racist.

        8. A little Arab rat girl , maybe 8 or 9 — probably a refugee from Iraq or Syria– begged me for money in an Istanbul bus station this summer. I actually speak rudimentary Arabic from my time in the army. After the little beast assumed that I could not understand it, it started pantomiming eating– the way they do by using their bare hands to grab rice and assorted filth from a communal pot– Needless to say, the muslim didn’t eat anything but it’s words.
          “Ohhz theres no poor white man” There are. And they are worthless pieces of subhuman trash just like their shit colored counterparts.

        9. Let’s say that man in the video was me. Let’s say I took a DNA test and it said my great great grand father was a nigger? I’m 12.5% baboon! So what? Would that make Africa, South America and Most of Asia any less of a shithole? Would that change the fact that the shit-skins risk their lives to get to the white man’s countries? Would that change the fact that 1:2 afro babies die before their 5th birthday? Would that change the fact that the 12.5% nigger population does commits 52% of all US murders?
          By the way clown, I have had my DNA sequenced.

        10. Why is Martin Luther King a hero for standing up for his people, but George Lincoln Rockwell a racist for doing the same thing ?
          You can shove white guilt back up your ass where it came from.

        11. “Let’s say that man in the video was me. Let’s say I took a DNA test and it said my great great grand father was a nigger? I’m 12.5% baboon!”
          It would say that you are a “nigger”. Remember the one drop rule? Yep. 1% automatically puts you in that category in the US. So when you were trying to insult me as a “nigger lover”, you would have to insult yourself first, as a “nigger lover”, nigga.
          “Would that change the fact that the 12.5% nigger population does commits 52% of all US murders?”
          As a wise person once said “there are three kind of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics”.
          You too closed minded to even start this discussion. You are demented in the head to even understand the history of your own country, and how they were oppressing the black people in the US. A black man could be convicted of rape for simply looking at a white woman. Many black men have been exonerated of crimes they never committed. But given that we are in the US, justice will never be serve. So keep on holding to your statistics in your little head, racist.

        12. Here we have an open racist letting us know how much he travels. Come on now, stay in the US in your trailer Bob. Your country is the best, and none like it, so why go to those shit holes that you despise so much? It’s kind like a person who is proclaiming to be a vegetarian, but can’t stop eating meat.
          Raise your intellect, and may be we can have a conversation.

        13. Stay in your country don’t go those shitholes. You should not be proud man. It’s like an atheist who despises theists can’t stop telling people which church he visited. Unless, you really love the colored people, that would make sense. It’s ok. I know white racists Americans always have some infatuation with black and colored people. That’s why even though the black women were slaves, don’t take showers, the white men could not resist them. The white men is also going around the world to get with them, one wonders why..

        14. “Why is Martin Luther King a hero for standing up for his people, but George Lincoln Rockwell a racist for doing the same thing ?”
          Sigh, where does ROK find those racists idiots? If you can’t tell the difference between two, then having a conversation with you is already a waste of time.

        15. I enjoy history and architecture. I do not go to feed shit colored children. Still making up lies about being a well traveled nigger? You can’t even write a coherent sentence.I have no interest in conversing with niggers or nigger lovers.

        16. “I enjoy history and architecture.”
          So you enjoy the history and architecture of the colored people? That’s your excuse now? Just admit that you enjoy spending time with colored people. It is acceptable.
          “Still making up lies about being a well traveled nigger?”
          If you want to believe that I am lying, well no need to convince you otherwise.
          “You can’t even write a coherent sentence.”
          Is that the best insult you have? You can do better than that.
          “I have no interest in conversing with niggers or nigger lovers.”
          Yes you do, and that’s why you go to their countries in order to be company. Like I said, there is nothing to be ashamed about.

        17. Hey nigger,
          I’ll be grilling steaks tonight. I’ve heard- from nigger loving liberals- that it takes over 20 lbs of cereal crop to produce 1 pound of beef. That doesn’t even include the amount of clean water.
          The resources used to produce my dinner my dinner tonight could have feed a filthy nigger for 2 months. I choose an enjoyable meal over the lives of you filthy subhuman children. That is what you people mean to me.

        18. “Hey nigger,
          I’ll be grilling steaks tonight. I’ve heard- from nigger loving liberals- that it takes over 20 lbs of cereal crop to produce 1 pound of beef. That doesn’t even include the amount of clean water.”
          In other words you got nothing of substance to say.
          “The resources used to produce my dinner my dinner tonight could have feed a filthy nigger for 2 months. I choose an enjoyable meal over the lives of you filthy subhuman children. That is what you people mean to me.”
          Can’t refute my points so you prefer to ramble saying essentially, well, nothing.
          If they mean so little to you stay away from them. But you love them. I cannot fathom a vegetarian who proclaims they hate meat, but cannot stop telling people which meat they ate at which restaurant. I guess you are a nigger lover, nigga.

        19. “You have no point.”
          I made my points, but a racist such as yourself may not be able to understand them
          “You do nothing but call me a “racist” as if that is an insult to a self avowed racist.”
          Didn’t start calling you a racist until you called yourself one.

        20. No you stupid nigger. You never made any points you stated your opinion that shit-skins have value. You stated that whitey’s oppression of them is the reason for their current inferiority, as if they had ever been equal at any point within the last 5000 years.

        21. “No you stupid nigger. You never made any points you stated your opinion that shit-skins have value. You stated that whitey’s oppression of them is the reason for their current inferiority, as if they had ever been equal at any point within the last 5000 years.”
          Hey racist, remember you yourself said you like to go where the niggers live, right? And when I asked you, you said, well you like their history.
          I also pointed out to you that many places where you don’t like niggers, are thriving, and even much more than some places in the US. I also refer you to an article posted on here from ROK in how to bring back the purpose of traveling. I also pointed to you how many whites have engulfed themselves in places that niggers live. For whatever reason they just can’t seem to stay away. I also pointed out to you that whites love the slaves, and hence why you have mix babies in the US.
          “You stated that whitey’s oppression of them is the reason for their current inferiority”
          Can you please provide a quote of me stating that?

        22. “remember you yourself said you like to go where the niggers live”
          No I don’t. I recall stating that I’ll have been to all inhabited continents after I check Africa of the list with this Summer’s visit to Morocco. And to save you a little bit of time; Morroco is 99% Arab-Berber. They are counted as white in the US census- although I do not agree with that placement. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/mo.html
          “I also pointed out to you that whites love the slaves”
          Yea. And some people fuck goat. What’s your point?

        23. I asked you direct questions, and you could not even answer them.
          “No I don’t.”
          Below is your own written words.
          “I’ve had naked, shit colored children beg me, in vain, for their dinner.”
          I know you are a racist and all, but you should check out Meknes, and Marrakech, cool places.
          ” And to save you a little bit of time; Morroco is 99% Arab-Berber. They are counted as white in the US census- although I do not agree with that placement.”
          You have no idea who is placed as white in the US. If you think Moroccan Berber is an issue, people from the DR are classified as white as well. And the 99% Berber is ambiguous. I’ve also met Berbers, in Mali, Algeria, Burkina, and even in Senegal. They looked black to me.
          “Yea. And some people fuck goat. What’s your point?”
          Answer this simple question: Why can you go in any rich white suburbs, or even racists houses, you drop the name “Jay-Z, Beyonce” and the rest of them, and they will know who they are? However, if you go into the ghetto and you drop the name “Tim Mcgraw” everyone will you look at you with a blank stare?
          Even ROK ran a piece on Jay-Z. Think about it.

        24. “n: Why can you go in any rich white suburbs, or even racists houses, you drop the name “Jay-Z, Beyonce” and the rest of them, and they will know who they are? ”
          Because we don’t live in a vacuum and the media — Jews– likes to interpose”Diversity” into every facet of American culture. Why did the NFL have an obese lesbian like “Missy Mis’da’meanor Elliot” on their half time show? Why are the Mandingos wearing pink sneakers for breast cancer?
          I know who Beyonce and the other shuck n’ jive niggers are too. Yet, I’ve never bought a rap album, don’t watch pro-sports.
          “, if you go into the ghetto and you drop the name “Tim Mcgraw””
          Or Kim Jung Un, or Joseph Stalin or Harry Windsor or even the Senators from that state. Yea, niggers are ignorant. What’s your point?

        25. lol ignore all my points and don’t respond to them directly–great tactic lol
          I guess you don’t know what an obese person looks like. I doubt they could move as Missy Elliot. What I always like about racists is how on one side of their mouths they complain how much they hate black culture, and black people. Yet listening to their songs, always trying to be cool as them, and always trying to be around them. If you hate a group of people so much everything that they do should repulse you. You should not know them. There are things that I find unworthy of my time, therefore asking me a question about them is pointless.
          White people in America have long preach how much they loath black people. For whatever reason they cannot stop themselves but to emulate them. It is not simply the fact that they know who those black artists are, but that they are trying to be, act, and sound like them. They listen to them religiously, why?

        26. Are you illiterate, you filthy nigger ape?
          “Yet listening to their songs, always trying to be cool as them, and always trying to be around them. ..They listen to them religiously, why?”
          Children listen to nigger music. Children imitated nigger fashion. Adults move to the suburbs and do their best to send their kids to nigger free schools.
          ” You should not know them.”
          Wrong Chimp. Unlike the nigger, I am a sentient being; I am aware of my surroundings. I despise feminist yet I can name the most influential among them. Fags repulse me yet I know about Elton John, Versace, Andy Warhol, and Liberace. I have no interest in classical music yet I know and can identify Beethoven, Mozart and the like. Knowledge of nigger culture is not approval or appreciation of it.

        27. “Adults move to the suburbs and do their best to send their kids to nigger free schools.”
          Man, what is wrong with your racist little head? Seriously? We are calling grown adults in their 20s and 30s, 40s, 50s, children? Have you been to the clubs where all you have is white crowd, and all you hear is hip hop, reggae? lol you are a little racist peanut brain. I thought you were better than that. Even for a racist, I guess my hopes were too high.
          “Knowledge of nigger culture is not approval or appreciation of it.”
          It is when you listen to them 24/7, dress like them, talk like them, and copy everything that they do. I guess this is too difficult for your minuscule brain to comprehend.

        28. Nigger, are capable of reading ?
          “”Adults move to the suburbs and do their best to send their kids to nigger free schools.””
          Is this statement too much for your simian brain to process? Have a white man explain it to you. 30 year old white men are not buying rap albums. The most nigger culture white men are exposed to is sports and all sports teams are owned and operated by white – Every single last one of them– all of the NBA, MLB and NFL.
          “It is when you listen to them 24/7,”
          Who is “you”, nigger? Me personally? I’ve already told you that I have never bought a rape album. White adults do not listen to rap. 15 year old white boys listen to rape. Little 16 year olds will put a ‘system’ in their hand-me-down Toyota Camry, giving to them by daddy, and will ‘bump’ the latest jungle bunny jams ,because like I’ve said [white] CHILDREN listen to nigger music to piss off their parents.

        29. “Nigger, are capable of reading ?”
          Yes, it might be a surprise to you dumb racist, but niggers are capable of reading.
          “30 year old white men are not buying rap albums.”
          Apparently Eminem is not a white rapper, and neither is Mcklemore. Not only that, white men over 30 don’t listen to Jay-Z, Biggie, Tupac, Kanye, Mos Def, etc….It is also apparent that ROK did not run an article on Jay-Z, and no white men were talking about how much they loved his albums, and bought them…
          Delusional much?
          “The most nigger culture white men are exposed to is sports and all sports teams are owned and operated by white – Every single last one of them– all of the NBA, MLB and NFL.”
          Of course they are, who was arguing against that? But can you tell me why the majority players are blacks, though? Why are they the best? If you hate them so much white people should be turning away. Are you also going to tell me no white men over 30 attend football, basketball, and baseball games?
          “Who is “you”, nigger?”
          Little racist peanut brain, learn to read in context.
          “I’ve already told you that I have never bought a rape album.”
          When did I say you bought a “rape” album? Such a thing exist?
          “White adults do not listen to rap.”
          lol you are so delusional that its pathetic.
          When was the last time you’ve been to a dance club? You should tell me what kind of music they were playing.
          Carlin take it away:
          “because like I’ve said [white] CHILDREN listen to nigger music to piss off their parents.”
          Lol, is that why Amber went out with Jamal? Then again there is something called cuckold–most of these white women are thirsty for a black man–they enjoy being bone by them while their white husbands watch–and listening to rap music–so spare me your stupid rhetoric

        30. “Of course they are, who was arguing against that? But can you tell me why the majority players are blacks, though? Why are they the best?”
          Because, while white Asian and jew children are in school, the De’Marqus’ and Lebrons are shooting hoops (and police officers). Of course the “talent pool” is going to be mostly black. Do you believe it is because niggers are physically superior? If so please explain why blacks are fatter and die earlier than whites.
          But just sit there and repeat your monkey lies about whitey wanting to be like you.

        31. Naaah – they got rid of the hoods and moved on to black-and-white clown makeup.

      1. But that is the whole, no one is worse or better than anyone else. But on the whole when people are able to vote with their feet which countries and cultures do they gravitate towards? The West

        1. Because those people were kind, and trusted the whiteys (per someone’s description above), they were butt rape. Their resources were eviscerated under their buttocks.
          Can you tell me white the West is always meddling in those other countries? If the West think they so superior than the rest, then stay away from those places.
          As far as people voting with their feet, you don’t realize how many people come in the US, and never stay do you? You also do not realize how many people are giving up their passports, and citizenship.

        2. Read the comments again..you misunderstand my point..you are obviously from a country that makes you feel shameful because it was defeated by a greater tribe…maybe even a much smaller tribe

        3. “you are obviously from a country that makes you feel shameful because it was defeated by a greater tribe”
          hey if believing that makes you feel better at night before you go to bed, feel free to believe it

      2. OH PLEASE !!!!!!! America nuked two cities to hasten the end of a world war that was started by people of those cities, who refused to surrender in spite of repeated requests to do so.
        White Americans from 200 years ago are considered racist invaders because they left an oppressive land to got a better one for their own benefit, but Mexicans of today are heroes for dong the same thing because they want a better life.
        You are just another racist white basher.

        1. “America nuked two cities to hasten the end of a world war that was started by people of those cities, who refused to surrender in spite of repeated requests to do so.”
          Good revisionist Bob.

  2. Real coincidence here. I was just yesterday reading about the gradual elimination of the native Tasmanians in the early 1800s. Very little known outside of Australia.
    But back in those days, before the mass media, things were different from today.

    1. To be fair many of these people were killed by the transportation of disease from Europe to their homelands.
      You should read ‘Buried My Heart At Wounded Knee’ for a history of the destruction of the Native Americans.

  3. Why arent you apologizing right now for something your great great great…grandfather did that was impressive at the time and wasn’t your fault? Now cut off your penis and give all your money to charity.

    1. He doesn’t have to. His president did. I wonder how many American presidents would do the same?

      1. To all non Australians reading this, that dreadful red headed lesbian on the left is a diehard feminist communist and our most recent Prime Minister!

        1. And….she is a confirmed dyke, the soft bellied left wing elites don’t want that generally known

      2. Hey…we have our own problems (in the U.S.) right now with elections coming up soon.
        Hillary Clinton will probably run for president, again, (trying to keep her out) and we have to put up with the attention whoring from the far right opponents (Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin).
        I’m looking for some one who will bring some god damn common sense to the table (but it won’t a woman…no matter the party).

  4. Imagine what would have happened to the Aboriginals if China or Japan had colonized Australia first. I do feel bad, even angry, about the fate of the Marsupial Wolf/Tasmanian Tiger.

    1. Could you also imagine if the indonesian’s had come instead of the europeans. They would of force them to convert and might of done what the arabs did in Africa and taken them as slave

  5. It is sad when you read about the destruction of the North American Indians, Australian Aborigines and Maori and other native peoples. But remember they fought and killed each other, conquered and ruled each other and built empires before the Europeans came. The Zulu of Southern Africa ruled quite an extensive empire by defeating other tribes using advanced military tactics and weapons. When the Dutch and British came it was just another tribe, more advanced and organised who built an empire by destroying the Zulu empire. The British Empire never conquered a democracy but left many democracies behind. Many countries had their finest years under Colonial rule, most of the railways of India and Africa were built under colonial rule, and it was the same with the courts and legal systems, educational systems, civil service and roads and ports. Upon independence many of these countries completely destroyed what was handed to them.
    The funny thing about the left is that they have a subconscious belief in the natural superiority of the whites, as they don’t just look at the Europeans as just ‘another tribe’ that conquered other tribes but somehow feel the whites have an innate ‘unfair advantage’.
    When the Maori’s in one part of New Zealand were sold guns by the Europeans, what did they choose to do? They took those guns to a peaceful Maori tribe and slaughtered the lot and took the spoils. We are all the same.
    I call this hang wringing ‘The Virtue Of The Defeated’, for the defeated can always console themselves in the misguided belief that they would never had done what the victors did. The Defeated always have Virtue on their side…

    1. “They took those guns to a peaceful Maori tribe and slaughtered the lot and took the spoils. We are all the same.”
      They also shrunk the heads of their enemies and sold those heads to Whitey for for guns!
      Now those savage troglodytes demand the return of the heads!

    2. the maoris certainly fought well however they appealed to the white sensitivies of the time too. They at one point sent their children to the battlefield singing when the british expected savage warriors. needless to say a treaty was signed.

    3. In mexico the atztecs and mayas were in warfare every other generation. When war wasn’t breaking out they were doing human sacrifice on their own people. Yeah they had slaves.

      1. Every civilisation prior to household electrification has had slaves. Including Africans. How do you think the slave ships restocked? Merchant ships, not brim-full of soldiers? They didn’t conquer tribes of noble warriors. They traded with them.

    4. I’ll go a step further – the period of European colonialism was the only time in history that the entire continent of Africa was not a war ravaged shithole.

      1. any good sources for the politically incorrect truth of colonialism? One I used a lot went down.

      2. This is a simplistic, academically ignorant, and a subconscious attempt to justify colonialism. Very idiotic.

        1. I couldn’t care less about justifying colonialism. Colonialism happened, whether you or I think it is just or not. And objectively, civilization was at it’s apogee in Africa, with unchecked warfare at it’s lowest, during the Colonial period.

        2. Yeah I know it happened…doesn’t matter whether I “Liked it or not.” And I beg to differ with your last statement. Too many years of peace and Wealth and Greatness many thousands of years before Colonization (which pales in comparison) in many areas of Africa. Remember Europe is very small in area compared to Africa.

        3. This site is fucking racist man. I’ve come across so many articles like this it is really sickening. I would write a rebuttal , but I feel like I’m too intelligent to respond to the bullshit.

        4. Some articles are interesting, but yes you are right….there is an element of racism….some commentators have good opinions but many here have ignorant opinions. I should probably do as you do and not provide a response to the bullshit too.

        5. No, he is correct, When political correctness took over in south Africa, and ran out the “evil white man”, the only decent place on the entire continent became another third world shit hole.

        6. He isn’t justifying colonialism he is stating a very valid opinion and one that a vast majority of Australians agree with he also acknowledges that they were victims but they were always going to be victims one way or another like he said whether it was the french, spanish or someone else.

        7. See you are displaying your ignorance…especially by lumping everything you disagree with as “Politically Correct.” I noticed a pattern here…when over 500 years of lies and misinformation is spread no one bats an eye but the last few decades of looking at history in a more complete way, people hate it and label it P.C. their response then ironically becomes the rehashed misinformation spewed the last 500 years again.
          They talk about the end of Apartheid like if its a negative area of history, conveniently disregarding the brutality that took place leading up to those very responses. People like you get defensive, no one is saying anything about “All White people” however to turn a blind eye or to somehow rationalize the negative treatment of blacks by a white government in AFRICA that arrived by force takes some SERIOUS SERIOUS delusion and heavy mental gymnastics on your behalf. Is it jealousy who were your “people” whose lands got stolen? Is it because you feel you don’t gain attention? You feel you are the “wrong color”? lol listen buddy…even if you were the LOWEST white person who was NON WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) in America! That is Irish, Italian, Polish and Poor etc..you STILL had it better than Blacks and those “low level” whites…even they stepped on black people! (Considered low level by Anglo Saxons that is!). Just in case you want to bring that Irish, Italian bullshit.

        8. Actually it can be used to Justify Colonialism…first of all he generalized about a Continent far greater in size than Europe which can also Fit China, India, the United States, and still have plenty of room left over with a long history of not only war but peace and Civilization by stating “the period of European colonialism was the only time in history that the entire continent of Africa was not a war ravaged shithole.” This is an incorrect generalization, and if I were to look up ignorance in the Dictionary that person’s picture along with all those who upvoted him should stand next to the definition.

    5. Not sure if you’re trying to justify British colonialism. I don’t see how countries had their finest years under colonial rule like you say. The British might have built the railways and infrastructure and those things that you mentioned but at the same time around 50 million people died because of famines in India during British rule and many more were killed till the so called end of their rule in 1947. The British on the surface might have appeared to be doing some good but I don’t think that’s the case in reality.
      British built the railways in India for their own purposes, not for the benefit of the people. Their entire presence there was for their own benefit. The railways were built using resources and manpower from India. Can’t say this was ‘handed to them’. The courts and the legal systems are built on a lie. We’re made to believe that Common Law is practised in these courts but that’s not true, what is used in reality is the UCC, Maritime Law and Talmudic Law. It’s the same shit in every country thats been colonised by British. The educational systems teach more distorted truths, the same bullshit that you’ve probably been taught which is why you think the way you do.
      The British also partitioned the country into India and Pakistan, this is after a prolonged period of causing religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims in India. Around half a million people died in that time and around 15 million people lost their homes causing the largest migration ever recorded.

      1. >causing religious tensions
        Yea redrawing borders was a bad idea but they did not cause those tensions and are not solely responsible for such things.
        They were expecting European sensibilities from their former subjects.

        1. It’s a fact that they causes tensions between Hindus and Muslims. The whole divide and rule thing, that’s what it was about. There were some tensions in the period before the British arrived, but I think most of the Mughal Emperors did not exactly force Islam onto the people. The British used whatever little friction that existed between the two groups since they saw it as an opportunity to seize control via divide and rule.

        2. Muslims and Hindus always hated one another, largely because Islam mandates the subjugation of others by putting them into dhimmitude.

        3. I don’t know why I have to rephrase what I have already written but like I was saying, the divide between Hindus and Muslims was nothing close to what it was until after the British arrived and started implementing their policies. When the Mughal Empire was established in India, they integrated many of the prevailing cultures into the empire. The Marathas and Rajputs were part of that and so were the Sikhs. Marathas and Rajputs are Hindus and Sikihism is an offshoot of Hinduism. Muslim rulers did not conquer those kingdoms only to obliterate them and force conversion to Islam or anything like that. Temples and Mosques have existed side by side since those days. The British realised they had a chance to rule by causing conflict between the two religious groups.

        4. They had every right to sit down and redraw those borders if they wanted, but chose not to, the alternative would have been to leave thousands of tiny tribal states – which of course would have been wrong too

        5. There have always been tensions between Muslims and Hindus, they invaded and conquered India and committed genocide in the process

        6. India was half a world away. Only 50,000 soldiers were ever stationed in India. Yet we oppressed a nation of hundreds of millions. You are attributing superhuman powers to us British, thankyou!

        7. And the Indians were too thick to realise what was going on. So Indians are really thick and easily led and us British are really clever. You said it!
          (And all that power to ruthlessly put down hundred of millions with just a relative handful of soldiers and no aeroplanes, only slow moving ships.)

        8. Dont waste your time with some of these people they are basically justifying a negative part of history, by saying idiotic things like “ALL” conquered people were inherently violent which is false, and they were better off during/after colonization….also false in many ways. Their hamster wheels are turning fast on this.

        9. its called superior weaponry, and divide and conquer no mystery there…and no “superhuman” qualities…just a people with savage intentions with good weapons.

        10. Yes and India looks like a huge overpopulated and poluted dump today. This is apparently also the fault of the British.
          Time to stop all this lame marxist victimology.

        11. Yes those muslim Mughal rulers were all tolerant and nice liberals deep down in their souls.
          Face it, Islam is an intolerant imperialistic religion which was spread by the sword. Your attempt at whitewashing is pathetic.

        12. Man, every major religion after getting corrupted has been spread by the sword. I’m sure you know about the exploits of Roman Catholicism…
          Whitewashing? LOL Forget it man…I do have better things to do.

        13. perhaps you should speak to the Mughals (muslims) who put nearly 20 million to death in a span of 10 years. oh & as for islam being peaceful, speak to a sikh and ask why that dagger on their turban is necessary. hint: it’s about muslims!
          muslims, peaceful? the word hashashin came from arabic to india. assassin, if you’re so inclined

        14. Thanks, I do know about the origins of the word ‘assassin’. Not sure what that has to do with anything, there are warriors and killers from every culture/religion. Also not sure what I’m supposed to speak to them about like you say. Ask them if they’re peaceful?
          And I know a good number of Muslims, some are close friends. They aren’t how you portray them to be.
          Muslims are as violent as people from any other religion. The Sikhs you mention are equally violent, I’ve known quite a few of them as well. I know of a lot of radically violent Hindus as well. And Buddhists too. Dagger ON their turban? WTF are you talking about man? Some of them are allowed to carry daggers called Kirpaans depending on what sect they’re a part of and they don’t carry it ON their turban. LOL.

        15. no u didn’t dimwit, you were shitting your pants trying to get foothold in the subcontinent. There was constant war before you were driven off. Only reason you could last 100 year war with us cause we were significantly weakened by 800 years of war before that with muslims. get your facts right. You are taught wrong history. Doubt you even read history

        16. overpopulated dump? lol you are an ignorant piece of shit. We are not nearly as overpopulated as you europeans are. 2 billion people around the world you retards got. And it is from India that all the major discoveries took place. Before you couldn’t count to more then 100 with x’s and i’s. when you europeans were in cave speaking huha huha, we were exploring the world and inventing technologies which you are completely unaware of. Stop this europeans civilized the world bullshit. Fact is before you retards started colonializing world was more peaceful place. Real savages are when you europeans accepted a middle eastern religion (Christianity) and turned savages.

        17. you are a retard. Muslims slaughtered more then 100 million hindus and sikhs and obliterated Hinduism from Afghanistan to Bangladesh. Never were hindus and muslims together. we fought a 800 year war with them and won. maybe you are a jihadi muslims, that’s why you talk crap without knowing history.

      2. “All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine,
        public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public
        health, what have the Romans ever done for us?”
        Monty Python, you magnificent bastards. The gift that keeps on giving:

        1. Despite all the ‘great infrastructure’ which was built mainly for exploitation of resources, people were dying by the millions.

        2. Who would have died or not even lived anyway.
          Remember that the catalyst for the fall of the Western Roman Empire were a people, the Goths, desperately trying to become subjects to it.
          Civilization and its discontents.

        3. Exactly! India in 1800 – 175 million. India in 1950 just after the British left – 445 million. Yet irrational leftits complain of genocide!

        4. lol you couldn’t genocide us like the native americans or aboriginal australians. we were already immune to diseases and you face a far superior civilization to yours. Our population increased despite numerous wars and genocide you tried to commit. 300 million Hindus and sikhs were slaughtered in 1000 year war with muslims and christian europe. But we not only maintained but increased our population. We were far superior to the invaders and thus after 1000 years of war you guys have to leave. Forget North america and australia, you couldn’t even do a africa on us. The only place Asia were Europe failed to deffeat and replace the native population.

      3. The population of the Indian subcontinent rose rapidly during the colonial era. The “Atlas of World Population History” by C. McEvedy and R. Jones reveals that in the nineteenth century the Indian subcontinent grew from 175 million to 290 million. By 1950 – shortly after the British left – it had risen to 440 million. A rise in population occurs when people have the ability to acquire more food and provisions through trade, gain more access to modern medicine, and benefit from more stable political structures leading to increased law and order and less tribal conflict. And all these things happened after the arrival of the British and the French. Probably nine out of every ten Indians living now can thank the British for their existence.

    6. Didn’t the Maoris kill the aborigines in New Zealand? If so then they can shut the fuck up

      1. Not quite… The Maoris (or rather a Maori tribe) did kill the natives of the Chatham Islands (an offshore New Zealand island group), the Moriori. But the Moriori and Maori seem to have the same Polynesian origins.*
        However, the Maori from mainland New Zealand, especially the more densely populated North Island, were mush more violent and warlike. Living on the isolated, small, cold and windswept Chatham Islands, the Moriori had in contrast quite literally begun a pacifistic system. I believe if there was a very strong grievance between two men, they could have a ritualised fistfight, until one was injured or drew blood, but never killing. A strong contrast to the Maori society where war and cannibalism were commonplace.
        The Morioris did well enough, until a few Maoris got themselves a boat and some British guns, sailed out to the Chathams and killed, raped, ate, every last Moriori.
        *There is a possibility the Polynesians were not the first in New Zealand, but the history is way to hazy to know for sure, and a politically correct climate tends to shut down any possibility of there being an alternative, so there is no real research into it except on fringes.

        1. the Maoris (or rather a Maori tribe) did kill the natives of the Chatham Islands (an offshore New Zealand island group), the Moriori. But the Moriori and Maori seem to have the same Polynesian origins

          So the neighborhood bully gets his ass kicked by an out-of-towner, and now that bully expects sympathy?

        2. > I believe if there was a very strong grievance between two men, they
          could have a ritualised fistfight, until one was injured or drew blood,
          but never killing.
          This sort of noble savage stuff is usually peddled by feminists attempting to show just how deplorable patriarchy and civilisation is. There are cases of anthropologists simply making this stuff up to prove a point.

        3. I don’t quite get what you mean. As far as I know my New Zealand history (which is not as well as I ought), the Moriori were hardly the neighbourhood bully. Why would they settle some isolated, cold and windswept islands in the first place, if not to get away from the real ‘local bullies’?
          Maori/Polynesian life could be brutal and savage, but not all tribes were necessarily as bad as others. I believe a similar thing happened among Polynesians in Tokelau, where again isolation and lack of land and resources basically meant war was far too big a drain on the community, and a pacifistic culture prevailed.
          By any means, the Moriori may have come from New Zealand originally, but they had been isolated hundreds of years by the time the Maoris massacred them.

        4. You could well be right about that point, but not all cases of pacifism are necessarily false. If you live on a small, isolated, cold, wind swept, resource poor island with only a few others, not only does warfare become a huge drain on resources, but even the single death of an able-bodied man is a hardship for the community.
          And anyway, no egalitarian feminist pacifist utopia here. There was, as far as I know, still a chief, still strong sex roles, and still indeed fighting, though not as common and generally lacking the ferocity found elsewhere.
          I presume there was always scandals, however! No pacifistic community has ever been able to entirely avoid violence, rivalries, the odd murder.
          Nor war, at the end note.

    7. Plenty of “races”, cultures, tribes, whatever, got wiped in pre-colonial Europe. The original Prussians and other pagan Baltic cultures were crushed out of existence in 13th century. Others like the Britons and Sami were shoved to the far corners of Europe and displaced by other peoples.

      1. …and the Britons were not the original inhabitants either…the Celts arrived in the British Isles in around 600BC. The monuments like Stone Henge, In the Orkney Islands and Ireland were built hundreds or even a thousand or so years before that. So the Celts/Britons and current day Irish are also not indigenous. And of course many of these then went on to colonise former American Indian lands, Aborignal lands and Maori lands.

        1. I don’t know how relevant it is. But the Irish people are shown by DNA testing to have immigrated from the Iberian peninsula around 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. Here in Mexico my y-marker DNA is very close to the y-marker DNA of the Mexican men, who are 2/3 descended from the Iberian peninsula. We are not Celts.
          The reason the indigenous ancestry lost so totally was not because of violence by the Spanish. But, in 1572 an epidemic killed 50% of all indigenous peoples in Mexico. And, whites living with them were virtually immune to the disease.
          A doctor in Mexico City has studied the many written reports of that epidemic. It did not correspond to any European disease. He worries that it might come back,, somehow.

      2. The pity is that if genocide is 100% efficient there is no one left to keep the memory alive. As you say many tribes and peoples were wiped out across the whole of Europe and the world and have been forgotten. Even by many of the ‘professional victim groups’ like the Irish Celts, Blacks, Muslims committed genocide on those that lived in what they now regard as their homelands before them. And of course these groups and others have always been happy to claim victimhood while also moving on to live in lands taken from Indians, Maoris, Aborigines and others..

      3. Yes and you dont hear any europeans on this board complain about their folk being eternal victims.
        But many non-white readers on ROK will piss and moan about how colonialism was evil, and that their region of the world was peaceful and prosperous prior to the arrival of the evil white man.
        And then they claim that they are red pill?! LOL

    8. The Native Americans never owned North America anyways, there were Europeans from Europe called Solutreans that had originally formed the pre-clovis culture there but they were displaced by invading Asiatics. North America really does belong to Europeans b/c of their technological cultivation and their actual history in the place.

      1. And do not forget the Kennewick man.
        “Native Americans” my rear end.
        This is a subject I ” discus” repeatedly with the descendants of the Asian land stealing immigrants.

        1. Kennewick man was most likely a Polynesian Mariner type and not a Europid-Caucasoid type. However the Soultreans and the various R1b Native American carriers in North America died off due to migration movements and climatic enforced droughts that decimated a lot of their populations. The Cherokee and Iroquois with their R1b subclades seem to be remnants of older ancestral migrations from people that were distantly related to Europeans/Middle Easterners.

    9. I’d say it wasn’t a tragedy at all; those cultures would have never built the necessary connections and theories to create advanced industrial societies or connecting technology used in warfare with that of helping their own living standards. Plus they all look the same and don’t have different colored eyes and hair like Euro-Caucasoids do.

        1. They say that Abos and Sub-Saharan Afros are the only 2 groups who do not have Neanderthal DNA.
          But “we’re all equal” the libs told me so. Maybe, one day, those troglodytes will figure out that it is not a good idea to shit in their drinking water.

        2. We should do our best to help any Native Peoples live in the world today. What makes me laugh though is the lack of outcry about the Indians still being killed today right now by the loggers in Brazil. What about the Bushmen and Pygmies of Africa being killed by the Bantu Negroes?
          Where is the ‘Left’ or are they only interested in native peoples who are killed by whites?

        3. The left are good goyim, wracked by guilt over the crimes of the jew that they mistakenly think are their own. The whites are the primary targets of the jew, so they use the caucasian leftists to infuse guilt and divde-and-conquer.
          The other races are merely secondary targets, so no need to debilitate them with guilt at this point.

        4. As far as I know Aboriginals do have Neanderthal DNA just like everyone else, it is more of a case of complete isolation and a lack of competitive gene flow much like the Pacific Islanders but much greater. The Pacific Islanders are Asiatic, but due to isolation and different pressures are massive brutes compared to the Asians on their Taiwan original homeland yet also lack impulse control and some intelligence (and yes, I have lived half of my life in the most ‘Pacific Island’ area in the world). They were Asians selected for physical pressures. So while Aboriginals have neanderthal genes, you really have a complete lack of other pressures which filter for civilisational traits. That is my thinking anyway.

        5. technically, Abo’s have about 7 points IQ advantage over papau blacks, and 2 point advantage over sub saharan africans.

        6. feh, when whites become minorities in their own countries, they will turn to the same tactics as the jews, probably even more successfully

        7. That tidbit on Bantus killing Bushmen is worth a note.
          Despite what we all seem to think we know about White man stealing South Africa from the Black man, as far as I know, when White man started settling down at the south-western tip of Africa, the Bushmen were the inhabitants of the country. Black men, Bantus. were newcomers in the North East at the same time roughly that Dutchmen and Huguenots were newcomers in the South West. Black men and White men were moving into the same land from opposite directions, pushing the natives out or into remote places, at the same time. And then they met on another, and one conqueror proved stronger than the other.
          So if the history is right, Europeans never stole or conquered the country from Black Africans, but they both fought over the same land. I guess, in fact, much of South Africa was White before it was Black.
          The Bushmen were an admirable people, but obviously uncompetitive as mostly pacifistic hunters, against warlike herdsmen, black or white (the latter having the extra benefits of horse and musket). They did hold out bravely where they could (something noted by many white men), but they knew they could never win in outright battle and seemed to prefer to stay hidden with poisoned arrows.
          They also loved to rustle cattle, and nothing will piss a herdsman off more than that!

        8. This is what the Afrikaan argue, that when they settled the Cape there was no one there. I think the Bushmen are the original inhabitants of much of Eastern and Southern Africa.

        9. Meanwhile Indians in India have Neanderthal DNA but still shit in their drinking water. You’d think?

    1. My biggest gripe with the white liberal is this: they complain that the land was stolen yet they often live in affluent areas with high housing prices. that they could easily sell to a native and leave to go to the old world and resettle. is their position any different from someone who loots a bank after the robbers have shot the security and tellers. their position is purely opportunistic. they fan the flames of the problem far more than come up with any real solution.

      1. That’s because most modern western “liberals” are hypocrites. If they actually believed in their claimed ideals they would have done as you said instead of enjoying the relative prosperity of a culture they claim to despise.

        1. Hieronymus Bosch – Dutch painter. Thank you for introducing me to someone I wasn’t aware of – very interesting.

      2. The fastest way to shut a white liberal up is tell them to give their property to a native. Of course, they never will because they’re raging hypocrites. What they want is for others to give THEIR PROPERTY to natives, so that they can feel better about their own guilt complex and self-hate, while still maintaining their cushy lifestyle.

        1. And the fastest way to get a christian to shut up is to straight-up ask him for money, quoting that verse about giving to all who ask of you.

        2. Or to demand that he/she open their Hearts and personally house all the syrian and african “refugees” storming the gates of Europe.
          You want lax immigration laws? Then you better pay for it yourself. Sounds fair to me.

        3. I have asked them to put their money where their mouth is and
          and personally adopt and house the mexican border jumpers, and they change the subject and call me a racist.
          This also works with christian fascist anti abortion whiners.
          Note: I am not saying abortion is the right thing to do, I am saying the religious freaks who bitch about it are a bunch of hypocrites.
          Christians and liberals are pretty much the same thing, control freaks, who get off on telling someone else how to live, while exempting themselves.
          99% of christians and liberals give the rest a bad name.

        4. Just like conservatives who – for instance – have sex with underage prostitutes want for other people to be penalised for having sex with underage prostitutes.
          Exactly the same guilt-displacement mechanism in both the left and the right. Underneath it, the same kind of “rule apply to other people” busybodies.

    2. Here are some fun facts!
      1. The Zulus were basically a dictatorship who enslaved, imprisoned and murdered thousands from less advanced tribes.
      The Maoris of New Zealand murdered thousands of a less advanced people
      called the Morioris. In fact they almost wiped them out completely. They
      killed women and children and ate them!
      3. African slaves were
      purchased from African slave owners that had a slave trade that predates
      the American slave trade by hundreds of years!
      4. There were white slaves in America and Australia!
      5. The Slavic (white) people of Eastern Europe are named so because they were slaves of black Muslims and Mongols!
      Natives and blacks and people of former English colonies go back to
      their former ways; before we FORCED our beliefs on them? They probably
      would so long as they could keep their cellphones, cars, snowmobiles,
      motorcycles, televisions, radios, road systems, running water, lights,
      heating, air conditioning, 2 story houses, opportunities for
      international travel, rule of law, democracy, welfare handouts,
      protected land reserves, etc…..

      1. …and remember even the Celts of Ireland are not the original inhabitants as they wiped out those who were there before them. Every part of the world has the same story. One cannot complain about being conquered when each group has been a conqueror themselves…

        1. But it is always more fun and politically correct to blame white people for all of the worlds problems, especially Americans because we are the most recent conquerors.
          These ” native”people made no progress for thousands of years, and nature selected them out.
          The same thing is now happening to white Americans because we have become weak and lazy.

        2. The picts, who had stone tools and weapons. Even now, “pixies” and the fairy folk can be defeated with weapons of iron.

  6. Methinks this comment thread will become one giant hate orgy.
    My Great-Great Grandfather owned a half dozen 2 legged farm animals in Antebellum SC and I am willing to pay reparations!
    As soon as I get my reparations from the UK for the decimation of my Irish ancestors, and Rome for the oppression of my Celt and Germanic ancestors, I will write the negros a check. Does 50% sound fair?

    1. I’m English/Irish/Scottish so I have to pay myself reparations. It hurts to have to withdraw the money from the ATM as an Englishman but oh how I love to put the cash into my wallet as an Irish-Scot!

        1. The Virtue Of The Defeated.
          Some of the greatest defeats suffered by the Irish and Scots were during attempts to invade England.

        2. And some of the greatest defeats suffered by England were during attempts to invade Ireland and Scotland.
          It is amazing that I am the first one to point this out.

    2. The slavs will clean up.
      In all seriousness only 1.6% of whites owned slaves at the height. I know that fact will be ignored when reparations comes due.
      As will slave owning among Blacks and Jewish involvement in the trade.

      1. American and Caribbean Blacks actually have far more chance that they have the genes – and ancestors – of (white) slave owners in their blood. A far greater chance than someone who has 100% European blood, which in most cases would never have had a slave owning ancestor.

      2. “In all seriousness only 1.6% of whites owned slaves at the height”
        This should be an easy claim to back up.

      3. The civil war was very much about rich people trying to protect their prerogatives, and many southern conscripts understood that. When it’s ok to own slaves, the average working man cannot make a living.
        We are seeing this played out now by proxy, chinese serfs manufacturing cheap goods for slave wages.

    3. ..and the original inhabitants of Ireland should also receive compensation from the celts that came and wiped them out, to become what we know today as the Irish..

  7. Australia is such a sick place. They seem to have an inferiority complex. First, because the continent was colonized mostly by English criminals. It was, after all, initially considered a penal colony by the British. Second, because they are so far away from everything that matters.
    So, what do they do? They mimic things they see in other parts of the developed world. And then to it 10 x more emphatically to prove how civilized they are.
    Since the latest trend is SJW’s and feminist pigs, Australia is on a course of self-destruction in an effort to prove they can do all of this just as well as the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe.

    1. “colonized mostly by English criminals. It was, after all, initially considered a penal colony by the British.”
      Most of those “Criminals” were guilty of nothing more than being poor and in debt. They were no more criminals than today’s man who defaults on his mortgage or falls behind on their credit cards.

      1. Frankly, Like the US, Australia got a lot of the cream of the crop of British intelligence. Unfortunately, like in the US, that smarts has led to a class of overeducated ‘intellectuals’ who honestly believe that a degree in movie appreciation somehow makes them a better judge of human nature than actually succeeding in life does.

        1. Hey, show me a critic that isn’t a condescending leftist and I will show you a guy that works for the christian Science Monitor.

  8. I’m so happy to see this article, one of the worst things about being a white Australian is putting up with with endless white shaming an being blamed for something you had no direct involvement in. Aboriginals didn’t live in some kind of utopia like the SJWs think, SJWs talk endlessly about progression yet they are so obsessed with a culture that progressed less than any other in the world.

      1. Emotion is how SJWs form all their views of the world, facts, logic an common sense don’t register to them.

    1. “Yet they are so obsessed with a culture that progressed less than any other in the world.”
      Poetic and absolutely true. Fetishism of the weak does not make one morally superior.

    2. well if you keep flooding the area with Chinese because of white guilt you just may have a race war you can’t win.

      1. That’s true white people will be the minority in the future the way things are going. Australia seems intent on cultural suicide.

        1. And the if the Chinese want to take over they are willing to wait until they are the majority . Unlike te Muslims in Europe who are too stupid to bide their time.
          But we will see. Maybe Australia will become the Eurasian capital first.

        2. Muslims have made it more than clear they want to take Australia too, but with our white shaming over the top political correctness people are being brainwashed to think it isn’t true.

    3. Agree. It’s the same in the U.S.. Tribes were at war and, at times, tribes were peaceful. It’s not as if everything was perfect before we landed.
      Too many people have a hard time dealing with life (the good, the bad and the truth). These are the same people who enjoy a hamburger but don’t want to know (the truth) of how it was ‘manufactured’.
      I, too, get tired of the shaming bullshit that happened long ago. I don’t let anyone use it on me because it would be the equivalent of defending a bank robber (today) because he is white. That guy fucked up (not me) so put the blame where it belongs.
      There is too much logic, though, in many of these comments so the feminists and SJWs will return to the emotional (attention seeking) responses.

      1. exactly conflict has always existed amongst different races an tribes it’s not as if everything was perfect an peaceful before Eurooean colonialists came along. Also as you said blaming a current generation for a previous generations crimes is stupid, it’s like me robbing a bank so therefore all my ancestors for the next 300 years plus get charged as bank robbers. SJWs claim they hate stereotypes an generalizations but they will label all white people as evil oppressors based on the previous actions of white people from a different generation.

    4. Yes, I agree. I am sick of hearing Indians whine and blame me for their land being stolen 150 years before I was born.
      My ancestors land was stolen in 1745, but no one cares, and I do not get any special treatment, because I am the wrong COLOR.
      Any of you indians out there who do not like my racism, remember, you taught it to me.
      NOTE:, native american is a racist term that I find offensive and I refuse to use it, kind of like Ms. is a sexist term I also refuse to use.

      1. No one should be blamed for a previous generations actions that they had no direct involvement in.

  9. They really should worry about themselves first. White Aussies will join the Aboriginals in the future when they become minority in their own country after the immigrants take over.

  10. Two more things that the left an PC mainstream media won’t aknowlege is that women were actually treated horribly in Aboriginal communities before The British arrived, some tribes even traded them as sex slaves, but coz that doesn’t fit into the ‘noble savage’ living in utopia image it gets left out. Also they have discovered evidence that Aboriginals were native to New Zealand too but were killed of by the more advanced Polynesians (Maoris) who actually killed all of them. But since The Left an SJW crowd only even criticize white people that never gets mainstream coverage.

      1. if you consider the ‘old man of the village’ being 40 years old, flint-knapping being the highest technology, and three quarters of their women dying in childbirth to be ‘living in harmony with nature’.

      2. Sure they were more nature based as they invnted no technology but they didn’t live in a fairy land utopia.

    1. Pack up, leave and let them see how life was so grand before it was settled.
      Shit will get real….very quickly.

      1. Next time a bleeding heart white shamer tries to guilt trip me about how we “stole their land” I’m gonna tell them to fuck off back to England if they feel so bad about it an if they don’t then give up all the technological an social an medical advances white people brought to the country, I bet they don’t do either.

  11. I’m currently living in a house with an Aboriginal woman.
    Before Australia Day she’d aggressively preached to me about Australia Day
    being a joke and how it was in fact an “Invasion Day”, and something that
    shouldn’t be celebrated. She also aggressively preached to me about how Aboriginal stereotypes are wrong (drug and gambling addiction, welfare bludging), and that Aboriginals are in many cases harder workers than white Australians.
    I came home the other day from grocery shopping at around 10 in the morning and found her secretively smoking an enormous joint in the front yard. She sheepishly asked that I not tell the house owner (who she’s been living with, rent-free, for months). She has claimed she doesn’t have the money to rent a place of her own but has admitted to gambling, and is evidently buying drugs.
    I’m not stereotyping anyone. Just recounting facts.

      1. Australia pays Papua new Guinea to take people who arrive by boat illegally, where they are held until processed. The left wing/SJW armada are very much against it, and want everyone to be allowed in regardless.

  12. As a fellow Aussie I’m dismayed by the collapse of our once great nation. We used to have an excellent Prime Minister, John Howard, who ran Australia like a well oiled-machine, making us the envy of the world. Sadly, feminism socialism and political correctness managed to get its tentacles into every aspect of society – the media, schools, universities, the public sector, and ultimately, Government, when that absolute nitwit show pony Kevin Rudd managed to con dumb Australians into electing him in 2007. Since then, the decline sped up and became a tsunami. A vaguely traditional male (our current PM) is relentlessly attacked for being a misogynist and extreme right wing (where is the evidence? We have the highest spending Government in history and with ridiculous over the top Paid Maternity Leave on the table – the kind of ridiculous socialist policy required to try and placate the feminists these days. Roosh, in one of his articles, explained that the end goal of feminism is that women can do no wrong. Well, under our previous lesbian feminist communist Prime Minister Julia Gillard, this nearly happened. Gillard was an absolutely shithouse PM, who fucked up everything she touched. But when she was criticised, she screamed that it was all because of misogyny, and that a man would never be criticised like that – what a joke, our current PM cops way more than Gillard ever did. And yeah, real victim.. knifed a bloke in the back to take the highest job in the country, oh yes, you poor oppressed woman you! Give me a break.. Australia has lost its balls, the women here are masculine feminists, I have been to America and did very well with the ladies who were way better, and even did things like cook me dinner – unheard of down under, where being as undomesticated and unattractive as possible is worn by the women here as a badge of honour.. trust me, you guys don’t know how good you have it!

    1. Everything you said is true except Gillard wasn’t Lesbian an at least Abbots maternity leave scheme got knocked back. It’s been a fast decline ever since Rudd first got voted in.

      1. I’m not convinced Rafael. Sure, she had a history of gobbling cock quicker than an AC/DC groupie if said cock was attached to a man who could advance her career. But I doubt she genuinely was attracted to men, they were just means to an end. Her ‘boyfriend’ Tim Mathieson was clearly a homosexual, and just there to improve her image. That’s another thing I never understood.. Feminists and lefties went on and on about how Abbott was a misogynist, a 1950s dinosaur who wanted all women to be chained to the kitchen sink.. yet his wife ran a successful business and his daughters seemed to be pretty damn independent to me. Abbott’s wife was far more liberated than ‘Tim Tam’, an embarrassing, pussified, effeminate unemployed hairdresser who sat around at home all day, in between fetching Juliar’s slippers and running her baths..but did you ever hear a word about how Julia hated men and only liked them in subservient roles? of course not, she was praised! yes, Americans, this is how far the once great macho country of Australia has sunk!

        1. She had few boyfriends before Tim the gay hairdresser though but you may be right. Abbot just gets labeled a mysoginist coz he believes in the family unit an traditional gender roles, his daughters an wife are all successful so that throws a wrentch in the arguments of all the screeching feminists buying for his blood.

        2. I’ll see your ‘gay boyfriend’ in Australia and I’ll raise you one ‘gay husband’ (Marcus Bachmann) in the U.S.. This guy is a real piece of work (married to Michelle Bachmann). I laugh every I hear someone say ‘he’s not gay’. I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you are on in this country…I’m using my common sense. This guy takes the prize (and he gets federal ‘welfare’ dollars for his “pray the gay away” clinic. The irony is pretty fucking real.

      2. I just saw that Abbott junked the PPL scheme yesterday, good, pretty hard to argue the ‘age of entitlement is over’ whilst paying fat cat women money just for having a kid!

        1. I found it ridiculous that the richer the woman the more she was entitled to in Abbots maternity scheme.

        2. Good point. We (the taxpaying voters) need to start looking at everyone who receives tax money. I know in the U.S. we have a bad habit of looking (and labeling) only certain entities who receive tax dollars. I want to look at all of them because I’m tired of paying while someone else (be it a person or company) continue to receive tax money. Even politicians need to be called out for it….some are the worst.
          Out tax money is handed out like candy and everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else…because they’re all guilty of it.

        3. Exactly right our tax money gets handed out like candy too unfortunately both major political parties over do it then blame the other for a rapidly failing economy.

    2. “Gillard was an absolutely shithouse PM, who fucked up everything she
      touched. But when she was criticised, she screamed that it was all
      because of misogyny, and that a man would never be criticised like that”
      This part is necessary whenever a woman is in power (and she fucks up). Instead of taking the blame and owning up to responsibility, these women actually double down and cry they are being attacked (a no lose situation). I gladly (and firmly) call out these women when they fuck up (just like I would a man). More people need to use this tactic and not back down when they try to cry ‘misogyny’.
      It is truly like dealing with children so you have to treat them like children. Men have to (need to) tell grown up adults (women) to start acting like adults and take responsibility.
      It is sad.

  13. Liberals love to criticize Western culture, and will take every opportunity they can to do so.
    Yes, Western culture was oftentimes unfair and brutal in how in treated other peoples. Yes, we conquered and slaughtered and did all sorts of bad stuff. But so did every other culture in history. Literally every society in history was built by coercion and tyranny, and the West too often engaged in this.
    But guess what? Unlike every other society in history, the West created new institutions of democracy and egalitarianism that moved humanity beyond brutal savagery. The West develop the most advanced art, literature, and culture in the world. The West led mankind out of the Dark Ages, and the West is the epitome of human potential. Every culture has their pros and cons, but on balance the West is the best thing to ever happen to mankind.
    We should not be ashamed of our privilege, but rather proud of our great heritage. We are sons and daughters of the West, the greatest civilization in the history of the Earth!

    1. yep….I would add that the West did all that you said but we are “the least worse” of all the empires that have been before. The USA builds the Panama canal and then gives it back. The USA has naval bases in the Philipines and returns them when asked. The British give back most of their colonies in africa. The Brits vote to end slavery. Contrast this to the Mongols, Atilla the Hun, the Romans…

  14. India is the only surviving ancient culture post colonialism and Islamic brutality, 800 yrs of Muslim rule, 200 yrs of Colonial Britain and their cronies. Salute goes to Hindus and their bravery. Now a nuclear power, 3rd largest economy in purchasing power, fastest growing economy in the world, democratic but still grounded, never invaded any other land.

    1. And full of fucking stupidass, arrogant wankers and crime, starvation, rape, and plague levels that stagger the imagination of anyone that thought they were even remotely first-world. Not to mention permanently gnawing america’s tit as the source of any prosperity.
      Salute the indians all you want, they are just a year of economic sanctions away from sinking back into the third world pisshole that they rose from.

      1. and why would anyone do sanction when Obama is in a 18 trillion dollar hole and no men to fight another war?

        1. because the moment the American ecomony tanks, India’s economy tanks so hard you are back to a radical feudalism before you can blink.
          What does india have going for them? cheap labor that speaks english.
          Selling that labor to America is the ONLY thing that the indians have managed to do to improve their banana economy since the British left.

        2. Nope, Gaewkwads, Travancore, vodayars, etc, kingdoms of the land paid and commissioned the railroads,

        3. Every time I call customer service I get a female with an indian accent who says her name is either tiffany or ashley. Only those two names.

        4. That’s because they know that if they admit they are named ‘Gupta’ we are already forewarned that they are incompetent and will do their best to rip us off and screw up our accounts.
          I used to work closely with Convergys (unfortunately), it is well known that Indian Agents have the highest rates of sales falsification, lack of retention, and mandatory intercession of any Agents on the planet. Followed closely by Bolivia.
          Ye hear that, ye little brown faggots? Yer less competent than fucking BOLIVIANS.

    2. Hindu nationalist alert. Worshiping cows while people are dying of starvation in the streets.

    3. The Indus valley was the point of origin of the Aryan tribe. A little Aryan blood goes a long way. The geographic area itself also seems to be a ‘font’ or wellspring of sorts for exceptional and leading people and their descendants. Even watered down, their bloodlines maintain acumen far above the aboriginal tree swinging monkeys in the nearby regions.
      TWO OTHER PLACES on the globe are also interestingly ‘fonts’ or ‘wellsprings’ of extraordinary humans. One is the BASQUE region of northeastern Spain where the area is known for it’s profound artistry and ingenuity. Galileo, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and other greats had bloodlines that traced back to BASQUE origin.
      The third is the Greek Attican isle of Patmos. The greats like Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras as well as many leaders like Alexander the great had lineage that traced back to the isle. They were like a unique and separate race altogether when compared to the average mainland Greek.
      So without the Indus valley within their borders, India would likely be nothing more today than a great big Bengla Desh.

      1. Aryan theory was debunked based upon DNA data a while ago, you may want to update your History soon. Smart people are all over India and could find many creative minds. Just look at Silicon Valley, not all are from so called Aryan, even Telugu and Tamil dominate there.

        1. Right much record is lost but Finno Ugric language leaves traces from the Indus valley to the Baltic. And Basques like Da Vinci never cease to amaze. Something in the water there?

    4. If India never invaded any place outside India, it’s because there was no India (or other all-Indian entity) for most of history. Instead, there were loads of smaller Indian states, who were very busy invading and murdering the shit out of each other.

  15. Grant them some land, give them a license to operate a casino. Its a proven way to quiet down their sense of injustice. lol

    1. Not true, it simply gives them the money to pursue legal options to validate their sense of victimization and entitlement.Us Americans have figured that out the hard way.

      1. Its a joke they say they are preserving their historic heritage when they willingly embrace the worse aspects of white culture for profit.

  16. In Perth, I have never meet an aborignal that wasn’t a lifelong centrelink user. They attack anyone white or asian and then scream racist if they are arrested. Most of their problems they bring on themselves.

  17. +1 for this type of bullshit on Columbus Day. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard some fuckrag bitch about how Columbus committed genocide by giving smallpox infected blankets to the Indians. As if these people had any conception of biological warfare before germs were even discovered. Every time I hear this “murderer’s day” bullshit, I feel like telling some dipshit to do the natives a favor, jump in the ocean and swim back to Europe.

  18. Another thing that goes overlooked in all the handwringing over native peoples who fell to colonization is whether the world would be a better place with them still running the show.
    When the Brits arrived to North America on ships that could circumnavigate the earth, full of the latest metallurgy, weapons and textiles, and armed with the pinnacle of scientific knowledge at the time, they encountered a culture that hadn’t yet invented the wheel. Does anyone really think that 400 odd years later the world would be better for everyone if the Brits had said “it’s occupied, let’s turn back and leave these resources to be squandered by a bunch of people who are killing each other over hunting rights?”
    Same question for Australia. No doubt the aborigines have suffered. But would Australia be a better place with them running it, or would they all be speaking Japanese?

    1. ” they encountered a culture that hadn’t yet invented the wheel”
      It’s even funnier than that. Take the Pilgrims for example. When they arrived in the New World, they first encountered Chief Samoset, a [non]Native American of the Sagamore tribe. Samoset kindly aloud his new Honky friends to fuck the scores of women, that he owned, in exchange for metal goods.
      Yet those fucking ignorant, historical revisionist femis believe that the stone age trogs were “Matriarchal” because they once found a clay figurine of a woman with big tits and wide hips.

      1. Haha. Hadn’t heard about Samoset, but this reminds me of how surprised I was when I read Undaunted Courage and learned that the Sioux gleefully allowed Lewis and Clark to fuck their way across the Dakotas.
        I have an ancestor, Richard Walderne, who was massacred by the Penacooks at Cochecho. Indian women, whom he trusted, opened the gates to his settlement so the Penacook war party could torture and kill everyone. The justification for the massacre was that he was unfair in his trading relations. So much for peaceful matriarchs. Peaceful unless you fuck with my cash and prizes!

        1. Nice.
          They say that the injuns didn’t need the wheel because they had no domesticated animals. But that wasn’t true of the Sioux. Before they had horses, they had Woman and Girls, to transport their shit. But that’s only if you believe Red Cloud’s Auto-biography.

      2. Do they believe they were ‘matriarchal’?
        As far as I know, there’s enough evidence at least some of the North-Eastern tribes were matrilineal. I can see why some dipshits would confuse carrying your mother’s last name as opposed to your father’s as being “rule by mothers”.
        Fun fact about “matrilineal societies”: You only take your mother’s last name because she was too promiscuous for you to know who your father was!
        No shit, matrilineal societies tend to be those which haven’t yet discovered, or prefer not to believe, that sex-childbirth is cause and effect. That, or their priorities lie more with sleeping around than with raising children in a stable family. “It takes a village to raise a child” only because a family needs a father and we can’t be sure who the genetic father is.

  19. I love “natives” and “aboriginals” when they squawk about how bad it is for them all the while driving cars and using other technologies invented by others.

    1. Truly! I went to an Abo settlement in NW Australia. They proudly showed off all of their inventions, throwing sticks, fighting sticks, sharpened sticks; those fucking troglodytes never even figured out how to tie a pointy rock to their sticks!
      Truly sub-human filth.
      I noticed all vanquished Troglodyte filth; from the niggers to the America Indians, indigenous Taiwanese to the Aussie Abos love to exclaim “We’re still here”.

      1. They did develop a sustainable form of agriculture far better than their European counterparts had by the same point in time. Not that a racist like you would know a thing like that.

        1. Really? Show us the extensive networks of granaries and crossbred species the Aboriginies had. Europe had figured out how to improve on nature well ahead of 1788. Or show us the irrigation networks where they optimised the agricultural possibilities of the vast tropical breadbasket that is one third of the country. Even desert-dwellers in Persia figured out how to do that, and even the fucking American Indians – the Pima, specifically – learned how to do farming and crops. Show us where they generated food production sufficient to create surplus grain, thereby creating more than a bare-arsed subsistence-level agrarian economy. European agriculture was not just sustainable, it was superior and developed mankind. Still waiting on anything technological of value out of the indigenous culture, agrarian or otherwise.

        2. You’re basically trying to make a reverse argument there. You list some things that they didn’t do to dismiss their agricultural abilities. That’s just asinine. And I’ve read that they did use dams and irrigation, according to the journals of white settlers who observed as much. They also picked seed and stored that, so that they could plant it themselves, rather than just relying totally on nature.
          When European settlers came here, they introduced foreign species that wreaked havoc on the local flora and fauna. They also kicked the aborigines off of their land, and then let hard-hoofed animals, like cows, run roughshod over much of it, making that land useless for farming. Pretty inept and blundering, really.

        3. “You list some things that they didn’t do to dismiss their agricultural abilities. That’s just asinine.”
          No amount of sourceless dismissal on your part changes the facts. Across the rest of the planet, those cultures that thrived and persisted were those that interacted with other cultures and began systematically farming sufficiently to bring in surplus grain in order to settle and develop their civilisations. That pattern was established from cradles of civilisation over several thousand years.
          Aborigines had forty thousand years to do something with an entire continent basically inviolate from the rest of the planet, and they did fuck all with it. Use it or lose it. Cry Woe Unto Thee O Bennelong all you like.
          Aboriginals were nomadic and tribal through large-ish areas of territory. That was principally because they were so shit at agriculture they couldn’t survive except by moving on to other locations as the resources in one area were used up. Calling that “sustainable” agriculture is the height of ignorance, but it’s also rather common in morons who believe in the myth of the noble savage.
          “They also kicked the aborigines off of their land, and then let
          hard-hoofed animals, like cows, run roughshod over much of it, making
          that land useless for farming.”
          Two hundred years of farming on Australian soil says you’re wrong. We export massive quantities of agricultural produce to other countries. Yeah. Sure the land’s useless for farming.

        4. “They did develop a sustainable form of agriculture far better than their European counterparts”
          Oh? Were can I read more about this “sustainable form of agriculture” that was developed by stone age troglodytes?

  20. ““So if we sent you back in a Delorean to 1750, with the mission of preventing the colonization of Australia, how would you go about it?” Amazingly, I am yet to hear a satisfactory answer.” Yeah, amazing. You ask a flat-out ridiculous question to which nobody has a sensible answer. As if someone not knowing how to stop a bad event from history from happening somehow nullifies their right to acknowledge that the event was a bad thing. You’re the fuckwit, buddy.
    Much as you try to let European settlers of the hook with the pointless line, ‘The aboriginal people just ran out of luck, you guys!!’ Really, by your own statistics, they were wiped out by the invasion of European folk, the population was cut by about four fifths. Whether or not the Europeans were trying to kill all of the aborigines, the fact is, they decimated that population. And weirdly, we as a country now celebrate the day when that started happening.
    Aboriginal folk weren’t seen as anything close to being the equals of Europeans, as far as those settlers were concerned. Up until colonisation, aboriginal tribes would make use of certain patches of land, and move back and forth between those as the need for food dictated. Generation after generation would occupy the same sections of land. Until the Europeans came along and started kicking them off, murdering those who resisted (Europeans, despite their agricultural ineptitude relative to the aborigines, considered themselves the superior farmers and figured that they would make better use of the land).
    And the stolen generation were treated horribly. They were seen as inferior to whites, they were beaten savagely by their ‘carers’, and were typically only trained for a lifetime of menial work.

    1. haha, “Answer my hypothetical time traveling question with a serious and science based answer”.

    2. Everyone has stolen someone else’s land. Now feel bad about it.
      Now go and also condemn the Aborigines for stealing their land from the previous inhabitants.

      1. There weren’t previous inhabitants. They were the first people here. And what is key here is that Australia actually celebrates the day that we started damn-near committing a genocide against these people. But people like the author love to dismiss that like it’s no big deal. We shouldn’t celebrate that day, it’s just grossly insensitive and inappropriate.

        1. You know, it’s time I went and protested historical recognition of the Battle of Hastings. Bloody Viking descendants coming and fucking up England, taking it off the Anglo-Saxons who were there first.

        2. As a person of Celtic heritage I protest your claim that the Anglo-Saxons were the first inhabitants of Briton (and I object to Angle-land as a name for my ancestral home). You Anglo-Saxons are just as bad as those Roman asshats. And f*ck those Picts, they were just ignorant savages anyway.

      2. About that…
        In the Americas, it turns out that the people who were here prior to the Native Americans were themselves Aborigines.
        The people who would become today’s Native Americans killed them and stole their land.
        I never liked the term “indigenous” or “first people.” I was born in the USA, so were my kids. How are we any less indigenous than anyone else who was born here?
        And as you point out, how does anyone know that the people living in a certain area were there first? How do we know they didn’t kill the previous people and steal that land? How do we know that wasn’t the ONLY time it happened? How many other groups of people lived there and were displaced by other groups of people?

      3. I suppose then, that you won’t resist if someone comes to steal your land? And, won’t try to take it back even if you’d have the ability to?

        1. They can try.
          Those troglodytes are not trying to “take it back”. They’re spending Whitey’s money on alcohol.
          I’d have respect for them if they got their pointy wooden sticks and tried to reconquer what is no longer their land.

        2. All of your thoughts come from some antisemite’s obsession. Then applying that globally.

        3. Congrats for finding this website. You must love me, the way you stalk me. Unfortunately for you, you can stay in the friendzone.

    3. “Much as you try to let European settlers of the hook with the pointless line, ‘The aboriginal people just ran out of luck, you guys!!’ Really, by your own statistics, they were wiped out by the invasion of European folk, the population was cut by about four fifths. ”
      Correct. Their luck was that they were living on an isolated continent that nobody wanted to occupy for the better part of forty thousand years or so. They did not develop or do anything meaningful with that fortune. As even disgraced writer Helen Demidenko said about the Palestinians: “People are dispossessed all the time. Suck it up.”

    4. “Aboriginal folk weren’t seen as anything close to being the equals of Europeans”
      Yea, because you weren’t anything close to being equal with the English. You were shit covered Bedouins who never even figured out how to tie a pointy rock on the end of your stick.

      1. Actually they discovered quite a bit, you ignorant fuck. They had their own agriculture and aquaculture systems before anybody else got here. They weren’t merely the hunter/gatherers that a lot of people think they were. Lack of knowledge is usually the underpinning factor when some low-life tries to denigrate a race of people.

        1. And please show us written accounts of the filthy, shit covered troglodyte’s farming techniques. Oh that’s right. The Abo’s only written records are finger paint drawings on rock walls.
          Look around, cavemen. White man exterminated you and yours and built a great nation in what is no longer your land. You are nothing. Just some filthy little monkey that time forgot. Go spend your welfare check on whiskey. Your existence is the only thing that’s denigrated you.

        2. I refer to aboriginal people as ‘they’, not ‘we’, and you can’t even discern from that that I’m not aboriginal. What a fuckwit. And there are records from European settlers observing the things I mentioned earlier. Not that you’d know things like that. Maybe go learn some things about the matter. Or at least keep your racist filth to yourself.

        3. ” And there are records from European settlers observing the things I mentioned earlier.”
          Ohhhh. And where are they? You and yours are just worthless niggers who were inferior to the white man. Feel free to keep making shit up, cave man.

  21. Dear Mr. Author, I like your writing style.
    I kindly ask you to write an article about the Belgian Congo!
    You’ll find some more clarified similarities between the two examples: Australians Aborigenees and Congoleans.
    Looking forward to it !
    Good job !

  22. What a creative way to justify European imperialism. “Well, they were doomed anyway, might as well colonize them.”

    1. And if it weren’t for European imperialism most of us would still be using stone tablets to write and be dying at age 30 of totally preventable diseases.
      Some things aren’t always universally bad.

  23. notice these activists dont do much to fix their plight. But the right doesnt do much either. But the comparing aborigines of killing off a few species for survival may hold water, but compared to the dozens of species europeans have taken down is like comparing a murderer to a mass murderer,but at least the mass murder can atone for it.
    But if its upsetting to wipe a species, it should be upsetting to wipe out a race. LIke many white nationalists taht find there way here, freaking about immigration, would just die if they were in the place of an aborigine.
    I heard interracial marriage is high with them, makes it seem like the full blooded ones will die out like the hawaiians.In their case its sad.
    Its very easy to come up with reasons to get over white guilt and say who cares about this group, But what if similar is said about europeans being wiped out by blacks latinos asians and muslims taking over those nations. A riot here and random fight there,may not be organized genocide but unfortuante nonetheless.
    I agree with the jist of it espically with these so called activists whom just want to manipulate feelings but not actually tangilble help is very agreeable. Its just lame moral superiority game they play to feel importent.

  24. They use to make good farm hands but when the government through guilt gave them welfare for nothing they took to laying around drinking and doing fuck all. My grandfather use to own a steel business and he tells me of how he would sell steel to build some shelter and they would knoc it down. So the government bought more. This cycle perpetuated for years and he reckons it only started happening when the government started giving aboriginal people money for nothing.

  25. If you invade another tribe or people’s land and slaughter them then settle, that is fine, but if you sail from one area to another and slaughter them then settle, that is colonialism/imperalism/genocide/racism/evil. Liberal logic in a nutshell.

  26. Invasion and conquest have been the story of the human condition for as long as humans have been around.

  27. Conquest is complex. No reason to jump into the right or wrong of it. I like this portion: Of course, I bear no ill will towards the Aborigines. They have had an unfortunate plight over the past two hundred years. Even today, there’s a massive (though closing) gap between Aborigines and the rest of the population in living standards – everything from life expectancy to literacy to incarceration rates.
    But these same activists are doing precious little to actually help them. Most have probably never been to a remote Aboriginal community or a detention center in their lives.
    Folks that only talk of what should happen instead of doing anything are ridiculous. By the same token, the same folks that are OK with conquest but not the burden that come with it are even more ridiculous.

  28. We will end up like those natives if we don’t change our mentalities toward immigration and diversity.

  29. Here are some fun facts!
    1. The Zulus were basically a dictatorship who enslaved, imprisoned and murdered thousands from less advanced tribes.
    2. The Maoris of New Zealand murdered thousands of a less advanced people called the Morioris. In fact they almost wiped them out completely. They killed women and children and ate them!
    3. African slaves were purchased from African slave owners that had a slave trade that predates the American slave trade by hundreds of years!
    4. There were white slaves in America and Australia!
    5. The Slavic (white) people of Eastern Europe are named so because they were slaves of black Muslims and Mongols!
    Would Natives and blacks and people of former English colonies go back to their former ways; before we FORCED our beliefs on them? They probably would so long as they could keep their cellphones, cars, snowmobiles, motorcycles, televisions, radios, road systems, running water, lights, heating, air conditioning, 2 story houses, opportunities for international travel, rule of law, democracy, welfare handouts, protected land reserves, etc…..

    1. I looked it up, and it’s true. Slavs were white slaves to Islamic nations. There was a flourishing slave trade of Slavs imported into Muslim countries in medieval times. Organized Christianity wiped out the barbaric, racist practice. That’s probably why I never learned about it in school.

  30. Guest
    5. The Slavic (white) people of Eastern Europe are named so because they were slaves of black Muslims and Mongols!
    While the above point sounds very dramatic, however it has no truth in fact. I have read similar comments previously on ROK – so for the record – the term Slavic actually refers to language, the group of modern nations that share parts of the common Slavic language, ranges from Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians,Slovenes, Macedonians, and Montenegrins, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Hungarian being a mix of Slavic and Germanic. The term Slovo, Slavia ( as In Yugoslavia) and Slovak (Czechoslovakia) there are many variations, means in its simplest form “WORD, or TALK ” – in that each of these different peoples could in fact understand each other, as opposed to say the German language, as an interesting point in the Slavic language the Germans are called in translation “no talk” or “Deaf and Dumb” .While I could easily write a full article on this subject I would simply point out that “WIKIPEDIA” should not be the reference of choice when it comes to serious research, indeed I would go as far as saying that when it comes to
    anything other than English history, most other articles are closer to urban myth
    rather than fact.
    Not nit picking but there is no historical evidence of blacks of any kind owning anything but black slaves. As far as the Mongols are concerned, even the Wikipedia version acknowledges( if you look closely) that the Slavic people saved Europe from the Mongols.

  31. Native Americans defeated the Vikings in North America around 1000A.D. because it was 2 evenly matched hunter gatherer societies fighting.
    Flash forward 500 years and the natives get crushed because an agricultural society (Spain, England, France) has superior resources due to food surplus and division of labor which breeds technological innovation.
    The gap in technology combined with disease is the reason Europeans steamrolled North and South Americas, Australia, and Pacifica but stalled in their invasions of Africa and Asia.
    Guns Germs and Steel explain this more in detail.

  32. Here’s the truth. Aborigines are basically the dumbest people group on the planet. The average IQ was found to be like 62. They are just a little better than homo erectus.
    Get real, liberals.

  33. If the British and the French did so much harm to the countries they colonised, or even, as is sometimes claimed, committed genocidal acts, then surely the African population would have dropped substantially after the colonialists arrived? The complete opposite is true. The population of the African continent rose rapidly during the colonial era. The “Atlas of World Population History” by C. McEvedy and R. Jones reveals that in the nineteenth century the African continent grew from 70 million to 110 million. By 1950 it had risen to 205 million. Some genocide. A rise in population occurs when people have the ability to acquire more food and provisions, gain more access to modern medicine, and benefit from more stable political structures leading to increased law and order and less tribal conflict. And all these things happened after the arrival of the British and the French.

  34. Every SJW weeping over the plight of the poor aboriginals should be made to spend a full 24 hours in Katherine on dole day. It’ll temper their romanticism with a little realism.

  35. That’s how come we know the hordes of Phoenicians, Chinese, and whatever didn’t troop across the Americas, either. Maybe a few Roman ships went off course and the Vikings and Irish fishing boats were provably in Canada in the Middle Ages but those were a few individuals. If the vast numbers revisionists claim had been here the Indians would’ve been infected with smallpox and measles and developed immunities. They hadn’t. Only a few foreign people were here before Spain, and the Indians in Mexico and Peru could have crushed the invaders by sheer numbers except for those diseases.
    Nobody in medieval times understood the nature and transmission of infectious disease so I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it. I sympathize and hope they can retain and rebuild their cultures but neither I nor the conquistadors caused their defeat. It wasn’t the Indians’ fault, either but due to causes not then understood. The same applies to Australia and Polynesia.

  36. The Real Savages Justified their Savage acts by labeling the Victims as Savages.
    I can already see the comments before reading them…”Those people were savage to begin with,” “They were ALL warring with each other anyway,” We helped them with their infrastructure..” These are inaccurate, false, and used as justification for savage actions perpetrated in the past and present as well. Of course Ancient peoples warred against each other, but when many of these people here speak they label all people as a monolith which is intentionally misguiding and inaccurate.
    They WERE NOT all Warring with each other before Europeans came and destroyed the land and people, many of these civilizations DID HAVE LAWS. Some were brutal in their ways but even those who warred against each other HAD MORAL MILITARY CONDUCT CODES which many Europeans would have violated with their own practices….many Societies WERE PEACEFUL and Sophisticated with high morality and and respect to their fellow man, these were the first societies to be brutalized by the incoming European horde. They DID NOT build Infrastructure for the benefit of the conquered peoples it was a comfort for the Conquerors and a more efficient way to EXTRACT RESOURCES FROM THEIR respective colonies which continues today. I don’t believe whites are “superior” they are human just like me…and I only conduct myself in mutual respect..even if i disagree with you, i disagree respectfully and i EXPECT the same level of respect as a MAN. They talk about Democracies as if they invented it…when laws in the rights of men and civil societies existed for thousands of years prior! The West still does this today spreading “democracy” bombing Civilizations that existed long before their own! And hypocritically supporting Dictatorships who support their agenda.
    Even many Europeans protested their government’s actions at least to some avail, but their voices are quickly drowned out by the mindless masses, Politically Strong, and the wealthy.
    Before I read the comments I already knew what was going to be said..some elements of truth with a whole lot of Bullshit as the gravy. I don’t like bullshit though, and neither should you.
    The real savages Justified their Savage acts by labeling the victims as Savages.

  37. Thank you. As an Australian it sickens me that a group that has had the issues they’ve had are used as such a scapegoat by social justice types for their own benefit. Clearly there can be no true improvement in these areas until such social justice nonsense is stopped for good.

  38. There’s no indication that the Aborigines were responsible for the extinction of Australian megafauna; anymore than Native Americans were responsible for the extinction of the American megafauna. We’re to believe that Stone Age tribes with bows and arrows (and spears) wiped out Mammoths, Mastodons, Dire Wolves and other giant animals just for the heck of it?
    This event, called the Pleistocene extinction, did occur in the Americas, but it was due to cataclysmic geological and climatological changes that caused it. They tried to blame Natives as a way to justify the wholesale slaughter of the buffalo herds and other ecological atrocities by saying that they’re no worse than the Natives.
    Ditto for the Maori, who wee blamed for the extinction of animal species in New Zealand when their oral traditions claimed (and was later scientifically proven) that a fire from the sky (meteoric or cometary impact with massive tsunami) did the damage.
    Ditto for Easter Island. Say the Natives cut down all the tress, killed all the wild game and started eating each other when the evidence points squarely at Europeans being the culprits: introducing epidemic diseases that decimated the population, invasive species like dogs, cats and rats that decimated the wild life, slavers who raided the villages to supply plantations in South America, whalers who raided the villages for women to serve as prostitutes and who cut down the trees to make masts for their ships, and finally missionaries who tried to save their souls by destroying their culture and burning all their books (they had a unique writing system called Rongo-Rongo).
    Ditto for the Australian Aborigines, who after living on the continent for the last few tens of thousands of years with little or no environmental degradation, who took great care in introducing foreign plants like tobacco from neighboring Indonesia, saw everything go to shit when Europeans brought in invasive plant and animal species that damaged the environment and disrupted local ecosystems.
    Recently, President Bill Clinton apologized to the Hawaiian people for
    the United States annexing their islands. Sounds great, but what else
    have they done to fix the problems they’ve caused in the past and
    continue to cause? Not much from what I can tell. Any plans on returning
    their islands to them? Nope. Then what was the point of apologizing?
    They practiced slavery? That’s bad, but it doesn’t justify you doing the same to them. This was used to justify the African slave trade, since Africans were already enslaving each other, right? Wrong. African slavery was reserved for criminals and outcasts. It was Arabized African and Berber Muslims who were enslaving other non-Muslim (and therefore pagan) Africans, raiding towns and villages for slaves to sell on the Middle Eastern market (an ongoing phenomenon). They introduced division tactics like colorism (or shadism) to pit dark-colored Africans against lighter-skinned half-breeds, etc.The Europeans didn’t start the slave trade, they just jumped on the bandwagon and didn’t get off until the mechanization introduced by the the Industrial Revolution made most labor-intensive tasks obsolete.
    As for Virtue of the Defeated, would Native Americans have tried to wipe out Europeans if given the chance? Would they have taken their children and put them into residential schools? See Kevin Annett’s writings and documentary films and decide for yourself. Would Filipino tribesmen have put Europeans in zoos? See the documentary film A Bontoc Eulogy and decide for yourself.
    Face it, leftists are idiots and their motives are suspect, but they do
    have a point: most white people won’t own up to what they have done to
    others and still continue to do.

  39. It is imperative for the Aboriginals to be held back from the Leftist retards and some elements of the Far Right.
    Actually Aboriginals fought hard in all Aussie wars and were some of the bravest soldiers. They also control a lot of good land and are hard negotiators. So Far Right hate that.
    Leftists like them as poor babies so they can use the Aboriginals as a way to guilt everyone and get the Aboriginal vote.
    Neither side gives Aboriginals a good picture unless it suits their propoganda. Aboriginals are prper alphas and in soem tribes they are fucking hardest people I ever met. Some tribes still hunt traditional way but are also best cattle men and women. They can also survive in harsh terrain and thus are accustomed to be good soldiers.
    Pity we never hear this till you actually go see good tribes.

  40. Guys who write articles like this and the ignorant posts that cosign them are usually insecure failures at most of life. They vent on other cultures and project their insecurities on to other groups to make themselves feel superior. These are some of the lowest forms of life to exist. They are the skin tags of their people..and the worst of their culture.

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