I love when girls call me superficial. This usually happens when I comment on how I couldn’t date someone who is overweight or otherwise unattractive. They probably expect me to correct myself, or defend my positions or feel sorry for my sexual and aesthetic preferences. Little do they know about what my response to their hypocritical posture is going to be.
Yes, indeed. I am superificial. But, under the risk of sounding obvious, we are superficial. That’s our most basic nature. The way things look matters… a lot. It always did and it always will, as long as humans have eyes. It matters in just about anything. We buy homes, and go out to restaurants, bars and clubs to a large degree based on interior design (i.e., those establishments’ appearance).
When it come to buying just about anything, form wins over substance almost every time. Let’s not fool ourselves; as mechanically inclined as we might be, the way cars look and the image they portray is still the main deciding factor in buying a car, and not so much the speed, torque and other features. Even reliability doesn’t seem to matter as much. Otherwise, BMW’s and Audi’s wouldn’t be as popular, considering their highly shaky electrical system and lack of durability of some other vehicles.
A few years ago I asked my friend, who at that time was a high-level VP at Apple, whether iphone 2 had a particular functionality. He looked at me, smirked and said: “Who cares? Don’t you get it? The only thing that matters is how it looks and how it feels in your hand. Who cares what it does, as long as it does the same things as any other phone? As long as it’s thin, metal, and slick, people are going to prefer it over other phones. The very flat and thin Motorolla Razr was just the beginning.”
At that time, it sounded like a mildly cynical joke to me, but with time, the ipad, the Mac Air, and alike have been proving his point over and over again—we buy that which looks good in our hands and which looks like a flattering accessory. We can deny it all we want, but that’s not going to change the bottom line. Design seems to be more important than the substance, and the wine for some bizarre reason seems to taste better when you drink it out of a nice wine glass, rather than a cheap coffee mug.
If looks and form matter so much in objects to us, how can they not matter to us even more in far more critical and fundamental things to our nature, such as sexual attraction and selection of dating and sexual partners? It’s time we, men, stopped feeling embarrassed of what we like and why we like it. We don’t have much control over it and neither should we have any. It takes us a fraction of a second to make the “hot / not hot” determination. Surely, we don’t do it consciously, and very little analysis is going into that process.
Ironically, the women who blame us for being superficial are just as or even more superficial than us. A straight guy with a healthy sex drive is not going to be as picky about selecting a female partner, as an average woman will be about selecting a guy to go out with, let alone have sex with. As long as the girl has a decent body and her face is not ugly, she is “doable” in most guys’ eyes.
An average Western girl, however, is ready to dismiss a guy initially based on petty and extremely superficial details that would never matter to a guy in a woman, such as unpolished shoes, non-matching socks, a suit that doesn’t quite fit well, dorky haircut, etc. This is why how you dress and your overall style really matters to your game. But, if the is hot, she will be hot and desirable to us, even if she drives an old beat-up van, and even if she got her dress at a vintage store for $10. On the other hand, if she is not hot, the latest Ferrari is not going to make her any more desirable to us. However, in many cases an average looking guy will be far more noticeable if he drives an expensive sports car. This is not to blame women or point fingers at who is better and who is worse, but to simply point out facts about our nature.
The next time a girl calls you superficial, look her in the eye, smile and say, “Really? I thought I was just being human.” Then watch her walk away. She is probably on her way to doing far deeper things, like buying lipstick that matches her new shoes a little better than the twelve other lipsticks she bought over the past few months. And remember – the right girl – the one who likes you and who is sexually attracted to you will have no problem with your superficiality and being objectified in a tasteful, seductive way.
Don’t Miss: The 15 Magical Years of Womanhood
If we judged women the way women judged men, they would be in deep shit. Because a lot of them are losers that are just getting by long enough to hopefully snag a winner.
I don’t even think I could come up with more than three or four things I look for in a woman.
They have lists that go into the hundreds.
My list is small. What I won’t tolerate however, is a pretty long list.
To the author: I you haven’t already, you need to study, not read, a book titled “Theory of the Leisure Class.”
Oh! I forgot to mention, yellow cars are most gay :o)
Man, if someone offered me a yellow Lamborghini Diablo in bright yellow, with no strings attached……call it gay all you want.
My wife will lay me…and probably not care that I got laid several other times by other women who could not resist.
I probably would not even think about it as I would be getting raped by both my wife and random women, and the shock of getting a car like that for free would make the ordeal lost on me.
Maybe, I would cry later?
It looks like a Ferrari f15 but its a convertible so not sure which model it is. I’ll just blame Top Gear for not using it in an episode as of late.
“If you haven’t…,” not “I you haven’t…” Grrr!
Veblen for the win!
I was dancing once, saw a friend with nice wristwatch. I ast him what time was it? He said he didn’t know. I said what about your watch? He said it was broken. Why do you wear it?
“Because girls like glittery, shiny things.”
Heh…girls are always making comments about my watch. I always tell them they notice it because it is attached to my wrist and then wink at them.
I am a wholeheartedly superficial guy, and I approve this message!
Still, the only thing that does happen is being one who can accept the substance after you have tasted the superficial. We call that love these days. LOL
If a girl calls you superficial for caring about weight, and you actually care about getting into it:
“Height. Girls care a LOT about height. Weight you can change, and it reflects your personality, self-discipline, health, and sexual mechanics. A guy’s height is immutable, reflects very little about him, and has almost no practical effects. Yet girls care about it massively.”
I’m tallish and did a lot of online dating. Tons of girls’ profiles have explicit “you must be this tall to ride” phrases, and many admitted on dates that they liked my height a lot. lol
Ironically, the number of guys dating fat chicks (which are usually idiots with no options) far outnumbers the girls dating short guys, even though excess weight is a disease that has a very simple and straightforward remedy.
The number of guys dating fat chicks outnumber the amount of fat chicks, or skinny chicks dating fat guys.
If you didn’t know already, political incorrectness is an aphrodisiac. If you don’t believe me try it out and see how you go. e.g.
“I only date white chicks.” “Are you racist?” “Yep.”
“I don’t go for fat chicks.” “Do you hate fat people?” “Well if they can’t love themselves enough to get in shape… yep.”
Be prepared for scorn. Don’t budge your stance. It’s all just a shit test.
You should treat Western women like you would treat a pet. Because that’s about the level of sophistication they have. Flaunting material possessions in front of them is like throwing a shiny rubber ball around with Fifi.
Hey, there’s the word “western” where there shouldn’t be, before the word “women” on your comment.
I have found intellect to be a strong indicator of true superficiality. I suppose that should come as no surprise. Physical attraction is biological, which should be categorized as physical compatibility and not superficiality. Is someone shallow for prefering the color blue? I don’t think most intelligent people can truly be superficial. Eventually, that intellect needs to exercise itself. Though our culture does as much as possible to suppress that need.
More and more men are realising that women offer less and less.Therefore men are expecting more value from women as a result
For example this article from the economist.
Having a vagina just doesn’t cut it anymore. We no longer live in a world that can afford to give endless resources for women to waste and as a result we will start seeing women compete for men.The days of the entitled princess are drawing to a close.
Sorry dude, but I think your argument is flawed.
Let me explain, prostitution is a declining industry like the music industry and such. 1- Why paying for sex when it is free (as why paying for music when you can listen for free albeit having to go through ads) 2- Prostitution has been depicted by the media (and feminism) as immoral and deviant, i.e. if you go for a prostitute you are a pathethic loser. 3- Porn is widely available. 4- We are more and more sexually repressed.
However, I believe that prostitution was balancing in some way power between genders. The choice had the effect to create a trade-off for men. As a result, women were bounded to please men.
Hungry men will reinforce the princess trend creating a vicious princess entitlement. The future is bleak.
Sex is never free, even a so called alpha male is only given a “sample” of the goods in the hope that he’ll eventually commit.
I think that you have far too narrow a definition of prostitution. What we’re seeing is not just professional prostitutes but younger women turning to prostitution out of desperation as they have nothing else to offer in life. Prostitution can be anything even giving someone a meal and a place to stay in return for sex not necessarily a “pro”.
Shaming language and guilt tripping has always been one of the biggest tools in the feminist toolbox and one used by the weak to control the powerful by using their own (nobler) instincts against them.
Something is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. When resources become scarce people prioritise survival over anything else which means that the price of sex plummets as a result.
Yes there are a lot of “hungry” men out there but there will also be a lot more literally hungry women.
Sex is never free, even a so called alpha male is only given a “sample” of the goods in the hope that he’ll eventually commit.
I think that you have far too narrow a definition of prostitution. What we’re seeing is not just professional prostitutes but younger women turning to prostitution out of desperation as they have nothing else to offer in life. Prostitution can be anything even giving someone a meal and a place to stay in return for sex not necessarily a “pro”.
Shaming language and guilt tripping has always been one of the biggest tools in the feminist toolbox and one used by the weak to control the powerful by using their own (nobler) instincts against them.
Something is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. When resources become scarce people prioritise survival over anything else which means that the price of sex plummets as a result.
Yes there are a lot of “hungry” men out there but there will also be a lot more literally hungry women.
Sex is never free, even a so called alpha male is only given a “sample” of the goods in the hope that he’ll eventually commit.
I think that you have far too narrow a definition of prostitution. What we’re seeing is not just professional prostitutes but younger women turning to prostitution out of desperation as they have nothing else to offer in life. Prostitution can be anything even giving someone a meal and a place to stay in return for sex not necessarily a “pro”.
Shaming language and guilt tripping has always been one of the biggest tools in the feminist toolbox and one used by the weak to control the powerful by using their own (nobler) instincts against them.
Something is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. When resources become scarce people prioritise survival over anything else which means that the price of sex plummets as a result.
Yes there are a lot of “hungry” men out there but there will also be a lot more literally hungry women.
positive vote sponsored by capitalXD
>Prostitution can be anything even giving someone a meal >and a place to stay in return for sex not necessarily a “pro”.
This guy… understands ! Sex always has a price. Whether it be freedom or money. The post expensive prostitutes are housewives.
>but there will also be a lot more literally hungry women.
Elaborate please. Don’t agree with this at all. There are more guys than girls and guys need far more sex than girls.
Supply << Demand.
+1. Brilliant analysis.
The first line in the article “TIMES are tough for Debbie, a prostitute in western England who runs a private flat with other “mature ladies”. ”
Somehow I suspect it may be due to the ‘merchandise’ they are trying to sell based on that intro.
There’s a pervasive myth floating around that that women are more complex and harder to understand
than men are; that they’re deeper and more emotionally astute, and overall less
superficial than the typical sex-obsessed male simpleton. It’s become fashionable
for a man to espouse that view, because by being self-depreciating in this way
he can portray himself as an easy-going, laid-back, modern and enlightened man,
which will score him points socially and make him appear more likable to
Something I’ve noticed recently is that whenever I
overhear a group of women talking in a cafe or a bar, they are almost
always talking about people; specific people who they know — gossip, in
other words. Men on the other hand, talk mostly about things, ideas, concepts,
hobbies, etc.
I don’t think anyone could make sense of the rabbid hamsterbation that occurs in the minds of women. All I know is they like shiny things, act like spoiled children and crave cock.
The guys I hang out with talk about things which sound like the dialogue from The Big Bang Theory. I can’t imagine women discussing whether we live in a computer simulation, or performing Fermi estimates of how many ping pong balls could fit into a suitcase, or talking about the differences between Robert Heinlein’s and Ayn Rand’s views of a free society.
And no, I did not make up these examples.
You like The Big Bang Theory? What poor taste you have.
Yeah, geeks used to be smart. Nowadays, they´re fanboys.
Women are definitely more chaotic than men are, but randomness is not the same as complexity. This confuses a lot of people.
The major difference of men and women.
Women talk about stuff they have seen and experienced…that is the limit of their imagination. Solipsism 101.
Men talk about this stuff as well…but they can go beyond that scope and present hypothetical or bounce theories, ideas, scenarios they’ve never been in til the cows come home. Men’s imagination surpasses women’s.
Bill Burr is great at this.
I hate how the supporters of this blog are so quick to generalise women based on stereotypes. Truthfully, I am a woman who also hates hearing other people gossip – it’s just shallow and makes me wonder what goes on in that person’s head most of the time. I’m pretty quiet and dislike small talk/social pleasantries and would rather discuess a specific topic or concept.
You have to get out of your bubble and realise that not all women are the same. I’m not trying to make myself sound high and mighty (because I’m obviously not), I do, as I said, want you to see that not everyone thinks and acts the same.
To clarify:
We are superficial in that everything we do is to impress women in order to get laid.
Cars, money, success, clothes, iphones, tastes… As men, we don’t really give a fuck about the beauty or the polish metal finish of our phones, we are just reflecting women’s desires in order to fuck them.
what a woman is really saying when she gets upset and accuses a man of being superficial is “women have the right to get fat and stop caring about their appearance once they get married or enter into a LTR.” basically, its a warning that if u wife them up or make them your GF, they will stop doing the things that attracted you to them in the first place, but still expect you to accept them no matter what. I was married to a fatty for 10 years and was as kind as possible about supporting her to make changes that would help her weight issue. when we got hitched she was a hb7, but she went downhill fast. I tried to do the honorable thing and stick by her. in the end, she only got fatter, so I pulled the eject handle and bailed. I get accused by all of the girls who were supposedly my friends while I was married of being the lowest form of life on the planet, worst than pedo. of course, my new Thai GF, who is only 18 years old and a hb8, gives the former female friends lots of new reasons to hate me. now being called “superficial” is almost a compliment compared to what all those cackling hens have to say. truth be told, my life is so interesting and free in compared to the haters that they have no choice but to talk about me just to spice up their day. in fact, my name is in their mouth so often they might as well be giving me a beej. sound fx…maniacal laughter. muhahaha!
great post decomposer
Girls in the West tend to peak at about 19 after which the drinking, partying, drugs and smoking catch up, prematurely aging them.
At that age only the most alpha of males and violent thugs are allowed access to her pussy, decent men who want serious relationships are kept around as beta orbiters or useful idiots otherwise known as guy friends.
Women usually start life with much more social experience than men being initiated into manipulation and superficiality at an early age. It’s all a game to them and they are the center of attention and adoration wherever they go.You could even say that their entire lives are based around this which is why game is important for men to learn since it is the same one they have played against us since before recorded time.
As men age and their experience and value in society goes up, woman’s goes down at about the same rate. This is why you often here them talking about how in their pasts they were superficial and now they’re not. They’re enlightened and have learned from their mistakes even though they are so glad to have had done all these things and don’t regret them. They also try to hide their true partner count because they say it’s not important to the person they are today and you should know that and not judge. They don’t judge you of course except in their past which was a mistake so why are you judging them? You must be so superficial.
What these reformed women are really saying is that their value is now low and they’re forced to compromise with you. The fact that they call you superficial is shaming language and jealousy because what they once so thoughtlessly squandered is now within your grasp.
Everyone gets their day in the sun, it’s up to you what you do with it. Don’t date single mothers, gold diggers or reformed sluts.
As a woman, there’s one thing I don’t understand in all of these posts: why do you assume all women are the types who spend their college years drinking, partying, and whoring themselves out? I’m 26, but look no older than 21, and I’m attractive enough to have my picture stolen and posted all over the internet. Yet I’ve never gone through that stage, my sexual partner count is three, and I imagine it’s years of eating well, exercising, not tanning, and not drinking liberally is what makes me look so young. You say our social value decreases as we leave our early 20s and our youthful beauty fades from hard living, but not all women follow the pattern of partying hard in their youth and then turning into fat, entitled women as they age.
No, not every woman is like that but they’re so exceptionally rare as to be almost non existent in the Anglosphere.
“I’m 26, but look no older than 21, and I’m attractive enough to have my picture stolen and posted all over the internet.”
Your comment sounds like a sales pitch. No, I’m not buying and neither is anyone else here.
Sales pitch? I never said I was a perfect 10 model. I was trying to say that as long as women take care of themselves, they can remain pretty and youthful-looking for much longer than their early 20s. I’m mistaken for college or even high school aged girls all of the time, and while I’m sure genetics help, I attest it’s a result of just eating well, staying fit, protecting my skin, and not abusing substances. Easy enough things to do!
Fair enough. Considering most of the women I knew in high school and college fit the picture you painted, I concede.
Not to worry, Elaine. I don’t think that anyone here has a quarrel with girls like you.
You acquitted yourself well, elaine; however, consider where you are posting your comment. A NAWALT comment is not going to be met with much sympathy here. You are arguing an exception (which we are too cynical to believe in), while most all of us have lived the rule. “Not all women are like that but the harridan I was married to sure as hell was!”
Your comments here, in support or challenge, are about as welcome as a bastard at a family reunion. Or maybe a wife at a bachelor party.
That’s just the way it is. Besides, “Women ruin everything.”
If a woman calls you superficial…it’s because she is looking at a mirror.
Really any insult they throw your way is projection. That’s why I love it when they call me a hooker or a whore. I take it as a compliment.
Men are superficial because woman are superficial. Woman are attracted to the guys that stand out the most. Most of us are not born typical thugs so men naturally resort to the most successful and low risk route to get pussy: to provide. If there would be more pussy than dick there is no more need for BMW’s or iPhones or expensive suburban villa’s. Guys would fuck girls and that’s it. Every action we men do is to get pussy. War, economics, murder, work, construction…
If government would really wants everybody to be healthy, happy and no more wars then the only thing they have to do is tax having sons.
this article does not even scratch the surface of the superficiality of women. Have you ever gone gift shopping for a male? I run a shop and we sell gifts so I buy a lot of gifts. Shopping for females is 100 times easier than shopping for males because women just like stuff, men find value in other things. Also what is not being superficial? If superficial is valuing things other than personality women win hands down. We value things, material things of all kinds, I see it everyday in the difference between male customers and female customers. I do not think superficiality is bad, but if it was a contest women would win.
Years ago I worked and was friends with a black man and a black woman in a mid-sized Las Vegas law firm (I am white). Roger was my age (37) and had been raised by a a single mother in South Central. Michelle was 26, divorced but with no kids, grew up in Detroit but had attended parochial school in Dearborn.
Roger missed LA and told me he had attended a few minor celebrity-type parties but really wished he could have been totally in that scene.
Meanwhile, Michelle moved to LA and about a year later when I saw her again she told me she had gotten a job with an important Beverly Hills law firm and had regularly met a number of big celebrities and had worked on their legal issues. In addition, because she was a young black woman (and more than a little wild but could maintain a proper facade), she said she had attended more than a dozen parties in the three months she worked there.
I opined that she must have really liked all that party-hoping and rubbing shoulders with celebrities, but she assured me she had hated it! “Those people are so superficial! They will talk to you for no more than 30 seconds and as soon as they realize you can’t help their career – they’re gone! Real assholes!”
A while later I was talking to Roger and mentioned what Michelle had said. He replied very matter-of-factly: “Yeah, I understand. Some people just can’t HANDLE superficiality.” I laughed out loud but the irony was totally lost on Roger.