How Can I Go Back?

The television series LOST featured a group of people who survived a plane crash on a mysterious island.  Far far away, this island was very odd and entirely different from their lives back home. Eventually a handful of them made it home, only for the main character to realize that home was not the same anymore, and that he needed to go back to that island.

Although this show is a lot more complicated than this little snippet entails, this small portion relates in a mild sense to what I am feeling right now.  I left the US for Eastern Europe on June 1st. My trip concludes in 10 days. And I have come to the realization that what I previously thought was home, where I thought I would eventually settle down, and how I imagined my domicile being set up is no longer an option. And I am not alone in this.

Why? Well, many reasons…some of which can be explained and some of which just need to be experienced. Nonetheless, here’s my attempt at explaining some of them.

The Women

The most important and obvious one, especially to our readers.  There have been endless articles written here and around the internet about the qualities and superiority of Eastern European women.  Instead of stating the obvious femininity or the almost universal ability of every girl to cook, I’ll just go through a few things that girls said, did, or were on this trip from the various countries I visited:

  • Cooking me numerous dinners, from scratch
  • Showing up at the airport with a cake baked for my arrival
  • Wearing a dress and heels to go for a walk
  • Her: “I’m 18, and you?” Me: “Early thirties.” Her: “Oh! I love older men!”
  • Her: “I wrote 18 on my birthday cake because I do not like being old.”  She turned 20.
  • Her (different girl): “I don’t want to be 22, I want to be 18 forever.”
  • Grabbing my shirt and telling me she will iron it for me
  • Cleaning my entire kitchen unsolicited
  • Bringing me homemade jam she and her grandmother made the day before
  • Refusing to eat after 6 p.m.
  • Putting away her phone during the entire date
  • With the exception of one girl, being under the age of 25 as the object of my approach
  • Happily meeting my sister as she walked by randomly on our first date
  • Kicking me out of the kitchen when I tried to prepare lunch
  • Having her friends help her get her coat, to leave with me from the club the same night I met her
  • Actually caring about what I do for a living and my desires in the future

The most I got from their American counterparts in the past year was making hamburgers for dinner and ordering an extra dish of Thai from her iPhone app that delivers food to her apartment, while telling me about how Eric at work fucked Stefanie and how much of a jerk her boss is for asking her to put in some more effort. Vomit.

I know what’s coming. Last year I went to Central and Eastern Europe for a month and upon my return went out to a happy hour in West Hollywood.  I will never forget looking around the bar, seeing all the girls without dresses and heels on, seeing no girls that broke the 7 level, and seeing an endless sea of men waiting their turn to hit on them. I was utterly disgusted and disappointed. I cannot imagine how I will react after three months.

The Drying Machine

As you spend more time in Eastern Europe, you begin to realize that all the comforts of home are just that…comforts. They are not necessary. Is it that horrible to have to hang dry your clothes?  The first few times you are left wondering why the hell they can’t just have dryers in Europe too. But then you realize, what difference does an extra five minutes make in terms of hanging your clothes to dry? It doesn’t. This extends to almost all comforts of home — you slowly begin to realize you don’t need them.

Do I really need to have the waitress come ask me if everything is ok? No, I do not. I can wave her over when I need her.

Do I really need a car? No, I do not. Almost all major cities here have decent if not amazing transportation systems (I realize this applies more to me as a resident of Los Angeles, than say New York).

Do I really need a happy hour? I can do without seeing coworkers or friends for a few hours after work one day, drinking beers and eating fried foods.

Can I really not walk for 10-15 minutes to get to my destination? Of course I can. You don’t realize how fucking lazy most Americans are until you start walking everywhere. Only then can you appreciate how ludicrous it is when Americans try to find the closest parking spot to a store to save themselves 100 feet of walking.

Do I really need to have the espresso maker? The DirecTV subscription? The 3DTV? The BMW? The Starbucks every 5 blocks? Costco? The answer to all of these is no. We have been deluded into thinking that life is a lot more complicated than it is, morphing these conveniences into apparent necessities in order to assuage our discomforts.

The Act

I read Roosh’s book regarding smiley faces and while I thought it was a great read, I couldn’t really grasp its message until now. Seriously, if I want to leave a fucking smiley face why can’t I? Because American girls will punish you for it. You have to act as if you don’t give a shit about them at all just to start the process of moistening the vagina. The same reasoning applies to buying girls a drink, or paying for dinner, or whatever you want to use as an example. We are forced to go against ourselves as men, as the provider, in order to court efficiently. Whereas in Eastern Europe you are rewarded and respected for this behavior, as you should be.

Then there is the political correctness factor. If my true thoughts were shared on a regular basis, I would be excommunicated by most. If back when I worked at my corporate job I stated that I think women thrive in their traditional roles as caretaker of the home, that they are happier in that role, that as their weight increases and their hair length decreases so does their appeal, and that I would never hire a female employee to any position of importance, I’d be fired or at a minimum be sent to sensitivity training. Here, it is the accepted belief and would be met with a “yes of course.”

Nobody Understands

Try explaining to your coworker, your friend, or your mother why you want to visit Siberia. Or why you want to live for a year in Kiev. Or why Moscow may be worth fighting through its winters. You can’t. Unless they have physically visited these locations, they just have no idea. They don’t know what it’s like to sit at a cafe and see two girls dressed as if they are going to a wedding, drinking coffee and chatting with each other in another language. It is not possible to know what it feels like to walk up to an attractive girl, say “Hi, how are you?” and instead of their minds being trained to think this guy may be a potential creep for intruding upon 3 seconds of her day, she gets a slight twinkle in her eye and curiosity takes over, leading her to ask “where you from?” with genuine interest.

They hear the stories, but they think they are exaggerated. “Sure Law Dogger, Russian girls are that much better than Susie from Ohio. And tell me again why I should move to a city where I don’t know the language, I have to specifically ask for ice, and I can’t readily find a pastrami sandwich nearby? I’m fine here with my Prius and college football Saturdays.”

In all honesty, who knows where I will end up or what I will end up doing. I’m still trying to figure this out myself. But one thing I do know is now when I hear a random person on the streets of Russia speaking English, I feel disgust. Not comfort.

Read Next: A Tale Of Two Men

119 thoughts on “How Can I Go Back?”

  1. magnificent article. i left the US and have settled in Vienna, Austria and i agree with everything you have written. i hope your article will influence RoK readers.
    thoreau wrote “most men lead lives of quiet desperation.”
    hopefully more men will realize that there is an escape from the drudgery of life in america

    1. i think this is true [fuck if i had any kind of finances i would ditch the ice cream stand of the UK in a heartbeat], but the danger with hastily made short trips is you dont see the full lay of the land. Easy to have tourist goggles on.
      It’s easy to confuse initially excitement at new locales, nice environments, places where the conditions for beauty are more than just be thin (thin is a default!), for a mana paradise.
      You can just as easily be cheated, just as easily be fucked over in new environments, and that’s where taking a long trip if possible seperates you from the tourist ‘2 week’ people. You get to know the sheisters mafia goons, and the good normal people. Also why second tier student cities are a God send
      That said, we’re all red pill men here [or trying to be] so there are many objectively better environments for traditionalist culture, as eastern europe is well known for.

        1. anon1 hit the nail on the head about what I call the “honeymoon” period of temporary travel. You may land, spend two weeks somewhere, and declare it heaven on Earth. These are usually tourist trap cities like Paris and London. My favorite cities were always second tier cities as Roosh has talked about. Nice in France, Pilsen Czech Republic and Poznan Poland are examples of amazing cities unblemished by international tourists.

    2. man Wien and Austrian women is like the last level of über femi-nazi resort. We lucky to have poles, hungarians, russians and all the other proper good women coming from the east!

      1. sackbauer: i don’t know if i agree actually. austrian women from the countryside (who represent a huge portion of the viennese labor market) are extremely traditional and family-oriented. statistics also show the average austrian age of marriage to be much younger than in other parts of europe, especially scandanavia. what do you think?

    3. Was just in Vienna for a few days visiting my cousin. Beautiful city. Beautiful women. Also got in a tryst with a beautiful Russian I’ve been seeing! Not any more however, found I was paying for everything. Anyhoo I was talking to a friend of my cousins and he told me that Vienna has a very high divorce rate. I could be corrected on this. I just think that Western values are again slowly creeping into the Eastern block ( I know Vienna isn’t strictly Eastern Block but it’s close). I’m planning an excursion to Budapest in the near future. From what I’ve seen Hungarian women are very sexy indeed. Don’t know what the gold rings on the fingers is all about though. Maybe someone can clear this one up for me….

  2. Did anyone get the thinking that this site is peddling a mirror image of feminism.
    In this case it’s masculinism – trying to convert men into predatory animals, where the game is sexual use of women.
    It shows that the rulers that set this up, have succeeded in conning you to fight with women in the never-ending battle of “you’re wrong, not you”, instead of looking at the source of problem and addressing it = “the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the
    heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:13).
    God surely knows that i had a corrupted mind bent on selfishness, with an angry attitude against women, being enslaved to the sins of pornography and self-gratification.
    Probably this comment will be deleted by administrators/writers of this site, because they need you as their flock for boost to their own ego, and wouldn’t like letting you go to the flock of Lord Jesus Christ – if they’d do it, they will just show they work for the devil.
    With faith in Jesus Christ, i have more peace and i don’t have to fight with women and be enslaved by anger, revenge and selfishness attitudes, and the lying doctrine of alpha men, which instead of elevating you – tells you that the strength is in reducing yourself to horny alpha animals hunting women – which kinda reminds me of the mark of the Beast mentioned in the book of Revelation; God knows though if they are related or not.
    Yes, by this site’s standards i’m an the last of the last – being a sheep of the Good Shepherd, Lord Jesus Christ; but ask yourselves do the advices and attitudes of ROK site really work for you or is it just another delusion like feminism.
    I’ve just found some site, where someone knows about this “game” stuff, and debunks it as a false religion and faith, which is similar to people who allow themselves to be preocupied by illuminati conspiracies in music videos instead of reading a Bible:
    Anyone of you, who wants eternal life and salvation from past sins and hates this alpha/game doctrines, i urge you to search for Jesus Christ, who did pay for our sins and sees through false sinful attempts at boosting our egos through any false modern/secular doctrine – find a true helping faith, instead of a semblance of it.
    Read the New Testament for real helpful and practical teachings.

      1. im almost certain this is a joke, since he linked to omega virgin revolt, possibly the saddest blog i have ever seen.

        1. omega virgin revolt .. that name sounds scary enough that I won’t even click on it ..

        2. Looks like anti-game MGTOW mixed with evangelical Protestantism and a heavy dose of spergitude, including typical liberal preconceived notions.

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      1. How could we have read Ephesians before christ showed up?
        //yes that’s tongue in cheek.

      1. If he’s a middle eastern Christian, he’s got a lot more to worry about these days than posts on RoK.

    2. ^^^^^^^^
      The feminine imperative in action. Google it if you don’t know what it is. God forbid that men should have desires they want fulfilled. In the USA, only women’s desires are respected. Men’s are bad, naughty and abusive!!

    3. So you have papered over anti-social impulses with religion?
      Welcome to the world of obsessive compulsive personality disorder, bud.

    4. Hi Oleg,
      You are talking to a man who was a christian from 16 to 44. I became christian when I was the subject of what can only be called “supernatural experiences” when was 16. I mistook these supernatural experiences as “signs” because they only ever happened when I “prayed” as I was taught as a little boy. And I can assure you some of these experiences were VERY IMPRESSIVE.
      In 2005/6 my step son had cancer. (I was 42) He told his mother he wanted to die and could not go through another 6 months of chemo. He refused to take my calls because he knew I would call him to fight for his life. As a loving father I was grief stricken that my son wanted to die and refused to even take my calls to try and persuade him to live. I wondered if I would ever see him alive again.
      I went to Paris for a few days to try an ease my grief before going back to work. We were keeping three places at the time and so we desperately needed the money from work to pay for everything. I walked the streets of Paris in the depths of grief. It was new years. Windy. Wet. Bitterly cold. The rain hid my tears as I cried for most of the time in grief for my boy.
      One night I found myself at the arc de-triumph. I have absolutely no memory of actually getting there. I stood by the eternal flame over the unknown soldier and looked at the muriels around me. I had no idea what I could do for my boy. I did not want him to die but he refused to talk to me. So I did what I always did when I had no idea what to do. I prayed and asked “God” to tell me what to do. A voice said “Call your son”.
      I had no idea what I was going to say but I did as advised. I called my wifes cell in Syndey (Australia). I told her to pass the phone to Jarrod. She talked to him, I could hear her. She came back and said “he does not want to talk to you”. I said “Tell him it was not question”….so Jarrod came on the phone.
      I asked him directly if he really wanted to die now and he said yes, he had had enough and he couldn’t do this 7 more times. I told him that was perfectly ok and it was his decision to make.
      I then told him about the sight I could see down the champs elysee. The beautiful christmas lights shining in the wind and the rain…the reflections dancing on the road which was slick with rain. I told him it was one of the most beautiful sights in the world a man could ever see.
      I told him that walking the streets of Paris had reminded me how great it is to be alive. To see new places. To do new things. I then transitioned and I said “Can I ask you a question?” And he said sure. So I said “I want you to give me your word that you will stand on this spot with me in one years time. Next new years. Will you give me your word please?”
      Then passed what seemed an eternity…I have no idea how long it was. Maybe 20 or 30 second. He finally said “Yes, you have my word, I will be there.” I said “Good. Now. Tell your mother that tomorrow she is to take you to Gowings (a very famous store in Sydney) and she is to buy you the biggest, heaviest leather coat she can find because it is f***ing freezing here and you will need it. You are to hang that coat in your room. Any time you feel down? You are to remember. You WILL be here with me next New Years Eve. Now. Pass me back to your mother.”
      That is how that went. Well? The lad fought for his life and won. We did stand on that spot a year later. Not exactly new years but close enough. Whoever said “Call your son” had given me the will to find a way to reach him that worked. My step son lives today because I prayed and my prayer was answered.
      There is no man in this world who has more reason to believe in “Jesus” than me.
      BUT…..The whole Jesus thing is a fairy story. And the supernatural experiences that I have had all my life are not linked to that fictional character. In addition? Western christians are the biggest liars and hypocrites in the world because they do not hold their women accountable for breaking their gods laws.
      You may or may not come to realise that “Christianity” is nothing more and nothing less than the Babylonian Mystery Religions rehashed and repackaged to mind control people. If you break out of that mind control? Some very interesting revelations await you.
      Good luck breaking out of the mind control of “Christianity” Oleg.
      I can assure you what is on the other side is worth the effort.

  3. I left the US last fall to live Ukraine for 3 months, I came back a changed man, I left my girlfriend of 7 years, worked my ass off for 6 months. Now, I am sitting in Syktyvkar, Russia writting this. This is exactly how I feel and I’ll tell you Law Dogger, its practically impossible to live in the US again… These words are exactly what I have been trying to tell friends for the past year, I gave up. Excellent article, could not have said it better myself, I’m on a mission to learn fluent Russian if it’s the last thing I do, good luck in 10 days!

  4. Nice article, Law Dogger. The only thing I’d agree with your friend on is the college football on Saturdays thing, being a Tennessee alum. But with the internet and the popularity of ESPN, it shouldn’t be too hard to follow your favorite team, no matter the sport. The 18 and 19 year olds that are into 30 year old guys doesn’t sound bad at all, either.

  5. If I could go back in time, I would get my parents who invested in med school, to buy me a yacht instead with the tuition money and I would’ve fucked as many women as I could. There is absolutely no incentive for men to work.

    1. “There is absolutely no incentive for men to work.” I have come to the same realization. I also agree with your sentiments that women in the workforce are “childish, bitchy and destructive. ”
      It seems you can I are at the same crossroads.
      I want out of ‘Murica. I have been sold a false bill of goods too many times in my life. I’m sick of conforming to the ever-increasing demands of a system that threw American men overboard 30 fucking years ago.
      I really don’t know where I will end up at this point, but I have at least awakened to the realities around me.
      I am working diligently to find a way to relocate to either Latin America or Southeast Asia.
      As Chateau Heartiste recently put it, “Excise this stinking corpse of a nation from your mind, it is no longer a part of you and you are no longer a part of it. Time to rebuild something new, better, true and beautiful from the smoldering ashes.”

  6. “.. as their weight increases and their hair length decreases so does their appeal, ”
    That was an error right ?

  7. In all fairness, that not walking around all day, spending half the day in the kitchen and going outside to hang up clothes (what happens in bad weather!!! my friend in Scotland would hang up wet clothes in her apartment and it could take days for them to get dry) is one of the reasons Americans had the best and biggest middle class and even the wealthiest poor class in the world. Its hyper competitive and thats what fuels the lifestyle. Its simple, a nation that works harder, has more. I have a guy friend who works like crazy, guess what, he’s a millionaire. Probably hasn’t walked in 2 decades. I have a lady friend who takes 3 times as long to do a simply errand as a regular man. Guess what, she has nothing. Don’t get me wrong, I am totally down with it, and thats why I’m here, but people always seem to conviently leave out the massive amount of people who are barely surviving in these traditional countries.

    1. Those people “barely surviving” are propably (and by “propably” I mean “for sure”) happier than your millionaire friend. Sounds unreal to most americans. But when you have been to one of those poorer countries, you will know what I am talking about.

      1. Possibly, possibly not. More people are trying to get to the US than Eastern Europe thats for sure. There is a reason for that to. The trite line of less is more sounds good in theory but in practice it doesn’t add up. Make no mistake. This game is about cheating. We are trying to make money in first world countries and live good in 3rd world countries. Nothing wrong with that. I would challenge that half starved Bulgarians would not switch to being a healthy, 41 year old American millionaire who’s getting close to retiring. But hey, if it helps you sleep at night….
        P.S, I have been to many of those countries and enjoy my time there. I’m just keeping it real. As much as I enjoy it though, I also enjoy coming back here and being able to close a window and shut a door without worrying if it will break and also that I won’t have 75 8 year old children beg me for money daily also.

        1. Millionaires do not retire, only cubicle drones dream of “retiring”. Why somebody would “retire” of doing the think they like to do? Have you seen many movie directors “retiring”? (Well, Coppola likes more his winery than his movies now). If you like to shit on people of other countries (which you don´t know) thinking that this would ease the pain of your office drone life, you are wrong. Life for lots of people in those countries is better than yours. Sure, lots of people are also poor, but don´t think for one second that poor people have it worse than the poor in the States.

      2. Scientific studies of happiness have confirmed what you said, Marco Stojanovic. The average American is no happier overall than a poor rickshaw driver in India who at least has his family surrounding him rather than pointless material possessions.

  8. American females are worthless no doubt. My first trip to Eastern Europe was the same as yours Lawdogger. Then I kept going to Ukraine and Russia and things were not as pleasant. East europe is no utopia, as you have: poverty, difficulty starting a business there (not everyone can just write a bunch of books and make enough money to live off of) , corruption – people always trying to rip you off, the Winters are rough, and the women are feminising faster thanks to social media and the internet. Believe me when I tell you that east european women were fuck loads sweeter back in the 1990’s, now they are just cold and calculating and know what their beauty can fetch in terms of a wealthy provider once they get to the West. Finding a good woman in East Europe will take time and you will have to proceed with caution. As well aside from major cities like St. Petersburg and Moscow, the majority of cities and towns in Eastern Europe are ugly as fuck. Let’s mention too western europe’s main flaw: europeans love socialism. High taxes, nanny government.
    I’m not saying the USA is the place to be either, but simply put be aware that you will get a more complete picture of eastern europe when the honeymoon of your first visit becomes after the fact.

  9. American females are worthless no doubt. My first trip to Eastern Europe was the same as yours Lawdogger. Then I kept going to Ukraine and Russia and things were not as pleasant. East europe is no utopia, as you have: poverty, difficulty starting a business there (not everyone can just write a bunch of books and make enough money to live off of) , corruption – people always trying go ril you off, the Winters are rough, and the women are feminising faster thanks to social media and the internet. Believe me when I tell you that east european women were fuck loads sweeter back in the 1990’s, now they are just cold and calculating and know what their beauty can fetch in terms of a wealthy provider once they get to the West. Finding a good woman in East Europe will take time and you will have to proceed with caution. As well aside from major cities like St. Petersburg and Moscow, the majority of cities and towns in Eastern Europe are ugly as fuck. Let’s mention too western europe’s main flaw: europeans love socialism. High taxes, nanny government.
    I’m not saying the USA is the place to be either, but simply put be aware that you will get a more complete picture of eastern europe when the honeymoon of your first visit becomes after the fact.

    1. “the women are feminising faster thanks to social media and the internet. Believe me when I tell you that east european women were fuck loads sweeter back in the 1990’s, now they are just cold and calculating and know what their beauty can fetch in terms of a wealthy provider once they get to the West. ”
      You got that right! women you meet in E Europe in passing are always going to be sweet and nice at first, then start spending some time with them and it will not be long before they ask you to buy them a cell phone, or need money to give to a sick relative that doesn’t exist.
      So then what we have is what you outlined: Corrupt, roma style asshole central, hideous towns and cities (Some of these places still have Soviet style architecture that is so gross to look at these structures will want to make you heeve) fucking ass cold Winters, nopt always having everything you need. I’m also not a fan of the states, but try relocating out to EE and spend some time to really get to the the people and zeitgeist, and you’ll
      be looking to get out.

    2. The bottom line: don’t go beta just because they’re nicer than American women. Keep your alpha hand strong. Women are women. Perhaps we should thank American women for forcing us to learn top-level game.

  10. The painful truth of this article, and of Roosh’s book, are the great sorrow of this age.
    I live in Los Angeles.

    1. I take your LA and raise you a Toronto 😛
      I do feel your pain my friend, and can relate only too well about the North American mega-city conundrum. It’s why my brother avoided the downtown and surrounding Burroughs and went an hour out past the boonies to meet rural country girls instead. Said they weren’t perverted by the pretension and ego blitz of pussy beggars.
      Although i am enjoying a great relationship right now, i have to admit, this article hit home when i recall my trip to Poland in 2010. What my life would be like if i swallowed the redpill back then and went to Poland with this knowledge.. rather than having that exact same trip usher in the death of my beta marriage.

      1. I dunno, I think it’s more of a toss-up. Toronto women might be more committed to the feminist cause, but I doubt they are as generally self-centered as LA women.

  11. Maybe I’m lucky but I’ve never had a problem finding quality broads in the US to date. Then again I’m not in a shithole like LA.

    1. well that would depend on one`s standards, would it not? we don`t share the same definition of “quality”

  12. Well said. I’m getting sick and tired of America and its obsessions with mindless pop culture and constant sarcasm. However I get bored easily and would have a hard time choosing a place abroad to stay. My goal is to live somewhere in southern Europe and travel around from there, though I’m not against South America.

    1. Only problem with Southern Europe is that the sex ratio is terrible due to the birth rate crash in the 1970s, which means there’s a lot of aggressive older Spanish and Italian guys chasing a much smaller number of girls.

  13. How does a partner at a litigation firm get to take a 3 month vacation? – Summer associate at a small litigation firm trying to figure out my future.

      1. Awesome. Good to hear. That kind of flexibility is the reason why I chose to pass up on the big firms.

        1. Thank you, sir. Did you write the amazing article about that point? Either way, please post a link if you remember the title. It really helped boosted my confidence as I made my decision.

        2. Question for Quintus: what area of law do you work in?
          Question for LawDogger: Are you a commercial litigator? If no, then which area of litigation do you specialize in?

        3. Whether small or big law firm, just make sure to work under a good partner. Learn all you can from him, and after 3-4 years ditch it and go on your own. That’s what I did.

      2. I’m in the same situation as you…exactly. I have a law partner, and he can take care of the candy store while I’m away in Brazil.
        The downside is that clients seem to need face-to-face contact. Maybe that’s just the price we pay. Plus, you’ve got hearings and trial schedules to comply with. Not easy to do.
        I’d like to hear some of your management strategies for dealing with the problem of being out of the office for extended periods: e.g, Skype, email, internet, etc. Maybe a future post on this?
        It should comfort you to know that others of us have already gone (and continue to go through) the same things. When you’ve lived abroad for years, it’s even a worse feeling coming back. Talk about total alienation. But you can sooth the tumescence of your soul, and alleviate the anguish, by adopting a philosophical outlook. This, and continuing to take your frequent extended trips.
        You’re doing things the right way, I think. Gradually taking repeated trips, which will eventually morph into being gone more or less completely. Or you can decide to straddle both worlds, and get the best of both. Or maybe exile is also an option. I’m not sure that’s the best way, but it is an option.

        1. i’ve used “adobe connect” and “go to meeting” for some time. both excellent. and more reliable and user-friendly than skype.

  14. Ideologies like feminism are completely unnatural, and they tend to come and go in cycles. As feminists have accomplished almost the entirety of the second-wave agenda, having experienced the “utopia” and finding it to be less than desirable, women will eventually turn their backs on it. Then again, i’ve only ever met one girl that meets this description. Maybe it’s one of those things where “the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent”.
    My plan may very well lead to an epic disaster, but it’s all i’ve got. Knocking up a traditional girl 10 times or more. Nothing like almost a dozen little red pill hellions to replace those millions of cat lady second-wave career gals without kids. Besides, if you owe the bank a million dollars, you have a problem. If you owe the bank 10 million dollars, the bank has a problem.

  15. I am Eastern European, so I read this article kind of backwards, slowly finding out what crazy shit American women do and what rotten thoughts prevail in a society. I really love my country now. There is nothing better than well dressed slim Czech/ Slovakian girl looking at you with her cat eyes and beautiful smile while you walk her through the centre of Prague.
    Sure, feminists exist as a minority, but the society view is more like “oh look, those clowns protested again”, haha…
    Just look at Russia now. 9/10 people support that homosexualism shouldn’t be advertised, and it won’t be, because while homosexuals are not hunted, it’s simply not regarded as normal…surprise, beautiful female Russian athlete Isinbajeva thinks penis-vagina connection is traditional, while American atheletes at the world cup protest with rainbow fingernails and american bartenders boycott vodka:-) Well, fuck you, we enjoy feminine women!

    1. Ondrej,
      “There is nothing better than well dressed slim Czech/ Slovakian girl looking at you with her cat eyes and beautiful smile while you walk her through the centre of Prague.”
      The sweetest, loveliest, kindest, most gentle woman I ever met was Czech. She came from a small village and we met when she was on the rebound from being dumped. She was trying to find a husband. We were friends for nearly two years. I have never known a woman like her. Not even my fav#1 has as sweet a disposition.
      We both knew that our time together would be limited but I can tell you I was very sad the day she said that her decision was that we should make a clean split and not be friends when she met her prospective man.
      A women like that? I would be very happy to “protect and provide” for such a woman. She had a very big impact on me. I even quoted her in my books.
      You just never meet women like that in the west. They don’t exist. And yet, she tells me that she felt she was nothing unusual and lots of her friends “back home” were just like her. I am richer for being able to go over the memories of our days together.
      Funnily enough she called me out of the blue two years later and said things were going well the prospective husband. We talked for about two hours. She told me she felt really bad about dumping me so abruptly and that it worried her for months. Like a typical woman she made up a lie as to why she dumped me but I knew it was a lie and I told her so.
      I explained to her that I had absolutely no hard feelings at all, indeed, I reminisced of our time very often and she had given me many hours of lovely day dreams looking out of my office window thinking of her when I really should be working. We laughed and joked like we had only seen each other the day before. I had really wanted to marry a good woman like that. I really did. But they don’t exist in Australia which is where I grew up and married. They are all poisoned by feminism.

        1. Reminds me of a story I heard years ago. Guy goes to the doctor with a case of crabs. Doctor has a look at his old chap and says, “Aussie bird?”. Guy says, “yea how did you know?” Doctor: “Dirtiest women in the world!” (Both sexually and hygienically from what I can gather)

      1. You sound like a very good man. It’s a crime that has to be a liability in these times.

  16. Great article. I’ve nothing profound to offer – only that I air dry my dress shirts despite having a drier. Your shirts wear out less quickly that way, I recommend it.
    Driers and dishwashers are perfect examples of this pointless indolence of America.

  17. “Whats wrong with Susie from Ohio?” Well, a lot according to the New York Times. Women from New York and other major cities may be living the good life, but once you leave the coasts and head towards middle America, everything turns to shit for women. Ask Amber Strader, who had a second child with a different man after her birth control failed.
    Despite being 27, Strader looks 35, having played fast and loose with her decisions without the benefit of a well-paying job in HR or PR that will pay for the inevitable surgeries she needs to maintain her looks.
    Ukranian women are realist and pragmatists. They don’t have the same benefits and protection American women get. If they fuck it up there’s no government, or legion of white knights to rescue her. So she better treat the men around her with respect. No random brainwashed dude will save her because of his sense of duty. but because she treated him well.

  18. Law Dogger – another great article. Quick question – what is the extend of your foreign language knowledge to communicate with these girls?

    1. After my first time in Kiev, I decided I need to have some Russian skills. So I enrolled in a class and did self-study. I am not conversational, but I can get by. I’d say more than few phrases and words, less than conversational. Basic.

      1. I got a lot of surprised queries as to how or why I was learning Russian. They seem to figure that being a native English-speaker I should not bother learning a foreign language.

  19. Haha I always enjoy hearing from fellow like-minded American men describe these feelings upon experiencing Europe, specifically Eastern Europe.
    I can relate to everything mentioned here. I went through the same thought process in my first six months in Europe. Those thoughts have only become more powerful after three years.
    One of the first things I noticed with women was akin to the smiley face. Every girl I have dated has mentioned they find it funny I don’t respond with “xx” at the end of texts as they all do over here. It’s a small gesture but it says so much about the retarded mental methods I was programmed to use interacting with women.
    I will never go back single.

  20. Superb article. I loved it. More of the same please. We need to re-educate the Betas who let the bitches masculinize our society. The disease of beta must be stopped!!

  21. I am from Ukraine and you are completely delusional.I live in england,make 6 numbers and get laid with women of the same quality as in Ukraine (from different countries,eastern europe too).
    You must be completely clueless in terms of game,if you voluntarily move to places like russie in order to get laid.
    I have this extremely rich buddy of mine from Ukraine,he moved abroad lately too (and not to pursue any economic opportunities,just because it’s better).In fact most of my alpha,ambitious and succesful mates moved from Ukraine abroad.The country is drawn into matriarchy,corruption,boredom and despair.
    Anyways,I have some girls I keep in contact with in Kiev and I fly there from time to time (one in 6 months).Under no circumtances,ever,would I make an insane move of getting married or getting into a relationships with one of those…But you guys are too naive and unexperienced to understand why,thus I will stop here.

    1. Do you also post as “Caramba”? He’s another Ukrainian guy who says his own country’s women suck and that the girls in the U.K. aren’t that bad. Which I find laughable… the U.K. sucks in attractive women from Europe because British women are absolutely horrid. (Any Americans going to London: don’t worry, there are plenty of hot foreign women there to make it worth your while.)
      You should look at a post that I and Samseau put up here a few months ago. British women are so bad that British men marry American women more than the reverse!
      And don’t cry. Crying is beta.

      1. If you manage to find a British woman in London I will be very surprised.London attracts all creme de la creme women from all over the world.There are thousands of Eastern european women in London too.The only difference is that they won’t be impressed by an american passport,thus betas like Roosh or author of this blog prefer to stay away from Western Europe.
        You guys are like a sect here,honest.

      2. This does not mean”crying”.This means “I cried laughing”,.Learn some russian

        1. Isn’t that “Я со смехом плакал”? If that’s what you meant, you should have written that.

        2. You got your ass kicked again. Corvinus speaks and writes Russian. LOL.
          Your ROK MMA record is 0-2.

    2. You don’t know what you’re talking about, tough guy with the Cyrillic handle.
      If you were not born and raised in the US, you have no idea how to relate to the struggles we have and the oppressive anti-male environment we have to overcome. You have no idea at all of the sense of liberation, exhilaration, and freedom that an American man can feel when immersing himself in a culture uncorrupted by feminism. I don’t blame you for being ignorant, but I don’t like your arrogant tone.
      You don’t know, because it is not within your range of experience or comprehension. You went from one European capital to another, and think your experience qualifies to pontificate to us about game.
      The author is not talking about getting married. The author is not talking about going to Russia exclusively to “get laid”.
      What the author is sharing is his impressions and experiences in finally meeting women who are feminine. You don’t get that because you had it your whole life. The article is about the anguish that comes from having a major paradigm shift in life. Going from the Ukraine to London is hardly a comparable experience.

      1. Grass is always greener on the other side…. having moved countries more than 10 times now… and I mean lived and worked and even got second citizenships and permanent life time visas etc……. I can tell you that after a while they are all the same….
        You slowly attract the same people to yourself that almost mirror the last lot of people you had around you in the previous country. One morning I found my new neighbor looked, talked and even had the same first name as a previous neighbor on the other side of the world…. freaky shit….
        It’s all about the man, not the place, not the people, not the women and not the circumstances.
        You cannot run away from yourself. Plenty of people in the US have a great time, vain materialistic women can be molded, lovely charming foreigner women can become annoying, greedy wenches…..
        And to be frank all the eastern Europeans I came into contact with in two years in London seemed very pushy, materialistic and frankly dull, still tarred with socialist attitudes at the same time as being out for themselves.
        There are good people everywhere in small numbers… like gold nuggets and diamonds… you can find them anywhere…..
        think global … act local…..

        1. You seem to present a more balanced view of living abroad — a realization I came to after living in just a small handful of countries, and visiting just one EE country.
          “Wherever you go, there you are” is a saying that always seems to ring true for me. You are the man you are from years past, and it’s very, very hard to change the core personality. Relocating to better climes might be what you need if you get sick and tired of the man you’ve become after a while, and are in need of some personal growth. However, how long does it take before those same unappealing characteristics reemerge? Or, what about new and heretofore unknown characteristics?
          What the author says about the EE is what I’ve experienced, too. On the other hand, what you say about EE countries is also true, based on my experience.
          In the end, it’s not really about the location provided that you, the man, are solid in who you are and what you want. Sure, it might be easier, relatively speaking, to score pussy in Moldova than it is in LA, for example. But, if that’s the only reason why you relocated to a country that might not be worth it for other things (e.g., making money), how long will that last you?

    3. It seems that you got your ass kicked. This is hillarious.
      The article is good, by the way.

      1. “Woman talk” detected.In womanese this trick goes under “ÿou are bitter” and NAWALT.Sod off

  22. Hahahahahahahaha.
    It opens your eyes doesn’t it? You start dreaming of never returning. Sucks when you do, and you get to the point where you are tired of your contempt earning the affection of American Girls, and that they don’t understand that the reason you just use them and don’t care is because they can never understand.
    Never understand that they lost what made them valuable during their grandmothers and great grandmothers ridiculous behavior.

  23. I’ve gotten this in NYC, supposedly the home of the bitchiest shields:
    “Wearing a dress and heels to go for a walk
    Her: “I’m 18, and you?” Me: “Mid Thirties.” Her: “Oh! I love older men!”
    Her (different girl): “I don’t want to be 22, I want to be 21 forever.”
    Cleaning my entire kitchen unsolicited [many times]
    Refusing to eat after 6 p.m.
    Putting away her phone during the entire date
    Happily meeting my friend as she walked by randomly on our first date
    Kicking me out of the kitchen when I tried to prepare lunch
    Actually caring about what I do for a living and my desires in the future
    Buying me drinks at Happy Hour
    Bringing me a bottle of my favorite spirits on my birthday.”
    The grass is always greener.

    1. From what I understand, NYC is a surprisingly good poosy paradise. Problem is, you have to have a good job lined up there if you don’t want to end up deeply in debt.

      1. Well, no argument there. NYC has 2mm excess single women due to the volume of gay men here. When people say things like ‘there are no feminine/nice women,’ it’s just absurd to anyone who has lived here. Plenty of expats from other countries also – young, hot FSUs by the thousands if that’s your gig. They’d much rather sleep over in Manhattan than return home to Queens or Little Odessa.

    2. I do not disagree with you whatsoever. NYC is absolutely the best city in America for many reasons, one being the girls there are as close to desirable as one can get in America. But…and it’s a big “but”…it still can’t compete with the likes of Kiev or Moscow. At least for me it cannot.

      1. Fair enough. I certainly accept your point that a big city overseas can be better for your game than a big city in the US. I agree that FSU women are gorgeous.

        1. In the long run you miss the point… having a good time and attracting good people around you is more about being creative and generating money, than geographical location………
          jumping countries is expensive, very time consuming in learning local rules, visa applications, local leases, car registrations, the list goes on and on…..
          in well organized countries like the UK, US, Western Europe… you can do business and get things done and make money, and build your own haven of like minded people.
          Struggling with new language and signing leases or buying property in a foreign language will slowly have you wishing for some plain fucking English….
          A lot of basic stuff like computer hardware can be suddenly rather expensive… and while you can hire a maid for a few bucks an hour… the savings you make don’t pay you back…..
          Worse still if you live with a native woman, you will tend to rely on her language abilities and defer to her for assistance…. slowly making you into her beta boy…..been there done that……..
          It’s not all it’s cracked up to be in a foreign country….
          Just because some sexy bitch baked you a cake, while hoping to snag a gringo who’d sweep her off her feet to a huge condo in LA or NYC… doesn’t mean she’ll still be putting out for you, when you speak fluent Russian and decide to change your name to Ivan and indure her miserable existence and sub artic winters with her….
          most locals dream of living in the developed countries and slowly lose respect for gringos they see as hanging around, trying to be kings of the castle on the different color of their passport and their American accent….

  24. Welcome to the red pill Eastern Europe version. Spent a month and a half in Kiev a couple years ago and I fully intend to go back to the former Soviet Union once my education is done. And stay there.
    I think I’ve gotten my younger brother hooked too. He compared Moscow, Kiev, and western Europe (including Prague), and said that Kiev was top, followed by Moscow, with the rest of Europe far below.

  25. Long time reader. First time poster. This article definitely resonated with me. After living in DC for 7 years I left the US last December to travel Southeast Asia and have settled into Melbourne, Australia for a year.
    I say to myself all the time “I can’t go back” whenever I experience something that is so different from the way things are in America especially when contrasted with my experience in Asia and Australia. Australia is the last bastion of feminine women in Western countries and I am still taken aback when an attractive women under 25 they want to get married and don’t want to work.
    To everyone, I hope that you all actively pursue whatever makes you happy and fulfilled even if you have to take a leap of faith. Francis Bacon is quoted as saying “Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes; adversity not without many comforts and hopes.”

  26. Yep Law Dogger. I know exactly how you feel. I can not go back to “the west”.
    One time I was having dinner with my fav#3 and a friend who had met my wife many times. She asked us what we wanted to drink and we told her. She went to the bar and got our drinks and came back. I was a bit confused about this so I asked her why she did that since there were waitresses and I was waiting for one to order our drinks.
    She said: “A woman must make herself useful.”
    My mate said “Imagine your wife saying something like that!” and we all laughed about it. My wife would NEVER go and get drinks from the bar in a restaurant. This woman was simply the sweetest woman I have ever met in my life. It almost makes me wish that I had changed my mind about more kids just to keep her in my life.
    It sounds like such a small thing but it is indicative of the way these women think. They want to make themselves useful. They want to please their man. They want to be pleasant to be around. Simply put. They know that being with a man is a two way street and they are absolutely willing to meet you half way.
    I am reminded of another story. When I was 12 (I am 49) my great grand mother lived two doors up and would come to dinner with my grand mother occasionally. I guess she was about 92 at the time. She was a tiny woman. not even 5 feet tall and very thin. She was no bigger than me, a 12 year old boy.
    One night, after dinner, it was my turn to wash the dinner dishes. So, as per normal I went and ran the water and put the washing gloves on. My great grand mother sees this and gets up from the table and makes a bee line for me.
    She SMACKS ME ACROSS THE HEAD and says “Give me those gloves! What good is a woman if she will not do the dishes!”
    I had NO IDEA what to do. I looked to my father to find out what I should do. He just nodded. So I took the gloves off and gave her the gloves. She then happily set about washing the dishes while I dried them. She was clear. If she could not find something useful to do? What good was she?
    Both my grand mothers had that mantra for the girls. “You must make yourselves useful. Find something useful to do.”
    We all know that sort of idea is completely absent in western women now. My wife kept the house poorly. When I would urge her and the children to tidy the house she would say “why should I tidy the house?” And actually MEAN IT! And I would say “because it shows you take pride in your appearance, your possessions, and that you are to trusted in possession of valuable items. It shows self respect. To live like a slob shows no self respect, no pride, no honesty and no integrity. It says you can’t be trusted with valuables because you show them no respect.”
    When people come to my apartment they are shocked at how clean it is “because you are a man”. I point out that just because I am a man does not mean I am a pig. I have a valuable and well appointed apartment. I like to keep it clean even if no one sees it as a personal statement of taking care of valuables.
    Sure…I was a bit of a slob at university…but who isn’t?

    1. My parents were immigrants, and did thier best to raise my sister and I with olde world values. But by the age of 13, my sister was not having any of it. She had no interest in learning cultural recipes, let alone cooking. She was a slob, disrespectful to our mother many times, and basically a typical american bratty chick, just like ALL OF HER FRIENDS. She was rewarded at school with guys chasing her down every minute. She excelled academically and she considered that enough. My mother as aghast sometimes that this girl was her daughter, but proud of her nonetheless since this was the American dream. My sister and female cousins are typical first-generation American Bitches. They are NOTHING like what my mother and aunts were raised them to be. I feel sorry for thier husbands (all american men) who thought they were marrying girls with strong foriegn cultural values. I could have warned them, but why bother? Every man for himself.

      1. Yep..I see this a lot…women of immigrants claiming “old world values” but in reality as feminised as they come.

  27. Spent various months in a small town in Poland, actually married a
    Polish girl I met here as she was an Au Pair in NY. Spent 8-months in
    Poland over the course of 5 years and I have to say it drastically
    changed my life. Not only in the interpretation of women, but just at my
    now different outlook on living in the United States and the way they
    lived in this small town of 5000 people. Better quality of life, better
    family structure, and some of the best food I ever ate. Sadly my
    marriage is in turmoil, and I’m currently separated from my wife, she
    apparently became Americanized very quickly. It appears she caught the
    ‘sex in the city’ virus and I fear there is no cure for this life
    debilitating disease. All it took was a liberal education by select few
    feminist professors, and a group of dysfunctional relationship friends,
    and here I am.

    1. Sadly my marriage is in turmoil, and I’m currently separated from my wife, she apparently became Americanized very quickly.
      Not to be a dick or anything, but maybe it’s because you thought that just because she was so much nicer to you while dating than American holes are, that you could beta yourself to the max without any bad stuff happening. No, no, no. You need game with Eastern European chicks just as much as you do with Americans.

  28. NEWS FLASH !!!
    Gringo gets a passport and finds out America is a tacky, vain, materialistic, uneducated shithole with a here today, gone tomorrow plastic mickey mouse culture.
    This article is 100 years out of date. People have been laughing at dumb American’s since the first yanks came over to fight world war one.!!!!

  29. I’ve read the article and all of your comments; feels like I’m home. I came back
    from the Philippines (like asian chicks) 6 months ago. Everything in this
    article rigns true. My few friends that have gone call America “The Matrix”. The only
    cure for the depression is to book the next trip. Sooner or later I will
    leave permamently.

    1. WE all have that dream..but unfortunately it will only happen to a few of us. The matrix still has the power..

  30. Know what ur talking about. Remember when I came back from Thailand..omg the depression. Women glued to their iphones, doing all in their power to ignore you..avoiding eye contact at all costs..when you try to engage them they look at you like your crazy. Fucking Denmark and its cold bitches.

  31. “A mind that is stretched by new experiences cannot go back to its old dimensions.”
    Let us try some natural psychedelics and watch reality change forever. Don’t put man made drugs in your body (cocaine, nicotine, alcohol, heroine, etc). Try the natural plants that grow in the wild.

  32. Lived in Germany for three years and traveled europe West and East, couldnt agree more. Went home and parked in the back of the parking lot and was criticized because closer spaces were available. Laughable. Already planning my return to Poland and Ukraine……

  33. This really is an excellent article. I’ve been in Eastern Europe for about a year now. Living here has really forced me to tear my psyche inside-out and continually develop myself more and more into the Alpha that I’m supposed to be, which can be really tough with all the pro-beta programming I lived through in North America (particularly Los Angeles and Vancouver). It’s a long road, and I have lots of work to do, but I’m slowly getting there. Thank you again.

  34. Make sure you live in a city for at least a year before deciding to settle there. In my experience, you need a year to really know a place.

  35. My parents were immigrants, and did thier best to raise my sister and I with olde world values. But by the age of 13, my sister was not having any of it. She had no interest in learning cultural recipes, let alone cooking. She was a slob, disrespectful to our mother many times, and basically a typical american bratty chick, just like ALL OF HER FRIENDS. She was rewarded at school with guys chasing her down every minute. She excelled academically and she considered that enough. My mother as aghast sometimes that this girl was her daughter, but proud of her nonetheless since this was the American dream. My sister and female cousins are typical first-generation American Bitches. They are NOTHING like what my mother and aunts were raised them to be. I feel sorry for thier husbands (all american men) who thought they were marrying girls with strong foriegn cultural values. I could have warned them, but why bother? Every man for himself.

  36. Bravo Law Dogger, I really sympathize with your closing sentence. Disgust upon hearing the language you grew up with cannot be a feeling shared by most people around the world. It’s a feeling only a frustrated Westerner can experience.

  37. Great article and so very true. Take a look at this article which I assume is from USA.
    The tone is wrong and a lot of the advice is heavily weighted toward the female. The problem is though that some of the advice is also good which confuses Mr Beta Male.
    Please leave some comments.

  38. Spot on! I just got back from SE Asia. Everything here just pisses me off. I find myself looking at pictures of my adventures to feel better. Only thing that cures the depression is to book my next trip.

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