I have a real treat for you today, gentlemen.
While writing a recent post, Feminism is Responsible for the Depression Epidemic, I was researching the data point that Dutch women are both (1) The least likely to prioritize career advancement over family, and (2) The happiest in the Western world. I came across an old Maclean’s article from 2011, How Dutch Women Got To Be The Happiest In The World:
“In 2001, nearly 60 per cent of working Dutch women were employed part-time, compared to just 20 per cent of Canadian women. Today, the number is even higher, hovering around 75 per cent. Some, like Van Haeren, view this as progress, evidence of personal freedom and a commitment to a balanced lifestyle.
…Dutch women appear deaf to the siren call of the workplace. Asked whether they’d like to increase their hours, just four per cent said yes, compared to 25 per cent of French women. And while across the Channel, British media are heralding the resurgence of feminism—last weekend, some 500 women crowded into a feminist training camp, UK Feminista, to be trained in direct action and activism—in Holland, women like Van Haeren baldly proclaim no further need for the movement. “Feminism wasn’t necessary anymore by the time I grew up,” she says. “In my eyes, it was a thing of the past.”
The relationship between personal lifestyle choices and the socio-economic standing of women has been under the microscope in Holland ever since the publication of Dutch Women Don’t Get Depressed in 2008. Ellen de Bruin, who patterned her book after Mireille Guiliano’s bestseller French Women Don’t Get Fat, began by defining the stereotypical Dutch woman: naturally beautiful with a no-fuss sense of style, she rides her bike to fetch the groceries, has ample time with her kids and husband, takes art classes in the middle of the week, and spends leisurely afternoons drinking coffee with her friends. She loves to work part-time and does not earn as much as her husband, but she’s fine with that—he takes care of the bills. The book went on to note that Dutch women rank consistently low, compared to those in other Western countries, in terms of representation in top positions in business and government—and rank consistently near the top in terms of happiness and well-being. In fact, just about everyone in Holland seems pleased with the status quo; in 2009, the Netherlands ranked highest of all OECD countries in terms of overall well-being.”
What a nice little scientific – excuse me, ♥♥♥ scientific ♥♥♥ – confirmation of the Red Pill world view! But of course, not everyone is happy about Dutch women’s cheery good fortune. From the same article:
“Others, however, view it as an alarming signal that women are no longer seeking equality in the workplace. Writer and economist Heleen Mees, for example, argues that the stereotypical Dutch woman has become complacent. “Even at the University of Amsterdam—the most progressive university we have—I had a 22-year-old student say, ‘Why is it your business if my wife wants to bake cookies?’ and the female students agreed with him! I was like, what’s happening here?”
Mees runs an organization called Women on Top that strives to push more Dutch women into ambitious career paths. Its slogan is “Out with the part-time feminism!” and it points to part-time work as a major factor in a lingering pay gap. Then there’s the matter of principle. “I think highly educated women have a moral obligation to take top positions, to set an example by their choices,” says Mees. “When women just stay at home or work part-time, they don’t reach the top, and they set bad examples for their daughters and daughters’ daughters.”
Understandably, the notion that there’s a correlation between women’s relative powerlessness and their happiness rubs people like Heleen Mees the wrong way. Yet others frame the correlation differently, arguing that Dutch women have smashed the vicious circle of guilt that traps other Western women, to embrace a progressive form of work-life balance.”
Helen Mees… does that name sound familiar? It should.
Apparently a certain Willem Buiter, chief economist of Citigroup, lost interest in Ms. Mees after she hit a patch of ice and skidded headfirst into The Wall. Buiter’s rejection catalyzed a core meltdown in Helen Mees’ Hamster Wheel reactor core. This was no mere Three Mile Island, but rather a full containment breach that will result in abnormally high concentrations of solipsism and circular reasoning in babies born within a hundred-kilometre radius of Manhattan for centuries:
“The Dutch economist [Mees] was arrested July 1 after allegedly sending more than 1,000 e-mails to Buiter over a two-year time period…
He’s had a past history of disconnecting Ms. Mees and then reconnecting with her…
“What can I do to make it right? Shall I lick your b–s?” she said in one X-rated epistle…
In another, she told him: “Hope your plane falls out of the sky.”
Her angry rants allegedly included Buiter’s wife and children.
Prosecutors say she targeted his family even after she was told to stop…
Buiter received a snapshot of Mees pleasuring herself and another creepily depicting dead birds, according to court papers…
Mees is looking for new jobs after she was shunned from NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service because of this case.”
Now I know that ROK readers trust me to ask the hard-hitting questions. As a journalist, I go right for the six W’s: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and WYB?
Pictured below, the forty-six year old Helen Mees:
Her photographer certainly knows when to call in the industrial grade 1000-Watt floodlights, but as 45-year women go, she’s a perfectly reasonable specimen. For the sake of novelty, and unlocking the ‘Mrs. Robinson’ achievement, my verdict is:
(Ms. Mees, if you’re reading, I trust this great honour will make up for your otherwise difficult summer.)
Now, what does her future hold? As a professional economist, Helen Mees has achieved (very nice!) great success. However, as a role model, mentor, and source of relationship and life advice to young single women – I suggest to Ms. Mees, that perhaps her comparative advantage lays elsewhere.
Read Next: The 9 Ugliest Feminists In America
Not bad for a woman in her 40s, but batshit insane. I think that after about 30, if a woman hasn’t found a husband she starts going insane.
And look, guys. Feminism is about choices!!! (as long as it’s a choice they find acceptable. Choose wisely…)
I distrust +30 women who are unmarried and alone. I’ve never met a single one in that condition who wasn’t depressed, or neurotic, or desperate, or all of those.
Females are herd animals and if you find a single one living alone she usually has something mentally wrong with her. I’m not talking about some divorced older female. Females are either living with their parents, at Uni, have a female room mate, or live with some bf. The ones alone are 99% crazy and if she has a cat make that 100%.
Problem is when the herd collectively has decided to live alone(the sex and the city model)..then they think its alright.
I confirm that Dutch women are perhaps the most family oriented women in the whole europe,western and eastern.
They also bizarrely monogamous and conservative.I have worked with female colleagues in Holland and most of them has had one boyfriend since the age of 18-20,they owned a property since the age of 23-25,and most of them worked part-time.There was only one classical “bitch” who had a new bf every other year or two,but eventually she got married with him around 28.All of them has no less than 2 kids.
They also generally do not like to get married but live in “samenwonen”relationships,where you have the same right as a married couple but keep all the property to yourself if decide to split,and no court business needed.
Dutch women tend to be a bit rude and arrogant in initial stages of communication and but generally speaking,they are ok.
I like them (and I am from eastern europe btw).If you are looking for a monogamous realtionship without any legal dangers -Holland is the best country in europe for this.
Agree with your assessment but, as a Dutchie myself, I can say unbiassedly that I don’t find them attractive. Too tall, shoulders too large and they speak too loudly (well, all Dutch people do).
Agree with your there. Dutch women in general are oke, a bit standoffish in the beginning but with time they tend to open up. Between 18 and 24 i would say they are in the top 3 of the most beautiful women in Europe. Unfortunatly after 24/25 Dutch women hit the wall hard. I’ve noticed that Dutch people in general age very fast (like most northern Europeans). Another problem a foreigner faces is height. Average height for a women over there is 5″7/5″8, many are well over. Have seen many Dutch women over 6″ foot, without heels. I, for example, felt kind of shortish with my 6″1.
(My previous comment got deleted,this might be a double.)
Man I am originally from Eastern europe and I can tell you that the most ideal female facial features I have ever seen were Dutch.Eastern european women are not even a mile close in their looks.Eastern european women are flat,lifeless,unhealthy and not athletic too.
However I agree with you that Dutch women have wide shoulders and generally a bit loud and rude.They have amazing genetics but just do not do anything to make themselves attractive (in fact they do their best to repel a man).I think it’s because of that conservatism I described above-they just don’t need to compete with other women on the market.Also the market don’t exist in Holland at all,all match-making is done in clubs,schools and via friends.
I also have met a woman who has given me hope back that it is still possible a loving,caring woman nowadays.She was dutch,together with her,now husband,for >10 years and they were the most ideal couple I have ever seen.She keeps looking in his mouth when he talks,and looks to be absolutely in love with her husband.After experiencing women in my home country,where women see men just a currency and are unable to love/nurture and respect..this was quite a shock being honest.
ps: ik spreek nederland redelijk wel en ken nederlandse samenleving een betje.ook al mijn opinie kan een betje subjectief zijn,zeker.
What town are you from?
I don’t live in Holland anymore.But I lived in different places,Rotterdam among them.
I meant in East Europe
Industrial city in Ukraine
Sounds like paradise!
Tall, leggy, blonde striking women of good character.
And I’d be able to get around on my bicycle without getting killed.
It’s a shame about the weather though. I hear it’s rainier than Seattle even.
I’ll be booking my flight.
Let’s just see if I can get Mr. Roosh to sell me a license so I can publish a Bang! Nederland!
For those interested, http://www.dutchamericanfriendshiptreaty.com/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DAFT_(treaty)
Dutch women’s conservatism and relative traditionalism might be tied to the comparative weakness and gradual disappearance of the welfare state in their country.
(Hat tip to the king for spinning “you’re on your own” into “participation society.”)
This is a proof that multiculturalism in Europe is destined to fail. I hope more countries follow Dutch example soon
As a dutch guy, I can confirm people here are done with multiculturalism. Examples are: When you marry a girl from outside the EU, she has to pass an integration exam while still in her own country. Immigration from outside of the EU has almost completely stopped by law and family reunions can only be done if the person already living in the Netherlands has a decent job. And ofcourse everybody knows Geert Wilders and his party.
In regards with the story I can confirm young people nowadays are very happy and wealthy indeed, although the crisis is still breathing down our necks. The welfare state might be getting a little smaller, but compared to USA-standards its still very big. All the fuzz about Obama-care you guys had is very hard to understand for us, because we have a system comparable to Obama-care XXL. And believe it or not, we are actually very happy with it.
Any questions, let me know.
As a dutch guy, I can confirm people here are done with multiculturalism. Examples are: When you marry a girl from outside the EU, she has to pass an integration exam while still in her own country. Immigration from outside of the EU has almost completely stopped by law and family reunions can only be done if the person already living in the Netherlands has a decent job. And ofcourse everybody knows Geert Wilders and his party.
In regards with the story I can confirm young people nowadays are very happy and wealthy indeed, although the crisis is still breathing down our necks. The welfare state might be getting a little smaller, but compared to USA-standards its still very big. All the fuzz about Obama-care you guys had is very hard to understand for us, because we have a system comparable to Obama-care XXL. And believe it or not, we are actually very happy with it.
Any questions, let me know.
The problem isn’t Obamacare or government services per se, but rather how the Yanks run them. If Americans had experience with competently managed government services, health care and education as they are provided in places like Finland or the Netherlands, I’m certain they’d be more enthusiastic.
But I’m afraid you couldn’t stop with trading out the people at the top, you probably also need to switch to Dutch or Finnish citizens.
Many wonder how the Finns do so well in their PISA tests. I suspect even if you put the nice little Finnish boys and girls in America’s worst schools with their original American teachers (without the American pupils to make trouble), the Finnish kids would still do fine.
No, they wouldn´t. Teachers in Finland are highly respected and high wages go with it. They don´t send homework, they work in class. I need to study more the system, I hope is not a case of “studying for the PISA” like they do in other countries (in Israel, the last two years of high-school they study only for the “bagruiot”, the “bachalaureat” test, and as a result their education is minimal in lots of subjects).
Don’t be so naive. Whatever you may believe you’re getting is being paid for in some way by the taxpayers. Only the lower classes get something for nothing and in the US they all have Medicaid that pays for everything. And if you don’t understand something then don’t make comments about it
US teachers earn just a much or more than Finnish ones.Finland has 5m people compared to 300m in the US and about 1/3 of those are minorities and the underclass.
A beacon of hope in Europe…
Always wondered if monstrous bitch swagger in this Dutch lady’s music video was more representative of her own character or that of the American producers.
My money is on the jerks at Interscope Records.
Love the music; she has a real nice voice and might even still be a sweetheart.
After reading this I laughed for almost 10 minutes. I LOVED how you labeled the welfare state the Supreme Alpha Provider-Cockblocker – so true, so true.
It’s a shame that tolerance for drugs and individual liberty got thrown out with the multiculti/tranzi bathwater, but that’s what happens when pinkos go too far and get swept by the backlash.
“Prosecutors say she targeted his family even after she was told to stop…”
Remember that movie Fatal Attraction? Mees sounds like the embodiment of a “Bunny Boiler” who’s projecting her own failures with men against society at large. “The personal is political” indeed…
gross arms, WNB
Her looks have just taking the Wile E Coyote last ran step off the cliff and is looking straight down before the fall. Those texts were merely her final insults before the death plunge.
Wile E Coyote’s wife had better arms though I heard? She kept busy helping her man make all those failed gadgets, and not bitching about making her life a feminist paradise. Or perhaps I am wrong, and Wile E Coyote led his fruitless battle against the roadrunner because he did not want to be home?
Either way, in other news, Poland just took 1.7 trillion in private pension funds to help their politicians go on vacat…I mean, er, uhm, “Bail-In” the national debt and prop up future feminist research (I call it coffee breaks and subsidized day care, but who asked me?). On a side note, it made me fail to help but wonder what about the wymmins?
Ees nice!
In another time this woman would be the head matriarch of her clan doling out advice to her daughters and doting over her grandkids but thanks to man’s technological innovations and his ingrained beta-ness this thing is allowed to spread it’s madness unchecked.
Excellent pull! I was unaware of this cultural aspect to Dutch women. I always, ignorantly, threw them in the same basket as France or Germany.
What this makes me think about is this desire by feminists to get power status via careers is simply a mechanism of the female mind to seek power in a different form. They are attracted to powerful men. Their vajajay craves the Aphrodisiac power provides. Somewhere along the line, some angry and bitter women decided to get it themselves. The feminist goals are not at all about happiness. They are deluded. I think this is the best example of the hypocrisy of feminism I’ve come across, with the backdrop of Dutch women giving the finger to women like Mees telling them how to live.
Great job.
“I always, ignorantly, threw them in the same basket as France or Germany”.
What’s wrong with german but especially french women?Ever experienced a relationship with a french ?Amazing women
“I always, ignorantly, threw them in the same basket as France or Germany”.
What’s wrong with german but especially french women?Ever experienced a relationship with a french ?Amazing women
“I always, ignorantly, threw them in the same basket as France or Germany”.
What’s wrong with german but especially french women?Ever experienced a relationship with a french ?Amazing women
Nothing per se. Except the ones I dated (German and French) were still annoying in their career oriented mindset and annoyed me with their “women are the future” statements. They didn’t do it in an obnoxious way – so I put them way above Canadian and American women I’ve known, but it was still pretty irritating for me.
I still think highly of them compared to most western women because my experiences weren’t all that bad. This is why I didn’t say I bunch them in with the UK, Canada or America, which is on a different tier.
Im a guy in my mid twenties and from The Netherlands. Please stay in your own country and let us enjoy our women. You already took Doutzen Kroes from us.
No I really agree with the story here. I red tons of stuff on here and even on Chateau Heartiste, but I almost never spotted these manhating hardcore feminist women. Our women are pretty good, although I will never admit this to them. I hope it will last because I do think that American television (Sex and the City ect.) might have its negative impact on us as well on the long term.
“Please stay in your own country and let us enjoy our women.”
Send cheese.
Don’t believe what you see on TV. The writer is a female and most female writers are a bit fugly looking. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she wrote these characters as some sort of revenge and to make them look stupid.Whenever I’ve mentioned this show to any of the girls I know around Europe they think it’s a comedy.
From that linked article about Helen Mees’ stalking…
Beautiful? Did she pay for that line?
the NY Daily News is very kiss-ass toward the feminists. (just check out the NYDN stories on “street harassment” from a few years ago).
If she is a feminist as she writes and puts the search for eqwalitee above the search for happiness, should she not be insulted by being called beautiful, and objectification in the physical remark, denigrating all those byetiful womyn that are not called beautiful?
You think as women age, the hamster gets quieter and reason takes hold, but lo!
With every year the hamster grows stronger to become a creature even the strongest of men can’t slay.
Hahaha excellent
By the way, there are a couple a linked articles by the Daily News about a plumber who tries to be her white knight. He posted her bail after reading she couldn’t come up with $5000.
She thanks him by not thanking him according to the second follow up article. She goes to nail salon instead for a pedicure. She also dropped $37 on two bottles of wine.
Beta of the Month?
The guy is too stupid to see that the fact that she didn’t have $5k or even anyone to put up the small bail means that she’s a loser.
She was an instructor at NYU and also had other fairly decent jobs and
must have known a lot of people but yet no one did anything for her.
That should tell you something.
I’m going to Holland now. Time to learn Dutch.
Dutch is one of the most difficult languages to learn. It will take you literally years to only learn the basics. Pronunciation is a straight bitch and grammar is even difficult for most Dutch themselves. Many still make very basic grammar mistakes in their own language.
Most Dutch speak English. The ones 40 and under speak English pretty much flawless.
I was seeing a Dutch girl who studied Medicine while studying abroad in Hungary. Most of the article and comments here are pretty accurate. I did really like her a lot, If I wasn’t there for only four months I would have dated her.
Wow, what a shocker. No real world private sector experience. Just an academian.
This actually isn’t the first time. This woman has a history of having affairs with married men and then stalking them when they end the relationship. While employed at the ministery of finance (10+ years ago) in The Hague, The Netherlands (Holland) she started an affair with a married man, guy dumps her, she gets crazy stalks him to no end, dude eventually files for a restraining order. After this ordeal she moves/flees to the big apple. New start new life, or so she thought.
Only confirms what i already know…feminists are a depressing and cat piss crazy bunch.
Funny note: This crazy bitch was ridiculing Dominique Strauss-Kahn on twitter, head of IMF, after his fall from power following a sex related case.
Thats a pleasant surprise. Before I read this I would automatically categorize them with all other Anglo countries (as a place to be avoided at all cost, like this hellhole I live in, Denmark).
It seems there is hope still. I went to sweeden a few weeks a go and the women there where much nice than the Danish women. No arrogant attitude at all.
So I guess there is hope still.
I was just in Amsterdam, Vlissingen, Middleberg, and Bergen Op Zoom. I agree with the article, most Dutch women consider home and family more important than work.
Helen Mees,
You remind me of privileged low self esteem teenage girls who sucked my huge dick in rave parties under the influence of MDMA back in the late 90s.
You stalk on a man and his family because you do not have one of your own and you are envious of their traditional happiness?
Your research is all fake. It reeks of lies and corporate/govt. sponsorship. You and I and the people in the academia know that research results can be manipulated when it comes to social sciences.
Everyone knows that the financial crisis was caused by the people you directly or indirectly work for. Financial derivatives, free flow of capital and outsourcing were some of their most popular weapons of destruction.
You reach the top and you know they want you there because you excel at psychological manipulation and public relations.
Everything you’ve done in your life is a a lie and you are getting old and you want to pull other women into your feminist grave.
No real man has given you good dick in a long time. This is why you are slightly mental now.
Long live the revolution!
I thought Feminism was supposed to be about freedom?
And so as usual, the leftist cultural Marxist mindset gets revealed rather easily:
“You’re free to choose…as long as I like your choices.”
“Buiter’s rejection catalyzed a core meltdown in Helen Mees’ Hamster Wheel reactor core.”
We don’t need no hamsterbation
We don’t need no thought control
No solipsism in the classroom
Spinsters leave them kids alone
Hey! Spinsters! Leave them kids alone!
All in all just another chick hits the wall.
We don’t need no hamsterbation
We don’t need no thought control
No solipsism in the classroom
Spinsters leave them kids alone
Hey! Spinsters! Leave them kids alone!
All in all just another chick hits the wall.