20 Things Women Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated

Prior to having the red pill dropped on me like a bomb, there were things in my life that, deep down, disgusted me.  Looking around though, everyone was celebrating these things, cheering women on.  I was forced to bury my disgust within me and not act upon it, or dare speak my mind.  If I said something, I was the bad guy, and the people I’d criticize were of course, unfortunate victims of circumstance.  Not surprisingly, the majority of these situations it was women, and I was labeled as a misogynist asshole.

No longer.  Now I see these things and realize that they disgust me for a reason, and I have every right to feel that way.  With that being said…

20 Things Women Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated

1. Sluttiness.  See: Tuthmosis: 24 Signs Signs She’s A Slut.  While I’ve banged my fair share of sluts and would rather not see them disappear into thin air, there’s no doubt that the new slut generations are going to end up with more cats and less husbands.

2. Being fat.  Rather than accept the fact that her greatest asset is her beauty, women are instead celebrated for eating Dunkin’ Donuts and drinking whatever-the-fuck stupid name Starbucks uses for their large calorie-loaded heart attacks.

3. Being a foodie.  I think a foodie is best defined as someone whose life is so boring they literally think that food is their favorite hobby.  That is pathetic.  Come on, I know all you ladies out there have tons of fascinating stories to tell me about your lives.


4. Relying on the government to pay the bills.  Instead of owning up to their failures, women are instead told, “it’s okay”, and to “take as long as they need” to get back on their feet.  Welfare is the weak link of society.

5. Single motherhood.  Because she “doesn’t need a man.”

6. Slacking as a stay at home mom.  Instead of celebrating being a homemaker and taking pride in that, instead the pride is derived from how much money she can spend everyday shopping with her girlfriends while her husband toils away in his cubicle.

7. The use of cake face make up.  Makeup should absolutely be used to enhance a women’s looks, however, there is a line.  When girls wear so much makeup it looks as if they can’t even smile naturally, it just looks fake, silly, and makes guys wonder what she really looks like.

8. Cat collecting.  These furry critters make fantastic substitutes to a husband and children.

cat lady

9. Watching porn/trying to be a porn star.  I’m all for being sexually adventurous, but when I’m having sex with a girl I met two hours ago and she’s whimpering, “Daddy, fuck my cunt,” while gasping for air while I choke her, that’s a little extreme.

10. Birth control, because it’s “their choice.”  Meanwhile, men have no reliable forms of birth control apart from condoms, which if the girl is evil enough, can easily be rendered null.  Let’s nuke the funding to Planned Parenthood (and the multiple options of female birth control) and instead put that money into research for a real male birth control.  How many girls do you really think are responsible enough to take the pill every day at the same time?

11. Lazy hygiene.  Don’t shave your armpits/legs/pussy because you’re a fiercely independent woman?  You go girl!  Have fun living in the wilderness with your cats.  Meow.

12. Doing online dating because they can’t find anyone.  You’re telling me you had from 18-25 and yet you couldn’t find a guy in any college class, job, or bar who wanted to be with you?  Sounds like you’re just picky.  Enjoy the continuous window shopping on OKCupid.

13. Blatantly lying about their body type on online dating.  Rather than fix the problem, or just admit it, girls are of course encouraged to simply “swing the odds” in their favor a bit.  After all, everybody lies about something on their dating profile, right?  While a guy might be able to swing a few extra thousand dollars on his income or an extra inch of height, girls cannot swing 40 pounds in their favor.  Take two examples:

This lovely lady lists herself as “Athletic and Toned,” body type.  She has no full body pictures to prove it (hint, all girls that have nice bodies show them off).  The large, round face and what appear to be ever-widening hips indicate a secret internet fatty.

athletic lol

The below girl lists herself as “Curvy”.  I see her lower stomach fat rolls through her skirt.  Any guesses on what she weighs in at?


14. Divorce.  Rather than honoring the commitment she made to the love of her life (at the time) in front of who knows how many friends and family at their (likely) over the top extravagant wedding, women are instead celebrated for getting divorced because they’re, “not haaaapy.”  Of course, when they start collecting child support and alimony, they are celebrated even further.

15. Paternity Fraud.  While maybe women aren’t celebrated for this, they are defended valiantly because after all, the child needs a father.  Convenient how the child doesn’t need a father the other times (see #5).  It’s becoming easy to see though that society as a whole is truly convinced that the victim of paternity fraud must suffer for the good of the child that isn’t his.  For example, while out with a girl the other night we were discussing this and I posed this question:

“So you’re saying that if my partner cheats on me with the mail man and has HIS child, and I find out when the child is two, I should be responsible, legally and financially, for that child for the next SIXTEEN years?”

She responded with a resounding yes, saying at that point the child thinks of me as his/her father and it’s wrong for the child to have to suffer.  Men, you should all get a paternity test immediately after the birth of your child.  I don’t care what kind of fit your woman throws – no exceptions.  I got her back to my place and fucked her.

Then deleted her number.

16. Dancing/getting shots taken from her belly button/stripping/YOLO’ing…or anything that involves being ON TOP OF a bar.  Attention whoring to the extreme.  Getting drunk and rowdy encourages sluttiness, which of course all women claim to not be, so this goes hand in hand with the first point on this list.

On the lighter side, the website where I got this photo from discusses a bar that got sued by a whale because she was told she was too fat to dance on a bar.  Good for them.


17. Cutting her hair short.  The greatest sign of feminine fertility and it’s encouraged to be chopped off.

18. The entitlement complex.  “Daddy’s little princess” never really goes away.  Rather than encourage women to be sweet, nurturing, and easy-going, it’s not common to hear ladies discuss how they dangle sex and good behavior in exchange for money and chores around the house.

19. Female sex tourism.  If a man goes to a foreign country to try to bang some cute girls, he is seen as a pig and sex tourist.  A loser who can’t get laid in his own country.  If a woman goes to a foreign country and the local young guns fuck her for a few meals, she’s seen as a poor innocent victim who just wanted to find love overseas.

20. Being a feminist.  I think this pretty well sums everything up.

This list could go on and on.  I recognize there are plenty more issues not discussed in this article.  If you have more to add, comment below.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

You can see the response article to this here: I Got Suspended From Twitter After Receiving Death Threats

Read More: American Women Simply Can’t Compete

3,419 thoughts on “20 Things Women Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated”

  1. 21). Giving your daughter a boy’s name. If we wanted to fuck a “Riley” or a “Drew,” we’d just fuck guys.

    1. Logan, Morgan, Mackenzie, Dakota…
      What’s funny is that Asian immigrants often name their daughters and sons with very old traditional Anglo-Saxon names.

      1. I couldn’t agree more about the names. Boys names are just as bad. My 1st grader is in a class with three, YES I SAID THREE, fucking kids named Caden.
        WTF is that name? And 3 out of 17 kids in the class have the same fucking name?
        And the fucking spellings? What the fuck is Kennedyi? madizon? kathryn? These are all white kids btw.

        1. Reminds me of some stupid name a suburban housewife that spends half the day at the mall while hubby works would name her kid. These American women are so detached from reality it is scary. It will be fun when this country starts coming apart.

        2. Lol Kathryn is one of many traditional variants of the original Greek spelling and has been around for at least 100 years

      2. Another ambiguous name I can’t fucking stand is Payton,Peyton etc etc. Let’s add Addison, Love, Micah, Mica, Messiah, ……………………

        1. wonder if peyton manning and drew brees were ever picked on in earlier life. Drew+Brees is so terrible.

      3. True and hilarious.
        Looking back through my collection of Asian conquests, I count a Judy, an Alice, a Daisy, a Cheryl and a Phyllis. Sounds like a fucking ladies’ bridge club in an old folks’ home.

      4. Riley does not sound like the type with whom you would sheath your shilleagh …
        Now Erin, she can go bra-less.

      5. Let’s not forget “BobbyJo”. I knew one and she was pretty cute, but I’ve never wanted to pump someone and call them ANYTHING that was the word “Bobby” in it!

    2. Names are given to show status. Of course your local middle-high class dame is going to name their children according to the last trend between rich celebs. Names then go down the pyramid until a poor schlub gets named after Brangelina´s baby some ten years later.

    3. Must be what all the parents are thinking when they name a newborn baby girl. “I wonder if this name will make the infant in my arms less fuckable in the future”

    4. maybe when parents name their kids they’re not actually trying to make them sound fuckable. and girls with those names are lucky if it means idiots like you aren’t ever going to go near them

    5. this is what i don’t get. why DON’T you all just fuck guys seeing as how you pretty much hate everything about women?

      1. Hey, men ask themselves the same thing when women like yourself make it clear that they don’t like men-why not just go lesbo and spare men from dealing with your “Phantom Patriarchy/Men suck” bullshit.

        1. See, you’re still not getting it. They don’t think men suck. They think men like you suck. That’s why you’re a lonely, desperate virgin who has to cling to his imaginary friend in the sky and claim not to believe in sex before marriage. It’s a coping mechanism. All you walking sores are bleating on about all the pussy you get, but I’m betting that a) most of you have had nary a sniff of pussy in your fucking lives and b) the only women that cretins like you lot can get are cretins themselves, with no self-esteem. That’s why you want all women to have no self-esteem, and to have no rights; cos you think that then maybe they’ll fuck you. What a sad indictment of modern-day masculinity you malicious pricks are. Especially you, Damien. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you, shitmouth. You’re even worse because you’re hiding behind your tinpot God. He hates you, Damien. God is love, remember? And what would you know about love?

        2. See, you’re still not getting it. They don’t think men suck. They think men like you suck. That’s why you’re a lonely, desperate virgin who has to cling to his imaginary friend in the sky and claim not to believe in sex before marriage. It’s a coping mechanism. All you walking sores are bleating on about all the pussy you get, but I’m betting that a) most of you have had nary a sniff of pussy in your fucking lives and b) the only women that cretins like you lot can get are cretins themselves, with no self-esteem. That’s why you want all women to have no self-esteem, and to have no rights; cos you think that then maybe they’ll fuck you. What a sad indictment of modern-day masculinity you malicious pricks are. Especially you, Damien. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you, shitmouth. You’re even worse because you’re hiding behind your tinpot God. He hates you, Damien. God is love, remember? And what would you know about love?

        3. See, you’re still not getting it. They don’t think men suck. They think men like you suck. That’s why you’re a lonely, desperate virgin who has to cling to his imaginary friend in the sky and claim not to believe in sex before marriage. It’s a coping mechanism. All you walking sores are bleating on about all the pussy you get, but I’m betting that a) most of you have had nary a sniff of pussy in your fucking lives and b) the only women that cretins like you lot can get are cretins themselves, with no self-esteem. That’s why you want all women to have no self-esteem, and to have no rights; cos you think that then maybe they’ll fuck you. What a sad indictment of modern-day masculinity you malicious pricks are. Especially you, Damien. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you, shitmouth. You’re even worse because you’re hiding behind your tinpot God. He hates you, Damien. God is love, remember? And what would you know about love?

        4. cool except i don’t think men suck in the least bit and i adore men, i only think men who subscribe to the ideals of this website suck because it’s super unattractive that they have to cling to some internet forum of being “manly” instead of just going out and living their lives and interacting with women

        5. ok, I made assumptions about you that I should not have. Now, I read certain things here because certain things are actually fairly interesting. As for men who go to a website to learn how to be manly-well, that’s their choice to do so.

        6. Then why don’t women fuck average guys and shallowly go for that 5% unrealistic goals.

      2. That’s all you women got going for you is your holes and nor the one on your face

  2. Look how cultured I am because I eat at Americanized ethnic restaurants serving large portions of greasy food. Steer clear of “foodies.”

    1. Yeah this. The Foodie scene drives me absolutely bats. Any guy who describes himself as a “foodie” is a tool. Sure, everyone likes tasty food. Don’t kid yourself though. This entire modern day fancy restaurant industry is just yet another form of shallow pretentiousness wrapped around with materialism.
      Went to a “cooking class” as part of a work function run by some celebrity chef I didn’t know or care about. Guy was high or drunk. Sure, the food tasted good but the contents of the food have a nutrition value and calorie count that isn’t much different from McDonald’s (a bit exaggerated but you get my point). So this guy sells unhealthy food at ridiculous prices, basically pulling in naive women to spend more money they don’t have so he can buy another Porsche and a boatload of cocaine.
      The foodie scene just adds another layer to the obsession with the latest Apple product, high-calorie count mocca-frava-meta-sippa-latte from Starbucks, useless fashion, mind-numbing reality tv, celebrity obsession, and basically any other useless form of consumerism that women are suckers for.
      I don’t know many guys that meet up at the latest chic restaurant together. You will, however see tables of yappy women or women sucking a man into a free meal at such establishment.

      1. I have found my new calling …
        I shall go forth unto the multitudes, teaching the Four Restaurant Food Groups: Sugar, Salt, Fat, and Spice.
        I shall grill “aged” cheap half-mouldy onions in brown sugar, semi-rancid oil, and worcester sauce for placement on “tender” half-spoiled beef I’ve smacked with mallets after dipping it in transglutaminase, and it shall be awesomely profitable. This loveliness shall be placed on oversized “artisanal” glorified cheap white bread buns whose surfaces will be coated with acrylamides and trans-fats generated by cooking olive oil at excessively high heat. Cheese will be provided, in glorious quantities, as a result of back-alley deals, exchanging cash for Cheap Government Cheese.
        I shall go apeshit insane with the Lawry’s Seasoning Salt. I shall grill tinned mushrooms to the point that nobody can tell if they were ever fresh. I will use so much liquid smoke that you will be able to identify my diners by smell.
        And you will thank me for this, because I will save you a lot of time in identifying who the Future Fat Cat Ladies will be.


  3. Hard to argue with some of these… Though I like short hair on women and I’m not any more convinced men would be more responsible with birth control than a woman. Though ‘vasectomy’ comes to mind if you really want to.
    But rather than trash on something we have no control over, perhaps as men we should look at some of the things we do and work towards self improvement.
    You don’t like a slut, don’t fuck her. Problem solved.

      1. Hah. Not at all. I jist don’t see the point in these types of articles. They hurt the cause and don’t provide much more than a few token laughs. Haw haw. She’s a slut…

        1. “Hah. Not at all. I just don’t see the point……..”
          The cause? This isn’t the IRA. This is helping men navigate our current FUBAR called Western society

        2. Okay, then navigate it by acknowledging “our” fuck-ups, too. I get that most of the guys here lack willpower to some extent, so…what better time than now to work on that?

  4. 21: Social Media attention whoring-retarded duck faces, compulsive status updates etc.
    22: Rumour mongering- bitch, this ain’t high school anymore
    23: Fucking my best friend- Gee, I definitely still want to ‘make it work’ while the image of my best friend fucking you haunts me
    24: Flaking- Thanks for making me wait 2 hours for your ass just to tell me you can’t make it.
    25: Lusting after scumbags- Sorry I’m not a drug addict/alcoholic

    1. 23, not if he gives you $100, or she fucks your landlord for the month’s rent.
      Unless she’s a virgin, I would use and abuse.

      1. “21: Social Media attention whoring-retarded duck faces,”
        You got that right. You can be rest assured that any female who sports the duck pout while having her photograph take is a total cunt.

        1. Sluts make bad wives. One coc rule y’all. lozlzozl
          Teachman’s study was based on data from the National Survey of Family Growth 1995 cycle and involved over 6500 women.
          The results presented in this article replicate findings from previous research: Women who cohabit prior to marriage or who have premarital sex have an increased likelihood of marital disruption.
          The most salient finding from this analysis is that women whose intimate premarital relationships are limited to their husbands—either premarital sex alone or premarital cohabitation—do not experience an increased
          risk of divorce. It is only women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship who have an elevated risk of marital disruption.This effect is strongest for women who have multiple premarital coresidental unions.
          Tl;dr once a slut, always a slut.

      2. This is disgusting! And this opens up the fact that for every dollar a woman makes, a man makes 25 cents more. Maybe if women were paid equally, she wouldn’t have to do that.
        Oh shit, but you just made yourself into a hypocrite. Congrats.

    2. 26. Owning Apple products and pretending to be oh so busy hiding behind that shiny device. Anyone would think your average female is CEO about to launch a new IPO the way they carry on.

      1. They feel the need to impress others by showing how “connected: they are to their 3876 Facebook friends. And it also helps them avoid making eye contact with men.

        1. Hi Ray Wolfson, I’m a female. I do not feel any need to “impress” anyone with the number of friends or connections that I have. That isn’t anyones business but my own. I actually go through my friend list every once in a while and weed out those I don’t talk to on a regular basis, or ones I just have absolute no use for any longer. This is NOT a gender issue, this is a generational issue. I know MANY men (or shall I say boys? Seeing as people who have a penis mature slower than people who have enlarged breasts and a vagina) who have many, many more friends on social networking sites than I do (they also will post ridiculous amounts of pictures. News flash: no one cares that you went out in your big truck to go hunting with your big gun to shoot that big buck. Oh, and sorry about your penis). While yes, I will use my phone to avoid making uncomfortable eye contact with men. Imagine this: you’re in a taxi and it’s very late at night, you’re going back home drunk. Another man gets in the cab with you, and he’s gay. He starts making unwanted advances towards you. What is going through your mind? Probably the same thing that happens when that happens every single day to females. Please educate yourself on these issues.

        2. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        3. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        4. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        5. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        6. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        7. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        8. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        9. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        10. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        11. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        12. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        13. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        14. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        15. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        16. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        17. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        18. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        19. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        20. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        21. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        22. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        23. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        24. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        25. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        26. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        27. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        28. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        29. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        30. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        31. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        32. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        33. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        34. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        35. Wow, you’re like really paranoid that girls don’t want to talk to you. Maybe it’s not that they’re trying to impress you, maybe you’re really fucking boring and they don’t want to talk to you.

        36. Seeing as people who have a penis mature slower than people who have enlarged breasts and a vagina)

          *buzzer* not really. Quite a few of the women I’ve dealt with post high school in the last 6 years, definitely acted like they were still in high school.

          (…)Oh, and sorry about your penis).

          Case in point.

        37. Seeing as people who have a penis mature slower than people who have enlarged breasts and a vagina)

          *buzzer* not really. Quite a few of the women I’ve dealt with post high school in the last 6 years, definitely acted like they were still in high school.

          (…)Oh, and sorry about your penis).

          Case in point.

      2. ^^ This
        There is absolutely nothing a female does that requires more than a dumb phone.
        If women only took care of their men, t their children, their homes, nd themselves, they’d quickly find they had little time for idle chit chat, endless posting nonsense on Facebook, ridiculous tweets about nothing, and endless attention whoring on online.
        Just like eve bit the forbidden apple because she was dumb enough to listen to a snake, today’s women have bit into Apple. With their bitten Apples in hand, they claim to possesses the knowledge of good and evil, practicing and excelling in the later rather than seeking the former.

        1. By those standards, Ray, no one should have a smartphone. Seeing as how men and women should be equal.
          Your ignorance is extremely harmful. It’s time that men start taking care of their women, as well. It’s not just the part of the wife to take care of children. Men should take care of their homes as well, to expect a woman to do all of the work is ridiculous.
          Don’t you think that’s kind of funny, though? A talking snake. Oh, and if you’re about to call yourself a Christian, think again. Jesus Christ died on the Cross FOR YOU. He made an entirely new slate for everyone, and here you go mucking it up again. Remind yourself who Jesus had in his presence: whores/prostitutes, homosexuals, undesirables.
          You should probably read the Holy Book again. Carefully this time. Maybe take some notes.

        2. Sorry we ever left the kitchen instead of slaving away on our hands and knees servicing you and your pathetic man needs.

        3. You obviously need professional help, to leave the basement you master-bate in, and a conversation with a women because the made up ones in your video game do not count. You are making generalizations because you are mad you cannot get some since women do not want to talk to your uneducated and flabby ass.
          I cannot imagine you would need a smart phone since you would need opposable thumbs, you pig. You would also need a mild amount of intellect. Community college drops outs like you are a dime a dozen.

        4. Eve didn’t bite the apple right away. The snake had to convince her. Adam just bit the right after Eve offered. Think about that.

        5. You know why they were in his presence? Because he was helping them turn away from their sin. Not encouraging them to keep sinning like you leftists.

      3. 26. Guys hide behind their iPhones/Droids just as much as women do. It’s not a gender thing, it’s a generational thing. Judging someone on what kind of phone they have and when you see them using it probably means that you’re a douche.

    3. What about slutty tattoos that make them look like strippers? These are becoming far more commonplace among the prole women these days(ie. 90% of them)

      1. 1. don’t hate on strippers. every single stripper on this planet could beat you up while reading a magazine.
        2. I think that tattoos are awesome and hot and it’s fine if you don’t but don’t hate on people who do. having a tattoo does not make you a prole or uneducated or anything less worth.
        3. imagine a tattoo like a t-shirt or pants: you think a brown shirt looks really good on you, so you decide to wear a brown shirt every day. and you feel absolutely fabulous. it does not matter what anybody else thinks. you just feel awesome.
        it’s THEIR body and THEY alone decide how to look like just like you decide how to look like.

      2. What about those stupid tattoos that Jewish guys get even though they’re not supposed to get them because they won’t be able to be buried in a Jewish cemetery? Or how about the Christian men who get tattoos even though the Bible EXPLICITLY states that thou shalt not mark thy skin.

        1. Remember when the bible also says not to wear mixed fabrics? The bible is not a book to be read literally. I’m attending a Catholic college and even I know that.

        2. To not read the bible literally or read it literally is an active choice made by people who’ve read, and is reading it. Well of course, quotes from Jesus are often metaphorical and difficult to take literally. However, “the bible is not a book to be read literally” often feels like an excuse to me… I do not mean to offend anyone, I’m christian myself, but it seems like people choose what they want to read literally and what to not.
          A little of topic from the article, but I just felt I needed to comment on this!

    4. Right but the problem with social media is the legions of beta orbiters who give them attention. Ignore them and once they realize they’re just making duck faces for other women they will stop. I wish there was some way to knock sense into these dude’s heads.

      1. So what? Why would you be dealing with such socially awkward losers if you have your shit straight?
        Amazingly, there are women out there with Facebooks who don’t have legions of orbiters. They are tough to find, but they are worth it.
        Most of my 80ish FB friends are family and some more-than-acquaintances, much like most of the non-socially awkward folks I know.

      2. I REPEAT: WOMEN DON’T DO THIS FOR MEN. Not a single thing I do in front of a mirror or on a social network is for you.

        1. Keep telling urself that. U know damn well the hours spent in front of a mirror and the hundreds of duck face booty pics u post a day are spent to look more appealing to men in order to fuel/stroke ur vain, vapid, and vacuous fragile ego. How about instead you go achieve something instead of trying to seek validation from external sources

        2. Not all women take “hundreds of duck face booty pics” and when they do, yeah, they probably are trying to feed their ego. I certainly don’t take those pictures… I have pictures of me with friends where I have some skin showing, yes, but that doesn’t mean I post them to “fuel/stroke my vain, vapid, and vacuous fragile ego”. I do it because I like the picture and want my friends (mostly FEMALE) to see. We post pictures more for other women to see than men. Believing all we do is for you men is just you stroking and feeding YOUR ego.

        3. A) Your entire argument would be so much more valid if you put in the full effort to make it sound just a bit smart. I mean, ur? Really?
          B) Honestly, I think that you need to start realizing just how much you sound like an utterly hypocritical douchebag. Why do you “go achieve” an education, maybe try to be a bit less ignorant?
          C) I can’t speak for women who post “duck face booty pics” because I am not one of them. I have never made a duck face in my entire life, and I don’t intend to do so EVER. Don’t talk about women like they all just want to impress some jackass like you, you might risk loosing your ability to get laid by them.

        4. Everything I do is for men! From making myself pretty keeping thin to keeping my hair long. Of course it’s nice to look in the mirror and be pleased with what you see but it is a mans appreciation that every woman seeks! As my mother told me growing up always make the most of your beauty because one day you will be invisible to all men!

        5. Do you have any idea how sad that is? Not only is your mother an empty-headed embarrassment to all women, but she turned you into one too. Awww. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t plainly such a fuckin idiot.

        6. Do you have any idea how sad that is? Not only is your mother an empty-headed embarrassment to all women, but she turned you into one too. Awww. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t plainly such a fuckin idiot.

        7. Do you have any idea how sad that is? Not only is your mother an empty-headed embarrassment to all women, but she turned you into one too. Awww. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t plainly such a fuckin idiot.

        8. Actually my mother was a kind beautiful and traditional woman. She was creative made all my Christmas presents and stayed up late sewing and knitting my clothes . She was right beauty does open doors. Why should I not myself look good for men. I’m also kind and pleasant to men does that make me an empty headed idiot also?

        9. Yes, keep telling yourself that you’re only posting pictures for your female friends to see. I’m sure if you repeat it enough you may actually believe it.

        10. It’s not liking to look good for men that makes you empty-headed. It’s the fact that your only focus in life is looking good for men that’s empty-headed. Don’t you think that’s sad? You could be focusing on anything. You could travel the world, or write a novel, or build an orphanage, and never have to deal with the kind of asshole who judges a woman’s quality by her looks. But no. You’re too busy keeping yourself pretty for the menfolk, who see you as nothing more than an attractive but vacant fuckbag/slave. And that, sister, is truly pathetic.

        11. It’s not liking to look good for men that makes you empty-headed. It’s the fact that your only focus in life is looking good for men that’s empty-headed. Don’t you think that’s sad? You could be focusing on anything. You could travel the world, or write a novel, or build an orphanage, and never have to deal with the kind of asshole who judges a woman’s quality by her looks. But no. You’re too busy keeping yourself pretty for the menfolk, who see you as nothing more than an attractive but vacant fuckbag/slave. And that, sister, is truly pathetic.

    5. 24-you know, I used to get pretty mad when girls would flake out on me but in retrospect, at least it never happened with me going out of my way to the place where we were supposed to be. Sort of a silver lining.

      1. Men flake, too. There’s probably a reason she didn’t want to see you, and it’s probably the same reason you’re on this website.

        1. Learn what irony is before you use it, and when you are trying to get someone to leave you alone, next time, try to not butcher the English language in the process. Have a nice day, asshole.

        2. Why would I care if men flake? I’m not interested in men. As for the reason a woman may not want to see me, it’s called “honesty.” It’s one thing to turn somebody down, it’s another and downright rude thing to agree to lunch or a movie with somebody and then come up with an excuse to get out of it at each call to confirm. Next, what reason might this be that I’m reading this site? Could it be something called “free will?” Could it be that maybe I’m allowed to read whatever the hell I want to read in order to form my own opinions about what it is I’m reading? Do you care to share the websites that you frequent so that I may flimsily insult you as well?
          And another thing; my comment was not at all disrespectful, insulting, or derogatory. So why did you feel the need to insult me? This exchange started out pretty simple; I responded to the person I was talking to who said that he would be at a restaurant or what have you, and then I said in retrospect, it wasn’t so bad when it happened to me since I’d be at home when I got flaked on. Then here you come, trying to feel superior by insulting somebody without provocation on the internet. Hah, perhaps that’s the reason you’re on this website; because that’s the only way for you to feel superior, where in real life you’re a failure.

        3. I think you’re very interested in men, or you wouldn’t be hating on the ladies so much. It’s fairly textbook, man. You should probably just break out your secret Streisand records and go nuts.

        4. I think you’re very interested in men, or you wouldn’t be hating on the ladies so much. It’s fairly textbook, man. You should probably just break out your secret Streisand records and go nuts.

        5. What is wrong with you? Can you show me any post where I said I hate ladies. Look through my disqus history and show me one single solitary post. You can’t. The “ladies” I don’t like aren’t really “ladies” at all, but are entitled hypocritical feminists.

        6. Everything you’ve said screams ‘woman-hater’, ya fuckin clown. You do realise that all feminism means is a belief in equal rights? And if a person is as virulently against women’s rights as you clearly are, then you’re a woman hater. It’s not exactly complicated, Damien. Come on, now. Get a grip.

        7. Everything you’ve said screams ‘woman-hater’, ya fuckin clown. You do realise that all feminism means is a belief in equal rights? And if a person is as virulently against women’s rights as you clearly are, then you’re a woman hater. It’s not exactly complicated, Damien. Come on, now. Get a grip.

        8. You’re so right, in fact I hope women get the right to vote taken away from them tomorrow. /sarcasm

        9. You’re so right, in fact I hope women get the right to vote taken away from them tomorrow. /sarcasm

    6. 26. Lesbianism: Most lesbians are anti-masculine and the most extreme among them seek to destroy male leadership.
      From ‘Lesbianism and the Women’s Movement’ (Diana Press, 1975), pp. 9-13:
      “Lesbian-feminist politics is a political critique of the institution and ideology of heterosexuality as a primary cornerstone of male supremacy.”
      “… we work to destroy that male power and gain female self-determination.”
      “… destruction of heterosexuality as a crucial part of male supremacy.”
      “… women remaining tied to men prevents them from seeing the function of heterosexuality and acting to end it.”
      For over 40 years, radical lesbians have been engaged in a war against men. The evidence is all around us.

      1. hi! I am a lesbian and I am neither anti-masculine nor trying to overthrow male-leadership, male leadership and heterosexuality are both completely fine.
        It’s just that female (or anything else) leadership is just as good as male leadership and homosexuality should be just as respected as heterosexuality. of course, you will find douchebags in every form of society and belief (= they are female douchebags just like they are male douchebags and a certain sexual leaning does not make you less of an idiot) but demonizing the entire social group just makes you the asshole.
        I understand that you had some bad experiences with lesbians, women in general or some ethnic group. but that does not mean that you can generalize this social group into good, bad, stupid, clever or any adjective that comes to your mind.
        We are all individuals.(even women)

        1. honey I’m not talking about women only. but fine. since no one is an individual and it’s completely fine to generalize social groups: I announce that every man on this planet is a sexist asshole with the iq of baked beans. just as long every woman is an attention whore that in the end just wants to get fucked by morons
          oh oh and every muslim wants to destroy america, every german is a nazi and all americans are fat

        2. I think lesbians are fine, you can’t really say anything against people who like to slurp pussy. Now, just to help me out of the confusion: what IQ do baked beans have, exactly?

        3. I’m also a lesbian, and no we aren’t all militant man-haters, but seeing an article like this regardless of gender or sexuality should provoke some sort of negative reaction and immense disappointment in the fact that there are men out there writing and agreeing to this stuff. It’s just pretty pathetic.
          I like men, if they’re nice men. I like women if they’re nice women. The tripe on this page, however is not nice, and shouldn’t be condoned.

        4. I’m also a lesbian, and no we aren’t all militant man-haters, but seeing an article like this regardless of gender or sexuality should provoke some sort of negative reaction and immense disappointment in the fact that there are men out there writing and agreeing to this stuff. It’s just pretty pathetic.
          I like men, if they’re nice men. I like women if they’re nice women. The tripe on this page, however is not nice, and shouldn’t be condoned.

      2. Lesbianism: Women who are attracted to other women sexually and emotionally. Most have nothing against guys… unless you say something like this. You’re so very ignorant, I can’t even stand it. Let’s try to quote a source within the past few years, eh? Pathetic. Lesbians just want to be able to love who they love without men harassing them. It’s as simple as that.

      3. And how many “radical lesbians” are there? Probably a few thousand or something. Let’s be real here for a second, I doubt that small amount of people could actually do anything to hurt you. Remember that radicals DO NOT represent the group as a whole. Most lesbians (and women in general) probably think those women are nutjobs too.

      4. Well not all feminists are lesbians and I’ve never met a lesbian who was a man-hater. So there’s that.
        In accordance with what annie said, I have no problem with male leadership or heterosexuality. It’s about equality.
        You can’t just make broad generalizations about an entire group of people based on some out-of-context quotes from 1975. You probably should also try not to shame people for being who they are. Just saying.

      1. LOL. How about those fucking retarded “geeky nerdy cute trendy fashion glasses” that those cunts wear. Good god when will that trend die. Another layer to the bitch shield defense mechanism I guess, hide behind stupid nerd glasses. Anyone that wears those glasses is a real cunt.

        1. Right on man!
          Men developed surgeries to correct these problems. Ladies, do yourselves and us a favor and get it done.
          “But, I’m afraid of the risks involved,” she recoiled.
          Stop being a pussy, pussy. LIfe is about risks. The greater risk is that your life is on a trajectory towards self-medication with chardonnay mixed with prescription meds and conversations with cats.

        2. Some people need to see. Some people actually really like those glasses. It’s based on preference, and if you don’t like them, then don’t buy them! It’s as simple as that, Jose.
          Now, if you would kindly remove your head from your ass, it is not a hat. Thank you.

        3. Not everyone can afford those expensive surgeries, and not everyone wants to get that.
          There are risks involved with every surgery and they need to be taken into account. If you can’t deal with the fact that she doesn’t want it, then you should not be putting your dick inside of her. Simple as that, asshole.
          Life may be about risks, but at the risk of becoming blind? Wow… You need to get your head out of your ass.

        4. Then get a penis enlargement and stop bitching on a website. Ps. what are you a lard ass playwright? No one talks like that on an ignorant website like this, are you proud of what you learned in 6th grade? No one here gives a crap about your shitty writing.

        5. I apologise if I’d rather not pay thousands of pounds that I don’t have for surgery that has a higher chance of making things worse than fixing them for someone with my eye condition, but I’d rather not go blind at an early age.

        6. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        7. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        8. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        9. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        10. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        11. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        12. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        13. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        14. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        15. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        16. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        17. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        18. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        19. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        20. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        21. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        22. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        23. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        24. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        25. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        26. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        27. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        28. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        29. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        30. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        31. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        32. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        33. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        34. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        35. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        36. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        37. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        38. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        39. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        40. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        41. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        42. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        43. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        44. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        45. Marguerite B. MacDonald MD performed the first human VISX refractive laser eye surgery in 1989. That’s a women. Can’t reply to the rest of your comment because I’m pretty sure you won’t listen anyways.

        46. Some of us actually look good in our “geeky nerdy cute trendy fashion glasses,” you know, the ones with the thick rims that are fairly large and stereotypical “nerd” fashion. And hey, it at least fits my personality. After all, I am an engineering student and doing much better than the majority of the guys… but hearing that probably hurts you because you’d rather see me in the kitchen than designing the next big gadget, now wouldn’t you?

        47. Some of us actually look good in our “geeky nerdy cute trendy fashion glasses,” you know, the ones with the thick rims that are fairly large and stereotypical “nerd” fashion. And hey, it at least fits my personality. After all, I am an engineering student and doing much better than the majority of the guys… but hearing that probably hurts you because you’d rather see me in the kitchen than designing the next big gadget, now wouldn’t you?

        48. Some of us actually look good in our “geeky nerdy cute trendy fashion glasses,” you know, the ones with the thick rims that are fairly large and stereotypical “nerd” fashion. And hey, it at least fits my personality. After all, I am an engineering student and doing much better than the majority of the guys… but hearing that probably hurts you because you’d rather see me in the kitchen than designing the next big gadget, now wouldn’t you?

      2. I am afraid you do not understand. They don’t do this for you. They do this for them. Because they feel smokin’ hot while doing this. No one cares if you like it or not.

      3. just a psa, not everything women do is meant to attract men. in fact, most things we do aren’t!

      4. how pathetic that you are posting someone else’s picture to shame them while hiding behind the anonymity of an internet message board.

      5. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      6. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      7. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      8. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      9. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      10. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      11. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      12. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      13. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      14. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      15. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      16. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      17. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      18. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      19. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      20. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      21. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      22. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      23. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      24. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      25. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      26. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      27. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      28. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      29. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      30. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      31. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      32. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      33. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      34. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      35. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      36. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      37. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      38. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      39. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      40. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      41. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      42. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      43. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      44. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      45. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      46. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      47. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      48. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      49. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      50. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      51. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      52. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      53. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      54. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      55. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      56. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      57. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      58. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      59. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

      60. What makes all you men think that girls only take pictures of themselves to impress YOU? To dress a certain way to impress YOU? Get off your high horses. Shave themselves for YOU? To lose weight to look good for YOU? Please hop off the pedestal you’ve been sitting on.

    7. Yeah, but a man should flake on a woman a fee times. Or at least be unapologetically late.

      1. Why should a man be able to do that and a woman cannot? That doesn’t seem fair at all, and it isn’t. Equality is the way to go.

    8. 23 : what does your best friend have to say about this? couldn’t he keep his dick in his pants?… GREAT FRIENDHSIP YOU GOT GOIN ON THERE SON

    9. 21: guys who take shirtless pictures of themselves. Same goes for the status updates.
      22. Guys spread rumors too. Let’s not be sexist, now.
      23. Oh man, sounds like your ex had sex with your best friend! So sorry to hear that, but last I checked, it’s her life and her body. Not yours. Get over yourself.
      24. Guys flake too. In fact, I think that’s just a human thing, people flake. Sounds like some girl really just didn’t want to see you. Sorry, not sorry.
      25. Maybe that “scumbag” is better than you. Sounds like he would be, considering that you’re posting this shit on a website.
      You’re pathetic. No woman wants a man who whines like you do. Grow up, grow a pair, and start acting like a gentleman.

      1. Thank you.You embody everything wrong with females in this day and age.
        Let me break down your reply for the manosphere.
        “guys who take shirtless pictures of themselves”
        These guys are obviously confident with their bodies. Who complains when a girl takes a shirtless pic of herself? Unless she’s a delusional landwhale.
        “Guys spread rumours too. Lets not be sexist”
        We don’t spread rumours in the destructive and meaninglessly evil intent that you ‘womyn” do it. When we spread ‘rumours’, its with a constructive intent, In fact its mostly positive e.g.
        Male ‘rumour’
        “You hear John fucked Stacey and Jen in the same night”
        Translation: damn John has game.-Constructive
        Female ‘rumour’
        “I hate stacey, she’s such a bitch/slut/whore”
        Translation: I’m so jealous of Stacey getting all the fun with the badboy/alpha while I’m stuck with these beta’s.-destructive.
        Woman spread rumours to create meaningless drama either trying to recreate scenes from 90210/Gossip Girl or whatever garbage is on TV at the moment or just to make their miserable lives more ‘interesting’.
        “Oh man, sounds like your ex had sex with your best friend! So sorry to hear that, but last I checked, it’s her life and her body. Not yours. Get over yourself.”
        And then you wonder why you ask yourself “where have all the real men gone?” Next you complain about a guy pumping and dumping you, Not calling/texting you back, refusing to marry you.
        Remember “its HIS life and HIS Body”
        “Guys flake too. In fact, I think that’s just a human thing, people flake. Sounds like some girl really just didn’t want to see you. Sorry, not sorry”
        Here we go again. Your rationalization hamster is in overdrive
        e.g Guys kill too. In fact, I think thats just a human thing, people kill.
        now does that make it right to kill people?
        “Maybe that “scumbag” is better than you. Sounds like he would be, considering that you’re posting this shit on a website”.
        This very paragraph is one of the reasons guys are going GALT/MGTOW.
        We live in a world where a degenerate drug addict/alcoholic has more value in the eyes of woman then the hard working, providing, kind, law abiding citizen.
        “You’re pathetic. No woman wants a man who whines like you do. Grow up, grow a pair, and start acting like a gentleman”
        You end your reply by the usual bitter feministic insult. You forgot “small penis”, ‘living in my basement” , “mommy issues” , “gay”.

        1. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        2. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        3. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        4. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        5. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        6. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        7. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        8. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        9. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        10. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        11. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        12. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        13. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        14. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        15. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        16. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        17. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        18. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        19. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        20. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        21. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        22. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        23. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        24. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        25. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        26. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        27. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        28. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        29. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        30. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        31. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        32. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        33. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        34. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        35. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        36. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        37. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        38. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        39. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        40. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        41. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        42. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        43. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        44. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        45. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        46. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        47. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        48. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        49. Cause guys are just perfect right? What gives you the right to say that half of the population should be a certain way? Jesus fucking christ, ‘bitter feministic reply’ I’m not going to take feminism as an insult, it’s people like you that give women the need for feminism, you clearly don’t see women as equals. It’s disgusting.

        50. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        51. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        52. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        53. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        54. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        55. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        56. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        57. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        58. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        59. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        60. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        61. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        62. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        63. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        64. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        65. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        66. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        67. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        68. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        69. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        70. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        71. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        72. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        73. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        74. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        75. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        76. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        77. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        78. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        79. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        80. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        81. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        82. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        83. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        84. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        85. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        86. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        87. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        88. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        89. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        90. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        91. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        92. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        93. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        94. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        95. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        96. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        97. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        98. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        99. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        100. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        101. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        102. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        103. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        104. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        105. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        106. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        107. Not once did I say men are superior to woman. Feminism has obliterated the family structure. e.g. 70% of divorce proceedings are initiated by woman. The highest in the history of the world. What? you still gonna blame that on ‘patriarchy’?
          Men and woman are equal but we have different ROLES to fulfill in society

        108. a) citing for that bullshit statistic?
          b) thank god women are able to divorce misogynistic and pathetic assholes like yourself. the reason you are posting this crap on the internet is because you lack self esteem and cannot date someone who is more confident than yourself.

        109. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        110. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        111. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        112. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        113. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        114. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        115. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        116. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        117. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        118. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        119. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        120. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        121. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        122. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        123. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        124. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        125. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        126. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        127. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        128. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        129. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        130. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        131. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        132. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        133. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        134. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        135. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        136. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        137. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        138. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        139. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        140. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        141. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        142. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        143. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        144. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        145. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        146. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        147. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        148. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        149. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        150. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        151. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        152. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        153. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        154. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        155. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        156. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        157. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        158. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        159. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        160. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        161. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        162. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        163. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        164. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        165. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        166. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        167. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        168. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        169. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        170. It’s funny that so many men are quick to say that women wonder where all the “real men” have gone, as if you seem like a man that any smart or reasonable woman would find attractive. Honestly mate, you sound like a real catch, just as well as the ass who wrote this post.

        171. b. um… why are these women marrying these misogynistic and pathetic assholes in the first place?

        172. b. um… why are these women marrying these misogynistic and pathetic assholes in the first place?

        173. b. um… why are these women marrying these misogynistic and pathetic assholes in the first place?

        174. if they’re so empowered, why do they feel so threatened by people saying shit they don’t like?

        175. “We live in a world where a degenerate drug addict/alcoholic has more value in the eyes of woman then the hard working, providing, kind, law abiding citizen.”
          Women don’t want men who tell them how to act. You act like you’re some perfect guy or something but no one wants you. Deal with it, asshole.

        176. Just once I wish I saw a comment about feminism that was even remotely close to the truth. Saying “feminism means superior rights for women, is kinda like saying every muslim is a terrorist.” Why? Because it’s just as WRONG.
          Feminism started a long time ago, at that time womens rights did not exist. They had no rights in the society. So hence came feminism – a movement to get THE SAME RIGHTS for WOMEN and MEN. In other words EQUAL rights. Feminism still means and stands for that because in many (but way way way fewer ways) man has more rights and social acceptance of behaviour, even today. So the feminist keep fighting for equal rights.
          Of course, you will always find extremists. They are everywhere, be it, religion or politics. They are everywhere, and to judge a religion or a political branch or movement only by a little percentage of the people who happen to be extremists is silly. Beyond silly really. It’s just something that uneducated morons with a severly damaged sight on this worlds cultures and politics do.

        177. Actually, it’s not. I’ve not met a single Muslim who expressed wanting to blow up a building. I’ve met several feminists who are openly misandric.
          To say women had no rights is disingenuous. They may not have been able to work but they didn’t need to work. Most of the time the males provided for them. And since the draft was law at the time, the males HAD to go shoot people to keep the women at home safe, risking their own lives. I’d hardly call that “women were oppressed.” They weren’t able to vote, but they got that right without feminism. I doubt the women who fought for the right to vote would support even half of the things feminists champion today. Also, if it’s “the same rights for women and men,” then why is it called “feminism?” The Civil Rights movement wasn’t called “Blackism.” It’s also not true that men have more rights than women these days. Which of us is mandatorily signed up for the draft? Hint; it ain’t you. The only thing I’ll agree with in terms of “man has more societal acceptance of behavior” is the whole “if a man has sex with lots of women he’s a stud, but if a woman has sex with lots of men she’s a slut” thing. Because I feel both men and women should be considered sluts, regardless the fact that the man has to put in more work than a woman to get sex. That’s my personal opinion.
          But here’s the deal; Jezebel, the feminists on tumblr, feministing, et al- are not outliers of feminism. They ALL act like that, and the ones that don’t do not speak out. You’ll hardly ever see Christians condoning the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church, for example. Most Christians have outright stated that while they do not agree with homosexuality, they still treat homosexuals with respect whereas the Westboro Baptist Church is vocal in their hatred of gays. You’ll hardly ever find a feminist speaking up for the small babies who lost their lives to abortion, you’ll hardly ever find a feminist speaking up about the unjust family court proceedings for men, and you’ll hardly ever find a feminist encouraging women to own up to their part in bad decisions, especially in cases of false rape charges-see; Praise Martin-Oguike case, and the brief drama that was the false rape charge last month at Ohio State where a man was eating a woman out in public, but it got spread over the internet so the woman called rape though in the picture she clearly enjoyed what was going on. Both should’ve gotten charged for public indecency, but she tried to ruin this man’s life.
          It is the majority of feminists, who are indeed man-hating and pro-baby killing/or have actually killed a baby at some point, who are the “morons” and who are far more worst words that I refuse to say.
          On a smaller note, feminists are also hypocritical. There was a woman not too long ago who insinuated that instagram banned her for posting a pic of her bikini zone where you could see her pubic hair, because she was a woman. NOBODY wants to see that, on ANY person. Yet had a man done the same thing, she’d have hit the report button on instagram so fast.

        178. According to observations in the real world where people like yourself curse out people simply for saying something that threatens your worldview

        179. “Women don’t want men who tell them how to act. ”
          And your solution to counter this is to tell men how to act…

        180. a bit of a history lesson for your ignorant self. I believe you will find – the woman who pioneered the right for woman to vote was in fact the definition of a feminist. Jerk
          Also how would you feel if WE HAD all the rights to your money and control? maybe coming to you from a money angle might get through your thick skull. you’re a jerk and don’t deserve a womans affection.
          Kate Sheppard, 1847-1934
          Votes for Women
          Kate Sheppard is recognised as the leader of the fight to win the right for New Zealand women to vote. She and other pioneering women campaigned so effectively that in 1893 New Zealand became the first self-governing nation in the world to grant the vote to all women over 21.
          Kate was also involved in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, founded the National Council of Women, established the first women owned newspaper in the country and was a pioneering cyclist.
          She later travelled overseas to England and America to help the campaigns there. In 1895 she became the editor of the first newspaper in New Zealand to be owned, managed and published only by women. It was called the White Ribbon.
          She established the National Council of Women in April 1896 and continued to argue for women’s rights, especially the right for married women to have control of their own money. She encouraged women to become involved with society and politics and she continued to campaign to make things better women and families in particular. Her political philosophies included proportional representation, with non-party affiliation; the initiative and referendum, giving the public the right to initiate or veto legislation; and the elective executive, where cabinet ministers would be elected by all members of Parliament.

        181. The “definition of a feminist” is WRONG. That’s like calling the color red, blue. It’s just WRONG. What feminists say they want, is different from what they actually do. Also, way to disprove what I’ve been saying. You’re kind of a disrespectful trollop.

          Also how would you feel if WE HAD all the rights to your money and control? maybe coming to you from a money angle might get through your thick skull. you’re a jerk and don’t deserve a womans affection.

          LOL. Well you know, women are individuals free to make their own choices, including whether one wants to feel affection for me. So tough nuts to you. Any dude that likes you is a sucker for batshit crazy though. As for money and control, we’ll see how much you’ll complain when you get a divorce because you got “bored” and took half the man’s shit.
          Nevertheless, Kate Sheppard is a woman I respect. You however… not so much. But you know, good luck fighting the imaginary patriarchy and all that. You’re an ugly person. By which I mean your personality, which probably manifested on your exterior as well.

        182. The “definition of a feminist” is WRONG. That’s like calling the color red, blue. It’s just WRONG. What feminists say they want, is different from what they actually do. Also, way to disprove what I’ve been saying. You’re kind of a disrespectful trollop.

          Also how would you feel if WE HAD all the rights to your money and control? maybe coming to you from a money angle might get through your thick skull. you’re a jerk and don’t deserve a womans affection.

          LOL. Well you know, women are individuals free to make their own choices, including whether one wants to feel affection for me. So tough nuts to you. Any dude that likes you is a sucker for batshit crazy though. As for money and control, we’ll see how much you’ll complain when you get a divorce because you got “bored” and took half the man’s shit.
          Nevertheless, Kate Sheppard is a woman I respect. You however… not so much. But you know, good luck fighting the imaginary patriarchy and all that. You’re an ugly person. By which I mean your personality, which probably manifested on your exterior as well.

        183. So, if a woman has an abortion she’s a baby-killer, but if you, the Big Man, knock her up and never call her again, like all you Real Men seem to brag about, and she aborts your worthless, retarded flipper baby cos she regrets sleeping with a mutant like you, is that still the wrong thing to do? Would you rather her turn up on your doorstep with your fuck-ugly squalling infant in tow, demanding the money you owe her? Cos remember, Real Men look after their kids, no matter how hideous or plain fucking stupid they might be. Bet you’d think abortions were a good thing then. Or does being a Real Man who posts on the ‘manosphere’ mean that you have the right to ruin both your lives, and that of your special needs kid with the clubfoot and eczema, just cos you haven’t really thought about abortion properly and are willing to take whatever stance makes you feel most masculine. Or whatever stance means you get to hate women more. I bet your father used to beat on you, and your mother, and she was one of those poor, broken women who put up with her husband’s abuse for the sake of her kids, only for the result of all her struggles to turn out a cuntbucket like you. You’ve got all the hallmarks of the syndrome. You know why you hate women? Because you’re scared of them. You don’t understand them, they’re unfamiliar to you,and their bodies gross you out slightly or you wouldn’t be so concerned over a few pubes, so there’s probably some homosexual tendencies in there too. Look, there’s nothing wrong with being gay, just accept it. You’re scared of women and they upset you, and you’re so much more at home around the guys, so if you’re not already, you really should suck a dick. I think it’d be liberating for you.
          Not nice being the focus of loathing from someone who’s never met you, right?

        184. I’m going to reply to you in more in detail a little later, but I’m gonna start by saying you straight up judged me without even bothering to get to know me. For starters, I don’t believe in sex before marriage so I can’t be that guy.

        185. I’m going to reply to you in more in detail a little later, but I’m gonna start by saying you straight up judged me without even bothering to get to know me. For starters, I don’t believe in sex before marriage so I can’t be that guy.

        186. Bwahahaaa! I am so on the money here! Ok, let’s see, brought up in a restrictive Christian household to believe that women have been dirty and evil since Eve bit the apple…violent father…doormat mother…probably overweight…I know what it is – your father was one of those alcoholic religious types who believe it’s a sin to have an affair, but he’d sneak into your room at night, cos how can it be a sin to touch your own family? Is that right? Don’t feel ashamed, man, it’s not like you’re alone. I mean, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t turn everyone into a misogynist come-stain, but maybe you’re just one of the unlucky ones. I knew you’d never been laid, it seeps out from between every word you’ve written, but I didn’t realise you’ve made it a lifestyle choice. I believe that’s what they call ‘making a virtue out of a necessity’.
          And by the way, I’m judging you before getting to know you because, based on your views, no-one would want to get to know you. That’s why you’re a grown man who’s never had sex and is claiming it’s because you ‘don’t believe in sex before marriage’. How brain-damaged would a woman have to be to even sit through a conversation with you, never mind marry you?

        187. So since I’m not a woman, if I called you, purely in the interests of an example, a ‘small-dicked basement-living mother-fixated cocksucker’, that would be ok? That’s not fair. You shouldn’t call people ‘bitter feminists’ just for pointing out the blindingly obvious.

        188. …stopped reading after “women have been dirty and evil.” It’s clear that you have problems. Women are loved in Christianity and you would know that if you weren’t so hateful. Not having sex before marriage is about respect for myself AND for the hypothetical woman I would marry.

        189. Oh man, I am so weak with laughter at you. You plainly have no respect for women, and neither does the Bible, which you’d know if you’d ever read it objectively. And of course you stopped reading, you monumental loser. That’s what all close-minded woman-hating religious types do when you say something they don’t like; pretend it’s not there. Well, either that or kill whoever said it. I take a small amount comfort in knowing that, yeah, you might be a toxic, misogynistic God-bothering virgin fuckpig whose ilk are poisoning my world and ruining it for all the decent people, but at least you’ll be dying alone and unloved.

        190. You may be laughing, but I’m not. I’m very sad for you. I hope you wake up before it’s too late.

        191. Yeah yeah, the old ‘turn the other cheek’ routine. I don’t buy it. You got really aggressive and insulting with the woman who brought up Kate Sheppard, where’s that gumption now? Also you said you’d reply in more detail. Not getting much detail from ya here, Damo. If you don’t give me details, I’m gonna have to assume that everything I said about you is true. Especially the father stuff, cos it’s such classic pathological behaviour on your part. And wake up from what, by the way? My perfectly happy, enlightened state of mind, where women are my friends and I love and cherish them? Wake up into a world where the rules are written by a fucking disgrace like you? Damien, old friend, if Jesus really exists, he thinks you’re scum. You ever read the Sermon On The Mount? I mean properly now, not just semi-dozing through the sermon in church. None of what Jesus said is anything like the bile you’re spewing, and I think if Jesus could see inside your brain, and your heart, he’d be in a Moneylenders In The Temple kind of mood. Cos you, you vile canker, are the opposite of everything Jesus wanted humans to be. Your faith is a sham and if there is a Hell its fires wait for you, not us.

        192. you understand that literally everything that you did there, by reasoning out everything Psquare said, you could do with the original post

        193. You’re a fucking idiot Psquare. Thank fuck our paths will never cross. Unfortunately for me though, there are plenty more misogynistic, ignorant scumbags out there who’ll undoubtedly cross my path. But you know what, people who think like you do don’t deserve our time or attention, you can say what you will and nothing I say will change your thinking, but men can’t speak for women, ok? You’d have to be a fucking idiot not to realise the blatant sexism and double standards listed above, and I hope for your sake and for the sakes of all the women who ever have to cross your path that you see reason one day. You have no right to get on your high horse and tell women they should act a certain way, the fact is that life is much more unfair to women, and just because you don’t understand because you’ve never been a female, your lack of understanding does not give you any right to shame women for acting a certain way. I really wish you’d see reason, but you won’t, just like so many other men. Equality is so far away it’s frightening. See some sense for god’s sake.

        194. No it doesn’t..? I hate that you say that so confidently yet have missed the point entirely. Total ignorance.

        195. these women are proving that to be true for most of them… though this is mostly an issue for leftist/feminist women which if the elections are to be believed, are the majority.

        196. Aggressive? Hardly. Matter-of-fact, yeah, but not aggressive. I didn’t have time to respond to your lengthy tirades. I’ll respond to you tomorrow.

        197. I understood what she said. It’s called “I disagree, and here’s why.” You’re a dude, huh? You’d get that if you woke up and stopped allowing women dictating what you’re allowed to think.

        198. welcome to the manosphere. I suggest reading the rationalmale(rollo) for more clarity. You seem to be to one of the few girls that are willing to accept the truth

        199. Hah but clearly you’re as much of an idiot as you sound! Hint; the definition of “ignorant” isn’t; “Says things I don’t like. Especially because it’s true and I can’t accept that.”

        200. thats a hell of a generalization sir….I’m wondering how familiar you are with logic and reasoning.
          bold generalizations like that are rather unreasonable.

        201. “Women are loved in Christianity ” no they’re not. Read the bible, particularly the old testament.
          That said, I fully respect your Desire to remain chaste until marriage, particularly because you’re not a hypocrite about it.

        202. considering that you are descended from one of the most disenfranchised cultures ever I would have thought that any amount of blatant inequality would disgust you as much as it disgusted me.

        203. You are so right! The definition of “ignorant” is actually
          lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated

        204. So essentially Normal Human Being is hoping that you aren’t actually as “lacking in knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated” as you sound like.

        205. Actually Damien I think you will find that feminism is inherently diverse. Certain Radical Feminists may seek superior rights for women but they are in the minority. Liberal feminists seek equality, which i think you will find does not exist. I advise you read up a little before making biased accusations. Yours sincerely, the feminist fairy.

        206. I agree with some of the things you are saying, and other things, not so much:
          “These guys are obviously confident with their bodies. Who complains when
          a girl takes a shirtless pic of herself? Unless she’s a delusional
          1st: It is the social norm for young women to act like sluts nowadays – so any woman “confident” enough to take her shirt off for the interwebz is automatically a superstar in the eyes of men and obviously an attention whore in the eyes of women – and equally vice-verse for both genders based on perspective and opinion.
          Our society sexualizes the female breast 2 bajillion times more than the male breast. When men (and women) stop caring about the lumps of fat and milk glands on our chests, the taboo of full frontal nudity of the female variety will cease to be an act of “look at me, I’m so hawt” or “I need attention, please love me for my boobies to validate my existence and affirm my beauty and social acceptance” – and become “seriously, who gives a fuck about your flabby, bulbous, disgusting titties. Show me some vag, slut, or get off the webz.”
          I can’t wait for those days to arrive. It will be thrilling. Yes, that was sarcasm.
          **But I don’t expect much from people who view other human beings as objects that must fit a standard or they are unfit to exist, let alone speak their minds.
          2nd: What do you have against “land whales”, exactly? What did they ever do to you to make you hate them so much? Their existence really offends you so much that they are deserving of your unending contempt and criticism? **See above for clarification.
          Women weren’t put on this planet to please your eyeballs.
          If you think all women must please your eyes and never speak their minds, you need to grow a 5 inch diameter, 10 inch long cock, drive an Aston Martin, dress in Armani 24-7, know how to play the guitar and dance tango, understand Quantum Physics, speak 5 different languages and own 3 successful businesses.
          Does that seem fair? No? Why not? You are basically demanding women must meet your standard of beauty or stfu and not exist which makes you an asshole.
          So, as a non-landwhale messenger for all these horrible landwhales out here, you can go suck your own dick, fuck-face. Keep your inner hell to yourself and stop throwing it out into the world, or learn to speak and think rationally like the rest of us before saying really stupid shit.
          /end rant…moving on.
          3rd: “Guys spread rumours too. Lets not be sexist”
          “We don’t spread rumours in the destructive and meaninglessly evil intent that you ‘womyn” do it. When we spread ‘rumours’, its with a constructive intent, In fact its mostly positive e.g.”
          ** ^^ ROFL! LOL! That is some funny shit right there.**
          “Male ‘rumour’
          “You hear John fucked Stacey and Jen in the same night”
          Translation: damn John has game.-Constructive
          Female ‘rumour’
          “I hate stacey, she’s such a bitch/slut/whore”
          Translation: I’m so jealous of Stacey getting all the fun with the badboy/alpha while I’m stuck with these beta’s.-destructive.”
          Let me do some translating for you now, from my perspective:
          Male rumor: Damn John has game.
          Typical Male Whore:
          Damn, he got game. *high five* I need to give “respect” to a manipulative bastard that preys on
          weak-willed or weak-minded women to satisfy his sexual urges in order to
          validate his own existence, and never question his motives, because
          that is totally breaking the bro-code, and I’m too drunk or too stupid to really question anything going on around me, let alone my own morality.
          Normal, rational “nice guy”:
          Damn, all the women he gets are obviously either really stupid and have no self-esteem, or are just really horny all the time because they lack self-love and real love from another person, or they have issues i.e. sluts be crazy yo.
          Obviously manipulative men can get into bed pretty easy with these girls because the girls are seeking validation for their existence, which these men give to them in the form of sex and attention. I feel sorry for the girls. They are wanting love and respect, and getting nothing but dick.
          Female rumor: I hate her. She’s such a slut/bitch.
          Translation: I’m obviously a woman created by Psquare that is incapable of logical, rational thought and all women are my rivals, and Psquare hates women who act like that, but Psquare fails to realize that “sluts” are usually the most competitive and catty women of all. I need to compete with these sluts because if I don’t, men won’t find me attractive because I am not slutty enough for them to fuck at the drop of a hat. Never mind that a truly logical, rationally thinking woman wouldn’t want anything to do with a male whore in the first place.
          If I am too low-key and “safe”, no man will want me because I am not adventurous enough for their sexual appetites, and I won’t snag an alpha like the sluts and I’ll be stuck with a door-mat beta for the rest of my life and I will be filled with grief and envy of all the women who are fucking all the alphas that I wasn’t slutty enough to fuck. Boohoo. Psquare wouldn’t want anything to do with me, therefore I am unfit to exist and undeserving of love and respect as a human being.
          You have given a watered down, college co-ed, cliche example of a female “rumor”, i.e. you obviously believe all women are “catty” or “aggressive” towards one another and that cattiness is damaging instead of “supportive” like your bro-grats example for men. Then you basically make the assertion that this whole “alpha vs beta” paradigm is really what is directing the actions of women – as if women have no free will.
          Thanks, Psquare. I really appreciate your confidence in our ability to make our own decisions based on personal preference, societal norms or media influence, desire to fit in and be accepted, and family dynamics and the impact it has on our psyches and growth.
          You are speaking in absolutes – all male rumors are constructive, all female rumors are destructive.
          I, and I am quite sure you, have heard a fair share of male gossip and male cattiness, and a fair share of positive female camaraderie.
          “We live in a world where a degenerate drug addict/alcoholic has more
          value in the eyes of woman then the hard working, providing, kind, law
          abiding citizen.”
          And what makes you think the women who find these types of men valuable are valuable themselves?
          You have an “I need to save the princess” attitude towards these women, and I am not really sure why. They don’t need to be saved from the assholes they are involved with. They need the assholes to hurt them so they learn what they don’t want because they are too mindless to know better to begin with.
          Women who choose assholes choose them for various reasons – they like assholes, they find them exciting, they get off on being hurt, they feel deserving of being hurt, or they aren’t aware that these guys are assholes or losers because they are too uneducated and lack awareness of what actually makes for a decent relationship. Basically “oh em gee he’s soooo hawt I wanna stick my titties in his face right now and let him stick his dick in me later tonight even though I just met him and have no idea who he is or what he is capable of, but he’s soooo hawt”…
          Who told you to white knight for them? Let them learn their lesson from the assholes. They will wise up and won’t want anything to do with men soon enough. Don’t try to save them now. They aren’t worthy of being saved yet, and you apparently only want to save them from the assholes because they aren’t giving you their attention.
          It seems you don’t like talking about what isn’t convenient for your argument because you have a chip on your shoulder that says “I hate women because they won’t let me fuck them at the drop of a hat and shower me with endless slut attention until I tire of them and demand my pristine virgin bride”.
          If the bitches ain’t showin you the titties and givin you the pussy they aren’t worth your time, right?
          Thanks for playing, Psquare. Your logic is pretty damn fail.

        207. He has no right to shame women, but you have no problem shaming men. Hypocrisy, how does it work?

        208. Psquare.. dude.. I don’t know what happened to you as a kid… you sound messed up. I’m a man just like you, but the way you carry and represent yourself is horrible. You aren’t helping the image that we as guys should be portraying. If you don’t like a certain type of woman, then don’t talk to her. No need to be a dick about anything.

        209. Wow, that was very impressive!! I love how you were able to get all of those points and thoughts out so easily while I would have made a jumbled mess. Do you have a blog? Or write novels? Because I like your style and would love to read some more by you. For real!! You did an awesome job!

        210. Uhm, no, actually not at all. Feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic EQUALITY to men. Good try though.

        211. Uhm, no, actually not at all. Feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic EQUALITY to men. Good try though.

        212. I stopped reading after your first couple sentences because the hypocrisy almost made me vomit. You are an ignorant fool, sir. Feminism is not a man hating movement, if nothing else will convince you, actually try doing some research because clearly you are just speaking on an opinion you have formed about feminism which has no historical fact. But that is not to say there aren’t women out there who hate men, much like you are bashing women now. But good luck finding a girlfriend!

        213. No, but the definition is; lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. And you, sir, are all of those things.

        214. No, but the definition is; lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. And you, sir, are all of those things.

        215. Anti-masculinity and estranging men from masculinity is indeed a sophisticated form of man-hating. This has been so well argued and documented that only the willfully ignorant could ever suggest otherwise.

        216. Anti-masculinity and estranging men from masculinity is indeed a sophisticated form of man-hating. This has been so well argued and documented that only the willfully ignorant could ever suggest otherwise.

        217. Because the sluts pick them up in bars and clubs by getting slobbery shitfaced drunk. Hence they have no class anymore. Real women don’t find misogynist pricks, the have skill called “class” that could find a decent guy.

        218. If you’re one of the girl types listed above, good luck finding a guy. If you’re not one of the mentioned girl types above, why are you even bothered by it if you’re not guilty?

        219. If you’re one of the girl types listed above, good luck finding a guy. If you’re not one of the mentioned girl types above, why are you even bothered by it if you’re not guilty?

        220. If you’re one of the girl types listed above, good luck finding a guy. If you’re not one of the mentioned girl types above, why are you even bothered by it if you’re not guilty?

        221. If you’re one of the girl types listed above, good luck finding a guy. If you’re not one of the mentioned girl types above, why are you even bothered by it if you’re not guilty?

        222. This article clearly shows what types of girls men are not attracted to. It’s also a guide to help women understand what good / decent / respectable guys would want in a woman.

        223. This article clearly shows what types of girls men are not attracted to. It’s also a guide to help women understand what good / decent / respectable guys would want in a woman.

        224. Feminism doesn’t mean sticking up for the right to act like an unattractive slut though. And by unattractive, I mean slut. Because after all slut qualities are unattractive for those feminists who want to take things out of context and misconstrue my words. Feminism is more about dignity, honor and pride of being a female. The article above shows the quality of women who do not have dignity, honor or pride in being a female. Real men would love to have a female who carries herself with dignity, honor and pride and not like the girl types mentioned above.

        225. First of all, the woman getting the abortion got knocked up by an asshole / one night stand if she is that desperate for an abortion. Real men don’t date women like that. We date women with class, and we call back and stick around.

        226. Nope. You obviously know how to explore the xenophobic, sexist armpit of the internet, but you’ll be glad to know that there are dictionaries around here too! Straight from webster: feminism is “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.”

        227. the dictionary’s definition of feminism:
          the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
          hmmmm whose definition should i pick? the dictionary one, or the one from some random guy on the internet who pulls out information out of his ass? this is a difficult decision…

        228. “why do they feel so threatened by people saying shit they don’t like?”
          p.s. according to your statement, you shouldn’t feel so threatened by feminism then.

        229. That’s not what the colossal fucktard who wrote this list says. How bout you, Timmy, you single? Last girlfriend get a little fed up of your fist-kisses? Or are you one of those clowns who talk all tough on sites like this and then are a total, utter, mindblowing pussy when you’re with whatever poor woman had to settle for you?

        230. I’m sure all the cheating men with a entitled dick are the reason for divorce increases. of course those men would not want initiate the divorce and lose all their money.

        231. Wow, yes I will blame that on patriarchy. Because before women’s liberation they didn’t have the right to divorce and now that they do they do not have to stay in relationships that do more harm than good.

        232. This so called “class” you are talking about would not be able to perform miracles because finding a man who is not a misogynistic prick is a very hard feat as you and all the other misogynistic pricks have so willingly displayed

        233. It’s just astounding to see how many ignorantly narrow minded misogynistic pigs there still are in this world

        234. how on earth does feminism mean superior rights for women? do you even know what feminism means? there wouldn’t be feminism if one gender didn’t hold power over the other for century’s.

        235. That’s all you’ve got to say, you cancerous pig? God not providing you with any handy comebacks? Leaving you not only poisonous, ignorant, and pug fucking ugly, but more or less mute too? Fancy that. It’s almost as if he’s not actually there and you’re just clinging to a completely outnmoded thought process because you’re a sad, scared confused and hateful virgin who’s too terrified to try and make his way in the world without clinging to the beliefs of a bunch of sexist racist murderous fuckbags who lived thousands of years ago.

        236. The fact that you can’t see the hypocrisy of your own logic is astounding. Ignorance is bliss though, eh.

        237. I don’t know where you got your definition of feminism but you are wrong because that is the exact definition of feminism; Equality. As a feminist, I fight for the equality of all races, all genders, all sexualities, etc.

        238. when you are looking to men as people you would like to pro-create with you get kind of concerned when they say ignorant things…

        239. You listen to Damien now. He’s an authority on ignorance, aren’tcha Damo? You pretty much are the definition of ignorance, you cuntbrained Neanderthal.

        240. I’m a feminist, I don’t hate men, ive’ had a boyfriend for 4 years and I continually make art at university expressing CERTAIN things some women deal with in society e.g. being paid less for doing the same work, being raped, being seen as a sex symbol/object and not a human being. your very ignorant if you think that feminists hate men and want to over power them. I agree this day there are many ‘left wing’ types of feminism but please don’t insult me.

        241. Are you actually kidding me? When a guy takes a shirtless picture, there’s hardly, if any, negative backlash against him. If a girl takes a shirtless picture, everyone complains about what a slut she is. Don’t pretend like there’s not a double standard.

        242. WOOOOOOOWWW. That is all I have to say because you are just literally talking out of your ass. Incidentally I am a feminist who is pro life and I do not hate men. I do hate ignorant pieces of shit who talk about things like they are so all knowing when really their perception is so skewed that if they were to learn about the reality of the oppression of women they would be sadly, sadly mistaken. Go take a fucking women studies close you narrow minded dildo.

        243. No, I’m gonna thank the women of the world for that because they had to fight for us to be allowed to leave unhappy relationships

        244. This is the closest thing to not being sexist you have written on this whole page. So maybe you should re-evaluate yourself.

        245. You are ignorant if you boil feminism down to one single idea. There are multiple types of feminisms.

        246. Roles to fulfill? What are you talking about. Everyone has a different role and they choose it. No role is written in stone. If you think women were to stay home and take care of kids, bro, you are probably very egotistic, insecure but act secure by waving your masculinity like a dog banging anything that moves. No class

        247. Roles to fulfill? What are you talking about. Everyone has a different role and they choose it. No role is written in stone. If you think women were to stay home and take care of kids, bro, you are probably very egotistic, insecure but act secure by waving your masculinity like a dog banging anything that moves. No class

        248. Also, I seriously think that you have never met a woman with intellect and class. I think you’ve only dated or have met the girls who throw themselves at men. You are afraid of the women who are smart and have self-respect. You will never get those type of ladies with this mindset because you don’t have respect for women. You can continue dreaming of meeting the perfect woman man. Take your time

        249. OMG, 90% of feminists? Do you know the exact number of feminist in this world? How many of them have you met? And how many of them actually acted that way? I’m curious, because you see, I happen to be a feminist too ^^
          And actually, I feel very hurt when I read this article. Because I happen to be fat, and this article said I should be shamed for that. I saw so many people here saying classy/good/decent men don’t want to date girls listed in this article.
          Sorry if offended anyone ^^

        250. OMG, 90% of feminists? Do you know the exact number of feminist in this world? How many of them have you met? And how many of them actually acted that way? I’m curious, because you see, I happen to be a feminist too ^^
          And actually, I feel very hurt when I read this article. Because I happen to be fat, and this article said I should be shamed for that. I saw so many people here saying classy/good/decent men don’t want to date girls listed in this article.
          Sorry if offended anyone ^^

        251. Please don’t apologise in case you offend these pigs. It’s your kind words they don’t deserve. Get angry at these disgusting excuses for human beings, call them the misogynistic shiteating whores that they are, but please don’t apologise to them.

        252. Please don’t apologise in case you offend these pigs. It’s your kind words they don’t deserve. Get angry at these disgusting excuses for human beings, call them the misogynistic shiteating whores that they are, but please don’t apologise to them.

        253. With all that foul attitude, you really don’t seem all that happy. Plus, you’re not a terribly good judge of character. The “bile” I’m “spewing” has to do with accepting responsibility with oneself’s actions. It’s pretty clear you’re nothing more than a troll. Again, I hope you wake up. You may condemn me to hell, but I won’t do the same to you. I already know where I’m going and I’m at peace with that.

        254. With all that foul attitude, you really don’t seem all that happy. Plus, you’re not a terribly good judge of character. The “bile” I’m “spewing” has to do with accepting responsibility with oneself’s actions. It’s pretty clear you’re nothing more than a troll. Again, I hope you wake up. You may condemn me to hell, but I won’t do the same to you. I already know where I’m going and I’m at peace with that.

        255. Considering it’s tough these days not to find misandrist hypocritical social-justice feminist baby-killing supporting-bitches these days, I say that’s a fair fucking trade.

        256. I don’t feel “threatened” by feminism. To feel threatened, I have to be scared of feminism. I’m not scared of people I don’t respect.

        257. I don’t feel “threatened” by feminism. To feel threatened, I have to be scared of feminism. I’m not scared of people I don’t respect.

        258. And you know they’re trying to pretend to be anything but-but you know, stop slut-shaming, you creepy patriarchal heterosexist scum!

        259. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        260. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        261. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        262. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        263. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        264. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        265. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        266. back then if a woman sinned she’d get stoned but it happened to the men too. There’s several instances in the old testament of women being praised, especially virtuous ones. However, thanks for that.

        267. “and she aborts your worthless, retarded flipper baby cos she regrets sleeping with a mutant like you, is that still the wrong thing to do?”
          “You know why you hate women? Because you’re scared of them. You don’t understand them, they’re unfamiliar to you,and their bodies gross you out slightly or you wouldn’t be so concerned over a few pubes, so there’s probably some homosexual tendencies in there too. ”
          ….wow. Just, just, wow. I’ve never seen something so vile, not even on RoK, not on Jezebel, not anywhere. You don’t need to be on the internet, you need to be in a straitjacket.
          I won’t even bother entertaining the rest of your drivel. Your lack of self-awareness and lack of attention span (because if you noticed I stated nobody, anywhere, wanted to see anybody’s pubes on an instant-picture site regardless of whether it’s a man or a woman) is amusing, yet sad, and your foul attitude is appalling. I don’t see any more need to talk to you any further.

        268. Actually, I think you’ll find I’m a lot closer to Jesus than you are. I’m the one who’s all about equality, compassion and acceptance, and you’re the one spouting misogynist hatespeak on the internet. You, my friend, are no true Christian. You’re barely a human being. You, my fuckheaded virginal hombre, have absolutely no claim on decency, and it seems to have fallen to me to let you know what a sordid cartoon of a person you are. Turns out I’m the one on the side of the angels. That’s gotta sting, huh? I feel pretty decent about it.about it.

        269. I fit into a couple of them (one of them is 20, shocker!), and I’ve been in a relationship for nearly 3 years. How did I manage to find a guy even though I’m apparently an inferior being and a shitty person? Becuase, thankfully for me, not every guy is misogynistic like you and some of the other idiots on this page! (the writer of the original post in particular)
          I can only pity the “logic” of your type.

        270. Look at the bright side Damien….at least this person isn’t a co-worker, a classmate or someone that you would interact with on a day to day basis.

        271. Aw Damo, don’t be like that! Think of all the fun times we’ve had! You know, like the time I called you a worthless idiot cuntrag and you just sat there and took it like the spineless fool that you are? Remember that? Good times!
          Look man, I’ll leave you alone now, but one last thing. I should have left off with the insults , cos that just gives a cowardly Bible-basher such as yourself an excuse not to listen to me. But I’m making a serious point; I have no problem with religious people per se. I understand that some people need that comfort. But what I do despise is people who call themselves Christian that have obviously never taken Christ’s lessons to heart, the aforementioned ones about equality, compassion and tolerance, and instead use the Bible as a shield for all the toxic nonsense they really believe. Like you, Damien. Just for a moment, imagine Jesus himself sitting next to you and reading all the foul and sexist comments you’ve written from your computer screen. How do you think he’d feel? I’ll give you a clue. He wouldn’t be very fucking impressed. Go read the Sermon On The Mount and then try debating this point with me. Well, not with me. I’m giving up. I am coming to believe that you’re a lost cause. But don’t worry, Damo; there are no lost causes in Jesus’s eyes, right? So you might want to have a quick word with yourself sometime soon about exactly what it means to be Christian, and make it good with The Big Man Upstairs. Cos otherwise you’re gonna spend the rest of your life a misogynistic fat loner with nothing but hate in your heart. And won’t that be sad? When you’ve already been that way your whole life?

        272. By going off the inherent attitudes on the feminists websites I’ve visited, as well as feminists I’ve spoken directly with. The majority of them believe in things I cannot support. This was of course, an estimate based on my own personal experiences with feminists.
          Here’s my opinion on the “fat” item. Is it a good thing to be fat? No. However, it’s easy to overlook so long as the person has an even better personality. It’s also easy to overlook if that person is working on themselves. And you seem like you have a nice personality. 🙂
          It’s just that many women such as yourself have been sold a lot of lies by feminists-that men are the enemy, that women are oppressed, that babies aren’t human, to name the most important ones.

        273. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        274. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        275. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        276. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        277. So glad, but the fact that there are 19 people agreeing with her makes me weep for humanity.
          The funny thing about her horrible logic; First, as you can see she accuses me of being a douchebag who sleeps with women and doesn’t take care of the baby that comes out. Then in a separate post I pointed out she was wrong because I can’t be that guy because I don’t believe in sex before marriage, then she starts attacking my religious beliefs and myself on a personal level. This “female”-type-thing really has serious issues.

        278. As it happens, you monumentally brain-damaged fucking clown, I’m a man. With two kids. And I’ll be bringing them up to hate you too, and all your kind, and everything you stand for, cunt. I’d weep for your ignorance if you weren’t such a flagrant waste of organs, and I curse the parents who brought you up to be such a soggy sack of hate.

        279. What about my post was bashing women? I feel I’ve made it quite clear I love women who are actually ladies. Feminists don’t qualify. There are also no people on this earth who are more hypocritical than feminists. Also, we’re not talking “historical.” I’m talking about what feminism is doing in the now, and feminism in the now is ruining this country.

        280. What about my post was bashing women? I feel I’ve made it quite clear I love women who are actually ladies. Feminists don’t qualify. There are also no people on this earth who are more hypocritical than feminists. Also, we’re not talking “historical.” I’m talking about what feminism is doing in the now, and feminism in the now is ruining this country.

        281. What about my post was bashing women? I feel I’ve made it quite clear I love women who are actually ladies. Feminists don’t qualify. There are also no people on this earth who are more hypocritical than feminists. Also, we’re not talking “historical.” I’m talking about what feminism is doing in the now, and feminism in the now is ruining this country.

        282. Are you that scared to look inside yourself and find that you’re wrong, Damien? Doesn’t Jesus encourage self-reflection? I’m pretty sure he does.

        283. Are you that scared to look inside yourself and find that you’re wrong, Damien? Doesn’t Jesus encourage self-reflection? I’m pretty sure he does.

        284. Are you that scared to look inside yourself and find that you’re wrong, Damien? Doesn’t Jesus encourage self-reflection? I’m pretty sure he does.

        285. Really? So you’ve scanned my brain and determined that since I don’t fall for bullshit, that I MUST be lacking knowledge or awareness? No ma’am. I’m very knowledgeable and I’m very aware. If you don’t like that, ma’am, that’s your problem not mine.

        286. Really? So you’ve scanned my brain and determined that since I don’t fall for bullshit, that I MUST be lacking knowledge or awareness? No ma’am. I’m very knowledgeable and I’m very aware. If you don’t like that, ma’am, that’s your problem not mine.

        287. Really? So you’ve scanned my brain and determined that since I don’t fall for bullshit, that I MUST be lacking knowledge or awareness? No ma’am. I’m very knowledgeable and I’m very aware. If you don’t like that, ma’am, that’s your problem not mine.

        288. Yeah sure, call me when feminists actually act like that. By the way, feminists are the real sexists.

        289. Yeah sure, call me when feminists actually act like that. By the way, feminists are the real sexists.

        290. Yeah sure, call me when feminists actually act like that. By the way, feminists are the real sexists.

        291. Yeah sure, call me when feminists actually act like that. By the way, feminists are the real sexists.

        292. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        293. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        294. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        295. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        296. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        297. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        298. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        299. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        300. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        301. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        302. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        303. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        304. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        305. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        306. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        307. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        308. Should I listen to the brainwashed feminist or should I pay attention to the world around me and speak the truth about reality? Not so much a difficult decision. I see the truth, and it’s threatening I know.

        309. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        310. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        311. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        312. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        313. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        314. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        315. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        316. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        317. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        318. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        319. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        320. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        321. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        322. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        323. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        324. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        325. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        326. It’s astounding to see how many misandrist, so-open-minded-their-brains-have-fallen-out, terrible judge of character pigs there still are in this world to me too. I never once said I hate women. You want that to be true because that’ll make your pre-conceived notions about me true. Well it won’t work. I have common sense unlike you feminazi liberals, and I’m not losing it anytime soon to join your hive.

        327. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        328. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        329. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        330. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        331. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        332. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        333. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        334. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        335. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        336. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        337. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        338. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        339. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        340. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        341. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        342. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        343. Aw, I bet you spent all day trying to think of clever comebacks and now you’re here and you’re trying it and just failing so miserably…that’s just tragic, man. Bless. It took you nearly twenty four hours and this is the best you can do. You haven’t managed to refute a single point I’ve made and just fallen back on calling me ‘indecent’ and a troll. Strange, isn’t it, that sexists are so often about as smart as a sack of doorknobs? You’d almost think the two things go hand in hand.

        344. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        345. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        346. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        347. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        348. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        349. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        350. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        351. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        352. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        353. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        354. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        355. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        356. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        357. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        358. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        359. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        360. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        361. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        362. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        363. I never said I agreed with everything in the list. But it’s a tad alarming that a fair amount of women here have outright stated they shouldn’t be shamed for committing paternity fraud or any of the worse things on this list, so that seems far worse to me.

        364. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        365. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        366. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        367. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        368. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        369. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        370. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        371. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        372. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        373. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        374. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        375. Yeah I know what it means, and I said what it means. You should read my post in which I broke down why I said what I did. And by the way, it wasn’t that one gender held power over the other, it was that the one gender earned that power, and received help from the other gender in kind.
          If feminists stop acting like entitled children, and stop lying about a child’s humanity in the womb, lying about rape, lying about false rape accusations, lying about the way payment works in the workplace, then I’ll believe it’s about “equality.”

        376. First, watch this video. She breaks down this “paid less for doing the same work” falsehood that feminists perpetuate.

          Next, yes women get raped. However, men get raped too especially if they go to prison. It’s just that one of these is seen as comical. Guess which one. These things happen to both men and women not because men are the enemy, but they happen because people are horrible. Feminists also lie about the frequency of rape, they encourage women to lie about being raped (look up Ohio State false rape accusation), and when a man goes through having his named dragged through the mud behind false accusations and Rape Shield laws that protect the accuser but not the accusee they are silent (look up Brian Banks and Praise Martin-Oguike. Then try typing your favorite feminist website and either one of these men’s names together-you’ll get crickets).
          Next-yes, if they present themselves as a sex symbol or as a literal sex object-hello, Code Pink Vaginas-that’s how they’ll be treated. It’s that whole “you get out what you put out” deal. They’re also quite hypocritical, especially the ones that dress skimpy but get offended when men look.
          You calling me ignorant for speaking out against what feminists are doing doesn’t make me ignorant, and only serves as a failed attempt to de-legitimize what it is I have to say.
          Feminists also complain about “privilege” while advocating abortion out of the same breath. There’s no class in this country more underprivileged than babies, as they are the only class that can be legally murdered simply for being unwanted. But only if the murderer is a woman, because if a man slips an abortion pill to a woman he’s going to jail but a woman who takes an abortion pill can go on with her natural life. To feminists, only women and their needs and wants matter-nobody else, no matter how vulnerable they are, matters.
          To feminists, women are victims and are nothing but victims, and when women come up to say otherwise they get offended. And they’re pretty racist too, I could’ve sworn my black ancestors fought for me to be able to sit on the bus wherever I wanted and drink from whatever water fountain I pleased, but feminists clearly vilify white men that did nothing to them. That’s pretty darn racist.
          If you don’t do these things, then I am not insulting you.

        377. I got it from the feminists I see daily. Actions speak louder than words. If I’m wrong, then protest Wendy Davis on your facebook or twitter. I bet you #standwithwendy.
          That’s pretty damn unequal to innocent kids.

        378. I got it from the feminists I see daily. Actions speak louder than words. If I’m wrong, then protest Wendy Davis on your facebook or twitter. I bet you #standwithwendy.
          That’s pretty damn unequal to innocent kids.

        379. WOW, you feminists are such nice people that you give me the nice gift of wishing death upon me because you disagree with me! I SEE THE LIGHT. I LOVE FEMINISTS AND FEMINISM AND WHITE KNIGHTS. <3

        380. WOW, you feminists are such nice people that you give me the nice gift of wishing death upon me because you disagree with me! I SEE THE LIGHT. I LOVE FEMINISTS AND FEMINISM AND WHITE KNIGHTS. <3

        381. No, it’s called having a brain and seeing through the bullshit. However, I do appreciate that you are pro life, but that doesn’t change the better-than-thou attitudes you lot have towards people who disagree with you, and it doesn’t change that you implicitly support the lies feminism tell women.
          Wait, you did not seriously recommend “women’s studies” to me. No, seriously. Wow, you really are one of those liberal brainwashed batshit crazy feminazis. Shit’s funny as hell. Please grow up.

        382. No, it’s called having a brain and seeing through the bullshit. However, I do appreciate that you are pro life, but that doesn’t change the better-than-thou attitudes you lot have towards people who disagree with you, and it doesn’t change that you implicitly support the lies feminism tell women.
          Wait, you did not seriously recommend “women’s studies” to me. No, seriously. Wow, you really are one of those liberal brainwashed batshit crazy feminazis. Shit’s funny as hell. Please grow up.

        383. It’s not one single idea of feminism. It’s all of them, and they’re all terrible and have nothing to do with equal rights for women.

        384. It’s not one single idea of feminism. It’s all of them, and they’re all terrible and have nothing to do with equal rights for women.

        385. @Rosie: 1) “…cause guys are just perfect, right?” – Straw man argument; allegation never asserted.
          2) “What gives you the right to say half of the population should be a certain way?”- The 1st Amendment bestows the right. Reasoning, a sense of fair play and cognizance of what has been shown historically to work, and not, bestows the prerogative.
          3) “You clearly don’t see women as equals.” – Strictly speaking, that’s accurate. Women are not the equals of men in many aspects, and vice versa. Viva la difference, I say! But perhaps what you meant was ‘equal in rights’, which you already have. You can vote. You can drive. You can join the military and risk your life in battle. You can hold any job for which you meet the minimum requirements for skills and capabilities. And for equal pay, too, after factoring the unavoidable discount for your higher likelihood (instability) that an unavoidable percentage of you will drop out of the work force either temporarily (to pop a sprog) or permanently (get married, classic at-home mom).
          But too much of what sneaks under the banner of feminism is a selfish grab for even MORE goodies while conveniently foisting off the responsibility for PAYING for them. I’ll call bullshit on that everywhere and everytime I see it.

        386. @Rosie: 1) “…cause guys are just perfect, right?” – Straw man argument; allegation never asserted.
          2) “What gives you the right to say half of the population should be a certain way?”- The 1st Amendment bestows the right. Reasoning, a sense of fair play and cognizance of what has been shown historically to work, and not, bestows the prerogative.
          3) “You clearly don’t see women as equals.” – Strictly speaking, that’s accurate. Women are not the equals of men in many aspects, and vice versa. Viva la difference, I say! But perhaps what you meant was ‘equal in rights’, which you already have. You can vote. You can drive. You can join the military and risk your life in battle. You can hold any job for which you meet the minimum requirements for skills and capabilities. And for equal pay, too, after factoring the unavoidable discount for your higher likelihood (instability) that an unavoidable percentage of you will drop out of the work force either temporarily (to pop a sprog) or permanently (get married, classic at-home mom).
          But too much of what sneaks under the banner of feminism is a selfish grab for even MORE goodies while conveniently foisting off the responsibility for PAYING for them. I’ll call bullshit on that everywhere and everytime I see it.

        387. Feminism has nothing to do with equal rights for women? You’re not a person, you’re an absurdist art installation. You’re a cipher. You’re a collection of neuroses and -isms bound together with spit and hate.

        388. Feminism has nothing to do with equal rights for women? You’re not a person, you’re an absurdist art installation. You’re a cipher. You’re a collection of neuroses and -isms bound together with spit and hate.

        389. Feminism has nothing to do with equal rights for women? You’re not a person, you’re an absurdist art installation. You’re a cipher. You’re a collection of neuroses and -isms bound together with spit and hate.

        390. Feminism has nothing to do with equal rights for women? You’re not a person, you’re an absurdist art installation. You’re a cipher. You’re a collection of neuroses and -isms bound together with spit and hate.

        391. Feminism has nothing to do with equal rights for women? You’re not a person, you’re an absurdist art installation. You’re a cipher. You’re a collection of neuroses and -isms bound together with spit and hate.

        392. Feminism has nothing to do with equal rights for women? You’re not a person, you’re an absurdist art installation. You’re a cipher. You’re a collection of neuroses and -isms bound together with spit and hate.

        393. All of you are the same snarky wannabe hipster archetype; the lack of originality is just hilarious. That’s a good try on your part though, to parrot words and talking points that go against the daily actions that feminists actually commit. You say one thing, and you act another way.

        394. All of you are the same snarky wannabe hipster archetype; the lack of originality is just hilarious. That’s a good try on your part though, to parrot words and talking points that go against the daily actions that feminists actually commit. You say one thing, and you act another way.

        395. All of you are the same snarky wannabe hipster archetype; the lack of originality is just hilarious. That’s a good try on your part though, to parrot words and talking points that go against the daily actions that feminists actually commit. You say one thing, and you act another way.

        396. All of you are the same snarky wannabe hipster archetype; the lack of originality is just hilarious. That’s a good try on your part though, to parrot words and talking points that go against the daily actions that feminists actually commit. You say one thing, and you act another way.

        397. All of you are the same snarky wannabe hipster archetype; the lack of originality is just hilarious. That’s a good try on your part though, to parrot words and talking points that go against the daily actions that feminists actually commit. You say one thing, and you act another way.

        398. All of you are the same snarky wannabe hipster archetype; the lack of originality is just hilarious. That’s a good try on your part though, to parrot words and talking points that go against the daily actions that feminists actually commit. You say one thing, and you act another way.

        399. No wonder you’ve never been laid, and have to hide behind the whole no-sex-before-marriage thing.You couldn’t get a woman if you looked like Ryan Gosling.

        400. No wonder you’ve never been laid, and have to hide behind the whole no-sex-before-marriage thing.You couldn’t get a woman if you looked like Ryan Gosling.

        401. No wonder you’ve never been laid, and have to hide behind the whole no-sex-before-marriage thing.You couldn’t get a woman if you looked like Ryan Gosling.

        402. No wonder you’ve never been laid, and have to hide behind the whole no-sex-before-marriage thing.You couldn’t get a woman if you looked like Ryan Gosling.

        403. No wonder you’ve never been laid, and have to hide behind the whole no-sex-before-marriage thing.You couldn’t get a woman if you looked like Ryan Gosling.

        404. No wonder you’ve never been laid, and have to hide behind the whole no-sex-before-marriage thing.You couldn’t get a woman if you looked like Ryan Gosling.

        405. They’re not in the minority, and I expanded on this in a different post. As for these liberal feminists, they’re not telling the truth about the state of equality in this country, which I also expanded on in the same post.
          I advise you open your eyes to the wrongs feminists are doing to other women, girls, men, and boys in this country. Yours truly, Damien Johnson.

        406. They’re not in the minority, and I expanded on this in a different post. As for these liberal feminists, they’re not telling the truth about the state of equality in this country, which I also expanded on in the same post.
          I advise you open your eyes to the wrongs feminists are doing to other women, girls, men, and boys in this country. Yours truly, Damien Johnson.

        407. They’re not in the minority, and I expanded on this in a different post. As for these liberal feminists, they’re not telling the truth about the state of equality in this country, which I also expanded on in the same post.
          I advise you open your eyes to the wrongs feminists are doing to other women, girls, men, and boys in this country. Yours truly, Damien Johnson.

        408. They’re not in the minority, and I expanded on this in a different post. As for these liberal feminists, they’re not telling the truth about the state of equality in this country, which I also expanded on in the same post.
          I advise you open your eyes to the wrongs feminists are doing to other women, girls, men, and boys in this country. Yours truly, Damien Johnson.

        409. They’re not in the minority, and I expanded on this in a different post. As for these liberal feminists, they’re not telling the truth about the state of equality in this country, which I also expanded on in the same post.
          I advise you open your eyes to the wrongs feminists are doing to other women, girls, men, and boys in this country. Yours truly, Damien Johnson.

        410. They’re “Guest Votes”. They could be 21 separate people or one person logging out of Discus and voting 21 times.

        411. Look up feminism in any dictionary and you will see that feminists support equal rights for men and women. Here is Merriam-Webster’s definition just as an example:
          Feminism: (1) the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.
          (2) organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.
          If you have met self-described feminists who want women to have more rights than men, then you have met people who misunderstand feminism. I’m sorry if that has been your experience, but it does not change the meaning of the word.
          Guess what, patriarchy hurts everyone – not just women. The fact that women are still favored in child custody battles and the fact that more men than women are in the army are based on harmful stereotypes about men and women (e.g. women belong in the home, women are unfit for combat). Same with the fact that men are often ridiculed for coming forward about domestic violence or sexual abuse (because these are crimes where we expect the victim to be a woman, and being like a woman is bad). The fact that men and boys are teased for exhibiting traditionally feminine behavior or being emotionally expressive is due to society’s devaluation of the feminine.
          If we achieve full legal, political, and social equality then yes, men will have to give up a little power. They will no longer be paid more for the same work, they will no longer dominate government, they will no longer rule the business world.
          But giving up these unfair advantages in nothing compared to what one would gain living in a just society. You would experience how good a relationship can be when you are equal partners. You could express yourself freely and not worry about being called a sissy or a f****. If you want to stay home and care for your children, that would be respected. And, most importantly, you would see all the ideas and innovations we could come up with if we were not so busy silencing the voices of women, people of color, LGBT people, immigrants, etc.
          Feminism is just one of many components of humanism (along with anti-racism, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia, anti-xenophobia, and yes, anti-misandry). None of us is truly free until we live a world free from oppression.
          And please don’t act like women are doing better than men: we live in a world where we have never had a female president of the United States and only 4.2 percent of fortune 500 CEOs are women – does that look equal to you?

        412. The term “landwhale” is degrading and disgusting. You need a serious slap in the face with reality or the book Fast Food Nation to make you realize that overeating and obesity is a real problem facing our society as a whole. Grow up.
          Guys who take shirtless pictures as well as women who do need take a look at their lives and their choices and ask themselves seriously whether or not they are making positive choices.
          Women spread rumors I will not attest to this however I will point out that it is proven to be an evolutionary benefit. Passive aggression in women has been researched by anthropologists and has been determined to have evolved as a means of self-defense for the female gender as a whole. The thought behind this being that women would rather fight through a passive course of actions that can lead to damage psychologically than physically in hopes that by doing so they protect repercussions upon their families/ possibly unborn child.
          Men can and have spread rumors that are equally destructive to the ones spread by women. LETS LOOK AT HISTORY SHALL WE!?! Sir Walter Raleigh, famed British explorer and naval hero, was sent by King James I to Guiana. While Raleigh was there James had the plans for the expedition sent to the king of Spain who sent men to intercept and execute Raleigh and his men. When James I’s plan did not work he created the rumor that Raleigh himself leaked the plans and as a result Sir Walter Raleigh lost everything from the shoulders up.
          So what was that about men not spreading rumors that are as damaging as the ones women spread?
          Oh and on your stereotypical list of feminist complaints you forgot “chauvinistic womanizing pig” or would that have been hitting too close to home?

        413. It wasn’t like the woman HAD to sleep with him in the first place. Feminists seem to think that abortions are just necessary facts of life, because they HAVE to have sex and unwanted pregnancies are just an inevitable consequence. They seem to forget that they had to make the choice to have sex before they “had” to make the choice on an abortion.
          Only 1% of abortions come about as a result of rape, so I don’t want to hear that it’s never a choice.

        414. You can have dignity, honor, and pride no matter your sexual choices, as long as you are open, honest, and respectful. If two people choose to have casual sex that they mutually enjoy there is nothing wrong with that. The fact that you think that there is something wrong with being a “slut” shows that you want to control women’s bodies and limit their choices. Guess what – sex between consenting adults is none of your business. I personally do not enjoy casual sex, but that doesn’t make me superior to those who do. How many sex partners you have has nothing to do with who you are a person.

        415. I see a lot of hate and to be honest it doesn’t seem to be coming from Damien so much as it is coming from you, my friend.

        416. Excuse me, but there is a patriarchy in our society. Women still do not get equal pay to men and they still, in many states, cannot be topless like men. This may seem trivial, but underlying it is male dominance and sexism. I am a feminist, myself, and I take great offense to what you say. Feminism is about getting equality, not creating some supreme matriarchy and making men be subservient. Also, the Old Testament clearly is in favor of men, it even states that a woman cannot teach men in a church, that she must obey her husband like she obeys God, and that she should be treated as the weaker partner. So although men were stoned as well as women, as you say, women were very much made to be subordinate to men in the Bible. Another thing to add about our society, is that we still use the word “Man” to refer to humanity. This kind of gets me frustrated.
          And, from your accusations of feminists being baby killers, I can see your hate of abortion. But riddle me this; if a 13 year old girl is raped by her father, impregnated with a probably developmentally screwed-up baby, should she be prohibited to get an abortion, even when the baby has only the intelligence of a sea-sponge in its first developing stages? I certainly think not, especially when the girl cannot raise the baby, as she is too young to handle the responsibility and has her whole future ahead, and her body has not yet developed enough for bearing a child, and certainly not birthing it.
          Also, stop insulting people, it isn’t helping your case much. And never say you know where you’re going. Only God knows whether a person goes to Hell or Heaven, and personally, I don’t believe in Hell. I think that a benevolent, forgiving God as Jesus described would never send His children to eternal torture, no matter what they’ve done. Especially since God is supposedly omnipotent, He can just use his power to correct the brain dysfunctions in evil people, or wipe their memories of abuse, and they would no longer be evil and could have a second chance.
          So don’t claim to know everything and look at a dictionary and the Bible a little more closely.

        417. No. I’ve already seen the truth, and I don’t need your approval. No liberal feminist indoctrination for me, thanks.

        418. She’s a woman I respect. I don’t respect “women” like yourself.
          By the way, way to prove that feminists aren’t misandric. You see any men here, even the worst misogynists, saying that women should be killed solely because of their views? Yet you just said that about me.

        419. It’s a movie based off of historical events. It is not a “liberal feminist indoctrination” if you would watch it you would know that.

        420. Alright, now I’m pissed.
          Two years ago I had sex once with my close friend who I had been seeing monogamously for close to a year. The condom broke and we didn’t realize that. For the next month he remained the only guy I was seeing. As a result of our mutual choices I got pregnant. Here’s the best part he claimed we never had sex to begin with. Tell me what I should have done facing a pregnancy alone when the father of that child claimed I was lying that we had sex.
          I was a college sophomore and if I had gone through with that pregnancy even if I had given the child up I know that I would have sunk further into the depression I am still battling.
          A child’s humanity does not start at conception. It starts when the mother chooses to see the pregnancy through.

        421. But if you’re recommending it, then it must be that. Whatever happened in Iron Jawed Angels is not happening now in the USA, not by a long shot.

        422. I apologize for my former statement and recant it. It was wrong and I will admit that I do not take kindly to provocation of any sort. That being said.
          Before you make snap judgement on a film you have not seen I suggest watching it first.

        423. I apologize for my former statement and recant it. It was wrong and I will admit that I do not take kindly to provocation of any sort. That being said.
          Before you make snap judgement on a film you have not seen I suggest watching it first.

        424. I apologize for my former statement and recant it. It was wrong and I will admit that I do not take kindly to provocation of any sort. That being said.
          Before you make snap judgement on a film you have not seen I suggest watching it first.

        425. Oh the same old talking points-patriarchy, unequal pay, male dominance blah blah blah. I bet that women are doing better than men in school-college is just okey dokey with you. No inequality complaints there.
          “Subordinate” is not the correct word. That implies women are lesser. “Submissive” is the word you’re looking for. Men were to lead, women were to follow and assist. Not to be “subordinate.” Those are more liberal anti-bible lies.
          And that’s the thing about abortion and feminists-when a person says they are pro-life, then you come up with these wildly out-of-the-blue completely random and oddly specific scenarios that no person could possibly endorse, in the hopes to either get a person to back down on their stance or to prove, in your mind, that the person indeed “hates women” or is a “rape apologist.” Not to mention that such cases (that is, rape pregnancies in general) make up a remarkable 1% of all abortions and hasn’t changed since 1986. Apparently rape isn’t a good enough reason for abortion like “Man and woman are no longer together” or “I don’t want to have an ugly baby.”
          You threw every possible anti-life excuse in there; “rape,” “incest,” and “deformity.”
          Still, God does not deal out to people more than they can actually handle. We have trials and tribulations in this world because of the sins of those that came before, and the ones that are here now aren’t doing anything to reverse that. To answer your question, I feel there should be an attempt to remove the baby while keeping the child alive. If the child doesn’t survive, at least an attempt was made. This would likely happen if the daughter in question was found to be too young or incapable of bearing the child. But the child’s existence is not his fault. It should be the father getting punished, not the child.
          I also never claimed to know everything. I may not get everything right, but I’ve got the most of it simply from paying attention to what’s been happening at the hands of feminists.
          You should watch this video by an awesome woman who tells the truth about the “wage gap.” And if you google, it’s apparently been disproved time and again.

        426. It’s your hypocrisy that astounds me most of all. “I’m gonna start by saying you straight up judged me without even bothering to get to know me.” So what was that whole last post that went along the lines of this, “It is the majority of feminists, who are indeed man-hating and pro-baby killing/or have actually killed a baby at some point, who are the “morons” and who are far more worst words that I refuse to say.”? Would you call that a generalization sir, or am I mistaken? Because I have never in my life met a feminist who is as misandric, evil, revolting, and intolerant as you seem to say most are (just as you said, “I’ve not met a single Muslim who expressed wanting to blow up a building”. Neither have I, the point of that prior commentator’s statement is exactly that: both statements say the same thing with a different group of people involved. generalization of any sense is wrong, because everyone does not know everyone’s whole story.
          So I’m going to start by saying you straight up judged ME without even bothering to get to know me.
          If I said anything about being a feminist I don’t have a doubt in my mind that I would have been immediately jumped upon as a monster (or blocked/deleted). But without knowing me, how do you know I don’t see the other side of things? How do you know I DON’T feel mournful for aborted infants? For young boys and men that go through oppression and misunderstanding and torture, just as much as young girls and women do? How do you know I don’t want to help every single person through any of his or her transgressions and hard times? I don’t see women as more powerful than men. I see them as equally as human as men, and that neither gender as a whole is more powerful than the other in any sense. There are women much more powerful than you, trust me. And there are men much more powerful than me. We are humans, and we have to stop calling ourselves feminists and “masculine beasts of nature who will one day save the world because we are the dominant gender”, because having a penis does not make you innately better than were you to have a vagina. There are chemical and biological differences in us, yes. And those differences do affect how we will play out our lives and strengths in society. But it is primarily our minds that determine who is strong and who is weak, and I believe more than anything that every one of the 7 billion plus people on this planet have the capacity to be as strong physically and mentally as the next, with complete disregard to his or her genitalia. I will not call you a troll, and I will not call you a fucking ignorant asshole (as much as I would like to in my current state of rage); I as much as the next person has to remember that you are just another human, with another mind, with other opinions. And I will argue those opinions until the day I die. But I will not stoop to the level of all those around me, either in support or reject of this website. I will say that I [more than] strongly disagree, and am rather offended by many of the major generalizations made amongst this website and by it’s followers (because I am a staunch advocate for ALL human rights, not just women’s), and I do not believe I fall under any of the points made anywhere here.
          And for the record, in regards to #17: I have and have had a kick ass pixie cut for the past 3 years, and have found that all the guys I have dated recently LOVE short hair. So kindly shut the fuck up on that point, as YOU might not like short hair, but MANY guys do.
          And the overriding sign of fertility in women, are our hips. They are what set off a biological cannon in the male mind, telling him that that woman will be a powerful and perfect match in reproducing offspring (from a totally evolutionary standpoint. Just read Darwin for god-sake and please, if you’re going to make points that can be based on scientific evidence, do so. Take advantage of that power books and the internet give us and show everyone you’re not just a blind fool who can’t bother to add some validity and evidence to your argument).

        427. Generalizations are based on repeatedly observed behavior from the same group. I’m not a manosphere person or even a men’s right activist. I can’t be shoehorned anywhere. I just believe in writing wrongs.

        428. Didnt you write in your horibly twisted soliloquy how you ” got her to your place and fucked her” ??????
          Which one is it?

        429. Repeatedly observed behavior stemming from what environment? I honestly would like to know where you see these things being celebrated (besides #3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 17, & 20, all which are in no way worthy of shaming). And more than half of these “20 Things” are either false, disrespectful, or men are equally at fault. My repeated observation of men (one “group”), is that they are misogynistic, rude, disrespectful, lazy, sloppy, and dirty. But that’s just what I am shown through the media, just as these are things you are shown through the media pertaining to women. I know absolutely that there are millions of men, if not billions (as there are women), that are thoughtful, lovely, attractive, humble, intelligent, compassionate, and genuine. But if I were to say that all men are pigs, I could totally back that up by saying my generalizations are based on repeatedly observed behavior from the same group (based on your logic). I don’t think women are perfect and I don’t think men are perfect. I don’t think humans are perfect. And I believe in righting* (please try and use proper spelling while debating your points, I can guarantee you will be taken even a slight bit more seriously) wrongs just as the next person; however I believe in righting them in a respectful, kind, and loving manner where I listen instead of spew meaningless “data”, where instead of rejecting others’ ideas, I respond with “why?”, as to gain a better understanding, and where I do not make generalizations based on what the media has forced on me to believe in (i.e. women are bitchy and whiny, and men are foolish and lazy).

        430. Repeatedly observed behavior stemming from what environment? I honestly would like to know where you see these things being celebrated (besides #3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 17, & 20, all which are in no way worthy of shaming). And more than half of these “20 Things” are either false, disrespectful, or men are equally at fault. My repeated observation of men (one “group”), is that they are misogynistic, rude, disrespectful, lazy, sloppy, and dirty. But that’s just what I am shown through the media, just as these are things you are shown through the media pertaining to women. I know absolutely that there are millions of men, if not billions (as there are women), that are thoughtful, lovely, attractive, humble, intelligent, compassionate, and genuine. But if I were to say that all men are pigs, I could totally back that up by saying my generalizations are based on repeatedly observed behavior from the same group (based on your logic). I don’t think women are perfect and I don’t think men are perfect. I don’t think humans are perfect. And I believe in righting* (please try and use proper spelling while debating your points, I can guarantee you will be taken even a slight bit more seriously) wrongs just as the next person; however I believe in righting them in a respectful, kind, and loving manner where I listen instead of spew meaningless “data”, where instead of rejecting others’ ideas, I respond with “why?”, as to gain a better understanding, and where I do not make generalizations based on what the media has forced on me to believe in (i.e. women are bitchy and whiny, and men are foolish and lazy).

        431. Repeatedly observed behavior stemming from what environment? I honestly would like to know where you see these things being celebrated (besides #3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 17, & 20, all which are in no way worthy of shaming). And more than half of these “20 Things” are either false, disrespectful, or men are equally at fault. My repeated observation of men (one “group”), is that they are misogynistic, rude, disrespectful, lazy, sloppy, and dirty. But that’s just what I am shown through the media, just as these are things you are shown through the media pertaining to women. I know absolutely that there are millions of men, if not billions (as there are women), that are thoughtful, lovely, attractive, humble, intelligent, compassionate, and genuine. But if I were to say that all men are pigs, I could totally back that up by saying my generalizations are based on repeatedly observed behavior from the same group (based on your logic). I don’t think women are perfect and I don’t think men are perfect. I don’t think humans are perfect. And I believe in righting* (please try and use proper spelling while debating your points, I can guarantee you will be taken even a slight bit more seriously) wrongs just as the next person; however I believe in righting them in a respectful, kind, and loving manner where I listen instead of spew meaningless “data”, where instead of rejecting others’ ideas, I respond with “why?”, as to gain a better understanding, and where I do not make generalizations based on what the media has forced on me to believe in (i.e. women are bitchy and whiny, and men are foolish and lazy).

        432. Coming from a man. You obviously know nothing about what feminism means. Please educate yourself. People like you make me wish the world would just implode.

        433. Coming from a man. You obviously know nothing about what feminism means. Please educate yourself. People like you make me wish the world would just implode.

        434. Oi… that’s like the millionth “OH LOOK IT UP IN THE DICTIONARY/PATRIARCHY/MEN SUCK” post I’ve seen in response to my highly subversive post. Jeez, what robots. So much for “I am independent woman.”
          Based on the actions of feminists in this day and age, it does not change the meaning of the word that I gave.
          (1)Yet, politically, women can swing voter sympathy just for claiming they’re being attacked. Yet, economically, women that can’t take care of their kids get forced taxpayer help-men that can’t take care of their kids get forced taxpayer imprisonment. Yet, socially, if a man is accused of rape he’s automatically guilty even if both he and the woman were drunk, or even if they were sober and the woman gave her full consent-and the woman just got pissed off because the guy forgot her name or didn’t want a relationship with her. Yes, this really happened.
          (2) What “rights” do women not have today that men apparently do? Because most feminist seem to call “being taken seriously” a “right.”
          Boys should not be teased for being more effeminate, but there are women out there who try to turn their boys into the daughter they didn’t get and that is simply not ok. I know you’re probably going to deny this, but it is happening. It’s not about devaluing femininity-nobody does that more than feminists do. It’s about keeping us functioning the way we were built and designed to be-male masculine, female feminine, rather than turning us all into an androgynous indistinguishable “equal” mess.
          It’s not a “stereotype.” It’s dangerous to put the majority of women in combat. On average, women are simply not as strong as men. That is a biological fact, not something that can just be waived away with cries of sexism and unfairness. Blame mother nature. However, I do agree things need to change so that men come forward when a woman commits a crime against them, but feminism is not the solution especially after what it has become.
          What exactly does being an “equal partner” mean to you? If anything, feminism has squashed all that-since it’s rise, the divorce rate and never-married rate have only gone higher. Feminism isn’t helping societal relations between men and women at all, it’s only ruining them.
          And no, homosexuality and trans should not be considered “natural”-blame mother nature for this too-because they aren’t. I don’t treat them any differently but I don’t appreciate being lied to as well. The media lies to these people to keep them miserable. They thrive on making people into victims. There are quite a few ex-gay testimonies to be found on youtube and elsewhere that the MSM will never air. This isn’t homophobia, nor is it transphobia-this is the truth.
          Women were also never oppressed in this country. Far from it. Women have benefited from the actions of men in this country since it was founded, and feminism would not have gotten to be the monster it is today without, ironically, enabling men.
          You know why we’ve never had a woman president? Because only one notable female has run in the past. Women in general do not care to run for political positions. That’s something feminists don’t like to accept about women. They shouldn’t try to force women to do something they don’t want to do-doesn’t that go against what feminism is apparently about?
          We’re talking on a free internet-there’s no excuse for these voices to be silenced. That doesn’t mean they’re entitled to have agreement with their ideals. People in such groups have contributed to this world, because they didn’t sit around playing victim. Like feminists.
          As for the Fortune 500 CEOS-yes, if those men and women earned where they are. If those men did indeed earn the right to become a Fortune 500 CEO, that means they put in the work and it is thus fair. But if you’re concerned about fairness, how do you feel about the increasing gap of male and female performance in schools where the females are doing much better than the males, and more females are going to college than men? Is that bad too or is that ok because it’s mostly women this time?
          And here you go-the truth about men getting paid more for the same work.

        435. If what I said doesn’t apply to you, it doesn’t apply to you. It’s that simple. Btw, there’s a difference between saying “majority” and “all.”

        436. Yes, there is. Brilliant observation. Then don’t use it as “all”: not once on here have I seen any thing written about the good qualities of women, just “all” their negative qualities that they “all” seem to have. If it doesn’t apply to all, then be a real man like you claim to be and talk about the amazing parts of being a woman. You (in a statement towards the website) do not have to bash everything a woman does that does not directly benefit you (or your sex life) in order to be a man. Every woman who has ever seen this website will agree with me that a real man is one who is compassionate and strong, not rude and muscular. That does not make one a man.
          And as far as I can tell based on every thumbnail or advertisement visible on this website, women do have a positive quality to the men who run this website and those who read it in agreement: we are not humans, we are naked sex toys used for your viewing pleasure. There are dozens of images on this website and those that sponsor it and thus advertised: there is not a single one besides this article’s that does not show a women in a HUGELY sexualized manner.
          What impresses me about this website is not that it is emphasizing male strengths, it’s that it is emphasizing women’s faults and weaknesses, our mistakes and gross actions.
          If you really want to be viewed as “kings”, who I might add are chivalrous and loving towards their female counterparts, then start talking about great things in society you have been doing, philanthropic actions you have been taking as a justice to this obviously cruel world. Don’t spend your time shaming women in illiterate, illogical, and disgusting manners such as this. Rather, try and be a little more thoughtful in maybe thinking that we are not all disgusting whores who you choose to fuck anyways.
          Clearly you love girls, or you wouldn’t have them posted all over your website.
          Real men, not the blown out of proportion dicks we are told by the media are the strong ones, real men are those who stand up for those around them, regardless of their gender or sexual orientations. Don’t you dare call a gay man not a “real man”; are you telling me his penis isn’t real?
          Stop subjecting yourself to these faulty traditional stereotypes that have been proven so.

        437. Please, do explain how ALL forms of feminism are terrible and don’t deal with equal rights for women? Am I supposed to be okay with not making as much as my male counterpart?

        438. At least recognize the fact that women are not cretins if they voice their beliefs loud and clear, and are only acceptable when they are pinned to your bed with duct tape over their mouth. Because the fact that this is the overriding mood and belief I am getting from this website is appalling, and it makes me wonder how you treat your mother. Because I doubt you treat her the way you treat strangers on the internet (I’m not saying myself, I know you have not said anything directly to me pertaining to me “slutiness”, or whatever). But I take offense to every statement about even the majority of women, and in that case every statement about the majority of men. We have to stop calculating and forming our arguments based on majorities. Unless you have concrete statistics, leave that excuse at home.
          And just so you know, websites like this that come into the public eye of feminists and humans everywhere do not silence us, as you may have noticed. They do not scare us. They fuel the fire that are these comments, that are these arguments. You are just giving us a great way to practice our rhetoric, so thank you, in retrospect 🙂

        439. And people like you who repeat deflections like “Educate yourself” make me LOL. And you’re a man, named amanda? What crappy 60s hippie parents did you get settled with?

        440. Real women don’t date men who say, “*most* (because that’s what I am perceiving based on your statement) women getting abortions are just sluts who got lonely, fucked someone, and decided they didn’t want to deal with the consequences.”
          You have some pretty fucked up perceptions my friend.

        441. Well, again, look in a dictionary: subordinate means a person under the authority or control of another. In Exodous, it is permitted to sell a daughter into slavery, not a son. In Roman’s, St. Paul says that the natural use of women is to provide men with sex. Not exactly assistants and followers in this, more like chattel.
          Also, a woman should be able to choose to bring a child into the world or not, not you or anyone else. I am not supporting the killing of babies, i think that abortion is a sad thing, but I do think that it should be available to people who don’t want a child. Stop trying to control the reproduction of other people
          And why would you think that it is “okey-dokey” with me that men aren’t doing as well in school and college? I think that that is unfortunate, and could be blamed on instructors being biased, or simply the men aren’t putting as much effort into their schooling. I don’t know what the problem is there, but don’t put words in my mouth and assume that I think its fine for men to be treated unfairly, too.
          The gender wage gap studies should use, I think, the same jobs and same hours between men and women to get a more accurate result. I am all for capitalism, and a little socialism, but I do think that women and men should be given the same pay for the same amount and quality of work. That’s all.
          And those “anti-bible, liberal lies”? they come straight from the Bible: “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man.” (1 Tim. 2:12-14),
          “But women will be saved through childbearing.” (1 Tim. 2:15)
          “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:22)
          Everyone has their own view of God, I have mine, you have yours, and I don’t think that we should have to right the wrongs of our ancestors. Like with your argument of the baby, its not the child’s fault. I don’t think that the Bible is all about women hating, for it also says many good things, however, a great deal deviates from what Jesus believed.
          Also, I don’t see why you must write so disrespectfully to me when I tried to be respectful and courteous. I did not insult you, so your tone in your writing perplexes me.

        442. Look at pay comparisons of men and women side by side in different fields. And by stats, you mean some woman on youtube with an annoying voice, no.

        443. I think the main problem people have with the bible is they cannot separate laws of the land from what God actually ordained. Remember, God helped Moses free the slaves. The Bible is being honest about what was going on at the time; it doesn’t mean God sanctioned those acts at all. Also, your Ephesians quote backs up what I said. Submission is not a dirty word. However, it’s imperative for the man to be fit to be a leader. When I talk about anti-Bible lies, I’m talking about how the liberals try to use various occurrence in the old testament to prove that the Christian God is some type of villain.

          That “choice” ended when she opened her legs. End of. If it’s only the woman’s choice and the man has no say, then that’s where the choice ends as it should’ve been solely the woman’s responsibility to not get pregnant in the first place if abortion is solely her choice. If you willingly create a life, that is your responsibility to take care of it, not kill it and throw it in the garbage. I’m not controlling the reproduction of other people. That’s like saying “Stop controlling the actions of murderers. They should be able to murder whoever they want.” Roe vs Wade should be overturned. Btw, the Roe-Norma McCormick, If I got her name right.. wants it overturned herself. Yep.
          As what was stated in the video, the “wage gap” is largely due to individual choices. Here’s more here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH4lb88DMeo and here

          Ok, you think that is unfortunate. And you know why these professors are biased? Feminism/rampant liberalism. Feminism created more problems than it set out to solve, which is why more men and even women are rejecting feminism.
          I’m not saying it’s our ancestors rights to wrong. I’m saying humanity continues to commit the same wrongs. There’s a difference.
          I can see where my first paragraph gives off that vibe, but it was borne out of frustration of seeing the same old-same old responses, and from some especially rude feminists when I said things that also were not disrespectful, but that they just didn’t like that somebody had the gall to say them. I apologize if I offended you. I try to be stern yet fair and honest.

        444. No, I mean google “wage gap myth.” By the way, way to voice-shame. It’s not her fault you know. She should be loved and accepted for how she sounds. I know I love her to death, personally.
          But if you can’t stand her…

          And as much as I hate huffington post-
          and to repeat a common rebuttal-would it not make more sense to only hire women so that companies could just pay less money, if they got paid less because of sexism?

        445. Well, if you know anything about HR, no, you can’t just hire women or just men for any job.
          Why don’t men get maternity leave? Why do women generally win custody battles? These are things things to be looked at in the future.
          What bothers me about this article is most of it is a double standard. Can you defend all 20 points as being perfectly reasonable?

        446. You can if it’s your own private business.
          Men don’t get maternity leave, probably because they’re expected to continue working. Women generally win custody battles because the majority of courts decide that the children are better off with the woman. In addition, in divorce proceedings the man is usually thrown out and has to start all over, while the woman is now entitled to half his stuff, sometimes for life. I used to believe a simple prenup would stifle this, but apparently nowadays prenups are getting thrown out.
          No I cannot. There are a lot of great points made here, as well as points I disagree with. Certain things I’d use different words for them. It’d probably easier to name the ones I disagree with;
          2-I disagree that beauty is a woman’s greatest asset, though I don’t deny it is the thing that makes men approach initially. The rest…
          11- it’s not a big deal if a woman doesn’t shave her legs or her well, vagina-unless it’s like a jungle down there, then yeah. armpit shaving is a must though. it’s just not attractive.
          12-Inconclusive. I can’t say I agree or disagree with this one. OkCupid themselves posted a blog post that showed women are overly picky online. And if you read some of the profiles on PlentyofFish… oh, you’re in for a fun time there.
          16-Partial disagreeance. I don’t see anything wrong with a woman dancing on top of a bar. The rest…
          17-I disagree that they should be shamed for it. I personally don’t like it, I prefer women to look like women and not like boys. that’s just me. If their hair is naturally that short, it’s easier to overlook since they cannot help that.
          19-If hypocrisy is the issue here, then I agree.

        447. No, you cannot hire only men or women for a job simply because that’s what you want. Ever hear of the EEOC? Ever hear of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? The only way you can get away with hiring a men or women only for a job is if it’s a bonafide occupation qualification. For example: If you want to hire a man to hand out towels in a men’s locker room, that is considered a bonafide occupation qualification.
          You agree that single mothers are single because they don’t need a man?

        448. Of course I have. But that doesn’t mean it can stop discrimination from happening, especially if it can’t be proven. If an employer feels that a certain group might disrupt the dynamic in his/her ecosystem, they’ll try to keep them out long as possible. I remember one anecdote where there was a group of men who worked (I don’t remember where or what the job was), and they had this tradition of hanging up girls that were printed in their local newspaper in their bikinis for years on a certain wall. Once a woman got hired, she got them to take the girls down solely because she felt “uncomfortable.” The men ended up just taking the pages they liked best. This may seem like a small thing, but imagine a relative moving into your room and suddenly dictating how you’re allowed to run your space. That’s what this was like. This is why I occasionally see complaints about women ruining men’s spaces, be they E3 or Comic Con or elsewhere.
          I feel single mothers are single mostly because they had bad taste in men, yes. I’m not saying there aren’t men that change up on a woman, but as women are the ones with the final say on who they sleep with they need to be better at picking men. It’s usually clear from the jump that the man in question is not father material; or if the woman is a single mother because she divorced a good husband, then that’s just as bad.
          Children need to be raised by both a mother and a father. Yet single parenthood is rising not declining, with single mothers and absentee fathers (either by choice by the fathers or by force).

        449. If you know what Title VII is and know what the EEOC, how can you say that employers can legally hire based on gender?
          You cannot hire someone based on whether or not they will be okay with seeing pictures of half-naked women on the wall where they will be working.
          My issue with them picking on single mothers is that they have portrayed it to be solely the mother’s fault. Why can’t men just take responsibility as well? For most of this article, they have run a one-way street. Where did they get that characterization of a stay-at-home mom? What’s so wrong with fat women compared with fat men? 69% of American adults are overweight. I sincerely doubt that the writers of this article have the cornered the market on the 31% who are not overweight.

        450. Well, I suppose if the business owner words their desires a certain way they can be free to discriminate. Or I suppose you said what I was getting at-I don’t see men getting hired to be a hooter’s girl anytime soon, for example.
          That wasn’t the point of what I was saying. I was saying it’s little things like that, are why certain employers might try to keep certain people out.
          Yes, it is the man’s fault at times. Nobody said men can’t take responsibility, but the woman’s actions in these situations largely go unchecked. Single motherhood is praised these days and single parenthood should not be. It’s not right to alienate the other parent. Men are not taking responsibility because they are enabled not to these days. Unfortunately, they can be forced to where as women cannot be forced to.
          There’s a one-way street here largely, in my opinion because that’s how it is on the feminist sites this one seeks to combat. Let’s take a simple issue for example-and let’s say it’s any time a feminist site discusses “The Friend Zone.” They’ll say it’s only the guys fault for being such a jerk and they’ll accuse the guy of only being “nice” to a woman because they wanted her affection and not a friendship. So this paints the guy as the sole villain. These articles won’t address the wrongs a woman can do in this situation, such as not being honest about their disinterest in a man, or purposefully leading him on. Therefore, this article isn’t doing anything different.
          Who knows where they got that characterization. Probably from the same place feminists get their characterizations of various groups of men.
          They’re talking about fat women because the audience is male and males like women. They have articles up about staying in shape, so that implies to me they don’t like fat no matter which sex is fat. If anything, that rate is all the more reason he must’ve felt the need to say something about fat people. That’s ridiculous in this country.

        451. Feminists aren’t anybody’s equal. Because you see, men get u everyday and do what needs to be done, unlike feminists.
          Feminists get up everyday, suck on the gov. cock and whine about their ‘victim hood’.
          Personally I find watching you stupid bitches self destruct pretty damn amusing.

        452. You can’t deal with people like him and hope to change any opinions if you are insulting him in every sentence and being as harsh as he is (if not harsher). Logic is a better method of attack – especially for someone who believes all feminists are man – haters…you aren’t contributing to a change. He is clearly wrong about pretty much everything, but debates require patience.

        453. Are you going to tell me that just because you haven’t met them means they aren’t there?! Don’t you believe in God?? Also, most feminists who believe in feminism at the very base (equity and fairness for everyone) aren’t misandric, and you are probably surrounded by them. Just because we don’t bash men, doesn’t mean we don’t exist. That just means your personal version of feminism is seriously flawed.

        454. Yup. Difference is, I just hate Damien here and his bigoted fuckhead buddies.Damien hates 52% of the population.

        455. Yes the men provided for the women but that’s obviously not what they wanted. Women wanted to work but they couldn’t because men would shame them, beat them, or divorce them, and they would be social outcasts. So they most could only really live their lives one way; as housewives who had meaningless hobbies and tedious lives in the kitchen making pies and bundt cakes for no good reason.

        456. You are saying when guys spread rumours it is constructive? You used a terrible example you idiot.. If a girl did that they would be a slut, but if a guy did that they have “game” get the fuck over yourself

        457. *righting wrongs lol, unless you actually sit down at a desk and write about wrongs? Look who’s righting wrongs here!

        458. Why are you quoting something so ridiculously irrelevant as the OLD testament? No one believes in that crap anymore.

        459. lolololol I can’t remember the last time I’ve had the pleasure of being around such a large group of pathetically unintelligent people. It has honestly been since grade school somebody has commented on my name. Thanks guys. I seriously almost forgot.

        460. White Knight – (1) a man who “comes to the rescue” of a woman, or of women, reflexively, emotionally-driven, without thought or even looking at the situation; (2) a man in authority who enables Team Womyn in his legislative actions, judgments, or rulings, reflexively, emotionally-driven, without thought or even looking at what’s right.

        461. A lot of what you’ve said leads me to believe you have been slightly misinformed. Jezebel was correct in stating that much of what you accuse feminists of is indeed focused on the extremist portion of the population, not the whole.
          I know countless feminists that are against abortion, unjust court proceedings against men, and you will most CERTAINLY find feminists and women in general that are very much against false accusations of rape. Why would a woman condone such lies about something that is so serious ? It would just be foolish, as the more someone cries wolf about the situation, the more cases of actual rape are contested, and the less justice a woman OR MAN will receive in these such cases.
          It is NOT the majority of feminists that are man hating. The majority of feminists simply want a career of their own. If a woman wants a family, she will find someone that wants a family with her. If she does not, she will simply find someone that wants the same.
          Now on to your accusations about Christians as a whole and the Westboro Baptist Church. Never not once in my entire life have I seen a group with such volatile hatred since the nazi regime. Such intolerance is absolutely disgusting and repulsive, and you will find it mighty hard to find a Christian that condones the church to slander the name of Christianity. I personally am a Christian. I do not “tolerate” homosexuality, I accept it. Why would I need to “tolerate” love ? Love is love no matter what gender the partners are. And the constant protesting that the Westboro Baptist Church does is proof that they lack love, common sense, and decency. No Christian I know supports a “Church” that protests at funerals and condemns a man or woman to hell because they love differently than others.
          And in response to the woman and her bikini line photo: you are correct. No one wants to see that. However you are allowing few women to decide your opinion on an entire gender, and that is a disservice to you, Sir.
          I would list off countless men that have destroyed families and countries, raped and abused a woman only to be set free (Miranda v. Arizona) and countless other wrongdoings. I would tell you that a man is a volatile creature and we should denounce the entire population of males publicly. I would tell all the feminists out there to immediately comment on how someone “finally speaks the truth about men !”
          I would, but I guess I am just too educated to believe that men like Adolf Hitler, Ernesto Miranda, and plenty of others should be the building blocks to my opinion of an entire gender. Maybe if we stop judging men and women based off of what few individuals do, and instead base our opinions of an individual off of what the individual has done, we wouldn’t have ignorance such as this posted across the web.
          Have a delightful day.

        462. well, actually, i watched a video of a muslim talk being held in england, and when asked if they think that sharia law should be followed they all put their hands up, so im guessing you probably have met an extremist muslim

        463. Thank you. It’s too bad my original post is gone, because it was very well written. I wish I would’ve copied it down.

        464. No, it means that’s how the majority of them act and the burden should not be on me to find “Good” feminists. When the “good” feminists start speaking up about these injustices, then perhaps I’ll change my mind about feminists.

        465. “Women wanted to work but they couldn’t because men would shame them, beat them, or divorce them, and they would be social outcasts. ”
          How do you know that was the majority of marriages then? And how do you know that women who were housewives didn’t have meaningful hobbies? Perhaps some of them enjoyed baking pies. Maybe the rest enjoyed the freedom to go wherever they wanted to in the city during the day. Now, feminists shame those women.
          This also does not change the state of female-bias against men in society and in the courts. At least those women were appreciated. Today’s men are seen as worthless outside of money and penis. Thus, 90% of the time they lose custody.

        466. How uneducated you must be. If you have only met so-called “feminists” who want superior rights, then they are NOT feminists, they are misandric. Just like when men want superior rights, they are misogynistic. Feminism is about equality for men AND women.

        467. I don’t care about what the definition of feminism says it’s supposed to be. I care about what it really is (has become).
          So Damien is right and for that you can thank women who couldn’t stop at equality and wanted more.

        468. I don’t care about what the definition of feminism says it’s supposed to be. I care about what it really is (has become).
          So Damien is right and for that you can thank women who couldn’t stop at equality and wanted more.

        469. I don’t care about what the definition of feminism says it’s supposed to be. I care about what it really is (has become).
          So Damien is right and for that you can thank women who couldn’t stop at equality and wanted more.

        470. I don’t care about what the definition of feminism says it’s supposed to be. I care about what it really is (has become).
          So Damien is right and for that you can thank women who couldn’t stop at equality and wanted more.

        471. That’s about the millionth “uneducated” insult I’ve received. It’s funny because you know, I never actually insulted anybody in my original post. Way to convince me but hey, power to the sisterhood! Please. As I pointed out, I’ll respect feminists when the actions start representing what they say they’re about.
          Feminism may have started out that way, but it’s not like that at all today

        472. That’s about the millionth “uneducated” insult I’ve received. It’s funny because you know, I never actually insulted anybody in my original post. Way to convince me but hey, power to the sisterhood! Please. As I pointed out, I’ll respect feminists when the actions start representing what they say they’re about.
          Feminism may have started out that way, but it’s not like that at all today

        473. Yeah, you’d like to believe that, wouldn’t you? Couldn’t possibly be cos people agree with me, could it? Are you another fake Christian, like Damo here? Aw bless. I’ve got it; you’re his mother. That’s why he’s a good God-fearing virgin boy who won’t have no relations before matrimony – cos YOU did this to him! He even needs you to come and back him up on websites! ‘Momma, there’s a nasty man pickin on me…’ ‘Don’t you worry little man. You just keep clutching your bible and repeating sex is wrong, sex is wrong, while I go and make some pointed comments to this nasty man. And if I come back and you’re touching yourself again, God help me, someone’s getting their ass whupped.’
          Or even worse, you’re his girlfriend!
          What a foul couple you must make! Do you go out on dates and just sit there frowning and cursing all the ‘sluts’? Is your dry-humping as awkward as I imagine it to be?
          Or worse again, you’re like a female equivalent of him. Oh man, that’s the pits. Another clueless overweight Bible-sucking social retard with no friends.
          Wow. You two deserve each other.

        474. Yeah, you’d like to believe that, wouldn’t you? Couldn’t possibly be cos people agree with me, could it? Are you another fake Christian, like Damo here? Aw bless. I’ve got it; you’re his mother. That’s why he’s a good God-fearing virgin boy who won’t have no relations before matrimony – cos YOU did this to him! He even needs you to come and back him up on websites! ‘Momma, there’s a nasty man pickin on me…’ ‘Don’t you worry little man. You just keep clutching your bible and repeating sex is wrong, sex is wrong, while I go and make some pointed comments to this nasty man. And if I come back and you’re touching yourself again, God help me, someone’s getting their ass whupped.’
          Or even worse, you’re his girlfriend!
          What a foul couple you must make! Do you go out on dates and just sit there frowning and cursing all the ‘sluts’? Is your dry-humping as awkward as I imagine it to be?
          Or worse again, you’re like a female equivalent of him. Oh man, that’s the pits. Another clueless overweight Bible-sucking social retard with no friends.
          Wow. You two deserve each other.

        475. Yeah, you’d like to believe that, wouldn’t you? Couldn’t possibly be cos people agree with me, could it? Are you another fake Christian, like Damo here? Aw bless. I’ve got it; you’re his mother. That’s why he’s a good God-fearing virgin boy who won’t have no relations before matrimony – cos YOU did this to him! He even needs you to come and back him up on websites! ‘Momma, there’s a nasty man pickin on me…’ ‘Don’t you worry little man. You just keep clutching your bible and repeating sex is wrong, sex is wrong, while I go and make some pointed comments to this nasty man. And if I come back and you’re touching yourself again, God help me, someone’s getting their ass whupped.’
          Or even worse, you’re his girlfriend!
          What a foul couple you must make! Do you go out on dates and just sit there frowning and cursing all the ‘sluts’? Is your dry-humping as awkward as I imagine it to be?
          Or worse again, you’re like a female equivalent of him. Oh man, that’s the pits. Another clueless overweight Bible-sucking social retard with no friends.
          Wow. You two deserve each other.

        476. They are not free to discriminate. Hooters girls having hooters would probably fall under a bonafide occupation qualification.
          I have not read any articles on the friend zone of which you speak, but I feel the friend zone happens when one party is not looking for a romantic relationship. Pretty simple. I still think this article is a grossly one-sided look at women, and it’s not even completely accurate.
          And their articles about fat people and staying in shape include one that encourages men to date women with eating disorders. Disgusting. http://www.returnofkings.com/21313/5-reasons-to-date-a-girl-with-an-eating-disorder

        477. They are not free to discriminate. Hooters girls having hooters would probably fall under a bonafide occupation qualification.
          I have not read any articles on the friend zone of which you speak, but I feel the friend zone happens when one party is not looking for a romantic relationship. Pretty simple. I still think this article is a grossly one-sided look at women, and it’s not even completely accurate.
          And their articles about fat people and staying in shape include one that encourages men to date women with eating disorders. Disgusting. http://www.returnofkings.com/21313/5-reasons-to-date-a-girl-with-an-eating-disorder

        478. They are not free to discriminate. Hooters girls having hooters would probably fall under a bonafide occupation qualification.
          I have not read any articles on the friend zone of which you speak, but I feel the friend zone happens when one party is not looking for a romantic relationship. Pretty simple. I still think this article is a grossly one-sided look at women, and it’s not even completely accurate.
          And their articles about fat people and staying in shape include one that encourages men to date women with eating disorders. Disgusting. http://www.returnofkings.com/21313/5-reasons-to-date-a-girl-with-an-eating-disorder

        479. They are not free to discriminate. Hooters girls having hooters would probably fall under a bonafide occupation qualification.
          I have not read any articles on the friend zone of which you speak, but I feel the friend zone happens when one party is not looking for a romantic relationship. Pretty simple. I still think this article is a grossly one-sided look at women, and it’s not even completely accurate.
          And their articles about fat people and staying in shape include one that encourages men to date women with eating disorders. Disgusting. http://www.returnofkings.com/21313/5-reasons-to-date-a-girl-with-an-eating-disorder

        480. I hope you realize the fucking irony of your post. “I just believe in writing wrongs.” I think you meant to say “righting” wrongs, but either way, your statement is true. You clearly do believe in “writing wrongs,” as everything you have written on this page is, indeed, wrong.

        481. Yes, always be sure to put it in a word processing or text file. You never know what might happen to your posts. So sorry, though 🙁

        482. It’s only wrong to you because I’m not a lemming like yourself. Insulting someone’s minor grammar mistake in order to feel superiority is pathetic. If you don’t like what I have to say here, go suck up over at tumblr.

        483. “At least recognize the fact that women are not cretins if they voice their beliefs loud and clear, and are only acceptable when they are pinned to your bed with duct tape over their mouth. ”
          So when did I ever say that? This is why people don’t respect you feminazis and manginas anymore. You constantly play victim and you constantly put words in people’s mouths. The rest of us aren’t taking your shit anymore.

        484. it turns out that the relevant post is still there, I was mistaken. It was a different comment of mine that was gone-but it was deleted because this site couldn’t handle the load. I just find this whole debacle hilarious-yeah, this site says quite a few things that are off, but there’s also some great points that, deservedly, rile up feminists. I don’t think they understand the concept of “I don’t agree with what you have to say, but I defend your right to say it.”

        485. Wow….. You sound very uneducated right now…. You mock him because he’s a Christian. So if I’m a Christian does that make me a woman hater too?

        486. Maybe it took him a day because he has a job and doesn’t just sit on the internet all day in his parents basement? However, I guess that’s your thing…

        487. No, not at all. I’m just saying that someone who thinks the way he does obviously doesn’t have Christ’s true message of equality and compassion in his heart. I’m saying he’s using the Bible and his no-sex-before-marriage vow to hide a lot of much deeper and more unpleasant things in his psyche, which manifest themselves in his medieval attitudes towards women. And I’m saying that if he was a true Christian he’d find the courage to look within himself and see the very real hatred in his thoughts regarding half the population, without hiding behind all these pathetic non-arguments and tortured semantics. Ok?

        488. This article along with the comments makes me so sad. It illuminates everything that I consider is wrong with our society today; the expectations on both men and women to look and act a certain way, condemning anyone who doesn’t happen to fit the bill. I hate to feel the need to constantly seek approval from my surroundings and I can imagine I’m not alone to feel that way, it’s exhausting. As I am actively trying not to judge anyone of the other gender for how they look or act (and I actually have to try because since we’re kids we get told that there are in fact specific frameworks for men and women that we have to fit in order to be accepted) I wish the same would go for me. I wish that I would not be judged for matters such as the lenght of my hair, the circimference of my waist or my gender for that matter. No part of my body should be subject to evaluation for anyone ever. In a perfect world. And this does harm to men as well, who are pressured to look and act a certain “manly” way. Anyone who feels the need to comment on other peoples appearances, would you please take the time to consider how other peoples comments on your own appearance may or might have made you feel? And if I can try to change the way I think of these “manly ideals” would you please try to change the way you think of the female equivalents?

        489. Why were you not on birth control? Women have several more birth control options than men. If you expect me to feel sorry for you, too bad. Especially now that I know you’re an unrepentant child murderer. You were not raped, your pregnancy was your responsibility and your own fault. His actions were horrible, but he wasn’t the one that murdered an innocent child.

        490. I agree with a lot of what you say. However I feel that you would not think me worth your time as I am currently working and studying in a male dominated industry, and I have had to have an abortion due to an ectopic pregnancy that was slowly killing me.

        491. That’s different; it’s a heart-breaking thing that had to happen, and I’m sorry that happened to you. I can’t imagine how painful that must’ve been.
          I also don’t have any issues with women working at all. I have issues with the feminists painting working in soulless cubicles as more fulfilling then raising children and keeping house. The feminists devalue motherhood.
          Thank you for being one of the very, very few, voices of reason here.

        492. Considering there are men like you out there who have no consideration for all that women do (deal with menstrual cycles, bear children, raise children, put up with pressure from men like you to be “perfect”), I’ve always thought feminism should be a cause in which women fight for superior rights. As of right now it is about equality, but men like you make me think the cause should go further and women should demand more than just equality, from those men such as yourself who don’t value women at all.

        493. Feminist “women” may as well be wannabe-men. I value feminine non-feminist women. Not feminists.

        494. I have never worked in a cubicle. I’m a paramedic, before that I was a spinal trauma nurse. I save lives every day and then I came home and hug my children, this is my calling its what I’m meant to do. For ME its more fulfilling than keeping house … that doesn’t mean it would appeal to the girl next door (whose an air stewardess), nor the woman down the road whose a stay at home mum with six children. Everybody is different. I did the stay at home mum thing for six months with both of my children, during that time I wrote novels (I write fantasy which happens to be a male dominated genre … I refuse to buy into stereotypes).
          There is nothing wrong with feminism … or at least in my eyes, I think everything can be done in moderation. Then again I was brought up by a woman who is in mensa, used to be a nuclear physicist and now works in radiation therapy and ultrasound, she is the sole provider for a disabled husband. She has also always said that feminism is the worst thing that happened to women because now we’re expected to work full time and provide PLUS play the traditional housewife role.
          Its just something to think about.

        495. Feminism isn’t about wanting to be men–it’s about being a woman who is not confined to what is stereotypically feminine. It’s not about abandoning stereotypical femininity either, but realizing that there are several ways to be a woman. It’s about women being who they want–stereotypically feminine or not–and not being criticized, degraded or abused for it. It also considers men too, and the idea that men should not be confined to the stereotypical idea of masculinity. In sum, it’s about being human, being fair, and respecting what people–man or woman–want for themselves. Educate yourself.

        496. but what to you makes a woman feminine? Does she have to be soft spoken, only wear skirts or dresses, have long hair, desire only to be a stay at home and have a large number of children? Because your idea of feminine may differ to someone elses.

        497. They’re not stereotypes. It’s biology. Men and women are different. If feminists had their way we’d likely all be walking adrongynes.
          Women were already who they wanted to be and accomplished daunting tasks without feminism.
          See point one; men are not interested in being turned into women.
          Yeah. Right. That’s why it’s called “feminism.” Not “equalism” or some such, “feminism.” We don’t need feminism for that in this day and age, if we ever did.
          Ah yes, the ever ubiquitous stealth insult “educate yourself.” As in “you won’t join the hive mind, so you must be an uneducated neanderthal.” Sorry lady. I’m well educated on the lies of feminism, and I’m still not done learning more.

        498. Does she have to be soft spoken? Not necessarily. But not being loud and rude is a start. I’m also not personally attracted to women who curse like sailors, more than infrequent. She doesn’t have to only wear skirts or dresses, but women admittedly do look more well, womanly, when wearing one as a matter of personal taste. There’s nothing wrong with women wearing pants. A woman does not have to “only” want to be a stay at home mom. But she should not see children as a burden, or her time in the home as “slavery,” “servitude,” or “oppression.” Everyone in the home has their specific job to the home. Or at least, that’s how it should be.

        499. I can agree with a fair amount of what you’ve said. To be fair, my cubicle statement was made to encompass a general attitude. I personally feel your job and the home exist on two separate planes and can’t be directly compared as “one is better than the other.” They both just are.
          There would be nothing wrong with feminism if not for the problems it has caused today.
          I’m convinced this woman in mensa is truly strong, not faux “feminist-strong.”

        500. Wow – I try to engage people in a dialogue, even if we strongly disagree, but it is difficult when someone ignores everything they don’t want to hear.
          It is frankly bizarre that you don’t think women were every oppressed in the United States. At one point in our history, women were essentially the property of their husband or father. Women couldn’t vote until 1920. There were severe restrictions on when and where women could work, everything a woman earned became legally her husband’s (known of coverture). In addition, birth control was illegal, and martial rape was perfectly fine (in fact raping your wife only became illegal in all 50 states in 1993).
          You honestly think that women are grossly underrepresented in certain fields because they just don’t want to be there? That shows a deep ignorance of history. Before the modern women’s rights movement there were almost no female doctors and lawyers. Now it is nearly 50/50 in both fields. Did women suddenly develop an interest in things that they hadn’t liked before? No – barriers to access were removed. Currently, certain fields still have barriers that make it harder for women to participate. Talk to almost any woman who works in the sciences, engineering, or the video game industry, and you will hear story after story of employment discrimination and harassment. There are also fields that are considered feminine (such as nursing) where there is a stigma attached to men’s participation. That is also wrong. Everyone should pursue the career that is the best fit for them as an individual, regardless of gender.
          As for politics, why do you think women might not have run for office as much in the past? Maybe because it was considered socially unacceptable and they had little chance of winning? Maybe because for much of our nation’s history it was considered inappropriate for a married woman to work, and almost no one would hire them (making it nearly impossible to get the job experience necessary to run for a major political office)? Now that society has progressed you see more and more women running – and winning – but the fight for equal treatment is far from over.
          If most women were content to be housewives we would never have had a feminist movement in the first place. Some women enjoy being homemakers and/or stay-at-home moms, and that’s great. Many, however, hope for more, and want to be treated equally in the work place and on the streets. Feminism is about choices, not able dictating what people can and cannot do with their lives.
          To address your point about rights – in the United States women have equal legal rights to men (after decades of hard work by feminist activists, lawyers, and politicians). That does not mean we are treated equally in practice. You may think it’s silly to want to be taken seriously, but when you not it has negative effects on your career, your relationships, your self-esteem, and nearly every aspect of you your life. Moreover, feminism is a global movement, and many of our sisters in other nations are suffering under much worse conditions than we have in the United States (child marriage, FGM, honor killings, etc.). Feminism works towards equality for all women, not just Americans and Western Europeans.
          As for your concerns about family and matrimonial law – I happen to be be a third year law student going into this particular field, and I can tell you that almost every family law statute uses gender neutral language when it comes the rights of each partner in a divorce or child-custody battle. Both the wife and the husband’s assets are subject to equitable distribution. In no state is it a simple transfer of assets from the husband to the wife. If you have more assets than your partner, than yes, you may lose more. There are, however, easy ways around this: (1) don’t get married – no one is forcing you (2) have a prenuptial agreement or negotiate a divorce settlement where each partner keeps there own assets – if you marry someone with similar values to your own, this should not pose a problem.
          As for child support – the law states that you must provide child support if you are the non-custodial parent. Legally, gender does not come into play.However, just like women are often treated unfairly, despite or equal legal rights, sometimes men are treated unfairly in family law cases, despite their equal legal rights. As I stated before, I don’t approve of this and any parent that can demonstrate that they are a fit and loving caregiver should have access to their children, regardless of gender.
          Similarly, I think it is a problem that boys are not doing as well in school as girls. I also think that male victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence are equally important and deserve the same access to services as female victims. As I have repeatedly stated, it does not matter if you are male or female, you have a right to equal treatment and equal opportunities to succeed. The fact that you would assume otherwise says much more about you than it does about me.

        501. You know Damo, I’m surprised you’re so against abortion, what with you being a walking abortion and all. What’s your stance on abortion after rape again? I’m curious, considering you wouldn’t even be here if your mother hadn’t raped that crazy homeless guy.

        502. I didn’t ignore you. I refuted most of what you said.

          Wow – I try to engage people in a dialogue, even if we strongly disagree, but it is difficult when someone ignores everything they don’t want to hear.

          I bet this can be translated to “It’s difficult when they don’t fall in line like a good robot.”
          What proof do you have that women were “property?” Is it the free place to live and cushy lives that these men provided them at their hard work and expense?
          Is it 1920 now? No. You weren’t even alive in 1920. To be blunt, shut up about it. It’s already gotten old. I don’t agree with a woman’s earnings becoming her husband’s, but that’s not the case now. Especially since a fair amount of today’s women have the mentality of “everything that’s mine is mine, and everything that’s yours is mine.”
          Birth control probably should’ve stayed illegal. Then we probably wouldn’t have so much rampant irresponsible sex as people would think twice about who they wanted to procreate with. Then we’d have less people feeling broke down and used up when they got older. And even better, we’d have less kids dying because of people too stupid to use birth control properly or even at all.
          Just because a law may not be on the books yet doesn’t mean it’s ok. I highly doubt you can point to any release from the government telling men it is ok to rape their wives. And again, rape is not exclusively a woman to man crime. By the way, why not speak out against women who lie about being raped by their husbands, or in general?
          In today’s world, yes. If women don’t want to work in a certain field, it’s because they don’t want to. That wasn’t the case before feminism. Now feminism has gotten out of hand and nobody needs it anymore. If women are underrepresented in a field, it’s their own fault, or rather their own disinterest and there’s nothing wrong with that. If feminism is about making your own choices, then stop trying to force women to take careers they don’t want.
          You can hear those same stories from men as well. And why? Because people are terrible, that’s why. Women are not the only ones who experience discrimination.

          As for politics, why do you think women might not have run for office as much in the past? Maybe because it was considered socially unacceptable and they had little chance of winning?

          Tell that to Shirley Chisholm, first black woman to run for President almost 40 years ago. Again, today is what matters. And today either most women do not care enough to run or more men than women happen to care enough to run.
          Fight for what equal treatment. You’ve already gotten it. You are fighting for further advancement of women at more detriment to males, and you do not care about the inequalities men face today despite your attempts at lip service to convince yourself you do. Feminist women do not give a rat’s behind what men go through. When I talked to a feminist woman about the times when I was in high school and a few years later in college when a woman falsely accused me of harassment* she replied “so because of these two girls you want all women to be raped in your perfect male society?!” Not only was that the most insulting thing I’d ever heard in my life at the time, it also showed how feminist women care only about themselves and not men. She also accused me of possibly being creepy. I wouldn’t be surprised if you did the same. Non-feminist women care. Feminists don’t.
          *(the high school incident I attempted to talk to the woman, but since she kept her back towards me I chose to ignore her from then on. I ended up in the office. The college incident, I didn’t do anything at all. The difference between the two was that in college, I was immediately told “please leave the girl alone” without the grade principal talking to me even bothering to get my side of the story first. in college, this wasn’t the case as people were called in who defended me and I was fairly asked questions. This second incident was the catalyst to me slowly waking up, since the only reward I got was NOT getting kicked out of school and the false harassment accuser did not get punished at all.)
          It may have been considered inappropriate for a woman to work then, but that is not the case now. At the time America had families and the women took care of the kids while the men worked. Now, the man works and sends child support checks. Great job, feminists.
          We had the feminist movement because powerful people convinced gullible women that they were oppressed when they weren’t. And you’re still falling for it even today. And oh really? If feminism is about being able to do what you want, then why so much scorn at men and women who reject feminism? Shouldn’t they be free to reject it too?
          “in the United States women have equal legal rights to men”
          She says as yet another man right this second has just been removed from his home with custody of his kids taken from him. She says as yet another woman gets a slap on the wrist for having sex with an underage boy. She says as yet another woman gets only up to ten years for ripping off her six year old son’s genitals.
          You know who’s self-esteem is being affected these days? Little boys, as their school, their cartoons, their society is constantly drilling in their heads that masculinity is bad, and that girls are superior because girls rule and boys drool. That’s why we have young boys having an airsoft gun fight in their own front yard getting suspended with possible expulsion from school; because one of the boys’ likely a liberal feminist mothers called the police on them because she “felt uncomfortable.”
          Yeah well, actually show that you’re fighting for other women in other nations rights, except for complaining that you’re so oppressed here in the states where you’re at your most privileged, except for being racist and demonizing white men, and except for being misandrist and demonizing men in general. Muslim women are oppressed. You are not. Plus, male circumcision here in the States is still legal since you threw out FGM.
          Right, “gender neutral.” That’s why most of the time it’s the man that gets kicked out. No problems with that though, because “equality.” You may get your wish with number 1, because men are seeing what’s going on and they’re not getting married. Even I did not agree with this and sought to just file a prenup, until I heard prenups can now be rendered null and void. In this day and age-while the general consensus is that there are no benefits to marriage for men I can’t exactly agree with that. But I definitely agree the benefits only last as long as the woman is happy. Once that’s over with, that man’s life is wrecked. It’s easy for you to say just marry someone with similar values. You’re not the party that actually has anything to lose.”

          sometimes men are treated unfairly

          Yeah. Sometimes. Sure. If you don’t approve of this, then bring it up more with your fellow feminists instead of constantly hollering “patriarchy.”
          What ever I assumed, I assumed it correctly. There’s just more lip service amongst “women women women this and that-oh and sometimes men.” You insist feminism is the answer to all of these problems and it isn’t, it’s been the cause and it’s time for it to end.

        503. Well, I’ll consider it progress that you at least admit that women were oppressed in the United States, and that they remain so in other countries. I freely admit that American women have it easier than many others, but the fact that we are making progress is no reason to abandon feminism – feminism is what gave us this progress, and it is one of the many social justice movements that continue to push our nation – and our world – forward.
          This will be my last comment, but before I leave this conversation I’d like to address a few more of your attacks on feminism:
          False reports of rape: I can’t believe I need to say this, but no, false rape accusations are not some sort of feminist attack on men. Yes, they happen, and yes, of course it’s wrong. False reports occur with every type of crime. Most credible studies put the rate of false reports somewhere around 8 percent. The studies showing higher rates get those numbers by misleadingly lumping in demonstrably false reports with unsubstantiated reports. Because it is very difficult to prove that rape occurred unless accompanied by serious physical injuries, many claims are dismissed for lack of evidence. This does not mean they are false.
          Most survivors do not even report their rape, because doing so is such a painful and traumatizing experience (getting a rape kit completed, being interrogated by police, having to confront your abuser at trial, etc.). Most reports that do occur don’t result in an arrest, fewer get prosecuted, and fewer still result in conviction. Using statistics collected by the department of justice, it is estimated that only 3% of rapists will ever spend a day in prison. So no, men are not automatically assumed to be guilty – far from it. In fact, numerous rape survivors have reported their rape only to face doubt and dismissal at every turn. Others have recanted after abusive treatment by the justice system or threats of violence from the perpetrator. See the following sources for more information.
          Oh, and before you accuse me of not caring about male victims, of course I do – although the majority of victims are female, that takes nothing away from the suffering of male survivors. Both are equally important. It is wrong for women to get only a slap on the wrist for child sexual abuse. It’s also wrong when a man only gets a slap on the wrist for such crimes, which happens frequently (look it up).
          Child custody/child support:
          The statutes use gender neutral language today largely because of the feminist movement. In the past, it was assumed that if a couple divorced, the husband would pay alimony because women were discouraged from supporting themselves. As that changed, and woman joined the working world in greater numbers, the laws began to shift.
          The concept of life-long alimony was replaced with “spousal maintenance”, which is meant as temporary support to the lower earning/stay-at-home spouse, to allow him or her time to become financially self sufficient. If a man chooses to stay home with the kids and his wife is a high earner, she will likely pay spousal maintenance in the event of a divorce.
          Equitable distribution is also legally gender neutral. You seem to be under the impression that divorce entails a transfer of assets between husband and wife, but this is false. When you marry, assets acquired during the marriage are usually considered marital property and subject to equitable distribution upon separation. If you want to avoid this, sign a valid prenuptial agreement establishing that upon divorce each spouse will keep whatever property is in his or her name. It’s easy to avoid a prenup being thrown out – simply make sure that both parties are represented by independent counsel, do not do it immediately before the wedding (this could create the impression of undue influence), and do not include anything so crazy it could be considered unconscionable.
          But you’re right, just because the law in gender neutral, doesn’t mean the outcomes are neutral. In fact, on average women suffer financially more than men do in a divorce. This is due to the fact that men are typically higher wage earners, while women take on the bulk of the child care.
          This idea you have that feminists use contemporary matrimonial law to screw over men is completely false and unfounded. The only thing I will grant is that you is that it is not fair for women to be favored in a child custody battle just because of their gender. This sometimes happens (although the trend has been towards joint custody in recent years). Myself, and most contemporary feminists, disagree with decisions that are based on gender stereotypes, and so of course do not support this. And no, I don’t support jail time for failure to pay child support – this has a disproportionate impact on poor people and people of color, and I don’t believe it is an appropriate enforcement mechanism (although you are an asshole if you can afford to pay child support and you refuse).
          You can keep repeating that feminists hate men and don’t actually support equality, but you have many, many, feminists explaining to you that that is not the case. I have many male friends, I support equality between men and women, every feminist I know supports equality between men and women, and yes, it is included in the very definition of the word.

        504. “Well, I’ll consider it progress that you at least admit that women were oppressed in the United States, ”
          I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. That is all.

        505. Sorry – you admitted things were bad before (no right to vote, earnings taken by husband). Hardly gets more oppressive than no civil rights or right to earn money, so I assumed any human being would consider that oppressive. Retracted. Apparently no progress was made – oh well, I give up.

        506. I’ve edited the post significantly since then. I’m still editing it but I’ll stop now if you don’t care anymore. Black people as a whole were in deeper mess than women not being able to earn their own money or vote. They got that right to vote. So as far as 60 eras feminism is concerned, women were never oppressed. If you’re giving up, good. Now you understand that I’m not a robot that can be indoctrinated into feminist hive-think ever again.

        507. In additon, and I can’t believe I never brought this up-babies are the ones that have no rights, not women. Women can’t be legally killed without having any say in whether or not they can live or die. They sure as hell can kill their own kids though And before you go “oh rape, incest blah blah”-these are only 1% of all rapes, the rest are from people being irresponsible. Now this stat, unlike that 3% of rapists go to jail “Stat,” IS true. And it hasn’t changed since 1989.

        508. Just to clarify, the site I showed you contains all the cites to the DoJ and FBI studies at the bottom. The percentage of people who report to the police is based on national crime victimization survey. Here are some of the original sources (I picked one year for each, RAINN used an average of several years, but the figures are similar).
          I cited what I did because it pulled the data together in way that was easy to view quickly, but it is right there to see in the DoJ and FBI statistics as well, if you care to take the time to read, which you clearly did not. As you can see, less than half of rapes are reported to the police, fewer than half of them result in arrest and prosecution, and the conviction rate for rape is around 62% – lower than the average for all felony charges (68%). And of course the 62% figure does not include cases where the victim did not report, where there was no arrest, where the prosecutors felt they didn’t have enough evidence to proceed, etc. Also, some of those convictions were for misdemeanors that did not result in jail time. So I’m sorry, how are men “presumed guilty until proven innocent”?
          And you what is really going to surprise you – I’m OK with a low number of perpetrators serving jail time because I believe in the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt for criminal convictions. I’m just trying to show you some actual facts to see how you react to being confronted with reality. And yes, I know I said I gave up. I don’t know, I guess I’m the eternal optimist. Anyway, my career depends on making strong arguments, so I consider these types of discussions good practice.

        509. I was hoping you would respond in this way – by being offended that the commenter made assumptions about you without knowing you – because that’s literally what you’ve been doing to women and feminists throughout this entire thread.
          I’m not a feminist for a variety of reasons, but I can smell bullshit when it’s there.

        510. “Women are loved in Christianity”
          As I peruse this Christian website explaining to me in what way men should best beat their wives to make them more obedient and religious.

        511. >i’ll respond to you tomorrow
          >as i’m writing a comment that i apparently don’t have time to write

        512. Yes, it’s so terrible that this guy who spent an entire thread mocking feminists and women is now being mocked for being a Christmas. It’s awful having to experience things you do to other people, isn’t it? Besides, like he said upthread, it’s all just words, and words aren’t important.

        513. “Generalizations are based on repeatedly observed behavior from the same group.”
          There you go. So you finally admitted that all Christians are hypocritical, homophobic, woman-hating pedophiles. Since that’s what my observations of Christians have told me.

        514. Kind of like when you attacked women for being on welfare and having children at the same time, while simultaneously not making mention of the men who get them pregnant and then abandon them and refuse to take responsibility for their children, forcing the mother to go on welfare in the first place to look after them.

        515. >ignoring the comment that showed that I did indeed respond to this troglodyte the next day
          >also spent a large amount of time stalking the comments of one person

        516. Alright, now I’ve read each link. however, this comes from one of your original links.
          This says out of 100 rapes, 97 go free. I highly doubt this is 100 rapists; these are repeat offenders. That’s not even considering that when looking at the sources RAINN uses, they’re horribly outdated by 7 or more years. The abortion statistic I gave you (Only 1% are from a woman being raped, a woman who would die from getting pregnant, etc) is as recent as 2011 and just to repeat, has not changed since 1989.
          The first thing I did was look up what you said about “3%”. Rather than steal from what this person wrote, I’ll just say the first post here breaks it down.

      2. Thank you for being one of the only voices of fair reason on here. I’m pretty sure ALL of these guys, if they have have gotten laid or ever intend to do so (most likely not happening though) would gladly shut their hypocritical mouths and and worship any broad willing to throw their vagina at them. Guys, don’t act like you’re so high and mighty, most of you guys do the exact same damn thing with your own guyish flair to it.

        1. It’s hard to get voices of reason. Most get deleted and blocked. The moderators are too uneducated to retort any debate so they just ignore and keep posting.

        2. It’s hard to get voices of reason. Most get deleted and blocked. The moderators are too uneducated to retort any debate so they just ignore and keep posting.

        3. You’d be wrong. I want a girl with class. Not any of the girls in the aforementioned article.

        4. You’d be wrong. I want a girl with class. Not any of the girls in the aforementioned article.

        5. You fucking cretin, all you’re saying in that sentence is ‘Women are not objects for men to use, but men who don’t get laid think of them as sex objects.’ Just because you creeps think of them as sex objects doesn’t mean they’re just sex objects, ya fuckin dink. You can’t even form a cohesive argument or structure a sentence properly. It’s probably all that feverish jerking off you’re doing. If you’re going to try and debate, try not to be so fucking illiterate, dipshit.

        6. Are you including the feminists in that? Because in this day and age good luck finding a woman who does not hold any feminist beliefs. I mean maybe if you go to a commune where things are questioned but the patriarchy isn’t then maybe you’ll find a woman with the attributes you’re seeking.

        7. That’s disgusting, degrading, and I pray that you never procreate to raise a child who may post similar degrading comments.

        8. im not taking sides to this article, but….i would not ever gladly shut my mouth about something just because some woman is throwing vagina in my direction. that works on weak men

        9. How is a woman who is still single after 25 (#12) automatically classless? (A number of issues with everyone of the other points…for example, some guys like a girl who talks dirty…just because you are turned on by that doesn’t mean you are trying to act like a porn star.

        10. Key word: *JUST*
          “Women aren’t *just* sex objects for men to use.” The same goes vise versa. Both are people, men and women, seriously it’s almost 2014 why is this debate still happening? There shouldn’t even be male/female stereotypes anymore.

        11. So you’re saying that any girl with short hair has no class?
          Ridiculous. Have fun being single for the rest of your life.

        12. That doesn’t change that insulting men by implying they don’t get laid, still promotes men using women as sex objects.

        13. You’d be surprised. Your movement has less power than you would like to believe. I find women everyday who are sick of the bullshit.

        14. You’d be surprised. Your movement has less power than you would like to believe. I find women everyday who are sick of the bullshit.

        15. 1. youre debating this.
          2. yes there should be male and female stereotypes. we are made differently physically, mentally and emotionally. fact.
          these guys arent doing anything wrong, theyre just talking about what women do. saying “i littered” doesnt make me an asshole, littering makes me an asshole.

        16. dude thats cause those people often don’t know what feminism is. its all about equality not women thinking they are better than men. it works both ways. anyone i talk to who says they hate feminism actually say they hate all the man haters and thats not feminism… thats just people with a seriously odd idea of what equality means. do your homework before you say something that can bite you in the ass

        17. Yes women and men are factually different physically,
          emotionally and so on, but do you really feel that there “should be male and female stereotypes” just because their different? That’s like saying that it’s okay to stereotype an entire race because it’s different from your own. Is that really okay?
          Facts are proven, stereotypes are generalized assumptions and notions.

        18. First of all its still 2013. Second, and more importantly, if women are still being treated as second class citizens by men in this manner, then it is blatantly obvious that women still have to go the extra mile to prove themselves.
          Talk about a sense of entitlement. Whoever wrote this article clearly believes they are superior to women and probably anyone else they come in contact with. If ever they get a woman to have a relationship with them she will be every negative stereotype they have written here, because with their attitude that is the only type of woman they will attract. OR, if they somehow managed to convince a decent woman to date them, once she finds out they ever participated in this kind of degradation towards women she’ll dump his misogynistic ass like any self-respecting woman would.

        19. Congrats, you can read a calendar. Not so much on reading comprehension cause you know, I mentioned 2014 because the person I was responding to said it first.
          Second and more importantly; no, women are not still treated as second class citizens in America in this day and age.
          And next, the person that wrote this article with points I do and don’t agree with appears to not give a crap if women don’t like him speaking his mind. I may not say the same things* as him but I’m the same way. No woman or any person is allowed to run me or run how I think or what I’m allowed to say. You say this person has a sense of entitlement as if there aren’t similar articles that women write about men all the time. Women of your type are pretty funny in this regard. They have no problems critiquing men, but get offended when it comes back on them.
          Allow me to use my own version of NAWALT; this article isn’t addressing the women that do these things, therefore this article isn’t degradation towards those women.
          Any self-respecting women would respect his right to his opinions instead of de-ligiitimizing the good points he makes by labeling him a “misogynist.” Misogynist does not mean a person that doesn’t tolerate awful behavior from certain women.
          *List of what it is I disagree with from the list, if you care.
          2-I disagree that beauty is a woman’s greatest asset, though I don’t deny it is the thing that makes men approach initially. The rest…
          11- it’s not a big deal if a woman doesn’t shave her legs or her well, vagina-unless it’s like a jungle down there, then yeah. armpit shaving is a must though. it’s just not attractive.
          12-Inconclusive. I can’t say I agree or disagree with this one. OkCupid themselves posted a blog post that showed women are overly picky online. And if you read some of the profiles on PlentyofFish… oh, you’re in for a fun time there.
          16-Partial disagreeance. I don’t see anything wrong with a woman dancing on top of a bar. The rest…
          17-I disagree that they should be shamed for it. I personally don’t like it, I prefer women to look like women and not like boys. that’s just me. If their hair is naturally that short, it’s easier to overlook since they cannot help that.
          19-If hypocrisy is the issue here, then I agree.

        20. What laws and policies treat women like second class citizens? Every right I have you have and then you even get some exclusive rights since you’re female like reproduction rights and having to do less physical work in the armed forces ?? What were you talking about and please point out these laws

        21. Women are still paid much less than men for doing the same jobs. Until this changes, we have more work to do.

        22. As a veteran and a female, I’d really like to know what you are talking about when you make the claim that women do less physical work in the armed forces.
          Not once was I ever allowed to do less work than anyone else, nor was it expected of me or encouraged. I pulled my weight and the men around me respected me as an equal – not just a wide-ass private with tits. It seems you are the one making up a bunch of crap to focus ire at women for no reason. Back it up with facts or gtfo.

        23. And I talk to women every day who are sick of the bullshit on both sides – not just from feminism. The street goes both ways. Stop alienating or ignoring an entire cross section of the population for the sake of argument.

        24. Then by all means, stfu and get to fucking your hand and leave women out of your “best case scenarios”.

        25. Damien, I have read a lot of your comments and I think I can speak for the women on this thread that I think you should stop using logic and facts to support your arguments. It makes it really hard to debate when you have factual proof to back up your claims.

        26. For the most part, he sounds fairly misogynist to me, and any self-respecting woman would avoid men like him.

        27. If he is a misogynist, that’s his problem. For the most part, men are just growing increasingly tired of dealing with the hypocritical feminists.

        28. Of course you’d say feminism shouldn’t exist because you’re a man who obviously doesn’t care that your mother or sister or daughter have expectations placed upon them by men such as yourself that confine them to a narrow, shallow identity.

        29. Yeah, Damien, I think “us women” are too threatened by your use of facts and logic…Ha Ha! I think it’s great, honestly I think the feminists should get over it at this point. I see many “decent looking” females making MORE than men in many different industries. I can’t stand it…such hypocrites!
          Also, on a different note, I would like to point out the fact that women do get a pass during physical requirements in the military. They don’t have to run as fast, do as many sit-ups, push-ups etc (seeing as we’re built differently). I don’t know who you are if you claim to have served as a female and think you did the exact same standards as men. Maybe personally you did and that’s awesome! BUT the requirements/standards are much lower for women than men….That really upset me because I have a lot of family in the military and your statement couldn’t be further from the truth.
          Women are different from men, there are perks for each gender and we all need to just accept it. Many women with less exp will get jobs because they’re attractive. Sometimes a good looking young man will get the job over the more experienced older woman. These things are to be expected on both sides, I’m just over this argument, It’s so 1990. It’s 2013 and I think this society is pretty fair as a whole for men and women alike.

        30. Couldn’t be further from the truth…I’m all for women in the forces but please be honest. The standards are set lower for women during physical requirements. Let’s just face it, we’re built differently! I’m very grateful for your service and you probably were at the same level as your peer males, BUT that is not the standard set for females. That’s just the way it goes….

        31. Perhaps that’s because that’s not actually the case and it’s more false feminist rhetoric. My sister and mother happen to be anti-feminist, by the way.

        32. I agree, feminism shouldn’t exist…let’s get over it!! The only women that men confine to as being narrow and shallow are the ones that have no self respect (as described in the article). Respect yourself, value yourself and the men in your lives will too. 🙂

        33. So you’re telling me you did not reply to me 20 minutes or so ago that you expect women to be “feminine non-feminist women. Not feminists”? It’s in this discussion thread. Is that not a specific identity to which you’re confining women?

        34. It is a little alarming, I had 30 replies to my one sentence saying “Feminism means superior rights for women with none of the responsibility.” Every last one was the same old same old “Patriarchy this, feminism in the dictionary means EQUALITY for men and women, you’re uneducated educate yourself” crappy garbage.
          I do feel that yes, on average, women won’t be up to par physically with a man. Feminists don’t like to admit that. If they do admit it, then it’s a detail that becomes “unfair.” I saw a video I can’t find anymore because I can’t remember the name because it was in a foreign language, of a woman training and not being able to make it over the obstacles that the men could with ease. The men had to help her through everything. In a real battle situation she’d get those men killed. This is why I think women on the battlefield is a bad idea-men are hardwired to protect the women first and foremost and the enemy will take advantage of that to put a slug in the man’s brain while he’s looking over his shoulder to check on the woman. I have a lady friend training to be a firefighter, and I think that’s great and she appears to work out often. But I hope she doesn’t try to take on tasks that she just cannot do, e.g. if it happens that she can’t break down a door.
          Exactly this. We’re different, we each have our perks and disadvantages. I’m over it as well. that’s why I’m trying to wake up my generation (the current early 20s aged people) before they continue the royal screwing up of this country of our elders.

        35. I disagree, because even if we do value ourselves, those women who don’t cause problems for the rest of us. Stereotypes are perpetuated–stereotypes desired by men such as those on this site–and so women who value themselves are disrespected. They’re termed “bitches,” “control freaks,” and a number of other insults just because they’re not the submissive women men such as the ones who love this site desire. Those women who don’t value themselves need encouragement to change as well. So I’d say feminism is necessary.

        36. I disagree, because even if we do value ourselves, those women who don’t cause problems for the rest of us. Stereotypes are perpetuated–stereotypes desired by men such as those on this site–and so women who value themselves are disrespected. They’re termed “bitches,” “control freaks,” and a number of other insults just because they’re not the submissive women men such as the ones who love this site desire. Those women who don’t value themselves need encouragement to change as well. So I’d say feminism is necessary.

        37. Well the feminine non-feminist women are much more pleasant to be around than feminist women. I don’t “expect” any person to be anything. I’ll simply choose to interact and not interact at my discretion. Thankfully, my sister and mother happen to be in the more preferred category.

        38. Well the feminine non-feminist women are much more pleasant to be around than feminist women. I don’t “expect” any person to be anything. I’ll simply choose to interact and not interact at my discretion. Thankfully, my sister and mother happen to be in the more preferred category.

        39. Well there are feminists who are “feminine,” but have enough self-respect to stand up against men who degrade them. Again, maybe you should read a book or two on feminism so that you have a better understanding of what it’s all about, because clearly you have none.

        40. 25 here, and don’t get me wrong I’m not saying “women can’t do the same as men.” But I’m not into generalizing either. The majority of women are not built for certain obstacles in the forces, BUT, like I said before…there are certain women who are. A small petite young lady could definitely bulk up, put on some weight, train hard and be physically capable to do most/all requirements…but if they are not up to those requirements they should not be allowed to pass through…in no way, shape or form…I don’t want anyone to misunderstand the way I feel. If you are a man/woman and you can do the job justice then GOOD FOR YOU. That’s all I’m saying

        41. Okay, well sorry I can laugh at and take jokes…You are way too serious, way too serious….Don’t foster your anger on other women who aren’t like minded…Do you really think I agree with everything in the article?? No, but I think it’s hilarious to read what men think. Also, I am never called vulgar names because I am a respectable young lady. It’s really funny how quickly you put me in that class, when really you couldn’t be further from the truth. If you learned to not take what people “think” so seriously and quit trying to force your beliefs then maybe you wouldn’t be called a “bitch” so often…just a thought 😉

        42. I wasn’t talking about me or you. I was referring to what generally happens to powerful women by disrespectful men. When did it once seem like I was directly talking about you?

        43. By “physical work” are you meaning P.T.? And if you are meaning P.T. of course the standards are different for the very reasons you yourself stated – women and men being physically different.
          The bigger question remains – if men and women are physically different, why does the original commenter feel the need to use that as a “cop out” or point of contention as to why women in the military somehow have “exclusive rights” that are not equal to men?
          P.T. is not an indicator of ability to do physical work. It is an indicator of physical fitness and ability to do repetitive movements using large muscle groups simultaneously and the amount of physical endurance and stamina one has. It has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not a soldier can perform their job or do certain types of work.
          In all actuality, as a woman ages, she is required to do more and more repetitions of pushups and situps, and women’s situp requirement are at certain age brackets MORE than a male. Men have more upper body strength, thus are required to do more pushups because they CAN. How is that a special accommodation or privilege? It is obviously based on biological differences between the sexes.
          Physical limitations do not = exclusive rights. They are limitations – not rights. Let’s get our English a little more clear and concise if we are going to get our panties in a bunch over women having “exclusive rights”, particularly in the military where the playing field is pretty damn level, aside from “P.T.”. There are plenty of women in the military that will gladly run circles around the males, and vice versa.
          This battle of the sexes bullshit is seriously getting old and tedious.

        44. Trust me, if you truly respect yourself then you won’t have to worry what men think. An independent minded woman doesn’t care what a man thinks of her, that’s not to say that she doesn’t need a man or want one. I’m just saying, that if you TRULY respect yourself then you won’t care what one man thinks about women in general. That’s all I’m trying to convey. Just because a woman doesn’t speak out and Scream “woman power” doesn’t mean she’s submissive. Could you even IMAGINE what would happen if men got together in a group Masculismists!! or w/e they would be called and started griping about how unfair women are to them in certain ways…it’s just a headache to me, just an excuse to blame everyone for society. We earn our stay in this nation, it is what you make of it. We are all different in different ways, equality is unrealistic and naive in that sense.

        45. There are plenty of women who are tired of “feminism” so you couldn’t be more wrong. Men are a different creature, you can’t change them! They’re perverted by nature and sarcastic at heart. If you can’t understand that then just turn lesbian??? yeah, that’s a good choice!

        46. “Whoever wrote this article clearly believes they are superior to women…” she wrote, using technology built by men, on hardware designed by men, brought to you on a truck driven by men, driven on roads built and planned by men….

        47. I agree that it is important for a woman not to care what men think of her, but all I’m trying to clear is the ignorance on what it means to be a feminist. And a group of “masculismists” would be unnecessary because heterosexual men who hold onto the stereotypes of femininity and masculinity and see no in-between are already a part of the oppressive group. Feminism isn’t just about women either–it considers men as well, and the idea that they should not be confined to what is considered a stereotypically masculine identity. Read about it.

        48. 1. There is a lot of controversy around men and women being different in other ways than physical differences. And even that is inaccurate because there are so many different types of men and women in the world.
          2. The differences because men and women do not have to be “stereotypes”- they can be differences, and I prefer to think of it as differences in humans, not sexes.
          3. There are a lot of issues with identifying qualities and traits as ones that only women have in a negative light. The fact that you even said the statement “what women do” means you have not thought any of this through. “Women” are not all of one brain, “women” make up 51% of the population in the world- that’s a lot of minds, habits, and traits. You can’t possibly say that all women even have one thing in common, because I promise you there will always be exceptions to that rule.
          4. I am a woman, there are a lot of things on that list that I don’t do. Where did all this woman-hating come from? This society, although it prides itself on being productive and forward-thinking, has a lot of work to do when it comes to ACCEPTANCE not hatred of people who are different than YOU. No one is the same- no matter what identity they have. There are no clear cut rules on how to be a woman, and honestly there should never being anyone laying out the reasons women should be shamed. That is disrespectful to women and their agency and independence.
          Oh- and for the record, I’ve been saying men should take birth control for a while, not because women aren’t responsible enough to take a pill (and for those women who are more forgetful, because taking a pill EVERYDAY at the same time is difficult if you have anything else going on in your life, there are alternatives like nuva ring and the IUD), but because pregnancy is not just the issue of the woman, but both parties involved. Having birth control only for women takes all responsibility off the man when it comes to pregnancy- which is not fair. Takes two to tango.

        49. We are different, because all humans are different. Very rarely are the women centric traits celebrated, especially in this thread. There is a lot of woman hating. And it’s making me sick. Women are still oppressed in this world- as seen by the ability of all the men on here to feel they have solid points in critiquing women in general.
          I still fear rape, sexual assault, and I face street harassment and degrading comments almost on a daily basis. From men. Those are hate crimes against women.
          I think instead of fighting to much about why women and feminists are just complaining a lot…you should maybe take a step back and realize that being a woman in this country makes you appear as walking sex- and the implications of that. People feel very comfortable talking about a woman’s body and her rights and how she has it easy. There are women’s reproductive laws so that women’s bodies can be controlled! In a perfect world, there would be no laws concerning a woman’s body because her body is her own! Her government should not be dictating what she does with it! Jeez people wake up.

        50. hmmm is that because women were too busy making sure those man had dinner to eat, clothes to wear, a clean place to live? more women are becoming engineers and such as more women enter the work force. the technology you’re describing is mostly originated from the early 1900’s to the 1960’s. The fact that you just said proves the point that women are kept out of industries, not that men are the only ones who are able to build these things.

        51. If women want equality, then surely they should be required to sign up for selective services. Isn’t this logical?

        52. Feminism has a lot more to do than just getting respect from the immediate men in your life. Women are misrepresented politically, economically, and socially. Have you ever been cat called? Harassed? assaulted? No matter how much you respect yourself, there are still men who don’t respect you because youre a woman. A lot of men in this world see women as sex.
          Also- the men in your life, although you respect yourself, still might not be trustworthy, as seen in the overwhelming statistics that support date rape (rape committed by a close friend or loved one) as being the highest form of rape. period. There is a bigger struggle here. Stop hating on feminists.
          Another note- there are hundreds of different types of feminists, the ones who are most widely hated are radical feminsts, because they are the loudest. I love all feminists, because I believe in feminism, although I might not agree with all feminists, I still am a feminist. Feminist means something different to every feminist, because it is a personal realization. This society is just not ready for women who can go against the grain and speak their mind. Look into it more, don’t just repeat what you hear from other people. Feminism is awesome.

        53. feminism is more than just caring what men think of you. It’s caring about what men do to you. Whether or not you respect yourself. And just because we’re all different doesn’t mean we can’t be equal. That’s silly.

        54. I wish you would stop trying to be the “cool girl” who laughs at all this bull shit. you are clearly smart. Not laughing at stupid sexist jokes doesn’t make you “too serious” it means you have taste in your humor. I find those jokes to be exhausting and unoriginal, and I am a comedic feminist.

        55. If you percieve what you read here as women hating that makes you sick, then stop reading it. Click the X, close the tab. It’s that simple. That’s like me going to Jezebel and complaining that they make me sick with how much they bash men.
          Rape and harassment are not exclusive actions from a male to a woman, so stop acting like they are. Today’s men are not taught to respect women, and that is yet another negative effect of feminism. That also does not count as a “Hate crime.” This is the problem with privileged feminists-you’ve never experienced any real struggle so you have no sense of real adversity.
          I’m not “fighting” anybody. I’m simply refusing to compromise from speaking the truth.

          “There are women’s reproductive laws so that women’s bodies can be controlled!”

          More feminist self-centeredness. First, the hypocrisy-I bet you have no problem with men paying for your birth control. That’s controlling men’s bodies against their will. Next, a baby is not “your” body. 99% of abortions are out of pure irresponsibility and no other causes, and this has not changed since 1989.
          Men have no rights. Men that want to do the right thing and assume responsibility for their child can still lose the child to abortion. Men that want to do the deadbeat thing and not take care of the child, are not allowed to sign away their rights to the child. At least if a man doesn’t want to take care of a child, the child doesn’t end up dead.
          So it’s only your body? It’s only your choice? Then it’s only your responsibility. There are around 7 if not more methods of birth control for women these days and yet Planned Parenthood still killed over 300,000 kids last year. In 2013 there is no excuse for that, none whatsoever.
          I’ve already woken up, and I’m never sleeping again.

        56. You’re asking feminists to be logical. Logical would’ve been to ignore this website instead of spreading it everywhere.

        57. Right, it’s so horrible when men degrade women. But it’s completely fine for feminists to declare men useless and unneeded.
          It’s clear you have no understanding of the lies you’ve been sold. I understand full well what modern feminism is all about, and I don’t like what I see.

        58. Right, go out there and protest that you should have the right never to be shamed for paternity fraud, not being responsible for your own birth control, and leeching from taxpayers.

        59. Lady Macbeth Purple Penguin
          • 2 days ago−
          That’s disgusting, degrading, and I pray that you never procreate to raise a child who may post similar degrading comments.

          LOL. Pretty rich coming from someone who actually killed a child.

        60. I’m a woman, though I believe if women want equal “rights,” they don’t get to pick and choose which ones benefit them the most and call it “fair.” On another note of equal rights, father’s should have more say than they have on the issue of what happens to their children.

        61. This argument is awful. Having a legal right does not mean you do not have something to fight for. When my core is shaken by the way I am treated by a man or expected to behave because I am a women that tells me feminism is still necessary. And when I am cat called while riding my bike, have my butt touched by the person next to me on a bus, or told I have nice boobs by strangers…feminism still needs to exist. When a guy tells me that I can’t cut my hair because I’m a woman, or that I shouldn’t enjoy wonderful sex because I’m a woman, or that I should be a better housewife because I’m a woman….feminism still needs to exist. So the fact that it’s 2014 means nothing. If we still think that masculinity is still a reason to be dominant, strongER, toughER, and walking around like you’ve had sex since you were 10 than feminism still needs to exists. It affects men too. Feminism is for equality for all genders, not to help women get rights according to the law (although of course legal protections are part of it).

        62. My father or brother or son has expectations placed on him by “[wo]men such as yourself” that he should sacrifice his happiness and freedom at the altar of “womanhood”. That he should deny his competutive and aggressive nature as a man and subvert his desires for sex. That he’s taught that his implulses as a boy to be rowdy and rambunctious are wrong. That sticking up to bullies using the only way that works – fighting back – is wrong. For what purpose? The illusion of “equality” or the goal of “pleasing women”?
          You women are the uckiest generation owo!en EVER. Equality, reproductive freedom, advantage before the law, and it’s STILL not enough. It’s almost as if you won’t stop until all women (whether deserving or not, by mere dint of having xx chromosomes) are placed on a pedastal and men are a subservient sub-race fit for nothing more than brute labour.
          You women can choose to be anything you want, and you choose to be “like the boys.”
          Meanwhile, men have the same choices we’ve always had: we can go to work, we can go to war, or we can go to jail.

        63. ” And when I am cat called while riding my bike”
          How horrible. You’re on a bike. Keep riding away.
          “have my butt touched by the person next to me on a bus”
          A legitimate complaint. Tell the bus driver and have him thrown out. you don’t need feminism for this. Some people are terrible people.
          “or told I have nice boobs by strangers”
          So what? It’s a compliment. Keep walking. And, these strangers are probably doing this because lewd comments like these worked on other women. thanks to what? feminism.
          All in all, yet more privileged little girl whining.

        64. They’re obviously saying men view women as sexual objects, but they shouldn’t. Its not rocket science is it. You’re just picking at words and missing the meaning,

        65. Oh man. I actually work in HR and I have to, at least monthly, tell a male supervisor that he can’t refuse to interview a candidate because she’s female. Seriously had this conversation two weeks ago. It would certainly be nice if there was nothing left to protest, but I’ve seen first hand that people still try to treat others unequally.

        66. Women should be able to ride bikes without being harassed. Riding on isn’t going to prevent it from happening again and again.
          This misogynist culture that you are perpetuating makes men do terrible things like touching women without their consent, and it is for that that feminism is needed. Telling the bus driver isn’t going to prevent it from happening again.
          Saying that someone has nice boobs may be intended as a compliment but it is inconsiderate and sexualizing. It doesn’t matter if that line worked with other girls before in other contexts. All men need to know that it is isn’t always welcome.
          All in all, you’re an ignorant dude making up shitty excuses for your shitty worldview and for others’ shitty behaviour.

        67. domestic violence, rape, abuse, sexual assault, harassment on a daily basis from men, dirty looks, men trying to grab my arse like its their right. What world are you living in, if you think what you are saying. Just because you’re not on the receiving end of all the inequality and hurt that men cause, even just by their general attitude towards women, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Open your eyes to the real world, and stop submitting yourself to conditioning causing you to hold your distorted views

        68. hah, I should be taking explanations and distortions of my point from “wherearealltherealmen.” Yeah ok!

        69. And men should be able to raise families without getting kicked out the house. Yet it happens. Why? because people suck.
          No, it is feminism that caused disrespect for women in the first place. How often do you think it really happens? You sound like one of those alarmist “There’s a rapist around every corner” feminists. Stuff it. That won’t work on me.
          “inconsiderate and sexualizing”
          “lewd comments” – Hence the word “lewd.” I already pointed this out. You’re not telling me something I don’t already know. My point was that aside from the middle one-you know, where her personal space was violated and not just her fragile womanly feelings, that she was complaining about lame crap. I’m so glad we live in such a prosperous country where a woman’s biggest fear can be some asshole man saying some rude shit to her.
          As for not always welcome; if it’s not welcome, which it shouldn’t be, then ignore the guy. Again, some people suck. Let them continue to suck and go about your business. You’ll never see them again. Life sucks sometimes, build a bridge and get over it.
          And all in all, you’re an ignorant white knight who misinterpreted everything I had to say. I didn’t make any excuses for these men. I pointed out that they had shitty behavior, and I pointed out the root cause of these shit behaviors. You just don’t like what I had to say about said root cause. Now go “rescue” another maiden.

        70. Hey, Stacy Marie. Quick question for you: What sex do you think the requirements to join the military were based on?

        71. Again, these things happen because people suck. Protect yourself and stop playing victim. You don’t need feminism for that, you need feminism if you just want to whine and complain about shit all the time instead of taking actions. My eyes are very much opened, thank you very much. You are the one suffering from liberal feminist conditioning.

        72. Women have nothing to protest? What about pink collar jobs, being paid less than men, or having to live up to incredibly ridiculous standards by men?
          Also, doesn’t anybody remember Steubenville, where one girl was drugged and raped at multiple parties? That’s a pretty good example of something women are working to stop and a reason to protest.

        73. It’s not just that *some* people suck. You also suck. A *lot* of guys suck. And that *shouldn’t* be the case.
          You don’t get to say how much disrespect should be considered tolerable for a woman. Not getting beat up while pregnant is a pretty low standard that you set for a woman to be happy. How about not getting harassed on the street on a regular basis. You’re privileged in that it doesn’t happen to you yet *you* whine about others mentioning that it happens.
          Feminism isn’t the root cause of these shitty behaviours. Disrespect for people in general is more at the root. Misogyny is more at the root.
          I’m not here to rescue anyone. I’m just giving you some push-back because you keep on spewing the same old tired shit as if you’re making any valid points while dismissing anyone who disagrees with you by making personal attacks.

        74. “You also suck.”
          Thank you. I don’t want to be admired by a liberal mangina.
          Why are only the males the problem? A lot of women suck too, that also should not be the case. But I’m a misogynist if I say the exact same thing you did, except replace the word “men” with “women.”
          Why do you care about my opinions? Your white-knighting will be more welcome on tumblr. Not here. I’m not on tumblr. Get to stepping.
          But if you wont-I never said those things weren’t disrespectful. I never even said it was tolerable. I said she should ignore them instead of playing victim. You also don’t get to control what I can or can’t decide. I’m my own person. When I say she should quit playing victim, I’m saying she should, not telling her to. You can’t tell me what to do.

          Not getting beat up while pregnant is a pretty low standard that you set for a woman to be happy.

          LOLOL. You can NOT seriously be this much of ditz. Must’ve picked up being dizzy from a feminist. Anyway; Number 1, I wasn’t setting a woman’s happiness standard. That was not the point. The point was that she was complaining about words and saying we need feminism because of words, where actual crimes are happening elsewhere in this country. Number 2; In your white-knight quest to only focus on the wrong doings of men, you purposefully ignored the fact that it was two women who beat up this pregnant woman. Yet, this woman is such a delicate flower that she can’t handle being offended. Her only complaint that I take seriously is when she said she was groped; yet again, feminism is not the answer to curbing that. But if it is, what exactly about feminism would stop this man from feeling her up?
          Number 3. Wow. You actually implied that men being verbal douchebags to a woman is somehow worse than women beating up a pregnant woman. Otherwise you wouldn’t have dismissed it and immediately followed it with that statement as you did.
          Harassment is not a woman-only problem. Kids are bullied in school. Men are raped in prison. Terrible things happen to people. Women are not the only people who need to be protected, and they certainly don’t need to be protected mainly from being *gasp* offended.
          “You’re privileged in that it doesn’t happen to you yet *you* whine about others mentioning that it happens.”
          Point out any whining I’ve done. You can’t. I’ve said that she’s whining, because she is. You’re a real simp. What a sucker.
          “Feminism isn’t the root cause of these shitty behaviours. Disrespect for people in general is more at the root. Misogyny is more at the root.”
          Again, STOP trying to push this crap on men. That is not the case. Feminism bred both modern misandry and modern misogyny, end of. The worst misogyny comes from the feminists themselves. I’ve already gone through this and I’m not going through it again.
          I’m spewing the same old tired shit? You’re full of shit. I’m just calling it as I see it. If I’m insulting, good. That’s what you get for insulting me. You wouldn’t be getting “dismissed” if you’d stop saying retarded shit. But if you keep coming at me, I’ll either ignore you for want of better things to do, or I’ll keep shutting you down.

        75. If they want to work pink collar jobs, it is their right.


          ^That too. Drop the “unequal pay” meme. It’s tired.
          Oh you mean like the ridiculous standards set by women on plenty of fish with like 5 kids and are like 40 pounds overweight, yet still expect a tall dark handsome actor. Yeah, men do this too, before you say it, but if I never brought this up you’d ignore it in your world of “men are the only bad people.” and I’m not even making this up, just try and run any search and you’ll get the entitlement complex of today’s liberal women in a nutshell.
          Yes, what happened to the girl at steubenville was terrible. Feminism is not the solution to end this.
          On the other side of the coin, men are getting sent to jail behind false rape accusations. Some of them get lucky and avoid it, but they have to live with the stigma for the rest of their life. See; Praise Martin-Oguike. Stop acting like everything bad only ever happens to women.

        76. If you’re calling it as you see it then you’re blind. Insulting isn’t good. It is lame. How did I insult you?
          I’m not pushing anything on men and you don’t need to take it personally. I’m criticising the ATTITUDE that MANY men have towards other people, PARTICULARLY women. It doesn’t make sense to say that misogyny comes from feminists.
          A woman should be allowed to say how she’s oppressed by men without a man complaining that she is saying that. THAT is how YOU are whining.
          You said, “She’s whining about getting catcalled. I saw a video of two women beating up a pregnant woman. Compared to that, she sounds like she has a pretty privileged life.”
          I wasn’t saying that getting verbally harassed was worse
          than getting physically assaulted. You seem to feel she should feel privileged for not getting beaten up (by anyone of ANY sex) while you yourself don’t have to worry about being beaten p on a regular basis OR verbally harassed.
          Yes, a lot of people get harassed but this is a discussion about a specific kind. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s unfairly dismissing other kinds.
          I care about your opinions because there are others who also care about your opinions, but for the wrong reasons, and they use those reasons and your opinions to make others just as miserable as they are and as you are. This makes for a shitty world.
          I don’t hope to change to change your mind, but at least my words here are on the record for others to see, to show that what you say is bullshit and that no one should stand for your nonsense.
          If you had a daughter and you walked with her down the street and some guy howled at her would you just tell her to ignore them and walk on? What if he said she had nice boobs? Would you be a proud papa for that and say, “that’s my girl!” Seriously.

        77. No, I’d beat their asses first. Then I’d tell her to ignore them. If she gives them a rise, they win. It’s that simple. I’d teach her to not be a victim.
          And, in case you missed my edit;
          Jess Kay2
          (…) As a female anti-feminist, I have been called every name in the book and harassed by feminists. So much for advocating for women. Feminists claim they want women to have the right to choose, just not to choose to oppose feminism.
          Women should be free from disrespectful comments from men? Start in your own ranks and tell feminists to quit disrespecting female anti-feminists. You know, for “equality.”

        78. Actions speak louder than words. It bothers you when it happens to someone you care about who isn’t you. Imagine what it would be like if it happens to you. That’s what women go through every day.
          What the hell is a female anti-feminist? Is that like a slave who doesn’t realize that they are a slave?

        79. yeah. ‘Luckiest generation of women ever’. Something fucked up with my tablet when it posted….

        80. Hahahahahaha “women have nothing to protest”.
          Did you just read the same article I did? Dude, women have to deal with dipshits like you and other men all day every day.
          Women can’t walk around at night or be too drunk in public because some fuck might rape her.
          Women are sexually objectified in popular culture and media, and portrayed as fuckin holes and moaning animals in porn.
          Women are taught from a very young age to hate other women and serve men.
          Women are seriously at the bottom of the fucking food chain – you might have a harder time being black, disabled, mentally ill, LGBT, or some other minority that had to deal with dipshits all day every day, too. But women have it pretty shit a lot of the time too.
          Have you read the world news lately? I mean are you fucking living under a fucking rock?
          I don’t even want to go on. Have you even fucking been with a woman, ever? Did you have a fucking mom? Shit’s tough, man. Get a life.

        81. Being a feminist means you believe in equal rights for both genders. If you are not a feminist, I feel sorry for any female in your life.

        82. I know that this is a beaten, dead horse but I would like to reiterate that feminism means gender equality. I know that it’s a lot of people’s opinion that feminism is not necessary or needed any more because apparently things are “as good as they’re going to get.” That is a very western centric mindset. While law is for the most part equal for both genders in the United States, other countries still don’t give women the equal rights feminists fight for.
          Feminism in the United States is less about changing laws to favor women and more about combatting gender discrimination in society. I think we’ve come to the conclusion that, though present, laws do not rule our lives and do not fully encompass gender discrimination. Somewhere on this thread street harassment was mentioned. Incidents like women having their breasts/butts grabbed by strangers and having things yelled like “Nice ass” yelled at them. Despite how benign it may seem, it is actually a problem that we should be dealing with. Incidents like these are often dismissed as normal when they’re not only terrible but also a crime. Yeah, I’m not even kidding, grabbing someone’s ass can be defined as sexual assault which can land ten years in prison.
          The verbal incidents are usually met with “ignore it” “shake it off” “don’t be so sensitive. The same is said about bullying but it is actively fought against in schools and referred to as harassment in more professional settings.
          A lot of what feminism comes down to is that women feel threatened by men. But not threatened professionally, not feeling like their “privileges” will be taken away, and not unable to acknowledge that men and women both have their contrasting pluses and minuses.
          Women feel physically threatened by men. And with fairly good reason. To put this into perspective
          What do men fear most when approaching a woman? Likely that they’ll be reject, laughed at, humiliated.
          When a woman is approached by a man her biggest fears are that she’ll be raped, killed, or raped and killed.
          Why do women not like comments like “Damn, girl, you’re sexy.” thrown her way despite the fact that they’re compliments is that the people that give them expect something in return. That the flattery should be received well and the woman in question should appreciate them for it. The majority of the time women just try and walk away, ignoring it entirely because they want to get where they’re going and out of threatening environments (not just by being out alone, but by being approached by harassers in cars). When this happens men get insulted by not getting the thanks (or phone number) they feel they deserve by giving the comment. They get angry at the women and it usually takes the form of calling the woman an bitch or a cunt. Which is insulting, threatening, and actual harassment.
          Even without the angry responses, street harassment can be terrible. Girls as young as nine be propositioned for sex. Threats of rape being treated as humorous. One girl was walking home at night when she was approached by a car with several men in it. They drove slowly next to her while she walked and yelled the chant “we will rock you” replacing “rock” with “fuck”. People underestimate the effect these things have on people and the emotional trauma and fear they cause.
          Feminism fights for gender equality because women should be able to walk down a street without fear of being harassed for the sole crime of being a woman by herself.

        83. Women actually don’t have equal rights under the American constitution. The amendent (first written in 1923) still hasn’t been ratified. So technically women are 2nd class citizens legally in the US.
          I would like to say that I also get really pissed off when women who call themselves feminists are actually man-haters, as that really isn’t what it is about.
          You say that people aren’t allowed to decide what you say, but there are some things that shouldn’t be said, and are completely hypocritical. To ignore them is to in a way condone them. I feel like Tuthmosis, from his articles, thinks of women as worth less than men, and this article alone has 17,000 likes on Facebook, so to ignore it isn’t really gonna help anyone.

        84. Quote: “I do feel that yes, on average, women won’t be up to par physically with a man. Feminists don’t like to admit that.”
          And that’s why many of them become really, really PHAT: so they can smother any man under their sheer mass to balance out their superior strength 🙂

        85. “Women can’t walk around at night or be too drunk in public because some fuck might rape her.”
          Men can’t walk around at night because they might get shot. Men can’t be too drunk in public because they might get robbed. Men have to avoid going to jail for a crime they didn’t commit because they might get raped. Children can’t talk to strange people they don’t know because bad things will likely happen. All this means is people have to exercise caution. Women are not receiving special bad treatment for being women.
          “Women are sexually objectified in popular culture and media, and portrayed as fuckin holes and moaning animals in porn.”
          Popular culture/media-that’s the job the woman signed up for, to be looked upon as desirable. If it was an ugly woman on screen, you’d still pitch a bitch about them being portrayed as unwanted.
          Also, it’s amazing you said this when I pointed out in the post of mine that you replied to, that by feminists implying that men who think differently from them don’t get laid, implies that women are merely sex objects for men that say the right things to turn them on. That’s pretty damn sexist.
          Porn-… ok, this is porn we’re talking about. Really? That’s your big complaint of injustice? You may as well complain about having to use your eyes to read. This is just… stupid. Men that watch porn watch porn precisely so that they can see a “fuckin hole” and a “moaning animal.”
          “Women are taught from a very young age to hate other women and serve men.”
          You know who teaches women to hate other women? Women. Surprise, surprise. Also, if women are to “serve” men, then name some examples of what this “servitude” entails. I’ll wait.
          “Women are seriously at the bottom of the fucking food chain – you might have a harder time being black, disabled, mentally ill, LGBT, or some other minority that had to deal with dipshits all day every day, too. But women have it pretty shit a lot of the time too.”
          Oh really? Women are at the bottom of the food chain? I guess that’s why I never see women in management positions when I leave the house, why I never see women cops, women politicians, I must be imagining my mother going to work every morning. Women outnumber men, so no, they are not a minority. The victim-playing. Cut it out.
          “Have you read the world news lately? I mean are you fucking living under a fucking rock?”
          Well, clearly you are. I don’t know how you got internet access from under the rock, but I’m pretty sure a man had to do it for you.
          “I don’t even want to go on. Have you even fucking been with a woman, ever? Did you have a fucking mom? Shit’s tough, man. Get a life.”
          I thought you droned on long enough too. The women that I know in real life don’t complain about stupid shit. No I don’t, I magically got here by myself. Like I said, I imagine seeing my mother going to work every morning like the bottom rung of the food chain she is.
          By the way, telling me to “get a life” is pretty rich coming from somebody talking on a comment thread in the same exact manner that I have been. It’s also pretty rich coming from someone who’s so concerned about someone else’s opinion.
          One last time.

        86. No it doesn’t. And no, I’m not a feminist. If you feel sorry for women in my life, then how sorry do you feel for women who aren’t feminists? Do you call them decidedly un-feminist slurs like “cunt,” too? Sure are proving that whole “feminism is so totally about equal rights*” thing.
          *Fine print; Unless you’re a male or female that doesn’t support feminism and the breakdown it’s caused and is continuing to cause in this country, then you can fuck off. And if you’re an anti-feminist woman, you’re a slutty whore.
          Because I’m not going to repeat myself.

        87. “I know that this is a beaten, dead horse but I would like to reiterate that feminism means gender equality. “

          If you know that, then why did you repeat it anyway? I will also repeat anyway that daily, feminists show that the opposite is true.

          “That is a very western centric mindset. While law is for the most part equal for both genders in the United States, other countries still don’t give women the equal rights feminists fight for.”

          I know that. That sucks, but I’m not in those other countries, I’m here where the feminists act like they’re so oppressed here when clearly, the rest of the world shows otherwise. Apparently, the feminists here don’t care either.

          “Feminism in the United States is less about changing laws to favor women and more about combatting gender discrimination in society.”

          Pot, meet reality. This is a pro-liberalism source, so you’ll probably listen to this.

          ” Incidents like women having their breasts/butts grabbed by strangers and having things yelled like “Nice ass” yelled at them.”

          The former is bad and the men who do that should get some type of punishment.(Although, I do have a theory that in most cases, whether this is actually bad or not depends on how attracted the woman is to the man doing it) The latter? Mostly an annoyance. Yes, I do think a woman should just ignore incidents like the latter. Stewing over it isn’t going to stop it from happening. Telling men not to do this isn’t going to stop it from happening, it’s a common sense thing not to do. That’s like saying banning guns will suddenly make criminals stop carrying them.

          “Women feel physically threatened by men. And with fairly good reason. To put this into perspective
          What do men fear most when approaching a woman? Likely that they’ll be reject, laughed at, humiliated.
          When a woman is approached by a man her biggest fears are that she’ll be raped, killed, or raped and killed.”

          And why is this? Because there are some women who grow up thinking they’re entitled princesses, that think it’s ok to do things such as be rude to a guy just for talking to them, or give them their number whether they asked for it or not just to ignore them when they call or answer just to laugh at them and hang up, or to agree to go on a date with them then flake on it without telling them from the start they already had a boyfriend. And why are women afraid of men? Because the feminists told them to be afraid of men. Although this gets a bit confusing when some women choose obvious dregs of society to mate with.
          I highly doubt every single person who gives a compliment expects something in return. If they do, then just don’t give that something to them if you don’t want to. You’re not obligated to. Women don’t have a monopoly on verbal harassment; women give it to men too.

          “Girls as young as nine be propositioned for sex.”

          Chris Brown just revealed that when he was eight, a fourteen year old girl “had sex” with him. Where’s your outrage for when this happens to boys too? Again, feminists do not care about men and boys in addition to caring about women and girls.

          ” One girl was walking home at night when she was approached by a car with several men in it. They drove slowly next to her while she walked and yelled the chant “we will rock you” replacing “rock” with “fuck”.”

          That’s terrible. She can avoid this in the future by not walking home at night. It’s that simple. If you live in a bad area, don’t be outside at night.

          “Feminism fights for gender equality because women should be able to walk down a street without fear of being harassed for the sole crime of being a woman by herself.”

          Yeah well, men should be able to not get arrested and removed from his home solely on a woman’s word for the sole crime of being a man, but we can’t get everything we want, now can we?

        88. Ok, I agree the equal rights amendment should be ratified. That means women be required to sign up for selective services. This means women start going to jail at the same rate as men for not paying child support. This means women stop receiving welfare for having a bunch of kids they don’t want to take personal responsibility for.
          Then, please start telling these women this. They sure aren’t acting like they don’t hate men (as well as other women).
          It’s called 1st amendment. Now THAT is ratified.
          I don’t care how Tuthmosis feels. He’s his own person and he is not my problem nor concern.

        89. Well, until recently women weren’t even allowed on the front lines. So it would be silly to put them in the draft, since most of the fighting would be on the front lines if there was a draft (which there probably will never be again). And men would be more likely to pass the physical examinations than women. It’s just a fact that men are stronger and faster than women, usually. I’m not saying that’s always the case. So having drafted women do the exams and not pass would be a big waste of time and money.

        90. also, women are more needed at the home, to take care of children, then men. I certainly agree that women are physically inferior to men because, biologically, they are meant to raise children, and the men protect the children and mother. So drafting them would not be a good idea, and like you said, April, few would pass the exams.

        91. both genders leech from taxpayers, and both genders pay taxes. you clearly aren’t convincing anyone to stop being a feminist, so why do you still struggle? Women and men, i think, should have complete equality, even in child-support, birth control, assault cases, everything. I don’t understand why this is so difficult for you to grasp. Feminism is about resisting oppression and disrespect and about equality. Some people take it to the extreme and think that women deserve special privileges, but that isn’t what real feminists think. Women are still unequal to men in our county, however we have much greater equality than many other counties, like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and many others. Feminism fights for women’s rights around the world, not just whining in our own country. In our own country, though, women are unequal in what they can wear. In almost all state, women still cannot be topless at a beach, while men can. If a women exposes her breasts, she is arrested for indecency, while a man can keep on walking (or sitting, whatever).
          Also, your argument about how a women who is sexually assaulted or told a rude comment should shrug it off? Why can’t we have boys taught that that is rude and we can discourage it? I would probably just go away from that person, and just ignore them, unless they continued to pursue me after I refuse them, in which case further action would be necessary, but that doesn’t mean society should accept it and let things like that just slide.

        92. I don’t really care if you want to be a feminist or not. That’s me responding to people trying to convince ME to be feminist.
          “Also, your argument about how a women who is sexually assaulted or told a rude comment should shrug it off? Why can’t we have boys taught that that is rude and we can discourage it?”
          No, because groping is sexual harassment, not sexual assault, and women should not shrug off either. Rude comments are a whole other issue, as they’re just words. And in kind, why can’t we teach girls it’s not ok to hit boys as well as it’s not ok for boys to hit girls? Girls grow up thinking it’s ok to hit boys because they know they won’t hit them back. Feminists don’t care.

        93. Actually, it has absolutely everything to do with whether or not a ‘soldier’ (or sailor, Marine, and airman) can perform their job and do certain types of work.
          There is a reason there is such a huge debate about permitting women to enter into combat arms MOSs and Special Operations: The potential for star-level officers to enforce a lowering of standards in order to make a (untrue) political statement to Congress about ‘equity’ between the sexes is miles high. Stupid decisions like that get people killed, and the military is the last place on Earth to conduct that sort of social experiment.
          I don’t give two squats about if a girl can ‘run miles’ around some men in the military. That proves nothing other than there are some slow-ass fucking men in the service.
          A quick look at this chart for one service branch soundly demonstrates the physical expectations disparity between the sexes.
          That is a 3-minute differential between minimum and max run scores between the sexes. Women aren’t even required to do pull-ups (this has changed, with their maximum being -8- to men’s 20). If you agree that the standards are lower for a reason, then there is no basis for opening up MOSs to women whose physical standards are significantly higher than the average -male- standard.

        94. Did you come from the future?! Next year there will be no need for feminism?! That is fantastic! Because in 2013 there is still rape, misogyny and inequality, so obviously and unfortunately we still need feminism.

        95. There’s still murder too. There’s still robbery too. There’s still gambling. There’s still baby-killing-er I mean, abortion too.
          So yes, we need FEMINISM to solve every one of these problems.
          I’m rolling my eyes at you. Feminism has ruined this country.

        96. both sexes screw up (no pun intended). Societies Idea of both sexes is screwed up. We all know in our gut what we’re doing wrong in our lives. Karma will show you if your gut doesn’t. It’s up to us to correct it. If we all go about living our lives making excuses and pointing the finger at others, none of this is going to get any better. It’s casting blame and avoiding our own shortcomings. No one is perfect, but we are all responsible for how we live our lives.

        97. I agree about the battle of the sexes getting old and yes I was talking about the PT but guess what you get paid the same, but go through less for the same job which is unfair feminist have advocated that women can do the same as any other man and sometimes better which seems to be false especially when it comes to physical work. Yes we are different but it’s nonsense when you get to do less but when a guy does more than you he still doesn’t make the cut and that right there is completely unfair if you’re suppose to be regarded as an equal, but require a handicap and excuse to cut it then you’re not an equal. It’s the same reasons why I required all of my wrestlers to put in enough work and effort regardless of gender.P.S you’re not running circles around someone when there’s an area you clearly don’t cut it in you’re just excelling until you get to that point where you fall behind

        98. sorry you’re an idiot, that doesn’t prove that women were kept out of anything it just shows they for the most part were absent in those areas. By using your logic I can say that men are being kept out of teaching, nursing and baby sitting jobs from the lack of male presence in these fields. People make choices that can be reflected by numbers not the other way around..smh

        99. Sweetie you’re an idiot, you don’t feel safe huh? well neither do I and that doesn’t make me oppressed it makes insecure everything you just said the same can be said for a man but realistically an ugly women or ugly men aren’t as vulnerable as attractive men and women. No man want’s to make a sex object out of an ugly women. The government shouldn’t dictate what you do with your body huh well then you shouldn’t dictate when a man can becomes a father whether he likes it or not or forced to pay child support for kids that aren’t his. The crazy thing is I believe you mean well, but wake up there are plenty of issues men have to deal with which are unfair and you or your feminist buddies don’t care to do anything to help us cause we are men which I believe you guys call sexism but you don’t care cause it’s against men. You see my point? sorry about the idiot comment it’s nothing personal

        100. I agree 100%, some of the toughest women I ever met were cheerleaders in college now compare that to an Olympic athlete. Women can do more there just seems to be a lot of excuses why they cant

        101. he never aid he did, but there are a lot of women here speaking for all women did you ask them that question yet?

        102. You know it’s funny because you make men out to be horrible as oppose to people. People disrespect people so why aren’t you advocating better behavior from both genders as oppose to one because we do know that women can be horrible people as well

        103. I’m not sure how you can read this list and honestly not think there’s anything left to protest.

        104. ..In other words, kind of proving the commenter’s point that there ARE things left to protest about, because women haven’t historically been able to work or contribute for most of recorded history – and even those women who did have been written out. For example, did you know that the first computer algorithm ever made was written by a woman? That a woman was the one who discovered what the sun and other stars are made of? That a woman discovered radioactivity? Probably not, since history writes out all of their contributions and people like you continue to perpetuate the myth that women will never and have never done anything.

        105. I could give you at least half a dozen different extremely important discoveries made by women who had their contributions completely wiped out of history because of their sex.

        106. That’s because of the ridiculous assumption that women are weak and belong in the kitchen popping out babies, not out doing important things which are cleeeearly better left to stronger, smarter men.

        107. Did you actually just compare men “being forced to pay for birth control” (like it’s only men who pay taxes and not women too) to forcing a woman to carry and give birth to a child?
          Well, you heard it, guys. Paying taxes for men is literally just as bad as forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term.

        108. Noticed you didn’t say anything about the GUY trying to speak for all women on here, though.

        109. This comment: a dude literally saying that women who are on welfare with children are awful, but not thinking it’s awful that the father abandoned them and refuses to take responsibility for his own children, forcing the mother to have to go on welfare in the first place.

        110. How often do you think it happens? Well, let me put it this way. I live in Canada, where it isn’t as big of a problem, and leave my house on average about twice a week to go to night school. Despite that, the last time I was sexually harassed in public was less than two months ago. TWO MONTHS. I LEAVE MY HOUSE TWICE A WEEK FOR FOUR HOURS AT A TIME FROM 6 – 10 PM. Imagine how much worse it is for women who have to leave their house every day. Go ask your mom, your sister, your girlfriend, your female friends whether they’ve ever been cat-called, groped, raped, molested, stalked, or had men make inappropriate sexual comments or unwanted advanced towards them. I guarantee you that every single one of them will say yes. I literally do not know a single woman who has not experienced that, despite all the precautions that we take to avoid it.

        111. Because everyone knows that ignoring men who make sexual comments at you makes them go away. Right, ladies? Hasn’t that worked for you a whole bunch? Don’t they never respond by calling you a stuck-up ugly slut? Or start following you? Or touch you without your permission?


        113. One time I went out and I had a hole in my shirt. A guy used this as an excuse to sexually harass me all day and I eventually ended up having to leave because of it. I guess I just didn’t have enough respect for myself to not let my clothes get holes in them. If only I didn’t care so much that he kept motorboating me and then telling me how much I obviously loved it. Clearly he would have stopped doing it if I just had more respect for myself and didn’t care that he was doing it.

        114. Being “respectable” doesn’t mean people aren’t going to call you names. I honestly couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve been called a bitch, a slut, fat, etc. by total strangers who were hitting on me and then didn’t like it when I told them I wasn’t interested or had a boyfriend. For example, you thinking you’re a respectable woman is not going to stop me from accusing you of being a cock-sucking whore. Maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t. But your opinion of me and yourself is not going to stop me from doing it.

        115. And how many people would tell you, if you went outside right now and got shot, that it was your own fault for “advertising” how shoot-able you were by being handsome, or having big pecs, or wearing a pair of shorts? And then tell you that it was your own fault?

        116. Yes, I can see how we need stereotypes. For example, I can tell by your comment and your name that you likely are fat, ugly, girlfriend-less, and have a small penis. Stereotyping your name and writing style has told me this and stereotypes are necessary and accurate, and also saves lives. Thank you for explaining this to me.

        117. I’m not sure why the men in here aren’t more offended at your assertion than men are all sexual deviants who have no ability to control their impulses. If men are perverted and gross and can’t help it, then why are victims blamed for their actions? Why are men leading countries if they can’t even NOT rape somebody due to their inherent gender flaws? How are none of the men in this thread insulted by this? Are men literally fucking reptiles?

        118. then why didn’t you get to the front line oh wait women waited to the end of the war to get there right to join men up on the front lines

        119. No, it’s not odd. We are discussing mens’ behaviour here. Inanimate objects hurt people as well as people and other species of animal, too, but that’s not relevant to that which I am responding. We can discuss women’s poor behaviour on one of those misandrist “womanosphere” blogs that contribute to the systematic oppression of the male gender, if you ever find one.

        120. Paternity fraud, “foodie,” and leeching are the only valid points this article has. Otherwise it’s a bunch of pathetic, crybaby, “I’m a man who isn’t secure enough with myself to handle a woman who’s in control of her own life,” sexist bs.

        121. Dude autonomy goes both ways. Stop playing the victim and pretending to be actively-passively-aggressive. You are just creating a confusing paradox by making a ridiculous and severely patronising argument. If you think you are making an idiot comment, then …dont… maybe…

        122. You fucking cretin, all you’re saying in that sentence is ‘Women aren’t sex objects, but men who don’t get laid still see them as sex objects.’ Just because you see them as sex objects doesn’t mean they’re just sex objects, ya fuckin dink. You can’t even make a cohesive argument or structure a sentence properly. If you’re going to try and debate, try not to be so fucking illiterate, dipshit.

        123. What the fuck do gambling, robbery and murder have to do with feminism, you unbelievable simpleton? And speaking of robbery and murder, do you realise how dramatically crime dropped in the 90’s after the Roe v Wade case in 1973? In other words, legalised abortion means way less crime, you fuckin mug. Plus way less women dying from having botched illegal abortions, not that I expect you to give the slightest fuck about that, you foetid bag of self-righteous cancer. People like you are not only ruining the country, you are ruining humanity.

        124. This comment; extremely slow. Nowhere did I excuse fathers who abandon their kids. But at least fathers just abandon kids they don’t want; women KILL kids they don’t want.
          And you’re obsessed. Why the hell did you leave me so many damn messages? Do you really think I care what you have to say? Go be a feminazi somewhere else.

        125. You’re damn right I did. Oh, now you want to go “oh well women have to too,” because I attacked one of YOUR benefits. Btw, an unwanted pregnancy still involves a child. You do not deserve a “right” to kill a child because you were irresponsible. You heard it, folks. It’s all about this entitled feminist “woman”, to hell with innocent lives that would get destroyed in her path to ultimate hedonism.
          Women like you are the reason men call you bitches.

        126. you are such a loser “ryan”. how sad you are. “oh wait women waited”. i think we both know there was a lot of shit that had to go down for women to be allowed to join the front line. its sad that any women wants to risk her life fighting for you you pussy.

        127. you are such a loser “ryan”. how sad you are. “oh wait women waited”. i think we both know there was a lot of shit that had to go down for women to be allowed to join the front line. its sad that any women wants to risk her life fighting for you you pussy.

        128. matt you’re ignorant and so lame. everyone hates you. you’re probably single and have short hair. you might even be a *gasp* woman!!!!!!

        129. almost every rape perpetrator is male. fucking read a book for once damien retard johnson. you’re probs a rapist.

        130. so dumb. if a woman is raped you think she was “irresponsible” and needs to be stuck with it? its not your body why the fuck do you even care you ignorant shut in get off this website.

        131. http://t.co/riiUox8phY
          And 99% of abortions are not because of rape nor because the mother may die. They’re because of entitled princesses such as yourself that put their own lives ahead of the life of an innocent.

        132. If you’re so worried about this, carry pepper-spray and/or a taser if you don’t want to learn how to shoot a gun. When you feminists harp on shit at the expense of the problems of others, it becomes more difficult to take you seriously. You don’t want to be a victim, then arm yourself to not be a victim.

        133. And I sure as hell am getting all of the messages as if I do. They can’t possibly have time to message too many more people on that scale.

        134. “What the hell is a female anti-feminist? Is that like a slave who doesn’t realize that they are a slave?”
          It is a woman who refuses to be a slave and who refuses to be a victim.

        135. what are you talking about how many women are lining up for the front lines better yet how many women are fighting including yourself to gt women in combat

        136. That’s actually not true unless you’re in a state where rape is legally termed as a man sexually violating a women which is sexist and would make the inverse legally impossible. Women do make up a larger percentage of rapist I suggest you take your own advice and read a book or even an article

        137. Dude I apologized about the idiot comment to her, but I wasn’t joking either, danger is danger no matter what sex you are and I as well as other people can feel fear for the similar situations which is why her insecurities aren’t hers alone so I pointed that out. My deliverance can be questioned the message remains the same We all have problems it isn’t exclusive to women and feminist don’t care about those problems when it comes to men. Remember that men are the largest victims of physical assault, men make up 80% of the homeless and no one seems to care about these issues or other mens issues. So no I’m not patronizing just being honest and real so I ask you to please don’t..or maybe

        138. LOL thanks for the chuckle Danie! The funny thing is everyone of your posts you don’t have any facts or logic you just attack all the men on the site. Touche! Can I ask why if you are so offended by this site, why do you keep responding to this thread and coming back to the site? You do know that you are helping to pay this man you hate so much by visiting this site, clicking the ads, commenting on the topic. You do understand that right? This is the equivalent of a minority person donating money to a hate group.

        139. What you are failing to understand is PEOPLE get treated like shit by other PEOPLE. You don’t have a monopoly on getting treated like shit just for being a woman.

        140. the reason feminism is still around is because rape jokes are still funny, the % of men staying home and being a homemaker has not changed in over 100 years however the increased work of women has. It has become more publicized for men, but it hasn’t changed. And when the jokes are no longer funny, then there will be more equality…

        141. Now you’re just making statistics up. 99% of abortions are not because of irresponsibility. Please, don’t be lazy and do research before you make dumb statements like that.
          If you value the life of a fetus more than a thinking, rational, conscious human being, you have a warped way of thinking.
          Illegalizing abortion would only make more problems because of women having unsafe, illegal abortions.
          And it should be the choice of the woman because the fetus is in HER own womb, in HER organs. If you disagree with that, then you should also believe that someone should be allowed to take an organ out of an unwilling person to save their own life.
          I’m not pro-abortion, but I believe that women should have the option of abortion, just as birth and adoption (which, by the way, is also not necessarily a better option than abortion) are also options.

        142. This guy is probably a genuine misogynist. I’m not saying that traditional men who believe that all women should be expected to get married and reproduce hate women, I think they just don’t respect them. If you truly respected and liked women, you would encourage them to be independent and make their own choices, just as I would do the same for my own children, male or female, because I love them. Most of the misogynists on this website are just losers who have been rejected by women and like to lie about their ‘sexual conquests’. In reality, they’re probably obese/fat, basement-dwellers and virgins.

        143. Actually, I’m not making them up.
          Now why don’t you take your own advice. Do your research before you make dumb statements like that.

          If you value the life of a fetus more than a thinking, rational, conscious human being, you have a warped way of thinking.

          But the person who thinks a grown woman who got herself pregnant knowing full well what would happen should have a “right” to kill another human being, somehow doesn’t have a warped way of thinking. Yeah, sure.

          And it should be the choice of the woman because the fetus is in HER own womb, in HER organs. If you disagree with that, then you should also believe that someone should be allowed to take an organ out of an unwilling person to save their own life.

          Really? So what you’re saying is that a person being forced to give up an organ so that another person may live is the same thing as “forcing” a woman to give birth. Uh, no.
          To forcefully take an organ from another person for a person would be STEALING. The woman does not lose anything of significance in giving birth, rather she gains by contributing to the continued survival of humanity. If she does not want to take care of the child there is always adoption. There is no reason to kill a child. Of course, killing a child is a much better option than a child finding a loving home.

        144. Wait, I thought women wanted to work. Now they don’t want to work? Which is it? Nobody said women had to work. If they’re unhappy to work and take care of the house at the same time (which men already have done for centuries) then blame feminism for that, because it was supposed to “liberate” women from being homemakers.
          Rape jokes aren’t funny, but they’ve only become more acceptable to make because of the feminists diminishing the impact of the word by saying every unwanted sexual contact is rape, by saying penis in vagina sex is rape period, by saying it’s rape if the woman changes her mind during sex or even after it’s done.
          In America, women are already more equal than men.

        145. Unfortunately, feminist women don’t respect a woman’s independence when she chooses to reject feminism and to actually care about her husband and kids.

        146. Yes most rape perpetrators are male and females are the victims a lot of the time. However males are victims of rape too. The problem is that most male victims refuse to report due to the shame of a woman overpowering him or fear that people will think he is gay because his body reacted to being stimulated by his male attacker.

        147. Rape actually isn’t about making someone a sexual object, rape believe it or not almost never is about the sex at all. Rape is about having power over another person.

        148. More shaming language. Funny because 1. I am gainfully employed 2. Not a Virgin 3. Not a basement dweller 4. I am 6’2 200 lbs and very lean

        149. Failin to acknowledge that the women chose to have sex with the father of her children

        150. You can say than when men stop challenging women’s rights to do as they please, their rights to have custody of their children, their rights to lay foundations and standards in a relationship, and so on, and so on.
          Not to even mention the sexist laws and systems still in place which control women through their bodies (usually pregnancy) and place the blame on women for being raped.

        151. You are aware women receive custody of the children above 90% of the time, right?
          You are aware standards and foundations in a relationship go 50/50 right?
          You are aware that children in the womb are human beings and deserve the same rights and protections as other human beings, right?
          You are aware that no one in this day and age places the blame on rape victims, but rather encourage women to make smarter decisions to avoid it (like not getting blacked out drunk in a room full of people) and that men get raped as well, right?

        152. Look I’m only a sixteen year old girl but hey, I’ll give it a shot. Damian I’ve read several of your comments and see your point on a lot of things. This however I do not, but that’s besides my point. I’ve noticed a lot of the people who argue on this sit either use totally invalid points or completely valid ones. I applaud you for using logic and reason in your debates.
          However, am I the only one who noticed that the women shouting through their finger tips are only focusing on the sexual violence against women? Sexual violence is defined as unwanted sexual advances on another human being. When did men and children become classified as something other than human?
          While yes, there are things on this site which I agree and disagree with everyone, and I mean everyone, is entitled to their own opinions.
          Also, I saw your point about privileged feminists. I have to agree with you, they don’t know what a real struggle is. Unless they have some sort of mental disorder or have had a traumatic experience in their life they had to over come, they don’t know struggle. As a under privilged child, and yes a view myself still as a child, I do know what real struggles are. I had no choice but to grow up fast and it sickens me that privilged person of any gender is going to bitch and whine.
          As for the many complaints I hear about this site, I have to admit, the article about dating a girl with an eating disorder made me feel a little better about my anorexia(and no I don’t look it, recovery made me a fat pig :(…..progress shall be made). Sure I can say that some of the points are false. I’m not of a certain socio-economic class, neither rich nor middle class. I’m poor. And though I can’t say I either disagree or agree with the better in bed bit, but hey, the fact that there are guys who would prefer to date a girl with an eating disorder or that there are actually perks to having one, kinda makes me happy.
          Anyway, have a lovely and prosperous life all. I don’t care much about what your opinions might be, everyone deserves to be happy. 🙂
          Oh and any comments to this should be directed to my facebook because I am mostly not going to check for comments on this. Hell I might. Don’t know. Oh well, have a lovely day/evening/life.

        153. Insults need not be thrown. It just proves him right that you do not at all use logic. Which from what I can see, is totally true.

        154. I was infantry in the Army and even though I wasn’t around women as much as the POG guys were, I saw enough to know that women in the military don’t do half the shit men do for various reasons.

        155. The reason for pointing out all of men’s accomplishments is that men are always branded as good for nothing layabouts and women are celebrated just for existing.

        156. The world is over populated Damien. Is that not something you are aware of? If a woman does not want a baby and accidentally gets pregnant (maybe a mistake occurred like the condom broke) she should have the choice to get rid of it. And what you say about sluts is wrong. Who are these so called sluts? Girls who enjoy a few sexual partners? It is WRONG to call someone a slut just because they do not have a penis. Why aren’t men sluts if they sleep around. It is so unfair. For any man to call a woman a slut is despicable. Regarding the military, I agree that men and women are built differently so often the men are capable of more physical activity (push ups, sprints etc). However, women work just as hard. What they do takes as much effort as what the man does, because their bodies are different. Also a girl friend of mine in the Navy is extremely fit an keeps up with most men in most areas – not lifting though. But war is not fought in battle fields in face to face combat so much any more, so your argument is not that valid. Also, I do agree with the fact that women shouldn’t celebrate fatness HOWEVER beauty is not their best asset you idiot. P.S Give me one good reason that a girl should shave her natural body hair for you?
          I know your probably just saying this stuff for attention but I am really offended by it as your making total generalizations that are not relevant to most women. And may I finish by saying that I do not take payments from the government and I support myself and have more money than my boyfriend and more assets (bought property) because I am smart with my money and work hard. Most women are good with money, and never take government assistance. And when they do its coz they need it, not the same as with men.

        157. “The world is over populated Damien. Is that not something you are aware of? If a woman does not want a baby and accidentally gets pregnant (maybe a mistake occurred like the condom broke) she should have the choice to get rid of it. ”
          The world is overpopulated eh? Then we oughta start with you first then, bitch. See how you like that.
          The rest, I really don’t give a fuck what you have to say. But I couldn’t resist saying the above.

        158. Society is what treat women as second class. Lower pay, rape culture. Why women “have” to shave and men don’t? Why do women have to work twice as hard then men to have same pay. Why does the media only care about a girl who sent a nude to a boy but not the boy who sent the photo around? Why is there all the blame on females for rape culture? Why must we teach our women to show less skin then teach men to the worn no? Gender roles are a big part or America and though we may seem progressive why do we push on teaching our girls to be more like our boys than our boys to be more like our girls.

        159. I personally am not in the armed forces but my brother recently got out of Infantry training in the U.S. Marines. His Unit (Battalion? I can’t remember the proper word at the moment but the 100 person one) was the first trial to see if women to be integrated into the infantry. This was denied because supposedly most** (not all!) women can’t carry the 100 pound pack and 30+ pound flak jacket supposedly because of the way female hips are aligned.

        160. All soldiers in the U.S. Army are trained as infantry first, their M.O.S. second. All of us are carrying our weapon, flack vest, a ruck sack, an L.B.E. (the belt with suspenders and packs for ammo and other gear attached to it).
          If you can’t carry that kind of weight, you have no business joining the military. The women in my Basic unit carried that weight just fine. The rest of us went on to carry more weight than that based on the requirements of our M.O.S.
          Let’s cut the crap and stop pretending that being in the military is some stressful job 24-7. If you aren’t deployed you have a cushy life, and doing P.T. tests and having requirements for those P.T. tests is a pretty B.S. reason to basically claim that women have no place in the military or in certain fields within the military. And by “run circles around”, I meant figuratively, not literally.
          If you have a problem with women being in the military, please, contact Congress and tell them to make all of us go back to our kitchens. I’m sure the Federal Reserve and government will appreciate losing 50% of their tax revenue.

        161. Abortion is legal because men want it to be. There is no debate that men dominate the law-making decisions in this country since most of the political power positions are taken by men. Men don’t want to pay child support for kids they don’t want either. Appeal to your local representatives for change…they are likely mostly men so they should listen to you, right?

        162. News flash, woman do not enjoy paying hundreds of dollars to have their baby sucked out of them and thrown down a garbage disposal. It is physically and emotionally painful, but not as painful as growing up feeling like an unwanted burden by your own mothers AND fathers, only to become a loveless woman hating criminal in the system getting raped by their cell mates and then using that as an excuse to rape other people.

        163. This is true and the lack of awareness and empathy on the subject just fuels the resentment even more for men who are passionate about these topics being discussed…no doubt causing more sexism and sexual violence for every type of person.

        164. This is true and the lack of awareness and empathy on the subject just fuels the resentment even more for men who are passionate about these topics being discussed…no doubt causing more sexism and sexual violence for every type of person.

        165. BTW, I met a woman last night that had an abortion after getting pregnant with her fourth child because her husband didn’t want to get a vasectomy, but also didn’t want another kid. She balled her eyes out during the procedure while her husband ignored her crying and offered no support or comfort. He didn’t mind paying for it though.
          I was infertile for 33 years, yet still insisted to my lover (whom I had known and been friends with for over 10 years) that he use a condom. BTW, I was the only one who ever bought any of the condoms we used. Two times I scolded him for removing the condoms and told him that I would not have an abortion if I got pregnant. One night, he took it off and didn’t bother to pull out. I got pregnant. When I told him, his response was “that’s what credit cards are for” and after I hung up on him, he continued to harass me claiming I was ruining his life and that I was selfish to bring a kid into the world. He told everyone I got pregnant on purpose to trap him and told me he would have nothing to do with the kid. Most women would have aborted, and I wouldn’t blame them. Everyday I struggle as a single mom trying to do the best I can to raise my daughter the best I can. This is a story that is very common, so for all the guys out there hating on women for having abortions, be honest, at least with yourself!

        166. Men who were given birth to by a woman, thus owing their entire existence to that woman…

        167. Bullshit. Women jump right on the double standard when they don’t get what they want and cry rape and make false accusations like false restraining orders to get back at men and ruin men’s lives while using sex as a weapon. Whores

        168. Bullshit. Women don’t even know how to cook anymore and expect men to do everything for them and work their ass off And make money for women while women sit on their asses and get fat. Useless bitches all feminist lesbians now cause men won’t eat their stinky dirty sock smelling pussies

        169. Whatever ever since beginning of man when eve tricked her husband into partaking if the tree of evil women have manipulated and screwed everything up for men. Its a fact recorded in history. Women should just shut up and get back in the kitchen and learn how to cook and clean again

        170. I know this is an old comment, but just to clarify for you exactly how stupid you are – I am a woman, and I served on the “front lines” in the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
          I was serving *on the front line* in Ar Ramadi and Fallujah, Iraq. I was mortared and shot at on an almost daily basis for over 10 months, AND I was in Iraq from 2003 till 2004 – which was the beginning of the war. I was serving on the “front lines” the entire time I was there, while George Bush was sitting on TV making the claim that I wasn’t where I was.
          My unit was also the unit that the “Lioness” documentary is all about. I was not part of the “Lioness” detail because I was attached as a medic to the DECON platoon for missions, or I was covering the aid station and forward support for healthcare duties. I know every single one of the women that the “Lioness” documentary interviews.
          War in general is no longer a “front line” vs “rear” concept. This is guerrilla/urban warfare. THERE IS NO FRONT LINE. The “front line” concept is from trench warfare of WW1 and WW2 – it has absolutely nothing to do with how wars are fought today.
          So, for your own sake, if you don’t know how many women have been serving on the “front lines” and still are to this day, I suggest you do some research before making your snide comments.

        171. War has not been a battlefield affair for decades. We fight with disease, planes, bombs and ammunition, not swords, get over it. None of those four have anything to do with strength.

        172. This is a sexist website, of course the authors do.
          But it’s fun to challenge them kindly. See some feminists get all mad…I’ve learned a wonderful key in life, happiness and content pisses haters off more. love. it.

        173. I was in during the Vietnam era and there were separate services for women. Now that they are combined, I see a much weaker military. Not for that specific reason but because even though I was against the draft, I am older now and the only way this country will ever regain patriotism is to have more young people serve. All this talk about women doing as much physical work as men is crap. It is the same in the civilian world. As a rule men are bigger, stronger, and faster and women as a group can’t do the same amount of work. I would hate to be defending a post with a bunch of women. If it came to physical confrontation, I would be at a distinct disadvantage. I can’t see women carrying weapons, ammo, etc. It just won’t work. I worked for the government after I got out and am a retired federal employee. In the 30 years I was there, I saw women and minorities get continually promoted over males, not because they were the most qualified, which would be fine, but because of who they were.

        174. that article was actually my first introduction to this site. but the rest of the site has redeemed that, and there have since been articles here against abortion.

        175. Men need women way more than women need men. I can cook and clean for myself. My husband is worthy of my best, and he doesn’t have to whine about it!

        176. I think I’ve got a groupie! If you’re referencing the book of Genesis, that says a lot about the expectations thing. What if I told you that the person who wrote Genesis wasn’t actually THERE for the beginning of mankind? I’m trying to smash the traditional expectations. If both partners are eager participants in Family Household, Inc., then that is the happiest marriage of them all! With 81% of women statistically faking orgasm (and I say shame on them for shortchanging themselves), the 19% of them who have real ones during intercourse are the ones satisfied in marriage. Trust me – if a wife considers sex in a marriage as THEM getting a piece of their husband’s ass and they can’t wait to ride the pogo stick (and the fingers and tongue), then that is a truly happy marriage on both sides, because then you have one spent, very happy husband crying “uncle” with a huge smile on his face.

        177. Well i do not believe in the bible. It was after all written by man. I am an eager participant in all aspects of marriage including getting up with the babies, feeding, changing, staying home with them, taking them to appointments..and i have all girls!

        178. Wait so if i do all the cooking and she does all the cleaning..what does that mean #explodinghead

        179. Yikes! You have all girls? No wonder I saw you on the other site! I feel for you! I was a lone girl among a lot of brothers, and I live with guys, so maybe I get them a bit more. If you’re getting up with kids and as “hands on” as you say, then you’re a keeper! Your wife should be telling you that you’re a great guy…and if she’s working, she should be a 50/50 partner in the house stuff too. I work the same as my husband, so we split the house stuff. He hates cooking, I hate laundry, it’s even. I made him fried chicken tonight with all of the trimmings, and he threw down a shirt right from the dryer later on. Right now he’s playing NHL 15 and I’m playing Skyrim. Bitterness gets in the way of happiness for sure!

        180. Both work 50+ hours a week. I attend classes full time 12 hours+ a semester as well at a major University. She makes more $$$ and her job is more demanding than mine. So i get to do a lot more daddy stuff than her as well.

        181. I love to cook. Not as much time to play games as i had 10 years ago but I do not miss it. I do run a online gaming community http://www.tgaming.org for the last 15 years though so i still get to live vicariously through that=).

        182. Well that’s a biased view cause women have the same desire as men. But women use sex and what’s in between their legs as a weapon. This is where society has gone wrong. Much like eve with the apple. Women need men as much as men do. Its in the bible saying its supposed to be an equal relation. Men are just caught in this game and its harder for a man to get a woman than visa versa. Because of this weapon women have in america. They have songs about american women have you heard them? You have a biased and wrong view dear. Got help you.

        183. Nah, it can’t be called a child (or even a person) if it hasn’t been born. Therefore, it’s totally okay and I support it 100%

        184. …have you even SEEN an ultrasound? do you even biology? the hell is wrong with you?

        185. Then you should’ve been aborted. I mean, since you have no problem with it. One less SJW/pro-baby killer screwing up the world.

        186. I’m not a SJW and I don’t agree with killing babies (only fetuses). If I had been aborted then it’s not like I would have ever known it so it wouldn’t really have been that big of a deal to me.

        187. Fetuses ARE babies, which is what you’re not getting. So what you’re saying is you don’t care that you could have potentially been deprived of your right to live.

        188. Nope not really. If it happened it’s not like I would have known it happened so it’s not like I would have had something then have it taken away I just wouldn’t have been given life in the first place and that’s why it’s okay.

        189. Niiiice! Niccccceee! Big single loser here! whhhhooooop! *points at John* *whispers* he’s bald and sad because women hate him.

        190. Sounds like someone slept with a 14 year old because they couldn’t get any better and then they got in trouble for it. 🙁 boohoo, John John. You need tissue?

        191. yep. *adjusts glasses* It says here that John has no friends. Right here in the above comment. It says he’s an bitter, old, geezer and realized he’s wasted his whole empty life. he will now proceed to take it out on 50% of the world’s population (being the females) because none of them want to lay him.

        192. Why just ‘accept’ when things could be nicer for everyone? Accepting being treated crummy is the losers way out. Fight for a better society for everybody.

        193. Hey, women, stop enjoying sex! Damien says you’re an entitled princess if you do! Stop enjoying your life too. He’ll have none of that.

        194. Lol . That’s the first defence women have is to insult someone that’s speaking truth when they have no legitimate response for a man. Sounds like you are a angry feminazi. Get on with your bad self sock smeller. And a 14 year old would be better than you anyways lol

        195. There it is again with the angry feminazi attacking a true historic fact with insults. Its a woman’s only response. Common be original lol .

        196. And I you. Can’t even show your real identity or a pic. Hiding behind your feminazi ways

        197. Chock it all up to hormones. Men have to put up with women’s crazy crap so we deserve to make more. You women need to get back in the kitchen and shut up. You women sound like nails ona chalkboard

        198. Goal lol . Cause women’s little brains get all scrambled and insulting when they hear the truth. Funny thing is most women agree that women are neurotic and crazy. Most of all narcissistic. Hence the rage

        199. Women deserve to be oppressed until they get their asses back in the kitchen and shut up. Jeez ever since eve and the apple

        200. Women’s only responses are allways to turn things around on a man when they don’t get their little way

        201. I’m so sorry to whoever told you this, but saying ridiculous, irrelevant, and inaccurate things about the genital hygiene of total strangers on the Internet is not actually going to make your argument more valid. It’s not going to make you look less stupid, either.

        202. How is being forced to pay taxes that go towards supporting birth control an “oppression” that only men experience? Women are more than half of the population; we pay taxes, too.
          Secondly, there is a reason why abortion is legal, and that’s because bodily autonomy is a human right. Your entire argument literally burns down to, “Paying taxes is literally just as bad as being forced to do something with your body against your will.” I bet you’re one of those people who compares having your wallet stolen to being raped, too.
          In most countries on Earth, we have decided that control over one’s body is the penultimate right – because what point is the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness if we don’t even have control over our own body? The concept of bodily autonomy is also the reason why crimes like assault, rape, and murder are considered illegal in most places. If you put your hands on me without my permission, then you assaulted me. If you put yourself inside me without my permission, then you raped me. Both of those things are illegal because we as a society have decided that it is our right as humans to have complete legal and personal control over our own bodies. This is why women have a right to say “no, stop” in the middle of sex even if they said “yes” before. This is why doctors can’t force you to have chemotherapy even if you’ll die without it. This is why suicide is legal in most developed countries. This is why you’re allowed to refuse donating blood or bone marrow or organs, even if you previous agreed to it.
          So why should fetuses, and ONLY fetuses, be exempt from this rule? No other group of people on this Earth has that right. So if, like you say, fetuses should have all the legal rights of a human being, then why should the laws that apply to all other human beings cease to apply ONLY to fetuses?
          Let’s say that fetuses WERE given human rights. Should they be issued with a Certificate of Conception, like a baby gets a Birth Certificate? Should they be counted on an official census, like children are? Should a pregnant woman on welfare get extra money to support her fetus? Should families be allowed to count their fetuses for real estate and tax purposes?
          Additionally, even if a fetus can be said to have a right to life, this does not include the right to use the body of another human being. For example, the state cannot force people to donate organs or blood, even to save someone’s life. We are not obligated by law to risk our lives jumping into a river to save a drowning victim. Therefore, even if a fetus has a right to life, a pregnant woman is not required to save it by loaning out her body for nine months against her will.
          If you make abortion illegal, you do two things.
          1. You make it legally to institutionally discriminate against women, and
          2. You give women less legal rights over their own body than CORPSES have.
          The idea that a clump of undifferentiated cells the size of the period at the end of this sentence should have legal rights to equal or supersede my own is downright bizarre, even offensive.

        203. Have you even SEEN the constitution? Do you even human rights? The hell is wrong with you?

        204. No, fetuses are literally not babies. Like, not even a little bit. The two terms are mutually exclusive. It’s like trying to argue that somebody can be walking and standing still at the same time. A fetus is an unborn offspring; a baby is offspring that is born. It cannot be both at the same time.
          Words have meanings for a reason. You don’t get to decide that a word means something different just because your argument needs more of an emotional appeal to it.

        205. Says the guy who thinks that paying taxes is a violation of your human rights, but being forced to carry a pregnancy to term against your will is not.
          Do you even logic, bro?

        206. Failing to acknowledge that fathers choose to have sex with the women who bore his children.

        207. The problem with what you said about my comments in your defensive rant is that my ridiculous comments are true. And widely known that you women are very smelly down there.

        208. God put a soul into that fetus before it was conceived. So much for your brainless commenr

        209. Actually, Ada Lovelace (a woman) was the first computer programmer. Hedy Lamarr (woman) developed spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology, the principles of which were used to develop – and are still used in – Wifi, Bluetooth and CDMA.
          What was that about everything being made by men?

        210. I don’t recall saying that. Like, ever. And why the hell are you even bugging me again? You’re the same feminazi thot that rage-commented several posts of mine, according to my original comment timestamp, 2 years ago. Dear it’s time for you to move on. I don’t waste time on crazy broads.
          P.S No it’s not, because the baby did nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to die because you were off being a slut, as typical of you and your feminazi ilk.
          Edit: Now that you helpfully replied to a different old post of mine, I see that you were referring to something I’d forgotten about as it took place a long time ago: yes, it is wrong to be forced to pay for birth control. If you’re so independent, buy your own shit.

        211. So by your “logic”, a fetus isn’t a baby 1 second before it exits the womb, but it’s magically a baby as soon as it does. My point is that is a human being and it does not deserve to lose its life.

        212. It’s a slang word describing overly militant man-hating feminists, which is 90% of feminists.

        213. Quick Men! Start mass producing those earplugs by the billions!! I sure hope to God that they’re rated for this level of feminazi rage.

        214. You’re terrible at scarcasm, If I wasn’t smarter than a feminist, I’d pick that last line for a genuine statement in the eyes of a feminazi.

        215. That’s because it is commonly held that women need a guy to translate the dribble that come out of a feminazi’s mouth

        216. IF the children were HIS, and HE’S the one who ended the marriage then sure, he should fairly pay a percentage of the child support. In any other case, the so-called “loving” mother needs to stop taking other people’s money without giving a single thing in return. I particularly love the question asked elsewhere “If an ex-wife accept alimony, aren’t they no longer an “independent and strong” woman?”

        217. She consented. Oh, wait, I should have remembered that women have no foresight of consequence.

        218. It’s ok. Sudden onset of illiteracy in women is common. Why am I even writing this to you then, haha.

        219. If we’re equal, then I can punch women like they’re a man. #Equality 🙂

        220. You claim not to be a “feminazi”, Just a feminist. Feminazis stem from the oppressive feminist movement. ISIS terrorist fanatics stem from Islam. Yet, look at how the world views the islamic state, “scum, filth” (Which I agree on) all because of these fanatics. So, it is very fair that feminism be viewed in such a way also.
          TL;DR: All feminists breed misandry in the media, in schools, in politics, in the family, in the bedroom.
          Feminism = Misandry.

        221. Sometimes I try the “I’m a lesbian” excuse, but more often than not they just see it as a challenge, and try to offer to turn me straight, like they think they have a magical dick that can make women heterosexual or something.
          So far the only excuse that works 100% of the time is “I’m on my period”.

        222. He consented, too. Oh wait, I forgot that consenting women are sluts but consenting men are just victims of poor planning by women.

        223. Uh.. yes? That is my logic. That is also the law’s logic. Human beings do not have bodily autonomy until they are autonomous. That is literally the meaning of the word “autonomy”.
          And no, it is not a human being. Is it a human? Yes. Is it alive? Yes. Do those facts automatically mean that it should have rights that supersede the rights of its mother? Nope.

        224. Dude, you just tried to argue that fetuses should have more rights than fully grown, autonomous women because “God gave them a soul before conception”. You don’t get to accuse other people of being illogical. Religion is the literal definition of irrationality.

        225. Wait, so you acknowledge it’s human and alive and yet, in your eyes it’s life should still be snuffed out. If it’s not a situation where the mother got pregnant due to rape then yes, the baby’s right to live supersede the mother’s right to be a selfish murderer.

        226. I like the fact that even 2 years later, and despite the lack of context because the person I replied to deleted their comment, the message resonates so well that my comment still gets thumbed up!

        227. that’s always the first thing a feminazi does when they have no valid reply is use insults. lol. I’m in your head bitch I’m in your head

        228. And obviously u don’t watch global news at all don’t u dumb fuck, there are still woman around world and the US being abuse in every way.

        229. LOL, you are just toooooo funny. Eve didn’t trick Adam. The Bible says Adam was RIGHT THERE WITH HER. He wasn’t ‘tricked’ at all. And then the coward Adam tried to blame God and Eve for selfish, self-centered, low-life behavior. Get a life John, and quit bothering women. I’m sure they’re sick of you.

        230. Lol you replied to an old post must be crazy or guilty of one or more things on the list of things in the article. Are you a fatty or slutty? Maybe feminazi. I don’t know what lesbian bible your reading but mine don’t say anything near what you said lol. Woohoo nutjob alert!!!.

        231. Typical feminazi turning things around and blaming men when you have no valid reply besides batshit crazy flubbed. Go eat a cake noons wants to talk to you. Ooohhhh burnnnn

        232. Did you also know a woman’s ass is only centimeters from her butthole farting on it all day smelling like rotten fish. I don’t know why us men want to get near it.
          In the old testament women on their period had to yell unclean unclean!! For 7 days. Look it up I don’t misquote.

        233. Actually women where born from Adams ribcage geez the ignorance and misquotes on here from women trying to change history and solid fact that they screwed up society long ago up till today.

        234. The bibles there whether you believe it or not don’t worry. Its your soul let it burn for all I care. Eternity is forever lol

        235. Just stating facts sorry you can’t admit it. Be smelling like a salmon been in the sun for days. I could understand you wanting that not known but guys can smell that shit many feet away. I smelled that shit 2 isles away at Ross. Omg ewww

        236. Is the bible an interpretation of gods logic? Consider your words carefully as there are many “books” of the bible that are omitted as contradictory to “gods logic”.

        237. U know what I mean, don’t be so dramatic I don’t have time for that in my life Mr supreme

        238. Hmm. A dismissal with no actual, rational rebuttal or argument. Yes, I do take this nonsensical and pointless post completely seriously.

        239. You wanna be carcful. I do not like feminism. I am traditional, but your obvious hate for women is equal to that of the serpent. And since you like facts, the Bible never says what type of fruit they both ate and it also clearly and profoundly states that through one man Adam did sin enter the world. Not man and woman or even one woman, but one man. Now get back to your toiling

        240. And maybe you need to read the Bible again, because firstly,there was no kitchen in the garden, nor was there for quite some time and your attitude goes against what Christ said to Martha. I suggest you brush up on Christs treatment and liberation of women before you speak next time

        241. A true traditional woman is good if its truthful which is rare. Not all women are this way but most. I only hate the women who are fake and won’t give a man a chance for love based on superficial things. Which is most in these days. If not all. Of course women always say that don’t apply to them but whatever. The serpent tricked eve into partaking of the fruit of the tree of life, my apple comment is for the sheeple who never read the bible and are ignorant. And you have to be careful cause that verse you speak of through man, that’s not literal, means through Adams rib from where eve was made she sent the world into what it is now. I’m not sure what bible your reading or what version I pray not Mormon lol. But you gotta be carefully hunny. When I find a woman who will be real and not look away from me and give love then I won’t be angry and look so harsh on them. But that’s not going to happen in this late day. Its the worst thing that has happened to man since eve tricked Adam of partaking is that better?

        242. If you can’t find love you might as well troll.lol.
          I might ad these school shootings like Santa Barbara and occ in Oregon where because of this which I speak and women’s state of man these days. If women won’t give love to a man it ruins him. Now if the state of woman isn’t from Satan than I don’t know what is. Women are going to be hated until they start filling their roles and the shooting will continue.

        243. I Might also ad that women are using this love tool of theirs to control men into what they want is the fall of man exemplified

        244. Here we go with your suggestions again lol ( it all sounds so authoritative) let me clear some things up for you.
          First I never said there was a kitchen in the bible you should reread what I said, obviously you have issues with getting the correct meaning in written text so I’m helping you there. obviously sarcasm do go where you do.
          2nd I never claimed to be perfect as nobody ever has been since Jesus, sorry to break that to you. I’d you ever stop to think I’ve fallen away and my heart hardened due to women in these late days? As was prophesied would happen.
          Third I never quote differently than what the bible says cause I know what the last line in the end of the bible says.
          As I did study it thourouly with a concordance in the original languages cross referenced so as to understand the correct meanings. The king James originally was the most reliable to do this with and still is. So I hardly think I’m the one that needs to reread and I can only deduct that you are in fact reading a different bible that don’t go back that far in translation ie. Mormon or the other abhoration.
          3rd my attitude you speak of in relation to the Martha statement and women liberation thing is
          Judging someone also goes against what he said and I already said I’m not perfect so I’m not claiming that.
          I quote also whoever casts the first stone is he or she free from sin? And how can you pluck the thorn from someone else’s eye if there is a tree trunk in thine.
          Women’s ideals today is not anywhere in line with what the bible says besides maybe the whore of Babylon. But surely gods plan wasn’t to liberate women to this state we have today. Women where supposed to hold true to the foundation of the family and be a support to men and visa versa, now how can we do our part if yours is out of line miss liberation?? Hmmnnn?

        245. This typical female trope is so bloody egotistical. And they trapse it out at every opportunity as a justification for female worship.
          Just in case you missed this vital part in biology, girls. It is actually THE MALE that gives life. Women merely harbour it.
          …thus, owing your entire existence to that of Men!
          Sperm is animate (latin: anima -spirit ; alive). Ovum are simply not. The ovum is the garage/harbour. Not the bestower of life.
          Bloody females and their overinflated sense of self! F***ing God complexes is what you women have!
          You would love nothing more than to usurp the power of God as your own. If women had things their way, we would all be worshipping at the ‘Alter of Vagina’.

        246. Man – sex = loser?
          You girls are too funny…
          As if your vagina is the ‘be all and end all’ of existence.
          “Kneel and Worship My Vagina Dammit!”

        247. No, you liked his comment because it contains logic and reason.
          Its something most women admire but rarely possess…

        248. “You should maybe take a step back and realise that women are walking sex objects to men”
          You should perhaps take a step back and realise that men are routinely objectified for (reduced to) their wallets, utility and sexual performance.
          But the implications of this fly straight over your head…
          Women have no problem objectifying men for absolutely everything, including sex.

      3. Agreed that the dude is whiny, but “23. Oh man, sounds like your ex had sex with your best friend! So sorry to hear that, but last I checked, it’s her life and her body. Not yours. Get over yourself.”
        You’re justifying someone cheating on their partner because “It’s their life and their body?” Am I missing something b/c that came out of left-field.

        1. I think the point you missed was “ex” because if a girl wants to bang your best friend after you’ve broken up it’s pretty much kosher unless you want to “man up” and fight your friend over whom they stuck their dick in that night.

      4. Agreed that the dude is whiny, but “23. Oh man, sounds like your ex had sex with your best friend! So sorry to hear that, but last I checked, it’s her life and her body. Not yours. Get over yourself.”
        You’re justifying someone cheating on their partner because “It’s their life and their body?” Am I missing something b/c that came out of left-field.

      5. Agree with all sentiments above. Bitter antifeminism like this comes from a place of deep insecurity, weakness, and a feeling of being threatened. Not to mention, ignorance. There’s a reason that every PhD candidate in gender studies, anthropology, or sociology would come down on the other side of essentially every claim on this site.

      6. 1. sluttiness- what, now guys can’t be sluts? is a woman who sleeps with multiple guys a slut but a man who sleeps with multiple women not a slut? wow. and should we even call either of them sluts? If a woman/man has enough confidence and game to get around, good for them!
        2. soo I eat a few bagels and like starbucks and suddenly those count as fat? guys can’t be fat? I think women want fit/healthy guys as much as you guys want fit/healthy girls
        3. being a foodie- so many male foodies! shut up!
        4. relying on gov for bills- WOW. cause this really couldn’t be applied to men either…
        5. single motherhood- ARE YOU SHITTING ME. “she doesn’t need a man”?? really??? do you really think all single mothers are single by choice because they don’ want a partner to help raise their children? it’s much more difficult and complicated than that, you ignorant asshole.
        6. stay at home mom- sure there are those rich housewives who spend all day blowing their husband’s money, but most likely if he’s allowing this, he can afford it and doesn’t care. and most likely if she’s a housewife the family is well off, and she may even spend her days doing something productive! what a shocking proposal!
        9. ok I agree trying to act like a porn star is a bit much, but you’re really gonna tell women to stop watching porn while it’s totally normal and acceptable and encouraged for men to watch porn?
        10. this one INFURIATES me. yes, we should be working on men’s birth control, and scientists are doing that. but defunding planned parenthood? oh yeah, int he meantime until men’s birth control is perfected that’s a super productive way to not knock a girl up. and we’re not responsible enough? I’m pretty sure if I woman doesn’t want to get pregnant she’ll use those pills properly, and if not, yea, that is why condoms exist. no uterus? no say.
        11. guys, maybe you should trim down below more, and keep your facial hair in check. thanks.
        12. wait, are there no men on online dating sites who couldn’t find love in college classes/jobs/bars? oh wait, there are, or women wouldn’t be on websites looking for them.
        13. an men never lie online either…riiiight….
        14. is divorce always the woman’s fault? can men never claim to not be happy in marriage? divorce is a two way street, it can be a mutual decision, the woman’s fault, or the man’s fault. shocker, I know!
        16. men don’t do anything for attention when they’re drunk? really? cause I’ve seen them do a lot of shit that looks just as dumb as us dancing on bars. as for the “whale” that sued that bar, good for her. let the girl do what she wants, if I can dance on a bar why can’t she?
        17. that’s like me telling you not to get a haircut. some women just look better with short hair-fact.
        18. cause men are never spoiled by fathers and mothers? this one is just stupid. SO many entitled men out there. women too. it’s just the way the world works, wouldn’t it be nice if nobody felt entitled? good luck with that.
        19. not even sure what you’re going for here. men and women both like to say they’ve hooked up with foreigners. so what?
        20. THIS SITE IS WRITTEN BY/FOR MISOGYNIST PIGS. you clearly hate women and see yourselves as superior so I won’t even bother giving you a response as to why saying that feminism should be shamed not celebrated. sites/articles like this are why feminism exists.

      7. 1. sluttiness- what, now guys can’t be sluts? is a woman who sleeps with multiple guys a slut but a man who sleeps with multiple women not a slut? wow. and should we even call either of them sluts? If a woman/man has enough confidence and game to get around, good for them!
        2. soo I eat a few bagels and like starbucks and suddenly those count as fat? guys can’t be fat? I think women want fit/healthy guys as much as you guys want fit/healthy girls
        3. being a foodie- so many male foodies! shut up!
        4. relying on gov for bills- WOW. cause this really couldn’t be applied to men either…
        5. single motherhood- ARE YOU SHITTING ME. “she doesn’t need a man”?? really??? do you really think all single mothers are single by choice because they don’ want a partner to help raise their children? it’s much more difficult and complicated than that, you ignorant asshole.
        6. stay at home mom- sure there are those rich housewives who spend all day blowing their husband’s money, but most likely if he’s allowing this, he can afford it and doesn’t care. and most likely if she’s a housewife the family is well off, and she may even spend her days doing something productive! what a shocking proposal!
        9. ok I agree trying to act like a porn star is a bit much, but you’re really gonna tell women to stop watching porn while it’s totally normal and acceptable and encouraged for men to watch porn?
        10. this one INFURIATES me. yes, we should be working on men’s birth control, and scientists are doing that. but defunding planned parenthood? oh yeah, int he meantime until men’s birth control is perfected that’s a super productive way to not knock a girl up. and we’re not responsible enough? I’m pretty sure if I woman doesn’t want to get pregnant she’ll use those pills properly, and if not, yea, that is why condoms exist. no uterus? no say.
        11. guys, maybe you should trim down below more, and keep your facial hair in check. thanks.
        12. wait, are there no men on online dating sites who couldn’t find love in college classes/jobs/bars? oh wait, there are, or women wouldn’t be on websites looking for them.
        13. an men never lie online either…riiiight….
        14. is divorce always the woman’s fault? can men never claim to not be happy in marriage? divorce is a two way street, it can be a mutual decision, the woman’s fault, or the man’s fault. shocker, I know!
        16. men don’t do anything for attention when they’re drunk? really? cause I’ve seen them do a lot of shit that looks just as dumb as us dancing on bars. as for the “whale” that sued that bar, good for her. let the girl do what she wants, if I can dance on a bar why can’t she?
        17. that’s like me telling you not to get a haircut. some women just look better with short hair-fact.
        18. cause men are never spoiled by fathers and mothers? this one is just stupid. SO many entitled men out there. women too. it’s just the way the world works, wouldn’t it be nice if nobody felt entitled? good luck with that.
        19. not even sure what you’re going for here. men and women both like to say they’ve hooked up with foreigners. so what?
        20. THIS SITE IS WRITTEN BY/FOR MISOGYNIST PIGS. you clearly hate women and see yourselves as superior so I won’t even bother giving you a response as to why saying that feminism should be shamed not celebrated. sites/articles like this are why feminism exists.

      8. Clearly this Gentleman knows what he wants as well as 90% of other guys. He isn’t going to candy coat shit for a bunch of feminist twats to mull over.

      9. Clearly this Gentleman knows what he wants as well as 90% of other guys. He isn’t going to candy coat shit for a bunch of feminist twats to mull over.

        1. You are really spending a lot of time on a website you claim to hate so much. Lonely? No OKC date tonight? What’s up? I’d try to get your number but I like attractive chicks…

      10. Your comment is a HUGE breath of fresh air!! What shocks me though is that you got so many thumbs up. You’d think it’d be the polar opposite…
        To add to the post above me, since the other comments were deleted:
        I hate to break it to all of the guys that post here, but men can have plenty of their own terrible habits…Porn addiction, cheating, being manwhores (A dude who ‘bangs his fair share of sluts’ and then has the audacity to complain about someone else’s behavior is so ridiculous it’s hard to even find it funny), trashtalking girls and women, feeling entitled to sex, and the list goes on and on…
        The fact of the matter is that if you think that’s the reality of women, then find someone who you’re compatible and happy with instead. But complaining constantly gets you NOWHERE and it doesn’t change or fix the past, so stop posting useless things and live your lives already.

      11. Holy Crap. I just left a reply to you like an HOUR ago, and it’s already gone!!! To the Mods: Please don’t delete my comment again. I’ve seen you on this site say before that you ‘tolerate free speech’, so there should be no reason to delete my comment. Anyway, I’ll just repost it:
        Men can have a lot of terrible habits too…Porn addiction, cheating, being manwhores (A dude who’s ‘had his fair share of sluts’ having the audacity to judge someone else’s behavior is so ridiculous it’s hard to even find that funny), trashtalking women and girls, feeling entitled to sex, and the list goes on and on…
        The fact of the matter is that if you truly believe that’s the reality of women, then find someone who you’ll be happy and compatible with instead. But constantly complaining gets you NOWHERE and doesn’t change or fix the past. So stop posting useless things and go out and live your lives.

    10. No. 25. “Yeah, I’m just a bigoted-sexist-moronic li’l bitch. That should be scumbag enough for you.”
      For any girls stuck in this black hole, remember: this is not a representation of most men. These are the bottom-of-barrel, Oedipal rejects to stupid to understand why no woman would want to touch them. Keep the faith.

      1. ROK really needs to tighten up on banning woman.
        Your response isn’t even worth replying. You woman just can’t imagine men doing their own thing/going their own way without you.
        What you doing on the Manosphere besides trolling again?

        1. I think the vast majority of the posts regarding women on this website actually very clearly illustrate the fact that men can’t imagine women doing things their own way without a man leading them along.

  5. Scared of sluts… you guys are fucking losers. Whatever, more for me.
    I’m all for fat shaming, though.

        1. Freud was a twat. I don’t think I have met anyone with that particular thought process, ever. That being said, I have nothing in particular against sluts. I’m also not gonna wife one up.

        2. Feminized troll saying hello. It’s not a complex if it is a real dichotomy. Why don’t you accuse him of ‘mansplaining’ next.

        3. Ok, I’ll bite. For the benefit of anyone remotely interested, I’ll go ahead with the “mansplanation”. Since I don’t look at women in general as belonging to the respective subsets of ‘saint’ or ‘whore’ and have never had any problems with (attractive) ‘good girls’ turning me off sexually, that lets out the “madonna-whore” complex. I don’t believe it fits the description of a true dichotomy, since it is neither jointly exhaustive nor mutually exclusive. I don’t view women as sluts just because they aren’t virgins, nor do I attribute saintly qualities to virgins because of their perceived non-sluttiness. Some of the biggest whores I know were virgins when they married. I do however, have pretty decent slut-dar…

    1. There’s one thing Johnny Salami is not afraid of: trannies!
      Go back to your tranny fetish porn and get off this site.

    2. I hear you brother.Slut shamers-are omega men scared of competition.
      I am for fat shaming,paternity fraud criminal charging and cutting hair short judging though

      1. Do you have more fake names of men you’d like to use, JohnnySalami/Gameiro?
        Weird bitches are weird.

    3. My friend went down on a dirty Mexican slut once.
      His tongue turned green and he felt things crawl up his nose.
      The horror… the horror….

  6. In Re: #10) Birth control
    “and instead put that money into research for a real male birth control.”
    Vasalgel. 100% effective non-hormonal based method of temporarily reversing fertility. Simple injection into the vas deferens, flushes out with a second injection or naturally after 10 years. Currently in Phase I animal trials, scheduled for Phase II in 2015 … if they can keep it funded. Currently funded by a non-profit considering a kickstarter campaign.
    This method could seriously shake-up sexual politics in the US. For $1000 or so, a young man could get the procedure at 18 and not have to worry about accidental pregnancy derailing his life until 28. It would also put the reproductive choice firmly in the hands of the men who have the procedure. But since there is no drug involved, Pharma isn’t investing in it. It’s been successfully tested in India for years.
    Check it out. It could be revolutionary. And a great way to invest in our future.

    1. There is a much easier option….this is them ale birth control pill. He said feminists are against the male pill.
      it is already been tested and invented and is successful.

      1. Actually, feminists are for the pill because men and women will be able to choose their method of protection. Feminism is about equality, not just women’s rights.

        1. NO they are not…that is what they say…but in reality they want to take , take and take some more. They want female supremacy without putting hard work. They shame men and did you ever watch the video…..THE BRILLAINT SCIENTIST CLEARLY SAYS FEMINISTS APPOSED HIS MALE BIRTH CONTROL PILL.

        2. I have always been in favor of male birth control, because not all women are able to take birth control pills for health reasons. On the other hand, there is a fundamental flaw in assuming women in general aren’t responsible enough to remember to take their pills, but men are. Don’t get me wrong, I’m quite depressed by the women I know who aren’t good at that level of responsibility….but there are many, many women who are perfectly capable. And I’m not sure that I’ve ever met a man who was responsible enough! (I’d like to site every boyfriend I have had or heard of who has pressured me to have sex without a condom or when I had missed a pill even though I didn’t want to)

    1. We shouldn’t shame women who own horses. We should shame women who value animal’s lives over humans. That would extend to cat ladies and dog whores, so we’d have all bases covered.

      1. Real talk. I’ve got one woman fb friend who posts stuff about adopting dogs to save them from dying, then in the next post she’ll be all “#standwithwendydavis”

      2. Real talk. I’ve got one woman fb friend who posts stuff about adopting dogs to save them from dying, then in the next post she’ll be all “#standwithwendydavis”

  7. Regarding “foodies,” I don’t see anything wrong with the Southern white trash food of My People, eaten in moderation. Last night for dinner I had some leftover beans and chorizos (a food our neighbors to the South have introduced to us) poured over a piece of Krusteaz cornbread that I cooked in a crock pot. (Try making corn bread that way some time; it works.).

  8. Want to solve the divorce problem? Abolish all general state sponsored marriage and family laws and take down the current “domestic relations” infrastructure. Replace it with the marriage contract. If two people want to get married they have to sit down with lawyers and draw up a good old fashion marriage contract. Both sides disclose assets, debts, retirement, savings, and income. All intentions and finances are negotiated including how to dissolve the contract (maybe even put a hard date on the contract when it dissolves). If both sides reach an agreement when you sign it and solemnize it as you see fit. If you can’t reach an agreement you move on with your life. These are conversations people should be having before they get married anyway. If there is any disagreement you treat it as any other contractual dispute and apply contract law principles to decide the outcome. No need for bigoted anti-male family court judges. Any old judge should be able to handle a plain old contracts case.

    1. Actually, being a better judge of character would be easier.
      I’ve seen enough POF/OKC bitches with the good ol’, “I am divorced after a really short marriage, but my hubby wasn’t abusive before we got married!”…
      Yea, sure he wasn’t, sweetcheeks.

      1. Right, because the original rant is a trove of argument, especially when most of them originate from a very traditionalistic view of the world, as if we are still in 1950.
        “Keep your hair short because I like it that way”
        Great argument there bud.
        I wonder what some other “great” articles on this website are…
        Oh, I found one that describes trans* people as freaks! Another great argument from this site!

    1. Translation: “I do 15 of the 20 things on this list (especially the food and the cats) — and each of them *should* be celebrated because of the goddess womyn that I am!!!”

    2. Now, Dana, the kid is only 22 years old, still chasing his fantasies of male
      privilege. Cut him some slack.
      I did laugh at this line: “new slut generations are going to end up with more cats and less husbands.” Hahahaha, only if she’s lucky!

      1. more cats and less husbands

        only if she’s lucky!

        Wow, hatred of men on full display! Thanks for illustrating the point so clearly.

        1. Notice the posturing about having a husband – when nobody here asked or cared – so she can ‘prove’ to us she’s high value enough to even attract a husband, (because feminists are still women, and women are fiercely-competitive and socially-judge women who can’t attract mates as low value).
          She may choose to believe the OP is ‘chasing his fantasies of male privilege’, but I’m free to believe she’s’ chasing fantasies of having a ‘husband’. The proof is in the fact she’s trolling a site aimed at PUA’s instead of being otherwise-engaged having a positive, loving and stimulating relationship with the ‘man’ she ‘married’.
          I do believe her cats are real though.

        2. I assume when referring to her spouse you are using the term “man” loosely. Any guy that would marry that trolley troll must be a real pussified bootlicker.

        3. If men were all like the idiot who wrote this article, then I’d say hating them would be a pretty logical response.

        4. And what are YOU doing trolling this website? Surely not taking a break from a positive, loving, and stimulating relationship with a woman.

      2. Well, I have seen the growth of pet stores and related industries in real time. Good for ya, and good for the guys running those enterprises. And thank you for removing yourself from the genetic pool.

  9. Pretty decent article. However, I take issue with the swipe at Planned Parenthood. They do awesome work. Plus, since women run the risk of pregnancy, they should be responsible for protecting themselves against it. Don’t trust them on this, but it’s still their responsibility.

    1. Abortion is one of the feminist trump cards that enables this whole mess out society is experiencing.
      Our culture was far stronger without abortion.
      99.99999999999% of abortion is birth control for irresponsible sluts.

      1. Straight from the horse’s mouth:
        Most abortion in the U.S. is by 20- something women who are too lazy to use birth control or use it properly — even though they should know better, because they already have a kid outside marriage!!

        Women in their 20s account for more than half of all abortions; women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25–29 obtain 24%.[6]

        • Fifty-four percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method (usually the condom or the pill) during the month they became pregnant. Among those women, 76% of pill users and 49% of condom users report having used their method inconsistently, while 13% of pill users and 14% of condom users report correct use. [8]
        Forty-six percent of women who have abortions had not used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. Of these women, 33% had perceived themselves to be at low risk for pregnancy, 32% had had concerns about contraceptive methods, 26% had had unexpected sex and 1% had been forced to have sex.[8]

        About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children. [6]


        1. Im not advocating abortion, but would you rather be stuck with a slut for 18 years? Not me. Ill give her $500 for the abortion, ride to the clinic and buy her pizza. Just cheaper in the long run.

        2. The abortion vs. child support topic has already been debated at length on this site:

          How To Convince A Girl To Get An Abortion

          Let’s just agree that it’s better to do neither.
          And if you’re sleeping with a woman who’s not (relatively) chaste or conscientious about birth control, then it’s best not to trust the wench.
          Get her to stick in an IUD in her cooch or an implant in her tricep. If it’s a short-term fling, always insist on the condoms you brought.

    2. Take a look at where they locate their clinics. Read up on the politics of the founder (http://www.dianedew.com/sanger.htm). This is not an organization that was set up to help women in some sort of modern progressive empowering way, it was set up specifically and deliberately to kill children of undesirable ethnicities.

    3. But it isn’t…..the law will use force to make me pay for a child I may not have agreed to.

      1. You were sorta’ agreeing to that kid when you took the risk to knock boots with her…right? Or does a condom just make that all better?

        1. No I wasn’t, I was having sex with her and her with me. There was no agreement whatsoever that I become a father. A broken condom does not protect me from the child support lottery. Hence, if she falls pregnant, it’s her body her choice, she can choose all she wants. But I should be able to CHOOSE to opt out especially if she can unilaterally murder my child.

        2. Thats’ the thing-it’s common fucking (teehee) sense that man plus woman = baby, but abortion has muddled all that and has separated the act of sex from procreation so people actually believe they’re entitled to NOT have a child when they get it on. So the logic is why is it the woman can’t be “forced” into motherhood, but the father can be “forced” into fatherhood.
          Now, I’d like to see either limits placed on abortion or Roe vs Wade overturned entirely. But now, I think that as long as abortion is legal men should have the ability to sign over their rights for the same length of time in that state a woman can have an abortion.

  10. All valid points. In my view the great enabler of all of this is the Beta male. Men have more power than women, but they’ve ceded it away. Shame the female behavior, but also shame the Beta that condones.

    1. Indeed. Ninety percent of this shit would disappear from the culture in a matter of months if more guys decided to act like they have a fucking sack — and stop tolerating out-of-line and unfeminine behavior from these bitches.

      1. I’ve done my part. I’ve never ‘liked’ an attention-whoring post, not even when it was from my girlfriend, sister, or mother (all women do it sometimes). Just last week I was out with a girl who brazenly and proudly admitted to being a drunken slut. I made an excuse to leave and instead hook up with a girl who acted more like a fucking woman.
        BUT then I had my friends chastising me for not taking the drunken slut home and banging her. NO. Banging a slut of such epic proportions is just giving her what she wants (attention, love, etc.) and encouraging it. Don’t bang sluts. Have some self-respect and do mankind a favor.

        1. Let me guess…this was some kind of bitch with that lame “Only God can judge me!” mantra that gives her permission to be a whore?
          Odd that this isn’t carried on where the dating world still spins on its axis.
          Either way, awesome reality check handed out!

  11. It’s a shame, that girl in that second fat picture in #13 would probably be somewhat attractive if she didn’t weigh 250 lbs.

  12. 21: Isn’t a virgin, because we all know that men haaaaaateeeeee that.
    I think we can sum up the entire list with: Isn’t a virgin, gets drunk at bars, and is friends with other sluts. These three make up the woman you just pump’n’dump. I really wish we our good friend Jack The Ripper was around today… All women are essentially prostitutes and I’m sure he would have a field day with this society, hell if I ever met him (or someone like him) I’m certain I would join up.

  13. “7. The use of cake face make up. ”
    I swear some of these brawds use the same amount of war paint on their faces that morticians use to cover up all the post autopsy blemishes and discolorations. These skags look like the walking dead and I’m far from being remotely aroused.

    1. If these chicks had ingenuity like they did in the days of old, they’d at least be smart enough to make money at carnivals as clowns or even as team mascots…since they all like sports, right?

  14. Another boring repeat of beta men mantras.This site needs some refreshment.
    And btw-what s wrong with sluts?Are you against fucking or what?

    1. Hey, it’s Johnny Salami/Gameiro. Shouldn’t you be on the tranny fetish sites, you admitted tranny lover

  15. You should be immediately fired from your job for sharing these opinions. What gives you the right to independent and rational thought, mister?
    Women should be celebrated for all of these things, because patriarchy rape culture YOLO!

  16. Hey now, I NEED sluts. Women can wise up and go back to being desirable for relationships after I’m done working on raising my notch count.

  17. man, I see a list like this and I’m so glad I love masculine men!
    If any of you masculine men are ever in SoCal, come suntan naked with me at blacks beach!

    1. lmao. This is too much. Return of the kings’ “masculine” men attracts Guys like you rather than women! man I love this site 😛

      1. Again, calling heterosexual men “gay”. Are you going to say that they have “Small penises” next? Low level trolling, Leah, be ashamed or learn to troll better.

      2. We understand your jealousy and despair. Someone as obviously illiterate as you could never hope to have one of us. Many of the men here are successful, highly educated, very financially secure and single and healthy/ fit. One caveat – we know about you and your fellow females bullshit. So go away and come back after you “woman up”.

    2. Oh hey, it’s the “man” who commented on the tranny article how much he loves trannies.
      Obvious troll is obvious.

  18. Women should be shamed for speaking badly about their significant others in public/to their girlfriends. How many times have I overheard a conversation, or had a conversation start with, “my boyfriend is such an asshole, read these text messages between what happened yesterday, ohmygod i hate him…. blah blah blah”. They have no respect. Instead of confronting their boyfriend about what’s bothering them, they drag it out by doing passive aggressive stuff like this.

    1. Oh man this is so true…like when I go to gatherings with lots of couples, I speak to quite a fair few couples and not uncommon to hear the girl saying bad stuff about her boyfriend.
      This one time this blonde cutie was saying the she does not like her BF even though they have dated since high school and been together for 11 years and I got a bit sick of it so I said you Boyfriend seems like an awesome dude just to rustle feathers and finished off with “perhaps you should discuss with your BF what you don’t like in private before letting us know”. I hated that that the BF was so beta just taking that shit.
      I eventually ended up having sex with her and a few other of the girls with boyfriends behind the boyfriend’s back …. that is kinda why I go to social circle gathering with so man couples…lots of beta men cannot keep their woman on in check…most of the girls I end up sleeping with come onto me infront of their BFs. A sad dating scene America has become.

      1. Class act you are. Beta or not, sleeping with another mans wife or gf? really? Thats what they consider “alpha” huh? Sad indeed.

        1. I’ve done it. I’ve had chicks that had come on to me right in front of their boyfriends, who were too pussy to do or say anything about it; then banged them later. I don’t feel bad about it at all. If it wasn’t me it would have been some other guy. So I might as well be the one enjoying her poon.

        2. Western women lack morals and have absolutely no issues with cheating on their BFs if the opportunity presents itself unless the BF is dominating like Jason Statham or famous or a true alpha.
          If you live in America you will realize that there are many hot girls who are with beta boyfriends and because they are living with a beta BF, they are more horny and more DTF than a single hot girl.
          And you can see it on the girl’s face that they want to ditch him…that’s when I come along. If I get interest from the girls in the form od flirting and eye fucking, then I go for it.
          Also these boyfriends should expect it. I mean if your beta enough to not beable to keep her in line( this is something every man should beable to do in a relationship, even a provider beta male should beable to tell his wife off for bad mouthing him ) and she talks and about you in front of others rather than discussing it in private….you know that cherry is rip for the pickings, haha.

        3. True that…but to be fair, for a woman to even get an alpha boyfriend, they would have to do what you did to become feminine…most western women never put in work to learn femininity and how to become a woman….this is how the government has screwed up women and men.

        4. yeah, some girls really have no shame to cheat on their bfs, and then pretend they are still “in love” with them in front of their faces, what happened to a friend of mine who had an asian chick living with him(not paying rent), after he found out she banged 2 guys (that he knew of), while living with him for free, “i still love you”, is what she was like after he found out. He had to move out of his place, because of PTSD after that. and btw, ONE of the guys she fucked happened to be eastern european, so he has now decided that all eastern europeans are scumbags and that he hates them (incl. eastern european girls, which he unfairly claims are like skanks)… i told him he was being delusional if the girls from his country(IRL), are somehow classy, and excess in the “character” departement as he now claims (because i criticized the way they eat too much junk food). as 1 of my female cousins once told me, a rare honest sentence i will never forget, while waiting for her husband to come home; “always make sure that you will get married with a girl who loves you more than you love her,” a very safe advice me, and men here should apply to any relationship they consider serious; make sure the gf you are with is 1 step ahead of you in terms of commitment. (random exapmles; 1 text behind, you quiting the conversation you are having and leaving before she does…), obvious for many ROK readers, but needs to be said and done, keeping this attitude in check all the way along

        5. OR. Women can have a relationship with equal respect for both sides where it’s healthy and everyone is happy. That way cheating idiots like you guys can find each other and be miserable together. There is no alpha or beta, only dickwads like you and people who actually think.

        6. Maybe you should become a Muslim. Those poor bitches have no rights at all, you’d feel right at home.

      2. Congrats for your contribution.
        Admittedly, way back when I was 18 and at my first job, i could have knocked boots with a chick who I worked with. Her b/f also worked with us and ditched her for her own best friend. All this bitch wanted to get with me for was to get back at him and because my middle name was the same as his first name. Thanks, but no. Sounded rather spooky. Her life is pretty shitty according to her Facebook. Pity for her two daughters, I guess.

      3. That’s kinda the thing about being well, “beta,” to use the terms you guys use. You get used to not having a woman, then when you get one even to pay attention to you, you get too scared to piss her off because you don’t want to lose her; thus, you let her treat you any old kind of way. I know because I’ve been there, but I’ll never go there again. I don’t consider myself “alpha,” but I most certainly won’t be doing the mangina thing again.

        1. Dude, you’ll be doing the mangina thing for the rest of your life. You would kiss the ugliest woman in the world’s feet if you thought it meant you could stick your dick in her and still have it be cool with The Big Guy Upstairs. (Who hates you, remember? Cos you’re such a foul person?) You are a mangina. A giant, world-shattering, twitching mangina.

        2. Dude, you’ll be doing the mangina thing for the rest of your life. You would kiss the ugliest woman in the world’s feet if you thought it meant you could stick your dick in her and still have it be cool with The Big Guy Upstairs. (Who hates you, remember? Cos you’re such a foul person?) You are a mangina. A giant, world-shattering, twitching mangina.

        3. Yeah, God doesn’t hate anyone. That’s why there’s all that genocide and murder and rape in the Old Testament.

        4. Yeah, God doesn’t hate anyone. That’s why there’s all that genocide and murder and rape in the Old Testament.

    1. Ahhh, poor little thing, which of those 20 points does your mom celebrate in herself?
      My guess is the cats and lying about her body on OldPeopleMeet dot com

  19. Brilliant article. But depressing. I wish I didnt have to live with these animals. Wish there were even just a handful of charming, polite and somewhat attractive females out there. Id even look over a few extra pounds if she was a nice person. They make no attempts to better themselves. How about tattoos and piercings. These circus freaks. They cant even put together a semi-stylish look for themselves. Herds of swine.

    1. No wonder you have this view – you’re just as awful yourself. This article just shows how bad any other man is as well, if you just look closer you can find these flaws among men too. Just be quiet, please.

    2. It might help if you didn’t have a face like the skin off a leper’s shit, you fucking dunce. How many of you cocksuckers are planning school shootings right now? Or climbing the local clock tower with a rifle and, one by one, picking off the ‘herds of swine’? I’m betting most of you, you miserable dickless whores. You people are the reason this world is doomed and I hope you all get cut in two by a train in front of your families.

  20. [email protected] “tons of fascinating stories to tell about their lives”. One month on Plenty Of Fish and I learned about all their fascinating stories. IE; ” My friends and family are the most important thing in my life”. “Yoga” “anything to do with Zombies”. The females of today are the most one-sided, boring, socially inept and retarded fuckwads in history.

      1. When they want “a guy who can make me laugh”, are they now taking applications for a court jester? Bitch ain’t royalty, so…?

  21. Great, article… while reading some of your points …. the birth control and the dancing on the bar for example ….. that i never really thought into before…
    I look back on my past and realized i really was like Neo in the Matrix, knowing something was wrong, but not quite being able to put my finger on it, while people around me seemed to be all wrapped up in the moment….
    Nice Work…. Trouble Maker….
    btw. there is a good birth control… the IUD, and easy to check with a finger if it’s still there….

  22. 12. Doing online dating because they can’t find anyone.

    From my “adventures” browsing the wasteland of fat hipster cuntitude that is OK Cupid in Austin, TX:
    I log into my homepage and see the “sexy”-faced whale in the attached pic proclaiming in one of her status updates, “I am sorry but I am only attracted to slim, athletic, and average body types in guys.”
    And naturally, with the Maker’s Mark I had in my system at that moment, I had to troll the bitch. I mean, had to. So I messaged her, saying that it takes a lot of balls on her part to write something like that. She asked me why, and I responded:

    Because you seem to think you’re entitled to a fit, trim guy when you’re clearly unwilling to watch your own weight or watch your own eating habits. Honest question: why should a fit, trim athletic guy go for YOU when he can have……. a fit, trim, athletic GIRL?

    Of course, the enraged Orca fired a feverish torrent of hamsterization back at me — “plenty” of thin/athletic guys liked her just fine, she insisted, and “because I’m not ugly I’m extremely confident in myself.” Right.
    But the best part of it all — I mean, the part that perfectly summarizes what disgusting, loathsome gutter trash American women have allowed themselves to become — was when she pulled the pity card on me:

    I am over weight because of medical reasons you fucking asshole. I just lost my daughter.
    Yes I got depressed and gained weight. You lose a child and not have
    adverse affects from it.

    Consider that one, gentlemen. Turn it over in your minds a moment. Forget the part about her being an entitled four hundred-pounder who thinks she has the right to demand that only top-notch males bother contacting her. What we’re really dealing with here is this:
    A bitch who claims to have just lost her kid is — mere months later — making blowjob faces and showing off the pushed-together fat meat she calls “cleavage” on a fucking internet dating site. And she’s perfectly willing to wave the alleged death of her kid at anyone who has the nerve to question just what the fuck she thinks she’s doing. Because, you know… it was, like, traumatic and shit lol.
    Welcome to America in the 21st century, gentlemen. Fear not and don’t bother protesting, for there is nothing you can do. This is the new normal.

    1. Even overweight women on OKcupid thinks you’re asshat. At yet I regularly see comments from men going all: “ZOMG! women sucks and I’m so glad I like ‘masculine’ men!”
      It seems that Guys are more into you “Redpill”-men or whatever you call yourselves than women. Man, you Guys are entertaining:P

      1. Yeah, calling him “gay” is a rational way of discussing a problem… NOT. Leah, you need to learn a lot.

        1. 6 almost immediate replys because I dared to point out that Guys seem more interested in you than women? And now you and your wannabes are resorting to insutling my grammar and calling me fat,
          Did I strike a nerve?
          Your butthurt is obvious, but it’s hard to fault you for it since you’re so amusing. Gotta love this site:)

        2. “this comment was deleted”…
          Could it really be that Dick w. Ryder finally decided to take a hike?
          man, I’ve done humanity a favor. gonna miss him for the lulz though.

      2. Leah, you forgot the part where you claim to “love to laugh and want a guy that makes me laugh…while I work hard and play harder”
        Silly fatty.

    2. I am over weight because of medical reasons you fucking asshole. I just lost my daughter.
      What does one have to do with the other?
      My dad had a seizure back in September and got out of the hospital five days later…and took his life that same afternoon I brought him home. I didn’t blow the fuck up weightwise and I was giving him CPR when he made his last gasp in a pool of blood! Did it suck? Yeah,. Was I demonstrating my social awkwardness like this fatty by holing up in the back room of my parents house and attention whoring on OKC all day long like her? No, not really. Bitch probably just “lost” custody of her daughter to her babydaddy, anyway.
      Let me guess…it’s that good ol’ “bad thyroid” deal. Well, my mom had her thyroid zapped out with some radiation about 20 years ago and she isn’t obese and she’s nearing retirement age. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE FATTIES???
      You have PCOS??? Okay. You shouldn’t be fat then, since PCOS bumps your testosterone levels up! You should have MORE muscle mass in that case. Then again, you had to be a fat pig to acquire PCOS in all likelihood. Not the other way around.
      ‘Murca…full of fucking softies and socially awkward fucks. Where did it start to go fucking wrong??? Really time to start dusting off the passport, isn’t it?

    3. Thanks to youtube videos making fun of plenty of fish, I’ve started occasionally browsing their selections by sticking to what I’d like to marry*-black, between 22-25 since I’m 23, etc. It’s hilarious and kinda sad how most of these women have kids. You’d think there’d be an option to filter out single mothers, lol. It’s also pretty funny how quite a few of them really do look horrible (I mean, I’m not Mr Universe or some shit but I still have standards!) but THE MOST unrealistic standards! It just sucks when you can’t browse anymore due to the lack of an account.
      *(though in light of the new knowledge I’ve gotten over the past few months about the screwed up marriage stats in this country that will not happen officially)

  23. Ok, most points in the list are valid, but I must say I am a little tired of this. Many are repetition of points made in previous articles in greater depth.
    Besides, who is this article targeted for? It’s a mens site. Why not a list of things lazy/beta men do? Bashing sluts seems like the easy road here.
    The balsy “call to action” articles seem to be a thing of the past around here.

  24. Skrillex buzzcuts. Tattoos. Ear lobe expanders or any other dumbass piercings.
    A personal pet hate of mine is also wearing leggings instead of slacks or a skirt. I’m guessing from the size of your ass in back and gut in front you didn’t just come from the gym darling!

  25. Brilliant character humour. Even drier than The Onion. I half expected point 20 to just be something like “WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME MEGHAN” but the author kept it subtle and didn’t add any sort of obvious punch line. Very entertaining.

    1. Furry avatar = a narcissist incapable of constructing a healthy, valid personality, so demands narcissistic supply via a fantasy construct.

      1. “Anonymous” troll = a sad, pathetic excuse of a human that’s too weak to do anything but pretend they’re better than people on the internet.
        Who has the fantasy construct again?

  26. With the viewpoints of this author and many of the commenters on this site, it really is surprising that all the decent women in the world want nothing to do with you. /sarcasm
    If all the women you’re coming in contact with are traumatized, use their bodies for attention, and can’t be trusted, it might have something to do with the fact that you’re a hateful, generalizing douchebag that mentally-balanced, non-gold-digging, self-respecting, trustworthy women would not put up with.
    The only thing all the women you meet have in common is you.

    1. Speaking of commonalities:
      Sarcasm is a hugely-unattractive quality in a woman. Particularly as it’s the defense mechanism of the ugly, the bitter, or the narcissistic, who need to cut everyone else down to size who maintain their inflated self-image when they’ve really done nothing to earn it.
      Sarcastic women also never risk showing genuine passion for things, because that would risk negative criticism if the passion isn’t considered culturally ‘fashionable’, which means they tend to favour ‘irony’ and ‘detachment’ as personal style, because it offers a ‘get out’ clause.
      They’re walking voids with ‘unique hair colouring’, wearing 50’s ‘intelligent girl’ glasses, faking personality, offering nothing of substance or value to the world but an endless stream of snark, letting the world know everything is seemingly beneath their high standards.
      I’ve never met a beautiful woman who needed to be sarcastic, because she was secure in her beauty, her intelligence and her pleasant, feminine personality.
      Men inherently know and loathe this quality in women. Narcissistic women adore it because they can pretend they’re a character in a TV show written by Joss Whedon rather than form a genuine, healthy personality.

      1. In the short one month I could stomach on Plenty of Fish I found it amazing how many females listed “sarcastic” as a trait they thought was cute. These women really are clueless arent they?

    2. Here is a self proclaimed ‘Stable Woman Of The World” coming on a mens website who has been daddy’s little girl since she was born, full entitlement array no doubt, lives in the suburbs with her loving husband and three kids, Parker, Caden and Megan. Drives a new SUV, owns a horse and wants to tell us that if we just “Man Up” we could have our pick of all crop from the multitude of “mentally-balanced, non-gold-digging, self-respecting, hyphen-overusing female douchebags we want. Wonder what color the sky is in this bitches world where the unicorns-shit-rainbow-colored-skittles…

      1. No, no one gets their ultimate pick of partners. Because yes, most women do suck. But that’s because most *people* suck. In the US, 60% of everyone is overweight, and most of the other 40% is ugly in some other way. Male or female, attractive and intelligent people are hard to come by.
        That being said, if you met an amazing woman and showed her this article and said, “isn’t that just the funniest, truest thing ever?” do you honestly think she’d be pleased?

        1. You know what? I actually know quite a few amazing women. Tell you what. Ill show them the article, find out and then answer your question. Hows that?

        2. No, women dont suck. Neither do men. A women can speak in a soft voice and massage his shoulders after a long hard day at work. A man can provide stability and reassurance and protection and offer his heart and soul to a woman. People do not suck. 60% of the population is overweight due to the loss of physical labor being replaced by sit on your fat ass desk jobs combined with Big Food industry teaming up with farmers, politicians and sharp marketing strategist to get people to eat a lot of cheap to produce high fructose and corn-based garbage. That is a societal problem. 40% are ugly? Nobody is ugly. Beauty comes from the inside and it is in the eye of the beholder. Ive met many beautiful people that were horribly ugly on the inside. This vision of attractiveness and desirability comes from Advertising professionals, TV and the Internet.
          Should women be “pleased” by reading this article? Of course not. Its not supposed to please them. Its supposed to them them what the problems are and what to do to fix them. That’s the big difference between the men here and you and your females. We try to voice our poions and differences and work together to improve ourselves – whether that leads to meet someone “amazing” or not. You females like to support yourselves – without the goal of improvement – as you are with “be yourself”, “Big Beautiful Woman”, “dont let anyone change you”, “you are fine the way you are”, “it’s ok to be an independent sexual woman” crap. There was a time when women were very highly valued and cherished and honored. Now look at you all. You have come to one of the few places where you can discover the painful truth, and by the grace of the websites owner you are allowed to spew your vitriol. As your Mom always told you, if you dont have anything good to say dont say anything at all. Now run along, you need to bring Caden to soccer practice.

  27. I’m more concerned about what women don’t do. Chief among those things is that they do not use their brains.

    1. and I’m concerned how much you used your brain when you wrote that. Oh my good, you, are, so, lame.

  28. Excellent article. Whenever you notice an abundance of feminists, sluts, and manginas frothing and foaming, you know you’re doing something right. Truth hurts, don’t it ladies? Keep up the good work, dude…

    1. Pretty soon the Alexis numbers for this site will be going to the moon. Doubtful many females will start to get any clues though. After all, they do have Plenty of Fish and their Facebook duckface pout “faceys”.

      1. I may not agree with everything you’ve wrote here, but there were quite a few things you’ve stated that women, especially the tumblr/jezebel feminist types, need to hear. The fact that they’re so offended and won’t even acknowledge that there ARE at least some things on this list that are f-ed up and that they shouldn’t be doing, shows what type of people they really are.

  29. I have to wildly disagree at some points here:
    Slutiness in the sense of a girl sleeping with many men shouldn’t be shamed. It’s a girl’s right to do what she wants with her personal life
    Being fat WITHOUT making an effort to change things should be shamed not being fat alone. Many people I know have been there at some point or another.
    Single motherhood? Most single mothers are single by circumstance not choice. Most single mothers live very difficult lives and don’t have time to date anyone and would have trouble doing so as no quality man is interested in them. Some of them also barely have enough money to feed their young. Should we shame them on top of all? A very general point which definitely doesn’t apply in their majority
    Online dating: Most girls do online dating at the exact same style everyone does. As a place to add a few more options to your dating agenda. The only thing I’m critical of is girls doing online dating only to indulge in attention whoring and nothing else.
    Lying about their body type is a bit shameful but I guess they’re doing it out of need.
    Points 4 and 6 should go together and as a whole yes they should be shamed. The law supports moms doing that which is a shame on society as a whole
    Point 16 goes with the slutiness complex again. However I think we’re going a bit too far to say they should be shamed for that. I would disagree in taking their personal liberties away if that’s they’re way of fun. Obviously it’s done for attention whoring purposes but still you can’t tell them what to do. That’s what woke up the whole feminist movement in the first place which caused all these problems The abuse of female privileges is the problem not feminism itself
    Completely agree on point 15
    Point 17 is ridiculous. Whilst I agree that it’s completely unattractive, it’s any girl’s right to do so
    Point 20: For what feminism has become in this day and age I’m forced to agree

    1. About online dating: why would any non-fat woman between the ages of 18 and 30 need online dating… ever? Does she lives in Antarctica?

      1. You assume that there’s something wrong with online dating and that it should only be used if there’s no other way. That is wrong
        Why shouldn’t they use online dating? It just increases their options. Online dating is here to stay and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it because it’s “online”. It’s just another venue to meet people like the coffee place and the pub. Nothing more nothing less

        1. The normal girl in any big city gets countless opportunities to meet people, yet I see thousands of pretty women on online-dating sites which seems to live in a bubble. Or do they want something else? What could be they looking for? Mmmmm. Something that rimes with “honey”. What could it be? Bling, bling, ka-ching, ka-ching.
          Meeting people in real life is NOT like shopping online. Because that is what it is, shopping.

        2. I dont know where you live but Id like to see anyone meet a woman at the coffeeshops or pubs in my city. Thanks for the laugh though. Do you work for an online dating company?

        3. oh jesus you’re a biased idiot. I’m not gonna argue nonsense with you. I and most guys here meet women on coffee-shops and pubs regularly

        4. Who limits themselves to coffe and dank pubs? Damn, people…get out once in a while.
          Buy a vehicle and scoot around town for once. Gas ain’t that damn expensive and I own two trucks!

        5. I get the feeling that online dating sites are an Odd Goods Market that corresponds to “As Seen on TV”, with the same fiduciary motivations …
          “The odds are good
          That your goods are odd”
          — a grotty bar sign seen this past week

      2. You assume that something is inherently wrong with online dating and should only be used as a last resort. Well no that is not true in the digital age of the 21st century. Online dating is here to stay and it’s only a way to add more options to your dating agenda.
        Why wouldn’t they use it? It’s just another venue to meet people like the coffee place and the pub. Nothing more nothing less.
        I do agree on the “why” questions but like I said, you can’t take away her liberty to do so.

        1. You missed his point completely. They “wouldnt use it” because a reasonably attractive female with any modicum of social skills, manners and style that has the capability of speaking and talking should have no problem meeting people in real life. They use online dating simply for the ego boost. And all the thirsty lonely guys looking for some… feed right into it. Its just another scam to separate gullible men from their money. Just like dating (using men for a free meal/drinks), marriage (inevitably leading to a financially secure future for the female after she has pilfered her spouses 401k through the divorce courts). Valentines day etc etc.

        2. And *you* missed *my* point completely. I didn’t miss his point at all I stated very clearly that I disagree with this viewpoint of online dating being used only as a last resort. I am trying to explain that this is not the case and you can compliment your candidates pool with more options. Not all girls are approached all the time and even if she is she will still go online for this very reason.
          Here is the point then: A woman can practice online dating to increase her options and NOT necessarily because of her lack of social skills or that she’s ugly. I have met some fine beautiful women online with perfectly normal social skills

        3. You don’t get it. We should shame sluts because civilization can’t survive without marriage. And no man with his balls intact wants to marry the village bicycle.

        4. There *is* *a* *reason* these attractive girls are “not being approached all the time”. Now use you perceptiveness to tell me why that is?

        5. Are you still dating those “fine beautiful women” “with perfectly normal social skills”? Rationalize your involvement if you must, but, that’s on you.
          Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There should be NO real reason that a woman who doesn’t live like a hermit in her parent’s basement should have to resort to OLD. If she’s an attention whore she needs those options to let her sleep better.
          What kind of practice does a socially adjusted woman get from OLD, anyway?

        6. Of course not guys but we need to see some reason. First and foremost it’s good for everyone to explore some
          sexual options before settling down. We know for a fact that marriage today equals to a new world of problems for a man. We talk again and again in the Manosphere that marriage is a bad idea for men for good reason. So we’re left with no marriage and no “sluts”? We’re only going for relationships as the only option and I’m not sure that will be viable.
          Personally, I’m completely against any notion that tells a person what to do and want not to do which is why most of this post finds me in disagreement. Women must stop abusing legal and societal benefits they have. Especially the laws that allow women to ruin men’s lives should be re-evaluated all together. Women embarrassing and hitting men being met with no consequences. All mentioned on this blog (marriage, ridiculous rape accusations etc). White knighthood is responsible for a number of female entitlement issues which is why some problems need to be addressed in men too. These are the real problems.
          Taking personal liberties away reaches a whole different level. Telling them with who or how many men to sleep with, telling them what to do with their hair, and telling them how to have fun in a non-attention whoring way goes a step too far. This is telling them how to live their lives and it’s wrong to think that they should do so by our judgemental standards.
          Braindead feminists call us misogynists as soon as we start reacting to the slightest of their shit. Let’s not give them legit reasons to do so.

  30. 21. Those fucking 4-inch soles on high heels.
    That GODAWFUL metric tone of shoe-fuckery should be outlawed. They look like animal HOOVES. Have you ever seen these whorses [sic] try to walk in them? 99% of women who wear heels should be forbidden from wearing them.
    Not just shamed. Point and LAUGH.
    You’ll often see that mess sticking out from under short-torso-ed latino meatball with feet. Like Danny Devito’s penguin on stilts. They walk like a man walks to the next stall when his pants are around his ankles and he ran out of ass-wipe. A complete joke.

    1. 21a. If they can wear floor-gouging heels in public, then I should be allowed to wear my golf shoes in public.

  31. I’m sick of sheep on this site ALL sprouting the line, “NO woman looks better with short hair,” then the rest of the sheep here pat them on the back. I’ll list two exceptions (but could easily list more; two is enough to state my point): Winona Ryder and SInead O’Connor. I pick those two as they rocked different versions of short.
    Winona is my all time favourite babe from the 90’s, I’ve watched Reality Bites twice even though I hate that film just because of her. And Alien Resurrection fucking sucks but I’ve only watched Aliens more than that film in the series – again, because of Winona’s elfen looks. I’ve seen most of her other films and she looks like shit (comparitively) with long hair.
    Now Sinead O’Connor was alright, never had a crush on her but it’s impossible to deny that her shaved head in that “Nothing Compares 2 U” vid was a worse option than the curly black hair she sports now. Yeah, it’s unfair to judge her now because the years haven’t been kind but fuck she looks like a bull-pig… with curly black locks.

      1. Missed my point – unsurprising. Most people are dumb. My point is
        regarding the word “ALL.” Most of the chicks I like have longer hair,
        but Winona Ryder gives me (or used to, when she was in her 20’s) a
        massive hard on. If that makes you uncomfortable, like I’ve trodden on
        the values that have been stomped into your lil’ skull all these years,
        deal with it. Fact is she was a babe. A babe with short hair. 🙂

    1. Good on you if you like the Dyke look. So nice and short and easy to care for look on women. They really love the “easy button” in life dont they? I think not having the time or taking the time to do something as simple as hair speaks volumes to how they view their lives and relationships. They wont put any effort into those either. Short hair ?..personally cant stand it. But thats just me.

      1. Missed my point – unsurprising. Most people are dumb. My point is regarding the word “ALL.” Most of the chicks I like have longer hair, but Winona Ryder gives me (or used to, when she was in her 20’s) a massive hard on. If that makes you uncomfortable, like I’ve trodden on the values that have been stomped into your lil’ skull all these years, deal with it. Fact is she was a babe. A babe with short hair.

      1. So you don’t think Winona Ryder was a babe? Hmmm, I guess not everyone likes the nymph look. Bet you like Dutch girls instead. Must love their big shoulders and all.

  32. She responded with a resounding yes, saying at that point the child thinks of me as his/her father and it’s wrong for the child to have to suffer. Men, you should all get a paternity test immediately after the birth of your child. I don’t care what kind of fit your woman throws – no exceptions. I got her back to my place and fucked her.
    So…reward a bitch for being a bitch? I see what you did there.
    Don’t start bitching when the only women you can find are gutter trash.

  33. If they are Amercian (or Western) females…. they should be shamed.
    Even the “good” ones? ABSOLUTELY!
    Because all it takes for evil to prevail is for good to remain silent. And the so-called “good” girls don’t shame their own slutty sisters into behaving like the women they should be. If all men are branded as evil for the behavior of a minority of bad boys, then why can’t the same branding and generalizations happen with women?
    A few bad apples spoil the bunch. If there are/were “good” girls out there, I’m blinded to them because of the shameful behavior of you gaggle of loud-mouthed, uncivilized, undisciplined, lazy, fat, mooching whores who will spread your legs at the whiff of a hot bad boy rather than seek an accomplished man of substance like myself.
    Bottom line, I’m too good for you whores. I don’t even waste my time trying to bed you anymore because, frankly, the thought of banging a solid 8 doesn’t even appeal to me anymore. Gross! You’re all ugly to me because you’re all ruined by this horrible culture and your fairy princes/whore expectations.
    Now, if you could figure out how to mount a vibrator to your crazy cat’s head, you’d have a near perfect substitute for a man — except that cat couldn’t support your Starbucks sipping, designer shopping, BMW driving fat asses.

  34. Fewer husbands, not less. Which, if they are anything like the author of this tripe, is a profound mercy.

  35. it is clear you are an engineer seeing as you never really had a social life. You should fix that btw.

  36. It’s funny how all these articles are about how women should change themselves to become more useful to men, which makes these sad, pathetic excuses for “men” feel better about their insecurities, and not a mention of the things they themselves are doing wrong (treating women like they are not worthy of your presence, because having a penis makes you better than them!)
    Women don’t exist to please you. Get over it.

    1. Funny how women come here to use the Feminist shame tactics that will turn them into barren old cat ladies.
      It doesn’t work anymore. The world is much closer now. There’s billions of women and your bullshit attitude, stupidity, and Cultural Marxist Indoctrination makes it an easy choice to replace you.
      Why? Because you’re a woman. You are wired for hypergamy. I know you’re stupid and indoctrinated so you’ll think you don’t have to look that up but it doesn’t matter. Hypergamy the instinctual reason you’ll be phased out for a better model.
      Now, you can either learn to unfuck yourself and quit being a dipshit, Femnazi ,shame cunt or die a used up ugly old cat lady. Hypergamy only gets worse when you’re old, barren, saggy and your assets are spent.

    2. Article aside, I’m just gonna address your last sentence;
      “Women don’t exist to please (men).” So then why do men have to bend over backwards to placate and/or please women? That’s kinda, you know, that word you feminists use all the time when it benefits you… sexist.

  37. For fuck sakes, I can’t even believe that this kind of misogynist shit actually exists. Get a life, dude, obviously your’s is sad enough that you need to write this pathetic blog so that you can feel that your life is important. I was deeply hoping that this was a parody or tongue in cheek, and if it is you are doing it completely wrong.

  38. And then you guys wonder why you’re single. Take off your fedoras, shave your neckbeards and get out of your mother’s basement, idiots.

  39. Why do men think that shaming women and spewing hatred will somehow make them “fall in line”??? If you want to be real men, you would show some respect for women and seek to protect them… that’s what men are supposed to do! Good luck getting wives or girlfriends with this mentality.

  40. Chopping off the hair.
    Who is it that keeps telling them to do that? Gay men who like a boyish look and other women who don’t want the competition.

  41. Chopping off the hair.
    Who is it that keeps telling them to do that? Gay men who like a boyish look and other women who don’t want the competition.

  42. thanks for the laugh 😀
    1) do your research first – there are hormonal ways for men to take the responsibility when it comes to birth control – it just seems like it’s more comfortable for men to have women take care of that
    2) women are not on this planet to please men- especially not the breed you stem from that seems to think so. to any woman who knows her worth all of your ‘arguments’ are just noise.
    it’s funny that guys like you still think their opinion matters. jeez, it’s 2013.
    proud women can be as fat, cat-loving and short-haired as they wish, they still rock.
    ignorant pricks with inferiour complexes who need to feel in control of the female species don’t.

  43. I love it when men think that they are more real if they tell women (50% of the human race, yeah, surprising isn’t it) how to behave so that they will like them. You really are a retarded fuckface and a decent girl wouldn’t look at you twice.
    That is probably the reason you feel the need to fix all the women around you. Have a nice fucking life with your ever-degenerating body and your really sour attitude.

  44. Oh, I just love me some white heterosexual male angst. Its just so much more hurting than any other sort of pain. Its the pain of privilege, truly!

  45. Silliest thing I’ve ever read in my life. Come to Europe and see what it meens to respect a woman.

  46. “How many girls do you really think are responsible enough to take the pill every day at the same time?”
    Don’t think that’s gender-specific. I shutter thinking about relying on men to be that diligent as well.

  47. go away, you’re gross and childish and mean nothing more to society than the grime coating the inside of a trash can. (I also take solace in the fact that your awful mentality towards women will not be spread, due to the fact that no women will ever want to bear your children.)

  48. 1 Thing Men Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated:
    Write insane drivel like this article…

  49. Have any of you actually spoken to a woman before? Because if it hasn’t happened at this point, my guess is that it’ll never happen- not when you’re writing idiotic lists (I dare not call them articles) like this.
    Sincerely, a man in a relationship with a wonderful woman.

  50. people actually agree with this? what the literal fuck? everything on this list could be flipped to shame men, oh but sorry a woman shouldnt write an article like that because apparently she should sit down, shut up, and accept patriarchal norms like the good girl every wants her to be.
    and im assuming a fat/foodie/divorced/unbathed party bro is okay? fuck this shit. i am so done with everyone.
    ps-men can be feminists to you fucking inbred.

  51. This whole ‘article’ is fucking stupid. Grow the hell up and realise that nothing that women do is for you and they can look however the hell they want. You fucking prick. I hope you’re alone forever because you probably treat every woman you’re with like total trash.


  53. This is absolutely horrifying. You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as a woman. Y’all are forever loners. I wish you all the best in hell.

  54. This is a really revolting article. Good luck ever finding a woman happy to be with you if this is what you think of them, you bigot.

  55. Are you fucking kidding me? How about you take your head out of your ass and stop acting like you have some entitlement to judge women. Obviously someone is single and has been friend zoned one too many times

  56. Actually this whole website just reeks of heterosexual male superiority syndrome, so I’m wasting my time here.

  57. I seriously want to smash your faces in with my high heels you goddamn stupid worthless pieces of shit cumstain motherfuckers

    1. Great job cumslut69, you’ve really stepped it up for ladies. I look forward to listening to your next lecture at Princeton

  58. Hey how about we stop shaming people for their sexual choices?
    So-called “sluts” don’t care what you think. If they want to have sex twenty times a day, that’s their choice. You saying that they’re disgusting people isn’t going to change anything. Open-minded and GOOD people will accept them for who they are. “Sluts” aren’t hurting anyone. However, people who shame them are making a great deal of effort to hurt these women.

    1. Beg to differ on this one, sweetie. I have a cousin who sleeps with any willing guy she can pick up in the local bars. Doesn’t care about birth control. Gets herself knocked up, pops it out (up to four, last I checked) and leaves it to her elderly grandmother to raise while she goes out and parties some more.
      My great-aunt is pushing ninety and is not in good health. Do you think the stress and added work at her age thanks to this slut who doesn’t take responsibility for her body or her actions doesn’t hurt *her*?

  59. just like you have the freedom to post your opinion, i will post mine. Preach this shit to anyone with a brain and expect to get punched in the fucking face my both men and women. Hope i never meet you in real life. Don’t really want to go to prison. It’s not a woman’s job to please your whiney “manly” ass. PEACE

  60. Wow oh my god and this is why there is feminism. Oh and btw feminism i believing in equalty for both genders. And wow, fuck you

    1. “Oh and btw feminism i believing in equalty for both genders.”
      You parrot your undigested indoctrination well.

  61. what the heck is wrong with everyone on this site…..especially the birth control thing, forgive women for wanting to have control over their bodies..like what the hell. fuck you guys,

  62. What. The. Fuck.
    God I hope this article is a joke. This article is evidence of all the slut-shaming, fat-shaming homophobic misogynists in the world.
    Though being a 15-year old girl, I suppose my opinion won’t taken into account, right?
    PS good luck with the shitstorm coming up because someone just posted this on tumblr, bitches

  63. fuck you and your opinion. this is literally the grossest thing i ever have read, lmao good luck with all the comments you’re going to get on this since it was posted on tumblr. youre fucked

  64. Ever heard of equality you dumb ass prick v Women aren’t meant to please your bigoted needs. Grow up and do your own dishes and stop whining bastard. You deserve no real women, have fun with the ” easy ones “.

  65. “10. Birth control, because it’s “their choice.” Meanwhile, men have no reliable forms of birth control apart from condoms, which if the girl is evil enough, can easily be rendered null. Let’s nuke the funding to Planned Parenthood (and the multiple options of female birth control) and instead put that money into research for a real male birth control. How many girls do you really think are responsible enough to take the pill every day at the same time?”
    There is a male birth control already. A vasectomy. And I’m 70% sure there’s a procedure that can be done that basically has the same effect as a vasectomy but is also reversible.

  66. This is disgusting. This whole site is disgusting. It says in your author bio that trying to help guys your age become “real men.” Since when does being a “real man” mean you have to degrade women at every turn? Let women do what they want. Men have already gotten to do that for centuries.

  67. This is disgusting. This whole site is disgusting. It says in your author bio that trying to help guys your age become “real men.” Since when does being a “real man” mean you have to degrade women at every turn? Let women do what they want. Men have already gotten to do that for centuries.

  68. Slightly OT, but I’m seriously impressed by the shear quantity and intensity of feminist hate this article has generated. Clearly the truth hurts.
    But I’m even more impressed by how ineffectual the shaming is. Women have always used shame to silence men, but when shaming no longer works, what else do they have? Anyone?

    1. So true. I don’t agree with everything said here, but they’re taking offense at common sense shit like “Paternity fraud,” “lying about self on online dating sites,” and “saying you’re independent but still talking govt handouts.”

    2. So true. I don’t agree with everything said here, but they’re taking offense at common sense shit like “Paternity fraud,” “lying about self on online dating sites,” and “saying you’re independent but still talking govt handouts.”

  69. You all are sick self entitled fucks. If you dont like it, move on. If a girl wants short hair, let her. If she is a bit overweight, dont put her down. She is comfortable as she is. Let her. Its fucking 2013. Men have no power over what women do. Women have power over themselves. This is why women do extreme things to create individuality. And why feminism exists. Because people think men have power over women. I didn’t know being born with a vagina came with a fucking rule book.

    1. are you dominant or dominated, to whip or be whiped? do you like anal, trannies? please specify, because your horny attitude is screaming for attention. (most men here are into straight sex and vaginal peneration with healthy females, so no anal or queer; you might be turning to the wrong place if you are into that)

    1. are you into interacial angry sex, if so, please call me. i need your angry vibe right now

  70. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such a strong need to castrate someone I didn’t know. I desperately hope for the sake of humanity that you and all misogynistic idiots like you lose the ability to reproduce.

    1. Not really. You’d be repelling great men who don’t want terrible woman and who aren’t sexist douchebags. The sexist douchebags will just use you if you let them. The great men won’t even be bothered.

      1. Anyone WHO thinks that fat women or single mothers should be shamed or that women with short hair has som sort of misandric agenda is a sexist douchebag. Neither you nor any other man this page is a great man or catch.

      2. Nope, sorry. Anyone who agrees with this list is not a great man, they’re the sort of person who I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near. And yes, fat shaming, slut shaming and anti-choice is far more sexist than casual sex.

        1. Nope, sorry. Anyone who agrees with this list is not a great man, they’re the sort of person who I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near.

          Great, then don’t come near me. I’m glad to repel liberal entitled feminist women like you.
          fat-shaming – don’t get so lazy that you start looking like a 300 pound whale. simple.
          slut-shaming – don’t sleep with so many dudes you can’t even remember their names. simple.
          anti-choice – you have seven-SEVEN-methods of birth control. You have zero excuse in this day and age to need to kill a child, not that killing a child, a human being, was excusable before.

  71. Is this list actually serious because if it is I might actually be sick with the sexism and the bullshit lies that are being told here

  72. This is absolutely disgusting. You realize that guys are slutty too, not just women. It goes both ways. If you don’t like it, then DON’T HAVE SEX WITH GIRLS WHO THROW THEMSELVES AT YOU, YOU HYPOCRITE. You disgust me. Sometimes people can’t help if they are fat (genetics, ect), just because they are doesn’t mean that they want to be. Putting people down because they’re bigger doesn’t make anyone happier. Stop being a dickdouche. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a “foodie,” and least she likes something… unlike you (I’m assuming that you’re a very lonely and single man). Not only women rely on government funding. In fact, if you’re going to use that one, then many old and sick people shouldn’t be living. You heartless bastard. Again, nothing wrong with single motherhood. There are single fathers out there, too. Your ignorance is showing! What a stay-at-home mom does is none of your bloody fucking business. Also, there aren’t many stay-at-home moms who have husbands who work in cubicles. Usually, those men are working in big offices and are CEO’s. (The fact that you put this in here leads me to believe that you have some SERIOUS issues with your work, maybe you’re not where you want to be, but let’s not get down on how some rich stay-at-home moms want to live their lives. Kay? Thaaaanks). I agree with the caking on the makeup – no woman should have to… But there are men out there (like yourself) who expect us to look absolutely perfect, and that’s the only way some women feel like they’ll ever be good enough. So shut your hairy asshole. Maybe some “cat collectors” just really like cats. And maybe a “dog collector” just really likes dogs. Who are you to judge? WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?! Okay, I highly doubt you’ve met anyone who has said, “daddy, fuck my cunt.” You seem like too big of an asshole to be able to get any woman into bed. Men DO have birth control, you’d have to get a shot and it lasts for seven years. Don’t give me any of that shit. Also, condoms aren’t a bad thing. They can be incorporated into foreplay, that is if you’re any good at what you do (obviously you’re not). But oh poor baby, you had to wear a condom? Cry me a river. Remind me when you have to carry a kid in you for nine months and then give birth to it. Oh, you don’t? That’s right. Sorry. Guess I forgot. Every single girl I know who is on the pill takes it every day. Even if you do happen to miss a day or two, it won’t hurt or mess anything up. Stop being a presumptuous dickwad. No one has to shave if they don’t want to. Remind me the last time every guy shaved his armpits/arms/legs/pubes/ass. Seriously. Some of your hair makes me sick. Also, we have that hair for a reason. Biologically, the pubic hair (or how you so blatantly put it, “pussy”) is there so women will get less infections, protects against friction, ect. You really should read up on this because this is one of the most uninformed “articles” I have ever read. I have friends who go on online dating sites (mostly for fun), and MANY guys are there because they can’t get any in real life. Sound familiar to what you’re saying? Stop being so fucking misogynistic. It goes both ways, you ass. Guys lie about how they look online as well. (By the way, the woman in the pictures is considered “curvy.” Maybe you need some eyes?) Men file for divorce as well, not just women. YOU’RE KILLING ME WITH YOUR IGNORANCE. A child does not need a father. It needs female and male role models in their life, but it does not need one father and one mother. A woman can dress and drink however she wants. I don’t see you saying a thing about how men “should” be acting. This is not something that a gentleman would say. I’m assuming you’re a twit. She can also cut her hair however she likes. It is up to her. Not you. Is it your body? I didn’t think so. Female sex tourism is different than guys actually paying to have sex with someone. I think you forgot that little detail. There is nothing wrong with being a feminist. Believing in equal rights for everyone shouldn’t be a turn off. If it is, you have some serious issues.

    1. I love the “you go girl!” replies. It’s like they don’t even know that it’s a running gag around here.

  73. This is fucking retarded.
    It’s hypocritical and awful. Unhygienic because a women doesn’t want to shave? So all the guys who don’t shave their underarms, legs and genitals are dirty too? Online dating is the same. Slut shaming, then going on to say you went home, “fucked” the girl and then dropped her in a heartbeat.
    You must be very bitter about somebody, because you’ve got an incredibly warped perception of women and society. This is so childish and hateful, deciding that all women are untrustworthy and immature. I’m literally baffled. And what is with everyone’s use of the “C” word? Is this just a women hating convention going on? Go and fix yourselves, then think about finding a woman who you like, and just as importantly, likes you.

    1. C word, “clitoris” is it, i don’t hate it, i love it, i’ll find it, no problem, especially if you shave. do you shave?

      1. You should be able to find it with hair there all the same. If you can’t, you suck at oral. Not her fault

      2. It was actually referring to the excessive us of “cunt.”
        I have no problem with the word clitoris, of course I don’t.
        I’m not surprised you like them shaved, this site seems filled with people who want to treat women like pre-pubescent girls, who have yet to grow any hair. Good luck with your future, and try and stay away from playgrounds.

    1. Hi Kaleigh! There actually is a form of male birth control but no one ever talks about it because they’re so caught up in the fact that a woman is having sex blah blah blah long story short: there is, it’s in the form of an injection and it would be so amazing if every guy got it!

      1. Oh I know about it, but everything I’ve read about it implied that it wasn’t being made because men wouldn’t take it, or when they did polls most men said they wouldn’t…so I’m confused how that has anything to do with women’s birth control.

  74. guys guys guys I just found something out! but it’s secret.. and shocking..
    women are people
    women are not only there to get fucked
    women are fat
    women have an independent sexuality
    women are just as intelligent as men
    women have the same worth as men
    no one gives a fuck about what you think is appropriate

  75. this article sucks, and you’re naive to think that men aren’t just as shitty as women can be.

  76. Reading this article and its comments, it’s clear that the writer and commenters are either 14 year olds with very active imaginations, have been cheated on at some point and feel bitter, or have been shunned by women their entire lives because of their bullshit attitudes.
    You people really need to learn that Men are not half as dominant as we like to think – if you ever want to sleep with another woman again, you better hope none of them have read this beforehand. If you want women to find you attractive, treat them with respect and stop thinking that everything they do has to appeal to you. Human rights do not depend on gender, and no one is having a go at your stupid arse for eating whatever you want, lying about your appearance or having horrible hygiene.
    There are some people who really need to be educated on feminism, properly that is. In your case, education probably wouldn’t work. You should just be shot instead

    1. “if you ever want to sleep with another woman again, you better hope none of them have read this beforehand.”
      That’s kinda sexist and misogynist-women are worth more than just their body parts. Or at least, they should be.

  77. Lol! This is one of the most idiotic things i have ever read. I’m a guy and I know first hand that a lot of these things, such as lazy hygiene and lying about their body type online, is done by men just as much, if not more. Ignorant people like you lot need to stop being so disgustingly discriminative. It’s the 21st century.

  78. It’s people like you who end up bitter and alone, which affects no one but yourselves thankfully. Please don’t procreate. I really hope you find that male birth control. Castration works too.

  79. 20 Things Men Should be Shamed For, Not Celebrated:
    1. Being assholes. No one likes an asshole. Ever.
    2. Begging for nudes. If she says no, stop asking you dumb twat.
    3. Posting hundreds of stupid flexing/shirtless photos. I don’t care. Nor does anyone else. It’s just as bad as the duck face.
    4. Being lazy, worthless assholes who can’t even cook fucking eggs.
    5. Not showering. Gross, get the fuck away from me.
    6. Calling women sluts and whores. You don’t sound cool.
    7. Walking out when you get a woman pregnant, fuck you. Just fuck you.
    8. Trying to talk a girl into cheating on her SO. SHE’S NOT INTERESTED.
    9. Shaming women for their weight. Chances are, if you’re a fat fuck you’re not hot either.
    10. Expecting women to do all the cleaning. You’re a lazy fuck and you don’t deserve a girlfriend.
    11. Hating on gays when you play football, or wrestle. That’s about as gay as it gets.
    12. Fucking MY best friend. Don’t use me to get to another chick you worthless piece of shit.
    13. The entitlement complex. “I’m a guy whoo go me.” No, you’re a dumb fuck, and I won’t make you a sandwich.
    14. Divorce. It’s your fault too.
    15. Blatantly lying about their body type online. Being fat isn’t athletic. Sorry.
    16. Hacking loogies. Ew. Just leave I don’t need to see that shit.
    17. Being a man-whore. I don’t want your herpes.
    18. Being selfish in the bedroom. No, I’m not going to blow you and then walk away, expect to have to reciprocate.
    19. Assuming that lesbians hate men. They’re only gonna hate men if you make that assumption.
    20. Assuming you’re always right. It’s not attractive, you look like a dumb fuck.

    1. Let’s not go that way.. Don’t generalize like the author of this piece of shit of an ” article “..

    2. “you dumb twat” Oh dear. Using a female gender-specific word as a term of derision for a man.
      “Walking out when **you get a woman pregnant**” Of course, the woman had nothing to do with it, because like children and the mentally subnormal, women can never be assigned responsibility for anything.
      “Assuming you’re always right. It’s not attractive, you look like a dumb fuck.” It’s precious that this, *this*, came at the end of a list of sanctimonious gripes premised on her being right.

    3. “7. Walking out when you get a woman pregnant, fuck you. Just fuck you.”
      Yeah, that’s bad, but at least the baby still lives. When women don’t want their baby, they kill them.
      by the way, very few people this day and age actually “hate” gays, so stop with that foolishness.

    4. “7. Walking out when you get a woman pregnant, fuck you. Just fuck you.”
      Yeah, that’s bad, but at least the baby still lives. When women don’t want their baby, they kill them.
      by the way, very few people this day and age actually “hate” gays, so stop with that foolishness.

  80. FUCK. THIS. WEBSITE. Ignorant, sexist, assholes. And no, before you jump to conclusions, I’m not a woman.

  81. LOL, this is the most insane thing I’ve ever read. Stupid boy writing stupid things to fuel his stupid ego. Pathetic. Do the world a favor and do one of the following:
    1) Hang yourself
    2) Catch yourself on fire
    3) Drown yourself
    4) Chop off your every limb until you bleed to death
    5) Just kill yourself in some general way and save the rest of humanity from your pathetic idiocy.
    Look at that, you were just schooled by a feminist.

    1. So lets shame a person for being single and having no friends? But don’t EVER shame a fatty because that is hurtful!

      1. I think the point was more to shame him for being awful. If you don’t have friends, I’ll be your friend 🙂
        Do you like cats?

  82. This article is absolutely and utterly disgusting. Men are guilty of being foodies, being fat, being slutty, lying about who they are over social media, online dating, single parenthood, entitlement complexes, living off the government, watching & trying to be porn stars, denying legitimate children, being stay at home parents, and divorce. Men especially don’t understand female fertility if the author of this article thinks hair is the, “greatest sign of feminine fertility.” Furthermore men are equally as at fault in almost every category. Finally to the comments below, how many lesbians do you personally know? I don’t know a single lesbian that distrusts and feels the need to over throw male power, and I live in the particularly gay friendly area of Rehoboth, Delaware.

  83. I don’t think I’ve read anything this stupid or stunted in a long time. Bravo! You are not only a misogynist, but you are just not very bright! 🙂

  84. yo you should go swallow a really fat cock. Like a super fat long shlong. It’s what you secretly want, hating on all these sluts that get so suck as much cock as they want.
    I’d lend you mine but I don’t want to catch your cooties you disgusting pig.

  85. hey a big FUCK YOU from every woman ever. Go ahead, keep “banging’ girls, see how successful you’ll be in 10 years. Sexist misogynistic assholes.

  86. How about women do whatever the hell they want and you shut the fuck up? who the hell are you to tell all women, meaning HALF of the world’s population, how they should live their lives?

    1. So women can do what they WANT but men should shut the fuck up? What if the man doesn’t WANT to shut the fuck up? Nice logic you have there.

  87. Wait, so women should be shamed for doing/being what’s on this list but it’s okay and not something to be shamed if it’s men doing the slutting about etc? Someone explain that one to me.

  88. fuck you ok as if anyone like you has the right to dictate what women should and should not celebrate that’s actually pathetic of you to make a list I mean really it’s not like it’s our lives or anything, not our bodies, not our mouths, no of course not, it’s all you that we do it for and your ideals that you should please lol you fucking pathetic excuse for a human being fuck you

  89. Oh my god this website is so fucking stupid its hilarious. Just because women don’t wanna fuck any of you losers you resort to making a whole website to build up your ‘manliness’ bahahaha, this website is actually gold. Have fun living out your fulfilling lives in your mothers basements, might want to look into getting some cats you pig face motherfuckers. I didn’t feel like making a constructive argument, because that doesn’t seem to be what this website is about.

  90. Also, I couldn’t help but notice that you don’t like it when girls are on birth control, nor do you like it if they’re single parents. Nor do you like it if they’re married because they’re clearly just going to dupe the father with someone else’s baby. I’m curious as to how you propose the human race move forward.

  91. This is the most uneducated thing I have ever read in my life. You are the reason America is failing. People with your small brains shouldn’t even be allowed to have a computer! Cope with your small penis in a different way, don’t write horrible things on the internet to make up for your lack of “masculinity”.

  92. No, psquare, you may not be a degenerate drug addict/alcoholic, but you are a misogynistic fuck wit ass hat

  93. Hey, can you guys do one of these for men? I mean, if you could narrow it down to 20. I could give you some help if you’re as blind to your own faults as it seems- I can see mine fine well. I mean, ignorance could be number one. Blindness to similarities? And wild stupidity, too- did you really not read point 9 where you complain about her acting like a porn star while you hurt her desperately trying to emulate the last thing you frantically amused yourself to?
    Also, frankly, it’s disgusting you guys cut off the greatest sign of your fertility so often. Grow your fucking hair, it’s a disgrace!
    And I can’t help but notice mention of “attention whoring”. You can talk about that when you stop making sensationalist blog posts shaming women for things you do.
    Last point; fuck you. Thanks for your time 🙂

  94. I’m curious as to the community’s opinion of single motherhood when the reasoning isn’t that she “doesn’t need” a man but rather that she doesn’t like the men who are available? I don’t want to marry a guy who doesn’t believe in spousal rape, I don’t want to marry a coke fiend, I don’t want to marry a guy so opposed to me talking to other men that he doesn’t even want me attending parent-teacher conferences with a male teacher, I don’t want to marry a guy who thinks it’s beneath his dignity to move a single dirty plate from the table to the sink while I load the dishwasher… and I don’t want guys like that to “help” raise my children.
    Also, nobody ever “encouraged” me to cut my hair. I keep it short because I am a lazy goddamn little shit.

  95. As a woman, It’s disappointing yet understandable to read these articles. both genders bought the lies that society sold all of us, the lies that promised us love, success and happiness if we only acted on them, obeyed , and became them. If only it was so simple. Both genders are victims of thier own stereotypes. If all you seek is control over her, you desperately lack it within yourself. And vise versa. Be what you want us to be, and I promise you will find what it is you’re looking for.

  96. All right, so after reading your fascinating article, here is some important information I think would help inform your rather…unintelligent argument. It seems as though you aren’t such a fan of big words or analytical thought, so I’ll try to be as clear as possible.
    1) Women do not exist for the pleasure of others. Women are not born to please you, nor me, nor their parents.
    2) Women’s bodies are their to do whatever they want with. If a woman wants to have consensual sex with 46 guys in a week, it isn’t your job to care. It is a woman’s decision when and with whom she has sex, and there’s no shame in doing what you want to. She isn’t hurting anyone by having sex with lots of men, so why do you give a flying fuck?
    This also includes birth control, weight, tattoos, piercings, and hairstyles. A woman’s body is hers to do whatever she wants with, and honestly, trying to make her feel bad for doing what SHE wants with HER OWN BODY is stupid. I bet you have ugly-ass teeth and a belly the size of a full-grown golden retriever, but I would never call you and asshole or a slut or a jackass because of how you look. I would, however, happily call you an asshat because of this beautifully revolting article you’ve written.
    Birth control gets its own special paragraph! HOORAY! If a woman uses birth control, you probably wouldn’t even know. Women do not suddenly become sex addicts because they have access to safe and effective health care. If you’re a sex addict, then you were more than likely a sex addict to begin with, if you have sex often, them you were probably doing that already. It is not a man’s decision at all whether a woman gets pregnant or not. Do you know what pregnancy does to the human body? The fetus grows so massive that the woman’s organs are squished smaller that about 1/3 their normal size. That’s why pregnancy doesn’t last longer than 9 months usually: because the woman hosting this massive parasitic thing would literally die if it continued growing inside her.Her nutrients are literally leeched from her blood from a literal parasite. She can’t have sushi alcohol or coffee or pretty much anything that make life worth living. Sure, babies are lovely and cute, but pregnancy sounds exactly like hell. If you think it is ever your choice to force a woman to do that before she is ready, you are in no position to interact with other human beings. Telling a woman to be ashamed of something because she doesn’t want to face the very real possibility of DEATH is indescribably horrible.
    To conclude, I hope you have learned something about women: they don’t exist to make you happy, and they probably don’t give a flying fuck what you think about them, anyway.

  97. Honestly reading this and the article about dating women with eating disorders makes me wish you meet that amazing perfect girl, all within your standards and you fuck her without a condom because clearly you have no braincells and you get an incurable std preferably AIDS and die a slow and painful death then rot in hell you piece of shit because you will have to answer to someone eventually.

  98. “Men” like you are not real men at all. Stop overcompensating for your small penis. This article is garbage.

  99. Just to clarify, I do not hate men. I hate people who think that women exist as lower-class beings, or that women exist to please others rather than themselves. I also don’t hate people who choose to be pregnant. I hate people who think forcing people to be pregnant is okay. You can be covered in tattoos, or have none at all, be bald or have six feet of hair, be fat or be thin, I don’t care. Be a man or be a woman, or be something in-between, or don’t identify with any gender in particular, I don’t mind. What I hate about this article is that it furthers the cruel and sick idea that people should be ashamed for being themselves.

    1. Because even if what they have to say is sexist, disgusting, and truly sick, they have the right to say it. Just like we have the right to say logical, actually intelligent things.

  100. Believe it or not, women have every right to pursue a career outside of the home, dress however they please, and even cut their hair short. It is men who create websites like these who have no lives, low self-esteem, and clearly too much time on their hands (suggesting their lack of success in society, or lack of passion for anything that somehow contributes to the betterment of society). Women consist of half of the human race and have the same exact rights as men. Society will only progress once ignorant individuals learn how to respect one another. Countless statistics have shown that more women are pursuing college degrees than men–revealing that in the future, there will be less and less individuals like the writer of this article, perpetuating bigotry and hate in society. This article alone makes me embarrassed for the human race.

  101. And again, I see that this website is a male supremacist site. This is completely disrespectful towards all women. Men do many of these things as well. Is it okay to be a slut if you have a penis? Well shit I guess women didn’t birth men and don’t deserve respect. Leave the internet.

    1. Darling, while I do agree with you wholeheartedly, and I really, really do (please feel free to read my enormous comment below), I think you need a little breather. The people who agree with this article are not going to change overnight, and they certainly are not going to be inclined to change from excessive aggression. I do agree, they are misogynist pigheaded sickos that really should get educated on what it means to be a human being (i.e. your body, your choices, your life). However, you’ve kind of barraged their shitcave with your brilliant light of knowledge. You may frighten them away before they realize that women aren’t obligated to give a damn about what they want!

  102. One of the most most offensive things I’ve ever heard. You have the audacity to type at a computer telling women and girls not to be proud of you their choices because you don’t like them? I guess you’re right wait guys let’s all change everything we’ve done up to this point so you like us? So you can craft us into your perfect woman who wants to fuck you all the time and puts herself out there but not too much! No. This is not okay. If a girl wants to make herself sexually available to other guys all the more power to her. If she wants to have sex with 3 guys in one night, that’s her decision her choice her vagina. So get over the fact that you’re too ignorant to make decisions for yourself let alone other people and stick to the stuff you know. This is just not okay on any level.

      1. What is so terrible about women having sex when and with whom they want to? Like seriously the only people who should care how many people you’ve had sex with or how frequently you have sex is your doctor, and even then they shouldn’t judge you for it. A woman can do whatever she wants with her body, and if you aren’t one of them then who cares? You aren’t owed sex, and you are certainly in no position to judge her morality based on who’s been between her legs. The only thing that matters when you judge a person is what the keep in their head. Obviously all you keep there are outdated, dying concepts that will lead you to loneliness.

  103. Just came across this website and it’s upset me to the point of tears. You people are sick and twisted. It makes me livid to know there are men out there who believe women are somehow subhuman. How in the world do you believe it is all right to shame us to this extreme degree? Something really terrible must have happened to you in order to make you this insecure and power-hungry. You people are the reason I have a hard time trusting most men. I know you’ll never change, but I hope to God that someday my children (daughters AND sons) will live in a world where your kind of thinking does not exist.

  104. I love reading articles by men with a god-complex – thinking they have the right to judge ANYONE or even to articulate what anyone else should or should not be doing with their lives, bodies, or partners. What makes you so special, author, that you believe you have the right to tell someone else how to live? Are you really living your life so flawlessly that we should all take life advice from you? Good luck being alone

  105. Why should I be ashamed of the length of my hair? If I want short hair, I’ll cut my hair short. I’ll shave it all off if I want to. If I want it long, I’ll grow it out. I am not here just so my appearance can please you. That’s actually pretty low on my priority list.

  106. You realize you are an uneducated fuck and that all your ‘points’ are literally canceling out each other. Another thing, you have literally just destroyed all my hope in humanity. I hope you are having fun in the 14th century when most of this was enforced and humans were basically feral beasts. You would fit in perfectly.

  107. Hello i’m a girl and I would like to write a poem.
    Here goes:
    Just because you have a dick
    doesn’t mean you can be one.
    And if you think you’re better than women
    you can surely keep your dick
    because no one will ever touch
    your hairy smelly balls
    and no one will ever
    help you if you fall
    and to be quite honest
    if i could
    i’d push you all into a vat of hot acid
    so you’d finally realise
    that you can’t tell me
    what to do with my vagina
    if you don’t have one

  108. Thank you OP. I will forward this article to the women in my life so they don’t make these errors in judgment!

  109. You all DO KNOW that kings (such as the ones that are apparently returning on this website) came from a time when chivalry was a code by which every man lived, right? Chivalry meant always respecting the honor of women and not publicly insulting them for doing what we do too (sleeping around, being fat, altering our appearances). This isn’t what being a man is about. If you’re all so desperate to feel like a man that you’d publicly insult women (thus ruining your chance of REALLY feeling like a man, if you catch my drift), then I feel sorry for you, I really do. And to all women who were unfortunate enough to stumble upon this article, whether or not you believed any part of it (although I doubt you believed any), I would like to apologize on behalf of all of these “men”.

    1. “Chivalry meant always respecting the honor of women”
      That was a time when women had honor worth respecting. It’s a two-way street you’re trotting your gelding down, Sir White Knight.
      And it’s pretty presumptuous for you to apologize on behalf of an entire class of people, many of whom don’t share your need to grovel before your mistresses.

  110. I don’t even know what to say… Stereotypes like this are the reason we have had such huge prejudice issues in so many different places and walk of life. Racism, Sexism, Classism, they all fall under that same category of someone trying to build themselves up at another person’s expense. And it needs to stop

  111. My mother raised me as a single mother after a divorce because my father left her. So maybe think about that next time you say shit like this

  112. I’m a male and I just want to say that any male that actually reads this article and legitimately agrees with or even condones what is said is a.) a moron, b.) a terrible human being, or c.) a terrible and moronic human being.
    God bless the first amendment. And sorry to all the ladies out there that read this and are just as repulsed as I am.

  113. Ahem. What if…just WHAT IF…a woman’s primary goal in life is not to pick a mate and breed? Granted, that pretty much sums it up for me, as grad school is turning out to be kind of a bitch, but I totally respect men and women who don’t want to end up in a monogamous relationship. I’ll never understand why so many people are angry at others who choose to be single forever? Not gonna lie, I love my boyfriend, but being single is pretty fun too.

  114. hahahah whoever wrote this is probably so socially retarded, has a lot of pent up frustration with women because of their own shortcomings. their dads probably left them as babies and like to blame the women of the world for it

  115. Man oh man.
    I would like to think that I’m the kind of person who tries to respect everyone’s opinion unless it involves a direct threat to my person. However, I’m afraid I cannot, in good conscious, walk away (metaphorically speaking) from this prime example of utter and complete bullshit that is spewing from the typing fingers of some of these contributors, not to mention the author himself.
    Despite the lovely people who have been desperately trying to provide you with enough education on the subject so that you can at least draw your heads out of your anuses, there is still so much to say. However, seeing as how I have an actual life outside of bashing women on the internet with my other beans-for-brains brethren, I’m simply going to leave you with this parting comment. I hope it will help clear things up for you.
    I can guarantee you will NEVER find a woman who has not done at least one of this things that you so scorn, and who will not do them again. It is really not up to people like you who sink to the very deepest, darkest corner of the bottom of the barrel, to tell ANYONE what they should, or should not feel ashamed to do, nor how to act. If you do not like the way a particular person is acting, the adult thing to do would be to walk away from them, not to write passive-aggressive articles.
    Wow, look at me getting off track! Anyway, my parting words:
    At the very basis, you will never find a woman who meets these so-called “qualifications” unless you purchase her from a sex shop and are then required to blow her up. Actually, come to think of it, you would probably be the perfect couple. After all, you’d both be full of hot air!!

  116. Wow you think you are so fucking cool don’t you? This is the most repugnant piece of writing I have ever seen in my life, and could only be written by an uncultured, insecure, lonely and disgustingly obnoxious loser like yourself. Do the world a favour and commit suicide.

  117. because it’s not like women are people and should be free to make their own decisions or anything…

  118. Alright, you know what? Shut the fuck up. Guys are allowed to be whatever size or shape they want. Why not women? Guys can grow their hair long, while it isn’t a social norm, it is socially acceptable, so why can’t women women cut theirs short. And why do you think that its okay to bang as many girls as you want, while you say that if girls have as much sex as they want, they’re sluts. Do you see these ridiculous double standards? Because I do. Women are as much people and just as entitled to rights as men are. We don’t have to conform to your sexist opinions on how women should look. Also, if a woman is wearing a lot of make up, is it possible she’s wearing it for herself and not for you? Could it be that women are not just here to sexually and visually please you? Because I think that may be so. Women are people, with personalities and preferences that you obviously aren’t getting. Obviously the women you were talking about that are going to have heaps of cats aren’t the only ones that are going to end up alone.

  119. This guy is a fucking retard! He obviously can’t find the girl for him so he rants about all the crap the stupid guys rant about. It seems to me that he wants a ‘perfect girl’ with all the feminity to make him feel like a man but not a feminist. Point 1, you are a man whore yourself. If guys can fuck as many girls as they want, then so can girls. You just go back to 18th century. Point 2, being a bigger size is ok. Its their preference, who are you to say to maintain it? ASSHOLE! Honestly I can go on for every freaking point he has written but I really can’t be bothered! I don’t know how much he should be obsessed and depressed about this crap to go on about them! Live you life dude, let others be themselves. Apparently this guy is focusing on making guys of his age ‘real men’. You can be a real man letting women take in charge of themselves. An article written by a wee pathetic boy. I’ve known guys like him in my Engineering class. I feel for them.

  120. By the way, this dude has had some serious problems with girls. And his IQ. That is if he actually stand for these opinions. If he’s a troll he’s got problem with his humor. I should be a splffin psychologist.

  121. i find it so funny when males are so insecure about their masculinity that they create an entire blog to prove to everyone just how male they really are, and shame women who decide to single parent because whatever male was in her life was a fucking asshole just like anyone who writes this shit. WE GET IT, YOU HAVE A DICK AND YOURE REALLY PROUD OF IT, but if you talk like this to women no one is going to want that golden dick of yours.
    so kindly go fuck yourself for the rest of your life. no other mentally sane woman is going to do it.

  122. I wasn’t going to feed the troll, but then I thought, oh sod it.
    You’re a 22 year-old child. Grow up. Your views are offensive and stupid and just plain WRONG. And based on all your extensive experience of life – this crappy post is based upon, what, watching chat shows on TV? What the hell do you know about being a “real man” – let alone women?
    Son, I am a real man. I have fifteen years and two kids’ worth of experience on you. The lack of respect you show for women or anyone else is astounding.
    In kindness, fella, you’re making a fool of yourself. You need to shut the fuck up.

  123. A giant fuck you to who ever wrote this… what are you living in the fifties?! Get with the times and pull your fat head out of your fat ass

  124. A giant fuck you to who ever wrote this… what are you living in the fifties?! Get with the times and pull your fat head out of your fat ass

  125. Oh, and point by point…
    1. You’re a slut too, then. Obviously.
    2. Why is this a women-only issue, and what the fuck does their body have to do with you?
    3. Yeah, because this is exclusively about women, isn’t it?
    4. Only women claim welfare, apparently. And also: poor people should just die, should’t they?
    5. These women became single mothers of their own accord, apparently. There’s a (usually shitty) man involved in each single mother’s story somewhere.
    6. You’re 22. What the fuck do you know about marriage?
    7. For a super-hetero, you seem to be a real authority on makeup. What business is it of yours what SOMEONE ELSE puts on their face?
    8. This happens all the time.
    9. You never watch porn, of course. As a bodybuilding enthusiast, engineer and guitarist.
    10. This is wrong on so many levels I can’t even be bothered. You’re a fucking idiot. Yes, a horny man is DEFINITELY going to control himself if he has no birth control. You could definitely trust him. Could a woman trust you to be responsible? The guy who “banged” the girl and deleted her number?
    11. You shave your pits and balls daily, presumably.
    12-13. GENIUS. In two posts, you berate women for doing online dating, then show that you do online dating. You prick.
    14. Yes, of course. ONLY WOMEN GET DIVORCED. And they’re the only ones bound by the promises of marriage.
    15. I don’t care what you say about this because of the way you reveal yourself as a complete dick at the end of the point. I hope you catch something nasty and your penis falls off. Actually, forget that. I’m willing to bet money you were shit in bed and she wouldn’t have called you anyway.
    16. This is your business because?
    17. “The greatest sign of feminine fertility”? Hahahahahaha…. say, first makeup, now you’re an expert in what hairstyle suits each woman’s face type and bone structure? Are you SURE you’re not in the closet?
    18. Says a lot about the men in those women’s lives.
    19. Is this a major issue in your life?
    20. I’m a 37 year-old, hairy man with a good job two great kids. And I’m a feminist. So fuck you.
    I hate that I responded to this, when really you’re only doing it for attention. Well done.

    1. 7. For a super-hetero, you seem to be a real authority on makeup. What business is it of yours what SOMEONE ELSE puts on their face?

      Query-if you use clothes on a man as a way to determine their level of attractiveness, what’s wrong with a man doing the same in regards to makeup on a woman?

    *whew* Oh man… you had me rolling in the aisles! Take this shit on tour!
    Wait what? This isn’t a comedy piece? This isn’t a slice of trolling bait just waiting for hungry takers? Ohhhhhh….. huh.
    Well then fuck you, dumbass.

  127. How about women write an article and point out every little flaw and undesirable thing about men? This website is a joke, and your single-minded opinion is embarrassing.

  128. as a healthy 21 year old woman who gets hit on daily, you’re all disgusting. this article is misinformed, one sided, egotistical, and demonstrates a level of sexism that astounds me. you should all be ashamed for thinking of women in this way. lets go down the list. SLUTTINESS. what does is matter how many men we sleep with? why should i get shamed for sleeping with men, when you all get applauded for taking a woman home?BEING FAT our beauty is our greatest asset? why? because you say it is? you are nothing, and so your opinion is nothing. BEING A FOODIE i actually know more men like this than women. is it somehow less forgivable if it’s a woman? why? RELYING ON THE GOVERNMENT TO PAY THE BILLS i can’t even talk about what you wrote here. pig.
    i could go on forever. but the main point i want to make is that the women you have described in this article are dreadful. but is has nothing to do with their gender. yes, a woman who stays at home and does nothing all day and runs off with all your money while sleeping with other men is bad. but how many men are there exactly like that? I know for certain one exists after reading this article.
    treat us with some respect and you might snatch yourself a really sexy, classy woman. until then you’ll just end up with the same useless broads. but i guess i should thank you for making yourself off the market. you’ll never make it to my level.

  129. this has to be my douchebag ex. mike, is that you? i never knew you liked to write. i’m assuming you are still alone and living in your parents’ basement….

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