How To Write An Online Dating Profile That Gets You Laid

There is a myth that you have to be good-looking to get laid with online dating. While it definitely helps, it’s not required. Even if you haven’t been gifted with a face so beautiful that makes the baby Jesus weep at it’s glory (like me), you can still get laid with online dating using just your words.

Even if you don’t do online dating, these principles apply to any writing or storytelling you do, in person or in text. If you can write, you can seduce. Here’s how:

1. Show Don’t Tell

The classic writing advice “show, don’t tell” also applies to online dating. For example, look at these two profiles:

1) I’m the class clown among my friends. I’m really good at making people laugh, and like to have a good time.

2) For our first date, we can go anywhere except McGrady’s, because I’m banned for life after firing a plastic arrow into the owner’s eye’s arm on Halloween, while dressed as Cupid. In my defense, I was aiming for his girlfriend, but confessing to flirting with his girl probably won’t get me back in.

The first guy is about as funny as dead puppies. The other never has to explicitly tell us he’s funny or does crazy stuff, because he shows us. Always be show in your profile, never tell.

Consider this writing from Roosh’s 30 Bangs:

We had sex fifteen minutes later. It was fine, but her pussy labia were beat up and stretched out, looking like old roast beef.

The next morning she said, “I don’t usually do this.”

By describing the state of her pussy, Roosh shows the girl was lying. If he simply told his readers “but seriously, that girl was really slutty,” they might not believe him. Through providing the right details, he leads the reader to his conclusion, while making them think it was theirs.


Good writing can lead people to things you couldn’t explicitly say. I’ve actually dropped full stories and dialogues into my profile. For example, imagine a profile opening with this:

Me: Hey, what should I put in my profile?

Indian Roommate: Write that you always practice safe sex. I know because you leave your Magnum condoms littered all over our shared bathroom.

Me: My seed is powerful. It raises the vibration of our toilet bowl. Or your toothbrush, when my aim is bad.

Indian Roommate: I hope you don’t get laid, and I never have to clean that up again.

If I wrote “I’m funny, get laid a lot, and have a big penis,” no one would ever believe me. Because I used a story, it wasn’t qualifying or approval seeking, and girls pick that information up from the details. (Though this example borders on being to overtly sexual. See point 4 below.)

From this story, you also know I don’t take myself too seriously, and don’t apologize for anything. Which leads me to…

2. Let Her Know Who You Are

The story you tell shows girls who you are.

A guy who asked me for online dating advice had this on his profile:

I grew up in Brazil.

I’m certain that was an interesting experience, but without a story, it’s just a fact. His whole profile was a list of facts. Facts are boring. Here’s a rewrite I’d do knowing nothing about him:

I was born in the jungles of Brazil. My childhood was like The Jungle Book, if The Jungle book had cell phones and that no one’s parents were dead.

A girl reading that knows it’s probably bullshit, but it’d make her laugh, show her he’s funny, and that he has interesting experiences to share.

Take it a step further, and you can convey perspective. For example, look at these two different versions:

I grew up in Brazil, the land of jiu-jitsu and models, where the men have big muscles, and the women have bigger asses. It was heaven for a teenager with high testosterone.


I grew up in Brazil. I feel growing up in another country has allowed me to acknowledge my own privilege as a white cisgendered male, and appreciate the diversity of other less patriarchal cultures.

Just from those two sentences, I’ll bet you can picture a whole character. This kind of writing filters for girls who want to fuck you. A feminist who flicks her iPhone more than her clit won’t message the first guy, but girls who party might. The second guy will filter out straight women.

If you write well, it doesn’t matter what you talk about. I like nerdy and cosplay girls, so I have two comic-con stories in my profile. Writing this way doesn’t just get more girls, it gets the type of girls you prefer.


3. Always Be Hooking

You profile should be short and flow, like a burst of tight twitter messages.

Don’t worry about answering profile prompts. Profiles are like girls, you don’t have to give them a direct answer. The goal isn’t to tell your life’s story, it’s to hook – to get women to invest their attention.

For example, under “favorite books, movies, etc.” most people just list shows – just facts. Try writing something like:

I showed an old girlfriend my favorite horror movie, and she shoved me out of bed during her dream that night because she wanted to “save me from the bad guys.”

If you write that, expect a couple messages asking “lol – what movie did you show her?” By leaving out a crucial detail, or not telling the end of a story, you leave an open thread for women to start a conversation.

Online attention spans are short. You have to hook from the first line of your profile – and keep hooking. I stack my profile with about a dozen different twitter sized anecdotes girls can ask me about.

Humor is the quickest way to hook. If it’s funny, girls will keep reading.

If it doesn’t hook, delete it. Less is more. Long paragraphs only work if every part of them hooks. Girls will disqualify you for one bad line, but it might take three to a message. Keep track of which things girls frequently ask you about, and which never get commented on. Revise regularly.

Speaking of giving her a reason to talk to you…

4. Give Her An Alibi

People forget that Tucker Max initially became famous from a hook-up application on his website – i.e. an online dating profile. In it, he wrote girls could come over to do his laundry for him. It wasn’t because he really needed his laundry done (though a nice bonus), but because girls felt slutty if they came over just for sex.


There’s a reason people say “let’s get coffee sometime” rather than “let’s talk for thirty minutes before walking back to my place for naked thrusty time.”

Giving an alibi (“I’m just coming over to do laundry”) allows girls who don’t feel comfortable directly seeking a hook-up to rationalize meeting you, the same way inviting a girl back to your place to finish a bottle of wine is more likely to work, than just inviting her back for sex.

Any artform, cool activity, or interesting place you’d like to share makes a good alibi. Get creative.

5. First Messages Just Have To Hook

So you’ve got a killer profile that hooks, and shows girls who you are. How do you write the first message? The same way you wrote a profile – except you only need one twitter sized message that hooks. For inspiration, check out delicioustacos list of 44 OKCupid Openers, but write your own to filter for your personality.

It doesn’t have to be long. It just has to hook. The first thing any girl will do if your message piques her interest is go read your profile – which will be tight. You can simply ask a girl out, if you write well. I’ve gotten laid from this (not original) opener:

You seem attractive and consequently I would like to explore the possibility of enhancing your life by means of exposure to my awesomeness.

All I really said was “you’re cool, I’m cool, let’s fuck,” but the writing hooks, and shows who I am.

The goal of messaging is to get a number or meetup. The moment you hook, go for the number. If your first message doesn’t hook or you get a shit-test, pass the shit test and hook first. An example:

Girl: I don’t know… Will I regret giving you my phone number?

Me: For sure. Years from now you’ll look back and ask yourself, “why did I have that man’s children?”

Girl: Hahahaha, okay it’s [number]

Once you meetup, treat it like a regular date. The girl is already hooked, knows who you are, and is into you All you have to do is close and enjoy the passive stream of women flowing into your life.

Read More: Is Online Dating Ruining Game?

104 thoughts on “How To Write An Online Dating Profile That Gets You Laid”

      1. and yet these faggots still think about DHVs or Social Proof or Push/Pull and all this autistic shit. Women want to fuck and they don’t play the gay games or give “shit tests” like the modern age nerd knows.
        And yet there are books written on “How to answer a female text” “Shit tests” lol —> “gay” “bring the movies” “k” “lol” “(insert tryhard sarcastic joke)” and all that inside-joke shit that make women think they are texting an autist (legit autist, not an “alpha male”, because they don’t read chateau fagtiste)

        1. No one disputes that looks can and do matter, especially in an online environment where a simple picture is the only reference point, but in many of those examples game is still being used, and used well.
          Look at ConfidenceMatter’s (also note the name) conversation with Hillbakie. He asserts a frame, that he is so good looking that he does not need a clever opener, and she shit tests him, questioning his frame ‘can’t just be a pretty face n nice body ;)’. What does he do? he brushes her off entirely. ‘I think I’m going to sign off for the night’. Her questioning of his frame is of no consequence to him, at no point does he backtrack and try to qualify himself to her.
          The game at is ultra assertive and aggressive, but it is still game. Note how the guys ‘assume the sale’ and never apologise for anything they say. Note the air of indifference and the abundance mentality, from the guy who says ‘you can go if you want to’, to Samplebone’s casual ‘no fatties for me’. These guys have the looks, but they also have good asshole game to boot

        2. “Note how the guys ‘assume the sale’ and never apologise for anything they say.”
          Listen, not all women will be attracted to you, you’re not rich with Brad Pitt looks BUT some will be and that’s why you need to SHOTGUN as many as possible.
          The ones that like your style will respond and with an abundance mentality you won’t care which ones don’t.

        3. you are right, but in real life you have to watch out for your reputation. Obviously on a dating site it’s ok, but you can’t act like a retard if you aren’t able to cold approach and lack the status / popularity to pull any shit you want to. You have to be socially adjusted to pull the shit in a suave way. Most people read shit over manosphere sites and start acting going against their awkwardness brakes and ignoring their instincts, sign that they are simply passing for the retards.

        4. by the way, we also have the opposite experiments

          the fun thing the guy in photo is actually good looking irl. Very good looking. His problem is only the baldness.
          The point is, in that photo he looks like an ugly serial killer. That’s why I’d say it’s way more more more important to get good photos where you look good and that sell you in a good way (e.g. photos in parties), pull out some swag etc. At least if you want to get hot young women who love fun.
          There is this gay myth on the manosphere that you must be like “Don Draper” whatthefuck it’s one of the most homo things there is around. Just because the majority of the nerds not getting laid here feel they are above the society (since degrees and heavy studying) they like to identify themselves in a guy like Don Draper. And it’s also a big whatever, because young hot women want the young throbbing cock on a tall ripped body with masculine facial features. Every personality aspect is then filtered through something called “Halo effect”

    1. Many of those girls have DC Area Codes. I’m obviously doing it wrong. I need to start lifting.

  1. The amount of abuse, ridicule and rejection you will face online is ten times what you’ll get in a typical western bar full of entitled, feminist minded woman. On top of that you’ll inflate already inflated egos even more each time you contact them (they would rather die than contact you). Finally, there’s simply no possibility of you meeting a girl of quality there. The chance is slim in the real (western) world. Online, it’s impossible. I’ll pass.

    1. False, if a girl isn’t interested she most likely won’t reply period.
      Therefore the guys that find approaching daunting etc won’t have to experience the possible face to face rejection and/or awkwardness that gaming offline entails. However, it goes without saying that if you’re using online dating it shouldn’t become a crutch and excuse to not actually talk to women.

      1. True, having sent 2000 pms with no result whatsoever, not even a simple answer, would do something to a mans confidence though.
        Maybe it works differently than the bar rejection..the bar rejection you will at least have the fun of being at a bar. Perhaps cause some havock or call some bitches out. Online you will slowly and silently start experiencing yourself as something unwanted in this world.

        1. Imagine how it is to be at the receiving end of those 2000 pms. Its the perfect attention storm.
          It would be like being Beatles in their heydays. Thing is, women there are rockstars and men are adoring fans at the cheap seats.
          I’m not going anywhere where the balance is so skewed in favor of females.

        2. If you aren’t getting a response online, change something.
          New pics
          New clothes
          New pickup lines
          New lies
          Tell them you are the fucking CEO of your company, whatever it takes to get them out to meet you…
          If all else fails, get a good looking escort and take nice pics with her at a club and post that pic online…

        3. Disagree.
          I’d sent the same message, slightly tweeked, to 100s of girls when Myspace was popular.
          Most didn’t respond — who the fuck cares? Some did. I went out with some and ended up fucking 7. I had 3 lined up when I redeployed from Iraq.

        4. You – “I’d sent the same message, slightly tweeked”
          Me – “New pickup lines”
          Same thing.

        5. Quote: “Disagree.I’d sent the same message, slightly tweeked, to 100s of girls when Myspace was popular. Most didn’t respond — who the fuck cares?”
          So tell me, what’s the price of your dignity and self respect?

    2. ” . . . there’s simply no possibility of you meeting a girl of quality there.”
      A quality woman has a very simple technique to generate a range of choice quickly and easily:
      Show herself in public.
      Online, therefore, you will find young girls who are justifiably socially rejected, or post wall women trying to generate the ego boost of feeling attractive again (assuming they ever were).
      Not to mention the shit ton of trolls and scam artists.
      Definitely not my scene, but if you’re a young man following Leykis 101 it might be worth working the cougars.
      Stay away from the young ones. They are justifiably socially rejected.

    3. True words here.
      Dont feed their egos. The female are not there for “dates”
      They are their for validation. Its like their “protein drink” for their egos.

      1. exactly once they know they have a guy’s attention it’s game over…
        act like she never existed, don’t be mesmerized by her pics, they all use filters to make them look better…

    4. That’s a rational for not trying. Work out what you’re doing wrong and aim for higher quality women. From personal experience, girls who inflated egos aren’t that high value. Seek girls who are secure in their beauty, and simply raise your value and act like you it’s the most natural thing in the world to talk to them. The girl power bitches are the 6-7’s, not the 9’s.

      1. True that. Still not gonna do it online though. Plenty of possibilities in real life still.

    5. quote: “The amount of abuse, ridicule and rejection you will face online is ten times what you’ll get in a typical western bar full of entitled, feminist, girl power women. On top of that you’ll inflate already inflated egos even more each time you contact them (they would rather die than contact you).”
      Fuckin’ Gospel.
      A short while back there was another ROK article entitled “Garbage bin women to avoid” and I think in the list of garbage bin skags I’d include any female that uses online dating sites. There are two cloasses of females that use online personals: 1.)UGS and or complete fucking wackos and 2.) hot chicks who have no interest in going out with any guy she meets online and only has a profile to make herself feel good at the expense of men who are willing to demean themselves by contacting her.
      Fuck online perosnals, period.

      1. “hot chicks who have no interest in going out with any guy she meets online and only has a profile to make herself feel good at the expense of men who are willing to demean themselves by contacting her.”
        I can see that all the time. They don’t realize that men are supposed to be chasing women so we use whatever tool we have.
        It’s those girls on those sites who are desperate since they are hot girls they should be able to snag a man in the street no problem right?

    6. If you have to advertise, you ain’t anyone special. Keep away from those horrid sites. They are a dumping ground for uglies, liars and fatties

    7. remember a man online is simply increasing his prospects…
      a woman online is a real loser 100% of the time, maybe that’s why they never go on real dates…they don’t want to blow their “image” online.

  2. Never commit (LTR) to a woman constantly using social medias…
    That includes:
    Dating sites
    If she has followers, never take her seriously no matter what she says.

      1. Yes that’s why you never marry them….
        No one will bail you out when your old, not even your 20 years of marriage wife if you lose your job…

    1. Accept it’s part of modern life. Women *choose* to use social media when they’re bored. If she’s choosing to use it over talking to you, you need to raise your game or attractiveness, both of which are easy enough to do.

      1. “If she’s choosing to use it over talking to you, you need to raise your game or attractiveness”
        No you don’t. That mindset is BETA 100% and will lead you to become the mangina husband who gets “lucky” once a month while she cheats on him with a real man.
        You need to tell her it’s a sign of disrespect and you won’t take it… If she does it again DTB.
        Women are children, remember that. They need to be trained like a dog. Buyer beware!

        1. This guy Kirk is one of the few making sense here.
          “Raise YOUR game”? At the whim of a spoiled brat who has no class or manners? No wonder women are so self entitled. Seriously dudes, stop putting chicks on such a pedestal. Unbelievable.

        2. Thank you bro, it kills me to read such bullshit from newbies…if only they stop and realize that their “princess” also take nasty dumps, farts and is sometimes as gross as a pig. They will eventually stop their idolizing brainwashed behavior.
          My red pill moment came when my sex toy (6 at best) told me how girls can move on from any man with no remorse… I looked at her like “wow, if only your current live in boyfriend could hear this…” then I got up, unzipped my pants and watched her get back to “work” with great zeal…

    2. Yes. This. I live by simple rules. This would be one of them. Life is easier and more enjoyable if you cut out all the noise.

      1. My ex is a Facebook queen with 50 likes for each pics she posts….90% of the comments are her guy “friends” jerking off to her pic…
        Social media is the female dildo of the 21st century…

        1. The reason why a young man needs to bang as many girls as he can is simply to avoid becoming a thirsty old man putting women on pedestals…

    3. That goes for guys too!! I was on a date with this guy and he kept checking his phone for FB and stuff, so I went to the bathroom and put on his FB…date over…enjoy the rest of your night on FB…fakebook. Hope they have it in the nursing home, because you will be there alone…

    4. That goes for guys too!! I was on a date with this guy and he kept checking his phone for FB and stuff, so I went to the bathroom and put on his FB… “Date over…enjoy the rest of your night on FB…fakebook. Hope they have it in the nursing home, because you will be there alone…” and walked out, got in my car and drove home. Total waste of a sexy dress that night.

    5. I had my fair share of experience with scammers, they took a lot away from me . But i tracked them and found them and I got my money back with the help of onetimehacker at outlook com. He hacked their emails and social network site to find out they were in Ghana . I simply went there and found them out.

  3. Or follow these simple steps:
    1) Get your fat ass into shape.
    2) Clean your fucking body and don’t smell like shit
    3) Suck up your pride and worship your cock
    4) Let your cock lead you like a magnet to every girl you want to fuck
    5) Know you’re the shit, and be Alpha
    6) Fuck hundreds of women… whenever and wherever you want to

    1. “Let your cock lead you like a magnet to every girl you want to fuck”
      One cock to rule them all…

  4. The points made in Law Dogger’s ‘Law of Economics’ article are even more apparent in online dating. If you are using a free service then expect there to be a very high male to female ratio. However, this works in your favor if you follow the advise of the article. Most guys either write in essays or are overly short and blunt in their approaches. If you are able to take advantage of women’s imaginations then you will be in the upper 1% of men. At that point you will eventually get overwhelmed with the amount of new women that are genuinely interested in you.
    Girls online only seem overly entitled if you fall into their traps. If you aren’t experienced, then that is an easy thing to do. However, those who gain experience probably won’t return to more conventional ways of meeting women.

    1. Point is, you’re adjusting to please someone else. No matter how refined it is women will sense that. It’s beta and it should be below any mans standard. Let them adjust. It’s about time.

      1. What separates you from an artist? An artist knows how to take the vision in his head and communicate it effectively.
        It isn’t about change or to just be a people pleaser. It is about understanding how to communicate above the mean.

      1. That is almost like asking a professional comedian in a casual setting to tell you a joke…
        Everything is situational. There is no cover-all answer. A good place to start is to read the situation (their profile in this context) and make a witty comment regarding one thing within the context.

      2. “You look like the kind of girl who watched the Home Shopping network drunk and now owns ornamental katanas.”

      3. “I feel like there’s a giant oil painting of you on a horse over some rich guy’s fireplace somewhere.”

    2. This, but if only girls actually made an effort too. Most girl’s profiles are so incredibly boring it’s almost painful. They go on an on about their ‘personality’ and their favorite music/shows. Whenever I read their profiles I imagine just listening to them for five minutes in real life and want to gauge my eyes out. No wonder they can’t find guys in real life.

  5. You reminded me to delete my old ok cupid account. Haven’t used it in years. I found online dating to be talking to loonies. Really, those women were insane.

    1. Loonies eh? Same description could easily apply to you, based on a lot of what you’ve posted.

      1. 500 years ago if a man said the world was round he was called a “loony” because “everyone knew” that if the world was round all the people on the bottom would fall off.
        People who call me “loony”, and there are plenty of them, are “flat-earthers”. They are pitifully ignorant. But since they will not listen and learn? There is nothing that I can do for them. I produced the books and videos they need to learn and they won’t read and won’t listen. Too busy watching “reality TV” to learn about law and the criminality of their guvmints. They richly deserve to be the slaves they are.
        “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”
        Albert Einstein.
        He was surely right about the 99% in the west today. I love how people are out there shouting “we are the 99%”. Yes, they are. And they are as ignorant as the rocks on the road and deserve to be robbed blind for being so. Just my opinion.

        1. this shit you just wrote is exactly why you didn’t get laid as a kid. I didn’t even read it. I just felt the vibe and dropped my eyes on “500 years ago” “Albert Einstein” and various gay quotes and boring blabbering just because somebody pulled out a joke

        2. “this shit you just wrote is exactly why you didn’t get laid as a kid”
          LOL! The reason I did not have sex with a number of different women when I was a teen was because I said no. It is called “making a choice” about what you do. That you attempt to slur a man who is 50 who is much you better for his decision he didn’t want to have sex with sluts when he was a teen just demonstrates the level of man hatred in western society.
          I mean, seriously, you try and slur me for refusing to have sex with women 32+ years ago as a teen? That’s pretty hateful.

        3. you are 50 and playing the faggot on websites for damaged teens, when you should already be on top of society. Congratulations, loser

        4. Sweetie,
          I have already had a very successful life as you would know if you bothered to learn about me. I am one of the top 20 or so people in the world in my profession. I have worked in more than 200 companies in 20+ countries. I have raised 4 children. My clients are the whose who of the business world.
          I chose to take some time out from that work to secure the rights of men and boys so that what was done to me could not be done to them. And women like you like to try and criticise me for doing this.
          This is how much MAN-HATRED there is in the west. One of the most capable men in the world to do what I am doing takes a few years out to work to the benefit of hundreds of millions of men and women HATE ON HIM FOR IT.
          it must be horrible to live with such hatred in your heart towards men. It is hardly any surprise women can no longer sustain relationships with men since they hate them so much.

        5. How can you be a regular on this site and think that anyone cares about the liberal buzz words like hate (which actually is just the liberal word for heresy, which is kind of what this site specialises in).

        6. When a man says to a woman that she is a man hater or ask her “why do you hate all men” it actually really does fire them off. I did this during this week. Works a treat. It would be nice to see more young men do the same.

  6. Man fuck online game.
    It is like 7 guys for like 1 girl.
    Like why would you put yourself in those odds.
    Just make time to go to bars/clubs or do daygame.
    Plus the girls are not as crazy or feminist or fucked up in bars/clubs as they are online.

    1. Problem with going to bars is that around here its a total waste of time and money, the chicks are all such lame stuck up cunts its not even worth wasting your time approaching them. They want an opportunity to get and ego boost for themselves and cut your ego down aat the same time. If you end up trying have a beer or drink and relax you run the rissk of a DUI and thats 15K in lawyers fees, court costs, car insurance hike for years and years.
      Daygame? Everything around here that is even remotely attractive has a perma-bitch shield up 24-7. You have to stoop to a 5 to even get one to talk.
      Better to save your money and travel.
      Might be better in some select parts of the USA, I dont know, but certainly not where I am.

  7. Great post with even greater comment by dt. The linked 44 OK Cupid openers had me spitting my beer. Anyone on this sight knows about the online desert. So listen to Moses. And the crazy guy from LA who knows how to draft an opener.

  8. A lot of this advice is applicable to writing and using language in general. One should always make some effort to be creative with language, especially when telling stories.

  9. I hope that none of you complain about women who “lead you on” to believe that they’re better than they actually are in person.

  10. ROFL!
    “but her pussy labia were beat up and stretched out, looking like old roast beef.”
    You really don’t know anything about the female body, do you?

  11. This is total bullshit. If I was sent a message from a man offering me “exposure to his awesomeness”, he wouldn’t be recieving a reply, period. Also, roosh is absolutely disgusting. The appearance of a woman’s labia has absolutely no correlation to her number of sexual partners. Extra labia skin or lack thereof is related to genetics, not promiscuity.

    1. This is total bullshit. If I was sent a message from a man offering me “exposure to his awesomeness”, he wouldn’t be recieving a reply, period.

      Typical hater nonsense. Runsonmagic writes:

      write your own to filter for your personality.

      If applicable, also filter slightly for the personality of the recipient. For example if the profile seems to have been written by a wretched old hag with no sense of humor, I use ‘ctrl-w’.

      The appearance of a woman’s labia has absolutely no correlation to her number of sexual partners. Extra labia skin or lack thereof is related to genetics, not promiscuity.

      This is true but largely irrelevant to the point. And odds are for that encounter, Roosh noticed many other tells leading him to believe the girl was lying to his face when she claimed “I usually don’t do this.” He didn’t bother to dwell on them for the sake of entertaining prose. So while your objection is fair it’s also probably not worth getting so upset about.

  12. I still remember the personal ad I wrote for an English foreigner monthly in another country that was filled with mystery. It said something like: I’m bored, so are you interesting? Am I educated? Handsome? Fun to be around? You read this and are thinking about calling me, so I have to be some of them.
    After a flurry of 50 different dates, 10 interesting women, and an awesome date that resulted in my wife of 12 years and mother of my three children, it worked.
    And all it took was a short personal ad.

  13. This is basically a list of things to do if you don’t want to get laid, ever. I’m betting that most of the people who write and read this garbage haven’t been within 10 feet of a woman other than their mother.

  14. Here’s why most women online are CRAZY…
    Exhibit A: Says she wants men to show her respect…need I say more on her “attire”?

    1. Exhibit B: Says her mom is a beauty Queen!.. no joke here. If she looks like that when she’s old WTF is that shit!
      Buyer beware!

  15. No need to seriously consider any of this. Success with online dating is as depressing and simple as this:
    Step 1: Work out at the gym for 12 months and put your profile picture in a suit, another making you look cool, and another nonchalantly showing off your crazy awesome body (but not showing off)
    Step 2: Message literally every single woman and wait to see who responds
    Step 3: Don’t waste time getting to know her online, get her on a date immediately
    Sorry to say it guys, but in the dark 4 regions for men (Australia/NZ, USA, Canada and UK/Ireland), hot young girls simply don’t care about anything aside from looks and how “cool” you are. Yes. Really. Western girls are really that bad.
    Why believe me though, why not see it for yourself? Create a profile of yourself and follow this advice, and create a fake profile with very short, generic descriptions “I like to travel and have fun” but with an insanely good looking guy, and see which gets more responses 🙂

    1. “Message literally every single woman and wait to see who responds”
      And who the hell have time for that?

  16. Actually, men need to boycott all online dating sites that do nothing but rip men off and boost women’s ego.

  17. Giving her an alibi is a great idea – it’s nice to have a purpose (or a disguise!)

  18. Im new to this site. And i never write reviews But. using some of the templates on how to message online ads. My response rate doubled. I used one of the ok Cupid list of openers and literally started getting numbers after the 2nd message lol. Whoever write this stuff props 2 you.

  19. I think that is a great article, it is necessary to come out as a real person in a dating profile, along with having a great photo album, which sort of works every time as I saw on , photos bring out the real you on a dating site so that is bound to get noticed.

  20. Online I lie. Where other guys have boring deskjobs “I’m a fresh out of university doctor”. They will talk to you even when you don’t look like what they prefer. The smell of money and succes is very attractive to women. Because despite the “strong independent woman” talk, the forecast of an easy exiting life is what they want. So spice it up with some random travel story about that time you went to Italy, the beaches of Hawai and the temples of Peru or something. Oh, and you like cooking and are a familyman. Pictures with a little puppy will help, or some dark photo with a subtitle: “celebrating christmas with my family” That’s the kind of sht women react to and men don’t care about at all.

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  22. Note that Fucker Max’s standards included warpigs, fatties, and the nasty psycho skank Erin Tyler. His new wife has more muscles than he does.

  23. blessed………….this is it. mother sunlight daughter
    of jai mata durga. my house has been burning ever since
    my husband stand for divorce. because of that there is
    nothing i have not done to stop him…………..he was
    suspecting me having an affair of my secretary at work.
    which was not true,,,,,,,,,3weeks ago i contacted some
    spellcaster they got me scammed and took away my money.
    i became hopeless and helpless, even when i first saw
    comment about sunlight i did not contact her because i
    thought that they are all the same,,,,,,,,,that i was very
    wrong…………..3days ago i saw another comments post
    on runaway husband by mica at france site that was i when
    i contacted her,,,,,,,,,,,i told her all my painful experience
    she felt sorry and told me what to do,,,,,,,,,,,reading her
    message alone i became hopeful, then i did everything i was
    told by her that same evening…………the next morning she mailed
    that everything is done and that he will becoming home now
    i thought joke! fews minutes my husband called me and was begging
    i thought it was a setup then he said he is coming he couldn’t wait
    to close for his work he came and starting begging. it was like a
    dream in my eyes that moment we settled he brought the file and
    tear everything into pieces i became so very excited………..
    then i realise how powerful and truthful sunlight is…………
    my nieghbor also having problems with her boyfriend i gave her
    sunlight mailed also she restore and also make them happy…………..
    i want to use this opportunity to tell the whole world that need
    help in any kind that sunlight is the answer here>>>>>>>>>> is her
    mail [email protected],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mail her now! i swear
    to you your problems shall be solved to nmy notice she is the only one
    who can help you out………thanks to you mother of the world sunlight.

  24. I had my fair share of experience with scammers, they took a lot away from me . But i tracked them and found them and I got my money back with the help of [email protected] com. He hacked their emails and social network site to find out they were in Ghana . I simply went there and found them out.

  25. I believe that what you would like in a profile is how you should have your profile. If you want maximum photos then so should your profile have, and if you want only verified profiles then that is what you should do. One of my office friend has been successful in getting laid on adult dating site by simply doing the right thing, and that is to write what everyone wants to read and that is about personality and hobbies, and then make sure to provide photos of real life to display these, and bang this is one good recipe for success.

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