Unwed Mothers Should Give Their Children Up For Adoption

Sometimes at ROK, we publish satirical pieces designed to direct attention to deeper issues. Leftists refer to them as troll pieces, but I think that just shows their own willful ignorance. We are not merely trying to gain attention to cure ourselves of boredom; we are trying to change the world. Many articles are tongue-in-cheek, and in fairness, sometimes that can be difficult for the reader to discern. Therefore, in the interest of clear communication, allow me to state that this article is not satirical, trolling, or a joke.

A woman who gives birth without a husband or live-in partner and chooses to raise the child is only acting in her own best interest. It is one thing if she gets divorced when her kids are a few years old. Since they’ve already begun to develop, one could argue that it’s best not to separate the child from the parent. But when your child is born, if you are an unwed mother, then the only morally defensible thing to do is to give the child up for adoption.

Dickensian orphanages no longer exist in America. The Catholic nun is a Hollywood myth from a former time. There is a huge surplus of financially stable but infertile couples who wait years to adopt a single child, and many of them are never able to. Mr. and Mrs. Smith can do a far better job raising your offspring that a daycare can. It’s an open secret how poorly-developed the American childcare industry is. If you want any hard evidence that women should seek to be housewives, read that article in the last sentence.

Unwed Mothers Are Unable To Mother

But what if the mother is financially well-off and can afford good childcare? After all, that article argues for higher quality daycare instead of gross reduction. Or what if she has a strong support system with her parents? Doesn’t matter. Maybe a boy or girl can develop well without a mother, but he or she will be damaged for life without a father constantly around. There are people who were raised without a father who did well for themselves, but this is in spite of their unnatural family structure and not because of it.

A boy needs a father to teach him to be a man, and a girl needs a father to make her feel protected. Everyone in society has a different definition of “a real man,” but notice how everyone still has a concept of it. You rarely hear people use the term “a real woman.” So does a girl need a mother to teach her to be a real woman if we have no concept of real womanhood? What does a mother offer to a girl that can’t be given by a man? The leftist reader is drawing a blank, because as soon as he answers that question, he will admit that there is an innate and hence obligatory gender role for women. How much more worthless is an unwed mother to a boy!

One could claim that a mother can provide a sense of protection and provision for both boys and girls, but again, that can much more naturally be provided by a father by virtue of his outer physiology. Small kids aren’t intelligent, and your high-paying job or MBA won’t impress them when the monsters under the bed try to attack them, to use a kindhearted example. They haven’t been socialized yet, and so they still have the animal mindset that might is right. So no, children cannot be properly mothered without the context of being fathered.

What about grandpa? Doesn’t he provide a father figure if the mother lives with her parents? It is still not the same, because he will be subject to the mother in every circumstance involving the child. Grandpa is ultimately employed as mommy’s nanny. The child still does not have a true father figure. If the mother wants to give up the child to be adopted by the grandparents, then wonderful. But under no circumstances in modern America should an unwed mother keep custody of her infant.

Be A Hero

Why then would an unwed mother keep custody of a newborn infant? Because she can’t imagine herself living without the child. My father made the same argument when he knocked up his mistress in an extramarital affair and decided to break up my family to marry her. The reader may scream that a parent is entitled to his child, but that only confirms the self-centeredness element. Who else is benefitted beside yourself? If you know that your infant will be far better off with another couple (especially if you are already in poverty), then why will you not do what is in the best interest of your child?

Furthermore, couples seeking to adopt are so desperate that they are often willing to negotiate an open adoption, meaning that you the biological parent can still interact with your child! You do not have to be completely out of the picture. Instead, you are making an adult decision about your incapacities. This way you can both be involved with your offspring and have the child develop into a functional human being. Everybody wins in an open adoption.

“But it’s still so difficult for a woman to give up custody!” screams the reader. Then be heroic. You want to be “an American hero”? You want to do something selfless and earn your good person membership card? Do what’s in the best interest of your child and send him or her to be with someone else. But do not use your infant as a security blanket. The love of such a woman is a selfish and cheap love. It is not love but at best mere deep affection.

“Women should be able to do what they want!” is the next argument. That just shows what an objectively terrible person you are. The difference between being a child and being an adult is the difference between choosing your wants and choosing your shoulds. And just so the on-the-fence reader doesn’t accuse me of misogyny, I’ll say that is true for both sexes.

People shame the modern man-child Peter Pan for good reason, but they never consider that what drives a 28-year-old man to live in his parents’ basement instead of enrolling in vocational school is the same thing that drives a career woman to pursue her dreams of cubicle serfdom and martini brunches. Both involve doing what they want, and the difference between those wants is only incidental.

Damaged Goods

One could argue that the child will naturally be better off with his biological parents than with adopted parents. Perhaps that is normally true, but the detriment caused to the child will be far worse with Jane Slut than with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Actually, I’m willing to be fair and say that not all unwed pregnant women are sluts. Maybe your husband died in a car accident when you were eight-months pregnant. Still it doesn’t matter.

A generation ago, Chuck Palahniuk wrote in Fight Club, “We are a generation of men raised by women.” This feeling of loss causes the men in the book to drop out of society and pursue anarchy and nihilism. Although the actions are somewhat of an exaggeration, the sentiment of loss is much the ubiquitous state of the modern male, and this quote is as easily applicable a generation later. It’s ironic that early feminism fought for prohibition, since today it causes liquor sales to soar.

If my parents had not divorced, I never would have developed the emotional baggage that drives me to write, especially for a site like this. Read my work and try imagining it written by a happy, stable model citizen. This article is a product of a career mother and an androgynous father. They separated when I was six, and I can’t fathom how much more antisocial I would have become had they divorced during those crucially developmental first five years. So, feminists, if you don’t want your children to grow up to write for Return of Kings, then either stand by your man or release your infant to more qualified candidates.

Read More: American Children Are The Prisoners Of Women

268 thoughts on “Unwed Mothers Should Give Their Children Up For Adoption”

  1. One of the most effective ways to combat unwed mothers from having children they cannot afford, is to stop the child welfare system altogether.
    Call me what you want, but the reality is, the child welfare system helped produce the locusts of unwed mothers having children. To these parasite, their babies are nothing but a means to extract as much cash as possible from the system.
    The child welfare system has been abused to the point where the whole system is going to crash. It is not my responsibility as a tax payer to subsidise another’s child. That is what true parenting is about- raising a child financially on his/her own money, not tax money and also, instilling good values and morals within the child.
    As long as we continue to have the child welfare system, more unwed mothers are going to have as many kids as possible and leech of the system. This is an epidemic across the Western hemisphere.
    Also, it is the role of the father, to make sure his son grows to become a true man. While a mother is to raise a boy with love, it is the father who raises him to be a man. Otherwise, what you are going to have, is the current epidemic of henpecked simps and manginas who fear women.

    1. Child welfare for up to 2 children is not so bad, under the condition that the woman is married and preferably lives together with the biological father. Only such unions should be supported. Suddenly you would see marriage rates sky-rocket & women would be on their best behavior to keep her husband happy.
      Now you pay for her to go Alpha fucking, while Government is the Beta provider.

        1. True. Screwing, breeding and expecting someone else to foot the bill. Yeah, we all make mistakes but 3 or 4 of them? Paying women to be irresponsible.

      1. How about we tie their tubes after the first one requiring any public assistance?
        It is usually reversible, and it helps to ensure that we won’t be wasting any more of my dollars on their mistakes.

        1. A sane and reasonable idea Sir, however, the howling SJW’s won’t let that happen. I also recommend men who sperminate randomly and without responsibility must be picked-up on a public warrant and taken to a clinic to have a vasectomy. Women are the birth canal gatekeepers but men must shoulder responsibility for random shooting of swimmers into nasty holes.

        2. Absolutely, I know women tell men BS like: “I can’t get pregnant” or “I’m on the pill”. Hell they even dig used condoms out of a garbage pale. Really guys, it’s war out there. Wrap or suffer the 18 year baby tumor.

    2. O yes and stop gravity while you are at it. The very fact that such a system exist already proves we are losing .

    3. Agreed, excep0t women raising a boy with love. That is false love, or affection mixed with other emotions.
      Love is what a father does, a real father
      Mother’s love can make a child dependent and confused, something I see in women is that they absorb people emotionally, men, children, and even pets. They are designed to do that. To make them somehow dependent on her.
      It is women who urges the child’s love(or man or pet’s love) and makes him dependent on her for that, manipulating the child’s emotions, something very toxic.
      Children are not meant to be raised by women. Not at all.
      The love of a father is so different, because it makes the child more independent, secure, stable, strong, and awaken to reality.
      Without fathers, children have less empathy, more sociopathy:

      A study conducted by Dr. Kyle D. Pruett found that,
      -infants between 7 and 30 months respond more favorably to being picked up by their fathers. . Pruett also found that
      -a father’s parenting style is beneficial for a child’s physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral development. Mothers reassure toddlers when they become frustrated while
      -fathers encourage them to manage their frustration. This helps the children learn to deal with stress and frustration. A long-term study Pruett conducted proved that
      -a father’s active involvement with his children, from birth to adolescence, promotes greater emotional balance, stronger curiosity and a stronger sense of self-assurance in the child.

      Furthermore, a 1996 study by McGill University found that the “Single most important childhood factor in developing empathy is paternal involvement in childcare”. The study further concluded that fathers who spent time alone bonding with their children more than twice per week brought up the most compassionate adults.

      Single mothers and divorced ones, are a disease for society and very toxic for children, ironically, these children grow “loving” their mothers, and maybe hating their fathers. No, women do not love children, they murder dozens of millions each year.

      1. Isn’t it true that in some (pre-Columbus) cultures, male children were taken away from their mothers at an early age and delivered to their fathers (or some strong male authority) to be taught manhood?

      2. Not true mothers do love their children and my mum is divorced and she is the best woman in this world. I don’t get on with my dad but i saw fights everyday growing up and it was my dad that picked another woman over me and my siblings. some people shouldn’t be parents but some single mums are the best mums in the world.

        1. Try telling that to an SJW or even regular run-of-the-mill liberal. Since all women are victims to them, a single mother is a Hero and martyr, and never, never, ever a slut. She is an empowered woman, even if she can’t take care of herself.
          The problem is, SJW types live such cushy, comfortable lives that they cannot imagine anything beyiond their own narrow experience. Thus, they support welfare, unable to see that the money is being stolen from actually productive citizens. Not until our economy finally collapses under the weight of 100 million single mothers will they see the error of their ways, and by then it will be too late. I look forward to them pleading with me to share my resources, as I pump my shotgun and respond with a cold eyed glare. “You asked for it, pal. You too, sweetheart. No more Daddy Government to keep you alive, only your own wits.” Should they fail to take my point, they will learn the difference between an SJW and a real warrior.
          Doubtful such a scenario will come about in my lifetime, but if it does, I am glad that a hard life has given me the skills needed to survive a hard world.

        2. “Not until our economy finally collapses under the weight of 100 million single mothers will they see the error of their ways” They’re totally incapable of seeing the error of their own ways, they’ll be lined up at the wall before a firing squad and wonder what they ever did to deserve such a cruel fate.

        3. It’s not like women are a divet on the golf course. I can avoid falling into the hole with a little effort.

        1. Problem is most men wont step up because they dont feel like getting rapped in court every time the mother feels like making the father butt hurt! Got it?

        2. Problem is plenty of men didn’t want to be a daddy in the first place, but the warm wet hole was just too good to turn down. Women lying is the big problem.

        3. Happened to my cousin. He knocked up some 34 yo post-wall womyn, she got pregnant. So he did the “sensible” thing and married her. I truly pity him, he never wanted to have kids or marry for that matter. Then again, he’s an idiot for not wrapping it up and flushing that shit afterwards.

      1. And sorry! With women having over 16 diff contraception and men essentially having only one, the onus is on the woman. Also, too many times a woman will convince the man she loves him and wants to raise a child with him. Moment she gets pregnant, BAM, its emotional, financial and mental rape time. Where the woman gets complete control of the kid and if the father does not bow down to her every whim and pay whatever she wants, he not only is blocked from his kid but becomes a slave to big brothers stinky penis! And you wonder why so many fathers say ‘FUCK IT’ and bail? No, hold the mothers accountable… they are the gate keepers for real!

        1. It really goes back to how women are taught about relationships and life in general. If your mother was a welfare skank bottomfeeder then that’s all you are really going to know. Mind you, the plethora of celebrities knocked-up with baby daddy on the arm gives the impression that raising a child as a single parent is just wonderful.

    4. I disagree in part. We need to move child welfare so that it is directed at the CHILD, not given to the mother in trust that she will use it for the child’s benefit. Change the monthly check to mommy into actual resources given directly to the child (3 meals a day at school, basic but bland clothing to avoid resale, job training extra curricular activities after age 15). Mommy can go stand on her own 2 feet instead of mooching off child support.

    5. I disagree that child welfare should be stopped. Children shouldn’t have to suffer because of selfishness on their Mothers’ part. I think it should be limited though, and there should be a way to ensure that the money is spent on the child and not on the Mother. I know single Mothers who get so much benefits and they have no carpets on the floors, no paint or wallpaper on the walls, no food in the cupboards, the kids are all very skinny and malnourished, yet they can afford weed, alcohol, new cars etc. And then I know amazing couples who can’t have children at all. Makes me rage.

      1. I see your point, but the only way to keep tabs on every welfare recipient’s spending would be by expanding the government even more…and we all know how that works out.
        Maybe privatized welfare? It could work more like a long term credit card; if the mother doesn’t start paying back the loans after the child turns 18, it’ll be off to debtor’s prison. Of course, such a law could never pass in a society which allows women to vote.
        No society survives wimmin’s suffrage. Once the little sweets start voting, greasy politicians lose whatever little integrity they once possessed as they flatter the ladies in their pursuit of power. Also, any forward-thinking law never makes it past legislation because–as others here have pointed out–women can only think of the here and now, and of their own security. A wholly risk-averse voting population is a population in rapid decline. No great nation stays great by sitting on its haunches and coddling its citizens.

    6. I think Australia got this right in part when they implemented changes to the welfare benefits that forced single mothers from the single parenting allowance to the unemployment queue once the youngest child began attending school.
      Anecdotally I’m personally aware of at least one mother who upgraded her qualifications so she could go from being a childcare worker to a pre-kindergarten teacher. Something I suspect she may not have done if the system had been more like the US system.

    7. Wow..not all women are parasites, but are actually human beings who have emotions. Sort of a sexist viewpoint.

  2. My parents divorced before i was born, i didnt really meet my dad until i was about 7 and my first memory of him was in an orange jumper as he got thrown in jail for domestic abuse on his second wife. So i didnt see him again until i was about 12 and then went to live with him when i was 15. I’ve basically split my life between my parents 15 with my mom and 10 with my dad. Mom was dirt poor and Dad is loaded. So ive been on both sides of the fence. While i dont agree that an unwed mother should give up her child I think that divorced or single parents should make a better effort to keep their kids connected to the other parent. I definitely feel a disconnect between my father and myself and i’ve tried to fill in the gaps on “how to become a man” but i always have felt some how off about it.

    1. The problem, today, is that women have been given all of the “say” regarding the kids.
      I’ve personally seen an example of where a woman got pregnant and the man said that they couldn’t afford a kid (at that time). They were young, working low paying jobs, etc… She didn’t care and she didn’t want to hear it. It was her body and her say…and that was it (in other words – fuck him).
      The couple split up as a result of her decision. Now, where was the equality?
      So, he pays (can’t afford it) because she was selfish and she wanted the kid. Make sense?
      More women need to be shamed for making bad choices in life.

      1. Yea i understand that, i’m also pointing out that not all of us bastard children should be aborted or given up for adoption. I think i would be more messed up in the head if i had to grow up with an adopted family, i actually did for a brief period and it made me feel more uncomfortable that i already did. My mom worked hard to provide for us and she is actually the person i got my “red pill” mindset from. My dad wanted nothing to do with me really until i was about 14 and he is as “blue pill” as it gets.

  3. One could claim that a mother can provide a sense of protection and provision for both boys and girls, but again, that can much more naturally be provided by a father by virtue of his outer physiology.
    It’s discipline and teaching children right from wrong as well.
    There is, was, and always will be an enormous difference between:
    Go to your room, and wait til your mother gets home.
    Go to your room, and wait til your father gets home.
    It has nothing to do with either parent hitting the kid, but every little kid can feel the difference when it’s told to them.

    1. I cosign! Even though my parents divorced when I was young, my father was still a part of my life. When I did something, my mother would usually threaten to tell my father, and I would actually be afraid of that.

  4. There was a time when single mothers who raised children without a father figure, would be seen with disgust and shame.
    In today’s world, single mothers are praised as heroes. Repulsive. And to make things even worse, single mothers actually believe that they can play the tough father role. Even Hollywood now perpertuates this myth. For example, in the new trailer for Terminator Genisys, Sarah Connor is the man and Kyle Reese is the woman.
    Unbelievable. I truly believe we are at the end of our civilisation.

    1. Looking at the statistics of how children of single mothers end up, these heroes are not doing so well.

      1. The only solution of course, is to give them more of your resources. Like a drunk attempting to put out a fire with gasoline, continued redistribution to arbitrarily declared special groups will only result in more of the same problem and even louder cries for your money.

        1. Exactly, the mainstream argument is we need to give them more money so they can crap out more bastard spawn. Any society that incentivizes and rewards failure is one that is bound to fail itself.

        2. It’s amazing how true that is, and how few can see it. Those who support welfare are usually pampered white SJW’s who need to pretend to care about ‘the plight of the poor’ because they are such shitballs otherwise. America is #1 for producing both useless welfare queens and an upper middle class that needs to assuage its ephemeral guilt by supporting idiots who can’t support themselves.
          This nation stopped being a Republic long ago, to our shame. Right around the time 2nd wave feminism reared its leathery head, in fact. Much of it is thanks to women, and their weak need for security over liberty. Giving women the vote has resulted in soft socialism, warping the greatest republic ever into some socialist nightmare bizarro world. Leftists can’t seem to understand this; they are disgusted when I say women shouldn’t vote, as if I’m speaking heresy. And of course, I am; their secular religion has no room for dissent. Meanwhile, a once-beautiful nation crumbles around them, and they can only arrange slut-walks through the ruins, blind to the destruction so long as they are safe.
          When the chaos finally comes, as it always does in socialist nations, these SJW’s will discover what rape culture really is, to their horror and the woe of good women everywhere.

        3. Those who support welfare are usually pampered white SJW’s who need to pretend to care about ‘the plight of the poor’ because they are such shitballs otherwise.

          SJWs are people who are trying to reclaim white moral superiority, which white people felt was lost after the Civil Rights Movement. Note how they never want to give their own money, they want to create laws that tax people richer than themselves. Liberals are extremely generous with other people’s money. Every time you meet a liberal ask them which part of town they live in. It’s almost always the whitest part of town. They pretend to be all about the plight of the minorities, but usually only interact with them superficially in order to earn their “Not-a-Raciss” merit badge, which they show to others with great pride. Again, it’s about moral superiority. Talk to a liberal about morals and you’ll see this side of them. Seriously.

        4. Hmmmm…..I never thought aabout it that way, but it makes complete sense; consider that the three most expensive cities in the U.S. (New York, San Francisco, and L.A.) are all liberal hotspots, where there are so many bleeding hearts I’m surprised the streets aren’t covered in blood.
          Well, they are covered in blood, but not in the nice parts.
          The SJW is so practiced at denial that most probably aren’t conscious of this phenomenon; like most every other ugly truth under the pretty veneer of modern liberalism, their innate racism is cloaked in the guise of ‘white benevolence’.

      2. I had the discussion about the results of single mothering with a group of liberal friends and the denial was overwhelming. To my comment about how, statistically, single mothers result in greater child abuse (by step ‘fathers’, uncles, etc), more prison, more psychological problems, more poverty, etc, etc. the replies included ‘but is that correlation or causation?’ , ‘but isn’t the problem poverty, not single mothers’ (confusing symptom with cause), then on to ‘why do you hate women?’. It’s just not worth it to try and argue with such idealogues/zealots.

        1. There have been some studies citing that if they remove the variable of poverty, children of single parents are not particularly worse off than children of married couples. So she may have had a point. The worst thing for the kids in single mum households is not that single mums lack morals or whatever (which they may well, but I’m not using that as an argument as it’s subjective), but that they’re poor. Single mums are the poorest fucking households in the nation, and none of us should, or want to, support them when we shouldn’t have to.
          Single mums simply cannot do both jobs, support their kids and raise their kids, whatever they think. That’s why marriage existed in the first place. If you want to take the emotion out of arguments like you had with your liberal friends, then poverty by itself is a very valid reason against single mothering

        2. Yeah, this alone is the best argument against single parenting I think. If you use the “morals and values” argument, it’s too easy to shout down since values are subjective. But it seems difficult to argue against the idea that two parents (one working to support the household, and the other spending time with the kids—or however they break up those duties) are going to provide more stability by definition than one person trying to do two full-time jobs at once.

      3. Agree….the numbers do not lie. The problem is that women do not “do” numbers, statistics or facts. They will do them only if they are slanted in their favor (but not objectively).

        1. Because they only think about what their immediate need is (attention, affection, vengeance, etc.) standing where they are right then and there, they don’t pause to actually think “Hey, I’d better really think this through, there might be future consequences with it!” about more or less anything and everything.

      4. Can confirm. I myself am the son of a single mother:
        -propensity to depressive moods
        -unable to work with people
        -hardly capable of feeling empathy with other human beings
        -a loner
        Reason: mother was physically abusive because she saw on my face the face of the man that got her pregnant and then abandoned.

        1. Some women don’t want to be reminded about the man they fucked, especially if they have a son and the son looks just like him. I knew someone whose mom is the same way because he looked like his dad. My parents are divorced and I look like my dad.

    2. This probably had to do with attrition – once upon a time, being a single mom was an anomaly. Now, it’s so prevalent and has permeated every fiber of society to where society more or less threw up its hands and gave up on the idea of shunning it and just accepted it as it spread like the plague that it is.
      I shuddered when she said the trite “Come with me if you want to live!” line in the new Terminator trailer. And word has it that it’s PG-13. Yep, I’ll be stealing that one like I did The Expendables 3. Don’t make a movie for my sensibilities, then clearly my money must not be good enough for you. Simple as that!

      1. Just like obesity. Used to be an aberration and now it’s common and accepted, even defended, despite being proving far less than optimal.

        1. I’ll add tats as well.
          All of the mentioned above used to be seen as amoral or looked down upon in society. It meant you didn’t have your shit together.
          Today, it is celebrated like some kind of “freedom”. Nice…let’s all cheer for the fucked up girl…she’s “free” now.

        2. Maybe if you misogginst assholes were more PROGRESSIFFFF!!! having a body that looks like a cross between playdough and a child’s coloring book is awesome OMGWTFBBQ!!!
          Maybe a woman wants to have 3 kids by 2 different men, and pawn them off on her friends and family while she works because dammit, she’s strong and independent. And she’ll be holding her french tipped middle finger in the air all the way to the welfare and WIC offices. Who are WE to tell them that they’re making bad choices? NOT ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT!!!

        3. “Maybe a woman wants to have 3 kids by 2 different men”… More like 5 kids by 6 different men if we go by common core standards.

        4. I work with a broad like this. Incompetent, entitled, and once tried to claim I ‘shoved’ her trying to move past her fat ass. Luckily, the manager knew she was lying; still, the bitch claimed she had ‘an abusive boyfriend’ once (prob her baby daddy), and that she was sensitive about being brushed against….yet she works in a busy bar. lol

        5. She can say she is “free” when she is not sucking taxpayer money out of the system. If you want to be liberated, go pay your own way.

    3. Single mothers and teenage pregnancy are the primary means by which western civilization sustains its population. Remove that factor and it would go extinct within a few generations. Which explains the rapid cultural decline of western civilization.

      1. they are not my civilization. they are not your civilization. they are no civilization, period. giving anything at all to them explains the decline, as anything of worth is the product of civilization.
        but you can pick only one to give resources to: those who pay civilization’s costs, or those who don’t; there was never enough to pay for both innovator and imitator. doesn’t matter if it’s babies, or families, or opportunities, or money; from civilization, these things cannot be separated, and are not separable. you get more of what you pay. timelessly, women dangle civilization’s children over the cliff of oblivion and scream “give me more,” and timelessly they get more, until it all lies in ashes.
        give women nothing. they are not civilization. debate what is cruel with adults, not terrible toddlers with pussies.

    4. its a joke and and an insult to real single mothers back in the day. my grandma was a widow of 10 kids in a poor country and raised em all by herself without assitance.
      today in a rich country a dumb gheto slut will be considered a hero and a strong woman for raising 1 dysfunctional kid on welfare. we are band aidin for idiots and giving room for more errors in society.
      first world countrys i swear have way more irresponsible idiots the the 3rd world.

    5. thats why ‘the sarah connor chronicles’ only had 2 sessions! they turn john connor into a beta! shameful!!!

    6. I do not celebrate a chosen single motherhood. It places major emphasis on the wrong things and detracts away from the needful things. It does damage to child and mother both. Children are born to father and mother, not 2 of one or the other, or 1 of one and not the other. The degradation of the family unit in this country is enormous.

  5. “So, feminists, if you don’t want your children to grow up to write for Return of Kings”
    Feminists – reality checkpoint: The Kids are not all right

  6. The only reason unwed mothers are having/keeping babies is because…wait for it…the….welfare state! Yay!!
    If that goes away, so too will the wanton out of wedlock births by single mommies.
    What happened before the welfare state? The single woman who made the mistake of having a child either gave said child up to the sisters of mercy at your local orphanage (sometimes she was forced to give the child up by more rational people) or she became a live-in nanny for a wealthier couple raising her bastard in tandem with the offspring of her responsible employers. A common career for widows left with children as well (through no fault of their own of course).
    Since there were a finite # of wealthy couples ready & willing to take in a single mother nanny…the option was normally abandonment at the orphanage. There were no welfare checks rolling in to subsidize the kind of social irresponsibility we live with today.
    In a twisted way….the welfare state is a form of sponsored adoption. The single mom gets to have and keep the baby and the tax-payer (i.e. the more socially responsible producers) enable her that lifestyle as they make regular monthly payments to the child bearer. —> WIC accepted here!!
    Kids grow up in half a home. Kids grow up in a dysfunctional environment without a father figure. That’s a fact, there are too many studies to cite in support this.
    “This article is a product of a career mother and an androgynous father. They separated when I was six, and I can’t fathom how much more antisocial I would have become had they divorced during those crucially developmental first five years.”
    Let the author’s anecdotal example speak for itself. Nevertheless, we as a society play into the victimhood narrative of the single mom and perpetuate this behavior.
    End the welfare state and single motherhood will end with it (not completely but it will become the exception once more and not the rule).
    N.B -> The welfare state will collapse on its own regardless. (Damn arithmetic) We can do the humane thing and ween the open mouths off the bottle gradually, or let the whole thing implode the day it chooses to. No more $$?! No more benefits?! No more….no more freebies….?! BUT I HAVE KIDS TO FEED!!!!
    Katie, bar the door would you?

  7. The only reason unwed mothers are having/keeping babies is because…wait for it…the….welfare state! Yay!!
    If that goes away, so too will the wanton out of wedlock births by single mommies.
    What happened before the welfare state? The single woman who made the mistake of having a child either gave said child up to the sisters of mercy at your local orphanage (sometimes she was forced to give the child up by more rational people) or she became a live-in nanny for a wealthier couple raising her bastard in tandem with the offspring of her responsible employers. A common career for widows left with children as well (through no fault of their own of course).
    Since there were a finite # of wealthy couples ready & willing to take in a single mother nanny…the option was normally abandonment at the orphanage. There were no welfare checks rolling in to subsidize the kind of social irresponsibility we live with today.
    In a twisted way….the welfare state is a form of sponsored adoption. The single mom gets to have and keep the baby and the tax-payer (i.e. the more socially responsible producers) enable her that lifestyle as they make regular monthly payments to the child bearer. —> WIC accepted here!!
    Kids grow up in half a home. Kids grow up in a dysfunctional environment without a father figure. That’s a fact, there are too many studies to cite in support this.
    “This article is a product of a career mother and an androgynous father. They separated when I was six, and I can’t fathom how much more antisocial I would have become had they divorced during those crucially developmental first five years.”
    Let the author’s anecdotal example speak for itself. Nevertheless, we as a society play into the victimhood narrative of the single mom and perpetuate this behavior.
    End the welfare state and single motherhood will end with it (not completely but it will become the exception once more and not the rule).
    N.B -> The welfare state will collapse on its own regardless. (Damn arithmetic) We can do the humane thing and ween the open mouths off the bottle gradually, or let the whole thing implode the day it chooses to. No more $$?! No more benefits?! No more….no more freebies….?! BUT I HAVE KIDS TO FEED!!!!
    Katie, bar the door would you?

    1. I hope that is satire…hell I could be strong and independent too if I had someone else paying everything for me.

      1. Right. Behind every strong and independent woman stands a government.
        Must be nice to have all of those benefits paid for by someone else.

        1. A government, 7 beta orbiters (whom she refers to as “bitches”), 120 “friends” on facebook and 2 ex husbands. Takes a minor army of thirsty males to keep a woman running these days.

  8. Even our idealistic fem-centric Mainstream media and entertainment complex cannot provide good reasons for dating an unwed mother:

    1. They really don’t care. They are too busy “selling” it to women (ticket sales).
      Red pill men don’t buy into these bullshit movies because they are truly bullshit.
      Date a single mother with kids and take care of her kids? Fuck that.

      1. As a rule, I won’t stick my dick in a pussy that has had an 8 oz. child pulled through it, unless that child is my own.
        Single mothers are off my radar, unless they’re just looking to blow me

        1. Thank you. I cannot accept the idea of something the size of a watermelon sliding through something the size of a peach.

  9. Don’t date these human train wrecks, either. If you want cheap, meaningless sex, then by all means go ahead but do not, I implore you, get emotionally/romantically entangled with these pigs. They have absolutely no idea how to treat or respect a man since they probably grew up without a father themselves (or had a tumultuous relationship with him if they did) and the fact that the kid’s father isn’t around is suspicious enough. They’ll probably blow some victim whistle and chalk him up to being an “asshole” or “douchebag” or some other played-out female cackling but more than likely there’s not two but TEN sides to the story of why he isn’t around, and you can bet she either pushed his buttons on the regular or was Dial 911-happy more than ever justified.
    And they actually treat you like their child. Seriously! “You zigged when I wanted you to zag, so don’t come over tonight!” “You didn’t do exactly what I want exactly when and how I wanted it, so I don’t want to see you anymore!” Trust me, been there, done that more than once! It’s constantly a game of punishments and ultimatums because they feel so powerless given their situation that they use you as a human pin cushion in some maniacal way to feel drunk with power and control any chance they get to feel even the slightest bit alive. Unless you enjoy shoveling dirt on yourself, avoid these women like ebola-infected lepers!
    Then there’s the kid waking you up at 6am on weekends with the most obnoxious racket, yelling and screaming and banging on whatever and the mom not having the good grace to tell him “Hey, there’s a person in the other room who actually works and exercises really hard unlike me, please have some respect and let him sleep.” Nope, “It’s his house” and her little hellion can do no wrong, of course!

    1. Oh yeah…I find out she has kids and I’m out. There is no way you’re going to win that one. Even if the kids is bad as hell (and he or she needs a good ass beating) that mommy is going to save them.
      I don’t do other people’s kids. Just walk away once you find out she has kids.

  10. This has got to be the most stupidest thing posted on ROK.
    By endorsing adoption you are catering to POST-WALL women who can no longer have children, because of their life choices…waiting till 35+ to start a family.
    also getting rid of the responsibility for young women so they can jump back on the CC/continue school/ and then when THEY are 35, adopt a bouncing baby.
    Explain to me how this is good?

  11. Imagine that slutty girl in your high school/college class raising a child on her own. You’ve seen her behave completely irresponsibly for a good portion of her life and now she has the responsibility of not only her broken life, but a young child’s also. Its a scary thought and I cringe just thinking about it.
    One of the perks of Facebook is the ability to see how the lives of former classmates, colleagues, friends, etc. end uyears down the road. The single mothers I know raise the most beta sons imaginable. They smother their sons (not their daughters) with desperate, clingy mommy love and severely hinder his progression to manhood. The daughters are destined for sluthood, as they will likely witness their mother’s endless search for a beta savior.
    The part of the article about women using their kids as a security blanket is spot on. The millennial “woman” is constantly searching for an identity amd mother just becomes the new role she’s playing, right after yogi, makeup salesman, and party whore. Most of them dont see raising a child as transforming a child to an adult, but rather an opportunity to obtain attention from friends and family and have power over another human beings life.

  12. Let’s see. Fifty years of feminism. And once sided laws favoring women. Women only having sex with the top 20% of men yet expecting the other 80% to just make money and go sexless until they are 30 plus and then marry a fat used up single mom who had her fun with bad boys and thugs. Sorry ladies. I won’t do it. I like most men had manors and treated girls well and guess what. I learned at 30 that women hate nice guys. They get excited for thugs and bad boys. Society doesn’t work if women treat the 80%of men who build and maintain society like trash. That’s why men are dropping out of society. Why work hard for a kid and home that can be taken from you by a women who isn’t haaaaapy. Guess what men want to enjoy life too and working 60 hours a week to support a fat entitled single mom with three kid from three different men isn’t my idea of fun. . All this crying now is basically women who thought a beta male provider would be there for her after she had her fun and had sex with 100bad boys in her teens and twenties. Why would I as a man accept that when back page has younger girls for way cheaper? Men are fighting back and I’m a happy women will now feel what most men have felt

    1. We should legalize and accept prostitution already. Just get it done with. That way the 80% who aren’t up to par can get their fix.

      1. Yes. Getting pussy should be as easy as getting a big Mac. Of course the cartel won’t let that happen. Women only have Varina to offer and they want the highest price for it.

        1. Agreed. However the quality of Vag is declining rapidly while the price is climbing. It’s creating a vacuum in the sex market. The pussy cartel is strong, but expect prostitution to eventually become legal in the US, simply because the market will have to correct itself.
          Prostitution is legal in much of Europe. This is because the laws over there are so anti-male that the establishment had to throw the men a bone, or else have an insurrection on their hands. The same is occurring in the US.
          The average woman is worthless, even for sex. The sex market knows this. It will correct.

    2. Yep. They are learning that the “Sex and the City” philosophy is a lie. You can’t have it all (no one can have it all).
      Adults make choices in life. Women can either decide to dedicate their lives to work (career) or dedicate their lives to raising healthy children.
      If you try to do both (multitasking) then you end up with half-ass attempts on both sides. We see this too often in society but the MSM and society tends to ignore that white elephant in the room.
      They want to keep propping up the lie that a woman can have it all. Bullshit.

      1. The media trumps out those Have-It-All-Examples of Super-High-Achieving women, but what they don’t tell them is that some of those rare women are geniuses or that many more of them have a daddy or husband who has 10+ millions in the bank. Yes – she can have it all either as in 1 in 100.000 or when someone has the cash to support her have-it-all-dream.

        1. True. The really sad part is that even these daughters of big money still have maids, nannies, daycare, etc…who actually look after their kids. They are so busy with their “careers” that someone else has to raise their kids.
          Sure, they have it all.

        2. I don’t consider Ms. spelling’s husband “high value” at all. He’s been mostly an out of work playboy and absent from the leadership of his own family.

        3. There you go – in our times a good-looking Former Player and C-level celebrity is High Value. The programmer who makes 400K, has an abnormal IQ and is an excellent father, but has a Beta mindset is mid-level value – mostly in the provider category when the woman is 28+. Also that man has an excellent divorce-value, while Spelling’s husband is worth more married than divorced.

      2. So, by that logic a father cannot be both involved in the raising of his own children (something you strongly advocated for a couple posts back) and successful in his vocation? Don’t agree, at all.

        1. No one can have it all (I said ‘no one’ so that includes men). If you want to use logic, then the bottom line is we are not equal (men can’t have kids; women can have kids).
          I can play that game all day if you’d like….but I’m not going to do it. The “system” that women have come to believe in (feminism) is now failing them. So many have “everything” and they’re still not happen (and have a couple of fucked up kids to boot). You can’t keep going back to the man because today it’s all about the woman (just look around). Lord knows if anyone else got any “air time” besides a woman she’d scream just to get the attention back on her.

      3. BUT! BUT! I CAN HAVE IT ALL IN MY LIFE!- there is a billboard on the highway near me featuring 2 women running that says “I can do it all in my life.” I cringe when I see it.

      4. ‘Learning’ might be too strong a word. Some might be seeing, but can’t believe it will happen to them. That is, until it happens to them.

  13. Good article. This world doesn’t need anymore single mothers. In the past there was a reason why women were expected to be virgins before marriage. No man wants damage goods.

    1. But that one time while she was partying, er, “studying” abroad in Spain learning the next easiest language for English speakers to learn DOESN’T COUNT, okay? 😉

  14. Society is comprised of individuals, and it’s been shown time and again that the most stable individuals come from stable 2 parent mother/father households. If there’s one thing, one scourge that is taking the greatest toll on our society, it’s single motherhood and the marginalization of fathers and husbands.
    Want to know where all the “real men” have gone, bitches? Their numbers tend to drop off the more single mothers there are. This is what you wanted. This is what you lobbied and marched for. You don’t need men, right? You just need the taxes generated by their work. Now faceless taxpayers replace the husband and father leaving millions of kids to be raised by dumbass single moms (who of course don’t know shit about being a proper mother or they wouldn’t be in such a situation to begin with) and most likely never know a true masculine presence in their life. Millions of boys who don’t know how to be good men, and millions of girls who have no idea what a good man is, so they grow up and repeat the cycle themselves.
    This is why fathers arranged marriages in times past; they knew a decent, worthy match when they saw one. When women are allowed to make their own choices on the matter, more often than not they fuck up because they’re not aroused by substance and quality, but style and flare.
    I swear to god these dumb bitches fuck themselves over most of all. It’s only natural; they’re not very long-term thinkers. That’s better left to the men of the world.

    1. You only have to look at an office setting (void of men) to see how women make their choices. Check out any HR dept. and you’ll see the hamsters running wild.

    2. Spot on, brother.
      On those occasions when women get pregnant while they are single, THEY are the ones to blame, period. If they don’t want to take birth control, that’s fine; they best make sure the guy is wearing a condom, especially if he’s the type who just wants to fuck. Condoms may not be a hundred percent effective, but they are damn close. Women, and the Left, want to blame men for everything, and are shocked by the suggestion that women might be accountable for getting pregnant. How could she be responsible for her own life? She’s a strong independent woman, but she is also a victim with no agency.
      Personally, I live by the mantra: “It’s better to paint a picture than plant a seed”. In that sense, I’m more prolific than Picasso…though I only ever use white paint.

  15. I don’t usually comment, I’m not the best at this lark. Not an unwed
    mother, but divorced when I was 4. I’ve had to put up with the way women inflict little boys with all
    their irrational behaviour and even “shit test” them (I’m sure this would be seen
    as a kind of paedophilia in a father to daughter equivalent). The father could take the brunt of this and perhaps teach his son how to deal with it in time because he’s mature enough to deal
    with it much better. It’s taken over 30 years and I still haven’t
    quite undone the damage to my life.

  16. OMG the misogynism in this piece ZOMG ! A woman do not need a man EVER, she is perfectly able to do everything herself, including raising children, thank you !
    How dare you question the choices of womens it are there bodies not urs 1!! Many women have you know like lives and stuff, they wont to expeirince life before settle down, so obviously they need to travel and stuff before that t o see the world and when we are ready we will have children by our own and not WHEN YOU DICTATE IT. U UNDERSTAND YOU PIECES OF SHIT TT !!

    1. I look at your post and wonder – what meds are you on, is your spell-check feature going into overdrive and you can not see it.

      1. Heh it was a failed attempt at feminazi jargon..or maybe I’m just getting too good at it. I see so many responses like that on jezebel etc from angry females.

    2. Hah! Love the satire. Threw me off at first because having read some of your other comments, i know you write better than this.

      1. She is. That’s Maria Kang – her main claim to fame is that she got, and kept, her ass in shape through three kids, posting up a challenge to the dependopotamuses out there “What’s your excuse?”
        She was shamed by the said dependopotamuses for daring to say mothers could get off the fucking sofa and get their shape back.

        1. ‘dependopotamuses’
          One of the best words in the English language!
          Here is a visual tutorial for the uninitiated.
          It is critical that our intrepid young men be able to spot them in the larval stage. I’ve included an illustration to heap in that endeavor.

  17. A lot of the time there are other family members that help single moms and dads, like: grandparents, siblings, cousins. And a shit ton of kids in daycare are kids of married parents.

    1. That’s even worse. With all that help a lot of the time, the statistics for children of single mother households are horrible.
      I guess it’s a good thing they get all that help or the children would be even worse off.

  18. I understand the sentiment but what’s the alternative as a man? To degrade from a second class citizen to a third class citizen by marrying? It’s just better if you cohabitate with a woman if you have children in this day and age. Unwed doesn’t possess the same meaning it once did, and I for one won’t be shaming men into marrying. The quicker marriage dies in its current state the better off we’ll all be.

    1. Marriage lost all its traditional definition when the Government got involved.
      What was once considered as a spiritual bond between two souls, is now treated as a business contract.
      Just look at the recent divorce news of a London worker- the divorce settlement came to a stunning 337 mllion pounds.

    2. Yeah true and most people who get married are dating for like 6 years and have lived together for 3 years. Getting married is more like throwing a party and afterwards your life is exactly identical before you forked out 40k on a night out.

  19. Let’s not forget the unwed mothers gouging their baby daddies for child support. They aren’t letting them go because they are getting paid. Its straight up evil. The court system only gives fathers one right, and that’s to pay. Don’t fall for it. Most girls go slightly nuts after they popped out a kid or two, and you don’t wanna be picking up the tab for her alpha bang session.

    1. Men have no rights once a kids is involved. A man has one right…to pay the state on a regular basis (for 18 years) or go to jail.
      They act like it’s all equal and fair…like they are looking out for the child’s best interest. The truth: they don’t give a fuck about the man. The man needs to pay and that’s it…end of story.
      A woman can move on and find another man (get married or not) and she now has two and a half incomes.
      The state does not give a fuck about men: just send your check.

      1. Amen brother. Don’t be played for a poo butt. Hit it and quit it out she got a kid bro.

    2. This is why a grown ass adult man does not make babies with women he dosen’t want to raise his children. If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

  20. This shit hits me really hard.
    I was raised by a single career mother.Never had strong role model, let alone a male figure to look up to. Until this year I really didn’t care about that(bluepill mindset), somehow I think that my pathetic behavior and self-destructive habits were pretty normal, unitl I read the consequences of a fatherless home:
    here is the image if you’re lazy:
    If it wasn’t for the manosphere, I would’ve kill myself long ago. So yeah, never let a single mother raise a kid, she may raise a kid, but she will never turn you into a man, that’s the father role.

      1. Fairly good chance his father was being kept away from his kids by a paranoid and selfish mother.

        1. Isn’t that the truth.
          She’s mad at the father so she’ll teach him….and keep the kids away.

        2. But it’s a far more likely scenario given statistics tell us that 3 out of 4 divorces are the result of women filing and leaving, not men. Learn to be more subtle on the “UR DADDY ABANDONED U” trail, darling.
          Next up: Delores disingenuously insists that *totally* was not what she was implying and *totally* she was just asking the question.

        3. You once provided me with a stat from 1990 so I doubt your competency in current events and stats.
          I’ve read three (current) articles this week discussing misinterpretations and fallacies regarding divorce rates and surrounding information.
          Please do continue though.

        4. Because she realised after the fact she wrote precisely what I predicted she would?

      2. As Marcus Aurelius said, my mother wouldn’t even allow me to meet my father. I had to go and find him as an adult. I love how some women blame men for single motherhood, when so many of those single mothers (inspired by feminist propaganda) decide to raise a child on their own…or try and fail to trick a man into a relationship by ‘accidentally’ getting pregnant.

        1. Your psycho mom wanted to hurt your father by not letting you see him. It was all about HER

        2. Of course; with the modern women, when isn’t it?
          I was, unfortunately, merely an accessory to her life, a cute thing for her friends to woo over.

        3. ” I love how some women blame men for single motherhood…”
          It’s the default setting for feminists because it’s a stereotype, stereotypes being lazy argument and lazy argument being all that feminism is really capable of.
          That aside, Delores is using an age-old demagogue’s tactic: take attention off the statistics you posted by questioning whether your viewpoint is biased by your personal history, i.e., an ad hominem attack.
          She’s one step more subtle than most of the screechers who regularly drop by here, but no more than that. In any event, raising a glass for your lost childhood with your father, bro.

        4. That must have been tough for you, to say the least.
          Did she ever explain why she did it or express regret for handling it that way?

        5. Next up: Delores segues disingenuously into an argument that Inexorable Fate’s mother was probably just disturbed and the majority of divorced women are like that (NAWALT by another name). Too bad the statistics don’t bear that out, either.

    1. You’re not alone brother.
      While I was I raised successfully by my parents, I nonetheless realised there was a problem with our society and how men are now starting to be cleansed by the feminist entrenched media and government.
      There is something very wrong with the direction we are going towards and I believe that we are approaching the endgame.
      Keep active in the manosphere.

      1. Agree. Keep spreading the word. It will be a long road to try to turn this thing around but it is going to happen.
        Too many people (men) are starting to wake up and see what’s going on. It will take some time for many to see it…but it will happen.

    2. Everytime I see all those stats, and realize just how debilitating it is to be raised by a single mother on average, I am convinced that in 20 or 30 years there will be a new affirmative action question.
      Were you raised in a single mother household?

    3. I’m in the same boat as you. It’s scary isn’t it? Simgle mothers are very destructive beings.

      1. An actual adult man examines his own actions, takes responsibility to change the things he thinks need changing and owns his decisions. He is not at the mercy of anyone else’s choices as long as he lives. That is alpha, that is frame. Blame game is weak and unworthy.

  21. Great article, I particularly like the part; You rarely hear people use the term “a real woman.”
    This line is sheer genius. What is a real women these days? A loving, caring and responsible mother? Absolutely not. Two words on why this concept is garbage; “Postpartum depression.” If a mum is selfish and finds raising a newborn child too much trouble, it’s ok she’s just suffering from some pseudo-medical garbage. Give her a break society! Pay to raise her children, pay to house her and pay for the meds she needs and will probably give to her child.

    1. It’s the very reason why you see (and hear) about many of these women on anti-depressants.
      They can’t make any sense of their life but they know something is “off”.

      1. The new moms are too often shamed by feminists and they withdraw. If you see a new mom, give her thumbs up and tell her you’re proud of the dad for bangin’ out fine fresh progeny for the land. Same as if you would compliment a 9+ for lookin’ good for good’s sake and keeping the sidewalks looking good otherwise.

  22. ours ago
    Let’s see. Fifty years of feminism. And once sided laws favoring women. Women only having sex with the top 20% of men yet expecting the other 80% to just make money and go sexless until they are 30 plus and then marry a fat used up single mom who had her fun with bad boys and thugs. Sorry ladies. I won’t do it. I like most men had manors and treated girls well and guess what. I learned at 30 that women hate nice guys. They get excited for thugs and bad boys. Society doesn’t work if women treat the 80%of men who build and maintain society like trash. That’s why men are dropping out of society. Why work hard for a kid and home that can be taken from you by a women who isn’t haaaaapy. Guess what men want to enjoy life too and working 60 hours a week to support a fat entitled single mom with three kid from three different men isn’t my idea of fun. . All this crying now is basically women who thought a beta male provider would be there for her after she had her fun and had sex with 100bad boys in her teens and twenties. Why would I as a man accept that when back page has younger girls for way cheaper? Men are fighting back and I’m a happy women will now feel what most men have. . Unwed mothers are human trash

  23. This article is utter horseshit. Trash likes this gives the manosphere a bad name.
    Unwed mothers are a scourge on society to be sure. But to suggest that they all be forced to give up their kids and hand them over to strangers is foolishness. Please show me a well-adjusted adopted person. Many of them are a wreck.
    Kids need their mothers.

    1. Bullshit. Kids need their mothers and their fathers.
      But, society has given everything to the women for the past so many decades. She has the right to everything; he has no fucking rights at all – just pay.
      She (always) gets the kids; he can go fuck himself (no kids for him).
      The female is more to blame for the state of affairs with kids, today. They have made it their sole duty to have all of their rights (and then some) while they continue to make shitty decisions regarding their own lives (as well as the kid’s lives). Start putting more blame on women (instead of this constant shelter we keeping giving them).
      They’re fucking up….more people need to call them out.

      1. “The female is more to blame for the state of affairs with kids, today.
        They have made it their sole duty to have all of their rights (and then
        some) while they continue to make shitty decisions regarding their own
        lives (as well as the kid’s lives)”

      2. Kids need their mothers and fathers sure. But the answer is to give them neither? Uh ok :// Adopted kids grow up just as fucked in the head. This article is way off the mark in terms of solutions

        1. Right now, the mothers have all of the say (and the rights). We’ve gone from far right to far left. Society has deemed it necessary that only the woman has a say in it once she becomes pregnant…the man just gets to pay (for 18 years).
          Yes, a child should have a mother and father growing up but it’s usually the mother (and the courts) that determine the outcome. This article is looking for a possible solution to the problem (due to women pushing for equality and their decisions – not men).
          Yeah, equality….you have to fucking laugh.

        2. Men have a choice wether or not to put their sperm into a woman in the first place. Don’t fuck women unworthy of mothering your children without a damn condom guys! It’s really simple concept that even a teenager can understand. Saves a world of butthurt crying and Monday morning quarterbacking. What kind of alpha, red pill guy allows a woman not worth wifing up to become the mother of his children? Only a poser beta.

        3. Jesus…what kind of man goes around shaming like a damn woman?
          You’ve been watching too much MSNBC or reading too many feminist sites. Again with this bullshit that the man is all to blame. I can give you a fuck ton of reasons why things went south (yes, even with a condom). The problem is that “after the fact” the woman has all of the say (right along with daddy government). We’re talking about real issues today facing men and you’re giving me this bullshit shaming?
          Get a fucking grip. Not here…take that nonsense to Jezebel or HuffPo.

        4. I’d support a law that allowed a man to opt out of being a father while there was still time to get an abortion. If she continues on with having it, then she does so knowing there will be no child support, ever. In cases where married couples split, then child support is fair enough if it’s linked to contact with the kids. No contact, no child support.

        5. Typical female response. It’s ok…you don’t know any better. You’ve been in the system for too long. Maybe one day you’ll come out…but until then..

        6. THANK YOU DRIVER… I almost want to call Marshall a troll because he keeps shaming fathers into feeling as if its all their fault! My situation was one of love and duplicity. I fell in love with a woman I thought was ‘THE ONE’ (DUMBASS RIGHT HERE) and after knowing her for over 2 years we decided we would have a child. Moment she got pregnant, 180 for real. Thats when I really realized I had no rights as a father and the fact that it was out of wedlock was 1,000 times worse for me in court. All I can do now is see my daughter once every 2 months and pay $500 a month in child support. THAT IS NOT BEING A REAL FATHER… thats being a little bitch patsy. Marshall, if your not a troll, WAKE UP!

    2. Unwed mothers would give up their children and the orphanages would return if we stopped with the free public assistance for unwed mothers. Those women would give up their children immediately. Men would have a higher value in society again. If you want to kill feminism kill the government programs that encourage illegitimacy. There are so many stable couples willing to adopt children that they have to go overseas to find children to adopt. I don’t know were you got your statistics that adopted children are not well adjusted. I’ve known plenty who are successful in life, in their relationships, and financially.

    3. Let’s rephrase this –
      Women who, for whatever reason (career, options, etc) delay marriage, cohabitation, want freedom, don’t commit themselves to a man, to the extremes of libertine behaviours and promiscuity, should put their eggs ON ICE.
      Reasonable enough, especially these days where birth control is available at the click of a button, or a phonecall away… wouldn’t you think?
      BUT NO. Women in their droves absolutely FRY and BURN their eggs in present times. Metaphorically speaking, such a “diet”, massively spread, can account for many types of cancer, obesity, heart conditions, etc, the list goes on and on…

  24. 19 year old here
    I was raised by a single mother
    I’ll save the long story because I don’t wanna get pissed off and bad memories come back , but saying my childhood was awful was an understatement .

  25. In the movie “Philomena”, an Irish women gets knocked up at a carnival, locked up in a convent, forced to work for food, and told one day, “your son has been adopted and you’ll never see him again.” When she visited the convent years later, they said all the records had been lost in a fire.
    Well, cry me a river. Ireland was a very poor country in the 1950s, and conservative Catholicism was the only ideology it could afford. Allowing unwed mothers to raise children on the government’s, or the church’s, non-existent dime was not an option. A woman could be a wife or a nun. Jobs were scarce and reserved for men so they could feed their large families.

  26. Thank God somewhere in the world, somewhere on the Internet, someone is saying this.
    American women are incredibly selfish.

      1. Every hand of poker contains the possibility of a royal flush, too, but you’d be an idiot playing cards on the expectation that it’s going to turn up reliably for you.

      2. Of course not. But unfortunately the majority appear to be so. The divorce rate, the false accusations, the avoidance of responsibility, and the societal and government endorsement/enforcement of the preceding has managed to transform a once stable civilization into an increasingly chaotic storm.

      3. I’m tired of all this “NAWALT” shit, as if a few exceptions nullify the rule or something…

        1. Give the poor dears their due, it’s the only argument they’re capable of putting forward in the face of screamingly obvious data.

  27. Including the very real stats of the risks to children of single mothers vs married couples would have been powerful in this article. As it stands, it comes across as a barely an opinion piece.

    1. The statistics say otherwise. Unwed mothers and their do horribly. Girls of unwed mothers have high teen pregnancy rates and thus starting the unwed mommy bastardy cycle. Boys of single become criminals.

  28. Sorry but as much as I love a lot of stuff on here, I have to disagree with this article. And It’s not for the woman’s sake, but the child. I believe children are best raised with their mother and father, but if that isn’t possible then the next best option is a biological carer, either mother, father or grandparents. Unless these people are psychologically unfit. To be raised by people unrelated to you should be the last option. I think too many adopted people grow up feeling rootless and abandoned when adopted

    1. With feminaziism running rampant these days it doesn’t even matter if a kid is raised by 1, 2, 3 or no parents at all. For many, they’re fucked from the get-go.

  29. Having a child out of wedlock should be penalized, and I am NOT joking; a child without a mommy and a daddy (together) *is* psychological abuse.
    Women who grow up without the father figure (stable figure) tend to be whores.

  30. In Houposia, J. Unwin present a viable solution.
    The sexual restrain required to generate energy is to be made acceptable by the institution of two distinct types of marriages, an alpha-marriage, strictly monogamous and preceded by prenuptial continence; and a beta-marriage, terminable at will and for which prenuptial continence is not a necessity.
    People will be free to choose either type of marriage.
    Those who prefer intellectual satisfaction and political responsibility to emotional excitement and the pleasure of the senses will choose an alpha-marriage, with its stringent restrictions as well as all its advantages.
    Those who are NOT interested in social position and things of the mind, will conduct their sexual behaviour according to the beta plan. There will be no compulsion; and a circulatory movement of young betas opting for an alpha status, young alphas choosing the easier beta way, will go incessantly.
    From time immemorial, moralists have recognised that men and women must make a choice between addictions on the one hand and the possessions and the social position on the other.

    1. Call me cynical, but I actually doubt it would. Women give more of a shit about their self-mutilation they call tattoos than they do being unwed mothers.

      1. 30,000+ comments don’t lie, lamestream ‘murrika is basically dead at this point, we’re just waiting for the rest of the body to rot.

  31. Children of divorce should hate the system that enforces divorce more than they end up hating their parents for their limitations in merely surviving the system. A system that forces the hand of the women against her man and handcuffs a man from reigning as patriarch or correcting his woman when she becomes destructive is worse than a bad or unjust law. It is an inclusively bad system. It will go the way of bloodletting in medicine and throwing an accused in water with a stone attached to determine or exonerate guilt in legal trials.

  32. Being raised by a past the wall prior slut and a wannabe cuckold doesn’t sound like hitting the jackpot, either…..
    Social arrangements attempting to circumvent biology rarely, if ever, provide net benefit. The grandparent adoption option, which isn’t that uncommon de facto amongst the more egregious cases of ghetto whores giving birth, is time proven. There is little reason to believe it wouldn’t work. But I can certainly see women being reluctant to hand their newborn over to some career broad who “wants it all”, “all” at this point in time being an excuse to purchase a more expensive stroller than the one her neighbor has.
    What definitely needs to be done, is to stop forcing others to support out of wedlock births, which is currently done under the guise of “helping the innocent children.” In reality, it is a scheme to create as many non self sufficient wardens of the state as possible.
    If there were NO official welfare, and every mother knew that she either had to take care of her kid, find someone else to do it, put him/her up for adoption or watch him die, she has strong biological urges to choose wisely. Whatever wisely may mean in her specific situation. Currently her decision is muddled by the “freebies” she receives from the oppressor state in exchange for voluntarily rendering herself a more pliable dependent to be used for cementing the state’s control.

  33. Or we could just encourage more split partner co-operation in raising children? Most single mothers do have a father or father-figure in the child’s life to some degree. Why not just share more of the rearing to create a more well balanced environment?
    Historical facts show us that until the social evolution of the 40’s-50’s all the way back to cave men child rearing was mainly a woman’s job anyway. So she’s always played a larger role in shaping children then men. It’s more likely the break down comes from the stigma of being considered damage goods from being born into less the the “american dream” standard. A problem that more shame and stigma like this would only inflame.

    1. “Or we could just encourage more split partner co-operation in raising children? Most single mothers do have a father or father-figure in the child’s life to some degree. Why not just share more of the rearing to create a more well balanced environment?” HAHA! Nope.

  34. Oh, but she is married. She filled out papers and everything. He was Mr. Wonderful, her prince, her shining knight in armor. He promised to giver her a house that he would pay for. He promised to giver her and her children food. He even gives her spending money for those needs he can’t anticipate. He even sends an army to aid her at the merest snap of her fingers.
    Ya see, Big Daddy Government knows how to treat his bitches right. She don’t need some man. Big Daddy Government can take from all men. Better yet, since he leads the biggest gang in the land, he can send over some guys to fuck up anyone that tries to mess with her.
    I understand the guys that are choosing to drop out and only produce what they need.

  35. Asking most women to be selfless is like asking a cow to milk itself.
    You have a good point, though. I’m the product of a single mother, born when she was 19. My father, a fisherman, was not allowed to see me…ever. So I was ‘raised’ by a woman who was in no way ready for such a burden. She eventually married when I was 8, but the damage was already done. Predictably, I turned into a hellraiser in my teens, and had been arrested for three felonies and countless misdemeanors by the time I was 19. I was a punk, a drug addict, and a notorious seducer of women (1 outta three ain’t bad).
    It wasn’t until I was 20 that i sought out my biological father. He’s a good guy, if a bit of a wild man, but that was no reason for my mother to totally exclude him from my life. I worked with him as a commercial lobsterman for a few years before pulling a 180 and becoming a bartender (same money, less fish-smell, more pussy). As an aside, I will say that women who bitch about the ‘pay gap’ have no idea what hard work really is. In fact,. neither do most men. Working on a fishing boat is about as tough as it gets, particularly when you’re going out for a week at a time, as I did. Being out in the New England sea in January, freezing your balls off and working 16 hour days on about four hours sleep is in no way compatible to working HR in a big corporation. The ‘pay gap’ exists because men can do work that women can’t, like fishing. Anyway, I made great money (until restrictions started fucking us over) and learned what it meant to be a man; something my single mother could never teach me.
    I love my mother, but her decisions really played an unhealthy role in the person I became. As the author of this article says, the only good thing to come out of my baggage was my ability to see feminist bullshit for what it really is. Amusingly, my mother has never claimed to be a feminist to my knowledge, but she shows all the signs; was a single mother, put her education and work over raising a family, and is the breadwinner in her house. When I met my father, she even tried to get ME to sue him for the child support she never collected. lol. Obviously, I refused.
    My father and I have a strained relationship, but I still learned what it meant to be a man via working alongside him in one of the world’s most difficult occupations. I’m glad to be off the boats now, but am grateful for the years I spent busting my ass and learning what manhood was truly about.

  36. So an article about single. Mom’s being bad mothers gets no traffic. However an article about how women with tattoos are sluts gets insane traffic. Glad women have priorities

    1. The feminine imperative dictates that they must focus the bulk of their energy on non-issues and bullshit, hence we get “Yes means yes even if I said yes but changed my mind right before you bust a nut sucka!” laws.

        1. I wish I was lmao on this. Look up the case of Kevin Ibbs on this subject, also known as the case of “the thirty second rapist.”

    2. I think it’s because plenty of women hate single mothers too. Women love to judge other women, so they look down on single mothers as sluts. They read shit like this article and feel hella superior.
      Me, I don’t really get the single-mommy hate. A typical woman has had a few abortions because having a kid is ‘inconvenient’, don’t make her a better person. Then suddenly at 35 or 40 she’s desperately trying to IVF a baby that this time she doesn’t want to kill, because this time it’s ‘convenient’, due to having coerced some shmuck into putting up with her and paying the thousands of bucks needed to fertilise her shitty old eggs.
      It’s hypocritical for these women to consider themselves less slutty than, or better mothers than, the teenage single mother like that in the pic. At least when they’re young, women are biologically meant to have children. The kids from the aging career woman/shmuck IVF bullshit are gonna have genetic issues down the track because they weren’t naturally meant to be conceived at all.

        1. I’m not saying you and other single mothers aren’t sluts. I’m saying you are no more or less sluts than the women who have abortions (most western women). The only difference is you have visible evidence of it and they don’t.
          Personally, I do have a soft spot for single mothers, due to having had a short term relationship with one who was refreshingly feminine and pleasant to be around. In stark contrast to the usual vapid and selfish whores out there. She may have been a statistical anomaly, who knows, but we all use anecdata to support our biases, and that’s mine. You’re welcome.

  37. There is an obvious solution: In all cases of divorce, for whatever reason, or unwed pregnancy, the FATHER takes custody and responsibility for the child, or it is aborted. NO exceptions. Women get NOTHING. If the father is in jail or otherwise irresponsible, the maternal grandfather takes responsibility. This is all enforced with an iron fist, the way divorce courts operate now. .
    This will immediately stop the cock carousel, women will no longer fuck guys who they think might not stick around. Their fathers will enforce this as they don´t want to be stuck with defective progeny. Dowries will appear again from fathers trying to bribe the best suitors to take their daughters, or, conversely, selling high SMV daughters to the highest bidder or the best choice for family alliances. Men will not fuck females they do not want to raise their children. Kind of like it was for the entire history of the world up until the twentieth century and the importation of this bizarre, alien idea of feminism.
    All the existing females raised by single mothers will lose big time. They will most likely all end up in brothels. This is fine, society needs the oldest profession. Existing beta men raised by single mothers will end up taking care of the rest. Some of them will luck out with fine virtuous women. Those who become criminals will be hanged. ON TV. In ONE generation society will repair itself from the destruction of feminism.

    1. Wow that’s harsh. What will become of those of us that are single moms already? Will we end up in brothels with our daughters?

    2. Women already abort unwanted children en masse. The threat of abortion is no threat at all. As for your policy suggestions, there’s a huge difference between wanting women to return to traditional marriage and wanting to reduce women to miserable chattel; the former is mutually beneficial and the latter is exploitative. Also people have had extramarital relationships for all of recorded history. That’s not feminism per se; it’s just immorality.

  38. Single mothers often believe they are proving their independence or that they don’t need a man to raise a child. I would argue that the biggest problem is that they are actively robbing their children.
    When two parents live together, they save a fortune on living expenses. Instead of two rents or sets of property taxes, two sets of bills, two shopping lists, etc., there’s only one. All those costs that weren’t sunk in the name of feminism could have been invested in the child. Women who choose single-motherhood are effectively divesting from their child’s future. Those children will then likely go into debt if they go to college to try to rise out of their mother’s economic class. Thanks mom!

  39. Right, a woman who’s carried her husband’s child for 8 months, then loses him in an accident should definitely give up their child. Could you be a bigger asshole?

  40. What about single fathers (say the mother died, or left/divorced) ? Should they give up their children, too?
    Just curious, as there are things mothers know that fathers definitely don’t. At least, things my father wouldn’t have had a clue how to answer.

    1. There are many things a man can teach his sons and his daughters that mothers can not. You can see how the young men and women act in the inner cities where 70% of babies are born to single moms. Most single, divorced or widowed men that have their children don’t go on the welfare system

      1. I disagree, most of the men my age are on the welfare system. Most everyone who isn’t earning £35,000 a year is, or has been at some point. That includes couples and divorcees, with or without their evil, instagram spawn.
        However, the basis of my comment was alluding to whether a father is qualified to answer the more sensitive questions that a daughter may have (once her body begins to change, and about love, relationships and boys, to name a few.) And if so, why?
        I believe there are things mothers know how to answer, and things fathers know how to answer, and there are things neither sex can answer for the other. There are deeper issues men will always be oblivious to, and vice versa.

  41. Isn’t it true that in some (pre-Columbus) cultures, male children were taken away from their mothers at an early age and delivered to their fathers (or some strong male authority) to be taught manhood?

  42. “There is a huge surplus of financially stable but infertile couples who
    wait years to adopt a single child, and many of them are never able to.
    Mr. and Mrs. Smith can do a far better job raising your offspring that a
    daycare can.”
    …Do you have any contemplation of how horrible the foster system is? The only children “eligible” for adoption are healthy Caucasian babies. Rape and teen pregnancy are EXTREMELY prevalent in foster homes…children of “exotic” descent very rarely get adopted over Caucasian infants.
    I can’t get over how idiotic that opening statement was. Go ahead and look at the foster system, a child is better off with an unwed mother than in foster care, idiot.

    1. Your reading comprehension sucks. Or do the words ‘adoption’ and ‘foster home’ mean the same thing in your universe?

  43. Most unwed mothers are unwed because the father bailed. Not just on the lady, if he wants to bail on the lady – fine – it’s pretty much expected for him to, as men are inherently selfish in nature, but more often than not, in my experience, the father wants absolutely nothing to do with the child.

    1. Your experience presumably being a sample size of one.
      Three out of four divorces are initiated by women. How does that gel with your appalling, data-free stereotype that it’s always the man who bails?

  44. Before they give their children up for adoption, they should allow the children’s grandparents or other relatives raise the kids first. Unfortunately, so many extended family members are broke and too mentally crazy to look after these kids as well.

  45. Women like these only want the man to pay for them. More kids for them means more money to them. It is meant to be for these kids but many of these women are just selfish and lazy to be doing anything productive.

  46. This article is insane. I have to wonder have ROK let a feminist infiltrator through the net of writers here because this is just mental. It’s almost feminist in its blatant double standards. “men don’t get married…..but of course if you get some bird pregnant, then it’s your DUTY to marry her else the baby should be placed up for adoption”

  47. Actually totally agree with this article entirely.
    It’s a shame, but far too many unwed mothers should not be mothers.
    In my experience, I’ve experienced young-unwed-mothers spending their government cheques on ecstacy pills and tattoos.

    This is the end. the age of purification is upon us.
    God help us all.

  48. Talking about heroes makes me think of my UNWED MOTHER, that worked and took care of me AS WELL AS fighting the monsters under my bed or whatever shit you say a father does better than a mother. Talking about heroes definetely does not make me think about my father, that left his pregnant girlfriend of four years because hewas not brave (or ‘heroic’) enough to take care of his own child.

  49. It tires me how single-moms use the “momma bear” concept; you are NOT a bear, you are a human and just as frail as a human.

  50. What a load of bull….and I’m a conservative republican.
    I’m also an adoptee who was NOT better off being adopted. Being adopted is not a guarantee of a better life….it’s just a different life.

  51. this is the most absolute crap i have ever heard my dad divorced my mum, cheating on her religiously when i was ten and my baby sister was six. My dad then abandoned my family for years and yet whenever me or my siblings need something we go to Mum. My Aunt was going to raise her son alone before her death and she was a great mum with a job. my mum was still amazing and did everything for her kids. Do children need a father, yeah they might do need onebut not everyone has a nuclear family and i would rather have my mum than my dad. I would also rather raise my child alone than be subjected to

  52. I’m sorry but this is a joke the welfare system is there for a reason and i know plenty of reasons. love is not all about money nor is it is something to be cheapened or considered as a disease or immoral. I have a mum who would spend every penny she had on her kids and she was a single parent that didn’t get any maintenance from my dad. I truly believe no one should be bias of something they don’t know.

  53. This is absolutely ridiculous. Never in my life have I EVER read something, And somehow felt LESS intelligent after. The author is a freaking idiot.

    1. One of the reason’s women are discouraged from posting on this site is they do not offer an intelligent argument. You state that the article makes you feel less intelligent after reading it yet you fail to elaborate. Is it in the best interest of the child to be raised by an unwed mother who is basically a ward of the state, since she cannot provide for her child without help from the state? There are plenty of couples out there that want to adopt, but selfish women either abort their children or raise them out of wedlock.

  54. All well and good, but at the same time, the nation needs more native born children. Not saying we turn a blind eye to single motherhood entirely, but it’s still better than having to rely on unassimilated or unacculturated immigrants to keep the US from winding up like Japan. If by some miracle Trump or someone like him becomes POTUS and really puts the smack down on immigration, even bastards are better than no kids at all.
    And as for “There is a huge surplus of financially stable but infertile couples who wait years to adopt a single child, and many of them are never able to. Mr. and Mrs. Smith can do a far better job raising your offspring that a daycare can.” OK, but Mr. and Mrs. Smith want a healthy, white baby. Most of these sprogs don’t qualify on one or both of those criteria. It’s not Susy Sorority who got knocked up by Biff Fratboy who is having these kids. And all too often the poor white girl didn’t get a bun in the oven from some blue-eyed redneck either.

  55. While states can make their own choices on eligibility for cash assistance or their use of TANF and MOE funds, some restrictions flow from federal law. Key ones include:
    Time limits. While states can set their own time limit policies, they cannot provide cash assistance from federal TANF funds for longer than 60 months to a family that includes an adult recipient; however, states can exceed the 60 month limit for up to 20 percent of their caseload based on hardship. Federal law does not impose a time limit on “child-only families” (those with no adult receiving benefits) or on families receiving assistance funded entirely with state MOE funds.
    Most states have set time limits of five years on TANF- and MOE-funded assistance, though time limits in about one-third of the states are shorter. States generally provide exceptions and exemptions for some groups of families meet specific criteria, allowing them to receive assistance beyond the time limit Some states continue benefits to the children in a family even after the parent reaches the time limit.
    Immigrant eligibility. Federal law bars states from using federal TANF dollars to assist most legal immigrants until they have been in the United States for at least five years. This restriction applies not only to cash assistance, but also to TANF-funded work supports and services such as child care, transportation, and job training. A substantial percentage of poor children have non-citizen parents who are ineligible for TANF benefits and services.

  56. I wish you were serious. Rather than create more welfare babies of whom society will do no justice and of whom a woman can only half parent at best, why not use an honourable option to do best for everyone?

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