A Few Simple Game Q&As Show Occam’s Razor In Action

Occam’s razor is most commonly described as “the simplest answer is most often correct,” although this is an oversimplification. But life is too short to complicate it. Even though this rationalization may lead to faulty conclusions at times, more often than not it’s going to lead to the right solution. (from explorable.com)

Q: How can you tell if she’s just a tease or she’s looking for something?
A: Escalate and move it forward.

Q: How can you tell if she’s really interested in you?
A: Try and kiss her, you’ll have your answer. Weed out the time wasters and attention whores.

Q: How can you deal with volatile and unstable girls?
A: You don’t. You leave.

Q: How to minimize rejection?
A: Approach with plausible deniability. Always have a backup plan.

Q: How can you tell if she is girlfriend material?
A: If she doesn’t bring anything positive into your life, she’s not.

Q: I don’t get those mixed signals she’s giving me, what’s up with that?
A: They’s not mixed signals, it’s low interest. A woman interested in you will not give mixed signals. Rollo’s brilliant post The medium is the message is a must read if you haven’t done so already.

Q: How to deal with your girlfriend pulling away from the relationship?
A: You pull away harder, you start seeing other women and make it bluntly clear. Jealousy is a weakness or weapon, depending on which end of it you’re standing. Be the one using it as a weapon, not the one being ripped apart by it.

Q: How to deal with entitled little princesses?
A: You show them who’s king.

Q: What to do when your woman disrespects you?
A: Withdraw your attention, as attention is your most valuable currency when dealing with women. Soft next or hard next, according to the gravity of the situation.

Q: Your girlfriend keeps complaining what a big asshole her ex was, what to do?
A: Find out what exactly she’s complaining about and do the same asholish thing(s) but kick it up a notch or two. Take a piss in her cat’s food bowl and dip the cat in it if her ex used to fart on the cat. Ok, this is an extreme example and I don’t condone harming animals, but you get the picture.

Q: What do I do if my girlfriend keeps seeing or talking to her ex?
A: Unless he’s a beta, chances are she is banging him too.

Q: What’s the most efficient way to break up with your girlfriend?
A: You go all mushy and lovey dovey on her. Declare your eternal love to her, she’ll be out of your life in a short while without any hassle. Nothing dries up a pussy faster than a nice, decent, predictable guy.

Q: How can one maintain his woman’s interest at high levels?
A: Don’t see her or call every day, be unpredictable and fuck the daylights out of her when you do see her. Be actually busy, don’t just pretend to be busy. Becoming a rare commodity is achieved simply by not being around her all that much. You don’t need to create the mystery, her imagination is doing that for you. All you have to do is be careful not to ruin it.

Q: What to do if you’re very anxious about approaching?
A: Relax your body, breathe deep through your nose, hold it a few seconds and slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat a few times. Don’t make it obvious, you’re not in yoga class. As the body relaxes, so does the mind. Then approach, don’t give a rat’s ass about the outcome of the approach.

Q: What if you have a gut feeling (good or bad) about your woman?
A: Trust your gut, it is usually right.

Q: How can you become confident in a short period of time?
A: You can’t, there’s no shortcut, but you can start by confronting your fears and stop giving a fuck about what others think and start believing you are the shit. Confidence, just like fear, is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Q: There’s a girl you like at work, what to do?
A: Never shit where you eat. It’s not worth it.

Q: This is the 5th date and you haven’t had sex yet, what to do?
A: If a woman wants to fuck you she will. Otherwise, you’re already fucked and you have to move on to other women. Take a hint, man.

Q: How can you tell if your girlfriend is lying to you?
A: Assume she is lying, research indicates that everybody lies on a daily basis.

Q: You got yourself a new girlfriend, what’s the first thing to do?
A: You set the boundaries and rules first.

Q: What if you’re not sure whether you’re chasing a girl or not?
A: If you have to ask yourself that, then you are chasing.

If you’re a regular ROK reader, you are likely familiar with the “Action speaks louder than words” saying. It is the Occam’s Razor of game.

Read More: Don’t Brush Off Your Failures

66 thoughts on “A Few Simple Game Q&As Show Occam’s Razor In Action”

  1. Q: There’s a girl you like at work, what to do?A: Never shit where you eat. It’s not worth it.

    This times infinity.

    1. Exactly. I joined a new gym recently. It’s a pretty tight-knit lot of people there, so I don’t want to shit where I eat. There’s this girl (about a 6) roughly my age who more than likely gets wet for me. Been avoiding her thus far, but if it persists my strategy is to be REALLY nice and put her on a pedestal. It’s the only way I know how to actually dry up her pussy.

      1. There is a girl at my gym that I’ve had a crush on for a year. She actually approached me and started a conversation with me a couple of weeks ago and it turned out we had a lot in common. However when I asked her out this week she lied to me and said she had a boyfriend. Which I know wasn’t true. So why did she even talk to me in the first place?

        1. Read that ‘Medium in the Message’ article they link to.
          She probably noticed the ‘thirst’, got bored one day, and decided to watch you ‘pant’ at the prospect of possibly getting a ‘drink’.
          Also, probably running her game to keep the boyfriend on his toes. You know, perception of value and all that shit. “I was talking to this guy at the gym today…”. Probably his ‘snap to attention’. Got her roses the next day.
          Muthafuckin’ Patriarchy, y’all. >.<
          Also read ‘The Predatory Female’. More good information there.

        2. Put simply- attention. She probably knew you wanted to fuck her silly and thought she’d stroke her ego regardless of the actual outcome.

        3. Yes this would also be my hunch. Attention whoring is a fairly common way of creating confusion.

        4. Thanks a bunch. Great info there. I saw her again today and completely ignored her, even though I saw her checking me out in the mirrors. I have nothing else to say to her. Oh and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She was just making that up.

        5. True. I came across her twitter and saw that she spends most of her nights trying to get the attention of professional wrestlers and has a ton of beta male orbiters following and sending her messages. After that I realize that she was just a waste of time in the end. She has her mind set on a certain type and I’m far from it.

        6. Neocene, you are thinking negatively, son, take some advice and try this.
          She might be grooving on what she thinks you got in your shorts, so she can fantasise about those wrestler types she’ll never get while you drill her from behind and smack her ass…
          Now, take that as a probability, and I guarantee she’ll be all over you in a day or two.
          Try this line on her, next time you spot her peeking at you in the mirrors. Walk over to her and say, “Check it out. We’ve got a problem here that we can solve for each other. Certain parts of our anatomies need a workout and they don’t seem to have the equipment here for that. Come with me and let’s get it taken care of”.
          Tell us how it works out.

      2. Huh??? You don’t WORK there. And you’re deliberately avoiding some chick who you say want’s the D?
        Me? If she passed the boner test, I’d be all over that shit.

        1. That’s because you aren’t using your head.
          I really like this gym and the people there. I’m there 5 days a week and I’m geographically close. Should I get involved with her, and it ends badly (which it probably will) it would fuck everything up. Because I don’t want to do that, and I don’t just take anything I can get, I’ll live if I let it pass.

        2. This. Totally. Goes in line with “don’t shit where you eat”. Think of how much you can possibly lose…a lifetime’s worth…over, what, 20-30 some minutes of ass?
          Regardless of one’s own personal feelings on it, I prefer not to treat women like walking cum dumpsters simply because it’s not worth it. As we’ve been seeing a lot on this site, what a man thinks is consentual the woman might view as ‘rape’, and, without a good protection plan in place, the man might end up in prison (or, worse, dead) all because he couldn’t keep his sexual desires on lock-down. Actually, I think there was an article on ‘Bold & Determined’ (a website ROK linked to a couple months back), that had an article about the power a man can gain in being master over his urges.
          Just my thoughts on it though.

        3. I’ve had a similar experiences. There are a lot of attractive women that work out at my gym. Its a smaller venue so i tend to see a lot of them daily. Some now for over a year. I also do art work for the owner ( he gives me free membership for it) and gave gotten to know a lot of folks there. I had one woman come up and approch me when it was a quiet day and come on to me. I found out she was married to a marine and i politely stopped talking to her. The owner told me that soon after she complained to him about me but he didn’t believed her. All it takes is one pissed off bitch to ruin sometimes good.

      3. The gym is not where you work, it is where you work out. Join the game play if she gets you to put her on a pedestal and she is a 6 she is not getting wet for you (unless you are an alpha) her wetness is for a more cocksure male. Be coy and nonchalant until you know the deal is worth sealing.

  2. Most of these are good, this one is not.
    Q: What’s the most efficient way to break up with your girlfriend?
    A: You go all mushy and lovey dovey on her. Declare your eternal love to her, she’ll be out of your life in a short while without any hassle. Nothing dries up a pussy faster than a nice, decent, predictable guy.
    That’s not the simplest way. Just tell her it’s over.

    1. +1… if she’s moved into the phase where she’s hunting Beta Bux, she’ll feel like she just won the lottery.

    2. Agree. She may not leave you right away if you go into betamax mode. Probably she will take the leadership of the relation; she will shit test you more often and overall treat you like a doormat. Or, she might not even leave at all. Think about all the women whose mothers had a beta wimp as a husband; they are looking to emulate the same thing. Do not waste time; just tell her or if she was not that serious just cut all communications.

      1. You just have to be boring enough. And lame. I used to do this accidentally, and it’s amazing how many girlfriends I didn’t have.

    3. The only problem with dumping her hard is it invites retaliation. That can even take the form of rape accusations.
      If you go beta on her, she leaves you in disgust. It’s near perfect. It’s also the ideal way to get rid of a BPD girlfriend, by the way.
      Going sappy is a great way to avoid regret the morning after a drunken hookup. She wakes up alone and it’s like, I was raped. She wakes up to you asking her what’s for breakfast, girlfriend, and she can’t get rid of you fast enough.

      1. Better yet, have her wake up to you bringing in her breakfast on a tray. Pancakes all frosted up like a doily, hot cocoa, fruit carved into little hearts.
        Or take Dice’s advice; the next time you’re about to cum while having sex, you loudly announce this several times;
        “Here comes the guk!”
        Actually that’s so crass that she would fall in love.

        1. Word. I think too many guys delude themselves into thinking women are somehow prudish in nature, or that they’re somehow not effected by the same desires as men. How the fuck stupid are you to think she’s not just as evil as you are, if not more so from being pampered and told how special she is all her life? Her fucking language is based off of a decoder ring.
          You think ’50 Shades’ just came out of nowhere?
          That’s bitches fucking with men; basically saying “We’re kinky as fuck, and you’re too dim to pick up on the cues.”

      2. I feel like this is more likely with beta. A hard drop will leave her coming after you because she doesnt want it to be over. Beta looks like “oooh how can I get rid of him…hello, 911?”

      3. An alternative to going sappy is to develop a medical problem and bitch and moan about it. Say – a fungal foot infection. Elbow pain. Irritable bowel. Whine. Go for sympathy.

        1. A gas problem, easily simulated by eating a bit of the cork from a wine bottle, should get the desired results.

      4. Tell her in a very sincere voice how much you crave her fucking other dudes, even if she won’t let you watch or even ever tell you about it – assure her that you’ll just know, and it will make you very happy.

    4. I agree, most are solid, but this one didn’t fit.
      “Q: How to minimize rejection?”
      “A: Approach with plausible deniability. Always have a backup plan.”
      Why would an Alpha fear rejection?
      She’s not interested? Move on. Don’t become so invested in any girl’s approval that you are crushed if you don’t get it. Women can smell weakness, and this is a dead giveaway to them. They’ll know you are over-invested and weak before you even begin talking.
      The girl doesn’t like rejecting an over-invested mush ball any more than the mush ball likes the experience. Man up and approach asking girls out like an adult.
      If you need to, ask a bunch of women out for coffee or a drink just as an confidence builder. Encourage them to talk about themselves while you are on this little date. Not a lot of work, expense, or planning is required, and by the 4th or 5th time you do it you will come across with the right amount of contempt for the process of asking a girl out. They’ll respect you for not being the mush ball they normally have to deal with.

  3. Q: How do you deal with a feminist?
    A: You don’t. As soon as you pick up on the clues, you’re outta there.

    1. or you simply don’t deal with a ‘feminist’. you treat her like any other woman. Feminists are like lesbians… as soon as it stops being fun, they drop it like a rock.

    2. Ass up, face down, handful of hair in one hand (if she has any on her head, if not grip the back of the neck firmly) and the other hand smacking that ass in time with the drilling she’s getting.

  4. Q: How can one maintain his woman’s interest at high levels?
    A: Don’t see her or call every day, be unpredictable and fuck the daylights out of her when you do see her. Be actually busy, don’t just pretend to be busy. Becoming a rare commodity is achieved simply by not being around her all that much. You don’t need to create the mystery, her imagination is doing that for you. All you have to do is be careful not to ruin it.
    ^Best advice for any young man, right here. Flat out works, with every quality woman I’ve ever been with.

    1. heh “I don’t want to be your booty call”.
      Bullshit. You want to be the booty call, you crave being the booty call, and if you get treated like anything other than a booty call, you get all uptight and have no idea why.

    Print this out and put it on the back of the door to your toilet. Forget your GQ or Maxim “How to be a Pussy” articles; read this Q&A instead.

    1. Thank you. I’m not the only one who thinks those articles in GQ are complete shit.
      They’re written by women too no less!!!

      1. They may as well be titled Mangina Monthly.
        Long before I learned anything about game, I could smell that there was something wrong with those magazines.
        Men aren’t supposed to be self obsessed.

        1. So true. It is amazing that ROK has been able to effectively put out a far better magazine without access to traditional publishing tools.
          The people who advertise on GQ would be smart to start paying for ads here.

  6. Q: What do you say when you question a woman’s poor decision making (i.e. “Why did you fuck that Betatard schmuck I know from high school?”) and she says the classic female cop out of “It just happened!”?
    A: You return fire with “No bitch, you LET it happen!”

  7. These 2 questions and answers contradict one another:
    Q: How to minimize rejection?
    Q: What to do if you’re very anxious about approaching?
    Why are you making an effort to “minimize rejection” if you “don’t give a rat’s ass about the outcome of the approach [women]”

  8. Q: Single best piece of advice?
    A: Always act like you’re faster, stronger, wiser and more dominant than her.. because you are! Females can only get wet for a man who respects his balls enough to use them unapologetically

  9. Q:What do you do if you found out that she had a bunch of ‘ex-boyfriends’
    A:Pump and Dump just like they did.

  10. Q: What’s the most efficient way to break up with your girlfriend?
    A: You go all mushy and lovey dovey on her. Declare your eternal love to her, she’ll be out of your life in a short while without any hassle. Nothing dries up a pussy faster than a nice, decent, predictable guy.
    I have used this exact method to break up chicks who turned crazy. Pure gold.

    1. This method is good because if you get mushy long enough, it creates a permanent split. Cold turkey leaves them lingering, self conscious, and wanting to know the real answer for the split.

  11. Relativists fear Occam’s razor because it cuts through the bullshit with clarity.
    Remember kids, when an equalist says “nuance”, he actually means “obfuscation as an attempt to hide my poorly reasoned positions”

  12. Q: What do I do if my girlfriend keeps seeing or talking to her ex?
    A: Unless he’s a beta, chances are she is banging him too.
    Correct A: She’s banging him too beta or not, she just reduced the frequency. At best she’s still leading him on. If 2 months in contact is still made in any way, dump n run, otherwise she’s still giving out the occasional mercy fuck..
    Look for non-normal nights when you might not be around each other based on established schedules. If she’s usually texting you and suddenly isn’t, she’s thighs up in his dick.

    1. Unless he’s beta enough to be doing chores and giving her free shit just for the possibility of a sniff. Which she will never grant, because why fuck up a good thing?
      On the one hand, the chump deserves it. On the other, bros b4 hoes. On the other, when you finally break her heart, he’s the sap who might white-knight for her.
      On balance: film yourself fucking her – a clear, 100% unambiguous consensual sex act – and show him the video. The life you save may be your own.

  13. I have divided feelings about this advice. And by the way, the definition of occams razor is to use the simplest theory or hypothesis to explain the facts. What counts as the most “simple” is often not clear cut.
    “Q: I don’t get those mixed signals she’s giving me, what’s up with that?
    A: They’s not mixed signals, it’s low interest. A woman interested in you will not give mixed signals. Rollo’s brilliant post The medium is the message is a must read if you haven’t done so already.”
    I dont think “mixed signals” is a bogus concept. Sometimes a woman is using push/pull to stir excitement, but she is genuinely interested.
    Other times she might just be interested in playing around, she is keeping you interested just for the fun of it. Its just another form of attention whoring.
    Its just to easy to blame the guy for not being good enough at decoding female language or actions. The guy might not even have very much behaviour to interpret apart from sparse interaction with the woman.

    1. Occam’s razor is to use whichever theory posits the fewest new things that you are not already sure of. Creationism is *simpler* than evolutionary theory, but to make it work it has to introduce an entity that evolutionary theory can manage without.
      Rollo’s “the medium is the message” is powerful for that reason.

  14. “Q: How can one maintain his woman’s interest at high levels?
    A: Don’t see her or call every day, be unpredictable and fuck the daylights out of her when you do see her. Be actually busy, don’t just pretend to be busy. Becoming a rare commodity is achieved simply by not being around her all that much. You don’t need to create the mystery, her imagination is doing that for you. All you have to do is be careful not to ruin it.”
    Only problem is that if you overdo this and become to rare, she just might dump you for someone who is more devoted to her. This is fine if you are just looking for a quick bang, but not suitable for LTR.

      1. I agree. I’m more prone to overdoing this and losing some potential bangs. The upside? I don’t get trapped in bad relationships. But I am missing out sometimes.

  15. “Q: There’s a girl you like at work, what to do?
    A: Never shit where you eat. It’s not worth it.”
    Not good advice. Your workplace might actually be one of the few venues where you can meet women face to face. So this will basically cut you of from many possibilities.

    1. Fuck that, it’s great advice. It ain’t worth the HR bullshit when she changes her mind a month after you fucked her that she’s been “raped” or “sexually harassed”.
      “Cut you out of many possibilities?”
      Turn off call of duty and get out of the fucking house.

  16. This article manages to get Occam’s Razor even more wrong than the average internet atheist does.
    It is an epistemological doctrine, and it has nothing to do with simplicity. It stipulates that, when creating a theoretical model to explain something (be it a course of events, or a grand model of the universe and everything), one should not include any more postulates than absolutely necessary. The Razor has nothing to do with simplicity, it might sometimes just appear so since the model with the smallest number of postulates often is rather simple.
    And second, the Razor is an epistemological doctrine. A methodology used to arrive at and establish truth, how to arrive from observed facts to knowledge. It’s not a prescription for how to act to achieve desirable outcomes.

  17. “Haha, this human male is alright. Let’s keep him around in the pasture in case we need him for further experiments.” __ The technocrats who think of you as a lab rat in spite of your fabulous alpha ego.
    Good advice overall, however. Reality is better straight than as a fairy tale, and this is genuine alpha insight coming forth. Just like asking an animal in the wild what it thinks of you, it never bullshits. It just snarls at you and attacks! Or it just runs! Or it just freezes! Or it tries to mount you! The only four things male animals ever actually do in the presence of other animals. If it is a subdominant male of the same species, it behaves with the vacuum behavior of a female instead of a male among females, and in some species they let themselves be mounted!
    The human species also does this in prison environments, or in a lesser way in male hierarchies.
    The alpha human is the most like its reptilian overlords, only far less intelligent. The usual alpha develops intelligence quite well, but only in dominance-secured environments and under low stressssssssss…..

  18. This one works – exactly as described. Golden!
    Q: What’s the most efficient way to break up with your girlfriend?
    A: You go all mushy and lovey dovey on her. Declare your eternal love to her, she’ll be out of your life in a short while without any hassle. Nothing dries up a pussy faster than a nice, decent, predictable guy.

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