Almost a decade ago I looked in the mirror and decided I was done.
I decided right there and then that having a 9-5 job, getting a mortgage and paying for it until I was too old to wipe my own ass, then marrying some fucktard who may leave me and destroy my life at age 40 because she picked up a copy of Eat, Pray, Love was not the life for me.
I booked a one way ticket to Thailand and never went back. I’ve been living in Asia now for eight years solid, with just a few trips home. I decided on Indonesia.
So what’s it really like? Why should a young man contemplating an alternative path in life consider South East Asia? Walk with me and I’ll talk you through the good reasons to sling your hook, pack your bags, and head East…
Why I will never leave Asia
There are almost too many good sides of living here to count, but I’ve narrowed it down to a few important things which I think will be of some sort of consideration to men reading this.
1. Liveliness
The first thing that you will notice when you visit and or move here is how alive it is.
Southeast Asia is teeming with people, the economies here are booming and growing, and a massive middle class is forming. You could compare it to what America must have been like in the roaring twenties and thirties. Nations are forming, finding their identity and starting to taste power. It’s pretty exciting to be a part of all this and gives you great insights into how society works.
I live in Jakarta, which is a huge city of some 30 million people. At any time of the day or night there is something to do and somewhere to go. Malls, bars, clubs, and entertainment are abundant, and there are always people around. The city never sleeps and so no matter what time of day it is there’s always something to do.
For some this may be a bad thing, but for the young and hungry man, it’s great! There’s never a boring moment unless you allow it to be so.
2. Cheap cost of living
The cost of living in Asia does vary from country to country, for example Indonesia is about twice as expensive as The Philippines, but compared with Western nations things are insanely cheap.
A nice four-bedroom family home in a gated community could be rented for about $500 USD per month, and a studio apartment like the one I currently live in with a pool and a gym costs roughly $250-$300 per month.
Eating out is so cheap you can almost not afford to eat in. I recently took Mrs. Freedom out for an Italian meal in which we had starters, main courses and deserts in a top class restaurant, and the bill came to $25. Add taxis on top and that’s around $35 all in.
Things are beginning to get a little more expensive in Asia, but it’s still a bargain for everyday things. Consumer goods cost the same as back home, but then I’m not interested in them so it doesn’t concern me.
In Jakarta I can take a taxi to the other side of the city for less than a one way bus ticket back home. With a decent salary, it’s easy to save and build wealth here.
As a friend of mine recently said “It’s easy to enjoy more for less out here.” I think that’s about a perfect way to sum it up. You can pretty much get an idea of how things are by taking the current salary you earn and imagining you earned three or four times more. If you earn 100k in Asia, it would be like earning 300-400k in Europe or America.
3. Increased Status
I don’t generally give a flying shit what other people think of me, but everyone to some degree craves status.
In Asia as an expat you will automatically be given status. This does not count for the wave of human trash that descend upon Thailand for two week benders from around the globe who locals despise, but to the expatriate worker involved in business, teaching English or working at a corporation.
You will be looked up to as a Westerner and given respect. Of course there are always bad apples who will hate you wherever you go, but in general Asian people are awesome and will both welcome and respect you as long as you treat them with respect in turn.
We all know for a fact that with status comes many benefits – respect, authority, and an increased dating life. All of these things will come to you when you move to Asia, and that is a personal guarantee.
4. Better quality of women
I’ve already spoken about the increased dating life, but now I want to talk about relationships in general.
Women in Asia are better than women in the West in several ways – they are more feminine, more traditional and less aggressive.
90% of them actually want to get married and be stay at home moms. There are a few who have bought into the feminist BS, but most still want to play that traditional role. They’ve been raised to believe it is a good thing, and it is! Divorce, broken family, and abortion rates here are much lower than back in Babylon.
Now don’t get me wrong here. Women the world over are bat shit crazy and Asia is no exception. You’ve got to be careful and beware of the gold diggers. Many of the girls you will meet here in bars and clubs are working girls in disguise, so you need to go in with your eyes open. When an Asian woman goes wrong, it can be a messy, messy sight. But then again that’s no different than back home.
That being said, if you meet a nice, educated girl with her own job, you’re in for a treat. It’s not uncommon for my lady to cook me a meal and watch me intently as I eat it to see if I’m satisfied, then snuggle up to me without complaint. In the past, I’ve had girls I was dating give me full body massages, cook, clean, and physically bathe me when I was injured, and pretty much be the feminine ideal most men nowadays crave.
Their expectations are much more realistic too, if you’re a decent bloke and a good provider, you won’t have any drama with an Asian lady. The fact that other females will constantly be competing against her for you also works to your advantage. It’s like running game 24-7, but you don’t even have to try.
Bonus – If you do marry here, it is as simple as A, B, C to keep all of your financial assets outside of the country and therefore if shit goes south, she has no legal way of laying claim to them.
5. Lifestyle enhancement
Living in Asia will change your lifestyle quite a bit.
Since it’s such a beautiful place people spend a lot of time outside. The weather is almost always good, so going to the beach, lying by the pool, snorkeling, scuba diving and the rest of the fun stuff is much more frequent than back home. Take note that if you live in a big city it can be insanely difficult to get out of the traffic, so pick a location closer to nature.
Having access to some of the most beautiful tropical islands in the world, as well as the means to enjoy these things because you aren’t worrying about how to pay the rent, leads to a much better lifestyle for a young man.
In the last few years I have been on vacation 10+ times. I’ve been snorkeling in Bali, quad biking and jet skiing in The Philippines, and generally having a ball!
All of this was just not possible for me back in the rainy UK. I don’t know about where you live, but the lifestyle here in Asia is a big jump up for me.
6. Greater opportunity
This is perhaps the biggest factor of all.
If you’re an ivy league-educated middle class Westerner there probably isn’t much of a shortage of opportunity for you back home. For men who like to live by their wits and their balls, however, Asia is paradise.
For a young guy with ambition and an entrepreneurial spirit, there are plenty of opportunities in Asia. Many start out teaching TEFL and then move into other fields. I work in oil and gas, a good friend of mine works in marketing, and a guy I have just recently met who is a champion power lifter started his own business delivering paleo meals to offices and is making bank. None of us have a college degree, but we are able to make a good living and enjoy life without too much stress or worry.
Don’t get me wrong, this can all be done at home, but it is much more difficult in my view. In Asia, the opportunities are there and a lot of people will assume that because you are a Westerner, you know something worth paying for. It’s not always true, but I sure as hell wouldn’t complain about having an advantage like that.
Asia won’t do it for everyone. Some come here and crumble and go back home, while some stay for a lifetime. Like everything else, no two people will feel the exact same way about it.
However if you love adventure, have a bold spirit and an open mind, and are looking for a way out of the brain grinder back West, Asia may be the very place for you.
I can’t make you any promises, but as a wise man once said “If you never try, you never know.”
Read More: The Good And Bad Of Teaching English In Asia
Welcome to Planet Japan.
Art imitates life. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time
This cartoon looks like it was written from the perspective of the western women who would be shunned when they go to japan, while western men run wild in a bachelor paradise.
The last panel is hilarious. Exactly why does he need saving from these women?
SJWs are all closet racists.
White women secretly hate Asian women. White women manipulate Asian women into believing white men fetishize them, when in fact it’s actually Asian women who fetishize white men. They tell white men that Asian women only care about money. They rationalize that only dorky white men date Asian women. If they don’t want those guys anyway, then why do they care so much?
Agreed, up vote 100 times. Western women are horrified that they have low or no SMV in asia. Their hamster brains can’t process the input. Even beautiful western women working the nightclub scene get blown off for the first times in their lives. Their egos melt down completely. They get so desperate and lonely, the start doing all the approaching in bars, any foreign looking man, who then quickly loses interest in her in a matter of minutes as he is only surrounded by about 6 asian women with perfect ass in micro mini skirts. No western club scene can compete with attention a man will get in a big asian city.
“Western women are horrified that they have low or no SMV in asia”
Yes. I’ve seen it myself. They become practically invisible there. They think they can get away with the same behavior there as they can here and, obviously, that is impossible. A white man has 8-10s running after him, how the hell would a arrogant western woman starring at her iphone even stand a chance ? Literally, she has same odds as a snowball in hell.
If you want to pick up an attractive white woman with little effort just go to any bar in tokyo after 2am and look for the lonely girl in the corner with the thousand mile stare. Her self esteem has probably hit the floor for the first time in her life.
I dont think I would pick her up but I might have her pay for my drinks 🙂
Yup. China was the only place where I regularly saw Black guys with attractive White chicks.
I assume you don’t have a tv?
I’m talking about regular people in real life that you see walking down the street every day. You’re right though, I don’t own a TV.
♥♪♋get $69 /[email protected]:
Going Here you
Can Find Out,,
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TV is for folks who can’t figure out the Internets.
TV does not equal reality. Modern television is nothing more than Leftist/Marxist propaganda.
I must on my way.hillary hates me anyway
And your example of choice is a black multi-millionaire superstar with an ageing white manjawed broad? If you’re rich and famous, you could be green and 90 and still pull top chicks. Thanks for proving our point, though.
Ageing man jawed broad, I’d sure like to ssee the kind of white women you pull. I’ve rarely seen better looking ones, even on tv, certainly not in person. Not even in sweden.
And no there are plenty of rich white guys who can’t get them a hot girlfriend, george from seinfeld.
There is an exception: Russian chicks. A lot of Russian models come to Asia for 3 months for modelling gigs. I have Asian friends and all of them drool over Russians more than any other female on earth. And I don’t blame them, Russians (and Brazilians) will always have the highest SMV in the world.
Okay, okay, Russians aren’t “westerners” by definition, but they’re white.
Anyone who is willing to change her manners to fit the new rules, will do well. But an iphoned glued 7 with a why-dont you-fuck-off attitude will not do well.
Asians are the fucking worst in the world when it comes to iphone-glued. Don’t know what you’re even on about, you maybe have rose-tinted glasses. They’re definitely not the best-chicks-in-the-world you make them out to be. Far from it, in fact. And they’re boring as shit.
You’ve never been to England. Its the norm there.
The woman on the pic is 35. In Asia, that’s a good 10 years past expiry date for average guys. She has a very nice face and a slim body, although she has a prominent jaw. And yes, her facial features are very good, in fact, better on other pics than what she looks here. But she’s really skinny, has no ass and those small silicon implants because she has no boobs either. Borderline eating disorder or actual eating disorder. Which means she’s probably a lot more screwed up in the head than your average bro banging white chick, which is already a 7 minimum. So a 9 face on a crazy head on a 35 year old stick of dried, lean beef. Not my cup of tea, but hey, if it’s his dream to marry a blonde model with a pretty face, I guess he got what he wanted.
Russian girls are sluts. Only a fool would marry one (Russia has the highest divorce rate in the world). They were sluts even before feminism.
Russian girls are average at best and Brazilian girls are fucking fat. I would not judge either by a miniscule number of models.
Just ask Stalin. He tore through legions of pussy.
They always unglue themselves when I come around. Maybe its you, bro…
Nah, man. I normally approach groups of 2 or more. I play that game of “no phones” and flip them over. But whenever I start talking to one of them for more than a minute the other one will pick up her phone. Sure, I put it back down on the table for her upside down and make some joke that she’s an addict and like good, little Asians, they both giggle. But, sure enough, 5 minutes later she’s checking it again. At which point I just fucking ignore her and concentrate on her friend (who will also, almost definitely, check her phone if we’ve been talking for a solid 10 minutes). And it’s not just the girls, every Asian is addicted, even the old ones. You should see them on the train, it’s fucking unbelieveable, literally 95% will be on their phones, the other 5% have just checked.
Asians are trainable, though. I some cute interns came to work and declared themselves feminists, at which point I had a little soapbox moment and bitched about girls not saying thank you when I open the door for them (and also about 10 other things). And from that moment onwards they acted like perfect females saying thank you when I opened the door for them (and about 10 other things).
But I fuck the models. Not to brag, but I used to be a model myself. The only russians I’ve ever fucked have all been models.
So? Who said anything about marriage? I like sluts. Sure I like virgins too, but sluts are God’s gift to single men.
Are you the first non-gay male model?
Btw bragging is encouraged here. We are fucking men are we not?
I use “fucking” as an adjective and not a verb, just to be clear here.
You’re right about the trainability. I got a Chinese chick right now and she does everything I say without question.
And eddie murphy is in his 50s. Frankly most men will never get near something that good, not in the usa that is for sure, there are no women who look like that.
Yes she has no ass and no tits, but if she did have an ass and tits, you’d say she was fat. Yes any hot white women must be messed in the head,t hat is your justification for not being able to get one. I don’t mind if you say you prefer asian girls because xyz, but its pretty siilly to say all white women suck because you can’t land one. And you’d be hard pressed to find a better looking white woman than her even in la or new york.
These are AVERAGE american women
Dude, there are tonnes of non-gay models. I got into it because I wanted high-quality pussy, and most of the guys I met (and I’m talking well over 90%) were in it for the same reason.
Obviously this is a subtle, easily missed point since you failed to grasp it again, but Eddie Murphy is not “most men”; he’s an iconic superstar known the world over and worth $100 million. What most men get doesn’t apply to stinking rich superstars.
Having tits and ass does not make you fat. Having spare tires does. The older women to the left are fattish and unshapely. And anyway, like most men, I’m not into grandmas. How old is the center left one, 60? She looks like it, at least. The one to the center right has large breasts, wide sexy hips, a thin waist and very little stomach fat, ie. a fit, feminine hourglass figure. So that’s your average, next door, sexy girl right there.
Where did I say all white women suck? They don’t. A lot of them are great, as persons and sexually, at least where I come from. I’ve never lived in the US and what I hear and read is most women there look ugly and are overweight and rude, and the US women I’ve met make me think that might have some substance. What I’m saying is white women with jungle fever tend to have major mental issues, which is something I know well from experience.
Yeah I was kidding.
I know. But I still wanted to promote modelling as a fucking awesome side job. Also if I knew how to make woman’s clothes I’d give up my career and become a fashion designer – you’d get stinking rich and would be surrounded by half naked models. Win win.
This simply isn’t true, you cannot confront facts that most super rich men have ugly wives. george from seinfeld is the perfect example.
Dumb dumb, big tits and big ass are fat in the girls ass and tits, and you can’t get fat in just your ass and tits and nowhere else unless your under a knife.
And no, none of those women are 60, these are what typical american women look like.
The claim that white woman with jungle fever have some mental issues is same class of jealous bitter people who claim white men have yellow fever. Just mad because someone from their own race upgraded for a better model.
I guess it is natural for you to be mad to losing out to a male with sexual higher market value. Much like the white american feminist who can’t understand why an asian or brazilian woman with no money wins over a white american man. i suspect the same thing is at play her. You can’t understand why a black man can get a better white woman than you. It makes you feel threatened so you must make up some bogus claim rather than accept your own inferiority.
Just like feminist would say well those white men with asian woman are just using them, or the asian womena are some kind of victims. You are just the opposite side of the coin. tRying to convince yourself black men with white woman are some kind of victims of vice versa.
And unless you are black, there’d be no ways for you to know what hot white women who date black men having mental issues. Because they could just being acting mental to YOU if you are not black because they don’t want you/ not interested in you. And this is what women do.
And let us recall, it is your original argument that you NEVER seen a black man with a hot white woman. This is where the discussion started. So for you to turn around and now claim you know a bunch of hot white women with jungle fever would simply show you are trolling.
There’s no point in discussing with a moron who can’t even argue against someone’s actual opinions and tries to construct straw men to win a debate. At least I got a chuckle out of your attempts at reasoning. Bye bye!
I’m not so sure. It’s well nigh impossible to get into and they make you dress like an idiot. Believe me I tried.
Not into white girls anyway, especially not the trashy ones. NE Asians or bust (or should I say, NE Asians AND bust).
I don’t know where you are from but, I feel like that picture is incorrect of the “average” American Woman. I wonder if they knew what they were suppose to be depicting? Is there a matching photo of what the average man looks like in America? LOL So many really stupid comments I’m finding on here!
hernan is an anti-white racist. There really isn’t any point in arguing with him. He’s highly delusional. He claims the Ancient Greeks were black men, despite the fact we have thousands of Ancient Greek marble sculptures and know what they look like.
“Today, the average American woman is 5’4″, has a waist size of 34-35 inches and weighs between 140-150 lbs, with a dress size of 12-14. Fifty years ago, the average woman was 5’3-4″ with a waist size of approximately 24-25″, she weighed about 120 lbs and wore a size 8.”
Saying the comments here are stupid doesn’t change the fact that American women are probably the fattest in human history.
I figured. I’ll discuss with anyone as long as they have something to say, even if they’re a black, white, asian or greenlander supremacists, gay, dendrophiles or whatever. I did follow a self admitted gay asian supremacist until he stopped posting on Discus, he had a lot of interesting posts actually, lol. But if you think the ancient greeks were black, and you can’t understand simple reasoning, I’m out.
It drives these pushy broads insane because their raison d’être is all about satisfying their need for attention.
I do know an Australian girl who is a model here but has a heart of gold. She’s married to an Asian dude and never was short of suitors over here.
Eddie is worth $85 million tell me if he’d have her if he was a janitor?
Yes, its not the money that matters, alot of dudes have 85 million couldn’t land her if their life depended on it.
There are no attractive White chicks in England.
You must be blind. I banged one just last night.
Honey, the “average” American woman is 5’4″ and 166 lbs. She’s fat and lazy. Fuck that.
I’ve talked to a few white girls here in Korea. But just talked. They do indeed bring their bad habits and illusionary exceptionalism with them.
They are so much more rude than the Asian women and so flakey.
The white guys get the cute Asian chicks; the white girls get the nerdy Asian guys, or the black guys.
Fuck I could never even be bothered even when they were super drunk and begging for it but I like the strategy variety is the spice of life!
American women are disgusting. Pigs with an ego problem. I agree about Asian women, they’re usually properly feminine. I’ve been dining mostly in EE and Russia, but that’s just tastes. If Ukraine gets unrestricted Schengen travel, it’s all over. It’s the one last thing that’s keeping them from western degeneration.
You’re funny. Write some more stupid stuff.
Interesting perspective. The ukrainians I’ve met have been shrill sounding ugly fat landwhales that make Lena Dunham look like a model. But then again I’ve only seen the ones here in W Europe. But I’m biased since I’ve been shopping in Japan/SE Asia for a while, and it has left me completely allergic to non-Asians…
Now all white chicks rate max a 3 on my scale but I think it has to do with the sheer amount of 8/9/10’s in Asia that just nukes any white girl value to oblivion.
The Ukrainians seem to corrupt very easily once exposed to western “culture”.
That ain’t white bro. Stop being foolish.
exactly and therefore I have no clue why any white woman would ever want to live or even travel to SEA. anytime I see a white woman in Thailand I just laugh.
Nope, 166 pounds is correct. Chart showing Height and Weight of women in different countries.
Indeed. Chuckle. I suppose you could argue attractive white chicks go with black guys in the UK, if your definition of attractive is just about the looks. You do get some lookers with a lot of Jamaican guys. But they are usually chavy coked up slutty drama queens or snarky hipster posh birds with daddy issues.
Weak. Jason Alexander is a feminized, Jewish cuck. How does he represent European masculinity? Judaic culture is a matriarchy thus, of course he’s with such a woman.
And I’m all for dudes getting off the grid and giving a big FU to our Big Mother Western civilisations but, bailing to go live in Indonesia is a bit suspect. Hold your ground and find a good White woman who you can yours. Yeah, it takes a bit more work but, what doesn’t?
And even with the constant media propaganda of interracial dating and all the anti White male messaging, White women overwhelmingly prefer White men.
It works the other way around too but white women want to demonize it because they are jealous.
Yep. They feel threatened by the young, slim, feminine ladies with long black hair. They are scared shitless because if a western man goes to Asia, then that’s one less man who will tolerate an americunt’s bullshit. Save up for plane tickets gentlemen, I’ll see you all in Asia!
Or Russia!
What are best cities for night life in russia?
Or just EE in general. Roosh has been to these places.
I love it.
Wake up white women. You got Fucked by Feminism.
Wake up now before all your white men are making babies with every colour of Skittle in the bag. Except white.
True, here’s an example of an jealous white woman trying to shame a dude for dating an asian girl. Its fucking pathetic. SKIP to 2:03
It’s not just racism – she is overall just a total piece of dogshit. Not even good enough for a Hummus Bukkake.
Wow. What a horrible piece of detritus….
Good use of that word – that is exactly what she is.
She just needs a tight bitchslap across the face, that’s all. If I were that man, I would, have screamed, made a huge fuss, reported the incident to the police, and gotten on social media posting her video, shaming her, and telling the blue pill masses what a racist she is
I’d bet a dollar to a doughnut that this women is bipolar or has some other mental illness. Normal people usually don’t just pick fights like this when confined to close quarters and can’t get away from the people they’re bullying.
That woman is the face of the angry old feminist. She’s very mannish in both appearance and confrontation. Notice how she attacks the white man’s status directly: “You’ve got to get a gook, you can’t get a regular girlfriend.” These women have been taught to hate white men and blame men in general for all their problems.
This bitch kind of reminds me of hillary
That occurred to me as my pal donald trump always says,as long as you got a fine piece of ass by your side, it doesnt matter what people say about you
I wouldn’t have reported it to the police, though I would have punched her lights out. I’m a regular at sites like Amren, Takimag and Radix and even I find her attitude punch worthy.
Shaming a man is all these kinds of women are good at. That’s why it’s so important for men to take the red pill. Since I’ve done so, I’ve never felt bad at any woman shaming me. In fact I’ve felt amused. Their shaming is just a remainder of what a broken, miserable, hate filled, ugly, sexless and horrible bitch she is.
I guess the guy who she was barking at wanted to do so very much, but he was afraid of being escorted by uniformed white knights, or being beaten by the non-uniformed white knights who would be glad to ‘rescue’ a damsel in distress or in this case, a bitch on period!
Had it been a man barking on a woman like this, and had see hit him, the mangainas would have cheered for her.
Too bad we couldn’t get personal details and mock her all over the place..
it is not a very well-kept secret. White women apparently find hating Asian women to be much easier and more convenient than self-improvement.
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I’d stay away from the Muslim countries of East Asia (like Indonesia). I’d much prefer to live in a Christian culture like the Philippines, or Korea, or even a Buddhist culture like Thailand.
Spot on. Lol.
Most of this is true, but athiest asian girls, alot of them only care about money and have no morals, when they are athiest they won’t hesitate to fuck you over.
Even atheists are raised to believe in family and to love their husbands. They revere their ancestors. Bad wives lose face in Asia. In China they don’t get the house in divorce unless they paid for it. Child support is hit or miss. There is no incentive for most of them to screw you over as in America. Divorce doesn’t improve their lives but makes it worse. They try harder, like Avis. Tell me, how much time have you actually spent living in Asia?
Dude most asians are atheists and love money, it’s just how we are
All pragmatism all the time
In my book that’s still a better risk to take than a Christian cunt who (1) is nice out of fear of what kind of punishment her faggot god may take on her if she’s not (2) I cannot respect because she believes in all manner of horseshit fairytales dreamt up by some dumbass barbaric hebrew savages thousand years back (3) will insist on spreading that filth to our children, infecting their minds with nonsense
Who am I to tell you but I’ve noticed strong influences of Buddhism, Bahai, Taoism, and Shinto among others. Of course I’ve also known serious Hindus among the Indian population in the states.
Doesn’t matter what religion. Any woman of any race can and most likely would fuck you over. Their religious belief is only there to make her feel better after all the evils she inflict upon men and feels no remorse.
The chinese government damn near outlawed religion. But other asian countries are different.
You don’t need christianity to figure out that it is in your own long term best self interest to behave honorably.
I’d rather sleep in on Sundays and keep an eye on her.
Yes but are you in china now? No, so you are dealing westernized asian girls. Their incentive is opportunity, they don’t have morals, they don’t have this is bad. If she is buddist at least there will be some moral or ethics there.
And what morals and ethics will your athiest wife teach, you just don’t know.
It is worst with an athiest, you are dealing with someone who has no morals, no ethical training, no concept of not fucking over others. Lots of women will fuck you over, but its worse with an athiest. At least the italian catholics have some shred of decency compared to the asians.
LOL. You’re right. Just don’t know. But whatever they are, we can at least be sure they will be better than appeal to morality in it’s lowest crudest form: acting a certain way out of fear of punishment. After all, how can you teach anyone morality if the basis of it is that “it is so” because of the megalomaniacal and arbitrary dictates of some god? Who WOULD want to follow such moral rules for any reason EXCEPT fear. Much better to teach the basis of objective morality which everyone can understand: selfishness. It is moral BECAUSE it is good for you. Then the desire to act contrary to morality all but evaporates, since immorality and selflessness go hand in hand, acting immorally only hurts the self.
I’d argue you need NOT have Christianity to figure that out. Christianity teaches all sorts of filthy immorality, the most unforgivable of which is subordination of one’s sole means of survival, rationality, to the arbitrary dictates of a megalomanical god who sits around playing bullshit tests of loyalty like “I’ll make incredible evidence that I don’t exist, hide my existence entirely, plant fake dino bones making the earth look more than 7000 years old, and only communicate with you through books written by ignorant ass hebrew barbarians thousands of years prior, and still expect you to believe and if you don’t I’ll torture the FUCK out of you with horrible suffering for infinite time on top of infinite time. Punishment to you alone worse than all criminals have suffered at the hands of jailers, torturers, and executioners since time immemorial COMBINED.
I wouldn’t say that. I’ve dealt with people who follow religion but have no morals at all. Just look at the tele evangelists who takes money from the poor so they could live in a life of luxury in the name of Jesus.
I live and work in Beijing. Been here for 6 years. You do have some valid points. I used to think the same thing., that lack of religion = no morality but it isn’t always true. Depends on the family and education. I agree with you about preferring women with a spiritual bent.
Awesome, I’m the same.
It’s not so bad here. I go to Catholic church whenever I want in Beijing. Lots of Christians here who go to church also. What you can’t do is prosthelytize. I like it better; no Mormons banging on my door.
Strange because I’ve come across educated athiest asian women, no morals, no hesitation to steal or rob or screw someone over.
You must have been taught a very perverted form of religion to come to such conclusions.
And no, Christian morals do not come from “Arbitrary” dictates of some “god” but rather over 3000 years of philosophy on what is right and good.
There is an entire branch of catholics who deal solely in the study of things like logic and morality many of which are not faith based but large parts of it are. certainly worth taking a look at, even for an athiest.
Who taught you that Christian morality comes from fear. They certainly are wrong.
That is what christianity teaches, do good because it is good to do good.
I never claimed the inverse. Never claimed all religous people have morals. Many of them have poor morals, but the poor morals are still better than NO MORALS.
at least when the italians who were crooked and of poor morals, they had SOME moral, may have been shitty but they had SOME.
tHE CHinese don’t hesitate to put poison in your milk. WHY? The Italians were mafia and crooked and did alot of crimes, but they had some morals. They weren’t poisioning our pasta sauce for money.
The worst I ever got hosed by an Asian woman was in the Phils and she was Catholic. Ripped me off for a couple grand and that was the end of that. Come to think of it, the most religious country in Asia, the Philippines, scores highest on the scam-o-meter. Thailand is religious and it’s it’s full of bar girls and ladyboys.
You contradict yourself. By definition, an atheist will not have a morals but ethical training? Hardly anyone has that but ethics is driven by logic not faith in God. Therefore, no religious person will be driven by ethics.
Claiming religious people do not have ethics because they are religious is an ad hominem attack = logical fallacy. Most major religions who believe in god have some logical system of ethics.
Nothing compared to what would happen to you in a communist hell hole like china or vietnam
It’s more capitalistic than America, the police don’t bother you and there are babes galore. The money is good and it’s not expensive. I hope more people think it’s a shithole and don’t come here; it would be overrun with foreigners like Thailand.
Mate, if you want to look clever make sure you know what ad hominem means before accusing people of that mistake. A non-adherence to ethics merely follows from their position.
I have already made the point but a faith in God (from which morals are derived) is incompatible with ethics. Faith driven versus logic driven.
You are saying religious people are wrong because they are religious. You aren’t attacking the argument, you are attacking a group of people.
You have to prove a faith in God is incompatible with ethics, because the overwhelming majority of ethics comes from people who believe in god, muslims, jews, hindus, christian, and pagan philosophers. There are really just a handful of ahiest philosophers. And you provide no logical reason for why only athiest (which is religious) can have ethics and only they can formulate ethics. That is an inherently ad hominen argument. It’d like me be saying ONLY Catholics can have ethics because every other religion is wrong.
This would be a great argument except for two fundamental errors. The first is that I didn’t say that anyone was “wrong”. Secondly, in spite of my explanation, you still seem to be confused about the difference between ethics and morals.
This is why you cannot understand the fact that I have already given you a perfectly logical argument why a religious person will struggle to develop a consistent system of ethics. Religion itself is not logical. To be ethical a religious person would have to depart from religion.
The fact you believe there is a difference between ethics and morals simply proves your ignorance on the entire subject matter. The words mean the exact same thing, the only difference is they come from different root languages. Ethics comes from greek ethikos, morals come from latin mor-alis.
I cannot understand your babble because you are grossly uninformed on the subject.
It’s a shame you have to belittle yourself by resorting to simple insults.
It’s not what I believe it is fact. Your attempt to discuss the etymology of these words is interesting but of course quite incomplete.
You’re wasting your time Bob. This place is infested with people who believe in the supernatural yet claim to be superior to women because of their ability to reason logically. If you point this out to them they’ll insult and divert worse than any woman.
Yeah I think your right.
lol dude…..fuck me that was well said
“And no, Christian morals do not come from ‘Arbitrary’ dictates of some ‘god’ but rather over 3000 years of philosophy on what is right and good.”
Christianity is a revealed religion, not an ethical system derived from philosophy.
“There is an entire branch of catholics who deal solely in the study of things like logic and morality many of which are not faith based but large parts of it are.”
Roman Catholics fell from Orthodoxy (1054) and shortly afterwards got into aggressive war and torture for Jesus. And, again, almost immediately being cut off from the true Church, they began churning out works of systematic theology (Peter Lombard, Thomas Aquinas, etc), trying to reason their way back to God, because they’d lost connection with the living Holy Tradition. In 1999, Pope Pope John Paul II called for ending capital punishment since it is “both cruel and unnecessary.” Ok, then, but what does that tell us about how trustworthy Roman Catholicism is with its bloody history? As late as 1815, in California, they were cutting off St. Peter the Aleut’s fingers, then hands, then disemboweling him for refusing to join their sect.
“Who taught you that Christian morality comes from fear. They certainly are wrong.”
The call to receive the Divine Mysteries in the Orthodox Church goes, “In fear, faith, and love, draw near.” And that’s the normal progression, from fear of God, to faith in God, to love of God (and thus of fellow man and creation). Now, it is ideal that everyone is at the point of doing everything out of love, but that’s not always the case for everyone at all times, sometimes it is only fear of God that keeps a Christian from murder, suicide, whatever.
” plant fake dino bones making the earth look more than 7000 years old”
Nobody believed Marco Polio’s story about millions of Chinese and called him Marco “Millions.” Turns out it was all true. You know what else Marco Polo records? Encountering “dragons” aka “dinosaurs.” And in recent years the bones of “dinosaurs” have been found to still have soft tissue, that’s quite the discovery, seems nobody bothered to look because of those supposed millions and billions of years and all. It is almost as if those “dinosaur” bones were really only a few hundred to a few thousand of years old. Go figure.
“Leaving the city of Yachi, and traveling ten days into a westerly direction, you reach the Province of Karazan which is also the name of its chief city…Here are seen huge serpents, ten paces in length, and ten spans in the girt of the body. At the fore-part, near the head, they have two short legs, having three claws like those of a tiger, with eyes larger than a fourpenny loaf and very glaring. The jaws are wide enough to swallow a man, the teeth are large and sharp, and their whole appearance is so formidable, that neither man, nor any kind of animal, can approach them without terror.”
“Others are met with of a smaller size, being eight, six, or five paces long; and the following method is used for taking them. In the day-time, by reason of the great heat, they lurk in caverns, from whence, at night, they issue to seek their food, and whatever beast they meet with and can lay hold of, whether tiger, wolf, or any other, they devour; after which they drag themselves towards some lake, spring of water, or river, in order to drink. By their motion in this way along the shore, and their vast weight, they make a deep impression, as if a heavy beam had been drawn along the sands.”
“Those whose employment it is to hunt them observe the track by which they are most frequently accustomed to go, and fix into the ground several pieces of wood, armed with sharp iron spikes, which they cover with the sand in such a manner as not to be perceptible. When therefore the animals make their way towards the places they usually haunt, they are wounded by these instruments, and speedily killed. The crows, as soon as they perceive them to be dead, set up their scream; and this serves as a signal to the hunters, who advance to the spot, and proceed to separate the skin from the flesh, taking care immediately to secure the gall, which is most highly esteemed in medicine. In cases of the bite of a mad dog, a pennyweight of it, dissolved in wine, is administered. It is also useful in accelerating parturition, when the labour pains of women have come on. A small quantity of it being applied to carbuncles, pustules, or other eruptions on the body, they are presently dispersed; and it is efficacious in many other complaints. The flesh also of the animal is sold at a dear rate, being thought to have a higher flavour than other kinds of meat, and by all persons it is esteemed a delicacy.”
(Travels of Marco Polo the Venetian, translated by W. Marsden, edited by Thomas Wright, pp 91-92)
Ten paces is about 30 feet long, 10 spans is about 8 feet wide, with two short fore-limbs (with three claws) close to the head. That sure sounds like Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus or another giant theropod.
Well, your ignorance is easily proved. It seems that knowing about the subject is not necessary for the rant right…idiot.
Yeah, that’s why they conquered the world right….Were it not for the Christian (then) West, Asia would still be in 1300s. Their “pragmatism” led them to ignore their own discoveries and allowed the West to surpass them. By the way, sorry but the Chinese (specially their govt) are far far from honorable.
Where is the pragmatism when it comes to gambling then? Step inside any casino in the world and you will find Asians galore. I’m not disagreeing with you rather just curious to know the general thinking behind it.
Your right.i love asian tang.
Dude, I live in Asia, and I can tell you 100% that if you want to see gold-digging to the extreme pretend to be a banker. You can get any female if you’re a banker (literally. I see the fucking ugliest Asian nerd bankers with the hottest chicks). And if you’re a westerner then the first two questions they will ask is: what’s your job? where is your home country? Western chicks can learn a lot about gold-digging from the Asians.
Most western females dont gold dig openly, since they are sooo strong and independent. Also, they have already golddigged the nanny state and the courtrooms.
It’s just small-talk. When Japanese girls ask me what I do I tell them it’s none of their business. Instant dampness.
I’m married to an Asian I met in The West. She wanted us to return to her country because of the outright disrespect, pettiness and dirty looks she’d get because she was with me.
My wife is a friendly kind hearted person who was treated as if she was on a lower scale. I call those girls jealous white bitches and they remind me of what Roosh V describes as inhabiting D.C. and Toronto.
The only bad thing about living in Asia is resisting the advancements of really beautiful broads. I’ve had a few stalkers and it’s hard to resist to tell you the truth.
I prefer Asian women. Even when I’m in the states. White women have such an attitude of entitilement it’s a big turnoff.
it’s not really a white women thing, it’s a western woman thing. what you guys are talking about was pretty much the same when i lived in ukraine. the american and canadian chicks i knew resented ukrainian women and talked bad about them because all the guys when for the ukrainian girls.
Not secretly they’re everything white womena aren’t for the most part: feminine, obedient, and good at cooking and cleaning. Of course there are exceptions but this is mostly how it goes.
White women for the most part are slobs, millenials are the worst. I go into a lot of aparmtents and homes so have much to back up my claims.
YES! American women hate just about everything, because in the global sexual marketplace western women are on par with late model used cars with well over 100k miles on them, but priced more than brand new 2016 models.
They leak oil, blow gaskets and throw rods constantly. Every joint and bolt show stress cracks and their on-board computers are fried trying to run their tired engines as though they were new. They are poorly maintained, run rough, burn oil, and look dull and faded. No amount of tuneup, wash/wax, and new car smell spray can hide the fact that they should have been taken off the road years ago, and now pose a safety hazard as they’re likely to break down at any moment.
I’m only buying new from now on. I’ll take a slightly used model for a joy ride here and there. But forget about buying anything that’s got any mileage on it. And, that seems to be all that’s available here in the west.
I’m just cleaning out the last of my crap and won’t fit into my backpack and booking a flight to SEA. Can’t wait to see what’ I’ve been missing.
I like the car analogy. Use it myself from time to time.
Me too. I was just out tonight kickin’ tires on the various used car lots around town. They sputtered and smoked. They tried to look good for prospective buyers, but I wasn’t buying. Hell, I didn’t even feel like taking them old things out for a test drive. Ewww!
Car cooties
Less-attractive women are extremely envious of more-attractive women. It’s probably THE reason why groups of female friends tend to be roughly equal in attractiveness — hotties make friends with hotties, fugs with fugs, etc.
I cant’ wait for the sequel. This just shows that you have nothing to lose. No matter what you will be a loser and a geek to Anglo women.
Best thing you can do: work out, look good, eat well, make good money, date foreign girls.
Yup. Here I’m old, creepy Rob Lowe who’s still on cable. In Tokyo I was KAKKOI. Don’t know teh word, Google it.
Great cartoon except for the Western women being depicted at thin and hot. There are four Western women in that strip. Typically, three of them would be land whales.
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BIggest myth about Japan is that low SMV white guys can pick up hot women in Japan. Dead wrong. If you can’t pick up in your own country, it won’t happen in Japan. Cute J-Girls love players (will never admit it) and despise Gamma guys as much as any woman back home. Another thing is that hot Western women DO NOT come to Japan. The average Western girl in Japan is squat, shortish hair, bad skin, shit boring, slutty and often emotionally damaged. Fine girls in the West are being pursued by Western guys with money, looks or status. Japanese guys don’t have these things to offer. Always bang the Western girls though and treat them badly, they usually split after 6-8 months.
Disclaimer: the above does not apply if you are an otaku of their comic books or cartoons. You will be treated like dogshit if you openly profess love of either medium.
Who is the illustrator of this great illustration? I would love to get in touch with them and do business. #alljokesaside
Mr Charisma, what a blast from the past! If you can’t get laid in Japan, or Asia for that matter, there’s something wrong with you..
True story !
pathetic loser
“90% of them actually want to get married and be stay at home moms”
oh you mean they want a free ride in life like western women too , that’s so surprising, what a great thing, for you to PAY for their gain
what an upgrade lol
Guys like you are fuckin idiots. You bemoan the lack of traditional women and how modern women are masculine whores jumping from one cock to the next. Yet in the next breath, you demand all the benefits that modern feminism brings with that competitive career girl who pays her fair share of bills.
As much as I despise feminists and liberal scumbags, I despise degenerate weaklings like you who no longer understand their place as men in the world. You want your to eat your cake and have it to, and you are no different to the delusional fucking whores we call modern day western women.
“all the benefits that modern feminism brings”
those would be? cant think of anything besides easy sex and some shared bills. compared to traditional ones, that would be pretty weak. but maybe im not seeing the whole picture, so please enlighten me.
Read my post again, you misunderstood my point and the context within which I made it. Guys here want traditional women with traditional values, then complain when those traditional women expect traditional relationships with traditional gender roles and traditional outcomes…like marriage and kids.
Instead they want progressive women who pay the bills, dont expect commitment and fuck the first night they meet you, only to ask “where have all the good women gone”.
I understood your point, and i think youre spot on. still, you spoke of benefits feminism bring. which i cant see except easy sex and some shared bills, as i said earlier. im curious if there might be more that im missing, thats all. i hope you forgive the lacking context to your original post mate.
Since the beginning of time women have wanted to be provided for. There’s a difference between a free ride and being the caretaker of a home. Mothers in non-western countries work in the home, raise the kids, cook, clean, etc while the man was out working his job. The western women looking for a free ride are just looking for a man to pay all of their bills, while not giving much in return.
Right on !
Traditionally Asian women work their arses off. Get out of the western style nightlife cities and they still do.
If she popped out your sons and raises them well at home she ain’t free loading, idiot. Traditionally *that* is the kind of teamwork marriage enables and both parties contribute based on their strengths.
My dad would not be where he is now without my mom. My mom actually worked harder than he did….my parents owned a small gas station, my mom would open up at 7am, she’d go home early afternoon when my dad came (he’d stay till closing, at midnight) meanwhile my mom would go home, cook, clean, do laundry, and bring my dad dinner at the store and close together with him.
Just yesterday I met up with this Bolivian guy to look at a property he is selling. His wife is Russian, and she helps him with his business by painting, fixing whatever she’s capable of fixing, etc.
There are women out there that do provide a great benefit to a man other than their vagina. In America, I’m not quite sure. But in other countries women know their roles and what it takes to help their man succeed. Yes there are women that want a free ride, and yes there are beta men that are willing to give them the free ride. Just don’t be that man.
This man has it right – if you think having your pisser ripped open several times as a live human being comes out of it wailing, and then you clean up its piss, shit and barf for the next four years while your sleep is perpetually interrupted and you lose your prime in giving everything you ave to supporting your husband, the breadwinner, and your kid, the future of your genetic heritage – is a free ride, you are fucking insane.
A truly dedicated mother and wife deserves the world. If we rewarded more of these type and dismissed the slutty cum buckets, there’d be a lot more of the better kind/
No matter how red pill we become, the idiotic remnants of the super idiotic culture we have lived in throughout all our lives, still surface somehow. Saying that, women who want to get married and stay at home are asking for “free rides”, is just an example.
Rather, domesticity is a women’s virtue. They crave for it, and we crave for domesticated, traditional women, who take charge of the house, raise our offspring, and provides us with lots of love and sex. Therefore, my friend, she is not getting a free ride. She’s far better from the strong, independent whore, who brings in a bit of cash.
No, it means they want to be in a support role, they aren’t competing to be equals with their husband.
Its not a free ride. She will take care of the children and the home. A western women will do nothing of the sort, or at least the bare minimum only, while taking you to cleaners and give you nothing in return. That is a free ride.
If you have credentials of education that you obtained in the West do they hold any weight out east? Does having a university degree or masters mean anything in terms of opening up employment opportunities?
Any feedback is appreciated.
im interested in that one too.
Not talking from experience but the entrepreneurial opportunities that the writer mentions are real. China has over a billion.. Understanding the culture and language will open doors while physically being their networking helps also.
Most Western credentials (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD’s) should give you a leg up over there.
Especially if you’re in a multinational setting where English is spoken & written. I’m aware that this is the case with former British colonies like Singapore, Malaysia & Hong Kong. Shouldn’t be an issue if your qualifications are from the States, Canada, the UK or Australia/New Zealand.
Not too sure about Far East countries like Japan or South Korea though, apart from those who have to be qualified to teach English.
Good point thanks.
No problem.
What about a BA in Criminal Justice?
To teach English in Korea or Japan you must have (in almost all cases) a degree. They don’t care what it is.
Aside from that…be like the author’s and get out there and do it! They don’t have college degrees…college degrees are essentially meaningless.
Hmm. I’m not too sure about Criminal Justice unless you’re trying to gain employment with that particular country’s Interpol branch.
The qualifications that seem to get the most attention in the aforementioned countries in my post above are mostly from the fields of Finance & Accounting, Engineering (mostly Malaysia & Singapore), Education ( to teach in International Schools & Colleges) or Adventure Education/Recreation.
Your best bet will be trying to get overseas branch attachment through your local branch if they are set up as a multinational. Or, if you’ve got solid contacts over there who can give strong reference for you.
Hey Clark,
I wrote this article but I have to post under the name G-Freeman because RoK system cannot accept G-Freedom.
With an MA you should be able to walk into a teaching position in China or Japan or in fact anywhere. You’d quickly advance and within a couple of years could be sitting on 3k a month. That’s a lot of money out here.
You then make contacts and get into teaching in an international school and you could be sitting on 6-7k a month after some years. Then you are mac fucking daddy.
Hey thanks for the response.
I’m really glad to hear western education has some value out east because like you I find the 9-5 life mostly depressing. I need space to be inventive while not constantly having to worry about being able to live a modestly comfortable lifestyle. Also as a Canadian, the mention of sunny weather and beaches with attractive women is a major pull on me. Canadians only get that like 3 months of out of the year.
Great article and I commend you on going out on your own to find a better life for yourself. I’m seriously considering moving out to live in Asia for a while for a number of reasons so your article was very motivating for me to read.
Most starting teaching positions in Asia will only take up about 30 hrs of your week and allow you to be reasonably comfortable.
If you like the beach be careful about where you live. Asian cities are badly congested and it can be a nightmare getting out to the beach.
Degree in what? Honestly it probably doesn’t matter as much as your personal wealth
MA in Psych with emphasis on neuroscience, psychophysics, and behavioural testing. Can whip stuff up on MATLAB and I have a strong background in statistics.
What do you mean by personal wealth? To start a business and invest? I’m a fairly young guy (28) and I’m saving money so I can make the jump to a place where the dollar has more value.
I don’t care about Canada that much anymore, it is seriously trying to become socialist.
I’ve been in Thailand for about 2 months now. I have seen what the writer described as human trash and there really is no other word to describe it. I hate that I probably get lumped in with them at times.
I’ll be in Kuala Lumpur, then Singapore, then Jakarta.
Where is the best place to stay in Jakarta?
Sounds good and it was well written. Not for me though, for the type of sex I practise I need a woman from my own race and culture.
More details please
That’s fine too.
I’m pretty sure you could find any type of sex anywhere in the world. What kind of sex are you talking about?
Maybe he needs bullshit sex.
You Klingon or something? I hear that their sex is far too hardcore for mere humans. They probably have barbed penises as well, but that’s just speculation. If they don’t, they sure look like they should.
What? Missionary position once a month until she gets fat?
The Annunaki Bukkaki race?
you could probably find an asian girl that’s into domination style face sitting… but you’re right, it may be much harder finding a very fat one.
Dominance/submission, because putting the entitled anglo-bitch in her place is immeasurably satisfying.
That can be exciting at first but it gets tiresome.
As much as I understand this, I will continue to fight in the west to try and salvage something. I could never have a child that didn’t look like me anyway.
Doesnt matter, race purity is a thing of the past. Since airplanes was invented that ship has sailed, so to speak. You might want to keep on to your race, but your children will almost certainly mix it up. So forget about that, better look for women with good genes instead.
Tom’s right. More to this point, mixing of race promotes greater genetic variability, which will likely provide healthier offspring and lessen the likelihood of inherited diseases that are largely ethnically-based, from both parents.
Typical Nazi bullshit hype
You, mean, contranazi bullshit? Or do you just lack basic reading comprehension (and therefore have no fucking business chilling on the internet with literate English readers, go back to grade school brah)
Your kids won’t look like you, especially after your americunt wife sleeps with the mexican, jew and black down the street and insist she is a quarter jamaican.
Plus your kids will probably be race mixers simply due to statistics.
Thing is you have no idea how your kid will look like until you have them.
Crazy, I know
My wife is Japanese. My kid is a spitting image of me. He has a Mongolian spot though. My friends who married white women have kids that look nothing like them.
you have a half asian SON. feminine and tiny dick 🙁 poor guy
Suppose I was to go to Asia….how would I be able to stay there legally long term?
I can tell you that the Philippines only requires ongoing visa extension. In fact, you will be granted a visa just for showing up. It’s reasonably inexpensive.
I’ve heard PH is easy for americans to live there, also start new business.
Depends on your passport. If you are american I think you get 60 days as a tourist in Indon. You can leave the country to Singapore for 1 day and return and get another 60 days. After you do that a few times they start to hassle you. You need to find a job to get a work visa. At that point your employer kind of has you by the balls.
Depends which country. The easiest way is to teach English. China will pretty much rubber stamp you if you are white and breathing, the money isn’t great but enough to get by and gives you immediate connections.
Work your way out from there. I taught english for 4 years and now work oil and gas offshore.
Hi G Freedom. I came to Asia in 2006. I speak Thai fluently now. I started teaching to get a foothold and have been teaching maths and physics in international schools ever since. How did you transition to oil and gas offshore? I’m an ex RN-Submarine Engineer but those opportunities have never availed themselves.
AWOL Geordie word…nepotism, but in general you have a much better shot in Indonesia where oil and gas is a much bigger industry than in Thailand…
Nepotism eh? Twas ever thus. Well done on branching out. I know many TEFLers who would love a change. I’m happy teaching subjects I love (A Level Maths and Physics) but many of my colleagues don’t like it too much.
Additionally, I did 10years on SSBNs and the money’s good but you pay for it in other ways – like been stuck on an oil rig/ship/sub for weeks/months on end. I like jumping on my motorbike/shagging whenever the fancy takes me these days.
Nepotism wouldn’t get me very far unless I needed blue pill Capn-Save-A-Hoe advice or a piss up.
Good article, good luck, enjoy Indo (it rocks) and thanks for replying.
jesus christ. if you are used to german language those woman sound like disabled children. yes they are hot, but honestly, i cant imagine getting a boner when they talk. same with typical asian moaning during sex. its such a pity.
English is a Germanic language, so yeah, I agree.
What’s creepy in asia, lady boys aren’t relegated to gay bars and they don’t think they need to disclose anything.
Is language an issue? If that’s out of the way, I really got nothing to worry about. Then again, it’s not impossible to learn a language either.
Nah Id rather not.
Fuck me.
Yeah. Fuck hornets.Ive seen the documentary where they take over a bees hive by slaughtering and decapitating the bees like its a game. Forget ISIS.These bugs are evil.
Definitely at the top of my list to visit. I would love to do a float trip down the Mekong River. For a man in their 20’s moving there if even for a couple of years would be a great adventure. I will stay in the west because personally I like cold weather and lots of hunting, fishing and rugged outdoors activities.
Never been anywhere near Asia, but for me it would be hard giving up sipping wine on piazzas and placas all over Italy and Spain in the summertime, visiting countless museums from ancient to modern art in the colder months, driving up and down the curving roads of the Alps, leaning back on a rustic bench in one of my native Bavaria’s beer gardens, all those pleasures that come with truly old culture. Compared to all that, isn’t Asia just a sort of theme park that will leave adult people who are really into art, literature, culture etc. pretty much bored pretty fast?
” . . . just a sort of theme park that will leave adult people who are really into art, literature, culture etc. pretty much bored pretty fast?”
You have just pretty well summed up how Asians feel about Europe.
I can totally see that.
China had culture out the wazoo while the ancestors of the Bavarians were still tromping around in Denmark trying to figure out what whether to keep marching further south.
I did know that. Since then the Chinese have turned into the biggest Xerox machine on the planet whereas in a 60-mile radius from where I’m sitting, legions of (male) German engineers are working on improving BMWs and Audis that the Chinese are going to copy. Same with Siemens and an entire battalion of smaller hightech companies near Munich. From what I hear and see on TV, there’s no sitting around Chinese temples in Beijing enjoying classical music and world-class wines.
I actually don’t disregard your choice, it’s the one I’d make as well. Just an observation, ’tis all.
Ideally I’d love to find a non-feminist version of Sweden or Norway and retire in a quaint small village in the fjords surrounded by unbelievably hot blonde and red haired women.
Alas, ’tis not to be, that place is long vanished from this fair earth.
I like your version of Atlantis the best. Let me know if you find it.
I hear you. I can’t speak for the Northern European countries, their climate has never appealed to me and I’ve always preferred the sunshine in Spain and Italy, along with the cultural thing that all social gatherings happen on the street, on the squares etc. as opposed to indoors the way it’s done north of the Alps, but I can assure you that from what I’ve seen in Italy and Spain and Greece, there are still remnants of the macho culture there (and that’s a word even females there use with a positive connotation).
For the time being, Western Europe is still a pretty awesome place for MGTOWs and men with game, but yeah, no doubt that things are changing – not necessarily at lightning speed, but pretty fast.
There’s no outright obesity epidemic, but there certainly more chubbiness than there used to be even a decade ago, way more bullshit feminism, way more fucked up families and then there’s Islam and Muslim immigrants whom huge parts are pedestalizing … mostly out of fear of being branded a Nazi for uttering even a single critical word about Islam.
It’s a truly heartbreaking feeling to wander among the great cathedrales of Christendom, ancient Roman ruins, villas and palaces that have stood steadfast for centuries and wonder what all of this is going to be like in a few decades.
I’ll keep you in the Rolodex for just such an occasion.
Greece is an exception. There are plenty of fat women in Greek cities now and it has been like that for almost 10 years now. Unlike American women, they are often very good at hiding it because many have pear shaped figures so the weight doesn’t really accumulate in their face or stomach.
South East Asian cultures have little to offer if you are an ‘artsy’ kind of person, but the women won’t break your balls in the way that Southern European women do. They will almost certainly be less interesting conversationalists though.
Is the trade off worth it? You decide.
Id rather go to South America..
There’s some truth in this article, but in my experience all this kind of posts are pretty one-sided and simplistic.
It focuses on the positives and, even though it mentions there are negatives, it mainly talk about how fantastic it is to live in such a country/area of the world. Truth is, reality is never that simple. And this applies either to posts about moving to live or travelling to these “paradise” foreign countries. I wrote a post in my blog about my opinions. I would appreciate your comments:
The big negative of Indon is the corruption culture. Every time money changes hands, its an opportunity to grift somebody. But very different in Singapore and Japan that way.
Out in the open bribery isn’t so bad. Fifty bucks in the palms of the local police chief to not get a DUI is much better than $10k when you get one here in the states where it’s all “legitimate”.
Once you pay them, they keep coming back. lol
Whereas here they fine you the price of your house mortgage note, you sit in prison and lose your job, they tack penalties onto the fine and then put a red mark on you such that nobody will dare hire you again.
I’ll take straight forward graft any day of the week. Besides, as those who have been to central and south America know, it’s not so bad and it seems to work, for what it’s worth. When you have a corrupt dude that just wants a payoff you are in much better hands than some Social Justice Warrior set of government agencies who have moral zeal and a burning desire to destroy you in every way they can.
Taxes in america are almost a form of government theft. They take your hard earned money by income tax and give it away to campaign donors, calling it a “stimulus” project.
Almost? They are outright theft (most of them). Add in the covert theft they accomplish via the Federal Reserve of devaluing your dollar via printing money, with no commodities backing it up, out of thin air and we are living in what is the world’s largest criminal racket in the history of mankind.
US currency still has value in asia, except for japan and singapore where you get robbed on exchange rate.
The writer didn’t explain how easy it is to pick up women in Jakarta. You can walk through a shopping center and feign interest in the store merchandise, talk to the sales girl for 5 minutes, give your business card to the 6 prettiest women you see, and you should be banging some of them in a 2-3 dates. There is no “game”. No posturing, no behavior dynamics to analyze. Works a lot faster in the night club scene.
There’s no point in “game” in a country with a different language. They won’t understand you anyway but they will be fascinated by you being American or English or European.
Works in Russia too. Just show some respect, dress well and don’t act like some washed up foreign hippie or an English plumber on a drinking binge and you’ll be fine.
Indon is overrun with drunk australian tourists because its so near.
Very true (Australian myself). Word is that most corners of the globe are now infiltrated by drunk Australian tourists. As much of an annoyance to me as it is to you.
I see them here in Korea too.
Meet a reasonably attractive girl from New Zealand recently. She was OK until she started with the “equalist” notions of marriage. I could see the rage in her eyes. No thanks.
I’m pretty sure that the 1930’s sucked in America. Not certain I’d use that as a metaphor for the whizz bang prosperity and fun of today’s Asia.
That was the great depression.
Yes, exactly. Kind of the opposite of the point he intended. I hope.
Post WWII era appears to have been the golden age.
And then the generation born in 1946 through 1965 tool that golden era and traded it for their feels.
I’d peg a couple of times in history as golden ages in the U.S.
~ 1870 – 1900
1920’s prior to 1929
1950’s (-ish, they were taxed so hard it was absurd)
The 1980’s? But why? That was the height of shallowness and mass consumerism. It’s when we gave up manufacturing our own shit so we could have 10 cheap ass Asian plastic widgets instead of 1 sturdy American made widget. Our government started a war on culture (Tipper and the PMRC can suck one). Our government even started dealing coke. For god’s sake, coke was the popular drug. That should be all you need to know at the 80’s.
The upper tax rates we see then applied to basically nobody.
In the 1980s, America was still a pussy paradise. Obesity wasn’t the epidemic that is was now, girls weren’t entitled cunt rags, and the “Eat, Pray, Slut” mentality hadn’t taken hold.
Fast Forward through the “No Sex Nineties” with Anita Hill, the Feminazi take over of universities, speech codes, sex codes, “yes means yes”, the guy is always blamed even if the woman is a nutbag, everyone is a “special little snowflake”, and if everything is 100% perfect all the time, then expect to get nexted b/c she ‘deserves better’.
Yeah, I’ll take my fraternity letters back, girls who knew they had to stay thin and hot to keep men’s attention, and an economy where any community college grad could work a few years and then decide where to pick up a vacation home……
I don’t mind people wanting to buy nice things.
The off shoring actually occurred in bulk in the 1990’s with NAFTA “free trade” (ha!). My cousin’s husband was working a good job at GM during the ’80’s and retired just before the 90’s hit, which is fortunate for him as the plant shut down the moment Clinton’s ink dried on NAFTA.
Everything else Mistral covered already.
Wow. You’re old AF 🙂
I’m not American but I was taught in history class that the 1920’s were called “the roaring twenties” as a metaphor for the insane economic growth, which led to the crash.
I may have been misinformed. Thanks for the correction.
I specified the 1930’s, not the 1920’s (where your education is correct). Two entirely different decades populated by the exact same people (for the most part). The 20’s were great. The 30’s sucked hind tit in a major, major way.
Obesity in the States being as high as it is cuts the amount of marriageable women in half. The ones who aren’t obese or super ugly can afford to be righteous cunts because of supply and demand. I wonder if Asia will get as obese as the West in decades to come. Either way, this manosphere view that Asia is the promised land for average guys is bullshit. They are even more materialistic than Western women (albeit slightly less slutty). Party members in China buy Bentley’s for their mistresses like it’s nothin.
The writer acknowledged that asia has its share of gold diggers and defective women like anywhere else. But those women screen themselves out by their own behavior. The next morning if she starts telling you about her sick family member with huge medical bills, you give her a t-shirt from your closet and taxi money home and don’t call her back. The easiest way to screen in advance is just to ask them some questions about what kind of job they have. If they have a real job and live at home with their parents to save money they are legit.
maybe my impression of them is skewed. I’ve only met the ones who come to the States for school, and most of them are spoiled as shit.
Great article. The analogy in terms of era’s between countries is:
Britain in the late 1700s
US in the late 1800s
Far East NOW
The far east is not like the USA in the 1920s and 30s, It’s like the USA in late 1800s. It is their “Industrial Revolution” When everyone is moving from agriculture to industry. Moving from farms to cities and suburbs.
If I could invent a time machine to take back to the 1880’s, I’d sell everything I own now for that opportunity. Plop me down in the middle of Cheyenne with my silver in a pack, ammo on my belt, my six shooter on my hip, a horse and ten days worth of rations and my future stretching ahead of me in one long glorious sunrise. Fuck’n A, man.
If you had that time machine as well as immortality, in addition to possessing all the knowledge you do now, how many centuries would you need before you could effectively become the ruler of the earth? I’m curious 🙂
Knowing what I do now AND a time machine AND immortal?
Dude, put me in Cheyenne Wyoming in 1880 and I’d be the earth’s overlord by 1910.
I’d pay to see/read about that.
LOL. You would probably catch a disease and fall over dead.
Antibiotics? What’s that?
Because of all those contagious diseases in the air in the wide open West of the 1800’s. What?
Back in the 1880’s people apparently had Anti-Disease blood, because somehow they managed to survive.
If you survived childhood, your chances for a long life were just as good if not better than today. All one needs to do is find an old cemetery and read some of the tombstones.
Write a novel about it, and sell it on Amazon for $3 a copy. Make some more cash.
I might add penicillin in a Pelican case. Other than that, sounds like a plan.
Yep yep, good call. Although I wouldn’t be scouting who-ares actually. Those young immigrant 18 year old ladies on the wagon train who just arrived from Denmark on the other hand, why now that’s just the cherry on top of the ol’ cake o’ perfection.
18 wannt anything special back then like the magic number it is today
hundred years back USA had no shortage of brothels to service the kiddie fiddlers, never mind the supply of jail bait which was not a risk of jail in that day n age!
That’s “fuckin A,” as in “fuckin affirmative.” Common mistake.
Not if he was trying to accommodate our Canadian friends.
Ah, well now I know, thanks for that bit of information.
Would you try/like to see Hawaii about 1,000 years back?
No, not so much.
Nice place to visit ( just ask the whaling crews ), but not live there longterm.
Why not live there? Bear in mind, I am talking about the time when only the Polynesians lived there, and there was no such thing as whaling.
Sounds great. Do you have experience with yachting in SE Asia? I could see living aboard in one of the better harbors down there. I was going to start of here in Florida, but it just sucks on many levels.
Last time I was in Florida was over 20 years ago. I would rather drink bleach than go there again. Florida is the toilet of the USA, where the shit goes before being flushed.
You got that straight brother!
Florida is the p-trap at the bottom of the toilet leading to the Gulf of Floaters, I mean Mexico. The shit arrives, and just sits here form parts further north.
It’s so bad that you haven’t heard a news story about destitute Hatians or Cubans trying to escape to Florida in at least 20 years. They’d rather stay put.
I heard miami has gone down in the last 25 years because of all the baby boomer retirees from new york, and the refugees from cuba.
Honestly, the only time I go to Miami anymore is to get to the airport or cruise terminal. I can’t speak to Miami, but I think you could say this applies to the whole state, except perhaps for the Panhandle and areas above the I4 corridor. New Yorkers in particular pollute Florida with their elitiest attitudes and cash from selling their overpriced homes, as if they were all Donald Trump or something.
OK, but what about… murderin’ muslims??? Isn’t there a large population of potential jihadis?
It’s not hard to research and discover which countries/areas are or are not Muslim.
No shit Sherlock, Indonesia is 205 million Muslims 88% of the pop. Mine is an ironic comment.
Jihadists attacked hotels in jakarata and bali about 10 years ago. Copy cat attacks that didn’t go very far. Women aren’t as repressed there, they can work outside the home as long as they wear a scarf. They are open about socializing with westerners, but to get married you might have to convert.
you mean the U.S funded one ?
Avoiding western women alone is good enough reason to go to Asia.
Just not being around their masculinity is priceless. The stench of their “Estrotosterone” or whatever you want to name this newfound human hormone that started developing 50 years ago. ‘Crazy!’ you say? Okay, you explain their voices then.
A lot of guys get hung up on whether or not they bang a girl, like nothing else matters, but as you get older you just want pleasant women to deal with. At cafes, on the train, whatever. I’m in Asia now and it’s like a warm bath of estrogen everywhere. Their voices are like birdsongs. They’re respectful, humble. No bitch shield. They don’t rip their eyes away like they’re furious if they catch your glance. I’m not even talking about dating. A lot of guys think, “I’ll marry one and bring her back home.” But then you’re just surrounded by the stench of entitled western pigs. No femininity, no grace. This will still bring you down even if you have a 20 year old Indonesian waiting at home.
Nice comment. I’m reminded of the comments of men who bring back a young, cute, petite asian woman and the negativity they have to contend with from American sows and bitter old “biddies” upon seeing a man happy and content with his PYT (pretty, young thing).
A man’s perspective can greatly change when he’s exposed to feminine women elsewhere. You soon learn that there’s hope somewhere should you be willing to make the effort.
Asian girls are not my thing.
That being said, I have been to SE Asia around 5 times, and it is an absolute must see. I had a blast with the girls, the culture, the beaches, etc. The time of my life.
You may settle in another part of the world, but to miss visiting the Orient is a major fuckup.
“Asian girls are not my thing.That being said, I have been to SE Asia around 5 times”
It was that good.
One note of caution, okay maybe two. I can’t remember the city offhand, but it’s Beijing or another similar in China. The wives are happy to SAHM, but they expect the husband to pick up the cost of a housekeeper and are very “status” (read: shit you have, especially clothes / electronics) oriented. Local variation, and not a good one. Talk to an Asian expat male, and they’ll let you know the city (or cities) have women like that.
Also, the really bad thing if you’re not careful: Look at her mama and, if possible, grandmothers. Asian women are very attractive, and age very well, until they hit 50? or so. Then she’s going to hit the wall like a crash test dummy without a seatbelt. This is going to turn out one of two ways: she’s going to look very respectable (older, saggier, and less attractive as everything’s drops at once practically, but still respectable) or she’s going to turn into mama-whale-san. A lot (and I mean a whole fucking huge chunk of this) is going to be genetic and unavoidable for her even if she’s vain enough to diet and exercise like mad. Something about Asian woman physiology is just goofy as shit that way. Thin forever, working out, eating healthy, and nothing changes except her hormone balance / age and bam! Land whale. One gal I knew was in tears as it happened, she kept some of it at bay starving herself, but most accept it and do their best to look good / dignified. They still look like a beached whale, but have no illusions as to their looks / SMV.
It happens with white women 10 years earlier.
It can, but not necessarily. Western white women (especially Americans and Brits) turn into jand whales fast, before they even hook a sucker. Some white women are vain enough to not let it happen. My slut neighbor is still thin, and she’ll be hitting the wall soon enough. Babies and marriage (especially marriage) have western women thinking they have a free pass to pork up and stop servicing their partners.
With Asian women, they have a little less choice in the matter. Like I said, something about their physiology. If her mom and grandmothers are thin, odds are she’ll stay thin after hitting the wall. One of those is fat? Watch out for mama-whale-san.
Agreed. Germanics/Celts have a choice about growing fat as they age, assuming a normal genetic profile. Fat white women are fat by choice, the 0.000001% with an actual genetic disease or true medical reason notwithstanding.
One of the most ridiculous loads of crap ive ever read.
White women get fat via laziness or an entitled feminist attitude. In addition, English-speaking men seem to be more tolerant of porking land whales than other Europeans, reducing the incentives to stay thin.
Otherwise, that weird Asian menopause thing doesn’t really happen to white women. Those with obesity in their genes will gradually get fat in their 30s and 40s; those without will stay relatively thin into old age.
Black women and Mexicans bloat up when they hit 25 or so.
Depends on the type
In the USA, black women are the fattest of all. 3 out of 4 are overweight or obese. 1 in 4 has diabetes.
Not true, American black woman are land whales, but this is not true of blacks everywhere else.
Fat black chicks prefer the trans fat taste of POPEYE’S, whereas KFC or ‘KenTUKAAY’ fraahed chikin has been around longer than food stamps and is especially for killin’ off the white people. Look at the recliner ass white folks with diabetic socks rolling out of the rest stop plaza KFC. Their fat asses need wheels to get to their fat seat cars. THEY’RE DYING!
funny…but not entirely truthful.
I’d say that happens to Koreans more than Japanese…and Northeast Asians more than Southeast Asians.
Way way better chance of better looking older women with Asians than any other race.
White chicks go full bubushka by 40.
Yeah, but look at the history of the 50 plus set in Asia. A lot of them were malnourished and simply shorter than they would have been due to a lack of protein in their youth. Maybe bump it up to the 60 plus set for this factor to really have affected things. Protein was scarce in a lot of Korea and China. I’m in Korea and I know a lot of young women who are taller than their own fathers simply due to nutritional advances. Tune in to see how this generation of 20 somethings navigates their fifties.
I’m considered old creep by Americunts, but KAKKO in Tokyo.
Its kind of cool the first time you realize other japanese women are following you down the sidewalk, while you are walking with your japanese date, and you hear them openly talking about you in japanese saying they wish they were the one on a date with you. I’m convinced most american women hate men, openly or under the surface, and when the technology becomes available they will clone themselves instead of getting impregnated by a man. Lesbian porn is one the top internet searches for straight women in america now. Western feminism is the ideology of misandry, disguised as equalism.
Third wave feminism is mainly led by lesbians.
Western obesity is a class thing. High class women stay thin, low class women don’t. I went to my kid’s school Christmas recital and maybe 1 in 20 moms were fat (vast majority 35+). I do not live in some suburban alphadom.
In Asia, women cannot afford to present as low class until they have their husband, that is not the case in the US. But don’t think for 1 second that Asian women don’t eat their beta husbands alive. If they are giving it up to some western fool after 2-3 dates, they are riding the cock carousel just like their western counterparts. The only thing that is happening is cultural interpretations confuse their alpha/beta radar. Which is why there are also articles on this site complaining that certain SE Asian towns are no longer viable because the women there have gotten enough exposure to figure it out.
And that also happens when a beta LTR/marries them. They figure out he isn’t really an alpha and out come the tiger claws.
Wow. Pretty much wrong from first to last. Great consistency.
I asked my Korean GF about her previous boyfriends. She dismissed them all as “too timid.”
Korean women are known for a terrible temper. I’ve seen it twice in a year and a half with my GF. I’ve learned to just let it roll off. She calms down after awhile and then things are good again.
You have to be her captain, the man with the strong mind, the one to pick her up and toss her around. Be the “strong horse.”
My dears,
I am a South East Asian man and the only true things about this article is that living costs in Asia are relatively cheap compared to the West and that it is quite lively.
Everything else as wrong. Women are women and will be women no matter where you go. There will be some deviance due to culture but women will always be women.
Many parts of Asia are industrializing or have industrialized and the women here behave exactly the same as the women in the West.
Perhaps they behave differently towards Western men because money but if you are dumb enough to fall for that classic gold digging behavior, then I truly do not know what to say.
That’s reductionist, you’re saying female behavior all comes down to money. That disregards culture, religion, history, language, etc. Japan has equal or higher per capita income than the US, but the women don’t behave like american women.
My good fellow, I am a Asian historian. I spend my time studying the culture, religion, and history of Asia.
They are very gynocentric like the West but they have a slightly different flavor,that is all.
Given sufficient industrialization, nagging by female collective and white knighting by the male collective…What has happened in the West will happen in Asia.
It is already happening. Take a look at the social shitstorm that is India. South Korea just recently took down their adultery laws due to pressure from women. Divorces in Malaysia and Indonesia, countries with high Muslim population, is ever increasing. Bachelorhood is on the rise in Singapore. The list goes on.
Human nature, both male nature and female nature, is a Goliath, a juggernaut. It can perhaps be molded slightly due to culture or history but a juggernaut is a juggernaut. Without going deep into Red Pill or without acquiring knowledge, it will remain that way.
Two big differences. Western feminism is much weaker in asia despite all the so called “globalization” of air travel and the internet. The obesity rate is much lower in asia, more like 5% instead of 50%, making it impossible for a woman to be pedestalized just because she isn’t fat. Its different. You’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to miss it.
Nice post, whereabouts in Asia are you now?
I am in Singapore and in Malaysia. I am currently doing research on Singapore-Malaysia relations so I alternate between the two nations when it comes to living places.
Obesity rate is increasing and increasing fast. The same with feminization.
You sound like a pussy beggar, so desperately wanting women somewhere to be perfect when they are never that.
Yes Im sure the asian women dont see youre a loser who couldnt hack it in the US, and arent after any money/resources you may have.
The only reason to leave this shitty country for a less developed Asian one is the extremely young looking women, and the low cost of living when paying with USD, euro etc.
Dropping out because you imagine you’ll not be a loser there is pathetic and sooner or later the truth of your past will eat you from the inside. You need to be making money in a 1st world nation while loving in those shit ass countries. The odds of you making bank there are slim as shit.
Your foreign bride will know the truth about tou when she sees you around other westerners. Your socio sexual rank cannot be hidde .
I think many guys have the potential to become alpha or beta depending on the environment.
Switching your environment because your current situation forces you into an underdog position doesn’t make you beta… it means you had the strength of character to move on.
Lowering your standards in a shit-hole vs. Moving elsewhere for potential opportunity… Take your pick.
King of the Nerds, Omega for a Lifetime
Pathetic comment.
I live here, have done for seven years. I DO work in a Western country (Australia) while living in Indonesia. My wife is Asian and we almost exclusively hang out with “Other Westerners” – most of whom are VIPs at oil companies and the like. I may be further down the totem pole, but she has no issue.
After the money and resources we ignorant stereotype. Without going into details, my wifes family could purchase you as their houseboy. There are just as many rich/middle class Asians as there are Westerners.
You gotta actually travel to find that out though.
Yeah. Except I want my kids to look like me.
Marry your sister. Best chance to maintain genetic similarity.
Eww, troll.
Does this also hold true for the Asian-American male living in America who’s constantly rejected by his own kind? 🙂
Ive always wondered how the “booking a one way ticket and simply turning up in a country” concept works. What do you do when you get there? Do you just keep asking around for work until you find it or do you settle into a hostel or small apartment and begin networking in earnest? Im interested in bailing out of Toronto and heading over to Asia although I have no clue how to go about doing it. The last thing I want is to end up in an Asian country broke or in an ice filled bathtub with my kidneys missing and a note telling me to call 9/11 asap.
You have to focus on a country, then a city. The easiest way to get beyond the tourist visa, and get a work visa for 12 months, is the english teaching work. Its a humble job, but the school will probably give you free foreign language instruction, and you’ll meet other teachers who will ideally be sharing a house, and you can take one bedroom. One year should buy some time to network into an office job, or kick around ideas for starting a business. If you show up on time and the students like you, then you can always renew your teaching contract if you have to. Remember whoever controls your work visa, controls your life, they own you. I’ve heard of guys marrying a local girl just so they can get the spouse visa, because they want to quit their company and start their own business. Not saying I’d do that.
How much do English teachers make in Asian countries?
Anything from $600-$4000. Depends on the country and levels of experience.
Here in Korea, they seem to make about $2000 a month plus free housing when working for a university or college. You need a degree and a clean criminal record.
For freelance or moonlighting, figure $50 an hour.
I don’t teach but I’ve got plenty of young drinking buddies who do. – there’s your answer, that’s how i got out here to begin.
I find Asian women overrated. As far as pure sex appeal, you just can’t go past a Brasileira or a Colombiana..
Do you live / travel there often? How do you meet them?
When it comes to beauty, they’re def overrated.
Folks, fantasizing about asian ass in paradise is good and all but we as men have a greater challenge facing us
Time: you see, our boners won’t stand firm forever, eventually we will age into prunes and our schlongs will fail to robustly react to said fantasies which unfortunately does not have to happen, not if we advocate for the technology to end aging, disease, and other madness
Every one of us has a biological clock, sure we’ve convinced ourselves its all just a little painless process that “mother nature” just presents us with after we’ve somehow enjoyed ourselves and lived a full life
This is a beta excuse, Everything you do revolves around time, but you are in denial and will contradict your own survival instinct and the fact that your entire existence is based on the amount of time you have
You probably drive safely, you probably go to a gym, you probably obsess about hygiene , why? because you want to live longer, you want prosperity, you crave and worship your time ,
i have decided that nature can go straight to hell! it’s unacceptable that our cells are programmed to slowly take it all away, everything we worked for, and turn us into bitter prunes! especially when in the next decades we could have access to advanced technologies which would make ageing susceptible to medical intervention, but there has to be public desire
we have all been brainwashed to worship our own destruction, madness! there is nothing romantic about disease, alzeimers, heart attacks, cancer, and the rest of it
we must rage against the dying of the light! no longer should we tolerate father time whipping us like we are it’s captives
basically, we need to start thinking about turning this aging ship around ,
The universe cannot exist without our mind present to perceive it, so aging is the gradual ending of everything, and it ISNT pretty ,
the media makes aging seem beautiful and majestic, Is shitting your pants majestic? is your memory failing majestic? is losing your hard won triumph majestic? Is looking back in the mirror at a sagging skin prune majestic? is missing out on witnessing the grand architects miracle majestic?
Anything but American white women. AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE! They are used up hoes with no self respect. Even at a young age they whore it up like no tomorrow.
Example of the American whore in her natural habitat:
They have no self respect. At times I wish Islam would conquer the USA. Not too many other ways to keep these disease spreading harlots under control.
While I’m not discrediting the points made, readers should realise they’ll constantly be on edge about having valuables stolen in Asia. Even safes aren’t always safe. The cities generally smell of sewerage and pollution. There is rubbish EVERYWHERE, which spoils some of the natural beauty of the places. Law enforcement are corrupt. You can’t drink the tap water in a lot of places. The roads are a nightmare. There’s a reason cost of living is cheap there.
I’ll take corruption over an ‘above the table’ nanny state any day of the week. It never ceases to amaze me how efficient corruption is compared to the bureaucracy in the west.
Not disagreeing with the author on any of the conclusions, just a couple of facts seem odd to me:
$250-$300 for a nice apartment with a swimming pool in Jakarta? I was there and saw the prices. Top end apartments will run over $1K/month even for a 1br. A studio or small 1br in an OK building with a gym and swimming pull will probably be around $700 or more in a nice neighborhood (Thamrin City, for example). $250-$300: a local friend of mine rented an apartment for this price which was not that far from the center, in a quiet, remote neighborhood, but the building didn’t have a swimming pool and was too far away from anything without a car. Not a walkable neighborhood, either.
Indonesia twice as expensive as the Philippines? I don’t think so, not if you compare Manila and Jakarta. Nice apartments in Manila cost about the same to rent (though there seem to be more to choose from). Meals and transportation costs are comparable. Alcohol is cheaper, though.
Yes, Asia is better than the west, and there does seem to be a general shortage of attractive men, but please don’t be a douche and fuck it all up. Make yourself a net positive contribution.
And then you go to the Philippines or Indonesia and have women jumping in your bed after 1 or 2 dates and you prize those? Carousel riders be riding everywhere.
Interesting article. Let me see if I get this right. “Fuck Western Civilization, follow your dick; it’s pointing East.” Great advice (roll eyes).
Lard Krishna…don’t you have some vulnerable temple somewhere whose funds you can embezzle?
Asian women are good for a pounding, but if I want kids (in 15 – 20 years I will), I want them to look like me.
This is very interesting, and the second time I’ve seen such a comment on the thread. I am known as a weirdo, but I didn’t know this particular thing to be weird about me. Is it common and normal to care that your kids look like you? (asking the larger audience out there)???? Personally a lot of white kids are fucking ugly and especially during the adolescent years their bodies look grotesque and overgrown and awkward, I wouldn’t want to risk it… personally would rather have kids, made of my genetic material, but if luck prevails, dominated by the mother’s genes so they look 100% Asian. Anyway Asian babies are actually cute.
White man + Asian women = Elliot Rodger!
fucking cunt, burn in hell
ooooooo, the manboys are mad!!!!! Oh, poor little manboys…..hahahahahahahahahahhaha…..bunch of losers.
Alright I’m seriously considering doing this just packing my shit up and moving to Asia or South America. I have a few questions for the author, because when I research what I need to do, it appears that the devil really is in the details.
1. How much money did you have saved up as a cushion for expenses? If you don’t come in on a tourist visa, and wish to reside long-term they want to know how much capital you are bringing with you to determine if you’re well off enough to live on it.
2. Speaking of work; you mentioned a few such as teaching English or corporate work. But it sounds like you went the independent entrepreneurial route. How did you navigate your resident country’s employment restriction laws? There are plenty of jobs that, to take Thailand for example, Farangs are not allowed to work. What did you do to detour this? I would love to engage in entrepreneurial enterprise where a kleptomaniac government doesn’t tax rape you twice for being self-employed.
3. And lastly, immigration itself. Did you come in on a tourist visa and do a “border run” every 90 days or six months? I forget what the specific time is period now. Also, you said you chose Indonesia which sounds long-term or permanent. Plus, you’ve been in Asia for 8 years, how did you acquire perm. res. status?
I’m seriously asking, ’cause to be frank, after taking the red-pill it’s been a process but I now see to what visceral depth the sickness and corrosion feminism, cult-Marxism, post-Modernism and so many other -isms have wrought on American society. I immediately connect with internationals who come here for work or study far more than fellow narcissistic, standoffish locals. I can’t be too critical though, I was raised in that so I am also to a certain extent.
For all the hatred towards white American women; for all the white American men who feel that white women are self entitled princesses and whores, don’t forget your history. This is the “monster” that YOU created!
Since colonial times and slavery, white women have been put on a high pedestal as being the ideal of beauty and femininity in America. Who put them on this pedestal? White men. Who made them believe that they were princesses and precious damsels entitled to be unconditionally supported and cared for? White men. Who was it that told white women that they were superior to women all other ethnicities? It was white men.
Who was it that told white women that they didn’t have to lift a finger to do a thing? White men, and so much so that during slavery white women did not work but still did not have to clean their own homes or care for their own children and even had slaves breastfeeding their babies for them. To this day you have a white women who are the wives of wealthy or even upper middle class white men who don’t work yet have a black nanny caring for their children while they go to the gym and then complain about how stressful it is to raise children. White men did this.
This entitlement white women feel is white privilege hard at work. This is a system that white MEN created.
So for centuries, white women in America have been led to believe that they are entitled and privileged because white men have told them that they are. So how is it now that the white men here are upset about that?
For centuries white women have gotten to have their cake and eat it too, unfortunately at the expense of black women and other women of color (but mostly black women. For white women to be at the top, someone else had to be made unequal, heavily marginalized and put at the bottom, right?).
The original intent was never for white women to have to compete with Asian women or any women of color for anything in this country–not for opportunities, and ESPECIALLY not for men. The playing field was purposely and carefully constructed to be unlevel so that women of color could never win in America. The game was rigged from day one for white women to win. White women know this either consciously or subconsciously. How can you blame them for taking advantage of a system that was carefully crafted for them by their own men? A system of unjustified privilege eventually breeds entitlement. White women have always been rewarded for plainness and mediocrity just because they are white. White women have always been made to feel they are the best, even when they are not. White women were conditioned by white men to believe that their sh*t doesn’t stink.
Images of white female beauty still dominate the American media. You still don’t see Asian women that much on the covers of fashion magazines here. In fact, white female beauty dominates the entire world to this day to the point that women in Asia and Africa are bleaching their skin like mad. In these countries where the skin bleaching creams are sold, women are told in advertisements that in order to get that job or get a man they have to have white skin. This is driving the sale of these products. White female privilege in a tube.
In America, it is white women who have benefited the most from affirmative action.
If their men have been telling them for centuries that they are better than everyone else, why would they not be entitled? Why would they not believe that they deserve to have everything? And now not only do they feel that they are entitled, they want power and control too!
Just remember white men:
This is the entitled monster you created through your system of race-based classism. But now you feel you no longer have control over that monster, you are mad about it and are seeking greener pastures. That baby alligator was cute at first but now it’s gotten too big, it’s starting to eat your ass, and now you want to set it out into the wild.
I, like most men, simply tried growing up and being involved with the best of intentions & genuine effort & concern, only to realize that the reality is western men are dealing with selfish, sometimes mentally dysfunctional immature princesses.
No, the blame as you claim in your overly dramatic comment does not lie on the shoulders of the average man. On many men in the past, perhaps. To simply chastise men is AGAIN shaming/blaming men for something far more complex and sinister.
I can assure you that I did not cause this, but will definitely do my part to knock down the egos of any pedestalized women I interact with.
You may feel that you are not directly responsible, but the reality is that white men created and continue to participate in the supremacist power structure that elevated and protected white women to the point that they feel entitled to all that life has to offer, even when they are mediocre. There is no denying that.
I think have you have some things right but perhaps are seeing it from the wrong perspective. And have forgotten the role of women themselves in creating such a mess.
They do, after all, enable…nay…encourage the misbehavior, entitlement, and extremely long list of issues western women are accompanied by today.
But yes I would hold many men responsible for allowing it to gain traction and not squashing it when it shows itself.
You are right. I have a different perspective. I am not a male. However, I am a non-feminist WOC with traditional values.
Reflecting on conversations I have had with white American women, I can understand the white male frustrations, as women today think that having lots of degrees, being competitive with men and career-obsessed makes them them appealing to today’s man when it doesn’t. In pursuit of equality, many American women have forgotten what it means to be feminine and could take a lesson or two from Asian women. That much I agree with.
On the flip side, Asian women want the same things white American women want. They are just smarter and slicker in how they go about it. It also doesn’t hurt that the stereotypes about Asian women work more for their benefit than against them.
Way too general (you *ain’t* living like that in a lot of SEA for the prices quoted), but I agree with the overall sentiment – Asia’s got a lot going for it. At least until smartphone penetration starts to ruin it. See Singapore….
Choke on a dick!
I am curious about making money out there. Did you work for a large corporation and get transferred? Do you have to speak the language?
I make pretty good money here in the U.S. and work for a fortune 500 company that is international (I know for sure locations in Tokyo, Taipei). I would love to live in asia but I don’t want to necessarily give up my job. Any suggestions?
Can I just say, while the article is correct, DON’T COME TO MALAYSIA. The local women here are easy fucks but you don’t want them. If I want a quality lay I have to fuck the tourists (which, yeah, there are a lot of, but I’m always running ONS game, which is not the easiest to pull off).
Can you explain more about the local women? Why are they undesirable? Phots would be great, too.
Let’s just say, I call them the Americans of the East because they’re fat, dumb and lazy. No offense to Americans, but I’m sure you can see the reason I call them that. They’re literally the fattest country in SE Asia.
If you need more evidence just create an OKCupid account and search for girls in Kuala Lumpur.
Saigon is underrated.
That video was terrible. It looked like a bunch of people sitting around being bored.
Every few weeks I see this type of article. This same article must’ve been written a dozen or more times with slightly different titles. The same generalizations and stereotypes are always present. Only a “certain” type of Asian woman is shown in the pictures. While I’m not discounting this man’s experience, these articles are very misleading. They are like the opposite of the sjw propaganda.
Is it crazy that I’m starting to think the “manosphere” is the mirror image of the sjw movement?
Japan is the best, then Korea
i know so many western men that lose everything to their westernised woman here and end up in SE Asia living a happy life with a traditional woman. They’re all over 40 years but i wish to do the same when im near 50.
From my research, SE Asia divorce rate has doubled from 10 to 20% in the last 10 years due to westernised corruption! Still very low where the people are so upbeat and friendly! Great weather and heaps to do where people are very socialable compare to the walking zombied with smart phones here!
When i’ve dated these women in SE Asia, we always had a laugh about how fat and broken westernised women are today!
I’m in Jakarta now also. Where abouts in Jakarta do you live?
I have been living in China for a couple of years. If you have passive income the government may not pay attention but even if they do the tax rate is less than 10%. China is not like the Philippines or Thailand, this is not somewhere you go for a sex tour. The women here want a real man and are willing to be a real woman. Plus, unlike Japanese chicks, they don’t sound like a fucking squeak toy when you fuck them.
Korean girls taste like kimchee down there too.
I’m beginning to appreciate the taste of kimchee.
It also took me a while to be able to recognize that some of the funny faces the girls make when getting it good and hard are not grimaces of pain, but revelations of ecstasy.
Hey! Some people like their squeak toys!
I love firsthand experience comments like this, lol.
Hi , I am a person in the U.S who has time and money on my hands. That means I can do my /business/acting /writing /filmmaking career if I go to a cheap place. My thing is since I am a native speaker and do want to do business in Asia, could I get by with no degree since I am a u.s. native speaker of english? I love entrepreneurship, and the fact that I could go over there and make something out of this would be paradise. Me being a westerner alone would get me ,access to a place like this provided I have money and something to offer? Is it okay?I have like 3 file cabinets full of projects that I want done lol
Hi , I am a person in the us who has time and money on my hands. That means I can do my acting /writing /filmmaking career if I go to a cheap place. My thing is since I am a native speaker and do want to do business in asia, could I get by with no degree since I am a u.s. na
Is the black man included under the “western man” definition.
SE Asians are even more prejudice against dark skin tones than most the racist fools on RoK… ye be warned.
You would fare much better in NE Asia than the South.
if you like to smoke weed, you’re out of luck. getting caught with a joint will get you about 20 years in jail in Indonesia, and anyone caught selling automatically gets the death penalty.
Thailand is a more reasonable option for marijuana fans. It’s still illegal, but the punishment is more akin to Western countries.
Funny to see this article get necro’d just now…
Anyhow, I’d add some advice – have a withdrawal plan. Come to SE Asia, get a girl and fuck her senseless, have kids… then return to the West with family when kids are about 5 – 8 years old.
You don’t want your kids to finish their educations here and call this place home for good. I’ve been in Thailand a decade, 2 daughters aged 2 and 5, and I’m leaving with them for New Zealand this year.
I have witnessed this assimilation you mention first hand and it is not pretty. You are spot on
Why don’t you want your children to call SE Asia home for good?
Because the culture is disgusting, the government is a corrupt disease, and the entire country is generally racist against us. Plus, I have 2 DAUGHTERS. No sons yet. You think I’m one day going to let these men fuck my girls?! No. Vomit. We’re leaving Thailand for sure.
Sounds great. But do any of these asian chicks look white?
Fortunately no, they are generally not fat tattooed green haired land whales. Why would you want that?
So, you like asian chicks. Good for you. My dick does not. I have no desire to overrule my dick on this matter.
Fair enough, your boner test is not my boner test. But if you mean white skinned some north east Chinese and most Japanese come pretty close, but not in terms of features.
What most of them do come with though is petite sporty spice bodies, cute feminine manners and a lot of respect for the man of the house.
Hey, more power to you. The closest I can rally come to digging asian chicks is a eurasian look.
Do you mean light skinned?
Some do. Not sure what you’re asking exactly.
I’m not attracted to asian women. That’s kind of a big problem, from my point of view.
I wasn’t originally. Especially since I didn’t have much exposure to them.
However, after having been around an very nice woman from Singapore and having been with a few, my opinions have changed.
Unfortunately some are very unattractive, but some seem pretty hot.
Yeah, I can see how it might be possible to acquire the taste.
If you’re a boob man, then Asia is not your happy hunting ground.
But it you appreciate great legs, thin torso, flat belly, and shapely ass, then Asia has its charming ladies.
Asia is an awesome place to visit but if you understand why such things in this list still exist you’d think twice about immigrating there. My experiences in these countries and with numerous expats here in America basically lead to the same conclusion.
Asia is a huge area with a shit ton of people. The cultures that exist there are designed for this reality i.e they will beat your white ass the fuck down if you assimilate. If you stand on two legs there and cannot stand on two legs in the west you are an oddity.
There is certainly more sexual options in Asia but be warned.
Yeah. The idea is to get here, have some fun and get a wife, then get out. You don’t want to stay here. Thailand, for example, is an ultra nationalist ultra royalist fascist military dictatorship. No, that isn’t cool. And being the outsider is even uncooler. It’s like being a Jew in Nazi Germany…
This is what the article above doesn’t tell you – the status and respect you receive as a white foreigner here only stands so long as you’re AGREEING with them. Try offering an alternative opinion and we’ll see what your “status” is worth.
The girls are all good, though. Don’t fuss the other bullshit – come, get a hot wife, come, and then go!
Greetings to my brothers in the battle to save masculinity!
I would greatly appreciate advice from someone who has experience with this. Recently I got a job offer for central Japan, for two full years. I was there once, but only for a short time, so I could not get the full idea on what it is really like. For me, women there are way nicer, more fit and attractive than those I am used to in Western Europe, where I live now. What surprised me most in Japan is that even the 40+ women were being flirty, and I am in my twenties. However, I do not know if this was just their way of being polite, and I do not know how they see Eastern European men. I like the scenario where I go there and bag myself a hot little Japanese wife. What makes things more difficult for me is that the other job offer is for Russia, Moscow. Honestly, in my decision between Russia and Japan, the potential wife I can meet there is one of the key factors.
So, mates, what do I do? Where do I go?
I would go Russia over Japan. Russian women are not better or easier than Japanese women by any objective metric. The work/life divide is the deciding factor. Japan is brutal and many of their workplace customs in professional disciplines will take a toll on you. I have no clue what you do or what your options are so I generalize my experience.
Yes. I forgot they work themselves to the bone. I do something like engineering, so I assume they would push me to my limits. Good argument. Thank you!
Japan sounds like a patriarchy on steroids, where only a handful of men are in charge. It also sounds like the culture of submission and shame is still in order many years after WW2 ended.
Japan will treat westerner as honored guest for a few years. But they don’t want you to become permanent resident. Much easier to assimilate into another western culture.
There was a recent post over a The site author (Jake), who’s travelling different Asian countries and banging young asian girls mentioned travelling to Japan.
He had posted recently how he didn’t see that many attractive Japanese women and that there was the exclusion of foreigners unfortunately. You might check out his posts.
I can’t lie, I do find some japanese women quite attractive (depends greatly! I guess porn has spoiled me lol).
Yes… the beauty of a Japanese girl is really hit or miss. You will either like them right away or always be looking for that certain “it” you think a beautiful Japanese girl is supposed to look like. That was my experience. I saw a lot of pretty girls, great figures, but I just could not truly get into facial and overall body attraction except for the rare few birds that were just drop dead gorgeous. When you find one of those, it’s like a supernova goes off in your brain and hits EVERY “procreate now” button you have.
Although part of Asia, Japan is it’s own special case, for these reasons. 1) It’s been far more westernized, thanks to 60 years of American intervention. 2) It’s a fuckload more expensive to live. 3) The gender dynamics are quite different from the rest of East Asia.. there is an article on RoK which sums up dating Japanese women, just have a search.
Thank you jq747, GetItGoing, fact_comment, Beartastico
and manuel hernandez. You all make some good points. I have a few more weeks to decide. I will most probably go for Russia. Smaller salary, but some soul food to compensate for it.
The sad part for me is that I realized that having what was common for every honest working man some half a century ago (decent pay, social life and a job you enjoy) is now utopian. Today you have to make a compromise between those 3 aspects, and consider yourself lucky if you get 2 out of 3 right.
With Russia, you’ll probably have less of a language & cultural barrier than Japan, although the crime rate (and drunken rate) in Japan is a fuckton lower. Whatever you decide, best of luck bruh =)
Thanks, mate. All the best to you too! I hope to only stick it out there for a couple of more years, save up some money, go back to my home country, get a house, get a small farm, maybe get a job I was trained for. Hopefully all of that with a good woman by my side. The world has become so crazy, it appears to me to be a good idea to wait the shitstorm out.
I have spent 5 weeks backpacking around Japan and did a lot of research on teaching English / culture / fitting in as an expat. This was my experience and what I learned.
1) Japan is for Japanese. I had a friend that trained in martial arts and taught English for 4 years over there. He could almost speak fluently. But the Japanese will let you know in subtle ways that you “will never speak Japanese properly” no matter how fluent you become. There is a reason WHY they are the most mono-culture on the planet. Japan… is for Japanese. Period. They will tolerate you, respect you, even make friends with you. But make no mistake, you will NEVER be Japanese and you will feel it in a way that will be uncommon in a culture that is more close to your own, yet still foreign (like Russia). Some English teachers I found on YouTube don’t like this and it grates on them, others just take it as par for the course of living in amazing Japan.
2) It is the SAFEST country in the world. Seriously. Unless you go looking for the Yakuza (which you never talk about because they do not exist!)… unless you are a dick in a bar, you will never be yelled at, screamed at, hit or otherwise made to feel anything less than safe… and respected.
3) The politeness is a mask. But a breath of fresh air none the less. You will probably never know what a Japanese person actually thinks of you and they will never say. Nothing is direct, it is all subtle, hinted and expected you will pick up on the subtext. The politeness is also so ingrained, it will be genuine with people you befriend and get to know better. Just don’t mistake all the smiles for genuine respect or likeability. They are being respectful and polite and that is the Japanese way to be Japanese!!! That said, I did begin to find it annoying at the economic level in stores. The overt smiles and politeness can go over the top and to see it 24/7 for 5 weeks does begin to make you wonder if you are surrounded by robots.
4) On women: There are some tall hot women there. Holy shit did my head turn more than a few times at the height and beauty of some girls. I am still not THAT into Asian girls, but, I would definitely not kick many of them out of bed that I did find attractive. They are also very “gendered” as one old white 35+ feminist Brit bitch seemed compelled to tell me on a bus ride we shared to a hiking start point. To which I replied “Yea. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE dresses!!!” Japanese girls are feminine, period.
5) If you don’t like the bubble insulation of the west with technology, be prepared for another world in Japan. There are so many people in Japan, it is very hard to break the ‘stranger’ cultural bias and make new friends. Again, this comes back down to politeness and you never truly being Japanese. That said, if you don’t let that stop you and always stay positive when meeting people, this will go a LONG way. Especially if you show them you are trying to become more Japanese. You of course will NEVER be Japanese, but they LOVE to see you try, the truly do and appreciate it.
6) While the men are gendered as well, there is not a lot of masculinity around. You will most likely stick out like a sore thumb in that regard, and that will be good with the ladies, but not necessarily good with all women and men. Don’t become less of a man, but do realize that HARMONY and NOT STANDING OUT are the single most important cultural tips you need to keep in mind if you go to work there. Even socially, it is best to err on the side of low key than sarge around Tokyo like a guido on steroids.
7) Japanese society is still very rule based. There are rules for EVERYTHING. They will of course let you know if you are doing them wrong and forgive the gaijin for not knowing, but you will be expected to pick up cultural mores fast. I had no problem I think in my time there because I am truly a polite, respectful, mature, responsible, reliable and truthful person who is not out to show the world how amazing he is (or his culture from back home). If this is you, the “rules” of Japan will be a piece of cake.
That’s about all I can think of right now. It is a beautiful country and beautiful people. I also believe that, far from predictions of demographic implosion, Japan will do just fine. I saw LOTS of kids and families there as it is still VERY culturally important. When the old die off, there will just be LESS Japanese, but a whole and completely intact Japanese culture that has not been watered down by even a drop of diversity. No matter what happens outside of Japan, I can guarantee you there will ALWAYS be a Japan and Japanese people.
As for Russia, I am studying up to visit there next and culturally, they have a LOT of the same characteristics as the Japanese. So many it is uncanny. Bringing a gift to a house you are invited to, always wearing slippers inside the home, leaving shoes at the door, being polite, mystical superstitions about spirits, a religions sense of wonder about the universe and the world, a still intact patriarchal and gendered society. I think Russia will be more of an adventure as Japan is really fun, but ultimately always safe.
Hope this helped.
Of course it helped. Thank you very much! It was most generous of you to give such a long and detailed answer. While I was there, I was not standing out in any way (except for being a gaijin). However, I could feel some tension, and the social restrains the locals have on every level. I really, really liked the feminine girls over there. I miss that.
In any case, when the choice between Russia and Japan has to be made, I will do my best, based on the experiences everyone here has so kindly shared with me.
I might add another word of advice:
The article says to find an “educated” girl. Er, no. Yes, avoid the whores in tourist bars, but who the fuck wants an “educated” wife?!
Take the advice and hit on the girls working in 7 Eleven. Just ask them if they’ll come to dinner with you and take it from there. Assuming you’re youngish and handsome, of course. But girls working non-whore but dead-end jobs make the best brides for obvious reasons.
Asian women just don’t do it for me like nordic and east european and latin women do it for me.
That said, many guys do not want to hear this, and although this does not apply to all men, however it is worth noting that it would seem that, commonly, the most socially inept men are the ones that gravitate to asian women. I suppose if one lives in asia thats a different situation.
But honestly, I’d feel a little embarrassed being seen in public in the West with an asian woman because regardless of how much you want to deny it, everyone will be thinking that you can’t do any better.
Asian females may be cute, but they rank lower on the totem pole of attractiveness – a list that Roosh put together which I happen to agree with see
That said, if memory serves, that in the history of the James Bond franchise movies that they had only one asian chick who was the principal female to play opposite the Bond character. And this happened in the 1990s when the push for political correctness had just started.
So I’m sure I’ll get a bunch of “you hate asian women” sound bytes thrown at me; but that won’t change my mind.
There was a story that was in the news here locally a few years ago in the US about a SE Asian immigrant family who were well to do. They ran a chain of quickie marts and lived in a local gated community of mcmansions. They were living what they thought was the ‘dream’. The couple had two teens, one male and one female. The female was prodded by the mother to excel at ballet, math and science while the teen son was shunned and became wayward. The mother would say ”why can’t you be more like your sister”. The father ran the chain while the mom tried to empower the female to no end while belittling the son.
The story broke when a front page story of the news showed a picture of their mcmansion with police tape around it with headline ”double homicide in suburbia”. The son had strangled his mother and sister the previous night. He was mid teens. In hindsight, the family would have been better off staying in SE Asia.
For white men who believe SE Asia is Mecca, they’re confusing tribe with culture and race. White men in SE Asia are expecting to plug right in to the grid there like they never had a solid grasp of their own genetic and tribal instinct. ‘Yellow fever’ men were always very broken and domesticated to grid life and likely could not ever venture into the wilderness and carry the chain of their own race and tribe. Once you firmly identify with your own racial heritage, you can function and proliferate anywhere whether it be surving within the confines of a grid, or breaking free and spawning anew in the frontier. You carry your heritage and race not like baggage but rather like it’s a part of your soul. It’s a load that’s never too heavy.
We need to steer the focus to hammering western women back into their place. Whether it be burkas, doesn’t matter when blue eyes are poking out. If an Australian aboriginal guy can drive a Toyota, then a white western woman can plop on a burka. If a white western dad wears an indian head dress, it means they’re a Redskins fan and not a shoe in for third world immigration. I just mention burkas as an extreme intervention. Western women need yanked out of the workplace, ordered back to the home and out of public sight unless they’re tit feeding with one arm while returning home carrying homewares with the other arm. Non white women with the highest birthrates are burning rubber, cooking with their feet while they change diapers with their teeth and cook with one hand and clean with the other. It’s high time white women had their noses put to the same grindstone. If the non white hoardes can do it, surely Betty Sue can be wedgie yanked by her thong strap out of her teacher’s college routine and placed back into her natural role.
“Once you firmly ndentify with your own racial heritage, you can function and proliferate anywhere whether it be surving within the confines of a grid, or breaking free and spawning anew in the frontier. You carry your heritage and race not like baggage but rather like it’s a part of your soul. It’s a load that’s never too heavy”
Profound words. Whites tend to forget this because we have been shamed for being white for generations. I come from a staunch feminist liberal up bringing so I know plenty about being designated a second class citizen by family members. And indeed you are correct, whites need to take back their dignity and self respect. It’s white genocide and it’s real, not imagined. Whites need to be proud again, and with comes females being raised properly – no more tattoos, bastard kids and STDs.
Your memory is poor. The Bond movie, You Only Live Twice (1967), actually had two main Asian Bond girl characters
Forgot about that movie! Thanks. But when most men think of a Bond girl, the image of Ursula Andres and similar looking Bond girls come to mind, not the Asians.
I find the same thing but the difference is that 60% of women are fat in the west while only 10-20% are fat in the East. Just like every country you can find hot women (good looks) where I just go for a walk (slim women everywhere). In the west when I go to the shopping centre, i have to hunt down slim women then next see if they are cute, then finally i notice any feminine qualities (hard match)… It’s just 2 much trouble in the west and they have the worst personalities. For me, i wasn’t into Asian women at all but the feminine qualities of a real woman just pulled me in and i wanted to give a couple a try! Now i just can’t go back to a western girl and they do nothing for me!
I’m not saying that it would be better to be with an ameriskank, Im just stating I would prefer to be with a foreign nordic or east european or latin female than an Asian chick.
I get your points, and I’ll be honest I’m attracted largely to hispanic women, not to mention I’m already far in with speaking much spanish. And I love cinnamon-colored skinned latinas especially.
But I’m not opposed to some of the more attractive Asian ladies, which might be a bit harder to find but nonetheless definitely makes me consider them.
I have seen the positives involving Asian women, and it’s true, they can be pretty great.
I’m not going to rule them out completely yet.
Maybe the criteria is those that are basically as attractive (in their own style) as the women you mentioned.
Not everybody feels embarrassed.
That chick is mixed ethnicity (some caucasian in her) which is why she looks much hotter than the average Asian.
She’s asian but she lightened her hair (unfortunately) to give herself cross over appeal. But keep pestestalizing that white poosy so you can be an alt right wing man. Banging low quality white females is the racial duty of every stormfront troll.
Yawn. If you’re gonna go all anti racist white knight, at least be creative. Nothing like an unoriginal SJW.
Rats leave the sinking ship first.
The ship has sunk years ago in the west!
I was grew up in Australia but I’ve also packed up my bags and spend most of my time in Thailand now. Australia is a real shithole, just look how they reacted when Roosh tried to organise for us to catch up for a beer this year!
I love the Thai culture where I try to stay away from the tourist places. In Thai culture, you have to smile and be nice all the time. If you ‘lose face,’ it’s a sign of weakness and major disrepect in their cultural. You always have to show the elderly respect and never question them. It’s a real family culture where parents or relatives looks after each other and as well a children.
On the downside, like the rest of the world its slowly becoming westernised where I find the further away from cities the better!
Just teach English in any SE Asia country and you will live a good life! They are always looking for English teachers. Most of the women are looking for something serious and make great wives! You are her no. 1 priority and family (kids).
Women aren’t women in the west whom are 2 brainwashed by Feminism. You really see western countries as very dysfunctional people and specially the most unhappy in the world now that Feminism has destroyed the family unit!
How are you earning income there? I appreciate the comment/response.
Ah, another loser manboy….awwwww, did having to deal with intelligent wimmin scar you for life? Poor little goat fucker.
Nah i prefer to date REAL women! I’ll leave all the lower class women to you!
I only date REAL women! You can have all the lowest quality women for yourself! Enjoy!
Who are the goats in your analogy? Asian women? Nice. Way to keep it classy. You’re not reenforcing the bitter, crass White woman stereotype…
So the solution it´s travel far away in order to get a midget woman with an oversize head and have kids who eventually would look same race as my gardener ?????
Depends on your home country. White american women have pretty much made themselves bottom of the barrel for mate selection.
It’s like something out of a nightmare sometimes, no doubt.
Horrendous fat failures of humanity or horse faced quasi-masculine twits living an easy life while wearing bland, slightly masculine clothing.
You forgot “slender and sexually available” and “cute” and “who will look young when she’s older.”
Spinning it in a negative direction doesn’t counter his points.
If you don’t look like your gardener, your kid shouldn’t look like your gardener…unless she’s fooling around with your gardener while you’re away.
Haha lol, comment of the day
Only white losers date Asian women or white pedophiles that want a ‘petite’ woman. I always get a feeling of disgust when I see a fat old white male with an 18 year old Asian girl who has the body of a 13 year old white girl. It’s legal pedophilia if you ask me. They only date you because of the ‘white god’ factor and because you probably have money. They don’t date you, because you have good looks or a nice personality.
And Asian women aren’t even attractive. No ass, no boobs, no beautiful eyes, broad nose and a flat face. Of course, not all of them are ugly, but the majority of them don’t have nice facial features. And then their language; one of the ugliest languages around are Sino-Tibetan languages.
I try to keep an open mind but I rarely see white women in america that are physically attractive except on TV or the internet. Even if you try to see them for their “inner beauty” they have internalized so much negativity from feminism that they are damaged. But if you consider yourself alt right then you’re obligated to pedestalize that white poosy.
Well I just hope she ain’t mudsharking out there on such a beautiful sunny day . . . because you know what they say:
”where there’s water” . . no that ain’t it . . oh I remember now. It’s ”where there’s smoke”:
eeh . . I think they’re a comin’ . . for everyone it looks like. Take cover brahs! Quick, get that big red clown haired ass off the street. Down into the bunker. Her name is stroganoff now. Make her bitch ass cook. Someone’s gotta do it. They’re coming. Aaaargh!
Haters gonna hate.
“They don’t date you, because you have good looks or a nice personality.”
You just described how most women are. White, black, Asian, Hispanic, etc.
U mad bro? Tell white women TO WO-MAN UP!
look like someone is jealous of Asian women. Please, your ass, boobs, and eyes and face features don’t matter if you’re 300 pounds+. 70% of American women are FAT, I don’t know what America you’re living in; but the western women I see here are mostly fat, loud, abrasive, entitled, sarcastic, and did I mention fat.
So you are implying all white men who date/marry Asian girls are fat and old, and the Asian girls are all much younger etc?
This is beyond stupid and shows that you know absolutely nothing about it, and I doubt you have ever even been to Asia.
And your taste in regards to women is not fact, it’s just your personal preference and if you don’t like the looks of an ethnic group that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean shit.
Personally I like girls to be fit and clean and care about how they look, which is much more prevalent in SE Asia than anywhere else in the world.
Asian women are the answer to all life’s questions.
I’m in the same situation, been in Asia for 11 years now. I took a wife. There has been no arguing or shit testing like my previous army wife, almost zero BS in fact. I’m never going back to the US either, it’s like a choice between heaven and hell.
Oh the hypocrisy. Don’t touch our precious snowflakes, but we should go to a foreign land and take the women of other men. A Muslim migrant dating European women….horrible! A European man in Asia…great! Make up your mind.
I don’t think anyone who is culturally open gives a shit who is boning or not the skanks of the country they live in or come from. That’s just BS, you are conflating the opinions of different groups of people.
I couldn’t care less who European chicks are boning if they aren’t having kids. If they are having kids, I do have a right to express my opinion since I will be paying for their offspring if they choose substandard genetics and plop out a useless kid.
Science is not a debate based on feelings, but on observed fact, and the observation has consistently been that the immigrants have substandard intelligence, leading to the same in their offspring. If we screen the migrants and eject anyone below 90IQ I’ve no issues with it. FYI it would eliminate about 80% of them illustrating the issue.
You are the fucking skank. Now suck my big cock, loser manboy bitch
Obvious troll is obvious. How about something a slight bit more original? Creative?
The major difference is cultural values, in the east the culture is so rich and they have traditional values, whereas in the west there seems no culture at all, let alone any values.
Multiculturalism ironically destroys a nation of any authentic culture.
Multiculturalism means no culture at all, it’s a social experiment that is out of control.
Asian countries wont accept refugees and somehow evade the “racist” label. Just goes to show how the prouder societies are violence free and more successful.
Downsides for Indo
1.Muslim country..albeit much more liberal than ME.
2.Semi-insane visa policies designed to keep foreigners out.
3.Relatively ‘expensive and a rigged market overall esp vis-a-vis Thailand
4.Alcohol can be difficult to find except a few locations..Jakarta/Bali is more liberal in this respect.
5.If you marry (bad idea) there will be enormous pressure to convert to Islam
Most western loons oblige.
6.Mosques blaring garbage at 5 every morning.
I think this article was mainly referring to Thailand, where you don’t have to deal with any of that Muslim nonsense. You couldn’t pay me to marry a Muslim woman and then convert to the “religion of peace.”
Well boner bitch, a muslim woman would not be permitted to marry a needy manboy infidel like you. You couldn’t pay any woman enough to marry losers like you who think they are desirable….hahahahah
Are you a butthurt Mohammedan?
I think his goat has that time of the month, he’s been spewing this a bit here and there in the comments…
I’ve come to the same conclusion…who wants to spend their whole life in a crap house like England? Only regret I didn’t think of it years ago.
my brother goes to thailand a few times a year, he loves it, he does occasionally pick up western women, who he refers to as “civilians” but they usually end up being a pain in the arse, so he prefers the thai girls, like the article says they are tradional and love to look after their man, not only that they are all generally very good in bed
You are the fucktard. I have to laugh at losers like you who are scared of strong wimmin. How ironic in that you hate wimmin so much but still need them….that you would ditch someone and fuck them over as soon as you did not get your way you fucking pathetic little manboy goat fucker.
Now get on your knees and suck my dick….fucking pantywaist.
Sand in your vagina? That time of the month?
Where did anyone say we need women, other than in case one wants to reproduce?
Sounds like you have some anger issues going there, with a side of badspellingitis, might want to get that looked at ;-).
I prefer Thailand for the people, but for the complete beach life Indo is the best. You are spot on about the ease of social connection out there. Something we’ve lost I think due to the deconstruction of the extended and nuclear family. Travelling or living in SE Asia alone is never a problem if you open your mouth and make at least minimal effort.
Just arrived back from that part of the world with a nasty bump. Its back to masculine women with too many tats, white knight mangina men, walking around on eggshells at work and fake egg shell like friendships with emasculated dudes.
Add on to that a completely culturally Marxist media constantly brainwashing me that I’m a rapist for having an aggressive sex drive and that I’m a domestic abuser for calling my girlfriend on her shit.And also don’t forget I’m a racist for defending my own culture and that obese defaced sluts are attractive women,and its not their fault they are fat because they all have a rare glandular disorder that has nothing to do with their excessive daily consumption of sugars.
After coming from a chatty, smiley people saturated with slim, feminine approachable women who can both cook and eat good food nutritious food. And whom also value family life and notions of responsibility to yourself and others, place their own traditions and culture at the center of their society, and don’t just accept my masculine polarity but EXPECT that way of being of me, I really do think its time I moved.TEFL course here I come…
English teachers are respected in Asia? That’s funny. Everybody knows people teaching English in Asia, who of course call themselves expats because only brown people are immigrants, are losers who 1) can’t get a job anywhere else 2) can’t even teach. Only those who integrate into the society and learn the local language have earned the respect