Elisabeth Garber-Paul Is The Fact Checker Who Green-Lighted The Biggest Media Hoax Of The Decade

Rolling Stone writer Sabrina Rubin Erdely didn’t manufacture the massive rape hoax on her own—she had a full-fledged media organization to aid her, including editors, fact-checkers, and sympathetic journalists in the establishment. One of the fact-checkers of the story was Elizabeth Garber-Paul, a salaried worker with an impressive resume listing The Nation and numerous other publications. Sabrina Erdely was the main swindler in this hoax, but Elizabeth Garber-Paul was the enigmatic collaborator who allowed this massive fraud to become reality.


Fact-checking requires actual work

A fact-checker for a media organization like the Rolling Stone has multiple tasks to achieve besides seeing that “X” really is “X”. These professionals are meant to protect their employers by limiting their liability to libel lawsuits. Garber-Paul didn’t just act incompetently with the rape hoax story, she was also a co-conspirator. Her lack of journalistic integrity has damaged the Rolling Stone and UVA, and added to the rape hysteria stigma that all male college students wrongly face today.

According to the Federalist, Garber-Paul tried to set up an appointment with UVA about two weeks before the article was published on November 19, 2014. Those emails for the appointment only talk about UVA’s sexual assault procedures. None of the questions Garber-Paul had sent was to verify the identity of Jackie, the “victim” whose “story” was being written about by Erdely as main theme for proving that rape culture exists.

Elisabeth Garber-Paul reached out to U-Va. on Nov. 7 to set up an appointment to fact check the story. Her questions were limited to procedures regarding sexual assault complaints. Nowhere in the correspondence did Garber-Paul ask for any type of verification of the story about “Jackie” and her claim of horrific gang-rape by a particular fraternity.

Garber-Paul spent the time to ask about the sexual assault policy of the campus, perhaps attempting to poke holes in it, instead of doing her job of fact-checking. The only concern she showed to UVA was asking an administrator if the Rolling Stone article will impact people coming forward with reporting additional sexual assault.

Credit to Federalist

Art school doesn’t teach ethics

Garber-Paul used her position to amplify the rape culture propaganda instead of fact check. If she was a professional, she would have forced Erdely to completely nix the “Jacky” story and focus solely on college universities sexual assault response. Garber-Paul either didn’t want to do her job or wanted Erdely to follow in the footsteps of Stephen Glass, Jayson Blair, or Janet Cooke. All of those journalists were media fabricators like Erdely, who gained fame from writing lies before losing their jobs for it.

Here are Garber-Paul’s own words about fact checking that she seems to have forgotten when reviewing the entirely fictional story that Rolling Stone published:

masthead interview

Garber-Paul wanted the story “to be as accurate as possible” only after it conformed to her agenda as strongly as possible. If Garber-Paul let the UVA rape hoax through, what other stories has she not properly fact-checked and which still remain on various media sites? Why is it that her agenda was allowed to interfere with the “facts”? These questions must be asked before she eagerly brags about the perks from not doing her job. Expectantly, she’s getting criticized on Twitter for her prominent role in the hoax.

Actual re-tweet from her account.

Actual re-tweet from her account.

How does she still have her job?

Garber-Paul is still an employee of Rolling Stone as of this writing. She has opened up Rolling Stone to civil lawsuits through her incompetence or negligence (or both) to further her far-left agenda. The UVA rape hoax story will forever be imprinted on Garber-Paul’s legacy, and it’s our advice that she look for a new line of work that doesn’t deal in uncomfortable facts that she is blind to noticing.

Read More: The Guardian Is Enabling Jessica Valenti’s Descent Into Clinical Madness

71 thoughts on “Elisabeth Garber-Paul Is The Fact Checker Who Green-Lighted The Biggest Media Hoax Of The Decade”

  1. When did facts ever matter to news and mass media? Fact checking is an utterly useless waste of time in any media organization. Facts are those nasty things that get in the way of sensational stories, agendas, and acceptable dialog.
    If facts were required for a news story to fly then CBS would have stopped Dan Rather from making up shit about Bush 43 and NBC would have pulled the plug on Brian Williams’ stolen honor story.
    So if the biggest boyz in the biz won’t check facts, where is there any standard for a rag like Rolling Stone to check anything.

  2. I think she wins ROK’s prestigious “Ugliest Feminist of the year” award. Congrats Elisabeth. We’re all in tears for you.

  3. ‘The UVA administration even told her that the “Jackie” case was objectively false.’
    I think that this is incorrect. The screen shot of the email in your article here refers to a case, described as false, involving a male student accused by three female students and suspended for a year. The student quoted in the Rolling Stone article about that case is “Stacy.” Skimming the article, I don’t see Jackie being identified as one of the two other women in that case. If I’m wrong on this, please someone correct me.

      1. Now we know you aren’t a feminist you heathen! You actually admitted a factual error, and corrected it! You’re ruining the narrative!
        I laugh, but it appears (from their own comments) that feminists really have that problem. You’d think they’re young earth creationists with their ability to defy logic.

    1. The important thing here is that it *could* have happened, and we need to keep that in mind. That’s practically the same, so it’s reason enough to toss this man off of campus. He may have even looked like a man who committed a rape once.

  4. Don’t confuse me with facts !
    My mind is made up !
    “Respected Journalist”

  5. Facts are part of the patriarchy. Any system that is inclusive of women will discount facts.

  6. Mainstream media now days don’t let facts get in the way of a good story, It’s all about creating a bigger headline than another media outlet. Being a responsible an factual media outlet that shows opposing viewpoints isn’t relevant anymore.

  7. The news is whatever you can sell as news.
    Unfortunately, bullshit sells.

  8. …because *of course* she looks like that. I’d swear these damaged feminists and SJWs rolled off of the same assembly line with their look. “I’m special!” Yeah, sure you are sweetheart.

    1. I’d like to punch her in that smug face. Maybe the sunglasses are already covering up a few black eyes she got from someone else fed up with her bullshit.

        1. What is facebook but a platform for narcissists to seek validation?
          Fuck Facebook and Zuckerberg.

    1. You are ignoring the harsh reality that this is all being made possible by corrupt men. I am not talking just about malicious men. I am speaking of men who have allowed their minds and wills and ethics to grow weak and lazy.
      They base their ethics on obedience rather than on a constant search for truth. There are men who seek to pervert ethical truth to conform to their desires, their are other men who jsut want to be told the rules and not have to think about it.
      This is probably true of all of us at one time or another, and will be true of all of us eventually again. That is the real battle all men must constantly fight. It is a constant battle to show integrity.

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  9. Nobody is getting fired because it was official policy from the top to run with the story for the purpose of pumping up circulation. RS is a fiction magazine pretending to be journalism.

  10. Rolling Stone may have already put its neck in the noose after the magazine made that apology. I’m guessing they are under advisement from their attorneys not to fire anyone yet while they brace themselves for “You knew or you should have known…”

    1. Agreed. The firings come later after the settlements (known as “releases” is law dog terms) and liability is limited.
      For now RS and their lead bitc# are limiting liability as fast as possible.

  11. Speaking as a former fact checker at a national magazine, I was told that some things were attributable to “reporting” of the writer. I would not fact check those and note on the fact-check copy that it was “reporting” and not verified. I don’t think this SJW idjit can claim that. Oh, and we were forbidden any promotional swag except from the pile of unsolicited books sent in by publishers.

  12. Rule #1 of journalism…
    Lying is unethical and shall never be tolerated. But if you’re a liberal, a feminist, or someone in favor of gun control, lie all you want to promote your cause.

    1. Thirty words that never before described socialists and feminists as well. Bravo.

  13. Sheryl Sandberg also has the money to hire a battalion of “fact checkers”, like when she wrote that cultural Marxist drivel “Lean In”. These aren’t errors or omissions, these are deliberate. This is tactical cultural Marxist behavior–lie and deceive until you get caught. It’s a study in “the Overton Window”.

  14. What is so disturbing is how so MUCH they ( RS, libs, feminists, Dems i.e. the usual suspects) wanted this story to be true. They want this shit to happen. They want to believe the worst in humankind

    1. “What is so disturbing is how so MUCH they ( RS, libs, feminists, Dems
      i.e. the usual suspects) wanted this story to be true. They want this
      shit to happen. They want to believe the worst in humankind.”
      They want to believe the worst about whites, males, heterosexuality, conservatives, and Christians. They want to believe the best about blacks, illegals, sodomites, women, and Islam. However, there is a hierarchy among the favored castes, for instance, female really trumps nothing but white male.

  15. The more general issue is that many feminists journalists routinely manipulate information to promote their anti-male agenda

    1. The more general issue is that this is a culture war. They are not fighting to be fair and balanced. They are fighting to win.

  16. take a look at this garbage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ST_suvc9I&feature=youtu.be
    As another commenter posted, its always the average or below girls that constantly scream about a ‘rape culture’ while their more attractive piers don’t notice or care (which is weird, considering they would be more at threat in said imaginary rape culture)
    “Teach young boys from an early age not to rape” are you fucking kidding? what person would teach their kid to do that? Their answer is to treat all young boys as defective girls.
    And I’m sorry feminazis, sex you later regret doesn’t count as “rape”

    1. The girl in the video is unhappy she can’t score the white guys she wants. And I’m talking in real life.

    2. I agree. Same thing with people coming out as ‘rape-victims’… several YEARS after the ‘rape’ has happened. Notice how this always seem to happen when there is considerable media attention to a certain ‘rape’-related case. Then suddenly, the ‘victims’ realise they have been ‘harassed’ x years ago and come out with their story. This of course is no surprise. Due to a higher chance of getting media-coverage, it is an excellent opportunity for women to play the attention-whore in public.
      And even if the so-called ‘rape’ has happened years ago without reporting it to the police, a possible rapist was free to walk on the street because of this.
      Either way, femishits have no excuse defending these so-called ‘victims’…
      Btw, isn’t that the same woman whining about asian stereotypes?

    3. Next video – “How to get a guy with a girlfriend.”
      No honor among thieves I guess.

      1. I dig Asian chicks too but Asians are born conformists; they literally can’t think for themselves so naturally they jump on the cultural bandwagon of the times. If it was cool to be a racist rapist, they’d get behind being racist rapists.

      2. She not asian. She’s asian-american. That’s where the Roseanne Barr personality comes from. Asian women aren’t like that.

    4. Just watching that completely screwed up, messed up pile of neurotic video crap makes me so thankful I live the UK. The USA is sinking in a sea of feminist PC SJWs brain washing bollocks. What worries me though is how long before it all jumps over the pond to us and infects the UK?

      1. Watching the BBC makes it difficult to believe that the UK is much better at all.

      2. Yeah it’s already happening mate. Maybe you didn’t go to university, but there’s more than enough madness there.

  17. Elisabeth Garber-Paul is another example of a proud woman who produces nothing of any value in our society. She would have worked out great as an agent for the former USSR, though.

    1. She has the opposite of the Midas Touch- everything these people touch turns to stone. The Medusa Touch?

  18. Ug, many people have been pointing out how these feminists who cry about rape the most are just below average females that can’t really get the attention they think they’re entitled too from males. Look at that picture of that freak garber-paul. I’m sick of these frumpy, underwhelming losers being greased into what should be rather important positions.

  19. What Gus Haynes conveniently omits is that Ms. Hyphenated-Surname is a hard core Leftist and was indoctrinated by Leftists and was employed by Leftists.
    For Christ’s fucking sake she went to school at the New School which is a God Damn fucking real Marxist university. The entire curriculum is about Political, Economic, and Cultural Marxism. They’ve got nutjob professors like Theresa Ghilarducci who want to nationalize Americans pensions in the spirit of “Pension Justice”. If you want to take classes on Marxism, Feminism, Post-Colonialism, and even Spatial Justice aka property theft the New School is the place to go. FYI, drunk, sullen, Kenyan polygamist and Socialist Barack Obama Sr. was offered a full scholarship there with housing & benefits for his 2nd wife Ann Dunham and his [newborn] son Barack Obama Jr. Obama Sr. then chose to bail on Ann and Obama Jr for Harvard(they didn’t offer a scholarship with family housing benefits) where he married nutty Marxist wife number 3.
    If that isn’t bad enough prior to her gig at Rolling Pravda Stone(owned by a homosexual no less), Garber-Paul was employed as an intern a ‘The Nation’ which deems itself “The flagship of the Left”
    Edit. Here’s more from Ms. Hyphenated-Surname in a interview; “What do you love/hate about music/culture journalism?: Only about half my life is in music and culture journalism, and I am lucky enough to spend a fair amount of time fact checking stories about national or international issues—climate change, Iraq and Afghanistan, gun control, domestic politics, drug policy, and LGBT issues.”
    Again, she’s taken up every Leftist trope out there. Interestingly enough, her father appears to be a YKW philosophy professor so it’s likely she was raised by Leftists and that’s reflected in her life and work.
    Then there’s this collection of articles by her that subscribe to every Leftist trope out there; http://rhrealitycheck.org/author/elisabeth-garberpaul/page/7/
    Hello Mr. Haynes? How did you miss this? Even the God Damn Soviets weren’t this brainwashed into Marxism as Ms. Garber-Paul is.

  20. Goodness gracious, what is with the “too cool for school” dyed hair and glam on these SJW media people?

  21. Truth is meaningless to them, because their only concern is the narrative they create. When called on their BS, they simply switch their belief to the story really being all about “awareness.”

  22. “it would be a huge mistake to left facts destroy the narrative” – typical left wing cultural marxist feminist loon

  23. Not really fair to go after Garber-Paul. She had Coco Macpherson, Erdley, and Sean Woods all above her making the call. Lots of blame to go around, but she’s a peon in this

    1. The father is one Daniel Garber, a professor of early Modern philosophy at Princeton and a YKW.

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  25. How does she still have a job?
    1: I don’t think any of the boys accused will sue. They should, but i think they don’t want to deal with the clear backlash that will rise up against them.
    2: Vagina. She has one. We all know having a vagina makes you immune to any and all responsibility for your actions. It’s a man’s fault…probably mine.

      1. If they were smart, they’d sue Rolling Stone for defamation of character, harassment, libel, mental anguish, etc. Then, they’d retire to a freshly purchased South Pacific island and enjoy a life free from psycho bitches (aka SJW’s and Feminists).

  26. What do you know… short hair… and a hyphenated last name. Does that shock anyone else?? I never would have guessed….

  27. I love it that ROK is going after individual journalists rather than the liberal media as a whole. These Gawker types will google themselves and get so mad about what ROK thinks about them, even though they hate this site anyway. They are also not famous enough for this stuff not to hurt them professionally.

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