7 Myths You Need To Know About Cougars

A couple years after a devastating breakup I had a six month fling with a sexy divorcée who happened to be 10 years my senior. This was the first time I had ever dated, gamed, or fucked a woman in her 40s. Though she was in great shape and provided me with great sex, she was markedly different from what I expected her to be.

During my escapade with “Marsha” I learned a lot about what good looking older women are really like. Similar to rom coms and porn, the way they’re depicted in television and movies is a far cry from who and what they are in real life.

Marsha was my introduction to the inner workings of the fabled and fantasized “cougar,” and after her I expanded my age range a bit and decided to game them almost exclusively for a while to see if these vixens could offer me anything more than what I had been getting in the past. My time around these women was both educational and eye-opening.

Here are seven myths that were emphatically debunked during my time with the older female on the prowl:

1. All cougars are hot!

younger man older woman

Negative. The truth is, most American women over 40 don’t come close to passing the boner test. All the years of drinking, overeating, and riding the carousel eventually takes its toll.  Marsha had an awesome body to be sure, but even that didn’t push her or any of the other cougars I messed with past a 7.

There are plenty of great looking post-wall women but they are the outliers. I witnessed this firsthand when hanging out with Marsha as most of her “hot friends” were 6s at best. She did have a couple of friends who looked better than her, but they were both married which didn’t surprise me at all.

2. Cougars want sex all the time

Far from reality

This is 100% false. Anyone with a basic working knowledge of the biological differences between men and women understand that the average female libido drops like a rock after 35. Marsha was 43 when I dated her and even though we were together all the time I fucked her twice a week at the very most. Another woman I had a fling with was 41 and she didn’t have much of a sex drive either.

No matter how many “MILFs” in porn, movies, or sitcoms talk about how much they want young cock in them 24/7, it’s just not true. Remember, cougars are women too. They crave attention validation every bit as much as the hot 22-year-old but the older they get, the less they put out for it. Which leads me to my next myth which is…

3. Older women don’t play games

The games never end

Ever heard this before?

“Older women make better mates because they don’t have time for games.”

Pssh! Cougars play mind games just like other girls. These chicks have decades of experience fucking with men’s minds and it’s a skill that rarely atrophies with age. I’ve overheard countless conversations between older women bragging about how badly they mind fucked this guy or that.

So if the main reason you’re wanting to enter the jungle and hunt cougars because you want a woman who’s going to be “straight up” with you, think again. They’re still overgrown children who can’t help but toy with males purely for sport. Cougars are every bit as flakey and hypergamous as any woman and will continue to be so until their head-turning assets shrivel up.

4. Cougars are easy to game

It ain’t this easy

Anyone who speaks or believes this falsehood has never fucked a good looking older woman, and probably never will.

You think a 42-year-old who’s been eye-fucked by every man since the age of 16 (or younger) is going to just lift up her skirt if you just say hello? Quite the opposite, my friend. Years of men fawning over her inflates her already oversized ego to the point where her entitlement monkey requires a lot more than a few bananas and cheap parlor tricks to fuck her.

5. Cougars never want relationships, just sex

Once again Western culture and media rears its ugly head. Women grow old but they never grow up. The games and attention whoring aren’t going anywhere and neither is the desire for a relationship, no matter how strong and empowered they think they are. It’s in their blood.

Don’t get me wrong here. A couple of older ladies I fooled around with were in it purely for the sex. But most cougars I spent time with either directly or indirectly angled for exclusivity at one point or another.

Regardless of what a woman tells you, her end game is always a relationship. Even if she doesn’t go into a tryst with that intention and vocalizes this to you, her biological desires will always win out in the end.

6. Dating sites are a great place to find hot and horny cougars!


Personally, I’ve never been on or signed up for online dating, but I know plenty of people who regularly engage in this nonsense. One friend in particular said he wanted an “experienced” woman and signed up for the above site.

It was one abject disaster after another. If the women he went out with weren’t bat shit crazy, Cruella DeVille type bitchy, or butt ass ugly, they were grossly egotistical and almost never failed to demand that he buy them drinks, dinner, gifts, or whatever they felt like asking for at the time.

The kicker? Just about all of them were below average looking. Overweight, sallow skin, too much makeup, etc. were the norm with these old maids. He may have been out with a couple who were decent looking women (a rating which was likely skewed by all the grenades he’d taken out) but they were ones that demanded he pony up for the $17 appletinis the moment they stepped foot in whatever expensive restaurant she insisted on going to.

It should come as no surprise that the commercial for the above website features a porn star. Using a post-wall slut bucket to pitch the “cougar lifestyle” is yet another way to artificially inflate the value of women with high notch counts who are a few short years away from getting their AARP card in the mail.

7. Sex with cougars is always great!

Totally bangable………20 years ago

To be fair, this isn’t completely false. Women with experience are usually pretty good in the sack. Years on the carousel have honed her ball-draining skills to near perfection and they aren’t shy about showcasing their skill (especially blowjobs) when the time arrives

However, one huge drawback is that an older woman’s body just isn’t the same as a young woman’s body. This may seem obvious to the unplugged, but the way cougars are exalted and pedestalized to the masses undoubtedly leads to a lot of disappointment when she actually takes her clothes off.

The fact is, their vaginas don’t feel the same (yes, looser), their skin isn’t as tight or supple, and you are seldom able to pound the piss out of them like you would a tight young filly. There are genetic exceptions to the rule (as well as fitness chicks who are on testosterone or steroids) but by and large, the body of an older woman isn’t going to illicit the same erectile response as younger woman.

There are a few advantages to gaming older women but not enough to make them the main source of your coitus cuisine—something I had to learn on my own.

They’re not completely off my radar. I’ll spit game at ’em every now and then if and when the opportunity presents itself, but having been with my share of them I’ve come to realize that real life “cougars” only exist in movies and porn flicks.

While women need to understand that John Cusak or Bradley Cooper ain’t walkin’ through that door, we need to quit fantasizing about the imaginary land of smoking hot 40+ year old 9s and 10s with breast implants begging us to raw dog them into submission. Like porn and rom com stars, these women just don’t exist.

Read More: 24 Signs She’s A Slut

414 thoughts on “7 Myths You Need To Know About Cougars”

  1. Why would anyone outside of a place like Anglosphere want to have sex with a woman who is generally considered beyond the age of sexualization in most countries. At this rate of thirst men will soon be fawning over Grand mas they want to fuck. The thirst is real.
    Why not just get on a plane, and go find a half decent looking girl under 30.

    1. Cougars are one of the most obvious traits of the matriarchy. Not that I haven’t had women older than me but the whole ‘cougar’ in your face stuff is all about dominance. BTW the travel option is not viable, I have lived outside of the Anglosphere all my life and the quality of women is dropping like a rock (across all parts of society, too, there is no oasis of half decent women anywhere anymore).

      1. Doesn’t help with shit like “CougarTown” on TV
        (I’ve never actually watched it but seen it advertised)

        1. also i think there’s a bit of a double standard, if a male in his 40’s is pulling 20 year old chicks people will think he’s a creep and call the girl a gold digger. but if a mature older lady is hunting 20 year old guys it’s considered ‘kool’ and the young man is viewed as lucky by the media and masses. some kind of weird feminist double standard?

        2. That … and the fact the world is packed full of thirsty as hell betas rationalising their 50 year old girlfriends

        3. yes, it’s way easier for a woman to snag guys in general. even ugly fat hogs..it’s to the point now that fat ugly chicks lust after and expect to be worshiped by fit in-shape men. now we have guys that are handsome and fit competing over pachyderms and boosting their egos to a new level.

        4. Yep.
          It’s a dire situation.
          If ever single again I’d jump a couple of escorts a month and never return to the dating game

        5. hittin up escorts would probably be cheaper than footing the bill for lavish dates on the cougars. plus feminist believe they can sell their bodies and still be superior to men. so getting bang for your buck on a 80 dollar 30 min session doesn’t sound bad lol..

        6. I don’t think there’s any “probably” about it, pal.
          Guaranteed sex with an 8 or maybe 9, or the possibility of poor sex and the certainty of a truckload of baggage with an entitled 5 or 6.
          This is the real reason feminists hate prostitution. It gives men too many options

        7. 50 year old girlfriends?!? I’m trying to enjoy breakfast and laughs over here!

        8. You’re doing it wrong if that is the case. You are supposed to scout the old Hottie to pay for the young Hottie. Bait and switch hotties until you find a match that works for you. This will only work if you can find a way to make her believe she wants you more than you want her.

        9. in theory that sounds good, but in this day and age it’s very uncommon. if there’s a very attractive single 40 year old women (who really is hot) you better believe she will be using her looks to get things handed to her. she would know she’s hot and that guys will be flocking to her. she would expect you to have a decent job and provide, no matter the age. that’s a battle not worth fighting, imo. with older women comes baggage too (kids, divorced, deranged personality). there’s a reason the hot cougar is not locked up in a marriage. the only realistic scenario for an older lady paying for your stuff is if she’s fat, ugly, and desperate for companionship.

        10. plus there’s no mind games. instant gratification, no going on stupid movie dates and looking like a chump holding hands strolling up and down the mall with a woman in a desperate attempt to get your rocks off. especially going on the date with a woman who already knows in her mind she’s not going to sleep with you and just wants to be treated to a fancy mexican restaurant. i believe women know right off the bat if a guy is worthy of bedding them and will waste another mans time who they have no interest in just to shower in the attention and enjoy the glamour. it’s sad seeing horny guys doing this stuff and wasting money plus time on something that might not even be good once they finally get access to the p*ssy.

        11. That girl from Friends drinks, has incestuous misunderstandings with her retarded son and has to tolerate the childish ex-husband. Stupid puns, lame inside jokes and shallow running gags in abundance. I mean, the show is hi-larious.

        12. Listen, and I’ll say this once, any woman a decade older than you and seeking to date you is desperate. That is the secret to getting this to work. She wants you for your vitality, your body, and your spirit. Your wallet is out of the equation as she should have orbiters paying for her already. If you are paying anything you are doing this wrong. If you pay before a first kiss it better be because you could care less for wasting your money, because you did. The milk has soured and they know it. You know this too or should on some level. Granted there might be Jennifer Anniston and Selma Hayek’s floating around, but they are rare, and even they won’t need your wallet. Just be nice, know your worth, keep things lighht, and enjoy your time. Treat dating a cougar liike being in a foreign country with a Hottie from that land. It was meant to be an experience, not a permanent stay.

        13. i thinks it’s better to let your intentions known from the get go. plus if she’s at a club/bar i doubt she’s looking for her knight and shining armor, but if a guy comes off as wanting to take ‘care’ of the cougar they screwed themselves. be they guy she wants to do weird wild stuff with at night and not the hunter-gatherer.

        14. Good lord! Perhaps you should refer to him in the past tense.
          in all seriousness, WTF!?

        15. A lot of them feel they missed out first time around.
          They never got pounded off that 25 year old stud, and now they’ll except anyone under 35 with a pulse

        16. Yeah I had it pegged as propaganda for bored and unfaithful housewives the minute I saw the advert

        17. First question to ask a cougar is how old are your children? She usually doesn’t feel that’s a threatening question, most mothers like to talk about their kids, and she hopes to find a man who likes kids. So that opens her up. It also is extremely important info for you as a man. As a male you need to be on guard for being used as an ATM.

        18. Perfect show for Courteney Cox…she hit the wall awhile back (51, now) and divorced after 15 years of marriage….with 1 kid.
          She is the perfect model for what is wrong today in society. Too much “work” to stay in a long term relationship, easier to get divorced and jump back on the carousel (to feel good or feel better). I’m sure, like many other women, she’s on meds to deal with depression, etc, etc..

        19. I admit, I go strictly after older women. Why? I have always been burned by younger women; the younger ones are always the ones that have played games with me. I acknowledged that older women are just as likely to play games as younger women, but in my experience, older women have always been straightforward with me.

    2. “Grand mas they want to fuck”
      I can see it now..
      ‘Geriatric dating’ because they will spoil you like a grandbaby!

  2. 4 years ago my mate got divorced and at the age of 30 re-entered the dating market.
    His first serious pull was a woman who was 12 years his senior and in the middle of her second divorce. I saw the pictures as I was his informal conciliary during the whole process.
    She was attractive. Tall, dark hair. Intelligent. Those were the good points.
    The bad points, in no particular order:
    – Lazy (she neither worked nor looked aftger the house)
    – A questionable parent (she had a teenage son who was wild)
    – Borderline personality (oh yeah, she was fucking insane)
    – Jealous
    – She milked her soon to be ex-husband for every penny she could
    – She cheated on her ex dozens of times
    – She was a massive spendthrift
    – Borderline alcoholic
    – Depressed
    What’s worrying is how well she concealed most of these traits for a good 2 to 3 month period. That’s what I think the key to cougars is – Practiced hounds in their own right. Dirty as hell, but with a shit-tonne of baggage. She let him treat her body with as little respect as possible, actually she demanded it! But it all came at a big emotional cost and after 8 weeks the arguments got horrendous. Bail … the … fuck ..out … was my advice
    That’s my most significant by-proxy exposure to the cougar world. If I ever ended up single again I’d probably avoid altogether.

    1. Great article, I remember when I was 21 years old, had a brief fling with a 38 year old couger with an ass that forgot to get old. This couger was a total train-wreck. Single-mom; partied and drank like a college girl, not to mention most people in her social circle were basically half her age. Apart from the sex, she was a total pain in the ass. Felt entitled to my wallet(had to foot the bill on dates) even though she was an exec at a bank! not to mention I knew I wasn’t the only one fucking her and she didn’t bother to hide that fact.
      The reason I ended things was because I felt sorry for the kid. She allowed me to fuck her at her house while her son was in the house!(remember she had multiple lovers) poor kid will eventually connect the dots and will have cognitive dissonance on the fact that her mom was/is a whore.
      I disagree with point no.4 though. Cougers ARE easy to game, feign a little innocence in your seduction and they’ll fall for it hook, line and sinker. They get off on the fact that they are still desirable to young bucks which makes them easy prey for the hardened player out there. Pump and dump gentlemen, that’s all they’re good for.

      1. Yeah I disagreed with 4. Strongly disagreed. You can sense the desperation in tonnes of +40 women
        Cougars are ridiculously easy to game. In fact. if you have minimal alpha traits you don’t even need game.
        Cougars are like a parody of horny teenage boys

        1. Hah!! I’ve had one tell me repeatedly about all of her orbiters and how they tried to game her. I couldn’t help but think, sorry, I don’t jump horses based on how many people want to jump the horse.

        2. Oh jeez, there’s nothing worse than a 47 year old women who thinks she competes with a 19 year old girl.

        3. They tend to have a harem of captain save a ho’s who are more than willing to scavenge the last remnants of her sexuality and ‘beauty’

        4. Thankfully, the age wasn’t there yet but on the plus, the access seems to be easier to sleeping with other women as well. Sometimes, other women related to her.

        5. I’ve noticed that as well. And there is always enough of them to form a basketball team. Poor bastards.

        6. very true. I put one of her Capt. save-a-hoe in his place on instagram. The cougar responded to my comment very favorably and ignored his. These beta bucks need to learn!

        7. All betas they actually despise
          Cougars live to raw dogged off under 30-year-old bad boys (real or simulated) with decent physiques.
          That’s the bottom line

        8. Nothing out-of-this-world. She posted a photo of a popular bakery and mentioned giving in to temptation and having some pastries. Some herbalife beta chump ranted about how she shouldn’t because she looks so great and blah blah blah. So I countered his comment with the exact opposite case; “fuck it! enjoy your pastries.” She later wrote back to me and said she did in fact give in and enjoyed her pastries. I RARELY comment on IG photos. But I felt compelled to do so in this case because I saw an opportunity to prove (for myself) the reaction to alpha and beta behavior.

        9. That was a good response. “Fuck it” means you know it’s bad for her looks, you’re not going to hide that. And you tell her to enjoy it anyway, not because she’s an unaging fairy. I have always despised the feel-good anti-realism people like to spout. And actually, a lot of women appreciate it when you show that you are a realist. The ones who don’t, I don’t go after.

        10. Thank you. However, I must say I do care what a (read quality) woman eats. Hypothetically speaking, if i were in a LTR I would strongly discourage my lady from eating unhealthy foods.
          most definitely! women are surprised when I am straight up with them. subconsciously they identify this attitude as masculine behavior, which they crave for from a biological perspective.

        11. In america single moms go out with their adult daughters to meet men. Stranger than fiction. The mother is automatically diminished standing next to her younger prettier daughter.

        12. Nothing wrong with having one….once in awhile.
          The problem with women today is discipline. Eat one pastry…not the whole fucking store.
          You did well in calling out that beta. The other step would have been to say “fuck it…enjoy one now and then” signaling that’s it’s ok to enjoy yourself…don’t just turn into a fucking land whale like the rest of the women (in the west, at least).

        13. Thanks.
          Funny thing, she portrays herself as a “strong” and “independent” woman who does not need a man. But just yesterday she was texting me asking for advice on how to handle a professional situation in the workplace.
          She lashed out at a male colleague. I told her she fucked up and needs to apologize immediately for her childish behavior. She then proceeded to send me a rough draft of her apologetic email which was not very apologetic. I made some corrections, and she sent it to her colleague.

      2. I too disagree with No. 4. i find gaming a cougar very easy. I have all the leverage and I do not make any attempt to hide it. I make them realize I am the f-ing prize; I am in my prime years and you are the lucky one that gets to experience that–but only for a limited time.

        1. i agree to a certain extent and this will vary from male to male. this will be way easier if you’re handsome, in-shape, and have a good status/income bc basically she’s auditioning for you. now if a guy who’s fat, desperate, has nothing going for himself, and is willing to be used as a doormat he’ll have a not so pleasant interaction with the cougar.

        2. You are spot on. If I may add, if a male lacks some of the attributes you mention, he must be creative and innovative and employ other qualities, for example, a very good sense of humor and self-confidence.

        3. It’s beyond hunger
          I’m a 32 year old who looks about 27 and I attend professional conferences and their overnights in hotels.
          These may as well be renamed “opportunities for middle aged women to cheat”

        4. yeah he needs to be a cars salesman and have a way with words like a corrupt politician to reel em’ in.

        5. I’m one year younger and have the same sand box to play in. It’s a damn good sand box where all the leverage is yours.

        6. Yeah. It’s an eye opener
          I enjoy attention but their entitled arrogance disgusts me

        7. Spot on…you are the prize.
          Aim higher and ditch the cougar (only go short term if needed).

      3. You’d think that desperation would show in them becoming “fitness queens” but you can measure the desperation of beta chumps in how fat the cougars are.

  3. The West is truly finished.
    The whole puma, cougar, milf, toyboy culture, symbolises the depraved and revolting values of the Western hemisphere and what has become of the values in our society. I remember my mother and her generation of women, who were raised with traditional feminine values, and when she got married, she did what was expected of a woman: take care of the house, the children, provide love and comfort for her husband, while my father went out to work. In essence, the traditional nuclear family was a success.
    Now, today’s degenerate society flaunts and shows with pride, what would be considered as degrading and immoral during my parent’s generation. Older women going to nightclubs, flirting and even going as far as having sex with men that are the same age as their own children, while financially, screwing over her ex husband and taking him to the cleaners. This whole society is truly falling apart. No more standards, morality, good values or anything with integrity and honor.
    It is all about fulfilling short term pleasures and not caring about the future or preserving anything of rightous value for future generations. Afterall, in today’s society, its all about “you go girl” and “I’m an independent woman” and not really giving any care in regards to who your own actions might affect such as your children and loved ones.
    Which again, proves and reinforces my point that marriage has no more value in this day and age. I mean forget the fact that the establishment has been corrupted by the family courts, but simply look at today’s women. Is this really what equates to marriage material? Is this what any real man desires to have as a wife? Some modern day skank who has 200 pictures of different men on her facebook, tattoos, aggressive and tells you to cook your own meals?
    Anyway, without digressing, the whole scene of cougars and milfs, are the very reason which has put off a lot of men from even thinking about committing to any women in the long run. Just try to enjoy whatever time you have left on this miserable planet without allowing any of these depraved and degenerated women in society, from ruining your life because in all honesty, a relationship is simply overrated, and not worth it.

    1. “not really giving any care in regards to who your own actions might affect such as your children and loved ones”
      Indeed, it is children and family who are the true casualties of feminist thinking. Something they really have to answer for.

    2. I watched a debate hosted on Australian Television filmed at Sydney Opera House
      It was 3 leftwingers (Germain Greer, Dan Savage and some women for the Atalantic – and British Conservative writer Peter Hitchens (Brother of Christopher)
      As you can imagine, the 3 leftists ganged up on the conservative to the joy of the braying SJW mob, but in one instance he (in my opinion) defeated the whole leftwing, pro-debauchery argument – “don’t mistake pleasure for happiness”.
      As far as I’m concerned he completely destroyed all leftwing selfishness and hedonism in 5 short words.
      Here’s the show – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoUIa5_yFI8

      1. At 23:00 they start complaining that woman achieving parity in the workforce is actually oppression of women. They start arguing that the workforce is actually too capitalistic and harsh for women and that we need to make the workplace a nicer place for women… Right after they say that women have become the majority of the workplace…
        Basically… give them everything… And when you give it to them that isn’t really what they wanted…

        1. Why are so many women in the west on meds?
          They got everything they asked for. It’s ridiculous.

        2. Simple bro, the hamster doesn’t stop running. There is no end for desire until someone says stop.

        3. Maybe they just like being out of it. Escape. They got everything they asked for, but not what they need.

        4. This will sound wild but do you think we are being forced into some mythical farce? Just place the modern man as Batman.
          Gordon’s Son: Batman? Batman! Why is he running, Dad?
          Commissioner James Gordon: Because we have to chase him.
          Gordon’s Son: He didn’t do anything wrong.
          Commissioner James Gordon: Because he’s the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we’ll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight.

        5. You’re obviously insane, and that is why what you wrote might just be quite profound, and totally correct.
          “forced into some mythical farce?” – you do really have to wonder.

        6. Because their brains have been infected with Marxist ideology, which doesn’t work, but was egged on by Soviet forces to destabilize the USA. The Soviets experimented with male/female equality, but found it was a disaster. That’s why even in the USSR, the most Communist pro-“equality” state of all, women still weren’t considered equal to men. To this day the former Soviet bloc is one of the few places unaffected by feminist ideology.

        7. “To this day the former Soviet bloc is one of the few places unaffected by feminist ideology”
          Because they know what is going to happen? That is what you’re saying?

        8. I believe feminism was pushed to an extreme in the 1980s, while the Soviet Union was still around, in order to destabilize the USA. The Soviets were trying to destabilize the USA culturally, while the USA was trying to destabilize them, economically. The USA “won,” but the wheels the Soviets put in place are still turning. They knew it was a terrible idea, and thus shielded (and to a certain extent still shield) their people against feminism. Why wouldn’t the USSR embrace feminism since they were Communist? It would only make sense, since feminism relies a lot on Marxist ideology. The reason is because the USSR knew feminism was toxic bullshit. We’ll find out the real story some day.

      2. I remember this “debate.” Thanks for posting. PH is one of the few genuine conservatives who is willing to unflinchingly stare down a hateful opposition. Not surprisingly he was a former Radical Leftist. Funny how most of the best conservatives, used to be on the Left. They know too much.

      3. Will you ever get that time back? If Greer is on it I won’t even watch it. Horrible insane bitch.

      4. I love how Peter kept his cool even know he was mostly either invited on the show to be mock or because they had to have one person who was not a leftist. The moderator even at one point cut him off. The Best part was the end when the moderator ask Peter what do you think is the most dangerous idea and their faces when he answered them

      5. Thanks for posting this.. it was nice to see an intelligent conservative like Peter Hitchens expressing some conservative ideas and opinions.. but this was pretty one-sided. 3 leftists and femininists.. together with a mostly left-learning audience ganging up on him. I think he still came out pretty well.
        As an antidote to this, check out this excellent discussion that touches on some of the uninintended consequences of feminism and the sexual/cultural revolution that Peter Hitchens critcized, and which many of us the manosphere recognize as “Red Pill” truths:

      6. “Bet you five bucks Dan Savage’s first comment revolves around blowjobs”
        “Come on, he has a little more to say than that….”
        Hey guys – what’s wrong with me giving blowjobs hahahaa
        “Gimme the five bucks…”

      7. At around 19 minutes the the older feminist goes on a rant AGAINST exactly what feminism has created.

    3. Guy I know(about 27 now) would deliberately go to a known cougar haunt with his buddies a few years ago. He said it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Most of these women were bored housewives looking for a quick hookup in the backseat. All were early to mid 40s…so odd…

      1. Easy pickins, but horrible for your long-term game development. In fact, damaging more likely.

    4. Agreed. I dated a 33 year-old woman last year and I couldn’t believe how dumb she was.
      She had multiple older wealthy men trying to wife her up before she completely hit the wall and there she was pawing at me because I was a “young passionate artist.”
      This woman was hanging over a cliff and decided to go for a young stud rather than a sure thing with a guy that could provide her with a future.
      I saw her at the cafe a couple months ago and greeted her nicely. She left as soon as she saw me… I guess she realized I didn’t see her as a sexual creature anymore but as an acquaintance.
      Sad but it was her choice. I never gave her the impression I was developing real feelings for her. I even flat out told her she should go with one of these men.

        1. Clark just had a short moment where he forgot the lessons Jor-El taught him all those years ago, hehe.

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      1. In my early 20’s I ‘dated’ a 32 year old divorcee. She was the girl to fuck among my friends, the unobtainable. after she told me I could do better, I did, and she couldn’t look me in the eye after.
        Now she is overweight, with a line of beta’s trying to fill the void.

      2. lol… that’s such a dating cliche the “passionate artist”. That makes its acceptable for the female, like a rom com script.

      3. You should have told her the same thing which her ilk sanctimoniously likes to tell older dudes “you should stick to age-appropriate dating”.

      4. You’ll see that quite often (the desperation by these women when they hit a certain age). It’s pretty sad to see the girl who got a lot of attention (at 23), now at 29 acting desperate for attention – from anyone (she needs a husband, ASAP).
        You can see it on the looks of the faces of these women when you go out (just look around). It’s a look of sheer desperation.

      5. “She was pawing at me because I was a “young passionate artist.”
        Clark are you a painter or artist? How does that work for you in today where chicks only care about fashion and stupid shit?

        1. Guitar player and I have enough interest in the arts in general to speak that language with artsy girls. If I’m in a cafe for example and we ran out of of things to talk about I’m not shy to grab a pen and sketch something funny on a newspaper. Or go bold and hand a chick something you drew for them, you will stand out in their mind. Some will be too block headed and just think you’re lame obviously but that happens in general anyways. Also my general demeanour is moody… But this works if u play guitar (a recognizable trope). Some chicks want to hear Leonard Cohen and others want to hear Wonderwall. It works tho kuz I play music regardless of women. I can’t stand clown game unless I’m already having fun and it comes out of the moment naturally.

        2. Cool… thanks for sharing. I’m into painting and digital collage / photography myself. This day and age seems odd today since society has no use for artists.

        3. I disagree with that statement but I understand the sentiment. I think we are actually in desperate need of artists.
          A bad trend that I see is that people with talent go broke for their art and end up financially impoverished (unless they find a marketable niche for their craft). Because they end up at the lower economic rung of society they end up spending too much time with crowds of lazy people, drug addicts, and SJW types. Very difficult to make connections within that kind of atmosphere.
          I know of one man that opened up his own cafe and made it his art studio/club in the downtown area. Him and a university professor emigrated illegally into the city and worked under the table for years. Eventually they saved enough money to rent out a loft above a mechanic garage and tested their business plan. They got enough interest that they opened up their art shop/club and now make a living off of it. They succeeded but it took them years of hard work to realize their dream.

        4. Nothing worthwhile is easy or quick, but your story is at least inspiring. At times I feel like a freak for doing art (even though I have normal essential social skills).

        5. I would say a smart thing to do is to pick up a skillset that can make you money when you need it (even something like fine-hand co-ordination painting and paint nice furniture or rails, etc., maybe web design whatever, a trade?). I can’t advise to just risk it all kuz you like art so much. Learn some other practical skills as well. This guy in the story was a painter, sold home-grown weed, etc. He found ways to make money. Good luck.

        6. i’m into arts myself, but it’s more of a hobby. somewhat acceptable guitarist, decent photographer.
          when i see most artists’ work, i think: this is some lazy special snowflake. no finesse, no craftsmanship, just the notion that they are something special and need to express themselves. the most horrible are the socio-critical ones where everything is just about the message and subsequently, everything but the message is shit.
          i’m not that great myself and i don’t make any money off it, but i love the process. i know that i could put in a lot more effort and really try to be successful and skilled if i invested the time. complaining about society not wanting my “art” is victim attitude, though. the artists complaining about being under-appreciated look and feel all the same and are mostly replaceable.
          decide to be great or be content with being unknown.

        7. I agree. And as someone observing the current art scene I do think that each artist has to actually create their work themselves, as opposed to these ‘branded industrialists’ who hire others to produce the art and then just sign it.

        8. well, at least if he wants to be called an artist.
          but it’s about the same in music. for me, lyrics have always been a fundamental part. but it even concerns a whole production. the most famous musicians seldom did their music themselves, e.g. elvis presley.
          makes you look at them in quite a different way.

      6. I know women my age 32 / 33 are FUCKING HIDEOUS! and incredibly fucking stupid to boot they think college/University degrees are a sign of Intellect “sorry dear, that just shows how indoctrinated you are and shows how much of your youth you’ve wasted” pretty bad when a girl 20 years her junior is more ADULT then she is, and even 9 year olds have better class then she will ever have! and that people is what is wrong with the world and that’s why some men are becoming paedophiles because adult women are fucking boner killing disgusting I just had to point that out and No I AM NOT ASHAMED of POINTING THIS OUT http://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/9-year-old-supermodel-accused-of-being-too-sexy-for-her-age-46909
        now compare them to this http://i1.walesonline.co.uk/incoming/article4862664.ece/ALTERNATES/s1227b/Gayle-Noble.jpg

    5. Why fuck a used up bitch? I’ve never understood it. When women reach their expiration date you discard them as you would anything that ages like milk.
      As has been said before, if she won’t give you the best 10 years of her life don’t be around for her worst 40.
      Unfortunately in the West there is no longer the flower of a woman’s youth to make them useful to any man. All those years are now used to fuck whichever bad boy rotates around on the roulette wheel instead of being used to foster meaningful relationships and build a family.
      I’m not interested in your wilted, second hand, scratch and dent merchandise. This the bed you made with feminism, ladies. Now lay in it.

      1. I truly despise these guys that marry used up, over 25 retired party girls.
        They are enabling the slut culture as only men can do.

      2. You make it seem like guys in their early 20s are looking to get married. As a 21 year old woman I can tell you they aren’t they get easy sex and have no actual responsibilities except to themselves. I never dealt with them I tried tying down a 26 year old when I was 20 yea no luck with him either he used me just as much as a 20 year old would. I don’t deal with guys my age range because I know commitment is the farthest thing on their minds and the older guys I try and go for don’t take me seriously but they’re willing to sleep with me though, yea no thank you.

        1. That’s typical behavior norm, and one of the reasons women date 10-20 years older men in many cultures. Its unnatural for the role reversal with older woman because of reproductive biology.

        2. Dirk, don’t act like the omegas who inhabit manosphere forums and attack any woman who shows up because they can’t get a date.

        3. Guys in their 20s don’t want to marry sluts who have been around the block more than the ice cream man. Funny thing is, neither do guys in their 30s. Or any age.

        4. Are you psychic or just psycho? 180 degrees wrong-o, raindeer. Blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit. 😈

        5. The problem you are having is that these young men realize the horse is already out of the stable with you. You may want a man to marry you and love you…..at the moment. Women today can turn on a dime. They turn on their schmuck husbands with a vengeance and use this perverse legal system to grind their husband into paste while they go back to their glory days of riding the carousel. There is no penalty, no accountability for their malicious behavior.
          Unfortunately, you have already had multiple partners, as you have admitted. I hate to tell you this, but you have already reached a point that you will never be able to bond with a man or love him. Bonding is something much more than abstract and fanciful notions like “soulmates”. There is a biological basis to a woman bonding with a man. A man’s sperm has more than one purpose. It does not just serve to fertilize an egg. There is something called Microchimeric male DNA. Male DNA makes its way into the female brain, into the Limbic System and specifically the Amygdala. I believe this DNA is what causes pair bonding. For you to be able to bond and embrace your true femininity it had to occur with your first partner. Now you have the DNA of who knows how many males in your Limbic System competing to bond with you. You basically now have an information overload from which you will not be able to recover from. You may find a schmuck to marry you, but you will never realize the fulfillment you could have had as a wife and mother.
          It has also been shown in laboratory experiments that male sperm can alter the DNA of your developing eggs. The Greeks, particularly Aristotle, noted this phenomenon 2000 years ago. It’s called Telegony. The Greeks observed that when a woman was married off to another warrior after her husband was killed that the offspring of the second husband had traits of the first husband, even though they were fathered by the second husband.
          I’m sorry for what has been done to you. It was not the fault of Generation X males, or even Baby Boomer males. You were sold out by fathers from the so called “Greatest Generation” and the one before that.

        6. Your comment WOW!!!!! I don’t know whether to laugh because you are sooooooooooo off base, curse you out because I felt a few slight insults in there, or cry because this comment is just reinforcing what I am beginning to accept that I should just give up on marriage all together. I’m just so confused, I honestly don’t know how to respond. WOW

        7. I’m honestly not trying to insult you or hurt your feelings. I am pointing out that there are consequences to ignoring laws of nature. As to you telling me I am off base, I don’t know what you are talking about. Do you have a background in Biology? I’ll warrant you have no idea what I am taking about or ever heard of Microchimerism. Biological mechanisms are in play when it comes to pair bonding and the emotions we feel for each other. Sexual promiscuity diminishes us all in the end. Generations ago men abrogated their reproductive rights and their authority. The man – children you encounter and the boorish, grotesque narcissism and slatternly behavior of your girlfriends is the result.

        8. You could NEVER hurt my feelings baby, you are off base with saying that I “admitted” to having multiple partners. I guess it’s the way I wrote my comment but I’ve only had ONE partner the 26 year old I wanted to marry me. I’m not disagreeing with the more partners a woman has the harder it is for her to bond to one man in my own experience after I lost my virginity to said 26 year old I became O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D with him. My friends kept pushing me to move on and get another guy but I didn’t want another guy I wanted him and no one else. For a very long time I thought he was the “one that got away”. My friends who all do one night stands couldn’t get why I was so hung up on him since they can easily move from one guy to the next without batting an eye. You come off as so judgmental I’m guessing you follow the law of nature yourself by having your male DNA in only one females’ limbic system? Yea I highly doubt that.

        9. You dont realize that the above post of yours just confirms what he is talking about? You had one BF, and you are still in love with him.
          You GFs sleep around, and dont give a shit. Why? Too many lovers…

        10. No, unfortunately I can’t claim my DNA is only in one woman. Society was already in shambles by the time I was 18. There was girl who loved me very much back then. I joined the Army for 4 years and when I came back she was still waiting for me. I never slept with her. She grew tired of me running away from her and married someone else. It’s the biggest regret of my life and biggest mistake. She was one of the good ones. It had nothing to do with looks, she was actually very beautiful. I could not accept the way she felt. That was my problem.
          As to your 26 year old first love, the reason you obsessed over him was precisely because of Microchimeric DNA in your Limbic System. If he was a 26 year old man and not a child you would be happily married, so would he.
          Read what I said. I don’t blame women for the sorry state of affairs. I blame my grandfather and his father, that’s how far back the seeds of destruction go.
          I’m no PhD in Biophysics. I do know Epigenetics has shown that even your thought patterns and state of mind can affect your DNA, so keeping that in mind finding a happy marriage can still be within your reach.
          Good luck.

        11. Wife-ing up a slut is the best way to get cuckolded. Yeah, we all know that guy who has a kid or two that looks nothing like him. Poor bastard.

        12. “I’m honestly not trying to insult you or hurt your feelings.”
          Who cares? MIGHT IS RIGHT!

        13. Absolutely true, Might is Right! It does not mean we have to be uncivil. In the future we can politely sever heads from their neck. I plan to have a collection of heads.

        14. Plenty of guys in their 20’s are looking to get married, just not the hot looking bad boys that young women are interested in. Just because guys that are not rich, attractive or dangerous are invisible to women does not mean they don’t exist.

        15. jesus christ. i come for some game tips and leave with a historic, biology lesson. only on ROK haha

        16. Plenty of guys in their 20’s are looking to get married… and they look at me like I’m from Mars when I warn them about the realities of marriage AND divorce. Nonetheless, they are learning. They see the devastation all around them.

        17. Back away slowly and head for the door sister.. That was some true crazy bs.. Happened upon this site a few days ago.. Oh boy.. Please don’t let it shape your opinion on either men or yourself.. There are many nice men out there with good values and you will find one.. They are not here however.. Most here are driven by an animal instinct..they seek only superficial material things: money, status, and a side of poontang half their age.. Very shallow people.. Incapable of truly loving a woman for herself, they see females as stupid, subhuman and throw away dolls when the expiration date is fulfilled.. Now I am no feminist but this view of women is sick and pointless.. Praying for a good man to walk into your life.. And don’t take any of these comments to heart.. With the exception of mine..:)

        18. stupid, subhuman and throw away dolls? whew, and please don’t generalize,
          there’s still a lot of people who can filter what goes inside their head, there maybe things here that make you say what you are saying, but there are bits of knowledge here that is priceless, look at both side of clouds, and then decide where do you want to stay, but quit yapping and undermining people here just to make yourself look good.

        19. If you fucked more than one girl why aren’t you a used up piece of shit? Why make girls feel that? Why do you guys deserve a perfect women when all of you guys are far from perfect?

      3. But guys fuck so many girls, why aren’t they used up? how many is too much? And 25 isn’t old? It’s called taking care of yourself. My mom will be 50 this year, she has absolutely NO wrinkles the skin all over her body is tight and not lose. She’s had 4 kids. People think she’s 30 and she gets hit on. Same goes with my grandmothers on both sides. Its called taking care of yourself.

      1. A solar flare alone can do the job. The EMPs it will produce will pretty much throw the world into a dark age because most electronics will be fried. That’s all the reset you need unless you prefer mass casualties.

        1. A loss of electrical power would cause mass casualties. We are so dependent on the grid food production and distribution would come to a stop.

        2. That could potentially turn the earth into a wasteland. As millions of gallons of water need to cool down nuclear reactors across the world, electricity is needed for the process(at least, I think that’s how it works). I agree with a reset, but not the eradication of all living things. Human beings are the parasites of this planet.

        3. I agree Ragnar.
          One Second After by William Fortschen (sp?). A quick read, fictional, about an EMP attack on the US and how the aftermath plays out.
          TLDR: within a year about 90% were dead due to starvation, disease, exposure, and of course violence.

        4. Aside from the nihilistic shift in conversation, I remember you have an affinity for anime. One you should watch if you haven’t already would be Parasyte. As a manga it won several awards when it was produced and as an anime it gripped me from start to finish. I think you’ll like it.

        5. I don’t think humans existence is menial, but sometimes I get disappointed by what I see and where we are going. Regardless, I try to remain optimistic. Yes,i have seen Parasyte! I have a love for twisted and gory anime. Does anime follow the manga well?

        6. I remembered that about your attitude. You gave me some hope as well. As a group, I agree that people in general are a destructive sort. And even in our best intentions lies a tie to the dichotomy of destruction and creation. Just kind of the way we are.
          With Parasyte, I haven’t read the Manga but I read the wiki file. Although it isn’t the same, the synopsis says the Manga came close. If that is true, the Anime must be gold. The Manga won a few awards. The show is phenomenal. Fast paced, thought provoking, and a ton of tension. Good anime is hard to come by.

    6. Very good points. The whole cougar thing was more of a “sales” job to get men interested in these used cars. Men already knew that a woman past a certain age was a bad deal (compared to a woman in her 20s) but society had to do something to level the playing field for these “past their due date” women.
      The wall came for them and it came fast so society had to act, thus the cougar movement was founded.
      Trust your gut, gentlemen, when checking out a female. You’ll instinctively know which one is a good deal and a bad deal (plus other parts of your body will tell you).
      Who the hell wants to deal with all of the baggage (i.e. emotional, kids, past ex, etc..) with these women (not I)?

    7. True just have a look at how many women are now getting jail time for having sex with students.

  4. Considering what (and who) has been talking about on the Roosh Forum recently, when confronted with older women, maybe we should ask ourselves, “What Would Dennis Kucinich Do?”


  6. agreed, I’ve had experience with the ‘cougars’ as well. they were just mediocre ladies still trying to be ‘hip’ and hangout with 19 year old girls at the club to feel relevant. also we need to ask ourselves, why would a 40+ year old woman be on the prowl for 20 year olds? to me that’s a red flag..now I’ve had casual encounters with older women but nothing to brag about and led to nothing. if they just want sex, kool why not? but the article is very accurate. most of the older attractive women are locked up and married. the older ones looking at 20 year olds just want a meal ticket and want to boost their ego by saying they can get younger men, plus older women expect you to do everything. not worth bending over backwards for.

  7. Being an equal opportunity egalitarian in my sex life, I have banged women of all ages. This includes women in their 40s. Some even in their 50s. Some of the best bodies I have ever encountered belonged to women in their 40s. Admittedly, I encountered some horrendous ones too. As for the sex, no idea how much truth there is to the claim here that libidos drop after 35, because the women in their 40s and 50s who I encountered were sopping wet and banging me every which was but loose. There was no marked difference compared to the women in their 20s I have dated. The MILFs were unapologetically wild.
    The downside is, obviously, that they are strictly pump-and-dump material considering how much baggage they have. Also, since a lot of them have been through divorces and the long line of abusive exes they willingly chose when they were younger, they are now fucked in the head.
    One point this article fails to mention is that MILFs are ever-ever-ever-so-slightly more emotionally mature than younger girls. Ever so slightly. So spitting clown-game or jerkboy game isn’t always a requisite. But yeah; they all want relationships.

    1. I agree with this. Cougars, if you manage them, can be incredible. Everything this article says is true… but it’s just because AWALT.
      Cougars basically run dread game for you. They know they’re on the downhill… and they want to live it up before they loose it. They’re dreadful that you might be the last hot guy they can have. You just have to manage it. Get a confident cougar MILF… and she might be the best lay you’ve ever had.
      But I agree… not relationship material.

      1. I think it’s highly variable at that age. You’ll find women at that age who are more interested in sex than ANY woman under 30. They’re interested in it because they’re skilled at it and over the years they’ve cultivated and honed that skill. Then you’ll find ones who aren’t any good at it… and they aren’t so interested in it for obvious reasons. So the variability is high… and you’ll find outliers at either end of the spectrum more so than with a younger demographic. But if you find that outlier that knows what she’s doing and is good at it… hold on for a fun ride.
        Just make sure to keep yourself protected for the day she becomes crazy…

      2. They lie. The entire “I’ll get even more horny at 35” thing is a bald faced lie. One or two do as Coach notes below, but otherwise, they’d rather drink wine and pet their cats than have to deal with men, assuming they are not on the prowl for a beta provider to take care of their arse. Once they hit menopause it’s over, obviously, the few exceptions to the side notwithstanding.

        1. They’re “more horny at 35” comment is just way of submitting to the fact they were cunts up till 35, and realize to keep good dick around, they’ve got to start giving up their only valuable asset more often.
          What makes a girl more horny is a guy whose very attracted to them and thus bangs the shit out of them because HE wants to. I don’t even believe a woman when she says I’m the best sex she’s ever had.. just another lie before they can justify the next dick they hop on and tell that guy the same exact shit.

    2. “Some of the best bodies I have ever encountered belonged to women in their 40s.”
      You are flat out delusional or a liar.

      1. Why would a woman who is, for example, 42 years of age, who has never had kids and who works out, not have a good body? The point I made is NOT that ALL the 40+ women I encounter have amazing bodies, but some do. Here in the UK, women in their 20s are big binge drinkers and have terrible diets. Age is not always a determining factor in whether or not a woman will be in shape once the clothes come off. But sure – some cougars have let themselves go. No doubt.
        You’re telling me no woman in her forties is in shape?

  8. I don’t judge cougars or the men that bed them. A few more minnows out of the pool.
    My personal philosophy says 18-35 and that is it. Some think it is a stretch because I am 48 but fuck them. I have my reasons and I deploy them well.

  9. Messed around in this pool as well. Older women shouldn’t be an aspiration. Granted, there have been a few older women who have passed the boner test. They were few and far in between, but they existed.
    Will agree on all of Sharp’s points. Even the mainly sexual relations I’ve had with older women led to an angling towards a coupling. One wanted to know what we were prior to the first sexual encounter. All in all, they know more, are guarded well against weak game, will select you half the time, and will make you work worse than any young woman would. If you do it well, they will take care of you and allow you far more leniencies based on the idea that they can lose you quickly. The shit tests will happen as this is a woman who has a big ego and will use you to keep it afloat or sink you in the same breath.

    1. That’s interesting. Perhaps it’s different in the US, but my exposure to older women here has led me to believe no game is required at all

      1. You are spot on. Almost without trying I was able to land cougars simply by expressing desire. Sometimes they didn’t even hear it from me that I was attracted and they came running. I think it had to do with my lack of thirst and honest expression of attraction. Granted they can be beautiful, but for what I want, children, I would be insane to let ‘love’ lure me into a relationship with an older woman. That is valuable time wasted.

        1. Hell yeah it is. And they won’t care about that.
          They just want to show off a guy 20 years younger to their friends and ex-husband(s)

      2. eventually their cougar craziness comes out. If they weren’t crazy they would be some guy’s happy wife not a cougar.

  10. A cougar’s boobs are just weird. They feel like they are full of rocks or sand. I never really found this subclass of modern western women worth exploring. If one literally fell like my lap at a bar or party I will enjoy the opportunity. Otherwise, give me a pass.

      1. They feel like sand bags not bags of a gel. Like there is actually sand from a beach in those puppies.

  11. I approve the message in this article. When I was 32 years old , I was screwing a 44 year old woman who said to me “You will fall in love with my pussy” and when I didn’t, she got mad.

    1. On my road to that right now! Already, feel the laughter brewing in my chest. I stifled a chortle when I was told I was gonna get lucky.

      1. I have to say, I can’t get rid of the feeling of disgust when thinking about sex with a woman in her forties. One of my friends wanted to set me up with a 40 year old. I was like “dude…”

        1. im in my 20’s and banged some attractive 30 and 40 year olds. if she takes care of herself and her body it’s a great ride. just be careful when doing so bc some will want meal tickets, or expect something in return after a few encounters.

        2. yeah, like you’re obligated to move them in your house with their unruly kids after you’ve dumped a load in them 3 or more times.

        3. exactly, that’s the kicker. if she throws you some @$$ for more than a month you better believe she has some plans lined up for you lol. there’s very few women that just want sex, imo. women are emotional creatures that bond after intercourse, that f*ck buddy stuff some women say is just mumbo jumbo..to throw you off your game to get you to relax and come over more.

        4. You’ve mentioned wanting to have kids someday, I’m assuming that’s in the context of marriage? If so, you may want to start learning to cope, heh.

        5. Because they only see you as a utility to split the bills with. They could give a fuck about you as a human being. You are expendable. Anybody willing to sign-up for the job will do just fine.
          Ready-made family, just add jackass with paycheck!

        6. ^^^so true, so true^^^ that is why I am skeptical with the FWB articles or advice that gets posted on here. Every so-called FWB relationship that I have had, morphed into craziness within weeks.

        7. damn right….and they always blame the former husband or past bad boys for their current problems .

        8. yeah I’ve been in one of these so called f*ck buddy relationships…first few weeks are golden! got to hit her up at my convenience. as the weeks passed the texting became more and more, the checking my social media pages and concerned who i was talking to became greater..the sex not as exciting and her wanting to ‘make love’ was painfully obvious. and her wanting to be seen with me in public became a priority in her book. i think the friends for benefits slogan is just a sales pitch for women to reel you in then slowly mold you into a soul mate while clouding your mind with the late night ‘booty calls’ from the beginning. f*ck buddies are too good to be true.

        9. that’s why whores are successful with Instagram filters, in automotive advertisements, and when selling you crap. It’s all a SALES PITCH for future extortion.

        10. It’s definitely a slippery slope. The thing is you have to maintain your frame 100% of the time. Can’t slip up.

        11. they should at least be courteous enough to have small print on the bottom corner of their pictures that state ‘I’m dressing naughty and posting dirty stuff on FB to get likes and attention. By sleeping with me you will be registered in auditioning to be my hubby and meal ticket, which I will gain 50 lbs after you knock me up. then put you on child support if you don’t pop the question soon.’

        12. yes indeed, that’s a great point. guys get caught slippin in this f*ck buddy alternate reality. I’ve been guilty of this and was naive enough to believe an attractive woman wanted nothing but sex with me and I could do whatever I want, no questions asked. it’s fairly easy to do this bc on Friday and Saturday nights they hit you up to “watch movies” and you know the rest…then it becomes Monday’s and Wednesday’s and before you know it you’re hanging out with her everyday and are in a relationship even though you may not believe you’re in one.

        13. If I had a double chin, I would only be going the P4P route. Hell I do that now in between easy lays.

        14. it’s desperation, and the cougar knows it. she’ll marry/date the chump who will gladly pay the light bill and listen to Boyz II Men love songs during love making sessions but the cougar will creep during the night on a ‘ladies night out’ and will tango with a young stud behind her hubby’s back to get her true appetite filled.

        15. There ain’t no good goddamn way they’re still married; look at his dumpy twerp ass compared to her! You know she gets shitblasted by attention every five feet, all it takes is for the right guy to dangle the right carrot…

        16. The other downside is you’re fucking the community puss. She’ll be looser, so you’ll want to raw dog for a better feeling, but if you do, you expose yourself to 100s of cocks that were in it before. Never lose sight of the biological side. I’m 40, when I was 26 I banged 2 different 40 yo’s. Neither were worth the time or risk looking back.

        17. “you expose yourself to 100s of cocks that were in it before”. It doesn’t seem like you’re talking about possible disease, which is an issue with anyone who isn’t a virgin. You’re talking about that Xtian-induced concept where somehow those who have had sex with a woman before leave supernatural traces unrelated to actual physical reality, so that you’ll say “eww, she had sex with other guys besides me! I’m tainted!” right?

        18. No, mainly referring to diseases. If some girl is a phenom in the sack, someone taught her before me. Women are too lazy to desire or learn to be great fucks all on their own. One can never tell just based on performance how many dicks a woman has taken. However, side note, I sure as hell am not gay, so by proxy I don’t want some other guy’s gizz still floating around the orifices I’m having my way with and making contact with me.. which I’m sure has happened unknowledgably to many of us, unfortunately. Since older women tend to be easier, who else were they “easier” with before you got there?.. and how recently.

    2. She was trying to put the hooks in you early. Too funny.
      Fall in love with a 44 year old pussy (think about that one). But not just the age factor..think about the carousel factor as well.
      Yeah, no one is falling in love with that “used sled”. Nice one.

  12. Cougars are a media phenomenon; I think the term is only around 15 or so years old. Of course, they didn’t exist before widespread frivorce. Someone had to convince beta simps that the same immoral, post-wall, bitchy, narcissistic and used-up women who had just divorced them were worth going after….again! So, a set of lies about how cougars will give men everything their wife couldn’t had to be invented. No, don’t chase younger hotties now that you’re free, take a cougar! And young men, forget about those hungry college sluts, with their tighter bodies and pussies, have a week old sandwich instead! Beta programming, it’s all beta programming.

  13. Totally bangable………20 years ago
    Actually she doesn’t look too bad at all. I get that most 40 somethings and older look like they were rode hard and put away wet, but that chick seems to be in great shape and with some level of femininity left in her. If you get to your 40’s and are banging that (as a wife I mean) you’re not doing too bad. This is being said in the context of cougars and men who fuck older women (being married or dating them), not in the context of “you must pursue this woman!”, of course.

    1. only caveat..they still hold onto that entitlement attitude. One would think they would be more humble at that age and behave but Donovan made it clear that the attitude does not get better, and he’s spot on.

      1. I’m well aware of that, naturally. All women hold onto the entitlement attitude, it’s not age specific. Even ugly ones think you owe them everything.

  14. Goes to support the observation that sexual experiences, at least up to a point, enrich men and impoverish women.
    This makes me wonder about the science-fictional scenarios transhumanists talk about where real rejuvenation becomes possible. What happens if you take a cougar who has had a lot of psychologically damaging experiences with men and you reset her body biologically back to 20? She would have the sexual urges again of a woman that age, but I don’t see how those would work with her ability to remember all the times she succumbed to the pickup strategies of the jerks, bad boys and narcissistic sociopaths she went to bed with before her rejuvenation.

    1. im sure this “rejuvenated” female would use the same pick up lines on men that where used on her….women are followers.

    2. This transhumanist push scares the crap outta me. You really wanna allow sociopaths like Trump to upload their “consciousness” to an immortal cybernetic organism with flame throwing capabilities? You want a Trump-borg??

  15. I don’t talk to men under 40 – well, maybe if I had a few drinks. I definitely don’t talk to 20 somethings unless I need a latte, or my computer fixed.

      1. Cinder – a burned, used up piece of wood with quickly smouldering heat?

        1. she wears a prosthetic and uses a cane instead of sporting the glass slipper.

      2. Cinderella first came out in 1950. Actually I use to post under Screed Stopper but I had to change my handle because I got booted off the local rag newspaper for asking why women’s shelters didn’t teach these abused women about common sense and responsibility. The femicunt moderator not only booted me and removed my comment but then removed every comment I had ever made. What a twat.

        1. How deep? Would this be deep enough to put you to sleep? Because that is only a few inches and one late night conversation away.

        2. don’t mix it with your other meds like xanax and cymbalta you freaking nutjob.

        3. Cinder Ella is hot, Dave, I think she only got pissed off at me once when I recommended a feeldo and a boob-jobbed hottie for her, or conversely, a heterosexual pre-op tranny (ie, chick-with-dick).

        1. So men only want to talk to you when you’re drunk? They don’t like you sober? LOL You must become really slutty and easy after a couple of drinks.

  16. Semi-related.
    Turns out my current supervisor has found himself in a dispute with a student over being too “aggressive” and now tape records all of his interactions with students.
    Perhaps it is a sexual harassment charge and he didn’t want to mention it? Either way… things have gotten insane… An honest man can’t even do his job anymore without being paranoid someone is going to accuse you of some random shit.

  17. Man this article makes me miss my old 37 year old fuck buddy…she had the body of a 20+ year old chick and could fuck me like a porn star and always wore the sexiest lingerie when she came over to my place. But here are the problems:
    1) Utterly lazy useless cunt. She couldnt do anything around the house. Not even make a cup of coffee without my help!
    2) Had some vague and shady history of drugs and bulimia
    3) Had previous violent ex boyfriends which I’m certain are still looking for her. Needless to say, I don’t want to be part of the collateral damage
    Practically all women past their 30s have issues. Just stay away from cougars and used up sluts past their prime.

    1. Had previous violent ex boyfriends which I’m certain are still looking for her.
      My experience in life instructs me that she’s lying about this. All a man has to do is say “No thank you” to “Do you want to take me shopping” and to the woman the story goes from “Stubborn” to “Angry” to “Yelling” to “He beat me” in a matter of weeks. I’ve met very few actually *abused* women, but plenty who convince themselves that a man who firmly says “no” is an abuser.

      1. U are probably right. Either way, if I remain with her, I will end up as collateral damage once I start saying no to her inevitable shopping requests.
        Last I heard from her was that she had a new boyfriend about 5 years younger than her. The poor fool…lol

        1. You’ll just be thrown into the pool of “abusive boyfriends”. Trust me, once a woman gets on that schtick, basically she’s on it for life.

        2. Also @ghostofjefferson:disqus remember, there’s a good reason why the number of supposed “abusers/rapists” isn’t commensurate to the actual number of those sentenced and convicted.
          Don’t buy the whole “I was too afraid to report it!” crap. That’s a shitcrock and a half. Try being actually violated in some way by another homo sapien and let me know if the urge to get them incarcerated and punished isn’t all-encompassing, let alone the urge to mete out your own brand of vigilante justice if you know you can get away with it!

        3. Yep, it’s funny how any event that doesn’t pan out EXACTLY when/where/what/how/why she wants it to is chalked up to “abuse” right quick!
          Amazing how many women speak of ex-boyfriends/husbands as “abusive”… I don’t know any such men AT ALL, do you?

        4. The last man that I factually know who beat a woman, that I can recall, I last heard about 15 years ago and even then he was a pariah and basically shunned. Before him, I think I’d have to go back to my childhood years, which is way farther back than I care to think about.

        5. This is interesting. It’s something I have often thought about.
          I have heard too many women complaining about abusive boyfriends/husbands. Often it is the women from Tinder or Match who relish talking about their past relationships that ended with broken ribs or black eyes, but that is not to say I don’t encounter them in real life too.
          I hear SO FUCKING MUCH of it that I wonder if it’s made up, because – just like you’re discussing here – I literally know of NO MAN who has ever beat a woman, and this includes my wide group of male friends. None of them would lay a finger on a woman. So where are all of these abusive dudes hiding out?

    2. Eh, definitely question the “Crazy ex!” stories they all spew. Sure, there may be an iota and slivers of truth here and there, but if these bitches are crazy themselves it begs the question as to what buttons they themselves pushed over and over (shit tests, being manipulative, giving ultimatums, constant cut-and-run texts, if kids were involved and using them as weapons, nonstop threatening to run to Daddy Government if he zigged when she wanted him to zag, on and on) to make that past relationship get to that level as is.
      Anybody who’s so quick to blame somebody else for their current problems and overshare volunteers stories for you definitely needs to be looked at askance. Never assume they’re an innocent little snowflake who just got “victimized” on the regular for NO good reason!

      1. “shit tests, being manipulative, giving ultimatums, constant cut-and-run texts, if kids were involved using them as weapons, nonstop threatening to run to Daddy Government if he zigged when she wanted him to zag, on and on” <<< Cougar I used to bang would start fights with me and send me all sorts of texts, I’d reply to some, which she wouldn’t read for days. So I’m thinking we’re having an argument volleying back and forth and actually communicating, it was just her on the podium.
        Then, she would read texts I sent days later and apply them to real-time right now and act as if I had just said them relevant to the present. THIS, is just how fucked up these older cunts are. Caveat Emptor.

        1. Oh she read them right away, she was just power-posturing with when she chose to reply to them. A woman’s phone is NEVER outside her arm’s reach if her pulse is still ticking, trust me!
          She was ego-feeding herself by posturing with when to respond to you, as if to say “I’ll show him!” how important you are to her or that she was “Soooo busy” and couldn’t respond (taking selfies to post for Beta Likes, doing ten minutes of moderately-paced cardio in the gym, reading TMZ… You know, the important stuff).

        2. Nah, she probably didnt know how to respond, so she met up with girlfriends who helped her craft her responses…

        3. Maybe, but either way, a power contest was at its core. Never fails with skullfucked bitches!

      2. Thats why psychologists call crazy bitches’ behavior “crazy making”, it literally drives the people around her crazy too. Ive been in a relationship with a full blown borderline and she caused me to explode in apoplectic rage a few times and I’m always calm and collected. Im sure the next chump was told all about how abusive and violent I supposedly was.

      3. The Hamster can weave tails like no other. It’s got a high metabolism, and runs around and around on it’s wheel like Speedy Gonzalez on speed.

  18. Hooking up with a woman in her 40s is like hooking up with a girl in her twenties, except without the body and WAY more emotional baggage. Oh yea, they also are bat sh*T crazy because of their hormones. Why on earth any of these young guys actually “date” these girls is beyond me.

    1. there should be a mathematical formula for the bat shit crazy factor. I am sure it is exponential like most decaying processes.

      1. We will need to employ Rollo Tomassi (The Rational Male) to see if he can come up with that chart.
        His SMV chart is gold and spot on.

  19. Check this out Fellas: I am currently gaming a pretty hot 38 year old who not only is a MILF, but also a G-I-L-F. You read that right, a GILF. I must admit, she is pretty damn attractive for a grandma.

    1. hit it for a few weeks, get your rocks off for as long as you can. She will expect flowers on mother’s day and on grandmother’s day.

      1. Nice. Maybe they can go to the movies together on “senior’s day”…tickets are cheaper.
        Agree…short term and get out, Mr.H.

    2. I hit a GILF in Tijuana — she was a literal whore — but this hottie was only 29!!! She birthed at 15, then her daughter birthed at 14… What a novelty that was.

  20. I hate to say it but I banged a 45 yo “cougar” and she looked better with her clothes on than off. Back to the 28 yo olds

    1. Yeah, no doubt. All of my wife’s friends, whom I remember back when they were in their 20’s and hot, are now a sad, sorry lot. Even the handful who didn’t balloon out and become lard ass Babushkas are pretty sorry looking. I can think of maybe two that can still pass the boner test, and I suspect that unclothed it would basically come down to exactly what you said.

    2. I think I once had a friend who banged a 49 year old hen, when he was 31…haha…so don’t worry, you aren’t in the top league yet!

  21. The “cougar” nonsense is ENTIRELY manufactured by Hollywood. Where do you think the word comes from? From classic literature somewhere? You don’t know and you never asked? Some Hollywood executive came up with it, and it was pushed in TV shows. “We should call it one of the big cats. Which one can we use?” The fact that people take it seriously, unquestioning, shows how people are controlled by the few top Hollywood bosses.

    1. Cheetah would have been good for obvious reasons.
      Or leopard, cos as the saying goes, they never change their spots.

      1. And they like stuffing things in crotches.
        (Leopards sometimes store their food off the ground in the crotch of two large branches on a tree, heh).

      2. “Cheetah”, good one. 🙂
        But yeah, you can tell how they must have gone through them. “Tiger” is what you say to boys. Good job, tiger! “Lion” sounds masculine. “Panther”, sounds like Black Panthers. “Cheetah” obviously would just be a pun. “Leopard” would be “never change their spots”. Not many options left.

        1. Bobcat – Bob, masculine
          Snow Leopard – same as leopard AND it suggests gray hair
          Ocelots – who the fuck even knows what an ocelot is?!? Way too obscure. Besides, it’s a dwarf leopard.
          Lynx – Small thick boned, mean cat, without the name of Bob.

        2. “Lynx” is also too obscure. Otherwise, sounds like “minx”, so it had that going for it.
          And finally, “puma” – already used for women. This actually exists in several languages. They could have kept using it, but it is associated with younger women.
          Personally I think wolverine would have been the most fitting. If you’ve ever seen wolverines fight at the zoo you’ll never forget it. The word would caution young lads to stay away.

        3. Most chicks are going to want to avoid being associated looks wise with that X-Men character I think. Even though most chicks that age look like that X-Men character.

        4. (I was joking of course, they could never call women wolverines.)
          I actually didn’t think of the X-Men character, even though I have read the comic. I just thought of when I saw wolverines at the zoo two months ago. Heh. I am too unplugged.

        5. I was just looking for an excuse to crack wise, heh.

        6. As an aging comic nerd, I always hated the casting of Jackman; Wolverine is a tiny ferocious animal, and was short in the comic, not 6 ft 3…

  22. Let me think…do I want a shriveled up, bitter, used, stretched out, bleached out, over tanned cum toilet that is looking for a dope to finance her wannabe “Sex & the City” lifestyle? Uhhhh…NO!
    Fuck you, your knock-off Jimmy Choo’s and your fucking appletinis. Douchebags.

    1. Roaming Communications hut, used for tactical nuclear strike validation.
      Or romantic comedy. I prefer the former however, except that I invented it out of whole cloth.

  23. I think I figured it out. Prunes and Raisins are healthy therefore cougars equate themselves with dried up fruit that makes you shit a lot.

  24. Indeed, like a lot of you have already mentioned, this whole Cougar “phenomenon” is a media construct. Hollywood and politicians saw them as a growing demographic (post-wall divorcees with ex-husband’s money they bloodsucked) and thought to themselves “Hey look, a growing source of votes and advertising revenue, let’s kiss their asses every which way!” in much the same way they did with gays starting in the 1990s.
    Also, where was this “hip” catchphrase 15 years ago? How did it just suddenly enter our vernacular overnight and become a worn-out cliche? I remember several years ago suddenly some dude saying left-and-right “We’re going cougar hunting!” one day like it was the new cool thing to do (of course, the mere thought of it made my skin crawl, so I wanted none of it!). Then again, he was that weird kid in high school that acted like a “sexpert” because he messed around with a few girls young and was dumb enough to say “You burn a thousand calories during sex!” No, assjack, you burn like ten or twenty! Get on the treadmill and let me know just how long it take you to reach a thousand calories burned. Exactly!

    1. they need to bring back “To Catch a Predator”; just call it “the Cougar Edition”

        1. That shit ticks me off too, because women make no bones about openly and, of course, loudly sneering at any man my age who dares date women even a few years younger than himself. If he’s with a 25 year old you can hear their voices pierce the room in howls of indignation and “that’s just creepy!”.
          Fuckin’ hens. It’s natural, it’s how the world has always worked, now sit down, shut up and find something useful to do with your lips besides flap them.

        2. To me, being able to annoy/outrage them in that way is going to be one benefit of getting old.
          That and the car insurance…

        3. The insurance thing is great actually, heh.
          I’m with you. If my wife up and leaves me this evening there will be no small amount of pride that I’m going to take in pissing off her buddies by snagging some of the 20 somethings I get hit on by. Generally don’t give a shit about this kind of thing, but had to spend some time recently with another couple (the woman is a friend of my wife) where the woman bitched endlessly about some man her age who was banging a 23 year old. I finally told her that I thought it was great for him and that in his place I would too and maybe she needs to get over other people’s good fortune in life.
          Yeah, I got “The Look” from all women at the table for that one, even from my wife. Like I give a shit. heh

        4. “loudly sneering at any man my age who dares date women even a few years younger than himself.”
          Yes. I had a petite girlfriend who was 26 and who, I swear, looked sixteen or fifteen. The hateful looks I got from older women….
          And when I walked behind her through a crowd a few times, I could see older women gave her angry looks sometimes too, without having seen me – they just didn’t like seeing a young, cute girl with her waist-long hair let out.

        5. They just mad.
          25 year old women can find 44 year old established, confident men quite attractive, and can be quite content if they land one.
          25 year old men are settling for 44 year old used up feminista spinsters, just passing time until something better comes along.

        6. I run into the same shit. She’s 10 years younger and even snarky female relatives ask if she’s one of my daughters little friends.

        7. It’s amazing how personally they take it, isn’t it? Seems to be a universal thing amongst women in the States (and probably Canada but I don’t know that for a fact). As if they are entitled to your cock and you have no say in the matter.

        8. older man + younger woman = long term potential
          older woman + younger man = pump and dump

        9. ….and if the aging feminists of the world don’t like it, let them pack up and move to another universe.

        10. Right…and when women do it (a 40 year old woman with a 25 year old man) it’s “girl power” or “you go girl” -ism.
          You just have to shake your fucking head.

        11. Yes, older women hate younger female competition. So they try to shame (anyone and everyone).
          You simply tell them “you had your turn, now it’s time to retire”.

        12. Nice one. I get the same when I’m checking out a younger woman with older women standing nearby.
          They hate seeing these younger cuties because they are competition (taking all of the good men). It’s fucking hilarious

      1. They could base it near middle and high schools. And call it ‘teachers behaving badly’.

      2. Now that would be an excellent show to watch. They could have a younger man (borderline minor) setup to trap these cougars, film it, and have a reporter ask them questions, etc….
        It would be great for our “lab” here to watch (and listen) to the hamster spin with all of the excuses (the crying, etc…)

    2. It’s a feminist construct. All the women believed the feminist lie that they could have it all. A lot of those women reached 35 or 40 and had a nice job title and a few diplomas…but no mate, no children, no anything meaningful. But they still wanted men and they still craved attention.
      They used to be called spinsters and used-up-ho, but those just don’t sound good, so they came up with a more appealing, sexy name.
      In other words, “cougar” is to “used-up-ho” or “spinster” as “chilean seabass” is to “patagonian toothfish”.

      1. Right, cougar sounds more “sleek” and “exotic”, like the Jaguar car.
        Oh wait, that car become irrelevant when it was bought by Ford, how telling!

        1. nm- I remember- MERCURY Cougar. That line of cars is extinct now…

      2. I like the “30 is the new 20, 40 is the new 30….etc” crap. I’ve never seen such groupthink denial as with feminists.

        1. Good points…..and the correct response to that bullshit is:
          “that pussy is still 10 years too old for me”

  25. You boys learning your Chinese and Russian yet? Because at this rate, we’re going to need them!

    1. I met one of those too this weekend, divorced Russian that lived in Spain for a while. She said American men are nice, meaning, easier to take advantage of. DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE

      1. I agree that AWALT.
        Where I think looking abroad is important though is in looking for potential economic and cultural opportunities. The legislation in Canada for example is now so stacked against men that I think it might be a good idea to look abroad.
        Youth (<30) unemployment here is very high and women’s whorish behaviour is subsidized by the government.
        In my opinion the clampdown is getting worse every year.

        1. Learn a major foreign language or two (Mandarin, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, etc..), have a skill set that’s in demand(engineering, medical, business development, computer science, accounting & finance, education, outdoor recreation) overseas (have a target geographical market) & be generally adaptable & it becomes easier to think about moving abroad.

        2. Male, young (<35), Canadian, English speaking & i believe you’ve already graduated. That’s five major factors working in your favor if you were to head out East (West Asia to East Asia).
          Hope things work out for you man.

        3. Indeed.
          I just went to the Spanish consulate and found out they denied my request for EU citizenship.
          Sucks but oh well. To Asia it is haha!

      2. Yes, I have never understood the hype about East European women in some quarters of the manosphere. They are just people – the grass is not greener on the other side. And in most of Eastern Europe, culture is very cynical. Also, Russian women when they age quickly look like lizards.
        I imagine it’s like this: guys like to read about how there are places in the world where women would love sleeping with them. Then they can think, “It’s not me, it’s the women where I live who are wrong.”
        Gotta be a cheap place for the writer to visit. But you can’t talk too much about Southeast Asia or South America, because of sex tourism – people would just assume that he’d hired prostitutes for the pics. So East Europe it is. Doesn’t fly as well when the readers are West Europeans, however. We have more experience of them.

        1. Or the divorce rates. Or the sky-high abortion rates, highest in the world.
          And the men are alcoholics in record numbers. I like Putin, but there are a lot of things that are wrong among the Russian people.

      3. I remember during my beta days when I thought being called a “nice guy” was a great compliment. little did I know what it really meant.

  26. While I agree with most of this article, there are many women in their 40’s who have never had kids and always have kept their body in good shape, ate well, etc. “Dating sites are a great place to find hot and horny cougars!” – This statement is true to a degree, although “sugar mamas” from sites like tempted.com, not from regular dating sites.

  27. At 53, I have a lot of experience with this sub- species of featherless biped known as the cougar. Their sense of entitlement and their my pussy is the best pussy mindset only gets worse with time. Even the fit gym bunny cougars at the gym are some of the worst attention whores you will ever see. Most of them are married but they seek constant validation from men other than their husband. You will see them on all the social media websites bare assed, parading in their birthday suit at some amateur fitness contest.

    1. Well, it’s good that some stay in shape. Not many do. But I know what you mean – it’s amazing when a woman who should be more humble considering her looks acts like she can state unreasonable demands, brags, etc and you would like to tell her “YOU are not in a position to say that”. You need to make that date the last.
      Like a woman refusing to give oral sex. Or a woman who comes early and then refuses to continue the sex. Saying so with a wide grin as if it would be funny, or as if pretending it’s funny would make it okay.
      On another note, I like your username. I read Might is Right online, there’s like a shock wave of insights in that. Don’t agree with it all? But that’s never the case. Like Nietzsche and Jack London, it’s in the right direction.

  28. Have you boys seen this lesser-known social media shitshow? Oh man, it takes the cake! Nothing but post-wall or recently divorced bitter White trash women (often in trailers, gotta love the wood paneling behind them in their selfies!) begging, often outright verbally, for attention. Sadly, pathetically, this site allows posting nude pics. Often enough you’ll see a woman’s desperate attention-cry of a nude pic right next to a pic of her children in a photo album. Classy, to say the least! Give a woman a smartphone and the world is her narcissistic selfie-talking oyster!

      1. Aw come on, man! You mean you don’t want to see a bunch of White-trash darlings overvaluing themselves with carefully cropped or top-down angled selfies that only show face and boobs in the frame, mischievously hiding their huge gut?

  29. They’re experts at hiding their worst flaws until the clothes come off and make-up too in the morning. Then you get to see the fucking horror show. If you’re fucking one you want to put into rotation, I suggest you leave or make her leave before the morning, because what you see in the sunlight will stunt your boner’s growth for other women out of fear. Haha.
    The most immature bitch I ever fucked was a cougar. Probably an 8 in her hey days, but a 7 when I first got with and I watch the wall impact her, and my dick, decline with each passing week fucking her. She was surprisingly untrained for that age, for which I taught her a ton. She was also the shadiest bitch I’d been with in a while, so she got dumped. And these cougars, when you dump them, are more likely to pull this “woman scorned” bullshit since they won’t admit it, but know deep down each good dick they get is one closer to the last.

    1. “they’re experts at hiding their worst flaws until the clothes come off and make-up too in the morning. Then you get to see the fucking horror show.”
      And they have the audacity to tell us (men) to just be ourselves. GTFO!

      1. I usually nuke girls when they say they’re not liars. I just say;”You don’t even have to say a word to lie to me, which one of us is wearing make-up?”

      2. If ANY woman tells you “just be yourself” …you are in her friend zone and she has 0% interest in sex with you.
        Or can you imagine a natural-born-mega-asshole (what works very well with women) is asked by his girl “just be yourself”?

        1. I agree. However, If I pick up a whiff of a woman trying to friend zone me, I immediately cut her off. I have more than enough friends, I do not need another one.

  30. Simple, hard truth. Cougars look for younger men because older men are well aware of the shit they can pull and won’t have it, Younger men may not be aware or don’t care.

    1. The cougar women too have lack of options.
      They sure can score beta dick, but no woman wants beta dick.
      They want alpha dick. And older alphas = more valuable alphas.
      These alphas do not want them.
      The lower alphas. Those with decent body but no money, no social proof and limited options – these they can get for “cheap”.
      The younger alpha males-in-learning are in the same boat and therefore it matches.

    1. Tagged teamed by two fucking crazy chicks for child support? It only takes one to crack. She’ll piss off the other one, the other one will give you shit. One is self-identified as bisexual previously? She’s going to rip their asses up.
      No thanks.
      Here’s my bag full of NOPE.

  31. Agree with some points by the OP. But female sexuality doesn’t crash at 35, more like 43. But it does crash hard, they can lose all interest in sex, their junk actually dries up. That’s very different from a male, who still has 80% sex drive he had in his 20s, provided he’s working out and taking care of himself.

    1. Women CAN have far more sex than men.
      Dont believe me? Check out what some prostitutes do. Men simply cant compete here.
      If women do not WANT sex it is because the male sex partner is too weak.
      Younger women who have ovulation want sex a lot. Some days more than men do.
      Older women need a lot more to WANT sex. This does result in lower betas loosing their sex appeal after children. Regular/greater betas loosing their sex around mid 40s latest when peri-menopause starts.
      Alphas never loose their sex appeal and can re-moisten dried up vags even.
      Why? Because a) they are in good physical condition themselfs b) have high male energies and c) can (and often do!) fuck other women on the side, the wife knows it and tries hard to compete.
      This is the receipt for a long and happy relationship.
      Be good yourself. Know it. Show it.

  32. The article doesn’t mention how invariably cynical and bitter older women become as the years roll on – even behind the charade of fake smiles and niceties.
    They’re not as attractive but more entitled and becoming more cynical by the day as this fantasy Mr. Right keeps not turning up.
    They never even consider that their unreasonably foul attitudes and frankenstein checklists have anything to do with it.
    I leave them by the wayside.
    Cougars retain all of a young woman’s entitled flakiness and shallowness but none of her finer attributes.

    1. “Cougars retain all of a young woman’s entitled flakiness and shallowness but none of her finer attributes.”
      This. A thousand times. Women are still women.. older or younger.. hypergamous and thinking they’re too good for most men. Very few of them actually learn any grace and humility, or become more humane and wiser as they older and lose the sexual power that made them so entitled, bitchy arrogant when they were at their sexual peak and the world was their oyster. In fact, many of them get even more pickier and less open to men who don’t meet their high standards and list of criteria, and they become bitter and cynical and more than a little crazy from not having a man around.. and from waiting for their fantasy Mr Right to come along and marry them.
      Avoid older women at all costs. This article is spot on. It doesn’t matter how good older women look with their clothes on.. once the clothes come off, it’s a trainwreck. They don’t have the perky breasts.. tight body… curves .. and pheromones of a younger woman. So not only are they not that sexy and appealing in bed, but you have to deal with their entitled, bitchy and cynical attitudes.

    2. Agree. They have no idea that the bitterness is showing through the fake smiles or laughs.
      These women come with a ton of baggage (emotional…kids are usually grown up, moved out, etc.). They are mad that everything has magically worked out in their favor.
      And they don’t even know that the bitterness is showing.

  33. As a sort of ironic comeuppance I’ve noticed that a lot of women and carousel-riders are hitting the wall as early as 30

    1. Oh, definitely… The 30 year old might still have nice ass/legs, but that beer gut will be hanging over her jeans. The smokers get wrinkles by their mid-20s.

    2. Does this happen to health-oriented, sexually self-controlled women, like Adventists or Mormons?

  34. Cougars are definitely flakes. I just told one to fuck off, after she flaked on me for a date.
    Then they get apologetic, “I’m so sorry… Can we try again some other time?”
    I said, “So am I. Take care!”

        1. Did you at least bed her once? Hopefully you got something for your troubles

    1. they definitely act like their younger counterparts sometimes. I think cougars flake because they know they are just cum receptacles and think they can play hard to get not realizing they are almost senior citizens.

  35. I think the point of the article is “why waste your time on some old cunt when you can get an attractive girl”

    1. They can’t pull anything past you, can’t they? heh

  36. if she wants a relationship tell her you would love to but cant because you want to have children. 🙁

    1. Check out dating profiles for women over 40, almost all have kids, don’t want more, with a pic tarted up like a hooker on halloween. As a male how do you integrate with her life? Other than pump and dump what else can you do? What does she bring to the relationship?

    1. Stop spamming with 1 hour vids of Lyekis. If you can’t condense into a few minutes, nobody has time for the shit. We aren’t stuck in our cars in a traffic jam in LA.

      1. nobody has to listen to it, but it’s not spam and it’s more relevant to the topic than any of these comments. anybody who has the time to sit on this site and comment has the time to listen to a really enlightening audio clip in the background of whatever they’re doing.

  37. I’ve had quite a bit of experience with older women, 40+, who where fit and very attractive. I would have to disagree with 1, 2, 3 and 7. The women I knew loved having sex and we had sex every time I saw them. The sex was exceptional as these women appeared to have a high sex drive and loved to give blow jobs and swallow without hesitation. One would text me throughout the day and tell me that my spooge was leaking out of her pussy and she loved that.
    They didn’t play games which was nice, just DTF, but they did want exclusivity given great sex leads women to desire monogamy given the release of bonding hormones (i.e. oxytocin with orgasms).
    It is true that most women over 40 are pretty fugly, but getting a hot outlier for fun is way better than having to deal with younger women who have “baby rabies” and their primary agenda is to get married and have kids.

      1. Most were 1 to 6 months. I did become attached to them and loved the sex, but my biological programming always pulled me toward younger women.

  38. Some PUAs actually teach cougar game. More like what you do when you’re too lazy to run game.

    1. Honestly, cougar game is right up there with other forms of extortion game. Very rarely will you find other modes of game, unless if you are extremely preselected, where you can get resources simply from having a dick. Trips, food, lifts, housing, you name it. In fact one could go so far as to make it a form of grifting; the male version of sugar daddy.

  39. I don’t get why any guys want these washed up hags. Even the ones that stay fit, you can see it all over their face just how old they are. The skin is looser and that youthful femininity is all but gone. I agree they’re fine for a lay but nothing more. Biology gets me on this one though-I just find no interest in women older than me. I’m 37 so the ones older are definitely past their prime.

    1. just to blow a load, that’s why I chase them for a few days and maybe 2 dates.

        1. I shouldn’t say chase, maybe give them 5 minutes of attention for 2 days, total of 10 minutes ….and a box of gas station wine.

        2. Never mind the box of gas station wine, make ’em whine in the gas station restroom…

    2. Great sex, low inhibitions, direct conversation. This was my last. Gorgeous woman. If you can find a hot outlier, i highly recommend.

      1. damn, now that one is hot. HOw old was she? Late 30s.. early 40s? She has the body of a 20 something year old.
        Still, hot older women like that are outliers indeed. And very few men can pull women like that. And if you’re the kind of man who can get a woman like that, you’re also the type who can get a younger woman who is just as hot.

        1. Would you believe 48? She worked out 1-2 times daily. Thanks for the kudos. I love all women as long as they are facially attractive and fit. My only reservation is that they will get older and look less appealing with time and it makes for short term relationships.
          My experience with women in their 30-40s has consistently shown that women love sex and actually expect men to be good in bed. I think women like sex more than men, but with a caveat…They usually only want sex with one good partner.

        2. Wow, 48? That is impressive. Obviously having good genes and working out that often helps.
          “I think women like sex more than men, but with a caveat…They usually only want sex with one good partner.”
          This is true.. but the problem is women are a lot more selective and pickier than men.. and they’re only interested in sex with a small percentage of men. I mean you must be pretty attractive to begin with to have a woman like that. So it’s good for men like you who are lucky enough to be able to pull women who look like that. .but most men aren’t going to be even visible or in the radar for women who look like that.

  40. ……when the profile says age 44 and that she will not settle “this time”.

  41. Excellent article – author is o be commended for dispelling these myths. Apart from the fact that I truly believe that no man should ever go out with a woman that is older than him, for those who do want to venture down this road, older women have had a lot more time to figure out exactly how to wrap a man around their finger, and I would dare say some target younger less experienced guys just to do that. Guys her own age probably don’t want to deal with her, as they know her game.

  42. I dunno man.. I know this site is very hostile to any woman over 30, and yes, many are very unattractive, but a few years ago as a 29 year old Aussie I banged a smoking hot 47 year old Newport Beach cougar for a month or so whilst I was in the States.. I still have fond memories of that! Compared to the average feral, rude, crude Aussie sheila, she was a dream come true.

    1. No one is hostile to older women. They are loved for the same purpose you spoke of, an exotic retreat from the norm.

      1. I must admit there is no point trying to have a serious relationship with one.. they can’t have your kids one day after all. But the sex is pretty damn good…

  43. Excellent article. Anytime a cougar approaches me at a bar I ask her if she has a time machine or a daughter. Theres no way im messing around with a woman whos skin feels like my ball sack.

  44. I’d rather buy a 22yo hooker than date a woman close to my age. Luckily, I can still date women under 30 easily enough.
    Older women are manipulative, shrill, low sex drive harpies.

  45. I am not sure which older women the writer is talking about. They are the easiest targets and they know that you can leave them for a younger version so they do not play the games they used to. The 40 something woman is excellent as long as you do not try to get serious.

  46. Cougars are diseased mental cases at best. From 18 to 40 is 22 years of exposure to just about every STD on the planet. If they don’t have the Herp by their 30’s, they’re probably lying to you. And condoms won’t completely protect you from the Herp.
    Cougars are generally lazy, dumb, and full of delusions and psychoses worthy of years of psychiatric counseling. As one told me enough times to dump her ass, “this ain’t my first rodeo.” Was I supposed to be impressed with this? Ha! Just the opposite. I left her high and dry at the bar as I ducked out the back.
    There’s only one real successful plan, Hugh Hefner’s plan. Get ’em while their young (18), and trade ’em in before they depreciate so much that they’re hard to get rid of (23). Don’t buy, but lease and keep driving the newest, shiniest models.
    Kendra Wilkinson. She’s cougar meat now; about to hit the big 30, but has already hit the wall. She’s going to blow the best chance of a future with her celebrity sports hubby. Then what will she do? She’ll be prowling the jungle for sure, but with a bused 30 year old body and all the baggage she brings. But I’m sure there will be plenty of 20 year old guys who will fall prey to her celebrity.

    1. Play Hugh’s game of P4P? No thanks. Having to game these bitches is bad enough, but having them set their sights on your $ from the get go too on top of it all?
      Fuck that.

  47. “even though we were together all the time I fucked her twice a week at the very most. ”
    Let me guess, the author did not see the reason why?
    Never overstay your welcome. Be desireless, be excellent, be gone.

  48. If most 40+ women looked like Julia Ann there would not be problem, but most 40+ women look like Rosie O’Donnell.

    1. Porn stars look tired and used up over 40. I was in vegas for an electronics trade show, and there were a couple of companies using over the hill porn stars as booth babes to draw in people. The women actually looked like cows in high heels. They looked really heavy. It was a turn off. Total opposite effect of what was intended. If you just want a slam piece to get you through a dry spell… maybe. But you have to ask yourself if you’re younger male what does she bring to the relationship? Even an older guy like Charlie Sheen in his early 50s, who bangs porn stars would be hesitant about cougar / milf in her 40s. Women just go downhill much faster than men, sad fact of nature.

  49. About the hype on cougars.
    Men with low value often can gain a relative bargain when dating older women.
    Here comes why:
    The younger guy with little experience, no money, living with his parents but a decent body may be able to get only 3s or 4s girls his age.
    The older woman may be a 5 or even a 6 if she did age way above average.
    This might be his only option to get decent pussy at his age/life situation.

  50. I know this is mostly a young man’s site but are you guys gonna give up sex after you turn 40? Do you think there are going to be an endless supply of 20 somethings for you into your old age? Some women are able to retain their sexual attractiveness at 40, 50 and (gasp!) beyond. Some men, old farts like me or younger dudes are able to tap this resource. Yeah feminism and all the cultural marxist bs that goes with it is poison, but there are a lot of unwarranted assumptions that go unchallenged around here. If you think every woman over 35 is a washed up old hag that is so loose she will swallow you whole when you mount her, there is nothing I can tell you. That one makes me laugh every time I read it. Very few of us are going to have the opportunity to live the life of a Hugh Hefner or a rock star. If you still want it, go for it and do the best you can with what you have and what’s available where you are.

    1. Okay some women are attractive into their forties and fifties but 90% to 95% of them aren’t. If you’re able to tap into that resource then good for you. For the rest of us with game we prefer the endless supply of 20 somethings (and yeah the supply is endless because babies are born everyday most of which are girls). Young girls like older men. Everyone knows that. Plus they are easier to game than your entitled washed up hags who still think they can pull dick like they did back in their teens and twenties. So yeah I’ll take the younger tighter women who are easier to game and prefer to be with older men. You can have the ‘cougars’

      1. No, young women like young, firm, supple men.. When hit on by a man my fathers age I get physically repulsed. Any woman dating an old fellow is in for the money or status. Or daddy issues… Sorry dude.. Also, most men aren’t so attractive after 40 either.. Just keeping it real..

    2. “I know this is mostly a young man’s site but are you guys gonna give up
      sex after you turn 40?”
      “Do you think there are going to be an endless
      supply of 20 somethings for you into your old age?”
      Yep. Thanks to feminism and its removal of moral standards.
      “Some women are able
      to retain their sexual attractiveness at 40, 50 and (gasp!) beyond.”
      “Some men, old farts like me or younger dudes are able to tap this
      Shale oil and drilling oil. Pyrite and gold. Lucite and diamond. But you keep throwing those sausages down the hallway, dude.

      1. But what the men here don’t realize.. Yes old farts as are repulsive to young women as some cougars are to young men.. Older men have wrinkles, decaying teeth( bad breath) and body sags that younger men don’t have.. If they are hitting on young chicks they are immature and desperate.. Grow up old farts.. You are creepy ..

  51. Cougars behave desperately because their skills are no where what they used to be. Think of an untrained boxer in the ring—he over swings, trying to compensate for his lack of skill. Or a baseball player playing above his level—his swings are almost cartoonish, as if he’s trying to hit a grand slam with each one.
    Cougar behavior is try-hard and reeks of desperation. Like a cargo culter, they believe that just doing their former routine, only harder, will achieve the same results.

    1. Yes, so many cougars try to look and dress like they’re in their 20s. They just look ridiculous.

  52. Regardless of what a woman tells you, her end game is always a relationship money and validation

    There, fixed it for you.

    1. ★❦********
      _______I Make Money At H0me.,….,

      ➨➨➨➨ http://www.EXCELLENTJobsOffer

  53. Do not feel sorry for a girl 30+ that did not leverage her youth & beauty into locking down a quality man.
    It was more important to ride the carousel, adopt dogs & eat out at restaurants & drink.

  54. Cougars are used up sluts who should be rode hard and put away wet. That’s all they are good for.

    1. Honestly men are as well by the time you are 40.. Most are balding and getting fat- don’t fill yourself with the ” fine wine” myth- .. And please.. Stick with women your own age. Otherwise people suspect you are out on the town with your granddaughter.. Lol

      1. Stop kidding yourself to make yourself feel better cupcake.
        Yes, there are lazy men out there, but there are also men who take care of themselves, don’t let themselves get fat, have money and status. And guess what?
        We ain’t sharing it with you. American women aren’t worthy of it anymore.

  55. I’m a 40+ guy.. and I’m ashamed to admit, when I’m at the gym, and there’s some 20’s guy in the spot next to me.. I’ll up the treadmill speed or the weights on the machine. Just to show, you know, some little snot ain’t got the better over me.
    This must be how cougars think.

  56. Sorry ,but any girl with implants left 7 or 8, much less 9 or 10 behind when she had the surgery done.

  57. Now Cougars? I observe the decline in standards in America from afar and wonder every year if they can sink any lower.

  58. If im not mistaken the term Cougar is supposed to mean “attractive older woman in late 30s older 40s”.
    And also do not get into relationships with them. Hit it and leave it (unless you can get them to pay for all your shit.)

  59. I don’t believe that any man with any sort of sexual experience worth mentioning would find a “cougar” attractive.
    “Cougars” only appear in the dreams of adolescents that don’t know better and virgins (of every age).
    The closest I’ve come to fucking a “cougar” was a then-friend in her mid 30’s, *after* I’d consumed a ridiculous amount of alcohol while hanging out at her place (I was so fucked up that no 2nd round could happen because everything started spinning and I was certain that I’d vomit all over her).
    The thought of fucking a woman 5+ years her senior, honestly, *disgusts* me! These so-called “cougars” you see paraded around (and fucked, of course) in porn are in their late 20’s and mid 30’s, for the most part.
    Like with anything else in porn, anyone setting their expectations based on the “cougars” the say in porn will be sorely disappointed when/if the rubber meets the road (or a disgusting cougar’s vaginas).

  60. I admit, I go strictly after older women. Why? I have always been burned by younger women; the younger ones are always the ones that have played games with me. I acknowledge that older women are just as likely to play games as younger women, but in my experience, older women have always been straightforward with me.

  61. This guy I work with who is somewhat beta nice guy, went thru a divorce rape, and is now married to a black woman was telling me the other day how he rocked a lot of 40 year olds when he was my age. I was thinking “lol ok then…”

  62. pretty much spot on, except for #3………..their libido naturally INCREASES into their fifties, so if i were you, i’d work on my bedroom technique, young man………i’m 57 and i specialize in 30-40 somethings

  63. It’s a TV-fostered urban legend (primary audience of TV being… MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN, ding ding ding). The female sex always desires a higher status mate and being younger than she is means you probably ain’t higher status, barring dot-com millions or you play in a famous band or both. In addition to American garbage primetime fare the shriveled crone Madonna was another pioneer of this self-serving neo-myth

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  65. < col Hiiiiiii Friends….’my friend’s mom makes $88 every hour on the internet . She has been unemployed for eight months but last month her payment was $13904 just working on the internet for a few hours.
    try this site HERE’S MORE DETAIL

  66. < col Hiiiiiii Friends….’my friend’s mom makes $88 every hour on the internet . She has been unemployed for eight months but last month her payment was $13904 just working on the internet for a few hours.
    try this site HERE’S MORE DETAIL

  67. I’ve NEVER seen a discussion with such a bunch of pussies. I mean there are more pussies here than the ones you individuals think you are talking about. A psychologist specializing in gender n sexuality would have a field day with these little boy comments. Oh wait…thats ME!!!! I’ve been with many women over the years…many older than me that were absolutely hot and killers in bed (of course, i’m in the fitness field, so that might me a reason) and i have been with younger females that were hot and beast in bed as well. In the same token, i’ve had some frigid lays from BOTH spectrums. But to black and white it like is done here and and to cancel out ALL cougars reminds me of the dude who cant get the chick so he has to make a bunch of negative things about her so his ego doesnt implode. Just like these new wave feminist man-haters are really little spoiled girls looking to belittle all the little boys in the crowd, you ALL sound like the same bunch of “little boys” in the crowd retaliating….and then you wonder why you dont get laid lol

  68. Great article, but your writing needs work. Anyone who uses the phrase “STEP FOOT” (when it’s actually ‘set foot’) loses my attention real fast.

  69. I know this article is a year old, but I’ll comment anyway. I dated and lived with a 40 year old woman when I was 28. This relationship lasted one year. The experience was brutal, forcing me to examine myself and ultimately pushing me to swallow the red pill.
    Although she had aged well, she wasn’t as tight as any of the young women I had been with, but had great tits and a wonderful ass. She was also a sexual freak and killer in bed. She cooked for me a lot and kept a very clean house. Sounds great, right? That’s it for the positives…
    She was a fucking basket case–the most manipulative woman I’ve ever encountered. For example, she was walking down the hall while I was talking to her. She told me to walk with her while I talked. She didn’t like what I said. During the ensuing argument, she said that I had “chased her down the hall yelling at her.” She would also pick fights over nothing that would turn into shouting matches because she would blatantly lie and scream at me for shit that never happened. Unfortunately, in my beta state, I allowed her to bring out the worst parts of me.
    Her ex-boyfriend of three years had allegedly broken her hand during an argument, after which she kicked him out. She had pictures of her hand from the incident. Now, here’s what was strange. In three years, he had never touched her. She claimed that he just snapped one night when she was just laying in bed. But I knew how crazy she could make a man, so I’m fairly certain she pushed his buttons and he ended up popping off.
    She cheated rampantly but was very good at hiding her tracks. Years of carousel riding and manipulation served her well. I never caught her in the act, but I found some incriminating texts she hadn’t yet deleted. She also ended up fucking my now ex friend as our relationship reached its final stages, and dated him for a few months after I dropped her.
    She repeatedly insulted me in an effort to make me devalue myself. And it worked, at least for a little while. She would say, “I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you and will happen to you.” Pro tip: when a woman says this, she’s actually the worst thing for you. She knows it, but she doesn’t want you to know it.
    She never paid for anything when we went out even though she made more money than me. When we went on vacations, she said she would pay half the hotel costs, but never did. Whenever I asked her to cut me a check, it turned into an argument from hell.
    When I moved out, she showed some crocodile tears and tried to kiss me as I left. Then she texted me later that night saying that she loved me, that it was ridiculous we broke up, blah blah blah. I just ignored her and never spoke to her again. And gentlemen, let me tell you, when I moved out, I never felt more free. When I slept on my own bed in my new place, it was the first time in a year I actually felt I got a good night’s rest.
    Then I hooked up with a bunch of different girls who were all younger than me. Feeling those tight bodies, perky breasts, and tight pussies was pure ecstasy. Plus they all fawned over me, came over when I wanted them to, cooked for me, gave great head, and treated me like a king…because I demanded it. It was amazing how changing a few things improved my life tenfold.
    The lesson from all of this? Do what I should have done and pump and dump the few attractive cougars you come across. Their sexual value has drastically declined, and even though they’ll never admit it, they know they’re last week’s trash. This makes them more manipulative than younger women. They are masters of fucking with men’s minds. When they try to lock you down, run for the hills.

  70. You have to be SO careful with women who are 40+, even in their late 30s. What with Spanx, push-up bras, etc. they can look so good when they are all wrapped up and then they undress and everything flops out and then Tightytown turns to Sag City. So disappointing I won’t even go there anymore. Also, older women are very good at picking fashions and patterns that camoflage their pear-shapedness or ass and thighs that have gotten gigantic from decades of cubicle dwelling. Very few women in their 40s are even a 5, let alone 7 or higher.

  71. Also, almost all the hottest cougar-age women are married. Most people, both male and female, who are still single in their 40s are either physically repellent, or psychotic or have very unpleasant personalities.

  72. Where do you meet 60+ Asian women who are DTF? I am interested in sexy, hot Asians who love younger white men and who also have class and style. I have tried hitting on them at a local senior center, but no luck.
    I am tall, masculine, aggressive, somewhat dominant…

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