“The Game is to be sold, not told.”
-Iceberg Slim
For roughly the past six years or so, I’ve been heavily studying game, or what some would refer to as pickup—the formatted study of how to “pull” women. Though I never set out to be an authority or expert on the matter, my humble missives on it have appeared in a number of places online. Like Jigga said and Cassidy reiterated, ask about me.
Part of my studies involved being part of a “lair”—a real-world location where men gather to share pickup tips, invite speakers in, and even practice on “Hired Guns”—hot women who can monetize their looks, such as strippers, barmaids, gals working at high-end mens’ shops, Instagram urban models, and the like.
Often I would be among a very few black men in attendance, the vast majority being white or Asian. Even among the small number of brothers in attendance, I was the only one who was interested in black women. It’s been my direct and indirect experience, that those brothers who do study game and pickup diligently tend to go for Beckys, Mai-Lins, and Marisols. I’m just saying.
Along with the existence of a true “Band of Brothers” vibe among the white guys who study game and pickup—they really do care about each other and want each other to succeed in getting women—I just had to ask: why don’t black men do it?
1. Because the game is to be told, not sold
Game, like many other things of great cultural relevance in American society, actually got its start among the lower classes of black American life. Perhaps the earliest accounts of game being dispensed and discussed in written form is Iceberg Slim’s “Pimp: The Story of My Life” that came out roughly a half a century ago, and is a memoir from Slim’s days as a pimp and hustler in 1930s-era Chicago.
Game was a way to manage a pimp’s stable of ladies, and the competition for them among pimps was stiff—hence the term above. As a result of that ethos spilling over into “square” life, black men as a group are reluctant to give actionable intel to other black men about picking up women.
2. Big man culture
Another reason has to do with the cultural practice of Big Manism, something that is very evident in Africa, Dominican Republic, Brazil, and other heavily black locales. What is Big Manism? It’s when a brother is, or has become, for lack of a better way of putting it, a “big man on campus type”—and as result, he not only has his run of the ladies available, but he has a surplus of them to boot. Given that this is the case, it’s understandable that they have little incentive to spread the wealth.
3. Black men don’t feel that game is worth it
If you spend any time in pickup forums, a lot of emphasis is put on the upper-tier white and Asian women. The subtitle to the pickup classic The Mystery Method is “How To Get Beautiful Women In Bed.” I’ve personally witnessed white and Asian guys pay small fortunes to learn from the masters how to get ‘er done with chicks that look they jumped off the cover of Maxim or the Victoria’s Secret runway.
Let’s be frank, gals of that caliber are few and far between in black American life; brothers ain’t gonna spend $3K USD (or more) for a weekend “bootcamp” just so they can holla at what’s on offer among American black women.
4. Anti-intellectualism and anti-counseling culture
One of the first things you immediately learn by hanging out in predominantly white and Asian pickup circles is that these dudes are generally pretty smart—they don’t call them nerds for nothing—and their approach is very IQ-intensive. Flowcharts, grids and graphs, studies, and academic rigor is the order of the day in these subcultures. Brothers simply don’t approach life that way.
Part of that has to do with straight up anti-intellectualism that is unfortunately frequently the case in black America, but part of that stems from the fact that being a nerd simply don’t have the same cultural pull or force in black American life as it does in white and Asian American cultural life. Sistas ain’t into nerds like that, bottom line. Furthermore, game forces a great deal of introspection, and black folks in general don’t do the counseling thing; most of us typically consider that something for white folks and uppity “bougie” blacks.
5. Pride and shame
Pride and shame are big motivators in black culture. In order to address a problem, you have to admit that you have one in the first place, and because of the Mandingo Myth, every brother is under incredible pressure to give everyone the impression that they are what Nas’ baby mama Carmen Bryan referred to as a “sexual warrior.” Simply put, white and Asian guys have the cultural space to come forward and admit that they need help in these areas that black men, on a whole, simply don’t.
In summation
You have no idea how many brothers I have talked to “on the down low” who come to me and express a desire to learn more about game. They do not want to be publicly identified. Think about that for a moment.
The reason why I’m passionate about this issue is multifaceted; part of it has to do with the fact that there are a lot of brothers who really do need help in one of the most important areas of their lives, and there is no interest or desire culturally to assist them. This goes on to fuel the current “Where are the good Black men?” trope that so many black women complain about.
There’s no silver bullet here, but I am convinced that if more brothers actually knew how to go about being social and getting the ladies, some of the tensions in black American life would be eased. And I’m committed to doing my part to get the word out
Read More: The Pros And Cons Of Game For Black Men In The West
I read the book and was boring. And that Mystery look like a travesty closet faggot. The best book by far is How to Make Girls Chase. In their website you get good articles also if you cannot afford the book. You can manage to get all the tips in the book just surfing the website. Its my personal best tools anyway.
You mean GirlsChase? Dude that site is amazing, all the articles are so in depth and precise, only problem is that there is a limit on how many you can read but yeah, there is so much info.
You do know that Iceberg Slim said he was asexual, don’t you?
Hmm…that is interesting. Do you have a link so I can read up more about that? Thanks!
I think a common path black guys feel to get the ladies is a reflection of Pimp-dome. Stack cash, present a lavish lifestyle, and apply usual black swagger and assume that’s a fail-proof equation. Well it might work for a while, or some of the time, but when the same exact equation is followed by the large majority of black men, women wise-up and failure is inevitable.
The easy girls will forever fall for that path, but easy come, easy go. No pun intended.
I don’t care what color your skin is, you should study a little game if anyone is dressed like the man in the photo.
That’s actually Iceberg Slim.
The real shame for black men is not just the opportunities they miss to pull tail. Game principles are applicable across all facets of life, from friends and family to your job. Learning game is part of the broader arc of self improvement that many in the black community could benefit from.
Great article. I don’t think black guys need as much game cause they are natural alphas. Utterly fearless in approaching gals. Bold as fuck.
They’re actually more approachable- and will talk about taboo topics more readily than any prissy, metrosexual, gadget-obsessed white urban phaggot.
I don’t know if they’re more alpha, but definitely less likely to tolerate disrespect from women. Slapping or getting physical is more common.
Black men don’t need game, they just rape women.
by that logic, whites dont need game cause they can chase younglings in thailand
Now this bullshit should be shoved up you ass.
Now this is true, I have been with a lot of white women, and I can not tell you how many times I have had to tell them to chill, I am not a white guy and will not put up with their shit.
Bold as fuck with the chickenheads from the hood. You have been watching too much TV.
If a guy isn’t learning game it is either because he is getting alot of pussy or doesn’t want it. All you hv to do is type it into the google search bar. Its not 1990 when you actually had to go to a library.
From what I’ve seen- a lot of them are into porn and sports.
And astrology… We love our astrology.
I’d say in most minority circles game is discussed and instilled, rather than “studied”. Friends and older brother types school you, and you develop your personal rap.
Another more critical reason is culture. The black society is very female dominated and shaming black men is extremely common, particularly when it involves chasing white women..it is the black women that shame the men.
Case in point. My good friend and I were at dinner last Wed. and he said, Man I know what you’re going to say but I found out my little girl is not mine.
Now to back up a bit, my friend is early 30s been engaged for 2 years, his daughter is 1 1/2 and he has been with the same women for 3 years.
So I said to him, what did you do? Brother, I am so sorry to hear that. He said he went home to his mother and his aunt came over and they told him not to leave her, that too many kids grow up without fathers and it isn’t fair to his “child” since he is the only Dad this kid knows. I shook my head and told him I would leave if that was my situation. He told me he couldn’t do it. That he would be shamed at family gatherings and at church. I looked at him and said you know, no matter what, I always have your 6 but its better to be shamed by family and church than to tolerate shame at home. I’d walk but its your call.
However, one has to wonder…does the baby daddy have game or is the fiance just a hoe?
It is a mix really with regards to baby daddy having game and mother being a hoe. There are so few quality black women around in America that many families strongly encourage staying together because the alternative means going years without quality. The shame comes from grandchild rabies and save a hoe tendencies. Even fathers tend to stay with women they do not like for fear of being shamed.
quality black women
That’s an oxymoron, just like a negro rocket scientist.
Lame pop shot but good attempt. There are plenty of quality black women in America as long as they aren’t infected by American culture. American culture embraces idiocy, showboating, lewd behavior, mass breeding and little heeding for the future. This very same culture has spread out to infect other American women as well. The quality black women I found thus far were Caribbean. I haven’t dated any African women for a long period to assess if this is true for me.
America has the finest culture of all the world. Apparently you only know the bottom 10% and Jerry Springer types. In real life I have never encountered even 1 person like this in the US.
America’s culture is horrendous. Jerry Springer is American culture. Not reading is American culture. Looking for the quickest results is the American Way. If America ruled the world, classical material would be outlawed, only one language would exist, English, and other cultures would be placed in a museum for Americans to mock because they are superior. In fact American culture is so backwards in some ways that we outsourced for help willingly and bottomed out our economy in the process. In fact the average man is preparing to expat because of American Culture. America is the only culture that embraces ignorance as being the best.
Spend a day in Japan, Brazil, England, come again with America having the finest culture of all the world. All the cool kids I know have another cultural background tacked on to being an American.
I take it you haven’t been on a college campus since the 70s? You haven’t spoken with a car salesman? You haven’t been on public transportation in 3 decades? Or maybe you just don’t live in any of the cities?
Just New York, London, Moscow and a dozen other cities.
I don’t think I’ve ever been on public transportation outside of planes and perhaps a few times on the commuter’s line from Greenwich.
After traveling in several circles, I have a better idea which one you traveled in. If you have rode public transportation, you would have seen more of the culture of which I spoke of. Odds are high most of the American culture you hail as good, must have the roundedness of another cultural background.
There is also the difference between upper-class, upper middle-class, middle-class and lower class. Upper-middle class culture is technically also american culture.
I actually love European culture, and hate being here in the states. and before anyone asks why I am back, ….divorce will do that to you. But I wanted to retire,(Navy) and stay in Spain.
So your beta friends girlfriend got fucked by some random alpha and now she expects him to be the provider?
Jesus Christ, idk how some people can deny that ‘alpha fux beta bux’ is a thing.
“So your beta friends girlfriend got fucked by some random alpha and now she expects him to be the provider?Jesus Christ, idk how some people can deny that ‘alpha fux beta bux’ is a thing.”
34 children with 17 mothers. This is only possible in a welfare state where the taxpayers are robbed to pay for the children of pseudo-alphas:
Your best bet, if you want to save him, is to physically separate him from her, and conduct all communication for him to her. Do NOT let them talk alone, even for a second.
Your friend is only engaged, not married. Break it off ASAP! Leave that slut! Also shame on his mom and aunt telling him to raise someone else’s kid.
Yeah, he may have gotten attached to the little girl, but cut her loose. It’s not his problem.
The kid is 1 1/2 and won’t even remember him a week later. The Ho is using the kid so he’ll get attached to it just like men get attached to puppies. The guy sounds like a pussy anyway and females with kids should be wiped from his list of available women.
‘Now to back up a bit, my friend is early 30s been engaged for 2 years,
his daughter is 1 1/2 and he has been with the same women for 3 years.”
What?! While he was ‘with her’ for 3 years she got knocked up by another guy? And if the kid is 1.5 she must have been 3 months pregnant when he became engaged.The baby daddy didn’t want to marry her so she grabbed this sucker who had been fawning over her for the past 3 years while she was screwing who knows how many men.
Tell him to kick her ass to the curb. Not only did she cheat on him, but she lied about it. Unforgivable dealbreakers in my book.
Her kid ain’t his problem.
If he’s willing to stay with a cheater and take care of a daughter that’s not his then he sounds like a weak man.
Listen to the Jay-Z song “Is that your chick”….so much red pill truths in that one song. Your friend’s situation reminded me about this verse:
Yo, yo.. why you home alone, why she out with me?
Room 112, hotel balcony
How she say Jay you can call the house for me?
There’s no respect at all
You betta check her dawg
She keep beggin’ me to hit it raw
So she can have my kids and say it was yours
How foul is she? And you wifed her
Shit, I put the rubber on tighter
Sent her home, when she entered home
You hugged her up
What the fuck is up?
She got you whipped, got your kids
Got your home, but that’s not your bitch
You share that girl, don’t let ’em hear daddy Earl
It’ll make ’em sick that his favorite chick
Ain’t saving it, unfaithful bitch
I’d kick the awnt, mammy and the Hos butt because although I may feel sorry for the kid I won’t allow some slut to make a fool of me.There are a million kids in this situation and it’s the slut who did it to them.Eventually the slut will kick the guy out and then make him pay child support because he took the role of the father and a court would make it stick.He’ll never see the kid again because the Ho will have another sucker to give her things while she’s collecting the child support and mostly spending it on herself and not the kid.
Forget church and all of that crap too where some octoroon preacher ( negro females worship these tanned white men lol) tell the men how bad they are while wearing a custom made suit and driving a Mercedes paid for by them.
Negro females love church where they can dress up and sing and compete with each other for the octoroon’s attention and told how good they are while filling his bank account with donations.
And despite the dummies on here who think I’m some sort of big racist,I’m the one who from the very beginning said that Scott was murdered and the cop should be charged with that. All of his problems were from that child support that he couldn’t pay and now he’s dead as a result. I’ve heard all of the criticism of Scott and defeated them all and figured this case out in 2 min. No, I’ve never paid support myself.
The stupidest thing I heard was why isn’t he able to pay support when he’s driving a Mercedes.That car he was in is 25 years old and needed repairs and is worth nothing. He didn’t even own it yet.Where I live a car like that would be junked for its scrap metal for a couple of hundred.
I don’t know, but looking at the comment section at ROK and the Roosh fourms, black men make up a disproportionately large amount of users.
This is mostly because of the anonymous nature of the Internet. Most black guys won’t admit to reading game/pua sites in real life.
As a former MD I got a grant to study demographics on the Net and even have an assistant, 21 yo Dr Danilova from the Pavlov Institute. We knew even before using a few new apps we developed that just by reading these comments we were dealing with the lower 10% and a lot of coloureds. I spoke to Tommy Sotomayer (his youtube name) and since he’s involved with the Net a lot more than I he confirmed all of my suspicions about the people stinking up the Net these days.Once computers and cell phones began to become dirt cheap in 2000 it was only a matter of time before every negro, cracka and prole had them and as usual they would ruin our technology with a lot of crap.The ghetto boys did not have computers or net even in the mid 2000’s and everything you see today with videos on youtube and hiphop world are only in the <5 years.
Ever hear of Myspace? Well in the beginning in the early 2000’s until perhaps 2007 it was great and the reason is easy to see.Only the better classes of people especially foreign girls had Net access in 2003(in 2000 only 10% of people on the net had high speed which was 700Mps) and the same was about true for the US as well.There were no fat lower class girls with bad manners or blacks. The girls regardless of country all spoke English ( a sign of a better class) and their pics were real and they were all dressed with class. If you sent a message to a girl she’d add you and give you her cell #. You could then talk on cell or on messenger with video on so you knew exactly what she looked and sounded like and what you’re getting.And since the females were of a better class they had almost all travelled and had the funds to travel(probably from parents because they were all in the 18-22 age range and at college) and many people would visit each other or meet in some country 1/2 way between. The females paid their own way.
The more the lower class got into these things (today it’s facebook) the more they went downhill and turned to crap. On Myspace all of the best females started dropping out and closing their profiles and the reason was the low quality of men(and nasty females) coming on who they had nothing in common with.
Solid article Obsidian! I’ve looked into game over a decade ago as at one point I needed to make a drastic change in my life. I sought game less for women and more to be social. It morphed into me learning to date better and eventually I became a more whole person. I’m an avid believer in game and what it can do for a person and have noticed the spread of other brothers who follow game tenements as well. They do lean towards dating white or asian women, and always claim that black women are bad. You may be on to something with anti-intellectualism though. As a child growing up if I mentioned I read a book, I was called smart. Not even counting whether my idea was sound or not. Other black kids would avoid the same books. And the more knowledge I spouted the rougher it was to make friends.
With regards to game, I just had some major kinks to work out with game and an unnatural fear to overcome with dating quality women. End of the day, I’d more like to be with a smart, beautiful black woman as my first line. After them my criteria is smart, fun, beautiful, curvy women, of any race.
As a black man, I avoid black American women like the plague.
They are probably the worst group of women on earth, and there is so much trash among them that the few that have decent looks and/or light skin believe themselves to be such high value its not worth the effort.
I’d have to agree with this. Though I wish that wasn’t the case.
African black women and Caribbean black women who haven’t been westernized are usually cool though so if you have jungle fever you can get your fix from them lol.
Completely agree. The most enjoyable women I have met, who were also attractive, were African and Caribbean women. Particularly non westernized Caribbean women. For some reason African women are usually anti- Western culture so they will be solid bets to keep around. I had to up my game status for American black women as the few who are really attractive are tricky to date. Either they sound like the hood incarnate or they may have some sense and are avid carousel lovers.
Yes I hope to find a Caribbean woman
Yeah, me too. Either that or East African women (Ethiopian specifically) are by far the best black girls.
Since there is such a sex ratio favoring men in the black community wouldn’t this fact of supply and demand alone force women to either be attractive or shape up in order to have a relationship or marriage in the 1st place?
You would think so.
But women don’t want marriage in the true sense of the word to begin with. Also, you have these fatties out here that have it stuck in their mind that they think they can have the black version of Brad Pitt without any type of improvement on their part.
Also, since we’re still seen as a “fling” for a lot of women so they can determine if the “myth” is true or not, marriage (hell, even a LTR for that matter) is out of the question more often than not.
”But women don’t want marriage in the true sense of the word to begin with. Also, you have these fatties out here that have it stuck in their mind that they think they can have the black version of Brad Pitt without any type of improvement on their part.”
Hopefully black men aren’t so thirsty as to be having flings with them. Considering the favorable sex ratio black men should be able to pick and choose and have higher standards. Likewise the ones infected with feminism if black men had self-respect should end up as spinsters instead of siring bastard children.
Personally, I have my standards, but that doesn’t mean that all women are throwing their panties at me just because I’m black. There are women out there that just aren’t into black men. That’s fine, I can’t control that. I’m on the lookout for the ones that are. And in that instance, more often than not, they are throwing panties & a lot of them I turn down because like I said, I have standards.
If more black men had better standards appearance and characterwise. Then over the generations the quality of black women should improve.
You would think so but thats not the case. Black girls that are hot and non ghetto are SO rare they believe their value to be 100x what it actually is. They won’t settle for any black man that isn’t wealthy or a rapper and if they can’t find that they’ll go looking for a white guy.
Well its time for black men to look overseas.
Or somehow reprogram the ghetto and hot chicks to be non-ghetto.
Try Nigeria and stay out of White countries.
I made similar observations 20 years ago: Except for the ugliest or ones with a foreign background, young African-American women would behave the way you’d expect a Victoria’s Secret model to behave.
Yup, there is so very very few decently hot ones that if you find one that is a 7/10 you’ll find out she has higher standards and belief of value than a 9 or even 10 white girl or latino girl.
I’m Black and I study game to a degree, but I’m not going to pay for it (at least not bootcamps; I’ll buy books like 48 Laws, 50th Law, etc. that have applied lessons to life and “Game”). I still don’t believe that game can cure all, but it does help. Many Black men (like myself in the past) believe that game cannot help us no matter what though since we are the least-desired males, especially amongst Asian women (which is true to a large degree). Why try when you know that you’ll fail?
move to a new city. you wouldn’t believe how easy it is in certain areas
It’s only Asian women (not talking thai, filipinas, cambodians, etc. either) that I like. I don’t give a fuck about White, Latin, or even Black women (except for the “racial duty” aspect in the latter case).
this old jamaican has a young japanese wife and had a shit ton of notches including a mother daughter team
Not sure what you’re so upset about. Black dudes from everything I hear can do just fine in Japan.
That’s not true, especially if you’re not a hip-hopper and going for hip-hop b-style bitches.
lol GrandAdmiral why are you always complaining about asian women not being attracted to black men, go to the Philippines or Thailand and you’ll do just fine.
Yeah, i don’t like filipinas or thai. I like Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese. I don’t pay for play either, especially knowing that in the back of my mind I’m giving money to finance someone that hates me and won’t really want or enjoy the sex.
Man, check out Bobby Olugun from Japan. I live in Japan and I know 3 Nigerian brothers and 2 Brazilian blacks. All but 1 are married or in relationships with decent to hot women. The Nigerians do the attrition game by numbers until they hit on enough women that they eventually get a good one. This is anecdotal evidence only, but always seeing your self pitying posts is getting to me.
Read some stoic dialogues man and quit beaten yourself up over shit that is external to you and outside your control. Then get out in Tokyo, Shanghai, and Seoul and start gaming.Get blown out 200 times and still get laid. Just stop complaining about it on ROK.
Visit Okinawa. They love black men there lol
I am like you I also like Asian women but I prefer the Southeast Asians while you prefer Northern Asians lol, although I have dated from both regions I prefer the south eastern women. To each his own.
Lol you want Asians. Just throwing it out there
Also escorts are an option if you are in any asian country, there are women that are willing to fuck you for money.
It is that vein of hopelessness that permeates black culture and all blacks who enter America before maturity that makes it such a necessity for the few of us with sense to focus on some level of self improvement.
I wouldn’t say blacks are dead last on the totem pole. In North America anyway, Asian and Indian men have it worse.
No. Asian and Indian men, being blue-pill nerds, wrongly attribute to race what should be attributed to height and nerdiness.
An Asian or Indian who is tall, fit, and not nerdy, does well with white women. In fact, white women will meet him more than half of the way, if he just reduces the beta shortcomings that his culture teaches him.
I’d say the desirability scale goes: 1. white 2. white 3. black 4. everyone else. White women will date black men but there’s no way they’ll date asian men or indian men. Although a lot of other factors weigh in as well. A tall, good-looking indian guy is going to have a much better chance than a short one.
Asian and Indian men get better quality though when they do get white girls. Three-hundred pounders and old chicks shouldn’t count. Oh, and I don’t give a fuck about white women; I like Asians (no pinays, thais, and those types).
Asians and Indians have it brutal in the USA man, they get no love because they are portrayed as feminine and nerdy.
Attractivness to women in america goes
1) White men 2) Black men 3) Every other race.
Just for the record, I happen to know quite a few Brothas who’ve boo’d up Asian chicks. One of them I used to work with, a Muslim Brotha at that, wifed up a gal crom Cambodia; two I know have wifed up Japanese chicks (both have kids with them, too, one of them in the last year and is a very classy artsy type; the other is a book author who writes about Red Pill stuff, former US Army, etc.). I know several other Brothas who’ve successfully gotten with Koreans, Vietnamese and Thai chicks. And I’ve personally dated a half-Fillipino/half Black chick – and brother, let me tell you, she. Was. Da. Bomb.
So, this idea that Brothas can’t get Asian chicks, is absurd. You can do this, son!
Oh, yeah… AND the fact that there is a double standard–black men are allowed to act like men when it comes to women, and black women like it that way. Social Justice Warriors and Feminists are, for the most part, reluctant to f with black men. That twat who walked around in NY in skintight clothes and then cried about the attention she got soon caught a beatdown for being “racist”and blah blah blah.
Can you IMAGINE a white indie rock band putting out the type of sexual swag that black rappers lyricize? Black men haven’t had their intrinsic game social engineered out of them the way white men have. Plain and simple.
SJWs might not hit us as hard, but anti-Blackism and/or conservative “backlash” does. Women in general don’t want us either, and the SJWs will indeed attack us when they can. Oftentimes, an SJW attack against Black men is one of the times that the most ardent follower of the Right will squad-up with feminists and their ilk.
Minorities get a major pass here man, Witness the #1 Smash Hit by imbecile Pit Bull:
You know what to do
There aint no rules in the freak game
And if you like your hair pulled
And your as* slapped when they hit it
From the back it better be known
To the extent that Robin Thicke tried to go there, he’s still being beaten down into the pavement by theSJW brigade, Beta Male posse, etc. as “creepy” for having a healthy set of hetero balls.
Well, Pitbull is Latino, not Black. Women would actually let Pitbull do that to them, and while Brad, Chad and Biff might not be able to say things, women crave them almost universally. Very few women want Tyrone and Shawntavious, especially women like Chun-Li and Misato.
Man think thats been going on in rap and hip hop since the 80s and 90s about rap being “mysoginistic”. Its always had its controversy. WHites recently have embraced hip hop and are new to the crap they get with it.
Then again I suppose they got similar in rock n roll circles for “devils music”.
I think It hasn’t de-balled black masculinity.
Kim K. doesn’t have a problem letting Kanye do that do her. It’s pretty hard to beat what Michael Jordan’s got. I mean, I hear where you’re coming from, but I know a LOT of black dudes who wade into the Chad and Biff environments and CRUSH.
we went from lil jon to lil wayne
from Dr. Dre to Drake
Lil kim to Niki Minaji.
2pac biggie 50 cent DMX to Bruno Mars,Pitbull clown posse Mackelmore
yes its been de balled. Everything has to be more woman friendly.
like we had a good rap station,(swearing and everything) before and right when it got popular it got PCed.
Mackelmore? Come on. he got chased out of town almost immediately. Put Bull an lil wayne both make their livings saying things white dudes can’t. Just a fact.
did he? Dam havent been payin attention. But that kinda proves my point. These men are less masculine then the rappers 15yrs ago. Those guys were way more vulgar and with stood media onslaught.
Pitbull btw is a white latino. But it could be worse we could be india where Honey DIngh songs are considered misogynistic and get their concert cancelled by local feminists.
the censored words were bitch and dick…..that was the offence about screwin slutty women.
if the west keeps going where its goin, well be like india were this becomes “sexist against women”
This highly amusing video caught some flak–but it still got made. Recently.
Truth be told of all the races, Black men are number two on most sought after men. As a secondary verification check out the show “Take Me Out” every black male on that show crushes. Whereas Latino and Asian struggle. White men beat out Black men on dating sites because most are viewed in the neutral sense so no negatives apply.
o ya I remember this. Was used to make fun of sjws?
You beat me to it. Took the words right out of my mouth.
Go back to 2 live crew, NWA, and countless others.
fuckin love 2 live crew https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFRI7i9IHnc
isn’t pitbull white? whites are a majority in cuba
No he and his accent are from FLOREEDA
Latinos do way better than Black men. Many are close to white and many have the latin lover stereotype going for them. I’m also talking about Asian girls, not American women, especially not the fat and fugly ones.
Pitbull is a Cuban who is lighter skin, and yes you are right the skin complexion plays a role..but also note that most Blacks in the world outside of Africa are in fact Latinos by far. But in terms of culture yes there is a “Latin lover” thing but there is also the Machismo culture that feminists speak out against. Black Latinos can do well with their own women whether in the Caribbean or in south america also with Black American women. America Black males also love to go to Brazil which has the most black people in the world outside of Africa. So there are options that work. Personally I think the Asian male in the west has it the worst when it comes to dating potential.
There’s no such thing as a ‘latino’. People who use this term are usually some mixed up racial blend and don’t want to admit it.
Pitbull’s parents are Cuban expatriates and from a Caucasian background as are 2/3 of Cubans (negro is 10% and mixed 25%)
Your nationality and you ethnic group are not always the same outside of a few very homogeneous countries. Those Brazilian models are all of European backgrounds(the good looking ones anyway) but their nationality is Brazilian because they are citizens of that country.
Pitbull is WHITE and comes from a WHITE family who are expatriates from the island of Cuba. Your race doesn’t change just because you were born somewhere or have a certain citizenship. I know of whites born in Kenya who have Kenyan passports but are not negroes lol
Are you nogs really this dumb as everyone in the US says?
Negro men are at the bottom of the barrel as far as the entire world thinks. US negro females are below the dregs of a barrel and everyone knows it. They’re fugly looking and completely useless and are the females who raised the US negro boy which is why he’s also a savage and moron.
Another dumb negro
true. The only true natives are those indigenous. Calling them latino would be like calling us “anglos” or quebecers “franophoners” despite race.
oh ya Ive heard that the brazilian modles they use are typically from a certain southern part of the country thats inhabited by italian,german and slavic mixes.
Look who it is lol
“The Girls from Brazil”.
not true at all. most of the brasilian models are mixed.
Your opinion rings true for the American influence. America is a ugly culture and on average produces ugly natures. Your opinion on Negro men is still conjecture. Black men lose out in terms of monetary status. However, black men in regards to game black men own the rights. Black men are also far more stylish. Black men also, fake or not, project a domineering status which reigns many women in. This may not be optimal life aspects but we are talking about genetic creation not optimal living standards. And aside from your words, shows like Take Me Out offer a consistent litmus test of what women find attractive and will open up to. The guys who go home alone most often are Spanish, Asian, Indian. Whites and Blacks win a date more often than not. The only thing black men lose out on is the perception of being a criminal or broke. Once those two are conquered a black man pulls as much women as a white man.
I disagree. They are close to white and have the latin lover thing going for them. When given the choice their own women would choose a white man over them. Same as an Asian girl would. As a black man you are an outlier. By gaining ground on income and intellect, all you really have to do is maximize body image and game and you will build a solid core capable of slaying a village full of Northern Asians.
That’s arbitrary. The Afro-Peruvian Zimmerman was categorized by the Progressive media as a white hispanic. Pit Bull is a latino minority working in a black urban medium. He’s allowed to do things the guy from Coldplay isn’t.
that bit about losing it when a white person kills one of their own is very similar to WNs complain about muslim/african rapes in feminist ridden sweden. They overrep but not the majority,but they get more attention then say farah noor adams being attacked and killed by a scotsman
That’s because in the US there are 0 rapes of coloured females by White men.
It would be like referring to a Haitian as French or a Jamaican as English.
In Britain no coloured is ever refereed to as English, or even a jew for that matter. It’s British because that is just a nationality and more generic.In the past it meant any one of the few ethnic white groups in the British Isles and today may include a few nignogs and arabs who have British passports.
You’re deluded like most coloureds.Negroes don’t even know what game is and are a bunch of clowns with no style at all. Everyone knows they are pyjama boys brought up by some hair hatted ghetto hooligan.
But that would be impossible
Honestly a lot can be said for a person who decides to eat better, meditate, and read classical material. Learning a second language can be done as well. Nothing impossible about change as it happens every day. Every second in fact.
So, is that why white men are studying game? Or men like Mystery, Mehow, David DeAngelo and other white men studied game? Why study game if your group already knew what game was?
Black men never needed to study it until our families started splitting apart. Hair hats and pyjama boys never would have appeared had there not been any white envy. I do find it funny that you are watching Thomas Sotomeyer. He has a entertaining podcast. He is mostly speaking on blacks influenced by American culture.
oh cmon thats gotta be an exaggeration
pretty much.nationaity and ethnicity are 2 different things. Worth noting no matter how much you assimilate youll never be native to that land
Balderdash! The White man was the original Alpha, and still is.Men and women knew their places and females never challenged it unless it was some dyke or crazy cat woman who were both ignored.Watch Madmen and aside from a few modernisms thrown in that’s pretty much what it was like. Btw, I knew the man and his wife that the characters Hamm and Jones portray because he was my best friend’s father and life was pretty much this way. Some things are exaggerated in the show though.
Females have always been a pain in the arse but just not like this current crap.And even today it’s only a tiny % of females who follow this feminist nonsense.
The FBI lists white on black rape in the <5 category which is statistically 0. I’m sure there are white rapists but they seem to only rape other whites.Negro on white rape however is like 10k or more per year.
White men say whatever they like, they just say it in a more refined subtle way. It would go right over the head of a coarse ghetto yoot.
Zimmermann has a white father and a zambo mother.Zambo is a word used in S America for a person who is an Indian/Negro mix.So at the very least Zimmermann is 1/4 Negro.This should have been classified as a black on black incident between Zim and Trayvon.
The only zambo to ever rule a country was Hugo Chavez in Venezuala but of course that’s in the north where there were slaves in the past.The rest of S America has a high % of Europeans and even in places where there are Indians they are still ruled by Whites.Today there are some countries where the populations are Indian where an Indian is the president but even after checking these places I can see that the president is usually half European.
This may just be anecdotal but when Darwin was studying life in S America the Humboldt Indians told him that zambos (Indian/negro) and also mulattoes (white/negro) were the worst and most violent people.
The countries in the north like Ecuador, Columbia etc are mostly mestizo and also former slaves in these areas in the north. Here are their leaders though. Here are the pics of their leaders.
Only Bolivia appears to have a real Indian president. No negroes anywhere.
The centre of the country is 10° S so I’d say it’s pretty easy to get a tan there. You’re really trying too hard son because you’re not even in the competition for the few mixed models lol
You should really see the mixed ones haha
The negro is a clown and knows he can’t get a Caucasian unless he has a gazillion dollars and then those golddiggers just want the money, so he foolishly believes that mixed is almost as good haha but he won’t even get the few mildly mixed ones because they have much better options. Try the favala
Oh you can be a native and feel like it’s home to you and will call yourself by the name of the country but race is another matter and the better class of whites on these islands like Cuba have been there many generations and never mixed with the small % of slaves, just like in the US.
This is a Latin.
Aside from statues you can tell by descriptions what they looked like because some of these descriptions are not too flattering, like the guy had pimples and BO.Nero was in fact a pale blue eyed blonde.
Suetonius describes Nero as “about the average height, his body marked with spots and malodorous,
his hair light blond, his features regular rather than attractive, his
eyes blue and somewhat weak, his neck over thick, his belly prominent,
and his legs very slender.”
I imagine Zimmerman could have identified as African American and gotten scholarships, etc.
Yes, he could have. Most of the US negroes are mixed anyway which is why they have an average IQ of 85 and not 70.
I’ve also known of cases where someone’s gggggrandfather was an Indian and they claimed they were Indians and got some benefits. You usually have to belong to one of the recognised tribes though but there are plenty of them to chose from.
You can’t just say you’re an Indian from the Bababooie tribe of NY lol
At my old prep school we’d refer to boys like you as ‘good attitude students’ lol
Ask a preppie what it means
yes you can feel at home because your people have lived generations in a forgein land but end of the day they do not originate there. In your opionion what do you consider a new native to be native to the new land.
True most crime that happens tends to be same race vs same race.
WEll it may be a small percentage that claims they follow it, but how many of us have been indoctornated and acting the part without realizing it. This cultural programming alot of it has influenced our habits espically the millenials. The white man WAS the alpha, now hes whipped by his woman. ANd they and their female counterparts goto foreign lands to liberate their women. Its crazy how much damage feminism has done in a mere 3 generations.
Pitbull has blue eyes.
They do come at black men(or any man) and shame em if they are successful like the white guys they come at. They dont go after redecks and ghettos guys, nothin to gain.
Theyll come up with anyting to shame em and will sterotype. Like theyll be shamed for dead beat dads or muslim men will be sterotyped to be oppressive to women or indian men to be abusive or asians being strict on women or latin men being womanizers etc.
SJWs are feminine in nature anything you say that upsets them theyll throw every insult in the book depending who you are to hurt you. Like they have no regards to ethnics whatsoever, like youve heard of whites identifying as “transnigger”, and they do nothing about it.
Like one black man got into trouble recently reported by rok for making a “antisemitic joke”.
like i said in a previous post, They arent mad about the color of your dick, its the fact you have one and dont want to stick it in a fag or hag.
I think weve mostly gotten white victims due to more white males being successful and speaking their mind while successful asians tend to conform and keep quiet and successful brown and black men are rather rare to begin with. Hence the over representation. Either way all hetro men are in it together.
I’m not saying anything against black man in this context–more power to them, and good on them for not putting their balls on the chopping block to the extent these new generations of white beta boys have. I mean, I used to bang a chick who (before I settled her down) would rail against the “objectivization” of women by day and shake her nice, big ass by night to Baby’s Got Back. Banged another broad who talked feminist nonsense but TOTALLY revered Dre and lines like: “Got my drink on, got my smoke on, got something to go home and poke on.” Or however it goes. A lot of feminists exercise their Doublethink when it comes to cool black machismo.
ya either they ignore cause women are natural sheep to trends and song is good, or they secretly wanna be treated and objectified. Like brothas are known to fuck fat women, while other men do not, so as a result they got mobbed like Robben Thicke. If his people were known to bang whales hed proabbaly wouldnt get as much heat. Women are dirty and want attention,if they dont get it, theyll throw a tantrum
All true. They also want to be able to objectify their asses to get as much benefit as possible (sex positive feminism!) and then, when they start to age, rage against what they already benefitted from.
true dat
another feminist told me in private how she would like it if i slap her ass in front of my friends and give her commands like “bring me a beer” in front of them. u can count she`d never admit it in her feminist meetings, heh. woman, i tell you man. today im at a point where i ignore pretty much everything she says and only look at what she does. works wonders.
Wow very true.
One of the most outspoken feminists I know thinks Lil Wayne is so sexy and knows his music by heart.
Makes me want to bang my head against the wall.
And Lil Wayne makes her want to bang her crotch against his meat.
it really is like Orwell’s “double-think”
Patrice oneal said it best, what they are vs who they are. She’s battles that innate desire of a man who she can let get the control vs what she’s been hammered her entire life as to how she should feel.
Hilarious. And almost universal.
Women only engage in Doublethink. That’s how their brains work.
More like a fetish mag doing a spread on “double-dildos”.
Double, triple, et. Al.
Females show the utmost respect to white men who are superior to themselves. These femimists are docile little girls around men like me. Oh she’ll be getting hammered all right lol
With we men of quality females will argue about who belongs to whom meaning which man owns them. Just like in that film Grease.That scene was likely put in like a lot of propaganda in films to show how different things were in the 50’s but females don’t change and that’s how they really think even today no matter how much they deny it.The biggest feminazi will become a little mouse for some alpha cock.
You give them too much credit. Most females have a hard enough time with singlethink.Just as in training a dog you have to remember that the dog can only think of one thing at a time.Females who are double and triple thinking are just confused and the only way to straighten their brains out is some good alpha cock. After this they are back to their normal singlethinking.
Gloria Steinem was chauffeured around by her rich South African boyfriend who I believe she was then married to when she was giving those feminist speeches. I think the guy was Batman’s(Bale) father.
Try to speak like a white man, son.
Egad! there is quite a bit of veracity in what you say old boy.
sad part is many white millenials knowing only one language can barely articulate the language I shit you not.
I want these “militant” feminists storm a middle eastern country with their own army of women where they gathered all provisions for themselves to “free” oppressed women. All on their own expenses and not a single man helping them. After all everything men can do women can do right?
FEMEN are the only brave feminist groups out there
Bravely orchestrated by a… wait for It… man.
This is accurate. Black men get a pass from feminists on lots of things. Western feminism is mostly about angry white women trying to shame white men.
The only black men who would be treated the same as whites are blacks who are rich and/or famous.
Even they don’t count because they made their money clowning as entertainers or bouncing a ball around in some kid’s game.
Yep. A lot these feminists have a secret black man dominance fetish. You’ll find them all at the Mandingo parties…
You’re onto something. I have done some borderline MMA shit during sex with white over educated feminists, and they LOVED it.
I think that you should lay off the bath salts because you’re hallucinating.
lol another nog having fantasies about white girls. The most you ‘may’ get are the fugly ones that white men have rejected.
White guy here @disqus_pQs03zA8k5:disqus and I_could_not_agree_more.
Is that your professional opinion Doctor?
I think most women have a “dominating man” fetish. Women prefer guys with confidence in the bedroom. Not really a secret I guess.
Oh no doubt. Its amazing how “tough” career women turn into bunny rabbits around a domineering man. Women live to be dominated. I have had women tell me how much they love it that I won’t let them have their own way. Its crazy!
And this is what Asian men as well as MANY Asian U.S Asian demographic (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan) women say about the Asians that you guys get. Asian women that the Asian men don’t want. Yep the rejected ones. The ones you guys get are not fair skinned Asian women but are the darker Asian women from poor Asian countries. Even these ones use you guys as a way to get to the U.S.
Shame lower class men you mean. They are as meek as a mouse when around real gentlemen.
last time you were laid was in 1963 I guess…ah those good KKK times…..
you know yourself well then.
That reminds me. I have to get my Klan costume out of mothballs and dry cleaned.And if any dry cleaner refuses I’ll sue them for discrimination like the queers do lol
That’s only because negroes don’t count and are invisible to them and they don’t give a rat’s arse what you do.
That’s only been in the last 50 years. Prior to that, white men actually acted like men. Trying to engineer a Social Utopia is a fruitless pasttime favored by white people. For example, Communism was originally supposed to end conflict, suffering, etc. Yet the Communists ended up killing far more people than if they had just kept the Czar.
Communism is not a white invention.
A lot of people don’t even know that Marx was a Jew, but he was pretty extremely Jewish. In fact, his was one of the most influential Jewish families in Germany at the time, which is why he had the money and connections he needed to study at universities and pick up on left-Hegelianism, the philosophical movement he’d end up bastardizing and wrecking.
Marx was ethnically Jewish, but an atheist. He came from a rich family, but was terrible with money and became destitude. Hence, his hatred of people who could manage money. Communism was largely implemented by white people. The Russians are pretty fucking white.
Read Winston Churchill’s “Zionism Versus Bolshevism”. It’s a relatively short article, and it should be available on the internet.
Marx was White.
He came from a family of rabbis so he’s a jew. Jews are an ethnic group and the cult they follow is irrelevant. Whether they are Khazar shamanists or follow that Yahweh/Allah religion made up by Abraham when they lived in the mid east and tried to invade it.
Jew are jews just as negroes are nigs regardless of what cult they follow whether it be African cannibalism, animism or that muslim crap they pick up in prison.
Jews dont have to believe in their god to be a Zionist.
He was a Jew
Interesting read, thanks.
He was a nob slobbing pole smoking loser.
He was a White Jew.
Well you can go back to LL Cool J, NWA and other rappers of the 80s who spit nothing but game. But analyze their game too. It was about bragging, being macho and telling women exactly what you want. Chicks dig that.
The anti-macho vibe that started in the late 80s to infect White men came from weak men and feminists. Now a White man is literally afraid to act like a man. You should look at the faces on these guys in the office when I talk frankly about women.
As for game, I have never studied it. I prefer to just get out there and get talking. I never really thought about it, I just started talking to girls at 16. This is the time to do it, when your hormone levels are high, driving you towards it. Also, teenage girls are a lot more forgiving of the silly mistakes you will make than grown women. If you wait until you are grown you will lose these advantages. And then you’ll be paying some other guy to teach you “game”.
Being frank about women in the workplace could get me in serious shit. And don’t tell me to try it and see.
Go on Clark it’ll be fun!
➧➧✥➧➧✥I RECEIVED FIRST DRAFT OF $13000!@ak36:
So now a kryptonite-dildo up the super-keister is *fun*???
There’s one sure way to get yourself out of a job !
stop it Roosh.
Agreed, Unemployed white men are shamed being called losers.
A great way to test the machoness of your game as a white guy, is approach top tier black women and lay it down. If you last beyond a few minutes and don’t get blown out, you’re in good shape.
Ironically, if you have tight game, top-tier black women are often far easier than top-tier white women.
You just gotta make sure you got your shit together. and you have to like hitting the purple.
Many American black women would love for nothing more than a clean-cut white-guy to come on to them.
Not all mind you but way more than a few.
Testing out your game on a black woman to try out later on white women is an utter and complete waste of time.
Not if you don’t consider getting many a fine blowjob from dark dolls a waste of time….
If banging black women is your goal—-more power to you @The12thUnknownMan:disqus. But that’s not what I was addressing.
Thanks for that clarification, brother. Purple rain, purple rain …
True story @The12thUnknownMan:disqus: For Christmas of my tenth year on earth, I got a boom box and two cassette tapes.
One was Kenny Rogers’ Greatest Hits and the other was from some guy who called himself Prince.
To this day, I couldn’t tell you one song from that Kenny Rogers tape if you held a gun to my head………………:-D
10,000 upvotes, brother.
I heard about Prince in maybe ’80 – a tasty dark doll told me I must dig Prince because I am such a freak… Prince can change your life.
The White Snow Kings rule every race of females on earth!
A lot of what is referred to as “game” among white America is routine male-female interactions among blacks. Blacks call it “being real”.
“The anti-macho vibe that started in the late 80s to infect White men came from weak men and feminists”.
So the 50s, 60s, and 70s were macho? It doesn’t really look like they were all that different.
I hardly think the 50s for example, were some era of being “macho” and sleeping around with lots of women. The average age of marriage was very low, late teens and very early twenties.
I was talking about the “anti-macho” vibe rather than the “macho” vibe. In the 50s a man didn’t have to apologise for being a man. Look at the leading men and women in movies then as compared to now. In the late eighties, suddenly it seemed being a man was something to be embarassed about. And then you started getting all these movies with action stars dressed in drag or having babies.
Btw, “James Bond”? Ok the 60s rather than the 50s but there is your macho man running around sleeping with lots of ladies. Quite unapologetically as well.
Okay but you realize this golden age of “men being men” and sleeping around without guilt and shame only lasted at most about 20 years, maybe from like 1964 to 1985. Before the ’60s sex outside of marriage was still taboo and most men married young and were monogamous for life. There was no birth control, especially for unmarried people.
Regardless, it’s funny how people point to the 50s, 60s, and 70s and some macho time period. When looking at movies and tv shows from the time, people (men included) actually seemed more gentle, kind, friendly. And it’s kind of hard to call the average portrayed man of the 70s “manly”. Then again there are westerns and film noirs and action movies (like rambo) which showed more masculine men than are portrayed today. But honestly just watch any sitcom from the 70s or 80s, even then the average white man wasn’t this macho guy.
The whole idea of masculinity has become so distorted now anyways. Most young people’s idea of masculine behavior now is some hip-hop video. A far cry from james bond.
I get you although I wouldn’t judge merely by TV. My male teachers who grew up in those times were far from gentle.
There was definitely birth control in those days my man.
As for men being men… Have a look at some old Civil War era photos, you’ll see what I mean.
By the time a typical black kid on the block reaches his 16th birthday, he has learned, informally, more about “game” from his older bros than all the lifetime of game coaching being offered in white America.
That could happen, although the kids I knew (and myself included) learned just from getting out there and talking from to girls. There was no “counter-voice” from teachers or the media telling you “men and women are the same” or other such nonsense.
“…black men are allowed to act like men when it comes to women…”
Really? Truth is, no one “allows” anyone to act a certain way. You either accept feminist nonsense or you reject it. And black men have rejected it without apologies, and the feminists have taken note. White men should do the same, not be beta schlobs.
That’s only part of it. The other part is the extent that the Progresisve media will punish someone like a massive horde of relentless furies. They simply don’t go after blacks the same way as whites. It confuses their amoral compasses too much.
When you let them know you don’t give a rat’s hairy butt about their psychosis, the progressive media will leave you alone.
Mel Gibson would beg to differ.
People think of you as clowns, that’s why, and don’t hold you to the same standard of civilised behaviour as Caucasians.
Only a “civilized” clown would use a comma where it wasn’t needed.(if ur gone be racist at least be a smart one) Dont worry playa,we’ll leave you some tablescraps… lol
I’m white.
Trailer park white lol
Yeah, my trailer park dad banged an uptown girl named your mom.
I have to disagree listen to the country songs that are out right now. They sound very similar to rap music in theme and give off the same macho vibe as gangsta music. Take bottoms up by Brantley gilbert, add a rap beat instead of geetars and you have slow rap song.
The problem I think is that so many middle class whites haven’t had to struggle so they become much less assertive and that lack of assertiveness has become ok. Facing tough challenges is the kind of manliness that oozes out and women love. What kinds of men do women fantasize about: firefighters, soldiers, athletes. These are all types that don’t survive if they are weak.
Really? there are #1 country songs featuring male singers brazenly talking about how the like to f*ck bitches? What are some lyrics?
What about doctors, lawyers, financiers? Do women not fantasize about them?
And middle class and rich people have never had to struggle.
Where do you get this idea black men ‘aren’t studying game?’ They might not do it on message boards, but ‘game’ and ‘playas’ have been in the black community a LONG time
Whether black, white or asian men of lower class neighborhoods they are more expressive, bold and honest. Street smarts is needed fast in those neighborhoods there is no alternative way for them to live. It’s either be a fag or an alpha. Upper class members tend to be fed feminism and how to treat a lady (the pussifying kind) and how to give space to women. Upper class members believe it or not are more susceptible to brainwashing or as I like to call it being tamed.
Compare wolves and dogs. Dogs are relatively stupid and cowardly before their human masters. But wolves don’t give humans any shit and if that human crosses the boundaries heads will roll. Granted the dog will outlive the wolf as long as he don’t cause any problems. Society demands obedience to men and it makes them weak, women want wolves not dogs too bad all males are being put on leashes and housebroken.
Are you implying that lower-class people are smarter than middle and upper-class people? They may know how to handle the “streets” but other than that sorry but comparatively they’re just not.
Dogs aren’t dumber than wolves btw. They’re just better socialized and aren’t wild. There’s also a huge flaw in your analogy, humans don’t have masters. No women are not masters. The women are just as socialized and “tamed”.
It’s actually good to be a little cowardly and thoughtful. Otherwise we’d just kill each other over the smallest thing and we’d all go extinct. Civilization requires suppression of animal behavior.
If the world were full of under-socialized, wild thugs you wouldn’t be typing on a computer, you’d probably be a lot worse off than you are now.
It’s not a matter of brainwashing it’s a matter of resources and culture. Most people generally value treating other people with respect and kindness and when people have more resources they generally become more kind because they don’t have as many practical problems.
“more expressive, bold and honest”.
Primitively blunt and lack of empathy and deeper thought.
“Society demands obedience to men and it makes them weak, women want wolves not dogs too bad all males are being put on leashes and housebroken”.
Who is society in this case? Presumably women? Then you go onto say that’s not what they want? You contradicted yourself.
I know it’s probably hopeless to reply to these comments and I know this is a fringe website but wow.
Wow man, great article. I know the comments section here can be excessively critical of the “brothas” out there but the black writers here have some priceless insights.
give a inch and you will get some way left field comments but thats how it is
They are naturally r-selected. No big mystery there.
Game is distributed in the black community verbally. You’re not going to have some black playa hold a conference and tell everybody game. If one of the guys with game takes a liking to you, he’ll pull you aside and will transmit the knowledge to you. There’s no need for a lot of blacks to go to conferences because a lot of times they may have an uncle, older cousin, etc., who will put them on directly.
In regards to feminism, feminism and other destructive policies were spread in the black community a long time ago. Blacks used to have some of the highest rates of marriage until welfare was introduced into the community which told black women that they couldn’t get welfare if there was a man in the house. That feminist attitude of ‘not needing a man.’ Now, 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock. The matriarchy that is starting to come upon the white community was tested on the black community first.
Game has been in the black community for a very long time. Ultimately, there is no salvation in ‘the game’ as you would expect. It’s been in the black community for decades. What’s going to end up happening in the white community is the same thing that is happening in the black community. More single mothers, less families, no male authority, hence increasing crime, etc. What do you think is going to happen to all these hoes and sluts that you’re out here gaming up, hitting and quitting? What happens when they get pregnant? Will you stick around? Probably not, because she’s spread her legs for 10 other guys who gamed her up, and hence we have another fatherless child born into this world.
Blacks have nothing but their pr3sent culture to depend on. The alternative is afro centricism which is dumb as shit. If they wish to advance they will have to read all dah white books and speak like da white peoplezzzz. This will bot happen. Blacks are doomed forever.
Sites such as this seek to educate beyond “how to get that slizz”. The more intelligent readers understand the connection. The idiots post comments complaining to Roissy (or whoever that is..) about the lack of articles detailing step by step instructions on getting a girl to kiss you on the cheek and walk in high heels while wearing a furry top hat.
…You’re joking, right?
if one wants to be successful, one adapts to a successful culture. American black culture is unsuccessful save for a very few hip hop and sports stars.
Did Clarence Thomas get where he got by acting like a pimp? Obama doesn’t have a gold-plated grill.. Adapting to a dominant culture is not optional if you want to be dominant.
Ironically, while I freely admit I am a racist, the concept of adapting to a dominant culture is not even remotely racist… Even if couched in racist terminology, It all boils down to “when in Rome.”
Most American blacks cannot seem to wrap their head around the idea of acting like Romans. And thus they will never be successful.
As a Black Man myself (on the path to being considered ‘successful’ I can agree with your sentiments, Brigadon. I was responding directly to judge with his ignorant banter that was uncalled for, was unsavory, and was ill-informed.
on the path to being considered ‘successful’
Looks like we got another aspiring rapper here lol
But, he said exactly what I did. Only in stupider terms 😛
I consider myself to be a success and I can see where you’re coming from. I may have to “adapt” to the dominant culture, but that doesn’t mean I can’t put my own spin/swagger onto it to stand out from the rest in terms of social status, especially among women.
Adapting to the dominant culture doesn’t mean becoming it’s tool. It means learning what it has to offer, using and manipulating it to your own ends.
Most american blacks seem to be unwilling to even learn how to manipulate it beyond abusing the ‘racism’ meme.
White privilege=Understanding how to use American culture to your own advantage.
Even if you just knocked over a liquor store, if you are wearing a pair of glasses, a doctor who teeshirt, and carrying around a Dungeons and Dragons core rulesbook or a laptop, you could be the blackest of black thugs and the cops will literally drive right past you, and not even know you are there.
Is that the best you can do, throw stereotypes? What are we, twelve?
I honestly would have expected more. So sad.
Rapper or basketball playa.
Yeah no.
Try again. Are we done here?
Tune in tomorrow. Seems he is on a one day post trail with everything.
You’re done, nice and crispy
You should note that many Blacks are great at fooling the mainstream into thinking they have “adapted”. There is a significant upper middle class Black population in America that has learned how to act like “Romans” when necessary. You might be limited with respect to the Black people you are meeting.
If they are good enough to fool the mainstream, then they are good enough for me.
Obama had a black mother but was adopted by a white woman. He needed to be half white for political reasons. That would explain a lot.
Who wrote the Book of Love? Velvet did!
Leon Gots Game!
The brothas stole all my Armenian women and I want to say thank you because you got your hands full of nasty gold digging bitches now .
The dopey little nog called Kayne must be retarded.
Why do few African-Americans feel the need to study game (assuming that is the case)? 1) With a 70% illegitimacy rate, obviously African-American women aren’t playing “hard to get.” 2) Twenty years ago, a Fisk graduate told me that the male-female ratio at that black college was 1:7. 3) Most of what I learned about pick-up just doesn’t apply to young African-American women. For example, the “bad boy” for a young white American woman may be the guy who has a motorcycle; for young African-American women, the bad boy has an actual criminal record. “Get a criminal record” is not part of the Mystery Method.
If i could upvote twice, I would.
Black guys think they dont need to understand the intricacies of human sociosexuality, or of anything at all really. Unless its about basketball, football, or the lives of rappers. Their culture lends itself to high t development, so they already have aome game. As you said black girls are super slutty, so it all works out.
Also the stupidly high ration of women to men, a high status black dude can absolutely destroy with so many women fighting for access to him.
If he likes obese hair hatted hooligans who will get knocked up and then drain him of the little money he has for child support. Not to mention HIV and crotch rot.
> Their culture lends itself to high t development, so they already have some game.
That’s (to some extent) healthy. Every man should be able to confront other men over resources.
It’s most of the white guys who live in a high estrogen environment that softens the natural instincts to compete physically and to be tough. Instead we are taught to repress our anger.
But once a black man becomes good at Game, he can simply date white women.
The White Nationalist incels over at Heartiste’s comment section insist that Game works very well, EXCEPT for any colored guy who wants white women. According to those losers, no amount of Game can make a white woman want a black man (no matter how many examples disprove this).
Black men : Learn Game and leave black women behind. Black women will improve out of necessity then. Plus, you can torture the WNs as well.
You can have the fat ugly trailer park females. We weed this trash out of our race and give them to the inferior races to improve them.
> Is a Black Man
> Studies Game
I think this is the major difference between white and black people in general. Whites and Asians are far more willing to help others. I use to do a lot of charity work, and always noticed the lack of black men as volunteers. Black women were rare too, but did occasionally show up. You don’t need any money to volunteer your time and do free work, so economic factors can be ruled out. More often than not, blacks benefited from the volunteer work but did not contribute.
Pimp by Robert Beck (Iceberg Slim) seriously changed my life. It’s a very eye opening book as are most of his others but this one specifically taught me a lot of game…as did listening to rapper like Mac Dre from the bay area.
One important thing also is that nowadays it is socially acceptable and somehow fashionable to date black men for white women. Interracial couples have been largely popularized and promoted by medias, many white female celebrities are dating black men. Moreover, many white women have a fetish for black men, they dream about having sex with them to know if the urban myth of the penis size is true.
Another funny point that a black friend of mine told me is that he only dated white women for a very simple reason: black women are much harder to get.
Yes, that’s the rumor, and there’s a degree of truth to it, in that, as a Brotha, it can indeed be easier to approach and strike up convos with Beckys. Having said that though, personally, I’ve never had much of a problem striking up a convo with a Sista if I wanted to.
Good advice.
Is there a point to this article ?
“Game… like many other things of great cultural relevance… actually got its start among… black.” also, black people invented the elevator, and pants! all things of great cultural relevance. no, great-est cultural relevance, better than all those refinements and improvements real naturals (i.e. blacks) don’t need. in fact, having a point is also what black people did first, so you’re welcome there too. see, black lives -do- matter. also, mah dick was a dick before your dick, so it’s better than all yalls. can’t quite explain why blacks are the worst at game though – the author will have to get back to you on that one.
as a thought experiment: make a hollow article, add a dash of black, and see who pridefully embraces such nonsense; no better predictor can be had for who are still held up on self-handicaping imagined race sensitivity/inferiority. a self-elected inferiority worse than whitey ever could have exacted, which is disgustingly visible to women especially, which is why most blacks are the worst at game. q.e.d.
Oh, oh! I get it now. The theme is ,,My cultural dick is bigger than your cultural dick! ” This kind of thinking keeps a borther down. Thanks for explaining.
Black dudes see it as:
“Learn what? Ha. Fuck outta here. I don’t need helping pulling these thot ass broads. That shit sound lame as fuck. Shit is not that hard ma nigga”
Thing is, black dudes seem to miss the fact that they ARE doing a version of game. The red pill is simply giving their actions a map and blueprint.
My people have the bravado and ego down pack due to help from Hip Hop music, which, in my opinion some tracks can truly be considered for “The soundtrack to Red Pill”, but, my people limit themselves in pushing the dialogue forward.
If they can get their head out of their asses they can solve the “Black women are the most difficult” issues and actually get a grasp on changing that mindset.
No, I am not saying it will cause black women to all of a sudden change their ways, but, it can be a start in the right direction if more of my people would stop being afraid of “not being black enough” and started seeking knowledge pass Lol Wayne, Twitter, Facebook, and countless other fuckery holding us back when it comes to these broads.
Good post man. More black dudes can benefit from game if they would take the time out and see they are gaming themselves. Red Pill just has more layers to it
retards, wound up like a clocks by vampiric mothers so lovingly eating their own sons, will nevertheless have game twice a day, as sure as actual time does so tick away at their retarded lives. hip hop is hollow, and hollow is, yes, a form of game: if you have nothing, you’re automatically getting it right: give women nothing. but because of failure, not because of choice, and most certainly not because of self-mastery. as soon as such gamers-by-fail get any success, they do so fuck up right into betatude. like clockwork. and sistas do so know it, ready to repeat the cycle yet again. the curse of this mentality is hard to escape.
while this mechanism is independent of race, blacks willfully embrace it the most as a single group, as if their own game of hoods will ever lead to thrones. literally anything else is more beneficial.
It’s funny b/c Black men think white woman are more submissive then black women. And white guys keep talking about how you need to find an Asian girl b/c they are more submissive then white women. I wonder who Asian guys mistakenly think are more submissive as they complain about women of their race?
The pet goat.
From my perch-the reason black men dont seek structured game is because,compared to women of different ethnicities, black women all but give away the pussy. Were I to grade the difficulty of gaming across ethnicities, the average middle class white girl is the same as gaming a Lynn Whitfield (in her prime) black girl in terms of difficulty.
The reason for that dynamic is this; hypergamy has wrought its horrors on the black community long before the rest of society, and its come full circle. Black women today have to reap what their mothers sow; there’s a VERY limited number of black men who arent incarcerated, dead, or already chained with multiple child support obligations-so for them its a Titanic/Lifeboat dilemma. Grab any seat you can, and dont quibble about the legroom.
So, black men dont have to work for the pussy nearly as much as other races-but the downside to that is they’re exposed to some serious extremes. The drama, the sex, the domestic violence, the baby rabies, everything other guys experience with their women is amped up to 11.For their part, the black women put on the carousel miles FAST- the notch count a typical white girl has in The Big City will be eclipsed by her black sister before the latter walks the high school stage.
Personally-as a black man, I only touch latin or white girls.If I meet a squared away black girl-its a case by case thing-ill consider her too, but for the most part theyre totally unfuckable. Most black women are felony cases waiting to happen, and life is just too short for that bullshit.
I was gonna say, I don’t often go after purple pussy, but when I do, It’s generally easy as hell.
Interesting article: I would enjoy seeing one written about the anti-intellectual movement amongst blacks because it puzzles me that they as a whole still have not managed to adapt to society. Regardless of IQ tests and current unpromising criminal statistics, I think they’re more than capable…. as long as the State aims to hold them back though, they will make slow progress as is evidenced by the past 50+ years.
I largely blame the Marxist influence to dumb down schools from the 70s onward. Imo, the intent was to destabilize future generations of America so that freedoms could be eroded and power transferred from the citizenry to the State. It has been extremely successful: the current state of our Culture is proof of that in spades.
The anti-intellectual movement among whites is much more interesting, considering that the intellectual movement has mutated into something from 1984.
You mean because the majority of todays apologetic whites in the US are simply drones incapable of critical thought?
Eh – Black men don’t study much of anything these days.
go back to huffpo, sjw.
I hate the Huffington post but I guess you know everything.
When you act like an SJW, expect to get treated like one.
You disagree with a comment, explain why. This ‘Wow’ shit is a way of saying “I simply cannot believe you just violated a social law created by political correctness. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Here, we do not recognize the dominance of political correctness, and are not ashamed.
Okay, my point was what about the other black men? You made a stupid blanket statement.
I lived in Washington DC for nearly a decade. In my experience, ishabaka’s comment has the ring of truth. There are always exceptions, but for the most part, I could count the studious, self-motivated number of black men I knew on the fingers of one fist.
Like I said, there are always exceptions, but a blanket statement doesn’t have to admit exceptions to be true. exceptions are implied. Frankly, I think that the idea that exceptions are the rule is one of the leading causes behind most liberalism’s acceptance.
Okay, let’s go to Washington DC in a urban area where most impoverished people live. Most of those people were born in poverty and continue to live that way.
I guess black men are warriors and born athletes then.
I was born in poverty (a tar paper shack actually) and I did not continue to live that way. ‘Whites’ born outside of the intellectual urban towers of the elites are every bit as impoverished as any inner-city black, and there are ten times more of them. Trailer parks, backwoods dens, and Bayou billionaires are some might impoverished folks.
Saying ‘poverty is the reason’ is intellectually dishonest. Poverty has always existed and always will exist. It is merely a symptom of a group that has zero will to succeed, and in all times, among all peoples, there has always been those who simply wish to live as slackers.
The question is, why is a so much larger portion of American blacks living as slackers? It cannot be bigotry (affirmative action has rendered an intelligent, capable black man a hot property). Can you really blame those who find the far lower average IQ among american blacks an appealingly simple explanation?
Systematic racism and lack of networks is the main reason. Listen, you better enjoy that white skin because I don’t care how broke you are you can get a haircut, put on a suit, and people generalize (like you do) that you are an intelligent white man.
Many white men say “my grandfather came to this country with nothing”. He had to pay for the boat ride or at least have a dream of America in mind.
1. Fact: White women benefit from Affirmative Action more than any other group in this country. I would even know where to go to find it.
2. Black people suffer mostly from a lack of networking opportunities. Most poor black folk work hard but never learn how to build wealth. Al they do is spend and never use interest to benefit them. If everyone around you is poor you get poor people info and you all stay poor.
3. Poverty isn’t so much the problem as black people’s history in this country. Many black people have given up on better because they don’t believe it exist for them.
4. Don’t worry while you are berating black people feminist are successfully reshaping white society so we’ll see how you fair then.
1. Fact- We are not talking about white women. As far as I am concerned, if every last one of them were literally enslaved right this minute, it would be a century too late.
2. That’s a bullshit excuse and you know it.
3. That’s their own problem for being fucking stupid.
4. No, they aren’t. They are eating it. It comes to a head in 2020, when our ability to pay the interest alone on our national debt ends. by 2021 You will likely see a wonderful sort of Balkanization, and they will be along racial and religious lines as much as regional.
Unlike you boys we control our females and in fact I have never had to scold a female in my entire life. They just know how to behave around men and these are all upper class females.
I stumbled in to here and I think there is a lot of generalizing from a distance. In all honesty:
1. Black men suffer more from feminism because the general feminist movement started because of white men’s power and control over their women. Black men were not preventing black women from voting or anybody else.
2. Some white men waste too many opportunities. I have been in several places in the world and white men generally have access to most women because of what their ancestors did for them through imperialism. As a black man you have to prove that you are not a statistic.
3. Some men on here mentioned that many black men have lower standards and that’s why game is not needed. Not sure if that is true but I do know that you can put all the expensive clothes, great hair, and makeup on top of it all you want but at the end of the day all you really get is a warm orifice. I have seen many sophisticated “white alphas” chase and get those flawless and later pay millions in divorces. If you let your eyes control your heart then beautiful women will be stealing your money for the rest of your life.
4. Women want to feel something. Even if it’s pain. Women are addicted to emotions and even if there is plenty of negative emotions they get to feel something. Many guys try to spit game like they are justifying a balance sheet.
Good comment except for #1, which is one of the most stupidly assbackwards thing I have read on here in a week.
Uh, Okay I am in the U.S. and this is true for us. See what you don’t understand is that every time a group wants to push their agenda they start in the poor and minority communities. The same thing is happening with LGBT movement. They start pushing their movement into the black community and using black athletes and celebrities. Black feminism has destroyed our community and caused the break down of our family structure. The LGBT community is using shows like Empire to “expose homophobia in the black community”.
The reasons behind the inception of Feminism among whites are many. but “Too much control of our women” Is absolutely and undoubtedly not one of them. If you read back in threads there are itemized breakdowns of the causes, philosophical discussions of the causes, and a number of analytical and historical studies… and one thing that is absolutely clear is that whites did not ‘control their women’…. in fact, the opposite is true, we pandered and pampered them FAR too much.
Well yall messed it up for everybody. Didn’t you you guys conquer the world? While trying to rule other cultures with a heavy hand white men should have kept the broads in their place.
On that, I can agree with you completely. Every major problem we have faced in the last two centuries has been caused by a failure to rule firmly enough. Caused by ‘taking it easy’ when we should have been hard. Caused by giving in to Guilt.
If Lincoln had been anything other than a pandering jackass, he would have fixed the problem at the end of the civil war by shipping all ex-slaves to Africa where they could rule themselves, or at the very least given them their own state. Cutting them loose into a white population expecting them to be contentedly ruled by whites without the bonds of slavery was foolish in the extreme.
You don’t understand that part of history. Lincoln didn’t care about freeing the slaves. Lincoln was concerned about the economy. The war was over money not slaves. That is some romanticized version to make northerners feel like white knights. People don’t start believing people are human all of a sudden. Not to mention if they shipped all those slaves this country would have fell hard. In a capitalist society someone has to lose for someone to win big. The free labor and scams carried out after slavery enabled this country to grow.
At what point did I say the civil war was about slavery?
I think you have an extremely narrow view of the role of the Negro in the American economy.
The War was fought by the federal government to prove it was more powerful than state law. It was funded by northern industrialists who wanted access to southern resources. It was won by greed. Slavery only became an issue when Lincoln realized he was going to lose badly if he didn’t loosen Masonic purse strings.
In point of fact, nearly three times as many black men fought for the south, willingly, than the North.
The huge amount of unemployed, unemployable blacks after the war was a separate issue. Lincoln should have given them Louisiana. They were supremely unimportant economically, except as a way to flagellate the south for reparations.
In a very real way, the Irish slaves were far far more important (and numerous) to the economy, and due to a variety of legal dodges, they were never called ‘slaves’. The War was not about them, and they took another hundred years to finally free themselves the hard way.
I honestly believe that is one of the reasons american black society is the way it is today… what is given is not valued. I think they would be a thousand times more successful as a group if they were forced to seize their own freedom, like the Irish were.
Man that’s rubbish. Are you Irish because that sounds really bias? If black slaves were not important why the heck would they go all the way to Africa when Ireland was right there? Black people were stronger, didn’t know the landscape, and survived more diseases than anyone else. I understand you may not like black people but now you are being silly.
Also that stat about black men willing fighting for the Confederacy was not true. You can’t go on Stormfront and site their stats.
It has nothing to do with stormfront. It has to do with research.
Suggested reading: William Faulkner, William James, W.E.B. Dubois, Sarah H. Bradford, and a number of their contemporaries around the late 1800’s early 1900’s. These were people that interviewed civil war survivors and the actual movers and shakers… prior to 1880, it was a little TOO close to the action for decent viewpoints, but from 1880-1912 there was a LOT of good information being researched.
Frankly, if you have been taking your view of history from anything post 1970, you have been fed a pack of lies. Massive historical revisionism started occurring after the Vietnam Era.
As far as ‘stormfront’ is concerned, I have never even been on the site. But if they have been citing the same historical texts I have, then they are possible correct.
The South was right smack dab in the middle of their own civil rights for slaves movement when the North Decided to play their tax games. Slavery was in the process of being phased out, and there were far more freedmen in Alabama than in New York… Freedmen who were nearly fanatical about protecting their new way of life.
Black people were valuable. But there were 50 irish slaves for every black man.
Honestly, Black slaves were treated a thousand times better than irish transportees… they were larger, stronger, and in short, much much more expensive… the Irish? were expendable, the closest thing America ever had to serfs. (Functionally they WERE serfs. If you need to, learn the difference between a ‘slave’ and a ‘serf'(land-slave)
But as far as important economically to the nation? You are fucking high. Hell, the south was in the middle of a soft rebellion when the North picked up their sword and went adventuring.
This should be fun for you- From Africa resource itself, via the Rasta Livewire:
Slavery is the most costly form of labour in a place like the US colonies (unlike the west Indies that had 90% of the slaves)and the only reason the US colonies used a small number of slaves was because there was a shortage of labour as a result of the King banning immigration at that time. Jefferson mentions this as one of his gripes in the Declaration.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that
purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing
to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the
conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
Africans were small and weak like the American Indians. The white men in the US bred them to be bigger and in fact the little mild form of slavery in the US was based on increasing their population.
Caucasians are the most resistant to diseases and live longer on average. As a result of harmless genetic mutations many whites are immune to things like smallpox and AIDS.These were just fortuitous mutations that were not a reaction to a disease but coincidentally protected a person from things like plague where the non-mutants would die leaving the stronger mutants protected.
I’ve noticed though that in Africa these mutations that just coincidentally protect from let’s say malaria for example are worse than the disease they protect from, like sickle cell anaemia.
Black men do not study game because they have are GTOW.
Any man interested in game, or a good look at female nature in its rawest form, should pick up Mr. Iceberg’s book. The slang is a bit outdated, but not too difficult to follow and the material is as relevant today as it was yesterday and as it will be tomorrow.
Spoiler: Even the loyal hoes ain’t loyal.
What about Pimpology, The 48 Laws Of The Game By Pimpin Ken?
Can’t say that I’ve picked that one up. Perhaps I will.
So how’s that tip jar and sales Roosh? Do they tip as well as they do at the Olive Garden and then complain that the bill was too high as well and cause a fight lol Even wonder why no one wants to be around nogs?
Iceberg Slim is a must-read for a lot of reasons. Not least, he’s entertaining as hell. And he’ll pull your coat, too.
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LOL article is a crock of shit.
Black guys study game, but Black guy game is natural. We don’t have a bunch of pick up lines, we don’t shell out thousands of dollars to go to a club with a pack of men looking for cheap sex, we don’t go to lame ass conferences with a bunch of lonely horny men looking for sex.
White guys ruined the idea of game, they turned it into some begging for sex horny shit. They made it an industry that is really about not being able to drain their balls.
Black men invented game to get money and resources out of a woman. That’s it. That’s what it was about, it was about survival. That’s why game is sold and not told. Game is and only supposed to be a man selling himself to a woman. You sell a woman hopes and dreams and in return you get her mind and resources.You sell to a woman your leadership and life experience and in return you get her mind and resources. That’s why Pimps and Macks say the game is sold and not told. A woman is supposed to pay you for game.
White guys turned it into men selling game to each other.
“Follow this NLP technique and be unresistable to women.”
That’s lame. That’s counter game. That’s the opposite of game.
At the end of the day, Black men think being a pick up artist is lame and being mack or a pimp is where its at. Go to any pimp forum or a mack forum and bring up PUA and Black dudes roll their eyes. Getting pussy is easy, try getting money out of a girl. That’s what Black men that study game religiously are after. Money.
And we study game out in the field with women, whores, macks and pimps. Not nerdy guys reading up on NLP so they can get a blowjob.
If you can’t get a woman to like you without a flowchart and a Ph.d level understanding of psychology than maybe the problem is you not the women.
So yeah, of course we not gonna pay money to learn how to get pussy. We not gonna sit here and whine to each other about women. Why I’ma trick off my money to another man to tell me how to a woman? Why I’ma sit around and complain about women instead going out and getting one? Why I’ma spend more time with dudes that can’t get women than women?
You know your masculinity is dead when you do that.
Work out, get groomed, get money, socialize instead of bitching, that’s how you get girls.
Man, that was insightful. I didn’t realize that black men learn game to get money and resources out of black women.
It looks like black men are like the white women of the black community!
I never hear white, asian or other race men talk about extracting resources from their women like that. Makes sense why pimps are looked up to in the black community.
Um Black women?
A woman’s prime resource is her vagina, we take control of her pussy and then we sell it to other men. Black pussy ain’t the same price as White pussy.
I fuck with White bitches, most successful pimps and macks I know got a couple of White bitches.
So they mostly get at White women, then they send her her ass to White men, White men pay for pussy and then we get your money.
That’s how it always been done and that’s what it is and will always be about. Thats why we look up to pimps because they can get the most money by selling the White man’s woman to himself. Then on top of that, they don’t have sex without getting paid, so they get paid to fuck a White bitch by the White man’s own money. And pimps keep all the money.
A pimp is revered because everything he does is backwards. He gets the woman, then he gets nice clothes and etc. He controls his sexuality thus he has a woman pay him for sex. He has multiple women but they financially support him.
A pimp is at the apex of the sexual arena because he preys on men that can’t fathom the idea of having his woman be fucked by other men, controlling his sexuality to the point of only having sex if a woman pays him and being supported by women.
That’s why it’s called Game and thats the only game. That’s why it’s either in you or on you. Either you a pimp or you a trick or a square and you being pimped and macked on by your woman. A housewife is a pimp/whore. A girlfriend is a mack/whore. If a bitch got you paying for shit while she gets all dressed up for you and being all feminine and barely lifts a finger, you being pimped or macked on.
Whatever the fuck White and Asian men do is sucker shit and a waste of time and money. Yall trying to take some Black apex alternative masculinity shit and water it down into some bullshit ass self help Oprah shit for squares and mansluts.
Yall playing yourselves and preying on each other insecurities and inadequacy as mates and partners and then wanna blame women for being women. Then make an entire industry about your inability to be a fucking man. Then find out, women even hate you more for it. And it’s not because of what you say or do within yall little circles, it’s because you need a fucking guide book on how to be a man. You need courses on how to get pussy. So you crush any desire women have to be a with man because a man is supposed to know everything and most of all himself. That’s ultimately what makes a man attractive.
A woman can openly doubt herself, a man can’t. Might as well call the manosphere and industry “I forgot how to be a man because I let women walk all over me.”
That’s why Black men don’t join this little circle jerk industry wholesale. We might be the lowest of the low as a collective socioeconomically, but at least we know we are men and that’s what makes us attractive to a point a woman would sell herself for us.
Anyway, I am done, I dropped enough real Game.
Yall can keep reading about NLP and Primate mating habits and travelling to third world countries and making your fucking flowcharts just to get a handjob.
And any Black man that wanna get caught up in this lame industry should be ashamed of himself. It’s not that hard bruh, stop giving into that victim mentality. (More than half of the industry is full of White men that don’t even like you, partly due to the fact you haven’t been castrated publicly and now licking your wounds publicly. Other group wants to use you for some MRA shit.)
Number 1 rule of the PIMP game, the real and only motherfucking game besides the mating game and life itself:
It’s always your fault.
You are a regular captain of industry, aren’t ya? It’s clear you can’t actually build, create or develop anything of use to society, so you might as well take yourselves out the arena of competition and keep yourselves with women. Pimps exist in every society but black pathology valourizes and exults pimps to an extent completely unknown in any other culture.
The rest of us men will compete with another, using our industriousness, ambition, smarts and drive and will continue to pursue accomplishments in the arenas of science, technology, engineering, medicine, the arts and endeavours that advance human progress. Don’t worry, we still will take care of you and your community (since you’re unable to do it).
Typically White man response when he is sexually inadequate and his woman don’t want him.
That’s why you need those fucking flowcharts and call it Game. That’s why when we really talk about GAME not whatever the fuck yall talk about and call it game you fall back on…
“But I am a White man, look how great I am…”
Yet you complain about women not wanting to fuck with you and cry to each other, shelling out thousands of dollars to another man to teach you how to be man, go to third world countries for third world pussy and rely on White nationalism to give yourself any semblance of masculine culture and identity.
So yeah, I’ll let you have all the “science and arts and blah blah blah”…while your world crumbles apart and your population gets replaced in your continent of origin with your enemies you consider beneath you because they don’t have all the “arts and sciences” because you too fucking effeminate to fuck your woman.
Every race goes through dark ages, but what happens when the men in the race stop being men…you get the fucking Manosphere and websites like Whitegenocideproject
So yeah, good look with all that while you get swallowed whole…when is it like 2040s to 2050s you’ll be a minority everywhere you were once a majority? Individuals of mixed ancestry are the fastest growing demographic
LOL, White man’s burden right?
And then the white men get you pimps addicted to coca and take all of the money back, in spades lol
Straight up truth.
Typical black man response…focusing on your dick. That is all you have to offer the world, isn’t it? Hence the focus on macking and pimping. I swear, it takes a special talent to take a stereotype given to you by your slavemasters and run with it like you have. But I understand why you do it. You have nothing else to offer. Well, keep trumpeting your dick, and huddle with women. The rest of us will be competing and creating, increasing our value.
I wouldnt say its the typical..but in reality why would you want to give most of these women anything other than just dick in the long run..just a thought . Not a reality but me personally try to give minimal in all areas even if they think im doing alot.
Any man who can’t pimp a stupid bitch might as well lay on his back too.
That was thing of beauty, and you should be writing for this site.
Yea mackin and pimping that works with stupid bitches hardly not educated Types or women with a life and family she is proud of.
Black men practice game, we just don’t complicate it with
flowcharts and military tactics. The majority of what I’ve learned regarding
game has come from from 4 sources: Tariq Nasheed, Alan Roger Currie, Return of
Kings (minus the white supremacist hoopla), and Facebook groups like Hoebusters
and the Anti-White Knight Coalition. When I’m interacting with people in
general, I stick to 5 basic rules.
No simping (pussy-pandering, white knighting,
No tricking (paying for affection with money,
drinks, food, etc).
Be Alpha (maintain masculinity, avoid that
effeminate hipster attitude)
Seek improvement (learn languages, trades,
crafts, stay fit, etc)
Be upfront and straight forward (to avoid having
your time wasted)
I learned quickly to never educated men on
game unless they ask for it. Whenever I offered my advice they rejected it,
saying crap about “chivalry… gender is a social construct… we pay for sex one
way or another… blah blah blah.” Basically, you can’t teach a person anything
unless they actually WANT to learn
As far as “Big Man Culture” goes, once again,
we can’t convert simps unless they want to be converted. And I for one, would
welcome a group of like-minded men. There’s nothing worse than being the only
Red Pill man in a room full of pussy-pandering, male feminist Blue Pillers,
they mess it up for all of us.
Good tips, and well said.
The black man for sure need to learn game
In fact he makes video after video about the fact that he can’t get a women. Kent his name. He’s a youtuber. As as black man. I’ll say this, getting women for regular black man is not the walk in the park that so many think it is. A lot of women will reject you out the gate for various reasons.
If you are a black male, college educated, and in reasonable shape, you will have no problem getting dates (I know this from experience). I have no use for game because women approach me a significant portion of the time.
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I really think that if you think about it as “game”, you’re setting yourself up for defeat. Be yourself, your authentic true self in all its facets and don’t worry about saying something offensive if it comes from your heart. That is what many black guys do and that is why there is no artificial construct of “game” — just normal male/female interaction.
< col Hiiiiiii Friends….’my friend’s mom makes $88 every hour on the internet . She has been unemployed for eight months but last month her payment was $13904 just working on the internet for a few hours.
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I believe that yes there’s several ways to study and improve your game and I’m the one whom put in action several “plays” that I’d read here, however this post seems to be a more Black Man in USA perspective than in general, I’m black and I’m Brazilian and I know several guys who study game much more fierce than me, isn’t the case to spend money to meet some Game Advisor or something but day-by-day conversation with friends or colleagues which has more experience, plus at least what I can see and realize here, it’s much more about you knowing how to approach and keep a conversation on the first 10..15 minutes with a girl and create a bubble that might suits you, this business about bragging, showing off usually doesn’t work here in Brazil, and based on my experiences abroad in Italy, France, Spain, Philippines, Mexico and Chile pick-up a girl is all about approach 10 to 15 minutes talk to creates a bubble, so for me the major part and it’s the reason why I left my opinion here is I totally agree with the first reason here… Game is to be told not sold
I may pickup that Iceberg Slim book.
Um,,,,I have to throw the bullshit flag on a lot of this….sorry guy, but I have been using elements of game, since I was in Highschool in the early 80’s. i was a token black, at my High School in Ark. and you had to know the tactics to talking to the Proud Crowders. You know, the girls that were very, very, popular. For example, we had “negs”, but to me, it was just a way to not be another guy kissing her ass. And the girl was already in I am the “shit” mode, so why would I add to that? I would tell them I do not want them to get the big head.
I learned to give a girl, a one or two minute conversation, and then get the hell out of dodge. If you didn’t, the really popular ones, delighted in “dismissing” you. Especially if it was obvious that you were babbling, or out of you league. (To a stuck up chick, everyone is out of their league.) When I went clubbing, I would go to the ugly friend, and ignore the babe, as she would be waiting for me to ask her to dance, (so she could probably shoot me down in front of her friends,) and ask the friend to dance. Or just say hi. Anyways, in summary, yes I did give up on Black women, but I would never go to a game seminar….Why? I already know that women go to bars to get free drinks for suckers ect….. so at least in my instance, it has nothing to do with me being black.
One final thought, game hurt me when I went to Norway, Spain, and other countries.. Why, because those women were geniune. When a Norwegian woman asked if I wanted a beer, I would think…shit just like an American broad wanting free drinks….But she, the Norwegian would BUY me drinks, and then well….
So game was NOT needed in Europe.
I also think white (and perhaps Asian) people have a tendency to over-intellectualize things that quite frankly should come natural (dancing for example…white folks do things like take hip hop dance class when in reality a lot of that stuff is naturally in you). I’m of course generalizing here but blacks often don’t make everything so technical which can be a good and/or bad thing, and whites tend to make everything so technical/over-intellectual which can also bea good and/or bad thing. Becuz really when u think about it, do you really need to study “game” or dancing like it’s a calculus exam? Do you think guys who are good with women had to take courses in order to pull women? Shouldn’t have to, its paralysis by analysis – some basic understanding of what women like is good but some stuff out here damn near turns “game” into a 7 week seminar when really its not that deep. U either cool or not. U either have developed an aura of charm and self assuredness or not. But even with sports, while there is some science to athleticism frankly its either in you or not, you can improve as an athlete but not by over-intellectualizing athleticism. If anything, talking to women/sports are things where the more free and clear and relaxed your mind is the better you are likely to perform. To me, over-intellectualizing “game” can often be more of a hindrance than anything.
Black men are just naturally better at seduction.
Try not to wear your inadequacies with pride.
So get on welfare, sell shitty weed, buy a fake gucci belt, sag my pants, dodge child support, call women bitches & hoes? Ok. Got it.
Speak for yourself, I’m black and will be the first to admit I need help but truth is, in our culture we don’t chase em, we replace em. I only come to this site cause I’m against feminism but as far as getting females go, just be real, have fun, focus on bettering yourself, and don’t take this whole dating thing too serious. You only take it serious IF y’all tie the knot AND have babies. Other than that, it’s a free-for-all so stop letting your happiness be dependent on some female who will probably do you dirty anyway.