5 Ways To Develop Discipline Instead Of Just “Getting Motivated”

It is quite easy to find motivation with our access to the internet. We watch videos of people doing things we could not fathom doing with our own bodies, and we feel a fire in the pit of our stomachs as we imagine how we are about to change our lives to reach peak performance. A few days go by and we stick to our strenuous exercises, looking to someday be in a motivational video of our own.

We lose ourselves in the thoughts of being hard bodies that make other people uncomfortable to be around because of sheer envy. Then starts the second week of your new life, and you decide to take a day off because you’ve earned it. One day turns to two days ,which turns into a week. You are back on your timelines looking for motivation to get back off your couch and lifting weights.


Eh, I’ll start again on Monday.

Motivation cannot change your life alone; it is a catalyst for you to sit down, make a plan, and maintain discipline. That fact alone has changed my life. I could tell you about the many attempts I made to get a physique I could be proud of, only to peter out within two weeks of training. There I would be, with Flamin’ Hot Funyuns residue on my fingertips, contemplating when I would start my regimen again.

The failure we fall into reaches farther than just our bodies. I would start to make time to read more and become more intellectual; again I would find myself watching TV or wasting massive amounts of time on the internet watching pornography or ridiculous compilation videos.

I began to think that the feeling of being a god for two weeks was not enough for me to make a permanent life change; it was because I hardly ever taught myself to be disciplined. I would be satisfied with whatever minor change I made and I would give myself an unwarranted vacation that would last longer than my new activity. Shamefully, I did this countless times throughout my life.


Start today, right now.

Here are five ways to build a level of discipline that trumps any temporary external motivation:

1. Decide To Consume Fuel For Your Mind And Body


This is what started everything for me. I began to notice how my mood stayed constantly positive when I skipped fast food and instead cooked my own meals. There is a boost to your ego when you start to excel your cooking techniques; you are also more likely to make something that is healthy.

It takes time to cook, so these meals will be small victories on their own, and women like a man who can play with their taste buds in more ways than one.

2. Make Less Time For Things That Keep You In Stasis


There is a reason why many people tell you that a book is better than the movie. Reading lets you learn new words and allows your imagination to stretch, unlike movies and television. At the end of a book, there is a feeling of accomplishment because you have digested somebody’s words and gave them your own interpretation.

This cannot be said for video games and binge watching Netflix. I am not making the claim that it is entirely bad to visually entertain yourself, but you should choose things that will push your brain to consider things you had yet to take in to account.

3. Be Accountable For Yourself


You must be self aware, and know when you deserve a break, and quickly identify the moments you are being lazy. Laziness kills civilizations. If you catch yourself getting out of your new schedule, do not tell yourself you will start over next week. Next week will be too late, and you will definitely regret it. Trust me, you will regret it.

4. Exercise On A Schedule—No Excuses


Start lifting weights; weights that are heavy. Push yourself to failure and live in the beauty that is lactic acid. Run until the moment you feel like you cannot take another pace, and then take another step.

You will be surprised at how much you can actually accomplish and you will scold yourself for not doing this earlier in your life. The only person that is important to impress is yourself. The euphoria will carry on for days and you will go out there and get yourself another fix.

5. You Will Feel Tired; You Will Push Through

sleeping lion

You will schedule DESERVED breaks, but you will undoubtedly feel that are not up for being a superhuman on some days. Yet, you will not give in to this urge—instead you will push harder so your body knows that your strong will can punish it for feeling weak. Whenever you feel like you do not want to lift heavy, you will do extra reps in order to kill the weakness that has managed to infiltrate your soul. Success is yours.


Motivation is not all bad; it gives you that fuzzy sensation that tells that you can do whatever you decide to do. This is true, for the most part. Motivation needs to be followed up with discipline. Creating this discipline is how you will become a different being than what you were months ago; you will get the glow everyone is craving for.

If you are not evolving, you are not truly alive.

Read More: Need Motivation? Learn To Meditate

92 thoughts on “5 Ways To Develop Discipline Instead Of Just “Getting Motivated””

  1. It depends on the type of motivation. If someone drops you off alone on an isand full of dangerous predators, that type of motivation would probably behoove you to move your ass.

    1. I think that was part of the authors point though. That motivation will only last until you are out of that situation.

    2. I think the point he was trying to make is that motivation is the catalyst to making you take action on something but it is discipline that will ensure that you see it all the way through.
      I’m sure you know of all the new year resolutions people who beginning in January get all motivated and excited to join a gym either because it’s a new year or because a friend is joining. Then they ultimately fail after a couple weeks of being consistent because they the lack discipline to keep doing it.

      1. Probably many of them are working too hard at improving. They become exhausted and disillusioned.
        Also, I note that people think you either lift or do cardio (read: 60 minutes on a treadmill). What if you don’t find either of those activities interesting? You will fail.
        There are more than two modes of training.

  2. A good advice also would be to delete all social networks accounts you might have. Not only it helps with productivity but also gives you less excuses to spend too much time on the computer. The time spent at the computer can be used more wisely, hitting the gym, outdoor activities, reading books. Because let’s be honest, social networks are a waste of time, most of the people expose their artificial life and fake happiness that nobody gives a shit about…
    If people need to reach you for whatever reason, give them your cellphone number, your email address or your skype, these 3 options are more than enough. You don’t need any social network account. The western society is turning into fatass land because people spend too much time doing useless shits, sitting in front of the computer commenting and liking the life of others forgetting about their own life.

    1. I hate people contacting me via cellphone or email. Its a pain in the arse. Skype is only good for video calls. FB is very useful for communicating lots of information with a large number of people, especially those you don’t have time to visit or call. What’sApp is the best method for communicating with individuals, in my opinion.
      Social networks definitely have their place. Like any tool they can be either used or abused. But I would hesitate to tell other people what they need. I can judge my own needs but not those of others.

      1. “But I would hesitate to tell other people what they need. I can judge my own needs but not those of others.”
        Needs can be counted on one hand, not to be confused with wants.
        If you can’t judge my needs, then I need your money and all your stuff.

        1. “You are free to ‘need’ whatever you like.”
          Needs: food, water, shelter, love (spiritual/mental health).
          Beyond those, people don’t “need” anything. Which is why the quote below is correct.
          3cupsMagic: “You don’t need any social network account.”
          And your reply to it of:
          “I can judge my own needs but not those of others.”
          Is how the modern society thinks; and why, for example, mentally ill people are getting “sex changes” paid for by the general public. They “need” it and once people have been indoctrinated to say things like that quote of yours, then SJWs win by default, but you get to feel tolerant and open minded spouting for what passes as the wisdom of the day.

  3. Man I’ve done this so many times… This time though I’ve been going strong since January. I’m unemployed so there’s no excuse. I’ve dropped 15 pounds of fat at least, probably more. I’m still a lard ass, but I’m improving. I just banged my first 8. fucken amazing.

    1. Hey man, congrats bro. You stay on the path and there will be many more. cheers

  4. Heres some motivation for ya
    Guess what?
    Natures a bitch, either lift weights to promote youthful hormones hgh dhea testosterone, and use the excess blood sugar and other toxins for energy
    or rot, feel weak, and live a miserable unsatisfying life
    It’s really that simple.

    1. ” . . . use the excess blood sugar . . .”
      If you let your liver do its job to regulate it, instead of allowing your appetite to pile it on periodically, your blood sugar will remain rock steady at low normal.
      Addendum: If you look at the experiments with low calorie life extension diets, you will discover that they all use a high sugar intake diet. It has been reasonably speculated that the real cause of the life extension is the reduction in sugar, not the reduction in calories.
      If all you have to eat is poison, the less of it you eat, the better.

      1. “low calorie life extension diets”
        Those don’t work in long lived species.
        In fruit flies who live 50 days, caloric restriction seems to quadruple life span, in mice who live 2 years, it seems to double it, in monkeys who live 20 years, it only makes their health span a little better but with no real obvious “life extension”, You see the pattern? the longer lived the species, the more useless the low-calorie diet
        Diet has severely Diminishing returns if you’re already doing the basics and just keep a low bodyfat specifically low around the mid-section(fat around midsection is a good predictor of future disease)
        you want to shrink the fat cells deep around your organs that release toxic inflammatory cytokines, otherwise… in theory liposuction would be very healthy
        If you could just eat whatever you want and than check into a clinic every couple of months to have 20 lbs of lard sucked out of your ass and still maintain the health benefits that’d be too good to be true lol
        Fat is it’s own organ, Know what fat tells your body to do through cellular signaling?
        Fat means that you’re tribe is thriving it means that your successful and have an over-abundance of food, so it tells the body to dial up inflammation to destroy you with disease so that you can make room for the rest of the species and not deplete the food supply.
        Get rid of the deep organ fat! It’s literally telling your body to be sick
        beyond this theory, Caloric restriction doesn’t really offer any benefit to a very long lived species like us

    2. Wow either lift weights or be miserable? A simplistic binary existence you have.

      1. I consider “exercise” a daily medical procedure
        The word exercise means “exert” and “cise”
        to “cise” Is to “remove” Specifically, exercise the the performance of a procedure in which we use “exertion” to cut away”cise” diseases in our genes
        The medical procedure we call exercise is to perform an “excision” on diseases using the medium of exertion, A “hormetic” adaptation we take advantage of
        “A simplistic binary existence you have.”
        lol, im a very “simple” man

      2. Some people here see lifting weights as the holy grail. My grandfather never lifted weights and he is 86 years old. He was active in his own way. Having a vegetable patch, cycling to work because he didn’t own a car until 1975 or so, repairing stuff, building sheds. Just like every other man before the fitness craze.

        1. Lifting weights has little to do with fitness. Alot of meatheads at the gym can’t do a single pullup or run a few feet without getting out of breath. Sure, lifting weights is good, but if that’s all you do then you’re a daft cunt. Weightlifting should be used to compliment a sport or activity of some kind – and seeing as it’s a wog infested criminal jungle out there make it a combat sport.

        2. right, because the primary goal is to be able to play a sport…never mind being as strong and agile as possible…that’s for pussy’s….
          go sports specific. This way if you are ever walking down the street and a 95 mph fast ball is thrown at you it won’t stand a chance.

        3. In all fairness, I was speaking of sports and activities that require strength and agility, not faggot sports like badminton or golf.

        4. I agree. I see a lot of those buff dudes too. And at some time I was getting bigger as well and my cardio was fcked up too. Recently I don’t have so much time, but Kickboxing is I think perfect next to lifting.

  5. that’s an article i like. nothing about feminists, hay!
    the content rings true with me and i’m glad to read this by a person who did that stuff already. way to go.

    1. Ah man why did you have to bring up feminists! I’m tired of hearing about them!

  6. I like to hang up signs with goals. That way you have to look at it and think about it. I keep my budget on my fridge. I have a note reminding me to stretch hanging on my cpu in my office. Also, lists keep you motivated too.

  7. I fat shame myself by looking at a pic of what I looked like before I started working out and lost a ton of weight.

    1. If it were a fat feminist, it would be the internal dialogue among the lines of “how can someone not love me for my beautiful body?!”

  8. I don’t understand the obsession with books. Sure, it might be better than watching tv, but I’d argue playing a videogame is much more engaging for your mind than reading some fiction. The only exception is non-fiction or fiction with a meaning behind it. If you’re going to waste time, video games are a better choice than tv or reading shitty novels.

    1. With this caveat: The more plot, the less game.
      The Total War series is excellent for mind development, as it handles the blend between the strategic and tactical level well.
      But the best game I know of for mind development is a classic board game: Go. To play well absolutely requires a well developed, human mind. Even an intermediate player can beat the very best AI player.

      1. I don’t play video games very often, but when I do I make sure to play Total War.

      2. I lost sleep paying Total War. Not because I stayed up late playing it but because I was so mad those fucking French and Spanish had back-stabbed me and invaded Colonial America again!

        1. I use to play a lot of civilization, back before they ruined it. What’s the point of playing a dictator if you can’t nuke every enemy city and wipe them out of existence just because they are a religious holy city? It’s too bad because it would be particularly fun to exterminate every Islamic city these days. In the game I mean. Yeah, in the game.

    2. There’s a lot of shit literature out there to be sure, Fifty Shades of Grey for example, especially now that anyone that can fog a mirror can get themselves published on Amazon. Start with the classics. Any of them. You can’t go wrong.

        1. Say what you want about 50 shades of gray, but I do owe it a bit of a debt. As a guy who takes the subway to work every day and wears a suit to work M-Th….there was a 6 month period a few years ago when everyone was reading that book where I was basically getting raped to my way to and from work.
          It was insane. It took me a while to figure out why my luck had all of a sudden got so much better. But for a solid 6 months…maybe 8…wearing a tailored suit and going to work in an office was as good as being a major league ball player.

        2. Did you know it’s an adult version of Twilight? No word of a lie.
          Raped huh? Next you’ll be telling me you’re carrying your mattress around with you…

        3. I did hear that at some point. I don’t really get it.
          I always carry around a mattress.
          Actually, I would totally buy the anal rape mattress from that girl.

      1. “especially now that anyone that can fog a mirror can get ”
        Fog a mirror? What’s that expression mean?

      1. No. I learned English by playing video games when I grew up (it’s my third language). I played a wide variety of genres and they have many cognitive benefits such as perception, attention, memory and decision-making. The only books I can get myself to read are non-fiction concerning subjects I am interested in. Shove your books up your ass nerd.

        1. LOL! I pretty much agree with you. I don’t understand this knee-jerk hatred of video games and I really enjoy playing them. The amount of work that goes into creating them is phenomenal and I marvel at it. They are far better than movies in my opinion.
          I too prefer non-fiction but occasionally I will read high-level sci-fi and fantasy (the 1000 page novel stuff). This stuff is extremely creative and deep. But yes reading Dean Koontz and other best-seller tripe is probably doing more harm than good.

        2. I think when people here advice to “read books” they don’t mean you have to read what passes for “best seller” these days hahaha

    3. Instead of playing video games for hours on end, go play some kind of sport to improve your hand eye coordination. Shoot hoops by yourself or racketball. These activities will be better for you than sitting playing video games.
      There are times you can entertain playing video games, but don’t make it a major part of your life.
      Reading books enriches your mind far better than television. You also improve your vocabulary and speech so you sound more educated. Again, there are times for visual TV entertainment, but reading by far is better.

    4. Well don’t read shitty novels? I don’t fully understand your point. Read good books. Books that enlighten and expand your mind. And yes, excessive video games, tv and shitty books are a waste of time.

    5. Books are terribly inefficient. Why should I read 400 pages for hours just to get a little entertained and learn a little that could be in use in society whereas if I read forums and blogs on the internet I could learn 3 times more in like 30 minutes THEN use the 3h30 to get really entertained with video games and porn.

  9. So, only had time to read the headline and look at the first picture. So, the answer is steroids? Damn. I heard they weren’t entirely good for you. Anyway, thanks for clearing that up.

  10. you will undoubtedly feel that are not up for being a superhuman on some days. Yet…you will push harder…

    This is incredibly bad advice and any good coach will tell you so. This is the path to serious injury, sickness and adrenal fatigue. You must listen to your body. If your body is telling you not to train then you probably should not train. Rest, recuperate and review your activities of the past few days to determine deficiencies and shortfalls. Then incorporate your solutions into your regime.
    Do not ever put yourself into an over-trained state.

    1. Depends Bob. If you are talking about injury or serious fatigue that is one thing. However, I read this section as saying “if you are feeling like a lazy fat fuck and just want to watch some tv and veg out get your ass to the training state anyway”
      I am not quite CT Fletcher with the “over training is bullshit” but I am not far off.
      Over training requires quite a lot of training. If you have an injury, of course don’t train it. If you are on 6 days a week and you really know your body and it tells and you are physically exhausted and need your rest, then get it. However, a lot of times people blame over training for what is essentially sluggishness and a good workout will cut through sluggishness like a hot knife through butter.

        1. which is why I say I don’t go full CT on this…but he isn’t totally wrong. If you are working out 1 hour a day I don’t care how hard you are pushing, you won’t be over training any time soon.
          I think my point remains: there is a difference between pushing through apathy, lethargy and laziness and pushing through overtraining and fatigue and the average gym goer, even the more than average, is more likely to have the prior rather than the later.

      1. I would suggest that if you’re a lazy fat fuck or feel like one, you probably have bigger problems than potentially over training. I would suggest taking a look at your hormone levels.
        The messages that your body sends you can be corrupted by the drug like effects of toxic food.

        1. Hormone levels and toxic foods are a big possibility.
          But like this morning, shit weather, gray skies, hard week at work after coming back from a vacation. I didn’t want to wake up and do back day and then wind sprints at the gym at 8 am (early enough to miss the saturday rush). Laying in bed I honestly almost said fuck it…that is the kind of laziness that doesn’t come from over training and just needs to be dealt with by overcoming.

        2. I don’t consider what you said to be laziness. Honestly based on what you said I think a “fuck it” break was justified. In my own case, when it rains I usually cancel jogging or cycling. I can do it tomorrow.
          If you find yourself saying “fuck it” everyday… Well maybe then, there’s a problem. But I think for a man like you, you probably have enough cash in the bank to make the occasional withdrawal. Ya feel me brother?

        3. Feel it for sure, but I will say that despite not wanting to do shit this morning the deposit felt amazing once it was made even if the walk to the bank felt like the devil was sodomizing me with a pitchfork

    2. Good point brother. Planned overtraining is ok. But overtraining on top of overtraining, ignoring your body, and more overtraining leads to injury.

  11. This was an excellent post. I would suggest one thing. Read The One Thing by Gary Keller. It has a few life altering paradigms, which he calls Myths. One is the Discipline/Willpower myth. Basically meaning that you don’t need Willpower forever. You just need it in those key moments to make things a habit. (Because willpower is a finite resource). For example, read a book for 1 hour a day for 66 days in a row (scientific proof of the “sweet spot” for establishing a lifelong habit) to make it into a habit. And once it’s a habit you can focus on making another productive activity such as exercise, eating healthy, meditation, etc a lifelong habit. Peace.

  12. the best motivation should come from inside of you. Internal motivation. Not external factors, sure it may help but nothing beats the internal desire of want and the obsession fuel. For me to be physically weak and frail is completely unacceptable for me. Which is why I work out and make sure I get the most out of from every workout that I do everyday. Because I realize that I have to stay on top of my shape physically and mentally, it drives me a fuel of excitement everytime I drive to the gym. Plus the feeling of sore the next morning is pretty addicting and feels good. The pump and the sore.

  13. I push myself everyday and force myself out of bed every morning. I do it because I don’t want to feel like a loser regardless how nice it feels to sleep in. We are asleep at least on third of our entire lives and at work, doing chores or wasting our lives in front of a screen for the rest of that time. Just f*ckin’ do it already – get up, do a few jumping jacks, sit-ups push-ups etc. take a quick shower and seize the day. A protein and vitamin rich breakfast of broiled lean pork chops or some beef with a homemade fruit and vegetable smoothie is perfect; even chugging a half dozen raw eggs is great if you know they won’t make you sick, no heavy fats, greases or starches though. Work or study hard in something that you know is useful and fulfills, no liberal BS and don’t spend your money on crap like cable but save it all and put it to good use – move away from tax hellholes and perhaps consider moving out to the countryside to “get away from it all” if you believe the drudgery makes you bored or bogs you down. I’ve been working as an exterminator for 15 years, learned to live frugally since the ‘o8 crash and am planning to move to Maine soon; just want to get away from the unstoppable SJW feminist Agenda 21 takeover and spend the rest of my days hunting, fishing, and farming in God’s Country. Hopefully, there’s some good traditional women leftover, that’s what keeps me going everyday.

    1. When we don’t do what we are suppose to be doing, guilt kicks in which makes us feel down and depressed! Only through pushing through that we gain self esteem and confidence!

  14. dear Roosh, I am a fake feminist attorney, with a specialisation in false gender violence allegations. I propose you to allow me to contribut* to your website, where I can describe our activities fighting the patriarchy, fathers and joint custody. If you don’t accept, you are a sexist, so I will sue you for rape

    1. Roosh is a douche.

      1. Both of you feminists, go away, you derail all the threads and kill the discussion.
        Nobody wants you here. No straight man wants to see your “haircut pictures.” This isn’t your personal blog.

        1. Oh lighten up, they’re kind of funny.
          They’re also both obvious trolls, not feminists.

        2. I like them. Who knows they might actually be hot. And if we piss them off long enough they might rip off their clothes so we can actually pay them some of our godly attention for once.

        3. Take it easy. Vajassa is clearly sarcastic. Feminist Carrera is obviously brainless. Ignore shim.

    1. The words “rope” and “lamppost” spring to mind.

      1. Her lardarse will bend the lampost! I say an overpass is much better.

    2. “How can I be motivated if Merkel destroys my country as I am writing this?”
      The motivation might come from realizing that your heritage and Heimat is being destoyed right before your eyes. I’m not German, not European, but I indeed feel bad about was is happen to you and your country. Admittedly though, you do need to get more of your fellow citizens to decide to take action together, which is more difficult thing to do in the sea of Gutenmensch Scheise.

  15. Most of the time an article with a lead picture of a guy about to press 200 pound dumbbells will get my eyes rolling from the get. However, I applaud this one. This is a very simple, very straight forward article that has the three fold benefit of being accessible, devoid of unnecessary bullshit and 100% correct. Very well done sir. Very well done.

  16. Great – that is what I find. You get a period of frenetic, determined activity, and then you just imperceptibly let go – no discipline, and that is the key.

  17. This is great stuff. I feel like discipline can often stem directly from proper goal setting. Doing this is vital to moving forward and having a kick ass life. The things listed above can definitely get you in the right mindset to pursue your true passion.

  18. The worst thing i learnt is if it hurts, you should take it easy on yourself. What a load of bullshit which i learnt from a woman. You have to push through those tough times to become tougher. Every piece of discomfort is how you grow and become resilent to life.

  19. If you are hyper-mobile (or the corollary: highly empathic or psychic):
    Don’t push yourself harder on days you feel weaker. doing so will damage your ligaments in a way that causes a strong feeling of exhaustion that will last for 10 days, the time it takes for them to fully heal.
    Also, if you are in that state of exhaustion, don’t push yourself at all until you’re out of it. Doing so will reset the healing process. If you push yourself too hard when you’re already exhausted, you can actually damage your ligaments in a less-repairable way that takes 28 days to heal.
    If you’re not hyper-mobile, have fun. This danger doesn’t apply to you. You have a built-in limiter which prevents this kind of damage.

  20. The thing is: you cannot always lift heavy. And this is not because some mental weakness, it is because no human body can withstand such stress. The guys you see with jacked bodies on the magazine’s cover didn’t get it by going all out every session or for later berating themselves for not being able to do it every single time. Trying to go heavy on a regular basis is a beginner mistake that will get you injured in no time. Understand, it takes years to build an impressive physique and consistency over time will get you more results if you go light but with a correct form. I get the impression you are using lifting weights to channel some stressing emotions; this is not bad but you have to take care of your body when lifting. It is better to use cardio for that end. I always say to myself it takes more courage to stick to healthy foods and good sleep over a long periods of time than loading the bar full of plates.

    1. Take up real discipline like combat sports. I dont mean 2 days a week or some other lol curcuit. I mean seriously your body will evolve in ways you couldnt even begin to imagine it takes longer than just lifting but the comfort and functionality and endlesss endurance beats lifting obsession. I didnt say its bad you should do it, functional exercises. but lifting HEAVY AS FUCK,mind u heavy is good but heavy as fuk to the point of craziness is not good. muscle imbalances, stiffness…etc can come from it. Trust me i been analyzing this shit for loong time and been doing it for years everyday sometimes many months many days…many days..and done my homework, TONS of reasearch, analyzation of athletes, their personalities , so I could try to look, move and see their viewpoint and put it into my game. Mostly combat athletes. I truly began to understand at those moments how easy it is to find true functional and healthy and longevity lifestyle. It feels so good. I was putting all my mind and intuition into it. Modern fitness industry is a fraud to a point they only work for aesthethics but not true functioning.
      Maybe im obsessed with it because it dont seem like it in other persons view but I stand by it I can tell you guys. This manly macho heavy lifting shit wont get you anywhere but feeling of exhaustaion when you try to move your body as a unit in motions u just counter productively put yourself into disadvantage with hours and hours doing bicep curls and other shitty bodybuilder aesthethic machines

  21. How about this. . .Start out blending with a group of close freinds and have goals and aspirations. Follow their advice and marry a “great girl” who shares the groups mores and sensiblities, and work hard on the relationship even though you know it’s not working because she turned out to be certifiably crazy. You build a business and make a lot of money, retire early. You have no children because your crazy, stay-at-home wife secretly aborted your children because she preferred to play tennis and watch t.v. all day. You find out about that, and also understand that you can’t spend your elder years with her because of the constant bullshit and that her antics have isolated you from everyone you know and love, so you tell her you’re divorcing her. You both agree that it’ll happen after the back surgery you’ve been putting off. So you’re in the hospital for 3 weeks and learn she’s divorced YOU, and her gay brother and his lawyer boyfriend jockeyed with one of your pussy business partners and (long story short) she got everything. While your lawyer is trying to get you some settlement, you’re living in your car. After, say, 8 years of decadent alcoholism, you get back on your feet, but now low-end working class. But your freinds are rich like you used to be, and their wives are petrified at them befreinding you because they think some bad luck mojo poverty shit will infect them, so your’re kind of not welcome around anymore. After waking up and seeing the pile of shit that you did to yourself by letting other people tell you what life is supposed to be about, you climb back up and start doing things on your own terms. Take the Red Pill, see the reality, and stop whining.
    Is it anger that gets me motivated. To some degree, but I’m mostly over it. I used to be in great shape, had a lot going on, yadda, yadda. But it all got lost over the years trying to fit in with what the SJW’s push down our throats in the media all day. I’ve figured out that in making my own way, I’ve gotta set REALISTIC goals, and achieve them step by step. I’m getting back into shape, my company’s getting back on track, although it’s not what is was before, but I’m not a slave to anybody. Thinking things like this give me the motivation to get things done.
    Rant over.

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