Disclaimer: This article is not, nor is intended to serve as medical advice. Always consult with a licensed physician before starting a regimen of any kind.
A few months ago I decided to start experimenting with various performance enhancing drugs. I’m in my best physical shape since my mid-twenties but the older I get the more difficult it becomes to maintain an elite physique. Plus, I’m always looking to gain an edge and improve myself physically and mentally as every man should anyway.
After extensive research, consultation with my doctor, and self-experimentation, I’ve dialed in my regimen to the point where I’m operating at peak physical efficiency much more often than not.
Below are my personal anecdotes on the four performance enhancing substances I’ve decided to make a part of my bi-weekly regimen. I’ll discuss how they affect me socially, in the gym, at the desk, in the bedroom, and other areas of my daily life.
I’ve stated in previous articles that I learn just as much on this site as any of our readers, so when I saw a couple of sponsored posts about the benefits of Kratom, I decided to give it a try and so far I’ve been pleased with the results.
In the gym: On days I lift (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) I take faster strains to give me a burst of energy. About a half hour after I burn 2 or 3 ounces, there is a rush of strong, clean energy and razor sharp focus and motivation that makes me feel like I can squat 700 lbs.
Kratom doesn’t increase my strength under the bar but I can certainly feel a difference in the way I perform each rep. The concentration and focus I get from Kratom improves my form (which is absolutely critical when lifting heavy) and allows me to get through my workout a little quicker saving me time, which is an increasingly dwindling commodity for me these days.
Socially: Regardless of the strain I take, Kratom improves my mood exponentially. I’m happier, have an increased sense of well being, and have an insatiable desire to talk to people and approach women like crazy.
The bottom line, socially, is that Kratom makes me very happy. Not a loopy, “I’m drunk as fuck dude!” type happy but a genuine elevated contentment that puts me in an awesome mood. As stated above, the strain never matters. Fast, slow, and everything in between puts me in a good mood.
Negatives: It’s easy to build a tolerance on Kratom if you don’t rotate strains properly. The higher your tolerance the more you have to take which can result in nausea. I made this mistake when I first started but have since corrected it.
Overall, I only take Kratom when I wake up and I’m not feeling my best or not quite as motivated to lift. It tends to work best for me in a fasted state (when I haven’t eaten in 8 hours or more). Every so often I take it when I feel crappy or just need a short burst of energy to complete a task.
Modafinil is mainly used for concentration and mental stamina. I mainly use it when I have a project (or an article) that needs to be completed in 24 hours or less.
In the gym: I experimented with it in the gym and to my surprise it didn’t help much. It actually had the opposite as my mind was all over the place during my workout, which extended it by about a half an hour. Needless to say that was the first and last time I took it before lifting.
Socially: When I take Modafinil, and I’m around people or other distractions, I can rarely focus on one thing at a time. Because of this, I have zero interest in socializing, approaching, etc. If you’re thinking about trying Modafinil to get over approach anxiety I would strongly advise against it.
Productivity: This is where Modafinil shines. It doesn’t take long after I take it that I get that tunnel vision and can mow through the task at hand. This drug allows me to crank out just about anything with minimal distractions, breaks, or anything that diverts my attention from my objective.
Most articles I write for ROK take anywhere between three and five days to complete. But sometimes my week is busy and I fall behind schedule. That’s where Modafinil helps out. I’ve cranked out a few posts from start to finish in just a couple of short hours to make my weekly deadline including this one.
All in all, Modafinil is a one-trick pony, but that trick makes it well worth a try at least once. The focus is there so long as you’re isolated. If you’re in a social setting or around people when trying to get something done, your mind will be all over the place.
Winston experienced a few minor side effects when he tried it but I have yet to see any of these myself. Everyone’s different.
If you’ve got a long day ahead of you or a project(s) that need be completed, Modafinil will definitely help you git ‘er done.
Viagra & Cialis
During the steroid inquiries of the mid 2000s, some of the suppliers revealed that their clients were also using Viagra (referred to as “vitamin V”) as a part of the supplemental regimen to improve their performances on the diamond, so I decided to experiment with this myself to see if it yielded any results in my own training.
In the gym: Like the Kratom, Viagra didn’t necessarily increase my strength or flexibility. I did, however, notice a decrease in soreness the next day. I tried this on three separate occasions, alternating Mondays for six weeks and found that I was always a little more sore on the Tuesdays I didn’t take the little blue pill the day before.
Cialis didn’t make a difference at all, and it’s likely because it’s a slow release drug as opposed to the much more immediate effect Viagra has. These days, however, I stack it with L-argenine to increase blood circulation which helps a variety of bodily functions.
In the bedroom: No need to elaborate on this too much as must of us here are well aware of the effects these drugs have on our pussy pounding conquests. In short, they both work, and work well. End of story.
Viagra and Cialis have a few different uses, and like I said before it will affect different men in different ways. Some men report that it does increase one’s strength in the weight room, some state that it helps recovery, and others men report different but minor effects.
The benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy are well documented. Here and here are two good places to start your research if you’re thinking of starting TRT.
Like I said before I’m already in great physical shape, but at 37 years of age, the ol’ motor isn’t what it used to be. Between my bad left knee and nagging shoulder injury from about a decade ago, my injuries sometimes hamper my progress and sideline me for a day or two.
Before I started TRT 3 months ago I was 220 lbs and about 15% body fat. Pretty solid physique for a guy who stands at 6′ 1″. Since then I’ve dropped 7 lbs and I’m down to around 12% body fat. I’m as close to being “shredded” as I’ve ever been in my life and there’s no doubt in my mind that in 3 months I will be.
In the gym: This is the area I’ve noticed the biggest difference. While testosterone doesn’t personally make me stronger, it helps me to recover much more quickly and has drastically reduced the pain in my left knee and my shoulder, which has allowed me to increase the weight in my compound lifts.
Two other huge benefits I’ve noticed is 1) it helps me to keep the muscle I build through lifting without cutting back on my cardio (I bike mountain trails three to four times a week) and 2) it gives me a little more leeway in my diet, allowing me to consume a few more (healthy) carbs on my biking days and still keep my hard-earned muscle on my frame where it belongs.
TRT has quite literally turned back the clock for me. Not only do I look better, but I also feel better, which is the main reason I decided to do it in the first place. In my mind a great physique is only worth it if it serves a practical purpose other than picking up chicks. What good is an athletic looking body if you can’t physically do anything with it if you’re sore or hurting all the time?
Testosterone is definitely as advertised, and I would highly recommend that every man talk to their doctor about drinking from the fountain of youth. I’m a cash customer and aside from the initial blood tests (which cost around $350) I paid $77 for a four month supply of testosterone, syringes, and alcohol pads. If you have medical insurance it will be even less expensive.
My personal schedule
Though each of these substances are beneficial, I also realize this is a lot of substances to be putting into my body on a regular basis. Because of this I’m very careful with my dosing and use a chart in order to keep my tolerance low and to avoid a dependence or addiction to them.
The schedule below accomplishes this and allows me to benefit from each of these drugs:
Testosterone: I give myself a 160 mg shot every other Sunday.
Kratom: I take fast strains on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (my lifting days) one week, then take an ECA stack on alternating weeks. Again, this helps to decrease tolerance and dependence on either of these substances.
Modafinil: I take this once a week on either a Saturday or Sunday. I tried Saturday and Sunday and noticed a sharp decrease in effectiveness on Sunday (read: the second of consecutive days). I build a tolerance to this quite easily so I’m extremely wary of my dosages.
Viagra/Cialis: I take 2.5 mg of Cialis every day along with L-Arginine to increase and improve my blood circulation. The ability to bang the brains out of chicks with a rock hard boner for an extended period of time is also a welcome “side effect” to this daily procedure.
I used to be in the “age gracefully and naturally” camp until I took it upon myself to become educated in the use of performance enhancing substances. Father time is undefeated, but that doesn’t mean we can’t delay his inevitable victory and extend our physical primes by a few years.
Every man wants to be more productive, mentally sharper, fuck better, feel better, and reach his genetic potential and I’m certainly no different. I’ve found the combination that has accomplished all of these things for me. If you’re looking to improve your life in these ways, take action, start doing research, and talk to your doctor.
You’re welcome.
Read Next: How To Obtain And Use Testosterone For Male Birth Control
So, question then becomes…cost is high one assumes? And prescriptions required?
Maybe RoK will have an online pharmacy.
Heh. I asked because it seems to me that this could be pretty costly, as well as requiring hitting the official big medicine establishment up for your fix. Since I don’t know the actual answers yet I’ll assume that this could potentially put it out of reach of most men here.
The cheapest way is to get your nutrition in line, cut out the harmful drugs (tobacco, alcohol and whatever your doctor says you should take) and then add on with good quality supps.
That said, I don’t think the stuff described in the article is particularly expensive.
Not sure if I could do supplements (except arginine and lysine for recovery) or rather, if I need to. It’s the Internet so I know lift bragging is pointless as anybody can make up numbers, but that said I’m lifting around the levels of OSU football players still. One of my son’s former lacrosse coaches is a trainer for the team is how I know. Sex drive is through the roof still. Not sure adding pill shaped money into my regimens is required just yet.
I wonder if guys hitting their mid thirties and slowing down or decreasing performance have had other factors at play previously in their lives?
If I could change any one thing, it would probably be my hairline. Thinking of just going full chrome dome bald and forgoing having locks ever again, heh. Not pill related, just musing.
Check out the Spartans (the actual guys not the local high school football team). Front line soldiers until the age of 40, support troops until the age of 60. That says something about human potential.
As such, yes, I think bad habits slow you down. My sex drive is legendary amongst these young ladies and that is down to nature and nurture. We all have this potential.
With respect to your hairline, this is what I heard a guy say once. “Balding is not a choice. Being bald is.”
I have one bad habit, alcohol. Otherwise avoid sugars, grains, smoking, drugs, etc like the plague.
Most health is a choice. It’s rather pathetic how most men choose to get unhealthy and fat by 45. I can literally do no physical activity with anybody in my age range any longer, they all have guts and “high blood pressure” which is really nothing but their bodies reacting to bad choices. Have offered a few friends my age to get them off the pills through diet and training, but no takers thus far. Assuming no accident or cancer, I’ll likely be attending all of their funerals in the next fifteen to twenty years.
Likewise. I don’t recognize 40 year olds as being the same age as me. They look… well, old!
Most people I associate with are at minimum 10 years younger because we have similar interests. Actually doing sports, chasing girls, and having fun.
Best article I’ve read from you Don, hands down. The other articles have their purpose but self improvement is one of the chief reasons I love this site. Very well structured and you listed quite a few things to look into.
The most I can comment on would be the sexual enhancement arena. L-Arginine is the vitamin of the gods for men. The improved circulation alone is epic. But not enough is mentioned about Pycnogenol or Grape seed extract. One of the best books on improving your staying power would have to be The Hardness Factor. I always had long staying power with sex, but when I added the Hardness Factor I improved to feeling the sensation on my erections, and lost a bit on refractory. In other words, after ejaculating, the erections didn’t falter, and I decided when I wanted to stop. The only thing is since the program is so intense, it might not suit you to become a pill pounder.
Either way, hope the added suggestion helps and once again, great article Donovan.
Arginine is a game changer, to be sure. Never tried grape seed extract though, may have to now that I read your recommendation.
I read an article about Ray Kurzweil (futurist who thinks he is going to live forever as technology advances, and also a brilliant inventor) and he even has a website where he teamed up with some doctor.. ray and me I think). But he takes something like 30 pills a day–there is a documentary about him where he goes into this.
He basically takes all the anti-aging stuff. I think some of it is just putting the precautionary principle into action, but after doing some research into his regimen and general health knowledge I came up with the following:
CoQ10 – great for heart, and heart is what is most likely to go out on most of us, especially if you have family history
L-Carnosine – can’t remember, but likely anti-aging
L-Carnitine – heart, brain, muscles (amino acid)
Alpha Lipoic Acid and grapeseed extract- Anti-oxidants
Lutein / Billberry – great for vision, Britain gave them to RAF pilots
And I take some stuff for a knee ligament injury. I need to look into Arginine. I ordered my stuff from Puritans Pride because they have great sales that beat the prices from ray.
I think some of this stuff overlaps….
dude, he take like ONE HUNDRED FORTY pills a day…
In a bowl and pour milk over the top like cornflakes?
yup. he is fond of wearing ankle weights around the googleplex (think buggin out from do the right thing).
Shit, pills, pills, pills for everything. What about eating kim chee and drinking green tea?
It destroys fat in the arteries. You’ll be surprised the difference removing the fat from your arteries will ddo for how you breath and move.
Yeah, I’m actually of the belief that supplements obtained from food are FAR more powerful than those obtained in a pill. There are nutritionists who believe this as well. Still, for some of the rare stuff I’m not likely to include in my diet, I do spend maybe $100 a year on pills, what can it hurt?
Which of these destroys fat in arteries? Thanks.
Bilberry is excellent, as is R-ALA.
Anything that raises your good cholesterol will destroy “fat” in the arteries. So I would guess good amounts of naturally reared meat (from which you get arginine).
But pills don’t give you roughage!
L-Arginine erodes the fat inside of your arteries. Also take pycnogenol to heal up the damage done to your arteries from having the fat housed in your arteries. That will improve the health of your heart as well.
Thanks again. Here is my recipe for an interesting night with a lady:
Two teaspoons raw pomegranate powder (nuts.com)
Two drops 2.2% Lugol’s Iodine solution (amazon)
1 12oz glass distilled water
Stir and drink.
One of my original reasons for looking into this stuff was to help someone who was dealing with prostate cancer. After trying this stuff out myself, the changes were phenomenal.
Natural sources of L-Arginine are meat, fish, dairy and nuts. I eat a ton of all of these every day. This might explain while my pistons are still pumping at full capacity.
Something to think about before you spend money since L-Arginine seems easy to get from your diet.
You sound more up on your health game than I am. It may sound strange but I do think a lot of our health can be traced back to our penis. Can we see the base? Do we get steady orgasms? Are they quick erections? Do you experience a loss of sensation? Everything from diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, and prostate cancer can all be traced back to your penis and it’s effective uses. And it is the biggest tell if you have a healthy heart and arteries.
Funny you say that. I heard an interview with a female doc a while back who said the same thing. She said penile ED was an early indicator of heart disease. In other words, rather than something to poke fun at, its actually very serious.
And depression, anxiety, lack of sleep .. list is endless
true, its very difficult to get an erection while jogging
I saw a historical play about King George where they studied his bowel movements to determine his health. I think there is huge truth to what you say, and the poop smelling may be quackery, but the #1 way to monitor your health is to listen to your own body.
I happen to think poop colour, softness and smell is indicative of health. Take a note of your poop next time you eat something toxic…
I have to say, I think the best way to maintain your staying power is to protect your cardiovascular system. Think vascular, think blood circulation, think hard cock for as long as you want. To achieve this, practice intense cardio, LISS cardio, loaded carries, resistance training. Avoid anything that causes arterial plaque (smoking, drinking, sugar, grains, etc.) because your body is smarter that you are. When the decisions come down to keeping your heart pumping or your dick thumping guess who wins?
Follow this advice and even into your middle-age, just like me you will never have a dissatisfied customer.
$17 for 100 arginine pills at gnc.
How much is one tab of viagra these days?
I have never taken V, can anyone compare the two? Like 4 arginine is equal to 1 V pill, etc??
With regard to L-Arginine I usually take about 3000 mg worth so it depends on the capsule dose. I also have avoided Viagra as it is a bit different. It forces the blood to pump where as L-Arginine helps erode some of the artery build up of fat. Between the two, the difference only counts if you have poor health. Long term use, hands down you should go with L-Arginine. Pycnogenol is a great addition to take with L-Arginine at minimum.
I read V makes your dong less sensitive with prolonged usage.
L-arginine/L-citruline are prerequisites for producing nitric oxide which is a gas produced by the lining of the arteries(endothelium) which helps them expand and benefits the circulatory system, hence it became popular for the penis
l-arginine is metabolized quickly, so taking it all at once is not a good idea, instead you need to take smaller doses throughout the day
Vinpocetine works in a similar way,by improving blood flow in the brain
L-Arginine is an amino acid.
The book I used that gave the same results is The Multi-Orgasmic man. I used it fairly early in my sexual career and it served me wonders. One of the best how-to books I’ve ever read.
I think I have that book in my library. Was it really that much of a game changer? I’ve heard some tales of guys having orgasms without ejaculating. Who is the author?
Yes, it was for me, at least. One of the authors: Mantak Chia (who likely is responsible for the techniques taught) is a fellow Taoist who provides techniques like Belly Breathing, Century Count, and PC Pull ups. But isn’t not a Taoist book, and they use scientific studies to support and explain. And yes, you can orgasm without ejaculating. Here is a link to the book on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/The-Multi-Orgasmic-Man-Sexual-Secrets/dp/0062513362 It looks like a newer edition from the one I bought almost 10 years ago.
mantak chia
i’m going to look into what you said so I hope you’re not talking out your ass.
Or you can thank me when your lady or ladies is panting, with her eyes rolled back, asking to catch her breath.
Thanks but no thanks. God only knows what the long term effects of combining two powerful psychoactive drugs are (kratom and modafinil). Ciallis and Viagra quickly become crutches for some guys who have no need for drugs designed for fat 60 year olds with clogged arteries.
What are the long term affects of aging? Are they worse than the unknown effects of infrequent Kratom use?
We will all die one way or another. The effects are not well known. I can tell you that there is at least one instance of a man combining kratom and modafinil who then went on to have a seizure and was admitted to hospital. He was overdosing and probably had an addiction but nonetheless combining unknown drugs that you don’t really need is potentially dangerous. Nobody wants to end up in hospital , that’s not what people have in mind when they read these articles.
See here for the guy who seizured: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/should-kratom-be-legal/
The overall picture I get from that article is positive. Its hard to judge Kratom from one person’s experience. It looks like he was overdosing on a lot of stuff so who knows the actual cause? I myself suffered a serious complication from diclofenec sodium, an over the counter NSAID, whilst using it as prescribed. In fact people from die from NSAIDs frequently and also from prescribed drugs.
Hell, people have died from eating cantaloupe from the supermarket.
Ultimately, you must be your own judge and be responsible for your own body. Study the facts and make your choices.
Btw, I don’t know how it is possible to spend $15k a year on Kratom. The stuff is dirt cheap. He must have been drinking it all day.
I experimented with Viagra a lot in my early 20s to counter act the cocaine and ecstasy I used to burn through.
Thank fuck I got off all of that shit as there’s guys my age now who can’t get it up without it.
I work with guys like that. The paradox is they get more girls chasing them than nearly anyone else I know.
yeah – this guy is pounding substances like a junkie – why not just get some coke and heroin and do the job properly, plenty of successful people get all narc’d out….
kratom is great, but i find it has a kind of cold turkey opiate comedown, not that bad, but if you start taking it in the morning you need 5-6 doses in the day and one before you go to sleep, otherwise this achy, crappy comedown hits…. but if you maintain the dose all day and sleep it off… you wake up feeling great… the best thing about kratom is not taking it the next day…. it’s way better than nicotine, pot, meth, coffee, booze, or the heavy narcs, or prescription versions…… still i think kratom needs a certain amount of respect, I could see it becoming a bit of a problem with time…..
I wonder what your liver has to say about all this.
Modafinil (narcolepsy drug), viagra, cialis, and testosterone all require prescriptions. What are the legal issues surrounding lying to your doctor about having narcolepsy just so you can get a pill which helps you focus on your work? I thought that’s what coffee is for.
Modafinil is not illegal everywhere and you can just get Adrafinil instead which is generally legal. You don’t need to lie to a doctor, they’ll prescribe virtually anything you ask for. Its how they get paid.
Coffee doesn’t work anywhere near as well as Kratom and is much more addictive.
In the U. S. you can say you want it because you work odd hours and constantly changing shifts. It’s called Shift Worker Sleep Disorder.
You’re still aging gracefully brother!
Viagra at the gym? How do you explain that in the shower room lol
No lie man, I once walked into the showers and there was a guy in there with a rock hard boner. I was like “Dude! Put that thing away before you hurt someone!”
Did you drop the soap?
I had it on a rope around my neck.
along with your housekeys, carkeys….I do the same thing
Why do you put Bob’s house keys and car keys around your neck?
Yeah I want to know….
cmon, this has huge potential- EnglishBob’s soap/carkey/canopener/housekey on a rope.
Media portrays us as muh roons, so I bet we could sell it to wives.
My apologies. It Will never happen again.
Lets not forget the most powerful nootropics: noopept, choline and phenylpiracetam. I have used all three on occasion and they are immense when it comes to performance enhancement in the gym, at work and at school.
You’ve tried choline for mental sharpness? Any brand you could recommend?
It did nothing for me.
There are so many. I usually buy bulk powders. Note that it can take a while (read: weeks of use) to have an effect or you may just be a non-responder (maybe you already have a lot of choline in your diet – eat a lot of meat and eggs?).
Also, it enhances the effects of noopept. I would start with noopept. Like choline it takes a couple of weeks to take effect.
Last, choline protects your liver, which some people on here seem concerned about.
Go to http://www.piracetamsupplement.com.
good article…thxs
If you spend most of your daylight hours indoors for your office job, there’s good chance you aren’t getting enough natural sunlight. This results in deficiency of vitamin D. That leads to reduced thyroid activity, which leads to lower metabolism, which means feeling tired, depressed mood, reduced appetite. Take 2000 IU per day of generic vitamin D.
Thanks for the Gonzo journalism Sharpe, really great article.
ROK needs to maintain the focus on self-improvement.
I am a little worried that if word gets around about Kratom eventually the Authorities will get around to scheduling it.
Oh they will…
If the government got their hands on it they’d probably make it prescription. Imagine an entire country that has to take performance enhancing drugs to compete. They’d make a killing.
They will make it a pain killer but remove the part that makes you feel euphoric. Can’t have you feeling good now.
Just like how anti-depressant drugs make you fat and depressed.
A cynical part of me thinks anti-depressants are developed to push depressed people to suicide
They are working on an anti depressant right now that has mary J as a key ingredient(minus the buzz, of course).
Don’t discount that thought.
Will it come with a greatest hits of Mary for first time buyers? No More Pain and I can’t be without you. Nothing would inspire suicide for than ssome Mary J and a happy pill
I think you are referring to “USA” but I could be wrong.
The ultimate cure. The poor fellow is not suffering anymore. A job well done.
Plus he’s probably burned through 100k of narcs en route
dude, that album is 20 years old….doesnt feel that long
Guess it is just kim chee and green tea for me then.
What, like coffee?
We act like technology frees us but really tech only forces us to play along with the matrix.
Buy your car to go to work to pay for your car.
kratom is illegal in australia, they took a “pro-active approach despite there being no evidence of abuse”
they also based their decision on a study by Smith Klein (big pharma) who very surprisingly recommended to ban this herbal drug.
I found it strange that with this communities affinity for drugs they bash marijuana so hard.Bet you I could still catch some of you gents taking bumps of blow until your mid 40’s though
I would like to point out that these supplements espeically pills are most often made from constituents and are not the same quality that you would get from food or drink. Take vitamin C pills for example do you know how they are made? It’s not from squeezing abunch of oranges together….it actually comes from charcoal…
You refer to synthetics…
Nope, i refer to what the FDA allows to be consider a constituent to the naturally occurring source. Protein powders contain constituents, juice (specifically anything that claims to be “fortified” with a vitamin that doesn’t naturally occur in the fruit itself) , foods and so on. You’re eating fake shit unless you stick to veggies, meats, and fruits and even then you still get doses of pesticides, antibiotics, and so on.
Yes but many of these cheap supplements are derived from petroleum, hence the term “synthetic”.
Focus on organic food to avoid the chemicals.
Very enlightening article Donovan. I’d be interested to hear about the rest of your supplement regimen, perhaps in another article.
I go in cycles with my supplementation. There are times when I use a lot of supplements, but I am currently down to just using B complex, zinc, D, fish oil, and BCAAs.
I’ve steered clear of anything requiring a prescription, but this article makes me want to reconsider.
cycling supplements is very important.
Why is it considered a bad thing to have less testosterone when we age? Oh, because we turn into balding lardasses? I managed to stay healthy and in shape without using hormones. It’s rather “American womanish” to start blaming laziness on other things. Saying you are out of shape because of low T resulting from aging is like a fat girl claiming it’s genetic.
Oh, but there is less sexual drive, right?
Fucking thank God. What is there some contest that I must get laid every day until I die? I’m glad I’m not as horny (read: easily vexed, seduced, beguiled, etc.) than I used to me.
And I can think now.
As a matter of fact, trying to be as dumb and full of cum in your 40s as you were in your 20s is a recipe for disaster. It means some chick in her 20s might end up making off with everything you earned since you were 20. So I would say that if you have no game, you need to steer away from TRT until you have control over the little head because the little head will have you chasing women like a dog chases bitches in heat and that’s what makes a man vulnerable.
And this is why I tell the young ones to forget this fantasy of “waiting until you are ready” to start chasing girls. Chase those girls in your teens, take the blow-outs on the chin, learn what works and what doesn’t, learn what bitches women can be and by the time you are 40 you will be able to handle these women with ease.
Indeed. I tell this to the young fellows all of the time. I say “the last thing you want is to lack experience in dealing with women”. I tell them the sordid tales of nerdy types who were buried in books all through their 20s and then in their 30s ended up losing everything to a woman because they could not tell the difference between a good one and a bad one.
Men should be buried in books to an extent, but that’s a good point.
Young, nerdy men need formal training so they don’t end up victims.
Men are suckers for women
The comments from you veterans are why I han around here. I’ve been getting blown out like mad the last few weeks since I moved to a new downtown area and i’ve been all bitchy because of it.
Today I pulled my head out of my ass and your comment fits right in to where I’m at.
I hung out today with a ~26-30 year old stable Catholic Latina immigrant. She is a virgin, and will stay that way until she marries. I’m nowhere near ready for marriage. So nothing much is going to happen either way here. But I gotta tell you I had more fun hanging out with her today than the rest of the dates and bangs all year. The funny thing is she’s more hard core and conservative than me when it comes to our corrupt culture, which was nice to hear! And just the common gentle femininity that is lacking in almost every western girl I meet was captivating. I valued this interaction more than anything a western slut could offer me, so keep all things in perspective, my friend! You’re not missing out on anything (well, other than the lack of true feminine interaction that isn’t really available in the first place)
I totally agree with that Nujac. I’ve been hangin out with an esl girl and she actually behaves like a damn girl, which is what I actually crave. She gave me a full hour back rub (she worked in a spa in Taiwan) and was just generally fun to hang out with. Get this, she smiles, loves her dad, and puts effort to have a good time. Unbelievable. It’s true her company is more refreshing to me than the last few women I’ve slept with.
She’s even offered to cook me dinner… If she wasn’t 33 I’d have locked her up by now.
I’m thinking of pioneering anew frontier – volunteer esl teacher game
Glad to hear it. When it works out all the blow outs seem worth it.
The only thing I would question is why she isn’t married yet. Time was she’d be considered an old maid.
That said, if you enjoy her company, keep it going son!
Are you going to teach ESL? I am considering this as a temporary option to check out South America and simultaneously improve mi espaniol.
There is a church down my street where they are offering free esl classes and I’m thinking of getting my tesol certificate anyways.
I moved to the Sjw part of town for work reasons and I’m having trouble just making friends no less finding a girl to date. Figure I could meet some down to earth people teaching esl as a volunteer.
Most likely I’ll also teach abroad at some point. Everyone I know who’s done it loved it. I’ve heard good things about Colombia.
Yeah its a great way to finance an extended trip in some of these countries where we hear great things about the women.
That’s my plan for the summer. I’ve always had a thing for a certain type of lady. Probably the same kryptonite as most blacks, a curvy, light skin, black woman…or is that just me?
Solid opinion on gaming white ladies, they are energy feelers. What that means is the more energetic you are the better they feel. Try talking to a few extra girls a day just to get in a better mood.
I find I get the best reception from black chicks oddly enough.
White chicks always give me the “are you seriously hitting on me right now omfg” look.
That is wild! I get white girls introducing themselves to me more than I do them. Not sure why that is. I can usually score something from the women I talk to. Just don’t go after many women. That will be changing this summer. Determined to bed one Indian and a white lady. Without meeting them at a bar. And push for one more threesome. It has been awhile.
I nearly got destroyed by a woman like that last year. She used what she got…
You seemed to have survived and made some improvements. I wonder if this was the fiancee? Those women have been my kryptonite for a long time. After surviving what drove me here, well not entirely, there will never be another woman given anywhere near the privilege the last one had. And she wasn’t of the caliber that I’ve always sought. I figure that type of woman almost has the disadvantage because she has so much direct competition. Spanish women. Persian women. Etc.
The fiancee was part of it although she was basically a good woman. She had just been serious sexually assaulted by her mother as a child and lied about it. She also wanted her mother to stay in her life. This obviously was unworkable for me.
The Dark Triad woman was another one. She started fucking with my mind about a year before my fiancee and I broke up. She stepped it up a gear when we finally called it a day. Physically, as you say, she was my kryptonite. Man she really, really messed with my mind.
But yeah I came through Hell and stepped through the other side a stronger man.
Btw, if you want to get an advantage over Spanish women go to Spain. They love them some black men there and you cannot lose.
On women from Spain, I’ve noticed. Met two studying here from Madrid. Easiest hot women i’ve ever spoken to. Didn’t bed them due to logistics but damn was that a cool experience.
As guys we may have to start sharing notes about our Dark Triad experiences just to give other men the heads up on these women. Here’s an example of what I mean when I say Kryptonite:
Typically don’t share personal stock so I’ll swab that message down to a period by day’s end or so. I swear Light Skin black women trump so many other ladies by default it is scary.
Yeah reminds me of the DT chick I was talking about although this one seems to have a nice personality judging by the smile. The girl I was seeing could melt your brain right through the camera lense.
If you liked her smile you should have seen how she filled her jeans. She was a very pleasant change from the lady I left prior. We didn’t get far but generally that is a look that resonates with me. My ex prior was a Dark Triad lady. Manipulative for no reason but it brought on an awareness and level of scrutiny I didn’t have when dealing with people before. She is going on to be a lawyer. She may already be one for all I care. The one thing I picked up from dealing with her, every single move with women has an end goal. The single, most crucial thing you can do to hurt a woman like this is think for yourself. The moment you do and stick true to what you want, they lose their shit because all a Dark Triad woman wants to do is control her world. She is crazy enough to believe she can too.
The last thing you want is an unwanted pregnancy. I say fuck women all together unless they are actual people and not brainwashed demons. Women today make you do harmful shit to yourself just as a prerequisite and the stakes go up over time. 3/4 of the aren’t worth a damn in the sack anyway and you need to imagine porn to get off with them just like as if you were beating it. Should tell them to focus on themselves and not buy into the idea you’re only as much of a man as the chicks you bang. In large men shame each other into bad decisions just as much if not more than women do.
You say “fuck women”, I do fuck women. Everything you said here sounds like an excuse. Either that or you are gay. If that makes you feel ashamed that’s on you. I’m just telling you straight, if you’re not into girls there’s something wrong with you.
Exactly what I’m talking about. You have the intelligence of an ape. How many baby mamas do you have? Thought this site was about male empowerment not a bunch of retards that would fuck a snake if they could hold it still.
“Every hundred orgasms a man has a year diminish his chance of dying by 36 percent. Epidemiologists at the University of Bristol come to this conclusion in a study that was published in 1997. Regular sex halves men’s chance of dying, the research shows.”
perhaps, upon ejaculation, the system which is aging us decides to make a compromise, that, it needs to refill the ejaculatory fluid, rather than spend it’s resources aging us to make room for the next generation/get us out of the way,
Or. men who are getting laid more often are genetic alphas to begin with so they would be living that much longer anyway*
My total T-Level was 965 at 52 years old. That’s a teenaged level. I did a lot of cardiovascular and lifting and that’s what jacked my T. Before I started hitting the gym I was at 470. I think declining T is the result of guys getting more and more sedentary and more belly fat which soaks up T like a sponge. Even with high T levels I’m not as horny as I was 30 years ago, and as you say that’s a good thing. I think taking these artificial substances, and especially artificial testosterone is dangerous.
If a guy is in good shape and needs Viagra he is probably watching too much porn. Very young guys who spent their teen years streaming porn and fapping become impotent by the time they are 20. All this constant visual stimulation uploads their brain into the matrix.
That’s an interesting take. I still exercise 6 days a week and have been doing regular exercise since I was 14 (I’m in my 40s).
I never had my T checked and I still look young. So it’s very possible that having dealt with so many horrible women my brain has simply kicked into scarcity mode?
No man ever rolled over and died for being stranded on an island or desert with no women around. There must be a survival mechanism afoot here. It probably kicks in every time I see 10 women go by and 10 out of 10 are disgusting lardasses with leg tattoos on their big cottage cheese thighs sticking out of short shorts.
I know what you mean. It’s like operant conditioning. Even when I see a fit woman in her 30’s and eve 40’s in my gym, a jolt goes through my brain and I realize I’ll have to sit across a table from her and listen to the bullshit. I also ask for separate checks now. It does not always go over well.
Do what I do and only mess with women who speak limited English. Short-circuits all the bullshit.
two of my best experiences were with women who spoke almost no english. one was chilean, one ukrainian. actually, the problems only started months later when i started to understand their languages.
The author was injecting in the low risk area of 160mg every other week. Body-builders inject up to 2000mg every other week which is where you hear about the nasty side effects.
How old are you now? I’m not surprised you have high T with a name like Ragnar. Probably your libido is low because you’ve already fucked every type of girl there is and why go over old ground?
As for porn, I tend to watch it more when I have too much free time but it doesn’t effect my libido negatively, in fact sometimes it seems to boost it.
That said, I think use of porn reflects a high libido rather than the other way round.
I’m 53. I did not say I had low libido, just not what it was 30 years ago, and I’m less inclined to put up with modern women BS just to get laid.
A lot of young men are getting addicted to porn. Neuroplasticity in the brain forms new neural networks and men become sexually responsive to this artificial visual stimulation. It’s more of a problem in young men who grew up on streaming porn on their phones and computers. Men my age or even your age did not have 24/7 access to porn when we were still sexually maturing. These young guys always watching porn lose their sensitivity to Dopamine which is one of the hormones in a sequence of events that leads to a state of arousal. These young guys end up completely impotent. They have to go cold turkey to allow their brain to heal and return to a natural state. Older guys can suffer also from porn induced ED but the recovery time appears to be shorter.
I read up on it because I’m a single dad to a teenaged boy who lives with me full time, and I knew he was watching porn on his phone and Kindle, and fapping away. He is a nice looking boy and luckily for him these days in HS that’s all you need and the girls come after him, so now he has a girlfriend who hands him his brains.
I don’t watch porn and was never much of a fan, not saying I never watched it. I don’t think it is healthy for a man of any age to indulge in. An ROK writer wrote a piece about giving up porn and all masterbation and it certainly motivated him to go out and get the real thing.
When I said “low libido” I meant it relatively, in the same sense you meant it.
There is no evidence for porn addiction. Nobody has 24/7 access to porn but even if I grant you that access is easier today I don’t see the relevance. Everything you say can easily be applied to a teenage boy with a girlfriend. Will he lose his sensitivity to dopamine just because he has sex every day? By your reasoning we should be also telling young men not to have sex. Sounds like a modern day Puritan idea. Even so, the effect that sexual pleasure has on your dopamine receptors is entirely different to that of chemical interventions.
The reason young men jerk-off so much is because they have an extremely high libido. This is natural and nothing to worry about. By the way, I had access to plenty of porn when I was sexually maturing and I have the impression that it helps you learn to maintain an erection and last longer. Its like the training before the main event.
I think Ragnor means, that over-indulgence in porn can get in the way of a normal or healthy and active sex life, reduce ones motivation to pursue to normal, vanilla sexual relations with a woman. It’s like being a fat couch potato who watches sports and worships the sportstars, but who is fat and out of shape and doesn’t play sports or stay active/in shape himself. I’t doesn’t matter if the kid has a girlfriend and it fries his dopamine receptors, that’s what the neural feedback loops are there for, doing the real thing. Nature intended man to be a sex addict of sorts, not so much a porn addict. I’m with you though that porn in the general sense isn’t harmful and can have benefits and is interesting in it’s own right. It’s the guys who get into some of the sick/fringe stuff or begin to idealise unrealistic versions of the female or sex act, or neglect their own socio-sexual skills because they have porn as a crutch that will suffer. I’m not against masturbation or porn, i’m a believer that if you don’t use it, you lose it and will tend to become asexual, and seeing as most men can’t simply have sex at will, masturbation/porn can fill a role. If anything I view porn now more that I am older and more experienced, as a teen I was aroused just by the imagination, now I have real experience, I often need something a little more, and it can’t simply be my age as i’m only in my late 20s.
Well, truthfully kids do have 24/7 access to porn. Do they have a phone, a tablet, WIFI, they have access to porn. Sex, real Sex, is tactile, biochemical, and of course visual. If a kid watches porn for multiple hours per day it will rewire his brain. Real sex, even if you do it 5 times a day, is not hours of visual stimulation.
So, maybe if it is not overindulged in maybe it’s not harmful. Look at a website like yourbrainonporn. Scores of young guys whose junk stops working with real women. That’s why I told my kid to stay away from it. He went out and got himself a girlfriend.
It’s a matter of preference; if it works for you great.
Define “over-indulgence in porn”.
In your example of the couch potato is the problem the sports or the lazy man? Likewise, is the problem the porn or lazy man? To say porn interferes with one’s motivation to pursue women, in your example, is like saying watching sports interferes with a man motivation to get to the gym.
I have to tell you, the one thing that ruined my libido was an unhealthy relationship. I found myself using porn and strip clubs a lot to fill the gap. Now that relationship is over and I have recovered, I find myself approaching more, meeting sexy women and fucking them. I also use less porn and now have less interest in strip clubs. So was it the porn that was the problem or the unhealthy relationship?
Just one last, watching porn has given me ideas of how to treat a woman sexually. I am a lot more aggressive with them than I used to be. Its funny, it is said that porn gives a man unrealistic expectations of what you can do with a woman. I find that unless you’re doing something crazy, they love it.
I guess over-indulgence would be anything that takes away from another aspect of the persons life, perhaps even if they don’t know it or sense it. I believe some energy is dissipated when one discharges sexually, you can tell from the simple fact ejaculating can help you sleep at night. Perhaps it isn’t good to “overspend” that energy if it can be channelled or is needed elsewhere. I’d say porn is probably helping guys masturbate more often and religiously, so, It’s like some other vices in a sense, but it won’t kill you, like alcohol or drugs could. I like to smoke and drink and do drugs now and again, but I know too much too often will probably kill me, first socially, then psychologically, then financially, then physically….obviously it isn’t as extreme with porn, but I think for some guys it probably kills their sex drive/life, as well as being a waste of time and energy if they are really at it often. I guess i’m lucky but iv’e always been into average real girls way more than porn. I’m the kind of sick guy, and ever since a young age have been, who would be more aroused getting a handjob from his 55 year old 2nd year school teacher, or just at the thought of it, than watch 10/10s blondes with fake DDs get rammed with 12 inch cocks. That’s just always been me, not as sexually charged now, luckily, but even today I can’t watch anything that looks too professional. Lower back tattoo? fake tits? guy and girl iv’e seen in 5 other videos? doesn’t do it for me really. I agree that porn can make you aware of things to try out sexually though, and one-itus and neglect will kill your mojo, it has sure never hurt me observing the sex act or a hot woman but there are all kinds of people out there. Guys who pay crazy money for porn or just to see ugly chicks on webcam etc. while I’ve never spent a penny on porn. etc Guys who end up watching gay porn or other fucked up shit, and end up trying gay shit they wouldn’t have otherwise, whereas that shit has never appealed to me to watch, but could probably watch a thousand gay pornos and legit not be aroused by it at any point. Guys who look at porn all day in the office, while I can firmly separate work and play. have to remember not everyone is coming from the same angle as you.
You’re right, But I think the whole screen time thing can be extended to all media, yes, even return of kings.
Access to visual media and even simply written media, if undue importance and/or repetition is placed upon it can alter someones mental state and way of thinking negatively. Or create dependency.
I agree it would be concerning if a kid was watching hours of porn a day, but a kid is a kid, and need guidance but I think beyond a certain age porn can be used responsibly. The problem is we all have varying degrees of common sense when it comes to different things and vices. I personally think I have good control of my porn habit, something I indulge in when I have nothing better to do or find myself frustratingly aroused, which is at best neutral to my wellbeing and achieving my life goals. If I thought anything else, i’d be easily able to and would stop viewing porn, full stop. But I understand it isn’t at all like that for some people.
I’m glad you mentioned this. I”m also “victim” of porn abuse. I been a hardcore porn watcher and even normal porn couldn’t satisfy me. I had to resort to watching beheading videos to get turned on and that was last straw and realized that I could turn into a sick monster. So basically I went a whole year without porn and my god, how much it helped me mentally and physically. Now I don’t watch porn. I also got more self confidence to approach women. I feel like I got my youth back.
Taking vitamin V to last longer in the bedroom? Why? To boost your ego by getting validation from women? Seeking validation from women is a recipe for disaster. That is the power women have over men.
Turn it the other way. Have HER seek YOUR validation.
I take your point but I cannot deny it feels good when a woman compliments me on my performance. And damn it feels good when you’ve just added a notch. Got my first Romanian flag the other day and it has given me a lift. I walk down the street and every so often crack a smile and laugh about how it all went down.
That’s a myopic view. A beautiful woman whom you bring great waves of orgasms and pleasure will eagerly want to sleep with you again. A beautiful woman who receives your narcissistic thirty seconds of pumping before you are up and dressed will have no incentive to give you a second ride.
Having repeat performances beats the shit out of having to invest copious amounts of time and energy every time you want your dick wet. If she shows up at your door begging to be ravished again, you invest almost nothing. In short, being a master in bed is just good economic sense.
I see your point, but do women experience the same pleasure in sex as men do? Is lasting longer under the influence of ED medication better for her? Or will she be equally satisfied with 10 minutes versus 30 minutes? We men will never know for sure. Some women find pleasure in giving you pleasure alone.
All I’m saying is to not take the medication just to satisfy her. She can be satisfied by you without you needing to take any. If she can’t, then you will always need to take that medicine to please her. When you don’t, she’ll find someone else that can and that’s the kind of woman you want to avoid anyways.
Yes, I’d say they experience a ton more pleasure than we do, but even so, the longer you go, the better you blow.
Have you ever had sex mate? (serious question) [edit: good sex]
Tried kratom for the first time last night. Had some really bizarre half-asleep dreams before passing out hard. Woke up feeling pretty refreshed compared to most of my days where it talks me a few hours to really become alert and start being productive. I’ll have to see what the next few days has in store before I can full-on say I’m a believer.
Did you order offline or found a herbal store that supplied it?
If it was so weak that you’re still not sure it helps, its garbage. Placebo.
Perhaps not placebo.
But people think of these things as miracle solutions, when really at best they mildly help.
7 years ago I was smashing 200-250g of protein via shakes every day until I was fucking sick of it. I was benching 160kg.
I quit the shakes and lost about 10kg of strength. Which I later got back through eating better and modifying my routine.
Our natural rate of protein synthesis is actually limited to 0.75 grams per lb of LEAN bodymass , Protein intake over this amount is a waste of time.
See for yourself, Over-train your bicep, having a protein intake of 100 grams, than repeat the experiment with 300 grams of protein, Guaranteed, You will not notice a thing
I know this now, Brother.
But you know how it is when you’re young, vain and stupid
Whey protein does have some benefits if it’s reinforced with amino acids, Just take a 20gram amount , it will last longer and be very cost effective
I haven’t taken protein supplement for years.
I just eat steak and chicken
I’m surprised you didn’t get the shakes drinking that much protein. Yuck!
Problem wasn’t the shakes.
It was the fact I knew I was probably fucking up my kidneys (especially when you add in the gallon of alcohol I was consuming at weekend), and shits that could technically constitute a biological weapon
My source works, no doubt about it. Sometimes too well.
I’m not going to dismiss it nor swear by it after one single use, homie. That would be rather disingenuous of me.
We have performance enhancing drugs, but they down-regulate your dopamine receptors which take many months to recover and damage the cardiovascular system(heart disease is the number1 cause of death) Not smart to strain the pump, if we strain the pump with exercise the natural way, we do indeed get a similar clear mind and sense of calm
Some get addicted to this with “ultra”-endurance-exercise, but that is not healthy and leads to similar problems
Unfortunately, … these drugs were synthesized 1887, and discovered in 1937, (amphetamines) Caffeine was simply always used, and cocaine has very ancient roots back to ancient egypt but was first synthesized in 1887
The only way to speed our mind, is to poison it, because our “nootropics” cause damage
Which leads me to think that there is an obvious link between mental energy, and the aging process, since speeding it up with these substances increases the risk of mortality, The most regenerative activity we do, is sleep which shuts off consciousness for many hours a day,
Our brain uses 20% of our oxygen, hence on these chemicals, the brain is using 40% potentially, increasing strain and cause of mortality, IF AGING is regulated by the brain’s wakefulness, than perhaps tuning down activity while maintaining performance is one of the keys to longevity
Or you could just stop worrying about being productive. I figure I do about 2 real hours of work a day. My lizard faced boss would like to screw me, because he is a reptile, but he is too stupid. I’m kind of like the guy in “Office Space” these days. Fuck Bill Lumberg.
Unless you are self-employed. I got get some YouTube thing going on.
If we are living in truth to ourselves, why change the natural process of aging?
In today’s episode of Toronto News!!!
All three of the following articles were posted in the first few pages of the local transit paper TheMetro!!! This is not satire my friends!!! TheMetro newspaper is sitting here with us live on air!!!
1) Students dress to protest!!! Young women donning crop tops to fight dress codes!!! Can you believe that women are expected to wear more than a bra to their local highschool!? The Patriarchy hard at work!!!
Alexi Halket, student at Etobocoke School of the Arts, says “Why would you send a female home because guys can’t control themselves when they see a girl’s outfit?”
Don’t stare-rape folks, because her body is her body!!!
2) PussyRiot coming to Pride!!! Those Russian bitches know how to party!!! That’ll teach those straight white men to stop working and become slaves to the government!!!
This just in!!! “Where are all the good men!?!?!?”
3) TdotPickup shuts down after disturbing video!!! Apparently the founder of company TdotPickup posted a YouTube video violently threatening a Toronto woman at Yonge & Dundas for rejecting him. TdotPickup has recently been shut-down mysteriously, most likely to avoid police investigation.
There you have it folks. Men need to stop stare-rape, women should be allowed to walk around naked, Pussy riot is coming to town, and horny men are threatening violence… Anyone else see a connection here???
The only thing that can right the ship at this point is economic calamity/war.
That may just happen. The minimum wage has finally been raised in Los Angeles to 15 dollars. Minimum salary is 30k a year. Job rate expectancy for a journalism major is 24k and in LA you can packk bags for 30k a year. It might not matter much as they are a densely populated with immigrants but time will tell if the dollar will be weakened because of this.
24-25k was the starting salary in nyc when I graduated. Rents have tripled/quintupled since then.
I have no idea how grads live in the outer boros these days, much less manhattan. Maybe they live at home until 30?
When I graduated starting was around 30k roughly. If you went corporate it was 40k. You also had a leg up on promotions if you were a smart woman or a well connected man. Otherwise good luck being a corporate bottom. And that income only works if you have roommates or decide to stay at home.
Live at home or house share with 5 other people, or however many.
Here’s where that minimum wage is headed:
Yep^^^ this is what will happen if you raise the minimum wage more automation , robots etc. Those dipshits who want to raise the minimum wage are going to make things worse.
By smart you mean, “de-chrome a trailer hitch with her mouth.” Right?
videogame nerds with swarms of miniaturized drones would win, hence the 1.3 billion Chinese we would not stand a chance against, As battery innovations advance and Artificial intelligence develops, it changes everything
The world super power in terms of military will be the nation which has the most drone pilots, hence videogame culture
I know people who no longer feel that they can be productive without using Modafonil. My advice would be to stay away from it and try to develop natural ways of becoming productive without having to use it.
A good friend of mine uses Test and other steroids and the side effects and complications involved make me thoroughly convinced it is just not worth taking.
like everything out there…..these things should be kept in moderation.
Only when needed
Yeah, I agree completely. It’s frighteningly similar to Benzodiazepine dependence – Something that people don’t potentially see as dangerous but can develop into an addiction that is extremely harmful. People think that its legality is directly correlated to how safe it is.
I just think more people should be aware of the potential risks. Having done Modafanil once, I have no urge to do it again and even if at times I’m not the most productive person.
dude benzos are far worse than modafinil.
benzo withdrawl is rated second worst after heroin/meth
Or just live in a way that doesn’t destroy your mind and body. But that would make sense and take a little bit of effort.
I take a daily Nitric Oxide Regimen, daily Sermorelin (Peptide), TRT twice per week at 200 mg each. That is an intro dosage as my free test was 0 and total test was 297 (I am 46). Also eat very low carb as I lost about 80 lbs. While I’ve gained back about 15 lbs, it’s mostly muscle as my upper body/neck/shoulders/biceps/triceps are taking good form. As far as NO
3000 mg L-Argenine — Twice per day.
3000 mg L-Citrulline — Twice per day — My research says if I take the Citrulline the Argenine is largely not useful except prior to exercise but I buy these 1st three in bulk powder form and it’s cheap as hell so I am sticking with the L-Arginine. The pump after lifting is great too.
50-100 mg of Grape Seed Extract — 3X per day
5-10 mg of Liquid Cialis — 2X per day
2 tsp of Beet Root Powder (non gmo organic) — 1X per day
I now have raging hard ons, but one downside is with the increased Libido, just being guided at times by my cock. Still I’d rather fuck like a king leaving her breathless, as it allows me, even at my age, to find FWB and spin plates. Occasionally one wants to flip to full-time but not right now often times they don’t bother breaking it off because with their own careers and busy lives they know they can use a good fuck every now and then. In turn, as one poster pointed out, I don’t have to waste a lot of time seeking new prospects.
I’ve not ventured into any of the nootropics yet though one could say TRT and Sermorelin are in that category.
Re:Modafinil. They prescribe this expensive shit to combat narcolepsy, excessive daytime sleepiness. I need it to stay awake and function like a normal adult and mofos is out there popping this pill for what? Laser focus? Craziness…
Don’t mess with testosterone injections unless your body produces virtually none. The endocrine system is not something to be messed with.
And address the reason your body produces virtually none.
TRT messes up the body’s own production of testosterone.
A better alternative might be clomiphene, which rather stimulates production of testosterone. It inhibits estrogen, which is a good thing considering women are happily stuffing themselves and the environment with persistent, synthetic estrogen.
It is also cheaper and easier to get.
There’s no free lunch. Testosterone replacement is known to cause heart issues. God knows what the rest of those drugs are doing to you.