17 Previous Assault Convictions But No Jail Time For This Woman

What is it with British women and glassing men over the last several years? In arguably the worst example of these deplorable crimes, late in 2014 Yasmin Thomas had her female criminal privilege card stamped for the 18th time. Even with 17 previous convictions for assault and battery, Judge John Harrow just couldn’t bring himself to incarcerate delicate little Yasmin for glassing Ronnie Lee.

Ronnie’s “crime”? He didn’t say thank you when her friend stole Lee’s business partner’s e-cigarette and threw it to the ground, and Thomas rudely insisted that Lee praise her for picking it up. When his words weren’t quick enough, Thomas lashed out at his face with, you guessed it, glass.


A nurse informed Lee that he would have been blinded had the glass struck him mere millimetres away. Rightfully, this victim has pointed out that if the roles were reversed and he, a man, had glassed Yasmin Thomas, a woman, he would have been sent “straight to jail.” Judge Harrow completely vacated his responsibility to the public and to the law when, describing her record as “breathtaking, one of the worst I have ever seen from anyone your age,” he still let Thomas completely off the hook.

Yasmin Thomas has thus joined Lucie Slater and Sarah McKenzie-Ayres in the pantheon of the Pussy Pass Hall of Fame (Glassing Men Division).

But wait, it gets worse…

Yasmin Thomas breached her 12 month suspended jail term by failing to follow, three times in two months, the terms of her “compliance sessions.” Despite promising earlier in the year to imprison her if she returned to the courts, white knight Judge Harrow freed her again:

However Judge John Harrow, who sentenced her four months ago, said he was prepared to give Thomas ‘a chance’ and allow her to walk free from court.

A chance? I wish I could condense all my household chores or work assignments in the same way Judge Harrow has condensed a violent criminal record, which reads as long as Tolstoy’s War and Peace, so that Yasmin Thomas gets her desperately needed “chance.”

Male victim of violent crime? You don’t matter

A man can be glassed in the United Kingdom without repercussions for a female perpetrator (Community service? Please!). But if he defends himself? Probably jail.

Ronnie Lee is discovering the hard way that his physical injuries and feelings in the aftermath of the attack fundamentally do not matter to the legal system or the other powers that be. The anxiety he has described, and the likelihood from the outset that he would experience it, as most victims of violent crime do, has been flagrantly ignored.

Yasmin Thomas mattered more to the court, as she would have in most other courts, than the dignity of Ronnie Lee and the rights of the community to be both protected and to have proven serial offenders removed from society.

Aside from her appalling record, the other discombobulating aspect of this case was Judge Harrow’s extreme indulgence of Thomas:

He also said he would not reveal details about Thomas’s past in open court in case she found them embarrassing.

I find this more than amusing. Somehow the privacy allocated to Thomas’ past outweighs the obligation for justice to the victim, who has nothing to do with any unfortunate happenings in the same past. Welcome to 21st century Western justice. This same “past” has evidently allowed Thomas to get away with 18 separate assaults and presumably a trove of others that were not prosecuted or not even investigated.

I do not know what sort of world we are living in, one where suddenly someone’s past can explain away 18 convictions for physically threatening and harming someone. Not one, two, three, four or five, but 18. Under this standard, Roman Polanski should never be jailed for statutorily raping a 13-year-old girl because he’s a Holocaust survivor. Is this really the standard of justice we want? Permitting gratuitously selfish crimes involving third-party victims because some people had hard experiences in life?

It’s out of control

Yasmin Thomas after her most recent pussy pass was issued, probably contemplating suing the patriarchy for photographing her outside a court.

Those of you familiar with my other articles will remember that I cited US (female) academic Sonja Starr. Starr, from the University of Michigan Law School, found in 2012 that men sentenced federally in the United States received 60% longer sentences than women. Women were also twice as likely to avoid jail entirely, or not even have charges laid against them after an investigation.

These figures would hold true for the United Kingdom and other Western jurisdictions as well. Both male and female judges are excusing horrendously violent behavior from females under the pretext that their backgrounds “forced” them to do it or because we live in a “patriarchy” in which “systemic oppression” makes women criminal automatons.

Ronnie Lee is just one of many victims. Their plights are underreported to begin with, as many of the female cretins assaulting them are never pursued, let alone convicted in open court. The harrowing reality is that Lee and others like him face a choice between two potentially ruined futures: being permanently maimed by being attacked without provocation, or facing a lifetime of stigma and criminal association if they seek to legitimately defend themselves against women. The excuses being delivered to female offenders absolve them of close to all responsibility.

Things must change.

Read More: Jail For Sending A Girl’s Naked Photos, No Jail For Fracturing A Man’s Skull

123 thoughts on “17 Previous Assault Convictions But No Jail Time For This Woman”

  1. She was let go for the same reason that feminism has been allowed to get so out of control–MEN have an irrational protective instinct toward women, and all too many men are utter cowards when dealing with females. The term “Quisling” came from a real nazi collaborator’s name. Perhaps Judge John Harrow’s name should be used to describe this particular type of traitor.

    1. No, that’s not it at all. The reality is that the judge clearly has a tremendous hatred for other men, and even other women, However, he gets away with this because women do not have the depth to understand that he is putting them in danger as well. After all, he is letting a sociopathic murderous insane parasitic whore walk free in society. How on earth does that help any woman anywhere?
      In short, he is a traitor to his people and his society. He may have other pathologies or disgusting beliefs as well, but do not make the mistake of thinking that his “White Knightism” is a manifestation of a protective instinct. What this actually is, is a traitor to his people clothing himself in the protective instinct. His actual instinct is anything but protective.

      1. How on earth does it help any woman anywhere? Well, it reinforces the idea that women can get away with just about anything if their victims are men–an entitlement many women openly embrace.
        I appreciate your vitriol here, but I do think that his “white knightism” is, to some extent, a manifestation of instinct. Humans are hardwired with all kinds of instincts–many of them contradictory–and it is our responsibility as thinking beings to sort them all out and examine them honestly and critically

  2. You know what the most dangerous drug of the world would be?
    If someone invented a pill that kills the white knight reflex. It would mean the end of the world as we know it. No more pussy pass and the countless of other comforts women enjoy.

      1. There is an equivalent of that built in to humanity; depression. Hasn’t slowed the ‘pussy pass’ any.

    1. I wonder if sexbots are the answer. Imagine if every guy in the world’s most developed countries was getting as much sex as his heart desired from the partners his heart desired. Would that be enough to make white knighting disappear?
      Do not read this as me excusing guys from learning game. It’s just a thought.

        1. Dude, you are a legend. Your pictures are just amusing and so so much in grip with reality.

      1. Canadian feminist groups have already tried to ban sex robots:
        “Following the recent Ontario/Canada Roundtable on Gender Equality, the below provisions have been proposed for the new Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act, the first draft of which is currently being finalized. The provisions are specifically meant to target the concerns that were expressed at the roundtable were that sexbots will negatively impact the pursuit for gender equality and may unduly emphasize the objectification of women as sexual objects The suggested provisions fall into the larger framework of regulating the emerging service robot industry that will be governed by the Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act and under the direction of the Ministry of Robots and Artificial Intelligence, to be established in Ontario and other Canadian provinces and territories at the end of next year.
        …The use of sexbots in the privacy of one’s home is prohibited, unless otherwise permitted by the Ministry of Robots and Artificial intelligence or a relevant regulating agency as per the criteria outlined in the Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act.”

        1. The insanity grows exponentially.
          And what is a dildo or vibrator, if not a manbot that objectifies males? Oh wait, women have had their manbots for decades. It’s called an ATM machine!
          Feminist can talk about banning fembots when they stop objectifying men by shoving phallus’ up their holes. Although I’m fine if they’d like to gag themselves on one so I don’t have to listen to them yap about this nonsense anymore.

        2. I think Alabama banned those, and that would not be a feminist conspiracy.

        3. The thing is: women have had sexbots for years. All they care about is the dick – how’s that for objectification?

        4. “And what is a dildo or vibrator, if not a manbot that objectifies males?”
          I thought the very same thing.
          They want to take away all your options, while simoultaneously expanding their own.

        5. We live in strange times where men and women are trying their very best to avoid having to deal with each other.

        6. Nice find.
          It’s amazing just how much shit Canadian men put up with and yet most will absolutely not question why they hear the word “feminism” 5 times a day.

        7. Dildoes are substitute for a man’s dick, however women need more than a dick to satisfy them, they need the “companionship” and love (despite the lowered capability in western society; taking a dozen cocks before 22 will do that). Men don’t need the companionship as much, especially since most women aren’t nice people anyway.
          This is why we will always have an advantage over women, we can (mostly) fulfil every desire by outsourcing: a maid for cooking and cleaning and prostitute/sexbot for sexual needs. Women cannot.

        8. Its really cause it lowers the price of pussy, therefore decreasing these feminist cunts SMV. Same as why prostitution is illegal in Canada only for men who are buying sex (not the woman providing it).

        9. Most feminists have low SMV already. However I don’t think high SMV women will give two shits about sexbots… those women already get attention from the men they want (High SMV men).
          The sexbots will compete with lower SMV females for the betas and omegas who either can’t get high SMV women, or can’t get any women.
          The fatties and femicunts are the ones who will be negatively impacted by any sort of sexbot.
          The competition will do them good IMO.

      2. It already happens to a lesser extent with largely free internet porn. Why bother with all their bullshit? When the desire strikes, crank one out while watching and thinking about a 9 on-screen in HD and surround sound.
        It was in 1973 and 1976 – so about 40 years ago – that the movies Westworld and Futurewold came out. That was before 3rd Wave Feminism so the social implications were not nearly as intense.
        Stepford looks like the only sane town in America these days.

        1. How about this one?
          – your mate is chosen for you (kinda like dating sites/apps you have a 90% compatability)
          -come home from work, you can chill out by watching porn
          -dont forget to take your meds

        2. Is there an image posted there? If so I can’t see it. I assume the written comments would make more sense with that context.

        3. ah, youre in china,yes? I guess the movie trailer for Lucas’ THX 1138 is a nono there…interesting

      3. It would be worse than smart phones. The white knights would just feel sorry for them and try to get them humanity and claim they’re freeing them from the evil submissive fembot corp.
        You just can’t fix insanity with technology.

    2. You are in luck, it already exists. It is called the “beat down”. Proper applications of the Beat Down have been known to cure even the most extreme case of White Knightism.
      In hardcore, stubborn cases, the Beat Down can also cure many other social ills and problems. Care is advised in the application of the Beat Down as the improper use of the same against misdiagnosed clients can lead to an outbreak of a Revolution. But so long as the Beat Down is handled and applied with thoughtfulness and respect this should never be an issue.

    3. You know what the most dangerous drug of the world would be?
      If someone invented a pill that kills the white knight reflex. It would mean the end of the world as we know it. No more pussy pass and the countless of other comforts women enjoy.

      Such a pill already exists, the ultimate remedy for all mangina/whiteknight ailments affecting the western male populace is practically handed out here like candy, this cure is so powerful it call turn the most pathetic, spineless, cowardly, supplicating, neutered lapdog into…
      … this pill is so powerful that on numerous occasions, it has threw the entire gynocratic feminazi media into a fit of hysterical rage complete with tears, triggering and “NAWALT” cuntsplaining(because, you know, she’s “not like that at all”).
      This pill is the magic bullet that will, if not save the degenerating western empire from consuming itself in a fiery inferno of Cultural Marxist/Leftist/Politically Correct/Illiberal/Cunt-Enabling/Tranny-Glorifying insanity, then at least prepare men to rise from the ashes like the proverbial phoenix and begin a new, as proud patriarchs of the Land, with cunts rightfully put back in their place, 200lbs lighter, tat/piercing/neon colored hair-free and feminism buried along with the radioactive waste in vessels deep enough that no light shall shine on its ugly posterior ever again.
      This is a pill that couldn’t be distributed to the masses fast enough, we have a pandemic of weakened, brainwashed, browbeaten males on our hands, we need all hands on deck here at the SS Valizadeh to fight against the Cathedral and shine a light on dark cases such as the one in the OP’s article. I wish you men good luck on your mission, over and out.

    4. Unfortunately, men throughout the world have an innate desire of protecting women. This evolutionary instinct is the root of white knighting. That however does not mean, that there is no cure to white knighting, because despite this natural instinct, men also have a brain, and they can rationalize that in the modern world white knighting is not the answer. In the western world, right from the time a man is born, his protective instinct is being manipulated to white knight for degenerate hoes who don’t deserve it. Sites like these are actually the cure for white knighting because they counter the shit that a man is being spoon fed since birth. ROK is doing public service to men across the globe, by converting pussified, feminised, white knight manginas to self respecting men.

      1. I am not sure about testosterone. I don’t know whether T would make men less whiteknighty or more whiteknighty.

        1. It wouldn’t have an effect. They do what they do because they think it’s the best possible path to finally scoring. Then again, they might suddenly be able to grow muscles and not have to rely on virtual rimming as a potential path to pussy. Conversely, they might not become more muscular and instead go into a full on WhiteKnight overdrive.
          Wow, this is like that riddle, “what’s the sound of one hand fapping.”

  3. I genuinely have little sympathy for bournemouth estate agents having had to deal with them in the past but this is still an appalling example of hypocrisy. Looking at the linked article in the daily mail though I notice that the top comment is:
    “Victims got a fantastic point. Women want equal rights but if if the roles had
    been reversed he’d have been sent to prison even if it was his first
    offence let alone his 18th……”
    Number of up votes = 13491
    Number of down votes – 190
    It looks like pretty much every one on the planet apart from those 190 women who clearly draw their salaries from a gender studies department agree that the pussy pass is a clear and present danger. The problem is that if that results in an MP persuading the attorney general to review the sentence that will mean a slightly increased sentence (or not). What is clearly needed is a general review or enquiry into systemic bias and discrimination in the legal system (particularly but not exclusively focused upon sentencing. If so many people see clearly that there is a problem surely that must be possible. In the meantime its good to see that David is highlighting this issue because its an important one.
    On a related noted a couple of weeks ago I quoted the latest UK prison statistics from the Howard League which was : male prison population = 81,795 and the female prison population = 3,889.”
    Well the good news is that this week – week-ending Friday 29 May 2015 the male prison population is down to 81,751 and the female prison population is up to
    3,918. That’s 19 insanely violent women who’ve now been taken off the streets thanks to articles like this
    But none of that changes the fact that there are still 21 times as many men in prison as women in the UK and that kind of ratio is pretty standard across the globe

      1. The dipshit judge, you can be sure, held some sort of vague fantasy that his leniency would be rewarded someday with a blowjob.

      2. Her boyfriend doesn’t work either. He must be a drug junkie or a fat loser. She got £75,000 in benefits, why would they bother getting their fat asses off the couch?

      3. You are probably not surprised, because, living in this culture, all of us know that there are a lot of spineless men, who will put up with the most degenerate of women.
        Lorena Bobbit, the woman, who cut off her husband’s dick, still got a second husband. If this woman can get a husband, then any fucking cunt can, no matter how violent she be.

        1. Did you ever hear of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka? They were the centre of a Canadian murder case that rocked the early 90s.
          Karla helped her boyfriend Paul rape her little sister by poisoning the younger girl’s drinks with animal tranquilizers. Tammy Homolka died as a result. Karla also found two more teenage girls for Paul to sadistically torture and rape on camera. Paul killed both of those girls as well.
          Paul received a life sentence in a maximum security prison. Karla received only a 12 year sentence in a Club Fed for women. She is now married with three children.

  4. I guess these judges shouldn’t be too surprised when they come to work one day and find out that the courthouse was burned to the ground.
    A system that turns it’s back on man will soon find out that those men no longer belong to that system.

    1. I would like to see this judge get attacked and mutilated by a woman and then try to have her prosecuted, only to have her given another chance.

      1. If he’s a truly brainwashed white knight, he’ll perform the feat of self deprecation by saying that the woman was probably depressed and that he’s glad that the woman is not harmed. Or he’ll boast how he never hits women, even in self defense.
        If he’s an elitist hypocrite, he’ll probably try to fight for his “rights”, only lose after being confronted by other judicial hypocrites like his former self.

        1. I believe that any woman who hits a man should be prepared to be hit as well. It is only fair, right? Unfortunately, we don’t live in a rational world. We live in an almost dystopian era where fat feminists rule the law with their misandric hypocrisy and men are rewarded for being passive manginas.

    2. That will occur once we step out of the shadows. Right now we hang on the fringe and thankfully present sound logic. We still need a public officials in our corner to advocate a rationale and blindness to justice. Question all judges should be forced to answer and be held to, “If this were a man, who I give them a pass?”

      1. I think it’s an honest question that all attorneys should ask a judge when a woman is involved in the crime.

    3. And they shouldn’t be surprised when they or their sons are glassed by a woman, and that woman is not punished. After all, this is the shit that they themselves help accomplish. What comes around, goes around.

  5. I think it’s more sinister than simply giving women privileges with no consequences. The real goal is make life unbearable for men so they check out of society (or leave) and government can expand its control. Women are just useful idiots to give government more power.
    It’s why there’s such a strong push to ’empower’ women and bring in more minorities….the government knows it can control these groups of people easier. So all the laws are designed to punish white males in every aspect of life.

    1. Governments will never let men totally check out of society. After all, there has to be somebody to run society (the plumbing, waste disposal etc) and actually produce work and pay taxes to fund these “Utopias”.

  6. Yep where is the equal sentencing . Why aren’t women made to sign up for the draft??

    1. But we are rapidly approaching an age where viable fertilizers will not look to procreate. Eggs don’t matter when society doesn’t wish to continue.

        1. One poster actually dug into that some what with regards to sex crimes. Seems the older, fatter, and uglier the woman was, the more likely she were to be sentenced and the lengthier the sentence.

  7. are black women who live in UK considered British? When I think of British, I normally picture an Anglo Saxon white English or Welsh women. I’m glad I don’t live in Britain no offense to any British people. I mean England went from being a Great Britain empire that once conquered majority of seas and had colonies in almost all continents to now this???
    What a stark contrast. I mean as much as I ridicule the situation in UK, I also sympathize with their country’s future. As much as I can say United States isn’t far behind UK when it comes to shit like this.

    1. In England, anyone who makes it to the shores is now considered to be British, because it’d be “Racist” to see them out as the outsiders they are.
      Can’t be having native brits thinking the country that their forefathers’, many of those who fought and died protecting their homeland from foreign invaders so their progeny could have a future, is theirs now, can we?

    2. Yes they are considered British if they are born here and quit that shit with US behind UK in term of feminism because the women who dictate the feminists agenda here in the UK are nothing more than imported Yanks.

      1. ^ so you’re saying that British white women don’t naturally act like cunts? The Anglo culture of US and UK are very similar and both Americans and British behave very similar. I didn’t notice any difference when I went to UK, the only difference was the accent.

        1. They do act like cunts but somewhere you might find some nice bird, maybe uglier ones.
          There is no difference in terms of women’s behaviour.

  8. In Canada, our judges let the little darlings get away with actual murder.
    The crown prosecutor obviously appealed the case referenced above in 2011, but I can’t find any further information on that appeal. Probably because it was quietly denied.
    Canadian courts use this gem of a case as their precedent:
    Angelique Lavallee shot her husband in the back of the head as he was walking away from her. Supreme Court of Canada Justice Bertha Wilson delivered her now “famous” judgment saying that allegations of abuse by a woman entitle her to kill her husband. Canadian men ought to beware.

      1. Thanks for that. Crown appeal dismissed in February 2014 and NO MEDIA COVERAGE. Incredible.

    1. Women cannot be allowed on the bench, while some female judges are actually very good, they are the extreme exception, and even they will absolutely give in to their emotionally wiring.
      Nor can women be allowed in politics, the church (of any religion), police forces, academia, or any position of authority.
      Most importantly, they absolutely must never be allowed the vote.
      However, before we rant too much, keep in mind that all of feminism is the direct result of financially successful female prostitutes using the money given to them by irresponsible males, to them leverage that money to bribe and manipulate society into accepting their rebellion.
      When the smoke clears, and our grandsons begin to rebuild from the rubble, two lessons must be learned.
      1. No suffrage
      2. Whores must be watched and the men must be kept from visiting them overmuch. Else they will profit and turn those profits to vengeance against society.

      1. But now that the genie of suffrage is out of the bottle, there’s no forcing it back in. Now we have to market the idea to women that THEY are better off in a traditional society, not just us. This is an achievable objective. Roosh’s proposal for a “neofemininity” analogous to neomasculinity is a great idea. We need to lead women to the truth, because there will be no driving them there now. But it can be done.

        1. I never realized how much happier I would be in a traditional relationship, until I stopped dating manginas and met my husband. Because of feminism, women are heavily indoctrinated to deny their natural inclinations towards pair bonding, nurturing and submission. Men are brainwashed into becoming passive simps who worship masculine women.
          Women who try to lead other women towards these truths are shamed and ostracized. I suspect this is because deep down, most women know that feminism has been the biggest scam in society.

      2. Yes!
        Women cannot be impartial (a necessary quality in voting and presiding over a legal matter) because their emotions simply overpower their perspective.
        That’s also why so many women are massive hypocrites

  9. theuspatriot.com/2014/06/03/liberal-activist-raped-by-a-black-man-turns-and-blames-white-men-for-it

  10. Bicycles don’t work on fish, leashes don’t work on cats and neither prisons with hardened steel bars nor LAWS will work on women. It is in their nature to usurp priviledge so the answer is NO. Laws will NEVER adequately regulate women whatsoever. Each and every female ideally should be under the wing of an adult male controller, A MASTER. Call it family, call it a pair bond call it what you will, the backbone of the relationship should be framed as a MASTER/loyal beloved servant model.

    1. correct. the current model of letting them do whatever they want is not sustainable

    2. “It is in their nature to usurp privledge”. A truer thing has never been said.

  11. “Male victim of violent crime? You don’t matter”
    while i like the idea of the article, this sounds like a weakling’s utterance.

  12. Some guy who stocks shelves at my summer job recently got ran over by his wife after deciding he wanted to divorce her. My manager was telling me about it yesterday and said that when the police showed up to the scene they arrested him. Yeah, you heard that right, after his wife had ran him over WITH A FUCKING CAR he was arrested by law enforcement and spent the night in a holding cell.
    Fuck Canada.

    1. If a cop was being run over by a car, the driver of the car would be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. But if the man was the victim, they arrest him.
      Fucking manginas.

      1. Run over a cop? Haha that would be a death sentence, If you even insulted a cop they’d probably beat the shit out of you.

        1. I assume wherever you’re at, they don’t have cops visiting kindergardeners and bringing ‘Friendly Mr. Policeman’ coloring books to hand out to the kids. The books they hand out in the blue states tell kids to run and REPORT to police if you see a ‘gun’ anywhere. I know the poor kids down in Mexico probably don’t get the ‘Friendly Policeman’ activity books. If they did though, I bet it would have a fat mexican ‘police chief’ on the cover with sunglasses, 10 gal. sombrero with bullet hole, a big black moustache, bandoliers of bullets slung anound his vest and a machete in hand raised. I’d like to see the Mexican version if anyone has one. The propaganda they use to get kids to brown nose the state is unbelievable.

    2. I had to take the like back only because this is a rather atrocious affair to hear about. That is a ball of nonsense. I do see a movement happening for private legal aid being sent by red pill lawyers in the near future. Would be a great way to sharpen one’s litigatical teeth.

    3. I used to be a divorce attorney in BC. I got sick of telling my male clients that the deck was stacked against them and that it would cost $30,000 to take it to trial and have a chance of disproving the lies their ex was spinning.

  13. She is black, so she uses both the black card and woman card at the same time. The UK justice system is notorious for being totally unfair based on certain criteria like race. White males are at the bottom of the ladder, with the worse sentences and harsher punishments for crimes they might commit.

    1. Today’s lesson is brought to you by the book “Crime and No Punishment”.

  14. Come on now ROK… European justice is on some different shit and everybody knows that. However their jails and prisons are a resort compared to the US or any other second world country (Asia… South America…etc). There was an article not that long ago about the true origin of “rape culture” and it is no joke in any penitentiary or large county jail system in America.
    This is at least the third article about the Limey judicial system and crazy bitches in the past month. As an avid reader of the articles and comments on this website; I must say enough is enough. Both Canada and the UK need to be reformed but posting these one off tragedy stories certainly wont’t suffice.
    Fuck it. Lets start a giant ROK bbq and dietary supplement convention in the US sans the ramada inn nonsense. Huzzah

  15. The feminists should read this article the next time they start talking about the “patriarchy”

  16. Also we should add a self improvement section where recipes and blueprints flow freely with timely feedback. Call it “Projects of Kings” or something similar. This is a great community and should be maximized as the world around us all is decimated

  17. Can some attorney enlighten us about whether various aggrieved victims of this woman can join together in a class-action lawsuit to sue the city/county/state for not enforcing its own constitution?
    Maybe a big class-action settlement is possible, which will give pause to other court systems deciding that groveling to women trumps the Constitution.

    1. The first thing is for the guys to sue in civil court. They can control the process there and the standard of proof is the preponderance of evidence / balance of probabilities rather than beyond a reasonable doubt. Most have probably run the statue of limitations but even half a dozen guys getting several thousand each could really mess with her life. Normally, a criminal conviction will make civil liability almost automatic. If she wins any number or the cases or the awards are remarkably low then they go through the appeal process.
      The UK doesn’t have a Charter or Bill of Rights like in North America, so I don’t know what legal mechanisms would be available. If this sort of thing happened in Canada and liability or compensation was systemically low then they might have a Charter challenge against the common law rulings. Still, it would more likely be a joined case rather than a class action and I doubt you could ever go after the government or the judges.
      That’s just my view as an ex-attorney

      1. WITNESS ME!
        The UK has a Bill of Rights older than America’s. It is the document the American one is partially based on.

      2. Suing HER is not going to do anything, as I doubt she has money.
        Suing the city/county/state, however, could be another matter, as they have deep pockets.

        1. I would have to know more about her. Take her house and divide it up among her victims and that would be a start.
          The problem is that if the judges keep handing out low sentences the proper remedy is for the crown to appeal.
          An astounding case, but in hindsight a lot easier to make out than this, was when Toronto had the “Balcony Rapist” and didn’t alert the public. His next victim found out that they had kept it hush-hush and successfully sued the cops because she was not given the information necessary to take her own precautions to protect herself.
          I suppose in this case her victims could go after the crown attorney’s office for not vigorously pursuing an appeal for a stiffer sentence, make complaints to the judicial council due to bias by all judges concerned, and maybe make out some argument that the men were not protected equally under the law because her punishments – as a woman – were so substandard that there was no rehabilitation nor deterrent. You might have a section 7 argument in Canada. I have no idea how that would fly in the UK.

  18. An feminists an SJWs still claim there’s a war against women in Western society despite all the evidence pointing otherwise.

    1. Propaganda. It’s as real and prevalent as if Joseph Goebbels were alive.

  19. One can also infer a race-based exemption from personal responsibility here, which would obviously work in tandem with the sex-based exemption.

  20. Nice job, wankers! The fact this kind of white knighting still goes on in the 3rd Millennium of the Gregorian Calendar screams to my face, “Anglo men have no balls, to the point Gwenhwyfar is a de facto saint figure amongst SWF feminists.”
    Meh, no wonder it’s more credible to believe Englishwomen sold out their nation and men to the Vikings than the pedestalization of women.

    1. You can’t find a woman under the age of forty who even knows the name Guinevere, let alone knows her FRENCH invented cuckhold story. You do know that came from France and not England, right?

      1. And yet, I know more Anglo practitioners of cuckoldry, to the point I’m receiving the impression you purposely ignored the TVTropes link I showed you for cuckoldry.
        Seriously, my main point pertains to practitioners, not the source. After all, British elite got away unscathed for Victorianism and Social Darwinism, for starters.

        1. All cultures now subscribe to some silly level of cuckold, which is kind of my point. Singling out the Brits and mis-attributing the cuckolding story to them seems a bit odd, as if they are somehow responsible for the French destroying a perfectly decent story of blood and soil.
          I’m not “ignoring” anything, I’m simply noting your obsession with the French legend that you attribute to the English. It’s on, all the time, 24/7. If you don’t mind my asking, what nationality are you?

        2. It’s painfully obvious I’m not an ethnic Celtic in real life.
          Besides, I guarantee you there are many more around the world (read: outside the English-speaking world) that accept of this as an Anglo myth, and not French, which you claim.
          On a more recent note, let’s talk about the damages of Victorianism and Social Darwinism that led us to today.

        3. I didn’t ask if you were a Celt. I asked what nationality you are. It was an easy question, I’m simply curious what cultural biases you might hold as a natural part of your base culture and upbringing.
          How others “accept” the French addition to the Celtic British Arthur tale is not my concern. People are generally misinformed and hold on to many beliefs and accept many things that are rubbish, what’s one more added to the pile.
          There’s nothing to discuss regarding Victorianism, it was a reactionary movement based against the perceived libertine excesses of the 18th century, which obviously went way too far in the other direction, however, the goal of building a large laissez faire capitalist society and of bringing technological progress to the world, well, I approve of that. Social Darwinism, in what context? You mean regarding things like economic and civil freedom allowing people who make bad choices to perish due to their own incompetence? If so, I’m all for that. Want to see it reinstated today actually. Want to snort coke, great, you should be able to, but when you are collapsed in a gutter two years from now in DT’s because you threw your life and relationships away on coke money, you don’t get a dime of taxpayer funded assistance.

        4. Speaking of misinformation, that’s a classic case of propaganda and lack of communication. The single-biggest counterpoint that gets presented is the fact Brittany is staying French for the immediate time being.
          “Want to snort coke, great, you should be able to, but when you are collapsed in a gutter two years from now in DT’s because you threw your life and relationships away on coke money, you don’t get a dime of taxpayer funded assistance.”
          Please, I am not even a cocaine user in real life and I find recreational drugs at the level of cocaine unnecessary.
          One of the reasons why I have a bone to pick with Victorianism is the fact it planted the seeds for misandry in its origin. This case is a classic case in point of that.

  21. With 17 previous convictions, and now 18, how on earth does she even manage to have a job? What employer in their right mind would hire her? In the linked article it states she is an estate agent. I guess we can speculate as to how she does it.

    1. She’s a black female good luck turning her down for a job, she can play both race an gender cards.

      1. Most likely a mix raced bird raised by a single mother which explains why she’s such a nutcase.

  22. This is why the “Feminism is about Equality” line will never be anything more than a hypocritical lie.
    When push comes to shove, most women turn the other cheek to the most heinous of crimes that are committed by their ilk.

  23. We should use this to your advantage.
    Former business partner doublecrosses you? Get one of your female friends to smash his face with a beer bottle. She wont have to worry about any real charges.

  24. What I don’t understand is why the prosecutors office doesn’t appeal the lenient sentence.

  25. What do we do about this?
    Seriously, tough talk aside. What do we do?

    1. Short of some class action suite against the City, Courts whatever, like someone else suggested beat the shit out of her if it’s self defense (with willing witnesses to testify), or check out and let the system crumble, I don’t know…. Problem with that is, the system is more resilient than I thought. It might take a very long time.. I really don’t see a solution to this.. Beta bitches and the white knights are doing all the work, and we are only a very small minority.
      If anything, shame and fight the white knights.. They are the real problem here not the women.. Women are children, can’t be upset with them.. The white knights motherfuckers are the cause of all these. Fight them anywhere and anyway you can.

  26. Look at her.
    Race is also a factor.
    Remember, laws only apply to cis het white Christian males. Cause we’re “privileged.”

    1. The other two women brought up in the article are white. So race isn’t much of a factor as much as them being women.

  27. She’s beyond butters and mental and that says a lot about women in south of England. That just proves my theory that England is the land where men look better than women, and while not better than most European men, women in the UK just make men look so much better.
    Liverpool, Leeds and Leicester have better looking women than London and the south all day. Even Newcastle.

  28. Read through the comments and saw the (wholly appropriate) calls to ending the pussy pass and white knighting. Unfortunately, feminists are out ahead of us on this one. They already have university indoctrination training with “its on us” so called bystander intervention training aka white knight training.

  29. Someone, man or woman, busts a glass over my head w/o provocation, and they’re getting throat-punched. Full stop.

  30. The real question here is how she got away with assault 18 times without getting the absolute shit beaten out of her.

  31. All laws should be written as for Citizens, should not be segregated for gender, race, religion, etc. All criminals need to be put in jail irrespective of gender. Most judges are lawyer clown wearing robes.

  32. The genders are equal so I don’t see what all the fuss is over hitting women. The patriarchy is so overreaching it is now oppressing men from slappin a girl.

    1. If that were true. The majority of women would be in prison were they belong for: domestic violence, child molestation, human trafficking, false rape allegations, drugs and any crime. But as you see women get away with murder, daily with nothing but applause from our corrupt government.

  33. Monsters like Yasmin Thomasshould be sent off to a Island away from Civilization. You have lost your right to be a part of civliized society a bit before the 18th assault attack. But for a society for it to be civilized it would of had to crack down on this behaviour regardless of race and sex. What kind of people support this person

  34. An early Roman talks of feminazi dykes in his time. ”Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, and it is useless to let go the reins and then expect her not to kick over the traces. You must keep her on a tight rein . . . Women want total freedom or rather – to call things by their names – total license. If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters . . .” — Cato the Elder 234-149 B.C.

  35. 17 Previous Assault Convictions But No Jail Time For This Woman ??
    That’s until she’ll pick on the right man, who will show her, who’s ruling the roost & she’ll end up in a ICU !

  36. Seriously advocating the nuclear option. If a woman does that to me, I am maiming her for life.

  37. What is up with Englishmen? I don’t see why these women doing the glassing thing aren’t killed at the scene

  38. That is minor facial damage. Not enough damage to prevent him from savagely beating that worthless woman after she assaulted him. I would have any man’s back if I was on a jury judging trash like this. That woman deserved to get stomped, bad.

  39. Ideally, someone will catch this delusional cunt outside a nightclub and beat her within an inch of dying.

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