How America’s Navy Has Become A Global Force For Feminists

Thinking about joining the Navy? Think again.

Are you looking for adventure? Do you want to travel the world? Bang a different girl in every port? Join the proud tradition of tough as nails sailors who drank ‘til dawn, fucked all night, and routinely engaged in bar brawls? Unfortunately, you won’t find any of that in today’s Navy.

Unless you're doing this, steer clear

Unless you’re doing this, steer clear

As proud as I am of my military service, when my enlistment contract was up, I ran for the hills. The reason is simple: feminists and social justice warriors have completely hijacked a once proud tradition. To illustrate, allow me to take you on a tour of my five years as a sailor.

The beginning


A primer in rape allegations and pencil pushing

The beginning: boot camp. When I enlisted, I was 6’1” and 150 lbs. I wish that I could say the trials of boot camp prepared me for combat, instilled discipline, or at the very least transformed my pathetic physique. Unfortunately, the most difficult part of boot camp was stenciling all my clothes with my division number and last name. Oh, the tedium!

As for PT, it happened, but more often than not it was just lip service. The one bit of boot camp I was looking forward to was the obstacle course, but to my surprise I never encountered it, which I later discovered was because someone got hurt and they saw it as an unnecessary risk. I guess no one ever told the brass that war itself is a risk, but hey, if you make things too tough only the strongest of recruits would make it through, and god forbid any females wash out.

And here’s the best part. Should things ever actually become too difficult for you, you’re now given a “training time out” card you can show to your Chief so that he (or as is more often the case these days, she) will know that your feelings are in danger of being hurt. How’s that for an experience you can be proud of surviving?

Despite the formidable odds against me, I somehow made it through boot camp, where I was immediately shipped off to train for my job code, an avionics technician on F/A-18’s. I would find out that the site of my training, Lemoore California, would be my permanent duty station.

Sound glamorous? I’d never heard of this desolate wasteland either. The thing about Naval Aviation is that since planes fly, you aren’t guaranteed of being anywhere near the water, so for many, San Diego was a paradise only experienced a night before deployment. Still, aviation was one of the more desirable positions, as squadron life was generally an easier draw than what the “boat chucks” had to endure.

By easier, I mean an average of 12-hour days, five days a week. On deployment, that becomes seven days a week. It isn’t difficult to understand why sailors love to blow off steam on their rare down time. The problem is that where once the exploits of testosterone addled young men were largely ignored, now the most minor of infractions results in demotion.


A great way for brass to string up sailors on trumped-up charges in a mockery of a trial is known as Captain’s Mast, a term I became all too familiar with (or Article 15 for other branches). Rather than risk a full court martial where one is subject to the full extent of the law, Commanders take it into their own hands, and the rules of evidence don’t apply.

Sailors are brainwashed into thinking the truth will set them free, and even if in the right are subject to the whims of very fallible CO’s who operate under the direction of superiors who may or may not have a vendetta against you. Your life turns into walking on eggshells.

Now there are plenty of articles on ROK dealing with false rape accusations, so I won’t go into too much detail, as my stories are anecdotal in nature. But the fact that I personally know of three friends that went through the rigmarole of getting their names cleared after alleged sexual misconduct is chilling. All three were later cleared of any and all wrongdoing, which in today’s women-can-do-no-wrong atmosphere speaks volumes of the legitimacy of the accusations.

The armed forces are a microcosm of larger society, almost like a testing ground at times for social experiments. Affirmative action, gay rights, PC bullshit, communal living areas, women on submarines, and—we can only hope, because the spectacular, inevitable failure would be hilarious—females as part of special warfare are all part of the modern Navy. Save yourself the headache.

I hear the Marine Corps still has pockets of toughness left.

Read More: Sexual Assault Prevention Is Coming To An Air Force Base Near You

91 thoughts on “How America’s Navy Has Become A Global Force For Feminists”

  1. I was deemed mentally unfit for the Air Force about 7 years ago. I now feel like I dodged a disaster.

  2. AH the glorious us navy. I went right ahead and signed up at 19, went into the navy Seabees a little known group of a cross between the army marines and navy with construction thrown in. Here is my advice about the navy avoid it at all cost, the military in general. like the author describes it is, some how all these chicks make rank so fast but they suck as supervisors and do not know what they are doing, must be all her collateral duties like how she is a sexual assault and prevention response coordinator. and somehow some way they just love to include in every training we get, that males get raped to just as often as females, I guess so we are on equal footing with females now as far as rape goes. I have never been told so much in my life not to commit rape and no means no, “shipmate consent ends when she passes out” I didn’t know that. ” hold on senior let me piggyback off that, and even if she even had a drop of liquor she cannot consent”. and I’m sitting here like where is all this rape going on at, because I have seen zero, goose egg ,nada. But what I have saw is all the gay people get away with what a straight guy would get stringed up for. a married guy moves his girlfriend of lower rank into his room he goes to mast gets busted. female chief predatorily pursues junior females nothing. guys get reprimanded for having relations in barrack with girl. Two chicks in A school are caught repeatedly getting it on before the Don’t ask don’t tell was repealed nothing at all happened not an eye was batted. This one takes the cake though, a bunch of openly gay guys and girls get together and marry each other before same sex marriege was legal. they are reported for it, they do an investigation comes back inconclusive. same sex gets legalized they all get divorces and nothing right under our COs nose. commit fraud and massive amounts of adulteries observed by everyone, but smack your wife and your going to the brig my friend . accelerate your life

    1. Well spotted. One problem that has always plagued the post WW2 military is that for whatever reason a soldiers(what I’m about to say is triply true for officers) promotion potential and career advancement seem to have more to do with how well they do all their” collateral” duties than how well they do their main jobs.
      For reasons you’ve mentioned this disproportionately benefits women and the token minority that always gets put into the EO manager job.

  3. Was in the navy and can second this article. If you are a man in the navy, expect to do more work and not get recognition because half your department are women and they are never made to do the “dirty” work like wash aircraft or grease rotor heads. So the women just sit inside in the air conditioning, while you sweat on the flight line, and study for the next promotion exam. The exam where not only do they have the advantage of be promoted just for being a woman but that determines if you should be promoted by how much of a book you read.

    1. because half your department are women and they are never made to do the
      “dirty” work like wash aircraft or grease rotor heads. So the women
      just sit inside in the air conditioning

      B-but anon, the females might break their fingernails.

    2. I keep thanking god I was on a FFG. I keep hearing that working with female sailors is almost unbearable.

  4. Let’s also not forget the “pregnant navy” phenomenon: Just before a real deployment many women get pregnant. After the ships sail away, they abort.

    1. Female biology is such that pregnancy in young fertile females is always the issue. Due to this females shouldn’t be in the army in the first place.However, if women are still permitted to serve in the army, then pregnant female soldiers ought to be treated as soldiers who refuse to serve the army in difficult times. Harsh punishments for them is a must.

    2. “Jesus has blessed me with a miracle”
      Those filthy cunts do the same thing in the army.

    3. “Let’s also not forget the “pregnant navy” phenomenon: Just before a real deployment many women get pregnant. After the ships sail away, they abort.”
      That is truly sick. 🙁

    4. I served for six years so I can attest to the pregnant navy phenomenon. Although I was stationed at a relatively small base, (naval station mayport) all of the limited duty on base “jobs” were full of pregnant women from varying ships. I’m not sure how badly this effected the readiness of those ships because I was fortunate enough to serve on a FFG which has very few/no women on them but I can’t fathom how much taxpayer money is being poured into these women for doing nothing but getting pregnant when those inconvenient deployments come around.

  5. even if the military has hard and masculine, youre still fighting and dying for a feminist regime that doesnt give a rats ass about you when you get back

    1. “even if the military has hard and masculine, youre still fighting and dying for a feminist regime that doesnt give a rats ass about you when you get back”
      THIS. ^^^^^

  6. “U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command has found no barriers to integrating women into all-male SEAL teams”

    We don’t see anything that will prevent us from moving forward with our integration,” the source said. “We don’t see any barriers to being able to integrate females into Navy special warfare.
    The final approval process will play out this year. In the fall, Army Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, will make recommendations to Mr. Carter on now-closed SEAL positions, as well as other exclusively male units such as the Army’s Green Berets, Rangers and Delta Force.

    Elaine Donnelly, who runs the Center for Military Readiness, says she doubts that standards will be maintained because of political pressure.
    The presumption that tough standards in SEAL or Delta Force training would remain the same is in conflict with the administration’s stated paramount goal of ‘gender diversity metrics,’ meaning quotas,” Mrs. Donnelly said.
    She painted this scenario: “A few women might be accepted at minimum performance levels, displacing higher-scoring men. Then, to achieve higher numbers, officials would question, modify or incrementally drop physically demanding training elements

    1. I read crap like this, I dunno…all the females attempting to be army rangers failed, women trying to pass the marine infantry test gave up(one tried to sue, who would you sue in this instance?)- what is really going on here? Are people trying to make war “fairer”? Or is something more sinister going on here?
      Im not a rabid pro military guy, but I dont hate em- this crap defies not just logic, but sanity…

      1. They want the prestige that goes with being such soldiers without the pain/risks that go with it. It’s like children playing army and demanding to be taken serious.

        1. what they “want” is irrelevant – who is allowing this to happen?
          why are sports leagues exempt from affirmative action? Why isnt a chubby 25 yr old single mom playing 2B for the Dodgers?
          Why is common sense limited to sports these days?

        2. Because men are not needed anymore. Technology is replacing everything.
          Just an example..

        3. Evil man hating feminazis given the controls for terminator drone armies.. Lol. Like using motion capture control over a oculus rift battlefield simulator translating into realtime engagements on the other side othe globe. Theyd probably charge the harpies to “play”.

        4. This. They want the schools and badges, not the lifestyle. I’ve seen a lot of these pretenders. The worst are the ones that don’t even want to be there at all, they’re victims of social engineering and quotas.

        5. This. You see the same thing with women once they get into the “medical field”. They wear their scrubs around everywhere. No matter that I am eating right beside you….please wear your scrubs that you have been using around disease and death all day.

      2. Funny how they lower standards for women but still haven’t forced selective service on them…damn shame.

        1. Women have choices. Men, responsibilities. Yet, the former is considered the oppressed sex. How interesting.

    2. Oh this is typical for the military. It is an obvious double standard in there. Well, I can only speak for the regular Navy. But I was threatened with punishment because I brought up the fact that women have a totally different physical standard to work with during the physical tests. So, I asked why they didn’t have to do as much pushups and pullups as me. The response was “because they have less upper body strength”. Then I asked why they didn’t have to run a mile and a half as fast as me. The response was “you ask too many questions”. Makes me think back to The Comedian in The Watchmen. “It’s all just one big joke”.

  7. you are joking, right?
    i mean, you were too weak to be in the real thing or something, right?
    someone has to be learning to fight, right?
    because war requires fighting, right?

    1. I don’t think so. Today’s “fighting” (except for the boots on the ground, and even that is going away by the employment of robots/drones etc.) takes place behind computer screens.

        1. I was talking to a guy who was in the navy some time ago.. Do you know how they load the Tomahawks? On one side of the screen the available missiles, on the other the targets generated by analysts somewhere in the States… Then they drag and drop the targets onto the missiles, push a button and there they go.

        2. well tomahawk missiles could potentially kill someone if fired, couldn’t they? that one drag and drop has the potential to traumatize the poor souls in front of the screens.

        3. they have psych students.
          traumatized tomahawk-operator: i feel really bad.
          psych student: you should try suing the navy and see if it helps.

        4. War is not manly anymore… Maybe some parts of the military still are.. The drones? Most are handled from the States. Guys go to work just like anybody else, pilot the drones, chose the targets, fire the missiles, go to lunch, chat with colleagues about the last night baseball game, go back, blow up a couple of more towel heads, get in the car, go home, watch tv..

        5. There is a movie about what you mention on PPV called “Good Kill” starring Ethan Hawke- ex pilot now reduced to flying drones…am Tempted to rent it.

        6. Guys go to work just like anybody else, pilot the drones, chose the targets, fire the missiles, go to lunch, chat with colleagues about the last night baseball game, go back, blow up a couple of more towel heads, get in the car, go home, watch tv..

          The sad part is one of these days those same drones will be targeting western citizens in their own country.

        7. Indeed.. watch that vid I posted.. Think about that technology in the hands of the Surveillance State.
          What’s ever scarier is the information processing capacity available today. I know what I am talking about, it’s what I do.. And it advances leaps and bounds.

        8. One thing to remember they are flying them from the states. They start using them on us. Well unlike the Arabs “over there’ we can just shoot the guy while he is sitting in the drive thru line at Jack in the Box.

    2. You would think, but today’s so called “leaders” are more concerned with having green boxes on the PowerPoint slide that sums up their Sexual Assault and EO training requirements than they are in actual combat readiness.
      That’s also why the American military is going to get handed their assess on a platter the next time they go against foes that are more competent than goat-fucking, illiterate, 18th century tribesmen.

  8. “As for PT, it happened, but more often than not it was just lip service. The one bit of boot camp I was looking forward to was the obstacle course, but to my surprise I never encountered it, which I later discovered was because someone got hurt and they saw it as an unnecessary risk. I guess no one ever told the brass that war itself is a risk, but hey, if you make things too tough only the strongest of recruits would make it through, and god forbid any females wash out.”

    1. i would be so happy for students enjoying such a program. i hated sports when i was at school, but hell, if me back then is supposed to be the standard, civilization is lost.

      1. “i would be so happy for students enjoying such a program. i hated sports when i was at school, but hell, if me back then is supposed to be the standard, civilization is lost.”
        You’ll notice in the JFK video I linked that the emphasis is on gymnastics/calisthenics type of physical education that be continued lifelong for a healthy body. “Sports” are too often the modern spectator ball games and PE in the USA is making fat children play them.

        1. yeah, it was (not american) football for us.
          the sad thing is that it took me 25 years to even start to appreciate any kind of serious body work or respect those who do it. can’t say much people my age do, from what i see walking the streets. i don’t want to blame anybody for my errors, but there is a certain intellectual climate that fosters hatred towards achievers.

    2. Thanks for posting that. Really neat video.
      Some of the exercises are interesting. I wonder how a modern excerise expert(?) would critique them. From the video they appear to work well.
      Oddly, if you do a search for JFK challenge you get this webpage which has nothing to do with any of that. I was hoping to find a full manual or routine for what exactly encompassed the challenge.

        The President’s Challenge Fitness Test for children formerly included five activities. To score in the 85th percentile, activities had to be completed within a designated time frame. The goals were different for girls and boys, and increased with age.
        These percentiles were developed based on the last set of nation-wide school fitness tests, which were completed in 1985. Here’s what the test used to look like:
        Sit-ups (or crunches), which measure abdominal muscle tone and core strength; they must be completed within one minute. A 17-year old boy was expected to perform 55 and a girl, 44.
        An endurance run / walk designed to test aerobic fitness. For older students, the goals were 6 minutes, 6 seconds for boys and 8 minutes, 17 seconds for girls. Some of these scores are no joke!
        Pull-ups (or right angle push-ups) measure upper-body strength. At 17, a boy had to do 9 pull-ups or 53 pushups; girls had to do 9 pull-ups or 55 push-ups.
        The shuttle run measures speed and agility. The student runs 30 feet, picks up a block, runs back and lays it down, picks up a second block and runs back 30 feet to lay the block down. Boys and girls had to complete the test in 8.7 and 10 seconds in the oldest groups, respectively.
        V-sit reaches show the flexibility of the muscles in the spine and back of the legs. Students sit on the floor and reach between their legs. Goals were to reach more than 7 inches for 17-year old boys, and more than 8 inches for 17-year old girls.

    3. Not a fat Orca fuck to be seen. Normal weight. Hell, by today’s standards they are malnourished.

  9. Navy Information Technician here, about to get out after 5 years in.
    I’ll share my thoughts in experiences: this post is sadly spot on. While I’m not completely forlorn that I did sign up, there are still some benefits of being in the Navy. It did give me a sense of responsibility in running my own shop, and I was able to get some college out of the way.
    However, I made up my mind years ago that it’s better to leave as soon as possible due to the influx of the military as being used as a sort of political experiment, depending on the heat of the cultural at the time. Whatever political ideology that is hot right now first gets shoved down the throats of those in the military.
    Did you know that gay couples that get married in the military get a automatic 10 days of free leave? This doesn’t happen to straight couples.
    I once had a co-worker give her administration privileges of our network away to a buddy, so he can surf Youtube. When she got caught, instead of her admin rights being taken from her and sent to Mast for a serious security breach, she got a slap on the wrist, and guess what? The NEXT WEEK was promoted to a shift leader. The argument was there wasn’t enough female shift leaders, and hopefully the added responsibilities would straighten her out. Instead of giving the position to the next obviously, qualified person, who unfortunately for him was a male, and yet was a certified computer genius, and a natural leader.
    I joined because I wanted to serve my country. And I’m glad I did. I really am. But the Navy needs to make it a better place for men to feel at home, or our national security is in serious trouble. I just don’t see as many men joining, and STAYING in when they have to put up with so much crap in it. I’m moving on to pursue my masters in Computer Science, and hopefully a more rewarding career path.

    1. this sounds like something out of a leslie nielsen movie. i don’t believe you guys, this is too ridiculous. parody overdone.

      1. we have a lot of stories like this in germany too. its thanks to ursula von der leyen, who messes alot with our bundeswehr. you can join the army yourself before spilling bullshit like its “parody”. its ridiculous, but its a REAL thing.

        1. i do believe it. that was my way of saying: i am really surprised.
          my mother works for the bundeswehr and i remember her telling me stories about the men going on long hard tours with a lot of equipment.

    2. Is there any kind of dialogue among the the men about this? Especially the younger ones? Any signs of resistence and disillusionment?

      1. Yes… and no. Yes, there has been an increase of comments from straight males in the military of the aggressive stance of the feminist movement leaking into the military. But the comments are grumblings, and not enough to instigate a change. I don’t think most people even know where the upheaval is even coming from.
        There is disillusionment. I’ve only been in 5 years, but talking to some of the guys that were in for 10+ years, the Navy is a massively different Navy now, then it was a decade ago. Most of them can’t believe the pace of the cultural change. The common complaints are the the lack of jabbing, competition, and simply being able to be real. It used to be where if you mouthed off to a superior you would be quickly dealt with by being literally punched in a gear locker. This now would be constituted as hazing, and would be considered grounds for a dishonorable discharge. I’m not advocating that everyone should be beat up if you disrespect your superior, I’m just highlighting the fast pace of change that has occurred in a few short years. As you can imagine, there were not that many people disrespecting their superiors back then. It was a pretty cohesive unit. These guys that have 10+ years in are leaving in droves. And many that are <4 years in have already decided to get out.

        1. never being beat up keeps you in the belief that no one can harm you. that you have some kind of superpowers.
          without pain, it’s impossible to even understand respect.

        2. Looks like they are accomplishing their mission (no pun intended), that being the destruction of the military as a competent fighting force. Why oh why would they want to do that? Just one of those silly conspiracy theories I guess.

    3. Since Rome and no doubt long before, soldiers have been society’s lab rats
      Even War itself is a kind of perverse experiment

      1. The funniest part is that when you’re 17.5 and your signing your life away. They tell you the paper you’re about to sign ALLOWS them to perform experiments on you. They can even test medicines on you before the FDA approves anything. Those soldiers that had to watch the nuke testing back in the 50’s and shit. God fuckin bless em

        1. Yeah I saw a documentary on us Brits testing nukes on Christmas Island back in the 50s
          They made the poor fuckers watch unprotected from a mere 8 miles away. Sounds far but apparently if they held their hands up the rays from the blast penetrated to their bones

    4. IT here also. Did 6 and got out a few years back then. If I was still in right now, I would be a Chief (w/ only 2 hash marks) dealing with this bullcrap.
      That situation of sharing admin credentials would blew my top off. I would have ringed everyone I could get so that she would lose her clearance and get kicked out.
      That female in your story is the complete opposite of an IT female I used to work with. This former female colleague planned her pregnancy during shore duty and still worked as much as possible and training us new guys. She was one of the rare gems.
      So even accountability has been subjected to a ‘float test’.

      1. I was a GSE and I heard from many of the engineering chiefs numerous times that “there’s no accountability anymore.”

    5. As a former AT i second this. did 7, but the whole time was wondering if it was supposed to be like the way it was. (most of my family has been in pretty much all branches of the military). Was in a division that had mixed gender training, a full quarter of of us ended up being on the same boat as this female who was a consistent fuck up. Ended up getting getting medical due to the fact she and several other females who were supposed to clean the deck after an E6 lost most of the front landing gear. An F/A-18 ended up going out afterwards flamed out causing an explosion in the left turbine. injuring me and several others who was on the elevator nearby. It was covered up rather well MANY people on that boat ended up bouncing out soon as their contracts can up. as far as i know she still in.

  10. Six years enlisted in the mid to late 90’s. This article is spot-on. I can only imagine how crazy it must be now.
    My first chief was going to do thirty years he liked it so much. He’d joined in the late 70’s. As he was approaching his twenty year mark they offered him a promotion but he’d have had to stay in longer so what did he do? Turned it down, retired at twenty and got the fuuuuuuuuuck outta dodge.
    Women in the Navy, with rare exceptions, are a total waste of time. Most of the ones I knew got a lot of good training in electronics, lots of special attention (thanks Clinton) and then they all mysteriously got pregnant right when it was time to go out to sea in those big dreary metal things called ships!
    “Ewwww yuck, why should I have to serve on a ship when I have a get outta jail card right here between my legs!”

    1. While I’m never a fan of absolutes, I agree entirely that most of them are a waste of time. I can only think off-hand of a single female that was a fantastic in-extremis (shit’s hitting the fan) leader, who was one of my roomate’s girlfriends. Interesting chick. Swore like a sailor, technically competent enough that every guy respected her, and could keep up with all but the most beast dudes on a run.
      She’s also the only one. Nearly to a point every other woman I’ve seen in the military was unreliable and incompetent. A majority were completely untrustworthy and would subordinate even matters of life and death to petty, vindictive personal agendas.

  11. ill laugh when they see the effects of men not joining in droves, as it becomes more female all will fail. The countries that will rise to challenge us and likely win in later decades will because they have the US’s mentality from 1900-1950

  12. I have a good friend who I spent a long tour in the Army with as 95Bs (MPs). Stationed in Germany in 89′ and we deployed to Desert Shield/Storm attached to 2nd AD. We both got out, got our BAs, and he went into the Marines through OCS in 97′. He did a few tours in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003 and got out in 2007 as an O4 (major).
    He told me point blank, the shit we used to pull 89-92′ would get you thrown out in a heart beat in the military he was dealing with at the time. The Army and Marines still had combat arms and special ops that maintained islands of male sanity, but most of the rot throughout the armed services started under Clinton and spread rapidly.
    I’ve met quite a few active duty men, both officers and enlisted, over the years and most are hitting the exits– the older timers are hanging on too hit the 20 mark (retirement benefits). Shame really. It used to be a solid military institution with world recognition.

  13. American military is still envied by most military in the world. There is a reason why the Chinese are obsessed with trying to copy our military weaponry. That’s because they know our stuff is quality. Even when we have fuck ups like this in our military, we still have good ‘ole American boys with ingenuity. You can’t replace that with foreigners and women. The only reason American military still stands today is our good ‘ole American men with hard work mentality, smart brain entrepreneur leadership skills, and our curious mind that allows us to explore, innovate, and create. That’s WHITE MEN for you. Without White men, America is simply FUCKED.

  14. It is for the Marxist utopia where all identity is destroyed—Individualism is non-existent—-so that the Collective can arise and all the stupid, brainwashed idiots will be happy slaves in the State which kills off all the useless eaters. In Marxist utopia all biological connections are destroyed, all Natural instincts—all Right Reason and Natural Law is tossed—-so you are so irrational you believe anything the State says—like men can be women or whatever BS so little children will be raised in a vile toxic culture—like the Afghani harem boys so they are dumb—virtueless—and easily enslaved and managed.
    Without Virtue, there is no Freedom. All this is to destroy Natural Instincts in males and females and make them interchangeable (irrational).

  15. Join the military engineers or a light infantry battalion. Engineers build bridges by hand by lifting giant Meccano parts and pinning them in place. They also have to carry a lot of equipment into the field when it is not accessible by vehicles. Light Infantry is sort of a misnomer if you look at what they have to carry into the field. The ones who have it the worst are in the mortar platoon because they have to carry the 81mm and its ammunition. The backpacks can weight up to 150 pounds and you have to march with them for 8 hours or more at a time.
    My point is here that engineering and light infantry are two jobs that virtually no woman has the physical strength and endurance to do. They get weeded out during their trade course or shortly after deployment to a unit. I’m not even talking about elite unit like the airborne; your line units won’t have any women in the combat roles.
    Then you wait for a combined arms exercise so you can fuck artillery bitches or the support trades.

    1. Line units are the only ones worth joining for men I agree. But nothing destroys your body faster than infantry. The body armor plus full kit. Lol. Hope you’re not the biggest guy in your squad. I had both the 240 and the 249 with no ammo bearer. Herniated disc, degenerative disc disease at 25. Those fuckers don’t even talk to me.
      Fuck the military.

    2. Artillery bitches? I did that shit and “artillery bitches” is a contradiction in terms. The job requires you to be able to fire 5 100lb shells for minute…all of which have to be manually loaded by hand in cramped quarters.
      Not that said fact is stopping the Army from trying to put women in those positions but for the time being being a 13B is still a man’s world.
      Wish I could say the same after I went 13A though. There’s a shit-load of stuck up, bitchy females on staff.

      1. The women rotate through the crew positions to get to the technical positions that require no physical strength. I dated on, back in the day

  16. If there is another major war with women on the front line, we are going to lose! All our enemies have to do is totally shut down the power grid. I’m sure someone will come up with a EM field that can last for months with a radius from Los Angeles to New York. It will be the biggest joke in human history! “American’s now slaves due to Feminism”
    American women will understand what real rape is, none of this “I drank to much and had sex bullshit.”

  17. Joined at 17yo. 10yrs (91-01) Royal Navy SSBN Weapons Engineer. Spent 1994 as a 20yo in the Balkans war. Same shit our side of the pond. Can’t imagine what it’s like now. Glad I’m out.

  18. Rudyard Kipling’s poem “Tommy” is very apt. Wait until a contingent of female SEALS gets captured by ISIS and then see who’s asked to come to the rescue.
    ISIS fighters are bestial, brutal, and barbaric; and yet they are fearsome warriors who believe completely and totally in their cause. They believe so fervently in that cause that they are willing to die for it.
    It will take fearsome warriors on our side to defeat them.
    Technology can only go so far. When the ammunition runs out, and the radio is shot so you can’t call for air support, can you honestly see a woman surviving a brutal knife or bayonet fight? Will a woman have the discipline and fortitude to endure and survive against fearful odds? Can a woman carry a wounded comrad to safety?
    And most importantly, is a woman willing to take unbelievable risks in order to win? Will she stand up and charge a machine gun nest or will she cower in fear and cry?
    Combat is not a cheerleading event. It is brutal and animalistic in every sense of the word, but if we do not have the soldiers, airmen and sailors with the balls to withstand and win against the barbarian onslaught, then the freedom we enjoy or once enjoyed in our society will be lost, and lost forever.

    1. From my experience, most women will drop the charade under fire and quiver. Seen it on several occassions. They make it harder on the men around them to perform their duties as they have to pick up her slack/ absence.
      Amusingly I have never met a woman in uniform who stated they wanted to be in combat arms. That is being pushed by a debased cultrual by people who have never served nor understand what they are asking of other peoples daughters.

  19. I think many of you should still consider the military. Not for duty or adventure but as a steady paycheck with a lot of government bennies.

    1. Have you ever even been in? Lol. The money sucks, benefits arent worth it. 25 years old was 80% disabled struggling. Fuck this suggestion.

        1. I would offer Duty, more than adventure, is the only viable reason to join. It’s better to die in the war than to survive it.

  20. USN 69 – 78. Great years. None of this “modern day” bullshit. Men were men and the WAVES knew there place. Only men road submarines. USN, you were great.

  21. good lord this is the BEST article I’ve read on this post. Great writing from the author Johnny!more of this guy please.

  22. Fifteen years in the canoe club myself, plus four in the Virginia Army National Guard. I bounced as soon as Obama got elected. I saw this shit coming from miles away. It started with Clinton and only got worse from there.

  23. I left the Army after realizing it was a popularity contest and the good people were getting out.
    I got deployed to Panama and they were pulling 11Bravo’s from the manifest to put woman and officers onboard to get a combat patch. That’s when I started getting disillusioned.

  24. We need more of this. The more the better for us. The next major military action will be against the American men that don’t have their minds right.

  25. I served. My father server. My grandfathers served.
    My sons will not serve. I don’t want them anywhere near a uniform.

    1. Same here, but I don’t have sons.
      I had some cousins of age who approached me about joining up a few years ago and I told them don’t bother. They asked why and told them “You will find yourself on a FOB in some 3rd world hell hole holding an empty rifle. The malcontents running the circus these days will get you killed for nothing.”
      They are persuing engineering degrees these days.

  26. Fuck the military
    ~Army 2004-2014 Post Command CPT
    – A spic retention NCO has offered me a half dozen TS Reserve jobs.
    – A Nigger AGR NCO has offered me an Associate Professor of Military Science job at U Washington
    Fuck ’em both

  27. I’m beginning to feel bad for a high school buddy of mine who is in the US military, as we speak.
    Seriously, I feel that being rejected for the ASVAB is becoming clearer and clearer to me as a blessing in disguise.

  28. The Marine Corp is still pretty red pilled. They will litterally call women weak and tell them this is a boys club.

  29. Back in my army days the weekend pass had been suspended and we had all been relegated to stay in the regiment over the weekend. Me and a couple of guys went AWOL to go to town to fuck and get wasted. Naturally we ran in to a couple of grunts from the 4th company (also AWOL) and we got in to a fight (of course).
    Anyway, word got out and the next day the captain lined us up to check who of us had visible injuries. Those of us that did he ordered to clean the whole regiment as punishment. Picking up cigarette butts and chewing gums and what not from the ground. And that was it, no investigation or official reprimand and it was never spoken about again. I found a new respect for the officers after that day.

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