A Brief Introduction To The Country Formally Known As Sweden

I ask for your patience, dear reader. English is not my native tongue, and words that should flow like water might sometimes freeze to ice. However, my story is both important, and requested, so please hear my tale.

It is a daunting task to in a short article describe Sweden of today. To digest this tale, you must first change your outlook on reality. Think of President Obama as a conservative, think of Huffington Post as moderate, and think of the BBC as a newsagent known for its fearless pursuit of truth no matter what.

Imagine the laws of California as reactionary right wing and the immigration policy of the United States as racist and criminal. Your average Tumblr feminist is a mainstream Swedish politician, your Guantanamo Bay inmate is a Swedish diversity official. This is how far the rabbit hole goes.

The infestation of feminist politics

Sweden sucks

Sweden has officially adopted feminism as a core value for her policies. This is not a matter of opinion, but rather the clearly expressed politics of the current government. The green party does not have a leader or a representative, but rather two Mouthpieces. Yes, Mouthpiece is their official title.

One of them, Åsa Romson, now also the vice Prime Minister of Sweden, made a speech in 2014 where she opened with the words Ramadan Karim and continued to explain that:

It is still the case in Sweden in 2014 that all major positions of power and money are led by men. If we have a norm that it is white heterosexual men in power you also build a society that is best for white, heterosexual males. But it is so wrong, for most of us here are not white, heterosexual, middle-aged men.

We in the Green Party question what says that the Swedish man’s right to eat meat will go before the Sudanese woman’s right not to have their crop destroyed by climate change. We must dare to question the norms.


Vice Prime Minister Åsa Romson, agitating for a Brave New World

Although the new government has adopted feminism as the guiding ideology for policy making, it has long been present in many decisions. An old and still ongoing debate about how to deal with Swedish men that pay for sex illustrated this clearly.

Beatrice Ask, member of Moderaterna, the “conservative” party, and former Minister of Justice, wanted to send purple envelopes to all men suspected of buying sex. The expressed purpose was demonizing all men suspected of being a John. Her suggestion was stopped on the basis that it was against Swedish law to stigmatize men that hadn’t been found guilty in a court of law.

Finally, I would like to highlight a recent suggestion that the state should be able to fine or dissolve companies that didn’t have at least 40% women on the board of directors. The direct quote from minister of Justice Morgan Johansson was to “dissolve companies that don’t use gender quotas.” He later backed off from this statement in a Twitter comment, and the official line is now that “heavy fines” should be used instead. The law may be passed as early as next year.

Peaceful feminism?

Contrary to its stated aims, feminism does not limit violence. The recent legal suggestion from feminist Sweden clearly indicate the opposite, as returning fighters from the Islamic State will get extra benefits from the Swedish state.

These benefits include being offered employment before others, free gender education, and rental apartments in Stockholm, paid by tax funds. Raping a child after you killed her parents and then selling her off as a sex slave is apparently a lesser crime then not employing women based only on the fact that they are women. In a feminist society, it pays to be a thug.

Rape statistics also show that Sweden is one of the most unsafe countries in the Western world for women. Although these stats can be debated, an increase in gang rapes does coincide with the creation of the liberal, multicultural feminist state.

Female genital mutilation is a fairly new occurrence in Sweden. School nurses reported last year that all 30 girls in a class in Norrköping had been genitally mutilated. Although this has not led to a debate on women’s rights, Sara Johnsdotter, a social anthropologist from the university of Malmö, argues that the word itself is stigmatizes women and should be exchanged to the more including “circumcision”.

Sara Johnsdotter also claims that removing the clitoris does not have a negative effect for the sexual pleasures of women, since she has discovered something she calls “phantom orgasms.” I am not familiar with what studies Johnsdotter used to come to this conclusion, but it is proven that she has not herself undergone any form of circumcision.

Sara Johnsdotter

Sara Johnsdotter, possibly having a phantom orgasm.

“The good hate”

Violence is rising as a whole in Sweden, and recent statements from law enforcement agencies indicate 55 no-go zones. This means areas where the police say that they no longer control the situation. Police patrols, fire brigade, and ambulances are routinely attacked in these areas with stones and fire bombs.

“Fascists” are routinely targeted with violence. The Swedish Democrats that according to the latest polls have between 15 and 20% of the votes are one example. Issa Issa was an active member of that party but left politics after being attacked in his home by a mob that stabbed him 18 times and left him to die. Despite the fact that Issa Issa is of Assyrian origin, this was not labeled a hate crime and despite the fact that the attackers yelled “fucking Christian,” it was not considered religiously motivated.

Organized violence against “fascists” includes being targeted by the organized lefties. A research group that calls itself “the Swedish Stasi” have created lists of people with “fascist views” and recently hacked Disqus, giving them access to anonymous commentators on sites deemed as “hate sites.”


Research Gruppen, “The Swedish Stasi”, lined up against a wall.

If you look for parasites you tend to find a corpse

I could keep listing incidents ad nauseam, but this should give you a general idea of Swedish mainstream policies. The image I hope to paint is not that of a changing, or even failing state, but that of an already dead society. If you get the image of a struggling people making a last stand against an oppressive elite, I have failed as a writer. Study it, observe it, for it is your future should you choose the same path as Sweden.

The decay has reached too deep and the vast majority of Swedes live from pay-check to pay-check, killing time in between with Netflix and Facebook. Few dare to tear down the veil and see the world for what it is.

I know, because for many years I was one of them. The corruption and degeneration on a personal level is worthy its own article, but it is of course the failing of men that doom society, and not the other way around.

Read More: Freedom Of Speech Is Dying In Sweden

399 thoughts on “A Brief Introduction To The Country Formally Known As Sweden”

  1. An old and still ongoing debate about how to deal with Swedish men that pay for sex illustrated this clearly.

    I’ve joked about this, but I can see feminist society degenerating to the point where the state just rounds ups and kills the sexually less competitive men when they turn 18 because women can’t stand having them around, even if these men don’t bother regular women for sexual relationships and go to prostitutes instead.

    1. Deep down, feminism is simply the overthrowing of the regime that coerced women into monogamy with average looking beta males. Feminism’s true goal, whether conscious or not, is to create a society where women can slut it up with the “hawt” bad boys and alpha men, reject the sexually undesirable or average looking beta males, and restrict the ability and freedom of those men to express any sexual desire or interest in women, while still harnessing the labour of those undesirable and beta males to keep society functioning and to channel resources to women and allow them to slut it up with the men they want. Women really despise unattractive men and beta males, and they have already undertaken some measures to criminalize those men for simply existing and wanting sex and female companionship.

      1. You can easily find their feelings on this by looking up short men must die on facebook pretty quick

    2. They want those men to serve them as servants without giving them anything in return

  2. ” A research group that calls itself “the Swedish Stasi” have created lists of people with “fascist views” and recently hacked Disqus, giving them access to anonymous commentators on sites deemed as “hate sites.” ‘
    Oh the irony from the [Ge-stasi-apo]. I assume they will start a registry for all of us and then they will make us wear pieces of flair.

  3. The content of this article appears to lend significant weight, intentionally or otherwise, to the musings of Anti_Femastasis. He appears to correctly insist that as long as the 19th Amendment exists both parties are essentially parties of the Left and both will continue to move in that direction. It is not a desirable view but perhaps simply an unfortunate necessity.

  4. the stasis look like the biggest bunch of fgt.
    I effing hate this world we live in, where right is seen as wrong and wrong is seen as right.

    1. Funny you said that. I lived the last stages of communism… It was exactly that: right was seen as wrong and wrong was seen as right.

  5. It’s heart wrenching to know that a nation of fearless Vikings has descended into pathetic, groveling kittens. I have constantly read articles and watched videos whereby Sweden’s fall from grace were meticulously laid out. But to hear the anguish from a native Swede like the author above brings sorrow to my heart. Not to mention white hot rage at the insufferable harridans.

        1. I believe he’s still locked in the Ecuador embassy in London based the false rape claims of the Swedish feminist whores.

        2. Sweden withdrew all charges or non-charges quite some time back. I believe he was never charged but only wanted for questioning. The reality was that Sweden was part of the US conspiracy to get him to an extraditable location.

        3. Why is it that every high profile rape/sexual assault story is exposed to be based on false accusation? Makes you wonder how many rape claims are actually false.

    1. Remember this quote the next time the U.S. is about to invade a country in the name of peace, equality and freedom.

      1. Americans are still locked into the fear that a failure to assert American power anywhere on the globe where trouble breaks out, will result in a larger conflagration which we will have to put-out at greater cost. Until a couple of generations, raised after the Cold War dominate the voting population, I fear this line will continue to be used to great effect to garner public support for intervention. Though the public reluctance to go into Libya and Syria is heartening. Still, you can see the same line being thrown out with ISIS. Too bad nobody bothers to ask what “we” end up doing with Iraq and Syria once we destroy ISIS…….

        1. That’s the thing about modern war – nobody remembers how to fight one. It should be reserved for when you have to go Roman on your enemies, and those who comfort and aid your enemies. And to hell with rebuilding your conquered foe. One example every generation should be sufficient for a non-expansionist society.

        2. Well we could get colonial like in Antiquity: move our men in to marry the women after the slaughter and re-people it.

        3. “And to hell with rebuilding your conquered foe.”
          Unfortunately, it’s NOT that simple.

    2. In the end the problem is with Swedish men
      Why aren’t there three times as many nationalist mobs stomping equalist faces into the pavement? Every time a leftist group tries to organize anything, you’re there to break skulls. Anytime they say anything they should fear backlash. They should be afraid even when sitting on the toilet – do it long enough and the equalist cowers
      This isn’t particularly extreme, it’s what any non-western society would do under similar circumstances
      So why not start a nationalist group today, Swedes? Why not start a hundred?

      1. I don’t know if that’s really true. If a majority of men in society simply said “enough,” and acted in a coup to install a sensible government, which I rather wonder how many people would have the stomach to fight, then you could have a relatively smooth transition and correction, without massive indiscriminate bloodshed. That never works out well for anybody involved. Society needs order, not chaos.
        Europe doesn’t need yet another descent into ethnic conflict, enforced by thugs. It needs a restoration of tradition and order, led by men of reason and sense.

        1. I disagree completely
          If there were only 9 million Chinese in the world living in one small nation, and it was being flooded with outsiders with no submission to the majority, I would be organizing a paramilitary group against the government. I encourage every country on Earth to do the same under similar conditions
          At this point all solutions point to radicalism – tit for tat until the equalist is dead
          after that the invading demographic can be dealt with more sensibly through repatriation, or if the Swedes don’t have the stomach for that, intensive compartmentalization/assimilation

        2. I see where you’re coming from, but the actions you’re calling for will lead to a civil war of sorts which could destroy most anything left worth defending on the continent. I just don’t think we should contemplate summoning those devils from hell once again to this corner of the globe.

        3. Civil wars rejuvenate society
          I wouldn’t want to die in a war, or even fight in one. But does that mean there shouldn’t be one?
          Technically equalism can be overcome on an ideological level, but from what I can tell the opposition in the West is completely hopeless.
          The Western right is a bizarre coalition of reactionaries, compromisers, conspiracy theorists, religious nutcases, etc. The concept of ideological, majoritarian, revolutionary nationalism does not exist here at all. If the Swedish right wants to preserve its ethnos, it needs to start learning quick or it needs to get militant. No other options

        4. Maybe so, but I see nothing good in replaying the wickedness of the Eastern Front. I want no part of either side.

        5. “will lead to a civil war of sorts which could destroy most anything left worth defending on the continent”
          Yes it will.
          The point is there’s not much left WORTH HAVING. There comes a point where it’s better to chance death for something better than to accept a shit deal.
          King Edward II: “They pray for mercy?”
          Aide: “For mercy, yes. But from god, not you. These men will conquer or die.”

        6. well thats the thing with political parties it gets influenced by other ideolgies depending on nation like the left has feminism and marxism while the right has neocons(imo their sjw neoimperialism)
          most do every tribe should have their own autonomy be it huis ughyers in xianjiang and tibetans going their way from china, to kurds,balochis and various african tribes carving out their own terriotrys after colonialism or people from chechynan and dagestan leaving russia or united ireland or palestine etc.
          End of the day many times these nationalists get demonized by the media to halt their growth for their brutality….. think I just made an argument for radicals of certain desert region.
          have to agree on that…all solutions are radical…goes to show humans are reactionary by nature.

        7. which is why China is respected nation in the world despite American media attempt to view China negatively. Unlike other countries, China still has balls.

        8. that is a non-sense soft approach bullshit. You can’t reason with Muslims. NEVER. They don’t understand European culture and never will. You can give them an inch and they will demand miles later. The only way to effectively fight Muslim terrorists is through violence. I hate to say it but it’s true.

        9. Well, the discussion wasn’t about Muslims, but rather about the average Swede and his reaction/non-reaction.

        10. Yeah. I lived there. It is nowhere near the “Communist Dictatorship” that the West wants it to be. The chicks are fun and sexy. The nightlife is a free for all. The whole place is crazy with freedom. Recently some young, spoiled rich Chinese girls tried to make some noise about harassment (happening to others, not them, natch. That way you can ALWAYS be angry if you want) Anyway, they were jailed. Like, “Fuck off with your Western SJW bullshit.” JAIL. China has the advantage of simply watching what doesn’t work in the US.

        11. Relative prosperity is a very new thing in China. Give it a little time for that to have an effect on the culture. You’re very premature in your judgment on its impact.

        12. I’m not ‘premature’ because I lived there and made a present day judgment. If I tried to forecast the future you could call me ‘premature’ over something.

        13. I don’t doubt your personal observations of how China is today. I’m saying that those observations don’t mean much in relation to how prosperity on the individual level changes the values and culture of a country. In that respect, any observation of today is unimportant, because the prosperity is so new, that it could not have possibly had enough time to have any substantial impact on China’s culture. These things take time.

        14. regardless, I understand that the swedes would rather react with logic but sometimes you need little bit of force.

        15. While Chinese girls are slight bit more tolerable than hog fat American girls, I still wouldn’t say Chinese girls are fun and sexy… You have to try Roppongi or Shinjuku Japan if you want top notch Asian girls.
          Japanese girls are more wild and sexier than Chinese imo. They are more likely to do some kinky shit too and more open minded.

        16. Well okay. We’re talking about two different things, that’s all. You have a long range scope which is fine. I’m saying it’s a fun place right now. I wouldn’t speak on how it will be in ten years. I’ve seen Korea change so fast. One observation I have of Asia after over a decade here is that as they grow in affluence, they grow more inward in racial terms. They get rich and circle the wagons racially. They don’t grow out into the world as they get money. Okay, they travel more and buy international luxury items. I’m not referring to that. I mean dating-wise. Asian countries get less fun as they get more money. That would make sense if the men were attractive and cool, but they’re overwhelmingly not that way.

        17. In the short term, I guess that makes sense. The attraction of the farang was that he had money and social status. With that neutralized, one could see the natural loss of attraction, in the short term.

        18. I think it’s fun if you’re in the big cities like SZ or Shanghai (I’m guessing about Shanghai, never lived there). And if you want to shelve the morals and give them a breather for awhile, if you will, then Chinese gets really fun. But yeah Japanese girls are easily more sexual. Shinto is a religion with animal gods. Japan is obsessed with sex compared to Confucian China and Korea. Oh, Korea. Oh, man, what a bunch of ice maidens. It seems almost asexual to me. Very weird. Chinese girls at least have hormones in their body, but you’re right it’s not Japan.
          “A slight bit more tolerable than hog fat American girls”
          Oh I would say they are much better. Unless you’re a studly frat boy in your heyday, there aren’t many guys who would have more fun in the US than China when it comes to women

        19. The first step for a society under siege is firstly to RECOGNISE they are under siege. In your example above, if a society recognises it is “being flooded with outsiders with no submission to the majority” then I would wager that society would indeed fight back.
          However when it comes to leftists/Marxism/feminism, western society is being so insidiously infiltrated that most people don’t realise. We even have a term for this: blue pill/red pill.
          The first step to fighting against this is recognising it and I would argue most people aren’t even aware of it.

        20. I applaud this article for cracking on Sweden. People worldwide here can call for Swedes to get busy and revolt against their nation’s traitors. It’s a lot different now than the cold war days when dissidents in iron curtain tyrranies sat afraid and silent and the only hope of escape was through underground railroads.
          Today the whole world on here can call hellfire upon the tyranny in Sweden, and go so far as to point names and name fingers!! Sweden is the mother of all bitch tyranies right now. The country resembles a Sherwin Williams commercial only it isn’t paint but PUSSY SLOP that covers the land. If we can trip up the bitch tyranny in Sweden, the grail of gynocracies worldwide, then the shock waves alone will send many lesser gynocracies across the globe into cardiac arrest when the big mother gynocracy begins to gurgle.

        21. Sweden is still a democracy. No one stops the population from electing a red pill party which could clean up the mess rather peacefully. Dont forget, manginas and women are herd animals, they just do whatever the people in power tells them to do. No reason to organize the “Final Solution”.

        22. My kudos to you. That is the so called “right” in a nutshell. At least it holds true here in the USA.

        23. We can survive terrorism, but not 3rd world immigration. A single refugee squatmonster family costs a Swiss town of over 1000 taxpayers over 1/3 of their tax spending around $60,000 a month. AIDS patients eat up $2000-$5000 worth of drugs a month.

        24. Unless you deport them the 3rd world will just outbreed you on the dole/welfare.

        25. Glad someone agrees. While a lot of the problems elucidated here are lefist problems, let’s not forget how fucked up the right is, too.

        26. If you have no ability to provide a decent future for your current or eventual children, or even have any, you’re as good as dead.

        27. “God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. What country before ever existed a century & a half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”
          Thomas Jefferson, letter from 1787

        28. it is absolutely insane how leftists value ‘diversity’ and every culture except for their own. The amount of self-loathing in the case of the Swedes is suicidal.

        29. You first in starting the revolution. You only have to defeat your nation’s military. You can blog on the results from prison if you’re lucky enough to end up there.

        30. The USSR fell apart with very little bloodshed, when the opinion of most people was that “this just can’t go on.” The short-lived attempt to suppress failed, it lacked the will, and that was it. The collapse in the East started with lots of little acts of opposition.

      2. From what I understand the indoctrination starts early in Sweeden, feminism, white shaming and “progressive” politics are all taught as fact in the Swedish educational system.

        1. Homeschooling is a felony in Sweden. It’s nearly a felony in Germany. There’s no way out of the brainscrew schooling other than quitting or flunking out of it.

        2. Home schooling a felony??? It’s a ploy by the big daddy government to ensure that no young mind escapes the toxic indoctrination that the schools drum into kids. In such an environment, from an early age, children are been made into slaves of the state. The state is penalizes people who wants their kids to be free thinkers instead.
          I guess that the state and schools believe that each human, at childhood is a blank sate, and they can write anything onto it. Cultural Marxism at it’s worst.

      3. Agreed. If they allow someone to cut off their balls, what do they expect? They need to start fighting back hard, and offer ideological alternatives to the ruling ideology.
        I just featured your comment above.

        1. Worth pointing out:
          The regime is more willing to overlook the antifa side’s crimes than those of patriotic young white men.
          Just like how the regimes in Italy and Germany looked the other way with the fascists because they were beating up various undesirables and communists.

        2. the root is a kind of “Russian curse” that occurs in countries that attack Russia as was the case in Sweden and Charles XII, after being defeated by Russia by 2 times, the cultural and political development there led to pussyfication of Swedish men.

        3. tip: read this section “Nostalgia for Glory” to undestand the deep trauma of Great Northern War in Sweden http://www.fsmitha.com/h3/h30-sw4.htm#sources
          Opposing the Hats were the Caps, who represented the interests of small farmers.
          Small farmers tended to be for peace and tended to side with the English, from whom they received money. The Caps had been dominant before 1738 and didn’t want to provoke Russia. In 1738, the Caps lost to the Hats, who gained a majority in Parliament. The Hats forced Sweden’s elder statesman, Arvid Horn, to resign from his post as Lord President of the Council.

        4. I think the answer is simple. Keep reminding people that women and men want different things, and that “equality” is disingenuous because it does not take into account personal imperatives.
          Women are unhappy, too, they just can’t let go of the “equality” thing.

        5. it’s much, much more difficult than this, AlphaBeta
          I see in my country, France –and you will see this with Hillary’s campaign–, that the Zionist-led NATO regimes in which we live are relying +heavily+ on women brains’ weaknesses, as they lose more and more men. This strategy echoes the Catholic Church, when in the 19th century it could not live up to socialism among the working men, and focused on teaching women about the Virgin Mary.
          _Our dictatorial regimes resort to emotion & empathy instead of cold and systematic thinking._
          For instance, the main newspaper (subsidized by the gov’t), supposedly centrist, had this line: “MIGRANTS: EMERGENCY!” with subtitles accusing us Europeans to be selfish, going after the catch-phrases of the right, etc.
          And believe it or not, though most men aren’t conned, I have read female forums and women react exactly like the social engineers would expect. It’s like they have the “no-borders” fad encoded in their DNA. At least that’s what fake womanness leads to. They’re infidels to God and Men… So believe me we’ll have to wage the info war ourselves…

        6. great article…….we have plenty of manly women in the usa, too……..and plenty of feminine men……….bruce jenner, i rest my case

        1. It’s the same in every Western country. Every single one of them. I can’t think of a country that is not being dismantled this way.
          I’m curious what the Chinese and Japanese think.

        2. Yes we usually identify asian men as beta males but the fact is that Korea, China and Japan are the strongest patriarchies. They know how run a country and contain their women. It is shameful not be able to do the same in our countries

        3. That’s correct. You should check out the Chinese divorce law passed in 2011. It is aimed to solve the gold digger problem from their women.

        4. You should check out the Chinese divorce law passed in 2011. It is aimed to solve the gold digger problem from their women.

        5. And that happens because we let people vote who have no business voting. I say at the end of the year… you don’t pay a net excess in taxes… you haven’t earned the right to vote. it should be an earned right… not a guaranteed one.

        6. It’s impossible to avoid sales tax, gas tax and income tax starts at $8.000. Illegal aliens pay taxes. Your argument fails.

        7. he said: a net excess in taxes – over welfare benefits received. In the 2012 US elections, this would have disqualified 47% of the voters. Ergo: YOUR argument fails.

        8. kick your parents and grandparents off social security and medicare socialism. You can support them once you move out of mommys basement

      4. thats pretty much it. But think western men(and guys in india since feminism is really rampant now) dont want to get name called nazis,isis,taliban etc. or lose their jobs that they work so hard for, though a guy without a job is more dangerous since he has nothing to lose but then the media will jump on it and say they are broke hill billies or what not.
        Plus getting away with it is another, in 3rd world country theres no csi or cctvs or any survalience police state to stop them like here.

        1. “though a guy without a job is more dangerous since he has nothing to lose…”
          The change in these countries (including the U.S.) will come at that time when enough men no longer have jobs (or jobs that offer decent pay to live on). Most of them are at that point, now, due to terrible trade laws that went into effect.
          When enough men are out of work and really have nothing left to lose —that is when change will happen.

        2. things always get worse, before change happens to try and improve their station in life

      5. Brown shirts in Sweden? Is that really your answer? Starting with the the French Revolution, have a look at Nationalist movements in history, particularly Germany in the 20s and 30s and then tell me that you really want the Sturmabteilung operating in your country.

        1. Nationalism in all countries, I’d say
          Most nationalist movements do not end up like Hitler or Mussolini, that’s just a leftist strawman. The ideal here is a sort of nationalist equilibrium, something that serves as a background ideology in society – kind of like it does in East Asian countries, during wartime or peacetime

        2. Are you sure about that? Nationalism is essentially a socialist movement (i.e. National Socialist… etc.). Nationalism by its very nature is intolerant and brutal. It has to be. You say a nationalist movement does not have to end up like Hitler but yet the methods you propose (skull cracking) are exactly how the SA started out!
          National Socialism was an answer to International Communism. Hitler was concerned about the Soviet effort to subvert the German leadership and bring them under the Soviet umbrella. I appreciate your concerns about feminism and leftism (all aspects of socialism) but I think you are on the path to hell here.

        3. I disagree – Japan for example is quite nationalistic, but also one of the most peaceful countries in the world. The same is relatively true for other affluent Asian countries, even slightly more diverse ones. It’s that kind of civil society that I aim for
          The difference here is that Asian countries did not allow leftism to take over their government, but Sweden has. There’s no choice but to meet an extreme problem with an extreme solution – note that i never say to persecute minorities, only leftists

        4. Are you saying that China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and North Korea did not allow leftism to take over at one time or another? And as far as I am concerned India is a thoroughly socialist creature of the left. I believe that takes in the vast majority of Asians and Asian nations.

        5. i don’t remember saying that
          but maybe I should have specified: The poor-man, workers first leftism of third world countries is quite a different creature from first-world identitarian leftism of the sort found in Scandinavia
          Although misguided, the kind of leftists in those countries were mostly nationalists themselves, and very different from the feminist “social justice” types in the west

        6. What we need is a fanatical adherence to ethics and honor. We should not elect leaders who are weak or unethical. Demand just leadership with measured (and fair) discilpline for those who cannot abide.
          With so many nukes in the world, the last thing we need is a nationalistic-fueled WW3.

        7. Japan is one of the most peaceful countries in the World? Not historically. They are famous of course for their nationalist and fascist government in the previous country. They are peaceful today because they were neutered after WW2 and they are firmly under the thumb of the US.
          I wonder if you mistake “national pride” for nationalism. Not the same thing. I think you have in mind “patriotism”.

        8. that’s just not true man, Japan is nationalistic before and after their imperial days, as are most Asian countries who didn’t go through what Japan did. The point being that nationalism isn’t a militant ideology unless it needs to be
          It’s true the line between patriotism and nationalism is not very clear, but I like to think nationalism is just patriotism done right

        9. Note that Hitler was a National Socialist who advocated lots of free government goodies similar to what the left promises. His only objection to the communists was that they were a different faction of socialism than Hitler represented. It would be like saying that Democrats are not progressives since they oppose the Greens in American elections. (Kind of funny because there is virtually NO difference between the Green and Democratic party in the USA in terms of their political platforms.)

        10. Hahaha! Japanese men are going insane: they work overtime so wifey can stay home and spend money while he is pressed like an orange by his corporation… Yeah, great society.

      6. The police and justice system is a huge part of the problem. If you break leftist skulls, you go to jail.
        The fact of the matter is that most guys don’t want to risk life in prison to defend a country that hates them Breivik style. They would rather f**** off to another country and make a life for themselves, like me.

      7. Feminism and fascism are two sides of the same coin… the eventual end of hitler reminds what happens to such “isms”.

      8. Because anything remotely connected to pride in being white or Swedish is vilified, hated, criminalized and attacked by violent leftist antifa-type people and their allies. If you have a career or anything else worth having you’ll lose it, if you don’t, then you’re a white trash loser who proves that racism is for stupid people and not likely to make much of an impact.
        Let me give you an example: Sverigedemokraterna (SD for short) is socially conservative, sionist friendly, and the most hated party and entity in Sweden today. Their purges of “unwanted elements” (moderate nationalists mostly) rival Stalin these days. Hardly a bunch of neo nazis. Their crime? They want to reduce immigration from the Swedish record high to Norwegian levels, who are also commiting demographical suicide, only somewhat slower (2nd in the world after Sweden). All democratic rules and conventions are broken to insure they remain powerless despite being one of the largest parties now, violent attacks etc. And you’re talking about breaking skulls? If someone did, the leaders would be given long prison sentences, all members would be hunted down, the organisation would be banned, and all hell would be lose. The backlash would be enormous.
        No, I’m just kidding. The real reason why things are as they are is the remaining vikings are waiting for the situation to become so bad it’ll be an actual fight and not just a wipeout. After the battle is done we’ll execute all remaining traitors in the traditional blood eagle manner at first mid summer blot. Maybe save some eunuchs for entertainment.

        1. That’s bullshit. I’m living in Sweden and clearly, deep down, most of the Swedes are xenophobic and think that their ways are superior to those of any other nations on Earth.
          Them being open minded and progressive is a facade… Or actually, just something they can brag about and a way to prove to the world how superior they are to everyone else.
          Funny fact: they are afraid of Russia, and rightfully so. If Russia launch an attack on Sweden, it will be over in 24h max.

      9. Unfortunately their only nationalists are National Socialist Racists considering all their alternatives are gelded moderates or Leftist Equalism.

      10. “This isn’t particularly extreme, it’s what any non-western society would do under similar circumstances.” Absolutely.

      11. Its not the immigrants, its the women. The immigrants are a symptom.
        If Sweden, or any other nation of men want to fix the insanity, they must focus on the cause.

      12. All that stock up an left for America around 150 years ago. They left behind the genetic stock that was afraid to take risks to better their lives.
        I think that’s what Toynbee might say and I think there’s something to it. The Nazis were able to rise to power for the same reason. All the stock that would have opposed them left for America a century earlier.

    3. I walked in the deep wood, going where I had never gone before. After some time I stumbled into a deep valley. I wondered, lost view of the sun and felt the shadows deepen around me.
      Suddenly I came upon a hill from which stood a massive tree. Mighty it must have been in its days of glory- reaching to the very heavens, but now it had withered. No leaves were on its branches and mold and rot could be seen.
      Weary I lay against the trunk and dreamt.
      Down, down into the bowels of the Earth my spirit went, and among the massive roots and bulbs I spied a great serpent, fat and opulent. It’s scales were hued many unnatural bright colors. Its great mouth gorged unceasingly on the tree sucking the very life out. Its eyes were wild and full of stupid hate.
      I knew this beast- Feminism
      Eyes flying open, leaping to my feet with a start from the horror of my vision. I looked up to see a figure, crucified on the trunk. The giant did not move, the blood had dried and crusted on his body. Yet just when I thought him long dead I heard a whisper falling down upon me like the rush of a waterfall.

        1. Ha ha no, but if you are you should be making some music or art to take advantage of that.

        2. ah, i am, but it’s quite ordinary ‘art’, to be frank.
          i personally see the distortions as a challenge to my sense of reality, not as a form of deeper truth.

    4. pretty much. They use to rape and pillage the world now its the other way around, its like karma…vikings the isis of old.
      but anyways that fucking christian bit should be considered a hate crime like zimmerman saying nigger before killing trayvon. Like how much more do they need to call it.
      fgm dont care about since its usually used by feminists for female circumscion which is basically removing the sensitive parts like with male, but of course the real fgm is real bad.
      Ive looked up the rape thing, and it varies like from the past 8yrs foreigners have been the majority offenders in stokholm but not nationally. They overrep for their population however, thing it was 25-45% of all sex crimes in sweden depending on the source. When broken up on ethnic lines native swedes and middle easterns are about 25% piece while africans make up 50%.
      Plus keep in mind the rape laws are very vague where consenual sex without a condom for example is rape. If she feels she was raped then its rape there and she has all the power. Even prostitues, selling is legal but buying aint. This is kinda why I take swedens rape with a grain of salt.

    5. pretty much. They use to rape and pillage the world now its the other way around, its like karma…vikings the isis of old.
      but anyways that fucking christian bit should be considered a hate crime like zimmerman saying nigger before killing trayvon. Like how much more do they need to call it.
      fgm dont care about since its usually used by feminists for female circumscion which is basically removing the sensitive parts like with male, but of course the real fgm is real bad.
      Ive looked up the rape thing, and it varies like from the past 8yrs foreigners have been the majority offenders in stokholm but not nationally. They overrep for their population however, thing it was 25-45% of all sex crimes in sweden depending on the source. When broken up on ethnic lines native swedes and middle easterns are about 25% piece while africans make up 50%.
      Plus keep in mind the rape laws are very vague there consenual sex without a condom for example is rape. If she feels she was raped then its rape there and she has all the power. Even prostitues, selling is legal but buying aint. This is kinda why I take swedens rape with a grain of salt. I take it alot of guys got no game there(immigrants espically) hence why they get the cuffed by the boys in blue.

    6. Trouble is, those with fearless Viking blood in their veins, jumped into their longboats and conquered and settled other countries.
      Those that were left were the timid, weak and craven.
      Spool forward a few centuries and here you are.

    7. The header image is good – Sweden burns while some twat makes love to her smart phone without a worry. But then again, she might have banged the same bunch of immigrants who set the cars on fire.

    8. The Viking forefathers are false history, and actually have some bearing on things today.
      Consider the Viking migrations and the wars and conquests that resulted from this. While some did return to their native lands, history records that the vast majority settled in their newly captured lands, either establishing a family there or bringing their families with them.
      The men left behind in Nordic lands, then, could not have been the Vikings. No, the Swedes, Norwegians, et al of today are the descendants of the men left behind by the Vikings – the sickly, the infirmed, the youngest sons of larger families, the slaves and servant of the wealthy.
      The slave and sick are the root Fathers of Nordic lands today. Consider this.

  6. As a fellow European man I offer an alternative perspective on these issues. Rather than letting it bother you, enjoy it instead.
    As the years go by and my continent descends further and further into utter insanity I can’t help but see the hilarious justice in, for example, old people being robbed by immigrants and women enjoying the benefits of the left wing politics they so vehemently propagate ( ie being back to work weeks after giving birth, being raped by immigrants, being a single mother ).
    Women and the generations of yesterday allowed the barbarians in and relegate their native young men to second class citizens, it’s only right they are the first to reap the “benefits” of such policies.

    1. I think many people find it titillating to think Sweden is that bad off. But in comparison to where I live in the U.S., there is no comparison.

    2. But we’ve always been in some sort of bad shape and have the experience and culture to deal with it. Blacks and to a lesser extent Mestizos have been an endless source of heart ache for us but we have survived thanks to things like the 2nd Amendment, demands that new comers assimilate to our very straight forward way of life, and free association (admittedly all under severe attack). We struggle, but we have the ability to carry on.
      For Sweden, they have absolutely zero experience with this and no culture or institutions to deal with this. Things are more likely for them to go catastrophically wrong.

      1. Years ago (before they joined the EU) it was nearly impossible to get a visa to work in Sweden or Finland. They really kept the tabs on who could come in and who couldn’t. Their economies boomed back then.
        Then they realized their population wasn’t reproducing fast enough, let in the rest of the world and the rest is history.

      2. Our cops, for example, don’t give a damn if blacks or mestizos have declared somewhere is “no go”. If they want to go, they go. It may not be a good idea as a civilian to go to “no go” places, but if order has to be enforced it will be enforced (unless of course there are black leaders like in Baltimore, which may be our “becoming Sweden” situation – it will be interesting to see after the Obama administration how many whites will ever trust black leaders again).

      3. This I agree with. They are very naive. But I have more faith that things will turn around in Sweden then in the U.S. But I have seen things that were disturbing…A Swedish 10 fucking an Asian male 2 was one of them…

  7. Funny I just listened to the Pressure Project Podcast about Sweden. It’s a very informative and frankly shocking interview with a swedish podcaster/writer Henrik Palmgren who pretty much describes the status quo there.

    1. “When dads aren’t around, they’re more likely to move into puberty earlier,” says parenting expert Michael Grose. “If it starts earlier, I imagine this would mean they are beginning to be sexually active earlier.”
      Ayy lmao, girls need a strong male figure in their life so badly nature will straight up jumpstart developing assets to attract one that isn’t daddy if he isn’t around.

      1. One thing I have noticed is that sluts very rarely have a strong father figure in their lives… pretty much the only exception I have seen is church girls who are going all out to rebel to prove they aren’t a goodie two shoes

    2. Few things are certain in adolescence, but there’s one thing upon which teenage girls agree; pubic hair is out.
      shaves. Everything,” says Sydney 16-year-old Anne*. “If you’ve left it
      you are classified as disgusting. You’d be embarrassed for the rest of
      your life. Boys would pay you out, call you hairy. People start shaving
      in year seven.”

      What on Earth is wrong with that? When I was a teen, you were lucky if the girl even shaved her legs. Thank God for porn. 🙂

    3. Yep Australia is fucked and I’m saying that as an Australian. We are catching up to Sweden.

      1. Too true. Being a slut is absolutely glorified by the feminists in Australia, but they never think about the emotional consequences for young women of their promiscuity. Sluts find it hard to bond with men, almost without exception have a horde of serious emotional problems, are mentally ill, and usually end up lonely and sad. A staggering number of Australian women are now on antidepressants. If feminists think being a modern empowered slut is so great, how do they explain that? It has been documented that women are more unhappy these days than at any point in the last 50 years. How could they feel good about themselves, being treated as nothing more than cum dumpsters their whole lives? That article is scary – I am absolutely petrified of having a daughter one day.. she is up against a pro slut cultural tsunami!
        What I find hilarious is that the middle aged feminists are shocked that girls these days are unhappy, STD-ridden sluts and that boys treat them poorly. What the fuck did they expect? Feminists destroyed all that was noble and valuable about women. Now men see them as only good for one thing – cheap and easy sex. Respect is something that is earned, not demanded, and the vast majority of women these days display no self-respect. As a result, men no longer see women as honourable, loyal and decent, worth committing time, money, resources and love to. Women en masse have rebelled against motherhood and being a kind and nurturing wife. Accordingly, men treat having sex with sluts in pretty much the same way they treat going to the 7-11 to get a slushee – something that is cheap and convenient. When you see women slutting it up everywhere, what is your motivation to treat them better than the last guy they spread their legs for one hour after meeting them or after sending Tinder sexts too? As Dave Chappelle said, the price of pussy has plummeted because women are giving it away far too easily. Women have the power to make men respect them again, but I’m not holding my breath…
        We all know that sluts make lousy girlfriends, wives and mothers. So they can’t be surprised when we treat them with no respect – good for pump and dump, and nothing else. Let’s not forget the obvious, that despite feminists glorifying single motherhood and mocking strong fathers as ‘patriarchal’, the vast majority of sluts grew up without a strong fatherly influence at home. How is this good for society?

        1. I agree with everything you said in that post. Feminists have taken off all restraints on female behavior and allowed them to be free of any criticism which has lead to a massive slut culture. Australian men have to take the blame too, while there is some fightback Australian men are some of the biggest white knights and pussies around, it’s a shame because Australian men used to be hard as nails back in the day.

        2. I couldn’t agree more, mate. I think this change has really only happened in the last 10 years. Australian men used to be renowned for ‘calling a spade a spade’, but the feminists and social justice warriors have been incredibly successful in creating a society where everybody has been neutered by PC. Any comment that can be spun as somehow sexist is front page news, meanwhile nobody cares that we are now hundreds of billions of dollars in debt thanks to Greens/Labor. The ramblings of an insane feminist used to be seen as bitter and irrelevant, but now every bitch ranting on Twitter is considered to be an expert commentator! What do you think? I reckon Gillard not only fucked our economy, but fucked our society too with all her feminist bullshit (she always had a reputation for fucking anything and everything!). The steady stream of Emily’s List feminists into parliament via quotas ensures feminist groupthink prevails at the highest levels of Australian society. What the hell happened to Australian masculinity? Feminists used to be (rightly!) mocked and given zero respect…now they pretty much run the joint

        3. Yep Australia is dominated by Political correctness and white shaming. It started well before Gillard but she definitely moved things along that way. I can’t actually tell why things got so bad I’ll have to think about it.

        4. You know what, I reckon Australia went off a cliff the day Howard got voted out. Any real sense of authority went out the window when Rudd and then Gillard got in. Now the country has pretty much descended into anarchy…standards have dropped beyond belief!

        5. This is truth. I’m a Kiwi but I lived in Aust in my early 20s. Things are bad in New Zealand as far as feminism goes, but Australia (at least in the cities) is much worse. In the couple of social circles I was in I saw the the worst examples of white knighting of my life from Australian “men”. The politics under Gillard was toxic beyond belief and the Australian media are nothing but rabid, unrestrained leftists. The Australian man has been broken, that’s for sure.

        6. Yeah I reremember there was more nationalism and less political correctness back when Howard was in charge, although Howard did lose the plot at the end. Rudd and Gillard did huge damage to our country economically and socially and Shorten will do the same if he’s voted In. I actually used to go to a very Liberal primary school in a hipster area and they used to think Howard and Pauline Hanson were the anti Christs lol.

        7. I agree mate. The days of Aussie men resembling someone like Steve Waugh have long since passed… it disgusts me to see how weak the average young Aussie man has become

        8. I think in his dying days Howard could see he was powerless to stop the mindless “Kevin 07” momentum and was flailing around doing anything he could think of to gain traction. By the way, I rate Rudd as the worst PM in Australian history, Gillard two, and then Whitlam. Big gap to anyone else! Haha I had a similar upbringing too. You should’ve seen what it was like at uni. All the staff despised Howard like he was the devil himself. Australian universities are completely out of control with the socialism brainwashing, and don’t get me started with the ABC! I remember clear to the day I realised what a load of BS the PC indoctrination in our education system was. We were “learning” about post-modernism. The lecturer said it was the concept that there was no truth in society – reality depended entirely on the perspective of the person. To illustrate the point, he held up a blue pen, and said “Now, some might say this pen is blue, but who is to say it isn’t really red?” I said that is complete bullshit – the pen is blue!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if you wanted to pass the course, you had to indulge them with this kind of rubbish. No wonder so many Australians these days are in a PC coma.. By the way, at the time I had never heard of the expressions “blue pill” and “red pill”.

        9. During the Gillard regime, I believed that Rudd was our real PM and that Gillard was just a puppet installed by feminists.

        10. Don’t get me wrong I’m a Howard fan but I think he let the power get to his head and tried to pass things that were never going to fly with the public. Gillard was worse than Rudd in my view, he had a few sane ideas but Gillard just used Australian money as a social Justice Charity and spend money we didn’t have on social justice causes. The highlight of her time as PM was getting chased of stage by Aboriginals on Australia day when she said their tent protest in front of parliament had out lived its usefulness, was drinking at a pub with a mate when I saw that, pissed myself laughing all day. I used to be a Leftist thinker simply because I was taught that right wing and conservative views are racist and backwards till I started seeing the world for how it is away from Leftist propoganda. Australian universities are just SJW factories and postmodern education is a joke. I stoped watching ABC long ago, it’s so left biased it’s laughable.

        11. Gillard was installed by the unions, who hated Rudd and wanted any alternative in his place. Don’t underestimate the power and influence of Emily’s List (the feminist faction of the Labor Party) either. In my opinion the day Gillard became Prime Minister, the bitter and twisted ideas of marginalised lesbian misandrists suddenly became mainstream. Everything about Gillard was utterly toxic – she just had too much of a personal axe to grind to lead a nation. Absolutely everything suddenly had to be seen through the paradigm of gender equality, even our foreign aid. You might remember that under Gillard Australia gave hundreds of millions of borrowed dollars to feminist programs in the South Pacific. This made her a hero to lesbian feminists, but personally, I would much rather see that money be given to something that is actually useful and non-political, such as to help Vanuatu clean up from that recent cyclone disaster. The South Pacific is a beautiful place and with plenty of developmental needs (eg health, infrastructure, education) that are of infinitely greater importance than poisonous feminism. Of course, none of that mattered to Gillard. She just wanted to win kudos amongst her ilk. I remember also that Roosh wrote about how the ‘end game’ of feminism was to create a world in which women could do no wrong. If you think about it, she bloody well tried to make that a reality when she was PM – it seemed virtually every time she was criticised, she never accepted any responsibility – she always tried to blame it on men and sexism. Brave New World!

        12. I agree Howard stumbled towards the end of his term. Work Choices was his fatal mistake I reckon. It enabled the Unions to run one hugely effective scare campaign. Howard wasn’t perfect, but my God, he shat on everyone that followed him. I didn’t like his support for the war on Iraq, but overall he was a very good PM who ran a tight ship, in particular overseeing a booming Australian economy, paying off all Government debt (racked up by Labor of course!!) and closing the borders to illegal immigrants (which of course Labor and the Greens undid, swelling the ranks of their voters). Bottom line, Howard, even on a bad day, was still way better than Rudd and Gillard on their best days.
          You make a great point about Gillard using public money as a social justice charity funder – check my comment to fokkertism below. And that Australia Day thing showed how unfit she was to be PM. Did you know that whole riot started because her staff lied to the aboriginals and told them Abbott wanted them gone, and that he was just up the road? Karma bit that bitch on her fat arse that day. Like you I also enjoyed seeing her terrified, being whisked into a waiting car..

        13. Yea I’d just read you comment to him after I’d posted that last comment. Howard had no choice in supporting Bush in the war on Iraq we have a treaty that we have to send support in all their wars, it started after WW2. Howard basically sent token support it’s not like he sent a massive deployment of Australia military. Work choices was what killed him, the unions ran a huge scare campaign an to be honest no one will vote for getting paid less overtime but as you said Howard on a bad day was better than Rudd or Gillard.

        14. Good point on the treaty. I didn’t like our involvement in Iraq, but there is no denying the Australia/USA relationship is crucial for us. I hate all the left-wingers in Australia who are so outspoken about their hatred of the USA. Show some bloody respect.. the USA is the reason no country has tried to invade us since World War II.

        15. US may do a lot of shit but they are better than what it would be like under Japanese occupation or Indonesia or someone else invading us.

        16. “..the vast majority of sluts grew up without a strong fatherly influence at home.”
          My father woked as a correction (prision) officer for almost 3 decades in the US and once mentioned the underlying common denominator most of the inmates had, no matter how you cut it up demographically, was that they grew up in a fatherless house. Boys dropping out of school’s in the US have the same correlation.

        17. Well at least there’s some hope now. Your current PM (Tony Abbott) seems quite reasonable.

        18. He’s popularity is wanning because he continuously shoots himself in the foot with ridiculous statements and not backing up promises but he’s far better than Rudd or Gillard. He’s somewhat red pill I believe.

        19. He makes some mistakes, however he is a big improvement on his predecessors. But you should see the relentless campaign against him from the media, feminists and social justice warriors. It has to be seen to be believed. I think Tony is actually red pill but is forced to hide it because such beliefs are not publicly tolerated in modern PC Australia. Australia has become ridiculous, everyone goes nuts if their precious feelings are hurt, and all it takes is an obvious truth. Just this week there has been massive uproar over our Treasurer’s “massive blunder.” He was asked what advice he had for people wanting to become a homeowner. He said the starting point was to get a good, secure job that pays well. Sound pretty reasonable? He was absolutely pilloried. It was reported that he had attacked nurses, people that looked after the elderly and disabled etc and said they were unworthy of owning a house. Of course, he said no such thing, but that is what you get with our feral lefty media pack.. logic always takes a backseat to emotion

      2. I’ve come to call Australia “Shitstralia” recently and dream of moving to a saner country, somewhere in Eastern Europe. I’m considering Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria or FYROM. Mongolia may also be on the cards.

        1. Yep I’ve been looking at those countries aswell, I was going to learn Russian this year but have been too busy. Definitely want to next year.

  8. http://i.imgbox.com/ywZLRTOL.png

    Rape statistics also show that Sweden is one of the most unsafe countries in the Western world for women. Although these stats can be debated, an increase in gang rapes does coincide with the creation of the liberal, multicultural feminist state.

    It’s true that the number of rapes can be debated, but that’s only true from the female standpoint (“Was she really raped? Is Sweden really that dangerous for women?”). However, that is not true from the standpoint of the men. The man goes to prison, whether she was really raped or not.
    Also see this: http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-governance-feminism/by-law-swedish-men-are-2nd-class-citizens/
    I love this one: Sweden now the country with the highest percentage of Thai wives.
    Sweden has emerged as the country with the highest percentage of local men with Thai wives or life partners.
    As well as a growing number of Thai workers travelling to Sweden as seasonal workers, the number of Thai women arriving in Sweden has increased three fold over the last 10 years. Over 80% of Thai immigrants to Sweden are relationship partners or Thai wives of Swedish men and Sweden, like Germany has a long tradition of men seeking Thai women as life partners. Sweden is one of a few countries where there is now a second and third generation Thai community which still maintains very close links with Thailand. However, the increased levels of younger Thai women now entering Sweden has now become a political issue.
    Last year, a female governor of one rural Swedish province requested that the government look into this situation, investigate abuse and perhaps even limit the number of Thai women permitted into the country.

    1. People got to stop putting that picture up, it’s just depressing and I don’t even live there.

      1. I’ve always noticed in Central Europe, especially the Nordic countries, that the hotter the women, the gayer the men.
        Did I also mention the falling birth rate? The problem isn’t the increasing numbers of foreigners, it’s the decreasing numbers of native youth. Go there sometime and look how many old people there are compared to the number of young people. It ain’t pretty.

        1. Hey, don’t knock Russia. The only country on the planet right now with a real alpha male for a leader who takes shit from no-one. Oh, and their population has actually started growing in the last few years.
          Take That Obama!

          And their women are awesome.

        2. That’s my point. The women are attractive, and the men aren’t weak. Drunk and useless, but not weak.

        3. Yeah, totally. I’ve been there. Learn a bit of Russian, don’t be (too) drunk or useless, show respect for the culture and respect their differences and your pussy needs will be met for life.
          Biggest downside: it’s nearly impossible to socialize without getting extremely drunk.

        4. Yeah, that’s a big deterrent for me. I wonder, how do you not insult Russians, by refusing to drink with them? Unless you just go stone sober and say you don’t drink because of a family history of alcoholism. Perhaps I could just save drinking in moderation for Italy.

        5. Russia is fucked demographically, economically and politcally. Hell, demographically, Russia’s situtation is actually FAR worse than Sweden’s: 1.61 compared to Sweden’s 1.88
          Yeah, that’s right.The birth rate is actually higher in FREAKING SWEDEN than Russia. And even if no immigrants are accounted for, Sweden’s fertillity rate is still a bit higher than Russia’s. Yes, it is growing, but why do you automatically presume it is because Russians are having more children? There’s a significant immigration(especially Muslim) in the country from Central Asia and statistacally it is the Muslims, who are having the most babies, as I remember. People here often forget, that Russia has (by percentage) TWICE (14%) as many Muslims as France(7-8%). So I would be more careful with labelling Europe somekind of Eurabia paradise: Sweden is not the whole Europe. Don’t make Russia look like…. I have no idea what. It is just an autocratic piece of shit country with bitchy materialistic prostitute women and vodka addicted STD-ridden morons of “men”. Yeah, quite the “paradise”.
          Also, alpha? LOL, are you serious?! Some corrupt lying KGB office rat with serious self-esteem issues is your idea of alpha?! Well, good luck in Russia then, comrade!

        6. ugh…………
          Firstly, I think you meant to reply to someone else, cause my comment was about vodka.
          Secondly, most of what you say is true…….and…..
          Thirdly, I’m guessing you’re from Lvov?

        7. “it’s nearly impossible to socialize without getting extremely drunk.”
          Well I can do that 🙂

        8. 7-8% muslims in France is a lie. The true figure is around 25% but the government seeks to hide it.
          Officially, the French population in 1970 was 50 million. Now it is 65 million (latest census). Since 1970, officially, French women overall have a fertility of less than 2.0 (including immigrant women with French passports). Were did the extra 15 million come from? You do the maths.
          there are also other ways of arriving at a similar conclusion.
          Putin is a badass, perhaps a corrupt and lying one, but a badass notheless.

        9. The TFR, Total Fertility Rate, average number of children per woman, is 1.44 as of 2014, and has only risen to 1.45 so far in 2015. The replacement rate is between 2.1 and 2.06. The US is just at replacement rate. All of Europe is well below replacement. The entire FSU area is at or near the bottom of TFR rankings world side.

        10. Ok, I looked into statistics. Even if we presume that ALL the population growth in France since 1974 (the first year fertility rate dropped below 2.1 and well, yeah, it is still there ) was due to immigration, we get some 12 million immigrants comprising 19% of the 66 million population. So that is not 25%. Problem is that I sincerely doubt every single one of those immigrants are crazed radical muslims. In fact many of them can be Europeans, Asians or even ethnic French who came back from Asia/Africa after decolonisation. It is not that easy to determine someone’s ethnicity in our modern Multi-Culti Land.
          And yes I do realize, that there are many Muslims in Europe, a minority of them are really radicals, who should be taken care of swiftly. But I think the bigger problem is the fact that while France is still struggling both economically and demographically, it still has one of the HIGHEST birth rates in Western Europe. You do the math and realize how worse will be the fate of other European countries like Spain, Germany and especially Russia. They will have to import the immigrants in millions and It is not going to be pretty.

        11. In 1974 there were already many immigrants.
          Another estimate comes from official figures of the number of newborns tested for a genetic disease that only affects africans and north africans (drepanocytose). For the whole of France the figure is 31%.
          France has the highest birth rate in Europe because immigrant birth rates compensate for native birth rates.
          According to polls, a majority of muslims in Europe are in favour of Sharia. I was working with French teenagers at the time of the Charlie Hebdo massacres and most of them backed the killers. None of them supported ‘Charlie’ (I realise its anecdotal)
          No one HAS to import immigrants. You can simply let the population age like Japan does. Better still, get women back to doing what they do best and raise children.

        12. Falling brithrate? Sweden and France have amongst the highest birthrate in Europe! And no, it ain’t because of “immigrants” (at least in France a recent study tend to debunk this)… But rather the State being generous (too much? that’s another debate) with family with many kids. And also education and daycare are quite cheap and of good quality in these two countries, which helps.
          Let be honest here: that kind of family friendly policies is not something the liberals (european liberals: meaning right wing) is offering anymore. Just look at Germany and their declining population!

        13. The drepanocytose argument doesn’t hold water. It depends on geographical criteria… And all the newborn in territories like Guyana, La Réunion, La Martinique etc are automaticaly tested… Including the white newborns!
          Sorry for non french speaking people, but here you go:
          “Plus précisément, toujours selon l’Insee,
          on comptait en 2012 79,3 % des naissances issues de deux parents
          français, contre 6,1 % issues de deux parents de nationalités hors UE,
          et 11,3 % dont l’un des deux parents était né hors de l’UE.”
          So: 79,3% of the newborn in 2012 were from 2 French parents, 6,1% from two non-EU citizen parents and 11,3% born from one non-EU citizen parent.
          This whole story is just a tool used by the FN to manipulate dumbasses. If you really crunch the numbers it doesn’t hold water.

    2. Fascinating stats. Cultural devolution year after year right in front of our eyes.

    3. “Let’s welcome immigrants from everywhere, even those who tear apart our cities while collecting the state benefits.”
      “Oh no, men are choosing thai wives over us, we must do something !”

    4. They will let trained terrorists back into the country and give them benifets but want to ban Thai wives. Sweeden has gone insane past the point of repair.

      1. terrorists or rebel freedom fighter lol
        the feminists want it on their terms. Not mens terms
        Feminists:were opening the border,cuz I dont want kids and have many bad boy lovers thatll be happy to fuck my 3rd world ugly ass.
        swedish man:cool Ill import a nice thai girl to have kids with.
        feminists:dont you fucking dare you mysoginists.

        1. “Last year, a female governor of one rural Swedish province requested that the government look into this situation, investigate abuse and perhaps even limit the number of Thai women permitted into the country”
          Are these people sane?! Limiting number of innocent Thai women just so men will not be able to marry them? Are Swedish men emasculated to the point, that they cannot see this?! Is there something in the Swedish food that makes them dumber and stupider and complete slaves?!
          Screw that country. I hope it goes bankrupt of all of those stupid welfare programs or the immigrants take over and most likely rape all thoise stupid swedish feminazi whores. The worst thing is that these fat mentally ill manjaws will probably enjoy it too.

        2. Why would they let attractive women in ? of course they wouldnt, it’s competition ! No, let’s let even more sausage in instead so men are at our mercy.
          These women do not care about “abuse” etc. They ONLY care about the potential competition.

        3. ya crazy bunch and they need thai brides because rural swedish men need children to pass on their parents land and property to someone. ITs very hard for them to get swedish wives too since they want to enjoy the sex and the city life rather then be wives and mothers in a rural area. Its sorta like with korea where men cant get their own women and import thai and viet women since their women have no interest living on a boring dirty farm.
          So those men have no choice, they need descendent that will work and inherit the land to feed those city dwellers.
          If they have no one to take over for farming, the nation goes hungry.
          Of course those feminazis will enjoy it, they get laid and they can ruin their lives with one simple accusation and a rigged court…Keep in mind their rape laws are very vague and females will always be belived. I dont belive in their rape epidemic, I say those migrants just lack game to avoid prision

      2. So destroying the racial gene pool with Thai wives should be allowed? I’ve seen things in the airport with elderly obese men with 20 year old Thai women that gave me shudders. (never actually been in Sweden…just airport) I have a full life, I’m constantly on the go, constantly doing something and therefore I have control over my sex life. Men who can’t hack that shouldn’t be allowed to destroy my children’s future and destroy what is a very unique society.

        1. You think letting in millions of Africans and Middle Easterners isn’t destroying Swedish society? Look I understand many Thai girls get taken advantage of I’m not saying buying wives is necessarily good, I’m just pointing out bringing back a Thai wife is no where near as bad as a trained ISIS terrorist getting let lose back into society.

        2. Right. The real threat is young Thai women.
          Fucking delusional thinking and it’s why Sweden has problems. They’ll cater to the wrong group of immigrants and shun the right ones.

        3. Yep thats it plus they don’t want men finding more feminine women to marry Basically it’s further control over men.

    5. >limit number of thai women into the country
      That says so much I can barely comprehend it.
      When white men benefit: SHUT IT DOWN!

    6. So predictable. Miserable feminists go batshit when they see that men (despite all that is working against them) will still be happy with something as simple as a village girl with a nice ass who wears heels around the house. Of course they will make moves to end that. Even better is to get your cash and simply move to Thailand.

    7. Typical ugly ass sweden whores. They’re going to go secretly racist when their value in the market is shit when another race of women are more attractive but when it’s diversity of men for them to choose they side on diversity so they have more choices
      Sweden men put down your make up and hair spray and put on a helmet and a hatchet instead

    8. This is hilarious. In typical left-wing style, they don’t want the market to decide.. but sounds like Swedish men have had enough of the feminist bullshit, and for good reason. What sane man would want to marry a feminist? It is virtually inevitable she will never make you a sandwich, will let her appearance slide, will fuck someone else, divorce you and take half of your shit. So, what a surprise, men are choosing a submissive, loyal woman to wife up rather than a feminist slut.. huge shock, huh? It just goes to show, contrary to what feminists say, men do actually care about personality. Obviously, we love beautiful women. But this really shows something.. does anybody seriously believe Thai women are more naturally beautiful than Swedish women? Of course not. But with all their feminist bullshit, they make terrible wives. Good to see the men waking up…and hilarious to see the Swedish women trying to shut this phenomenon down. If they do that, Swedish men should just move to Thailand. Leave the feminist whores without anybody to protect them when the Muslim immigrants start raping them left right and centre.. I hear they have already started!

    1. “But, but that’s discrimination! Where will I go to have random sex with a stranger and then claim I was raped when I felt ashamed because my peers didn’t approve of him and threatened to isolate me form our social group.”
      Saw this comic that reminded men. “The vagina is just a hole, there’s nothing in it.” Stop dumping money, cars, houses and rings into it.

  9. Why do Swedish men allow this insanity? Is there any vestige of masculinity left among Swedish males?

    1. This is happening and has been happening incrementally all over the Western world for 125+ years. Women demand and men appease, hoping it will be the end. It never is, they just keep pressing further. On a subconscious level, I think they’re looking for an enforced boundary. But men seem to value the prospect of peace more than an orderly and free society. That, and they’ve been infected with the Enlightenment ideals of absolute freedom and equality, as the moral ideal. Until that falls, I don’t see a way out of this process.

    2. They belong to a suicide death cult known as feminism. These people want to be destroyed. They worship their own destruction.

  10. The Swedish military needs to end democracy in Sweden and establish an ethnic state. Paradoxically, it will be the only way to preserve freedom.

    1. I hate these hipsters who go to college just so they can play arts and crafts, then want to go off and make shitty modern art no normal human being would want to see.

  11. How much of the violence is from black/brown muslim immigrant Somali, North African, Persian Gulf, Central Asian, and Pakistani men and how much is from white Swedes?

    1. Let’s just say natives don’t dominate the crime statistics. It’s the same in The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, etc.

      1. Have you also ever noticed that we’re always told about the poor “refugee” and “migrant” women and children, but all you ever see are men?

    2. It’s irrelevant
      Assume every immigrant is 100% nice friendly and productive
      Does that mean a society’s ethnic makeup should be replaced by outsiders?

    3. With the rape count rising you can bet the white Swedish men will get the blame not the immigrants actually doing the rapes.

  12. I’ve been watching the Swedish miniseries “The Bridge” (2011) on Netflix lately. It’s been a good window into the cultural zeitgeist. And the conclusions I’m drawing are not encouraging. The cop heroine of the series (Sofia Helin) is a carousel-riding social misfit with Asberger’s. The men are portrayed as criminals, malefactors, and rogues.

    1. Chick with a dragon tatoo has probably influenced Sweden more than we know. And those books are like The bridge on roids.

    2. That show was epic…and though some plot lines are whack…the Jewish writer did in the end make a larger point of ‘Sometimes the people to be frightened of are the people who think there doing something good in the World’ Fantastic show!!

      1. The show was a character study in flawed people. Everyone in that show was flawed. Saga’s boss was normal…I guess he broke up with his wife…but everyone breaks up with their wife in Scandinavia. It’s the old Viking sexual structure coming back without Christianity to control it. It was a great show…the photography, lighting and scene people should win an award.

    3. Now if you are looking for a Crazy Show of Epic Proportions watch Norway’s Varg Veum. Now that is some Epic Brainwashing. Sure Varg is the definition of Heroic Viking Male…but his Heroism only applies to Non-White Women and Liberal Causes. Jewish brainwashing at it’s finest…Plus in one episode they were so blatant about it by making the Genius Pee-Pipe lol guy a Jewish eccentric. Epic. Brainwashing. Norway.

  13. I’m English and the left here in England always talk about Sweden as if it’s some shining beacon of socialism
    This is all the evidence I need to know that it’s totally fucked

    1. As a Swede in London, I know exactly what you mean. People have trouble understanding why I would ever want to leave Sweden, since it’s “paradise” apparently

      1. Still better than England yes: enjoy paying a lot of money for your education or those of your kids, while not getting a higher quality of education. Enjoy shitty food and ugly women too.
        The only advantage I see living in the UK over Sweden is the Rugby culture and Football games are more exciting than those in Sweden. That’s it.

  14. Any man who still supports the swedish government with his money and manpower at this point is a cuckold and an omega of the lowest order.

    1. Agree. As I was reading the article, I was thinking: “These lunatics were legally elected to rule the country… who the f*** votes for this shit?”

  15. White people don’t like hearing this, but social justice-style leftism is a pathological extension of whiteness. The correlation is so clear it might even be genetic
    It’s not a coincidence that the “whitest” country/region of all is also home to the most insane social justice nonsense. Even on a individual basis, people closer to whiteness are more likely to be equalist vermin. Non-white leftists are rarely as rabid, and many are not true leftists at all, only opportunists
    For whites who are not like this, this is an internal weakness that has to be overcome. Do not trash the Muslim or whatever, attack the leftist whites who are the source of the problem – Breivik had it right. He just didn’t associate it with whiteness
    Once the equalist whites are subdued, minorities fall in line and nationalism and self-interest should follow

    1. I’m going to disagree. What it is, first, is the pathological extension of the Women’s Circle. It is the natural way women relate.
      For it to become pathological there must be relatively large number of women who are well to do enough to be essentially idle. This allows them the freedom to do what women are wont to do, ya know, meddle and ruin everything.
      The black heart in it comes from, and this is the part that people don’t like hearing, Christianity. It is Christianity that brought the world the doctrine that there are no divines among men, that all, even the meanest and most sinful among them, have souls, and that all souls are equal before God. This is where the principles of egalitarianism come from.
      Put that all together and more often than not it comes out as white women, but the whiteness is a confounding factor.

      1. That’s a false dichotomy. The choice isn’t between absolute equality or absolute inequality. People can be equal in some ways (their humanity) and unequal in many other ways. The discussion can then be how those inequalities should be handled in society.
        Egalitarianism doesn’t come from Christianity, but from a conscious rejection of it, in the form of Humanism. Where God created an order, man sought to overturn it, and remake society with his own ideals.
        To believe in absolute equality, leads to the present problem. To believe in absolute inequality, leads to mass murder, as those deemed unequal and “unworthy” are murdered with utilitarian justification.
        I reject both models.

        1. I told you you wouldn’t like it, but Humanism is something that arose from Christian nations, and that is not a coincidence.
          I understand the reaction to defend Christianity, but I am not attacking it, just pointing out how it is turned. The Devil quotes scripture better than anybody and we are discussing the pathological cases.

        2. Of course it arose in Christendom, it had to. The Devil could work well enough in different cultures where evil was just considered another part of existence. In the Christian world, the whole of society was ordered against it. Humanism, was the avenue through which wickedness and rebellion from God could find its way back in the public sphere.

        3. But that doesn’t mean that wickedness doesn’t exist in other societies. It just takes a crystallized form in the West.

      2. But what would you say for Christian countries in South America, Africa, or the Philippines? I admit I don’t know much about Christian doctrine, but I don’t think it’s as simple as that
        What you call the Women’s Circle is present in all societies, women tend to mistake compassion for reason – but only White communities take this to extremes. You can’t really separate white women from white people
        there’s a sort of ethno-masochism there that I find absurd, and I don’t want it to influence the rest of the world

        1. India? Or would you say that’s the fault of the British?
          Could it be that this is just a problem of increased wealth in a society? See, Japan and South Korea?

        2. Wealth is certainly a factor in softening societies, but wealthy non-western societies still don’t suffer anywhere as much self-loathing as white majority ones. Even individuals who do, do so by adopting Western leftist ideologies, jargon and everything
          i’m not shitting on white people here, it’s just that there’s a problem and its roots need to be identified so it can be fought, both within white-majority countries and elsewhere

        3. Fair enough, but have the others countries in question had the time to develop problems like we have in the West? Western dominance and rapid increases in wealth started over 500 years ago. Most other non-Western countries are in a game of rapid catch-up, with wealth increasing faster than it did in the West. Should not the implications of higher individual wealth and the autonomy that comes with it, be given more time to play out there, before we judge this as a solely Western problem? This is all theoretical of course.

        4. “But what would you say for Christian countries in South America, Africa, or the Philippines?”
          Where the three factors are found together, you will find the highest number of social justice reformers. The numbers are fairly low and generally concentrated to a few small areas. The universities are rife with them.
          “What you call the Women’s Circle is present in all societies . . .”
          Certainly, but it requires other factors to become pathological. Just as you are currently carrying disease causing bacteria and viruses, but the conditions are such that they cannot actually cause disease.
          Any place where there is a strong caste system, for instance, will tend to damp it. Much of Europe’s caste system was irretrievably broken by The Plague.
          “You can’t really separate white women from white people”
          All I need do is separate men from women, and I know how to do that. The tricky bit is separating the men from the boys (insert Greek joke here).

        5. This ethno masochism you talk of is a completely new phenomena, it literally didn’t exist only two generations ago….
          It has nothing to do with pathological altruism and everything to do with who owns the media

        6. When American victories in the revolution were announced in the British Parliament, they were often met with a standing cheer.
          The ethno masochism is a good three centuries old.

        7. I’ve read biographies on white abolitionist women, German idealists, French revolutionaries going back to the 17th century who exhibit basically the same personalities and tendencies as our social justice freaks today. Many anthropologists maintain that Viking society emphasized equalism and “democratic processes” – and I’m pretty sure the Jews haven’t owned the news for that long. This kind of stuff just doesn’t happen very often outside of White societies

        8. Yeah fair enough, perhaps an argument can be made for what you’re saying…..
          But the fact is that up until two generations ago none of the crazy shit we are seeing just now was going on.
          Something huge has happened to create this change, that huge thing is domination by a hostile and alien elite and the impact of propaganda in the media and in schools
          None of this would have happened if Whites were in control of their own countries
          That’s the source of the problem, the owners of the media know exactly what they are doing, it’s deliberate

        9. The fact is that up until two generations ago none of the crazy shit we are seeing just now was going on.
          Something huge has happened to create this change, that huge thing is domination by a hostile and alien elite and the impact of propaganda in the media and in schools
          None of this would have happened if Whites were in control of their own countries
          That’s the source of the problem, the owners of the media know exactly what they are doing, it’s deliberate

        10. It’s certainly possible, and I am not saying it’s a solely Western problem, only that it is much more severe in the West. Even wealthy, autonomous non-whites living within Western countries do not exhibit the same level of leftist personalities. As with all things I do not discount external or innate differences – this white propensity for self-harm may be an extension of risktaking behavior, who knows?

        11. “Something huge has happened to create this change . . .”
          Principally, in August of 1914 Europe shot itself in the head.

        12. Because of WW1 we have tran-sexualism being shoved in our faces?
          Because of WW1 we have insane immigration polices?
          No chance, if we were in control of our countries, this wouldn’t be happening…

        13. Sorry to the carry the point, but many of those non-white persons in the West are relatively recent arrivals (in the US, post-1965) who in many cases still cling to their own cultures and faiths. Their geography might have changed, but their ideals haven’t.

        14. Because the heart of the American revolt was in line with previous English revolts against despotism. Your average American wasn’t looking to create a liberal utopia (unlike a few of the elites), but to secure those basic rights of Englishmen which they thought were theirs’ by birth, not to be denied them by the Crown.

        15. Sure it was. The Great War killed the cultural elite’s confidence in themselves and their nation’s way of life. It delivered the coup de grace to religious faith which had been severely weakened ever since the Enlightenment, and disillusioned the perceived security in the rightness of their traditional culture. For the average person, the endless blood letting for no discernible purpose, supported by all of the social institutions, shattered their belief in each of those institutions.
          Everything since has just been the slow disappearance of light after the setting of the sun.
          In the vacuum which followed, selfish degeneracy and radicalism (in the form of communism and fascism) was all that was left to fill the void. With the subsequent failure of the later, all we’re left with the selfish degeneracy, with Islam now filling the void caused by the absence of faith and the traditional culture.

        16. In Latin America the white Spanish ethnic class forms the top tier of society.

        17. That is indeed part of it, they considered it the King’s war, and they were not fond of the King, but the fact is that another part of it is because they were intellectually opposed to British Imperialism in general, and that is the beginning of the self hatred. You can even find it expressly stated, scattered in their writings of the time. The British loathed Britishness. All of it.
          It spread from there. In the wake of WWI it took deep roots, and now the tree bears fruit.

        18. I don’t see how (absent the writings of a few rabble-rousers in the Revolution) there was any problem with the Crown in general, absent the specific charges of abuse. Do you mean by Imperialism, direct governance by Crown ministers? Why wouldn’t an Englishmen in North America have a problem with being ruled by bureaucrats? The Crown had learned that lesson by the time Lord Durham’s report on Canada in the 1830s was written, encouraging devolving power down to local control, and not making the mistake of treating Englishmen overseas differently from Englishmen at home.
          As for WWII, the English had already come to despise the Empire in their hearts by the time of WWII. There was no rush of enthusiasm to defend the Empire in 1939, as there had been in 1914. It was a different country.

        19. Because those societies tend to be very authoritarian places, where the individual has practically no standing, and exists as a sort of cog in a greater system. Sure, in an environment like that, of course you won’t be subject to the abuses of unrestrained individual freedom and egalitarianism. There you witness an older, more traditional problem of violent oppression from all powerful autocrats to worry about.
          All of those groups you mentioned were the product of radical Enlightenment Humanism, not Christianity or European culture.
          In the Vietnam War the US suffered from the protests at home, which killed the will to fight, but another part of problem was the fact, acknowledged by Gen. Westmoreland, that the Vietnamese valued human life differently, and were willing to lose a vastly larger proportion their people in ridiculously idiotic suicide attacks, merely in order to outlast American military superiority, by comparison with the loses the US was willing to pay. Now maybe you think that a weakness in war, and maybe it just shows who wanted it more, but surely it also shows the comparable value on human life which different cultures have. Consider too how that plays out in the way society is formed and functions in peace-time as well. Which produces a more livable, desirable environment?

        20. “Why wouldn’t an Englishmen in North America have a problem with being ruled by bureaucrats?”
          What has that got to do with the attitudes of a London libertine?

        21. I’m saying that most of the MP’s in favor of the Revolution weren’t self-hating chumps, cheering societal collapse, but rather that they were in support of slapping the hands of a monarch who had abused his power. English history is littered with the overthrowing and punishment of abusive monarchs. It didn’t indicate some sort of self-loathing in those instances either.

        22. Is Enlightenment age humanism not European in nature? That’s kind of the point. If humanism is the precursor to equalism, then humanism needs to be criticized
          I believe all societies should be strong collectives where the individual are units who are willing to sacrifice for the nation – freedom and personal comfort are desirable but secondary

        23. I know, but even comparing non-whites who openly embrace leftism antithetical to their old cultures, they still don’t seem as extreme
          i don’t know if its guilt that makes white leftism more extreme or what, but it’s not the same as minority leftism

        24. Well that depends if you think Christianity/European culture has a sort of self-destruct mechanism built-in? I think its an expression of wickedness, unique to relatively free societies.
          The problem is that this discussion seems to white wash over the problems of different, non-European cultures, or dismisses them as happenstance, rather than products of their cultures.
          Was the blood letting of Mao’s China or Khmer Rouge unique to China? European import you say? Ok, go back further. Is not China’s history full of violent wars and rebellions? Is not its history one of violent suppression of the individual?
          To put it bluntly, notwithstanding the difficulties of the present day West, I would rather live in it, compared to most of the rest of world, in any point in history prior to say, a couple of decades ago in China, and even there, only in a few metropolitan areas, if I had money.
          There seems to be a great focus on the disadvantages of European culture and the advantages of elsewhere, with little attention paid to the violent, oppression and misery of most of the non-West throughout most of history.
          Humanism and the like ideologies, are the price the West pays for the freedom of the individual allowed in the West. Is that trade-off worth it? I think so. I’d rather have this fight than be a disposable cog in a system for the glory of the Son of Heaven.
          And yes of course, you want people to be willing to sacrifice for something beyond themselves. Europeans took enormous casualties in the Great War in accordance with that principle. that’s not always a good thing. Sometimes you’re being played.

        25. Guilt probably plays a very significant role (if you’re being told constantly that your faith and culture were the cause of all problems in history, how could it not have a sizable effect), but hasn’t ROK published an article or two on how radical Indian feminists tend to be? I’ve found it to be true in my own experience. And that’s only here in Western countries. If the problem continues to develop over time in a place like India, it might yet become as radical. For now, there’s still a traditional culture and faith in India to put the breaks on. No such opposition exists in the West.

        26. That’s getting somewhat off-topic, the point was that equalism as a particular cultural problem appears to have roots in whiteness, not that there aren’t problems elsewhere
          Collectivist leadership is fallible, but equalism appears to be self-destructive and very little else. In my opinion the freedom, rights, happiness and safety of the individual is far less important than the will of the ethnostate – some oppression is expected and acceptable, maybe even necessary
          So I guess we just have a plain difference of opinion

        27. That is a good point, I should have specified India as well in the opening post
          It’s not just feminism too, in general the personality of Indian social justice types resembles very much their white counterparts
          There are many Indo-European linkages in anthropology that would fit this template, but I don’t want to extrapolate too far

        28. By “whiteness” do you mean genetic predispositions or cultural inclinations? If the former, then yeah, we probably just disagree, as I don’t put a lot of stock in genetic predetermination. If the later, then yes, I suppose you could say that egalitarianism is a unfortunate product of European culture.
          As to the rest of your comment, yeah, I guess we just have different values and priorities.
          A side question for further discussion might be, if the West collapses, how will the rest of the world fare, in the absence of positive Western innovations and structures? (Prof. Niall Ferguson has broken this down to 6 key features that in his estimation were the keys to Western success, that the non-West has copied in part, but not in full) Guess we’ll see……

        29. ” . . .most of the MP’s in favor of the Revolution weren’t self-hating chumps . . .”
          No, but a number of them were proto-self haters with a good deal of influence, and themselves under the influence of the academics, poets and the like in which the British hatred for Britishness arose.
          “English history is littered with the overthrowing and punishment of abusive monarchs.”
          And lingering sentiments over the history and fate of the Commonwealth probably had a lot to do with the rise of self-hatred.

        30. You are mistaken. Equality in the sense you are thoroughly referring to is not an aspect of biblical Christianity.
          In fact throughout those books we can find a message that not all men are created equal. In the Old Testament we see that God loved Jacob and hated Esau, this was before they were ever born. This was also quoted in Romans by Paulwhen he explains the process of pre destination.
          God has created vessels of wrath fitted for destruction which is accordingly most of the world and called ” the world” in the books. God also has created vessels of mercy which would be His children or those he has elected for redemption.
          Also in the New Testament Paul tells believers who are slaves of another not to fight and gain their freedom but to simply be a good servant to their master. This is ideologically opposite to all men are created equal.
          The equality of men doctrine we see being played out in the French Revolution which was a huge inspiration to men like Thomas Jefferson who might I also add was not a Christian but a deist.
          The Christian God is anti equality. If you are referring to salvation equality you must understand the Jewish audience of those words from Jesus when he informed them that within all nations, creeds and colors there would be found among them children of God aka vessels of mercy and not only among Jewish blood whom considered their blood the only blood worthy.
          I think Terry’s argument for the whiteness factor being of more import regarding the suicidal altruism of the west is something that is weightier and requires much more discussion.
          If we work under that presumption then what is it about ” whiteness” that tends to be radically masochist?
          At this point we can easily say that the west aka majority white founded societies should be called one massive death cult more than anything else.

        31. The Vikings were not “equalist”. Where the myth comes from is the one or two graves, tops, where they found a woman buried with a sword. Lacking context of the why of it was actually there however, even that is scant evidence. Maybe it was her departed husband’s sword, or her dead son’s weapon, who knows? The Swedes did have a form of lower caste governance through the Thing of course (I think that was what it was called, that or the Altthing?), but they were still ruled by kings and warlords like every other European society.

        32. There’s no doubt WW1 was a disaster……but to argue that the reason all White countries are being destroyed by cultural marxism and mass immigration is due to WW1 is insane…..
          Who creates our money? Who owns our media? Who is behind cultural Marxism?These people are the true kings, they aren’t White and they have an agenda….
          Just two generations ago, none of the nonsense we see today was even imaginable – we’ve been hijacked by a hostile elite, that’s the source of the problem

        33. There is no doubt WW1 was a disaster……but to argue that the reason all White countries are being destroyed by cultural marxism and mass immigration is due to WW1 is insane…..
          Who creates our money? Who owns our media? Who is behind cultural Marxism?These people are the true kings, they aren’t White and they have an agenda….
          Just two generations ago, none of the nonsense we see today was even imaginable – we’ve been hijacked by a hostile elite, that’s the source of the problem

        34. But the fact is that up until two generations ago none of the crazy shit we are seeing just now was going on.
          Exactly. Far too many people contextualize history as occurring only withing their own lifetime, then draw out conclusions devoid of an actual long view perspective.

        35. That’s because most British, at least in London, agreed strongly with what they thought of as their fellow British citizens living in the colonies. That’s not masochism, it’s solidarity.

        36. Yeah, it’s so obvious…….
          There’s a huge movement just now whereby White people and controlled opposition websites endlessly debate the source of our downfall……
          Christianity, WW1, pathological altruism, feminism etc…….
          All of this is horse shit – Who owns the fucking media? Who creates our money? Who was behind communism? Who actually won WW2? Who is behind cultural Marxism?
          These are the elephant in the room questions that people seem to be falling over themselves to avoid asking….

        37. Technology that makes life easier, reduces competitiveness, reduces labour and performs tasks formerly performed by men.
          If a woman can push a button to operate a pulley in a garage rather than pull a rope then you place a woman’s mindset, that works well in a small insular family environment, but not in the workplace. Biology isn’t a social construct. It is nature and hardwired into us.

        38. If a person is honest and really looking into the sources and understand exactly what is going on everything funnels into a common denominator. That is the one hurdle people either refuse to acknowledge or painfully accept with ridicule from others.
          A group of people are intent upon the destruction western civilization and identity because we are everything they are not. Compassionate, Explorers, Farmers warriors, philosophers, scientists.
          Switzerland to me, years ago, was the idealized version of Western Civilization and Culture. Today it is a target and openly acknowledged as being a target by at least Barbara Spectre, who isn’t even from Sweden. Sweden is the crucible on techniques that will be used on the west without an open declaration of war but armed insurrection and sponsored violence of leftists. The gates are being opened from traitors within.

        39. I am doing everything in my power to separate white women from any people. Of course that means I associate only with non-white women (except family members). When every man on the face of the earth realizes that white women are the devil, maybe we can wipe them out in one generation via attrition. Just say no. What we will have then is a lot of half white people.
          I take issue with one point about whiteness and feminism. I believe it is more closely correlated with speaking English.

        40. I am African, and I see clearly how deep is your analysis !
          European culture has this “extreme missionary feeling” to convert all the world to their view of the world (take example of the discovery of the New world, globalisation, etc.)

        41. But if you look at America, it seems to contradict your evidence. The most social conservative areas in the country are the whitest areas (Appalachia, the mid-west, etc).
          Also you underrate the feminist issue. Feminism is far, far older than any ideological leftism. Feminism is just a manifestation of gynocentrism inherent in all humans. It’s an older evolved trait that was necessary to continue the existence of humans (i.e. protect the female as she is, from a reproductive standpoint, more valuable than the male).
          The more well-off, safe, and secure societies that exist, the more feminism will rear it’s ugly head. Asia is no different. You are starting to see this there as well. The divorce rates in China are climbing all the time. Hopefully Asia will learn from the West, but it doesn’t look like it, if India is an example of what’s to come for the rest of the continent.
          Simply put, male-female relationships are starting to resemble what they were in pre-civilization. Women fuck the top 20% and the rest of the male population has to support them. Rest of male population gives up on women and just supports themselves enough to survive. Production plummets and society has too many takers and not enough givers and society collapses. Some more traditional society (that is only “traditional because of it’s lack of safety for females) takes over.
          We can beat back ideological leftism all we want, but until we realize what gynocentrism is and deal with it, the same pattern will repeat itself, white, black or asian culture.

      3. Protestantism to be more accurate. Classical christianity observes that God doesn’t love everyone equally, that death penalty is necessary (Saint Thomas) or that women are not fit to leadership in average (Saint Paul). Granted that Catholicism became infected and gutted out in the 60s but details my friend, details. BTW Christianity, real one recognizes ranks and positions.

    2. Good comment, but what you said about leftist whites being the source of the problem just isn’t true….
      All White countries had perfectly sound immigration policies throughout their history, Europeans were badasses and fully race conscious…
      What’s changed is the hostile elite that has taken over finance, the media and politics – those guys sure as hell ain’t White Christians and they are the source of the problem…..

      1. Well, yes
        But also keep in mind that the vast majority of blacks are liberals, not ideological leftists. Even the ones that are, are followers. If you ever go to a Marxist gathering, an anarchist gathering, one of those freaky “gender expression” camps where they take little boys and dress them up like girls – all these events are about as white as the Klan

        1. what about obama?
          it really is an interesting observation, though.
          but even if there is a correlation between whites and ideological leftism, it’s implausible to assume that the skin color itself is genetically directly related to neural predispositions that lead to this.
          do you have a theory that explains the correlation? have you tried to further abstract the concept of ideological leftism and compare it to observations made in other places of the earth?
          is it possibly simply a byproduct of an old, big and wealthy nation? think of the overpopulation experiment with rats. isolation, aggression, loss of social skills.

        2. Whenever I see people in those groups I always call them racists and claim they’re not inclusive enough. Really pisses them off.

        3. Well I assume we both agree that there’s more to race than just skin color
          But no, I doubt there are studies on this, or if leftism is even quantifiable
          I’m putting an opinion out there based on observation – to that end I have not seen an equivalent in comparable non-white societies, although no two societies are exactly alike
          It is certain to me that wealth and comfort creates equalist personalities, but as with all things I see no reason to discount both environmental and biological factors

        4. sounds reasonable.
          i personally find it pointless to dialectically discuss whether something is genetic or not. like those stupid nature vs nurture debates about sexism.
          if it is not possible to prove (and define WHAT exactly is to be proven), it is an insult to the intellect to even debate it.

    3. Well … yeah … pathological altruism is to white women what autism is to white men.

    4. Strongly agree, Breivik was actually a genius if you think about it. If he attacks the children and kills them then they won’t grow up to be white left-wing politicians.
      “Non-white leftists are rarely as rabid, and many are not true leftists at all, only opportunists.”
      Fantastic point, I’ve thought and argued that blacks and hispanics in America are far more socially conservative and racial nationalist. A black person who supports “welfare” for example does for the benefit of HIS people, namely black people, not because he believes in gay marriage. On many polls blacks and hispanics are more socially right on many issues like gay marriage, abortion, etc. I think white leftists are ultimately the true believers, everyone else in terms of doctrine and fervor is lukewarm compared to them. Non-whites are usually socially conservative, rational nationalists working in the self-interest of their own people first, and leftists, second.

    5. This is wrong on many levels. White people inherently are overly trusting and gullible; not to mention they very much worship authority, especially if they are the Germanic type. So White liberals are not the “source”, they are the fertile soil where the social justice seeds are planted and then harvested. The source is either another very aggressive/mentally disturbed liberal, or more often than that – a Jew. This is almost without exception.

      1. So ROK has an article about Jerry Seinfelds statements about the politically correct environment killing comedy. Then you have shit like this:
        Jerry Seinfeld—White Hetero Male Worth $820 Million—Thinks World Is Too ‘PC’
        Last I heard, “white” Jerry Seinfeld was Jewish. See how this crap gets the leftist spin? Completely omitted him being Jewish and turned him into the “White Male” to push a story. Didn’t see the word Jewish anywhere in that article. Funny how “Identity Politics” is shoved aside by the very assholes (liberals) that place it on a pedestal and drop it when it suits the daily narrative. Ever wonder why none of their shit makes sense? It is not supposed to. It’s there just to create cognitive dissonce and division.
        There is a long history of Jewish people doing fucked up shit and and saying White European culture is the root of all evil. Sure Europeans have done terrible things. So have others. They do this as Jews, change the historical narrative and say “White people did this, Christians did that, Muslims do this.” Who in the hell made them the arbiters of justice, humanity and the benefactors of mankind? A lot of this leftist ideology comes from them under the pretense of being beneficial to humanity. It most certainty is not. There is a small minority of these people, not all, that sell fear to their own people. “Western Civilization is inherently Anti-Semitic” and never quite taking into account the reasons why that condition exists. They are a lot Jewish people that openly discuss this and they are shot down as “Self-hating Jews.” Just how does a people who identify as Semites do Anti-Semitic things to Arabs and Palestianians, often criminal, yet declare others to be Anti-Semites if they dare question the glaring inconsistencies of the doctrines they finance and endorse?
        Then you have the dumb fuck white liberal enablers running around blowing smoke up people’s asses about tolerance, diversity, gender identity, racism that move the bar, depending on whatever fat loud-mouth SJW is popular this week. They are the same type of fanatics that religious zealots are, they just have a different platform. The “white guilt” is the wealthy assholes who made their fortunes squeezing the shit out of the lower classes. They spend the rest of their miserable fucking lives trying to manage us “for our own good” because daddy wrecked entire industries in the past. They have their willing syncopates act as agent provocateurs to stir up racial discord. We fight their battles for them, they keep the cash, continue to control the narrative and frame the debate.
        I really give a damn about a black man, Asian, Jews having pride for their culture and ethnicities. They should. I do believe White Europeans have the same rights to do so too, as long as it is not at the expense or degradation of others. The weaponized propaganda and intelligentsia needs to be called out as bullshit doublespeak it is, regardless of who or where it originates from.

    6. Correction for all nations.
      Get rid of the LEFTIST white males then this massive feminist movement comes into a long due hiatus.

    7. Where was this pathology sixty years ago? Where was it during the height of the British Empire? Seems to me that there were no doughy, flaccid indecisive weak whites at that time. If it was genetic, it would be a “feature” at all times, right?

      1. If you read the about the civil rights reformers within the British Empire, it seems clear to me their mentality and attitude was no different than SJWs today. Only in the past, equalism was kept in check with tradition and masculinity. Both the disease and lack of countermeasure should be to blame, they’re not mutually exclusive

    8. Interesting point but I have to disagree. The white countries are predominantly Christian. There are a number of values which are innately connected with Christianity – compassion, charity, long-suffering and sacrifice. However, there is also another set of values deemed equally Christian – strength, courage, fortitude and an uncompromising search for the truth. In my opinion, social justice leftism became embedded in “white countries” as a result of the first set of values being overemphasized over the latter set in an irrational and rudderless manner. As a Catholic I would say this is a result of the declining power and authority of the Papcy but there very well could be other factors involved.
      To elaborate on a point GoJ made below, when the West is at its prime, well, we do quite well for ourselves. We are dominant. We strike fear into the hearts of our enemies and inspire other civilizations to do better (Case in point Japan after Perry made a visit. Of course the Japanese then wanted to dominate which led to their demise.)
      Therefore I think that the West still has the greatest potential, it just needs to rid itself of the Communist cancer feasting on its once impressive body. What are the alternatives for the position of world hegemon? Islam? With how ISIS destroys relics of civilization in the Middle East, I don’t think so. Russia? Behind the facade of red-pill renewal, Russia is rotten to the core. It is a poorly disguised extension of the Soviet Union, reeking of drunkenness and sheer human misery. China? Again, will not happen. The Chinese treat people like vermin. How many human beings died in the Cultural Revolution to implement Mao’s glorious changes? Is a 100 million far off the mark?
      The West needs to get its head out of its proverbial. The world is relying on our leadership. Socialism, SJWs and other associated nonsense are like little dwarfs attempting to hold down a sleeping Gulliver.

  16. You look at these fags and you think “oh, these people are incredibly harmless.” But that’s what makes them so dangerous. When you see a huge monstrous beast with razor sharp claws you know it’s going to hurt you and you run the other way. But when evil is dressed in hipster clothing and black framed glasses and prances around like a little fairy you let your guard down. Women are particularly deceiving because their evil is hidden under a mask of beauty and fragility. If the Devil were to come to earth he would come in form of a little girl.

  17. @Prince Prospero:
    Could you provide a short explanation of what you mean by “The corruption and degeneration on a personal level is worthy its own article…”?
    I have been living in Sweden for the past few years and I am just starting to understand all the covert processes going on in this society. Therefore, I would appreciate some clarifications.

    1. Väl mött, TyskKille!
      The souls of Swedes are murdered in much the same way as in most Western countries, but with more urgency. ROK is filled with articles describing this, both how men are pussified and women sluttified. To keep this short, I will name two traits that I think are specially Swedish.
      a) A collective group think that makes induvidualism and free thinking hard. The collective is always right, and anyone stepping out of formation is a threat or an enemy. Think of the mentality as that in Das Boot. This has to do with history and you can find similar traits with people that have lived in conditions similar to Sweden (poverty, harsh weather, etc.) Combine that with the progressive ideas and you get a very strange culture mix.
      b) A hatred for beauty. I don’t know of any other way to say this. Knowledge, learning, truth are all on the Wanted list, and some one crossed over the “alive” part of the text. I think this has to do with socialists getting control of the educational system and as an effort to make it more “equal” they dumbed it down for everybody.
      I would invite you to try this out with the next group of ethnic swedes you meet. Start by telling htme that you encounter racism here as a swede. Make them really drawn into the story. Talk a lot about racist culture. Then reveal that the people being racist to you are non white immigrants. Go on a bit about how horrid they are. Then swing the game again and say that they, of course, cannot help it,. since they, as Palestinians, were opressed in their home land. When someone then (and keep a close look out for the relief in their eyes here) starts agreeing and talking about evil Israel, sya “no, no, these people are from Egypt”. You can spin this as many times as you want.
      The point of this is to see how the group acts. They will be silent and watch eachother before they talk. When they feel they are “safe” all of them will be very vocal and very brave, but as soon as they realize that they might have been “on the wrong side” they will deperatly look for some one to bail them out. I also predict that they will start talking Swedish among themselves as soon as you flip the story the second time.
      Hope that helped and have fun

      1. that is the most pathetic thing i have ever heard
        is their entire country made of old women?

    “White Privilege: “The privilege of forcing this “inevitable brown future” into ALL & ONLY White countries.”
    Diversity is a code word for White Genocide. Enough. Freedom now. Freedom from enforced, genocidal ‘diversity’.
    Nobody’s flooding Africa with Non-Africans and giving them free health care, affirmative action and special privileges.
    Only White Countries are doing it, only White children are affected, and only White politicians are allowing it.
    Diversity = White Genocide = SICK!!!

    1. Your statements would have more force if African Nations went into Europe and actively wiped out your native populations, carved Europe disregarding the existing tribal/cultural differences, and continuously extracted Europe’s natural resources both directly through colonization or indirectly post colonization. No sane person want to destroy all white people.
      Also this argument is like the statement that celebrating white culture is “racism.” It is not I enjoy German culture, Italian Culture, and Romanian culture. Nothing wrong with that…even Irish parades are fun (yes some consider it commercialized and watered down).
      The reason people (like Latinos) do not celebrate Columbus Day for example is due to the fact that he brought destruction and division… and traditionally his entire story was not taught in schools. It has nothing to do with hatred for Italians for example. If they had Galileo Galilee Day no one would protest the day, unless you are the Roman Catholic Church a few centuries ago lol.
      European companies want these immigrants to work jobs that Europeans do not want to do for the most part, and the overall falling European birth rate also plays a factor. Whites are most recently the main racial group that have gone all over the globe to push their religion and colonialism not the Asians and other groups at least to the European extent. Those are just some of the differences. Also places like Australia, America, Latin America were not European areas last time I checked….

      1. The same people who did what your talking about are the ones doing what the guy above you is talking about. It’s small section of rich elite people screwing the bottom for a bottom line. In the last hundred or so years,yes, the rich european elite did a lot more crazy, but if you go back far enough you will find that yes everyone has done some F’up stuff. It however will always be a few people at the helm making massive profits. China has old colonies all over Indonesia and even India that were put in place during the same time Europe was exploring America. You just don’t hear about it. Japan did the same thing before WW2 and even the middle east settled parts of Africa not to mention Europe and Asia during the rise of Islam. Stop being an Europhobe. Im sorry, Black Africans also had what they call the great migration from the west to the south about a thousand years ago. Guess what the pygmies are minority everywhere they live and they use to be the majority all throughout South Africa. DO you think they got that way peacefully.

        1. Yes I agree in fact China today is causing trouble for America, especially impacting The Philippines. China believes that is there sphere and America should butt out. I am aware of this as well, and you hear about it because it also further justifies American involvement in war. I was just talking specifically of Europe since it was the main point of the conversation.

        2. It wasn’t my goal to point out just the Japanese. I was trying to just point out that ever culture has and will do F’up shit. People who act like bad people are unique to a certain thought process or culture piss me off. But, maybe you don’t live in the West. That’s where I live and the self hate is ridiculous here. Minorities special interest groups just fuel the fire by backing most of the self guilt as an answer to any questioning of their groups. As for the images above, war is hell and the Japanese were at war for decades. War by it’s very nature probably attracts a lot of psychopaths and they can be good at things too. I think that’s why so many of these things happen during wars, several officers in control/ a few psychopaths and a lack of empathy and pity for your enemy, the decision to win the war quickly easily becomes annihilate the enemy in total war.Which is probably how it should be if you want to conquer. The beheading like above are probably a combo of the previous mentioned psychopathy and few crazy. In my opinion, total war is probably the only way to truly win a war much like Ghengis Khan practiced if you really want control of the enemy and its territory of centuries to come. I couldn’t do it, and I would’t approve of it ,but if you want to win a war of conquest it would seem to be necessary to actual win.

        3. Then, after the war during ‘occupied Japan’, the Japanese were disallowed from producing any more aircraft like the Mitsubishi Zero fighter plane. They were only allowed to re tool their industry to produce, get this . . . drumroll . . . CARS!!

      2. The reason people (like Latinos) do not celebrate Columbus Day for
        example is due to the fact that he brought destruction and division…
        and traditionally his entire story was not taught in schools.

        “Latinos” (more accurately described as Hispanics) are the bastard sons of Europe, so to speak, most of them (mestizos, mulatos and criollos) have no direct relation to the indigenous populations of America and in Latin America most of the people have been brainwashed (by their ironically white governments) to believe their countries were conquered by Spain when in reality they were given birth by Spain, being Spanish offshoots, a mixed heritage of Spanish, Indian and Black roots Only 4 or 5 countries are majority Indian.

        Your statements would have more force if African Nations went into
        Europe and actively wiped out your native populations, carved Europe
        disregarding the existing tribal/cultural differences, and continuously
        extracted Europe’s natural resources both directly through colonization
        or indirectly post colonization. No sane person want to destroy all
        white people.

        Well, they didn’t do it because they couldn’t do it. As simple as that. Had the Africans developed technology and sciences far beyond what the 15th Europeans knew, I can easily visualize an era of enslavement and genocide, real genocide not like the one depicted in the Spanish Black legend (The Blacks sold their own kinsmen as slaves to anyone with something to trade, what would they do to strangers who are deemed weaker…). The fact is that Christianity, the civilizing force that drove Europe to its heights saved millions of lives.
        Granted one cannot really say the European race is being exterminated, right now is committing suicide, assisted suicide at that.

        1. Yes you are right about Latinos, but actually many Latinos actually are aware of their mixture, it is not a mystery. The Latin American is a recent collection of people that have only existed for roughly 500 years. Some have been brainwashed to associate more towards their conquerors. Latino is a “cultural” construct and many associate themselves with their native precursor populations as well as their African roots. Many also associate themselves with their respective nationality and unity as Latin Americans against outsiders like Europe currently, and The United States. Just as the White Anglo Saxons who came to what is now known as the United States identified as Americans instead of English…as a way to break away from King George. You also had those who wanted to remain English subjects called Loyalists, so the different debates and mentalities are similar.
          As for your scenario of Africans developing technology and conquering Europe, perhaps, but that is hypothetical. Blacks selling slaves to Whites has been overly exaggerated as a way to justify the slave trade. As far as Christianity bringing civilization depends who is in control of the message, there was Civilization long before Judaism and Christianity. Christianity did “civilize” Europe but you can say it also brought about many wars such as wars between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, England or France (Catholics vs Huguenots) etc. Also spreading Christianity through the tip of a sword or barrel of a gun is not something that Jesus would preach. However Christianity can be a force for good as well.

        2. Yes you are right about Latinos, but actually many Latinos actually are aware of their mixture, it is not a mystery.

          I didn’t say it was a mystery, I said many Hispanics have been brainwashed to identify with their indigenous roots, even though they share more things in common with the West than with Indians and that ironically their very white governments were the ones behind this campaign in order to “fortify” their national identities (and bury the fact that most national “heroes” were just traitors who wanted to be left alone to become tyrants over territories and people they thought were theirs).

          Blacks selling slaves to Whites has been overly exaggerated as a way to justify the slave trade.

          I understand that many would try to use this fact as an excuse for slavery but it did happen and is a fact that no European power at the time (XV -XVIII) had the men and the logistics to go into the African hinterland and hunt down every man/woman/child they could find, load their ships and sail towards America, by the millions. This fact explains why colonization of the African hinterland started at the end of the 18th century, before that the Portuguese and to a lesser extent the Spanish only had forts along the coast, where they operated and the former attacked the coastal kingdoms for slaves, they almost never went to the hinterlands.
          They needed the help of Arabs and Blacks who were already in the business, knew where to capture the people and best routes et al to bring their plans to fruition. The Blacks who sold the slaves were unconcerned with the fate of their fellow Blacks who didn’t belong to their tribe or kingdom.

        3. Actually many latinos especially the brown towards white cohort tend to identify with the white conquistadors of Spain and Portugal and a sizable amount of Darker skin cohort in some places try to identify with their indigenous population rather than black. Indigenous populations are still around in Latin America and many Latin Americans still carry Indigenous blood as well.
          As for the African Assessment I do agree with most of your statement, it was more of an Indentured obligation…however it became Slavery for Blacks…the white cohort of Indentures were treated better.

    2. At least when it happened to the indigenous Americans (including central and south America) they didn’t allow it so much as it was forced on them by European settlers.

  19. Some of us should move to Sweeden. They will give us all sorts of free goodies.
    Ill grow out my full beard to make my middle-eastern half dominant and I’ll getting away with literally anything.

    1. Yes and no. Deep inside most of them are xenophobic (eventhough they try really hard to hide it). Good luck to find a work or an apartment to rent (buying is alright though)! Even for a white European guy it’s hard to find something because you’re not Swedish and your name doesn’t sound Swedish.
      They also scorn southern europeans quite a lot (and yeah, French are southern european by Swedish standards… I guess Bavaria is a part of Southern Europe too then!).

  20. Norway has used deportation for uppity minorities, every Danish party wants to limit immigration, the True Finns won.
    It’s hardly a systematic overhaul but lessons are being taken.

  21. Research Gruppen are lined up against the wall. So why is there no shooting going on?
    Seriously as part Swedish, it just makes me sad to hear about Sweden. Sweden was always mildly socialist, but then somehow out of nowhere it becomes the feminist evil HQ. Swedish men have always been laid back, and inclined to treat women with undue respect, and their thanks? Blame hatred and castration. Appease women and that’s it: The end. Yet part of the problem seems to be than they are not easy going about feminism but are often radically extreme about feminism ie in the wrong direction. How did this happen? And how come the Swedish model (Broadly speaking) is being upheld as the way to follow) how did these people capture the institutions. It’s like the whole country has some kind of Stockholm syndromnt The good news is 8 million people is barely the size of a large capital city: A population that size can be taken back

  22. Just thinking, now that rok has a Swedish correspondent Maybe it should launch a part Swedish language site with a view to outreach to Swedish men . It could specifically target the groupthink the author mentions in a comment below. – with local content and commentary perhaps designed to challenge and ridicule. It might flop but you never know, it could go viral. Swedes need to learn that they will become a laughing stock if they don’t throw off the feminist yolk

    1. Great idea. The manosphere hears the call of the Swedish bro’s in bondage. We’ll come to liberate, educate and RALLY!

      1. exactly. If there’s a ‘man down’ you don’t leave him on the battle field to die in the mud. I bet if you scratch the surface there will be some seriously pissed off swedish men ready to revolt

        1. I don’t know if Roosh wrote a ‘bang Sweden’, but modern Swedish men are known for standing down to their own women. Competition in clubs for their carousel skanks is reportedly easy for seasoned foreigners. The country seems as yet uninvaded by the game craze.
          Sweden practices only a fraction of the circumcision that the US does so these former Vikings can be all the easier awakened from their pussywhipped comatose state. Without so much that handicap, reactivating psychologically the dominant male force in them can occur rapidly like flicking a light switch. They have quite a legacy behind them and their current state is held flimsily like tape over the men’s mouths by the psy op being perpetrated upon them. I’ve met Swedish couples where the man is quiet but seems restless, to go perhaps. Then they go on que from the commonly mouthy female.
          Swedish men are ripe for the four letter word GAME. With introduction to game, all else within the manosphere opens up to them and they are exposed to the whole smorgasboard of ‘think’ on here. Many Swedish men are asleep and even typical married Swedish men wear pajama pants or sweats at home and sometimes publicly. It has become customary now for the modern Swedish wife to bark orders, scrunch her nose and nit pick at everything.
          Their heritage and history is great. It will be like light switches flicking on all over Sweden. Their demise was scientific and meticulous and took years to strap their males into unconscousness. So their awakening will be all the more sudden and will astound the world.

        2. I haven’t been to Sweden since the 90s but it was always quite ‘equal’ (which back then didn’t mean necessarily mean feminism) – my mother’s female relatives typically had good jobs – one was a nuclear scientist for instance – but that’s all the more reason why feminism in Sweden is such a crock: men were always easy going, overly respectful and even a bit pussy-whipped. That’s just an impression from way back but it’s certainly true that Swedish men are famously laid back. There’s some talk about the women being dominant, but I’m sure this is also a function of how their women must be frustrated by their lack of responsivity – feminism in Sweden may at root be a result of the lack of boundaries Swedish women get from their menfolk. That’s precisely why red pill philosophy might take Sweden by storm (I don’t know anything of the history of ‘game’ in Sweden, but I imagine it wouldn’t be welcomed). There are real barriers in my opinion though. The Vikings, Gustavus Adolphus, all that was a long time ago. For decades Swedish kids have grown up on super-hero like Pippi Longstocking (who can pick up a horse) whereas the equivalent boys character was “Emil’, who is naughty, gets into trouble (e.g. getting his head stuck in a soup tureen etc). That’s decades of conditioning taken together with decades of socialism. The awakening of Swedish men won’t happen over night though

    1. Probably has to do with the fact that white countries tend to be the richest ones. I commented on another article that id like to see someone write about how differently women in third world countries act. When everything is good, women will scream and shout and act like cunts until they get what they want, when things go to shit they will quickly look for a well off man to take care of them, no matter how old, fat or bald he is. In my experience their whole attitude changes, I’ve heard beautiful women in their early 20’s in poor countries talk about how handsome and strong their 65+ year old boyfriend is, if these same women lived in a liberated, wealthy society they would laugh at the idea of being with that same guy and think it was gross that women elsewhere do so.

      1. True, but I’ve often wondered if because of the evolutionary pressures applied by nature on white women through the ages that they’ve evolved to be more vicious and conniving than the average woman. It’s well known light skin is a product of living in cold, harsh climates for thousands of years. Perhaps her insatiable nature was forged in the tough conditions her ancestors evolved in, and this served her well, up until such time that her men, having conquered the world already, had nowhere else to go. So she turns bitter and poof, feminism is born. In this way, her nature can be a force for men to build a great society but also a force to destroy it.
        While all women exhibit similar behaviors on some level, only in white countries have we seen this level of insanity.
        By the same token, I’ve thought that the white woman being this way is the force that caused her men to take over the world and then create the most comfortable and decadent society women have ever enjoyed. But it’s still not enough, so the insatiable white woman eventually overplays her hand and destroys her entire race because her hedonic treadmill is set orders of magnitude above and beyond the average ethnic woman’s.
        It’s an interesting thought experiment to try and figure out if there’s a relation between all this.

        1. RF, you probably haven’t even thought about this comment in a while, but it would be very interesting if you were to write an article expanding on this theory.

    2. Well white countries tend to be the richest and these types of entitled ideologies only find fruitful ground on the backs of our forefathers who built and died for their cozy nests.

      1. True. I just wonder what made these materially rich countries get built in the first place. I’ve posited a hypothesis in another reply.
        (P.S. My view is the West is materially rich but spiritually and morally bankrupt.)

        1. “I just wonder what made these materially rich countries get built in the first place.”
          That would be a long discourse, but I would put foward Western countries shared the trinity (Athens-Rome-Jeureslem) of a jeudo-christian culturue that allowed progress to actually take place.
          “My view is the West is materially rich but spiritually and morally bankrupt.”
          Astute obsevation and I would agree. However there are still pockets in the West that maintain religious,conservative communities (I was raised in one of them), but the current cultural war is targeting them.

        2. War! England conqueror 1/5 of the planet 100 years ago. After WW2, they were broke and had a huge debt to American. American took over and invaded Korea and Vietnam. They are always at war with a country.
          From memory about 60% of production of war supplies is from the USA. It’s all on google…

  23. The ancestors of Swedes were viking, weren’t they? Correct me if I”m wrong. I’m not really knowledgeable on Northern European history so if someone can chime in, that would be great. I’m just going to rant here. How can a nation of vikings now let bunch of immigrants, lefties and SJWs as well as feminazis to just take in charge and ruin everything. The main picture with the blondie texting amid the car destruction is surreal and disturbing. Do Swedish men even have balls? spines? Can they really call themselves men? Even tiny weak Asians like Chinese would not dare if their country was attacked like that. What drives white European men to finally grasp the idea and get balls and spine and stand up to take what is theirs? I really don’t understand my own people sometimes. Let ALL AND EVERY single white country, America, and the rest of Europe to take an example from RUSSIA. Please start your own neo nazi skinhead group and please stand up for your own people for God’s sake. I almost literally threw up reading this article (this article was well written and props to the author) but I just couldn’t handle reading and knowing that the Swedes are ball-less sackless piece of shit imo. In some ways, they deserve getting stepped on. If you don’t have balls and spine to defend your own women from rape from massive hordes of third world immigrants and can’t even defend your own integrity and country for “sake of offending immigrants” then you guys don’t deserve to have a country. I’m still thankful that I’m a WHITE AMERICAN, even if our country goes to shit, I’m proud of knowing that there are proud gun owning white American who would NEVER hesitate to blow up some non-white POS if this shit ever happened. WHITE PRIDE!!!!!!

  24. Oh, Sweden… the most hypocritical nation on Earth and home of the greatest emasculated omega males of this planet… seriously, one thing I will never understand is their law regarding prostitution, where a man is a criminal for buying sex from a woman, but the woman just walks away freely… like… if prostitution is a crime then IT’S A FUCKING CRIME and both parts should go to jail or something, but no, only the straight white male gets accused, the hoe gets to walk…. like, for what?? So she can sell sex to another man and ruin that man’s life if he gets caught? Do prostitutes there even like this fucking retarded law? I mean it ruins their business. They must wish at all times that they are never discovered..
    Well, this was one of my many pet peeves (putting it lightly) that I got with Sweden. My comment would be insanely large if I listed them all. I just sincerely hope that these feminists who have ruined their great country with their BS have a taste of those immigrants so they can see how “good” multiculturalism feels and how sweet Islamic immigrants are to their host population once their numbers increase considerably…

    1. Sweden’s prostitution laws are all about punishing a man for seeking sex outside of any kind of relationship. A man pays a prostitute so that she leaves and doesn’t throw a false rape accusation at him.
      Sweden wants all eligible men to be beta schlubs that are married to ugly, overweight, screeching feminist bitches that make their lives hell.

      1. And beta they are indeed. A survey they made there showed that something close to 80% of Sweden’s population agrees with this BS law.. I mean… what’s left to say after this?? How can anyone help them if their own men have just given up on their balls?? I wish I could feel sorry for them, but I just don’t… except for the few ones that try to resist.

        1. 80%… i reckon we getting close to 50% in the west here! So many beta and gamma men today, just look at the younger children today…. in the next 50 years, we will be like Sweden. It’s why i left Australia!
          It’s like watching one of your parents slowly die from an illness…

    2. The rationale for that law is that criminalizing it for the prostitute has unintended consequences, such as her being less prone to seek help if she ends up being abused. It’s not fundamentally about justice for its own sake, but about creating the right incentives that will advance the stated goal.

  25. Sara Johnsdotter
    also claims that removing the clitoris does not have a negative effect
    for the sexual pleasures of women, since she has discovered something
    she calls “phantom orgasms.”
    Wow, and I thought Nutty Nancy Pelosi was out to lunch with the “we have to pass it so we can see what’s in it.” These Swedish chicks make her seem normal. Scary.

  26. Guys, stop whining on the internet. If Western men want the power back, they should join the Russian Legion and then fight for a coutry that cares for them. Your country don’t give two shits about you. Complaining just make you look like pussies.

        1. You misunderstand. I was indicating that I have never heard of such a thing as the “Russian Legion”, not that I was questioning anything else you were saying.
          If Russia has or soon goes full bore “right to bear arms” I’d consider it. Otherwise, Wyoming for me and mine.

        2. It’s not technically called “legion” but it seems similar to the French Legion.
          So what’s the point of this whole red pill thing? Just to come to the internet and bitch about SJW, gays, women, etc.
          The red pill vs blue pill is being fought right now in eastern Ukraine. If Putin loses, guys like you could be put on the same list as Jihadist within 10 years.

        3. Most Russian Muslims are not practicing (Tatars and affiliated) and they represent only 15% of the population. If Russia can gobble up Belarus and Ukraine (which are virutally the same people), there will be over 90% Slavic orthodox in Russia.

      1. What’s your point? The purpose of foreign legions is to integrate foreigners in the Army. Nationals can still join regular infantry units.
        Maybe you should get more informatio about the military system before commenting.

  27. Lol, all you wimps cowering in your boots because a woman is angry about gender inequality somewhere in Scandinavia. Even in this idiot’s article he acknowledges that men control most aspects of private enterprise, so how can it be a Feminist tyranny? You “guys” would be funny if you weren’t so sad. No wait, you are funny.

    1. Feminists seem to be dictating policy, and have a stranglehold over ideology yet that for you isn’t a measure of power while the fact that women’s careers may be impacted by the choices they make etc demonstrates that men dominate?

    2. Feminist does not mean “female”. There are hordes of feminist men, and more and more they are at the heads of the companies being talked about.

  28. Its all political in Sweden…
    The left wing party has been active for over 50 years. It took Hitler 15 years to take complete power in Germany. He failed badly in the first 5 years but never gave up!
    It’s like our media, it’s controlled by Feminists now… Control the media, control the people.
    Countries that have women working = twice as much tax = more money for the government.
    Remember… Feminism is a marketing strategy targeting women to give up their freedom at home in order to be slaves to the corporate game!

    1. The idea is to kill off the swedish males and leave the intelligent working females inundated with hoardes of Somali animals thereby producing a northern patch of intelligent racially semitic statist drones. There’s insideous archetecture behind it all.

  29. swedish men chose to castrate themselves…
    a man is a leader of their country
    yet they still accept this
    every western country will become sweden now…

  30. as a tan ethnic male,I love sweden…..white nationalism doesnt benefit me sexually.lol so swedish broads are fine here.

  31. When I was going through College I played a game called EVE. It was neat because you got to meet many folks from all around the world. I had an intense conversation with a Swedish dude. I asked if the girls over there were hot… thinking along the lines of the Swedish bikini team (I found out eventually that those are American women!) I thought he was gonna brag and brag. Nope. He said straight up, “they are not feminine.”
    This was 6 years ago and before my Red Pill awakening. I was a bit confused, I mean surely they were still attractive. Nope. He proceeded to compare and contrast a typical Swedish girl and his favorite… Spanish girls (from Spain). Spanish girls wear heels, (the guy was obsessed with heels!) accentuating their legs and butt. They were curvy, wore their hair long, and wore makeup to enhance their beauty. Swedish girls apparently look like boys. They are typically beanpoles, with short hair, and wear some kind of flat shoes, that he absolutely despised, no makeup, just very, very plain girls, according to him.
    Completely anecdotal, he is the only Swedish person I have ever spoken to, but it is still fascinating to recall our conversation in light of what is happening here in America and over there. I do wonder if there are still men like him over there, men who genuinely desire feminine women? I got the impression that he wanted to move to Spain, I wonder if there has been an exodus of men from places like Sweden to places like Spain? Interesting how simple life experiences can become richer with just a little more knowledge and understanding.

  32. I have some Swedish ancestry and this makes me sick. Great Grandpa Ole is probably rolling over in his grave from what my father has told me about him.
    From such a ferocious heritage to this.
    It’s just sickening.

  33. Feminism has major issues and so does fascism…hitler’s end should be a reminder to people supporting it!

  34. As /pol/ loves to put it: SWEDEN YES!
    Some of us like to think though that Sweden’s inevitable bloody demise will be a wakeup call for Europe. When it finally collapses and becomes a caliphate, the bankers who own the rest of Europe will realise “awww shit nigga that shit ain’t worth these mad profits”

  35. Really sorry for your country, Prospero, yet a mild critique: instead of going to live somewhere else, wouldn’t it be more honorable to organize and plan for kicking the vermin to the curb (e.g. FM-6-2003)?
    aina.org has apparently been taken down. Any relation to being linked from this article?
    I was planning a bike tour through Sweden in 2017 – from Haparanda -> Trelleborg, but after reading this I’ll be looking for some other location. A month in a shithole brimming with crazy cunts and lunatic SJWs isn’t my idea of a vacation.

  36. Clitorectomies are performed by matriarchies. Their purpose is to reduce sexual pleasure in the female to forestall her bonding emotionally to a husband. In a society where women have their clitorises removed in infancy, women are loyal only to The Sisterhood. It’s not incidental – it’s the whole idea.
    Male circumcision is practised for the same reason.

  37. This whole website or whatever you want to call this dribble, is just a load of steroid drinking men scared of women while giving each other reach arounds hahahahahahahaaaaaa you bunch of fucking faggots absolute pathetic little moaning arses looooool you are fucking weak hahaha constantly crying about women like you’re little fucking babies lmao

    1. So basically you logged onto Disqus to sneer and feed your ego. Gosh, how trendy, how brave, oh mighty White Knight.

    2. Hold on a minute pal, got to take my ‘roids. Well, if I can find them in my misogynist basement man cave.

  38. The concept of companies being fined if they fail to have at least 40% of women on the board is absolutely terrifying. How does that take priority over actual issues? Like companies paying minimum wage, companies utilising sweat shops, etc.

  39. Raping a child after you killed her parents and then selling her off as a sex slave is apparently a lesser crime then not employing women based only on the fact that they are women.

    Eh? Are you sure?
    I will say this; all soldiers coming back from a war zone will have done and/or seen things that are of questionable ethics. Lets not treat these men differently to others. And there is nothing new about young men joining foreign armies to fight. Ever hear of the French Foreign Legion?
    As for No-Go Zones. That is complete bollocks. There are no “No Go Zones” in Europe. I think your trouble is not poor English but a bad habit of using fantasies that compete with feminist fantasies to make your point. It is better to stick to facts and logic.

    1. Maybe not in the UK, probably Brixton or Islington used to be dangerous, but in places such as Paris suburbs,jheeeeeez, the ghettos are so concentrated that it’s fucking mad when it kicks off.
      The police are facing young unemployed youths,dumb and full of testosterone who are always down for a “kick-off with the old bill” for a bit of excitement.
      Funny enough, I’ve been to Massy, in Paris and nothing happened to me.

      1. I’ve spent years in both Brixton and Islinton. They are all a bunch of pussy cats.

        1. I do agree that most of the no-go zones are bullshit peddled by the media to the middle class ponces who are too scared to ride the bus and 6L Land Rovers tend to be their answer.
          For a youth like I was, going from Kidbrook to Lewisham and getting into a few fights in the bendy bus in Peckham seemed like a bad place to be, but now, everywhere I go presents no danger.
          Gentrification is far worse nowadays. The number of SJWs who are in the area to “create a utopia” push people out and then fuck off to their daddy’s McMansion in the countryside when it’s time to “settle down”.

    2. You are a spastic. There is plenty of evidence of no-go zones in Europe, mostly provided from official government sources. Such evidence is not hard to find- it requires 5 minutes on Google.

      1. Five minutes on Google will show you its alarmist bullshit. Go fuck yourself.

        1. I didnt know about no go zones in Sweden until now, but it’s a well know phenomenon in France.

        2. “The situation is slipping from our grasp,” he says about infamous enclaves Tensta and Rinkeby. “If we’re in pursuit of a vehicle, it can evade us by driving to certain neighborhoods where a lone patrol car simply cannot follow, because we’ll get pelted by rocks and even face riots. These are No-Go Zones. We simply can’t go there.”
          ~ Jacob Ekstrom, Swedish Police officer

        3. englishbob, in white areas of Manchester are you greeted like this black man is greeted in a paki area?

    3. Foreign Legion veterans do not receive special programs to get housing or work. Neither do any other returning soldier. Not even the ones sent to war by the state (UN troops).
      As for the activities if IS they are well documented. The point I am making is that it is strange that a feminist policy leads to give these particular warriors extra aid.
      If you think No-Go zones are bullocks, that is your opinion. The word is used by Swedish media as a description of what law enforcement call “geografiska områden där lokala kriminella nätverk anses ha
      negativ påverkan på lokalsamhället” (geographical areas where local criminal networks are concidered to have a negative effect of the local community). Again, my point is that a society that argues equality and a soft approach produces the very opposite effect.
      I am sticking to facts, and I am questioning the logic of the Swedish society.

      1. My argument does not concern their benefits. For the record I don’t think any one should receive special “benefits”. My point is, you made an implication that these warriors returning from foreign wars as if the fact that they are fighting in Syria alone makes them “evil”. There are Swedes fighting the Russians in Ukraine – are they any better or worse than those Swedes fighting in Syria? How about the Americans and Canadians who fought against Franco in Spain?
        Are there not few things more manly than voluntarily going to fight for a cause you believe in?
        I have no doubt that the so-called ISIS army commits atrocities. But name me one army that does not.

        1. My argument here is not if IS are better or worse than any other unit or army, but they are the only ones that receive special funds from the state. The swedes fighting in Ukraine do not get that, neither did swedes fighting in Bosnia or any other place on earth. Not even the ones sent by the state itself.
          IF Sweden had an official policy of “few things are more manly than fighting”, I would not have brought this up. Sweden has the opposite approach, condemning masculine aggression, with the exception of the most extreme version, that is, strangely enough, rewarded in a unique way.

        2. That’s fair enough, it was the comment about raping little girls had me thinking you were following the official line about these young guys running off to Syria (i.e. fighting in Syria bad, fighting in Ukraine good). My personal opinion is that if you are going to run off to fight in a war that ultimately has nothing to do with you, then you need your head examined.
          Obviously, if the State decides to favor one of these groups over the others, then there are clearly some self-serving political reasons for doing this. I agree with you.

  40. The inevitable backlash against feminism and liberalism is going to be an extremely bloody one when it eventually happens.

    1. Yes, the pendulum always swings back, and always with direct proportional force to it’s journey in the former direction. The Left is pushing so damned hard and pissing so many people off with their fascist moves that the swing the other way will be, as you say, rather bloody.

    1. They adopted Christianity.
      They lost their cultural identity being exposed to alien ideas. Lost their affiliation with kinsmen. They were a rugged people that no longer needed to use the expeditionary method for trade and resources by the sword. They become pacified.

  41. Democracy is the problem here, not he solution.
    Certain rights can only be won by force and then be protected by law.
    Only small scale local matters should be left up to the vote.
    As many smart men have noted, (Mencken, Churchill etc.) people are generally to stupid to effectively run a country through voting. Especially women.
    The system we have now in the western world basically guarantees a big-ass fascist state I the long run.

  42. This article shows Americans 2 things:
    1) Democracy inevitably destroys the social fabric.
    2) We have a long way to go before the collapse.

    1. Not so long. When Bruce Jenner is a hero for cross-dressing and “trans racialism” is a thing you can’t have that far to go.

  43. Thanks for this article Prince Prospero. I am curious how this happened to the Swedes. What is the source of the poison? I look forward any follow on articles detailing your personal experiences.

  44. The way I see it, if you are a heterosexual male of European decent you’ve got 2 general ways of dealing with the insane happenings in the World, which are well exemplified by Sweden, and they are:
    1) Be completely horrified and totally pessimistic about the future, particularly if you are married and with children. Live each and every moment with growing dread. Try desperately to balance pulling away from mainstream society without appearing too “extreme” or “conspiratorial” to your family and friends — who may turn on you or discard you based on some perceived social injustice or abuse of so-called “privilege.” Welcome to Orwell’s 1984…
    2) Be detached and somewhat amused with the downfall of Western civilization, realizing that the collapse is coming and that the inherent talents of the heterosexual male of European decent will be valued more than ever to rebuild, protect, provide, maintain etc after the fall. Eschew marriage and having children in such a toxic environment. Until the collapse comes, live each day being selfishly hedonistic by avoiding traditional responsibilities — better yourself by working out, reading, learning new skills. Capitalize on the effects of Marxist feminism by bedding more whores and having them pay you for it. Welcome to the world of James Bond…

    1. Or you can fight.
      Whitey males needs to wake up and start fighting.
      We’re pretty good at it when we finally get going.

    1. Normal, straight, intelligent, productive men need to form their own country. The parasite classes should be left to wallow in their shit holes. The US is done for too even if it’s not quite as bad as Sweden… yet.

      1. There are still allot of countries that are run by a patriarchy society. They are the countries I visit and the women there are women, no bullshit issues and games. You can have a proper relationship and be happy without all the Feminism and gay bullshit in your face 24/7 like in the west!

  45. Not to mention the fact that the royalty is letting in attention whoring worthless women. Sofía Hellqvist after posing nude and being in a reality show is at a royal wedding. Pretty much indicative of Sweden today. All I can say is top kek

  46. “I ask for your patience, dear reader. English is not my native tongue,
    and words that should flow like water might sometimes freeze to ice.”
    *Prince Prospero speaks and writes better English than many Americans and Brits.*

  47. Do you think genetically there is something in white women that makes them want to dominate everything??

  48. The average male Swede must be a total cuckold to allow this. I had a friend who went there and said he couldn’t get into a fight if he had tried. They’re emasculated pansies, and the antifa faggots are only violent when they have numbers on their side.
    The Vikings have become failures at life.

    1. Hey man, I have to be a little sympathetic to the guys… a little.
      I don’t fight, not because I’m scared of being hurt or taking a beating but because a lawsuit or assault charges and the repercussions that follow would be way too much to deal with.

  49. The feminists will either be swept away or they will transform to what feminists in the middle east is now as exemplified by the PKK and YPG women fighters.

    1. I know alot of Kurds. The women in the PKK have to pass the same selection course as the men and are led by men. I have alot of respect for Kurds and the IDF and understand why the accept women in their ranks. It’s a neccessity dictated by cirumcumstances.

      1. Isn’t it possible that their requirements are low enough to allow women to pass in the 1st place? Or are they unusually masculinized for women in general like the Amazons of old?
        And according to Bringadon a regular commentator women only do best when firing from a fixed position or as snipers. Close quarters combat doesn’t seem to be their thing.
        You may have more respect for them and I may respect them but I still cannot do so in regards to their but their stupid belief in gender equality because of ideology and because that the technology of firearms render physical prowess irrelevant it ensuing its effectiveness and lethality it will ultimately prove to be their undoing . At least in regards to the YPG and PKK.
        ”It’s a neccessity dictated by cirumcumstances.”
        Disagree. Its ideology rather than circumstance. Russians have been in similar positions but they rarely employed women if at all even at all in Stalingrad.
        Plus IDF experiments in putting women on the frontlines appear to be disastrous.

  50. The more north and west it gets the more liberal it gets. Is there some kind of odd brain wave changes from the earth that causes this iin said locations?

  51. What a disgusting cesspool they turned that formerly beautiful country into. All these socialist liberal SJW pieces of shit should be given the chair.

  52. ”We in the Green Party question what says that the Swedish man’s right to
    eat meat will go before the Sudanese woman’s right not to have their
    crop destroyed by climate change”
    Firstly Real Greenism is the Ceasing fo amass immigrtaion / mass increas in poulations within Europe
    Secondly, check out the real facts behind ‘climate chaneg and ho it pushes a globalist capitalist corporate communist agends and agendas 21

  53. Our tragic comedy of a society will not change peacefully. If we want this nightmare to end we’re going to have to open the gates of hell and rebuild from the ashes. Is it worth it?

  54. I,m playing devil advocate here, think of this should we really care for the state of the western world, we didnt care when when it was important, why now when its rotted? This is history folks, degenerate societies get destroyed by sturdier folk who tend to assimilate the good things of the last. Quoting Chesty Puller “Our Country won’t go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any AMERICA because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race! We are softer than he ever imagined Im sure of that, the men he called softed are considered alfa by today standards, perhaps we just need to let it die.

    1. I agree with your post. The “alpha” I have met have usually turned out to be nothing more than smooth operators that are great at posing. Of course this is my personal experience, maybe I’ve just been unlucky and run into every wanna-be traditionalist is Sweden.
      As for caring, I would invite you all to study Sweden and learn from the slow motion collapse it chooses to engage in. It will prove as a warning example to you and, should the progressive forces keep gaining power in the world, Sweden serves as a peak into the future of other societies.
      The last Romans spent their time sucking dick at Ravenna and betting on whatever barbarian general had the upper hand at the moment. The real men discarded their zombie empire and started fresh. The first are now ridiculed, unless forgotten. The latter stirred the world to such a degree that they are now forever alive in myths and legend such as the King Arthur tale.

  55. Great article! As a Scandinavian myself and once a HUGE admire of Sweden and the (old) Swedish „we are the best“ winning mentality, Sweden today is nothing but a cultural tragedy. In the seventies this country was second no none in the world, just pure distilled quality, leadership and masculinity.

  56. this doesnt touch on the equally large problem of mass third-world immigration

    1. Swedish men aren’t breeding with broken Swedish women so immigration is open. Not so long ago, more people were dying compare to new births in Sweden. The more people, the more tax money the government gets!

  57. so you’ve audited every American’s tax return and somehow know how much they all received in entitlements? You understand that VA benefits, military salaries, social security , corporate welfare and tax cuts for the wealthy are also welfare?

  58. I was in Sweden about six years ago I don’t recall it being anything like what it has been described in the article – when did all these negative changes start taking place? How did this left leaning government get into power in the first place?

  59. Disappointed in Sweden but grateful my Grandfather left. There may still be a chance here in the US. The area I live in is more traditional but changing at an alarming rate all the same.
    Getting involved teaching Boy Scouts to influence the next generation. Teaching my children traditional values and living as an example for many of the younger men I work with. Teaching and mentoring where possible.

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