Back in May, Roosh and Quintus held their third live Culture War Chat. Among the topics of discussion were girls, game, feminism, and Roosh’s ambush appearance on Dr. Oz.
But something Roosh briefly opined on at about the 25:00 minute mark really got me thinking:
…I thought that the end goal for men was basically this just to chase a lot of girls…but suddenly almost, like in the last couple years I’ve been unable to keep it up…
….I’m coming to the conclusion that chasing girls, a lifestyle that many guys who read me do, is a stage…
…I honestly thought I would be sixty years old in the shopping mall asking girls where the pet shop is. I’m not even thirty-six and I can’t even tolerate a night club…
Those statements really struck a chord with me because I know at some point in my life I won’t be able to pull high SMV chicks no matter what my game level is.
Sure, there are men like Hugh Hefner who, despite being as old as dirt, fucks the tightest, youngest blondes on the planet. But we all know his fortune and his industry will give him unlimited access to high quality ass until he kicks the bucket.
But what about the every day players out here who don’t have seven-figure bank accounts or celebrity status? Every man on Earth has sexual desires until the day he dies. Age and testosterone levels (natural or synthetic) play a role in the degree and intensity of those desires but they are there nonetheless.
So what do we do when we hit the wall?
A very small number of us…
…will have amassed enough wealth to live better than most of the Western population. No, I’m not talking about the top 1% who buy islands and gold plated cars. I’m talking about men who can afford to retire early and live very comfortably for the rest of their lives.
For these men, sleeping with young beautiful women will be a regular activity well into their fifties and maybe even longer. Their ability to travel and enjoy the finer things in life with their top notch homes and luxury automobile(s) serving as the backdrop to their comfortable lifestyles is a very enticing prospect for a twenty-something looking to get a taste of the good life for a while.
Every so often one might even find a hot young filly willing to cash out early and tie the knot. It’s not a regular occurrence but it happens.
Eventually even these men will become too old to attract high quality ass, but their sexual shelf lives are much longer than your average red pill male.
A few more of us…
…will become expats and move abroad. Regions like South America and Eastern Europe are attractive destinations for Western men who want to sample a higher quality fare in terms of thin, feminine women.
Occasional ROK contributor James Maverick holds a special place in his for Brazilian women because of their raw beauty, femininity, and vivacious bedroom manner.
But Mav would be the first to tell you that there’s nothing special about him at all. Only that he simply decided he would no longer tolerate American women and Western culture and did something about it.
Though most of us won’t acquire the financial means to live the lives of our wealthy counterparts, all of us has what it takes to move to, live in, and thrive in another country. We’re men after all.
There will certainly be more neomasculine men who become expatriates than those who can retire before 50 but the vast majority of us will….
…end up with a post wall slut
Sad but true. Men here know and understand that a man doesn’t need today’s woman nearly as much as our predecessors used to if at all. Pussy’s stock (NASDAQ: PSSY) is at an all time low. As a result, men don’t have to invest much to realize an ROI—sex.
But the fact of the matter is that we are all hard wired to desire not only sex from females, but companionship. Sleeping with random women for years on end gets old.
I’ll be the first to admit that even though I’m fortunate enough to have fucked more girls than the average male, random romps in the sack with this chick or that without any real connection gets a little stale after a while.
The older a man gets, the less important pussy becomes to him. Subsequently the desire for a relationship of consequence becomes more important to him as far as companionship with the opposite sex goes.
And because females who grew up in his generation were heavily influenced by feminism at a young age and encouraged to sleep with dozens of men, he’ll likely end up spending his golden years with former party slut.
Take Away
Keep in mind that the one and only qualifier here is neomasculinity. That is, the men who fall into each of the above categories have a strong working knowledge of a woman’s true nature and simply do not put them on a pedestal. This means that women always take a back seat to other shit he’s got going on in his life.
But like I stated before, all men are designed to desire female companionship. Even when we’re old and gray our lives feel more complete with a female by our sides whether we admit it or not.
So unless you strike it rich, learn a new language and move abroad, or both, odds are you’ll eventually end up with a woman who’s notch count exceeds triple figures if you remain stateside.
Here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be that way. So what are you gonna do about it?
My favorite ROK writer.
Some of us will live such that we are unlikely to grow old. We spend less time planning annuities and more time consuming ethanol and amputee porn. I think this is what the ancient Greeks recommended.
Sorry. What are you talking about? Is this like humor that is just so far over my head…? Are you talking about yourself? Wow.
I believe he is referring to the life plan of live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse. I, on the other hand, have followed the life plan of live moderately, die old, and be cremated so no one sees the corpse. According to my sons I was already to old to die young long ago.
I stand by my comment. As for your opinion . . . you don’t have a leg to stand on.
Friends used to say that “If only the good die young, you’ll outlive us all, ya bastard!” It warmed my heart when I got compliments like that…Ha!!
…becoming a Digital Nomad, move to Ecuador. My Surface Pro 4 will be here next Monday. Tickets to Colombia and Ecu have already been bought and my room for the month already paid for…..
Good for you. Do not put one seconds effort into this sick and decaying society.
Drop this faggy trend following term neo masculine.
Being male hasn’t changed or been revised.
It’s just become less popular, more troublesome and openly ridiculed.
Being male hasn’t changed or been revised.
Millenials beg to differ.
As a 27-year-old male, these pictures hurt me. I see these people every single day, and it brings me physical pain to have to accept that these people are “my generation”. I’m a trained chef, do my own plumbing and electrical repairs, have a proper gentleman-style beard, and am a priest in training. What of value do any of these children bring to society aside from the use of their bodies to stop rubber bullets during a riot?
Those people are not masculine. That does not make neomasculinity a thing. It is simply masculinity.
Roosh is trying to create a following. Which is what businessmen do, but given the importance of the topic in question it might end up being an overall harmful thing.
Can you detail your last sentence a bit more for me please?
This neomasculine stuff is turning cultish, is the problem. It’s not new or better than what we had before, it’s just a rebranding of “being a man”.
Whether he is trying to create a cult or just sell more books doesn’t matter, the point is that if we are going to turn into real men, and help others do the same, then this is the wrong approach.
Maybe you’re seeing something I don’t, where is this becoming “cultish”? I really don’t see the term referenced much if at all in most of the comments sections on this site. I may well be missing something though.
The problem with “real man” is that it has been appropriated by the Feminine Imperative and can mean anything and everything. It’s the noun version of “man up!”. Trying to grab it back is rather futile if you ask me, so we need a new brand. This is the same thing Classical Liberals did when the socialists stole “Liberal”; they simply re-branded themselves as “libertarian” and moved forward.
Why give it a name at all? Or at least a new name. Old things should have old names.
As for the cult feel, things like that always start small. The unquestioning use of it, even by a handful of people, is one of the early signs. Another is that a handful of people are speaking out against it. It is already creating division.
The cult like factor comes from everybody suddenly using terms like ‘red-pill’, ‘neo-masculinity’, ‘game’, plates, Alpha, sets, hamster etc…
This movement is full of empty temporary followers who have just de-saddled from the SJW crusade and will soon be mounting the next ‘deep and serious’ trend.
The simple fact that pioneers such as Roosh have coined such terms and engendered such blatantly repetitive terms among their writing and readership, reeks of an attempt at creating a cult.
It’s not a bad thing by default, but all these guys online rely on a cult like following.
If I rip into Roosh I’ll have an army of up start dweebs jumping to his defence like homosexual white knights.
Cult established.
All detailed topical objects, such as “Game” or what have you, require a label, otherwise we couldn’t define them to talk about them. Saying that “alpha” and “game” and “red-pill” are cultish simply because they exist qua terms is akin to saying that auto mechanics indulge in cultism when they all universally refer to that thing inside your car that moves it as an “engine”.
The coin is still in the air regarding the term “neo-masculinity”, I can see how that can go one way or the other. The marketing problem that I spoke to Blindlo still applies though. If not that term, how do you plan on wrestling away the highly loaded (in a bad way) term of simply “be a man” or “masculinity” precisely?
The problem is that we have given women and weak men too much power. I think the only way to fix that is to simply disengage from them. Don’t rely on them for anything, don’t put yourself at the mercy of their whims, don’t support them. Without us they would be helpless.
This is what I’m doing incidentally, boating is just about the cheapest way to live without giving up any (meaningful) modern conveniences. But of course it’s not for everyone (but then, neither is a “normal” life).
“All detailed topical objects, such as “Game” or what have you, require a label, otherwise we couldn’t define them to talk about them.”
Yes the concept of ‘game’ is not new. We used to call it picking up women, being good with women or finding a wife. ‘Game’ is just a new, cultish word. It’s sudden popular use IS cultish. Like Fiscal. Where the fuck did that word come from…
“Saying that “alpha” and “game” and “red-pill” are cultish simply because they exist qua terms is akin to saying that auto mechanics indulge in cultism when they all universally refer to that thing inside your care that moves it as an “engine”.”
No, because an engine has always been called an engine and the term engine has not been reinvented to make it sound more interesting again or more glamorous. The term ‘engine’ has not been modified to make it marketable again.
Lady Gaga was unleashed upon the poor public as soon as record exec’s realised there was a whole generation who had never heard Madonna. So they just re-sold what was tried and tested to make money from, and moron’s out of, people. It’s happened with ‘game’, PUA, Seduction etc…
“The coin is still in the air regarding the term “neo-masculinity”, I can see how that can go one way or the other.”
I strongly disagree – are men remembering what men ARE like or are they trying to re-sculpt a new version – Man MK2.
You can’t build the whole ‘manosphere’ (cult talk alert!) off of principles based in natural selection, primal gender differences and the challenges modern living poses to these things, by ‘harking back’ to a ‘new’ masculinity. If it’s new it does not follow the rules which have been in place for millions of years apparently. You can not re-sculpt what God has perfected – in fact, the whole neo-masculinity phrase would imply the previous MK1 masculinity was defective or faulty – in need of improvement – which beg’s the question – why ‘revive’ masculinity?
Neo-masculinity never existed in the past – it was just plain old being a man. There is nothing new to being a man so there is no need to sex up the idea of being a man by making it out to be a new and revised shiny state of the art lifestyle.
Really that is Metrosexuality and is rightly mocked.
“If not that term, how do you plan on wrestling away the highly loaded (in a bad way) term of simply “be a man” or “masculinity” precisely?”
Being a man is not highly loaded to me in the way you describe – I appreciate that others view it that way.
But fuck them – what do men care about what others think?
So to answer, I do not intend to wrestle away the connotations being a ‘real man’ has collected.
Certainly not because some faggot’s and single mothers attempt to pass the buck for their own fuck up’s by blaming the world’s problems on the male species.
If the use of jargon is what defines a cult then I have worked for a banking cult for years.
The key question which I believe has a very obvious answer is,
Are women primly attracted to masculinity or neo-masculinity?
One has contributed to the very primal creation and is an inseparable part of it, the other is hard to define, justify or put any trust in even if the previous were sorted.
We have millions of years of proof that masculinity need not be changed – especially when it comes to how seductive and sexually potent it is.
Why would any rational self respecting man entertain the idea of a new version of maleness?
Try to exercise some brevity.
What do you mean by “cult”? Do you mean a trend or fad, or do you mean some kind of pseudo-religious organization.
What do you mean sudden popular use of the word “game”? The word goes back decades. Just because its new to you doesn’t mean its new to everyone else.
Arguably, neo-masculinity is what the media is pushing. This homosexuality. So I agree with you on this point. Its just masculinity.
Engine now is the common term, but back before there was an agreed upon term, the same scenario applies that I was talking about.
The use of the words are nothing but shorthand common reference points. Some are over used, some make no sense and seem plastic to me (like “alpha”, for example, where there doesn’t seem to be any field of agreement on the term), but still, reference points.
I strongly disagree – are men remembering what men ARE like or are they trying to re-sculpt a new version – Man MK2.
The thing is “what men ARE like” has been purposefully subverted by feminism and the educational establishment, not to mention slipping men into second class legal status compared to women over the last few decades. I think calling it “neo” is a bit of a misnomer, because you’re right in the sense that what we’re talking about is traditional masculinity, but nobody knows what that means any longer and whenever you hear “traditional man” it’s nearly always as a term of derisiveness. Marketing matters, the Left learned this a *long* time ago, which is why Rules for Radicals is the playbook for the Left. This isn’t just a few “faggots and single mothers” we’re dealing with, it’s an institutionalized cultural force now.
I get what you’re saying and I agree that we need to deal more with “being a man” without sperging it up a bit, but lacking proper ways to identify things that have no implied “bad” meanings, it’s hard to find the starting point down that path.
I don’t think you can work in Banking or any corporate environment without being a part of the cult. I don’t think you can establish a Bank or similar corporate venture without creating a cult. It starts very subtly in a way you don’t even realise is happening.
It’s why stats show that men with high T don’t on average work in those places.
In fact they tend not to do very well at all…
Maybe we DO need neo-masculinity after all!
But I don’t think it will solve our women troubles.
Blame is squarely on women’s shoulder’s for that one.
I think you have a very fluid definition of “cult”.
“What do you mean by “cult”? Do you mean a trend or fad, or do you mean some kind of pseudo-religious organisation.”
As in abréviation for ‘culture’. A cult leader establishes and leads a culture. The Christian Culture for example.
As stated, not by default bad. Most workplaces these days are ‘pseudo-religious’ organisations that are cults. Apple made this cool. When you can piss on someones leg and tell them it’s raining and they sing your praises – it’s a cult in the bad sense.
“What do you mean sudden popular use of the word “game”? The word goes back decades.”
You know full well what I mean. But I can tell it’s been a bad day at the office so I’ll facilitate this one.
Yes the word game has existed for a long time. This does not need to be stated. But it has only recently been popularly coined to mean ‘successfully interacting with women – maybe even effectively manipulating them’. This has been done by men who are attempting to play their insecure need’s off as a hard outcomes mission objective that is all taken as seriously as a ‘game’. We used to call the drug trade the game in my day. And prostitution.
“Just because its new to you doesn’t mean its new to everyone else.’
Thats exactly my point. None of this is new. It does not need new terms and words and labels – your not ‘working on your game’ your just shit with women. Be a man and don’t sugar coat it with fancy language – this defeats the objective.
Your not ‘opening a set’ – your approaching a group of females and feel the need to reduce them in humanity to a set of objects in order to deal with the irrational and debilitating fear of what might happen to you upon failure. So your ‘coach’ aka cult leader, helps you to program yourself to make the whole experience ‘less personal’.
It’s all cult like. It’s a great model for business.
Does your employer ever talk about workplace culture?
If you are not aware of it, do you think a Bank ever spends any time attending to the desired work place culture?
It’s all happening you just can’t see it yet. The whole West is a cult.
It’s not just a rebranding. Society is different now than in the past and “being a man” is a whole new challenge now. The economy is different, technology is different and women are different.
“If you agree with me 100%, there is something wrong.”
-RooshV, Toronto (Mississauga actually), August 2015
Actually, from what I can see women are reverting to what they were in the hunter-gatherer times. They want warrior sperm and softer men to keep the kids out of trouble afterwards, hence the alpha fux beta bux and no shame about it. They are just following ancient instincts. In a way, they are more right than we are. But for ancient instincts to work in the modern world, society will have to be restructured.
Words are just words.
Why does Roosh only have bodybuilding supplements and neo-masculine products advertise on his blog?
Because it establishes and resonates with the cult.
I can enrage most readers simply by calling them beta or not red pill enough .
This is a cult that people relate to, identify with and feel invested in.
“The thing is “what men ARE like” has been purposefully subverted by feminism and the educational establishment”
I say all the more reason not redefine it and concede the feminists some achievement. It’s never been flawed and the simple suggestion that it need’s change or improvement is dangerous.
Web sites like this don’t highlight that angle (because it doesn’t suit the CULTure) – people who want to make money know that ‘real’ men don’t hand it over so quickly so the whole real men thing must be altered to be more profitable and predictable. I think this thinking is the real catalyst for all the Metro culture we have seen so readily endorsed and supported by magazines and such like. The Manosphere is not to far removed from this – being based off of a crisis in maleness – my observation has been that very little of the manosphere is much more than ego validation, product sales and mini celebrity pretending to care or understand the issues facing men these days and the days to come.
So we have all been targeted for emasculation and re-structuring.
I recall the Kratom and Mike Chang adverts.
Targeted marketing of merchandise is not cultish. I go to a shooting forum and I’m going to get targeted advertising from holster sellers and other firearms interest sellers. That’s just basic marketing sense. Why would he put random ads on a scrolling banner that 99% of the time the demographic here wouldn’t be interested in? Would you click on an ad, and purchase from, an online tampon seller?
It plays off of/exploits the already cultish tendencies people have. How do the models dress? What colours and fonts do the adverts use? What images do they portray – lifestyles etc? It’s al for the cult and to the cult.
Any leader know this – thats why Donald Trump is going around telling everyone he’s a deeply religious man and is Christian.
He won’t talk about his faith – despite Christ commanding him to do so,
He entertains stupid trap questions like “are you and new or old testament guy?” so clearly doesn’t even grasp the basics of Christianity.
Obama says he’s Christian and then misquotes the Bible in public and talks of us all worshiping the same God.
One of the secrets to leadership is to create a cult of worship and it’s VERY common these days especially in the corporate world.
Well… fuck.
Dude, remember the part where I said brevity? Some of us have jobs you know.
Yeah your definition of cult is still very loose. So yes by this definition everything is a cult. Equally nothing is a cult.
What do you mean by “recently”? I’m going to charge you a dollar every time you’re vague. I’ll make millyens!
And I, a purchasing cult.
Indeed, reminds me of the Anita Sarkeesian clip where she saying “everything’s sexist”
“Dude, remember the part where I said brevity? Some of us have jobs you know.”
Dude remember that time when what you want from me meant nothing?
“Yeah your definition of cult is still very loose. So yes by this definition everything is a cult. Equally nothing is a cult.”
The pervasiveness of Cult programming is immense. Our entire societies are built on it yes. It’s hard to find a group of people coming together without shit getting cultish.
Even kids programs are built on cultishness.
Workplace culture – how we expect you to behave and stay on our good side without putting ridiculous things into the contract that will scare you off and get us sued.
As you will likely know – this often go’s WAY beyond simply getting the job done.
With a good obedient cult established you can get them to do anything and pay you for it.
I gave up on being a real man decades ago. Since then I have striven to be a surreal man.
If by restructured you mean torn down to its foundation and then shit upon, then yes some restructuring will be needed.
Did I just get compared to Anita Sarkeesian?
“As for the cult feel, things like that always start small. The unquestioning use of it, even by a handful of people, is one of the early signs. Another is that a handful of people are speaking out against it. It is already creating division.”
Well put.
Agree with the jury still being out with the term “neomasculinity”…
That said, I think a major problem is that a lot of ROK readers haven’t even read what neomasculinity entails. I think so many guys nowadays just jump from branch to branch within their minds, unable to focus on a specific cause for more than a few hours. They keep taking their eyes off the prize to fight over nomenclature, rather than debate actual principles.
I hear a lot of people saying “Well, It is just real masculinity, nothing new”… This is true… Mostly… It is masculinity (as I understand it, anyway). It’s just that standard masculinity can’t necessarily be applied in the same way it was in our more traditional history because of the toxic legal system and unchained hypergamy without consequences.
“Neomasculinity” takes into account that the social, economic, and physical/chemical environment has changed dramatically in the last century, and so greater care must be taken; or, the damn system just needs to fall so good men can rebuild once again!
Yeah “cult” and “culture” are not the same thing.
Thank you for shortening your comments. You see cults everywhere.
So you’re basically a practitioner of metaphysical fitness?
oh I rather think you’ll find they are.
The internet is overrun by culnts.
Nope. Found they are not.
I must say, I haven’t been this interested in someone’s postings in a long time.
I’m beginning to understand you and I can’t say I disagree much.
Why thank you.
I cranked down on the boom vang to prepare for a crash gybe of the spinnaker at the leeward Mark today, when I realized: I’m in a cult!
Yeah we need the Nazi’s back to rouse the real men to stand up…
And it would take care of ‘the jewish problem’ that seems to have crept back in and has it’s tentacles all over the world again…
“Real men” existed without Nazis. The Millenials are the first really creeped out generation of “men” in our history who seem more effeminate than masculine as a rule.
I was joking of course – but if there was a seriously impending doom that we were all unanimously agreed is evil, suddenly society would hate it’s recent destruction and reduction of the male species.
The Nazi’s spent a lot of time killing real men.
True — but what could or would ‘society’ do to ‘undo the damage’ that society had itself done?
I can’t see what ‘society’ would do, other than blaming the men themselves (like usual). I firmly believe that ‘society’ would rather have itself destroyed than to have to admit that it was wrong.
To be able to admit being wrong (especially about deeply-held beliefs that border on being a ‘religion’) takes incredible amounts of humility, courage, contrition, and regret for the pain and suffering that had been done to the victims. I don’t see ANY of those qualities (personal or collectively) in any of the Feminist leaders, their NOW fembots, their “Useful Idiots” of the female population, or their weak-kneed, cowardly toadies in the political and legal arenas.
As real men tend to do… tis the price we pay for our surety of conviction.
I guess that’s why there aren’t any real men left. We slaughtered each other in an orgy of realness.
The current state of German masculinity tends to reflect your observation. heh
And then the surving real men were rejected by the society they believed so strongly in and risked so much for.
All very true. Remember that Feminism today acts exactly like a cult. If you don’t toe the line on church dogma you are declared a heretic and burned at the stake.
Interesting. I think I may be too young to be considered a millennial.
Has there been a cut off point yet? I hear 18 year olds still grouped in that category.
Hmmm, you’re right. It’s just that 27 seems old to me. Now that I think about it, you’d probably have to be born after 2005 to be a Generation Z-er
1980s to early 2000s apparently.
Frankly, I hate these stupid Generation Bullshit categories. That’s just me.
Yeah, I know. It is a convenient shorthand for reference though.
Only in America. (Didn’t Don King say that?)
Its not used anywhere else. Frankly, to me it just seems like an excuse to denote some pop psychological traits to masses of people. It just seems hokey.
I’m a product of the 80’s. I think my maleness comes from my balls and the juice they keep pumping out.
Not the era I was born in.
Sure am glad that my first subconscious programming was the running man and MC Hammer.
That sure served me well over the years…
The era you were born in does influence the person you’ve become. We’re both nature and nurture as a species. If you grew up watching ’80’s action movies and seeing the typical role models for men being men who went out and conquered shit or did really cool stuff who then got the girl at the end, you’re going to acclimated to a different perspective than some dweeb who started out life watching Teletubbies and whose role models are basically “strong, pwrrr grrls!”.
I grew up in the ’80’s as well.
Mine was Public Enemy, NWA and Just Ice.
I’m so sorry man…
We all got fucked over in the 80’s.
Schooly D
Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five.
What happened in the 80’s was that I was wasting my time in university when others were getting jobs fresh out of high school and getting 20% raises annually.
Thats why the father figure’s should stay consistent regardless of the era we live in. Because men don’t actually change nor does their importance.
“I grew up in the ’80’s as well.”
Yep – and don’t the corporations know it and make the most of it.
Not on my back they don’t. I’m not into nostalgia movies or merchandise. But you are correct, they’ve sure honed that nostalgia knife to a keen edge.
Because men don’t actually change
I really think that they can and do. As mentioned to somebody else, the men of late period Rome were super effeminate and were noted as such by contemporary writers at the time. The Celts openly mocked them. It’s how the Goths were able to roll right in without any real resistance.
I just saw the trailer for the latest Star Wars movie and noticed that there was no male dominant character. In fact, not a white male.
Watch the trailer if you don’t believe me.
Parkside 5, 5 -2, Parkside fuh fuh 5 -2…
Jokes like that get you smoked where I live…
I heard there was an article floating around FB that the latest SW movie is promoting white genocide. No clue if that’s true but if it is I see it as a sign the left is losing the narrative and are desperately trying to push it hard back in their favor.
It’s what I’ve come to expect from Hollywood. Nothing off my nose, it’s not like I watch Star Wars any longer. Wasn’t even very fond of the franchise back in the 1980’s (and earlier) when it was new and fresh.
“Thats why we pray”
We need to pray just to make it today Bob…
That’s not a surprise to me — Lucas sold out to Disney, you know.
Am I black enough for ya? Probably not! I am fucking cracker white!
It is a fact of life that we all end up in birth cohorts. It is a way to analyze trends and shifts in culture.
I think trying to survive in a career in the 80s was more of a challenge than being a kid in the 80s. It was the era of the corporate hatchet man and the birth of off shoring.
God this makes me feel old. I grew up in the fifties and sixties. John Wayne was a big time movie star and Howdy Doody was on the TV instead of Teletubbies. My mother freaked out and had a fit when my Aunt wore slacks to church the first time.
“I know what you’re thinking, ’cause right now I’m thinking the same thing. Actually, I’ve been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn’t I take the BLUE pill?”
-Cypher from The Matrix
Knight Rider
Miami Vice
Magnum PI
I’m sure I’m missing a few – didn’t watch much TV in the 80s.
Sounds like you’re precisely my father’s age. John Wayne (and Clint Eastwood) were staples of my youth as well, with all the boys. When I went to Basic in the mid 1980’s they had a video from The Duke detailing love of country, etc. that *everybody* stood up and clapped for AND recognized.
Dukes of Hazard
Green Acres
Happy Days
(movies) Predator
I’m not in a birth cohort.
I’ll let you be black if you want…
Self-destruction, you’re heading for self-destruction!
How many of those “guys” were raised by single moms?
My guess here, based on the family court system and divorce rape industry, is 100%.
Were you raised by a single mom?
As a result of that, I raised myself.
There have always been fops. Thankfully we still have:
Eh, it’s not the one off fop any longer. I don’t know about England in 2015 but I find most younger men to be far more effeminate than they used to be in other periods of history that I’ve lived in. There are clearly exceptions, and some Millenial men seem to be trying to purposefully avoid falling into the “new” role (good for them), but the hipster/mangina thing with young men is very, very prevalent and easily observed.
Stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni
Fops were a big thing in the 17th Century.
Might just be a factor of where you hang out (and why you’re hanging out in hipster/mangina bars is beyond me :-P).
I don’t really see a lot of these fops where I live or hang out or work. Even in the West End I don’t see a lot.
I will say that there is a big increase of effeminate men on TV but on the street? Not so much.
How periods of history have you lived in Ghost? 😉
Fops in the 17th century were restricted to the upper classes, they weren’t a general trend.
Might just be a factor of where you hang out (and why you’re hanging out in hipster/mangina bars is beyond me :-P).
THE Ohio State University is not far away. It can’t be helped. I can handily avoid them at the biker bars, but riding season is coming to a close I’m afraid.
How periods of history have you lived in Ghost? 😉
The Space Age, The Nuclear Age, the Vietnam Era (tail end), the Cold War, the Post History Era (1990’s), the New Millenium.
A general trend amongst the wealthy?
Biker bars… Whenever somebody mentions that I always think of the Blue Oyster Bar… ;-P
Did you live through that historical period? The peak of comedy in my view.
The Space Age, The Nuclear Age, the Vietnam Era (tail end), the Cold War, the Post History Era (1990’s), the New Millenium.
Fuck me you’re old!
Given the thinness of the wealthy at the time, I doubt they’d even make the “1%-er” label like most OWS now label anybody who makes ten bucks above minimum wage these days. More like the 0.001%, at the time.
Biker bars… Whenever somebody mentions that I always think of the Blue Oyster Bar… ;-P
Yeah, that’s part of that whole “let’s make anything masculine men do into something gay” trend that the good Doctor was talking about on another thread. While there are clearly gay bikers, they tend to absolutely avoid straight biker hang outs. Our paths do not cross, ever, that I’m aware of.
Fuck me you’re old!
I suspect we’re pretty close in age actually, heh. I was just going through every time period I was aware of where an “epoch” label has been applied in the past.
You forget the New Age and the Information Age.
I’m hoping we get to see what I hope will be known as the “Enema Age” and I’m not referring to our own bowels.
Shit (no pun intended), yeah, you’re right!
No he is still a babe in the woods. His Vietnam era life was as a child. I still recall my draft number, 111.
I am older than you and I think of myself as vintage rather than old.
Interesting, I figured Mistral, Doktor Jeep and I were the ranking elderly decrepit ones. Glad to hear that I’m outpaced on the race to death by somebody else, heh.
I try not to think of it in those terms. I prefer to think of it as nearing the conclusion.
Correct. I was in fact literally a very young child.
If you don’t mind telling me, where were you and when? My papa was in Da Nang ’65.
Technically, I was around in the Vietnam era as well…
lol! I think I was practicing a little denial there. LOL! I have friend who calls me old and he’s about two years younger. I’m like dude, when you’re middle-aged two years doesn’t mean shit!
I think the Village People started off that masculine as gay thing… And they weren’t even gay!
Its because many millennial men aren’t in blue collar roles anymore along with hardcore programming to be an effeminate (leading to the female counterpart of masculine women). Which tends to mitigate foppishness due the nature of the work and male comradery in a male dominated workplace.
Mine was 13. Seems appropriate!
Not even nearly all of us are like this, go ahead and try to make it seem like we are the problem, last time i checked it were you lots of the boomers and beyond who let lunatics dictate policy.
Are there millenials who are shitlibs, yes, but we’re not the generation who can be guilted for all the mismanagement of the past few decades, last time i checked, that was your sin.
We… the ones who ACTUALLY HAD TO GROW UP in the insane climate of today, with all the freaks and degenerates having free range and open season on healthy white males that YOUR GENERATIONS either created, or failed to oppose are your only hopes for any future return to normalcy.
I’ve heard that from Millenials before. Basically shifting the blame for their generation’s behaviors to others.
Every generation has what it’s given from the previous to deal with. How the rest of us, and by that I mean every single generation previously, managed to not turn into a bunch of wusses despite this, is apparently a mystery.
And yes, I’m quite aware that this is not the whole of your demographic, but it’s such a large percentage that one would have to be blind not to notice it every single day while out in public. Any man who showed up looking like any of those froot loops in my time would have been assumed to have been gay, and likely taunted or beat up.
And actually this isn’t about blame, it’s about recognizing the problem and working to correct it. Cast aspersions backwards if it helps sooth whatever you think, but we need to move forward and correct this. To my knowledge GenX is the first to recognize explicitly the mistakes it made and the first to try to reverse that course (via the manosphere, which came from GenX).
Like i said i’m not denying that they are there, and that the forces of cowardice are legion.
I’m saying is, none of us were around the past decades while all you so called “manly” type were getting your asses handed to you by feminists and freaks alike.
You didn’t have the balls to even demand that genital mutilation of boys be outlawed… no …. you rolled on your sides and let the freak mafia pound your ass till it went soar.
I’m pretty tired of being considered “effeminate” by a generation who sucked on their thumbs in the corner of the room while feminist took main stage.
And…I’ve heard that as well. And it doesn’t apply. Plenty of men stood against feminism and are doing so today, and the anti-circumcision movement also comes from our generation (well, mine, GenX) although I think it was predated a bit with some pioneer types before we hit the scenes. Who do you think founded the manosphere? Hint: the generation prior to the Millenials. Who makes up the anti-government anti-establishment movements in the U.S.? Hint: the generation prior to the Millenials. Who were the bulk of the Tea Party (before it became a co-opted group)? Hint: you know who I’m going to say. We are and have always fought back, we simply don’t have the numbers that both you and the Boomers have. But we’re fighting.
Nobody “rolled on their sides”. Shit, home fries, we’re the only generation to recognize the mistakes and who are organizing to correct them.
Nobody is calling *you* effeminate. That is, assuming you don’t dress and act like Pajama boy or any of the other examples above and avoid Hipster faggots like the plague. Clearly there are exceptions, and I’ve already noted that. But that doesn’t deny the huge trends we all see in front of our eyes.
A Gen-Xer like me will blame the Boomers and the Boomers can shift the blame to the Pre-War babies who voted in Kennedy and Trudeau.
There has been a heavy r-shift in the west due to an abnormally long period of peace and prosperity. Humans require existential threats to avoid becoming what we are now.
It all comes down to the amygdala. Without challenges to improve it, we end up with shitlibs and fags.
I blame the parents of the boomers. Including my grandfather.
There seems to be a tendency after a war to “protect the little uns from what we went through”. This is a mistake. Boys must be taught about war or they will not be ready for it once it comes knocking on their front door.
It is natural to think of peace during wartime, but it is necessary to think of war during peace or we will lose when it comes.
You may be right. Rome had the same fate. The first Celt words recorded in history recount a Celtic woman belittling a Roman woman because Roman men were by and large effeminate and inferior to the highly masculine Celtic men. This was near the very end of the Empire.
We should have kept our minds focused on the notion of space exploration, if you ask me. Pioneers are notoriously not pussies.
Yep. The Boomers handed us a steaming pile of shit after their Sexual Revolution which to us in GenX translated into the Divorce Revolution. No doubt.
But you fucking suck it up, deal with what you were dealt, and move forward. If there are problems, you observe and try not to repeat the patterns laid out by the previous folks.
You don’t really have a choice other than to suck it up. I suppose there is a fine distinction between pointing out the steaming pile of shit and its source on occasion, and fucking whining about it.
Excellent observation. We picked up and sallied forth, life went forward. Many Millenials I’ve heard do the cop out “The world sucks, it sucked before I got here, fuck the world, fuck everybody, I’ll be down at the coffee shop sipping a latte and being ironic with my friends!”
Then don’t be an effeminate male and set an example for your generation to follow. Whining and complaining about other generations criticizing your generation is effeminate. We are kind enough to point out your weakness so that it stirs rage inside you then you would change and show the world what you’re made of. Now get to it and STFU!
Without trying to sound like a whiner, I haven’t had the easiest time of things, but all seems to be falling into place after a couple decades of saying “I don’t have to follow your stinking rules”.
No you’re the weak ones if you recall my post, you’re the spineless bastards who lets yourselves get pissed on by all the loons out there, and don’t think that i am in any sense a manlet.
You have no clue as to the past of the one you’re speaking to, i’m the one bears the brunt of you pussy males from the post war era, you pussy males who eagerly comply’d with all of the upheaval of society, and now you point to us and DARE say that we are the problem? … this is YOUR frankenstein friend.
YOU pussy males from the post war era are the real coward shit tards and cuck lords who allowed women to deteriorate society, dwindle population numbers, and replace the natives with violent 3rd world populations, for 70 straight years, invertebrates like you have been shitting bricks at the thought of speaking a word about our dismantling, these effete young men that roam the earth today are YOUR FRANKENSTEIN. You all fall under the category of those who eagerly corroborated with our destruction or those who did nothing to stop it, and you dare say that the generation who got hit by the brunt of YOUR COWARDICE are the ones at fault for the situation at hand, you’re pathetic excuses for men, this website too is rife with former invertebrates who now…. only now… after it’s too late already, come out of the woodworks preening and pretending to be innocent of complacence with the dismantling.
And all of this, because you believes a “6 million” jews lie ushered by none other than Joseph Stalin, allowing Jews to take revenge for the Jewish diaspora, and allow them to return the favor, and make ME an international bum, with no country to call his own, and a marginalized people, not because i caters to satan’s religion of callous exploitation of other people deemed slaves to me, but because you slime-like invertebrates like you allowed them to do so.
Rest assured that my upbringing and history is not even remotely comforting of soft, do not mistake me as one of those manlet drones. You say “Then don’t be an effeminate male and set an example for your generation to follow.”
But you know nothing about me, and what i’ve been working on my entire life, and rest assured i’m going to set examples.
I’ve said it here before, Babylon AND Rome like all empires fell from feminization of it’s structure, there were large increases in homosexual activity in Rome towards the fall too, historians think that Rome fell because of Barbarism on the count that it was observed after the fall, dimwitted as they are they. But the real reason was the internal social decay and feminization, same thing with Babylon, it geared itself towards catering to women’s lavish and wicked whims and self destructed, what’s happening now is nothing new.
Your behavior in ranting on and on is no different to a feminist ranting on and on about the patriarchy.
Be different from the stereotypical millennial generation. Prove to us that you are better. I challenge you.
If i can count on it that you are a regular here on ROK and I’ll be seeing you around, i will definitely prove it to you, i’m laying out plans for a website where i’m going to put stuff out, before that however, i wish to establish a foothold in the scientific world with something i’m working on, in fact, i’m on my to snatch the biggest prize in Biology, the origin of the genders.
Stick around, and i’ll prove it to you.
Please do. I encourage you to prove or demonstrate to us that your generation is not what we are saying. When you strive to do so, you are showing LEADERSHIP for your fellow millennials to follow instead of complaining about the previous generation did this or that and it’s not OUR fault that we are what we are now. Don’t play that victim card.
I hope I had taught you something. I wasn’t intending to humiliate you or anything. Quite the contrary. I was helping you see the light because I was once foolish like that when I was younger.
“Every generation has what it’s given from the previous to deal with. How the rest of us, and by that I mean every single generation previously, managed to not turn into a bunch of wusses despite this, is apparently a mystery.”
This is where you’re wrong ghost, it’s your generation who embodies the pussy generation, you… the effete spawn of the 60’s and 70’s, your generation is in factuality the generation that brought about hipsterdom out of an emotional sway of “never again” post-war mentality, it were you faggoty flower power disco-dancing breed of sodomizers who were behind all of it, don’t think that because you remained a rare healthy cell impervious to the decay means that it wasn’t your generation who were the largest and loudest pushers of the feminization.
This is officially historical fact woodstocker. And if there is any hope for a resurgence it would be in my generation, along with defectors from gen X, since we took the brunt of your generations incompetence, there is real carnal desire to restore the order in many of my age-peers.
How sickening, for the makers of the mess, to try and pin the blame of it all on those tasked by misfortune to clean it up.
You disgust me.
Disco? Wtf? That’s Boomers, dude.
Hipsterdom? We were (rightly) labeled as conservative-libertarians by major magazines while we were in our early to mid 20’s. Newsweek *loathed* that we weren’t going all soft lefty.
Flower power? Again, that’s the Boomers. Flower power had an effective range of 0.0 meters in the 1980’s, when we did our major growing up.
wasn’t your generation who were the largest and loudest pushers of the feminization.
You mean the dudes, fresh from the gym, sitting out in their pickup trucks during cruises with “No Fat Chicks” flags? The generation of young men who were called “fascists!” by the mainstream media because we idealized beauty instead of “inner beauty”? Those dudes?
This is officially historical fact woodstocker.
Woodstock was the baby boomers. Again. I was a baby when the Boomers were writhing around in the mud at Woodstock. Rather like the OWS Millenials writhed around in the mud in their ad hoc camps a few years ago actually, heh.
I think you’re not entirely certain about the generational markers Gilgamesh. Perhaps instead of snarking out your bile, you should acquaint yourself with these historical markers, because everything you’ve done the “j’accuse!” with has turned out to be primarily Baby Boomer markers.
How sickening, for the makers of the mess, to try and pin the blame of it all on those tasked by misfortune to clean it up.
And you again try to avoid any responsibility for your own plight. Not you personally, but Millenials in general.
Stop whining about previous generations, whom you’re confusing a lot for some reason, and get to work if you want to fix shit.
“faggoty flower power disco-dancing breed of sodomizers” hahaha bodybag
He seems to be rather confused. Flower power and discos were the Boomers.
OK you wanna talk about the Celts again…
Just the one celtic woman in Britain who criticized the choices of Roman women.
That woman was descended from Hebrew’s no doubt…
I am older than GoJ and I am a boomer. I was 13 when Woodstock occurred. I was 14 when no fault (read his fault) divorce was instituted in California by Ronald Reagan. Millennials typically have no sense of history and think many things happened more recently than they did, hence the parent’s, or in some cases their grandparents, are blamed for all the ills in the world. Actually this shit storm started with The Declaration of Sentiments,
Seneca Falls Conference, 1848. Which predates my grandparents.
To our shame but I have to own up to it. I have gone to the real discos in a leisure suit.
In defense of the boomers on the issue of Feminism, or as it was known then, Women’s Liberation, it was seen as pretty much as a joke. The thing to do was to laugh at it or ignore it as a bunch of freaks burning their bras. With 20/20 hindsight this was 100% in error, but it was much harder to tell at the time. I still know a few of the original bra burning Women’s Libbers and they are uniformly appalled at what Feminism has become.
There is a curse that goes something like; may you live long enough to remember with sharp regret all the stupid things you said when you were young.
Is Woodstocker like Fartknocker?…
“Divorce revolution”.
I swear, growing up in that what a fucking wreck. My parents did not divorce but my peers.. fuck. The effects!
It was like body-snatchers, or demonic possession. Peers – friends – I knew would come back from summer break (evidently that’s when mommy decided she was independent) totally different in personality and manner, and not in any way improved! I’m talking guys becoming like maniacs, usually violent. And girls? The “girl next door” became soulless and broken. Many turned to becoming coke sluts or worse.
All the while “studies showed” that kids were better off when their parents divorced because… well.. the only studies that got funded were leftoid studies that pushed the objective.
Then there was the big worship of the almighty dollar. Not only where the kids damaged, but hey, when they are back from school at say 4PM and the parent(s) ain’t getting back till 7PM or later. Shit. The things that went on in that three hours. It’s no wonder our generation became helicopter parents and happy to raise autists who stick their noses in a tablet all day, all ritalined up. Fucking waste.
The world needs and enema.
Nice trolling. But no. Back in the 1980s we were fighting “it”. We lost. Why? Because there were few of us. There’s the “baby boom”, we were the “baby bust”. Every school I went to growing up closed for consolidation: not enough students in the district.
Look at Robocop 2, Heathers, and there was some other movie I forget where the “feel good” leftoids were lampooned. The only “social justice” angle going on was based on MLK logic:” judge people by the content of their character”. That was fair enough.
The social(ist) engineers were not Gen Xers. They were boomers. The people running the media, Hollywood, politics. We got to grow up in our 20s getting shit foisted on us. Yes there was the MTV/Lollapalooza crowd but look at how guys were getting into “extreme sports”. It was for many (though not for me, I was in the military) an outlet.
You must also recall that government got involved. OKC bombing and the media shitstorm or propaganda and social engineering around that is what helped bring on “presidential Oprah” touchy-feelyism (“think of the cheeeeeeeeeeeldrennnnnnn”) and victimism. It all happened in the 1990s. Then 2001 and the war on “terror” came.
BTW depending on what article you read, Generation X started in 1965 but some will go as far as 1961 and others up to 1970. We don’t know the official year the Roman empire took a shit either. So to call him a “Woodstocker” is bullshit on your part. My dad (born in 1935) had a chance to work at Woodstock building the set but he declined. I was not even born. Lots of Gen X were still in diapers or drooling in their cereal.
Actually, it was rather a point of derision in the 1980s over the Disco of the 1970s. It was entertaining how the peace and love of the 60s turned into boogie woogie in the 70s and I seen many a boomer hand his head in shame over that. That’s why in the 80s it was common to make fun of Disco.
The 80s for the boomers was even better. Peace and Love in the 60s had, by the 80s, become “money and power”. The geist of the 80s was all about that. Look at the TV shows of the time. Everybody loved “Dallas”. “Line of death” and all that.
Back in the 80s, I remember having to put up with angry teachers who still lived back in the 60s. All the friends they were painting faces with had moved on to work Wall Street (I lived in New York) and make big bucks. So I had to deal with angry leftoid teachers. And I was constantly locking horns with one English teacher who was overtly going out of her way to indoctrinate students.
And EVERYBODY disliked and made fun of her.
It all started in the 90s.
Do you still have your Mr T starter kit?
Oh fuck down memory lane here!
Ghost, I think your first RoK article should be about this very history you are covering now! 😀
I can cover the New York angle, what it was like trying to get laid in the 80s. However, I would have to relive some rather un-proud memories. 😀
I’m starting to grasp your sense of humor, heh. Well played sir.
No shame man, it was loose and easy back then.
Lol! (I rarely do that).
B&B was a series full of awesomeness.
“Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! heh he he hehehehh he eh ehhehh heh!”
What hurts is that we saw, and experienced, the “Before”. That made it harder than having never seen it first hand.
Thanks but it’s no joke.
That lack of historical perspective is rather strange. I’ve noticed other Millenials do it as well. I can’t remember where, but I recall somebody noting that this is the first generation whose sense of history is bounded solely by how long they have been alive. Anything “pre-my-birth” is some kind of random mish mash memory where it all happened at once.
‘Tis to me.
We opposed the freaks and degenerates, but they ‘changed their camouflage’ and blended back into society — they pretended to not be what they really were.
When they achieved legal and political power, their real selves came back out; when we opposed them again, we were shouted down viciously and often persecuted by their tools and allies in the media and “Useful Idiots” of the general population, as well as being prosecuted by their ‘Political Correctness’ tools in the government and legal profession.
The Space Program’s funding was cut because LBJ wanted the money for his “Great Society” programs for welfare, ‘fighting poverty’, etc., as well as the idiots in the general public losing interest in space exploration.
(Remember the film “Apollo 13”? They touched on it during the scene before the explosion, when the interviews with the astronauts live from the mission was cut by the networks because ‘nobody was interested’.)
And the gene pool needs chlorinated, too.
OK if real history is a joke to you sure I’m cool with that.
You are mind numbingly ignorant on the topic. You are embarrassing yourself and you’re too damned stubborn and locked into your “my way or the highway” rigidity to realize it.
We’ve nothing more to discuss on this topic until you read up on the subject and educate yourself.
GenXers are mostly shitlibs.
You’d be hard pressed to say that the genx 90’s brand of cynicism was constructive, or at all in line with traditional ideals.
It’s not like genxers were rebelling against the boomers because they were against the moral nihilism foisted upon them by their boomer parents.
Maybe if you lived in NYC or Los Angeles. They were hard right in flyover country. As I said, the media was very vocal in their condemnation of our “fascist” tendencies, and sneered with revulsion that one of the top books cited as an influence by us was Atlas Shrugged. But if you were big city, sure, I guess it’s possible.
People in flyover country are always more to the right than blue states, so that’s not unique to GenX.
So the “I want my MTV” generation was hard right? Something just isn’t adding up here…My older bro’s are genx’ers and they are as left as they come.
Let’s not forget the Rage Against the Machine style SJWism which proliferated in the 90’s…though they were somewhat more tolerable than tumblr feminazis we have today.
The MTV of the day was only music videos, it wasn’t the hard leftist swill channel it morphed into later.
People in flyover country are always more to the right than blue states, so that’s not unique to GenX.
It’s more than that though. The number of times we were labeled as evil and incomprehensible by the MSM I really can’t even count. Everybody was planning on a high paying career and had no shame in pursuing it, they made movies about how “superficial” aka “not stupid leftist teens wasting their lives” we were. Dok was there as well, he can confirm this.
Rage Against The Machine – fair point. There was also a large libertarian contingent as well, and RATM was basically an anarchist movement.
And then today you’ll find GenX behind basically every anti-government movement out there, as I detailed earlier in the thread.
I’m not saying that there weren’t and aren’t left wing GenX, that would be silly, I’m saying that as a generation we were far to the right/libertarian of the Boomers and Millenials in a general sense.
You were in your 20’s in the 80’s, right? If that’s the case, I agree that was a unique time when there was a resurgence of social and fiscal conservatism.(and that the media hated them, the exception being maybe Wally George)
I was more referring to the people who were in their 20’s during the 90’s, which was what i understood genxers to be.
I was 18 in 1986. Kind of in the middle of both groups you’re talking about.
The 90’s had everything changing, and we had no political power to speak of at the time outside of voting, which is very little. It was the first huge surge of feminism and man hating, the death of rock and roll (may Kurt Cobain burn in hell) and a general sense of “what the fuck!?” by a lot of us left reeling by the events. The Boomers were the ones in charge and pushing that agenda. That calmed a bit with the tech bubble building, but then got riled up again when the bubble popped.
So I think an accurate graph would be:
1970’s – no politics, but first political memories being Watergate
1980’s – strong hard right/libertarian leanings, generally despised by the media for not being leftist darlings
1990’s – Drifting all over the fucking place, though a large amount stayed in the libertarian/right wing base even if we grew our hair long. There were more leftists in that period though, for a fact.
2000 forward: A lot drifted back to the right, with exceptions. Foundational and majority members of the pre-controlled Tea Party, Founders of the Manosphere/Red Pill area, and largely openly admit to being influenced by Rand and other libertarian/right icons. Also turned to raising family, which always makes people go more right for pragmatic reasons.
Alaric stormed the gate in 410 CE.
Regarding Kobain….
I think he was over rated for sure. But to be honest I preferred grunge to 80’s hair metal. With the exception being Crue. By the way you should check out “The Dirt” which is the Crue’s biography. Fucking awesome read.
There was a lot of good 90’s bands even if their politics were shit.
Now late 90’s was REALLY the death of rock, with Limp Bizkit, Korn, and a slew of other rap rock acts…
You say that to me in a way that sounds like you insinuate like the exact same doesn’t apply to me.
If you read back my comments you’ll see that i was saying it were the post war pussyfied men who were the real effete manlets behind it all, if you had read even more carefully you’d have noticed i said it was mainly a shitload of millenials along with gen X defectors who were any hope for a resurgence.
Besides… you were resorting to “extreme spots” as an outlet to what was happening, thank’s for confirming what i already thought, you were going skateboarding and surfing while all this anti white male legislation was being pushed …. yeah thanks for the effort, NOT.
Besides what makes you think that the leftists terrorization and shouting isn’t a reality for me 10 times more so than it was for you, yet we’re not afraid getting fired, we’re opposing this shit out in the open while prior fags whimpered away with their tails tucked after being called “racists”
Back the fuck off. I was overseas in the military while this shit was happening.
My only resistance was sneaking out of those “sexual harassment seminars” they forced us into. Yes the armed forces were the first places to get that shit. We had real work to do, so the actual essential guys would crowd the back while the office pukes would be all up front, glad to be away from their boring jobs. The moment they said “OK we have a lot of people here and little time so we’ll skip roll call” and turned around we got the fuck out of there.
By the way, you are still being a complaining bitch. I have no sympathy for you. And your timeline is fucked up. But then this is probably all “history” to you, junior.
Sad too. The millenials have open tyranny and full retard SJW/feminism to deal with, meaning they have less to lose and more skin in the game (and a stacked game against them). If we had those conditions we would have gone “mad men” and hatefucked the system.
Instead all millenials do is bitch and moan. Poor meeee. Faggots.
And in that long history of weakness creeping in you can your prior cohorts did what to stop it ?
You don’t seem to understand that it was the aggregate pacifism of your generation AND those before and after that led to this. How hard is this to understand ?
It doesn’t matter what your personal sway is in this, … men of the past have failed us, failed us miserably, and if we are really gonna trace this line back Mike, this conflict predates all of Humanity by a great length of time. The genders are older than that.
I’m a 30 year-old virgin millennial male. I have a rhetorical question:
how best to “hatefuk” a Geocentric system designed to destroy men,via the influence of women?
“Bankrupt the Bedroom”
-Gregory Becker
Don’t even try to insinuate prior generations of invertebrate men haven’t failed us… there’s a reason the Boomers are the most hated generation you know.
Just because we’re up to the task of trying to clean shit up doesn’t absolve you of anything, this comment of yours is a poor attempt to play in on my ‘pride’ or something to make me fly in a rage of “ill prove you wrong” so you can sneak away and avoid scrutiny… not gonna happen, i have nothing to prove to ‘men’ like yourself, who only now come out of the woodworks trying to blend in with the gen X and Millenial revolters.
You’re talking to the master himself Mr Hue…. there’s no making plays on my emotions to get your way, and don’t you … you … blithering ignoramus dare consider me “foolish”. You’re guilty of the fallacious thinking your age makes you smart or “wise” but guess what J. .. there’s teenagers today who dwarf your intellect.
You miss the point, i’m not taking about your personal life, i’m talking about men as a whole in the grand scheme of things, i’m not talking about your insignificant personal history or what you think you could have or could not have done, in all the years that went by, all the thousands of days that passed, there’s wasn’t one opportunity to cease maintaining society and make demands for rights for men, not a day where a political party could be formed? … but that’s oke, since hardly any men of the human species have ever been aware of what was really going on, and hardly any men have ever known the full extent of the battle of the sexes, the war of good and evil, and that religion is about that conflict, so it’s oke, i don’t expect of anyone under the nick “Doktor Jeep” to have any real insight into these matters, yet still, couldn’t you as men have figured earlier on down the road that you were getting exploited and abused and discarded like napkins ? that you were shedding an ocean of blood sweat and tears only to build a civilization that favors anyone but you… the builders of said civilization. I really feel sorry for you being an ex-soldier and all… no really.
You may call me “junior” yet in a way i’m far older than any of you here.
I’m not trying to insinuate prior generations didn’t fail. We did. So what are you going to do about it? We don’t want to see it happen to YOUR generation. A wise man learns from other’s mistakes and not repeat them.
“A wise man learns from other’s mistakes and not repeat them.”
Something you failed at, many men of the past have conscripted their teachings witch you failed to learn.
I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again. I hate my generation.
These hipster effeminate types were abundant in the 60’s too, the dress and style on many is almost identical along with their liberal degenerate views on life.
See, now I’ve thought that, but in looking back the Hippies didn’t seem quite so…womanly. At least not as I remember them. Soft manginas, yeah, but it was the dawn of the age when men were first starting to “share their feelings” and most weren’t good at it yet, so they stumbled over the mumbly bumbly crap most of the time. Hipsters seem to be born to it naturally.
I think the hipster and hippie are two different subcultures of the same degeneracy. There are many of the hipster type today who try very hard to “look” masculine with their beards and tats but they are still giant manginas at their core, promote sjw’ism, are scared of their own shadows, and do not know where the meat in their McBurger comes from.
The hippies attracted lots of different folks for seemingly specific, yet varying reasons, but it was all degeneracy imho. Drugs and sex, whether or not they would have admitted it, were the largest attractant I think. Many totally let themselves go in appearances, and of course a man not shaving or bathing for months at a time isn’t going to look womanly. But the women did not look womanly either, some of them were just as hairy! LOL
I agree, hipsters do seem to be born that way, although I do hypothesize that it’s largely an environmental thing and how they are raised. Hipsters to me are like giant wannabe’s at pretty much everything in life, but completely reluctant to actually achieve anything they “want to be”, so instead they just pose because it’s easier… and of course yell “entitled” whenever they can.
You know you have the exact same avatar as someone on T-Nation?
I think her name is EmilyQ.
Are you her or is that photo (cat with rifle) all over the place?
The juxtaposed cat sniper pic has been around the internet for at least 15 years… and no I am certainly not a “her” LOL.
It’s pretty common, I’ve seen it for years on various avatars.
Well look at you all over the web answering questions and shit.
Ah. Thought it would be weird for EmilyQ to pop up as Bubbles McGee.
Thought maybe you been trying some of that transgender stuff all the new kids on the block are trying…
But consider that “stylish urban” clothing of the early 70s. It is very hipster-ish or we might say that hipsters are somewhat retro. I wish I had some images but I recall seeing old car ads from the 70s with guys in it where it’s like “WTF they wearing?”
It’s weird man, I’ve been on computers since before they could actually qualify as little more than electronic watches. My friend had a TRS-100 that I first learned basic on (hooked to a B/W television) back around 1984 or so (we were poor, couldn’t afford one). Went to Vic20 from there (a friend gave it to me when he moved to a Commodore 64). For money IT is a great way to earn cash for what I consider very little work. For exercise, sunshine, etc, eh, not so much. I compromise by owning a side company for leather working and attending horse shows and gun shows.
If you do it first, it’s not following a trend to be hip. There were few if any folks our age running around in 1981 wearing Fonzie jackets for girls in poodle skirts. And by “few” I mean “nobody”.
I recall outgrowing the Fonz around 4th grade.
I think he jumped the shark by then anyway.
(I wonder if anybody else around here knows that Fonzie is the genesis of the whole “jumped the shark” phrase 😀 )
Dang, if not for your parenthetical words I would have slid in a “I see what you did there” meme.
What does Rachael Maddow have to do with …. oh.
She’s a fine young man with a promising career.
This juxtaposition amuses me. But there were plenty of faggy men in 1943, just as there are plenty of masculine men now.
I’ll let you read down the responses on the thread, so that I don’t have to re-hash the conversation.
Agreed. Hate the term. Sounds gay. Like metrosexual.
It is just the return of the Metrosexual.
In a shit disguise.
Not sure where “the wall” hits for men, but I’m going to guess somewhere in our 60’s? Hard to say, my dad is in his mid to late ‘60’s and is still riding his Harley cross
country, golfing, shooting trap and having one hell of a great retirement (which he rightfully earned).
The older a man gets, the less important pussy becomes to him.
The sexual urge doesn’t necessarily de-intensify, especially if you continue to
live a healthy life and keep in shape. The low-T by age thing seems to be
almost a myth to me or even something of an excuse that men employ when they
get older (as some of my friends do, which ticks me off). It’s the male equivalent of the female “women gain weight after pregnancy, deal with it” excuse.
A high sex drive as you age raises some issues actually, because as women age, especially when they go through menopause, most come out the other end with a genuine disregard for sexual activity. It’s not a philosophical or mean spirited thing, they simply no longer have even the faintest hormonal support to urge them forward most of the time (with some very rare exceptions where the woman actually becomes more sexual). This can cause some *very* serious problems, if the older man in question doesn’t set up some little cuties on the side or is in any way still interested in sex.
As to what do we do once we are no longer sniffing around at the skirts in the room? Well, if we’ve made good choices in life, we’ll have raised a son to be a good man and hopefully do better in the world than we did. That’s prime, to me.
Once he’s out of the house, then engage in real hobbies that you can afford. Take up flying an airplane, or buy a boat and have fun, take up hunting and fishing, start a nice shotgun collection, travel the world; really anything that interests you. Another thing to consider is getting a group of your friends together for group activities, be it a poker night, or as a hunting club, whatever. Basically there is no set plan, except what you yourself choose, which by the time you hit 60 will be very apparent to you (hell, it’s been apparent to me since I was 35). If you have a woman with you, a wife, great, drag her along, if not, well, it’s not really such a loss.
Also, and this is sorely needed these days, start mentoring young men. If you’ve Gamed your whole life you should be quite good at talking to be people, so get acquainted with young men in your vicinity and build a mentor relationship with them. Nothing pushy and don’t impose on people who aren’t interested in listening to you, but otherwise just give generally good advice when it’s asked or you think an opening presents itself. Lots of younger men are thirsty for male role models these days and don’t even realize it, so this is a golden opportunity for you to really impact the lives of others in a positive fashion.
Why wait? I’m early 30s and about to buy a boat. Got some money invested in bitcoin which will either mean nothing long term or make me financially independent for life. Planning to sail all over europe, pick up chicks once in a while, generally enjoying life and seeing the world for next to nothing. If I happen to find a family material girl, great, if not, at least I’m not spending my life working for others for peanuts. Humans are not supposed to live like slaves.
Well surely you don’t have to wait. I believe the article is what to do once you don’t have the options of being the dapper PUA type of fellow, which I assume meant that the man in question is a 60+ something.
And the number one reason why so many youngsters are craving male role models, IMHO…
From the U.S. Census Bureau:
Absolutely. We’re 100% on the same team.
True – I got myself a Brazilian wife. Before that I had a Ukrainian girlfriend. Never, ever settle for American women, especially in this age of unrestricted immigration. The fact is, if Sasha came here single, she probably won’t settle for Boris, so that’s where you come in.
If I had to rate women I’ve been with from abroad:
Turkey (believe it or not)
Dominican Republic
Korea (they are feminine, but ultra-materialist)
Any of those are good options. I know France is liberal, but I found Southern France and to some degree Paris to be a haven for an American man with his life together. I would also advocate bringing the girl to the States if you live somewhere like New Hampshire or Montana, because there are many good opportunities economically. Stay away from California, New York or anywhere with a very liberal reputation unless it’s Vermont which is basically just a giant SWPL campground.
Let me get this straight. You are saying you know or have met or nailed so many women from each of these countries that you can tell the rest of us – with confidence – that all we need to do is focus on finding our own women from these places and we too will be happy. Happier than any American woman can ever make us? You sir, are awesome and I would like you to immediately take full control of my entire life.
Having children seems like a great source of meaning for a man as he ages.
The only reason I bother trying at all is because I know eventually I’ll want to have children and have something to share with them.
If I didn’t care at all about kids I’d probably be sprawled out on a beach somewhere with a guitar in the sand and a suitcase full of viagra and amphetamines.
“The only reason I bother trying at all is because I know eventually I’ll want to have children and have something to share with them.”
I can’t stress how important this thought process in a mans mind is.
Now think about all the sex drive, with no responsibilities towards the next generation.
You’ve been thinking about gay guys…. the insanity makes sense.
I don’t think the discussion highlights this very natural and selfless male instinct.
And when this instinct – or rather the female equivalent – is missing from women, like when they do not know how to feed a child without being abusive and neglectful, or have poisoned their bodies for so long they are damaging the DNA and odd’s of survival of the next generation – the discussion needs to shame and mock this factor.
The whole discussion is so infuriatingly one sided, classically deluded and self centred in the way only women gone to shit and men ashamed of their own maleness could make it.
This is relevant for any men here who are thinking about having children at a later age:
You yourself may not hit the wall so soon, but your sperm will. I can’t see myself having children any time soon, but I might just as well opt for sperm freezing just in case.
Note they have only provided correlations here absent cause. They talk about men over 45. I think most of us will start a family before this time. Furthermore, what does the average 45 year old look like? A mess. Why? Because he spends most of his time sitting down, staring at a screen, eating donuts and drinking beer. Avoid these pitfalls and the chances of you birthing a dud decrease.
Well, genes do increase their mutation with age and the Time’s article mentions that the risk is especially apparent after the age of 35. I’m guessing even early 30’s have some risk.
And yes, keeping yourself healthy is important, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook the factor of age.
Again that is an effect missing the why. The why is important. There is no effect without cause.
That notion of your genes deteriorating as you get older is just propaganda to get you (in your prime) to shakle with a post wall cock carousel riding ho. It’s a scare tactic. Don’t fall for it.
i hope you’re right about that, about a guy’s lifestyle being a factor in how ageing affects his ability to produce healthy offspring. it’s my understanding that a healthy lifestyle (good diet, rigorous exercise, not smoking, etc.) doesn’t alter the effect of ageing on a woman’s ability to produce healthy offspring at all, but maybe it’s different for men.
Half of guys my age (late 20s) already have a gut and spaghetti arms. Meanwhile I don’t even think I’ve peaked in fitness yet.
The majority of guys half my age cannot even approach half my level of fitness. I can beat them one handed in a fist fight without breathing hard and that is not an exaggeration.
This is why I often mention the Spartans. 40 year olds were front line troops. Past their peak of fitness but at their peak of skill and wisdom. Boys must learn from their example because by the time you are a man it is too late.
Is frozen as good as fresh?
Doesn’t look like they adjusted for the mother’s age, since they compared children of the same men conceived at different ages of the man. But presumably, as the men got older, so did the wives. So that study proves nothing as they did not hold the wife’s age constant.
Sounds to me like a feeble attempt to shift blame away from aging sluts toward men.
P.S. How does alcohol-fueled parties, birth control pills, having their insides lubricated with the semen from multiple men, and multiple bouts with STDs affect the viability of a slut’s eggs? Funny, I don’t see The Cathedral printing studies about that.
“Funny, I don’t see The Cathedral printing studies about that.”
And you WON’T, either — some study like that would “offend” some special snowflake (or a LOT of them) and hurt their pwecious widdle feewings, so badly that they could need ‘counseling’ and ‘therapy’.
I know several men who have fathered kids in their fifties. Hell, even if you can’t, keep trying… its still fun to practice.
I’ve been thinking about kids rather deeply since I hit 40. I just never found the right woman to be with or the right job to fund that lifestyle until recently. The thing is, I hit 49 next month. That means I will be 50 before junior comes along and a senior citizen before they finish high school. There is a good chance I will not live to see my grandchildren.
I don’t know about Viagra and amphetamines, but if I am not married with children by next year I will say the hell with it: LBFM until I croak.
better to be childless than marry the wrong woman, and sadly, most of them are probably wrong nowadays.
Babies are great, and fun to make, but nobody in America should be getting married these days. It is a relationship killer and a financial disaster.
Avoiding marriage can maintain a small level of leverage in your relationship with any woman, including your baby’s momma.
Just don’t get married. It is better to have children and raise them well though, in a relationship but outside of a marriage. That is in today’s world.
And until we’re all 80, I don’t think we have a full perspective here. Even if you avoided having a bad relationship with a woman, who the hell is going to want to visit you when your 80 unless you have kids and grandkids. You’ll get a couple of holiday visits a year in your nursing home from the local elementary school. Seems to me like dealing with a difficult woman for 18 to 25 years may look like an okay deal when you’re old and not dying totally alone.
The alternative is to have such an exciting lifestyle that it’s likely to kill you before you get that old anyway.
strongly disagree. in my opinion it’s dishonorable to intentionally bring children into this world knowing they won’t be raised under the same roof with their mother and father. if you don’t get lucky and find a unicorn like i did, best to live life to its fullest and die alone. back when i thought i’d never have kids, my sig sauer was my retirement plan.
I’m still undecided on that. I have a kid, left her fucked-up mom in early 2011 for very sound reasons. Total dysfunction besides career solidarity was what she brought to the table. Even that was handed to her by her rich family. Yea yea, never marry a rich bitch (which I didn’t, only engaged) Gotcha. But I gave it the good college try, for the kid’s sake.
My greatest fear is all the positive influence my side of the family has (only 30% the amt of time her mom gets her bc of non-marital child laws in my state, and her mom’s cuntish ways of minimizing my time with her), will be outshadowed by her mother’s tempting lures to join the dark side.
Having a kid outside of a solid, traditional family wed-lock, or at least a relationship very similar to traditional marriage, is fucking nuts. Thus far, that’s my conclusion. in 11 years when she’s 18 I’ll have a clearer view. However, I can already tell at 7yo all the minuta other kids from traditional households have my daughter doesn’t just because of the separation of parents. It’s truly the most inefficient way to bog down both your kids’ lives, but also both parents. Many “together” experiences my child will miss due entirely to a selfish POS mother. It’s that simple. Gov’t backed, forced by the gun.
Adopt of get a surrogate mother. You can always hire a live in nanny … usually with benefits. That way the kids all yours and you don’t have to worry about the mom taking it and leaving it along with your next 20 years paychecks.
You have a point – I used to be a divorce attorney. Still, kids need both a mother and a father.
I would rather admit I spent 20 years in prison as a child molester than admit I was a divorce lawyer.
No way the progressive system will give a single heterosexual man custody of kids. He would be better off pretending to be a shit-eating fag. Seriously. They will grant a fag couple custody of children. I feel sorry for any young boy getting adopted by two homos as they will totally enfaggodate him.
I did it for four years and fucking hated it. I wanted to do more commercial work and general litigation but most of the new clients that came though the door had family issues to deal with. I could have done criminal law but that would have involved defending criminals.
LBFM’s might be my answer too. It’s not ideal and not heroic but I know it works. It doesn’t make for a great, lifelong narrative piece but it certainly would make for a lot of nice days, filled with much higher T and elevated moods. So everyone has to ask themselves;
“Do you live the narrative or live the day?”
I don’t know the answer. Certainly there is all kinds of overlap. But a guy married for 35 years who doesn’t even glance when his wife is nude, is maintaining his narrative. A guy spending his Sunday afternoon with a busty 20 year old LBFM is living the day.
Successfully having, then raising good, healthy kids is a MAJOR undertaking and sacrifice. There has always been risk involved but now the risks via divorce, culture wars, bitchy wives etc. is just too much, imo. I bow out. I will LBFM until it no longer interests me then onto stogies, daily ocean swims and bourbon, then onto weed when things get too painful then onto St. Peter with a lot of appreciation in my heart for a long life.
I want to live as culture-less of an existence as I can. A kid ropes me back in, legally and culturally. It’s not for me. The amount of worry if I had a kid, both emotionally and financially, would overwhelm.
If you are a 50 year old man who settles into a relationship with a 20 year old, there is a certain level of leadership and mentoring that would go on.
It’s not the children, but who you have them with.
And the pickin’s are slim.
I look forward to the feminists howling when men discover they can hire surrogates to bear their children. They won’t realize that since they can march into a sperm bank and do the turkey baster thing they already set the precedent. But there will be plenty to point that out.
Worst part will be when “white eggs” are the most expensive. Nothing fucks with market values, period. They might be dumb enough to try price controls on eggs, meaning there will be waiting lists for white eggs and black frozen eggs will sit on the shelves forever. But they are socialists who think price controls work so nothing new there.
Yes, I look forward to it. Surrogacy and sex bots and nannies. Imagine that: a mother you can fire.
We didn’t build the divorce rape system, but that beast will starve to death.
The children produced from single parent, or same sex parent households, en masse, will be way fucked up. Clearly we’ve already seen a few generations of the +50% divorce-rate kids, now imagine if just 5-10% had no damn clue EVER who the other parent was. It’s almost worse thinking that your mom didn’t get abandoned, nor did you get adopted, but your mommy CHOSE to abandon the idea of a father from the very start. Omega World Order. “Your dad was a guy with decent stats, jacking off into a computer receptacle at a sperm bank, hunny.”
This is the most sober and mature post I’ve yet read on this site.
A man should work towards leaving a legacy. Children, a business, knowledge, etc. Don’t be idle, counting the days till you die. Gain momentum in your life and take some risk. We are men. Risk is our business.
Pro post.
I would like this twice if I could.
Amen. I have 3 kids and a thought that crosses my mind every day is “What kind of legacy am I building for my offspring? Am I taking steps to ensure that legacy?” It’s a natural inclination for men.
A lot of millenials have parents with the same mindset as yours. They’ve built up a nice legacy for their children and what’s the result? Look at all the princesses and their “I don’t need a man” attitudes. They became selfish idiots who can’t and don’t want to raise children of their own anymore.
Of course, it has a lot to do with how you raise your children but I think wealth will ALWAYS spoil them to a certain degree. They know, no matter what, dad will pay the bill…because he can.
I can’t wait for the day when generation X is gone. Their kids won’t have a plan how to live without financial and emotional support by mom and dad.
Mine will do quite well. My 18 year old son approached me yesterday asking investment advice (stocks, mutual funds, etc) and is planning on investing a portion of his income every paycheque. They’ll be fine.
Signed – GenX’er.
You are on ROK, you know how to handle your children.
Everyone should build a legacy for their kids. The question is HOW and WHAT KIND of legacy? I’m not talking strictly about a financial inheritance for my kids.
What good are stocks and mutual funds going to be when the dollar collapses?
The best my father could ever give me was the gift of a critical mind. Encourage your kids to think for themselves, research, be hungry for knowledge. A good education from a well respected place will also help. The rest can fade away at any moment’s notice; what matters is what’s between their ears.
Mine are 5 and younger and I’m working as hard as I can think of to build something to hand to them. When they get it (their inhetitence), I’ll tell them that two things can come from this gift being handed to them. They can either take it and make it into something greater than it is and making themselves better in the process, thereby being a gift of immeasurable value, or they can squander it and become worthless leaching humans. In the second scenario I would have done my children a disservice to give them their gift. They’ll know this and they’ll have to make the decision for themselves.
Of course, in the process of growing up I’m also doing my best to give them nothing for free outside of the roof over their heads and the food they eat. There will be no flashy sports car for a 16th or 18th birthday and they will be expected to help work in the family business, to excel at anything they chose to do and to try to find the one thing they really want to do. Hopefully this will give them the skills and perspective to use any gift I can give them wisely.
History shows as well, it’s not the second generation that squanders the family fortune. It’s the third. So if you’re dad built and empire and you maintained it, you need to do that much more teaching and disciplining your kids. If you built an empire, you can’t just teach your kids to maintain it, but you need to teach your grandchildren as well.
You can’t plan your life as if worldwide disaster is inevitable. I was hearing the same gloom and doom about disaster being right around the corner when I started investing back in the late 1980’s. If I’d heeded the advice to “despair and don’t bother for all shall be for naught!’ I’d be a poor man today. Fortunately good sense prevailed.
You plan for the worst, but you don’t stop living as if the worst is inevitable. If the dollar collapses we’re all fucked whether we planned or not, but if the dollar doesn’t collapse then only those who failed to build their wealth will be fucked. My spidey sense tells me then that I have a 50% chance to not be fucked by taking one course of action, and a 100% chance of being fucked if I take the second course of (in-)action.
GOJ – that actually makes sense. The only thing regarding collapse or not is really whether to either stay in the market or pull everything out and ‘homested’ i.e. buy actual real estate and property for cash to protect one’s equity.
Agreed. This is why we’re moving out West when the kids are out of the house (fairly soon, iow). Wyoming is the plan, although the wife wants to check out a place in Montana, which seems like a viable alternative to Wyoming so I don’t mind, they’re both basically the same state with the same kind of people.
Frankly, it’s better for your kids to waste your wealth than to allow the damned government to waste your wealth.
Supposedly there is a plan to make that region a separate nation, provided we get a second civil war. Its beautiful country.
Collapse, like goes to zero? Thats fantasy, I’ve seen a couple of third world countries where their money has dropped 80 percentish…but we’re talking world class financial idiocy.
There’s always a way. Plan the best you can, but be resilient in your attitude and always think forward. About disaster happening, remember Gone With the Wind where he says; “Times of great destruction bring great opportunities.” When there’s economic trouble holes open up for people to take advantage of.
Texas will follow suit, then CA. Then Mexico will come calling for the rest.
Long story short, no one will stand for a bit of it. No One.
I think of it In terms of making them see the Primacy of Building their Character. That they will ever be a work in progress.
Then a love for Books.
The rest will come, when the basics are laid.
“Encourage your kids to think for themselves, research, be hungry for knowledge.”
Thanks bud. I’m single myself, and this, is literally what saved and keeps saving my life.
Yeah. Love him or hate him, Trump has succeeded in this. In that I don’t see his kids blowing what Fred Passed to Donald and he to them.
You’re on the right path. Thanks for the insight.
People tend to forget that inaction IS a course of action.
Every King needs heirs. Is this website called Return of Kings?
Every King needs to be worshiped at the throne, lol.
Indeed, every good Queen falls to her knees in front of her King…
A lucky man today will only have daughters. I cringe when I think about what my son may have to do and put up with in order to be happy when he’s grown.
Not that complicated. Just teach him not to pander to the leftist bullshit being spouted. Simple principles really. It only gets complicated if you let it.
Not at all. If you raise a son to be a man you don’t have to cringe or worry about him at all, he’ll strike his own path and take out whatever obstacles stand in his way. If you raise a beta wuss however, yeah, that would suck.
What makes me cringe and worry is what he’ll have to go through in order to strike his own path and take out the obstacles. No doubt you are right, that is what a real man does, but it’s not easy or fun nor does it make a fulfilling life although it can make you proud you didn’t compromise. I would think it would be much easier to be a really hot alpha chick, do exactly what you want and never have to compromise, while having endless men flocking to you wanting to pay for your every need while you simply chose the most desirable person to have sex with and pay your bills.
The strongest steel is forged by the hottest fires. The obstacles are what will make your boy a man. Do not fear them, embrace them. It’s not easy or fun, nor is it supposed to be. Constant ease is what creates weak men and societies. It is his job to overcome these obstacles. It is YOUR job to teach him HOW and WHY to overcome them.
Still, I wish he didn’t have to, just like war can make a man out of a boy, but I wouldn’t want him to have to go through such hard trials. What’s the benefit of being tough enough to handle anything if you have to go through living hell and almost die to become so tough?
Wishing for what goes against the very nature of humans is a waste of time. I wish I could be ripped without having to watch what I eat or working out. I wish I could earn millions of dollars a year without ever working a day in my life.
A little tough love advice: Get your head out of the clouds and focus on reality. Since the dawn of time, men have been forged from adversity. It’s a badge of honor we hold. To whine so much that we must go through adversity makes me question your masculinity.
haha. Then you’re nuts. I’m not whining about it or denying it exists. What I said was, it would be better off just having women, because women don’t have to go through such things. It’s much easier to go through hard times yourself, than to watch your son have to go through the hurt and become hard and jaded through realization of the cold harsh world. Certainly I wish he would never have to do so and if you don’t, I think you lack basic empathy and compassion. Living in the world we do, he will NEED to go through them to deal with the adversity and loss he will face, but in order to become emotionally numb and be able to deal with them he first has to get HURT, and I wish that didn’t have to happen. If I only had daughters, it wouldn’t.
I’m not nuts nor do I lack compassion. I simply recognize the NEED for trials and adversity. If your son becomes harsh and jaded by those trials, it is due to his mindset, not the trials themselves. I’ve been there and experienced those same feelings. Looking back, I wonder why I was so angry. It’s a level of acceptance, Zen if you will, that allows you to embrace the obstacles as a learning experience for nothing else than to test your determination to overcome it. And by the way, I have 3 daughters and fully expect they will go through their own trials. It is my job not to coddle them or wish they didn’t have to. It’s is my job to prepare them for those trials.
Let me put it another way.
Men, boys, males in general are being made into insignificant nobodies by the popular culture, education and government. Raising a boy in this environment is easy, because HE sees this himself without you prodding him to see it, ergo, he’s very open to a friendly, authoritative voice that tells him “You matter as a person, because you’re a man, and that’s a great thing”. You literally get sole monopoly dominion over his philosophy in life once he starts noticing that “life” seems to hate him in general.
Women, girls, no, you’re fighting Disney 24/7, you’re fighting the influence of other girls who are hypnotized princesses, you are fighting education which tells them that they are not only special but also better than men, and you’re fighting white knights willing to “man up!” and step forward to defend her delusions. You’re literally fighting the bulk of society. It’s an upward battler, to say the least.
The older your daughters get, the less you’ll want the “be pretty, get free shit” path from them. Believe me, you’ll quickly discover what an awful life, and path, that is.
“The older your daughters get, the less you’ll want the “be pretty, get free shit” path from them. Believe me, you’ll quickly discover what an awful life, and path, that is”
Yup. Because that path, simply put, is “let my daddy pay for my stuff and my illegit bastard womb turd I shitted out when I had unprotected one night stand with some ex-con I met”
The difficulties will make a son stronger and the ease of life a daughter will experience will make her weaker.
You’re daughters (if you have any) will become far more damaged by this society than a son whom has a good father guiding him will. They just won’t know how damaged they are until they are old and it is too late. Then you’ll see their pain when they’re in their 40’s and you’re much older. if you have any daughters or nieces, they need guidance through this just as much as a son does. Of course, they won’t want it when life seems easy and they think they have things figured out.
It’s great that the boys of today realize the attitude society holds for males and white males in particular, but unfortunately the only thing that will enable them to avoid the endgame that the puppet masters have planned is an armed revolution.
And that’s why my son is a crack shot with rifles.
I think if you raise a boy into a MAN ( like it sounds like your sons GOJ ) then he will have lightening rod like attraction to other high quality dames ….
Thanks. He does. His painfully gorgeous girlfriend of 2 years (she’s still in high school) flaked, but he took it in stride. He has 2 girls interested in him right now, as in actively pursuing him, that he tells me he’s putting on the back burner so that he can study (he’s a mechanical engineering major in college).
True. No argument, but of course, she won’t ever have to be strong so that doesn’t really matter.
And teach them empathy and humility as well, a trait sorely lacking today but extremely important.
That’s a given. Empathy and humility have been given a bad rap lately primarily because people confuse those terms with being weak and submissive. I can empathize with someone and still disagree with them. I can be humble but still assertive. They’re not mutually exclusive.
I suspect he will be too busy fighting in our next civil war to worry about happiness.
+1000. And if you can’t have kids, mentor the younger generation. Offspring is not merely genetic.
Great post Conrad. Life is a #s game and that entails risk. We must consistently push the limits. Anything else is a crime against one’s own life, a bath in mediocrity.
You will be forgotten soon after you die and all that you’ve doe wont amount to shit.
Enjoy your time and don’t stress about “Legacy” nonsense.
There are church doors in Europe, bound in iron by the work of blacksmiths whose names are long forgotten. But their work still stands, is admired, still beautifies the world, is still studied by we blacksmiths today.
That is NOT shit, but a marvel–a man can make with his own efforts a thing that is a wonder to future generations.
THAT is legacy.
Is that really true though? The legacy part, I mean. You die, your kids don’t have kids, what’s the “legacy”? You’re a fart in the wind. (I’m being sincere here.)
Legacy? The concept of “legacy” has changed drastically since men were still men. Today, as soon as you die, your financial “legacy” is robbed via death taxes, unless you are a Rockefeller or one of the other oligarchs who run this nation. And while you are alive, once you obtain that marriage license, any children you have in that marriage are not your children: They are the State’s children, and you are a mere legal guardian, aka babysitter over them. And then there is the birth certificate, numbering “our” offspring at birth like mere commodities, “human resources,” which is in fact all they are, and all we are, to the system. Not men and women.
At any rate, your wife, whose real husband is the State in the 3-party polygamous contract called the Marriage License, can disrespect and divorce-rape you anytime she is brainwashed into doing so, which is early and often via a brainwashing, misandric major media.
“Risk is our business”? Take a look at the actual statistical chances of a man starting up and maintaining a successful business in 21st-century Amerika (for a source on this, check out the 1967, memory-holed, 1000+ page tome THE RICH AND THE SUPER RICH by Ferdinand Lundberg). You might be better off playing the Lottery. Yet the misandric mainstream media and school miseducation system depend upon mulish men to think they can pull it off in spite of the ridiculous odds, just like the idiot mule character “Boxer” in George Orwell’s ANIMAL FARM, thinking that the answer is to “just work harder,” never noticing the fact that the deck is stacked, the game is rigged, the fix is in.
Only the Oligarchs leave a legacy anymore. The Rockefellers, the DuPonts, Mellons, and just a few other families who sit atop the Fortune 500 companies because they have figured out tax-exempt “philanthropic” loopholes like their bogus megalithic Foundations, and their Fortune 500 companies are like unsinkable ships of state themselves–unlike small businesses, they do not have to take risks. Since the people atop them run the country, these mega-corp’s get bailed out by Uncle Sam (who fleeces we the idiot little people to do it).
We men today live in fear of our female-dominated human resources department, and as stated, we stand very, very little chance of starting up a successful business and not being ripped up and raped by the IRS and other gov’t agencies, etc.
Again, our children are no longer ours, our wives are married to the big-brother State even if they are still married to us. Our substance, our sweat, and our blood is mercilessly sucked from us every April 15, and then, unlike the oligarchs, our substance is sucked dry for good after we die.
And on top of all that, more men are imprisoned in this country than all other countries combined, often enough for the most whimsical of charges, and once there, what little we had is probably gone by the time we get out.
Now, after all that, what is this “legacy” left to us of which you speak?
The most important life lesion I learned as Boy Scout was nominally about camp sites but it applies to a man’s complete life:
– Always leave your camp site better than you found it.
Same with the world after you’re gone. Will the people who knew you (or didn’t) think you left the world a better place for living it in? Can you, with your last dying breath feel that way.
Was your life a credit to the human race or a debit?
It is sad that women do not like to mate with older men BECAUSE, as we are discovering as a species things like sexual chimerism and increased Epi-Genetic induced SNP (Single Nucleotide Poly-morphism) in the sperm of older men some new ideas come to mind. Some of these are as follows. Women’s bodies build resistance to the sperm of consistent sexual partners (ref. “Sperm Wars”) at the same time the role of Epi-genetics in adaptive changes so crucial to the survival of our wonderful species are understood to have higher potency in older men, young women owe it to the species to have children by these older men with their more adapted sperm. I am forming the opinion that women are largely a maladaptive trait in human DNA and as such in the proper context serve to modulate genetic adaptation while if allowed to control sexual recombination of Epi-genetic adaptation will have an overall deleterious effect to over all species health and adaptive fitness.
I need to set the young 20-something women who flirt with me on a regular basis straight then, they are clearly screwed up for flirting with some 40 something dude, heh.
No, they should mate with older men. The point I was attempting to make was the scientific basis for young females mating with older men being altogether beneficial to humanity. It is good if you as an older man are getting younger females sexual interest while you are better able to care for the offspring AND understand the nature of females.
Right, I understood you meant this in a positive way. I’m just observing that many young women seem at least open to the idea of hooking up with an older man (although not too old, 80+ need not apply). Given the deficit of masculinity in the current generation perhaps now more than ever is this possible.
Too bad Anna Nicole Smith’s late husband (whatever his name was) still fell for it. His kids went through turmoil after his death with his fortune.
True, but you have to balance that with the fact that she had an unremarkable anus.
You got a good thing going with your idea there, and it’s mostly true, i’m putting together a work i’m going to send to science journals regarding the origin of the genders, and how it creates the dynamic we have.
I want to nail them, not father their children. What older man wants to play house with a 20-something woman? I can barely stand conversing with women my own age. Vacuous, selfish, dull children mostly. I’d rather be the Clint Eastwood character in those old spaghetti westerns. Ride into town, straighten out the crime situation, nail the hottest woman, then get the hell outta there.
Agreed. As much as I love my wife, she is not a source of stimulating conversation. Same goes true for most women I know. All mundane day to day gossip.
I hear ya! When my wife starts rambling on and on about bullshit, my mind just wonders about the important things in life.
This is universal through out the ages me thinks.
Actually I have found that a much younger woman is no more vacuous, selfish, or dull than much older women, and waking up to a firm tight body is quite pleasant.
I’ve heard that Hugh Hefner doesn’t even bother with sex anymore. He just spends his days wondering around his mansion with nurses and playing chess. Of course, this was a single account from a former resident.
But I suspect it is true because as men, we do reach a point where being with fling after fling just gets old and tiresome.
On the flip side, men who hit the wall and get burnt out don’t form political movements that blame women for not wanting to be with them.
I also heard that.
Its highly likely that he can no longer get a full erection.
There are those that testify that he can; although huge amounts of chemical additives are required.
Sure if you pump him full of NO he would but I’m sure its not quite the same.
Hefner will probably fade into obscurity after he dies, like Bob Guccione, and his Playboy business empire will go bankrupt like Guccione’s Penthouse. Afterwards people will wonder why Hefner in the 1960’s and 1970’s had such a huge following as a celebrity.
Playboy is finished. They just recently announced that they will no longer have nude women in the magazine. Only women posing sexy in lingerie.
Like Maxim, in other words.
Internet disrupted playboy business model long time ago. Hef doesn’t give a shit because he already made big money by then.
“On the flip side, men who hit the wall and get burnt out don’t form political movements that blame women for not wanting to be with them.”
Upvote 1000x just for this.
He is also 89 years old.
Cloning is still pretty misunderstood and not entirely ready for prime time. Plus, fucking chicks is fun and having a mother in their life is of actual value (despite what some will tell you).
Cloning defeats the entire purpose of sex. Which is variety.
I think people are creeped out because a clone is more you than your child.
Ideally your kids should be better than you. That’s my goal, anyway (if i ever decide to have any). Can’t do that with clones.
Clones of you would probably be better off with you as the mentor. Only you would know your clone best because he IS you.
Not sure how environmental factors come into play, though.
I have twin boys. They are basically clones of each other.
Work on Plan B:
The Science Surrounding Cryonics
Don’t sign up for cryonics for the dating prospects, however:
Is That What Love is? The Hostile Wife Phenomenon in Cryonics
My plan: martial arts till the wheels fall off.
Mine is heavy weights until my brittle bones snap.
You will be able to push around twenty-something beta weaklings when you are seventy. Happy lifting and all the best for your gains.
Every November in Canada we have Remembrance Day. People take up collections to donate to veterans organizations. And every year there is an incident that happens somewhere, like motherfucking Nietzsche’s Eternal Return.
Some punk will grab the donation jar and make a run for it. . . and some senior citizen combat veteran will chase them down and lay a beating on them.
Fellow Canadian here, I also seem to remember those stories. Never mess with a vet. Remember, they are the tough sons of guns who made it back.
Then there is the story of my great uncle. He was a tanker in WWII. He was driving in France when they came around a blind corner and got hit with an 88. The round struck the turret and he could hear the shell whirling about: the gunner, loader and lieutenant were Moulinex. The radio man next to him took shrapnel and was out of it. He popped the hatch and scrambled outside just as the follow-up shot struck the chassis. He took shrapnel all along one side of his body as he was thrown clear by the blast. He was able to make his way back to friendly lines.
After a stay in the hospital he was to be redeployed. There was another guy with him and the officer looked at their files. He looked at the one guy and asked: “So you have been blown out of three tanks?” Yep, so he turns to my uncle: “Armstrong, you have been blown out of 5 tanks?” Yep.
So the two of them spent the rest of the war driving around France in a flatbed crane to recover damaged tanks, either for repair or for spare parts.
The punch line is that after the war Uncle Doug was in a car accident. The driver lost control and the car careened into a ditch. Doug made a dive for the window – reflexes that had saved his live 5 times. He didn’t make it. He got half way out and the car rolled over on him, killing him. If he had just buckled up and sat still, he would have survived.
The annual “running of the punks”! Sounds like fun.
Blessings to your uncle.
There was an article I read about decade ago about some old American tourists in a bus visiting Central America. Three yobs boarded with guns and tried to rob it. The lead guy got grapped by the throat by an old Marine and his companions fled. The old jarhead didn’t let go until the police arrived and by then the would be robber was dead. Luckily for him in Central America, killing an armed robber is still considered self defense and he was released.
Never mess with a Marine.
Hear! Hear! What styles(s) do you train in?
My main style is TKD, but am also incorporating Aikido, Filipino Kali, and JKD. Always something new to learn.
“The older a man gets, the less important pussy becomes to him. Subsequently the desire for a relationship of consequence becomes more important to him as far as companionship with the opposite sex goes.”
An option is to get a dog when you get to that point. There’s a reason why they’re called a man’s best friend.
Gay solution (doggy style)
You guys don’t understand that after 40 it is not that you like sex less, but rather that you have a deeper appreciation for a really goods night’s sleep.
I can see a girl’s mind going berzerk when you choose sleep over having sex with her. LOL!
The nice thing about getting older is we no longer have that overwhelming NEED for women. They are now a nice thing to have around, but not a necessary thing.
Still like an attractive woman, but if she isn’t kind, warm, and enjoyable – no thanks,
Do you get lonely though? I’m not just talking about sex, i’m talking about a companion.
The greatest challenge faced by the 21st century western man is to find a woman who is more interesting than his left hand.
What companionship do you get in an asexual relationship with a woman, that you cannot find in a group of male friends?
I’ve not found a single woman who can have a decent discussion at length about any given philosopher or writer of import, I’ve not seen any interested in even caring about my concerns except insofar as they fulfill her own sense of wonderfulness.
Cooking. She would not fuck me, so we would go shopping together and then cook up a storm. I only have one male friend who can out cook me.
Easy solution: Hire a maid who cooks. Preferably a svelte 20 something little lady who likes to do so while topless. Heh.
Those topless maids – especially the svelte ones – can get expensive.
I suppose the point I want to make is that I actually enjoyed spending time with her even though the whole romantic aspect was off the table.
I have never met a man who prefers the non sexual company of women over men. You may enjoy her company, but you know it’s mostly due to the fact that you hope one day you will bang her.
99% of a woman’s time is spent validating her feelings. That becomes tiring very quickly. Why would I want to spend time validating women’s feelings who I have no desire to screw? That sounds like hell. Guys night out, it is!
You’re calling western women all “women”
They’re suppose to follow you not vice versa
Largely true, and I would have to admit that she was an exception to the rule.
Expensive and unsustainable LOL
I’m calling all women, all women. The only difference is the culture and how far they’ve been allowed or denied the open practice of hypergamy. The rest is the same wiring.
You don’t bring them in daily. I doubt Scorps chick cooked every meal for him too.
And there are few things more expensive than divorce rape. Prostitutes and maids are cheap using that scale.
Not exactly sure what you’re talking about….thanks for the irrelevant post though!
I concur, there’s only 1 culture, with a variety of different executions, i have to say, the muslims may be the best at restricting hypergamy, and also man’s polygamous drive, it’s why they cover their women completely… it’s to prevent stirring up arousal in men, their faith, promises all men they can all be Alpha pussy pounding kings in the afterlife, at the price of living out there lives as beta hubby’s.
It’s hilarious!
If we became friends you would have two. Been cooking for almost 50 years. Grans son of a cook (professional) and nephew of a chef and restaurateur.
I am planning on moving to the Philippines and 20 there is just too old. Two 16 year olds are just right.
Two 16 year old yayas, maids, in the Philippines, full time, live in, for about $150 per month.
I have found this to be true and further it is true for women as well. Even women prefer the company of men.
But they pretend to hell like otherwise.
That sounds very reasonable.
Are Phillipino women actually attractive on average as I’ve heard, or is it the exception to the rule? Never been there myself.
Women by nature are followers
That’s assuming our current economic climate will last forever
Women by nature are follower s:P
Want loneliness, try a bad marriage.
I think i’m there man.. .at least right now.
So true! After you hit your thirties, you soon develop a “I can take ’em or leave ’em” attitude towards women — and the REALLY great and amusing thing is that women HATE it when you do!
Looking back, I think that I really peed off a few women who I just wanted to be friends with, because I just couldn’t be bothered with the hassle and problems of a relationship of any kind.
Aim to get rich while your young then fuck all the girls you want when your old…and any idiot can make lots of money.
You must be part of the under 20 club
I think it’s worse than everyone realizes. Not only do men need the companionship, unlike women, it becomes harder for us to get when we get older. Women, for whatever reason, are just better at keeping social groups and supporting each other socially. They fill each other’s emotional needs and women don’t have the need for sex like men. When they do need it, well let’s face it, even a sixty year old granny can find a 40 year old guy who’s willing… he just won’t tell anyone. Women today would rather just be single and go get some ass when they want (which is easy for them) and get their emotional fix from their friends. My wife brings this up a lot… makes me nervous… the fact is, women just don’t need men as much as we need them, at any age. Laws and government have filled their needs, but no one has filled ours. We either need a pill that kills sex drive or some darn convincing AI robots pretty quickly or we’re all going to be hating life.
There’s nothing keeping men from being social. We’ve been trained not to as of late, that somehow male company is “gay!” but that’s bullshit. Get a hunting group together and bag some deer. Head out boating or fishing with your buds. Go shooting, or simply play poker a night or two a week. Problem solved. Need women’s companionship, outside of the question of sex? Absolutely not.
That’s called treating women as sex objects
Women are sex objects. Their primary purpose in life is to engage in sex in order to further reproduction. Given as we’re not an asexual species, and we don’t, that I’m aware of, propagate by rhizome, then that means we are sexual beings. Women are sex objects to men, men are sex objects to women. If we weren’t the species would wither and die. The last thing I want on my mind when I’m penetrating a woman with my dick is her skill at piano or her ability to multi-task at the office.
If that’s the case what happens if artificial wombs get invented?
But in the other hand women are good at multitasking or we wouldn’t have PC’s(debugging)
‘We’ve been trained not to as of late, that somehow male company is “gay!” ‘
A plot, I suspect, to isolate men from each other, and make them easier to enslave. Divide and conquer, unite and rule.
I believe you’re correct. A friend of mine noticed the trend over ten years ago, he called it “the ghettoization of the straight male”.
Totally agree in premise… But I’ll be honest that it has been really hard for me to find guys who want to do that type of stuff with any frequency. They’re either married and can’t do it, work all the time, are totally broke, or are too busy trying to find their next date. I miss that from my college and immediate post college days.
You sound absolutely blue pill. Brainwashed.
…….oh I get it…satire.
Ok. If those are my only two choices, I’ll take the robot. Wait, what about aliens? Not an option?? How come?
Don’t remember where I heard it, but if a man needs companionship, he should get a dog. If he wants sex, he should get a prostitute (or a night with Thumbelina and her four sisters). If and only if he wants children, he should get married.
“We either need a pill that kills sex drive or some darn convincing AI
robots pretty quickly or we’re all going to be hating life.”
Well, the solution to the first is becoming a eunuch (to quote my grandfather, as long as a guy has balls, he’ll have a sex / lust problem). I’m of the opinion that VR / hologram technology will overtake sex bot technology.
yea, I’d be okay with any true substitute. The person who finally invents it will be the richest man ever and the savior of mankind all at the same time.
Paul Craig Roberts has gone Red Pill:
The sexual relationship between a man and a woman is the foundation of society
Interesting he mentions Iceland as the only western holdout, and Roosh also wrote Bang Iceland…..
I have two sons and I plan on having at least one other child.
Your legacy on this Earth is your children.
You can amass as much material wealth and bang as many chicks as you like, but you end up with only memories out of it and some nice stuff.
Biological actual success is continuing your line and specifically your male line.
“You can see your own immortality in the eyes of your children.” — Plato
Personally, I prefer grandchildren.
Good call, but gotta raise the kids right or there won’t be any grandchildren.
“I have two sons and I plan on having at least one other child.
Your legacy on this Earth is your children.”
I would go a step further than that. Your legacy is not just having children; it’s providing them with an effective Weltanschaung. Anyone can change a diaper – not everybody has the wisdom to lead via a success-driven Weltanshaung.
That is why so many women overrate the importance of motherhood – they realize how basic it is: change the diaper, give milk at 3:30, etc. Really, a monkey can do this.
One of my jobs, as a parent, is to make my daughter into a woman worthy of marriage: a woman of virtue and integrity with traditional values. I think of this often, and it is a challenging task.
Hit the wall? Smash a hole in the wall, and go through.
Well said Mr. Curtius!
There used to be a time when a man was taught when was a teen that he had “to make something of himself” to be a man. Other generations spend most of their lives, and certainly most of their youth(16-30 yrs) doing so. Some succeeded, some did not–there are all types, some with motivation and others without (alphas vs betas vs delta vs others). Skills, relationships, children, are all part of the mix of building something. The only way society functions or gets built is by men building and maintaining it. Yes, if you try to make something, you might fail–sorry little kid, men take risks, it is one of the main differences between men and women– risk taking. The only way society functions or gets built is by men building and maintaining it. It was the alphas that build society and maintain it by their effort.
It is fun to be a 30 yr old jerk who has mindlessly enjoyed the many equally mindless bimbos our society has produced. However, notches on a bedpost isn’t much of a foundation for building a life. You are likely to live for 85-95 years. What will you do after having wasted the most productive 15 years of it (16-30)?
Once I’ve had my fill I’ll settle down with a nice, respectable, educated, church-attending female who I will take considerable time vetting. I foresee this happening in the next 10-12 years for me.
A nice respectable church going girl will unlikely have any interest in you unless you can match her demonstrated standards of character.
If she does she is not the girl you thought she was. A true Christian girl would laugh in your face and tell you to find God before you step to her.
Either be a Christian or don’t be. But if you think you’re going to enjoy the bounties of the Lord God Jesus Christ, at least have the respect to honour He whom has provided so abundantly for you and your prospective partner by trusting Him and following him.
That means NOT having your fill – if you don’t believe me read the Bible that will no doubt be so important to your would be wife.
Go to Dalrock’s blog and find out how feminism has infiltrated the churches of today — these thirty-plus Churchianity “born-again virgins” are former sluts who can’t find a guy of normal intelligence to ‘wife them up’, so they infiltrated the churches to make themselves appear to be the victims of the ‘evil’ heathen men of today’s society.
Churchian feminists don’t want to have to follow the parts of the Bible that they don’t agree with, so they cherry-pick.
They sound kind of like what I was challenging – otherwise non-Christian men going into church to find a good and nice Christian woman after a lifetime of Game.
Same logic going on…
“They sound kind of like what I was challenging – otherwise non-Christian men going into church to find a good and nice Christian woman after a lifetime of Game.”
As a reader, they don’t strike me as such. The blog owner is married, and at least God’s Word in entirety is preached. Most of them (from their comments) strive to live Christianity.
From a practical red-pill Christian standpoint, I prefer DeepStrength’s blog. He actually goes in depth in the exegesis of Scripture of how to be a better man of God. I actually learned more from DS’s and Dalrock’s blog than from 16 years of sitting in a pew.
What’s up,Redpill?!
I’m following you! I want to say that I’ve left the church (protestant Christian) because of the Constant Hypergamous Screening (job/credentials interview),by women and the leaders/members saying I should be asking women out,getting a better job and of course be a good provider willing to “sacrifice” myself,as Jesus did,for the church.
But sweetheart(s) don’t care that the bible says for Women to “honor their source”….that’s Men! (Too busy chasing misogyny)
Where have all the good men gone? There are No good men or women,but the godly men? We’re still here,avoiding the honey trap/male utility dynamic….Women just don’t care about their disposable Human Doings,because….
“House Husbands Just Ain’t Sexy” (YouTube)
“A nice respectable church going girl will unlikely have any interest in
you unless you can match her demonstrated standards of character.”
You’re assuming most Christian women are different than non-Christians. Between my experiences in Protestant evangelicalism, and (, most Christian women are not that different from those that turned out
to be ‘non-Christians’, excepting they sprinkle a little religion in
their conversations.
The ones that aren’t the same as ‘non-believers’ are filled to the brim with the feminist heresies that are preached from mainstream Western Christianity (see
There’s a reason I went to Eastern Europe….
“You’re assuming most Christian women are different than non-Christians. ”
Important point you made – and true, but if he’s after a pretend Christian who’s really a slag then he aint getting no good homely Christian Girl even though he thinks thats the case.
True followers of Christ are the girls we all want but have to meet that standard.
It’s more of ‘a prudent wife is from the Lord,” but I agree with you.
A clones DNA and mitochondria would be the same age as your dna. The “child” would not outlive the original.
depends on how the cloning was done. That’s not what we see in cloned farm animals. Almost all long horn bulls are now cloned, and we don’t see that. The telemeres and mitochondria are not clones, just the DNA itself in the nucleus.
Of all the places on the web, I suspect guys here may at least understand this. In my late twenties, I literally got sick of sex. Getting girls wasn’t that difficult, matter of fact, it had become routine. Go out, wait for one to come up, chat them up and then off and have sex. All pussy started to be the same. Heck, even doing anal lost its allure, as I discovered that although I love a woman’s curvy backside, nothing beats pussy. In fact most of the times I did anal I pulled out and had to finish off the normal way. My whole life up until my late 20’s I’ve always had multiple girlfriends at once. I’ve been monogamous for almost 8 years and I’m perfectly happy.
The problem is once she realizes your perfectly happy she’ll leave, and then you won’t be perfectly happy. Remind yourself of this post when she’s about 42.
That is exactly 100% wrong.
Happy life, happy wife. Not the reverse, which is what you’re upholding.
If you’re self assured and happy in your life, she is there to ride with you. Your goal is not to make her goals yours. Your goal is to fulfill your dreams and desires. If you do that, she engages you much more often because of the huge confidence this creates in you.
I think it depends. For me we were very happy, for 15 years. Her parents died and she inherited a lot of money. At that point, she decided she might “just not want to be married”. She said she still loved me, and our kids, but that she did not like being obligated to the family day to day. She wanted to be “free” and open to do whatever she wanted when she wanted to do so. She eventually decided to not leave. I’m still not sure what I want to do long term. Right now she is paying off debt with that inheritance so I’m going to let her do that before i make any moves, because if you divorce in my state debts are split but inheritance would stay with her so I benefit from letting her pay it all off before anything happens. It just really shocked me… we never had any problems, I have a good job, good kids, we still had lots of sex, got along well, have lots of friends, vacation etc. When i’ve asked her what’s missing or what it is, she just says nothing is “wrong”, this just isn’t the life she thinks she wants and she doesn’t want another guy, or any guy. It really sucks…. but I can tell you, what makes a happy life for your wife WILL change over time or if she can be “happier” without you, she will, even if you are absolutely making her happy already.
Women get this vague sense of feeling unfulfilled around middle age. American culture gives them the freedom to self destruct.
Yes, and it’s not just self destruct, they take you with them if you’re married.
That’s her dealing with her parents death I think. She likely doesn’t want to be around anybody deep down. Losing your parents is hard, especially when you’re younger. She probably really needs to see a real, qualified therapist; by that I don’t mean some pill pusher, but somebody to help her work through her parents’ deaths. If I were to wager a guess, and I don’t even play a shrink on television, I’d suspect that due to those attachments disappearing that she has a defense mechanism kicking in to cut all emotional ties to everybody so that she can’t be hurt again.
Or something like that.
What I’m saying is that I’d bet that she wouldn’t have this attitude IF she acquired the money through a lottery ticket, as opposed to losing the two people who gave her life and raised her. Just a hunch.
Why stay with someone who doesn’t want to be with you? That crap she’s telling you is her hamster trying to let you down easy.
You’re smart. Let her spend her money on that debt and eject as soon as the check clears.
You’re a king. And if she won’t treat you like one, someone else will.
Oh, I think you’re right. Researching this type of thing, I’ve found lots of things about “life changing events” and divorce and how women react in these ways. That’s really the problem though isn’t it, you still have no control and they can ruin you, and it really doesn’t matter how much frame you’ve maintained in the end, they’re just fickle creatures and to tie yourself to one is crazy. (trust me I know)
Yea, I wanted to give it some time, one because its in my financial best interests, but second, to make sure it isn’t just pure depression on her part. She has for the most part, been a faithful good wife for 15 years and I don’t want to just be the guy that bails immediately because of a mental health crises, but trust me, I’m going to have to know that’s what it was beyond a shadow of a doubt. My own ego wouldn’t allow me to stay otherwise.
Eh, not to jump to her defense, but you did say she lost her parents. That fucks up anybody’s head, man or woman. It is true that legally she has you by the short curlies, but I really don’t think this has to do with you per se, but rather some kind of psychological defense mechanism triggered by her parents passing.
Sorry to hear that. I know of a guy who went through something similiar 20 years back. She inherited a bundle from a dead aunt, split from her husband (all the kids were grown), stopped working and ran off with a dirt bag.
Last I heard this woman is sitting in a nursing home alone with alzheimers and neither her kids or grandkids visit. Karma is like that.
True, but you seem to have a good grasp of the situation. Getting all your ducks in line is going to be your best bet. Play along, placate her, whatever you do stay calm. It will be difficult but it will pay off in the long run. If and when she does go batshit crazy, make sure you are in damage limitation mode and hopefully get out the other side somewhat intact.
That’s the plan. Thanks for the advice.
I hear you. Seems like you’re doing what’s in your best interest. Keep that up! Never forget that her “hypergamy doesn’t care about your loyalty to her” and AWALT
Plan a romantic maybe last trip together with no expectations, most women love sentimental stuff like that. And if it doesn’t work at least you got to see the pyramids or something.
“All pussy started to be the same. Heck, even doing anal lost its allure, as I discovered that although I love a woman’s curvy backside, nothing beats pussy.”
SMH. Welcome to binary heteronormativity, finally.
Remember the old saying: “Upside-down, they ALL look the same”!
YMMV if you are not into Asian girls, but here is what I have to look forward to spending my 50s with and beyond. It’s a lot of work. It is HARD. Fucking sluts is easy by comparison but I gave up on fast food sex a long time ago.
Your wife looks lovely Scorpio. However most American guys can’t keep up with Asian family and society expectations. I’ve dated Asians before; South, East, and Southeast. You quickly realize you are not dating an individual but an entire family, with expectations of you.
Not my wife yet. I have a diamond ring with her name on it waiting for her in Canada once we can arrange the visa and take her there next summer.
(I’ve posted on this issue before: everybody is hot to bring in 10,000 Middle Eastern terrorists to Canada as refugees for permanent settlement but it is hard as fuck to just get a visitor visa so my fiancé can meet my family before we both return to China.)
Generally you are correct about the family issue. As I turns out she had a falling out with her parents a couple months before we became serious. I have been wracking my brains to figure out a way to repair it but I really make the problem worse as I am a white guy who is a year older than her father: she is terrified to tell them about our relationship.
A lot of Chinese who – by age alone – would be peers with Boomers are fucking racists who will disown their daughter rather than blessing a union with a westerner. Meanwhile, a lot of Chinese Millennial girls specifically want a western guy, whether as a ticket to GTFO of China and live in the west or else to have a “hybrid” baby and continue to live in China.
I’ve written a bunch of other posts about China. With the exception of Shanghai, Hong Kong and a few other places, China is not the place to come and bang. The girls here are a lot of work but you can find ones that are young, slim, low notch count, loyal, commitment-minded, family oriented and a long list of other things that separate them from the tail you might be chasing in America.
“A lot of Chinese who – by age alone – would be peers with Boomers are
fucking racists who will disown their daughter rather than blessing a
union with a westerner.”
Maybe it has to do with culture rather than race? I’m partial to Indian girls myself but their culture is very intricate and I have to admit, more refined than ours, or at least mine (typical middle class American upbringing) . I’ve dated Indian women who’s families were really sweet toward me but there was no way I could fit in with all they have going on in terms of traditions, customs, etc. I understood that. Indians still do arranged marriages and in India itself “dating” is not really possible so I don’t expect a BANG INDIA any time soon.
In high school I knew a really sweet Indian girl but she told me flat out “My parents would not approve.” They were recent immigrants. I’ve dated more westernized Indian girls in Canada. I think there is at least one article on deploying game in India.
In dealing with the cultural divide I can generally get by either through experience or an “eyes open, mouth shut” strategy to fit in. I’m not really an “egg” (white on the outside and yellow on the inside) I just find the new cultural experiences to be novel and enlightening.
An egg?! LOL! First I heard that one. Never really understood the “yellow”. East Asians are brown, not yellow.
WTF are you talking about. white guys kill it in small towns too due to novelty factor. I’d say that anyone but Blacks can succeed in East Asia, except maybe in the super rural places.
I live here. You can’t score in small towns without the language skills. Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have very westernized girls that you can deploy game on. Second tier cities have girls looking for husbands. Third tier farming communities have lots of eager girls, but you have to speak the language to access them.
To follow up: China and the women here is different from other Asian girls. They are not Japanese squeak toys nor are they Thai or Filipina cum dumpsters.
There is a grand minority of Chinese girls in small towns who dream about being whisked off by some foreign guy but it is a minority among minorities of parents who will approve.
The girls love you. . .the parents, not so much. I teach at a high school. It’s a bit disturbing how friendly the teenage girls want to be with the foreign teacher.
They don’t love me. I’m Black.
I have not had a heart-to-heart discussion with Chinese girls and their views on Black men. I suspect there is a minority with a fascination. That is the joy of OKCupid and such: you can find whatever you want.
Dating sites suck for Black men, especially since I’m not looking for landwhales or ex-druggies.
Given that I am cracker white, I really can’t comment on that. Maybe you should have a chat with English Bob: he seems quite at home in his own skin and has no problem with the ladies.
I guess you would find the hottest chick you can find and cohabitate. After a few years and around the time she screams for a ring, you dump her. Repeat and try to not get her pregnant. Alternatively, you can marry her, but get a prenuptial agreement and keep your property separate. Or you can find a hot chick who has a big investment account and owns property so the community property is evenly split.
Sounds boring
either that or just have a relationship with about 3 at a time, cycling one out and one in as they start wanting to move in together or marry.
I get the sense that many hardcore players eventually get burned out on that lifestyle and go from one extreme to another by promising monogamy to some girl they think is ‘different than the rest”, which is why I’m not much for the player thing, i.e. tons of ONS’s, club game, etc.. It’s far more sustainable to have multiple LTR’s and some short term ones(with a few FB’s mixed in for the variety). You get the pair bonding that humans inevitably crave without the drama and stagnation of marriage or traditional relationships, plus retain the sexual excitement. Players will generally cheat on their monogamous partners out of boredom before long. I know because I’ve been that guy-lying to myself thinking I could only be with 1 women for long periods of time.
It is very tough and exhausting to keep up the player lifestyle once you get a little older BUT there are other option in life than just surrendering to marriage and kids. We are all sold the same bill of goods our whole lives that this is the only acceptable path for a true adult and it’s bullshit. Being a true Alpha is making your own decisions and charting your own path in life, not just following a script laid out for you by peers, society or family.
I think the key is to find a balance that suits you between the extremes, we’re all different of course. I fall somewhere in the middle of all that. I’m certainly not unicorn hunting, nor am I doing the club scene, however my sex life is not lacking and I certainly don’t settle for a butter face even if it’s just going to be a romp in the hay.
I agree with you on making your own decisions. I’d go further to say as a man, you should prioritize yourself first, immediate family second (if you have them), and everyone else after, (with the everyone else being a giant maybe).
Yes agreed-make yourself the focus and continually improve/grow. Women should be an accompaniment to a great life, not the center of it.
Swingers are by far the most stable couples, makes sense to have monogamy/polygamy hybrid relationship since we’re a species stuck halfway in between of a shift from polygamy to monogamy.
The problem is, the female has 100% of the power in a swinging relationship. The only way to give away more power to your wife than being a swinger is to have an outright open relationship.
I’m not saying that you should get married into such a construction, was more making the point that people can stick together as pairs while not imposing total sexual restrictions on each other, and have pretty healthy and good relationships with each other, couples like that tend to fight a lot less, and mostly over light matters that don’t really endanger the relationship, rather than infidelity. You’re sort of setting yourself up for failure expecting a creature with a deep rooting in polygamy (the root of it in our biology is very deeply entrenched) to skip the process of changing to monogamy and fast forward to the stage of completion.
I went to my 20th HS reunion and ran into a guy I used to run around with. He told me he and his wife were swingers and it saved his marriage. His wife was there. Cute blond from Texas, but very insecure. I heard a few years later he was divorced.
As I thought at the time, “swinging” is just a short pause before being divorced.
I’ve never understood with swingers what separates them from just being roommates with benefits. The whole idea behind marriage is the vow of commitment IMO.
True, but it is controllable. We also have the natural urge to hurt and kill others, when angry or threatened, but we don’t do it.. .well most of us don’t.
But at that point why use the word relationship at all? Just call it FWB and keep assets legally separate.
A FWB is not someone you plan of living together with for the rest of your life, which IS the intention of swingers couples, and swingers couples still mostly have sex with each other, it’s just that they allow one another to take a side dish once in a while.
A FWB is simply a chick you know, hook up with from time to time, go to a concert with, and bang on occasion, and doesn’t live with you, or has no intent to share the rest of their lives with you or whatever, FWB’s are just platonic hookups really.
Swingers are not platonic.
But why would you do that? You’re paying the bitch to cuckold you. Better scenario is just bang her once or twice a month and not pay for her life.
Gilgamesh and Fact Comment, swinging and open are 2 different concepts;
Talk about cuckold. She keeps interrupting him, she has control of the relationship. Poor guy should run away as fast as he can. This is poison.
Of the two, she’s the talker and he’s the doer. He has is own channel where you can see things like this;
Hey i’m not a swinger myself, i have cult-leader game, i was just pointing out data that’s out there about swingers and holding it up to the backdrop of our evolutionary past.
See how stable poly made this wife and mother of 3;
This is the third time that you have posted that clip in this topic alone… this raises some questions as to your motive for being on here.
It’s clearly not for literally everyone…
Can i ask a question ??? … what mental deficit do people like you suffer from that makes you think that you can disprove a mean or rule by cherry-picking one example to the contrary ?
I wonder…
Besides, haha, didn’t bother to look until now, black people should never be looked upon as examples of what whites would do.
Don’t point out blacks… doesn’t matter what rule of thumb they live by, they’ll always fly off the handle.
Actually this woman Kenya and her husband Carl are two of the shining examples in the poly world. They are actually doing it RIGHT. Though we still don’t know what the long-term effects on their kids will be.
This woman did poly right. She and her husband have been married about 20 years now and they are still going strong. However,
we still don’t know what the long-term effects on their kids will be. I’m on the fence about “progressive love” but still “open” to the idea it might work better than traditional forced monogamy (and cheating).
then what was your initial point ? i didn’t watch the video btw.
Watch the vid. All the way through. Just do it.
“I know because I’ve been that guy-lying to myself thinking I could only be with 1 women for long periods of time.” OPEN MARRIAGE is the soluton.
In my early 30s I got into the BDSM scene. Someone asked me “why?”
I said: “If she will let me tie her up, spank her, fuck her up the ass and then cum on her face, I don’t think she will divorce me for having the toilet paper roll off the bottom rather than off the top.”
That didn’t work out. BDSM girls tend to be nuts. Still, that was me in my 30s trying to find a pair-bonding strategy.
Ha ha…. and what about the BDSM boys????
Most people that deep into kink are physically unattractive and have major self-esteem issues.
There are some exceptions but I think you are largely correct.
Get married before you do
I did and I don’t regret it at all – there are plenty of normal women out there, don’t go MGTOW unless you’re already like 60 and single
As I’ve become and elder bachelor, women really have not been the problem. It’s been a struggle to maintain friendships with other men. Unattached men and fathers just don’t mix. You slowly lose pals quicker than you make them.
I’ll qualify this by stating there are two distinct types of bachelors –the type who
are looking for a wife, and those who are not. The first type gets on fine with dads. On the other hand fathers and men like me have little in common. Also causes some career problems if you don’t hold your cards close.
Lots of younger hot women are attracted to men twice their age. But they usually don’t realize the age difference is so great. When they actually learn the man is closer in age to their father, their brain flips. This is a problem in american culture. Probably a result of feminist indoctrination over the last few generations. Its not that big deal in other cultures.
The feminist indoctrination’s purpose is to create the eww factor so these older, more stable men have fewer options so the feminist pigs can hook up with these men. The post wall bitches know they can’t compete with the younger women so they make it seem taboo. You can tell just by their facial expression when they see an older man with a younger, hotter girlfriend.
Its like men and women are on different life trajectory. The more a man improves himself over time, the more a woman goes into decline. I have very difficult time feeling attracted to middle age white women in america. Its almost like they wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and try to make themselves ugly. Then they get bitchy when men don’t respond to them the way they want. Its a real challenge to pretend to be polite to them. You get nothing back. Better to be the dos equis man and bail out for international adventure.
that used to be true, but I don’t think its true anymore. women over 50 can get laid by a younger guy any time they want… and they fill their emotional needs with friends not men and just use the younger guys for sex when they want, basically booty call style, which the younger guys are always eager to do.
I was at a conference where I saw a married ~50 year old lady, not fat but not hot, have sex with a different guy 3 nights in a row. All 3 of them were younger good looking guys. She would just approach them at the conference hotel bar and then take them up to her room. One of them she blew at lunch (I overheard him talking about how crazy it was that she was so aggressive). She had a wedding ring on and talked to her husband at least once i overheard where she told him she loved him. Wish I could have gotten her name, I would have found her on facebook and at least gave her husband a heads up.
I might see one fuckable middle age woman a year, even in mid-size city. Its rare. Go on Match and search the middle age hags if you want. Draw your own conclusions. My dick goes cold. I’ve had middle age broads come on to me, and my first impulse is i’m flattered, I’m not rude to their face. But then my brain kicks in and I think about that junk in the trunk, botoxed forehead, and that tired look in the eyes, and I lose interest. Probably 50% of the male population will fuck anything with tits, I’m aware of that.
more than half 🙂
Depends where in the country you are. There are many women here that are in their early 40s that look like they’re in their late 20s, but they’ve all paid a lot to look that way.
Sometimes I see asian or latino women who look surprisingly younger. Totally have it all together. Get asked to show ID. But not white women.
You need to come to Dallas or Austin, you’d change your mind.
js, her hubby probably already knew. Hell, he may have encouraged this behavior. Open marriage is the latest American craze and its taking off like wildfire!!! It can be problematic for young couples but once menopause hits, I see no problem with it.
I don’t have a problem as long as both people in the marriage know and are okay with it. Unfortunately, usually one likes it and one is pressured into it. Also, you’re crazy as a man to agree to an “open” relationship. Women can get guys way faster than you can get girls and you have to pay money to court girls, they don’t have to pay money to court guys. If I were going to do anything (which I wouldn’t) it would be swinging, not just straight up open relationship do what you want.
See what a young, 20-something, virile, muscle toned man can do to a middle aged suburban housewife;
why on earth would a man want their wife to feel this way about another man? What then keeps you from just becoming a roommate and friend to your wife/husband instead of their lover? How then do you not just become friends with benefits with your actual spouse while they LOVE another person? That sucks. No thanks. I wasn’t saying that a women were using “forced” its usually the men that are/were the husband that become unwilling cuckholds one way or another. This video proves my point exactly…. “you’re crazy as a man (the husband) to agree to an “open” relationship” I feel bad for him being married to such a slutty bitch.
“why on earth would a man want their wife to feel this way about another man?” Because he gets to feel this way about other women, and make them them feel that way too. As far as that couple goes, I’ve watched several of their videos and read their blogs and they are in no danger of splitting up or becoming roommates. They’ve built a small empire and lucrative business around coaching “progressive love” to other couples. They claim to have saved a number of marriages from divorce. They also say you have to have your monogamy in order first before you can venture successfully into polyamory. They are all about “marriage and family”. Carl and Kenya Stevens. Check ’em out.
Their feel good marketing/sales spiel seems to have worked on you because you’re doing the selling for them!
You’re right open marriage favors the woman. Unless the guy is some highly desirable top 1% of men and the woman is completely washed up or ancient, the woman will be banging away like a whore. In this type of situation it’s time to file for divorce.
100% agree.
Like I said above, not indoctrination, its genes. I know one chick who’s “life partner” is 22 years older than her but for having twins she chose a man 17 years younger – than her!
I don’t know how genes have anything to do with age. A man at 50 still has the same genes when he was 17. She probably chose the 17 year old because he wad horny and can fuck like a wild rabbit. The older partner probably wasn’t interested anymore.
Science says old sperm makes autistic babies. And he wasn’t 17 years old, he was 17 years younger than her. But anyway, hear the effect young meat can have on older women. NSFW, or home 😉
I would take what “science” says with a grain of salt especially if you can’t really confirm it. Believe it or not, they lie to you.
For example, in diabetics, carbohydrates quickly and directly affect blood glucose levels and it negatively affects them. The American Diabetes Association STILL recommends (based on their “science”) that they consume a bulk of their calories from complex carbohydrates which elevates their blood glucose. If they consume fats, moderate protein, and no carbs, they will be able to control their blood glucose better and be in bettet health. If a doctor prescribes this to his patients, he could lose his license because it is contrary to conventional “science” and what the medical community says. Think about it. They make little money if you’re healthy. No money if you’re dead. A ton of money if you’re sick.
I’m an herbalist myself. Still, old sperm has been linked to autism and there’s no way Big Pharma can make money off of saying that, so……
They don’t know what causes autism. Some say it’s aspertame, some say vaccines, gluten, pesticides, etc. I could easily say post wall women trying to get pregnant has a high chance of autism and we should not impregnate them. Go after young fertile women. If they ever publish that, what kind of backlash would we see?
Prime reproductive years are 20-36. After that, men and women both need to gracefully enter another phase of life: the wise elder.
As a 60 year old married to a 32 year old Asian woman, I can tell you many stories of how western white women feel about men marrying age inappropriate women.
“…I can tell you many stories of how western white women feel about men marrying age ‘disparate’ women.”
There. Had to correct that. It’s the feminists who call it inappropriate.
I bet you get your share of looks. A lot of women try to shame you for dating women outside your age range. I tilt my hat to you.
It’s only “inappropriate” for the old feminist harpies who squandered their youth, beauty, and fertility on “exciting”, “romantic” dirtbags.
Now the hateful old biddies don’t want the younger women to avoid the mistakes that they made.
Its not indoctrination, its genes. I know one chick who’s “life partner” is 22 years older than her but for having twins she chose a man 17 years younger – than her!
The worst part about getting older is having to fuck old ladies.
The funniest thing as a married guy is in three years my wife will be 43 and the oldest woman I have ever seen naked.
That may be the reason why we slow down.
After I hit the wall with women in her 20s i will game women in their 30s. And when I can’t attract them anymore I will hit women in her 40s. And so on…
From what I’ve seen in my older relatives, dating and hooking up with 20-something hotties can’t last forever, but we men still have it better than them at later stages of life. I’ve seen very few men in his 50s and 60s living alone, and most of those who do have options. On the other hand finding a partner for a woman in her 50s…Good luck.
Women have all the power in the sexual market in their 20s. But after that, power is ours. And I will use it. I owe them nothing.