For those who are not keeping up with the full range of leftist lies, the It Gets Better Project exists to promote homosexual and other deviant sexual behavior. It focuses on spinning the outright lie to children that some kind of rosy future awaits if they decide to reject a clean, healthy, and functional, girl-chasing sex life in favor of other sexual paths.
In their own words “The It Gets Better Project’s mission is to communicate to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth around the world that it gets better, and to create and inspire the changes needed to make it better for them.”
A quick look at the site may leave some boys or men thinking that a journey of exploring degenerate sex as recreation and an identity is a good decision for them. Just in case anyone is still fooled by this kind of thing, here are eight things that characterize what passes for a life among homosexual men. Just so no one is left in suspense, it is not a pretty picture.
It’s not entirely clear to what extent these unpleasant outcomes are caused by the homosexual lifestyle, and to what extent they are characteristics of people who adopt it. However, it might be wise to advise young men against running that particular experiment on themselves instead of promoting it.
HIV statistics for homosexual men are frightening and should be enough to make anyone pause for thought. There is a reason that the disease was initially named GRID, or gay-related immune deficiency.
In 2013 the CDC reports nearly 38,000 adolescent and adult men newly infected with HIV in the United States. Fully 81% of infections were the result of male to male sexual contact. Another 3% were male homosexual drug users where the method of transmission is not known between the two.
In 2013 nearly 20% of homosexual and bisexual men, in the United States, tested positive for HIV. Many of the men tested will be infected later in life and infected men are more likely to have already died. Consequently, the probability of a man who lives a regular homosexual lifestyle, in the United States, becoming infected in his lifetime must be much higher, perhaps up to 40%.
2. A lonely life
One of the great joys of life is having family and children. A homosexual man has little chance of building a happy, cohesive, and enduring family unit because children are at the core of that unit. Perhaps some satisfaction can be found in simulating the motions of starting a family in the early years of adulthood. After that it becomes increasingly difficult and unlikely. That’s going to make for a very long, boring and lonely second half of life for the vast majority of homosexual men.
3. Drug use
The CDC website says “Studies have shown that, when compared with the general population, gay and bisexual men, lesbian, and transgender individuals are more likely to:
- Use alcohol and drugs
- Have higher rates of substance abuse
- Are less likely to abstain from alcohol and drug use
- Are more likely to continue heavy drinking into later life”
The Independent says that illegal drug use is seven times higher among homosexual men in England and Wales.
4. Mental illness
According to The Guardian, homosexual men are four times more likely to suffer from depression. Other mental health problems and general measures of mental health show a similar picture. As a group men who have sex with men have poor mental health.
5. Suicide
According to Wikipedia homosexual and bisexual males have a rate of suicide between 1.5 and 14.6 times that of normal men. It’s a much studied area and the range of values calculated is high, but no figure in that range is good news for men who perform homosexual acts. Indeed, according to a survey by Pink News “24% of gay men admitted to trying to kill themselves, while 54% admitted to having suicidal thoughts.”
6. Pedophilia
Statistics on pedophilia indicate that attacks are disproportionately homosexual in nature. In Australia approximately 95% of such crimes against children are perpetrated by men. Meanwhile girls are victims approximately twice as often as boys. Clearly the proportion of male offenders victimizing boys must be in the range of a third of cases, homosexual acts are clearly heavily overrepresented among pedophile acts.
7. Other health problems
One consequence of homosexual acts among men is what used to be called gay bowel syndrome. Don’t research this one too much if you want to enjoy your lunch.
8. Extinction
Everyone seems to agree that it is sad for some particular panda or other zoo animal that he just can’t seem to get the right idea about how to successfully produce a baby animal and carry on his line or even his species.
Any man who performs a homosexual act has dramatically increased his probability of personal extinction. His future lies with that of the dodo. How sad.
Making choices
I want to confess here and now that Hesse Kassel loves cakes, chocolate, and sweets of all kinds. There is really never a time when I would not prefer cake over bread and chocolate over broccoli. For obvious reasons I mostly don’t choose to eat sweets though. Instead I try, and largely succeed, in making better long run food choices. Going against my immediate, short term desires is not an impossible quest, nor is it somehow inauthentic. It is simply that when I add up the long term costs and benefits I can see which are the wiser choices.
Inevitably the old line that homosexual men don’t have any choice about their behavior will come up. Perhaps this article already caused it to pop into your mind as a sort of mental defense reflex. This claim is one of the true, clear and successful examples of the big lie in action. There is little evidence for the claim and it has gained credence simply by endless repetition.
Meanwhile there is obvious and clear evidence to the contrary. Men are widely known to switch between healthy and homosexual practices, then back again when they pass in and out of prisons and other male-only environments where healthy sexual opportunities are limited. Survey data indicate that perhaps a third to half of men who report an identity that includes homosexuality say they are bisexual. At the least any man in that position could simply choose to enjoy girls and not touch men.
In the end men can make choices about who they penetrate just as much as they can make choices about what they eat. It’s not easy if an inclination to make a bad choice is there, but then few good things in life come easy.
The consequences of choosing a homosexual lifestyle are clear and very bad.
It does not get better.
Read More: How Homosexual Athletes Are Ruining Sports
Nicely put. Fact is, homosexuality is not just a slightly different lifestyle from heterosexuality despite claims to the contrary. The stats from countries that legally recognise same sex marriages bears this out- they are just not as interested in marriage or monogamy. The divorce rate would make straight people give up on marriage altogether.
One criticism though- you missed out the higher levels of domestic abuse in same-sex relationships. All the studies show they are much higher than in hetero relationships. It is sadly ignored though, because some don’t want to acknowledge anything that makes gays look bad.
Gay men commit gay bashing? I’m shocked.
How would that even go?
“You’re such a fag!”
“You would know, wouldn’t you?!”
Something like this probably:
That scene immediately came to mind when I was originally responding…just too lazy to find it on YouTube.
It’s a great scene. I actually didn’t except to find a clip but YouTube never fails
Best scene in that movie is the cat scene:
“Holy fuck! Oh shit! OMG! …do you think it’s dead?”
Unrelated but I read you practiced Wing Chun at one point. Messed around with that for a bit. Why’d you stop?
I have to admit I never saw all of it – I will have to look at it again.
I was quite into in my twenties but I ended up having to drive about an hour and a half to the sessions after I moved and it became a bit of chore.
From what I remember, it was pretty good. Very un-PC.
Yeah I liked it. What I saw at least
I can get that. I practiced for half a year under the great grand son of IP Man I believe, and while they had belt rankings, while saying there were no ranks, it was a gulf practicing with guys who were clearly years ahead of me. This was all while not having a grasp of the basics. So I’m guessing sticky hands and Tsi Dum Tao are a few of the things you still remember? I am sure I spelled the phrase wrong.
I never got to an advanced level. I learned the the three forms but never had the discipline to progress through the grades. I did some basic chi sau, never touched a wooden dummy. I wish I’d had the dedication, time and money at the time. I regret that. My sifus traced their lineage to the same grandmaster who was supposed to have been a disciple of ip mann. Not a son though.
I would love to learn how to train with a wooden dummy. I train in TKD, JKD, Kali, and Aikido but am always wanting to learn more styles. By the way, have you heard they’re coming out with an Ip Man 3?
The wooden dummy is the marque of expertise! To be able to navigate through one just once is phenomenal.
I was too new to the style to appreciate any of his lineage and unfortunately too self centered to accept their way of ‘beating’ in the lessons. It was pretty cool hearing the history. I’m sure my former sifu is still teaching in New York. I’m currently learning a new style affiliated with the Pai Lum family.
That’s quite a portfolio of styles. You must be lethal. Loved the first two ip man movies. Actually I’d love to hear Donnie say ‘cuddle! what a fag’
Well I’ve only been studying Aikido, JKD, and Kali since April of this year, so I’m nowhere near proficient. Been studying TKD for 16 years. I wouldn’t even say the techniques are the true difference in the styles. Rather, the mindsets and philosophies are what make each style truly unique. Coming from a hard style (TKD) to a soft style like Aikido is a frustrating endeavor, but it has definitely given me a new perspective in training and has made me a more complete martial artist. After watching Ip Man, I wanted to go buy a wooden dummy, but I’d have no idea what to do with it. Oh the angst!
I would have loved to have been able to practice on one. Wasn’t to be though.
That gives me the creeps.
the most persuasive martial artists seem to be open to mixing styles, discovering what works for them I guess – I think in this day age it makes a lot of sense to do things that way. I don’t know much about TKD but I remember one guy who managed to marry it quite well with wing chun as his second choice. I imagine with JKD it would be similar. Not familiar with the others (unless Steven Seagall films count)
I didn’t think you’d be cuddling man Tom
Indeed. JKD is a hodge-podge of martial arts. We practice a little Muay Thai, BJJ, Western Boxing, and Kali. As Bruce Lee is famous for saying. “Take what is useful and discard what is useless.”
Must have to do with my oral fixations or something like that.
Very good quote. I am glad you are as focused on styles as you are on utility. Seems people get lost in MMA titles and forget to be proficient you need a foundation and the only way is to be a master in at least one style.
In Enter the Dragon he also said “I practise the art of fighting without fighting”. That’s my preferred style at the moment. That sounds like a formidable repertoire though
I believe it was Sun Tzu who said the greatest warriors do not get into fights…I could be totally wrong on who said that but the point still stands. Fact of the matter is I’ve never been in a real fight in my entire life but that doesn’t stop me from preparing for one.
The mix of styles are definitely complimentary. It’s a yin-yang balance between the styles which is completely frustrating yet absolutely enlightening. The more styles you study, the more you realize how they all interweave.
It ebbs and flows. I go through cycles where I focus more on competition style training and other cycles where I want to focus more on the self-defense applications. As long as I’m improving, it’s all gravy to me.
Just started on the road to mastery this year. I’m learning a nuanced style so for the last 10 months, I’ve been learning forms. I’m sort of proficient at the forms but without a sparring partner, I’m taking corrections as my only route to improvement. Very different from the previous styles which were all contact oriented like TKD and Wing Chun. Next year will be my first competition so for now it is all basic form training.
I won’t name the form but so far I’ve learned Monkey strikes, Leopard Strikes, Crane strikes, Dragon strikes, Pheonix strikes, and Lion strikes. A little bit of eagle as well as bear.
Cool stuff. Good luck on your training!
this time I won’t be searching out a relevant youtube video to illustrate the comment!
Lollipop lollipop ooh-la-lee-lolly-lolly-lollipop!
that makes sense if martial arts is about strategising for the best possible outcome, as opposed to trying to prov that you can kick ass for the sake of it. Its obviously also about mental and physical discipline, which is where preparedness comes into it. Re. the mix of styles, it probably does similar thinks to the brain as learning multiple languages.
Well there you go. Pretty gay indeed
Thanks! Hopefully we both can become proficient enough in our respective styles that we can teach someone how to be a master too one day.
Your self-restrained is appreciated.
Well I used to be a senior TKD instructor at my old school, but was stagnating so moved to another school. I still teach from time to time, but mostly am enjoying being a student right now. Will be starting a competition team at this new school soon and need to start writing on my competition website again. My writing has gone to the wayside since I started up my Fiverr account. Not enough hours in the day it seems.
Absolutely, the wooden dummy is definitely an awesome piece of training equipment, but only if one understands the principles and techniques that it is trying to teach. Even if someone learned the form but didn’t have a clear understanding of the principles underlying, the “mook jong”( wooden dummy) is pretty much useless. For example, I remember watching an old Jackie Chan movie, the Rumble in the Bronx, where he is practicing on it, when I first saw it, I thought it was pretty amazing. But now I know that though it looks good it is pretty much fluff.
“Unrelated, but I wouldn’t want you to think I’m gay, so let’s talk martial arts, har har.”.
“Yes, I’m not gay either. I’m a manly man. Har, har.”
Thanks for the aside. I always appreciate when someone inadvertantly admits what they promote as positive is actually degenerate behavior. I could have asked my question at any time, yet you chose to stalk my comments until the specific topic of faggotry came up. Good on you faggot.
It was funny though. I wonder if masculine homosexuals go “Gay? That’s too ******* soft. Can’t I be ‘Spartan’ or something?”
You mean wholesome, 1950s women of the favored style of woman hood sucked dick?
Color me shocked. I thought they only did missionary. THen I read about their grandmothers in the 20s. Yeah, “swingggggg”
Yeah but back then some of them would actually have thought they were talking about candy on a stick. Women blushed in their cheeks back then rather than free bleeding in the street
No lie, one of the most insightful, and hilarious rants on homosexuality I ever heard was when a gay friend went off on “Fags and Fairies”.
His point – just because your gay doesn’t mean you act and carry yourself like a cartoon bitch!
He and a significant portion of the gay populace would never be so much as suspected of being gay unless they were directly propositioned.
Heard of Krav Maga? It is a martial art that incorporates “a little bit of this and a little bit of that”. Thoughts??
I have a book on Krav Maga and done a little training from it. Solid stuff. Only problem, from what I’ve been told, is that most of the schools in the USA are primarily interested in the $$$. If you can find a quality instructor, give it a go!
You actually watched that clip wtf wrong witchu???
People have been asking my whole life. If only I knew.
Well you’re not going to find the light at the end of a vagina jus sayin’
Why not? Have you already snatched it?
I wanna slap the shit out of you right now
Is that part of some role play? Not that I am offended by your aggression, but I do not see where it is coming from. Oh well.
It’s from you acting like a little bitch and I’m doing it for your own good.
The pity party you like to throw only lasts a short while and won’t get you very far out there unless you are doing it deliberately as a manipulative tactic to get something- that’s a different story. I won’t feed that monster thank you.
Toughen up because the world is a harsh place and you need to be a wolf to survive out there.
Well, firstly, it is none of your concern if I seek help regarding my problems. I have no idea who you even are.
Secondly, my response to you was not an expression of self-pity, rather of amusement.
Thirdly, thanks for your good intent.
I am convinced gay men don’t want marriage. They want weddings and access to spousal employer paid health insurance. If women thought it is hard to get (hetero) men to commit to marriage, wait until weddings become synonymous with big homosexual spectacles (think a gay parade with a wedding cake). No hetero man will want to be associated with such a thing.
As for lesbians.. well… My decades of experience as a landlord, I have had many lesbian couples. All they do is fight with each other! Lesbian marriage will be followed by divorces that will put heterosexual divorce to shame is regards to the shear level of vitriol and brutality.
At most homosexuals want the inheritance rules that comes with gay “marriage”. They mostly still have open relationships and since Obamacare has killed employer paid health benefits that is soon going to be gone to the world.
Marriage, in general, that is the structure for having/raising/rearing children is a cornerstone civilization. We are going to be very sad that we have messed it up so much in the next few decades. And that isn’t just gay marriage that is also no fault divorce, alimony, bigoted family courts, etc.
The whole gay marriage thing is BS. The last thing a gay man wants is to abide by adultery laws, and lesbians are so co-dependent they have no need of marriage. The institution of marriage exists specifically to reconcile the biological differences of men and women, and gays don’t really want it. Gay marriage is now and has always been a purely political weapon bent on the destruction of the nuclear family unit, the final impediment to totalitarianism.
Gay marriage is so gay people can enjoy the same civil liberties you and I enjoy.
No more, no less.
You homophobes are so terrified …. Get some therapy. Please. You’re insane.
To be “phobic” requires that (1) one have a fear that is (2) irrational, neither of which is the case here.
“Enjoy” and “liberties” are strong words to use in conjunction with “marriage,” but homosexuals have always had the same rights to marry members of the opposite sex as have otherwise similarly situated people.
“No more, no less.”
You need to try harder. No one here is that stupid as to believe that.
Hardly. Gay marriage is about gays enjoying the civil privileges instilled in marriage to support and protect the products of family, namely motherhood and children.
However, that aspect of the institution of marriage is quickly losing significance, so I say, let them wed. Let everyone wed. Burn the entire institution to the ground.
Yeah? What of the civil responsibilities?
Ahahahahahahahahaha. I have often said that if gay people want to get married, go ahead. For if I actually hated any of them, I could think of no better punishment then getting married. They are already suffering the effects of divorce.
He is correct, and I am not stupid.
The true insanity is blindly following religion and letting it destroy you and everything else it touches.
I am not gay or liberal.
Civil responsibilities like churches that pay no taxes but want to turn the government into a theocracy ?
You mistake fear for disgust. The phobia tag is a little behind the times.
You are blindly following yourself?
That’s always been the most asinine response. And you conservative douches all think your so clever and cute.
The human *right*, regardless of the law, is to love the object of your desire. Since marriage is no longer a property exchange, since you patriarchal dicks no longer get your way as far as owning women and slaves, marriage has been redefined to be about committing to the person you love.
There is no reason to not extend this public commitment ceremony, and the legal privileges it confers, to gay people. (Or remove the legal privileges completely.)
Marriage has nothing to do with children. That’s the excuse trotted out by conservatives.
People have children inside and outside of wedlock. Infertile people or people who don’t want kids are allowed to marry. Elderly people who are past their fertility can stay married.
Nothing in the vows about children. It’s all about love and commitment.
You must be so disappointed that marriage is no longer about guaranteeing your sperm and property rights….
Poor MRAs. Having a penis no longer guarantees that you (if you’re white, that is) rule your petty little corner of the world.
What is the world coming to?!? People WITHOUT penises having rights????
Yes you hateful little men are oh so very smart. You have penises! Doesn’t everyone know that MAKES you intelligent? It makes you kings???
Actually, I use my brain, not my dick, and not 5000 years of oppression to think with.
What about them? Gay people pay taxes just like straight people.
Any disgust you may have was learned, it’s not inherent.
And you should get counseling since you can then regain your intelligence around these matters for which you have such a strong emotional reaction.
Must be hard to be as dumb as you. Reread my comment, let go of your paranoia, and try again.
Oh snap. Wow. You really wounded me with such a sharp insult. ‘I’m dumb. wahwahwah.’
Is that the best you could come up with? Never mind. It obviously was.
(I know that I was answering a larger argument than you put forth, and my jeering was of the wider MRA community. It’s not always only about you, you know. I know that comes as a shock. It’s something we all have to learn as we mature. Perhaps someday….)
Well, I could have said you’re an antagonistic dipshit … would that have been better?
The thing I love about feminists is how simple-minded and thin-skinned they are.
But the real truth is, if you weren’t a fat ugly slut, you wouldn’t waste your time trying to attack the likes of me.
The real truth is that if you had anything of consequence to add to the actual discussion about gay rights v the narrow homophobic response to said rights, you would say it rather than try to smear me with the same old tired and trite ad hominem arguments about feminists.
I’m not hateful. I don’t hate anyone at the moment.
I’ve never oppressed anyone, nor have any of my family or friends. But oh that’s right, I’m automatically guilty by being born male (let’s completely ignore any charity work I’ve done, being involved with other cultures, and trying to encourage the best in others).
The victim card has already been played out, my friend. Getting upset and hurling insults does not work too well amongst men, either.
Good luck with your personal issues. I hate to see people who go through life confused and angry at the world. What a terrible way to live.
You’re not hateful because you’re a man. You’re hateful because you’re an MRA.
You’re speaking out against gays having the same rights as straights.
How does that NOT make you bigot?
How does it feel when you look in the mirror and see the fat bulging over your waistband?
Oh, wahwahwah, now you’ve really insulted me. Lol.
How do I feel? I feel great knowing that we live at a time when, by using our incredible intellect and creativity, we have ample resources.
And this same intellect and creativity means we can move away from old cultural mores that were instilled during primitive eras, such as the oppression of women or hatred of “the other”, including people of other races, cultures, sexual preferences….
Thanks for asking. How are you feeling?
Ample resources, including food.
Home Depot Pro Tip: A dimmer switch in the bathroom is easy to install and greatly reduces the mirror’s sting.
If you want to reduce hatred of “the other”, you might want to start with your hatred of men. The reason that won’t happen, though, is because the hatred of others starts with hatred of yourself.
I don’t hate men. I hate MRAs whose goals in life include reducing women to chattel and despising us when we insist on our full humanity, including our full adult human sexuality.
You’re the ones always spewing your vitriol, slut shaming, etc. Talk about self-hatred, each experience a woman has with sperm devalues her in your (collective) eyes! Perhaps you should all cut off your (collective) testicles and save us the indignity!
I just had a mental image of you enjoying your full human sexuality.
I’m going to go get another beer, now.
Cool, because a beer is all you ever get, you poor pathetic misogynist.
PS I’m not certain you’ve every seen a women having sexual enjoyment.
I don’t hate all women. Just women like you.
No, on second thought, I don’t hate them. It’s disgust tinged with pity.
Let it go.
Their (the conservative douches) idea of what constitutes a “good marriage” is my own personal nightmare.
It’s completely inherent.
Homosexuality is a means through which weaker men attempt to subvert the competition for mates. It’s only natural that men would shun them.
That doesn’t even take into account the diseases, the warped and empty culture, and the collapse of social morale.
If you need proof- check Russia in 20 years.
I have many times.
And I agree with him fully.
Don’t ever critiqure someone for a supposed ad hominem attack. It’s all you do.
Tolerance of the “other” requires the participation of all parties. So weird how historically ignorant keftists can’t fathom that.
What’s ironic is that they can only engage in this foolishness because of the unprecedented success of this era’s white males.
Bloodbaths in Europe, U.S. Cities, the Middle East
Ethnic conflict is at the root of so many of our destructive wars. To the delusional, ignorant leftist mind this mandates the abandonment of ethnicity. Hardly. The twentieth century will see even more ethnic hatred and bloodshed, especially as Reconquista 2.0 jumps off in Europe, and the invaders are finally driven out.
You may think you get status from pushing these kinds of outdated 20th century ideas, but reality is currently biting you hard. It’s only going to get worse.
Of course it devalues her. Ste absorbs that DNA biologically. If she has a Chik she is cross pollinated with the child’s DNA. This sounds silly but it’s truth.
This doesn’t even take into account the psychological damage that results from female promiscuity.
My wife was a virgin when I hit it. My daughter is homecoming queen and my sons are on their way to being star athletes. All of them are brilliant academically.
They will have to be: no delusion can last forever. The collapse is going to be absolutely devastating. Especially for low-seeded, low frequency people. It’s true I want some of that glaze but I don’t hate. In fact I have pity- sooner or later people must heed our warnings.
And what is the “liberated womans” idea of a good marriage?
“I feel great knowing that we live at a time when, by using our incredible intellect and creativity, we have ample resources.” – if this was the case then how come the bulk of new advances in pretty much everything today is still being made by men not women and yet women are making up the bulk of University graduates.
“And this same intellect and creativity means we can move away from old cultural mores that were instilled during primitive eras, such as the oppression of women or hatred of “the other”, including people of other races, cultures, sexual preferences….” – if this was the case why then have nearly everywhere a progressive or “liberal” has stuck their “noses” in things have gotten worse e.g. ending European or white rule in Africa has resulted in more poverty, more black on black violence, more disease and famine. What about the open borders fantasy that “progessives and liberals” love to preach about – Europes currently getting swamped with “immigrants / refugees” what has been the end result have a look at the statistics from Sweden rapes up 1,400 percent yet no comment from feminists or liberals, violent crime, theft blah blah all these increases have been committed by the hordes swarming in from “other races” again no comment from the feminists or liberals. I wont even go into details about the other progressives or liberal favourites of “wealth transferring”, social security, and so called foreign aid.
“PS I’m not certain you’ve every seen a women having sexual enjoyment.” – isn’t that when a woman says not tonight I have a headache.
What of the civil responsibilities to civilization? You know, like having a family and bringing your children up to be the pillars of civilized society.
Makes us the rulers of the world.
Many gay men, raised to be closeted, married young and have kids who they are raising, after growing up a bit and deciding not to live in the closet. There are gay foster parents or adoptive parents.
There are many straight couples who don’t have kids, by choice or infertility.
So is the later group to be faulted and the former to be commended? And at what point, with 7 billions of us, should it be considered highly unethical to bring more poor buggers into existence?
No. You are just an idiot, an example of almost everyting wrong with the West.
You need help. Mental retardation, however slight it is, is a terrible burden.
5000 years only? Damn we had such a good streak going. I’m just happy that women are rediscovering the turn on that men who are fearless and know what they want are. How many women want to fuck Don Draper, the epitome of Alpha? I’m going to take a real long shot here and guess that in a bar you are the last girl a guy goes up to to hit on, and he better have more than a few shots of the hard stuff under his belt if he is actually going to do the deed.
Seriously, adultery rates among gay men will make you blush. I recognize my next statement will be anecdotal, but I’ve met and spoken with two gay men at length about various things as part of a class i, had to take. Both of these men, without me soliciting this information, told me how many times they’ve cheated on their “partner” (I hate that weird but I’ll be god damned if I say boyfriend).
Sorry pal but there’s nothing insane about being against gay marriage when you recognize the absolute farce it is and it’s destructive effect against society. We’re not trying to control what these people do in their own bedrooms but trying to prevent the increased governmental control as a result. That is not some conspiracy theory, it’s verifiable, undeniable fact that it has resulted in an increase in governmental control over society and detrimental effect on people who choose to have different beliefs. In other words, we’re against gay marriage and we’re here to stay. Get used to it.
We’re clever enough to use the proper form of you’re* “douche bag”. Why is it so difficult to accept that people have very legitimate, non religious reasons to oppose this farce? It’s because you’re close minded, intolerant, and bigoted like all leftists. Keep shielding your simple mind from criticism by shutting down debate so you don’t have to examine your facile beliefs.
Good, then don’t get married
Stop blindly following your religion then, marxism IS religion.
It’s completely false. The bullshit about absorbing DNA is pre-Mendellian “science” from the 1820s. I realise that Roosh posted on it, but he really is not the sharpest tool in the kit, and he misunderstood the paper he was attempting to summarise, and pretty much got it wrong.
Congrats on your kids.
When you’re a straight white male, the “other” includes women and gay. You don’t actually need to travel far or even go outside your ethnicity.
Funny how conservatives always invoke this boogyman from exotic places. I’m not about to embrace radical Islam. The American ‘Taliban’ (the far right) are enough of a threat to people’s freedoms.
Gee. I thought women didn’t actually get raped. Wasn’t that the MRA hardline for the past 10 years? Or is it only scary non-europeans who commit rape?
The human *right*, regardless of the law, is to love the object of your desire
Can you show us which State or Federal statute regarding marriage mentions “love”? Or sexual desire? I’ll be over here, not holding my breath, because I’ve looked and all I see are restrictions involving age, number of participants (one male, one female), varying limits on consanguinity and (occasionally) physical and mental health requirements. Nothing about love, or even like.
If gays wish to get married, that is their decision. Hire a hall, a band, a photographer, a caterer, invite lots of guests, and all the rest. But if they want society to recognize and sanctify that ceremony, then they have to meet society’s rules.
Hear, hear!
The one I’m in now – my husband and I adore each other and respect one another. We both earn and contribute equally.
What’s your definition of a great marriage?
The same statute that mentions motherhood and children. (Ie, none. I’m talking culturally.)
Society’s rules change. Marriage is no longer a property exchange, marriage is no longer polygynous, marriage is no longer restricted to people of the same race, etc etc.
I realise that you guys completely hate modernity, but fuck you, and I don’t that on the nicest way possible. 🙂
Oh, so marriage laws don’t require that you be allowed to marry the one you love, just like they don’t allow pedophiles to marry children, or those into bestiality to marry their cows? Wow, it’s almost as though you were arguing for society to be allowed to define marriage how the bulk of society would wish to define it, rather than having a definition made by some unelected asshats in black robes and shoved down their throats.
But you wouldn’t force people to believe what they don’t want to believe, because that would be hypocritical, and we all know that liberals aren’t that. They would actually have to stand for something before they could betray it.
And as for marriage no longer being a property exchange, that kind of defeats the argument that gays were making about wanting to be able to inherit (as though a will wouldn’t work to define who gets what in the event of someone’s death, and they don’t even need to be married to them to inherit! Imagine that! A simple piece of paper that a first-year law student could fill out and all that could have been avoided.
Again, marriage laws have changed, and the only restrictions that society was imposing were those that seemed best to society, with each State allowed to define their own rules (see also: “laboratories of democracy” ), just like they could do for hunting laws, professional business codes, driver’s licenses, building codes, and all of the other things that the Constitution doesn’t mention. Just like it doesn’t mention marriage (you might want to look up the 9th and 10th Amendments to see what is supposed to happen in those cases) or adoption or health care. If a State actually wishes to VOTE to allow SSM, that is their choice, and people get to vote with their feet. But even California voted it down. Not once. Not twice, but THREE TIMES. Only to have one judge overturn the votes of those millions of people, claiming it is in violation of a document that never mentions it. That’s like claiming UFOs are unConstitutional.
Oh, and fuck you too. I’ll bet you don’t like when the 1% imposes their lifestyle choices on the other 99%. But it isn’t any better when it’s the 1.6%. (That being the percentage of people in the US who self-identify as gay or lesbian, according to the CDC. Look it up, if you have the balls.)
You conservatives always trot out the same ridiculous arguments. It’s almost like you really have a block of cement between your ears. No individual thought at all.
No, Drumwaster, you CANNOT marry your goat or the child you have abducted in your basement because neither of them can agree to a contract.
The bulk of society supports marriage equality. just like most people supported interracial marriage. You’re just behind the times.
Look, I assure you -these laws don’t mean you have to marry a man. Stop getting your knickers in a twist. No one is imposing ANY lifestyle choice on you. It. Does. Not. Affect. You.
And… States Rights? Are you one of those people who thinks that slavery should have been a States Rights issue (but who supported the Feds in enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act)?
No, Drumwaster, you CANNOT marry your goat or the child you have abducted in your basement because neither of them can agree to a contract.
Talk about projection. And if you are talking about a contract, then why weren’t the civil unions being offered as an alternative – same rights, responsibilities, authorities and legal relationships, but WITHOUT having to redefine the bedrock of human civilization – good enough? It’s all about agreeing to a contract, if you aren’t lying.
And why can’t children agree to a contract? It cannot be solely “because society says so”, since that argument isn’t good enough in your own case. Further, you are also ignoring the plural marriages now being sought.
The bulk of society supports marriage equality
But when it was put up to a vote, SSM always seemed to fall short of being that “bulk” you mention, and it took an unelected black rode wearer to force it down society’s throat, so that argument fails miserably, too.
Look, I assure you -these laws don’t mean you have to marry a man.
Just like the earlier laws meant that gay men did not have to marry a woman. But that wasn’t good enough.
It. Does. Not. Affect. You.
But it DOES affect Society. How You Get There Matters. When laws are imposed from the top by being shoved down the throat of an unwilling populace, rather than being argued out in the Legislature, or voted upon in a plebiscite, that is not how our system is designed to work. And when those same procedures are being used to take away the very same privileges you are now celebrating, you will have absolutely no right to complain at all, since it will be the very same procedures used when the decision was in your favor. And I will laugh. How. You. Get. There. Matters.
And as far as States rights go, I will only again point out the 9th and 10th Amendments, which are black letter, and in plain enough English that only a liberal or an idiot (you score on both counts, clearly) could misunderstand. There are things that belong at the Federal level, and those that do not (I gave you a few examples, which include marriage laws) are up to the States to decide for themselves. That’s how our system works. “Law of the Land” in case you missed that day in Jr High Social Studies. (Slavery was also decided. 13th-15th Amendments, donchaknow?)
but who supported the Feds in enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act
The Democrats – then, now and always seeking to benefit from the labor of others.
That depends on the modern womans definition of rape is?
Cool. I’ll use that in my murder trial. “He hadn’t really said, ‘no’ clearly enough, your Honor, so I’m sure it was consent when I shot Crisp.”
That’s not what a lot of modern women are calling rape – example boy and girl meet at a function both get drunk have drunken consensual sex girl regrets her actions reports boy to police.
Research shows that the number of ‘false’ claims are much lower than MRAs claim (don’t get me started on Kanin’s badly performed research), but I actually agree with MRAs that:
1. Any claim should be treated with the utmost care and privacy so that the accused doesn’t lose reputation, income, etc.
2. false claims should be prosecuted by the full extent of the law.
The thing about drinking too much? If you’re too drunk to give consent, it’s not consent.
If you’re too drunk to know whether or not it’s consent, then don’t fuck. (That goes both ways.)
I don’t know about the “research” mentioned but the last news article I read showed that most “rape” claims are thrown out of court because there was no case to answer, in fact one detective pointed out the fact how many women claiming rape to cover up their drunken escapade.
As for the drinking to much – if the person can buy another drink, if they can send a text message then they can by their actions give consent.
Theres plenty of marriages start out that way then one partner decides to change the rules and dominate the other.
You are oppressing MRAs, therefore you are also a bigot! Hypocrite!
Shut up, Misandrist!
A. I am not oppressing you. I am not affecting anyone’s job, house, marriage, etc.
B. I’m an ally to men. MRAs are a politically motivated backlash to all people’s rights, (men’s included) as you call for narrow definitions of masculinity/feminity based on a conservative ideal that was rejected by the large majority. You lost the culture wars, get over it.
There are men’s rights groups who are not MRA. Men are oppressed by society, not by feminists. It wasn’t feminists that put women and children’s safety first (as a popular notion). It isn’t feminists who believe men should be cannon fodder in wars while women should be safely at home. It isn’t feminists who believe that custody should automatically go to the female because woman should be raising the children.
Regrettably, mistakes have been made in feminism and feminists are not always aware of the ways in which been are oppressed, but mainly aware of the way men are sometimes privileged.
It’s not an insult. Besides, it’s based on a narrow view of the range of behaviours ‘allowable’ to men and is used to hurt men into compliance.
Stop oppressing men. A much wider range of behaviours is acceptable.
I don’t support degeneracy! Homosexuality will send you to Hell!
I worked around a lot of gay men. After the years of fighting for marriage, they got it. Then “transgender” got in the news, and they all started fighting to let 8 year old boys decide they were girls and dress up and shit. One time I asked them why transgender was now all over the news. They flat out said that after they got gay marriage, there wasn’t anything else to keep them in the news and relevant. In other words, the whole thing was just a crock to push themselves in our faces and feel good about forcing themselves on everyone. Gay marriage had nothing to do with equal rights or anything. It was just an extension of Gay Parade Day.
The studies I have read show that it is the presence of the XX chromosome that causes DV. The most violent couples are the lesbian couples. The next most violent are the heterosexual couples. The least violent are the homosexual male couples. I find these results to be completely reasonaable after living with women for most of my adult life.
Could you please provide a reference to your studies?
Author is clearly a closeted gay.
What film did you see that in?
I’ve always found that particular attack funny. One either goes along with the gay agenda or one is “hiding something”. I believe this is likely what we used to call a “logical fallacy”.
A fun game to play is calling a figurehead promoting homosexuality gay and what how quickly they clam up or try to accuse you of slander. Then you simply ask them, what’s wrong with being gay? Are they secretly a bigot?
it’s almost as strange as saying that the KKK are all secretly black.
Yep, that’s what I say to my peers in university. There’s also the fact that the moment you piss off some gay person/sympathizer the number one insult they will throw at you is calling you “gay” or “closeted homo” (the very group of people they are trying to support). It’s like even their own conscience tells them that it actually sucks to be gay and there’s no honor in that…
“ohh man I really hate this dude and I want to insult him… oh right, I’m just gonna call him gay! A straight person would never be such an asshole! HA HA I’m so smart!”
Yeah that’s funny as hell. A straight guy is not a gay activist? Insult him by calling him gay! LOLZ
So true!
Straight men don’t think of gay sex as some kind of tempting but forbidden ‘chocolate cake’ they have to use willpower to avoid. This author on the other hand…
You’re a closeted homophobe.
Practice safe sex. Just such a simple concept.
Impossible for gay men. Safe would also imply consent, sanity, and civility. Gay men are easily lost in their pleasure. You try asking your partner to where a condom when it is five of them at once.
Prison sounds rough. For me practicing safe sex is with a female.
delicious tacos claims that men basically can’t get STDs from women. he says that the idea that we’re at risk as much woman and not-100%-hetero men is just propaganda. granted he uses this as a rationalization for unrestrained raw dogging of every woman he bones, but he might have a point.
You brought up prison. Isn’t prison another nice example of homosexuality not being genetic?
Wouldn’t say the risk is 0%, but it is significantly less simply because we’re not “receiving” anything in us. Theoretically, if you have no cuts on your lil willy, you’re pretty safe….still wouldn’t think of raw dogging it with just any woman. Actually, for me it’s a moot point seeing as I’m married, but you get the point…
Could be. Doesn’t really matter to me if its genetic or not. I consider it a disorder (whatever the cause). Having observed people in prison and people who have been there, it is clear to me that the repeat and violent offenders have serious mental disorders. Its not suprising they would engage in homosexual behaviour while at the same time saying “I’m not gay”.
Yeah you can definitely get STDs from a woman. I wouldn’t listen to that fool.
Have you ever talked to a homosexual man and had them tell you what the facts of life are after having anal sex with hundreds of men over the course of twenty years does not one’s rectum/anus? Basically it means that you have to wear adult diapers because you have no more control over your anal sphincter. Why isn’t the MSM talking about this?
Thankfully no. But I have talked to enough gay men to know the gay man who truly only had sex with men is extremely rare. They all seem to “find themselves” after they have slept with a woman and realized it “isn’t for them”. Not too far is also either an effeminate father, poor relationship to their father, or no father at all. With divorce and love being the makings of the current marriage environment it is unsurprising that the gay populace has grown as much as it has.
it’s my understanding that most of the STDs in the hetero population are spread to our side by just such gay men, or men who flip-flop between sexy with women and men.
On the last point, and I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I believe that bisexuality is either fake or a terribly insignificant occurrence. I believe it’s a case of gay people who want their cake and eat it too.
Heard about that. Gays throw down mattresses, get naked and ass fuck each other. No protection just raw riding.
I put my two Liberty safes side by side and have yet to encounter them having sex or reproducing a bunch of new little Liberty safes. I think it’s a myth, personally.
Who knows though. Maybe in a many thousand years there will be anal birth. Don’t underestimate evolution.
“What is it nurse?”
“It’s a….turd.”
I wasn’t even aware that my gun safes had an anus. Seems I missed out on some vital classes in college.
Let them stand around together for long enough and they will grow one.
If it is true that people are born gay, it would be useful if you could determine the sexuality of the foetus in the first trimester of pregnancy.
And then strangle it with its own umbilical cord?
I am a liberal.
Over the years there have been occasional blurbs about that and the media memory-holed it.
They do this because there is a dark alliance between the GLBT crowd and the abortionists and if there was such a thing as a “gay gene” the latter know that Mr and Mrs. Yuppie, on being told that future child is going to be gay, is going to have an image in their heads of junior at the family reunion with his big black gay boyfriend and so off to the abortion clinic they will go.
And that dark alliance breaks down.
unless.. (because this is America)… we’ll see a day when only straight white male fetuses can be aborted (I won’t put that past the leftoids) but that would be a major signal for the living “scourge of the earth” to simply start burning everything down.
I was having a laugh Doktor. We all know that God does not make gays.
But….but…some giraffes and dolphins are gay too.
A person must not have any use in society if one must observe and study animal sexual deviants and habits and conjure a psychological explaination why.
“Why is that homosexuality is prevalent in over 1500 species but homophobia in only one?”
Homophobia is real. It is not a choice.
And unicorns. Don’t forget the unicorns.
There is evidence that has been memory holed that there is a lot of male fetus being aborted because they are male. The gender statistics of abortion are hard to come by. I wonder why.
Homophobia is real, and I choose not to participate.
The gays have caused me no trouble, therefore I will cause them none.
Gays are citizens and taxpayers like everyone else, they should have the same rights, privileges and protection of the law everyone else has.
There is no such thing as gays.
Well of any given male gay identical twins there is only a slightly better than evens chance that the other twin will be gay. This suggests that there is a genetic factor but that there are strong environmental influences.
Of course many women, if they could do an amniocentesis type test for various conditions in addition to downs syndrome, may choose to abort a foetus that has a high probability of turning out gay.
It is after all a woman’s body and a woman’s right to choose.
Gay genes don’t exist, but just for arguments sake, assume they do: the abortion issue would suddenly get delicious on the liberal side. “Abortion on demand, without apology!” “Homophobic Bitch! Hitler to gays!”
Those numbers must be from the same person who made up the feminist rape statistics of 1 in 4 college women are raped.
On the other hand, they don’t have to deal with women…
In a way that’s funny yet sad.
There is also peer pressure in our schools for kids to identify as “bi” or “bi-curious”. Thats where it starts.
#8, its not just the end of the line for the person. Encouraging homosexuality is discouraging reproduction for society.
That’s where I draw the line with this stupid gay tolerance. You start infecting children in schools and I become intolerant. Kids do not have enough life experience to determine what is right and wrong. Let these statistics be the evidence for an adult to decide what is right and wrong.
For God’s sake, leave the kids out of it.
And these are the same people who will say that we don’t need “those damn, bigoted Christians” in the schools indoctrinating our kids, yet don’t see the contradiction when they do it.
you are right, the damn bigoted christians do not see the contradiction do they ?
Christians want no competitive form of brainwashing to be able to compete with their version of it.
Kids do not have enough life experience to determine what is right and wrong.
What’s your problem?
That’s why we let homosexuals adopt their “own” children. They will learn that gently putting a penis up another man’s asshole is the right thing to do and that women are disgusting. No worries.
You’re kidding, right?
I have to mostly agree with you.
Kids do not have enough life experience to determine right from wrong, so why is acceptable to brainwash them with religion from birth ?
Like you said, let them decide when they become adults and have examined the evidence for themselves.
All civilizations are built from having a strong religion as their foundation. You may not believe the stories in the teachings. They are mainly a metaphor to teach us morals. It sets rules and teaches us to obey authority. It teaches us to learn discipline, fortitude, and compassion.
I was never big on religion growing up, but as I got older, I realized how important it is in its teachings, not the tall tales. I guess I wised up.
The most damning indictment possible of homosexuality comes from homosexuals’ demand that the rest of us ratify their perversion and alter all our institutions to accommodate them. If they were willing to stop at having achieved social tolerance, they would be tolerable. But sadly, those days are far behind us.
I have no problems with getting the government out of the bedroom.
I have a problem with the bedroom being placed in the public square.
That’s a great way to put it. This picture below is what you can witness at the average gay pride parade and, frankly, if anything could turn me into a homophobe it’s displays of depravity like these.
They are old enough to be grandfathers. They look ridiculous.
They’re damaged. And freaks.
I agree.
1. get the church out of the bedrooms to.
2. I agree, the bedroom does not belong in public square.
“get the church out of the bedrooms to.”
The government is the Church of Liberalism. Or as my favorite comparison, they’re Puritans who worship the State rather than God.
But if you have a problem with Christianity, I suggest you take your guilty conscience up with God.
Agreed 100%. I don’t really care what people do with their genitals. It’s the constant need for attention, glorification and having to be in the spotlight all the time that pisses me off. Wanting to give books to school children explaining (or promoting) the gay lifestyle now, too! Nowadays the collectivist oligarchy will point at you and say there’s something wrong with YOU, if you aren’t a gay activist even though you are straight and merely tolerate gays. What happened to ‘live and let live’?
What happened to live and let live ? christians murdered it a long time ago.
Switch the homosexuals for the christians in your statement and read it again.
You are guilty of the very thing you bash the gays for.
This entire problem would go away if christians would stop trying to force their beliefs on to others.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
One thing about extinction. It might make sense to encourage gay people. Straight people will always be appalled at the thought of same sex coupling and so since gays generally cannot reproduce they will not pass on their genes. In a few short generations the gay “gene” will be gone.
In the past for example, gay men were encouraged to hide. Thus they married and had progeny, thus prolonging the gay gene. This will now cease.
The jury’s still out on the gay gene I believe.
It makes logical sense that the gay gene could not possibly survive unless it is stifled by the gay person getting married and having kids; as bob said, living a hetero life.
The only other option they have regarding an actual “gay gene” is that it is a mutation. Someone further up in the comments went into detail on this option so I will not further elaborate.
I see the logic in that. No doubt there are hereditary / biological factors that influence sexuality but I think there are also those who question any kind of one to one correspondence between a ‘gay gene’ and homosexuality. The science may have changed, but as far as I’m aware there are reasons to think that sexuality is likely to reflect epigenetic development ie interaction between hereditary factors and environment. Generally speaking a lot of straight men don’t like the idea that anything could turn them gay at any stage. That plays into the idea of sexuality as something we are simply born with. All I know for sure is that many left social engineers don’t believe that
Maybe so but we found one for pyschos right? We can explain their behaviour. Something is causing homosexuality and its been going on for as long as we have been writing things down and probably before then.
I had to google that. Found a couple of articles relating to a psycho-gene, one of which says the “case against specific alleles has been accumulating, notably for the low-expression variant of MAOA, known as MAOA-L, which has been linked in various studies with increased risk of violent and aggressive behaviour. ”
I have no idea whether this has been followed up / what the state of play is, but I doubt it’s as simple as “the expression of this genes turns you into a psycho”. It looks like it could at least pre-dispose you towards violence. I have no doubt there may be something similar going on with respect to a pre-disposition towards homosexuality, but even then I would have thought it was unlikely to be more than that (although I’m not speaking from a position of knowledge here). Environmental factors / interactions may also I think be involved in triggering gene expression depending on circumstances: i.e. just as with mental illnesses like schizophrenia there might be stress factors that militate towards homosexuality (childhood experiences, watching MSM / Glee etc).
You are right it is not that simple. When I last looked there were three key things require to produce a homicidal pyscho (i.e. not your regular pyscho that never kills). These three things are: the pyscho brain, the psycho gene, and the pyscho upbringing (i.e. abuse of some sort). This is what pyschopathic killers have in common. Possibly, something similar produces homosexuals. I do think it is more complicated that some guy deciding to have anal sex with a dude one day.
It’s not really an idea that just pops into your head in a eureka moment. I do think biology / genes can be over-ridden to some degree especially if there is a will to do so, but perhaps not without consequences in terms of mental health etc
I remember when Vox Day was “interviewed” by David Pakman a while back. Pakman asked what he thought about gays and if it was genetic. Vox responded that if homosexuality is genetic, then it is a birth defect.
Of course, everyone started touting about how Vox thinks gays are defective. He elaborated on his follow up blog post where he stated bluntly that any genetic condition which causes you to not be attracted to the opposite sex and thus not reproduce is, by definition, a birth defect.
I will say a few things. I know some people who have HIV from MSM practices. A few nearly died from AIDS related pneumonia. One remained abstinent after his diagnosis and believes homosexuality is too much trouble. One of his friends (also an AIDS survivor) receives multiple sexual partners according to himself. This man is also an alcoholic and one of the most loneliest and fearful people I have met.
There is also a link with the mental issues (suicidality, drug abuse, and depression) try-hard personalities (where LGBTs try way too hard to act like the opposite sex), and vanity (they are much more obsessed with outward appearanes than normal people): they have a terrible sense of self.
Yeah, well is this really surprising? What does the Left promote that is actually good for you in any way shape or form. They tell you to do drugs, be promiscuous, support Big Government, not work, act like a bum, be lazy, give up your dreams and of course settle for less. Are they Evil or just Stupid? Some people say the leaders of the Left are Evil and the followers are Stupid. However, when I see people like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, I have to say its hard to see much difference.
People on the alt-right like to bash Jews a lot, but Orthodox Jews come down hard on male homosexuality in their own people. The late Oliver Sacks lived as a celibate gay man for decades because his Orthodox parents successfully shamed him from indulging in his sexual self-destructive impulses, and on the whole his life amounted to a net asset for society.
Where are the Orthodox Jews nowadays? Serious question as it seems they all support this leftist agenda. Maybe they’re just a silent majority. Hard to tell as most of the Jews on TV are throat deep in this liberal BS.
The Ultra-Orthodox certainly don’t, as they self-segregate and prefer limited to no contact with outsiders. Its the rest of the Jews who enjoy promoting vices outside of their own group, and it’s problematic.
Gotcha. That was my thought. It seems the farther out there any group of people get, the more vocal they become about their degenerate lifestyle.
The ultra-Orthodox still hold fast to Levitical law concerning sexual relations, which are far from Liberal. All the wiser.
“The Independent says that illegal drug use is seven times higher among homosexual men in England and Wales.”
I suspect that many of them are trying to “numb” that part of their minds that tells them that the lifestyle they’re following is unnatural.
Quite possibly the case. And it’s important to note that part of the feminist indoctrination of boys in schools is to suppress male instincts, including reflexive disgust at such things.
The Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men get in the news occasionally when they refuse to sit next to women on airliners. Given how degenerate women have become lately, I can’t say that I blame them.
Perhaps they also want to set an example for how a healthy patriarchy should work. They believe that men should keep their womenfolk isolated from men outside of the family, and they want to show their willingness to hold up their end of the deal by avoiding contact with women they don’t know.
Most of them certainly struggle internally with who they are (feeling different, damaged, etc)
One of the problems is the continuation of the meme that ‘homosexuals’ exist. The idea of ‘sexual identity’ has NO HISTORY in civilization until the contemporary era, coming out of the psychological pseudoscience factory. Funny that even in nations where sodomy was routinely practiced and socially sanctioned such as certain city states of Ancient Greece, there was no concept of a ‘sexual identity’. Men who had sex with (usually teen boys) had wives and children as well. Lesbianism is rarely documented at all.
It is not until this current age that we see this rise of an entirely manufactured and artificial ‘community’ based around a sex act.
If men wish to counter the degeneration of our culture into the boneyard of extinction, they should first state plainly that ‘homosexuals’ are a manufactured group that does not exist. There are men who engage in sodomy, and they do so by choice. This then correctly reduces the issue to an action rather than an identity, which is how it has always been understood by Traditional societies where the gynocracy is not a pervasive influence, and why it was typically forbidden without protest.
Well there is one society that does come to mind in which it was written about. Do you know what cities I am thinking about? Sodom and Gomorrah but both were destroyed by God thanks to their debauchery and disgusting ways.
This is a false narrative. While Greek culture had a strong tendancy towards male -male and man-boy love, they were dead set against sodomy, as in anal sex. What I have read said the only acceptable man man love form was face to face, which is a euphamism that is still opaque.
Homosexuality, like all other traits, is either adopted during the course of ones lifetime or is genetic. All the fags argue that it wasn’t there choice to be gay, which means they presume this trait to be present in their genetic makeup. For that to be true it could be a hereditary trait, but if it was it would never get passed and therefore be extinct by now. Perhaps it is a mutation of whatever gene structure creates a desire to reproduce and carry on your gene pool. (a trait present in every living thing ever. A trait that without, we would never have come to exist as a species.)
My argument is that if homosexuality really isn’t a choice then it is most likely a mutation of the most important survival function of our race. So admit that you decided to be a fag because your parents neglected you or to get accepted on tumblr, or that you are essentially disabled and a mutant.
Damn, the logic is so harsh. Many homosexual tears will be shed over this statement.
We should not accept the “born that way” vs. “choice” dichotomy, which the gay lobby seeks to establish. I saw a video where a group of sodomites went around asking people in public, “Do you think homosexuals choose to be gay?” If people answered yes, they would ask: “When did you choose to be straight?” People were stumped, to my disappointed amazement.
(Identical) twins have the same genes; in 80% of cases where one twin is gay, the other is not. Twins share the same pre-natal environment. This is solid evidence that homosexuality is not predetermined at birth by genes or the natal environment. Neither is it a choice, I think we must admit, because certainly there have been sodomites at times in history when it was very inconvenient to be one. People may pretend to be gay, bi or tranny now for the attention, but that wasn’t really a great way to go in, say, 1940 or 1650. The opinion of mental health experts who are willing to deal with the topic, is that homosexuality is effected by trauma that affect crucial elements of the psyche during childhood development. Sexual molestation is one of the most sure-fire ways to turn a kid gay (which is why they will soon be pushing for pedophilia), but other factors that alienate a child from his same-gendered peer group or family members also play a crucial role.
All of which leads us to conclude that homosexuality is maladaptive and unhealthy, and something to be pitied rather than celebrated. Those who push for its normalization are enemies of an healthy society and should be treated as such. We should strive to prevent and to heal the psychological wounds that create homosexual inclinations in some people, rather than treat their dysfunctional urges as sound and healthy.
I’ve had a long running theory that endocrine- inhibiting chemicals are part of the reason why homosexuality exists in such high numbers. May even explain gender dysphoria.
The sad thing, wether what you say is true or not, is that no scientist will ever be able to publish research concluding that being gay is a mental issue because that would be career suicide.
Many of them do it, anyway. There is an excellent website ( with tons of medical information about it.
Oh wow that’s cool! Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome.
>but other factors that alienate a child from his same-gendered peer group or family members also play a crucial role.
How does that make someone gay, again?
It weakens his ability to form a strong and positive identity with his own sexuality. This is on a spectrum, obviously – it’s not like every guy with homosexual urges thinks he’s really a woman (though some do); some of them simply never really own their masculinity, and wind up sexualizing this lack, while still identifying as biologically male. has a lot of information on the topic, if you are truly interested.
Nice to see you contributing here every now and then, brother Cui. Great comment. When can we look forward to another one of your articles? 🙂
Thanks for the kind word. I’ve got two waiting in the wings at ROK; if they succeed, it may be a regular gig.
I’m curious. They say they are born that way and have no choice.
Then they try to tell us that gender is a “social construct”.
Shut him up!!!
From what I’ve read I’m quite sure it is a mental disorder, similar to a personality disorder. If you have had any experience with girls with personality disorders, one of the common themes is that they despise femininity and mold their identity around the men in their lives. While they may still be sexually attracted to men, they are not far from being lesbians. An old fuck buddy of mine with a laundry list of psychiatric problems would go on about how she wanted to bang another girl with a strapon. She insisted thay she wasnt gay but thay she just wanted to dominate another female.
I read a book from a psychiatrist who claimed that every single one of her lesbian patients had a disastrous relationship with their mothers. I would bet that most gay men also have an abnormal relationship with their mothers or fathers. My guess is that mothers fuck young kids up and confuse them in attempt to make the child dependent on her.
“My guess is that mothers fuck young kids up and confuse them in attempt to make the child dependent on her.”
For Christ sakes, if this is the case, why don’t these women just get pets instead?
Because A) pets don’t live as long and B) pets can’t support them in their old age.
So being a butch lesbian could be a form of redirected anger that seeks vengeance against an oppressive mother by dominating other women? Interesting hypothesis actually. It could be a factor in at least some cases for all we know. It’s a well known fact that in practically all cases of male serial killers who target women, they had horrible relationships with their mothers. Clear cases of redirected anger and an inability to form relationships with the other sex. Hitchcock hit the nail on the head when he wrote Psycho.
As an aside, it’s also known that a disproportionate percentage of serial killers are gay men who target male victims. It seems like a huge cluster fuck of different factors mixed in together.
I wouldn’t put aside completely the genetic factor though. One particular lesbian I know shows signs of a particular genetic / hormonal makeup which must be different than that of most women. Her voice is noticeably deeper than the average female voice, though she never took exogenous hormones or anything of the sort. Also, her thought processes are almost 100% those of a man. Logical, goal driven, drawn to typically male activities, stable and mostly in control of her emotions. Perhaps most surprising of all, she still looks feminine and is very attractive. Me and a buddy of mine got very close to banging her one time, but that’s another story..haha.
Interestingly, from what she says her mother was and still is quite the grating cunt. To this day she still has a very difficult relationship with her mum. So it might be a mix of genetics and hormones, with a strained mother – daughter relationship which you mentioned.
I think it’s an OCD. Psychiatrie was starting to get good results in curing it during the 60-70s, before getting bullied by the sodomite activists.
I’d be interested in reading literature on the subject, if you could provide any.
Here : Chapter 13 intimidating reparative psychiatrists.
Thanks man, I’m going to give it a read.
Yeah, think about the left’s cognitive dissonance here. On the one hand progressives scold us about staying healthy and living in harmony with nature, hence their campaigns against childhood obesity, drinking sugary sodas and such. The ones of a more philosophical turn also worry about how the capitalist form of society causes widespread “alienation” in organic human relationships when we use people instrumentally like inanimate objects. And feminists complain about the sexual objectification of the human body at the expense of having a social relationship with the person instantiated in that body.
Yet on the other hand progressives encourage gay men to engage in these medically dangerous, alienating sex acts with strangers. And do progressives say anything when gays go on sex tourism trips to shitty undeveloped countries to exploit impoverished boys and young men for sex? Why do gay men get a pass for destroying their health and objectifying the bodies of men for their personal hedonism?
You don’t even need to go that far. They contradict themselves merely in the field of nutrition and fitness.
One the one hand you have clowns like Michelle Obama and the NY mayor (forget his name) that try to mandate healthy lifestyles yet whenever you post a pic of a healthy, attractive woman you get criticized for fat-shaming others.
Strong in the cognitive dissonance they are.
You’re just scratching the surface of the all the contradictions inherent not only to homosexualism but leftism in general.
You think homosexuality is a choice? Fucking morons…. try and venture outside of your homo-phobe bubble once in awhile.
What happened to articles that promote a healthy lifestyle, working out and picking up chicks?
WHINING about how tattoos are going to bring the world down, liberal hatred and shit like this are the complete antithesis to your ultimate objective of reaching alpha male status.
A confident guy who is comfortable with his sexuality and banging tons of girls isn’t going to bother worrying about harmless Ace and Gary who live up the street. An alpha is too busy busting his ass in the gym and making $$$$.
This post, and the many like it, are more likely a response to the militant left that are cramming these lifestyles down our throat. I don’t think there are many, if any, guys on here that would care about an Ace & Gary living down the street as long as they kept to themselves like any other good neighbor would.
The problem is that it is no longer ok just to be tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle. The “not my bag of tea, but whatever floats your boat” mantra no longer applies. It is now, “you must celebrate homosexuality or be labeled a bigot and homophobe!” What’s more, the public schools are feeding this agenda in their sex ed classes. These types of lessons should be left to the parents, no the schools.
If the left were to stop shoving this crap in our face day in and day out, you would probably stop seeing any articles such as this.
ROK isn’t just about self-improvement (though I agree that I would like to see more articles on the topic). It is also about pushing against the anti-male narrative that is ever pervasive in Western culture. If these articles aren’t your cup o’ tea, that’s cool, but others might derive value from them and the conversations that they spawn.
Invalidated for incongruity with historical attitudes of men in the vast majority of societies. You are the victim of leftist indoctrination.
So ok, if it’s not a choice then we do indeed, finally, see the solution to homosexuality staring us in the face. As somebody else noted, gays were kept in a closet and often married and sired children in the past. Well now that isn’t happening any longer, so your gay buddies are literally selecting the “gay gene” out of the human gene pool.
And about damned time too, if you ask me.
Have at it, I say. Go pound each other in the ass or muff dive after scissoring, I really don’t give a shit, because my grandchildren will live in a future world without gays or with so many of them gone that they may well be seen only at zoos. And, thankfully, they’ll take their “force it down society’s throat” agenda with them to the grave. Huzzah huzzah, a round of Scotch for everybody!
So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Save me a glass of Scotch if you would, sir.
I agree that outside those who cope with mental illness issues with identifying as homosexual, we will most likely see the gene pool “clean up” (for lack of a better word) and homosexuality won’t be a thing in two or three generations. Once the gene(s) that cause it are out of circulation society will probably deal with the mental illness aspect. Between this and HIV/AIDS ravaging this small genetic subset, by 205 people will be asking “so what was a homosexual again?”
Wouldn’t this be an article that falls under the “healthy lifestyle” banner? The above poster might be mistaken as to what constitutes “whining” and precisely who is doing so, or maybe just a troll? My “troll-detector” is off lately.
It’s reassuring to know there are people out there like you who have it all figured out. Especially when it comes to homosexuality, which is such a huge problem now-a-days.
Hey chief, it’s either a choice or a genetic problem. If they chose it then it’s a huge character flaw and the Christians they hate so much will have been vindicated as being correct, if it’s genetic then we get to see them flush themselves out of existence.
Either way, I’m good.
I really wish christians and their ” force it down societies throat” agenda would follow the same path you have chosen for the gays.
It would be nice for our grandchildren to live in a world without religion and the hate and stupidity it spawns.
I do not care what the gays or the christians do as long as they mind their own business, but that is a virtue the church tends to suppress.
Actually we all have to worry about because you people will never be satisfied and never stop. I can live with “live and let live”, but from trying to take down a private company with a Christian owner, to destroying a CEO and Bakers…you people just keep taking and taking. And you’re all a bunch of week, oppressive bullies! So, Blake and Donay down the street are in fact people that should be avoided. Now you’re on and on about redefining men and women…all because the way men and women are in their natural state triggers you! So, what else will “trigger” you and how easy it to be “triggered’ and how come only you can be “triggered” but no one else. So we’re all suppose to just bend down and let you jerk redefine everything to your fucking liking? No fucking way.
Agreed. There is an agenda, along with the damage done by political correctness and the attempt to force homosexuality and other social justice warrior (SJW) memes down our throats.
The site really has been going to shit lately. That’s why the traffic is steadily dropping.
Right…that’s why ROK has been looking to hire on 2 additional writers…because their business model is doing so poorly.
You come across as angry and you’re lashing out.
It’s not a matter about not worrying about “harmless” Ace and Gary up the street. It is very naive to think there are no long term consequences to society when such things don’t simply just exist but are being promoted and increasing in numbers.
You choose where you put your genitals.
Feelings do not make you who you are. No feeling justifies anything you do, let alone sodomy.
There is no scientific evidence for homosexuality being somehow in-born.
Sodomites are perverts, but they can change.
And irregardless of whatever you think, sodomy and homosexuality are damaging.
So its alpha to accept the destruction of my society by leftists?
The auther stated correctly, gays are a evolutionary dead end. That should suffice to convince any young man. But those, immune to reason and logic, need to feel to understand.
The gays don’t care if it is an evolutionary end. It’s all about me, me, me. My pleasures.
I work close to a historical gay neighborhood and it is sad to see the ravages of time that older (and by that I mean maybe 50 year olds) homosexuals have experienced. Also, no matter what the MSM tells you AIDS might not be killing homosexuals, but decades of treatment under harsh anti-virals really kills the body.”AIDs” face is really a thing.
Better so. May the gay genes be extinct soon.
I think a very small subset of the population is homosexual by genetics/nature. That is probably around .1-.5%. Most of the other so called “homosexuals” I have met are clearly suffering from a mental illness. It is sad to see society just dismiss these people instead of actually trying to help them. But then again I have known many men who have also suffered from mental illness who self medicate with drugs and/or alcohol.
The problem is, in general, we dismiss mental illness as “normal” behavior (such as recently with transsexuals) instead of actually trying to help individuals out of whatever the root problem might be. Men get it even worse because frankly outside of your immediate family and best friends, no one gives a shit what happens to a man.
There is no gay gene for sure. Twins are prove of that. Anything else would definitely be abnormal too. Their culture is strongly associated with degeneration.
It may or may not be a choice, because it is associated with child abuse/pedophilia too. So it may happen that they do not remember, but they grow trying to prove society that they are normal, that is the real reason for gay marriage.
But the worst thing, is that it is basically an ideology, anti-male, anti-children, pro gender ideology, pro indoctrination, pro degeneracy, etc.
No wonder all the ones I encounter on the web are mean spirited and nasty. I am sorry to say I have met so many many real ugly gay trolls that I can no longer feel sorry for them when they go to hell or for them with the horrible diseases they are now suffering I life.
You know, when I see what the GLBT crowd has to go through “from the left” and all the tropes and expectations, I think of the phrase “Even hell has commandments”.
Who here has the energy to give a shit so long as they leave everybody alone? Am I to sit in my chair and twitch because “someone of being a freak somewhere”? Leave that to the other moral outrage specialists, the bible thumpers, who are incidentally, cut from the same cloth as the SJWs.
But they don’t leave us alone. I think they are suicidal, but the left overall appears to be attempting “suicide by pissed off nation that has simply had enough”.
If you think they want to ‘leave you alone’, much less your children, you are intensely ignorant. There is a reason this activity has been prohibited by law across societies throughout history.
I don’t have a family. “they” saw to that.
Meaning all you guys with kids and dad-bods who made fun of me my whole life, calling me a conspiracy theorist, calling me gay for not putting pussy on a pedestal, better get to work on doing something about this.
I’ll be poolside.
Excellent, Sir, Excellent !
It is nice to know that I am not alone in seeing that the bible thumpers and the liberals have the same mentality. “Believe our fairy tale, do as we say and do not question, or we will enlist the government to attack you”.
Al Gore and Kim Davis are two peas in a pod.
The “gay germ” idea deserves more study. If a currently unknown pathogen infects boys and stunts their development at the girls-are-yucky stage, then medical interventions like a vaccine might become possible to stop the production of gay men early.
Gay men in general show many immature characteristics which make this sound plausible. Young boys have no self control regarding, say, candy consumption, and they need adult supervision to stay out of trouble until they mature both physically and cognitively. Give a typical five year old boy testosterone and access to nightclubs, party drugs and male sex partners, and you create a homosexual.
L – Ladies
G – Guns
B – Beer
T – Trucks
Appropriated to actually mean something worthwhile
Some of these tenets seem to apply to core MGTOWers as well. Let it be said that people like Johaness Brahms was single all his life, continued to drink into his later life, had no children, and some could say was a bit unstable mentally. BUT. I dont think that bothered him, or present day historians, musicians or many others.
Well.. I can’t imagine homossexuality being a choice… at least not one made by a mentally healthy person…
Imagine if you could actually choose your sexuality and your options were presented: “Hey.. choose option A and you will love to put your dick inside women (like nature intended) and having them riding you. You will enjoy grabbing their asses and sucking on their tits. Choose option B and you will like having your gastrointestinal walls being destroyed by dicks and other fallic objects”
Who the hell would choose option B?? No one. That’s why I think that for someone to be gay it takes some bad parenting and traumatical childhood experiences. But let’s make it clear, that doesn’t absolve them from their debauchery. Someone must tell them of the fault of their ways, or they will suffer the sad consequences listed on this article. But if they won’t give a shit, neither will I….
My problem arises when they want to fuck up stuff like marriage and redefine what a family is and what being masculine and feminine means and all that stuff… if that’s what you want then go to hell.
I am of the opinion that it is a marriage of addictive behavior/personality, other mental disorders, fetishism, and social/environmental factors.
Rather than choice it seems to be a combination of aesthetic and arousal preferences with the decision whether or not to engage in the activity, made through personal interpretation of internal and external stimuli and validated by cultural acceptance.
For instance I can choose each time beforehand to do some hard drug when offered, I can imagine what it might be like and listen to others tell me of the wonders inherit in the activity, at least up until the time that I am addicted then the choice goes away along with my reason. Then I seek only the next opportunity and deny there is anything wrong while attacking those who try to guide me away from it or criticize me for participating knowing full well that it could ruin my reputation, my potential for a family, cause me to bleed from my eyes or suffer other terrible affliction, and likely die.
Well said.
Bisexuals are proof its a choice.
That presumes that all men are equal in their minds.
Only if you believe that bisexual men exist. Most of us believe (and that includes most gay men that I know) that those bisexual men are just gay guys that won’t admit to it.
This is exactly how I feel about these deviants. Who can not resist young fertile women? No men would but only these disgusting deviants.
I can offer a few reasons people would choose option B:
1) Think of all the impulsive, one-night-stand, easy access sex you could want! You don’t have to chase after uninterested women; you can chase after guys who are just as eager for no-strings-attached sex as you are.
1A) And not only that, you don’t need to worry about pregnancy.
2) With no kids, all the money you earn is yours, you don’t need to work for other people’s needs.
3) If you’re a lesbian, you get to make a grand political statement about not needing men, and carry your head high as the ultimate Feminist.
4) If you’re a generic, white dude, this allows you to score points with your liberal friends to suddenly become an oppressed gay minority. Maybe they’ll take your opinion seriously in University classes.
So uh… those are a few reasons off the top of my head to choose B.
#1 reason for choosing option B if you are male; never having to deal with women and their irrational and hateful natures. If being gay were an option many more men would chose it. That is the reason I believe it is primarily a genetic predisposition.
Kind of what I said in #1. And I dunno, I talked to more than one gay man who expressed relief at not having to engage emotionally with women.
But I hear they have their own battles too.
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the wicked sin of Homosexuality. That tells me everything I need to know about those sick bastards.
There were moments in my life when I seriously questioned whether I am gay. I never felt attracted to men in real life – the thought just disgusts me emotionally as well as physically – but I used to have fantasies of getting fucked in the ass. Those fantasies made me feel horrible; not really like desire, more like an urge. I think it is what they call reenactment of abuse. Have no memory of that shit, but everything else fails as explanation.
Having weak relations with your father makes this very plausible. Society would say you should try being gay to see if you are but not even social engineering can stop some men from being straight, even if they express this weakly.
Yeah, it is weird. I thought about trying it and I actually had one or two mild experiences when I was a teenager. But just thinking about it gives me the creeps these days. So the doubt really is: Does it give me the creeps because I am not really gay or because I feel ashamed of it? Then again, gay men say that being gay is to love men like women – I do not feel that at all. And I was also ashamed of being a normal heterosexual man often. The difference is that I always knew I wanted to fuck girls; I never wanted to fuck men. You know, this quiet voice in the back of the head.
That is fairly honest of you. Also fairly common amongst boys raised amongst weak or non-existent fathers. Here is the kicker, very few men are in fact gay if you eliminate this cause. I say that because the effect of having a weak father to no father equals no understanding of how to deal with the opposite sex. Odds are very high you would never have questioned your sexuality if you could have sex with the girls you wanted when you were a minor equal to them.
You never hear a guy who had his choice of women as an early adolescent say, I always knew I was gay.
Closet theory, homosexuality is the after product after a man convinces himself he is unworthy of being called a man, making it okay to be taken by other men.
I understand the voice but since you can’t cure it, it will be best to endure it while you enjoy your life.
Yeah, makes sense. Thanks. I do think that there may be true homosexuals out there, but I do not think I am one of them.
With voice, I actually meant the voice of my soul. The quiet voice that knows what is really good for you. The one that says I want to be a masculine man and have girls and later a family and be happy and fulfilled. As opposed to the self-talk and indoctrinated voices.
Sounds like an OCD. Tough thing to get through. Well done.
I considered that, too. The thing is: If you knew that it is an OCD with absolute certainty, you would not be having it, right?
Yeah, I think I am somewhat past it. In the sense that it no longer bugs me and I am able to think and talk about it without extreme difficulty. Still feel ashamed of that shit, though.
“The thing is: If you knew that it is an OCD with absolute certainty, you would not be having it, right?”
It’s not that simple. Once you acknowledged the OCD you still have to struggle with it but at least you know it’s not the true conscious yourself who want that.
After that you can hear the little voice coming and the tricks it uses. You can get stronger from controlling it.
Interesting, I will keep that in mind.
Take this homo confession stuff to a psychologist, it’s not for ROK.
Fuck you then.
Bitter much?
A little. But it usually has nothing to do with Roosh.
Not to mention an up to 20 years shorter life span…….
As for gay men buggering boys – who cares? They’re mutually attracted to effeminate boys anyway. Sure they need to be kept in check at some level (away from someone too young or not willing), but almost all men need to be kept in check at some level. If I had my way I’d be fabulously wealthy and screwing virgins until I got tired of it, and so would a lot of other men. Obviously that’s not sustainable.
Age of consent is the battlefront on the war on men. It used to work just fine – you had sex with a girl before she hit puberty, you got beaten to a bloody pulp. Now the age of consent is being pushed to 18+ globally by US anti-sex crusaders, but that’s not enough. 20-21 to get into clubs and drink, any man even looking at 18-21 year old girls is suspicious, girls over 18 can’t be made to look under 18 in porn or cartoons. And let’s not forget “underage” sexbots either. They have that one cornered decades before it’s even interesting to have one. In fact, if you’re a grown man interested in someone who just looks young but actually is 30, you’re practically a pedo now. AND IT GOES ON AND ON AND ON AND WILL NOT STOP. It’s like asking your mortal enemy to please stop twisting the knife. Won’t happen. And it doesn’t matter if you’re not interested in younger girls. As long as you’re interested in women at any age, the market will diminish, and you will suffer.
If feminists get more power, they’ll push the age of consent to 25 or 30 because after all, brains aren’t fully mature before that time, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s rape. While looking the other way if whoever they’re fucking is enough of a worthless loser, of course. If we need anything it’s an excuse and allies to get the age of consent back to where it should be, when nature says you’re ready. Delaying it means losing the formative years that women should spend bonding with their life mate, or failing that, at least being lolitas and vixens screwing themselves and honorable, working men senseless, and creates hateful, disillusioned feminists out of them instead.
One friend pissed me off because he shot my game with a 19 year old to shit because, as a 24 year old or older, a man should be looking at a more mature woman. Only the man in question should be the judge of who he should bed. As long as she isn’t a child and making adult decisions, college and the like, she is up for grabs.
The old saying “if there’s grass on the field, play ball” comes to mind.
“You want to eat the cookies freshly-baked, not moldy and stale”.
I once heard, if you put her in a chair and her feet touch the floor all the way, she’s old enough.
It’s crazy how even somewhat normal guys start cockblocking because of age. Pure feminist brain wash. Just a few decades ago the West was like any other place, men’s lust for younger women was natural. 19 and 24 “unnatural”.. That’s so harsh!
I like openly mocking those kinds of “men” and eventually get them nodding their heads with me that younger women are naturally more attractive. It’s especially fun if I can get them to do it in front of their wives.
I never saw anything like it! This girl literally followed me from buying whatever book she was looking at to some nameless section in a bookstore so we could “talk” and it ended with not even a phone number, all because this guy was there. And what happens the second time he is there with me and I talk to a woman? I am making out with her in about 30 minutes while the crowd we came with played video games. All of this because he minded his business. Funny how that works.
Only issue is how do you keep your own wife from slapping you in the head?
She really doesn’t seem to react. I phrase it as a “matter of course, it’s simply nature” not “And lemme tells ya I’m in the market for one of them 19 year olds myself!” way. Plus she’s used to my sense of humor. Poor girl.
Never let any of these men try to shame you. You tell them to mind your business…”I’m working here”. Many of these men have been brainwashed by society to go after older women who are trying to get off the carousel and latch on to a beta provider (for the long term haul). These older women are now competing with younger, hotter women for your attention (and resources) so be aware.
Seems like you needed to school him more than he needed to give out advice.
I didn’t realize I was his teacher until the game began. The Woman followed me simply because I asked. He had beta written all over him but I didn’t see the signs until it was too late. He thought I knew the woman before that day. He talked about her interests. He offered candy. I was flabbergasted, but I was long done by the time I asked for a number, the ever ready “boyfriend” came up. Needless to say my friend caught an earful and has curbed his wife mining ways when he sees me talking to a woman.
I’m not sure what the deal is with men offering up what they have to someone they are meeting for the first time, but unless I can freely give it, I will not give anything. My time is the most volatile but the also the one thing I can always give.
The funny thing with former carousel riders, if they sense you have some status or substance about you, they will let you know they were a slut in no uncertain terms. All because they wish to be honest and prove they are worth a relationship.
I hear you on offering advice. I’ll give out advice if I know someone is receptive of it…If not, then I’ll skip it. It was interesting to hear another instance where a man was brainwashed by the narrative to shame other men. I simply shake my head at times.
The only time I’ve shamed another man was when he was chasing tail that’d land him in jail.
I would call that a warning or good advice (not so much shaming). If they don’t heed your warning, then it’s off to jail (good lesson learned at that point). The nonsense where a grown man should be seeking an older woman is propaganda by feminists. They want to cut out all of the hot young competition so there are more resources available for them (now that they are older and need a beta provider).
I like pretending my wife is trying to organise threesomes with attractive young women and act shocked; ie: “You’re trying to organise a threesome with that girl aren’t you!? You’re just unrelentingly kinky! Don’t you ever think about my feelings? I’d need to have a shower I’d need to be done by tomorrow morning . . ” etc. women are highly suggestible, so it might pay off one day, I hope.
Older women have to paint their younger competitors as ‘gold diggers’ in order to achieve their objective of locking down a quality man of the same age, but it isn’t viewed that way, it’s regarded as ‘truth’, and if a man deviates from the plan he is immature, shallow, stupid etc. But nobody ever asks the following question: what’s the ‘age appropriate’ woman’s motive? Are we supposed to assume that it is more ‘pure’, even though research has suggested time and time again that older women are more interested in money than younger women?
It is amazing how dumb older men are when it comes to hooking up with women their own age. These clowns honestly think these women will value them more because they are older and therefore more ‘mature’ but that is simply not the case at all.
Agree..and good points. These women will often have help as they’ll brainwash many men into believing that narrative. A man’s stock is on the rise as he gets older, a woman’s stock falls as time passes. Why would a man want an older woman (bad investment)? Men need to spread the truth to other men and ignore the nonsense by women. Men should be looking for (and at) younger, hotter women. No one wants that used car with high mileage.
I am 60 and married to a 32 year old Asian woman who can pass for 19. We married when she was 25 and I got shit about being a pedophile even among people that knew she was 25. I get the Pado accusation all the time on the street and in clubs. I understand this from angry middle aged harpies (is there any other kind) but I also get it from young males (I hesitate to call them men).
Anyway, I tell my wife all the time that now that she is 32 I need to trade her in on two 16 year olds. She laughs and says, “You can’t handle what you have now.”
When I was about to marry my 27 years younger Filipina fiancee I caught tons of shit from my six sisters. They said she was just marrying me to get a better life. I thought for a moment and then, in a moment of clarity, said of course she is, what woman marries for any other reason. They were stunned into silence with the obvious truth of this statement.
It’s this kind of wisdom that’s sorely needed to help us grow from a cock throwing little boy of a community into a grown man, building vast empires of honor, strength and pride type of community.
“If she’s old enough to bleed, she’s old enough to breed.”
If she wears a name tag and drove a car to her burger job, then she ain’t no kid. In that case, 15 don’t mean shit except to the local wog prosecutors and hook face feminist hair do wall job toids in the county bldg. I knew a 17 yo latina girl who had 3 kids by her hubby, a Mexican truck driver who was 30. The guy would be with her for a week or so and then went on long hauls. Her oldest was preschool. She must have been 14 when she knocked out her first. Quite a few hispanics go young. It’s allowed. They’d throw a white guy in a cage for that though, unless it’s some trolling fag in the park bushes. The white family is under attack. This explains the guilt and the large number of fag bath houses being promoted in white areas of Germany, affluent white areas of US, white college towns with large ‘gay’ districts, Sweden say no more. There needs to be more vigilence against the creep and slime that comes out and rears its head and hisses with its dubious ‘authority’ when whites try to form traditional reproductive and age positive patriarchal families.
Damn, what an ass. Did you punish him?
Yeah. Chastised him to no end for a full day, explaining how everything he did, from talking about schools, to comparing education notes, to confirming her artistic sides, and my two favorite faux pas, offering her candy (some of which fell on the floor), and pushing me away from said girl when she said she had a boyfriend. All I got from that experience was the female imperative created a loving slave in him. He did learn that his game in comparison to mine was night and day. He takes them church, I make them see God.
Haha! Godlike quote.
Age of consent laws are often legal trap, 18 y/o male getting convicted for sex with 15 y/o female. If he had been 17 and 11 months he wouldn’t be sex offender. That’s completely different issue from gays claiming they are just a new kind of normal.
In my state the age of consent is 16, but only if the male is no more than 24 months older. This continues through 18. My 18 year old nephew was convicted of statatory rape of his 16 year old girlfriend (and she testified in court that she had given 100% enthusiastic consent) because he was 25 months older. He is listed as a child molester on the sex offenders list and is restricted for life in many ways.
It doesn’t get better…one point that seemed to be missed (and I’ll add here) is that we are talking about men. It’s already bad out there for men, now, and once the whole newness of the “gay thing” wears off these men will be in the same boat as all men. They’ll be left out with little to no rights by our society. We can’t forget that even if they are homosexual (and I’m not condoning it by far) they are still men. It’s a bad choice to make to be homosexual and to double down because like I said…once the newness wears off and they have all of the right (by law) they will be dust in the wind (because, let’s face it…they are men).
Lesbians, on the other hand, will still be able to hang on to that pussy pass card (because they are women).
Either way, the lifestyle choice in my opinion, is a disastrous one.
Feminists give gay males an honorary pussy pass. Gay males are considered to have victim status under the feminist theory of “patriarchy”.
I believe they do (for now). They will all change once they are no longer the shiny new toy.
That pass is already in the process of expiring. Just look at how Feminism is reacting to transgendered M-F. They are also breaking the link to gay men in general now that they have served their purpose. It is exactly true that gay men are still men and therefore will always be percieved by women as utilities, just like all men.
Yeah . . . what if part of agenda 21 is turning certain archetypes gay in order to thin the population? Pre pubescent children for example can be programmed subconsciously simply through seeing and identifying certain traits and until society stops making everything gay immediately publicly identify someone as gay rather then actually genetically being mis wired. Greece was a decent example. A dog for example will fuck another guy dog on occasion, but still goes on to have puppies with females in its environment.
Maybe gayness is the universe telling us we don’t need certain people in the long term gene pool. Maybe it’s just our society trying to label and categorize 10 billion processes at once and simplifying them by labeling them before they understand them enough. Drilling us to think too constricted through school and religious ceremony doesn’t make it easier for people to change their mind when new information is discovered and when it’s discovered whether it will reach those ears is a factor as well. So who is the one in the know.
Nothing Gay about being gay.
Yes, nothing happy about being gay, well technically Gay used to mean Merry and lively before it was hijacked by the “Happy Merry” Gay bowel syndrome crowd.
There’s a fine line which the social engineers of the left have consistently blurred between the natural admiration, loyalty and affection that men feel on occasions for other guys they have played a pivotal and defining role in their lives.
What I’m talking about are those men who can mentor, teach and inspire you with a passion, appreciation, perhaps a way of thinking or perceiving about music or designing buildings, or knowing about where on a bend on a particular river, how to best fly fish for trout using certain types of floats and flies at the different seasons of the year, or the excitement you’d learn from heading out over the moors in the winter with a bunch lads, with a few labs and springers, and a hip flask of the hot stuff, doing some grouse shooting. You’ll not get such experiences of simple well being and freedom from the 9-5 and the “war office” (home) but only through the company of your mates.
Yes, it’s true, on occasions the bond that you can have for your mates can even equate to a type of love, but, what I detest nowadays, in our coarse and shrill culture is the notion that to say you love and respect another man who’s your mate, is reduced by some half-wit imbecile, to behavior denoting gayness or faggotry. It’s the cheapest slur of an emasculated society, of a debased pseudo masculinity that doesn’t have a clue about the deep bonds of respect and admiration that normal men can have for each other. I blame both the right and the left for this state of affairs where the left try to categorize and confuse these normal friendships as some type of repressed homosexual attraction or else it’s described by some right wing nitwit as not representing male behavior. What load of bullshit from men who’ve never gone out hunting and fishing, men who’ve never drank or smoked rollies and “conversed” (proper talk) about the great big world as you wander over the fields making jokes and laughing. Our society has nearly lost this type of innocent male camaraderie and companionship. Everything is a cheap shot from kids who’ve no clue how to be a proper, decent, strong men.
I’m pretty indifferent about gays, they don’t really bother me too much, and I actually think after initial resistance that the civil partnership/marriage idea is a much better example to young gays then the promiscuous, hedonistic, fuck anything lifestyle that some gays advocate, which seems deeply dehumanizing and destructive.
I read a British study from the NHS that claimed that you run a higher risk of getting an STD as a homosexual male than a smoker has of contracting cancer. That was about ten years ago. The article, as I recall, went onto say that getting cancer is better than catching any viral STD, because cancer, if detected early, is treatable. There are no cures for AIDS, syphilis (which is increasing among homosexuals), herpes, and hepatitis A, B, and C. There are treatments, but consider that like cancers caused by smoking, STDs caused by homosexual contact are avoidable. We lashed out at tobacco companies for promoting smoking when they knew full well what the dangers were. Why aren’t we doing the same for those who deliberately promote homosexuality?
Cancer is largely a disease of old age. The majority of people who die from cancers, self inflected or not, are well into their 70s and 80s, and the survival rates are generally 60%, 5 years plus with most.
The majority is people who contract HIV are young with the average age in most countries (developed) around 28. Although, there’s no cure as such, I believe many can live on for years (60+) now with the latest drugs. However, the cost to the State providing these drugs can be phenomenal, considering the patients will be using them for 30 plus years after the mean date of original infection.
Can you realistically prevent people from having sex, I doubt it, even safe sex is something that most gays don’t bother with anymore. This is seen in the STD rates in most developed countries where apparently even many gays consider having HIV as not an issue anymore.
Can you realistically prevent people from having sex? Actually, yes, especially if you change the mindset of the culture. If we stop saying that casual sex is okay, that having sex before real marriage is okay, and that there is no such thing as safe sex (because there isn’t), and that this isn’t a handshake we’re talking about, then we can encourage people to take it seriously. Sure, some idiots are going to have sex anyway. You can’t fix stupid. But at the least you don’t subsidize stupidity, and you don’t make it seem cool and trendy to do.
I recall reading some years ago that smoking tobacco would reduce your life expectancy by 7 years, being a Vegan reduces it by 7 years, and male homosexuality by 30 years.
Being a gay Vegan smoker must come with some high insurance rates…
Because homosexuality does not in itself spread the disease.
Gays spread the diseases because so many of them are sluts, the germs do not care what sex, or sexual orientation the slut is, they are happy to get ride to the next victim.
Plenty of examples of these diseases in the heterosexual sluts in hollywood.
If you want to lash out at those who promote harmful practices, why not give christians a try, they knowingly spread mental illness.
In Canada, the government just lifted the ban on blood donations from gay men. Because it makes sense to put everyone, even other gay people, at greater risk when receiving a blood transfusion just so a small percentage of the population doesn’t get their feelings hurt. I have absolutely nothing against gay people doing whatever the fuck they want with other consenting adults, but this is just political corectness run afoul and every sensible societies on Earth (like Russia, despite its faults) is laughing at us right now.
Wow. Must of hid that on the back page.
How did you get this statistic:
“In 2013 nearly 20% of homosexual and bisexual men, in the United States, tested positive for HIV.”
You are implying that 20% of gays have HIV.
From your link I could only find that: “At the end of 2011, an estimated 500,022 (57%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay and bisexual men, or gay and bisexual men who also inject drugs.”
And that the homosexual population if 2% of the total population: 318million.
So. We calculate: 500,022/(318,000,000*0.02)=7.8%
Still ridiculously high. But not 20%.
Either you made a mistake.
You made a misinterpretation.
I made a mistake.
Or. You are using the SJW tactic and inflating the stats.
If it is the last one, DON’T DO THAT!
500,022 was the number in 2011. What was it in 2013?
I could not find that from the links in this article.
But if the number of infected doubled in two years, that would be a frightening epidemic.
In his prevous link the total infected in 2012 was claimed to be 1.2 million. Taking 60% of that rrsults in a similar number as that for 2011
I’m not sure about those statistics above either, but I’m pretty sure a recent study by the WHO showed that rates of HIV infection among gay men are almost 20 times as high as in the rest of the general population. The CDC has also issued warnings that the epidemic, rather than being under control, is spreading more and more.
“US News reports
that if HIV infections among men who have sex with men (MSM) continue
to rise at the current rates, more than half of college-aged homosexual
men will have HIV by the age of 50.”
I am not saying the rates are not alarming. 7.8% is still ridiculous.
In fact. I went a bit further.
Take the average lifetime sexual partner of a homorexual.
From the link below, I put in a lower bound of 41. (Correct me if it is wrong.)
7.8% of 41 is 3. A gay man is likely to have sex with 3 HIV infected males in his lifetime.
The problem with this US News report is the phrase: “IF HIV infections CONTINUE TO RISE AT CURRENT RATES” This is an alarmist speculation. In reality it will balance out to a lower rate.
Again. Even the current rate of 7.8% is still alarming.
My initial comment is just a waning about using sensationalist statistics.
I think your estimate is way conservative, based on the same figures you linked to.
83%, the vast majority, claim to have had *at least* 50 sexual partners. So it seems in the gay world, you’re a nerd and still a virgin if you have had less than 50 lovers.
But here’s where it gets really alarming. Close to one half (43%) have had a whopping 500+ partners. And over a quarter (28%) claim a mind boggling 1000+ partners! I’d estimate a far higher average number of partners across the gay population, when looking at such figures. If the 40 – 50th percentile are at around 500, and the 80th and above percentile are at over 1000, I’d say the true average is more than 500 sexual partners.
One can see how disease can spread so quickly which such rates of promiscuity combined with sexual practices which are inherently more risky when it comes to spreading STD.
There’s also a less spoken about phenomenon called ‘gifting’ or ‘bug chasing’ where men willfully consent to get infected with HIV. Yes, you read that right. I can’t think of a clearer sign of mental instability than getting infected with a deadly virus on purpose!
When you combine the already high rates of infection, the rampant promiscuity, and add some steroids to it in the form of intentional bug chasing, those projections start to look less alarmist and more genuinely alarming, unfortunately.
Don’t worry. An inordinate amount of public health spending has been diverted away from other and more prevalent chronic diseases in order to make a disease that is wholly preventable by controlling behavior “manageable” and allowing the party lifestyle to continue indefinitely. Oh, and yes – it was all done on the basis of a lie told to terrify middle America into thinking that they were just as likely to contract “the next epidemic” as the coked up bath house denizen.
“Prevention Challenges
The large percentage of gay and bisexual men living with HIV means that, as a group, gay and bisexual men have an increased chance of being exposed to HIV. Results of HIV testing conducted in 20 cities as part of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS) indicated that 18% of gay and bisexual men tested in 2011 had HIV and that HIV prevalence increased with increasing age.”
The figure I quoted is clearly in the right ballpark and I probably saw the 2013 number somewhere that I now can’t find. If it was 18% in 2011, then it is probably 20% by now because both the rate of infections (same link page) and survival rates have typically been rising among homosexual men in the US in recent years. However, I completely agree that the exact figure I quoted is not on the page I linked to. Near enough is not really good enough in my view and I apologize.
I seem to have either messed up when I quoted it, or quoted correctly but messed up the link.
Thanks for your comment. It’s nice to know people are actually reading this stuff.
No problem. Thanks for the reply.
8%, 20% are both alarming stats. 20% is of course even more so.
Gays do not spread disease because they gay, they spread disease because they are promiscuous.
Straights spread disease for the same reason.
There is more to it than just partner count.
1)The rectum is not made for sex. More chance of bleeding and tears. And it is not as protected from disease, easier for the virus to penetrate into the blood.
2)The lack of pregnancy means no need for contraceptives. There is less intensive to protect yourself.
3)Having HIV in the gay community results in compassion and acceptance not ostracization from the community. Hence look up the bug chaser phenomenon. It will make you sick.
4)A party lifestyle leads to a mentality of YOLO: pleasure now, who cares about long term consequences.
There is a reason that the disease was initially named GRID, or gay-related immune deficiency. Ohh.., I heard it was called PRID ….
As a group men who have sex with men have poor mental health.
So ! Fudge packers have psychiatric disorders ?? Not news to most of the “normal” people…
I’m tempted to say “even with all those disadvantages it’s better to be gay than straight in a misandrist world and female nature” =P
Also, hahaha satan yes you used pedobear. Top Kek, as they say! XD
Gays don’t bother me. More men fucking together = more girls free to fuck for us.
Lesbianism, on the other hand, seriously make me piss off. 2 (i suppose nice, not the butch style) girls getting together = 2 (sometimes good) men condemned to live without wives/children somewhere in the world. An that is sad.
But the most fucking annoying thing is hetero people who get angry and try to argue with me because they can’t stand that I don’t buy this propaganda-bullshit as they do. Having an different opinion is somewhat hard to live with, these days.
I have nothing against gay men. I don’t care about bisexuals. But lezbians can go suck my cock!
I’ve heard that point before how lezzies or polygamists also somehow pose a threat to the equal distribution of pussy to all males.
In the truest sense, mating is an animating contest, not a resource distribution program where everyone is ‘entitled’ to a slice from the pool of the other gender. It is an ongoing dynamic process where humans join on their own free will based on attraction. Straight begets life. Gay brings death. A process where men compete and sometimes collude (wing) for the gold ring. An ongoing drive for man to improve and grow. A man’s treasury is his women and the progeny he brings up in the world. Hail the tribe. Hail the patriarchy!
It’s a bit short-sighted. The “free market” in pussy, or “animating contest:” a) doesn’t exist; and b) wouldn’t be conducive to a functioning civil society in any event.
It doesn’t exist because women are not burdened with the reproductive consequences of their choices. In a free market or animating contest a woman would be incentivized to offer sex only to men from whom she could reasonably expect to extract commitment and resources. Having a child or children with no male assistance would be disastrous in a “free market.” In the modern welfare state with cheap and easy birth control and abortion average and below women can chase a relatively narrow set of men, vainly ignoring those from whom they could extract commitment and resources. This reinforces the incentives for men to be cads and pursue largely unproductive lifestyles (i.e. surf bum, garage band member) rather than reaching their own human potential.
It’s not good for a civil society; in the first instance, lots of fatherless bastards are a self-evidently bad thing. And using the state to extract resources from men who didn’t father them and who are denied female companionship and sex is cruel and unjust. Lots of men without the reasonable prospect of sex and family – the “bare branches” phenomenon (google it) are a dangerous thing to the peace and stability of a society and/or the world as a whole. They’re disaffected, uninvested in the greater society, and prone to self-harm as well as violence. As an example of the current phenomenon, China’s de jure “one child” policy so imbalanced the sexes that tens of millions of men cannot find spouses and make families – those are tens of millions of men who are dangerous to the current regime and status quo and therefore may need to be burned off in a concocted land war with one of China’s neighbors and possibly starting a world conflagration.
Well said, Sir.
Having a different opinion is pretty difficult here ROK sometimes, As I know personally.
You’re an idiot. People don’t “choose” a “homosexual lifestyle”, they are gay, or not. When did you choose to be straight? If you had a choice at all, it’s because you’re bi.
Just get some therapy, since you’re so damn panicked about it all.
What is idiotic is making claims with nothing to back it up.
There is no evidence that people are “born gay”, etc.
Boy, you really laid out all of the greatest hits of sodomite propaganda – and in a mere three sentences. Slainte.
You really don’t get it. If you can *choose* to be gay, I dare you. Actually chose to find another man arousing. If you’re straight, you simply can’t do it. And if you are truly choosing, then you aren’t 100% straight. And that’s great, If you swing that way, but choose not to. That’s your choice. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that’s what everyone does. People here can attest, they aren’t attracted to members of the same sex. Nothing to do with propaganda.
Hey, cool! You probably don’t know what a tautology is, but you’re very good at stating them.
Huh. The first time I state my case succinctly you call it propaganda, but when I restate it with examples, it’s suddenly tautological.
So, really, the first time, you actually agreed with everything I said, you were merely being a dick.
Yep, you’re an MRA douchebag.
You still don’t know what a tautology is, do you cupcake?
In logic, it’s a statement that holds true under every interpretation of the variables, but in common usage, it’s usually used for its simplest form of which is A=A.
Definitions, for example, as in the above, are always tautological.
So why don’t you argue on the merits of my claim (that being gay isn’t a choice) rather than trying to impugn my intelligence because you have an issue with me stylistically?
It’s because you have no leg to stand on, and you know it.
You are a liar. You earned your McLaren F1 by sucking anonymous cocks. Glory hole champion.
Here you go, if you want to understand what’s happening it’s right there :
The overhauling of straight america by marshall kirk :
by Marshall K. Kirk & Erastes Pill, Guide Magazine, November 1987
The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion.
Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preference the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games: she likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I follow football. No big deal.
At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full “appreciation” or “understanding” of homosexuality from the average American.
You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won.
And to get to the shoulder- shrug stage, gays as a class must cease to appear mysterious, alien, loathsome, and contrary. A large-scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America. And any campaign to accomplish this turnaround should
do six things.
Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible. The principle behind this advice is simple: almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it at close quarters and among your acquaintances.
The acceptability of the new behavior will ultimately hinge on the number of one’s fellows doing it or accepting it. One may be offended by its novelty at first — many, in times past, were momentarily scandalized by “streaking,” eating goldfish, and premarital sex. But as long as Joe Sixpack feels little pressure to perform likewise, and as long as the behavior in question presents little threat to his physical and financial security, he soon gets used to it and life goes on. The skeptic may still shake his head and think “people are crazy these days,” but over time his objections are likely to become more reflective, more philosophical, less emotional.
The way to benumb raw sensitivities about homosexuality is to have a lot of people talk a great deal about the subject in a neutral or supportive way. Open and frank talk makes the subject seem less furtive, alien, and sinful, more above-board. Constant talk builds the impression that the public opinion is at least divided on the subject, and that a sizable segment accepts or even practices homosexuality.
Even rancorous debates between opponents and defenders serve the purpose of desensitization so long as “respectable” gays are front and center to make their own pitch. The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome.
And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent — and only later his unsightly derriere!
Where we talk is important. The visual media, film and television, are plainly the most powerful image-makers in Western civilization. The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed. As far as desensitization is concerned, the medium is the message — of normalcy. So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films (though often this has been done to achieve comedic and ridiculous effects).
On the whole, the impact has been encouraging. The prime-time presentation of Consenting Adult on a major network in 1985 is but one high-water mark in favorable media exposure of gay issues. But this should be just the beginning of a major publicity blitz by gay America.”
Thank you for that sir. That’s a terrible blueprint and it seems media programmers are right on top of it. They’re only one of many collaborators who are hell bent on burning down the west.
Holy shit! :/
It’s probable that 60% of sexual orientation is genetic of those that exhibit homosexual behaviour. Perhaps 40% get sucked into it.
If 60% is ‘natural’ then there is no point insulting those that have the problem and thus making them an enemy.
What needs to be neutralised is the feminists, gays, queers from being co-opted into an anti heterosexual male allegiance.
Hence I’m not particularly pleased with the language in this article ” promote homosexual and other deviant sexual behaviour”
Yes the transgender are f*cked in the brain, but some sympathy is required and I would seem that some male homosexuals have good networking and political skills.
Jack Donovan is trying to reframe those men that prefer men as “Androphiles” ie they don’t like being effete.
The promotion of homosexuality is a problem. I’ve seen several females suckered into lesbian relationships and then after realising that they are heterosexual struggle to desperately seek to escape the lifestyle they get stuck in.
I also think that getting fiddled by a paedophile poofter when you are a child is very damaging to your normal sexual development I would imagine worse than a young girl being interfered with heterosexually.
RT, I am only commenting on your first sentence. The American Psychological Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrics all have released statements that there is no known biological cause for same-sex-attraction. Quoting the latter:
“No one knows what causes heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality.
Homosexuality was once thought to be the result of troubled family dynamics or faulty psychological development. Those assumptions are now understood to have been based on misinformation and prejudice. Currently there is a renewed interest in searching for biological etiologies for homosexuality. However, to date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology for homosexuality. Similarly, no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse. Sexual abuse does not appear to be more prevalent in children who grow up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, than in children who identify as heterosexual.”
That is NOT to say a biological/genetic component may not someday be found and if it is, I’ll run back here and correct my post, but as of today, nobody knows why some people have SSA and you and I don’t.
Life is weird.
I’m trying to understand what sort of mental gymnastics one must engage in to allow one’s self to utter those words in that order.
This article is spot on and I knew this from my vocation as a professional counselor.
Once, I was cornered by an SJW who challenged my statement that homosexuality was a self-defeating and self-destructive behavior and I believed that only because I am a practicing Christian. “No,” I said, “even when I flirted with atheism I had problems with homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle. Let me explain.”
(Amazingly, she did. To this day, I’m still stunned she let me talk. What follows is a paraphrase.)
“When I counseled in (east coast city) I dealt with drug addicts and alcoholics. The insidious fact of addiction is that I watched people with a broad self-definition lose it all to become merely an addict. They were spouses, parents, employees, children, members of churches or other institutions, and had a number of roles and self-definitions. One by one as they allowed the addiction to progress, they lost it all until their existence was reduced to being nothing more than an addict.
“Today we have homosexuals who call themselves gay Christians, gay Boy Scouts, gay (insert political party), and gay-whatever’s, but note that they FIRST self-identify as gay. I’ve never had any heterosexual first tell me they were heterosexual-Christians, straight Boy Scouts, or cis-gendered (insert political party). Their self-definition is so broad (which Abraham Maslow would identify as one of the traits of a self-actualized, psychologically healthy individual) they do not need to first define their role according to their genitalia.
“Homosexuality is only another form of sex-addiction and it ultimately consumes an individual’s self-definition. The bottom line is that there is no bourbon-orientation or cocaine-orientation. There is only addiction. There is no SSA (same-sex-attraction)-orientation. There is only addiction.”
She could not respond to that argument and for the religious here on ROK (which I am), notice that not once did I refer to the Bible.
The behavior of the male homosexual is so compulsive and all-consuming that it cannot not have a psychological component. No one zonks themselves out on drugs and gets used as a pincushion for all-comers in a bath house because it feels good in any reasonable understanding of the word. Therefore the reason must be psychological.
The part about the lonely second half of life sans children could also describe what may happen to many plate-spinning normal “player” men. Spin the plates too long, don’t produce children, and then especially if you have any kind of career setback, then whether you used to bang women in your younger years or sodomize other men, you could be up a lonely old creek.
Lets just call it what it is, homosexuality is deviant disgusting way of life by people who are possessed by demons. They become gay because 1) they were molested as children by another sodomite or 2) they were surrounded by an environment full of sodomites and extreme liberalism where they decided to be a sodomite.
“Inevitably the old line that homosexual men don’t have any choice about their behavior will come up. ”
I thought about this long ago and came up with a question; Since I live in an Arabic country, where are those men who don’t have a choice but being gay.?
Of course according to our Religion and Law, homosexual acts are COMPLETELY prohibited however, according to what is being said, these men DON’T HAVE A CHOICE.
So, are they hiding in underground tunnels? or has it become more of a “Trend” these days to be homosexual?
They’re definitely not on the roof. They tend to get thrown off roofs.
We live in tents, we don’t have roofs to throw people off them.
You actually believed that we live in tents!
Where did I say that? I never mentioned tents. Putting words in my mouth? You write a lot about tents. Maybe you want to live in a tent. The picture merely demonstrates that gays can fly…….
Easy boy, easy.
“are they hiding in underground tunnels”.. yeah pretty much.
Feeling better?
Here is my thought on this.
I understand that it is possible to “born gay”, or have weakness or temptation for such things, similar to having an addictive personality, like a drunk, drug addict, or a compulsive gambler.
However, that line of cocaine does not jump up from the table and into your nose by itself, you have to pick it up and put it there.
YOU have to make a decision to snort that line.
Being gay is the same thing, you may have a weakness, but YOU decide whether to act on it YOURSELF.
We do not deny civil rights to drunks, drug addicts or gamblers, we should not do it to gays either.
We do not encourage drunks, drug addicts and gamblers to persist in their self-destruction under the guise of “civil rights.”
I don’t care what gay people do. This thing needs to be let to burn itself out. Let’s start thinking instead about what should rise from the ashes.
Rocky Horror Picture Show coming to a high school locker room near you.
Is this article really necessary? I mean, talk about preaching to the choir… is someone here considering going gay? lol
What I wonder is how many, what percentage of liberals actually know homosexual men, are friends with any.
I’m friends with five or six. Those fuckers can party and generally have a shitload of money too. They help me throw epic brunches and the girls flock like bees to honey. The gays chat up the girls so I don’t have to. Win/Win.
So there’s one.
Spending money recklessly constantly “partying”, yep, as I outlined above these are people with very poor impulse control.
Articles like this might be adding to the conditions that drive the homosexual to depression and suicide. Can’t wait for an article about how being single and spinning plates into old age causes loneliness. And that going for the butt with girls is deviant and causes gay bowel syndrome. Goddammit republicans..every other civilized country is busy trying to improve their economies and build infrastructure while we freak out about gay people and celebrities and shit. Get over it already.
The author is an Australian and you call him a republican? Where did he state that he wanted Australia to break away from the Crown? Or did you think that every English-literate person on the Internet is American? Get over yourselves, yanks.
Oh, you’ll be fine. Un-clutch the pearls. Replace “Republican” with “reactionary” then.
I’m sure you’re pretty familiar with pearls yourself, seeing how you currently have a bunch stuffed up your arse right now, cunt.
Correct, freaking out over minor things like gay marriage is why republicans keep losing elections.
The religious reich is the democrats best friend.
“Articles like this might be adding to the conditions that drive the homosexual to depression and suicide.”
Because its never your fault, right? Always someone else’s. This epitomizes not only homosexualism but all of leftism and the victim group mentality. If only society got its act together then…. . Trade secret – its not society’s fault. Look, the very “traditional” masculinity that you despise that is promoted here says you cannot control whats around you but you can control your feelings. Stoicism. Can homosexuals control their emotions? If we reread your statement above, it seems like the answer is – no. As follows, are we then to assume that homosexuals are reactive and sensitive, perhaps very sensitive, to things outside of them, such as, what other people may or may not be thinking? Everyday it seems the lgthdsjasdhsd and the P.C. police edge further and further into the realm of thought crime. This is the mark of a “courageous” people….”strong” people, who can overcome odds and prevail and should be respected? Again, lets examine that statement above and again lets review the implicit message that homosexuals are falling into depression and even suicide because of articles that tell the truth or because not everyone is going to stand up and applause just because they indulge themselves in fecal sex. Gasp, some, perhaps many, just might be appalled. And guess what, that is true! But, you can do one of two things 1. cry about it and let it get to you or 2. accept that not everyone is exactly like you and go about your day.
Poor emotional control is consistent with other things inherent to homosexualism, after all, its quite clear from both reckless sexual perversions to drug abuse that homosexuals also have very little impulse control. And its no surprise that as homosexualism is pushed that we’re also starting to see other things like fat acceptance, which is similar to homosexualism in that fat people also have very poor impulse control. I can’t help myself I must have that chocolate creme pie, same as, I can’t help myself I must have a melon shoved in my rectum.
” your fault ” ? That article is already a guilt trip,so of course it is going to be the gay’s fault,right ?
“Gay Bowel Syndrome”? Really?? In other late-breaking medical news, tourniquets cure snakebite and radium is good for you.
Lol, pandas suck!
These arguments against homosexuality are overused, and even if your data is factual, will have no impact on current culture!
Better arguments consist of:
Medical reports on anal sex.
The lack of a “Gay Gene.”
Medical reports on the prevalence of numerous diseases, blood born like HIV and others, and physical ailments unique to a gay lifestyle.
Incidence of DV in Lesbian relationships.
And a whole host of others.
Based on my love of debate, these arguments you bring will change no bodies mind. To really attack an argument, you have to go for the jugular, and laugh at the consequences. I can counter these arguments, and I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I have a couple friends that are gay who would destroy these arguments. The ones I listed above really drive them mad. Because they have a really hard time arguing against them. Your arguments were cogent in the 80s. But even then they were weak. Those who promoted them in the elites had to have know the weakness of these arguments.
9.) You are still not going to be permitted to have your way with Boy Scouts.
AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Homosexuality has a psychological explanation. The normal heterosexual process is explained as follows: as animals, when we born we fall in love with the first woman we saw and that’s in mostly cases our mother. Then the father comes to mark his limits showing the son that she is his woman but out there are plenty of other woman the son can choose.
But this process can be broken by a dominating mother and a aggressive or absent father. Given this combination the son stays “in love” unconsciously with his mother, but doing incest for the mind is the worst thing can happen, because it can take the person to mental illness. The problem is that the mind of the son sees his mother in all other women, so unconsciously the son thinks he is making the incest. To protect the person for that fact, the mind do the homosexual process so he can’t like women because they are the representation of the mother.
Then we can conclude that homosexuality is a defense of the mind against the incest. Is a mental illness because doing it it takes also to instability of the person, but for the mind is by far much less harder to support than the incest with the mother.
To proof these points, take a look of this pattern: see how well in several cases the homosexual is the best friend of his mother.
Homosexuality can be treated in psychotherapy to let the inner virile man emerge, but only if the person wants it. Otherwise, it can be pushed to do it.
Homosexuality has a psychological explanation. The normal heterosexual process is explained as follows: as animals, when we born we fall in love with the first woman we saw and that’s in mostly cases our mother. Then the father comes to mark his limits showing the son that she is his woman but out there are plenty of other woman the son can choose.
But this process can be broken by a dominating mother and a aggressive or absent father. Given this combination the son stays “in love” unconsciously with his mother, but doing incest for the mind is the worst thing can happen, because it can take the person to mental illness. The problem is that the mind of the son sees his mother in all other women, so unconsciously the son thinks he is making the incest.
To protect the person for that fact, the mind do the homosexual process so he can’t like women because they are the representation of the mother.
Then we can conclude that homosexuality is a defense of the mind against the incest. Is a mental illness because doing it it takes also to instability of the person, but for the mind is by far much less harder to support than the incest with the mother.
To proof these points, take a look of this pattern: see how well in several cases
the homosexual is the best friend of his mother.
Homosexuality can be treated in psychotherapy to let the inner virile man emerge, but only if the person wants it. Otherwise, it can not be pushed to do it.
Very good point, Sir, Thank you
Thank you Sigmund. You so smart.
Scientists have discovered years ago that there are similarities between the brains of straight men and lesbians. And also between the brains of homosexuals men and straight women.
For example, the study found that straight men and gay women are both wired for a greater “fight or flight” response than gay men or straight women, the team reports this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Also, homosexual men and straight women showed significantly more neural connections across the two brain hemispheres than heterosexual men did.
The two sides of the brain also changed in symmetry depending on the person’s sexual orientation.
To determine brain volume, Savic and colleagues also compared the left and right cerebral hemispheres using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and previous research data.
The right hemisphere was found to be slightly larger than the left in heterosexual males and lesbians, whereas those of gay men and straight women were symmetrical.
The results compliment previous research that found differing brain reactions in homo- and heterosexuals in response, for instance, to sexual images and certain pheromones, the authors said.
The latest findings imply that “human sexuality has neurobiological underpinnings,” the mechanisms of which are complex and “require humbleness and restraint from quick judgments,” Savic said.
Claiming that sexuality determined by choice and the environment is just a silly as those SJW idiots who claim that gender is purely a social construct.
If homosexuals were given no attention would they cease to exist?
The present triumph (one hopes temporary) of the homoseuxalist political project (at most, 3% of the population) is to persuade a majority of normal people that homosexuality is benign. It is not. Homosexuals are disproportionately violent. And as noted above, their perversions and deviancies are not limited merely to an orientation to others of the same sex. Not least, they represent the single largest source of STD infection in the nation. They are a hazard to public health.
Being subject to such a moral burden is very difficult. And such persons must be treated with the respect due any human being. But one can and should distinguish (i.e., ‘discriminate’) between what is normal and what is perverse. Homosexuals should not be allowed to teach in schools or placed in positions of authority over children. Homosexuals should not be allowed in the armed forces.
I think the veneer of benign is vanishing. For me its happening rapidly, for others, especially those memorized it will take longer. But, homosexuals are proving to be very dangerous to society…try to say anything other than high praises about them and they’ll go after you. Look at Mizzou and Yale of late, yes, those are not about homosexuals per se, but that is what homosexualism brings.
They have a tendency to get on peoples’ nerves. My fear is that once they are allowed to infest the armed forces we’ll never be rid of them. They have nearly ruined the Roman Catholic clergy in many areas, and their capacity to corrupt the military is very dangerous.
Its why they were previously banned. They also rape. Recently there was more data that the incidence of homosexual rape is up significantly in the military. Indeed, they get on people’s nerves, these fuckers can’t shut up about themselves. Something like 1/2 the characters on tv are portrayed as gay and, of course, each one is overly embellished and idealized.
Indeed. I spent 9 years in uniform way back in the day. I have two young sons, and given the current circumstances I will not encourage them to serve in the armed forces. In the current political climate they would suffer simply by virtue of believing what St. Paul has to say on the subject. I won’t allow my children to be put in a position to be disadvantaged by being Christian.
Just look at the facts. Gays have instances of domestic violence, drug/alcohol abuse, mental illness, promiscuity, infidelity, fetishism, anonymous sex, etc. off the charts. Take a hetero couple and a gay couple, the gay couple gives a list of behaviors and talking points to the hetero’s, and then send them to a therapist. The therapist will tell the hetero couple that they both need to get away from each other and into intensive individual psycho therapy. They don’t act or treat each other in any human way.
Marriage was invented by the State to preserve property and inheritance rights. It was designed to protect two people from each other. Giving them marriage waters down the institution.
Interesting article. First of all, the most vapid of things is the “gay life-style”. Hetero-sexuality and homo-sexuality are attractions. Most guys like women and a much smaller percentage like dudes. Same with the females. Why build a whole vapid asinine sub-culture around what one likes to do with their genitals. One’s personality is far bigger and broader than who they are sexually attracted to. I am not saying that gays and lesbians haven’t been discriminated against, but there has been an agenda which encourage this subculture –and I don’t think it has been for the good. New HIV cases are occurring because 1. the younger generation think (as they always do) that they’re invincible. 2. Because of the advancement in medicine, people are less cautious and do not look on HIV as an automatic death sentence as they did 20 years ago. Yup lots more drugging and boozing in the gay community. Depression and suicide –haven’t gotten into all the studies, but I also say there is a connection with the substance abuse. Loneliness — that’s is more on an individual basis. End of the line syndrome. I guess there are some gay people who think about this and I would guess there are some that really don’t give a rat’s ass. Wouldn’t the same go for unmarried straight folks as well? What is happening in the last 10 years or so (especially), are that gay activist are belligerently pushing this agenda into the faces of straight people –and when they get blowback, all they do screech–homophobia! Give me a break.
What is this website? For low-esteem men whose masculinity is fragile? Real men don’t need shitty websites like this. The writer is a whining man-bitch who has psychological problems. You are so insecure with your own masculinity that you have to actually boost your weak ego with all the shit you write. So you want to make rape legal? How sick is that! You’re not a man, you’re a caricature of a man. Be aware petshop seekers..
1. I don’t have HIV or AIDS because I use condoms just like many others. Lack of sex education is the reason why some people refuse to use condoms.
2. My life is not lonely. Marriage, children, friends, etc. all possible and some already achieved. Loneliness is a choice. There is a world full of people and a lot of opportunities.
3. I’ve never used drugs and never will. None of my gay friends are drug addicts either.
4. I got stable life. My work is actually to help those with mental problems and when it comes to homosexuals, people like you are the reason why some of them are suffering. Some have experienced decades of discrimination, violence, constant fear and other shit caused by homophobic people like you. The past 20 years have brought the winds of change and younger generations of homosexuals will live in a quite different world than the generations before them. They will get more acceptance and stability because now there are equal rights and ban for discrimination.
5. Suicide rates among homosexuals are higher if they live in a homophobic area without support. Accepting friends and family will greatly reduce the risk of suicide.
6. Most of the gay men love masculine ADULT men. Shaved bodies and twink faces don’t attract me. Pedophilia is about attacking the weakest. The person who sexually abuses a child that is the same sex as he/she is, is not automatically a homosexual. Pedophiles see themselves in their same sex victims as most of them were abused when they were children themselves. They re-live their experience but not as the victim but as the molester because it’s about power and control. Most of the pedophiles consider them heterosexual even though some of them have molested children who are the same sex as they are. Sexual acts and sexuality don’t always go hand in hand.
7. Never heard of this. Anal sex is completely safe if practiced with caution. Besides that only 38.3% of all gay men have anal sex so it’s not the most common sex practice. Risk of getting that shitty disorder isn’t that great.
8. Not all people want to reproduce. Some gay men have donated sperm so they have offspring even though they are not parenting them. And all of mankind will extinct some day. The resources on Earth are already diminishing.
I never chose to be a homosexual. I never chose not to like women. If that had been up to me I would have chosen heterosexuality because that road is easier without all the homophobic people. For me homosexuality is more about romance. Sex is not my priority because love has so much more to offer and actually makes sex even better.
This is pretty funny coming from men who care what other men think of them.
Real men don’t care. Ever.
Children do, though.
Best of luck, ‘men.’ Y’all gonna need it.
Homosexuals do not want to enjoy the same civil liberties as heterosexuals. They want to destroy the institution of marriage as God ordained it so that they can redefine it – since same sex marriage is now accepted, it won’t be hard to get Americans to accept other behaviors such as group marriage, etc.This was made possible by America’s acceptance of what was not long ago understood to be a deviant behavior. What most don’t understand is how America’s acceptance of this deviant lifestyle came to be. You can read “After the ball: How America will conquer it’s fear and hatred of gays” in the 90’s to give you some perspective on how America’s understanding of this deviant, detrimental behavior was foisted on America by a slick marketing campaign that cast homosexuals as a protected class.
A little research wouldn’t hurt either. Google the 1972 gay agenda and then look around at what is happening in the world today. While you’re at it, google NAMBLA (National Association of Man/Boy Love) and you may get a sense of how these pederasts (pedophiles molest children of the opposite sex, the correct term for homosexual molesters is pederast) became a protected class while simultaneously pushing to repeal age of consent laws by way of NAMBLA (National Association of Man/Boy Love). Or how hate crime legislation came to be with a little help from a drug dealer and homosexual young man named Matthew Shepard and his (little known) homosexual boyfriend/murderer, who, incidentally got life in prison along with another young man…without the help of hate crime legislation that was not in existence prior to that time. Are not all crimes “hate” crimes? is not the rape of women, the rape of children, murder, theft, etc. motivated by hate? Are not the laws on the books enough to punish those who break them? They served Matthew Shepard’s murderers well before the existence of hate crime laws did they not? Then ask yourselves what the real purpose of these hate crime laws are.
Hate crime laws are for Christians. They are to silence those who speak out against sin and injustice. They exist for those who speak out against and expose government lies. They are for those who speak out against the true goal of “homosexuals” access to the worlds children. They are called “consipiracy theorists, fanatics, bible thumpers” anything but what they are – truth tellers. And those who, in obedience to the law of God’s love, try to warn others of God’s impending judgment, in which the only refuge can be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. They are to silence those who speak against the repression of the coming New World Order – a world without the God of the bible. It is a world that we be ruled by absolute tyranny – by a man in a white costume with a funny hat who has deceived the whole world into believing he is the vicar of Christ when he is nothing more than a hellbound sinner.
As far as “loving” the object that you desire, (it would seem from honest studies that homosexuals desire a lot of objects, some to the tune of over 500 partners per year) well when a grown man claims love for a boy so long as he “consents” does this make it right? No, it’s pederasty an no amount of name calling or denial will make this right. Why do you think the gay activists (publicly) separated themselves from NAMBLA? They are simply biding their time because they know America is not yet ready. I don’t watch tv or movies but I read an article recently about a movie starring Nicole Kidman whose character believes that her husband is reincarnated into the body of a 10 year old. They actually had a SCENE in the bathtub! This is how it starts. The film did not receive a positive reception – but that won’t stop them. They will keep making films like these and bombarding our sensory perception with these evil images until we become numb to it. And that’s when they will make their move towards legalizing pederasty and pedophilia. These movies and images, along with the acceptance of homosexuality as “normal” and legalization of same sex “marriage” are simply tools to speed their agenda along. Once people are dulled and insensitive to it, it will be seen as normal (though people fail to see that since homosexuals cannot procreate, it stands to reason that they will be coming after OUR children). – so long as the child “consents”. The reason laws are in place now is to protect the children…and the poor children are barely safe now. When homosexuals comprise the majority of lawmakers and move to repeal age of consent laws (thanks to Alfred Kinsey, a noted sexual psychopath who falsified information in his report and committed heinous crimes against hundreds of children) do you actually believe that these pederasts who are now molesting children behind closed doors will change their modus operandi because of a law? The children ARE NOT CONSENTING NOW, do you think the pederasts are keeping their hands to themselves? What makes anyone think that children will consent once these laws are repealed? Children cannot consent! They are not sexual beings despite Kinsey’s lying, filthy, report. Sexual relations are NOT healthy for them, they destroy them. They are children. They have a right to be protected and LEFT ALONE. Homosexuals cannot have children so WHOSE children do they want to “love”?Yours, that’s who. God help us if we don’t open our eyes and see what is going on around us. May God have mercy and protect the children from this evil. May he give parents eyes to see and ears to hear so that they can warn their children and protect them.
I have a question. I have a gay friend who I asked what it’s like to be gay. He says he has absolutely no sexual or romantic attraction to women, but rather has those attractions towards men. If he’s see a woman in a revealing outfit, he doesn’t get an erection or give her a second look if he passes her in the street. In fact, he tells me he probably wouldn’t even notice her. Straight porn does nothing for him; he says he sits there bored no matter how much he tried to get into it. If he were to be in bed with a women, he would just embarrass himself with his flacid penis and disgust of going “down there”. Even when he tries his very hardest, he cannot make himself attracted to women. He just has a natural inclination towards men.
How can this then be a choice? I asked him and he said he doesn’t remember once in his life being straight and then choosing to be gay. If he could choose, he said, he would be straight in a heartbeat, but it doesn’t work that way.
When Ben Carson said prisons are proof homosexuality is a choice he was right. How else do you explain entire civilizations that was predominantly gay? How could a whole society be gay? Culture, trends and lifestyle. Marriage with a woman was their duty a duty to bear children woman was practically an occupation back then not an identity but having sex with men was their pleasure. Christianity is what put a stop to it.
You forgot one more thing. They do have a way out of this and that is they are not born gay. Being gay is a fetish nothing more. So they can work on stopping these behaviors. It’s not a light switch but it’s a commitment to have the discipline to stop which eventually do away with their gayness