Two More Hollywood Films For Men That Leave Today’s SJW Movies In The Dust

Today we are going to take a quick look at two epic Clint Eastwood films, one of which is a well-known, Western classic (The Outlaw Josey Wales). The other one is a little-known, under-the-radar gem, which showcases the psychotic insanity of the deranged Western female (Play Misty for Me).

Both of these superb RPO films will leave any red-pill male feeling wholly satisfied, shortly after viewing them, and, well, that’s what these movie reviews of your old Uncle Bob’s are all about, are they not…helping you find the bona fide gold nuggets amid the endlessly steaming piles of SJW Hollywood crap? Yes indeed.

So let’s get crackin’.

1. The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976 – Clint Eastwood, Chief Dan George, Bill McKinney, John Vernon)


Clint Eastwood directed and starred in this sweeping, extremely well-crafted, post-Civil War epic film, and the cinematography and direction are undeniably excellent. But Eastwood’s portrayal of the Southern-sympathizer, Josey Wales, who has a major score to settle after Union troops burn his house down and murder his wife and children, is in itself a major cinematic achievement.

Out for blood and taking no prisoners, Eastwood’s merciless Josey Wales thunders across the plains and prairies of the American West, blowing scores of Northern soldiers away in the process, as he makes a desperate dash towards Mexico, and what he hopes will be sanctuary. But Wales gets sidetracked along the way, collecting a stray dog and a few stray human beings as well, which proves that the only thing a man can truly count on in this life is change.


There’s a great scene early on in the film, involving Josey Wales’ partner in crime, Jaimie (played by Sam Bottoms), where he starts babbling incoherently, while faking a state of fever-induced delirium from underneath a blanket, as the two outlaws are confronted by a pair of backwoods yahoos who are looking to collect the bounty that has recently been placed on Wales’ head.

Here, we clearly see the behavior of the typical, frightened, woefully outmanned beta male, as character actor Len Lesser (who portrays the overmatched bounty hunter Abe) starts yapping and barking in a very loud voice, while jerking around excitedly, shortly after getting the drop on Eastwood’s alpha-male killing-machine.


If you’re an alpha male and you’re in good shape, you’ve undoubtedly seen similar beta-male behavior. Probably at a bar, when some paunchy beta asswit, who’s sitting with his cucked crew, has had one too many beers and starts cutting you down in a passive-aggressive manner, from your periphery, as he barks and yaps in an excited voice about how tough he used to be, or how he doesn’t need to lift weights to be a man, or how he doesn’t think it’s cool to wear tight shorts (a hostile barb born of envy, uttered because he feels his package is inadequate). Yup, you know the routine.


In the film’s wow-we-almost-had-a-gangbang scene, featuring a somewhat-turned-on Sondra Locke (see above photo; Locke portrays Kansas-born settler, Laura Lee), as she’s confronted in the back of a covered wagon and dragged outside by a group of lusty Comancheros, which was obviously a blatant exaggeration, because, as we already know, all rapes are committed by totally unattractive, deranged, horribly evil, light-skinned men who smell badly and have absolutely zero neck tattoos—“Ewwwww,” etc.—Clint’s character comes riding to the rescue out of the hills and guns the would-be rapists down, which probably made SJWs and feminists at the time scream with unbridled outrage at the theater screen, “She was giving her consent! Didn’t you see it? It was in her eyes! It’s her right to express herself sexually, with however many men she might choose! Murderer! Creeper! Pussy-blocker!”

Unfortunately, just like today, there were feminists and SJWs aplenty back in 1976. Their numbers have been growing with a vengeance since roughly the mid-1960s, and after more than 50 years in the saddle, they still keep going round and round in circles, yelling preprogrammed buzzwords and catch-phrases, while unknowingly speeding up the destruction of freedom of speech, but hey, Uncle Bob, tell us something we don’t already know, and yeah, I’ll get back to the film review now.

My favorite scene in the movie occurs when Josey Wales (who, now that I think about it, is a bit of a white knight, hmm…), rescues a Native American woman who is about to be double-teamed against her will by a pair of drunken white trappers.


Eastwood’s mad-dog character ultimately gets the drop on the would-be bounty-collectors, and he blows them straight to hell in an impressive hail of gunfire, which, I’ll have to admit, is pretty darned cool in itself. I mean, that’s why we watch films like this, isn’t it – for the violence, and the babes, and the red-pill messages? Well, there are plenty of those to be had in this no-holds-barred, epic Western film.

Maybe I’m going to have to rethink this movie in terms of it being perceived as a wholly red-pill film. Clint’s character stepped up and stopped a potential gangbang, as well as a three-way, and nobody asked him to do it. So this might have been a sly, Hollywood warm-up for the series of blatant white knight films we see today, but I don’t really want to think that way about Clint, so I won’t. I’ll just gulp down a quick blue pill right now—ah, much better.


I mean, Clint played Dirty Harry Callahan, for chrissakes, in a film that I will hopefully be reviewing at a later date, if I don’t get hit by a truck driven by an illegal alien who’s sporting 20 arrests for murder while having no driver’s license; or lynched by a swarm of rabid SJWs who are on the hunt for any white male who isn’t a media CEO or a billionaire.

The film bogs down a bit after about the two-thirds mark, in my opinion, but it still gets high marks across the board in every other critical category. If you haven’t seen it, rectify that soon. You can’t miss by watching this top-drawer, RPO film for men.

2. Play Misty for Me (1971 – Clint Eastwood, Jessica Walter, Donna Mills)


Unless they are over-the-top, laughingly ridiculous, obviously fictional slasher films, red-pill movies like this one just don’t get made in Hollywood any longer.

When you think of Clint Eastwood, you usually think of Dirty Harry, or The Outlaw Josey Wales, or Unforgiven, or Gran Torino, but Clint made a few obscure films that were both solidly red pill, and truly excellent movies, although they’ve been swept under the rug and locked away in the film vaults by today’s liberal-leaning film-hiders.

In this well-directed, highly suspenseful thriller, Carmel-by-the-sea disk jockey, Dave Carver (Clint Eastwood) lives a freewheeling, alpha male lifestyle, regularly banging out an assortment of hot women who listen to his live jazz broadcasts on a nightly basis. Carver is living the dream, pounding most of the available hot babes, and thoroughly enjoying his rightfully appointed alpha male privilege (or is that white male privilege?…er…SJW moment there, sorry).

That is, until Jessica Walter’s psycho-stalker character, Evelyn, walks into his life.


Now, you may have encountered a few of these yourself. Or maybe it’s just me. Sometimes I think I have an invisible sign on my forehead that only the initiated can read, which proclaims, “If you’re hot and insane—I’m your guy.” But Clint Eastwood shows us exactly what it’s like to be pursed by an attractive, psycho, female stalker. From writing creepy notes to him in lipstick on his mirror, to cutting up his clothing, to attacking his cleaning lady in a fit of jealous rage, Clint’s disk-jockey character quickly begins to realize that he bit off a hell of a lot more than just pussy when he started banging actress Jessica Walter’s batshit-crazy Evelyn.

I’ve always had a feeling that actresses who were really good in these psycho roles, were just being themselves. But I could be wrong about that. (I was wrong once before—it was in the third grade and she didn’t really love me.) Be that as it may, Jessica Walters really brings her A-game in the role of the totally unhinged Evelyn. If you’ve ever had a relationship with a woman like this one, watching the film will send chills down your spine, and result in some serious flashback imagery.


(Have you ever done this—what Clint is doing in the above photo—namely, hold and comfort a crazy woman who somehow managed to weasel her way into your life, by skillfully turning you into both an enabler and a caretaker…if so, I definitely feel your pain. And I’ll bet Clint has experienced it a time or three himself, or he probably wouldn’t have done this film.)

Play Misty for Me is absolutely worth watching for myriad reasons; but the most important reason of all, I wholeheartedly believe, is because it will clearly demonstrate to you, in no uncertain terms, the subtle and overt signs that a man absolutely has to be able to recognize, in order to avoid being blindsided by a psychotic, unhinged female. And for that reason alone, it’s a must-see classic, no doubt about it; when Clint’s character ultimately gets revenge on his tormentor, at the very end of this excellent RPO film, you’ll feel all warm and fuzzy inside, too—and in a weird, viscerally satisfying way—which makes the whole experience just that much more gratifying.


By boycotting all modern SJW Hollywood cinema, you are sending a message to the power structure that is loud and clear—you are not being fooled by their deliberate attempts to poison people’s minds and socially engineer them to be pussified, dumbed-down, blue-pill-sucking robots.

Always research the plot lines of any films for which you are seriously considering buying a ticket, or renting on DVD. And if you smell an SJW rat, don’t spend your money. It’s that simple. In the end, it’s just like investigating a potential LTR candidate. You have to conduct your due diligence. Otherwise, you might just get taken for a ride.

Read Next: 10 Hollywood Films For Men That Leave Today’s SJW Movies In The Dust

92 thoughts on “Two More Hollywood Films For Men That Leave Today’s SJW Movies In The Dust”

  1. The Outlaw Josey Wales is really good from what I recall. I had the same feeling during that rape scene. It was kinda hot aaaand there he goes and fucks it up. Heh.
    Btw, I watched The Beguiled now. Tough cookie that one. But I wonder how red pill it is in a way. The main character is kind of a manipulative lying bitch himself, so you could almost say he was playing Russian Roulette and lost.
    Btw, you are wrong. She did really love you. But the only way she could show it was to not love you… Sniff.

    1. Yeah, I can see your points. Pretty much every Hollywood film evinces some sort of blue-pill/beta behavior in its “tough guy” characters. In “The Beguiled”, I think what you say is true. Eastwood’s character was manipulative, and there’s a gray area, in that we don’t really know whether or not he intended to marry the girl he proposed to. But it definitely shows how women go insane around an alpha male, and are willing to stoop to anything (like cutting off Clint’s leg), to keep him around. I just get so sick of SJW Hollywood cinema. (Modern shit.) Can’t even watch any modern films for more than a few minutes. Seems like the critics always rave about them, and they suck. Heh. And Tom, that girl didn’t love me. Which means she just wasn’t worth it (hands over ears, yelling in loud voice now). I’m out for a few cold ones, to continue the Trump celebration. Have fun, all. I’m still high as a kite from the Trump victory…and intend to get higher still.

      1. I mean it’s okay … it’s a movie. It’s kinda fair to both sides, aye. Fucked up dude, fucked up women. Perfect shistorm.
        What’s funny is how during growing up, you start to see all the subtleties. When you’re a kid (melleable kid like me), you basically just see a person in a movie say something and you focus only on what they are saying and you expect truth to be in it and then a movie like The Beguiled endlessly confuses you … wait, why did he say this but did that and did the woman really want to save his life by cutting off his leg? Hmmmmm.
        But when you can see past words, a whole new world opens up where you observe not what people say about themselves but about what they actually are doing. And you can maybe even gauge their internal motivation. And you realize that what first seemed like a ‘normal’ social interaction (if there is such a thing), suddenly has so many subtleties and facets that you never even thought of before. In fact, the whole interaction suddenly gets a whole different meaning than what you originally thought. For example, you can never be really sure if the other person really means what they are saying. This actually is a good argument for having boundaries and a general distrust and for the validity of bonding. When you hang around with someone long enough, you start to get to know them, which is when you can start to really trust them to a certain extent. Which is also why Egalitarianism is doomed. You can’t just treat everyone the same. You have to get to know people first (or have a good instinct) or you will make terrible decisions.
        But egalitarians make up for that by ideology. If everyone is oppressed enough and a wuss enough, there is an artificial ‘harmony’ between all people because they are all forced to believe and recite the same horseshit. You no longer get to know people. Rather, you just know the ‘typical person’ and you expect everyone to conform to that. When they don’t, your brain just short-circuits.
        In this sense, I feel nationalists are pretty much egalitarians too. School uniforms and shit. This is an egalitarian effort. To feel as ‘a part of the whole’.
        Wait … did I drift away from the original point? Hm.

        1. That’s some really thoughtful stuff, Tom. I am going to check it out tomorrow, in a more in-depth fashion…but personally, I was really impressed with the train of thought. For whatever that’s worth. Probably two cents, in the open market…

        2. “For example, you can never be really sure if the other person really means what they are saying. ”
          Deeds not words is a good test. Study their actual actions and see how they comport with what they say.

        3. Drifting is alright, sometimes it leads to exciting new places.
          The world you are talking about was workable until we started numbering in the billions. Would be nice to treat with everyone on an individual level, but socialism forces us together in unnatural groups and pits groups against each other, i.e. old versus young. Once you remove politics from a relationship, real bonds based on mutual worth can form. But it seems we are doomed to having overlords the minute any unit’s population gets to a certain point, then come the political class to use ‘divide and conquer’ to fleece everyone.
          As kids, we are easy to deceive, not experienced enough to understand guile, lying, misinformation and all that. Disillusionment happens at some point to us all, my political disillusionment happened to me in my early 20’s. That’s when I stopped believing in politics to change anything for the better.
          It’s nice to drop into a fantasy world, like The Outlaw Josey Wales once in a while, and imagine ourselves fighting against the machine.

      2. “Yeah, I can see your points. Pretty much every Hollywood film evinces some sort of blue-pill/beta behavior in its “tough guy” characters.”
        I’ve noticed that when every Hollywood actor establishes himself as a bad ass, it’s obligatory for him to follow up with a chick flick. Like when Mel Gibson did “What Women Want” and Gerard Butler doing “PS, I Love You” right after 300.

  2. Clint Eastwood is the MAN. I’d also say “High Plains Drifter” too. It’s a very strange movie and probably a little harder to get into than either of these, but well worth it.

      1. Sorry to be that guy, but High Plains Drifter is not one of the spaghetti westerns.
        It is, however, a massive masculine injection. How it ever got made in Hollywood is beyond my comprehension.

  3. Good ole Clint. From the wild west to modern day, he’s still 100% badass.
    I forget if we’ve gone over the Fistful of Dollars trilogy yet, but it’s a definite must-watch.

  4. Josey Wales didn’t interrupt the threesome, one of the men walked up to the counter and asked for a beer then pulled his sidearm on Josey in order to capture him for the reward money, so Wales blasted them both to Hades. He wasn’t white knighting.
    In the scene with the comancheros the HNIC comanchero stopped the gang bang because he said Sondra Locke was too valuable so save her to trade with Ten Bears because she was worth 50 horses and if they couldn’t control themselves they could have grandma because she might be worth two donkeys.
    Outlaw Josey Wales wasn’t white knighting,those women just got lucky that he showed up at the right time as only Hollywood can plan something that well.
    Well Mr Carpetbagger we have thing in this country called a Missouri boat ride- Josey Wales.

      1. Just trying to help, I realize you still aren’t quite up to speed yet due to being devastated over Hillarys loss. 🙂

        1. Heh. My devastation is great, yes. I have been a bit less observant of details lately, I’ll admit. Man it’s a great time to be alive, isn’t it. Walking out the door right now to continue the celebration, after a lifting session and a hot shower. The pussy of the world is now ours to grab – Ai! Ai! Ai! (Bandido voice…) Have fun, gents. “Dance, dance, for tomorrow we die,” etc.

    1. Well, you’d wanna slaughter the rapey guys early on (I would think) just because you don’t want to slosh around in their sloppy thirds, if nothing else.

    2. However, Josey was observing from the cliffs above where the wagon had been hijacked…he was going to intervene before the rape, but the lead comanchero stopped the men, first.

        1. Yeah, that’s right! You know I’ve seen that flick at least a dozen times, and it really never gets old! I think the Spaghetti Westerns he’s in are special, too.

  5. Solid picks, Bob. Josey Wales had, in my opinion, one of the best scenes in cinema history.

      1. A killer with a conscience. That’s what makes the anti hero appealing; they have the capability of trampling their enemies but choose to apply mercy. The inferior enemy, taking this mercy as a sign of weakness, ultimately brings about his own downfall through hubris.

    1. I think the first meeting between Trump and Putin will be just as glorious in a pact of understanding between two men… Except instead of half naked dudes in the back, there will be half naked women waiting to be grabbed by the…. Nevermind.

    2. Will Sampson (Ten Bears) was a bad-ass! The circumstances of his death was a shame, though. Read his IMDB profile.

    3. I saw this when I was young and it was so powerful that it made an impression on me.

      1. Same here, brother. Even in my purple pill days, I thought this scene was undeniably great.

        1. Excellent. There are some things that speak to us on a very deep and visceral level no matter what stage of pill we are at-albeit being blue pill might make it that bit harder.

    4. I haven’t seen this film in years
      This however, is a good representation of what happens when men of experience meet – understanding and a realisation of what conflict costs
      It’s either the young or the inexperienced that will push to try and prove something

      1. Amen. Power is a good thing, as long as it resides in the hands of experienced men like this. Otherwise, the temptation to abuse it is too great.

  6. Naw, there were no SJW’s or feminists in 1866, so Josey was just doing what an upright man was supposed to do. Protect the weak from depredations of savages, particularly women of his own kind. So he was just living up to his code…not white-knighting, in my opinion.

    1. Especially considering that his defenseless wife and child were murdered by a group of Northern scumbags while he was away, starting him off on his quest for vengeance.

    2. Josey Wales typifies what I envision a real hero is: a man fighting for his cause, even when the cause is lost because he is a man of principle. Wales had the physical and mental ability to continue to fight, and the will to do it. Modernity has taken much of that away from men today, as the misanthrope individual will attract attention from law enforcement and administrative justice.
      Josey Wales did what he believed was right, and didn’t care about the outcome. He did lose in the end, as in death, but he lived as he chose to.
      His actions towards women and Indians, discussed elsewhere, are exactly what I expect a real man would do. He never went out of his way to save anyone, but when less capable others entered his orbit, he did not shrink from being the leader they wanted–and in doing so, regained his humanity that he lost in the war.

  7. Movies started getting bad in 1980 and have continued to get progressively worse. There is nothing today that could drag me to a theater.

        1. Thanks – in fact I would wager that ROK would welcome an article from you on this topic. Good contemporary movies are hard to come by – would be good to have someone dedicated to routing some quality cinema.

        2. I might wait a bit before trying anything. Seems like there’s a lot of movie reviews floating around lately. Makes sense, as little to no research is required for an article.

  8. I have never seen Play Misty for Me, but I sure as hell have experienced getting tangled up with an unhinged crazy-lady. Eastwood’s glazed-over look I have had myself. NOT doing that again.

    1. Well, that’s three of us who’ve had the experience. I’ll bet more guys here have. A lot more.

  9. “If you’re hot and insane—I’m your guy.”
    Been there, done that, and got the torn t-shirt LOL
    Have both of these movies in the DVD cabinet, haven’t seen them in awhile maybe it’s time to dig them out for a viewing.

    1. Glad it wasn’t just me. I swear to god…I would wager that about 25% of all women out there are like the Jessica Walter character in “Play Misty for Me”. But I think most of them just hide it better that others.

      1. I’d wager that it’s even higher heh. It’s been discussed before, however it would seem the more you rock their world in the bedroom the more it brings out their crazy also, or rather lessens their ability to hide it.
        If you’re a masculine guy with the looks and the “game” so to speak, you create massive attraction from the get go, and we all know women bond with the act of coitus. So creating that irresistible attraction then fulfilling her desire with leg quivering bedroom action, it activates all her bonding genes. I believe their bonding genes are one in the same as the crazy genes, but some hide it, or rather use their inside voice more often than others lol, they are all still batshit crazy though.
        That old saying (and I think there was a song or two with that title) “I’m crazy for you” has to come from somewhere eh?
        Another thought, even though I’m aware of all of the above, I still can’t resist the hottie knowing full well what might will be in store for me…. does that make me a masochist?

        1. Not to my way of thinking. I think it makes you a man. Maybe at some point you will decide to not pursue the crazy hotties. But I still dip my wick in them from time to time, and I’m older than dirt. They are usually crazy good in bed, too. That makes it tough. It’s a double-edge sword. If they turn you on, you want to dominate them in bed and trigger their slut switch. If you accomplish that, and they’re batshit crazy, you reap the whirlwind. I try to have an exit plan – move to another state. Heh.

  10. I saw Josey Wales when I was a kid and haven’t seen it since. Was that the one where Clint was handing over his pistols by the barrel and then flipped them around and shot the place up? If not, I don’t remember which movie it was but it was totally badass. I remember Josey Wales was the first time I saw a woman’s naked ass in a movie and my parents were like “ok you’re about to see a naked ass but its the only time we’ll allow it.” And a few years later I thought back on it and I was like “if they hadn’t said anything then I probably wouldn’t have thought anything of it.” And its true. Things become a much bigger deal when people have to warn you prior. Otherwise you take it in stride.

  11. Has anyone seen the movie Knock-Knock? I started watching it last night and passed out because it sucked so bad. Is this the type of SJW trash you are referring to?
    On another note, Play Misty for Me is a solid Eastwood flick.

  12. Now that there is a real man as President, do you guys think that he will be able to influence the culture enough so that we can get bad-ass movies like these to be made again?
    That’s what I like the most about Trump. Whether he would have won or lost, he was a huge influence on the culture and caused a lot of men to come out of their shells. And now, with him as President, the alt-right movement will only grow more and more. Surely this will be reflected in movies as well.
    I just wish it would have happened before they started making Star Wars movies again.

  13. Good pick Uncle Bob with the first one; my dad raised me ultra red pill and we would watch Spaghetti Westerns and such in which case I saw this when I was younger Hammer and it made a huge impression on me.

    1. Nowadays, I wonder what fathers and sons watch…”Driving Miss Daisy”? Who knows. You’re lucky that you had such a caring, right-thinking father. Very lucky.

      1. I am not sure what other people watched, but me and my father like to watch Terminator, Jurassic park and Shawshank redemption. I was also introduced to a lot of classic red pill movies thanks to my mum, who is a movie buff.

  14. Oh look Hollywood rolling out another Nazi film to keep that Jew victim/white devil narrative chugging along.

    I wonder what this years negro slave movie will be, to demoralise white identity and remind people of color to hate them some cracker.

    1. Brad Pitt is like some goy prostitute constantly selling his ass so the Hollywood tribe can get their sick kicks, who gets paid 8 figures because the acts he does are just so depraved the price reflects it.

  15. Here’s an interesting montage of scenes from “Play Misty for Me” along with some critical comments by a few people you might recognize –

    1. Ah yes, Play Misty for me. The precursor of Fatal Attraction.
      “I’m not going to be ignored Dan!”

    1. Saved me saying so. Watched it with my mouth open about 20 years ago, aged 24 having randomly turned on tv with a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of lime cordial. Was followed by China town which I don’t remember quite so well.
      I don’t drink anymore.

  16. Difference between Josey Wales, and White Knights is White Knights expect something for their actions whereas Josey Wales just wanted to be left alone.

    1. White knight knows he is a worthless piece of shit and he has to pay (with money, good deeds, ass kissing or whatever) for the attention of hot women, or realy any women.
      The alpha ZFG does what he considers right. He might kill those 2 rapists or just ignore them. If he does kill them he may bang the girl instead, or not.
      He knows he is a top notch asset and feels no need to pay nor prove anything to anyone.
      Worthlessness versus value.
      First step on your road to greatness: get your own passive value up. Just do it!
      Thats the difference.

  17. The majority of Eastwood films could make this list & most definitely should be watched – The Gauntlet is a masterpiece in beer drinking cinema
    The only reason he’s allowed to make films these days; is because who the fuck’s going to stop him

  18. Great flicks and don’t forget great ones by Charles Bronson like Mr. Majestyk and Once Upon a Time in the West. Also the Good, Bad and the Ugly was a classic of Clint Eastwood. Death Rides a Horse with Lee van Cleef is fantastic as well.

  19. I know it is not strictly redpill, but it had its moments. That “inches” speech in Any Given Sunday blew me away. That film Blow was pretty redpill too – George Jungs mother was a real character ! Boogie Nights had its redpill moments too.

  20. I just finished Hard Times, from the previous article here. It was so relaxing to see a straightforward movie with masculine men and feminine women and without any of the silly M Night Shamalyan plot twists.

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