314 thoughts on “Why Are Women Being Educated?”

  1. I wish you could go on Dr. Phil and have women in the audience scream at you that their childlessness and student debt makes them empowered and amazing.

    1. Yes take the action to the mainstream – Roosh – I think the way to win this once and for all – is to reframe the message. The feminist message was always wholey negative in that women are mistreated and under appreciated and don’t have access to male opportunities and resources – and there are examples where they are correct. Feminism won on isolated examples.
      HOWEVER : Where they are incorrect and where this entire conversation has gone off on a tangent into some 100 year giant shit test / battle of the sexes, marital bickering session is because : Mothers and Children are not seen as important as educational and corporate accolades. No one can argue that the logic is patently false.
      Mothers and children are THE most important thing. The next generation and how they live out their childhood with a nice relaxed well support mother available is THE most important thing.
      No effort and little research or technology has been put into this. Pump out the kids and get back to work. It is absurd. Put the women, mothers and children in the centre of attention – We win – hands down. No HR dept or Uni entry fem squad or politically correct BS operation can win this argument.
      Mothers and children first. Education to foster that first. Useless and incredibly expensive Uni degree last and wanky coroporate title and silly business card last.
      You really think a degree and a middle management position is more important than a 15-20 year commitment to raise well balanced children – SHAME ON YOU !
      We love women – we want absolutely the best for them. We’d love to have kids and have a nice family but women today are a disaster. Brainwashed corporate / government slaves and mindless trolls.
      Probably in time – economics and market forces are going to finish the argument – because robotics will remove so many jobs that being a full time mother will become a highly desirable role in the world. There just won’t be the need to have kids and rush back to work. Anyone can see this is a brainless poverty mentality towards motherhood. The logic is so wrong. If a woman wants a high powered career like a man – fine – get your tubes tied and go compete – trying to do both – sorry its not only childish but very damaging. There wasnt anything like the drug and social problems 100 years ago. Why ? Because the kids had a mother on hand is why. Where are the worst drug problems ? In the US, UK and Europe – why – because the upbringing was shit because mothers and children always seen to be left off the list of priorities.

      1. We got here by putting women first. They got what they wanted because they were put first. I realize you stated mothers but that just becomes women, just like it did in the past.

        1. yes – Lenin put the peasants first – it was great marketing. Populist messages are rarely what they seem – but without being decisive, I don’t think it’s a hard sell to steer women in the direction of what they want in the first place. Women were sold a line on being corporate trolls and told having children was not important, simply a question of reversing the pumps.

    2. But are they childish because they are women, or because they’re spoiled?
      I remember my grand mother, who grew up in a farm in the mountains. She was hard as steel. My own mother had to work when she was a kid. She later on got education as adult working during the day and studying by night. My cousin works as a vet in little towns, she can get in the dirt to deal with things where most of urban people would throw up.
      People have short memory. Feminists see the suffragettes and the think women were discriminated when it comes to vote. But for the last one hundreds generations in the last 3000 years, men have been able to vote for ONE more generation than women were. Now you see the current generation of spoiled women and think they’re childish because they’re women, forgetting that for most of history, women weren’t childish.

      1. Because for most of history women were being kept in line.
        The patriarchy is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?

        1. It was real. Just nothing like we are told it is. Like I’ve stated before the remaining evidence of it is some old women still living off their dead husband’s wealth decades after he died earning it.

        2. Was it?
          I mean, there was an old social order. But that’s not the patriarchy. The patriarchy is the theory according to what that social order was produced by men in order to benefit from women and use them.
          There’s many problems with that theory, and I’ve never seen feminist theory answer them. For example: why were men doing the hardest or the lowest jobs? When you have slaves, first thing you do it task them with the jobs nobody wants to do. Women weren’t, how is that possible according to the patriarchy theory?
          When I have made this question to a feminist, the answer uses to be “women were seen a incapable by men”. So, you get slaves, but as they’re incapable, you end up working for them. And that is supposed to make sense…

        3. I think you miss my point. Patriarchy was this thing where men did everything women didn’t want to do and got to pretend they like were in charge. So men worked very hard to create wealth and keep the society functioning, died early, and their wives lived off it for decades there after. In other words the versions feminists and others use are myths. It never existed. Not in any relatively modern times anyway.

        4. Yes – the patriarchy is a conspiracy theory – a contrived load of horse shit taught in gender studies classes by bespectacled, tattooed, shaved head feminists. The reality was pre-technology – until about 1960 – that women were simply not strong enough to engage in most male orientated work and men (understandably) didn’t want them in the work place – or the club / bar after work either.
          Politics and social order was thus largely separated – women did their own thing and men did theirs. It wasn’t by design it was by necessity. The old concept of the drawing room – was for the women to withdraw after dinner so the men could drink scotch and smoke cigars because women didn’t do those things either – because they relished the real female existence of being – well – female.

        5. it wasn’t that the women didn’t ‘want’ to do it – it’s that they couldn’t physically do it – they were almost a danger to themselves and everyone else. women couldn’t build barns, and tame horses and chop firewood – AND they were hell busy having children and running a home – which pre machinery was a huge task.
          it’s a question of necessities – when everything is tight and pressured and existence is fraught and almost knife edge – things function correctly. when it goes all loose and easy and you can prowl down to the supermarket and get imported fresh tomatoes from the other side of the world in the middle of winter – the urgency of hauling in the crop and getting it all bottled up before winter – is replaced with a trip to starbucks and a quick suck session with the neighbors son – and when that gets dull you want to become town mayor or get a Ph.D in bullshit and tell everyone else how to live.

        6. Yes. If women were slaves in the past, it was a very unique form of slavery with no historical precedent. i.e where the master worked and toiled for the benefit of their slave.

        7. What kinda bullshit is this? It’s a fact that any civilization that arose did so as a patriarchy.
          That is when women aren’t allowed to run the country and aren’t the head of the family.
          You could also argue that the Pareto rule is patriarchal. As such men have always had a harem of women at their disposal for the majority of mankinds existence.
          The opposite never happened.
          But as J.D Unwin and Joseph Watson highlight civilizations go to shit when they lose their patriarchal nature. So who would want that anyhow?

        8. The Patriarchy is not a fact. It’s a theory regarding why social orders are made. Any theory can be right or almost right or wrong, but theories are not facts, no matter they’re right or wrong. They’re models, not data. It’s just a different category.
          And I’m sorry, but I didn’t read the rest of your commentary. If you’re not even able to tell apart between data and theory, reading you is just a waste of time.

        9. What is this, again? How and when did I say that the patriarchy is a fact?
          “It’s a theory regarding why social orders are made.”
          Well, no shit.
          I said that every civilization that arose was a patriarchy. That is a fact.
          I never said “patriarchy is a fact” or whatever you attribute to me as to avoid answering.
          Explain to me how your brain works step by step.

        10. Aren’t you the most bold coward yet. What a pathetic sight.
          But what else could be expected from you.

      2. For 100s of generations women were educated by their mothers and female peers in doing what women do best. Then they got sold a line – mainly in the 60s (see madmen TV show) and almost an entire generation of women didn’t educate their daughters and it took 2-3 generations until most of the female knowledge was lost. It was never formally replaced and instead women were fed into universities to learn about being bitches.

      3. Indeed, being childish because they have been spoiled beyond normal. You can see the difference in the third world countries where you can find much less feminists and more marriage material girls. Coincidentally, the feminists women int he third world countries are daughter or rich parents.

      4. Who is really being childish here? I think attempting to keep women from being educated so that you have more opportunities to get laid sounds pretty selfish, and selfishness is childishness. As I said in my post above, there is plenty of time for women to be educated and raise children. I didn’t start having children until I was 34, and had 3 children. How many children do you crazy men want us to have? I think you all are not thinking of the common good, but only thinking of your own desires. The world population is already quite high. It would skyrocket to dangerous levels if we women in the industrialized nations started having babies in our teens and kept going.

        1. I think attempting to keep women from being educated so that you have more opportunities to get laid sounds pretty selfish

          1. I haven’t said that. A pity your education was not enough to have a minimum level or reading comprehension.
          2. Even if I was said that, highly educated women are far easier when it comes to getting laid than uneducated ones. You do indeed prove that point, since you have been opening your legs for free for 34 years.

    3. The answer to his question is simple: Occam’s Razor. Evolutionary edition!
      By wasting their most fertile years, the feminists among us are naturally removing themselves from the herd. We sadly just bit the bullet on their rise.
      At least our children’s generation may have a chance of not having their taint.

  2. Personally, I can’t wait to marry a nice Christian woman with $40,000 in college debt that will be a stay at home mom so I can pay off her useless debt. Can’t wait.

  3. Roosh your not lonely on valentines day are you? I can’t believe how many hot asses told me they weren’t going out tonight which I knew was a lie probably getting butt pounded instead. Anyway the answer to your question is just take advantage of it let her pay all the bills and you sit up in her crib like a bum with all your side money and hobbies.

  4. Back in the day, women’s education consisted of learning reading and writing up to the eighth grade, basic math, learning sewing, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, cleaning, other necessary skills to homestead and keeping her legs crossed until she gets married. And they were happier.
    That’s all the education a woman needs.
    The rest is mostly indoctrination, for better or worse (mostly worse).

    1. And the boys took shop and animal husbandry when I attended grammar school in NI. Don’t recall the legs crossed bit, I believe it was understood that one should become a valued member of society, as opposed to a useless tosser on benefits.

    2. Such BS. I got an engineering degree, and it certainly wasn’t indoctrination. And working on tech things gives me great joy. I am a happy girl.

  5. I don’t have time to watch the Vid, but my guess is because the left is trying to destabilize the man as the sole bread winner.
    If they can flood the workforce with more women it lowers the working wage for everyone. Thus forcing two income households, thus lowering the quality of parenting….etc

  6. Women are educated to make then buy a costly education, then find a time consuming job to pay for their study, then buy things they don’t need to forget they have a shitty life with meaningless jobs.
    Plus, they are, at the end, more docile drone in the corporate world (more docile with the power at the top), and the competion with men have for consequence to pay men less.
    Most working women are wage slaves who works for a bare living, so much choose the second option: state subsidies, to have another type of shitty life just above poverty, with no men in their lives (or they would lost the benefit of their subsidies)
    It’s a double trap. At the end of the day, it takes now a double income to have the same amount of money that an ordinary man could bring back home in the sixties

    1. The online Universities that guarantee a degree in months commercials are usually aired during the day time at the same time talk shows & soap operas are presented.

    2. yes, but once robots can drive cars properly – fly planes, drive trucks, taxis, etc. – run errands in hospitals and corporations, do all the menial domestic type work, mend the roads, even teach school children etc. – 95% of the jobs will be gone – there won’t be anything for anyone to do and women’s best shot at doing something will be as mothers. GAME OVER.

      1. If a great culling doesn’t happen first that is and I would say humanity is being primed for just that…

        1. just stick them in a favella – Gaza style and strafe them with attack helicopter drones once or twice a week – no need for a once off huge genocide. it will happen over time anyway.

        2. That would be too slow for the tastes I think. I guess it’s happening already and that the presence of dangerous chemicals whose main side effects are to screw with masculine and feminine reproductive organs is not a coincidence…at least at this moment…

    3. I agree. To add to that, college gives – or used to give – social status, which women find enormously attractive in men. Women project their own desires onto men, and think that a college degree will make them more attractive to men. So they waste their most attractive years chasing status and making themselves unattractive.
      It’s as if men got breast implants to make themselves attractive to women. Status on a woman is like tits on a man.

  7. They’re Probably getting a worthless degree that even at a PhD level is still worthless. The only subjects worth of spending money to study are S.T.E.M nursing, education, and business. All the other stuff is info you can read for leisure.

    1. Nursing is a minimum wage job, no need for a degree or extensive training. They just follow the doctors instructions.

      1. Only point i disagree. Good nurses are essential. Most i know are sensible people. Few nurses are ideologue. They saw too much things…
        And for what i experienced, i’d say than most nurses seems to have more medical practical knoledge than ‘doctors’ (i don’t talk about surgeons here)

        1. They aren’t required to have that knowledge and have no insurance cover if they use it as far as I know.
          That’s why its a minimum wage job.

        2. When needed (and we saw it more that once- cause of war, or simply the lazyness of administration) nurse can run any hospital without the docs, with more effiency than a bad doctor. They are the real no nonsense practitioners of modern medecine.
          If there is one work who has a majority of women in its ranks and that i can respect, it’s nurse.
          Of course, there a bad, crazy, lazy, incompetet nurses. But it’s too painfull, not well paid and really difficult to purge most of vain people.

      2. Nursing is not a minimum wage job and you do have to have pretty extensive knowledge and training. Where did you ever pick up your notions otherwise? Because a nurse gave you a few pills you figured “Hey, all they do is pass out pills” or something?

        1. What skills do you think a nurse has that can’t be learned in a morning?
          As far as I can tell, inserting needles is their hardest skill, took me about 30 minutes training to master that one.

        2. Your ignorance is vast and astounding.
          The desire to even read any more of your posts on any topic is quickly fading. I can’t tell if you’re deliberately trolling or not and at this point, it really doesn’t matter either way.

        3. There are some real science classes required. Here are the UCLA requirements for a nursing degree:

          Chemistry 14A, Atomic and Molecular Structure, Equilibria, Acids, and Bases (4)
          Chemistry 14B, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Kinetics, and Organic Chemistry (4)
          Chemistry 14C, Structure of Organic Molecules (4)
          Communication Studies 1, Principles of Oral Communication (4), or
          Communication Studies 10, Introduction to Communication Studies (5)
          Life Sciences 2, Cells, Tissues, and Organs (4)
          Life Sciences 3, Introduction to Molecular Biology (4)
          Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics 10, Medical Microbiology for Nursing Students (4)
          Psychology 10, Introductory Psychology (4)
          Nursing 3, Human Physiology (5)
          Nursing 13, Human Anatomy (5)
          Nursing 10, Introduction to Nursing/Social Justice (2)
          Nursing 20, Introduction to Nursing/Social Justice (2)
          Nursing 50, Fundamentals of Epidemiology (4)
          Nursing 54A, Pathophysiology I (3)
          Nursing 54B, Pathophysiology II (2)
          Major courses 94 units:
          Biostatistics 100A, Introduction to Biostatistics (4)
          Nursing 115, Pharmacology and Therapeutics (5)
          Nursing 150A, Fundamentals of Professional Nursing (4)
          Nursing 150B, Fundamentals of Professional Nursing (4)
          Nursing 152W, Human Development/Health Promotion in Culturally Diverse Populations (5)
          Nursing 160, Secondary Prevention (4)
          Nursing 161, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (5)
          Nursing 162A, Foundational Concepts for Tertiary Prevention and Care of Medical-Surgical Patients and Families (4)
          Nursing 162B, Tertiary Prevention and Care of Medical-Surgical Geriatric Patients and Families (5)
          Nursing 162C, Tertiary Prevention and Care of Medical-Surgical Patients and Families (9)
          Nursing 162D, Human Responses to Critical Illness: Introduction to Critical Care (4)
          Nursing 164, Maternity Nursing (5)
          Nursing 165, Pediatric Nursing (5)
          Nursing 168, Advanced Leadership and Role Integration (5)
          Nursing 169, Clinical Internship: Integration (12)
          Nursing 171, Public Health Nursing (6)
          Nursing 173, Introduction to Research (4)
          Nursing 174, Physical Assessment (4)
          Total Units = 180-216

      3. You’re confusing “nurse” with “orderly” or “volunteer”.
        Proper nurses are highly trained and skilled and their pay scale reflects it.

        1. The nurses assisting surgeons are very skilled, They need to know well what the doctors is doing so basically they know how to but never do it.

      4. In my experience working in a hospital Dr barely interact with the patient, thy don´t follow doctors instruction because doctors don´t gave instructions, they just prescribe drugs and expect everything to be done without saying nothing, Nurses do the shitty job, literally they work with feces. Nursing is not a minimum wage job they don´t earn $8 an hour, but yes you can learn that set of skills in few months.

        1. Modern medicine is just a drug dealing operation for big pharma. Most of the drugs (even ecstasy) are derived from plants but you cannot patent those – so they doctor them with chemistry and issue themselves patents, like they actually invented something. By monkeying with the natural chemisty all they generally do is reduce the effectiveness and double the side effects – If they made medicines that actually worked they’d be less profitable – so that’s a great result for them.
          If doctors had any designs on healing people and big pharma / FDA had any designs on health, there would be huge research programs and clinical trials for herbal and natural remedies – but they are all branded as BS, even though people are curing cancer. I know someone that literally shitted out a grapefruit size intestinal tumor with natural medicine. Chemo just gives you more cancer at a slower rate.

      5. No. There is a skill tree, level of mastery and character qualification involved in professional nursing. This is one area where I’ll say that the right women can become quite accomplished. There is a vast gap between doing this and flipping burgers.

        1. Feminists have just bigged up the job. Its almost the same skill level as flipping burgers. If it were considered important it would be a male job like all the other important stuff.

        2. Methinks you may want to give this a read, as so you don’t dig yourself further into this rhetorical hole of yours.
          Two thousand years ago, nursing school was for men only.
          Only men were considered “pure” enough to enter what is thought to be the world’s first nursing school, which was founded in India about 250 B.C., according to Bruce Wilson, Ph.D., RN, and associate professor at the University of Texas-Pan American in Edinburg, Texas.
          For the next two millennia, nursing remained male-dominated. It took warfare in the 19th and 20th centuries to transform nursing from being considered a man’s job to a women’s profession.
          Slainte Mhath

      6. Funny, I was not aware that 80 to 100k per year w/minimal OT was “minimum wage”.
        And no, nurses don’t “just follow doctors’ order”. Especially in that pay grade.

        1. Bigging up wages for menial jobs is one of the big problems in the western world. It just means the employer employs one person on 80k instead of 4 persons on 20k (or charges the customer an impossible bill). It just lowers the quality of service. Do I really care how much the person who changes my bed pan is trained and paid …… not really.
          Where I live nurses are paid around $300 a month (less than $5k a year), there are plenty of them on the ward (In a 30 bed ward, you would probably have 10 nurses and another 10 nursing assistants), and a night in intensive care costs around $50. They do a pretty good job on those wages too. Not to mention a big waiting list of unemployed nurses waiting for a job at those wages.

    2. “S.T.E.M.”
      Just a few years ago the leftists were desperately trying to force that acronym on the public consciousness and now it is mainstream. Another piece of “mindshare” won by the regressive left.
      Studying education is a waste nowadays. Aspiring educators aren’t taught how to teach, they’re taught how to unknowingly indoctrinate. Besides, a degree in the field is worse than worthless: actually getting a job requires certification from other agencies, and it’ll take decades to earn enough to pay back the loans.
      Teaching also suffers from “degree inflation”: a bachelors’ is barely enough to get your foot in the door. On the plus side, public school districts will subsidize grad school, but that just puts teachers further in the hole.

      1. yes it’s true it’s just a racket – a degree is worthless without an MBA or PhD which is a 7-10 year stretch. Unless you’re in the pinnacle of high sciences or hell bent on climbing the corporate ladder there’s nothing you can’t learn on the internet for a fraction of the cost, with 99% less distractions and in a quarter of the time. I reckon a dedicated student online could come out with an BA and MBA in a couple of years flat – but the system won’t permit that because it’s no longer about education but about the careers of the professors and the income and power of the university institutions. Most professors have little real world practical skill and are just shills for their own institutional career / position of power and a pension. It’s all about making sure you are co-toeing to the system itself. By the time you can actually become productive you’re not only already brainwashed but beholden to and heavily invested in the system. It took me $250k and 6 years to get my MBA so I must be something special so anyone who doesn’t have one is a worthless chump – and yet we find the most successful people have none of these things.

      2. I too am so sick of that acronym. It’s another attempt at getting american kids to do the hard work of a field that has been stripped of its social respect and upward mobility. Most american kids smart enough to be engineers and such are smart enough to make in finance and other fields that this society values and much more lucrative.

  8. What’s an easy way to conquer a nation? Ruin the women.
    The State would love nothing more than to control every aspect of everyones lives. What’s one of the ways it can accomplish that? Make women think they need all this State funded bullshit, get them out of their traditional roles and out of the home. Replace the men in their lives with the State. The rest will follow, nation conquered.

    1. “What’s an easy way to conquer a nation?”
      Give them the vote and your country will be circling the drain in no time.

  9. Our elites target women for their utopian schemes because women’s weak, docile and conformist minds make them better material for this kind of social engineering.
    And hilariously the women molded by this propaganda, gaslighting and indoctrination don’t realize that they don’t have their own thoughts; they think with ideas developed and inserted into them by men in the elites who want to break down healthy patriarchal societies. What a bunch of sheep.

    1. Why would men in the elite want to break down patriarchal societies if they believe women to be weak?

      1. Doubles supply of laborers in workforce & cheapens labor. You no longer need to pay a man an honest wage that supports his stay at home wife & two kids.

        1. A society that isn’t patriarchal does not mean it is not fair; and as you implied earlier, the elite (aka capitalists) always want to do what increases their profit. Under the supposition that the elite believe women to be weak, they would view them as an inadequate resource as compared to men: they would bring in less profit. In that case, they would continue to employ the workers/resources that can create the most profit. Even if they do employ women, they would pay them less than they pay men. Hence, we can conclude that one of the previous two arguments are false: either the elite do not want to break down patriarchal societies, or they do not believe women to be weak.

      2. Because the alternative, matriarchy, is one where the few rich men in society get to have multiple, even hundreds, of wives, and the underclass of single men make excellent cannon fodder, as they can be incentivised to fight in order to steal other tribes women (this is the psycho-sexual basis of Islam).

        1. I doubt Islamic culture is matriarchal. Matriarchal societies are ruled by women. Perhaps you may have confused polygamy with matriarchy?

        2. Islamic culture is more matriarchial than it appears on the surface.
          Those women know that their religion grants them provision and protection from men as a right.
          Believe me, they aren’t all as oppressed as you believe. Don’t believe feminist propoganda about Islam. It certainly is patriarchial, but don’t fool yourself into thinking their women are any less privileged by being a woman or any less cunning than any other woman.
          Polygamy is allowed up to four wives and is seen as more of a responsibility and burden then something to strive for.
          The one thing they got right is that the men are owed respect and obedience in return for their resources and protection.
          And if the bitch gets out of line you can put her back in her place.

        3. Anglo-Saxon was just explaining that he (?) believed the elites of society wanted society to become a matriarchy so they could have relationships with multiple women. He continued to explain these polygamous relationships would cause a lot of other men to become single. Hence, the other men would want to find women in other countries.
          I just was wondering whether or not he understood the difference between polygamy and matriarchal societies, since I could not see a relationship between the two.

      3. So that they can control EVERYTHING.
        They want ultimate control of all countries and all masses, men and women.
        They want women in the work force because women don’t Negotiate. You can easily pay them less. Also the increased number of laborers decreases demand for labor thereby driving down wages.
        They want men out of the home or both parents slaving away so they can indoctrinate the young through state run institutions laughably called public “education” and government subsidised “child care”.
        They took their lessons from Lucifer himself.
        Get the woman to buy into the lie first, corrupted woman will then corrupt weak men, then all of humanity falls.
        They know very well the nature of woman and they use it to their full advantage to dominate the world.
        If you want to go conspiracy theory illuminati wives who benefit from this literally call their husbands master. (Proof that they know and understand the natural order of things).
        They hate humanity.
        They want to rule the world for themselves and take us all into the hell that is globalization and one world order.
        That is why.

        1. I think you mean the increased number of labourers “increase supply,” thus driving down wages as demand does not change. This would be true if there weren’t work unions and gov’t programs that support workers. If you are still disadvantaged, maybe the industry you’re in is stagnant, or you should join a union.
          If you do not wish your child to receive public “education,” you can send them to private schools or even homeschool them. There are wonderful courses online now that children can take independently.
          You did not specify the “lie” women are buying into.
          I doubt the elite hates humanity. After all, humanity brings them profits. Globalization is hardly “hell.” In fact, it increases efficiency and largely benefits all of humanity. Hence, it contradicts the previous statement of hating humanity.
          Moreover, if you are disadvantaged because of globalization, it means you are not competitive enough. Countries should specialize in areas they are most competitive in. For example, the US should not be competing against developing countries such as China and Mexico in terms of primary and secondary industries. The US is much more competitive in areas such as innovation and technology and should focus in these areas. If the US is harmed by globalization, it means it is not specializing in areas that it should be. Protectionism harms the people in general. Just look at the Great Depression. Hence, people should flock to the industries the US is competitive in in order to gain an advantage.
          Maybe take matters into your own hands if you disapprove of the current society.

    2. yes, the question is – if there’s an actual agenda or it’s just degeneration ? either is bad, but one is more interesting than the other.
      if there are actually elites and it’s all a big circus show, the end game must be to install one world government, one world currency and most importantly quite a severe cultist type one world religion – some mixture of Islam, Christianity and Judaism – and everyone bowing the almighty deity that’s in control. I think I can see it coming – I think that’s the end game. That’s your antichrist right there.

      1. I think (just my opinion) that it’s all to do with population control. Elites don’t hide the fact that they want to bring education to places like India and African countries because they know full well and openly state that ‘educated women reproduce less’. Hell, the UN even makes statements that it thinks the world is overpopulated. Then you get really crazy and look at things like the Georgia guidestones…

        1. i think the conclusion on those stones is that they are something from the cold war era and designed to give advice to survivors of a nuclear winter. There was a time in the 60s to 80s where the threat of a full nuclear war was ever present and so those stones kind of make sense in that context )+hippy with more money than brains) – rather than the Chinese whispers of some elite take over.
          It’s difficult to really know how much things are controlled for random immediate financial gain (highly likely), over to some full (satanic) cult, Illuminati long term enslavement of humanity. You look at things like Scientology and Mormons and think well it’s possible isn’t it ? These are semi lost public institutions with some weird ideas but a very powerful hold on certain communities.
          Could there be some cult or sect that is 100% secretive and treads the corridors of power. It wouldn’t be as fantastic as it seems would it ? And yet at the same time, wouldn’t the odd person have come out into the open and made a stink about it ?
          It’s possible that an alien race is holding back our technology in collusion with the Govt. There’s some strange stuff from the Eisenhower administration about this board appointed secretly to deal with ETs. Is that why we need all these nukes on constant high alert ? Could be. Would it be such a surprise ?
          9/11 was an extremely peculiar event and has been replicated on a smaller scale (and obviously fake) eg. London 7/7 – it’s very peculiar.
          Over population is a problem on face value, where the communities simply don’t have enough economic resources for whatever reason. Mexico and Brazil would be incredible countries if their populations were about 25% of the size. Look at Australia and compare. It’s one of those fashionable causes that’s actually had a blow back in the wrong direction so that ethnic minorities and unpleasant / ignorant religions are able to breed more and take over the intellectual class that wanted to help them – no good deed goes unpunished in socialism.
          The whole communist / nazi thing seems kind of engineered and stage managed to a large degree – what’s with all that ? Even the history of WW2 is rather suspect, and half the nazis ended up working for the US Govt. : Homeland Security anyone ?
          There’s more to it than meets the eye that’s for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some massive shock event engineered in the next few years and then ‘peace on earth’ quickly installed – that rapidly turns into the utopian communist nightmare.

        2. Yes, I agree with you about the feeling of an impending engineered shock.
          Who knows with all these conspiracy theories. We’re simply reduced to speculation. Although I will say about the guidestones, why are they written in so many different languages, if they were designed for the English-speaking survivors of a nuke war?

        3. We can only speculate – some over paid hippy stone carver – and his wife – had some bright ideas to make a US version of Stonehenge – the simplest solution is probably the correct one.
          Real question is whether Trump is in on the act or not. I strongly suspect yes. Public distraction campaign 101 – while the real agenda continues. Thing is with these shocks – is if the word is out in advance – and it’s known to be fake in advance – it won’t work well. Compare Charlie Hebdo and Paris attacks with 9/11 – it’s a tired game.
          History is full of examples of ruling elite planning and plotting and finally getting squashed by the public. If the appearance of that can be manufactured – a la Trump – and the ruse continues behind the curtain – the plates keep spinning and the show goes on.

    3. And to make men more like women, The femenization of men, Men is indoctrinated to behave like girls since kindergarten, so they to will be weak, docile and conformist hence the toxic masculinity concept is born. There is biological proof that testosterone play a factor in assertiveness, So they demonize testosterone and made it the violent hormone, Assertiveness plays a role in leadership, they don´t want leaders they want followers. That´s the reason Soy is the faggot preferred food, because mimic estrogen.

    4. “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” — Oscar Wilde
      And that goes double for women.

    5. And men are controlled through women. The modern version begins with early 20th century marketing.

  10. If you get divorced, courts not only split assets but also liabilities, so if she has student debt, your ass is laible for half on top of child support and alimony. For that reason I find the educated women to be less attractive.

    1. The courts are there to destroy good men in the first place. To send a message that “marriage is for suckers, don’t ever get married”. Don’t use that to inform your decision to get married. Rather, do not involve the government in your marital contract. And get a prenup or a dowry to mitigate your risks. Make sure that your “love is not blind”.

    2. Courts don’t split asset, they give it all to her …… House, alimony, child support …… that isn’t splitting, that’s a life sentence for the man.

  11. I’m okay with women getting a college degree and joining the workforce. I only ask that women not be granted ridiculous affirmative action advantages so that it’s a fair fight.

  12. Roosh trim your damn beard like Russian interviewing Syrian tanker, even the devil looking guy trims it up. Keep cheek fur but you get my point, shape that conglomerate of shit.

    1. I like his signature beard. It is a mark of rebellion against the feminist religion, it matches his message. Why does it bother you so much?

  13. I would say they are being devolved from a woman into a careless androgynous and hedonistic corporate drone, not educated.

  14. There’s a scaling of best to worst forms of education for a woman. A woman educated in the home crafts is best. At worst is for a woman with feminist leanings to have legal prowess and a law degree. That’s like putting a machine gun in the hands of a baby. It is also for this same reason that they don’t allow a 9 year old to fly a 747 or to posess the launch codes for the nuclear arsenal.

    1. I was married to a woman educated in the home crafts, she was a cold money grubbing cunt. Now I’m married to a student studying Political Science and its much better.

      1. I can’t stand a woman who dickers and bickers over money. It’s usually a result of them worrying about money when money shouldn’t be their concern. If the woman is too stupid to understand money, then they’ll grovel over it and they’ll literally bite a penny in half right in front of you while you’re holding the other half.
        Sometimes not understanding how money works and not being able to pump in money is a result of the woman being very bad at math. When they can’t even accurately guesstimate numbers, then they sure can’t plot a future course for themselves or for anyone for that matter. When I see a hot cashier at the store, I tell her that when me and my wife go shopping, my wife waits out in the car. Why the cashier asks? I tell her that my wife is very bad at math. That’s why she waits in the car and does her face in the visor mirror instead of shop. If the cashier is really hot, then I’ll do the “where’s the ramen” bit.
        [I’ve known people who eat nothing but ramen. It is the most popular minimalist and college food. It’s literally ALL that some people eat. Stores should logically stock it in front by the Monster energy drinks, but noooo it’s way in back somewhere behind the hispanic spices. It’s always fun to dig for the ramen with a hot cashier 1/3 your age. “I swore I saw one package of lime shrimp ramen that fell back somewhere.”]

  15. P.S. Roosh don’t listen to Alex Jones even in an interview he’s a paid Zionist shill.
    Can’t change institutions as long as the bankers are calling the shots. Give it a hundred years and a few more world wars and there might finally be some stability, nuclear fallout or not.

  16. Elites wanted and want women to be “educated” and work for the following reasons:
    1) Cheap labor–more supply of labor
    2) Create more buyers (using the money they earn, or get from frivorce or “child” support)
    3) To not need a provider male (husband) so that they can be available for casual sex
    4) The Left wants education for women in order to indoctrinate them and since they’re more herd followers it works
    Feminist elites want to drive men out of the positions of power and
    positions of earning and fill them with feminist women (not women with
    conservative values, mind you) so that feminism will gain more power in
    More generally, elites wanted and want feminism for women for the additional reasons:
    Votes that lean more leftward than men so that control can be
    concentrated in the government and crony capitalist system so that they,
    the elite, can more easily control the world
    2) More pussy by
    unleashing hypergamy so that top men can sleep with a lot of
    cute-to-even-gorgeous women; average men can sleep with lots of 2-3’s if
    they want to dumpster dive but not very satisfying. Related to point 3
    3) The overpopulation crowd knows that by getting women
    focused on education and career they will postpone marriage and
    pregnancy and thus the number of kids they’ll have.
    4) Haters of
    the West know that they can destroy the West by getting its women to
    stop procreating and by driving wedges between men and women.

    1. yes and by getting women earning and controlling money, you also control where that money gets spent, since women are always needy and often unhappy and willing to purchase a never ending stream of useless crap – where a man can go for weeks with barely a visit to the local supermarket, let alone a shoe shop. I last bought shoes in 2012 – how many women can say that ?

    2. And women wage-slaves will not school their own kids and will thus dump them in the State indoctrination centres from an early age, thereby ensuring that the next generation of drones receives its programming.

  17. I wonder how many troll females visit this site, peruse content that is not what they expected, then spend weeks awake at night in bed thinking DOH SHIT those assholes are on to something….

    1. Let me answer that for you. I have been a lurker on this site since I became aware of RooshV over the whole tribal meet up worldwide fiasco. That’s when I first had a look at this site. Since then, I lurk here occasionally, and you are right, it does sometimes keep me awake at night. I lie there, wondering how anybody in their right mind could with such conviction be so hateful, deluded and bitter. To belittle the other gender so much, to care in the first place SO much about our genitals, when in truth we are all the same: human. I have never in my life called or considered myself a feminist, because the term doesn’t seem right to me and I would, if anything, prefer ‘equalist’. But most of all, because I have never in my life cared enough to see myself in one particular camp due to my gender and other people in another camp. Everyone I have met and interacted with in my life, I have done so on a human-to-human basis. So I do not understand this site’s obsession with gender, nor can I relate to it. But for every ying, there is a yang, so I guess something like this is bound to exist to counteract the other extreme, which I find equally unappealing. Having said that, this site is like a car crash to me. I look at it and it’s horrific, one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, but I just can’t look away because HOLY FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT I DON’T EVEN. And, funnily enough, ever since I have discovered this site I have been more inclined than I ever had been before in my life to support feminism and call myself a feminist. This site has given me true appreciation for what feminism has stood for over the years, so I guess I can thank you people for that. Given all that, I think content like this site has created as many new feminists in opposition to it as it creates followers. So there is your answer, women probably do lie awake thinking about what they saw here at night. And then a fighting spirit awakens within them, and they think: If I have to choose sides, I choose whatever helps to fight THIS.

        1. this is probably her:

          she equates men speaking to genocide. And therefore is ok to prevent them speaking, and to beat any supporters.
          Also we cannot get together for a beer.
          While the ill-liberal, racist, non-inclusive, bigoted, feminists wear bandit clothes, carry weapons and attack people. All done in a pre-coordinated manner.
          I cannot wait to see the new AG order the police to arrest all these domestic terrorists.

        2. There’s nothing to stand by in your reply, you simply snarked and sneered.
          You’re done. Later.

        3. Yes, as you keenly observed, I was mocked and responded with mockery. Now, undoubtedly, you and most others here will point to my comments and say: “You see? You see?? They hate us! It is us versus them.” Immediately, you’re in a warlike state of mind. Fight or flight. And the next time somebody – anybody – questions you, you will class them as the enemy and meet them with hostility. They will respond in kind, of course, because who is really Christian enough to turn the other cheek? And so it continues, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You create the hate you experience, and like everyone who claims to have truly understood the workings of the world, and believes they know the ultimate truth, you don’t realise how skewed your perception has become.
          My favourite article on here is one where Roosh, whose beard is now 2cm away from declaring himself a prophet, was praising the submissive nature of Russian women by quoting a Russian saying some girl had told him about. I am Russian, and I know the saying. It goes: The man is the head, the woman is the neck.
          Roosh took this to mean that the man is in charge, when in actual fact any Russian woman will tell you that it’s exactly the opposite. The neck turns the head in whichever direction it pleases. This saying actually speaks of the fantastically manipulative nature/culture of Russian women, which I don’t like personally, but this sort of thing isn’t uncommon in a society where gender equality does not yet fully exist.
          At the end of the day, it’s all good. Nobody will go to war over this. Your extreme needs to exist in order to create the other extreme, and eventually, there will be balance. Not before many people have got their knickers in a twist, but what can you do.
          And now, I am done.

        4. In spanish we have a saying that its like the one you just mention. “Jalan mas un par de tetas, que un par de carretas” (A pair of tits pull more than a pair of wagons) I dont believe the saying speaks of the manipulative nature/culture of russians girls, If what you said about the russian saying is true (which i believe), but to the fact that despites appareances, women have in many ways been the rulers of the world. Men sacrifice themselves to please women, and many times they are returned with nothing but a fuck you and an alamony check for christmass.

        5. women are influencers and supporters.
          in the same way a goal keeper in a football team can influence the team and guide it. some even captain it – but what they don’t do is run up the pitch like a striker and score goals. that’s not a good team.
          every star player needs his star backers and women historically enjoyed, benefited from and are best at that role.
          men went to war (or out hunting) on the basis that they’d come home to something worth having. now they’d be better off hitting the nukes and getting the whole shit show over with ASAP.

        6. I imagine you standing up in front of people finger wagging. And then saying how the world ‘needa peace and unity’. The worst kind.
          Your sense of grandiose is mind bogglingly large.

      1. “.. if anything, prefer ‘equalist’
        That is simply “feminist” by another name. Understandable though. “Feminist” now has a negative connotations and attributes attached to it, so time for a rebranding.
        “..women probably do lie awake thinking..”
        I doubt that.

        1. You doubt that? Do you think it’s likely then that out of every woman who has ever come across this website I am the only one to have had that response to it? I think that would be highly unlikely, as I am a fairly ordinary human being, so I would consider my response to be one that many others would have experienced also.

        2. I doubt women think beyound what benefits them in the short term. Period. Though I would accredit that too impulse, not cognitive initiative
          Define ordinary.
          Your last sentence doesn’t make sense. Have a think about it and have another go.

        3. Interesting opinion.
          Ordinary: standard, normal, not exceeding any norms of the average human being.
          It does. Perhaps you should have another go at reading it.

        4. You’re not alone, Anastasia, but don’t try to argue with those people. Waste of time.

        5. Define average. Think harder sunshine. You need to put it into context. Ordniary and average to you might be a bit different for a somone across the sea. You claim that you’re an “ordinary” human being, but compared to what or whom? You already revealed yourself to be an “equalist” (aka. Feminist), so no one is nonplussed about the rest of your posts.

        6. Dude, she’s trolling u, she gets off when guys are spewing dismissive & hateful comments towards her.

        7. Yeah, why debate or discuss when you can instead sit back in smug ignorance? I mean it’s pretty self evident that if somebody has thoughts that you don’t agree with then clearly they are wrong and evil and don’t deserve your time or attention.
          I know y’all don’t ever put any thought into this kind of thing, but it’s no mistake that things like Gulags, death camps, the KKK and Zyklon B come out of your ideology with regularity.

        8. She enters and starts sneering how superior she is and how she learned to support feminism because of seeing “scary” opinions. That’s hardly a good way to start a discussion, dude.

        9. I can’t recall when and where she said she was “superior”. Could you quote it for me ?

        10. Sem, don’t worry, I was not going to argue. I am not interested in a discussion with people who think they are better than me simply because of my reproductive organs. No sensible discussion can be had this way. Furthermore, no meaningful human connection can be made with such a mindset preceding every interaction in your life, but that is just my opinion.
          I am not interested in “proving my point”. Luckily, being – as I said – ordinary within the very obvious social context, I know the majority of people already see the world the same way I do.
          Ghost, I fail to see where I expressed that I was superior. I honestly don’t believe I did. Me disagreeing with you does not make me superior, it means I disagree with you.
          And that’s all I was interested in saying, in response to DirtyHarold’s curious idea.

        11. I am not interested in a discussion

          Then what’s the point of being here? If you’re not interested in hearing our arguments and point of view outside of your own narrow little eyesight, then why the fuck do you think we should take your observations seriously?
          End of the day you’re just another willfully blind Leftist. Begone, you contribute no value here.

        12. The odds are very high that both “Anastasia” and “Sem” are sock puppets of one of the same old trolls that lurk here.
          They are about as transparent as it gets.

        13. Just another form of attention whoring & feeding into her victim complex. No attempt at understanding an opposing opinion, only repeatedly nagging hers.

        14. You have eyes and can read her initial post.
          It was her attitude, not the exact word, and it’s easily seen. Telling us as well how she’s oh so impartial but we made her support feminism is also trolling. And you know it. Spare me the feigned ignorance.

        15. Troll, whether one posts under their “real” name or not, or if Fake-book itself is “real” is moot. You are still trolling and it is obvious.

        16. So, what is the difference between trolling and speaking one’s mind? (Not a dig at you, I am genuinely asking.) I haven’t been mean about my opinions, I have simply responded to digs at myself in kind. Is my simple presence here the trolling part? I could understand that, just clarifying.

        17. Well, since you asked so nicely…

          So, what is the difference between trolling and speaking one’s mind? (Not a dig at you, I am genuinely asking.)

          The major difference is that each is a value but on different continuums. The former can involve “speaking one’s mind” or not “speaking one’s mind”. Of course, trolling is usually quite easy to identify in how the agenda to confound (as in segues into definition of terms for example), disrupt (as in trying to deflect the conversation) or generally pester as a means to protest difficult to hide. You may well be “speaking your mind”, but simply spewing out the illogical mess we see is clearly not an earnest attempt to discover truth (the real point of a discussion).
          Hence, if you are not working towards illustrating the truth, or allowing others haven to do so, and you continue to pretend that you are, then, that would be “trolling”.
          = = = = =

          I haven’t been mean about my opinions, I have simply responded to digs at myself in kind.

          A prevalent problem with the typical SJW is that they think that “feelwings” have anything to do with truth. Being “mean” or being “nice” is irrelevant to the truth. In many cases, the truth really does “hurt”. In the case of this article, the truth is that, as a whole, Western women (and especially those of the Millennial crowd) are rarely as “educated” as they profess to be. If anything, many mistake a history of ingesting poorly understood socialist doctrine as “education”. That is like thinking a steady diet of junk food to be nutritionally sound.
          As far as “responding to digs at myself”, that is about as disingenuous as it gets. You start off with the usual passive aggressive assault and then play “victim” when people defend the position of the article. You are simply trolling.
          = = = = =

          Is my simple presence here the trolling part? I could understand that, just clarifying.

          Lol. No. Again, “feelwings” have little to do with discovering the truth. Trolls always are wishful that they are somehow punishing their targets of assault by creating negative feelings (as in, “oh, my mere posting here is creating havoc! Yay! I’m doing damage!). The reality is that your trolling, like most trolling helps show the readers at large just how childish the typical SJW really is.
          Only trolls think they are actually bothering people. The truth is that you prove again that you have no real argument against what an article says, but you don’t like it (as well as you don’t like that you don’t have a real argument). Therefore, you feel it is your “right” to try and harass it into silence. That has never worked. All it does is expose to a widening circle of readers just how immature, closed-minded and self-righteous SJWs really are.

        18. if you went into a hospital and saw the surgeon in the middle of a heart transplant you might well be shocked. many people would faint from the blood or at least feel nauseous. if you didn’t understand what he was doing you might be justified in labeling him some kind of psychopath.
          what we are doing here is open heart surgery on the human nature. it’s raw, it’s ugly, the conversation has no holes barred and it’s not for the faint hearted.
          if you are offended in any way you have totally missed the point and you should simply take a long hard look in the mirror.
          the offense you feel is simply a reflection of your own existence created by a clouded perception of reality. (aka. the heart surgeon that’s a psychopath).

        19. this response show’s exactly the problem of a woman’s outlook. the conversation is not about you and no woman is better or worse than any man – because you cannot compare men and women in the same way you cannot compare a city condo with a holiday beach house. two different things- different functions. if you can’t see the difference between men and women perhaps you should try to get a man pregnant or take up professional boxing against men. you’ll learn the hard way.

        20. Pity the trolls, as they are destined to die alone, lonely and unfulfilled. By leaving their forgettable legacy of nothing more than gaslit rebuttals on blogs, they seem to think they’re accomplishing something important.

        21. Pity the trolls, as they are destined to die alone, lonely and unfulfilled.

          Lol. Spoken like the typical hurt child that modern feminists usually are. You can’t deal with how wrong your narrative really is so much that you need to rationalize that anyone who opposes you must be suffering some sort of distress. Sorry, troll, but no one is “destined” to suffer but those, like neo-feminists, that feel the world must bend to accommodate their special snowflake feelwings.
          = = = = =

          By leaving their forgettable legacy of nothing more than gaslit rebuttals on blogs, they seem to think they’re accomplishing something important.

          No. It is you that is projecting your pathetic attempts to injure those you cannot refute.
          Your posts are very much the usual quasi-egalitarian tripe that shows how immature people like you really are. You have every opportunity to accept the truth, or attempt to logically present a counter. But to closed-minded individuals like yourself, only “your” concepts are allowed. Those that show how you have no real foundation will be given feigned sympathy to lightly disguise the contempt you hold when you recognize you have no valid position.
          If you feel there is nothing of import here, then why are you even posting (let alone reading)? Oh… that’s right. You need to pretend that you are speaking to others when you are really just talking to yet another of your sock-puppets.
          Time to grow up, Keira. You really know a lot less than you think.

        22. The telltale contradictory positions, gratuitous catering to sexist (aka “feminist”) agenda made it clear that this was a contrived propaganda piece. It was no surprise that this trash was originally “published” (or better put, “dumped out”) on xojane.
          The subterfuge is typical of the quasi-egalitarian doctrine. It is evidence that follows of that cult are easily fooled.

        23. I did ask for your thoughts about it. But what is a quasi egalitarian doctrine? Not sure what that means, to me it just sounds like an empty made up phrase meant to divide, and quash actual thinking and discussion. Not unlike the overuse by so many, of the word feminism, for example.
          In the blogger’s case, it wasn’t trash, but truth. Not propaganda but her honest feedback. She thought sex work would personally liberate her but it had the opposite effect. Point is, some women love it, while for others it destroys their lives.
          Ok. Contradictory positions? As in, the life at first seemed so great, but she grew to learn otherwise. Change of heart through experience is just maturity happening. Yes it contradicts, that’s unavoidable.
          Nothing quasi anything about it. Just growing up and knowing better.
          Humanity first, biology and gender second. People choosing the right life path for the right reasons. Making the world a better place. Leaving behind a worthwhile legacy that benefits the planet and its people. Being remembered in the history books for one’s contributions. Off topic, oh well.

      2. To recap:
        “I I I I I me me me I me I I me me I me, me I, I me me me”
        Thanks for the contribution.

      3. Feminism is an openly stated project by jewish women to subvert and destroy Western civilisation and to replace it with a matriarchy, i.e to return the 1st World back to the Stone Age, except, of course, The [jewish] Party, who will take the benefits of our ancestors work and live like kings in their messianic utopia.
        You might think you are being smart being adverserial to our goals, but look at the world you live in; it was all developed by patriachal men who kept women under their control, knowing how destructive females biological nature is to technological progress. You are unwittingly supporting the collapse of civilisation.
        You need to get over yourself and stop trying to compete with men, who are superior in almost every way, except raising kids. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/658b14c579a8e3a70aad352aae11014ffc13e83368ceb691a4ef2d822ed1a4c7.jpg
        Do yourself a favour and educate yourself on feminism, starting here: https://www.fisheaters.com/garbagegeneration.html
        Do you not find it ironic that you have been lurking aound this website for so long, yet, when you obviously feel so strongly that you have to post, you write something so lame it is laughable? You confirm everything we know about you and women, that you are egotistical, emotional, stupid and illinformed.

      4. So yeah, childless & tatted? Centuries old wisdom trumps feminist bullshit. Every. Single. Time.

        1. No and no, I’m afraid. Wrong yet again. You know, assuming makes an ass out of u and mption.

        Ah. Closely argued, you must have gone to law school. ‘Fraid you prove ol’ Roosh’s hypothesis with an outburst like this.

        1. None of you guys seem to have an ounce of humour left in you. But sure, that “outburst” was entirely serious and not at all an obvious play on the overuse of ALLCAPS in internet culture.

        2. Humor doesn’t work that way. Something within a specificargument (“this site is such a mess I can’t look away”) can’t be read alone asa general “play on ….culture”. Instead,
          the whole thought (I’m guessing, of course because you eschew paragraphs) reads
          as a rambling run-on-sentence written in the parlance of a text-happy teenager.
          I love all forms of humor, from the intellectual to the scatological,
          but my one and only requirement is that it be FUNNY.

        3. I could have put in some paragraphs, you are perfectly right about that. Now that I look at it, it does seem to grate on the eye a little.
          However, I think punctuation rather prevents it from being a run-on-sentence. Unless the only kind of sentence you accept as a legitimate sentence is one without commas or subordinate clauses.
          It was funny in my head. You had to be there. Clearly it didn’t come across as facetious to you, I’ll have to live with that.

      6. Equalist? Hmmm you might want to get a better understanding how society has treated men and still does in many respects before going forward with that. You might not like it being subjected to that and treated as disposable.

      7. Haha this female lurker just fell for the trap. Hun, read your comment again if you ever recover from your cognitive dissonance. You read this site and you love it. I know you do. You aint fooling me.
        I am also a female lurker who has commented many times.
        I find the whole concept hilarious, the truth about the feminine dark side is fascinating. I agree with what most peolple write here.
        Esp the comments.
        One critique is that I do think there are a few intelligent women out there. Ones who do make a difference. But they are so few and far between. That it reinforces articles such as this.
        I also think that midwifery, childcare (if that is ever needed) and nursing should continue to be female dominated in the universe rok would like, as women are just better for these roles. Women who are more career focussed can do them and/or it could be reserved for them after they have their kids.
        Also, Roosh that beard needs a trim bro. If you care that is.

  18. The wet dream of females is basically 1950s America, but they’ll never admit it. House paid off in good neighborhood, new car in driveway, dude bringing home great income & little beaver loving his mom.

  19. Ahh Roosh. He gets older and the girls he obsesses over/utterly resents stay the same the same age. Even he can see he’s losing a lot of followers from this pathetic “rant”, cmon ‘men’ do the right thing for yourselves.

  20. Ahh Roosh. He gets older and the girls he obsesses over/utterly resents stay the same age. Even he could see he would lose a lot of followers due to this pathetic ‘rant’.

    1. Well, I’ll give you this, you sure chose your Disqus handle correctly.

    2. Most of this forum appear to be racists who worship a creepy 40 year old Arab immigrant with a grey beard and no children who advises them on how to be good Christian white men. I couldn’t make this stuff up.
      Dude ….. look at yourself in the video and change it!

      1. “Most of this forum appear to be racists who worship a creepy 40 year old Arab immigrant with a grey beard and no children who advises them on how to be good Christian white men. I couldn’t make this stuff up.”
        Your comment made me chuckle. It brought to mind Templars worshipping the Baphomet…

  21. I am not sure this is what is going on. The reason you see more women in college is responsibility. A guy gets out of high school and is expected to make his own way so he gets a job and rents a place. He develops obligations that makes college unfeasable. The girl comes out of high school and is pushed by the parents to marry a good man so she goes off to college and takes a crap major but hangs out in the hopes of marrying.
    Problem is college is festering with liberal ideology. And too many fall into the feminist trap. They decide they don’t need a man right while they are in their prime.

    1. Because women are expected to make their way in the world, too. I was raised in a religious community, Russian Orthodox so similar to yours, and I realize things are different within these little pockets of resistance, but in the ‘real world” I’m expected to pay my own rent. In the real world men in their 20s aren’t willing to financially support a wife and child. Often they’re unable. “Get an education” is hammered into a girl’s head from grammar school on …. mine offered field trips to Cornell, because YOU MUST GET AN EDUCATION. I’ve been called uneducated because, acknowledging I would rather be a fulltime wife and mother than an expert in Byzantine art, I neglected to pursue a masters. Mr Johnson, I can’t begin to describe the hellfire which rained down when I admitted this to friends, professors, and employers. Parents arent pushing their daughters to marry, they’re pushing their daughters to get an education, to be empowered, to better herself, to “go girl.” The girl in Roosh’s waiting room has little idea what she’s signed up for. She’s obliging her culture’s demands, she’s paying the rent. She doesn’t posses the self awareness to see it probably isn’t what she really wants.

      1. I get what you are saying, women do need a backup plan, but why would so many go for these useless BA degrees? It makes no sense if they are planning a lifelong career

        1. Not meant to be a back up plan. It’s the primary plan. This isn’t, well I’ll spend a year or two in secretarial school just in case hubbie kicks me to the curb.
          useless degrees … I don’t know. A career within academia? A certain lack of pragmatism found in too many women? because the degree itself is the thing? I know a dozen women with useless degrees in hand who, within a year or two, enrolled in a low tier vocational or tech program. I’m thinking of one with a postgrad from Amherst in … I think it was Victorian Lit … now working as phlebotomist. But she got that education!

        2. So their primary plan is to become an underwater basket weaver? Doesn’t make sense to me. No other explanation makes sense to me, other than their starting out in hopes of getting a MRS. degree, and losing track of their goal during their ride on the carousel.

        3. I don’t see that much of it makes any sense at all. A lot of lemmings after an “education” and receiving an indoctrination instead.

        4. that could be another reason you don’t see as many men in college, they see through the BS before they sign up.

  22. Haha.. it reminds me of a female acquaintance of mine. She got married when she was 19, got pregnant at 20. She attended uni as other girls her age whilst carrying a fetus inside her. She was healthy and strong af! No pale face, no sickness, no complain whatsoever. She was full of energy. She was in labor by Sunday and turned back for class on Tuesday! It took less than a week for her to heal completely. She’s still pretty hot. Now she’s 23, with two kids, with the same husband, mind you. Now she’s a graduate with two kids and she’s raising them till they’re big enough to take care of their own basic needs before she start her own career. And seems to me like she’s having fun with it. She’s still look as bright and as happy as she was 5 years ago. I asked her questions whether she’s happy with it, she regret it or not, she said, “Because kids are funny, they make me laugh everytime that’s why I’m happy. They’re annoying sometimes, but they’re funny. I don’t regret shit. Look at his bunny teeth! Haha.”

  23. When aren’t women looking down at their phones? I’m just waiting for the day where I’m performing oral and I glance up to see her locked into FB. I end dates as a rule now if she does anything that isn’t absolutely necessary on her phone, such as telling her friend she’s safe and ok or its a major emergency.

    1. Good policy. Smart phones never should take precedence over real people. I rarely will go onto ROK during the weekend, my family is more important.

      1. I’m with my family most of the time. They all have smart phones too, even my 5 year old son is busy on his tablet.

  24. I really don’t begrudge women getting some crap college degree. The cheap liberal arts degrees are what they typically get. My wife got a forestry degree. She used it for about…..zero months. We got married and she was heavy with child prior to graduating. Never had a job since.
    One thing is if I were to get hit by a bus, it would be something she could fall back on until she remarried. It has helped her somewhat as a mother, having some experience to teach our children, and it served in helping me find her.
    You go to college, and you will quickly see who is there to further their career, and those who are just there to exist. The women who go are there for a reason, and it isn’t to learn how to weave baskets, they are looking for a decent guy to marry. Unfortunately, the colleges are inundated with liberals and the feminist agenda. Too many women listen to the sirens call of “equality” or “independence” and forget why they went there in the first place.

    1. I can’t get upset at the ladies who are there to get their MRS degree- a noble pursuit if ever there was one.

    2. Why would you want to feed the distraction of mating into a beloved and learned institution of knowledge ?
      Why would a woman want to learn about forestry (a reasonable choice – where most are much worse) – why not teach her about child raising, pregnancy, child psychology, how to run a home, how to keep a husband happy, sexual practices, massage, basic first aid, basic medicine, child birthing, etc. This should be mandatory for any woman like military is mandatory for men in some countries.
      If you get born with tits and a pussy – learn what they are all about. Most childless women from 16 to 30 have absolutely no clue about babies. NONE. Net result is it has to be learned in a huge panic and still leaves the poor young mother on shakey ground – especially if she has a useless degree and was expecting to be the star of the show in the corporate playground which requires an entirely different mindset, skillset, daily approach and mentality to having kids and keeping a home and husband.
      These poor women are not only left ignorant and useless in terms of their own biology but they are force fed BS, and then when they do try to revert to wife/mother/homemaker – not only are they psychology undermined by ignorance, they are torn apart with the boredom of that role – (because men make it look so much more exciting to go to work – that’s what we do – we learned to love it – it’s not that we actually enjoy it – we just find a creative satisfaction in it because we cannot ourselves be mothers.)
      So you see your gloss it over approach is very very dangerous. Especially for the next 95% below your wife who weren’t as lucky to escape ‘education’ uncorrupted.
      It takes training, knowledge and skill to do anything well. A carpenter, a plumber, a mechanic – it takes years of training and practice. Musical instrument, finance, accounting – even mowing lawns needs skills.
      But hey you can biologically have a baby – a huge 20 year commitment. Don’t worry about that, just get knocked up and shit it out and get back to the high flying corporate career – it’s fucking madness.
      I’m telling you that if this is marketed to young women – feminism will be dead in 12 months time. TOTALLY DEAD. 50% of women will be signing up to the real education they need and the rest will shut up – or perhaps can be allowed to compete in male-land. (If we’re feeling friendly – which we will be because we will all have unicorn wives by then).

      1. “Why would a woman want to learn about forestry (a reasonable choice –
        where most are much worse) – why not teach her about child raising,
        pregnancy, child psychology, how to run a home, how to keep a husband
        happy, sexual practices, massage, basic first aid, basic medicine, child
        birthing, etc. This should be mandatory for any woman like military is
        mandatory for men in some countries.”
        I hear this argument quite a bit here on ROK. That women need to be taught those skills. The thing is, the basic mechanics behind those skills are easily learned. A diaper is not hard to figure out. Cookbooks are available, etc.
        What isn’t easily taught or maintained is the virtues that define a good wife and mother. Virtues like chastity, love, honesty, ambition, patience, humility, etc. A supposed “unicorn” with all the virtues on her wedding night may have been taught well by her parents, but she is still a woman. She will be flaky, emotional, and have a hamster wheel for a brain. The best woman out there will forget those virtues if they are not reinforced. So, you maintain your own integrity, you remove the TV, you surround your home with reminders of virtue, you read good books with her, you take the time to see she is continually reinforced those virtues.
        Yes, she may only know how to make toast or Mac and Cheese the day after your wedding. But if she has the virtues necessary, she will crack open that cookbook and try to make a rice casserole the following day. If not, she will go eat at McDonalds and expect you to fend for yourself.

  25. This is classic ROK. Firstly the article title ‘why are women being educated?’ designed to trigger all the snowflakes, then the qualifier ‘why women are being educated during the most fertile years of their lives”, which is actually an incredibly important question to ask regardless of how you answer it, because the cost, the implications are so profound.
    Personally I think a nation with more educated people is better than a nation with less educated people, and that’s true of women as well as men. The issue relates to the purpose of education, not only what is being taught, but why it is being taught, since education is always to some extent a tool of social policy. Educated women are the worst propagators of PC and SJW crap, and to the extent that this is the case their education for the most part is a net negative with the main effect that they are being equipped for the corporate / employment world that will de-nude them in whole or part of their womanhood and fertility. The other main effect so far has been on education and academia itself itself: the truly tragic effect of the entry of women into the knowledge economy has to be divert its function from knowledge and truth seeking as an end in itself (as well as something that as such enhances the society) towards education as a tool for re-engineering society.
    So the question is a fair one. People, both men and women, are better educated formally, yet society seems to be getting dumber. Increasingly women have more education, and often higher grades than men, yet are shutting down the pursuit of knowledge in favour of speech codes and social justice imperatives, while whoring themselves to their corporate masters in ways that appear by most measures to make them unhappy with life and dissatisfied with themselves. So the qualifier here might be not only ‘why are women being educated during the most fertile years of their lives but also why are they are being educated to serve corporate interests rather than their own? Another way to put this might be to say they are being educated during the most fertile years of their lives because they are being mis-educated.

    1. They are not even being educated to serve corporate interests, half the degrees are worthless. During the low employment of the 70s and 80s Govts, especially in the UK had the great idea to make University the big goal for everyone – sounds great on face value – but the real goal was simply to keep people busy and delay employment – thus reducing unemployment stats. Typical hollow political agenda. What it really did was delay growing up – so that university became like a freebie boarding school for over grown teenagers that should have been off to work – and now it also leaves them in a ton of debt.
      At the same time, since ‘everyone’ must go to college, that meant literally creating subjects out of thin air – all the whims of useless artsy socialists spring to life and young people that are too inexperienced to choose and to dumb to know better – pick dreamy subjects like literature and philosophy, which have morphed in the total crap like sociology and gender studies.
      Where once the heights of academia, especially in the artsy type degrees was the highest privilege of the land, now it’s just a stupid past time. A sort of permanent hobby of half the university aged children.
      The sciences too have become a meatshop where once a most focused and philosophical curiosity of the universe was fostered and examined by peers – now it’s a constipated logic that has lost sight of it’s original goal that was and always will be truly philosophical – hence the term Ph.D – you cannot understand something that you do not understand (ie. new things about the universe), using current thinking and current logic. Instead we simply have teenagers being trained to be parrots of useless information that makes them feel self important.

      1. perceptive comments. I suspect there was also an anti-elitist social engineering agenda involved, which was partly populist, but partly driven by corporate interests as well. In the 90s under Clinton and Blair helped turn education into a commercially – money driven – industry and students became customers rather than people to be slapped around the head for having stupid naive opinions. The creation of crazy subjects was a part of that need to attract people dazzled by bright shiny things, but at the same time a lot of those subjects – which obviously had very little to do with traditional subjects let alone STEM etc – were often riddled with trendy progressive / marxist theory: some of them seem to me to have been re-packaged forms of cultural studies, but focussed on particular types of media etc. Beyond the huge amount of money to be earned by universities that increasingly were to see themselves as a commercial before they were academic ventures I suspect corporations and ideologues also realised the potential of mass education to produce the particularly kinds of citizen subjects that they needed: adequate skill levels for jobs, but more importantly trained and indoctrinated in PC ideology. There has been increasing blurring of education proper with for example vocational training – post-graduate or otherwise – where there ir more emphasis on training than any kind of critical thinking skills such as have been traditionally taught within liberal arts subjects. I think this is the crucial thing – the emphasis in education has move towards training – thinking a particularly way, within particular ideological frameworks. That’s great for corporations and progressives trying to shape people through ideology, but very bad for the idea that education should produce people with the necessary critical thinking skills to challenge the world they find themselves within

    1. I wonder if he has his eyes set on beating Dusty Hill and Frank Beard from ZZ Top. I still look like some 8th grader with peach fuzz if I go several days without shaving.

  26. The only reason women do well in school is for bragging rights and social ladder climbing. They love to show off high marks, especially to women who are prettier than them.
    The vast majority of straight A women I’ve met think they are geniuses but their knowledge is extremely limited to the text books they are memorizing.

    1. Most of them don’t even read the books. Modern education is a complete joke. I’ve been taking some night classes recently & every class the women complain that they don’t want to take tests, do any work on group projects we’re forced to do, & leave early every night. They never have time to read the assigned chapters, but babble constantly about seeing “that new video on Facebook today, yesterday, the day before, etc..”, while spending the majority of class time on their phone’s while ignoring the teachers. When they do class projects they’re full of typos, text speak (LOL), or this emoticon shit ;).
      The one’s I know get A’s just because they show up & the school preaches “we need more women in these jobs”.

    2. The pussy pass is strong in grading. Feminist teachers will give them a leg up in all writing assignments, male teachers will do the same for some attention. That, and their majors are hardly worth bragging about.

    3. “The vast majority of straight A women I’ve met think they are geniuses
      but their knowledge is extremely limited to the text books they are

      Exactly. …And their conversation is accordingly dull.

  27. No children from this body lol I’ll be busy becoming successful and surpass all you weak boys.

    1. Do whatever it is you want to do because you want to do it, not because you need to show up those stupid boys.
      And, yes, better you not have children.

      1. It’s a great comfort once one comes to understand that Leftism is a self curing disease. They are almost uniformly anti-reproduction, so whatever genetic fault which empowers these weaklings will soon be weeded out naturally. Which is A Good Thing ™.

        1. what they lack in reproduction, they make up for in indoctrination. Invasion of the body snatchers.

        2. It appears most of the manosphere has the same problem. I wonder what percentage of RoK members have children?
          You have 2 and I have 5, but we appear to be in the minority.

        3. I suspect the majority don’t have children, but a fair number do, I have one but will get to work on no2 soon.
          They should do a poll, it would be interesting, also which percentage are married, divorced, single etc.

        4. Pretty much everyone I know over 50 has been divorced at least once.
          As for kids, you need more than 2 to stand a chance of your DNA continuing. It’s amazing to see how it is in the rest of the world. Last week in the Philippines I was sitting with a 22 year old mother of 4, and chatting to an 18 year old that had 8 siblings. My (Thai) Mil (my age) is one of 7, and my Fil was one of 7, giving my wife 12 Aunts and Uncles.
          Until you view the rest of the world, you don’t see how fucked up the west really is.

    2. Just curious, what are the educational opportunities in one of the world’s strictly matriarchal societies ?

  28. As ever he is half right. Whether women should be educated is honestly nether here nor there. They should however be forbidden from working outside some very specialist fields. This policy has been used with great success before, eliminating unemployment at a stroke, and bringing the genders back into the roles for which they are biologically suited. Four out of ten Roush. Think harder in future. Possibly using your brain rather than your dick.

  29. This is the most cancerous thing on the internet and there is something deeply, fundamentally wrong with everyone on this website.

    1. Do you have something to add to the discussion, or did you just want to call people names and leave?

  30. College is business. The more people who enroll with student debt, the better.
    Also allows women to compete with men and have battle of sexes.
    Men, women… all expendable by the system.

  31. A good video, thank you. It’s interesting to note that everything you said would have been regarded not only as correct but as obvious to all men, educated and
    uneducated, for thousands of years. Nearly all women, apart from maybe
    the young ones, would have agreed too. And in less than a century it has all been turned on its head. I am convinced the biggest losers are women, increasing numbers denied the joy of motherhood and a genuine loving marriage.
    I recognise that sort of situation, sometimes you see something that just crystallizes things. For me it was watching a woman I knew who had studied to become a doctor decide after a few years that she just wanted to marry a rich guy instead and stop bothering with playing at having a career. She was completely oblivious to the fact men don’t have such options and was always talking about “female empowerment” etc.
    I also saw it recently with the anti-Trump protests in the airports. In Seattle there were women lawyers setting up desks offering free advice to immigrants. They were very careful to get photos taken so they could attention seek on twitter/facebook about the “good deed” they were doing. Yet would one of them have helped a poor homeless American man for free? Of course not. Part of it is political – they know immigrants vote Democratic, they know they can weaken western civilization through fragmenting our societies and they assumed, incorrectly, this will benefit them – but it is psychological too. They are trying to show their daddy he was wrong, to show that having a career is more important than family. They are also trying to get approval from society, to attention seek – that’s hard wired into women. Watching them behave in this bizarre, hypocritcal way I really did think to myself they would be happier looking after children – most were young, in their late 20s or 30s and should be raising childen.

  32. The elites were scared of overpopulation; that’s what caused all these fake college programs to be created for women, and feminism to brainwash them; they wanted to reduce fertility and have indeed succeeded.

  33. The reason you had to spend 20 years learning “game” is because you didn’t have a MAN to teach you how to be a man and I can relate as many males can in our society. A MAN has no problem procuring women.
    It is disappointing that our culture does not recognize the need to raise boys into men. To have a community, a mentor, a father someone to teach through a rite of passage the role of manhood.
    There are lot of males out there searching for answers or isolating themselves or in destructive relationship because they don’t have the guidance, the support the foundational principles to be a MAN so they turn to many options searching in an endless sea only to be drifting without any real direction.

  34. As I have written numerous times the cost and effort to get sex has exceeded the price many men are willing to pay. Beyond what many are willing to pay. As a result men drop out.
    Another problem is the price (effort,cost,&risk) for ugly, plain, and beautiful women has gotten too close together.
    The thing is there was never patriarchy as it is commonly thought. It was a time when life was more difficult and as such women couldn’t demand as much. Now with modern technology women’s demands have increased. With easy credit their demands increased further. With increased wealth they demanded it be used to increase their freedom from obligation and consequence. They get what they want. Too many ‘white knight’ types.

    1. One thing though, getting a girl is usually not proportional in effort to her value, low value women rate themselves far too highly.
      Thus, going after anything lower than 7.5 is a bad ROI. If most men just ignored the low value skanks, there is a chance it would adjust their perceived value downwards to a more realistic level, but since women have their hamsters it might also just make them even more bitter than they are now.

  35. Any woman who tells me that she has a masters in anything other than a pure hard science… I just smirk at, and say – “well that was a waste of money”.
    99% ask me why, and so I just ask them why they pissed away 20K on something they hope to never use, because they really just want to get married and have kids.
    I then suggest that their time and money would have been better spent at the gym, the plastic surgeon, and a whole bunch of clubs where men are the main participants.

    1. Been seeing this line of thought recently, that STEM is the only “manly” and “useful” line of study. And I don’t get it. Philosophy, governance, law, and a host of other “liberal arts” studies have been the cornerstones of civilization. They also originated in a time when only men were educated.
      You can make the argument for nearly any course of study’s utility, provided it has the right foundations. Let’s take sociology. If coupled with the study of statistics (most universities require this), it’s useful to law enforcement, constructing good government policy, and much more. Studies that are heavily codified by and couched in a specific ideology, i.e. gender studies, are a whole different thing.

    1. Women should get a =REAL= education. Gender studies is not a =REAL= education. A Masters in that doesn’t even qualify you to serve feed to pigs.
      U R wrong.

      1. What value do females have in the university system except for spring break?
        Bachelorette Degree. Mrs. Degree.

  36. You don’t have children and a family because of the bullshit that come out of your mouth. A woman should have no self-respect to go out with someone like you. Studies have proven that women are a lot smarter than men, they adapt to new working environments a lot quicker than men and they are not slaves to their genitals like men. You may have more upper body strength, but this is the only thing you have that we don’t. Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, and the only obstacle in a woman’s way are men like you. So… It’s safe to say that you are the problem, and not women who want to evolve.

    1. And to clarify, I am not a feminist, I am just an accomplished professional, wife and a mother of a young girl, who feels it’s her duty to protect her daughter’s future from creeps like you.

      1. And to clarify, I am not a feminist,

        …and to clarify, what you state yourself to be has far less accuracy than the observation of how you conduct yourself. You are a neo-feminist, and typical of the neo-feminist you are self-righteous, hostile and generally very immature.
        = = = = =

        I am just an accomplished professional, wife and a mother of a young girl, who feels it’s her duty to protect her daughter’s future from creeps like you.

        You’re a bully and a self-aggrandizing fool. Chances are you have re-invented yourself several times over the years, and at best tell half-truths to rationalize your fragile self-image. “Your” daughter? Are you mistaking your niece to be your daughter? Your cats do not count.
        A man who wants to revere one woman and create a happy home with her is hardly a “creep”. No. Real creeps are those that have fantasies like wanting to have dinner with a serial killer. It’s perverse individuals like you that are why the world is rightfully swinging right.
        Perhaps RooshV is really a sage. We are witnessing a return to kings. That is what scares you into being so openly hostile

      2. Professional wife? Does that mean he gives you a wage, or you married a series of men to make money off them?

    2. lmao Red hair? – check. Over 30 and unmarried? – Check
      You probably spent all your best years studying and careering when you should have put more effort into bagging yourself a good husband. Now you are past it no guy will ever want to marry you. Enjoy your riches and 100 cats. ha ha

    3. You don’t have children and a family because of the bullshit that come out of your mouth.

      If you could quiet your hate-filled mind for a moment and actually listen to what the writer said, you’d realise that your comment has little (well, really nothing) to do with what he is saying here.
      Appropriately, you are a manifestation of the problem he refers to. You are emboldened by the excessive privileges given, by the state, to women, so much that instead of actually exploring the concepts you instantly pull out the argumentum ad hominem card. You can be hostile because the state protects you from direct consequences, and protects you far more than it would a man. Don’t believe that? Go and be this abrasive where you are not instantly defended by the authorities. Go talk this boldly on the streets of Mogadishu.
      You are proof that empowering those that do not deserve it (aka “children”) is a recipe for disaster. Immature women like you are a disease. You talk big because you know the likelihood of you having to “back it up” is remote. You’re like a trash-talking kid hiding behind your big brother. You “bad as I wannabe” grrl power types are the worst.
      The bullshit that comes out of your mouth is pathetic.
      = = = = =

      A woman should have no self-respect to go out with someone like you.

      Let’s see. This RooshV fellow literally states his desire for a life-long pair bonding between one man and one woman, and you see fit to “command” (yes, you said “should” and not “would”) any woman to have no self-respect for that?
      You femi-nasties (yes, just because you “say” you are not a feminist, doesn’t make it so) are a sad lot. This is more proof that you SJW are self-righteous and so wrapped up in your “womynz is victimz” mentality that you can’t see anything but your own fantasy world.
      = = = = =

      Studies have proven that women are a lot smarter than men,

      Citation or B-u-l-l-s-h-i-t. Chances are, you don’t have any real reference to back that boast up. You femininnies are all about making up “facts” as a foundation for your fury.
      = = = = =

      …they adapt to new working environments a lot quicker than men

      LOL. What a crock. If anything, women are the ones that can’t adapt to an environment, and, incessantly whine as a way to get the state to change the environment for them. HR departments have become bloated with make-work roles and the workplace has been inundated to deal with “feelwings”. Many fire departments have had to “adapt” their work environments for women. Try telling them that women are so superior in this way. The truth is that women are generally far more pig-headed and only see things “their way”. You are proof of that.

      …and they are not slaves to their genitals like men.

      ROTFLMAO. It’s only a matter of time before the typical feminist troll drags out this bit of fantasy.
      The problem with femino-brains is in how they conflate men’s desire for attractive women to mean “all of us womynz have the power of the attractive ones”. The truth is that while most men are very much driven by their carnal desires, it doesn’t manifest as men will automatically be manipulated by the promise of any given p*ssy.
      Some women have the hotness as a tool to steer men. Most do not. Some women even have to dye their hair ridiculously loud colors to get attention in general. That should be strong clue that women themselves are not “equal”. It is a feminothing fantasy that simply being a woman gives her the power of the most attractive women. It doesn’t. Most women who make that mistake are destined to create multiple identities to blog, act all self-important online, and own a multitude of cats.
      The truth that most feminarcisists are in denial that physical attractiveness, if available, is really short-lived. Once you hit that wall, it’s practically over. If you haven’t developed any legitimate interpersonal skills (and those who resort to personal insults as a way to bully people online are unlikely to have any congeniality chops) will probably be looking to be “bad as I wannabe” to rationalize their true unattractiveness.
      Incidentally, being slave to one’s nature? That would generally be women. The fashion and cosmetic industry figured that out a long time ago.
      = = = = =

      You may have more upper body strength, but this is the only thing you have that we don’t.

      Only more upper body strength? No. In general, there are more things that men have over women than that. Lower body strength for one. How about resilience to physical stress? While we are at it, you are a good example of far weaker constitution than that of a man. Perhaps the greatest strength that men have over women is that they are far less “slave to their feelwings” than women are.
      Another is that men are far more likely to coalesce as a force than women. That is a major failing and why modern fem-dismal-ism is a failure. You “think” you work together, but in reality you are truly a herd of cats. All you know to do is to hiss and claw when you don’t get your way.
      = = = = =

      Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams,

      You say that as if someone is withholding that “right”. The truth is that while we all have the ability to pursue our dreams, the constraints of life often get in the way. Selfish individuals like yourself pretend that you aren’t given a huge amount of privilege. You are so entitled that you think the world owes you all sorts of things and that the state must provide it to you or you are a “victim”.
      You’re a child and that is demonstrated in your solipsistic views.
      = = = = =

      and the only obstacle in a woman’s way are men like you. So… It’s safe to say that you are the problem,

      Men like RooshV? Those would be men who are not only dedicated to being a good provider and protector to his woman and family, but someone who is bold enough to tell the world.
      The decay of the Western world is that women have abused the system to the point that many believe in the illusion that their teenage ideals are their true “dream”. Everyone pursues their “dream” so we end up with a bloated population of self-serving individuals who think that the state “owes” them support since their dream doesn’t pay the rent (how’s that blogging beating down the expense of living?)
      The obstacle is the collective obstacle of sustaining the human species. Frankly, many of us are tired of having to support those that think their “dreams” are to be at the expense of the lives of others.
      = = = = =

      …and not women who want to evolve.

      “Evolve”. That is the usual and inapt euphemism of creating a grand nursery for arrested adolescents like you. Women who want the world to support their pursuit of a “dream” (Hey, I want to paint landscapes so pay my expenses!….. I want a Masters in gender studies, so create an occupation for me!…. Hey I don’t want children of my own and I dream of dining with serial killers, so support me!) are basically children who expect daddy to pay for everything.
      Grow up, Jen.

    4. We also take less sick leave. No one week off a month for our period, and no maternity leave.

  37. Not educating women is working out really well in places like Afghanistan and other places. You should move there. The beard will help you blend in.
    – Using some chick you saw at the doctor’s as an example to make an inference is rather useless. But I agree in part that women should not be given the silly idea that they can have everything.
    – You always say how things would have been so different if only you had been born into a more traditional society. What is stopping you from moving to a non-Western country? There are plenty of traditional women who would love to have you as a husband. You can then have as many children as you want or as many wives as you want.
    – Instead you spend your time acting as some sort of pseudo-philosopher; and writing books about banging White girls while sitting in some “decadent” Eastern European hideout feeling radical.
    – Live your philosophy. Have some skin in the game, as Taleb says.

  38. Why are women being educated?
    They’re not. They’re just being schooled and it’s just a waste of time. They think they’re intelligent because they get a piece of paper for reliable regurgitation of garbage.

  39. Why are women being educated?
    They’re not. They’re just being schooled and it’s just a waste of time. They think they’re intelligent because they get a piece of paper for reliable regurgitation of garbage. Makes them feel important and keeps the money coming into the university-scam.

  40. Because baby, a civilized society educates it women. I cannot for the life of me comprehend why a man would desire to appropriate a woman who is unfamiliar to him her fate, whether she chooses to be cat lady or a breeding machine is not up to you.

    1. Because baby, a civilized society educates it women.

      Too bad baby Lids, but that is just a deflection.
      Societies, civilized or not, do promote education of the citizen, but it is counter-productive to society as a whole to have people so-called “educated” in the wrong things. Also, if you actually listened to the video, the guy is talking about how the wasting the best fertility and nurturing years, especially on being “educated” in useless things or in subjects where one is not the best suited for, is not good for society on the whole.
      But, of course, feminist trolls like you, only hear what you want to hear. You then take that false idea and go on to be smugly critical of it. That’s a straw man argument, and that is why modern feminism is really nothing more than entitled children whining for more entitlement.
      = = = = =

      I cannot for the life of me comprehend why a man would desire to appropriate a woman who is unfamiliar to him her fate,

      First of all, where are you getting this “appropriate” notion from? You neo-feminists like to think that men treat women as chattel, but those are your thoughts, and clearly not the thoughts of any man that is looking for a life-long partner.
      In modern society, most people pair bond with initially “unfamiliar” individuals. It seems you are suggesting a return to a more structured system where people only take the next step with those that they have spent much time around (like say an Amish community). There’s nothing wrong with either way. Just what are you trying to get at there?
      = = = = =

      her fate, whether she chooses to be cat lady or a breeding machine is not up to you.

      Just where is this guy saying or suggesting that the extremes of “cat lady” or “breeding machine” is up to someone outside of the individual? You mod-dumb feminists really need to stop using straw man arguments. Then again, that’s about all you have.
      Just in case you really don’t comprehend the point of the video, here it is:
      Often, the best years to become a mother and raise children are wasted by dubious life choices. This is exacerbated by the false promise of “you can have it all” that the left promotes. This hollow assurance is especially demonstrated in how institutions create all sorts of worthless soft studies to give people an “education”. To add to the problem, pointless job roles are created to give people with esoteric “education” an income. Then again, many find that there really isn’t a demand for things like “gender studies” or “fine arts appreciation”.
      So, if society, as a whole, steers clear of these shortsighted liberal agendas, few soft education options would be offered. Those women who want to pursue real vocations, like STEM or plumbing or farming, etc… can certainly do so (of course, they would have to compete in the level playing field — and that means no quota system). But psychology major — well, those would be few and far between. What is more is that those who want to feel every bit as fulfilled being a partner and mother can do so without feeling like they are missing out on an “education”, since on the most part, those flaky “educations” we see womynz thinking make them “educated” aren’t anything of real worth.
      Without the artificial incentives of pointless curricula and make-work programs created by liberal-leaning states, that “choice” you are talking about would still be that of the individual. However, the choice will be far more aligned with a society that organically brings out the best in everyone.
      Creating and supporting a road-map of false education paths is, as we have seen via the degradation of Western society, very inefficient, ineffective and generally a burden to society at large.

      1. Generalize and hurl ad hominem at your leisure. Anyone coming here not in lockstep with Roosh’s extremism is deemed a feminist troll, so I won’t bother refuting your other long winded sound bytes.
        Roosh is hurting and I am concerned for his mental wellbeing as I observed his body language and tone throughout the videos’ entirety.
        You simply can’t fix the composition of our problems by hurling western civilization back into the dark ages.

        1. Generalize and hurl ad hominem at your leisure.

          …and yet I have neither really generalized nor have I applied argumentum ad hominem. Even if I were to, I do not need your permission here: RooshV’s perhaps, but not yours.
          In particular, it is not a generalization to note that most neo-feminists behave every bit like angry spoiled children since there are few exceptions to the rule. Have a look around. Your employment of straw man arguments is yet another example of the standard practice by smug little SJWs that refuse to examine anything that challenges their delusional view of the world.
          You come here with condescending pity and you accuse my on-topic refutation as “Argumentum ad Hominem”. Please. Your haughty attitude is hardly unexpected, but the projection of your contempt is inaccurate.
          = = = = =

          Anyone coming here not in lockstep with Roosh’s extremism is deemed a feminist troll so I won’t bother refuting your other long winded sound bytes.

          Lol. That’s the usual rationalization that false egalitarians tell themselves when they are faced with cognitive dissonance. The truth is that you cannot put up a reasonable or logical refutation so you try to fool yourself and hopefully others that you don’t “want” to — when in reality you really can’t.
          Extremism? RooshV talks about how his experience in the waiting room illustrates how many women are wasting the good years by pursuing things that really don’t amount to much (not for themselves or for society at large). You’re the using pejoratives like “breeding machine” — and you call RooshV’s commentary, “extremism”? What’s more is that it is clear that you aren’t even addressing what he was talking about.
          Look in the mirror, Lids. Your closed-minded attitude is clear. It is you that is the zealot.
          (ROFL. There was enough “wind” to dismantle your “whine”. Anything less and trolls like you would say that I didn’t address everything.)
          = = = = =

          Roosh is hurting and I am concerned for his mental wellbeing as I observed his body language and tone through the videos entirety.

          That’s about as disingenuous as it gets, Lids.
          Certainly, RooshV is concerned about the state of Western Society. We all should be. Is he “hurting”? Lol. You neo-feminists are so self-absorbed that you think men are all about feelwings as much as little girls are. No. He’s just not happy about how decades of leftist agenda have damaged the fabric of our civilization.
          If you were actually “concerned”, you’d listen to what he was saying and understand how your trolling is just the usual defiance from yet another selfish quasi-egalitarian. The truth is that anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that doesn’t mount womynz on a holy pedestal is seen as wrong by self-righteous anarchists like you. That’s why you give any excuse to avoid the argument I put forth.
          You are not sympathetic, you are just pathetic.
          = = = = =

          You simply can’t fix the composition of our problems by hurling western civilization back into the dark ages.

          Lol. Here we go with the straw man arguments again!
          That is a misrepresentation on two counts. Firstly, the reduction of soft subjects from post-secondary education is hardly “hurling Western civilization back into the Dark Ages” (resort to hyperbole much?). Secondly, no one has said or even hinted that doing so is a panacea. Basically you are applying the Nirvana fallacy there (as in, if the solution isn’t perfect, then we shouldn’t apply it).
          The point that you are avoiding is that most of this so-called “education” is in soft and largely worthless endeavours. The higher education sphere has become so bloated with the embarrassing host of spurious studies that it makes a mockery of the institution as a whole. What’s more is that the lure of appearing educated has created legions of half-wits that think their Masters in Gender Studies is “equal” to that of, say, Chemical Engineering.
          Dark Ages? Curious. Was it not corruption and decadence (much like watering down education with soft degrees) that hurried the decline of the Roman Empire that slipped the Western world into the dark ages? This is what a return of kings is looking to prevent. Dark Ages is what people like you are actually abetting.

        2. Listen Geezu, I was writing directly to RooshV, not you. I disagree with his premise that education for women beyond 8th grade is bad for western civilization.
          If you’d take a moment and let go of your impotent rage, you would find that I agree with the notion that gender studies degrees are useless and that affirmative action hurts our technological innovation in the long run.
          If women are going to be in the STEM fields alongside with men, they’d better damn well perform at an accelerated level.

        3. Listen Geezu, I was writing directly to RooshV, not you.

          Listen, Lidsy. You don’t decide who responds or does not respond to your posts. Besides, if you intended RooshV to be the sole audience of your diatribe, you would have emailed him. I’m certain that even a woman with an eighth grade education would have done that. Stop being so obviously disingenuous.
          = = = = =

          I disagree with his premise that education for women beyond 8th grade is bad for western civilization.

          Yet, that is not the focus of your initial response here. You are just trying to adjust your premise to justify your inability to defend your words. Ironically, that is part of what RooshV talks about — that most women lack the ability to focus on a task. In this case, that would be discussing the topic and really be looking to discover the truth. No. What are you doing? You sought admonish RooshV.
          Now, let’s pretend that your foundation was really that you don’t agree with his concept (that most women don’t need anything more than an eighth grade education). He has explained why he thinks so. I have gone further and shown that many (if not most) women who choose to go beyond high school gravitate to pointless subjects (like “fine arts” or some other past time). To that end, a host of women with psychology degrees are hardly necessary in this world (certainly, there are far too many “gender study” alumni than there are “gender study” related jobs). As mentioned HR departments are brimming with worthless occupations that waste money. Tell us. How is that not bad for Western society?
          = = = = =

          If you’d take a moment and let go of your impotent rage,

          Really? Rage? Where do you sense rage? Please, Lidsy, you are just projecting your own ire. It was you that came here with the condescending remarks.
          As far as potency, it is interesting how defeated women always try to work in certain double entendres into their commentary. Then again, passive aggression is a specialty of neo-feminists. Lol.
          = = = = =

          you would find that I agree with the notion that gender studies degrees are useless and that affirmative action hurts our technological innovation in the long run.

          Again, really? Feel free to show all of us where you have stated or even hinted at such an accord. You see, it is a lot harder to mislead people in a written conversation.
          If you agree that useless higher “education” curricula hurts technological innovation, then that is a start. It also hurts the quality of life for men and women (as RooshV is touching on). Do you not see that?
          = = = = =

          If women are going to be in the STEM fields alongside with men, they’d better damn well perform at an accelerated level.

          That’s all fine to say but that isn’t the issue. In practice we see institutional incentives to boost female election of STEM studies. We’ve seen male scientists bullied because of their choice of clothing (all because the clothing was deemed “insensitive” — never mind that it really was only distressing to quasi-egalitarians). In other fields (like fire-fighting) we see lowered standards so that women have a chance to compete alongside men.
          The point here is that just having women in certain fields lead to political movements to change certain environments to accommodate women. That is changing the environment. Why does that have to happen? If they want to be in the vocation, then they shouldn’t be demanding that the vocation, in practice, be changed to suit them.
          Again, your premise (and your intention to be noticed by a wider audience than RooshV) was clear, and it was not what you are saying it is now. Stop trying to excuse your trolling.

        4. Your assessment of the topic at hand is spot on, sans your over blown judgement of me. Most likely, the trajectory at which I impetuously interjected my viewpoint could have been carried out better.
          I do not entirely even dislike Roosh, but it’s rather clear that his motives for calling these subjects to light is not in line with good faith for Anglo-Saxon interests, but only of his own. He proceeded to be a horse on the carrousel for so long that he in turn has become the male version of cat lady and this eats him alive everyday; this is just my observation.
          Hope you’ve had a good week, Geez.

        5. Your assessment of the topic at hand is spot on,

          It is certain that it is. We are inundated with the specious boast of “women are more educated these days”. It is specious since it assumes that what one is “educated” in is automatically of equal worth.
          On closer inspection, the concept of education for the sake of getting surreptitious accreditation is basically promoting the myth of “equal” outcome. A Masters in sociology is rarely something as worthy as a Journeyman’s ticket in plumbing. The world needs far more of the latter especially when the former is of questionable practicality to begin with.
          = = = = =

          sans your over blown judgement of me. Most likely, the trajectory at which I impetuously interjected my viewpoint could have been carried out better.

          Yet the evaluation is not overblown. When people focus on attacking individuals instead of the topic (and this is different than the collateral damage to underlying personality when one is forced to charge through a “human shield” to get to the issues) then it is apparent that their agenda is to harm those who oppose one’s own view, rather than seek the truth.
          Catering to emotional arguments, in particular by exaggerating the stance of the opposing author to raise ire in potential confederates, is commonly from the very impetuous urges it hopes to ignite. It is a rallying cry and whether effectively executed, or not, it is far more often than not, in spite of the truth.
          = = = = =

          I do not entirely even dislike Roosh,

          Like most testimony, contempt for the opposition (especially an admitted one), is evidence of potential bias, and therefore devalues one’s argument more than reinforcing it. You are better served in your movement against RooshV’s ideas to avoid display of any predisposition. Even feigned impartiality is better than a declaration of animosity. Yes?
          = = = = =

          but it’s rather clear that his motives for calling these subjects to light is not in line with good faith for Anglo-Saxon interests, but only of his own.

          By “these subjects” we must assume that you mean the general matters found on Return of Kings. By “Anglo-Saxon” interests it is further ascertained that you mean the right-leaning aspirations of the Western World. If this is not close to what you mean, feel free to re-state your position.
          The main focus of Return of Kings is a systematic and official removal of the disingenuous rules and regulations (legislated or implied) that create the tilted landscape (and one that clearly favors women) in modern Western society. By doing so, society returns to a state whereby each sex can better excel at what each do best, and therefore create a more harmonious and mutually beneficial culture.
          This is in contrast to the contrived landscape built on lies such as “wage gap” or “rape culture” that only seeks to give more entitlement to power hungry women (and usually at the expense of men).
          Tell us here, just how that is “only” RooshV’s interest and not that of Western civilization at large. As a reminder, the Republican’s with their very much Oligarch principles prevailed in the recent US election. British and French political spheres are showing a similar evolution. It seems that a Return to Kings is very much a popular notion (and not just that of RooshV).
          = = = = =

          He proceeded to be a horse on the carrousel for so long that he in turn has become the male version of cat lady and this eats him alive everyday;

          RooshV is hardly a painted equine impaled and cavorting a predictable pattern to the tunes of some whimsical refrain. Just his sense of purpose and search for meaning separates him from the wooden replica so unaware of its destined orbit.
          Yes, he is tired of merely winning at the “game”, and wants to more than just the sense of excitement in the chase, and the fleeting gratification of the conquest, but that doesn’t make him the male equivalent of the “cat lady”. No. Men do not depend on the seduction of youthful bloom. Men are measured by the strength of their will the breadth of their ways. Flowers wilt and are soon but a vague past memory. A strong man, like a tree, offers even more shelter and refuge as he ages.
          Those who squander their short-lived spring are destined to be having long conversations with an audience that only purrs. Remember that old adage, “Women age like milk; Men age like wine”. Such is the difference that quasi-egalitarians pretend does not exist. It bothers any good man that women are wasting their life thinking that they can be men. Eventually, we just forget the lost causes.
          = = = = =

          this is just my observation.

          Say… isn’t that just the standard caveat for anyone who doesn’t want to provide any support for his or her concepts? Practically anything can be excused by attaching the condition of “just my opinion”. Really. Give that some thought.
          = = = = =

          Hope you’ve had a good week, Geez.

          Sure did (like usual), but… relevance to the topic?

        6. Yep indeed, the trades are traditionally far more vital than many of these new age ‘sciences’ like sociology.
          However, one can make the case suggesting a systematic study of humans and human society can be justifiably beneficial as the influx of technology has unprecedentedly altered the course of our lives, even on an organic level; yet consequently, we run into the uncertainty of not knowing WHOM is studying us and what their biases might be.
          As an aspirant economist ;)..sociology would more than likely provide me or anyone else with a unique overview pertaining to human behavior and a much more keen insight into better predicting consumption, budget allocation, production, etc.
          Yet the evaluation is not overblown. When people focus on attacking individuals instead of the topic and this is different than the collateral damage to underlying personality when one is forced to charge through a “human shield” to get to the issues) then it is apparent that their agenda is to harm those who oppose one’s own view, rather than seek the truth.
          Im not sure what you’re referring to in the underlined text (it sort of appears to be presumptuous in tone) the feeling, I gather, is that you believe I was attacking Roosh. I would like to know how he would implement such a measure into the western mainstream.
          Might it be foolish to cease educating women simply because a few of them (and men) end up childless and and single? You must remember, white women helped Trump secure the U.S. presidency. I hope you recognize these problems pertaining to the decline of western civilization goes far beyond the inception of women’s rights and the sexual revolution. We are intentionally placed at odds with everyone to create fear, doubt, confusion and angst through the very effective methods of psyops operations.
          Because of this, I implore Roosh to continue his search for the woman he so desires. MGTOW’ers are proof positive that these nefarious objectives meant to break down society are succeeding by breaking the minds and spirit of these men and perpetuating a crippling divide between the sexes.
          His case would be better made if he advocated separating the sexes during classes at all schools, public or private.
          Muslims and Mexicans are outbreeding Whites exponentially, this should be of great concern to people with any sort of vested interest in the future of humanity.
          One of my best girlfriend’s ex is Armenian, it is not entirely difficult to ascertain that these men are so pathologically preoccupied wondering obsessed about what their women are doing in accordance with their minds, bodies, and souls that in turn, these men do nothing to advance the sciences, arts, architecture, etc., this is definitive proof that Armenian are weak minded, this is who they are, their behavior often mimics that of cavemen. paralyzed by the very essence and mystery that is of a woman.
          Case in point, they, (Armenians like the obsolete Africans and Other Muslim type cultures) will one day at long last become ‘architects’ of their own demise. This will happen within all cultures who adhere to a philosophy that grants farm animals a higher status than that of their women.
          Too long, had to edit. 🙂

        7. Yep indeed, the trades are traditionally far more vital than many of these new age ‘sciences’ like sociology.
          However, one can make the case suggesting a systematic study of humans and human society can be justifiably beneficial as the influx of technology has unprecedentedly altered the course of our lives, even on an organic level; yet consequently, we run into the uncertainty of not knowing WHOM is studying us and what their biases might be.

          That’s a better attempt at a deceptive argument than usually seen. You get an extra side of fries for that.
          Why is it deceptive? That is because you imply two conditions, of which neither is reflected in the situation at hand.
          Firstly, the world doesn’t need that many Marshall McLuhans. Even if experts in sociology were crucial, like anything (especially in Economics) the supply has to be somewhat near demand to be optimal. Certainly, even experts in translating ancient Sumerian are of utility, but chances are, having 60,000 of them may be a tad in the “over-supply” scenario.
          Secondly, your argument assumes that those graduating with a Bachelors in Sociology, or even a Masters, have real world ability to apply real science to solve, say, problems introduced by an accelerated rate of technological adoption. In reality, most of those churned out of the School of Sociology are far closer to textbook regurgitating automatons hoping to get a job in some corporate human resources department. Certainly they are not the next Marshall McLuhan, or Woody Allen for that matter.
          As simplistic as it sounds, humans as a mass, are not that difficult to figure out. Maslow got it right and chances are, long ago, some successful ancient Sumerian merchant echoed the same sentiments and wrote it down somewhere (we’ll need that one translator to confirm this).
          = = = = =

          As an aspirant economist ;)..sociology would more than likely provide me or anyone else with a unique overview pertaining to human behavior and a much more keen insight into better predicting consumption, budget allocation, production, etc.

          Economics is a worthy field of study, but it too is something that, in practice becomes akin to the challenge of creating fine instruments. The major factor in any economic policy is in those who wield the tools, not the effectiveness of the tools themselves.
          Overseeing individuals or committees make economic policies. How a government works (be it an oligarchy or a plutocracy… and communism, in practice without the pretence of idealism, is really the latter in disguise) is handicapped by the ubiquitous conflict between near-sighted personal gain and societal gain. As well the dynamic nature of who constitutes the ruling class is generally detrimental to programmes that aid long-term success.
          Understanding human nature, especially as a mass entity, is the foundation of economic policies. Yet, policies are most greatly affected by, and therefore subject to understanding the human nature of those who lead (not those that follow). So… it isn’t the behavior of the consumer or supplier that is the key (it’s important, but economic theory has a good handle on that) it is how humans behave when they are in charge of the game that is.
          = = = = =

          Yet the evaluation is not overblown. When people focus on attacking individuals instead of the topic and this is different than the collateral damage to underlying personality when one is forced to charge through a “human shield” to get to the issues) then it is apparent that their agenda is to harm those who oppose one’s own view, rather than seek the truth.
          Im not sure what you’re referring to in the underlined text (it sort of appears to be presumptuous in tone) the feeling, I gather, is that you believe I was attacking Roosh. I would like to know how he would implement such a measure into the western mainstream.

          Come now, Lids, you gained points (and earned a side of fries) by steering towards a more mature approach. Do you really want to abandon that gain? I was clearly referencing the passive aggression of the condescending comment I first commented on… (“Don’t MAKE me come over the counter now”) Lol:

          Why Are Women Being Educated?

          You weren’t really asking RooshV how he would implement that, but now that you mention it…
          He would implement exactly has he has done over the past several years. He will do it by awakening the masses and empowering them with the knowledge that those who believe in the edict of a “Return to Kings” represent a significant and growing movement. He will do it by exposing the true colors (and a palette of wretched unholy hues they are) of quasi-egalitarians. He will do it by offering forum to those who refuse the muzzle of political correctness.
          He has done well.
          = = = = =

          Might it be foolish to cease educating women simply because a few of them (and men) end up childless and and single?

          Firstly, it isn’t so much about actually having women “educated”, but rather how political correctness has misshapen the curricula to include an over-capacity for fields that are not reflective of the quantity in which society needs that “expertise” (and I use that term, “expertise” here very loosely).
          Secondly, it isn’t just a “few that end up childless and single”. The fantasy of “having it all” has created a much larger segment of the population that eventually, if not immediately, becomes a further burden on society. Even if many of these women actually couple in the future, many will be a constituent of a childless couple that strain the senior care system (which was not designed to accommodate so many dependents without at least some partial support from progeny).
          Only the cat food manufacturers would be happy with increasing the number of aging single women and men. The family unit is not something we can casually ignore for the sake of creating a false sense of being educated for some. The typical SJW that invades ROK rarely exhibit any real intellectual maturity. Certainly one can argue that those who troll ROK are not representative of that segment of so-called “educated” women, but it is remarkable how many of the detractors, are women and women who tout a college background in those very criticized soft arts.
          = = = = =

          You must remember, white women helped Trump secure the U.S. presidency.

          How is this an argument against the reduction of soft curricula? If anything it opens up the position that women should be stricken from the electorate for reasons including, but not exclusive to, “they are perhaps more prone to emotional decisions than logical ones” (since even more women should have voted that way).
          = = = = =

        8. …continued

          I hope you recognize these problems pertaining to the decline of western civilization goes far beyond the inception of women’s rights and the sexual revolution. We are intentionally placed at odds with everyone to create fear, doubt, confusion and angst through the very effective methods of psyops operations.

          That is really just a lightly camouflaged “perfect solution fallacy”.
          Certainly it is recognized that there are many things that have negatively impacted the fabric of Western Society. However, the two things you mention have far greater an influence than you attempt to dismiss. The major change in legislation as far as “women’s rights” was that of the recognition of women as voters. Aside from that, there isn’t much more “rights” that have not always been a human right agnostic to one’s sex. Certainly, the social stigma associated with women in certain occupations has changed, but the legal right still existed. It is assumed that you actually meant that.
          The “sexual revolution” is a critical watershed. By that it is understood you are speaking to readily available birth control (before or post conception) as well as the allowance of women to be provocative while being sheltered from consequence. The physical attractiveness of women (not all women, but those that choose to cultivate the asset) is an advantage. In the past, this advantage was balanced by the seriously consequences of unwanted attention, pregnancy, being ostracized and generally being seen as a harlot.
          Removing the negative aspects of promiscuity, society has created an avenue for the abuse of power. This exploitation has happened and it has seriously damaged the structure of Western Society. The institution of marriage was the first casualty. Now, with Neo-feminism, respectful conduct has given way to women feeling the “entitlement” to be “be as bad as they wannabe” because the state will protect and compensate for any adverse response.
          You see it as a “revolution”, but it is really akin to a plague of uncontrolled (yes, uncontrolled) carnage on society. It is no different than handing lighters to children and letting them know there is no consequence for starting a fire (because it is your “right” to strike up a flame because you “can”). With great power comes great responsibility… yet, where is that responsibility? That is why the “revolution” is a big part of the problem.
          Think about that carefully. It is no different than legislating that men have the “right” to corporally punish women (just like the Taliban) and pretending that because of a lack of accountability, it isn’t the cause of a lot of problems.
          No one is intentionally or unintentionally placing neo-feminists at odds with the greater good aside from themselves. There aren’t any psy-ops required to recognize how quasi-egalitarians promote their narrative through shameless lies and fantasies (“wap gap”, “rape culture”, “Ghost Bustiers”, etc…). There aren’t any fears or doubts surreptitiously placed in people’s minds when all they have to do is watch how cowards in pink Meg hats pretend they are the vision of “democracy” instead of the anarchists that they are. To them, it is, “Their way or I’ll have a tantrum”. Sorry, Lids, but the visible modern feminist is all the evidence required to see them as the villains that they actually are.
          = = = = =

          Because of this, I implore Roosh to continue his search for the woman he so desires.

          Seriously, that is contradictory and disingenuous. The availability of such women is negatively impacted by neo-feminism. Your advocacy of the latter does not help the former.
          = = = = =

          MGTOW’ers are proof positive that these nefarious objectives meant to break down society are succeeding by breaking the minds and spirit of these men and perpetuating a crippling divide between the sexes.

          Yes. The spectre of the sexual revolution has definitely seeded and created a divide between the sexes. The MGTOW movement is an indication of just how much it as affected some people. Do note that deciding to opt out is hardly the action of someone with a broken mind or broken spirit. It is just an indication that they are cutting bait. If anything, it takes quite the strong will to recognize that complete withdrawal is a sustainable course of action. The focus of ROK is not MGTOW though, so this is digressing from the discussion.
          = = = = =

          His case would be better made if he advocated separating the sexes during classes at all schools, public or private.

          You will have to elaborate on this point. It doesn’t seem to make sense that advocacy for a woman’s education to be limited in scope would be served by segregation of sexes in all schools.
          = = = = =

          Muslims and Mexicans are outbreeding Whites exponentially, this should be of great concern to people with any sort of vested interest in the future of humanity.

          As an aspirant economist, you should be able to see that proliferation of progeny is often inversely related to the average cost of rearing children. This is recognized by the people currently at the helm in the West, and a big part of why people rallied behind making things “great” again.
          Incidentally, you mixed three different dimensions there: Muslim is a religion (and a mutable choice); Mexican is a nationality (and a mutable choice — legally or not), “white” is effectively an ethnicity (neither mutable or a choice). One can be any combination of the three (including the empty set). Mixing dimensions in a comparison like that does not support any claim of a “logical” state of mind.
          What is lost in the reflex to be “politically correct” is that we should respect all cultures and that includes the culture of America too. Certainly, being white and male is generally a position of privilege in the past several hundred years, but that is not a mitigation to treat it like every white guy today must pay for the sins of their great-great-great grandfather. Get it?
          = = = = =

          One of my best girlfriend’s ex is Armenian, it is not entirely difficult to ascertain that these men are so pathologically preoccupied wondering obsessed about what their women are doing in accordance with their minds, bodies, and souls that in turn, these men do nothing to advance the sciences, arts, architecture, etc., this is definitive proof that Armenian are weak minded, this is who they are, their behavior often mimics that of cavemen. paralyzed by the very essence and mystery that is of a woman.

          Unfortunately, there really isn’t that much “mystery” to many Western World women. That attribute is really just a euphemism for functionally arrested in character development. You see, “mysterious” sounds so much better than “childish”, and is often used almost like a secret code since a woman will feel “empowered” while everyone else understands what was really said.
          Really. The evidence of the juvenile mindset of women is in how the react when they are proven to be wrong. Here, most of these women quickly drop their façade of pseudo-intellectualism and launch a wild mortar attack of insults and name-calling — all the while laying down a smokescreen to deny or selectively ignore anything that incriminates them.
          Cavemen? Of course, any time men don’t mollycoddle women they are to be called knucke-dragging, mouth-breathing troglodytes. Let me guess, this is all in the Neo-(lithic) Feminism 101 handbook. Yes?
          While I cannot speak to any direct interaction with Armenians (at least not knowingly aware of their cultural upbringing), one cannot simply dismiss some aspects of a culture without seeing the entire system in action. It is like being critical of a custom sans the context of why it exists in the first place. Most people do little towards the advancement of science, arts and anything else of significance. If they truly exhibited a weak mindset, that isn’t something uncommon with the majority of any given population. Young men are obsessed with women, just as young women are obsessed with themselves. Cultures are developed to deal with that shared obsession so that each do not abuse their own powers. If it didn’t, there would be mayhem… much like what we are seeing in West today.
          = = = = =

          Case in point, they, (Armenians like the obsolete Africans and Other Muslim type cultures) will one day at long last become ‘architects’ of their own demise.

          The problem is that “they” are just representative of the masses, and are not the magistrates of their culture. Like it was just mentioned, you are also see people applying part of a custom outside of the context of how it fits into a functional society. If Armenian culture were that dysfunctional, it would be a wonder that it has lasted as long as it has. You may also be seeing a culture in flux (assuming that you were not seeing this in deepest darkest Armenia).
          = = = = =

          This will happen within all cultures who adhere to a philosophy that grants farm animals a higher status than that of their women.

          You will get your turn at my audience once the pigs and the goat have presented their grievances for the week… LOL.
          The only culture coming to mind that even holds a farm animal in high regard (and not higher than that of women) would be Hinduism. Then again, uou do realize that Bhoomi, the Hindu Earth deity that is a cow is also female, yes? So even as farm animals go, Hinduism parallel many cultures in how they actually revere women.
          All hyperbole aside, do you not see that such claims (cultures holding farm animals in higher regard than women) are alarmist and clearly not reflected in reality? This is a prevalent problem with neo-feminism. Everything is based on falsehoods and embellishments of mythical proportion to give a false sense of “victim hood”. Once that misrepresentation is pounded to a cross, then all manner of shrieking protest is rationalized… and neo-feminists wonder why few pay them much respect… (am I right, Wilbur?)
          = = = = =

          Too long, had to edit. 🙂

          Aww… baby, I thought you liked it long as well as deep and hard… (Hey, I couldn’t resist).

        9. Thanks for the reply, you wrote a very interesting yet long perspective. Alas, I am pressed for time and will do my best to formulate a coherent rebuttal to your synopsis in the forthcoming days.

        10. Thanks for the reply, you wrote a very interesting yet long perspective. Alas, I am pressed for time and will do my best to formulate a coherent rebuttal to your synopsis in the forthcoming days.

          Incidentally, a synopsis by definition is a summary of brief proportion. Either I’ve given a “long” perspective, or a briefing. Meant you “synopses”, perhaps?
          Take whatever agency and hours you deem necessary. Being cogent is far the superior to just being coherent. Of course, both can be constructed on intentionally faulty premise, and any disingenuousness will be deal with as always: brusquely and without mercy.
          Effort is good. The exercise may help one realize the futility in furthering the fantasy of righteousness when it is founded on fallacy.

        11. It was a spell check typo Geeze, whatever. 🙂
          Good Night

          Even in plural, it is a contradiction.
          Evening to all, whether fact or work of fiction.
          “darkness falls and now my watch begins”

        12. You know what would be a public service? My dERpy sister bringing me my darned sammich.

        13. Trahin ta keep mah dottier frum chikin hawk dat nahz clazzy gurl Mia.
          Youse knows Ah been traint on spottin sex ffenders befo deys ax. I hadda lurn dat befo da probazhun ossifur wult lait me breen mah dottir durp bak inna houze wid mah nu babi.

        14. Hiya Geez! You missed a real party with the dERpy Harpy Eagle clan this evening!

        15. She must have gotten an increase in anti-depressants. Where were the moon bats gathering?

  41. If I’m going to be completely honest, I only watched about 5 minutes of your video since it’s quite late here and I have to go to sleep. I also don’t normally comment on posts like this, but I felt compelled to add in my two cents. First, I would just like to say that I can definitely see where you’re coming from, and you’ve made some very good points.
    As far as I was able to understand, many think that women are being taught to believe that they can only be “empowered” once they have renounced their inherent desire to raise a family. They are being manipulated by the upper elite to dedicate their prime years to being exploited as an honorary member of the American workforce, all while their biological clock continues to tick. Thousands of dollars in accumulated college debt supposedly offset by a degree in the humanities serves as a hallmark of the modern-day woman.
    Even though it may seem so at first, I don’t think questioning why women are getting educated in this context is sexist. In fact, I would suggest that it shows a concern for the greater good of society, and ultimately, for the women themselves.
    However, as a female spending all her hours studying to become an astrophysicist, I can’t help but feel conflicted. I’ve always been quite academic and studious as a child, and few things bring me more joy than sitting down to read my physics textbook. I’m in love with not only the mechanics of the universe, but also with its beauty, and I plan on dedicating my life to its pursuit.
    And yet, I would still like to eventually get married and raise a family.
    Presuming I’m not the only female in the world to have both academic ambition and a desire to settle down, where do we come in?
    I’d greatly appreciate if you and your readers could offer your thoughts on this, and thanks for reading 🙂

      1. Hehe, if your aim is to verify that I am in fact who I say I am, feel free to google search my name. Here, I’ll even give you the link to my website: http://esinmurat.com/. But to answer your question, the first thing that came to mind was Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. I’m not sure if that was the answer you were looking for, but for what it’s worth, I’m more of a Rick and Morty type of gal anyway.

        1. You fail. That wouldn’t have been the first thing that came to mind of someone so celestially inclined.
          It is also noticeable how your language skills vary between the first post and your subsequent response.
          Stop stealing Facebook accounts, troll.
          (BBT is big in Turkey?…. LOL… you trolls are so easy to out).

        2. LOLZ……….. she was too obvious with the “I’m going to be completely honest” bullshit.

    1. Hi Esin. That’s a fair and interesting post. It’s good that you’re here and clearly have an open mind. You sound like a really cool person.
      I think one thing to bear in mind is that education is not the same thing as intelligence. Most men here who want to see a society filled with happy marriages are intelligent and I am sure like the idea of an intelligent wife.
      If you are interested in science then the starting point to all that is truth: Objective reality. And that should apply to how we analyse human societies. In science you will always find some reasults that aren’t in keeping with the rest, most things are on a scale. Yet that doesn’t mean we should ignore the averages. Men and women, on the whole are different and find different things attractive and find happiness in different things.
      I believe it has been a mistake to simply assume that allowing women to live as men will make women happy. I am dubious about psychological type polls but at least in Britain the polls done have found now for several decades that women have been becoming less and less happy as fewer and fewer get married and have children.
      Women are drawn to men with power, money, confidence, status. As they get older women often look for stability and honesty too. Men by contrast will always be drawn to physical beauty first and foremost. We can argue whetehr that’s fair or good but it’s the reality. Don’t let feminists lie to you and tell you human nature can be altered to fit their ideology.
      So please allow me to be a little blunt – women are most physically attractive when younger. Once the relationship/marriage is established then respect and kindness will come into it more. But if you want the truth, when you are 45 you will find it extraordinarily hard to either find a young man to marry or to get pregnant. In fact you will probably find both to be impossible. A 45 year old man can easily get married and have children.
      However, and this is the conundrum that has always faced a woman, by aged 45 you will want to be married with children – by that time it is too late if you amde mistakes. Even if right now that isn’t your priority. So think ahead now and plan. That’s why society used to control young women and why today, lacking that control, may young women are getting it wrong.
      At the end of your life you will likely find most comfort in family and not in a career.
      I write all this in full knowledge that not everybody is the same. Yes there are a handful of women who really don’t care about family life and never regret focusing entirely on their career. They are however a minority. And the crucial point is that you don’t know right now if that will be you or not. Do you want to take the risk?
      So right now if you want some advice – don’t give in to promiscuity. It’s a lie sold by feminists. Whatever they say – and with humans you should always look at actions not words – men don’t want to marry women who have been promiscuous. If you haven’t yet had sex then you should save that for marriage. That will buy you a lot of time – many men will be far more flexible about many things in order to marry a virgin, deep down it is what every man wants. And even if you’re not a virgin, don’t be promiscuous, have standards. Right now that might seem mad if you’re young and desirable and have all this power. When you’re 40 you will understand why saving yourself now will help you later.
      Next I would advise you to make family life the priority. If you’re at univeristy you’re young but be careful, time slips by very quickly. Find a decent good man to marry and start a family with. There is no reason for example you can’t get a good degree before that. Then marry and have children and devote yourself to that for a decade.
      Then in ten years if you decide you want to go back to study, you can do so. You will have that choice. However if you party away the next ten years you will probably never have that choice.
      Mentally put yourself in your own shoes of 20 or 30 years from now and think carefully. As I said that is what society, fathers, brothers, priests, teachers all used to do on girls’ behalf and today no longer do so.

  42. Women get educations and work because… they want to. Not all women want to have babies, and that is just reality.

    1. Women get educations and work because… they want to. Not all women want to have babies, and that is just reality.

      ROFL. Another “NAWALT” false refutation. You trolls are so predictably wrong.

    2. Not all 18 year old women realise that their happiness will very likely depend on having children. But when they hit 38 and haven’t got babies many panic and will try anything to change that. We simply want to help them avoid making that mistake.

  43. Let’s look at this in several different ways:
    1) Why should the man always be the one depended upon to make decision? Shouldn’t a woman be educated enough to bounce ideas off of? She’s your companion, supposedly, isn’t her traditional role that of a confidante that also helps guide the man to the best decision? She can’t fulfill that role if she’s a box of rocks, unless you *want* to stress yourself out by having all the responsibility.
    2) Every single industrialized nation got to where it did because they allowed women to be educated. You educate the baby-makers, you ensure they know how to better take care of those babies and how to plan for them. Instead of having them at 17 during a famine (because what even is birth control or contraception LOL), have them at 23 during a time of prosperity.
    3) A society is only as good as its weakest link. You don’t educate women, that’s literally half of your society not contributing to bettering it with brain power. Sure, a mother’s role is to nurture and raise her children, but she’s not teaching them *anything* new. She’s not contributing to helping people find new things. Would you rather have two scouts looking for food, or just one looking for food and the other sit at home to count the food you bring in?

  44. lol all the angry single men who can’t woo a girl out of their league because she is “educated”. Nah dude, you are probably going to have your hand as your wife for life with your rudimentary mindset.

    1. LOL. You can’t argue against these men so you resort to creating a sock-puppet to throw out a bunch of little kid insults.
      “Educated”? Things like learning Womynz studies is not “educated”. Nah troll, you are probably a fat cow that no one wants. You don’t even have a *rudimentary* mindset. You have the thinking of 5-year-old having a tantrum because people don’t see you as a *special snowflake*.
      Trolls like you are proof that half-a55 “education” is no education at all.

  45. and Trump today Feb 28 doing this??!
    1:30 p.m.: Trump will sign H.R. 321 and H.R. 255, both of which are aimed at increasing women’s participation in STEM fields through programs at NASA and the National Science Foundation.

  46. This is the most absurd shit I’ve seen and heard in my entire life. He and everyone who supports this trashy website clearly have no brain cells or an education. It is so sickening to see that some men still think like this in 2017. And, all of you still wonder why no women in her right mind would ever date you.

    1. Go and stuff your skanky hole, you shit cunt.
      You are the most idiotic troll I’ve seen and heard in my entire life. You and every other sock puppet of yours who supports your sexist views clearly have no maturity or a real education. You are sick and it is no wonder that you entitled babies still march around like you are “victims” in the the first world in 2017. …….and, you are still wondering why no one gives you any respect.
      Go step on a third rail, troll.
      …..You’re most likely the same loser as the one in this thread:

  47. I wish there were guys like you around me. I’m 20 and all I wanted was to have a family. Everybody thinks that’s ridiculous, but it isn’t. I work in a kindergarten, taking care of a class with 10 toddlers. I just wish they were mine sometimes. That’s the only way I found to fill my needs of having kids.
    Some guys seem so afraid of commitment (at least where I live). They only want to get married in their late 30’s. I found some pretty great older guys here, but they were divorced and/or had kids with somebody else. I want someone to start from scratch. No ex wives and no children.
    I’m starting college next year, since that’s what I have to do to get money and feed myself. I’m going to be an au pair in america (I’m from Brazil) this year to help with my college costs…
    I like interior design (that’s what I’m attending to). Decoration is a very feminine thing, so i’m proud of my choice. But that’s not what I wanted to do with my life. Maybe as a hobby, it would be nice. If I could choose, I’d me married by now.
    Ps.: I’m not ugly at all!

  48. An intelligent and well educated person (whether formally, or self taught), combined with balanced thought and common sense, can make the more informed decisions from a wider knowledge base, and thereby can be a better parent to their children.

    1. An intelligent and well educated person (whether formally, or self taught), combined with balanced thought and common sense, can make the more informed decisions from a wider knowledge base, and thereby can be a better parent to their children.

      Yet the problem, whether formally, informally, or self-taught, the educational path elected by most women usually does not imbue them with informed decision-making skills.
      If anything, post secondary campuses have become festering cesspools of radical (and effectively irrational) quasi-egalitarianism. The track record of so-called “social justice” advocates who hijack and shout down lectures from individuals who offer thoughts that don’t align with their own views is testimony to the kind of blind extremism of our current colleges of “higher” learning. In the mind (and that is really in question) of the falsely educated woman, only her way is the right way. Sharing thoughts outside of her dogma is to be violently opposed. Sorry, Keira, but these people hardly provide support that women who think they are educating themselves are really all that educated.
      Gender studies, fine arts appreciation, political science and all sorts of other “feelings” based pursuits that masquerade as “education” make a mockery of real learning. Most of these 20-something women aren’t out of childhood themselves. What makes you think 3 or 4 years of pretending they “is smartz” is going to make them “better parents”?

  49. Well, Keira, since you asked…
    …here you go:

    I did ask for your thoughts about it. But what is a quasi egalitarian doctrine?

    Certainly, you can’t expect people to be your personal lexicon, Keira? The term, “quasi egalitarian”, is as about self-explanatory as it gets. It describes SJWs and neo-feminists very accurately since both groups are teeming with people who feel the entitlement they already take advantage of is not enough, and pretend to be victims as a way to shield themselves from criticism and introspection.
    = = = = = =

    Not sure what that means, to me it just sounds like an empty made up phrase meant to divide, and quash actual thinking and discussion. Not unlike the overuse by so many, of the word feminism, for example.

    No. Terms that are deliberately meant to mislead (perhaps as a way to be divisive) generally are untruthful (or a half-truth at best). “Social Justice” is one of those descriptors. It evokes some sense of virtuous cause, when in practice it is rarely (if ever) based on the truthful representation of a given social condition, let alone an equitable solution.
    It is Neo-Feminism that is all about parading evocative made-up phrases as a way to rationalize righteous indignation. This outrage is then used as a way to avoid discussion. Most of these states of “victim-hood” are purposely sensationalized and far from accurate. Terms such as “rape culture” and “wage gap” are inventions to distort truth, promote ignorance and incite anger.
    One of the main methods of quasi-egalitarians is to divide, and divide via false foundation. For example, the ubiquitous “Love Trumps Hate” slogan is all about using lies to increase animosity. Briefly, it relies on misrepresentations (such as the current POTUS represents “hate”, or, that being a harassing protester is “love”). Stop projecting the actions of quasi-egalitarians on those that do not tolerate such self-serving attitudes.
    = = = = =

    In the blogger’s case, it wasn’t trash, but truth. Not propaganda but her honest feedback.

    How are you so sure this blogger’s story is genuine? Unless you know her personally, or have some real evidence that she did have such a history, the story cannot even definitively stand as truth, as it is just her words. In turn, you are merely asking people to take your word for it. That is dubious at the very best.
    Insofar as honest, even if she was actually a courtesan, and if you have personally known her, it isn’t enough. Those things alone do not make her recollections “truth”. There should be some corroborating testimony. In lieu of that, there should be at least some aura of validity to the story. Her words alone do not make a recollection authentic. It does not even make her “feelings” truthful (since these are subject to her own motives. When one considers the agenda of the hosting site, xojane, such stories are likely biased at best, but most likely so warped to be patently false. The experience with “truthful” accounts like the infamous Rolling Stones Magazine “fake rape” article is an example of the length propaganda artists will go to in creating “evidence”.
    As I related, the contradictory and contrived nature of the monologue was far more suggestive of a fabricated account.
    = = = = =

    She thought sex work would personally liberate her but it had the opposite effect. Point is, some women love it, while for others it destroys their lives.

    You are going to have to show me exactly where this woman mentioned anything about her career being personally “liberating”. As far as I see, there isn’t any mention of how being a courtesan was a means to being liberated (and really, what was she seeking to be liberated from?)
    Being a service provider is like any professional service. There are those that enjoy the job, but it is still a job. There are days where you don’t want to do it, but you still go through the motions. There are clients that you aren’t completely thrilled with, but you still provide the service with a smile. It is profession, and like most professions, you do it largely for the money. Certainly, physicians, attorneys, analysts, carpenters, etc… will, at times, provide pro-bono work, but most of the work is done to earn money. Hey, it’s a living.
    If it gets to the point that your chosen profession is destroying your life, then perhaps it is time to choose another vocation. However, this woman’s article does not really explore that dynamic.
    = = = = =

    Ok. Contradictory positions? As in, the life at first seemed so great, but she grew to learn otherwise. Change of heart through experience is just maturity happening. Yes it contradicts, that’s unavoidable.

    No. You are being disingenuous if you pretend you don’t see what is really happening there. That she adjusted her alleged initial thoughts is not what is contradictory.
    The contradictions come in how she claimed that being a top-tier provider was about how selling her sexuality was “about women being their strongest, most powerful, and most actualized”, and, in the same notion mentions the high of “dissociation, success and infamy” (remember, this was “before” it wore off). Being actualized, yet dissociated is, effectively, contradictory. It is like saying, one is empowered by the awareness of being a pilot, but is completely detached while flying an aircraft (and only became jaded when that detachment wore off… “OMG, I’m actually flying! Now I’m depressed because I wanted to BE a pilot” … come on, that is about as contradictory as it gets).
    She talks about getting paid top dollars in the industry in one breath, and then laments about having to cater to the needs of the client that is handing over the money… all the while claiming to be a professional lady of leisure. Seriously? What professional thinks that a paid gig is a guarantee of personal freedom of expression? The client gets what the client pays for. That is why they are paying. It is not about the provider. Do you or I have license to complain that a customer dared to ask for something that didn’t include our “personal feelings” after getting paid the agreed price for the deal?
    That article is clearly written through the lens of an immature person that has no real concept of what a business transaction is. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that a seasoned pro that commands top dollar, would be so naïve about the business of the sex trade. It is all too obvious that the article was written to affirm an adolescent, and effectively fantasy notion of what being in business is really like.
    = = = = =

    Nothing quasi anything about it. Just growing up and knowing better.

    Again, the article radiates the smugness of self-serving immaturity. It isn’t a bona fide story of a woman arriving at some epiphany. No. It reads like what it is: a fabricated recollection to support an adolescent misconception of adulthood. It is a rainbow cart pushing a unicorn substituting for the proverbial horse.
    A courtesan, even a high priced one is making intimate encounters with a beautiful woman available to anyone who can ante up the price of admission. Effectively, that means most men (even those of lesser means can save up for it). This flies in the face of neo-feminism since neo-feminism foolishly tries to indoctrinate the false notion of “everyone is equal”. In the case of sexual interaction, that translates to:
    ”If all women hold out, even if I’m not as attractive, I’m an equal provider that defends the fortress of pussy. I’m just as coveted as the most coveted of women.”
    Have an honest look at the message most politically correct, neo-feminist supporters send out. They are all about, “We womyn are all equal! All of us are great! All of us are beautiful!”
    A problem happens when some portion of attractive women make themselves available for money. Suddenly, and demonstratively, it shows that women are far from equal to each other. It also removes the unified “power” from the sisterhood. Call girls become the breech in the wall and therefore destroy the integrity of the great wall of vagina (where behind it, all womynz are equally goddesses and or divas). The reality that sex is not a commodity controlled by their cartel is a rude awakening.
    There is no mistake in seeing that neo-feminism is about taking advantage of men’s desire for beautiful women and using it as leverage. Basically, feminism seeks to hold all encounters with women for ransom. Remember that part about “contradiction”. Well, it is extremely unlikely that a woman who made it a point to study “feminism” would be choosing to go against the socialist combine of sex that neo-feminism promotes. “Comply with all our demands or go without” is progressively disabled by increasing numbers of sex providers (especially those that willingly enter the trade).
    There. You now have the “grown up” view, and can discard the “quasi” concept that the article was trying to infect people with.
    = = = = =

    Humanity first, biology and gender second.

    If you are describing true egalitarianism then it is really more “Humanity as the over-arching concept with biology (and sexual dimorphism within the subject of biology) as part of the consideration.
    The major problem with neo-feminism is that it is usually focused only on women and the promotion of concepts to give more entitlement to the world’s most entitled segment (First World women) through social engineering, and legislation if required. Humanitarianism is a convenient shield to hide behind.
    = = = = =

    People choosing the right life path for the right reasons.

    That’s the problem with neo-feminism. It is so short on real reasons that it needs to constantly create false states of emergency in order to recruit more members. When an interest group repeatedly relies on carefully misrepresented numbers in order to promote fear mongering like “rape culture”, it is clearly not about offering people “right reasons”. When neo-feminism does the same with the false “wage gap” it is not about honest dialogue. Neo-feminism is an extremist movement, and one who’s agenda to gain more privilege, and usually to gain it at the expense of men. There are no “right reasons” in the neo-feminism platform so finding the “right path” is hardly something that neo-feminism can help people with.
    = = = = =

    Making the world a better place.

    While such a goal looks good on a doctrine, there is little evidence that neo-feminism makes any effort towards the creating a better world for all parties. Making a mockery out of the democratic process by protracted civil disobedience when one’s candidate loses an election is hardly an example of “making the world a better place”. It is more making the world the bitter place that resides within one’s own childish desires.
    “My body, my rights” speciously ignores the rights of the unborn child and even the rights of person who donated the other 50% of the DNA. Apparently, “better place” really means a place where a woman is the judge and executioner within a contract made between two equal (“equal”… look at that) parties, and involves a third party that cannot act for itself. If you cannot see the inequality in that, you are either incapable of basic logic, or just too biased for a legitimate conversation on “equality”.
    = = = = =

    Leaving behind a worthwhile legacy that benefits the planet and its people.

    A bunch of whiny children who think pretending to be victims is noble are hardly doing anything of merit. It is really nothing more than what happens when people get spoiled. What’s more is that the “education” that most women think they have is probably of more harm to society than good. We don’t need yet another half-wit psychology major or gender studies master that thinks her special brand of feelings a benefit to the human race. A decent courtesan could be worthwhile though.
    = = = = =

    Being remembered in the history books for one’s contributions. Off topic, oh well.

    While one’s contribution to society can be so well known that he or she gets a chapter in written history, there are many everyday heroes that go un-noticed and eventually forgotten. It is good to strive for achievement. The first step is to get out of childhood. Stop being fooled by false prophets like xojane. They are not there for the betterment of the human race. They are there for to gain advantage because the political environment allows them to pretend to be victims.
    Time to be an adult. Yes?

  50. OMFG, you are crazy. My response about the general population in relation to this is that worldwide population keeps growing and growing, so slowing down the baby making is not such a bad thing for the common good.
    My response in the specific is that I actually consider myself to have the very opposite of ADD, where I have extreme focus compared to most people and I am female. I was even a super hot female back in the day. I got a computer science and engineering degree in my most prime fertility years. But seriously, there was still plenty of time left for me to have 3 kids after getting the degree and building the career, and if not for the economy falling apart in 2008 I probably would have had 1 more kid. There was plenty of time for me to create my and my husband’s replacements in the world and even one extra kid. I also did not start having my kids until I was 34, and still there was plenty of time.
    I would say emotional answers matter. We have the right to pursue happiness, and for me education was pursuing happiness. I did enjoy all that programming I did. It is sooo fun. You seem to desire us to just be your child raising servants for presumably many, many kids since there is plenty of time for many, many kids if we are not educated past 8th grade. What we want matters too. And at the population levels we are at now, it is detrimental for women to have the many, many children you desire us to have. You are not thinking of the common good. You are thinking only of what you want.

  51. Super markets, coffee groups for single mums, all full of educated women. Why? What a waste of taxpayer money.

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