Look at pretty much any working woman and you will see an important companion, one that never leaves her: the coffee cup. It may be a loyal companion, but with each drop it makes her more unstable.
From a very early age, girls are becoming addicted to coffee. As the coffee drinking becomes more frequent and more sugary, it affects women in a way that coffee does not affect men. All these girls you see waiting in line will end up a wretched mess before they hit forty.
A while ago, I dated a girl who drank several cups of coffee each day. I noticed bizarre behavior and aggravated health problems, so I forbade her to touch coffee again. She recognized that she had a problem, but ended up sneaking in coffee runs anyway. Here are five problems I noticed with that experience and others:
1. Women Can’t Function Without The Drug
Between iPhones and coffee, the modern woman has completely forgotten how to do get anything done on her own. Years of Frappuccinos leave her dependent on a coffee (and sugar) pick-up just to wake up in the morning.
Caffeine is a problem for people who have high levels of anxiety—women. The caffeine in coffee releases serotonin and other hormones in the brain in the short term. But chronic intake of caffeine decreases serotonin levels in the body and inhibits hormonal functions.
The pick-up hormones give a woman’s body an undeserved reward. She is being emotionally rewarded with her coffee. The high alertness, increased heart rate, and increase blood sugar make her life feel more exciting than it really is. It gives “mood states where people feel the need for coffee to keep themselves functioning properly.”
2. Coffee Leads To Serious Diseases
Coffee inhibits iron absorption, which women are often deficient in. It increases chronic stress and decreases the hormone that the body uses to defend against the effects of aging and the manufacture of estrogen and testosterone.
This prematurely ages women. It also screws with estrogen levels. Just one cup a day causes estrogen dominance in women, which leads to obesity, menstrual irregularity, and serious diseases in the future.
3. Behavior Problems
It is important to practice moderation in all things. Heavy coffee drinkers exhibit behaviors of anxiety disorder and psychosis. “In turn, the coffee drinker becomes erratic, nervous, and irritable.”
From what I have seen, coffee addicts tend to be women. Women are constantly surrounded by magazines and tumblr photos that urge them to drink coffee. Magazines actually tell them coffee addictions are good for them.
Excessive coffee is also ingrained in women’s social culture. Coffee in the morning, Starbucks trip with the girls during lunch, and a coffee run after work. In the 17th century, women petitioned against coffee for men. But today, it is women who have a problem.
The effects of coffee on a woman’s behavior becomes more obvious over time. Women have greater sensitivity to caffeine, take longer to detoxify, and accelerate their countdown to menopause. Caffeine simply wastes their bodies, and the earlier they start drinking, the worse it gets.
One vice leads to another, and coffee-addicted woman turn to other drugs and behave like a prostitute. Smoking aggravates the effects of coffee. The pronounced hormonal problems makes her feel not like herself, suffering from depression and a lack of self-control and direction.
4. It Can Cause Weight Gain
Coffee increases estrogen metabolism in women at the sacrifice of other vital metabolisms such as carbohydrates and fat. The body consequently stops burning the fat.
But it is the incredibly sugary additives in coffee drinks such as those at Starbucks that really leads to obesity. Starbucks lures children with “Bananas & Crème Frappuccinos” with banana puree and whipped cream, and many women continue to drink such sugary drinks into adulthood.
Chronic coffee drinking also increases insulin resistance, which makes such drinks a “potential recipe for metabolic disaster.”
5. Poor Sexual Performance
Caffeine made female test animals more interested in sexual behavior. But those test animals had never drunk caffeine ever before. Caffeine is only useful for women who are not habitual drinkers. In fact, the hormonal deficiencies in women caused by coffee destroys her sexual motivation. Regular coffee drinking makes women cold and unpassionate lovers.
Coffee may be useful for men to boost testosterone levels and enhance their workout if used carefully. But for women, coffee should be used very sparingly. Society’s coffee trend is becoming a health epidemic and will lead to prematurely wasted women.
Read More: Coffee Is Good For Your Health
There is nothing wrong with girls that drink regular black coffee. There is something wrong with those girls that drink those fake-flavored loaded with sugar with cream on top Frappuccinos.
agree with you here. There needs to be a distinction made between coffee and coffee drink. Caffeine is a healthy stimulant that promotes weight loss and coffee becomes a routine and a healthy break from the stress of the day. Sugar, on the other hand, is worse than cocaine. So yeah, if you have a drink that is filled with sugar and topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce…you are not drinking a coffee.
The most that is acceptable in my coffee is a small, SMALL amount of heavy cream or other pure fat source. I usually drink my coffee black, but on occasions where I’m trying to consume more calories I’ll add a little heavy cream, unsalted butter, or coconut oil to my coffee. The fat and caffeine synergize really well to keep you full and energized for a long time. I’m also not really opposed to adding pure cocoa or cinnamon to your coffee…I just don’t really like it.
I do the same with heavy cream when I am bulking (god I love bulking season). Koodos for you for going with butter. That is top notch dude.
I am not opposed to cocoa or cinnamon or even to raw stevia…but like you it just doesn’t tickle my fancy.
The only things I really take issue to are basically drinks that amount to a rootbeer float and girls call it coffee. Some of these bitches can stand a spoon up in their cup.
Hah, so true. We don’t frequent Starbucks very often, once every few months, but my wife will get the exact kind of drink you prescribed…some long ass name that I can never remember. They then turn to me and I just say large coffee, black.
On the subject of butter…have you tried Kerrygold? That stuff is the nectar of the gods.
I do like kerrygold! I just never thought of putting it in my coffee. Fuckin’ boss dude.
There is a starbucks a few blocks from me and it is sandwiched between 2 gyms, a bootcamp studio, a crossfit box, a yoga joint and a hot yoga joint. The epicenter is a starbucks with an outdoor seating area.
I love to watch what people order and what people are drinking.
It’s quite telling what people drink and what their level of fitness is. While they might not be fat, you can tell they’re out of shape. For women, a good indicator of fitness is the ass. Is it saggy or firm?
Yes, but heels can make that deceptive. If she is coming out of the gym in sneakers and her ass looks firm and perky…that is a body you will enjoy
True. There aren’t many women in heels in the areas I frequent so I can make a pretty good assessment.
there is nothing worse than getting a girl home and finding out that after she takes off her heels her ass turns to cottage cheese. Almost as bad as going home with a girl in spanx. That shit should be illegal.
My office is dead center in the middle of where dozens of young girls fresh from some absurd college major, stash their beer and cum stained college gear and buy a bunch of heels and smart looking clothes and try to pretend that they aren’t just whores.
It’s like fishing with dynamite over here
Makes me glad I am out of the dating scene.
And the upper arms. Few things worse than a skinny girl with floppy skin on her upper arms.
Another good point.
Just my type.
And the age seems perfect, too.
I quite enjoy it…
It is definitely unfulfilling. In order to be a complete person with purpose and fulfilment you need to seek it in yourself and not in the idea of building a life and family with one of these pigs.
However, I will say this….in terms of pipe cleaning and semen collection, these animals are top notch. They spend an exorbitant amount of time on their looks and their bodies so they can be degraded by men who use them as 3rd class ball drainers.
I have a guy I work with who chose a very different path than I did. He married his HS girl, had the kids, worked hard…never drinks or does drugs…I am sure if he ever speeds he feels bad about it.
He is just shocked by the level of absolute depravity that I find perfectly normal.
Truth is, we are both miserable. He is miserable and has a family that loves him. I am miserable and can reasonably expect to have a 3 way with two girls whose combined age is about my age.
6 of one half dozen of the other ya know.
Seems like a stepping stone towards necrophilia…
I see you see where I am going. I am used to feeling dead, so I always wished for company.
Indeed, it’s all about mindset and perspective. I am married and while it isn’t always sunny in Philadelphia, I am generally quite content with my life. I am always looking to improve my situation, but it gives me focus and a goal to work towards. Plus I have enough money to enjoy the nightly glass of whiskey and the occasional cigar.
It is funny that so much of the manosphere is about girls. But then you hear say players exactly this kind of thing. Makes you wonder if it is the right approach at all or whether that need for sex is really a need for something else.
Maybe, it depends on the person. I really don’t think there is one answer for everyone.
Is my womanizing an effort to cover up for something else? I don’t know. All the psychology makes my head hurt. I like have sex with sexy women. I am pretty sure there is some biological imperative as well as some psychological shit…but at the end of the day I enjoy having frequent sex with a variety of attractive women in their prime and I do not want to form any emotional ties or connections to them (hell, some of them I don’t even remember their names)
The manosphere gives people some useful tools in playing the game and keeping your dick wet, but as a man you have to decide what type of life you want and work hard at it.
This works for me. What works for you?
Just because someone gives you a hammer doesn’t mean you have to build a house. You might decide to build a boat or use it as a paper weight or beat someones brains in with it.
Of course. I in no way mean to discourage that lifestyle. I would like it myself. At least I thought I wanted it.
You do not owe psychological cleansiness to anyone. Fuck that. If you want to do that shit, do it because you want to do it.
Me, I realized that my wish to have lots of women – at least in its current form – is really an attempt to overcome my deep running distrust to them. Worse, to pretend it is not there. If I can manage to force myself into intimacy with a girl, I am deserving of love.
Which is why the feeling behind it never really feels like sexual attraction primarily, but like some undefined kind of fear and pain in my stomach – that I always felt I had to overcome to prove myself.
Life can play funny tricks on you.
When I have this all figured out, I still hope to live a player lifestyle. And then, simply for pleasure, not to prove anything.
she was probably born in camp 22
They make the best.
It is funny you mention distrust. It brings me back to a conversation I had a long time ago with a girl in a bar.
She asked me if I ever wanted to settle down and I said I did not. Her response, which was a rudimentary shit test, was “did someone hurt you and now you don’t trust women.”
My response had the virtue of being true and hilarious. I told her…”actually no. I have never been hurt by a woman. But I have cum in the mouths of too many girlfriends and wives to ever truly accept monogamy as an alternative”
As a side note…that girl did not sleep with me that day. However, her friend did. a few weeks later the original one did too.
I wonder what became of those girls. Probably married or some shit. quod erat demonstrandum huh
It is funny that you see it as a shit test. I used to, as well.
Today, I would simply acknowledge it as truth. That woman who hurt me was my mother. And now I am coming to the point where I can say, without shame: Yes, I was hurt. That is why I do not want to settle down. We can fuck or you can leave.
bitches need to be doing their triceps extension
If asked properly, most girls today wouldn’t balk at laying in an ice cold bathtub for 20 minutes and then laying still while you have your way with them.
Seriously, they will pretty much do anything for you if asked correctly.
Uses zyclon deodorant
I heard so. Guy who came visit me here in Munich told me that girls enjoy that kind of hypermasculinity, where you could probably shit in their mouth if you just did it confidently enough.
Dude, we live in a world where dove markets deodorant to women with 48 hour protection. I mean, seriously…what is the market for this…happy hour on Friday leads to bang, walk of shame on Saturday stop off for a drink and brunch leads to bang 2….but your deodorant is still working? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b965649254e53c3965f49b11ecc208870f0cde66b48900e518c7ad82f7dbcd71.jpg
That is … an interesting observation. I find ads so endlessly silly and moronic that I have long since stopped to pay attention. In fact, they always make me angry and agitated in cinema.
I saw this in the Duane Reade here and didn’t stop laughing for a week. I should have taken a picture of it and will when I go back. Had to grab that photo from the website….edit was mine.
Really though, 48 hour deodorant.
That is some serious fucking whore deodorant.
I have some deodorants with the same claim. They do good to last me through work, let alone 48 hours. Plus, if a woman is trying to use it for the full time, she’s got other issues that need to be addressed besides smelly pits…namely smelly everything else.
You know they had no toilets in Versailles.
I guess. But I kept picturing some slutty chick leaving work on a Friday and not getting home until sunday morning and saying “when will they make a deodorant for the slut who bangs 3 different guys in a weekend without going home”
Haha. Yeah, I always laugh in cinema. I used to be embarassed to ‘spoil the fun’ for others, but now I just find the ad embarassing. And the people who think they owe it respect and reverence.
The worst are the social awareness or insurance and bank ads. They either seem to be intentionally badly made or it is simply impossible to make a ‘hip’ spot about such a formal thing. Old conservative assbags trying to make obedience and conformity look ‘hip’. Too fucking embarassing.
Next: The dopamine and neuroreceptor reset pill. Enjoy every guy as if he was your first!
No doubt. The claims that companies get to make on their product are downright scandalous. I’ve had instances where my SUPER DUPER 48 HOUR deodorant doesn’t even last 4 hours. On more than one occasion I’ve applied deodorant at around 2:00PM and by the time I finish my first martial art class from 5:00-6:00, I already smell very manly.
KerryGold might be the cheapest organic butter goin
No cable tv either.
Yeah. Fucking barbarians.
Someone give her a sandwich, I feel bad
What the hell is that? LOL
She needs to eat like 80 chickens.
Is that even a she? Or a small boy?
I would take that woman and….
give her something to eat.
Ah, the Zyklon B diet plan
Why not eat her? Would make for a little snack. Or desert.
Here here!
Reminds me of an old French law that said husbands had legitimate grounds for divorce if they found out wives were falsely ‘enhancing’ her body (eg false teeth, corsets, etc.) prior to marriage or something like that.
“there is nothing worse than getting a girl home and finding out that after she takes off her heels her ass turns to cottage cheese”
I’ve noticed something similar with latin bitches; some have strange body types where, when they have their tight blue jeans on their asses look pretty good. It’s because of the jeans is why their butts look nice and tight. Then they take their pants off and their back end deflates like a tire. Too much jelly in there; not enogh muscle tone.
bahahha, if you can’t see at least a hint of ribs you’re not doing it right.
As I see it, god created you out of mine, so that is to be expected. Stop commenting here.
“Oprah arms” are always a good warning sign.
Hilarious and brilliant observation!
It’s going back to the days where people only bathed once a week. Seriously.
Try using honey instead of sugar — I’ve been using it for over twenty years now. It’s more expensive than sugar, but it’s a natural product that you can digest easier.
I also sometimes add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to my morning coffee — inhale the vapors and you’ll have a clear head in seconds!
“Zyklon B” — I wonder how many people will ‘get’ the joke here?
“Just because someone gives you a hammer doesn’t mean you have to build a house. You might decide to build a boat or use it as a paper weight or beat someones brains in with it.”
Interesting bit of philosophy there…
Damn… That’s a pretty interesting thought that you have there…
How is sugar worse than cocaine?
Hurts more when you suck it up your nose.
Hyperbole for effect.
However, if pushed to an answer, while they are both bad…cocaine won’t make you fat.
I mean don’t get me wrong I occasionally enjoy a little blow every now and then but I’ve never seen anyone suck dick in a back alley for a cup of sugar before.
Make sugar illegal and you will see fat bitches doing this in every back alley from coast to coast.
Also, most of the bitches sucking dick for cocaine aren’t actually sucking dick FOR cocaine…they are just doing cocaine with some guy and sucking his dick.
Well, that is a matter of market value. I think lolknee was referring purely to health issues of the substance itself.
“Sugar, on the other hand, is worse than cocaine.”
In Eastern Europe, they have a name for sugar: ‘white death’.
Good thing I do only cocaine.
That is all very true however, the kind of people that lie to themselves daily aren’t big on distinctions. In fact, conflating good with bad is the name of their game.
The game is always about defining good/bad and evil
and post pictures of it online
Precisely my thought
Those are milkshakes, in my opinion.
i think of them as buckets of cream and sugar, with a little bit of coffee added.
True; a little bit of coffee to go with their cream and sugar.
Sugar shakes to be more precise.
Yes, well, that’s where the margin is, isn’t it? Coffee is alot more expensive than sugar. Coffee seems to be good for us. Sugar – not so much.
Refined sugar kills
Ironic that after a Yoga class they all pile up at Starbucks.
That’s not any joke; research the history of refined white sugar — you’ll find that the stuff is incredibly addictive and causes all kinds of health problems.
I cut out white sugar in my diet over twenty years ago and use honey instead. I also avoid products that use sugar and refined corn syrups as much as possible, but it isn’t easy. It seems that nearly every damn product in the supermarkets has some form of sugar (sucrose, corn syrup, etc.) or sweetener added to it!
Milkshakes from a malt shop.
a good coffee is a black short, hot one with only a sugar cube. nothing else.
I like my coffee the way I like my women:
and with a small piece of prune danish
(h/t to G. Gottfried)
I was looking at the nutrition label on a bottle of Starbuck’s Frappucinos sold at Walmart. Those things have 53g of carbs per serving (2.5 servings? a bottle, 4 bottles)! What is wrong with this country?!
And the worse part is, you know someone probably buys a package, and drinks them all in a setting.
2.5 servings per bottle??!! What a scam!
I don’t remember how many servings per bottle exactly, but considering even 2.5 servings is two or three days worth of carb consumption for me (and all of that is pure sugar in the bottle), I question the wisdom of consuming or purchasing such a product.
Frappuccinos are just loaded with sugar and fat. Women who drink too much of these things end up being fat, lazy, and dependent on it.
Not just women, anyone who drinks those things you should avoid.
Same thing goes with the points in the article.
Fake cream, mostly, with large amounts of high fructose corn syrup, which research is increasingly showing is not a good thing for humans to take internally. Real cream, or whipped cream made from real cream, is a different matter.
Those things suck.
The articles on here are more and more click baity. It’s like the reversed Jezebel, Gawker.
You can’t blame them though. People are exhausted and looking for quick answers to their problem of fatigue.
Coffee is a stimulant and as such it is bad for men as well as women. Stimulants whip the adrenal glands into action. This eventually weakens the adrenals and perhaps the thyroid gland, and this leads to more depletion of a person’s energy. It prevents one from truly relaxing and resting as well. Coffee contains some lead, cadmium, aluminum and perhaps other toxic metals. Unless it’s super fresh coffee contains rancid oils.
Coffee is dehydrating the body, it’s one of the most serious problems with it.
Black coffee is awesome. I suggest the author peruse some abstracts and studies at the National Institutes of Health and PubMed to recalibrate some of his conclusions.
I do agree with his point of view about the intersectionality of 2,000 calorie “coffee” drinks and solipsistic hamplanets being problematic. The smell of type II diabetes emanating from said neurotic dirigibles is triggering.
I’m more of a green tea drinker nowadays. Fewer issues with sudden spikes in mood & seems to reduce migraines for me without weird side effects apart from having to piss with a tad more frequently.
The real issue is the additives & sweeteners that make whatever passes for commercially sold coffee so popular. Simulacra of the real thing. The food tech industry doesn’t spend all that money in R & D for nothing. Commercial coffee game recognized :p
A good cup of black unsweetened coffee on the other hand can be beneficial.
Have you tried Matcha tea? I’ve heard a lot of good stuff about it and am looking for a store around me that sells it. Heard it’s healthier than green tea.
I just started drinking Matcha as well. It’s a great alternative to coffee and it’s health benefits are apparently great. Make sure you are buying Matcha though not its impersonator Sencha, which Starbucks actually sells as Matcha – as do many other health, holistic, supplement and tea shops.
Right now I’m drinking a mixed tea called Zhena’s GypsyTea Ultimate Green. It’s white and green tea with matcha and stevia leaf mixed in. Wanted pure matcha powder but haven’t located a local source yet. Might have to resort to Amazon.
I have a source I am buying from actually pure organic Matcha…
Not my web site so i guess its a free plug…is that even allowed here?
Interesting. I’ll check that out.
Green tea has caffeine too, but much less than coffee. And not all green teas are equal. The typical stuff you buy at the supermarket is crap, and mixed with other teas.
Only in the U.S. this is considered a “coffee”:
But but but…It’s a DIET mocha green tea frappuccino with whipped cream and brownie chunks.
It looks like radioactive waste. From Monsanto with love.
From Monsanto With Love needs to be the next Bond flick.
I’m Dutch, and I see a lot of women drinking those. Starbucks is really gaining ground here – it’s becoming almost as common as McDonald’s.
Hopefully, they start going the way of McDonald’s and start declining due to poor customer service and subpar quality.
I stopped going to Starbucks – tired of waiting in line for a cup of black coffee while they make milk shakes for fatties.
If there’s a line, I don’t go for that very reason.
Are the toothpick-legged bearded hipsters gaining ground there, too?
It’s impressive how thin their legs are, right? They look like they could fall over any moment with those legs.
Subway is even worse. Very expensive for a whole baguette, and above all: soggy.
I’ve been to a Starbucks once, in Barcelona 2008. I only had a tea. It was overpriced. The interior looked expensive, but at the same time reminded me of IKEA.
And the UK also
Coffee isnt that bad. Its the 800 calorie starbucks “milkshakes” that cause all these problems.
Terrible article
Awesome feedback! Incredibly insightful!
I never understood the craze for those boots.
When it’s winter, just give me sturdy leather walking shoes (more durable, less likely to slip away on ice or hardened snow, and from the looks of it a lot more comfortable than those abominations). But then I’m a man, so I put practical concerns ahead of being fashionable.
If it was real leather, it could pass as some kind of indigenous natural raw beast-killed-with-my-hands thing. As it is, it looks like a cheap piece of plastic.
The problem is these aren’t functional OR fashionable. They are literally an abomination of form and function.
To us, perhaps. But to a lot of women, they are (or used to be, I’m not sure) the must-have for the season.
They look great with pajamas.
Another way of saying they should never be seen outside the house.
Nah. The function is perfect. Keeps the girls from running away from you.
pyjamas. buggy with annoying shithead baby munching on cheap crisps and a lip piercing.
But they’re soooooooo comfortable!
These boots knock a woman straight to the would not fuck list.
I have told girls to change.
I had a chick wore them… only in the house. She wouldn’t dream of wearing them in the street.
that’s fair enough. I can accept them as slippers or even as shoes that you run out to put the trash in the bin or whatever.
you should have used this case:
Hipster kitty approves.
#fucking cats, I feel like punting the whole lot of em,especially after one ate through one of the bin bags. Having to clean up the fermented mess in the freezing morning. Cunty cats
You should #fuckthemsilly.
Feeling like implementing cat sharia around here.
Hmmmm should I tape their whiskers or put tubes of smarties on their feet and piss myself laughing at their attempt to get walk?? Decision, decision decision
Give them acid. I saw some funny clips on Youtube. Besides, it will spiritually cleanse the cat while making you laugh. Win-win.
Kidnap and collect the owners reward money. Business mind on!
and the girls who take selfies with cats on tinder facebook etc.
What a bunch of morons.
cat sharia… mh great idea
HAR HAR HAR I’m Jimeawdy John leading the jimeawdy against the katfar.
No? I’ll show myself out
Yeah, pretty damn awesome.
Some may say ‘the cat suffers’. But all you really see is the expression of weird bodily movements, something that happens to people on LSD as well. Can be pretty therapeutic.
You’re going to base your animosity against one of God’s creatures, around an incident where a presumably pitiful and starving one went for the excess food you had wasted in your life of extravagance? Laying that sentiment out to gain group approval is worse than any fermented mess you’re whining about. It’s probably too much of a stretch to ask you to read Rime of the Ancient Mariner, but at least give cats their dues for keeping rats from encroaching too far into human territory.
Cock off you Fosters loving turd, you know that was a joke and the effin cats seem to live harmoniously with 1 mice crawling in the people’s garden.
Over the top cat lovers make me sick.
“What a bunch of morons.”
The girls or the cats?
both !
with a smartphone in the other hand, taking a selfie, it would be perfect
Lets go on starbucks date. Its what all the kewl kidz are doing.
The typical millennial girl.
biggest turnoff at university i go to is when i see a chick with starbucks and a macbook. It can only mean one thing….a high maintenance, brainwashed, millienial whore.
Coffee itself is not bad for you in the least. In reasonable quantities it is good for you. I drink a cup or 2 a day with minimal milk and a drop of honey.
What is terrible for people is to load it with cream, sugar, and other shit. May as well just drink a milk shake.
Bulletproof coffee’s where it’s at
normal, or ‘mould free’ beans?
Any Eastern European coffee will be fine
The worst part for me as a non-coffee drinker, the woman smells like stale coffee all the time. This kills the mood on my part.
And the other thing is that women are such slobs, they have coffee stains on clothes, papers, and everything else.
WTF? April 1 rolled around fast this year, it’s several months ahead of schedule.
The only accurate thing about this article is indicting the SUGARY caffeine milkshakes that women gobble down all day at around 500 calories a cup. Everything else really, really, really begs for proof, as coffee is actually a pretty healthy thing, all said and done (black coffee, not milkshakes).
I was never a coffee drinker. Actually, I am starting to wonder why. Maybe some kind of subconscious protest.
I started young, went to Nuclear Coffee in the military (you don’t want to even bother asking or trying it, it’s awful) and then settled back down to normal black coffee as a staple ever since.
Plus, and this is the neat part, if you drink booze, a cup of coffee *first thing in the morning* negates a lot of the liver damage you caused the night before with your vodka martinis (or, appropriately called, Dean Martinis).
I’ve heard horror stories…thick as sludge if I’m not mistaken. I’ll stick to regular black coffee, thanks.
I am neither much of a drinker. Although I do like some Whiskey in my softdrinks for taste.
I guess my relative abstinence from coffee and alcohol is among the very few qualities that I possess. If at all.
Yeah, truly nasty. Coffee brewed with coffee as the “water”, or if real water was used, with like 20 scoops of grounds. Nasty shit BUT it keeps a man awake for like a week and a half, so there is that.
That’s a very good trait to have, really. If the world were to go nuclear tomorrow and I was left alone in the wasteland, I’d be just like Tallahassee in Zombieland, except I’d be scouring for Scotch instead of Twinkies.
Or like Jack Sparrow lost on the lonely island.
Nah, too gay. Tallahassee has my personality and sense of humor more or less. Jack Sparrow just seemed too flighty and Keith Richards-y.
Hmmm….coffee brewed with coffee….now I GOTTA try it just on principle.
Well then, a key part of the recipe is to let the brew stand, with heat under it, for at least 8 hours before consumption. Gives it that nice, crisp finish.
He has gay mannerisms, BUT he is definitely straight, a classic asshole and he stands by who he is. He also does not let the princess make too much of a fool out of him. Remember the sequence where he first meets her? Takes her as a hostage and shows his sexual arousal.
Meanwhile Will is the classical orbiter who keeps running after her to save her. What a wuss.
let….brew stand….under heat…for….8 hours… before…consumption. Got it!
Damn. Now I’m craving coffee with Bailey’s for my post Thanksgiving breakfast.
I can’t vouch for the effects if you consume both alcohol and coffee at the same time, as far as preventative medicine is concerned, but Irish Coffee’s do have a nice taste, on occasion, or so I hear (I hate sweets).
It’s not bad. The caffeine and alcohol seem to cancel each other out. Plus, I don’t consume one or the other without a good meal.
Sounds a lot like the coffee that I drank on the ‘mid watch’ (midnight to four A.M. watch) out in the fleet during my naval career; made a good paint remover, too.
I didn’t start until I was about 25.
GOJ lives! Was wondering where you were hiding.
Real life. Internet was getting boring. I have to pull three days of “work” this week though, meanwhile everybody else in every other company I’m dealing with is out for the week, so I’m basically bored off my ass.
I hear you. I’m getting into work at 5:30AM and leaving around 6:00PM for the first half of this week to make up for the time off on Thursday and Friday. Top that off with any gigs I got when I get home and it makes for an exhausting week. I can’t wait for tomorrow evening where I’ll be drinking a large glass of whiskey and smoking a fine cigar.
Black coffee, especially for men, has so many health benefits.
I’ll let someone with more knowledge on the topic enlighten us:
Here’s the thing with coffee. It is possibly the #1 anti-oxidant, However, it’s also the #1 most sprayed crop. So the goal is to drink organic coffee if you do drink it.
Coffee is very different for men and women. The hormonal affects on women are devastating if they are not careful about their coffee habits.
I believe this is why I have noticed problems with some women.
“April 1 rolled around fast this year”
In before “5 reasons to marry single moms”.
Most people I know have at least a mild caffeine addiction. Men and women alike.
Doesn’t coffee make you shaky when you shoot ?
That’s the reason why I stopped.
Only if you’re not used to it, or you’ve drank three pots in two hours. A couple of cups in the morning won’t affect you at all if you do it regularly, when it comes to the range.
Your comment is the first on the topic of the post in a very long string of comments. I thought skimming through that no one was going to address the subject at all. This is a reflection of how education teaches discourse presently. One ‘refers’ to a text and goes off wherever one likes with it. The student will get a prompt something like this: “This article is about immigration. Write about your family’s immigration to our country.” That’s actually a serious version, I could not remember a typical and ridiculous writing prompt from today’s classroom, but you get the idea, the ‘article’ is only referred to in passing and the student is not directed to address it, and need not even read it to complete the assignment. Prior academic custom was to sum the text up and comment on its accuracy or its language or its effect. One had to have read it at least.
The article here is shiit. It makes a series of assertions with no evidence offered whatsoever. For future reference, when a writer makes some kind of statement of fact, like ‘coffee increases estrogen,’ he should refer to a credible source of information, since the statement requires data for support. Unless liberalism has deteriorated to the unnatural state where what one wishes to believe, is real and may not be challenged. That can’t be far off, when one may declare one’s gender.
It’s articles like this that make people question whether ROK is a joke website or not.
I agree. Should you avoid women who drink sugary drinks? Well, no. But don’t take her as your girlfriend, because she will blow up in a few years anyway. An excess of a 100 kilo-calories a day will let a person gain 4 kilo’s a year. Only a 100 that is.
< a href=”http:// <a href=”> boost testosterone levels and enhance their workout </a>
you need to fix the link.
I drink a cup or four daily myself. Rick, get help. American women have issues but drinking coffee isn’t one of them.
Is Rick one of the new writers that ROK was talking about hiring? I don’t follow who writes what most of the time.
ok…anyone else notice that the pop-up ads seem to have taken their kratom today. This shit is getting bad.
AdBlock. I see no ads.
I have it on my laptop at home, but can’t install things on my work computer.
Unlucky circumstance.
Interesting thing to try, is to boot Linux from a CD or thumb drive, and then fire up Firefox with ad blocker, if your work computer is giving you shit. At least that’s what I’ve done in the past under those circumstances. Won’t help much if you actually need to get work done though, assuming you use Windows specific applications I mean.
That is the first thing that came to my mind here. What kind of job were you working again?
IT, mostly, with a side leather business to keep me interested in continuing to do something productive. If I write something *generic* and not API specific (as far as OS) in C++ it doesn’t matter if it’s on Linux or Windows, as long as I compile on Windows (for an .exe). Same with Java, only better since it runs independently of environment. C# or VB.NET I’m hosed on however, Windows only.
My usual “office” environment has been in engineering companies and factory lines, installing custom programs I write for things like machine reject/count/reporting, or line monitoring, or RFID part tracking as it makes its way through the plant. Currently in the white collar sector though, and made a dash for work-at-home at the first opportunity.
As a programmer with nigh on 20 years of industry experience, I can basically write my ticket and be insta-hired around these parts o’ the land. The pay doesn’t suck either.
To be straight forward though, I’m starting to sniff around back in the Industrial/Engineering shops for work. Hate white collar crap, even if it is comfortably from within the confines of my office.
What kind of leather stuff do you make? You got a website that I can peruse?
Web designer here, so I kinda know what you mean regarding the job thing. I allow myself the luxury to outright reject any employment. Just contracts.
I was surprised because I have worked together with people in corporations and the mere thought of them booting something else on their computers seems ridiculous. Their policies do not even allow them to insert USB sticks or finally install the security updates for Internet Explorer 6.
No website, I do local shows (gun and horse), mostly, and word of mouth with my biker buddies. If I tried to get serious and got serious volume it would really cut into my free time, and I really don’t need the money at this point in any real sense so it’s just not that urgent in my book.
Holsters, custom fit to your gun of any variety (shoulder, open carry, concealed carry, tactical, whatever), bags (including purses), motorcycle bags/tank covers, belts, hat bands (for Stetsons), all that kind of thing.
Very cool. When I get my concealed carry, I might proposition you for a concealed shoulder holster. Plan on getting all that squared away in February when my tax refund comes through.
Holster rig I made for my Ruger Blackhawk (.45 Colt). (Click to enlarge for detail)
My motorcycle, this year at Sturgis (parked at Bikini Lake on the ‘Chip).
I am torn between finding the bright color irritating and satisfyingly confident.
Everybody does black. I prefer to be more artsy fartsy.
Ah. I think the conflict here is that I can appreciate the work while I am myself more of a black dude. Fits my character better.
Beautiful work. Here’s a pic of what I’m thinking about, but would like a little more style than what this pic shows.
That’s a standard, pretty easy pattern to make, I believe I have one very close to that already drawn up. The knife work is easy enough, depending on what you want carved into it.
I’m not hip enough to give you any specifics on the style usually imprinted on leather, but I know I like the color and style of this pic, minus the flower thing in the middle… with brushed nickel/silver clasps and rivets.
Frappucinos are bad for women ergo coffee as a whole is bad for women. Way to strawman your argument dude. This coming from someone who apparently is a (gasp) MORMON!
I drink coffee everyday (usually black). Is this article suggesting I should stop?
I hate to break it to you Kent, but, we’ve lost you already. EMBRACE THE CAFFEINE. You will never be the same.
Superman drinking coffee while riding in the Batmobile…Your argument is invalid.
If you’re going to argue that Superman needs coffee, I can’t take you seriously! Lol
honestly, Im surprised an ad agency hasnt pitched the idea yet- integrate the D and D brand into the cartoon, Superman powers up after a cup of french vanilla
But that soy latte macchiato Frappucinos are his new kryptonite.
There are huge differences between a woman who enjoys a coffee at a normal cafe and a land whale who starts each morning with a large caffeinated milkshake at the evil Jewish run monstrosity that is Starbucks. This article should have targeted the latter.
sorry but this one was bullshit
I never understood the point of drinking coffee. As long as I get decent sleep, I’m good in the morning.
I do enjoy a good cup in the morning, even though I’m pretty much immune to caffeine at this point. But I do agree with you. As long as you get your eight hours, you’re golden.
I don’t drink coffee and never did. If you need a drug just to get up in the morning, there is a problem.
Or if you have to down a Red Bull or one of those 5 Hour energy drinks in the morning, you have a problem.
Nobody “needs” coffee, really, as a full night of sleep leaves you refreshed. Some of us simply enjoy the taste of it and have been drinking it for a long time. Generally I quit alcohol and coffee (and carbs, basically) from January through March and don’t really miss it. But it is an enjoyable thing when I do drink it.
Why Jan-March specifically? To avoid the packing on winter insulation?
Aye, being a biker I have two choices in life. I can either keep on having fun, while not riding, in the winter and thus keep on adding weight year after year, or I can party in the summer time and then shed pounds in winter to balance it out. Since I don’t wish to become Middle Aged Fat Dude or even Fat Biker Dude, I go with the later.
Same reason I quit caffeine during the summer if I work outdoors. In my case, dehydration. In Jefferson’s case, weight gain, which humans will typically gain regardless, but it’s all about avoiding the bad stuff.
Yep. There are penalties for boozing it up with your buddies on cross country rides, or even bar hopping, that I simply do not wish to pay. I don’t put on much weight over the summer but if I didn’t do the Winter Shedding annually then over time I’d be a lard ass.
All I ask is that my coffee is ground from a whole bean before brewed and given to me black.
BTW: I hate to drive traffic to them but cracked put out one of those great 5 reasons why television is sexist. I am going to read it. Expect me to be annoyed and ascorbic for the rest of the day.
Duly noted.
Expect me to be annoyed and ascorbic for the rest of the day.
I love it when you go all antioxidant on everybody.
I have only finished reason one and I am already at the point of wanting to murder someone. Fucking oxidants. I am so anti them!
The same people that said the Latina maid stereotype is bad. Screw them.
I think Cracked drives traffic to red pill sites.
Coffee makes for a good evaluation of a woman. If she buys a coffee-shake every morning – bad. If she remembers to prep and set the timer on the coffee pot at night and makes you a to go mug in the morning – good.
Yes, and it means she knows the value of a dollar.
Seriously, gang, that’s a big thing to consider when sizing up a woman.
This is ridiculous. Either a chick is in shape or not. If she can drink her frappucino’s every day and somehow her metabolism/exercise regimine/diet handles it, who gives a fuck? I also think coffee is healthy overall and it’s a great addition to the day. Sounds like this article was written by a subversive Mormon or some shit.
I agree, it seems a little silly and I’m having a hard time taking this seriously
kratom-esque article.
EnglishBob’s response: “No man, I take it and it works!”
That’s interesting, because subversion has actually been on my mind lately. I think many of us recognize the need to subvert the sources of degeneracy in our society. If Starbucks loses one customer then I will have done some good. If you mean subvert RoK, of course that is the opposite of my intention. I am carefully considering each comment people are leaving.
When I read the title I was like “so…..avoid all women?”
Avoid even myself I guess – I drink at least 2 cups a day and know my local barista’s on a first name basis. I guess half the day-game articles ROK publishes are obsolete now too since they often involve coffee shops.
Yeah I don’t drink coffee, but just about everyone else does. I would have to go live in the wilderness and be a hermit.
What the heck is this author smoking? I drink like a pitcher of coffee a day. And my wife only a cup. I swear, I only beat her like never. LOL
But seriously. I will take the disadvantages, as I have yet to see them. An BS EE is worth more than dating a bunch of sloots anyways.
Coffee is poison to the body. Also it inhibits reactions in the adrenal system. When faced with fight or flight situations, as most of us soon will be, at least sometime in your lifetime hopefully, your reaction will not be as high and perceived as one whose adrenal system has not been overloaded with stimulants.
I never drank coffee, but since almost everyone in my environment drank coffee (students, colleagues) I started drinking it too. I even drank the garbage from Starbucks.
But I do think coffee is bad, because I always had to piss when I drank coffee. This means that coffee is an unwanted substance and my body wants it out as soon as possible. I have the same when I drink alcohol, which is also a toxic substance for your body.
What’s next??? Don’t date a woman that breathes air??? This is a f*cking joke of an article!!! >:I
Women who drink coffee are broken and emotionally damaged. Men who drink coffee are alpha. You can use this as reason to dump your next girlfriend. Its her fault, you tried to help her but some things just cant be fixed.
Her: “You’re home! I missed you so much! Here, here’s your dinner, please sit down and eat and afterward I’ll rub your shoulders!”
Me: “I’m sorry dear, but I have to say this; we’re through. Your coffee drinking is what did it. You had it all, but refused to not drink coffee.”
Her: “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I can’t help it! Please don’t leave me!”
Me: “No, it must be. Your love affair with the product of the evil Juan Valdez cannot be tolerated any longer. Get out. Now. Just leave!”
Her “sob!”
If a woman drinks coffee she is rebelling against patriarchy and must be bent over and spanked.
LOL!!! 😀
100% of women who breath air end up dying. This means that they’re suicidal. Don’t date suicidal air breathing chicks, bro.
LOL!!!! 😀 Too funny!! 😀
But it all started when they got cable instead of direct tv 🙂
I try to steer women away from coffee dates, because it creates the wrong vibe. Coffee is something you drink at the office. Happy hour at a cool gastro pub or wine bar works better.
Nothing wrong with black coffee, there are plenty of valid, cited articles that document the health benefits of such. Honestly as much as I like this site, it’s dumbfuck articles like this that give the left the ammunition they need to totally dismiss this site.
Take it easy on the black coffee…
Nothing wrong with black coffee,
What do you have against white and Asian coffee, precisely? Racist!
I’m drinking a multi-racial tea right now (white and green). Hurray diversitea!
Hurray diversitea!
Dry and pithy. I like it.
Thought you might. It was a flash of brilliance that disappeared as quickly as it came and left me with a headache.
What about black tea?
The woman who drinks a cup of coffee every morning is not the issue. The problem is the woman who gets addicted to sugary Starbucks drinks (often starting while in high school) and damages her metabolism while encouraging an addiction to stimulants.
These types of women are fine for a pump-and-dump but never anything more.
This must be one of those filler blogs people were talking about when they did the ROK survey, right?
I admit this generation of pretentious, unstable female coffee and smart phone snobs annoy me at times. But still I’m having some trouble taking this article seriously.
Absolute nonsense. Unless you’re talking about frappuccinos.
Click-bait article?
BLACK coffee has all kinds of health benefits, various studies have consistently shown that long-term black coffee drinkers tend to have less diabetes and heart disease than non-drinkers.
I tend to believe these studies because I’ve observed this in my own real life, my dad is still humming along in his 70’s and drinks black coffee every day. I also know an 84 year old senior lady who drinks black coffee first thing every morning. I live adjacent to a neighborhood full of these 80+ senior types, I notice that most of them indulge in coffee regularly – I see them out on their porches drinking coffee all the time whenever I drive by there.
Of course highly PROCESSED/sugar-filled coffees such as frappuccinos and “lattes” create/contribute to all kinds of health problems including obesity, diabetes, malabsorption, etc. But even here, it is the crap added to it that causes the trouble – the SUPER high dose of sugar (sometimes 70g-100g in a single cup), the creamer, the milk, the whipped cream, etc.
At the top of the article, under the author’s name there is something about “mormon” which would explain why this article is so retarded.
I saw that too, something about “Mormon Game” up at the top…. LOL!!
Overall the article is a -1/10. Seems to be a useless “filler” type article. No substance.
This article is a load of rubbish, and should be taken down immediately. How ******** embarrassing, lol.
Just read this essay. Did I stumble on the Onion by mistake?
Just read this essay. Thought I stumbled on the Onion by mistake.
What if she takes Kratom?
If she takes kratom she’s blowing the hipster barista.
Americans are obssessed with these sweet franchise ‘coffees’. I used to love drinking iced coffees with cream when I was a kid but they are damn fattening so I gave them up. I stopped drinking coffee with milk years ago because it gave me cramps so I switched to black coffee and that gave me bad acid reflux. Now I’m coffee free and feeling a whole lot better for it. I sleep better too.
As for women and coffee, women addicted to any substance are worth avoiding. I also refuse to date smokers and have a zero tolerance policy on that.
Look up cold brewed coffee (Jamie Oliver has recipes). I drink 1 cup every few days (add hot water to cold concentrate, plus butter) and agree when they say that it causes no gastric issues (so far) when cold-brewed. I do a litre+ from fresh beans, and it lasts in the fridge for 1 month (or forever maybe).
Just read this essay. Sounds like something from the Onion. All the science out there says coffee is actually good for you, unless you drink ridiculously huge amounts–like a lab rat that has it pumped in to him.
The amount you need to drink for it to fuck with your cortisol levels in a bad way is 300 mg. A grande starbucks is about 330 mg.
Got any source for this assertion?
Coffee is fine, not so sure on the effects on women, but iv’e seen some pretty convincing evidence that coffee is good for your Brain, Liver, Thyroid and Metabolism. And consumption is correlated to lower risk of death from a variety of causes. As well as being fairly mineral rich.
Serotonin and Excess Iron build-up are actually known amongst expert circles to have a whole host of negative effects on the body. People used to blood let, and even to this day donate blood for perceived health benefits, likely associated to Iron build-up in the body.
Check out the work of a guy called Ray Peat if you are unconvinced of the health benefits of coffee/caffeine, as well as info on iron and serotonin.
The main reason to avoid these “coffee” drinking girls is that they frequent coffee shops, buying large amounts of creamy, sugary SHIT, EXPENSIVE coffee. I’s never a good sign when a woman has a sweet tooth or a habit of wasting money on niceties and treats.
For those who don’t tolerate well the effects of coffee, Tea, Yerba Mate or cocoa can provide a nice stimulating alternative.
Even if women do not drink coffee, they have short attention span anyways. They can drink coffee; that’s fine. What should be taken away from them is iPhone, smartphones.
Sorry, this article is a little “out there”
OBSERVE the effects of various drugs in the ‘spider web’ study. The spiders were fed various intoxicants, stimulants and hallucinogens. The spider under the influence of caffeine does poorly in spinning a web.
The study was conducted some years ago so KRATOM isn’t included in the control sets. But here’s the cheese:
So called ‘mind expanding’ hallucinogens are less debilitating than java or chloral hydrates (sleeping pills)
Interesting, but are we sure spiders experience the same effects that humans do under these drugs? Is this an apples to apples comparison?
Interesting, but i’m not really sure how relevant to humans. There is a reason Humans experiment on monkeys and mice/rats, and even then ones that have been bred to be ultra responsive to the factors tested. E.g specially bred Cancer prone mice in studies of carcinogens and factors influencing tumor growth. Nevermind the fact Humans have been self experimenting with benign substances like caffeine for centuries.
Effects and dosages vary greatly, based on species physiology, size/weight, and different substances.
Humans might be more concerned about the many quirky and worrying effects that their much more closely related and physiologically similar mammalian relatives experience.
Like Dogs dying when they eat chocolate, Horses dropping dead when they drink Tap water, Cats staying high forever from Cannabis/THC etc.
Look how intricate and next to perfect the cobweb labelled LSD is. Fascinating.
They say it has nothing to do with humans but who cares. It’s amazing nonetheless. Good find.
My dog will die if it eats a nearly trivial amount of dark chocolate. I can eat chocolate of any kind and in any reasonable quantity and not die.
Sorry, but I do not mind my wife drinking coffee. I believe the article, but still……….But no problem with people having a few vices. As long as they are not screwing around or bitching, I am cool.
No problem.
Just got through drinking a glass of wine. My wife made a good chicken casserole for dinner. And yes, she had coffee this morning.
I work with women that start every day with one of those 22oz 40k calorie monstrosities.. and by noon theyre dragging ass!!
What about women who douche themselves with coffee to give themselves the vagina tingles? VCI (vaginal coffee implant).
I would suggest not dating those women unless they want to be smeared in carmel sauce and whip cream.
Everything is good with moderation, especially coffee. The issue with coffee as stated in the article is the problem of overcompensation. The problem isn’t a girl drinking a cup in morning to start the day, but the one that chugs lattes all day long. Coffee is stimulant that can extremely helpful to a person within a certain amount, but too much will lead to problems down the road as the author states. Overtime you build up tolerance to the amount of caffeine you intake
everyday and need more of it. The biggest take away from the article is to see how much a person drink of coffee, can reveal issues of their personality and life. No more they need, the more issues a person will be going through and lot of detox that needs to be done.
I think all of those negatives primarily apply to *$ “coffee”, which, for the most, is not coffee at all, but sugary drinks with coffee flavour.
I don’t see how a real coffee with some drops of milk that probably contains 20 calories can do so much harm.
Well it is a stimulant, but wtf? I thought batshit ban all and control all radicals were only leftist? It’s not that you avoid women who drink coffee you avoid neurotic women who drink coffee and are so pathetic they can’t control a caffeine habit. Avoid addictive personalities all together if you want avoid that type of shit. If you catch a woman contradicting herself more then once in the same day she’s delusional and not going to change without serious help.
Hm. all evidence I have seen lately suggests coffee and real chocolate (not Hershey Bars) have significant benefits for humans. I agree that putting into coffee fake cream (Reddi Whip or the equivalent), soy, sugar syrups and similar are detrimental.
they also emphasize that decaffeinated coffee has exactly the same benefits as caffeinated – so caffeine itself isn’t important.
But also I have read that coffee with caffeine is a prophylaxis against Type 2 Diabetes, and some Internists are recommending up to even six cups a day. Also, the process that removes caffeine is some fairly complex organic chemistry, not necessarily a good thing to take internally.
Ah well, so much to learn.
I drink coffee for your protection. Just with milk, no sugar. I like to have a nice cup of tea in the afternoon with a biscuit.
These chubbby chunks in starsmucks make me laugh. They order a 600 cal. drink but decline the whip cream on top. I can’t stop laughing.
I don’t think if a woman has one cup of regular coffee a day ( not those fattening fraps or shit with ice cream or whip cream in them) I’m talking regular coffee, it’s a big deal. Theres other studies that says coffee is beneficial to your health. I agree the frapuccinos and what not can lead to weight gain. I just think saying ‘even one cup a day’ blah blah…is fear mongering and not true.
in fact i read a study that people who drink coffee on a regular basis live longer. it applies to decaffeinated coffee as well – so caffeine itself isn’t important.
Iced americano, black, 3 splendas. Maybe a skim unflavored cappuccino is acceptable.
When the comments section has more interesting articles and topics of conversation than the article itself.
to balance serotonin depletion by caffeine (or other things), take 5-HTP.
Not exaggerate guys. If you really follow all the advice on avoiding that woman I’ll simply not a woman. I will not even read this nonsense.
I don’t buy a word of this article for moderate coffee drinkers. In fact coffee protects the liver from alcohol damage and my wife of 38 years (that’s right, boys, and she was a virgin to boot) has had 2 cups a day all her adult life and has always been lovely and healthy
BTW coffee should be drunk in the first 10 minutes after brewing, or quickly put into a thermos. It loses all it’s benefits quickly with long term heat
Its not the sugar and cream thats making America fat. Everyone says put down the fork. Consider that 6 month old babies in the US are far fatter than in previous generations. Are all those babies not exercising enough? Too much XBOX? Does he need to put down the nipple? Then you look at countries where they are actually extremely strict about food quality and chemicals, like in Japan or Denmark and like magic they are thin and long lived.
Percolator coffee is the way to go. It is the only manly way to drink coffee. Instant coffee is not even coffee. Drip coffee is okay for being in a hurry, but too plastic and effeminate.
A good stainless steel percolator is the way to go. Preferably with a glass as opposed to plastic lid top where you can see the coffee percalating. Much better quality brew.
During our last power outage, we were able to hold on to one of the most important parts of civilized living. That morning cuppa-joe. Just cranked up my gas top camping stove after grinding my coffee beans in our hand grinder.
It is times like that that women appreciate masculine mode of thinking. Cause my woman likes coffee too.
In my retirement compound, however, I do not plan to rest on my laurels as their are new frontiers to traverse in the masculine art of perfecting the morning cuppajoe.
Sure, those who prefer black coffee may just stop here. I personally need my sweet cafe-au-lait after spending my young adult life in France. So I do not look down on dairy and sweetened coffee.
Even as a regular consumer, you can enhance the art of sweet coffee with dairy by procuring local honey at a farmer’s market. And if you are lucky enough to live in one of the states that do not require pasteurization, you can get raw milk from a local farmer.
This level of coffee drinking is about as high on the food chain that an ordinary consumer can acheive. Percalator coffee with local honey and milk from local farmers.
However, a true manly-man coffee drinker is hardly satisfied here. And a cup of coffee has so much more potential than the mass market for consumers is capable of.
It is arguably possible to reach this new frontier even in suburbia, although I plan to hold off until I have built my own retirment compound.
The honey, of course, will come from a beehive. Fortunaltely, over the past few years, the Whole Foods liberal queers and the libertarian survivlaist types have pulled off a fruitful alliance that has forced the hand of countless municipalities in allowing bees. So there can be no excuse for a self-reliant suburbanite not producing their own honey.
However, the cream of the crop is to be found in another homesteader innovation that could take us all a step closer to acheiving that super cup of coffee that is only possible off the grid.
That is milk from the dwarf cow. The superior creme de la creme enhancement for any real masculine coffee brew.
Hell no, this is not some sort of GMO freak cow from Franken Foods INC, but rather, the real deal. Imported from India and considered to be much closer to the original cow of the state of nature than the huge cows of modern farms today. Indeed, Indian upper class people tend to view dairy from these cows as far superior.
The dwarf cow is roughly the size of a labrador retreiver, but there are some breeds even smaller. So there is no reason they cannot be kept in a suburban backyard with a fence. They are very docile and produce about three gallons of milk a day, And as grass eaters, they have the potential to put your suburban fag grass lawn to productive use.
No, I will never look down on the simple cup of black coffee. However, enjoying the more refined taste does not necessarily require an un-masculine consumerist lifestyle.
YOur approach to that morning cuppajoe is a large part of who you are as a person. And it shows that even when it comes to an elegant cup of latte type coffee, a Branch Davidian compound can beat that freak at Starbucks with his nose ring making making cool whipped topped abominations for left wing sophisticates any day of the week in coffee.
We should never forget that ever since the revolutionaries dumped the tea in the Boston Harbor and declared coffee the drink of the Americas, that coffee is what made America great.
It is a liquid far to precious to be surrendered to feminazis, LGBT freaks and cultural marxists.
Is the honey made by masculine male bees? And I don’t mind the occasional flavored coffee “abomination” but our local gas n’ gulp makes them better and cheaper than Starbucks (and with whipped cream if need be)
Cold-brewing must be the Siberian gristled peasant cousin to the French cafe-au-lait ponce, in that case. Hard-as-nails, and designed for survival in the harshest of terrains, but without any flair for pomp.
Never heard of it. But if you want to find a true survivalist, I have heard Siberia is the place to go. I talk crap but am still a soft suburbanite. Even mainstream folk can do things there.
I have a Ukranian friend who grew up under communism. He really does know how to do everything. Building car engines, taking apart any firearm and re-assempling, fixing stuff in home. Under communism, if you did not fix it yourself, you might get somebody over 6 months later.
Likewise, my Romanian friend who grew up under Ceasceceau grows her own food, makes her own yogurt. Husband fixes and installs new water pipes etc.
When things are too easy, people lose talents.
Fantastic post!
Never knew that coffee was so bad for women. Good to know!
The problem I have with women drinking coffee is that they have turned it into a status symbol. Stand behind a woman as she tells the barista what she wants and it takes an hour for her to roll off the required name and ingredients. Stuff tastes like crap, but it does wow her posse with her so-called sophistication.
As for myself, I average five simple cups a coffee a week and I have no desire to stop.
Great point. The coffee cup is now a status symbol for many women. Modern coffee chains market themselves as the “third place,” but they are turning more into a place to text on the phone and feel important.
Ok this im sorry to say is a load of horse shit. If they are drinking any sort of milkshake every day, sure the sugar is a problem. But coffee? Dude you are simply whacked.
If anyone took more than 5 seconds to actually look at this article objectively you can see the article creator is too busy looking at the downside of women to ever get laid. You guys do understand that cutting out women who drink coffee cuts out about 95% of your sexual demographic right. Coffee addiction is a gateway to other drugs and causes women to act like prostitutes?! What is this Reefer Madness? And anyone who goes outside of their house and actually spends time off an internet forum and with women know that places like Starbucks has just as many male addicts as it does female, so why the one-sided expose? Wake up fellas! Start reading these articles objectively and stop looking for another reason to limit your potential lays with small time semantics. Always look at every article and ask yourself this “What does any of this have to do with me getting laid?”
You’re spot on that it’s over-hysterical, but the health article links the author provided are interesting. Also, the implications of consumerist coffee culture can be an indicator of a woman’s unsuitability for LTR. Not everything has to be about “getting laid”. Here’s one to at least ponder: why did Friends and SATC, two major vehicles for cultural Marxism, revolve around coffee shops?
This is one of the ROK posts that makes me wonder what the fuck Roosh is thinking about when accepting submissions like this.
So much quality content, yet useless posts like this one appear every now and then.
Getting rejected at Starbucks sucks, but it’s life.
Following this article with “Recommended: coffee is good for your health”.. Probably not the greatest accolade.
That made me laugh too. This site is turning into the Daily Mail: “Immigrants lower house prices!” “Coffee cures cancer!” “House prices too high for first-time buyers!” “Coffee causes cancer!” “Prison sentences too short!” “Smoking is cool.” “Prisons overcrowded.” “Smokers are whores.” etc
I’m not sure if this is the place to post but it was recommended to me.
I am a married woman who is attempting to complete my degree. I am constantly getting approached (I think you call it day game?) on campus when I would rather be left alone to study. I have zero interest, and it is disruptive; particularly when they get nasty instead of backing off. It doesn’t seem to matter if I am polite or rude.
How do you suggest I change my looks and manner to make it so that I am ignored or overlooked? I don’t have a large ring (I couldn’t bear the idea of spending much on a piece of metal), and headphones on constantly aren’t working. Neither is being buried in a stack of textbooks. I am in an extremely demanding program and can’t afford the distraction.
Husband works long hours so I must deal with this myself.
Wear an obnoxious t-shirt that says, “Feminism doesn’t hate men: I do”. Or something like that.
Actually scratch that… there are so many sackless feminist-indoctrinated douche bags on campus, they’ll probably annoy you by continually coming up to you and saying, “As a privileged cishet male, I’d like to say you are right, we are worthy of your hate”.
BTW, kudos on scoring a husband who is willing to bust his hump working long hours, so you can go to college and bitch about continually getting chatted up every time you sit down for a frappuccino. Must have taken some effort.
I stayed home to raise our son until school age. Now I attend university during his school hours by dropping him off, going to lecture/lab, then picking him up. I am paying my own way with a scholarship for tuition and money from pre-marriage investments for expenses, and am double majoring in biochemistry and physics. No student loans and I am maintaining a higher than average GPA.
I am very lucky, he tolerates my early labs and the large course load which makes me tired. He also gave our son the best start without daycare. I just couldn’t bear staying home and useless now that he is school age and I have all day to improve myself. My ultimate goal is pay him back so he doesn’t have to work so hard and can relax.
To explain why it is a pain in the rear… It is extremely difficult to study for an exam on special relativity with people pestering you.
“go and suck your mom’s cunt, you faggot” if you’re in a library. And wear shit clothes, baseball hat, no make up
Since your son is at school just study at home as it’s much quieter and no travel time. If you need books at the library keep it short and sweet and leave.
Yes,,,,that must be so terrible. Life is sooooo unfair. How will you cope with such injustices the history of the human race has never seen? I have a few ideas;
Paint your hair blue.
Stop being attractive.
Stop wearing tight yoga pants that accentuate your attractive hour glass firm legs and female figure and nice female ass. It’s catnip to men.
Gain 25 to 30 pounds.
Assuming you’re not a troll which you may be (i.e. a man fucking with us ) these would work.
It is not an injustice or unfair. I don’t begrudge them talking in public.
Note I am looking to change myself, not them. Preferably in temporary way that won’t annoy my husband: I think he would be furious if I cut my hair or gained weight.
I have been married the better part of 8 years since my very early 20s, and I don’t really understand the nuances of the dating world. I want to be left alone, and I don’t know how to make sure of it. That is why I asked.
Much of this article can be debated. Coffee with honey (try it) or Green Tea with honey can benefit health in as many ways. Caffeine can aid the liver and counteract damage done by processed foods, alcohol and prescription medication. Usually too much caffeine is best treated with a good orgasm. Caffeine can act as a diuretic which temporarily causes a dehydrated and “aged” look in anyones skin, which is easily be negated by increased water consumption. Most people with dry skin and premature wrinkles are chronically dehydrated and malnourished, (despite often also being overweight)
Iron deficiency in women is because of blood loss(menstruation) and is preventable by increasing intake of iron dense food just before (PMS) and also on last day/day after menstrual period. Women that are iron and calcium deficient will also be exhausted on the last day/day after end of menstruation as the uterine wall needs essential vitamins and minerals to sort of “rebuild a hospitable womb house” for the next cycle.
For those interested in the physical and mental wellbeing of women this kind of information is more valuable than “avoid coffee drinkers”
You are broken and emotionally damaged.
Frappuccinos are packed with sugar and fat. Most women who drink too much of end up being fat, lazy, and dependent on it.
I am a coffee drinker, but I drink COFFEE, not frappucinno. Just a bit of cream. I make sure to ask the cute barista if she left room for my cream. Some get the reference and chuckle a bit.
Coffee does contain polyphenols, which MAY provide a slight antioxidant effect, and guard against prostate cancer. However, the negative (caffeine) probably outweighs this. Women and caffeine certainly do not mix. The crazier ones become crazier. I dated a prolific coffee drinker, who was damned nuts.
Bingo! With my ex with was caffeine from Diet Coke. Even after counseling and accepting that it was causing problems in our marriage, she’d sneak cans of it around. I’m not saying it was the cause of the end or our marriage, but it contributed to her other psychosis problems and was part of her eating addiction.
You can add to your list that it causes the cooch to be acidic, so eating of the snatch isn’t pleasant. Stop drinking coffee and your body regains balance. Says my husband… =)
Wow I just started drinking lattes from my re-gifted Keurig last year and:
-I’m much more motivated and energetic
-I feel more cozy
-I feel more confident yet calm
-I get more work done
I also read that it actually helps the brain’s overall cognitive abilities!
Why Not! Say no to drugs, too much alcohol, and yes to whole foods, fitness, and moderate coffee…I feel. 🙂
I see coffee for what it is: disgusting black goo from Somalia or somewhere near. It stinks, it tastes bad, it makes your teeth brown. But what’s next. Don’t date girl who drink beer (sluts not fit for marriage), tea (women that will babytrap you)
There are many more compounds in coffee than just caffeine which could cause problems in humans.
I could drink “energy drinks” which are full of caffeine and don’t feel negative side effects, unlike if I drink black coffee.
This reminds me of this one Fundie chick who wrote something on her blog saying that she will never marry a man who has ever looked at pornography, even if it was one time. Let’s face it- we have to play with the cards we have been dealt.
It seems that there are as many studies on the benefits of coffee as there are about the risks…quite confusing.
I agree that sugary coffee drinks from places like Starbucks are very unhealthy. But a reasonable sized cup of homemade coffee can be good for you.
I have a 1960s percolator that makes great coffee. I add a splash of whole milk and a tablespoon of coconut oil, and whisk until frothy.
This one delicious cup can keep me feeling full until lunchtime, which actually helps with weight loss.