Poor Jeb Bush. At the beginning of this campaign, he was ready to take the GOP’s reins, wash out the bad taste left by his brother’s presidency, and save America from the menace of Hillary Clinton. Much like John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012, he assumed he’d knock out his conservative challengers easily, allowing the Republicans to present an “electable” face to the voting public. Then that big jerk Donald Trump came out of nowhere and sent Jeb’s poll numbers straight into the abyss.
Jeb Bush was quite literally the chosen candidate of the GOP establishment. Much in the same way that the DNC tried to rig their nomination to ensure Hillary’s victory, the structure of the Republican nomination was engineered to elect Jeb Bush. By recruiting joke candidates such as Lindsey Graham with strong support in individual primaries to split the anti-Jeb vote, Jeb would be able to win primaries and caucuses with as little as 25% support. Unfortunately for the GOP’s power brokers, Trump’s entry into the race completely ruined their plan.
I attended a Jeb Bush Countdown to Caucus rally in Sioux City on Friday afternoon, mainly because Jeb was the last major candidate I needed to cover, and the experience was incredibly depressing. Even if the Donald hadn’t completely smoked the GOP’s best-laid plans, Jeb would have zero chance of winning the general election. Everything about his campaign reeks of death and hopelessness.
Nursing Home Residents For Jeb
The first thing I noticed about the Jeb Bush rally was how empty it was. I arrived around 3pm, when the doors were scheduled to open, and there were less than 20 people there, including the volunteers. Not only that, I was the only attendee who didn’t look like I lived in a convalescent home. While the crowd did get a little bigger by the time Jeb was scheduled to speak, the only people close to my age were a toddler and an autistic kid who looked like a tranny version of Timmy from South Park.
Jeb showed up at 4:15, his presence sucking out what little energy was in the room like a golf ball through a garden hose. As overused as the “cuckservative” insult can get, it describes Jeb to a tee. His shoulders are constantly hunched up—probably because George W used to beat the stuffing out of him when they were kids—his delivery is lethargic, and his constant grinning makes him look try-hard. You can watch my recording of Jeb’s speech below:
Jeb Bush also has a remarkable inability to handle disruptions in the crowd. As he spoke, the tranny Timmy lookalike kept bawling and shrieking, throwing him off-balance. After the speech concluded and he started taking questions, Jeb had a minor freakout when one guy started asking questions about “net neutrality” and how a stalker had been impersonating him on Facebook and harassing his kids. I’d suggest Jeb take Adderall for his low energy if it weren’t for the fact that it might give him a heart attack.
These issues likely stem from the fact that Jeb Bush was clearly the bullied, resentful, nerdy spawn of the Bush clan. In contrast to the cocky, confident Dubya, Jeb has spent his entire life playing it safe and living in his brother’s shadow. His attempts at rebellion, such as his marriage to Columba Bush, are a joke. As the scion of one of America’s major political families, Jeb could have married any woman he wanted, and he chose an Aztec midget.
The central problem I noticed with Jeb’s speech (beyond his logy, defeated demeanor) was that he couldn’t give a compelling reason for anyone to vote for him. George H.W. Bush’s appeal was that he was the closest thing voters would get to a third term for Ronald Reagan, while George W. Bush marshaled evangelical Christian voters, angry after eight years of Bill Clinton’s degeneracy. Jeb lacks any kind of hook beyond his questionable record as Florida’s governor. Even his ostensible supporters at the rally looked like they were only there because they had nothing better to do.
How To Ruin A Political Dynasty In Three Generations
The Bush clan has always been America’s equivalent of the Hapsburgs, changing ideology, religion and even ethnicity in their quest for power. Prescott Bush, the dynasty’s patriarch, was a liberal senator from Connecticut who aligned himself with Nelson Rockefeller; George H.W. attached himself like a remora to Reagan after flaming out in the 1980 presidential primary; Dubya hired a voice coach and bought a ranch so he could pretend to be a Christian hick from Texas.
Unfortunately, Jeb Bush is the worst possible man to carry the Bush family’s torch. Beyond the gargantuan amounts of baggage that the Bush name has accumulated, Jeb is temperamentally better suited to run for the school board then for president. The twin themes of this year’s election are nationalism and economic ruin, which both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have picked up on, explaining their grassroots success. The closest thing Jeb has to run on is a nostalgia for the Dubya years that doesn’t exist.
Despite his flagging poll numbers (indeed, he’s dangerously close to being excluded from televised debates) and lack of energy, don’t expect Jeb Bush to quit the race anytime soon. The GOP establishment and their Wall Street masters have a lot of money riding on Jeb, and they want a return on their investment. If they can’t get the result they engineered for the primary nomination, expect them to pull shenanigans to get their man into the White House.
Read More: How To Build A Dynasty
“…probably because George W used to beat the stuffing out of him when they were kids…”
This was exactly my reaction to the last debate I actually watched. Every time Trump or Cruz took a shot at him, he looked like he was affronted because George had beaten him up again. But in that special way that only spoiled rich kids can look affronted.
Right on! Jebbie was told the presidency was his. Donald showed up and pissed in the punch bowl and Jeb had to go into the garden and eat worms. The look on Jeb’s face says it all.
There was not any piss in the punch bowl. It was a turd.
more like pissed in the guac bowl
He knows it’s all over, but he can’t just go home right now without looking like a total pansy.
So he’s going through the motions. After Monday he’ll probably slink off into the distance with his tail between his legs.
Poor Jebbie.
Even without Trump I doubt Jeb would have won, but Trump definitely ensured that he gets nowhere close to it.
Just think of the money we could make if we could somehow bottle Jeb’s charisma, world’s guaranteed cure for insomnia right there.
Hey guys, a question from ol’ Europe. The propaganda machine over here keeps preaching that Bernie Sanders is in full support of gun rights (and that he is also a crazy gun bearing dangerous yankee, albeit with a leftist flavour). Is the gun thingy true? And if so, how’s the establishment handling the fact that both popular candidates republican and democrat are gun friendly?
During elections, Democrats will kowtow to values that Americans hold dear. Once elected, they proceed to demolish those rights.
In short, in Bernie’s case, it’s a form of voter fraud. And all Americans realize it, conservatives with angry contempt, Democrats with approval given their love of lies and utterly amoral philosophy that, “first, you have to get elected.”
Vermont has very few gun control laws. People there are allowed to carry a firearm openly or concealed without a permit.
@Vlaskiach:disqus @disqus_pf82Fr5vBb:disqus
Sanders is a U.S. Senator and therefore has no say in the laws of his home state.
True, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be in support of those laws. As a Senator, he does have some say in gun laws at the national level.
@Vlaskiach:disqus And you don’t know whether or not he supports those laws unless you can read minds.
Yes, I know this. I’m quite well versed in the legislative process at the federal level.
His state is a heavily pro-firearms state, and he’s been reelected multiple times to both the House and Senate. If he was a gun grabber, he wouldn’t have been reelected so many times in a place like Vermont.
Americans are gun-friendly in general. There’s a fringe that gets hysterical about it on the Left. But it polls near the bottom of voter’s biggest concerns
No. Sanders would like to see more gun control. He’s only saying he believes in gun rights, now, because he is running for the high office.
Most of them will do it. They change their positions over and over again….like Obama when he “evolved”. That was a new one…..evolved. I just laughed.
Not quite, he’s still a chimp.
Very funny article. Poor Jeb.
He can always move to Riyadh. The Arabs might have an opening for a palace eunuch.
I was going to suggest court jester, but palace eunuch fits his skill-set better.
Look at his clothes, and the way he moves his shoulders and hips. He looks like an elderly grandma from the neck down.
His mother probably has more test in her blood than him.
Didn’t she keep an aborted fetus in a jar on the mantle to scare the kids away from having sex ?
Why a fetus in a jar when a picture of herself suffices?
Sh#t…maybe that’s why he married a non-Anglo…look at her…damn! Jeb fu#ked up by marrying the first Latina that gave him some a#s! He should have kept plowing through those brown and white Latinas until he found an upper-class 8 or 9 that spoke Spanish…and English.
How I feel after watching that 80 seconds of garbage…
How predictable. They refer to the Text Book Definition of what Feminism is.
The only thing more pathetic is Dunham’s reaction. It’s like someone is waving a big ole bag o’ Cheetos and 2 liter bottle of TAB in the back.
F*ck feminism and Hillary! I would vote for a rival of hers that I hate because I hate her even more. If she gets elected. I’m not kidding…I’m looking for work outside of the US.
I vote those two for the matron saints of the universal sisterhood vomitorium.
As much as I hate to admit it, this is the “new wave” of culture that is rising today, not only in America, but all over the world. That’s why I think no matter how much support Trump picks up the elites are only building him up to fail in the end so Clinton can be the next President.
I think the elites back trump. I think the elites future political agenda is backing right wing nationalists. But what do I know.
The real elites are backing Sanders in my opinion. They hate the free market. “Competition is a Sin” JD Rockefeller.
Please expand on your point.
I see at least part of the agenda as breaking up the nation into smaller ones, I can see no other reason for the insane illegal immigrant invasion these past two years than simple divide and conquer long term. Given the huge amounts of money which has been flowing into Nevada, and the fact Mexifornia still has a wealth of natural, economic, and labor resources, I see those two as being targeted specifically for eventual sovereignty. Once the nation is splintered the nationalists will turn to their regions and/or ethnicities as people have done from time immortal for a source of cohesion and power. Then JWO lends money and sells guns to all sides from wherever they decide to perch just as had been done for centuries prior in Europe.
She looks like that kid who turned into a giant blueberry in Willy Wonka
Everything about the man screams lack of confidence, hunched shoulders, clasped hands in front of his crotch, the occasional low placed finger gestures. Even on his major points his arms never reach past his midsection, I doubt he even believes his own words and more then likely does not even want to run anymore although he will stick it out to the bitter end for his namesake.
Careful. The death squad has your number!
The Bush donors are pretty angry as well:
““They are burning money,” said a second major donor, who, like all the other high-dollar donors interviewed, asked not be named for fear of displeasing the Bush family.
“Look, this is not the election cycle to be spending like a silver-spoon Establishment candidate,” said a third donor. “It just doesn’t look right,” the donor said, referring to the way income inequality has emerged as a key theme in the 2016 election.”
Money donated by both large and small donors kept the Bush camp traveling in style. There were stays at luxury hotels including the Wilshire in Beverly Hills, the Viceroy in Florida, the St. Regis in Dana Point, California, and the W in Stamford, Connecticut,”
It all shows you that Bush is totally disconnected with the state of the nation. He is so caught up in his own little world that he has no idea how other people live, and he doesn’t really care. It doesn’t play well when grandma and grandpa see their $50 donation being used to pay for fancy hotels, and the St. Regis is one hell of a fancy hotel, right on the beach in Orange County.
For all of Bush II’s faults, at least he pretended to be like the people, with photo-ops of him clearing brush on his ranch and his Texas accent.
There’s a lot at stake here. Twelve bloodlines of the Illuminati just doesn’t sound right.
Which 12?
Haven’t read the book just the title and some background. A few banking, monarchical and aristocratic dynasties. Bushes are in there because of Prescott I think
Excellent article, Matt, but there’s one issue.
You refer to Jeb’s marrying of Columba as “rebellion”. I’m not sure if it’s rebellion, I think it’s more along the lines of “Jeb has incredibly low self-esteem and he settled”.
When I look at Donald Trumps 2 incredibly hot previous wives and the marvellous Melania and then I look at Jebs Marriage, his wife who can’t speak English, smuggles Jewellery, his children’s trouble with drugs, alcohol and the law I know that Jeb is just wrong for the job.
Amazing that morons with too much money gave this moron too much money.
Hopefully he’ll do the right thing, the bigger thing and give that money to Trump. Alpha’s are gracious to honourable enemies that have been defeated.
We hope…but they have rigged elections before. F#ck Hillary! I’m planning to leave the US if she’s elected.
How many national level politicians have truly attractive wives though?
The exception that proves the rule @disqus_jvAZrjfz2y:disqus
And Trump is not really a politician as he’s never been elected to any office.
Putin, and maybe some south american ones
I just looked up Columba Bush, having never seen or heard of of her before. He married someone’s elderly cleaning lady?
You never saw his wife because the Bush family hid them (and Jeb’s family) for years while dad as in the White House. It’s funny how they didn’t want that stigma to follow them around during public office and now (years later) they are trying to use it to gain support.
Yeah! She doesn’t look like a telenovela girl. I have dated hot Latinas (all types: white, mestizas, black, mulatta, indian/native, Asian mixed with white) and all of them have looked waaayyyy better than his wife. WTF! He has millions of dollars and political connections and that is the best he could get! Damn!
LMAO consuela from family guy. Si mister Jeb
It’s not that she is a Latina…but damn!!!she is no way comparable to Sofia Vegara. or something similar..I am biased…I hate (the majority) of American/Western women. The end.
Umm….I don’t know if I would call Dubya confident. Yes, he was the BMOC over at Yale, but during his presidency, he looked clueless as hell. In fact, sometimes he seemed like he was high on something, either Ritalin or coke. And then, the man just left the public eye, not caring.
But he was an expert on body language.
He played the “country boy from Texas” thing perfectly.
(from 20:43)
Yes. And they’re still exploiting the West Texas narrative for all it’s worth. They have their old Odessa house in the UTPB campus, which is the house where they lived next to that one mother daughter hooker team. And they got their Midland house still preserved. And the locals got Dubya’s old school renamed after him. I worked in that school last summer doing some door fixes. Unbelievable how they turned it into something akin a shrine. This from the people who diss Catholics for venerating saints.
No offense to anyone, but those rednecks sure are gullible. They worshipped that amnesty loving Reagan, they worship the Bushes, and now they worship Trump. One California boy, one set of New England Yankees, and one New Yorker. Just pathetic. The only thing that’s gonna happen is, they will end up getting outbred.
Yup! From one Catholic boy to another. Left nor right. They are puppets! I’m a more or less a Libertarian Traditionalist…I’m not changing my views for some PC puppets.
Lacking education and perspective on the world doesn’t lend too much (accurate) critical insight.
He is an idiot, just like the queer mullato in the White House now with his tranny wife.
OK! I kind of agree. He deserves it. Nothing wrong with being a mulatto (in my opinion) but he has pandered to the agenda of: homosexuals, transsexuals, Muslim extremist, anti-Occidental traditionalist, and anti-Christians since he has stepped into the white house. All these guys are puppets! Plain and simple.
He was drunk a lot. That’s how he got the black eye.
Lol…Dick punching Bush! 🙂
I lol’d after reading this haha
Now I remember why I used to be a democrat
Bush 43 destroyed his family’s dynasty all by himself. If ever there was a poster boy for the term “RINO”……
To paraphrase somebody somewhere what are the odds that in a country of more than 300 million people the two best, most qualified candidates would be the son of one President and the wife of another?
I wouldn’t count Bush out yet, if he can make it to the last three candidates there’s still a chance the Republican establishment can put him in. Look at Thad Cochran as an example.
John and Abigail Adams produced several generations of accomplished people. John Adams became America’s second President, and his son John Quincy Adams became the sixth president. But yeah, we just don’t have any families like the Adamses in American politics these days.
American political dynasties do not exist…the older families as well as the power elites behind the scenes know better…donate money and play the puppet master behind the scenes.
Jeb demonstrates why American politicians need to show that they love America and Americans more than a foreign country and its citizens.
Smh at Aztec midget…this coming from such a fine specimen of white male superiority. The big bald head the short stout build. Yes Matt Forney =alpha all the way 😀😀😅.
Yeah this patriarchy utopia that a large segment of these ROK gentlemen yearn for ,that I still believe in,is really just a pussy paradise fantasy for beta white men,and pretty much table scraps for other men…keep on with the race shit and not only will you fail but men who would otherwise support you will oppose you,even though we hate the status quo currently in effect.The more race bitching no matter how HBD correct it might be,the more wrenches thrown in by brown and black male hands.
Just keep up the good work, good ole boys 😎👍🏻
I don’t like the direction this site is currently headed. It seems that it’s quickly becoming a “whites only” club like Heartiste, something I find ironic since Roosh is of Persian descent, which I’m sure most wouldn’t consider “Caucasian.” This site used to seem like a place where intelligent men of all races could come and read some news and social commentary, let off a little steam and engage in intelligent conversation and debate. Now it seems a lot of the articles are becoming white-centric. Not that there’s necessarily a problem with that. The majority of readers on this site are white, and I can understand that there would be more articles aimed towards white men than men of color. But now there just seems to be an ever increasing tide of hatred aimed at men of color, especially in the comments. It’s a shame, since I used to enjoy reading Matt Forney’s articles, but it looks as though he’s slowly starting to go down the Roissy path. (To be fair, I don’t find Jeb’s wife to be particularly attractive, but the ethnic slur was simply uncalled for.) I hope this trend doesn’t continue, or else many red-pill/traditional conservative/alt-right men may lose valuable supporters and allies.
There is so much anti-White propaganda being pumped out that you can hardly be surprised when there is a reaction. How many times have you heard such phrases as ‘pale and stale’ or ‘white bread’ or ‘mayo’ being applied pejoratively toward White men?
Whites are just tired of bullshit and are fighting for their piece of the cake, that’s it.
Minorities can fight for their interest, no one is stopping them.
Still doesn’t excuse bashing non-white men would be your potential allies in this feminized world we are all entering. Judging by the fact that we are all on this site, it seems safe to say that we have the same interests, maybe not all of them, but the main ones.
Don’t get me wrong; the Left has completely fucked over heterosexual white men. I hate that because it is simply undeserved and a blatant injustice. In any conversation with a left-leaning person, I have always made it known that if not for white men, modern civilization would not be what it is. Feminism has made them (and soon, all men) the boogeymen.
this is a MANS issue not a white man’s issue. What you think?? That feminists love and tolerate my masculine views cause I’m Latino?
No. If anything they’re quick with the racist shit and quick to condemn Latino patriarchy cultures.. so stfu with the poor oppressed white man shit cause all I see in this site are broken unfulfilled Caucasian men that, in spite of everything, still have tons of opportunities over non White men, and have still #FAILED in life. Hence the keyboard kkk bs lol
just stop
I agree. For years (and up to today) it’s been open season (by everyone) on a white man. Anyone was (and is) allowed to say anything (just joking of course, right) about white men and it’s all good.
But, if you say something about anyone else (again, joking right) then we get the usual shaming – “there are those racist whites, again”.
That’s been the probably for too damn long. People want equality but only selective equality. All the jokes about white and against whites…no problem. Any other jokes (just jokes, remember) and it’s a problem.
Fuck it if it hurts feelings….get over it.
I partially sympathize with you man!
Yet…there are a lot of white men that have been royally burned by the system. I think this clash of cultures and races just plays into the feminazis favor. This should in the end, be a MANs issue over anything else.
I agree. It’s a man issue period.
Yes. We should focus on our fight against feminism.
Never met a dude who used so many emojis.
Emojis are for fags.
I mostly hear that kind of thing from other white people actually. I think the majority of people spouting about “white privelege” are as white as I am.
Responding to racism with racism? No. Explain your position with a clear mind, not playing a tennis match with hate.
Go eat a pound of ham mousetafa 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷
No offense, Mr. Latino, but wait one fucking minute. You complain about your lack of opportunities compared to white men, but we’re saying that the opportunities that the collectivists have DEMANDED from us, have hurt EVERYONE, including us. We’re not the ones separating the races, the Leftists have been pulling this shit for over 100 years since the progressives first took control over America.
Have whites failed? Absolutely. Is there a clarion call from successful white men to help our “fallen brothers” by STEALING from everyone else? no way. If there was, it ALWAYS came from the collectivist side of the house, and it’s coming from that side of the house, today. Except now, it’s made up of weak limp-wristed men of all colors, and women who think the State makes a better husband and father than a man. Don’t get on our back for bitching, we’re bitching for everyone of the Producers who are suffering for the slime-consumers and leeches.
White bread, yes.
“Pale and Stale?” “Mayo?” No. Never heard of those til you wrote them down. Though I agree with Final Fireman, I think the majority of people using those slurs (white bread in particular) are liberal whites.
If you’ve never heard those, then you haven’t listend to Prime time Fox News, MSNBC or read a column on the National Review discussing the last Republican debate. Those slurs and similar are pervasive.
Of course a lot of the anti-White slurs comes from Whites, the anti-White liberals are a cancer, while the cuckservatives are just pathetic but listen to the black activists and tell me that they aren’t throwing anti-White slurs around promiscuously.
Or (((white)))
I’m not complaining. I deal with my lot in life like a man,and do what I can.. and in spite of what you may think, I believe I’m still better off than had I been born and raised in my parents country. I love and would fight and die for this country sooner than most of the keyboard kkk would,in spite of their claims.
I would not die for the condition its in now but I would if I felt it could contribute to changing it.
What I DONT do is sit back and anonymously bitch and complain about a few nw men dating fat white whales while hypocritically praising white men dating svelt latina and Asian and black women, and not to mention the overdone but true South Park trope of “they took our jobs!!” It’s done incessantly on this and Roosh’s other site.
But I’ll admit it is quite entertaining, and I totally support your right to think, say, and feel what you want,but if we’re gonna get things done,let’s keep the Roissy HBD bs to a minimum until AFTER the revolution has been televised.
Yep he is either a fag or a woman, either way no need to respond.
you are free to submit articles directed at black interests. no one would mind.
I’m not Black, first of all. Second, there are (to my knowledge) two black writers on ROK, Donovan Sharpe and Athlone McGinnis.
Keep in mind that the black man has already been destroyed in American culture. Even if a black man works hard and tries to be independent, he will be constantly attacked and criticized by his peers. So the whites are one of the few powerful, cohesive groups left. All the attacks by feminism and the multicultural movement are aimed at destroying white men. So when we attack things like multiculturalism or the way our government will bend over backwards in advertisments and photos to pretend that white men don’t even exist in America, it’s not because we hate other races, it’s because we are being targeted and attacked.
What you’ve said about the black community is, unfortunately, true. The black community (and especially the black man) has been so thoroughly decimated by leftist politics that it is extremely unlikely, if not outright impossible, for the American black community to once again regain its respectability. The extreme victim mindset that pervades the majority of black communities makes it extremely difficult for intelligent, hardworking, respectable black men like Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas to make something of themselves without being called Uncle Toms. Their own people, who should be looking up to and aspiring to be like them, instead vilify them.
The real shame is that many black men have been destroyed at the hand (and lips) of black women. Society doesn’t like to talk about it (and it never does) because it’s about bashing women (or telling the truth, you decide).
There are plenty of black men out there handling their business (like Chris Rock would say) and they still get shit on by black women.
That’s why the Beast turned on Bill Cosby! They don’t want blacks (especially black men) to succeed. They want them to be on the dole and helpless. Blacks must be held to a higher standard (like everyone else) not coddled.
I am absolutely convinced that that is a major reason all those rape accusations against Cosby came out of the woodwork. The powers that be couldn’t let a successful black man talking sense to exist, so they had to destroy him.
Look, it’s easy to say that there’s an attitude problem here. I understand the angst against liberal Jews, however, I don’t agree with the generalized “solutions” which many write here. That said, NO WHERE IN THE WORLD, where men of color rule, is there civil society as there is in the west. No Where. Furthermore, innovation, the rise in global standards of living, development and research are the direct result of a White European base of male driven research and experimentation. We don’t deny others their abilities, we deny others the RIGHT to STEAL and USURP ours. If there is a REAL whiplash against the collectivist demands of colored men and their minions, many of us are now prepared to bring the whole system down and start over. Then they’ll have a REAL beef with the white race.
The general stance is that every country should be a proper homeland for its native people. Since many of the writers and readers of ROK are based in or familiar with the US, that’s where the pro-white positions often come into play.
And, as others have said, the issues ROK brings up are related to all men, not just white men.
I’m not saying I’m pro or anti-white. Of course the United States was founded by white men, and overall the population should be dominantly white (~85-90% of the population). However, it seems that a lot of these articles (and the comments) are increasingly leaning towards what I think of as a Heartiste slant:
-All races other than whites are mud and should be regarded and treated as such, regardless of individuals
-Any white man who has a partner of color is a race traitor, and any white woman with a partner of color is a disgusting mudshark who deserves to die
Those are the two most prominent examples. ROK is arguably the most prominent manosphere site out there, and I would hate to see it chase away men of color who are affected by feminism and Marxism just as much as white men, if not worse.
Don’t complain. Write your own articles and comments using facts, talking about what you want to talk about. If the site goes completely off the board for what you want to discuss, find a new site or create one yourself.
I do agree some of this goes a little far. Clearly there are great civilizations around the world. But the smartest race of all, Jews, seem to get the most hate on here. That’s not to say they haven’t done a lot to hurt western culture considering their strong backing over the years, mostly through intellectual means of marxism and feminism.
The point is well made by another respondent to this comment. The white male is currently the most hated on group in western culture. So it’s natural for white males to not only push back against the “females are better” narrative, but also against the “minorities are better” narrative.
The best way to push back on this is for white males to point our how they are better. The downside of this is the division it creates when men of all races could work together at least in the early stages of rooting our feminism and communism/socialism.
Well said. I’m sure I’m not alone amongst men of color when I say that I am sick and damn tired of white men being blamed for everything. I am. It’s annoying as hell, and what’s more it’s both false and a sign of weakness (physician heal thyself!). If I’m pissed off that white, Christian, heterosexual men are being blamed for everything I can only imagine how angry white men are.
However, it seems that a lot of this anger seems to devolve into what I like to call the Heartiste slant: Let’s all gang up against minorities and call them trash. As you have pointed out yourself, it potentially alienates men who not only are natural allies against leftist causes, but are actually suffering MORE under leftism than white men. I don’t like this happening to ROK as it used to seem that it was a place for ALL men of a certain ideological bent, and now it seems to becoming Heartiste-lite.
As for me creating my own content, I’ve thought of it, but I think I’m a bit too young for that sort of stuff. I’ll leave that to the more experienced men out there, who are far more qualified than I.
Agreed. I don’t get why any guy that hates feminism would limit your male allies of like mind. In fact, non-whites have generally been more resistant to feminism. That is not to say all white men are betas, far from it. However almost every beta I have ever seen has been white (I’d say 95% of betas I’ve seen)
Exactly my point! Why limit your allies? In fact, any new non-White reading most of this chateauu may come to the conclusion that he is not welcome. No doubt why Roosh had to state in his FAQs for this international meet up day that no it’s just all whites.
These days, Rollo seems like the only member of R Trinity that just teachs red pill knowledge without having to insult people in the process
Who is Rollo and what is R trinity?
The R Trinity I made just made up but it consists of Roosh, Roissy and Rollo Tomassi of The Rational Male. If you have not checked out his site, I highly recommend you do so. This man’s writing is life changing.
Serious question, why is he still running? Does he think he still has a chance? Is there some secret plan? Because if there isn’t then he’s just humiliating himself.
Still has money. Campaign employees still like to be paid.
It might be as simple as that. As long as he is in the campaign, he can still spend. Private jets, fancy hotels and bottomless expense accounts must have their attractions.
Pay attention to the conclusion in the article above. The republican party still plans to run him for president. He is the establishment candidate. The fact that he is incredibly unpopular doesn’t matter. America is an oligarchy, not a democracy.
I did pay attention, you patronising idiot. The fact is that with his poll ratings it looks impossible for him to win, which is why I asked if there is any possible plan whereby he could still get the nomination. A question you are unable to answer.
A little less snark and butthurt and a modicum of effort reveals the answer.
You should follow your own advice when it comes to snark you pointless cretin, particularly when your ‘answer’ is so idiotic.
Brutal but enlightening.
Still don’t like the term cuckservative.
Conservatism is dead bro, it has just become an extension of the left. There is nothing left to conserve, nationalism is our only salvation.
This looks especially pathetic compared to Trump’s recent rallies.
Trump and Bush are textbook examples of Alpha and Beta.
Watch and learn guys, watch and learn.
I already analized Trump’s actions and learned quite a lot. I like the educational value of this campaign for those who want to learn about social dynamics.
all the libtards can’t stop talking about him. they can’t even see how he’s controlling them. He’s completely controlling the discourse, they’ve already bought into his frame and point of view.
just about right….
“A lot of nice and polite men get upset and can’t understand why it is that women often hook up with men whose behavior is atrocious or offensive. To women, the ape-like behavior is interpreted as high-rank (such a man can get away with doing anything to other people…. therefore he is high ranking). In many cases such men in the real world, even if they display high-ranking behaviors, may actually be poor, stupid, and unemployed, or criminal – often due to the fact that they are unable to work with other people without igniting challenges in work culture hierarchy and creating discord.”
Jeb’s a loser at this level of politics. Maybe he’s a good governor though. Florida seems to be doing OK. It’s definitely growing. Being the Florida governor can’t be an easy job. Big state, lots to deal with. Jeb’s probably all right (apart from being a complete cuck). He has reached his summit of political competence and won’t be going any further, and that’s good.
“I’d suggest Jeb take Adderall for his low energy if it weren’t for the fact that it might give him a heart attack”
Has he tried Kratom?
That’s probably Trump’s secret.
The image of the handicap kid’s outbursts getting Yeb rattled is very amusing.
“The Bush Dynasty”
Political dynasties of any sort are trouble. It just typically means a pack of idiots / elites has been reproducing for too long.
Like Duck Dynasty, but with bushes.
“Duck Dynasty”
They may be crazy, but I’d share a foxhole, or go hunting with them; they don’t strike me as wusses / incompetents out of the urban area.
Just don’t let Uncle Sy next to me. That man creeps me out.
I had enough of the Bushes and the Clintons!
I couldn’t bear to watch that video. First of all the guy introducing him sets him up to be a lower energy, boring, old guy. Then Jeb! does his best to fulfill this promise. I had to shut it off. I don’t care about politics in general, but at least Trump is fucking entertaining to listen to! Jeb makes John Kerry seem like Mike Cernovich.
After watching Trump in action, ROK was wrong. Apparently, women aren’t the only ones who want clowns to entertain them.
A dynasty? More like a mob family. Im glad these reptillians will finally start dying off, maybe they will shed a few more skins on their way out, but done and dead.
The Bush clan just like the UK royal family is not going anywhere. I wish it were that easy! Don’t forget, they were the first major drug dealers in the US/west, the Colombian, Peruvian, and Bolivian cartels as well as the Triads don’t even compare; add in the money laundering. Those tigers have teeth! Don’t underestimate them!
Trump doesn’t hover hand. Note the brunette on the right doing the hair toss.
Note the hand placement of the blond.
And then there’s Jeb….
Edit: Trump is totally at ease with gorgeous young women. Despite the age difference they adore him because he oozes alpha frame. Jeb on the other hand is the opposite.
Saw this on Chateau.
Hes a second rate man, a risk adverse coward, and a try hard mama’s boy. Im betting he can’t even throw a spiral football. Hes probably only slept with 2 women in his life.
I wouldnt even let this wimp drive my tractor.
Dubya killed any chance Jeb ever had of becoming president long before Obama was ever elected
Thanks for the insight, Matt, and for stomaching that political rally along the way.
You can’t remember one thing about the Bush administration in Florida. With the exception of Bob Martinez, he followed YEARS of democratic governors, and NEVER defended himself from the attacks of the relocated slime NY’ers who moved to the SE coast and brought their liberal bullshit crap with them. They attacked him incessantly, and I never heard him defend himself. The election that saw his brother win as President was marred by Jeb’s INABILITY to prevent the Democrat slime from attempting to cheat, and even after 6 independent recounts where his brother won 5/6, the MYTH of a Gore win still exists. I’ve never heard him say, “My brother was the absolute winner, and anyone who says different is a f’n liar.” His “support” down here is just so much BS. I don’t know anyone who said he was their guy, and I voted for him when he was governor. He wasn’t a bad governor, just a lethargic one. Go away, Jeb. Give it up, you have no chance, and you’re NOT a proven leader.
Is there any footage of Jeb being chewed out by his little midget cleaning lady wife? Seeing any white man pussywhipped by an aboriginal would prove that there isn’t a single testicle in the room. The Brunhilde goon squad of hillary and the like all have more testes than a zero game boy like Jeb. He reminds me of Prince Charles with his post wall hag Camilla. Zero game means the rainbow brigades are ready to take the stage. Trump only needs to demonstrate that he won’t ‘fire’ any pro constitutionalist, pro 2nd, pro land rights, pro soverignty advocates. Trump is a boss man, but he’ll be dealing with a nation where the people are churning. The common man is stirring now to sieze back his dominion over his family, his homeland and his liberties. The people vieing to take back ‘people’s power’ as a body politik checkmating and weigting the scales of power is a greater force than the governing body. Trump will have to respect that. And as a side note, seeing as how the establishment has always used the tax collection apparatus as a multi purpose tool to garner personal info, sieze property and control even the lives of those living wïh the taxpayer, it seems the compulsory (involuntary) taxing system could be replaced with LOTTERY TICKETS. Trump should propose that at the end of the year, you aren’t required to pay a dime in Federal tax. Instead, just show that you’ve purchased $1500 worth of ‘trump scratch offs’ or powerball tickets, whatever floats your boat. Lottery IS voluntary and people gladly buy 10 bucks worth of tickets after begrudgingly paying 5% sales tax for example. The lottery is in a way A TAX on poor people or on people who are VERY BAD at math. But people voluntarily dump money into the lottery pipe dream. The point is it’s voluntary and no one’s house or kids get absconded over misfiled tax bullshit. No one goes to prison for buying lottery tickets.
Trump should ELIMINATE TAX and print up ‘trump scratch offs’. The revenue would go to the same place and at least everyone would gladly pay their ‘trump tax’ and not have to put up with the fed fag goon squad of tax men, like the ones that audited every local small business prior to the erection of a new wal mart. The thug crooks have to go. I’d buy a few trump tickets with my cigs. He knows the casino/gambling game better than most.
I actually liked GWB. I never really understood all the hatred.
As the New York Times and other newspapers have reported, we actually found WMD’s in Iraq back in late 2005. W ordered this to be kept secret so that Terrorists in Iraq would not know about them and possibly use them as IED’s.
The man placed the safety of American Soldiers above his legacy. That says something about him.
Neocon detected
If one looks at all of Jeb’s positions, it would be more logical to think that he belongs in the Democrat party. Aside from a few jabs at single mothers he doesn’t support anything that comes close to conservatism, or even Democrat-lite.
Second, even if he was a conservative I would still want him to lose. We are not a monarchy and we should not have political dynasties of any kind.
The United States is in a prerevolutionay condition. Candidates like Trump or Sanders would never gain traction in normal times. This is just the beginning.
4 and 8 years ago, when I was voting purely for Constitutional dedication and logical positions on the issues, I couldn’t even imagine rallying behind Trump.
Now, I understand that rationality is a failed position in American politics. The time for roaming internet warbands full of high-energy shitposters has arrived.
Down with the Guac Merchant!
Down with Shillary!
Down with Hernie Panders!
I shitpost and troll for Trump;
So that my sons may have the RIGHT to debate and speak openly around feminists, globalists, and Islamists;
And so that their sons may have the PRIVILEGE to participate in a Constitutional Republic, at all.
Trump’s people probably gave that autistic kid’s mom money for lunch, and dropped them off at the front doors of the Bush event.
>Dubya hired a voice coach and bought a ranch so he could pretend to be a Christian hick from Texas.
I didn’t realise bush jr had a voice coach, anyone got a source for it?
His treasonous Neocon brother sealed his fate for him.
I think people are sick of both the Bush and Clinton dynasties.
I don’t care what you say but Bill Clinton and George W Bush were party boys, and knew how to have a good time. That is why people voted for them. voters could connect with them… The stories they could tell, if they could tell them …….Jeb just is not a party kind of guy…and most people pick up on that.
Random thought here. If he was offered a VP slot behind someone the establishment considers ‘electable but disposable’, he could end up in the White House. Watch to see if the boy the old guard ponies up as the nominated one offers Jeb the #2 slot. That may signal an assassination in the offing. Of course the nominee won’t know, until it happens.
All I have to say is who brings your own mother to campaign.. my word -that is pathetic for a grown adult. I understand if she wants to do repair on the guys image by going on the show and saying “at the time I said” …..he is super beta at best.
“clap for me”. classic. Jeb Bush is a princess. Someone get him his lady crown…
I thought it was sweet of !Jebez!’s mom to join the literally hundreds of his fanatical supporters across the country.
There is a bush dynasty? It was one decent president and one totally thick moron who somehow managed to get in way above his ability..