In the golden area of modern pickup (around 2000-2005), a little night game was all you needed to consistently meet cute American girls in bars and clubs. It had its flaws, but just knowing how to approach with a little confidence and dancing skill would be enough to get laid. You didn’t have to use the internet. Day game was nothing more than a niche for guys who didn’t drink. Flaking was a low level annoyance instead of a common outcome, and you didn’t have to aim for a one-night stand because chances were reasonable that a girl would show up on a first date.
My recent experiences in Washington DC, Montreal, Toronto, and New York City clearly showed me how much night game has declined.
17 things I noticed about the current nightlife scene
1. Lopsided sex ratio that hovers around 3 guys for every 1 girl. If you’re lucky, you’ll see brief flashes of 1.5 guys per girl.
2. Almost no top talent unless you go to the snobbiest clubs in town where table service or promoter connections are a requirement to get the attention of above-average talent.
3. Decreasing level of thirst in women because their option pipeline is near capacity.
4. Having to compete with a woman’s iPhone.
5. An increase in group size with the presence of beta orbiters who purchase drinks and thus lock in the girls for the night.
6. A hostility to “random” men who are not pre-screened via social circle or a swipe of destiny on Tinder.
7. An unreasonable expectation from girls on how perfect your conversation must be when approaching. If you don’t completely capture her attention within the first minute, you’re out.
8. An increase in women putting down men to elevate their egos. Women always rejected men, but now they are trying to emotionally hurt you with nasty attitudes and cheap insults, leading to sour interactions that kill your mood.
9. An increase in bartenders and bar employees cockblocking your attempt and actually competing directly with you for the few good-looking women present.
10. Lack of eye contact from women or even recognition that there are men in the vicinity.
11. Presence of desperate men cockblocking each other—even their own friends—just to receive a chance at having a conversation with an okay-looking woman.
12. Increase in seeing ugly fatties rejecting moderately good looking men.
13. Decreased ability of girls to have a normal conversation with a stranger without looking at her phone or friends for comfort.
14. Decreased ability for girls to handle a joke or non politically correct comment without getting angry or emotional.
15. Increase in girls being incredibly cheap in not wanting to buy their own drinks. They rather save $40 and be surrounded by orbiters they don’t want to have sex with than buy their own drinks and make themselves more accessible to men who they may have a sexual interest in.
16. Increase in amount of unattractive cougars past 30 who are aggressive in flirting with you and feel entitled to your cock.
17. Increase in attractive girls being protected by multiple layers of orbiters and female friends, preventing you from even attempting an approach.
Night game is becoming more about looks and status instead of raw game ability
My most positive night game interactions came when the girl was highly into my appearance or believed that I possessed some type of status. I did not have a case where I approached a girl, she was neutral, and then I was able to increase the attraction by being interesting, cocky, and so on. Girls are now judging you almost immediately and the game becomes about not screwing up when this initial attraction is present, but even when a girl judged me as attractive initially, her friends, her emotional fragility, and her smartphone were ready to sabotage the interaction.
This leads me to believe that unattractive guys should not waste their time in clubs. Guys who are shy or non-entertaining clowns will also not get anything. Everything I’m seeing suggests that you must be physically average or above average to play night game in Anglo countries. In addition, you need to possess a high level of game to simply maintain that initial attraction and also have the logistical know-how to seal the deal, even if you do have the right combination of looks and status. Sadly, you can possess all these positive traits and still perform very poorly in DC. There is now a bit of luck factor involved in pulling.
Is day game the solution?
For the more average man, day game is still fruitful, but this will see a slight decline as women show hostility to non-approved men everywhere, not just in clubs. We now have to admit that “street harassment,” rape hysteria programming, and general feminist propaganda are having the effect of making American women more averse to meeting strange men. This reason, in addition to girls simply having difficulty in holding conversations with strangers due to technological co-dependence, will put day game in danger within the next ten years. You can have the best day game in the world, but how will you even be able to begin the connection process if women are losing the ability to converse with new people thanks to their slavish addiction to technology?
It used to be the case that if you weren’t getting results from night game, you were probably doing many things wrong. But now, even if you do everything right, the nightclub environment is so stacked against you that it may take several nights out and dozens of hours just to meet a decent girl who ends up flaking on you in the end anyway. If you’re starting to learn game today in environments similar to Washington DC, I can’t advise you to do so at night. Go to bars with your friends for fun, and do the occasional approach on a girl you like, but you should be focusing on doing a couple day approaches a day.
What happens with the internet should be interesting. You hear second-hand stories of guys killing it on Tinder, but not many first-hand accounts. Just like in clubs, you’ll have elite men doing extremely well, and then more average men spending untold hours optimizing, swiping, and copy-pasting just to bang the occasional 6.5. Since night game is so bad, more guys will be moving to the internet, though not necessarily to day game, since it’s significantly harder to approach girls alone without alcohol. The inevitable result is that a 5 online is now getting attention from guys rated 7 and up. Once a city beings to see a decline in night game, men will cockify the internet, making online pickup harder. Decline begets decline.
Washington DC nightclub ratios
Toronto bar ratio
Iceland’s club ratio
4 things you want to have in order to pull at night
1. Appearance that is not below average. Ugly guys already suffer, but soon they won’t be getting even scraps. We need to put them on an emergency Thailand expatriation plan or legalize prostitution so they don’t kill themselves (or others).
2. Perfect game. You will not be able to make a single mistake even if a girl is attracted to you, because several guys will be waiting in the wings. Good-looking guys didn’t need game in the past, but now they do.
3. Extensive social circle. Back in 2002, having a social circle didn’t provide huge benefits because attractive girls were more accessible in night venues, but we’re seeing a shift to where having a deep roster of friends and high status within that social group will be necessary to get access that was essentially “free” before.
4. A bulletproof niche. It used to be that a niche was having one favorite bar in the city that you would go to a couple times a week, but now you will need a sort of detailed recipe of localized status or fame that other men can’t easily reproduce and that provides you with at least 6 months of relatively easy sex before it busts or is copied by other men.
My outlook is highly negative because you have to understand I’m connecting a 2002 dot with a 2016 dot. The decline from those two points of time is nothing short of devastating. I was a 23-year-old kid back then with the lowest of game and the most horrible lines and retarded style but I received more positive reactions in DC than I got on my most stay in Poland, when my objective value is at its highest.
I’m starkly reminded that in a Washington DC nightclub I’m just another drop in the bucket of horny employed men, and I’d have to be a masochist to permanently accept the abuse I receive there from entitled women. As long as I value having good women in my life—and the ability to obtain one without killing myself—the night scene in America or Canada no longer cuts it.
This article was originally published on Roosh V. It has been edited to reflect the changing times.
Read Next: The 5 Easiest Clubs In The World To Get Laid
Agree! Even in the last 5 years I’ve seen a dramatic decline in the value of going out at night.
I can relate to this list as I think I’ve experienced all 17 issues at one point or another. The one that pisses me off the most is bartenders gaming my own targets at the bar right in front of me. Fuck ’em all. My money walks! And I spend bank when I go out just on myself and my fine scotch. I’ve permanently left so many places over these issues that I’m only left with creating my own light, and drawing others to it.
What I learned from Fluffy McGee of Tokyo Pickup. I think he came to the same conclusion, fed up with both the nightlife scene and how women behave in it. Here’s his solution…
Host and promote your own events. Skip nightclubs – -they suck. Invite and draw girls and guys, but keep girl:guy ratio to 3:2 ideally. And, be the host with with most. Yeah, like in high school. Just find any excuse to have a rockin party.
Fluffy had a Tokyo rooftop venue where he could host. However, any cool spot with bar and sound system work. Create your own exclusive event and venue that is intriguing to girls. You bring in your own DJ, bartender(s), live music, etc. You get to set the mood and tone of the event, unlike a club where everything is designed to extract money from your wallet. The guys you invite contribute to the cost. In all, it should end up costing less to roll your own events than to go out clubbing.
Game shifts to pulling girls from other venues and situations to your world, whether pulling at night from clubs or anywhere else during the day. Of course, day gaming cute girls to get them to your evening event seems like the way to go.
But, as your pictures demonstrate, the best plan is to get the hell outta Amerika and go offshore. That’s my plan.
Tokyo is totally different. Just because you’re a westerner you can host any monthly event and japanese females will outnumber the gaijin males, and 95% will be slender and 0% will have feminist bitch face. That totally doesn’t work when you get back to america. Get ready for some very ugly, very rude reverse culture shock. The game principles you think you developed in japan won’t transplant back to america.
Of course it is. However, man becomes a king when he creates his castle and invites those inside its walls – -those whom he chooses.
This site is Return of Kings, is it not? Well, I don’t know you you approach life. But i’m the fucking King of my Kingdom, no matter where I’m at or the general condition of women I’m surrounded by.
I’m well aware of the differences in women, culture, and current shit state of affairs of women here in the west. I’ve spent time in Tokyo. Have you? This idea of creating your own scene is not transplanting a delicate bonzai tree to to the Mississippi mud. It’s a simple idea that a man creates his own situation that he owns and controls. The king carves out his own kingdom and decides who lives inside the walls of his castle. This can be done here just as it can be done in Tokyo, Berlin, or even Washington DC — even if a man decides to write under the moniker Fluffy!
You don’t like fat, resting-bitch-faced Amerikunts? Neither do I. Be a man that attracts young, hot models who respect your manliness and accomplishments. Fuck the rest. It’s not rocket science. If really think it can’t be done here, then just transplant yourself to Japan or wherever you think can can do it. It’s better than sitting here in Amerka pointing out the obvious. Solve the problem.
If that takes money, power, fame and unshakable masculinity to get the job done here in Amerkia, then those are the building blocks of your castle. Get to work! Trust me that western princesses will go to the ball hosted by the King with a castle.
You denigrate a man’s game and proven methods simply because, like a female troll, you think that “Fluffy” somehow lessens him? Do you know Fluffy? Have you read his book and articles on his website? I do. I have. I’ve communicated with him on a couple of occasions. I would have met up with him personally when I was last in Tokyo had our schedules allowed. I’ll meet up with him and go gaming with him next time I’m there.
I’m KING of my Castle.
If I build it, they will come.
I google searched the legendary fluffy’s bio. He claims 6 years in-country experience living in japan. I was there 7 yrs. All you need is intermediate level language fluency. You walk up to a japanese female who is wearing pink and you say something totally innocuous like “pink color suits you well” and her eyes lock on you like a laser, and then its up to you how long you want to chat her up before heading down the street to the love hotel. You got yourself deluded because you’ve been there in japan so long, you want to believe its something unique that you’re doing that’s getting those results. Japan was already like that before you got there. Clubbing in tokyo is cool. You don’t realize how bad americunts are until you return from living overseas. Live and learn.
Admittedly, I’ve been out of the game for awhile. Happily married to a wonderful woman who hates modern feminism even more than I do, but from what I’m hearing from my younger friends and seeing on social media makes me thankful I’m not a young, single, straight male today.
Women crying harassment/rape culture because someone asked them out on the street who they apparently didn’t find attractive. The legion of beta orbiters stepping in to support these ridiculous claims. I’ve said this before, but at what point are things going to swing back to reality?
From what I can see, these beta losers aren’t getting laid regardless of how hard they try to be more of a feminist than the next loser. These feminist women still end up fucking alphas who trick them into thinking they’re “male feminists” long enough to get in their pants. Then the beta cucks swoop in to mop up the tears in hopes of a pity fuck.
I feel like it’s the whole Emperor’s New Clothes thing. The rubber has to hit the road at some point, right?
Just get out while you can. There is no future for a man in the West.
Yeah, I read this and just want to throw up my hands. WTF!
Beware of any walls built around the border of the USA. Those walls are meant to keep you in, rather than the stated purpose of keeping immigrants out.
The grass is not that green on the other side my friend.
I’ve been to the other side and I can confirm that it’s green.
As a woman I can attest this article is hilariously foolish. You see Roosh and other sterling ROK authors have previously adviced men to pursue their own interest without pedestalizing woman.Why now he is whining about the so called rigidity and downfall of nightclub culture? I personally detest the nightclub. Imagine diving headfirst into a cramped dark space congested with strangers and not forgetting the loud garish music.No sir the gym is my habitat and hiking with my fiance gives me the adrenaline rush 😉
Son of a bitch! Why is it ALWAYS the married / engaged girls that find the time to comment here? WHY ARE ALL THE GOOD ONES TAKEN!?
Hate it when females make useless comments, always using a stolen pic of fitness model they found on instagram. Like her comments are less annoying if males think they’re coming from a hot bitch.
“Why now he is whining about the so called rigidity and downfall of nightclub culture? Me personally detest the nightclub.”
Sounds like “I agree” would have sufficed 😉
I don’t think it’s whining so much as just stating the fact that nightclubs aren’t as lucrative as they used to be. (most) Guys hate the nightclub scene. The music sucks. The atmosphere is terrible. The Nightclub scene was not invented by guys for guys, but for women. The only reason we showed up was because attractive women went to these places. Now that it’s apparently not the case anymore, there’s no reason to go.
We should import latina “escorts” from Ciudad Juarez to our downtrodden American nightclubs and the owners should pay them minimum wage + tips to draw male suckers into them.
I fucking hate nightclubs too, but, have long before you did. You’re into the gym and hiking because that’s what you’re told to like. I’ve been lifting and hiking for years. I wouldn’t call it my “habitat”, because I don’t have to constantly remind myself what I’m suppose to be liking. That’s because I’m a genuine person. If they made shit eating popular, you’d eat shit. That said, long nights, money sucking night clubs, dark dank places with obnoxious music…all that notwithstanding..WOW I had some fucking crazy ass times in night clubs and picked up lots of women. I’m married now with kids, so, I got it all out of my system. Feel free to pretend you don’t like it, I can tell you the women of 10 years ago had a blast.
If what you say is true, good on you. I wish more women shared your views.
The fiercest conservative preachers against sorority lifestyles tend to be women that practiced it the most in their primes.
Why is it foolish ? Not pedestalizing women is not the same as not as not wanting to interact with them at all. Which is becoming increasingly impossible.
what an interesting story!
Women love mystique [its backed by Genetics because being perceived as “different” subconsciously hints genetic variation in the female mind, an advantage in human sexuality.]
All my buddies from NYC kill the competition in the clubs when they visit in Cali. Yet, they struggle in their hometown picking up local women because they’re “just like everyone else.”
I’d argue where I live, Orange County, CA is the hardest place in America to pick up girls due to extreme gender ratio, political correctness, status hunters, feminism, liberalism, etc but for some reason I clean up nicely the further east I go [NYC and DC].
I’m beginning to think SMV is based solely upon how rare you are perceived.
Did well in Orange County way back in ’89. Things have probably changed a lot since.
Nice man… The VIP culture will never perish in OC. In a sense, its made me step up my game tremendously to the point where gaming girls in NY, DC, SF are child’s play by comparison.
I’m just shocked when I hear other Kings have trouble gaming in cities that have been good to me.
This is an American forum, but I can relate to that, living in Europe – knowing NYC and CA – by other names. Same story here.
I gave up on the club scene a while ago and decided to just work in it instead.
Pretty sure there is more pussy to be had in the employee culture of clubs than in the customer culture. No marriage material girls to be found anywhere, but definitely horny bitches who sell themselves for drugs, excitement, and shady business connections.
The industry hardens you a bit though, and unless you’ve got a solid backbone I wouldn’t recommend it for a man with ambitions outside of that degenerate culture. I’ve made enough friends who wont be making it out of there, and are forever going to be haunted by addiction and the dangling illusion of available top-shelf pussy.
But if you’ve got the brains to stay out of trouble and keep your options open, it’s better to make money than piss it away, and sometimes it can be great fun.
Yea I know a few vets of the bar business who’re doing the same shit in their late 30s, early 40s they were in their mid 20s. And it’s gotten rougher on them for sure. They aren’t the GQ Casanovas they once were. Only reason I go to clubs or larger bars is to see bands. Other than that, it’s nada.
Hey I thought you were in IT ?
I do contract work in different areas. Bar work for extra cash.
Wow you do all this and you still have time to write for Daily Planet? Man, ai wish I could manage my time like you…
I should have just copy and pasted this as my post . I think the benefit of working a club seen is women constantly approach you so you have an infinite number of times to work on you skills . The downside is it only works in the club scene and none of those women are wife material
I worked as a bartender for a while. Not at some posh club, but at a regular “real” bar. You’re right, if a guy has any approach anxiety at all being a bartender will whip it out of him in the course of a single weekend. And seeing how badly girls act, and then talk to you because “you don’t count” when it comes to sharing remarks about men, is a huge eye opener. And then being the guy who serves her drinks at her command all night turns out to be something of an aphrodisiac for some women.
I never worked in a bar but I have two recommendations for any guy with approach anxiety. First is to join the army reserve. As a sergeant I got to yell at guys half my age and twice my size and get away with it; talking to a woman is easy peazy by comparison. Second is that if you are in university then join the debating club; it teaches you to think on your feet and speak in front of an audience.
If you have no bartending experience, what would you recommend for someone who wanted to try it out. I have a regular 9-5 but was recently having thoughts that it might be interesting to bartend on weekend nights just for the social aspect. I’ve volunteered to pour at several beer festivals and always had fun just chatting up people while I’m pouring. That’s the only reason I even did it. It was just fun interaction.
It can work to your advantage during dates walking around the city.
Nonchalantly walking a girl into a club, past the line-up, where everyone shakes your hand and smiles at you makes you Mr. Mysterious.
Take them to the back VIP area for free drinks, chit-chat with management, put away your coats, and it’s game on. It’s superficial as hell… But ups your cool-guy factor.
But it’s not easy right off the bat before you’re accepted as one of the crew.
This is spot on. While I have loads of great memories from working in clubs, ultimately it’s a black hole that will suck your heart and soul right out of you.
I’ve worked in this scene for far too long and I can’t even pretend to have fun unless I’m highly fucked up on somethin.
The women are worthless and the dudes are absolutely pathetic. Even guys that would be considered “alpha” because they can bag some hot pussy are just feminized twats who are just as concerned about their looks as a fucking woman.
Many ooze a false machismo which apparently alot of morons take as genuine.
I used to be into bodybuilding but had to quit because it’s just a fucking male beauty pageant whose main admirers are homos.
I see these guys all the time and a few do well with the club sluts but all that effort for what? I see it as a life of lower consciousness….one in which I’m guilty of indulging in.
For all the reasons stated in the article and comments here, nightclubs are shit. I’m there to get paid and that’s it.
As soon as I save enough money to start some business ideas I have I will be gone.
Maybe it is just a cliché but I was under the impression that bartenders absolutely slay. Drunk chicks who you have an excuse to talk to: what is not to love about that scenario?
Check your. . . account from time to time. I passed it on to my brother. He did a York/Senaca degree in design and then did his masters at Parsons College in NYC. He currently lives there and programs interactive displays for the Gugenheim.
Please don’t post my email on the forum.
I have a burner email for a reason. I check it often so I’ll get your messages. I sincerely appreciate the reference but please edit my email out of that comment.
Toronto lit up like a Christmas tree during the ROK Meetup Weekend, and I can’t afford to have my contact information so public.
My bad. . .I thought that was a burner email. I redacted. I look forward to seeing you in August.
So, you’re Michael? Your employer will be notified of your internet activity. Michael.
Michael J. Carn, to be precise. You messaged the wrong douchebag.
It’s ok.
It’ll be nice to catch up when the weather is nice.
And I’ll keep an eye out for this email. I should have a portfolio website up within a week or two so your bro’s timing is good.
I think you and my bro can get along. Maybe your artsy-techy thing could meld with my innate creative streak and we could do something. My game only generates about a hundred bucks a month in royalties. If we could generate new projects, even on that small scale, a few dozen means that we never have to work again if we so choose.
Now we’re talking.
It’s great that you have the experience of releasing something like that already.
Making passive income through an automated digital product is definitely the best possible thing to be doing right now.
I’ll shoot you an email, maybe I can pick your brain a bit about your knowledge.
I have 3 card games in the making but the real money is making those into apps. My producer is in France but the internet knows no bounds. Send Romain a message, drop my name and see if there is any synergy.
I worked as a club promoter for a couple of years in my mid-twenties and was actually probably one of the better things I did for my social skills, game and learning about how to actually ‘network’ in business. I would have never developed into the beautiful douchebag I am today without all those nights spent ‘working’ at clubs
Gonna have to say day game is endangered too.
Sure, you can have good interactions in day game if you look good (or at least don’t look bad) and at least don’t have anti-game, but the flake rate is so atrocious that most guys will just give up on it.
You can have a great interaction and then she’s on tinder or wherever and it fizzles out immediately. Also, if you make a single text mistake, you’re done.
Only very rarely do you meet someone that’s not like this. Surprise, surprise, she’s usually not from the Anglosphere.
“13. Decreased ability of girls to have a normal conversation with a stranger without looking at her phone or friends for comfort.”
For me this is the most important point. It is almost impossible to have a good, normal and mature conversation with a women in a club these days. I prefer to talk with them in a library, or a supermarket that in a club. If a men wants a good women, he has to go to the night club only to have fun, because good women are in another place.
She already paints her face and augments her body. Could anybody have, given time to think about it, truly failed to predict this?
They knew this in the 1920s when they gave women the vote. The results were predictable.
I’m finding it hard to have a normal and mature conversation with a woman anywhere in the US… Even single chics in church want to have intense discussion about the Kardashians. Now I’m plotting my trip outside the US in hopes of finding a less degenerate culture.
There are good women everywhere, but they are becoming hard to find, like any precious and rare commodity.
I’m quite handsome and charming, game used to be a thing I rarely thought about. Women would typically approach me or have their friends set us up. Hot girls too. These days I have to grind even though I have good style, an impressive job, and live in a really nice spot. It’s a rough world out there.
I’m super handsome and charming and I’m super at game..and I owe it all to Kratom !
Good things happen for bad reasons. The feminists went out of their way to destroy club culture. But it’s modus operandi: Soviets and Nazis destroy discourse and intercourse in their wake. The idea is for every woman to be a fat man-hater with an apartment full of cats and for men to be bitter stooped and broken and spending Friday night polishing their shitty boring 4 door sedans.
Why is this a good thing? Because all of the “work” that goes into the entertaining and saying and doing all the right things but in some board game where the rules change every time “just to get laid” is a waste of money, resources, and life. And women have never been worth that. PUAs share this with beta simps: Both are dumping their lives into women, for the same reason: the all precious end all be all sacred golden vagina.
Since the 1980s, I started to notice that it took more and more “work”. When I was around 14, I worked with guys in their 20s and they all had generally easy times getting dates and one night stands. These guys did not live their lives around trying to get laid. They just did. They did not need game, they did not need to be bodybuilders, and they did not need to look rich or “full of status”.
But since the late 1980s, I began to notice that guys had to start “molding” themselves to be “the right kind of guy” who gets laid. In New York we called these guys “guidos” (the culture was mainly an Italian-American/Irish-American thing so don’t put much stock in the word itself). These were the guys who did everything around getting laid: from the IROC-Z Camaro to the “clown pants” (baggy pants that bodybuilders wore) to the Mr. T starter kits.
Then came the 1990s, the Lesbopaloozas, the women’s study curricula, the Clintonism (VP Al Gore’s wife, Tipper, was one of the leaders of the anti-heavy metal scene, the “moral majority” crap, and the proto SJWs) basing everything on feeeeeeeeeelings. The Oprah Winfrey, the you go grrrlism. Baby boomers felt all nice and feelgood inside as they embraced everything that sounded nice and GenX was too busy struggling against having their lives taken apart in the new realm of “lay people off to increase the bottom line” and outsourcing by corporations (much of it justifiable since boomers just loved stacking the desk with unions and super-fat pension/benefits deals). Many GenXers simply gave up, many more became a product of the time (read: part of the problem) .
The way was being paved for what we have now. “Moral majority” outrage specialists shed the religion and evolved into SJWs and feminists. By the late 1990s the phenomenon of the “LUG” was a reality: “lesbian until graduation”. Women getting their heads so stuffed with feminism in college the turned into lesbians.
But of all that most prominent in the late 1990s, was how it was common for men to STFU and have to accept it.
You see I say that millenials have it easy for a reason. GenX still had the carrot and the stick. The last of the NAWALTs had yet to hit the walls. So guys were still trying to get married and have kids while in their late 20s. But by the late 1990s, it was hard not to notice that putting a ring on a woman’s finger was like pulling the emergency inflation ring on a lifeboat, that she would watch Oprah and/or other talk shows every day, demand an SUV, demand that the kids be raised the way TV said to raise them (read: screaming brat kids who do what they want whenever they want and saying “NO” to them will hurt them and they have to be told they are special every 2 minutes – yes it started in the late 1990s), demand that you sell your hobbies off, if you dared to have any, and if she did not turn into a hambeast, then that day would come when you came home and she would say:
“we have to talk”. And then came the divorce rape. She was being conditioned by the TV: remember every story you ever saw where there’s a man trying to “save the world” in general terms (could be any subject: action, spy drama, military, sci-fi. Didn’t matter) and there’s his wife, getting in his shit for “not being there for the kids” or “not being interested in the marriage”. Women were conditioned to demand many expensive things, then turn on the man who worked 6 days a week to pay for it all.
And that was the fate of the “winner” who managed to still have a job or a career and make some money.
That’s why millenials have it easy. There are no jobs. There are no NAWALTS. The women don’t wait to trick a man into marriage before getting fat. The carrot is gone, they are being beaten with the stick. The end of the night club is the end of the last carrot. Millenials will get more done, IF and only IF they can stop complaining (because it changes nothing as the very thing they are complaining about was planned, intended, and working as intended by think tanks and universities. YES, it was done to you on purpose) and if they can put down the game controllers and anime porn. They will do great things if they can pull that off.
In my parting shot, I’ll just leave this here. We thought this was funny in the 1980s. We’re not laughing now.
I agree with your sociological analysis, and I hope that my reply provides a biological analysis of what we are observing.
The problem fundamentally seems to me to be the weakening of the human organism as a result of industrial agriculture and mass oestrogen pollution.
The only way out is with a big change in this aspect of the economy.
While oestrogen can be avoided fairly easily, industrial agriculture will be necessary until the population dramatically declines.
As horrible as it seems, I think the malaise we are experiencing is a mostly natural evolutionary response to overpopulation. And it won’t stop for at least a few generations of population decline.
The best example I can think of us Poland. Very simply, after 30 years of declining population, they elected a nationalist, religious, conservative government.
Imagine how things could be if the population fell two thirds, with the uggos and mentally ill self-eliminating as they currently are.
The problem then is that the return of patriarchy, masculinity and the zest for life will lead to population growth, eventually recreating the problem.
I think ultimately, like all animals, we are in a repeating cycle. So far, our gifts of agency and technology have only been able to soften the immediate consequences of our actions (no Malthusian famine but instead nutritional quality reduction and generalised depression that worsens over generations). Will future technological advancements, along with a reduction in need for human workers (and hence reduced economic need for population growth), change this cyclical process? I hope so, but only time will tell.
Overpopulation? Interesting but the West has catastrophic birth rates, the only population increases are due to immigration.
The catastrophic birth rates in the western countries is more than off set by the huge birth rates in the third world
Worldwide population growth is down everywhere except in Subsaharan Africa, you’d better update your files pal
No, better check India and I believe China is back on the rise!
If Overpopulation were the problem, space exploration would be in. However no government in the West is looking up. Industrial practices could’ve been changed a long time ago but greed and agenda have hindered any effort for real change. Notice how oestrogen and xeno-oestrogen contamination is not a conversation topic in the news. ONly the dreaded CO2 (which by the way is essential for life on planet Earth) is talked about.
Whether you like it or not there are persons that are cleverer than us and that are using the current situation for their own benefit. BTW don’t worry by the end of this century there will be far less people on earth, one way or anther.
Overpopulation is a myth
Not for the third-worlders we’re importing en masse it’s not
Ehhhhhhhh. 1900, 1 billion people, 1950 2 billion and now we have over 7 billion? I am gonna say that’s a pretty big problem!
Prove it
Prove what? Go look it up any where… what I just said is factual. Now prove that 7 billion means that its a problem? Well, the way we are now it is. The speed at which we are still growing (at least non-white sectors) and the consumption of our resources with the pollution makes it pretty clear to me that its an issue. Would it really surprise you if the end of the human race came from fucking ourselves to death?
lmao, you gave me SPECULATION
Speculation smh
So we are not running out of resources? We are not overpolluting our world? How is the population more then tripling in the last 100 years speculation? Look at the huge problems occurring in China and India alone because of their countries literally bathing in an excess of bodies? You want the U.S.A. to become like them? No thanks!!!
We have something called recycling, never mind we use less than 1% of Earth’s resources and occupy less than 1% of Earth’s land mass. You sound like a 24 year old co-ed global warming alarmist
How effect is recycling at this point? Yea, that what I thought. You do realize we have islands of plastic and junk in our oceans? Guess your not much into environmentalism huh? I love that myth, ‘overpopulation can’t be a problem because everyone in the world can fit into Texas’… yea okay, if you like living literally like a can of sardines with no room to move. Critical thinking much? If we use less then 1% of our resources then why the hell are most of the worlds forests now clear cut? That most of our fresh water supply if falling behind demand or is undrinkable due to pollution? These issues go on and on and on… also I am not a big fan of global warming so that kind of ad hominem shaming does not work on me.
Well for some reason Disqus didnt send my last reply… all I will say is that I am not a Global warming alarmist but I know with certainty that overpopulation is a very big issue!
We still occupy less than 1% of Earth’s landmass
It’s rare for such a long post to be worth reading. Good show.
Jeep, I like how you share your wisdom without weaving braggadocios AMOG bullshit throughout
‘YES, it was done to you on purpose) and if they can put down the game controllers and anime porn.’
Great post, but I do have to say… ‘I DONT WANNA GIVE UP THE ANIME, GAMES AND PORN…(not anime porn though, just porn).’
Every club I see that posts _actual_ pictures from inside the club on a packed night always seems to be a sausage fest. Scores of guys just huddled around each other drinking, pretending to have fun. I’m 31. I’ve been to many clubs. Bars/clubs/lounges require a migratory mindset. I’ll explain.
When a spot is fresh without much buzz, the ratios will be much better. The guys who get in first with a little motivation, will do well. But, those guys or their friends will talk Sunday-Thursday and then more guys show up. The ratios begin to suffer and soon it’s a sausage fest every week. When this happens the smart man moves on and the club starts doing “ladies in free” or “ladies drink free”. If a club is doing either of those two, you’re wasting time going there.
Clubs often hire models for shooting their advertising and marketing materials. Same thing with gyms, they always show marketing pics of babes on the cardio equipment, but when you join its like fat camp, any female with normal BMI is working out with a boyfriend who is mate guarding.
Betas ruin everything.
If you want to pull quality (hot attractive women) you’re going to have to go to clubs where the hot women go to….LA, Vegas, etc. You’re going to have to go with a big group of good looking, outgoing guys, and get a table with bottle service. These girls want free drinks and drugs, so have some drug connects.
These girls will have extremely short attention spans, so get them drunk/high, start physically escalating ASAP. I’ve made out with girls on the dancefloor, left them for a minute to get a drink, and they were gone with another guy.
I had a girl all over once, making out, fingering her in the club, hanging out with her in the club for a couple hours, walking out hand in hand thinking I was going to take her back to my room, and then she sees some guy she knew and just leaves me as if she didn’t know me.
Guys need to realize that girls that go to clubs are bottom-feeders, just absolute trash. If you don’t have sex with them that night, don’t waste your time getting her number and trying to date them later.
It all seems like too much expense, and too mush posturing bullshit to me. It was that way before, but it’s next level pompadorian plastic acting now. Price per bang? $200-$400+ easily. Add in the nights your stiffed, and it’s even higher.
Yeah, I never did clubs at all, or bars for women. I go to a bar if I want some good beer, that’s it. My life is pretty damn awesome on my own, the chances of me meeting someone that can improve it are low enough that she won’t be in a club.
Dang, all the bullshit and money you city boys go through for a bit of stank on your dick, heh.
College towns, especially in the Midwest. High octane pussy everywhere.
Big state universities are special places. Several ten thousand females between 18-22, all pulled in the from surrounding small towns.
You gotta tag that BEFORE you leave the club and hope you’re not doing sloppy seconds.
The simple fact of the matter is there’s just not that many good looking women out there anymore; we are all fighting for the few that are left, and the ones that are left are all terrible human beings that are generally not enjoyable to be around.
I’m banging a 30 year old right now — she’s the first woman I’ve slept with who wasn’t in her 20s. I’m so bummed out; I really am. She’s in great shape and still looks all right… but God damn, it was a sad day when I slid the panties of some 30-year old bitch. But this is what’s it come to.
It’s too early in the day to be pouring a glass of Four Roses small batch bourbon, but fuck it.
this is so true. There really aren’t many attractive women out there. I currently live in Saint Louis, they women here are horrendous. I used to live in Long Beach, California, so it’s a huge step down in quality of women here.
Obesity is absolutely destroying our women; hell, our people in general. I see so many women — young women, in their late teens and early twenties — who would be total smoke shows if they lost anywhere between 30 and 100 lbs. But these women still get attention from men, no matter big they are. They have no motivation to change, so they won’t.
Yeah, but once they are land whales, even if they lost 100+ (150+?!) they are still busted with that sagging skin. Ugh..
This is true. The damage is pretty much done once you get over a certain weight. It’s just a shame they allow themselves to get to that point in the first place. I put on some weight here and there, but once the pants start fitting a little snug, I’ll amp up the cardio and clean up my eating/drinking. Women nowadays just seem to be in a permanent state of “fuck it”; they don’t care because they don’t have to.
I was lucky. I weighed 300, lost down to 220, no skin issues. Sitting at 240 right now and going back down, more when I start running here shortly. 6’4″ white man, mid 30s.
I quit drinking recently. Used to have 2 drinks a day like clockwork but starting a few months ago I started to ask myself “does my body really need it?”.
I’m no stick in the mud though. Give me a reason to celebrate and I’ll have a drink. A dark red wine with a steak is still a good thing too. But daily drinking has come to an end it seems.
And now my pants are looser.
Yep, surgery is needed to remove the extra skin
If they have to lose weight, they will have to do one of those crazy Biggest Loser programs, which they themselves carry their own risks.
It used to be said that putting a ring on a woman’s finger was tantamount to pulling the ripcord on an inflatable raft. It appears that they are not even waiting for the ring these days, knowing that some desperate slug will accept her, anyway.
All eighth of a ton of her.
They want us to love their “inner self”..sadly, that is broken too.
hahahaha! This has gotta be the funniest comment I’ve ever seen
its a great way to destroy a society. young men with only fatties to fvck, where is the incentive to achieve?
Kansas City a bit better than STL, but yeah… I totally feel ya.
I live out in West Texas. Horrible women. Ugly, all tatted up, horrible attitudes. The only hot women here are either married or might not be legally available. And the attitude. I blame the last oil boom. The mix of guys making bang plus a big male to female ratio really fed these girls and their egos. It was so bad once a Corvette Z model parked next to me. Out came this woman with a lazy bun and pjs. And it was past one pm. Fortunately, Mexico is not far.
Second this. I’m currently visiting relatives in Amarillo for a few weeks to help out with some family matters and every time I go out it’s like I’m in that one episode of the Twilight Zone where all the “normal” people were ugly and the very few attractive ones were seen as complete freaks.
I fully endorse banging cute feminine whores in Mexico!
Worst part about getting older is you get to fuck older women.
That line, along with saving your ammo when the roving rape gangs come to town, always crack me up.
I also plan to use surplus women to pull my huge post-collapse cart. It’ll be a truck, like from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, but instead of camels I’ll use women. It’s the best use I can figure for a specialist on filling out TPS reports when their offices are gone.
The ones who get in shape from pulling my truck will be sold.
Those who won’t pull will be given a shovel to carry around. Save the trouble of having to find one when it’s time to bury her.
(This is all an allegory for SMV and the concept of usefulness – it’ll be more like “Fury Road” with pretty ones in harems, ugly ones getting milked, and sterile ones driving trucks)
I’m dead.
Edit: It’s been five minutes and I’m still laughing my ass off here, Jeep. “Post-Collapse Cart,” Jesus Christ.
At that age, there’s luckily(?) always ED to give you an escape route.
There’s a viagra commercial where they say “Half of men over 40 have ED!”.
Um… over 40. So someone who is 45 is on the same stat as say a fellow who is 80?
If I live long enough that it ain’t working by the time I turn in this meat suit, that’ll be an accomplishment. Most men in my bloodline die with full heads of hair and (probably) a hardon. Only one uncle has made it to an age where he looks like the Cryptkeeper and can make jokes about things not being like they used to be.
That my T is lower now past 40 is a fucking blessing. All that shit about muscle loss and stuff is bullshit. Guys are blaming it for poor health habits. I keep exercising and eating only healthy foods and I’m in the same shape as I was in when I was in high school. I have the same measurements as when I was 17, and I don’t have “Middle aged man meat face” that I think comes from years of meat and dairy full of growth hormones.
With lower T I can think with my big head instead of the little one. The pussy is off the pedestal. I am free.
I’m reasonably convinced the reason I have to sit through dozens of Viagra ads whenever I watch TV is not because most men have erectile dysfunction — it’s because they are tasked with having to fuck a woman who looks nothing like she did when they married her. I’d have ED too if I had to fuck some 250 pound warthog.
What type of diet are you using?
“It’s not (just) that I don’t find you appealing anymore you slushy sand sow, I literally can’t fuck you anymore. My dick is all kaput.”
– The uncensored Stanley Roper
That’s the general line when those commercials come on too, isn’t it? Who has not heard, yet “Well shit, if my wife looked like the women in those commercials I wouldn’t *need* Viagra”?
They say Viagra is for men, but I strongly suspect that it’s actually a device whereby wives can get fat and hubby will still be able to get an erection because…Viagra! Based on a lot of middle aged wives I’ve seen, I strongly doubt hubby “has ED”. Throw a 19 year old cheerleader in front of him and he’d ask “What’s Viagra?” as he sent the girl to pound town.
You know, I have thought the same thing many times. Wondering about that too.
When viagra first came out, there was a Time Magazine (think it was Time – not sure) that showed and older man with a hot woman but from the back, and behind her back he was going to pop a pill and was looking nervous.
This struck me as very insulting to men. Oh look, a pill that helps ED and the femicunt influence just has to get their dig in.
That’s evidence helping your assertion: the media is run by SJWs and SJWS always lie and always project. That cover was the exact opposite.
The typical woman will take birth control for at least 10 years riding a battalion of cocks, way longer than intended, then “settle” for a simp. Her burned endocrine system and age means that pregnancy she has past 30 causes a fatocalypse.
Of course it’s going to take drugs to get hard for that. And especially for a beta, who is internally screaming over the injustice of it all (that she looked all hot and good when she or a woman like her would not give him her best years and now he has to be there for her worst).
It’s a blessing to not want or need to bang as you get older. This is especially true when you’re stuck here in the states with the very limited options of worthy bangs.
Make your money and make your mark on the world. Eat well, maintain your health and appearance. Find a worthy purpose, other than pussy, and pursue that rather than what ED and low-T commercials are selling you — the need to keep bangin’ unnaturally by taking drugs.
I had a reply then my browser is freezing up. I’ll try to answer this later.
Exactly right. A little truth in advertising would be nice.
They should start the commercial with some big ol’ bitch stretching out her XXXXL panties across a clothesline on a summer day.She’s wearing nothing but a one-piece bathing suit that only covers about two-thirds of her extra large curd cottage cheese ass cheeks; she smells like bologna.
Then turn the camera over to the husband, who is minding his own business, washing his old car that he has maintained and kept in great shape — unlike his obese wife. It’s his pride and joy — also unlike his obese wife.
She waddles over to him, farts, then says, “Well, Vernon, did you take that pill that makes yer dick hard yet? I want you to eat m’ pussy too.”
Dude cries while holding his head in shame while muttering “Ye… Yes.. dear.” They then lie down together in a bathtub that is outside for some reason, the sun sets, and the last sound you hear is her queefing and him whimpering.
The average older couple preparing for a little “romance”:
It’s simply biology. The pecker and all of its glorious plumbing is not designed to activate in the presence of such a beast.
Three’s Company was a hell of a fun show. Because of Christy and the fact that I was just entering my teens. Ok, only because of the 19 year old Suzzane Sommer (or however old she was, early 20’s tops). I woulda mastered her thighs any day of the week.
To his credit, John Ritter was a pretty decent comedic talent.
I think Mr Furley was sleeping with Mrs Roper on the sly; he bought that apt bldg for a song, wonder who helped that deal go down?
“250 lb warthog”- youre a goddamned wordsmith
I’m never sure which one that was. Not Vinne Barbarino, nor Horseshack.
The Goddamned Wordsmiths- there’s the name of our biker gang.
Imagine a tv show with juan epstein, a puerto rican jew, on tv today? Too controversial…
I always liked Ritter even if the show ran a little too long, and though I knew it was subversive I couldn’t help but laugh along at all the physical comedy he was doing and for me Suzanne Somers was certainly hot but my pick for that era was Jane Seymour:
Looks like neither jeb nor hilary will get the noms- gonna be bloomberg vs. trump- battle of the billionaires.
I think we should let them use their billions to build super awesome exoskeletons, let them fight it out on PPV for the presidential win. The winner will have to walk around in the exoskeleton for the duration of the term.
Roper probably would have given Furley’s brother the building just for making it so he could get out of doing the deed himself. He said, “Take my wife, please!” and meant it.
Jack Tripper- the patron saint of restraint. Do we have one yet?
Every episode, he flirted with the girls, got nowhere, no rapes occurred, gotta count for something in this day and age…
That was beautiful.
Atleast they got a taste of a reasonably healthy attractive woman. The young average men of today have it much worse. Western Anglosphere women are becoming that way (250 pound warthog) well before marriage. And every one of those overweight pigs are demanding to be fucked like an Olympic athlete putting in a gold medal world record performance.
Looks like a man
Are you a non meat eater?
Hey, ever seen DCS?
It has a ton of real world pilots on it. Very hardcore, realistic simulation. Not a woman around to fuck it up, either.
Ive never seen her young before…I grew up during that “doctor Quinn medicine woman” feminist bullshit…she always looked old and gross to me. This is incredible.
Haha…i think i just pissed myself
This was the first time I saw her (Live and Let Die on VHS) , it was her introductory role even (she was 20 at that time). Funny thing is Dr. Quinn started a year or so after I first saw this movie, and I didn’t even recognize her as the same person until years later, The Wall really is a killer:
Is that the Ropers? LMFAO.
There was another vintage TV show where one guy commented : “I’m going to be a dirty old man until I am a dead old man.” Fucking classic.
I figure I have about 33 years left on this planet. At that point, my wife will be just into her 50s which is barely the wall for a Chinese woman. After that, I die and she goes all Yoda so it is all moot then.
Nailed it.
Thank you… this comment had me rolling!!!
“I’m banging a 30 year old right now — she’s the first woman I’ve slept with who wasn’t in her 20s. I’m so bummed out; I really am.”
It’s amazing how poorly women age.
Even more amazing how many men marry women past their primes.
Day Bang augmented with an extra-heavy dose of Kratom: all a man needs.
Something is missing….
Electrolytes! It’s what Day Bang craves!
You just saved the day.
Right on time, you’re like Superman…dro or something!
I’ve developed a supernatural third sense that alerts me to when the topic of electrolytes and kratom need to marry on a thread. Which is always.
Golly! Jeepers!
I heard you’re not even really human, that you were born on some distant planet called Kratom, and your dad sent you here in a rocket ship before Kratom exploded.
Is it true that Kratom is the only thing that can hurt you? Does Phenibut counteract the effects? Can your sense of smell really pick up the faintest trace of lavender from the other side of the globe?
Are you and Clark Kent the same person? Lois says so, but I don’t believe her, because he’s in Canada. Also, your pictures look different. But then Lois is a woman so what does she know anyway?
PS: Caught her diddling Krypto once…
I can only be harmed by Kratom-nite. Which based on movies, seems to be deposited everywhere across the earth in large mine veins.
I rarely hit the club these days if at all. And even when I do, it’s usually because there’s a pseudo concert (i.e. Lil’ Jon, Jeremih, etc.). If a chick happens to approach me and I happen to game her into an ONS, fine. If not, that’s fine too. My experience at Drai’s in Vegas last summer was the nail in the already buried coffin as far as night club game goes. Spot on and scary accurate post Roosh.
I’ve been to Drais a couple times….that place is where the drugged out bottom-dwellers go to when they’re still strung out on coke and extacy
If you absolutely MUST go to an American nightclub, stick to somewhere in Miami Beach; there’s always loads of European girls to be found (who usually aren’t as discriminating). This is assuming you at least somewhat take care of yourself.
Looking and acting like a NFL player helps. Those bikini-hotties running around MB are not there for Billy Joe Bob from Arkansas or Angelo the Plumber from Newark.
I’m more or less 6 feet, 190 pounds, I take care of myself. No problem meeting European 6-7’s. Again, if you’re some morbidly obese, akward mouth breather, it’s a different story.
So where to now? Political rallies?
If you don’t mind hippies. Or whatever it is that’s hip nowadays. Damn I’m getting old.
reading this makes me happy I live in atlanta. the women outnumber men here at least 3 or 4 to 1. add on top of that it’s a big party city. so there are always more women than men in the clubs and its so easy here smh…even in the strip clubs.
11. Presence of desperate men cockblocking each other—even their own
friends—just to receive a chance at having a conversation with an
okay-looking woman.
12. Increase in seeing ugly fatties rejecting moderately good looking men.
That shit is maddening isn’t it?
Without going into too much detail, I have a friend who, last week, was going to jail. Ok, it happens in these circles. So the man was there on his last day free for the next six months (iow, heading to prison the next day when he went for sentencing). I have no fucking clue what he did but as he was out and about I assume it was something stupid and not major, he just chose jail because he said he’d rather do that than sit in some kind of torturous “community service / probation” thing for the next year or two.
Anyway, he’s there at the bar buying drinks for all of his buddies, and two broads walk in. Now my friend was three sheets to the wind already, and instantly zeros in on them. They are, how can I put it, well, one is homely and dumpy and the other is a “fat girl with a pretty face”. Dude like wider chicks, so he hones in on fat girl like a laser beam. He heads over (tries to drag me over, I laugh and refuse, told him I had standards and shit, he laughed) and starts spitting game. Now understand, what we have here is a “bad boy” who does a good job actually working Game as we understand it here. He’s pretty much able to talk himself into the pants of any woman who is at least open enough to let him say two sentences. Great. So he’s going through the push pull thing, she starts twirling her hair, then does a wrinkled up face because I think he said something raunchy. The guy next to me, who is married and a beta-max mangina who, while welcome to hang with us, is no biker gets up and does the most cringe inducing white knight routine possible and cock blocks the living fuck out of my buddy. And they’re friends. This guy has literally nothing to gain, and he stabs his friend in the back like that.
I tried to pull him back before he started trying to talk like a Medieval Knight in front of her (not much luck there) and told him, low voice “Dude, (friend’s name here) is going to the joint for half a year, let the man hit on a girl and maybe get some ass before he’s locked up”. He’d have none of it “No, didn’t you see her face, he’s being disgusting and you should treat women better, blah blah blah”.
My friend gave up because Mr. Married wouldn’t stop White Knighting *his friend*. Came back, told me he was bouncing to another bar and invited me and a couple of the other guys there along, but excluded Mr. White Knight.
Shit just pissed me off, major. As far as I’m concerned he’s persona non grata at this point, and as one of the established “leaders” of my group that’s going to stick. Fuck that and fuck him, coming between a man and pussy, even arguably fat girl pussy.
As to the rest, well Roosh, you are in big cities mostly and seem to only go to big cities for the most part, so I guess that’s part of it. The other part is, and I mean this with all due respect, you’re getting older, man. Which is no worry, your SMV should increase in most places, but you WILL have a lot more 30 something cougars hitting you up. Happens all the time, especially when you get older in your 40’s, then you basically have to swat them away without pity. Does provide some social proof, sure, but it is annoying as hell. Also I strongly suspect your tolerance level for bullshit is rapidly decreasing so you’re probably not willing to do that “extra mile” shit any longer.
My advice, get the hell away from the big cities for a while. Stop doing the “Drain My Wallet” NYC club “scene” (what a scam those places are, but I wish I would have been there at ground level to invest in them, heh). Head out to flyover country. Heartiste mentioned hitting red state zone one time (apparently his only time) and was stunned by how easy it was to spit even modest game and be interesting and get chicks.
I mean shit chief, I’m married and despite the ring on the finger am getting propositioned by younger women without even trying. Give it a shot.
What a mensch. These guys deserve the castration they receive. ITZ coming.
Uh, if he should be castrated, then why are you calling him a “mensch”?
@Davis and @Moderator-please note this guy’s IP address and report him to the FBI for threats.
What is it with these pathetic losers and their “I’m going to defend some woman’s honor” bullshit? He doesn’t seem to realize that he’s only making himself look like a little boy desperate for a pat on the head from mommy. It’s so cringe worthy that it’s just sad.
He really needed punched in the face. And he knows this group and knows we don’t put up with bullshit. My friend could have turned around and pulled out a knife and shanked him for all he knew, and given the crowd, that’s a distinct possibility. But that “Alas my lady, allow me to savest thou!” could not be kept in check.
It was more or less understood as we left the bar for the next venue that Mr. Married was not going to be sharing in drinks with us in the future.
Have you noticed any changes in yourself since getting married? Learning a bit about epigenetics lately, wondering just how big an effect it has.
Physically? Not much. When the son first came along I did put on a bit of extra weight, nothing bad, just noticed that I put some on without noticeably changing any habits. Tightened up the diet and exercise and solved that problem. I’m benching way more than most college aged young men could even think of doing now, and I can still put on my military fatigues (kept a set) and they fit as good as when I was 20, and I’m in my late ’40’s.
Or did you mean something else, psychological or behavioral or something along that line?
I was thinking in terms of psychology. It’s pretty widely understood that men tend to become more beta when they start a family, but what precisely causes it?
Genes turn on and off depending on the environment we find ourselves in. Being married and having kids is a very different life from being single and on the hunt. But is it enough to trip another set of genes to the point where personality changes, or is it simply part of getting older and having different things to consider?
Ok, fair question.
I actually started feeling very territorial and protective. I don’t mean of the wife in specific, it was more along the lines of “My house, my family, back the fuck away”. It’s when my gun collection really started to grow. I also became a lot more focused on money and getting shit done right in that department. It really just seemed that I woke up one morning and said “This needs done, now” and then did it. EDIT: Just thought of this one – I became a lot more tolerant of the wife’s bullshit (all wives float you bullshit) because it seemed that I had a higher order to serve, which was the family, so I let some shit slide that I wouldn’t if I were single. Again, not because of her, but because of a very large sense of loyalty to keeping the family moving and functional. If that’s what you’re looking for?
I can directly attribute these attitude changes to when the boy arrived, so it might actually be what you’re looking for.
The sense of immortality also faded, but I suspect that’s just a matter of getting older and getting more experience. Once you realize that yeah, jumping off the balcony on the 3rd floor into the pool below can kill you, you have a mindset change on a lot of topics.
is it at least possible that he just was trying to save the guy from fat pussy? I mean, if he wasn’t going in the next day I might believe that. If I was out with a friend who had a few (with no commitment to be incarcerated) and saw him chatting up a land whale I would do everything in my power to stop that situation from going down unless I had prior knowledge that said friend had a disgusting fetish for fat chicks….
As I mentioned, the guy likes thicker girls. I say “fat” because to me, she’s fat, but in this day and age some might call her “normal” or “curvy” or whatever the fuck they’re calling fat these days. He generally gravitates between “curvy” (not quite BBW) to normal. She was on the upper end of “curvy” I guess.
He just wanted some pussy before he got sent to the big house, and this girl was more or less his type. Like I said, she had a pretty face, of sorts. If she were a true hambeast I can see stopping *him* and trying to talk sense into him, but fronting for the bitch like you’re her savior, and doing it against your friend who is going to be pussy-less for 6 months, is just way over the mark.
yeah, that is rough shit.
Has this guy shown douche bag tendencies prior to this? I assume never to this level or he wouldn’t have been in the room.
No, he really hasn’t. I really don’t know what got into him. I’ve never met his wife before but I would not bet against the notion that she’s similarly…packaged and it tripped some kind of defense mechanism in him. He generally is good fun to talk to and doesn’t pay heed to how the hound dogs in our group act for the most part (or he wouldn’t be hanging out with us in the first place).
Along the same line of thinking, now that my son is an adult and my daughter will be very soon, a lot of things seem to be changing attitude wise with me. For example, the taking a bit more shit thing has faded. I’ve also become a lot more quiet and let people talk and I attend to their words a lot more, which is a great tool in social interactions. People say the stupidest shit because they don’t know how to have a bit of silence now and then. I’ve also really found that I feel “ready” for the kids to be out of the house. I don’t mean that in a bad or cruel way, it just “feels” like its something that is going to and needs to happen. The wife is panicking and trying to do the empty nester thing early, meanwhile all I can muster up is “It’s natural, I’m glad that they’re going to be striking out on their own, and hope we gave them the right tools to succeed”. Kind of the feeling you’d get on a victory lap after the race was run.
Studies show that happiness declines after you have kids and doesn’t shoot back up until they leave the house. No personal experience with that, but it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. In hunter-gatherer times men were away from the tribe much of the time, patrolling for enemies or hunting bears, while the women and children and men who would rather make things with their hands stayed in camp.
One more question about mister white knight. Do you happen to know if he has siblings, and if so where he is in the pecking order, primarily age wise but also social wise? I believe, based on experiences within my own family, that it could be a big factor, at least from a statistical point.
To be honest I’ve never much relied on the “happiness metric”. Contentment, pride in achievement, integrity and honor always meant much more. I think “happiness” is over-valued, it’s great to pursue but as an end all be all it’s over rated.
“He really needed punched in the face.”
Yeah, someone really should’ve grabbed him by the scruff of his pencil neck and tossed his ass into the gutter.
That kind of shit should be considered a serious breach of etiquette and sanctioned with an instantaneous ass whipping.
Are those not forms of happiness? It means different things to different people, because we are different. But yes, it lacks a solid definition.
You know what’s happiness to me? Function. Fuck dysfunction. It’s all I ask for, and strive to complete in my endeavors. The level of wide-spread dysfunction permeating this nation on so many levels just pisses me off to no end.
Enough anger leads to depression, then sadness I suppose, without you realizing it creeping up on you. Funny GOJ, I’m in my early 40s and really turning that cusp of territorialism too. 8yo daughter in tow from separated fiance 5 years back. Reality sets in hard at 40, some have it worse/better than others.
I’d love to see that study. I have two nieces and it appears to me, given my sister’s experience, is that having kids – especially multiple kids – is really stressful, but I don’t know that “unhappy” would be the right word for it.
I think you are on to something. “Happiness” is over-rated. With the advent of no-fault divorce the pursuit of “happiness” has killed half of otherwise functional marriages.
I think the best one can hope for is to find your MUSE. That is function, that is synergy, that is 1+1=3 Even hideous creatures like the Clintons have found this. A pair of lie-like-a-rug shysters have been in the highest offices of the land because they support each other.
I am one of the few members of my family who has not been divorced and the simple reason for that is that I have never been married because I take particular examination of potential wives and all of them so far are lacking. So here I am pushing 50 and finally with a girl who I think fits the bill.
Aye. He was out tonight, alone, left in a short while. He got the hint.
I hear ya’ man.
About 20 years ago I made the conscious decision to go on a buffalo hunt. The girl in question had the face of an angel and could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch but she was obese and the rest of the sex was probably the worst ever. So as a warning to the younger men here, don’t bother. Don’t fuck fat chicks.
The most nut-busting fuck-fests I have ever had were with women between 5-nothing and 5’4″ and no more than 120 pounds. There were two exceptions to this but they were curvy, with a 0.7 WHR and such, and they were complete freaks in the bedroom. Tall girls make awesome arm candy and while they say that everyone is the same height lying down, they don’t compare to spinners once you get down to the nasty.
I am not in the peak of physical condition right now but fat shaming is a valid social enterprise. Here in China, it is subtle but pervasive. Over the last few years some friends, or wives of friends got pregnant and had a baby. Within a months they slimmed back down.
Got the hint, and got what he deserved. Rare are the women who’ll support you when the chips are down, but real men stick it together. This fool decided to be Iscariot 2.0 and he’ll just go from worse to worse in condition.
Btw I hope in the end your friend succeeded despite that cockblocker wasting his time.
Wife musta have left him that morning
Hypergamy and modern self-entitlement run counter to loyalty, and that is a fucking shame. I have had the pleasure of fucking fashion models but the fact remains that I would forsake them in favour of a 6 or 7 who would guard my 6.
Men need to stand together because most women can’t be trusted to do so,
Yeah, I’m a little older than you and GOJ and I really don’t waste my time away with “Am I happy?” I got shit to do.
Seems like a surefire mindfuck to me.
Yep. You never get in-between a man and some pussy.
I fucked a fat chick on vacation once. I fell asleep right in the middle of it. She was so soft and comfy… I couldn’t help it…
“Rare are the women who’ll support you when the chips are down, but real men stick it together. ”
^ This.
While some guys come to ROK to be more successful with bitches, I hope many more guys are here to pick up lessons in self improvement and apply it to becoming of more value to themselves and other men whom they would call Brothers.
Dudes who only chill with you because you’re “fun” or entertaining” are no better than status seeking bitches.
Real men live by a code of honor and one can only live up to that ideal by strength of spirit, mind, body and character.
Back stabbing manginas like those white knighting faggots mentioned in these threads should be outed, scorned, ridiculed and exiled.
What, are you George Clooney?
Friend told me a story recently of being out at night with a bunch of guys from his Masters engineering program. He was arranging a booty call at 1am over text with a girl he had already banged. She had initiated the texting that night saying she was drunk and wanted to hang out. These guys in his program all hating on him, saying among other things, “oh so you about to go get your RAPE on, huh”?
Dudes cockblocking/hating each other has always been a factor for a long time. But in recent years, in addition to cockblocking getting worse overall, it seems like manginas throwing around “rape”/”rapist” as a shaming tactic against other men who are having consensual heterosexual activity. I’ve haven’t noticed this until recently.
Feminists doing it certainly pisses me off – but a guy doing it I just don’t think I could tolerate if someone pulled that shit on me. That’s fighting words. The actual crime of rape is so horrible and dehumanizing. To have a woman throwing around definitely pisses me of and hurts true legitimate victims. But a dude saying that shit, I just can’t accept.
What is it with these pathetic losers and their “I’m going to defend some woman’s honor” bullshit?
Ikr. He should have learned by now that most women have no honor and the ones that do have a lower quality than you possess.
That’s not at all a massive generalisation….
Why am I imagining that you look like Ron Perlman in “Sons of Anarchy”?
You’ve said that before actually, heh. As I recall I had to do a Bing to find out who the guy is.
I get compared to two famous men by women, a lot. But not to Ron Perlman. Dude looks like a badass though, that’s for certain.
I and my friends used to do that to each other when we were teens, but in our case it was to give each other hard time. No one of us actually cared about how the girl feels. I’m really trying to find a point of reference to get Mr. White Knigth’s point of view, but I can’t. Pathetic move indeed.
I honestly still don’t understand it. He’s not new to the group and he knows enough about my buddy to know he’s a gamer. He also hung with us long enough that I’d have assumed he knew The Code, but apparently his blue pill was extra sweet and overpowered what should have been common sense.
Not even the first clue what he was thinking.
Maybe it was a momentary blackout.
Alcohol is a big drain on testosterone.
What’s interesting is that guys with sufficient nutrition and therefore testosterone levels are affected somewhat, but blue pill guys are very strongly affected and it becomes a curse or addiction for them.
The evolutionary process always continues. The reality about leftists is that they are always inevitably removed from the gene pool.
Your ex-friend is a good example of this. I wonder if a fat girl’s honour will have been worth his friendships when or if his wife leaves him. And what his dating prospects will be as a single man without qualifying friends.
Rough situation. Lame guy.
Investing in those clubs would have been great. In fact, if you have the dough it is still a very good investment. You invest in the space and then rent it out to a promoter. Let them take all the risk while you soak up that delicious, delicious passive income.
As to drain my wallet game…I have never done the clubs…ever. the first time I went to a club was only a few weeks ago as part of a wedding party. It seemed fine, but I was on someone elses tab and in a vip section. Other than the music being annoying, sitting on a roof deck drinking on someone elses tab while young girls dressed like strippers danced around seemed pretty cool. I would never go on my own dime.
My best game has always been restaurant/hotel bar game followed by coffee shop day game. I just love going to a hotel bar or a nice restaurant and ordering a drink. It is almost impossible not to get laid.
I have never tried game outside of a major metropolitan area. Never once. I have hooked up with girls on college campuses as I wheeled through with what might be called “strangers in the night game” but I have never really went to a bar outside of a big city and chatted up a girl.
Maybe on the 2016 to do list
Your Married Knight was NOT helping your buddy out by trying to keep him from slaying fat tail. He was white knighting completely, for the simple reason that, if you want to stop a guy from doing something he’s doing, you don’t block him from doing that, you cut in with a contrived official excuse and a quick “bro, I know you’re going in tomorrow, but her, your sure?” and if he is sure, you let him make that call and your job is done.
One of the most HR bitch phrases I hate most is “Let me just stop you there.” like she is not giving you permission to continue. Same idea. Someone does not have the right to interrupt you, and they don’t have the right to fuck up what you’re doing. They may have the ABILITY, since they’re standing there, but you end that by doing what you’re doing. Like Marcellus says, your privileges have been revoked.
Well aware man, I was on my friend’s side, he likes the “curvy” women and I’m all for him getting laid before doing jail time.
I say your best move is to not have that white knight around your crew any longer. That’s bullshit and your buddy was right on to bounce out to another place without the white knight following along. God damn manginas….you have to hate that shit.
I agree. The big city is no place (and probably the worst place) to go out and do any “fishing” as I call it. D.C. sucks to begin with (been there…too many uptight assholes up there)..I’ll stick to the smaller places in smaller towns or cities. There are plenty of other places besides clubs as well to meet up or interact with women. Even a local bar gives you the opportunity to at least meet and talk with women (not a lot of noise versus a club). I agree with GoJ…it does get better with age. We’re about the same age and I’m getting nothing but play from women half my age. I’m guessing much of it has to do with the confidence of an older man plus much experience.
Like fine wine, gentlemen…you’ll get better with age.
Hear hear.
My present girlfriend is half-plus-two but the majority of women I date are 15 to 20 years younger. I made a few exceptions with older women who still had bodies like teenagers.
Some things get better with age but otherwise it is a lot of fucking work. If you are just out to score pussy then yes, with a bit of lifting and proper grooming you can get that. However, it is really fucking draining to deal with young girls and all their nonsense if you are trying to have an actual relationship with them.
I had an idea that will drive the SJW “rape meeting” types absolutely ballistic. We could organize a meetup in flyover country with the purpose of having a breakout session to find some corn-fed hooters.
The guys in Toronto, NYC, Vancouver, DC, LA and all the other piece of shit metros should get on a plane to Columbus motherfucking Ohio or thereabouts and use the local talent to find a fine, young lady.
How about publicizing fake meet ups in the most remote areas possible and then watch the SJWs haul their asses out there for nothing!
One form of weirdness is that there was a meetup in Bangkok while I was on vacation in Pattaya.
We should not hide. I figure that one ROK member can handle themselves against 3 or 4 SJW manginas/white-knights.
I just think that small town girls are quality and that the guys who are not otherwised engaged like I am should band together and make the most of it.
It’s going to take a little digging and looking for some quality women. You can hit the midwest, west or south (yes, away from the large city metro centers). It’s the only places that you’ll maybe find a suitable women who hasn’t fully bought into the whole “you go girl” shit of today.
What young men need to understand is they need to set their own standard. Don’t put up with a woman who falls below your standard that you want in a woman. If she does, then you show her the door (or don’t call again). More men need to develop a standard for a woman and make her stick to it. Too many men are letting women walk all over them, dress the way they want to (like slobs) and not take care of themselves. If or when you let a woman get away with all of those things, then it’s game over (no respect).
Men – have standards in a woman; set expectations and make her stick to them.
@Driver-my wife came here from Poland and could not BELIEVE how bad the women looked compared to the men they were with. Normal looking guys with total land whales for example….
Do you have any standards? I rather think that if I’d went without sex as long as some of the members of this forum(and let’s face it, a lot of the bitterness on here seems to be from guys who can’t get laid)I would lower them considerably….
That’s a chick tactic (the shaming). I’m sure there are plenty of men who get it on the steady and some who are going through a dry spell (it happens).
You left out the typical “must live in his mother’s basement”.
Beat it, girl.
The fact that this site is based around dating ‘pick up’ techniques would suggest that its demographic user and ergo commentators are men who are having trouble getting laid and need advice in doing so, and have now directed their anger towards women because of their frustration and the inability to recognise their own failings. I don’t think this is an unfair assumption.
Also, shaming’s a femail thing? Mate, this site has articles entitled “8 Common Types Of Overly Promiscuous Girls” and “Things I Learned About The Depravity Of Women From Camgirl Site Chaturbate”
Bit of pot and kettle, no?
Good call. We need to see more articles like we used to about girl tactics and female “game.” A lot of younger guys and men new to the whole movement need catching up to do.
This is what happens to young men who surrounded themselves (physically) with women or ones who adopt that mindset. They are programmed to behave “like women” and use the same tactics.
Men don’t pull this shit. You’ll have some ball busting, sure, but this tactic stinks to high heaven as a move (tactic) a woman would use on a man (that’s why I called it out). Feminists and SJWs are the worst offenders. They won’t offer a sound rebuttal…they’ll move to a name calling tactic or shaming. It’s their calling card.
A suggestion, maybe the white knight needs to have it explained to him how you guys roll. It’s almost unforgivable what he did, especially given the Circumstance your other friend .
That sucks for your buddy, and there’s a special place in hell for cock-blocking members of one’s crew as far as I’m concerned.
I actually witnessed a situation similar to yours among a couple of my friends when I was in my 1st year of law school. One of my buddies was employing some solid game on this girl from our class at a house party. This girl probably wouldn’t rate higher than a 5.5, but she had a great rack, and my buddy was doing well.
HOWEVER, there was this other guy in my crew, a white guy from Minnesota who thought he was an indian (feather), majored in “anti-Christopher Columbus” studies in undergrad, and drank whiskey like it was water. He waited until my buddy was ready to close and then decided to get between them and lecture him on hitting on a woman who “was in an LTR.” Because of this, my buddy couldn’t close and she left.
We threw the fake indian out of our crew, and he ended up failing out of law school altogether shortly after. My buddy made him pay for that (fake indian’s motorcycle just happened to get towed by the local PD 2 days later). Fake Indian also asked for help with exam outlines (how you study for LS exams), we made sure he got horrible incomplete ones.
Moral of the story? The Fake Indian ended up marrying an ugly fat chick who hated us right when she first met us. And he’s still a loser whose teaching the indian language to 5 year olds on an indian reservation. Goes to show that Cockblocking doesn’t pay.
You might need new friends. Anyone that doesn’t make you money, or has high status should not be in your circle.
I’ve already made my money. I’ve hung with celebrities, the rich, the middle and the poor. I’ll take the middle and poor for company, I prefer up front honesty. Playing effeminate games all the time is fine for a while when you’re making your mark, but it’s not something I can hang my hat on.
What was he being arrested for?
Wish I knew. He’s being way too mystical about the shit, I strongly suspect it’s something wuss related and not hardcore. Probably missed a child support payment, or defaulted on debt or something, I have no real idea. It clearly wasn’t tattoo tear level though, that much is certain.
Sad thing is that prisons are full of the criminals who didn’t have the wherewithal to avoid getting caught. There are frauds and murderers on the loose who simply conceal their crimes better.
There are a lot of know-nothing violent thugs but your buddy does not seem to fall into that category.
This calls into question a lot of the rape hysteria. The guys who are being run through the ringer are fragile schmucks. Real rapists disappear into the shadows or impose the fear of death on their victims and thus escape.
“I mean shit chief, I’m married and despite the ring on the finger am getting propositioned by younger women without even trying. Give it a shot”
When you say ‘younger’ women, what age are you talking?
At the current time, meaning from this week until the last two years, 22 to 28, give or take.
You are an inspiration to us!
Would they being doing that if you were 5’9″ though? I ask this because so many women seem demand a 6 footer.
Man, gotta cut ties with that guy. The mentality blows my mind from the outside looking in, couldn’t imagine having that in my circle. Does he even ride?
No. And he’s out.
Sad thought of a man that one. That said, let’s be honest, a loss of night clubs producing a new and less scientifically thought out environment might be just what we need. As the game changes, so must we.
You strike me as being good wingman material. I have one friend who I had a good wingman vibe with. Back in our young and randy days it was bump, set and spike. We didn’t cruise bars together or anything but there were ample girls from school to chat up, clown game and then perhaps take the hit with a chubby so the other could get some alone time with the hottie.
I am a city boy but some of my friends came from small towns, or modest sized metropolitan centres. I accompanied them on their trips home. Small town girls are. . .easy, I don’t have a better word for it. Small towns are so boring that there is nothing to do except drink beer and fuck. Even the Mormons are a bit slutty. I spent a New Years Eve in Northern Ontario and this one nice looking Mormon girl – who did not drink alcohol – kept dipping her finger in her milk and then rubbing it in my ear. She totally milk-ear-raped me the whole night.
I don’t get the whole cockblocking mentality. The ironic thing is that white knights prove our point that women are simply oversized children who can’t make responsible decisions on their own. Personally, I have never experienced it but that sort of shit would motivate me to poke the bastard in the eye.
One thing I can say is that as you move east and to the bigger cities, the girls dress better and know how to clean themselves up. Vancouver has a lot of hardbodied girls but they dress like shit – yoga pants, Birkenstocks, Gortex and such. Edmonton is a bit better. Toronto girls are their own kind of stupid but they dress well. NYC sort of maxes out the North American fashion sense. Shanghai girls tend to be smart, educated, sophisticated with good jobs and high fashion sense. I’ve never been to London or Paris but I suspect it is something the same.
I’ll help any of my real life friends, whenever they need it. I expect the same in return.
I agree that it’s a lot easier outside of the major cities in America and the pretentious ass-wipes they are littered with.
Since when Ghost? 🙂
Seriously Mr White Knight needs to be permanently removed from the Circle of Trust. I’ve done it to guys before and I’ll do it again in a heartbeat.
Good post tho’…
30-something black women are fine though. Its the white girls that lose it once they hit 30.
In America that is true, not so much in Europe.
Maybe your pal is the decent sort who didn’t fancy subjecting a woman to a dodgy bloke who was getting put in jail for six months.
God knows why he’s friends with you….
Nightclubs are dark, crowded, and the music is so loud you cant have a conversation. The edm lights are disorienting.
Night clubs are designed to cause anxiety.
Because, the nightclubs sell the cure to anxiety… alcohol.
At a 700% markup, no less.
Chumps who do “bottle service” make me laugh at how gullible men can be in the pursuit of pussy. I just wish I had thought of and patented the concept first so I could have cashed in on their stupidity.
Oy, getting some tail was never supposed to be THAT difficult.
It never was. It still isn’t outside of nasty ass big cities, hence my advice to Roosh below.
What really burns my ass is when I find out in the news that the Champagne room was really a front for a brothel or prostitution thing – AFTER it gets busted.
And they usually get busted AFTER the police spend a year “investigating” it.
Cops being able to break the law like that with such impunity is disgusting, to be certain.
And they’re taking down hookers or strippers that hook on the side, who are a great outlet for men who otherwise wouldn’t get sex. Leave’m all alone I say, but then I don’t have a vested interest in keeping men desperate like the FI does.
Spot on. I hated those places when I was a young buck during the 1980’s, and that’s when women practically threw themselves at you and competed for your attention, generally. Just like you say, loud, obnoxious, no way to actually talk and maybe it’s just me, but I can’t dance to save my bloody life.
The loud music is intended to get people to have to shout.
That will make them thirsty.
And then they’ll buy more drinks. They’ll pay 5 bucks or more for a drink that’s mostly ice and at best 25 cents of cheap booze.
This is why even small bars will still blast the music stupidly loud. You can’t even think.
Went to bar tending school sometime around 1990-1991 and was told this very thing: the drinks are the big money maker, but the music has to be loud in order to sell them. Also the free pretzels and stuff on the bar serve this end.
Having seen “how the sausage is made” from this course (though the skills from the class were great to have throughout life and many a woman has been impressed with my mixing skills) I lost all motivation or desire to be a bartender even as a part time gig while in school (went and enlisted in the service instead).
This is correct.
Nightclubs have the same problem that Tinder does as well I believe. A woman’s most valuable asset is her beauty. IN that anxiety ridden lunatic asylum where you can’t hear anything beauty becomes the best commodity. A man, on the other hand, has his most valuable asset in his character, personality and resources.
Unless you have enough resources to spend like Mark Cuban they will not get you noticed. Your character and personality are totally drowned out.
So now you are competing strictly on looks.
Because women are all insufferable narcissists the looks they want are feminine in origin.
So the two groups of people who will be most successful in a club will be the incredibly wealthy and pretty boys.
Of course you can get around this, but even if you are firing all 6 cylinders, without feminine good looks or the ability to drop 50k like it was a nickel you are still in category number three.
Feminine? When I get flirted with it always comes out fast from them the whole “what a real man should look like” and “rugged” compliment regarding looks.
I’m becoming more and more tempted to visit NYC for a weekend, just to see how different things are AND to see how easy a time I’d have there. It’s just getting over the “we don’t allow you to be armed, ever” thing that I think is the hang up for me.
No, in NYC in general I think that is exactly the case. In a club where they are blasting techno music or whatever it is called with crazy lights and some kind of axe body spray being pumped into the room…no one there is looking for rugged good looks…it’s a bunch of attention whores and fuck boys. Every where else, In my estimation, it is much different.
So your average Tim McGraw or Sean Connery, Bruce Willis, etc. have no chance (age appropriate of course) there, eh? That’s pretty damned depressing. Looking like a fag – the new way to a “woman’s heart” aka vagina. I fear what the next generation of “men” will look like.
You should visit it thoroughly and keep a diary to public here on ROK.
In a room full of club music with a bunch of 19-25 year olds on designed drugs that didn’t exist when we were kids listening to music you and I would consider noise? No, Connery, McGraw, Willis (minus fame and money) would get looked at like a bunch of old men…and maybe rightfully so.
Now take that same girl out of that element, put a nice dress on her and sit her in a nice bar with a glass of wine and that same girl would probably, I guess, find the Connery attractive.
simply said….we don’t belong there.
I meant in their prime, wasn’t quite clear. Obviously 110 year old Connery isn’t a hot item nowadays.
Sounds like it won’t work out for me. I’m 6’3″, muscular, biker and all that. Apparently what’s required is wearing pink and uptalking.
Copy that.
Hard to say. Looks matter and being fashionable and current seems to matter from my limited experience. It is possible that I am honoring the age old american custom of thinking that all the kids today look like fags
Seen a hipster lately?
The Hippies seem like Ron Fucking Swanson compared to hipsters.
ha! yes indeed.
I do hope that I live long enough to see faggot ass kids named Noah looking at a new generation and calling them a bunch of homos.
Any male (I refuse to give them the word ‘man’) with his ears ‘gauged’ needs to be shot and killed.
I could not agree more.
I was thinking about a comparison between 2016 vs whichever yr you visited NYC last.A disgruntled GOJ report would be fun to read.
You’d be spending time and money that you’ll never get back for an experience you’d rather forget.
Yeah, it would be interesting in a field report kind of way to be rejected all the time.
I suspect you’re right. But I wonder, if no actual “real men” are in NYC what would the arrival of one mean? Not “country bumpkin Jethro”, but a 6’3″ “traditional masculine” dude who pushes aside the wusses etc? Dunno chief.
There are definitely traditionally masculine men in NYC, real bikers/clubs too. Will people take notice? Not a chance, its so densely populated with all sorts of whack jobs you’d be just another face in the crowd. Also, I’ve seen plenty of wusses do the pushing! NYC is just ass backwards man, at least in my eyes.
If you decide to pony up and come to the east coast, you’d fit in like a glove in NH or VT. Great scenic rides, nice people, NH is extremely pro gun, lots of farm fresh eats. Definitely up your ally.
Ear Gages are totally gay.
“Nightclubs have the same problem that Tinder does as well I believe. A woman’s most valuable asset is her beauty” That’s why you’re better going to a classy bar where you can flirt and interact with chicks, literally where they can hear yourself speak, especially if you’re not that young anymore, at least they can experience your character and charm unlike the nightclub which reduces you to a mere cipher among the deaf and blind androgynous blob on the dance floor.
bingo. I like a steak house bar. In NYC nice restaurant bars are a great place to meet very attractive women as are the bars at high end hotels. The Carlyle hotel, known to be stogie old new york, has an old school jazz piano bar called Bemelmen’s which, after about 10 is filled with very attractive women who are dressed nicely and receptive to talking to gentlemen
Once you’re in an environment where they can see you and more importantly hear you, as a man you’re holding the cards within your hands once more.
I worked as a student many years ago in New York and I’ve been there in about a decade, but, next time there I must look up the Bemelmen’s bar, sounds like the post Albert Hall bars I like visiting after a concert.
It’s great. Been around over 100 years. Piano bar. White jacket waiters. Correctly made martinis. A little bit of an older upper east side vibe until night time when all of a sudden in turns into a sexy supper club vibe.
Gin, splash of vermouth, onions or olives?
i go onions….and stirred with the twisty end of the spoon. As much as I love Connery, a shaken martini is not just bruised, it is watered down from ice chips. It is a pussy martini and it is cloudy. Those long spoons are twisty on the end for a reason.
Yeah, that line was made up by a script writer. No such thing as “bruised” in the context he was talking about.
there is actually a very interesting theme of Bond ordering food and wine SLIGHTLY wrong.
The thing is, bond isn’t an aristocrat. He is just playing one. So if you chase down all the different times he orders food and drinks…there is always something slightly off…one year off of a premier vintage of wine, an improper way to eat caviar.
It is fascinating because it is built into his character. He is an orphan, joins royal navy, SAS, etc etc etc. So when he is wearing a white dinner jacket perfectly tailored and ordering a taitinger competes de champagne blanc de blanc 42 it isn’t just right. When he does get it right is when we see him at his house eating his favorite meal…cold roast beef sandwiches. It is really a very charming subthread through the books.
I’ve never really noticed that before — awesome insight. One thing that always stuck out to me, and continues to ring true to this day (for me personally), is when Bond is talking to Vesper about how important good food and drink is to him as a bachelor. I can’t remember the dialogue offhand, it’s before the showdown with Le Chiffre; I’m going to have to get in the book again here soon to refresh — Casino Royale, continues to be one of my favorites (novel wise).
Also, can’t go wrong with a Hendricks gin martini with Dolan vermouth and a cucumber garnish — stirred of course. Medium dry shaken Vodka martinis, are, as you said, bullshit.
It’s sounds very appealing! I like the sound of that sudden metamorphosis at dusk, a Ray Bradbury/Stephen King short story comes to mind.
“The thing is, bond isn’t an aristocrat” That’s the paradox- he’s meant to be the proper Englishman- meaning an upper class English aristocratic, however every Englishman knows that such a type of publicly educated school boy from the landed gentry could never in reality, a superhero, and that’s why Bond is always a displaced character. He’s written as a character that essentially cannot be what he’s meant to be and that’s why the references like a poorly cut suit never wear exactly as was intended.
Thats interesting.
Someone wanted you to write an article, how about breaking down the real Bond character, the Fleming Bond(I know you read all of his books).
He is the modern version of Kingsmen. If you haven’t seen it, do. This and Revenant escaped “no actual man stories allowed” gatekeepers I’m not entirely certain how.
one of these days i will take 6 months off and write down everything bond eats and drinks and explain how he is slightly off and how it is the intention off Doyle that he is because of his blue collar, orphan upbringing.
I remember the scene you mean. She is basically shit testing him as he is ordering either conch or caviar. It is right before she gets kidnapped. “the stupid bitch”
yes. I would love to write that article. I have tons of notes and would need one more re-read to do it in a way I would be proud of.
louie louie is the only kinsmen i know. I will look up your reference.
Fantastic movie, I strongly suspect you’ll like it.
Love Benelman’s. Had a few successes there when I lived in the neighborhood. Also agree with you about the hotel / steak house bar scene. There are many places to meet women at night where alcohol flows, not just the bottle service club scene. You have to pick the right venue to suit your personality, mood / frame of mind and kind of girl you’re aiming to pull.
If my totally unscientific research of OkCupid tells me anything, it’s that girls are all busy with their *exciting careers* and are so exhausted from the week that they are all just watching Netflix by themselves on Friday and Saturday and wondering why they don’t have boyfriends.
But I wouldn’t be caught dead in a nightlclub- not now, not five years ago, never. Nightclubs are for suckers. I know that the sorts of guys who frequent the alt right and discuss neomasculinity are the sorts of guys who gag at anything that hipsters like, but if you want a scene with good MF ratio you need to go where the hipsters are. Forget the big clubs where they play EDM and hip hop. Those are for suckers. Unless you are rich or famous. Instead, go to the gay, trendy part of your city, where the art galleries are. There are often times cool, trendy bars and sometimes art galleries with “DJ night.” You pay $5 or $10 cover to hear house music. There are lots of hot girls and like half the guys there are gay. I’m look like Jack Black in real life (not as fat) and I have good-looking girls initiate conversation with me at places like that.
Girls like whatever is fashionable and cool. Nightclubs aren’t that. Nightclubs were cool back when 50 Cent was still cool. Now they are just kind of pedestrian and lowest-common-denominator.
Correct it seems anywhere there’s a high female to male ratio, the women look a lot better. Of course the male hipsters being gay or easy competition
I’ll have to follow up on social media first though
I think I finally found the shangri-la pick up and its salsa clubs; the guy girl ratio is excellent, the girls are sexy, feminine and often sober. The music is actually really enjoyable to listen to. The girls expect to be approached and are a lot more receptive in my recent experience – salsa clubs are the exception to almost every criticism that is leveled at night game in this article.
Roosh, don’t go all dystopian on me. Being the same age as when you started I know it is hard but possible.
It’s so hard that it’s not really worth it.
I’ve never cared much for the club scene even in my younger days, I’m 38 now. It’s obnoxious and damn near impossible to spit game over the blaring music. Day game works well for me-also as a part time musician, that’s some catnip right there just playing open mics. It’s an instant ice breaker and many women are suckers for the “artist” type. All of this costs me nearly nothing-clubs have cover, way overpriced drinks, coat checks..the list goes on and typically little return on the investment.
I can just imagine some blonde hippie-type coming up to you after a gig and going “Wow, that was so deep.”
Yep especially when I pay Folsom Prison Blues. No lie you do get some unwanted attention at gigs but being on stage does give you an in with girls at the bar.
Kratom will fix it all
This is the supplement du jour? I never heard of it til last week; I must be out of the loop.
This site is posing as a site for masculine men..but that’s just a cover, it’s really only about kratom.
One word: sexbots. Invest now, sexbots are the future.
Or go to Korea. Chicks there go crazy for a big fat black 3 liter bottle…of Coke.
I dread the day when I go and pick it up from the post office..but after that, everything will be just swell !
DC and Toronto clubs? Ahahahah I haven’t been there but a friend of mine has. He said the atmosphere was pretty desperate in those places for both genders. Like you said, all desperate beta male orbiters and and occasional ok looking female flanked by their obese mastodon friends.
Most women were 4/10 and weren’t worth the effort it would take to slap their iphone away.
Hmm I can only conclude from the photos of DC and Toronto that every dude has the same haircut.
That is how Mao enslaved the Chinese. That and by making pee pee in their coke.
Goes great with beer made from Elephant crap:
They Chinese! They make joke! They make pee pee in the coke…..
Not sure what to say about the elephant poo beer
Or in the case of the guy in the link, their pee pee looks like coke…
What about? “An elephant never forgets, and neither will you.”
“After a few of these, even the Elephant Man will start looking good.”
Day game has always worked well for me and I prefer it to any other venue. My favorite routine is when visiting a college I pretend to be a lost prospective student. The good thing I find about colleges is girls generally have an open vibe and are in their prime. However, I don’t really see day game becoming too unfruitful because there will always be a large percentage of women (especially foreign-born who aren’t as feminist) who don’t use dating sites or visit nightclubs. Yes, the ratios are becoming very bad online and in nightclubs. My older brother keeps wanting me to come be his wingman at bars and clubs, but I get no enjoyment from shouting game over loud music to a rude girl. Day game is just more my thing, and combined with my success at working the online dating sites, I always have several plates spinning.
I’m not a player, but I’ve never seen the appeal of nightclubs in general. Loud, shitty music and dumb people, men and women? No thank you.
Yeah as a general rule I only go to clubs if I’m playing there with my band. In this scenario, I already have some value pre-established and have better success if I do decide to game girls. Other than that, clubs are worthless to me. Among some of my friends in college, however, clubs were the be-all and end-all and the only place my friends thought they could get girls. While I was getting numbers and setting up dates with girls I’d run into on the way to class, my friends put all their effort into gaming the worst quality women at clubs. One of my teammates even traveled down to Florida to visit some girl he met in a club. Needless to say, his high investment was punished in full as she was seeing other guys. It is my experience that club-going girls are among the lowest quality women you can find.
going to a country with more favorable ratios is the only option for any man with self esteem
concerts and music festivals are far better venues to get young women.
They’re good, if you can stand $10 water, $5 hot dogs, douchy frat bruhs, crappy sanitary facilities, and your occasional hippies who worship the Grateful Dead as if they were One Direction.
last concert I spent $85 at the bar. small venues with a bar are so much fun
We red pill men from Brazil have a saying that resumes quite well this article: “Puteiro – balada de Homem. Balada – puteiro de mulher.” (Brothels: men’s nightclubs. Nightclubs: women’s brothels.)
Looks like this ‘reality’ came to you.
Hear hear.
na mosca. can’t stand the current balada scene and its attention-hungry frigid sluts.
hahahaha nailed it. Funny.. as a brazilian I have never heard that one before..
Aprendi essa no Fórum do Búfalo e pra mim faz todo o sentido.
at first I disagreed with the title of the article because there’s always a new cycle of young women coming in, but then I read his points. I can’t really disagree.
Glad my only experiences with night clubs was working them .free alcohol, having a choice of girls who got loaded and tried to stay after and meet the DJ,slutty female bartenders, but it dids have it’s cons and gets old after awhile . I honestly never met a woman worth a damn at a night club
You guys were ALL wrong. Global warming does exist. It is caused by too many horny men going to bars with small numbers of hot women. Oh the poor polar bears.:-[
Apparently Iceland is going to remain frigid then, that place looks teaming with chicks.
I got to stop at Keflavik Airport once en route to Germany. Pity our plane didn’t break down there, and that’s only because the girl at the front desk was perhaps the most beautiful blonde I’ve ever seen. Bet there were many like her out on the town.Plus she was very pleasant. If only an engine caught fire…..
I always found it much easier to pick up at house parties than clubs, even if I didn’t know the hosts of the party. My lack of height killed me in a club environment. I picked up occasionally, but it was rough for sure. In retrospect most guys I know struggled except for two tall pretty boys.
I think I’m in the same boat height wise so I completely understand. I think it has a lot to do with the image of why they went there in the first place. People have less walls up at house parties and you generally have a link in your network somewhere. I always enjoyed college parties and did pretty well there.
I’m not surprised, things change and evolve and I could see this coming. I used to DJ in Boston and have since naturally distanced myself from the scene as I pursue other hobbies. There’s another element that ruined the club scene and it’s the music and band wagon DJ scene. Skill is not important, only promotion in most places. The crowds don’t go out for the same reasons anymore. Day game is where it’s at and I believe it will be for a while to come.
What kind of music did you play? I used to DJ in night clubs in college around this time. Popular in my area was break-beat, house, and prog.
At the fun gigs (had my own residency for a while) my sets were 90’s hip hop, 90’s-2000’s throwbacks, Reggae and Dance Hall. Good times, we had some packed nights but of course the venue shut down a few years ago. The scene is so lame now. It’s not about your talent and selection, it’s all about your image, promotion and how many people you can get in the door. In my opinion, this has contributed to a very fake scene. I want no part of it.
My preferred genres were Trance/dance/progressive house. I still listen to a lot of that stuff today. I hosted my own radio show for a few years and got to interview some of my favorite DJs. Unfortunately after college I had to sell all my gear to pay some bills, haven’t been able to get back into it. Since I Dj’ed in a smaller town competition was pretty tight with the other DJs in town. Eventually I got a little residency at a Salsa club but I had to cater a lot of my music to that. Every now and then the owner would let me do my own thing and my biggest event had over 500 people show up. Eventually when I get more space I want to start up again and just do Bedroom mixing, perhaps start a new radio show and play the music that I want. I don’t ever go to clubs anymore unless a top favorite of mine is playing.
Where did you DJ? I was probably running around in the clubs while you were DJ’ing. Also, can you elaborate on the decline of the music? In my early 20s the whole techno house thing was new and popular. Daft Punk, Fat Boy Slim, Paul Van Eyk, Paul Oakenfold. Truth told, I cringe a little today at the sound of it..I’m a Sinatra man. But, that was good original stuff back then. Every so often I attempt to listen to the “Chill” station on my Satellite radio and its always for only a few seconds…I find the new stuff to be utterly intolerable. Disagreeable beats, effeminate melodies not triumphant like a Van Eyk song. The last good techno was Thivery Corporation. Why has it been ruined?
A lot of the popular EDM DJ’s have gone mainstream in their music. Tiesto in particular was one of my favorite DJs in the early 2000’s. His newer music it way too mainstream for my tastes nowadays. Even Armin Van Buuren has gone considerably more mainstream with his State of Trance radio show.
I did a bit of day game the other day the grocery store. I was shopping for some protein powder for my post work out shakes. Standing next to me in the aisle was a very attractive and in shape brunette. She was about 5’6, well built, and dressed very femininity in a flowery dress and heels. Knowing I only had a few seconds before she walked away, I used an opinion opener on her asking her about specific brands of whey. She pointed out a few that she used and what their benefits were and seemed very friendly. We talked for a few moments until she mentioned she was married. After that I thanked her for her help and she wished me luck. Well it didn’t lead anywhere, it did make me feel good that I was able to break the ice and got a nice conversation out of it with a very attractive woman. Better luck next time.
Night clubs are for losers. Never seen a true alpha hitting girls in a club.
Sounds like a lot of work for nothing.
Yeah, Fuck all that noise. Life is short and while sex may be awesome it isn’t worth all this trouble.
Truth be told, even when a cute bitch shows interest, I ignore them unless they want to name their price up front and treat it like a transaction.
And, along those same lines, if I see any bitch getting raped or assaulted, unless she’s someone I know and have some connection with, I’m not doing a fucking thing. My gun will stay in it’s holster unless I need to use it to defend myself or someone who’s a Good Person which most cunts are not.
May sound harsh but the split tails brought it upon themselves.
Females can order sex on their smart phone now like getting pizza delivered. If they go out clubbing anymore its with reduced frequency like once per month, instead of once per week.
As much as I hate saying this, you’re actually better off if you go and get a full release “massage” for a bill or two.
I could never do that. The idea of all the other guys who nutted on the massage table would skeeve me out.
Yes, I understand that it is hypocritical because for some reason, at least in the heat of the moment, the idea of the other guys who nutted on the fact of the girl I’m with doesn’t cross my mind.
The ol’ cottage cheese dick.
Seeing a hooker who does outcall to your place or a hotel of your choosing is also an option.
It is, and probably a good one. There are 2 problems. I am vehemently against breaking any laws. I have been in handcuffs and have heard gated doors slam behind me and I never plan to be there again. The second is, having a girl willingly give herself to my lascivious joys is part of the enjoyment for me…a major part. If I pay for it the whole thing is ruined. Fortunately, I am currently swimming in enough poon to stand on principles. The future may see some of them change.
“having a girl willingly give herself to my lascivious joys is part of the enjoyment for me…a major part.”
It use to be for me as well but bitter experience has taught me that their willingness to give themelves up also inevitably metastasize into possesiveness, stalking, manipulation, and emotional outbursts out of the blue.
I recall years ago, I had a LDR who flew in from Sweden several times a year to stay with me. Afer the last time she came out it became two weeks of hell after she realized that I had no plans to move to that Socialist helhole she called home.
When she finally boarded her flight I contacted a female acquaintance who knew some prosititutes and got hooked up with one. Yes, their approach to sex is clinical – actually at my request, I don’t want them faking anything – BUT the fact that they were there solely for my gratification and I don’t have to deal with the insanity that goes with any sort of emotional attachment makes it an incredibly attractive alternative to dealing with the hassles I outlined above.
But that’s strictly my choice and preference.
If you’re swimming in pussy already and want to avoid any possibility of legal entanglements, that’s totally understandable and more power to you.
I feel i am much like you..except for one thing….I never have the emotion of possessiveness. I don’t know why. Probably a defect on my part. I just don’t feel that. It makes life both easier and harder in different ways.
I’ve worked as a bouncer for years as my side job and I’ve noticed this decline in my city which is in the Bible Belt.
My game has always been aggressive/direct and straight up asshole.
The women that come into the bar I work at are probably way more attractive and numerous than in the cities Roosh listed.
In fact the Iceland bar pic he posted looks more like the place I work.
Yet the majority of the women there want to fuck a pro athlete, famous musician, etc whom do frequent the place.
Just last weekend I heard an attractive blond unapologetically state all she wanted was a big black dick.
I looked her dead in the eyes and said “you’re just another white trash whore”.
The look of shock was pure comedy. The fact of the matter is this….these women are not worth more than 5% of your effort.
Anything more is your time being wasted when you could be making money, working out and plotting the destruction of progressivism.
These whores deserve your disgust, your mockery and your contempt.
They aren’t your friends, your family and you owe them nothing. So smirk at them, grab your crotch and shove that middle finger right in their goddamn faces. Fuck your self bitch.
The results will be you having women on your own terms who long for a truly stout man to ravage her and the rest will convieniently leave because their precious feelings are hurt.
Either way you win.
Always nice to read you.
Haven’t been to clubs since the late ’90s. All that time and money being wasted at clubs and bars would be better spent stacking cash and availing the services of prostitutes.
As someone with a volatile temper, any of those factors catalogued in the article would be enough to get me arrested for a very, very violent crime.
IMO, just not worth it just for a random chance of getting your dick into some smelly, fish dump of a gash that’s probably encrusted with residue from a dozen different cocks within the past week.
4. Having to compete with a woman’s iPhone. — fuck it this one is so damned on point…women will bury their noses in their iPhones on a ‘nite out’ — it makes no damn sense. Going out to meet women is dead.
I was never in the club game that much. I think I met one or two girls to bang with in a club in my life.
I could possibly have gotten more if I actually went out in clubs. But this was always a rare activity for me. I never liked it that much. Getting laid is the only reason to make a club interesting to me. If this possibility is removed, then there is basically no point in going there. Drinking and listening to loud music are not activities that interest me that much. In fact I prefer flirting and have sex with women while sober.
If the club scene dies, I would not be surprised. Men at one point will grow tired of these expensive sausage fests
I doubt it will die, it will just become even more useless along with the people who go there. The industry is more likely to have a boom than a bust imo.
Generally, you see human beings at their worst in nightclubs. Yes, we’ve all been there, but, from my experience all you end up meeting are drunk chicks who in the cold light of the following morning you realize you’ve nothing in common with.
You can still meet quality women and have long term relationships, even marriage, but as in my case it was instigated through a mutual interest in music and professional interests we had in common. It’s very rare where a single guy goes to a nightclub and ends up meeting his future wife, society doesn’t work like this anymore.
“Increase in seeing ugly fatties rejecting moderately good looking men” It it wasn’t for biochemistry and genetics the majority of modern men would probably be better off with other guys the way they’re treated like more than lap dogs by these fat bitches with low IQs. Maybe the radical rejection of feminism with end up as a form of male Platonic disdain, contempt and indifference for these fat slags permanently attached like narcissistic limpets to their smartphones with its monosyllabic menu of likes and dislikes to feed their misplaced vanity.
“Good-looking guys didn’t need game in the past, but now they do.”
Right on, and I can assure you this even goes on in South America (where I’m from). Back in the day, not so long ago (before social media attention whoring) I would just go to bars or clubs and waited for a girl to start eye contact with me, then I’d choose whether I wanted to engage or not. That was my only strategy.
Fast forward to 2016 and this doesn’t happen anymore, and I still look the same or maybe better. Pretty much all of my attractive female acquaintances that I can go for nowadays have become digital attention-whores via Facebook (the befriend any guy who requests friendship in order to gain massive “likes” with their sexual photos), Instagram and Tinder.
Clubs are not a good option for me, either since before I didn’t need game so now I suck at it badly. It’s a good time for me to start learning much needed game since my conversion ratio has plummeted in recent years.
I looked pictures from the generation of my dad, and literally all the males had no muscle mass whatsoever, yet most of them had kids by the time they were 25. Today you get rejected by an obese woman because you don’t have abs or a huge dick.
And obese woman are more likely to have complications during childbirth, they’re not a good option if you want to produce healthy offspring and this not mere prejudice, but, a biological fact that’s statistically proven everyday in obstetrician OTs.
Right on. At least as long as you’re not rich.
My country (Chile) is so sick. If you do come on a banging trip to South America then skip Chile and stick to Colombia, Venezuela and Paraguay. Things are so bad here that most of my friends and acquaintances have to spend tons of cash entertaining women who, most of the time, they don’t even bang. Often they even pay for female friends of these women (that are not hot), including bottle service. Now, regarding my best friends and myself, we’re sticking strictly to immigrant foreign women, which lucky for us are more and more over time; they have better looks, values, ethics. In a market-sense, they provide much more for the same resources. We only go for Chileans when the task seems easy.
Appearances are everything here and there’s no space for the truth. Most single guys in their late 20’s and above feel forced to impress these females by driving low-end Audis, Mercedes or BMW (the cheap models that cost less than $30k brand new… I don’t think they’re available in the States). I’m an absolute exception to this rule… truly sticking to a car *I* like for the same money. I’ve even had guys that know about cars asking me “why do you drive this car when you couldv’e bought a [luxury brand here] for less?”.
Yeah gaming is hard, spinning 3 is hard enough. Harpooning a land whale must be a fvcking trial in the depths of Hades!
I’m reminded of the line from Star Wars where Obi Wan advises Luke that they’re about to enter a “den of scum and villainy”. Clubs have ALWAYS been scummy. Sometimes the sex ratio is better but in general, they can be disheartening places. I’ve heard bad things said about masturbation and brothels but it’s liberating to enjoy sex rather than live the clown life that Roosh has described. He’s no doubt met hundreds of wonderful, decent women who could raise his children or at least just be a nice wife who doesn’t want kids (if he’s not into that.) Like nuclear war, being a player at clubs is ultimately a losing game. Roosh, please grow up!
At least in a brothel you “pays your money and you get your reward” and isn’t there something more honest about it than the same type of alcohol induced prostitution that players do in a nightclub- buying drinks etc for a bit of pussy they mightn’t even ever touch?
I don’t readily advocate for married men the use of such services, but, it would be dishonest to say that men on occasion don’t need them, and, often it’s not sex per se that a man wants with an escort, but sometimes merely intimacy and closeness that one’s wife cannot provide. In Germany, married men regularly to go to these super clubs where there are escorts and every facility like gyms and saunas where all types of blokes go and many of them go just to relax and not even for sex. There’s something very appealing about such types of zones for adults who just want a safe place to relax and be for a while.
I go to those places when I’m bored. They’re fun and you actually meet interesting dudes along with the eye candy. Sometimes good ole male bonding is all you need.
That’s it alright. It’s not about sex singularly, but, it’s place where you can if you wish be with a woman (or women) for sometime or you can simply use the facilities, work out, have a meal and talk to other dudes about a whole load of stuff for your own profession (or any) away from the house and workplace.
Actually one of the best places to get Red Pill advice from old men who has gone through the gauntlet.
Yeah, that’s true. I used to feel it wasn’t respectable to go to such places, but, when you look and examine the venues that younger people go these days, they’re much worse and dishonest and full of women who want to direct everything around them. These places are a great relief from this nonsense, they’re for men where you can get satisfaction if you so wish and in addition you can make great contacts with other dudes across a whole array of different professions.
I fundamentally disagree with the paradigm that Roosh advocates of PUA style game because it’s almost kind of like those superbug STD’s that get created from abuse of stronger and stronger antibiotics. As women get used to strong game from, er, gamers, they become all the more spoiled and ambivalent to the point that they become not only unapproachable, but worthless. Case in point: The USA has American women that require the strongest game but are also the fattest and most useless. Coincidence?
Although women will never be “equal” to men in any sense, it is important to remind women to be responsible for their own sexual experiences and not wait for men to be their ass clowns. It’s good for women to participate in tinder and online dating because when they get rejected by the hotter men they desire, or find that they need to make an effort to weed through hundreds of betas (but can’t cruelly reject them since they’re online), that puts them on a more even playing field than the clubs. When Roosh is able to to somewhere and not only have hot women hit on him but buy him drinks AND imply he might be able to live off of them, then and only then, will I that that PUA is good in the long run. But even then, in the rare cases that has happened, there’s usually a catch.
I prefer meeting women on hunting expeditions. Someone’s gotta cull the hyenas.
Say, I like the field dress you got, do you bleed out here often?
I just happen to be a medic.
Today, I realized that only Kim Jung Un would make the people of the west love again.
Would you rather spend countless $$ and time chasing a 9 or 10, or do regular stuff with a grateful 5-7? The club scene can stuff it.
I currently have an 8 and she’s FVCKING awesome, not gorgeous, her twin is the hotter skinnier version. But she has a nice tush and big tits. Face is only cute though. I just had a 9 and she’s not as much fun.
Personality counts man.
Agreed…but don’t tell your other half about her hotter sister. Ever.
I’ve told her and she knows. She’s very thick skinned for a blond. She knows I love her with all my heart and my balls.
Actually actively do the Wile E. Coyote eyebrow suave thing when you speak of her, in a “joking” way.
I’ve loaded the link into three different browsers, and I only get the photo of the women in line, and of course all the ads.
If you aren’t a born salesman with strong looks then social networking is the way to do it. Problem is…social networking is painful. Being driven and of strong character takes a back seat with modern girls. The natural endpoint would be women dating only women and gay men.
Something is wrong with the site. Any article I select the article comes up with no body of text.
yeah, what’s up with that?
I sent them a heads-up in their contact info.
Ad block, disable it
Can’t be that. I did absolutely nothing, and now the articles are working again. Oh well.
That was the source of the glitch, Roosh explained. He was working on fixing it.
I’m too old for clubs nowadays, but even when I wasn’t, a couple of trips was enough to realize the sheer pointlessness. And this was in the late 90s; I’m sure it’s even worse today.
It was simply too much work and far too much expense for the (very) occasional score. I’m sure the natural born extroverts did better than me, but frankly it would have been a better use of my time and money to roadtrip it to the bunny ranch or whatever.
Guess this is one of those “picture is worth a thousand wordss” articles. Ok, fine. But I was hoping to read a little.
Words are over-rated. We’re moving to a story book picture format. heh
Happened to me too on another article. Something’s messed up in the code.
I’m sure it’s one of those Feminists….
Probably. Stupid coder feminists….
Oh wait, sorry, was trying to harness a unicorn there. Heh.
I’m telling you guys they have some supercomputer that tells them trigger warnings and how’s the child named Julio in Africa is doing.
I started going to bars to pick up in the 90s. I was attractive then and still am now but no super hunk. No smart phones then and not as many dating sites so that was where u met girls who you wanted to meet. If u put an effort in, u often got digits or took the girl home. Recently I went out with a single divorced friend a few times as a wing man to help him out. OMG is it so terrible at clubs. The girls who attended were either stuck up or very unattractive. We called it an audible and got our drink on. That’s was way more fun. Because of technology and many men begging for women on sites. Romance or meeting women to date at a club is dead. It can still happen but its like “digging in the dark for oil in a field of landmines and u only got a shovel”
Girls nowadays don’t know how to fvcking dress. I dress better than 90 percent of them and they get giddy when I approach, seriously these generation of overgrown children are boring.
Those girls with smartphones in a nightclub are the autistic undateables in the real world. The presence of loud, oppressive, machine like “music” and copious amounts of alcohol shouldn’t distract us these salient facts.
Can we have a weekly MVP as in Most Valuable Penetrator for the fvckers who triggers SJW feels the best?
Please Roosh
What is causing this “lopsided sex ratio” now and not 15 years ago?
Smart phones and social apps. Women can throw up several R rated pics and some flirty text and sit home in their sweat pants and eat ice cream and screen out men.
Bars are for men getting laid and women getting attention/laid.. They are, when it comes down to it, uncomfortable places. Packed, noisy, expensive, no place to sit. Plus women get “tricked” into sleeping with average-status men when they are drunk. Now they can accomplish everything online, and they only have to go to a bar for that last bit of attention, and to post cool pictures on Instagram.
How do they get “tricked”. Generally they’re the ones who and are pissed up and making a spectacle of themselves and even when you meet them down stream they still drink way too much on the first occasion. Personally, I’m more than slightly phobic to insecure people and this probably underpins my natural caution around the female sex.
Tricked is just a cover story females use for humping a guy they wouldn’t normally date.
Game is a hack in the natural selection process. Game is either pretending that you are higher status than you are, or manipulating emotions to get a desired reaction. Women want to sleep with apex males and apex males have no need for game. You won’t see Tom Brady running GALNUC routines in this lifetime.
Social media is a much safer avenue for women to determine whether a man is high status, particularly because most men haven’t figured out how to tweak it to their advantage. Women can observe a man’s lifestyle, friends, fame, pre-selection, looks, body, all through social media. They can only see his face at a bar, accompanied by his words and whatever value he manages to demonstrate.
Sounds as though we have to tweak ourselves to their childish whims once again. What an emasculating proposition to adopt.
Yeah, in the very near future we will see an entire series of books/videos on “social media game,” taking the right pictures, hiring photographers, getting likes, hashtags, etc. Our only hope is if Trump sees the gender problem, ditches his anti-immigration stance, and imports millions of beautiful feminine women from all over the world.
I’ve been saying this for a few years. Online game has killed night game. Women want their men to be vetted, either through social media or mutual friends, not picked up randomly in a nightclub. Since they are no longer starving for attention or sex, their investment in nightclubs is limited. Why would they allow themselves to be gamed by an average status man when they can create an online hierarchy based on looks, cool pictures, lifestyle, likes, and followers? I’ve been in enough “What’s your instagram” situations to realize that the majority of high-level game is taking place on the Iphone.
The solution is to develop your online presence. A lot of neomasculine men deride social media as a feminine and faggy behavior, myself included. It’s partially true, but it’s a poor mentality to have when the key to a lot of pussies is on these things.
Like Roosh predicted in a dystopian article “How to Be A Great Man,” it’s steroids, fame, mass approaches. Spend an hour on instagram or Bumble and you’ll see that this is true.
I’ll still be hitting a bar tonight, albeit with less enthusiasm than 7 years ago.
“Why would they allow themselves to be gamed by an average status man when they can create an online hierarchy based on looks, cool pictures, lifestyle, likes, and followers?” Hmm, but this is based on the huge assumption that the online stuff is actually true. I think they’ll always be a place first and foremost for gaming in the real world as it has that element of real risk and excitement, but, this appeals more to men than women.
I disagree. I’ve never met anyone killing it in online email spamming for women. There’s always stories about some guy who was supposedly killing online “dating”. Ashley Madison proves online is a huge time sink with worse ratios then the worst nightclubs. Ashley Madison had user base that was +90% male and most of the female accounts were fake. This was just 1 dating site. No way they were an anomaly. Meeting in person face to face initially will for now always be better.
Ashley Madison is the bottom of the bottom barrel. Google “Male model Tinder” to see what online dating is like.
10 “Lack of eye contact from women or even recognition that there are men in the vicinity” But, this is the key point with modern women. If it’s an option between their Iphone and an actual man in reality they’ll choose the former as it’s a safe form of “engagement” unlike the later which requires real interaction which they cannot understand. The iphone mentality naturally plays upon a women’s sense and need for safety and security, so don’t expect much from any women who relies upon it.
Millennial females aren’t good at flirting verbally either. I used to think it was just me, but I hear it from other sources. They prefer texting.
I am a man who calls a number instead of blindly texting. That’s all changed around. Texting is a great way to hide crazy in my opinion.
Clubs have never been a place I go to willingly. Day game all the way and twice on Sunday. Somebody needs to make a nightclub where cell phones are checked at the door. Besides, why consider dating a woman who has more problems/vices than you do?
success in the club boils down to mentality. no matter what the male-female ratio is.
there are two basic mentalities when it comes to the club to me. the hunter vs. the trapper. the hunter loves and lives to stalk its prey. I mean that’s cool and all if that’s who you are at heart, but you are playing yourself that way.
the trapper doesn’t get his kicks from hunting, but rather from catching and killing. think of a spider vs a lion. a lion stalks for quite a while. a spider does not stalk. a spider spins a web that for the most part only he can see.
with chicks in the club you must spin a web. everyone looks at you, but only the truly intiaited see you. there are many ways to do this, but the point is, she has to fall into you, invite herself into your web. the majority of men who leave clubs with women, sit and wait. the right chick will always fall into place. every. single. time. me personally I hate hunting women, even more so in the club.
another method of the trapper is to have bait. if you have the right bait you will always attract the right prey. these bitxhes love to have crazy stories to tell about one night stands, they’re just looking for the right person to fit into their future story. the right bait attracts them. the most important part is, do it for you because you enjoy it. not to get them.
in short, I have to say I disagree with the theory of this article.
You are referring to grade A PUA activity. A passive vs aggressive approach is irrelevant as long as you get the results you desire. You do make a point about these crazy bitches and their stories… I’ll be notch 1 via day game over notch god only knows from club game.
I feel where you coming from, but one thing you have to learn to do is stop separating club game from any other game. Game is not something you do, but something you have. I feel this is a major flaw in many so called pick up artists.
If you truly have game, it extends into everything beyond women, and goes 24/7. There are just differnt skill sets. Look at it from the perspective of a football coach. Will you run or pass? Well, it depends on the down and distance. But in the end football is still is the same game.
Its not about passivity and aggressiveness, so much as it is about situational awareness.
A spider still kills you and eats you, just the same as a lion does. But one changes and is in complete control of how and when he will kill. Both are aggressive, but one of the two is always on his own terms and has many choices as to who will be killed and eaten when and where.
The same applies to clubs…the hunter eats what it can hunt down after much physical and mental exertion. The trapper decides which of its many pieces it wants to eat that got caught in its web. With only the necessary and limited exertion. Chess, not checkers.
Spiders are the archetypal female persona according to Jung. When I used to see men in nightclubs employ that simpering and fanning technique, I never could respect them, I thought they were worse than losers with their artificial and calculating charm.
Is Jung the bottom line and indisputable fact to you? To me, he is just another person with an opinion. Not right or wrong, just a man with an opinion.
Just a simple question, if a man has a certain magnetism with women — meaning without much effort he attracts the women others chase, would you say that he is feminine, because he exercises patience and only lies in wait? I wouldn’t. I would say he understands how certain laws of nature work.
With that being said, let’s say you are not born with good looks, or an impressive physical stature…if you still found a way to attract the same amount of women, with little effort — is that feminine?
I’ve gotta agree with smokingjacket on this. I had buddies who worked both sides of this to success but the alpha always takes what he wants and the “trapper” tended to get the crazies and fatties. I am unsure of the modern dynamics (~6 years) but most trappers were seriously beta
Rarely do men with this so-called feminine understanding attract any respect from women. Men who are aloof and indifferent to their charms generally attract their interest and that’s an example of how screwed up female attraction generally is.
Well, Jung is a deep diver who went way down to the sea bed so I tend to to respect his opinion.
I’ll have to say I disagree with you there. I don’t think a high value man ever chases or hunts women.
For instance, do you ever see a millionaire with fatties and crazies? Save for the obvious exception to the rule, no. He has the best ass on call. Not because he is hunting, but because his money, status, freedom, and other things spin a web.
Let’s take a poor alpha. Someone who is obviously the top dog where he is, does he chase women? Never. Women chase him, and ultimately fall into his web.
If you are still equating the ability to hunt women down to being “alpha” or “beta” you are still playing catch up.
If you have ever had any real status or power, you understand that you never have to hunt. You recieve.
So you are telling me that powerful, wealthy, succesful, and physically fit men chase women? and those who don’t chase women, but have women throwing themselves at them are feminine? Ok man. Whatever you say 😂😂😂 we will just agree to disagree.
Yes, QED, that’s it exactly. If you get too close to that which your try to understand you’re likely to become so close that you’ll not be recognised.
Taking and hunting are different things. This whole web thing is effeminate/creepy and reads like some of the comment explosion from the meet up articles.
it’s all good my friend, we just have a difference of opinion. no big deal.
I will just say this, if you think your power lies in basically convincing women to sleep with you vs. figuratively fighting women off of you with a stick, you still have a long way to go my friend.
hunting IS taking what you want. trapping is having another give you what you want. but it’s ok homie. ✌
Yeah sure trapping makes others come to you, but you only get to select from whatever falls into your lap. That doesn’t seem like much power to me, since you are giving them the power to comprise your selection pool.
What dictates more power? The one who acts and gets what he wants, or the one who waits for others to act, then takes his share?
Realistically, you can do all the silly little pua tricks and everything else that you want, you can stalk a certain woman that you want all day and night — but if that woman has zero desire for you, you are wasting your time, and to boot, she is going to leave with someone who wasn’t chasing her all night.
True power to me is having women doing my bidding in every situation, and jumping through my hoops vs my running after her like a dog chasing a rabbit, and hoping that she likes me enough to have sex with me.
I don’t know about you man, but I attract a lot of attention from women naturally. But if im in a club, its crazy. From the very moment they see me pull up, looking like their fantasy. Have you ever experienced having women stare at you from the moment you walk in? And you can bet your mortgage or rent money, that I will bag way better broads with way less effort than a guy chasing chicks all night.
That’s deep.
I honestly tend to believe that when it comes to women, you have to be sort of a chameleon. Not necessarily a flip flopper or clown, but a man capable of adapting to a given situation. In the wild chameleons know their color range and stick to areas they can adapt to for camouflage. I feel women hunting is the same. Be willing to adapt within the boundaries of what you’re capable of.
oh yea, I completely agree with you here. You have be able to switch up your approach, or speak their language so to speak.
You see it as spinning a web to trap chicks, I see it as prostituting your resources to get their attention. You say you aren’t running after her like a dog, but once you wave your resources around you need to keep up the show like a good monkey. Once you stutter she’s gone as well. How is that any better?
No matter what you do you can never fully control anyone, they can always fuck off when they want. But at the end of the day it’s taking action into your own hands, vs coaxing others to take action for you.
Your first problem is that you see it as just a way to get chicks. For instance, if I’m dressed nice, smelling nice in a club and I get a VIP booth and order bottle service, is it just to get chicks? No. Its because I enjoy those things myself. My friend, I could sit in a corner by myself, and never budge and leave with a chick. All I need is eye contact. If she looks, she’s took. But Is it my fault that naturally women will gravitate to people who are having a good time, enjoying the moment, and in turn want to enjoy that moment with you — rather than someone doing everything in their power to get laid and chasing every chick that they think may sleep with them??
Once you stutter she’s gone? Sorry fella, I don’t have the same type of problems that you may encounter.
It’s not a loss of control at all, but you cant see that, because oddly enough, you think that you can’t control people, but as whole people are easy to manipulate and control. If you want a puppet to move, you pull the strings.
I like your metaphor, but most guys don’t put that much thought into going out to the clubs. I was a hardcore club hopper in my early 20’s. In my vast experience, most guys go home $60-$100 poorer and empty handed. Most of my friends would be in denial at the end of the night about what exactly they accomplished. This is partially why I stopped going to them. They are expensive money drains and yet every week guys rush into them.
Preciate that man, and youre telling the truth. Most dudes are just running around like a chicken with its head cut off. You are definitely going to be lighter in the pocket after leaving, that’s why I always tell ppl, you can’t go to the club only to meet women. You’d come out cheaper just getting a backpage girl 😂
but if you enjoy the environment, genuinely like to party, and take home a new piece of ass as a by product, I think you come out ahead
Old article, but bears repeating – words cannot describe how much clubs have spiraled into suckdom over the past couple of decades.
the 80’s were the best and then they sort of slide down hill. .Just in the last 2-3 years have a seen a dramatic drop again. Its not that you can’t score- that’s easy.. it just you don’t want to have to naw your arm of in the morning to get away.
You might try frequenting some neighborhood dive bars. You’d be surprised how many hot women go to such places these days. If you are smooth, funny, and have even a little bit of game, you will score – because there’s no competition at all in those places. I think people in general are getting turned off by clubs – they’re too loud, too fake, and there’s too much bullshit going on. Plus, the economy is in tatters, and this affects hot chicks, too, not just normal-looking women. Which means more and more hot women are pinching pennies these days (thus, their dwindling numbers at clubs). And this, of course, increases one’s chances for scooping a hot chick up at a dive bar. If we just keep patiently waiting for the arrival of the inevitable financial tsunami, any guy who has money at that point will be able to bang a wide array of hot women. And they will be able to do it cheaply, too. Work on your ambitions and your body and save your money. Pussy-on-a-plate for every guy with even a modicum of game, is just around the corner…
Tinder is going to kill off all but the elite clubs and niche bars as it renders them obsolete.. Game will simply evolve to match the changing environment, it’s happened before and it will happen again.
Play around on OKCupid too… Ignore the skank snowflakes that want you to put up with all their flaws and mistakes yet expect you to be Mr. Perfect it’s easy and you can sit at home and there are some good ones…
Day game has always been what I do. And as sad as I am to admit it I picked up way too many hot Wal-mart/Target cashiers/workers when deployed in the USA.
I always volunteered to be designated driver when my fellow soldiers wanted to go to clubs… I used to get women asking me why I was so bored looking. Because I am not drunk and you are fugly and annoying!
I quit the bars and clubs a while ago and have been doing well on the internet. Maybe I’ll try this day game…
The easiest way to pull at night as follows:
1.Big mixed group, men and woman. Shows your value.
2. Have more fun than anyone else. Women look at their phone because they’re bored. Stop being boring. Women will flock to you like Bees to honey.
Nope. I’m not a dancing monkey entertaining women. I let them work for me. If I’m impressed I let them know. They prefer it that way in my experience and It puts me in the dominant drivers seat. If you are “having fun” in order to entertain and impress them, you are the submissive one and they are dominating you…
You are not a dancing monkey you are a man who pays attention to the person right in front of you. Woman will respond to a real man really paying attention to them. You will realize if they are dirtbag skanks and react.
You can’t dance without thinking about entertaining women? Why not entertain yourself? Your entire frame is trying to make women happy, when that wasn’t even my point.
Gentlemen, in the words of the great jimmy soul… “if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. So for my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you”. guys, the pretty ones are just to use and throw away, but they will cause you much trouble throughout your life. fuck em and leave em!
Billy Cosby said back in the 80’s “the ugly ones are the nice ones” as part of a comedy tape he made. I remember hearing it as a kid and I always remembered it for some reason. I have to say that I have proven that principle to be true over and over again…
Maybe the ugly ones go to sleep quicker.
What? I don’t get it. As long as they don’t snore i suppose that’s fine.
If you’re in Australia maybe you didn’t get the memo. Bill Cosby has a reputation for drugging and raping women going back decades
Ah I know about those allegations. Not true I’m sure. He’s a good man. Most men get called a rapist these days from time to time.
Ah I know of the allegation. Not true I’m sure. He’s a good man. Most men get called a rapist from time to time these days. It’s quite unfair.
Well, they need not be ugly. Lots of “plain” women look great with makeup, short skirt and high heels and when they make any effort at staying fit, they can be quite attractive.
Add in the fact that plain women (bet 5-6s) also seem to be more uninhibited and go that extra mile to provide you with sexual gratification than the pretty ones, many of whom are lousy in bed.
I disagree, lower your standards and you will not be happy. There are hot women who make hot wife’s. Settle for less and you have an ugly ex-wife with ugly kids you still have to pay for.
That’s the absolute shittiest defeatist advice I could ever imagine. If you have an ugly wife, you’ll hate your life. Jesus, how about some confidence in your own ability to maintain long term relationship game. What’s the point of living if you’re stuck with an ugly woman. Terrible advice.
“Hey man…..I saw your wife the other day…..she is ugggggleeee.”
“Yeah, but she sure can cook.”
“All right…”
Good luck when she’s 40. She’ll be so ugly your d!ck will go into permanent hibernation.
guy sound’s kind of bitter. He is right about the ratio.. but you gotta remember …gal can get dik thrown at her 24 hours a day online.
Exactly. The mating game has changed. We must adapt too. I don’t like online email spamming. I still believe in old fashioned pounding the pavement. Get outside. Get out of your comfort zone and socialize with attractive women you cross paths with. Social skills are what’s lacking these days, not women
Is that a typical ratio for Reykjavik, Iceland?
If so, I’m going. (Unless someone here can tell me that the women of Iceland are all ice cold bitches of something like that).
I have friends that have gone to Iceland, and they said everything about it is amazing. It’s definitely on my list of places to go
I don’t know but I’ve been told / Icelandic pussy is mighty cold.
good luck getting AMOG’d by tall viking looking motherfuckers
I did not come to ROK for game; I have my own game and it never involved me picking up some skank at a bar. This seems to be Roosh’s deal but WTF?
You want happiness?
1) Make your next girlfriend your last girlfriend,
2) Never fuck a woman unless you would fuck them without a condom.
This is a key to a hassle-free life. I would posit that a man owes a woman nothing if they part ways and he has not yet had sex with her; you can break it off in good faith and brook no drama.
I have one woman who I am proud to call my friend. She is smart and competent but, sad to say, she is a rather fugly. We have a good professional relationship. In terms of personal relationships, I have grown a lot fucking pickier over the years.
There was an article not to long ago about the truth about “10s”. I would be perfectly comfortable banging away at a 7 until my heart gives out. While YMMV, I would rate my present squeeze as an 8 while having a 9 and a 6 on the back burner.
Anyways, the takeaway of the article is that beautiful women are just normal human beings. They are not special and there is no mystery about them. An 8 is no harder to seduce than a 6 so where are you going to put your effort?
Lol. So dogmatic.
Well, it is the wisdom of a half century. Take it or leave it, that is up to you.
LOL Wisdom? I think you might be in over your head.
I’ve been there and done that. Nothing fucking amazes me anymore.
And then, if you do manage to “hit it off” with them, you find out she can’t cook and she likes Lena Dunham.
Bars are good for slamming with with vacuous souls. If you want a decent woman, look in a third-world sweat shop. Or, scan a Vietnamese rice field and look for an eighteen year old girl pulling a plow.
Looks, money, status. Everything else is bullshit in my opinion, atleast in the environment men have to endure today. I see Game as basically creating the illusion of the aforementioned. A commendable art but perhaps a tad delusional.
“I see Game as basically creating the illusion of the aforementioned. A commendable art but perhaps a tad delusional.”
Game had its place in the early 1990’s, started with Ross Jeffries back in the day and then followed by tons of other “gurus” later. But it is in my opinion become obsolete.
One thing about game as I understood it was to ‘illicit her criteria’ which is another way to say, simply, find out what motivates her, what she wants out of life, etc. And the idea was that once you knew her criteria you could take those things she values, and connect them to you. The problem here is that most times even women are not honest with themselves in what motivates them.
Today, social media and smartphones are making females true criteria more painfully obvious to any man who is not a complete moron; and women’s criteria is resource based, nothing more. Esther Vilar, who wrote The Manipulated Man asked the question : Why are women never unmasked? There could be several reasons for this which I don’t want to go into, but whether we like it or not, the current social technologies have indeed, unmasked women; and it’s ugly. In one ROK article brutally asserted that: “No man will ever be loved or cared about as a human being by a woman, ever. It was once said that women are not good nor bad, they just are. And for philosophical perspectives perhaps that is true. One cannot blame a wolf for being a wolf, it’s simply nature; and it behooves us to be aware of the true nature of women. The flaw may very well lie in men as it would appear that we have been handed down a congenital defect in our brains, or perhaps this is all one big joke played on us by the cosmos or evolutionary biology; in that men desire something that does not care for us outside of tangible resources” ( citation here – )
I don’t have the answer to what lies down the road, but it seems with each passing year we are coming closer and closer to some kind of singularity on this issue; a singularity I suspect, that is not going to be pretty.
Nothing makes me cringe like when girls talk about “game” of their past johns…he has no game, etc. This shit is so out in the open, its not even fun any more.
Since when did you have to go anywhere to meet girls? All I need to do is step out my door to do that.
” I was a 23-year-old kid back then with the lowest of game and the most horrible lines and retarded style but I received more positive reactions in DC than I got on my most stay in Poland, when my objective value is at its highest”
Why is that? I thought that at one point Poland was better place that the U.S.? Or are you comparing your experienes in DC in 2002 to Poland in 2016? Could you clarify please?
Agreed, this was confusing for me to read and understand
He means that 02 game in DC got better yield for him, even though he’s much better now, than Poland does now for him, and it shows how much it has fallen in 14 years to now.
Gotcha – thanks. So essentially Roosh is saying that even nightclubs in Poland are not all that great. But then again he is older and it would be better if he could compare his 23 year old self back oin 2002 with a 23 year old equivalent to a club today. Does Roosh even go to clubs at his age?
Serious question for single guys who don’t go to clubs/bars, what do you do on Friday/Saturday night?
I go to bars , i just don’t go to clubs. But rarely. On weekend we gather at a friend’s house and we rotate each week. We either make a barbecue if it’s good outside or get some beers and stay in. Also walking around the city on foot.
Read mostly.
” in the past having a social circle didn’t provide huge benefits because attractive girls were more accessible in night venues, but we’re seeing a shift to where having a deep roster of friends and high status within that social group will be necessary to get access that was essentially “free” before”
I just realized another dot connecting. It has already been stated (and we now are witnessing) that in the business world, that more and more resources are being controlled by less people. The way things are done, systems, etc, everything is getting consolidated and run by fewer and fewer.
It is both interesting and depressing how we see the way the sexes are interacting with each other is evolving in the same way.
“It has already been stated (and we now are witnessing) that in the business world, that more and more resources are being controlled by less people”
Women themselves are resources to be used by men, they already behave like it. The bible even describes married women as the man’s property.
I know Roosh dosen`t always like evolutionary explanations, but you have too see this in the context of evolution.
Studies of human DNA shows that the ratio of reproduction between men and women was about 1:17 for most of our history on this planet.
So only one man succeeded in reproducing for every 17 women. (In the 60s its was roughly 1:1)
Its perhaps not surprising then that when we see a collapse of all things considered civil and “traditional” in the west, we also see a return to a more barbaric, “rule of the alpha” reproduction model.
The age of the beta was really just a very brief exception in human history, we now return to normality in a sense.
Wow, so women are no longer interested in being picked up by a random strange man and instead want someone who is known within their social circle? It’s almost like this is some sort of return to mating patterns that have existed for all of human history.
Online gals can get d thrown at them 24 hours a day – thats what’s changed.
Reading comprehension fail. Women are riding the cock carousel with men they find on social apps. Any average looking female with normal BMI can attract 10 messages a day, and from that every month she can pick off 1 bad boy to fuck her and 1 nice guy to buy her dinner. They don’t have to go clubbing unless its girls night out, female bonding time, and they won’t pay door charge, they use a beta male to buy them a drink, they use the club as a selfie studio. They engage with minimal conversation with people they don’t know, and whip out that smart phone and start messaging people who aren’t at the club.
Seems more like a relationship with a multitudes of safety nets. divorce, relationship alimony, fake rape charges. It caters to the women’s insecurities about a partner cheating on her.
If you want to be in a room full of losers, by all means, go to a nightclub.
As a wise, and long dead, man once told me, “don’t hang around losers. It’s contagious.”
One aspect of this that’s worth mentioning is the degree to which straight women are going out to gay bars and clubs. The truth is that if women want a night out clubbing these days, they’re as likely as not to go to a gay establishment, precisely so they *won’t* get hit on constantly. This is so common, in fact, they you’ll hear a lot of gays complaining about it, because they feel like their spaces are being invaded by people who don’t really belong in them. I feel their pain, as it were, and it goes to show you how much trying to meet women at a (non-gay) club is an exercise in futility.
Well the only option left for America left may be to have bars become saloons and exclude women altogether.
Mr Roosh, I’m just curious what you do if you strike out after a night clubbing? As for me, years ago in my 20’s, if I failed, I would leave the club slightly innebriated and then I would turn into spiderman. I would go climbing buildings for the hell of it at 2am. Not tall ones, just two or three story maybe, flat roof ones with a gutter or protruding ledges to scale. I guess it’s because I did that shit anyway before I went game crazy. I had a lot of energy to get laid but not so much the game angle. I was learning pickup by trial and error, figuring out shit myself, and me at 20 years old, I was still in good enough shape to fuck three women concurrently for six hours straight, at least I felt it was possible. Maybe I could still do that. I’m older and eat shitloads of vitamins and superfoods now. If I knew of vitamins back then, holy shit what I might have done. I never managed to get three lined up though, so the energy went to doing crazy spiderman shit like climbing things.
But I disagree on 2000-2005 being the golden years for PUA. Anytime before smart phones was pretty much the same. The decades before smart phones were pretty consistant. It is a new world with smart phones. Heck go back to ’90-’95 and girls were the same as in 2000-2005. The only difference in 1990 is that gas was only a buck and there was a different president, different model cars, identical beat music but different albums, same drinks and same girls. The girls never changed.
Or even in the 80’s, I’ll have to say club girls were the same. In the 80’s, I used to think the golden club years were ’83-’88 when I first discovered this place called the club where girls go to get picked up and fucked. The first thing in my mind was ”how do they do that? There’s a whole system here with getting fucked that I have to figure out. When I got a good buzz going, I went to trying lines off the top of my head repeatedly. I was talking to shitloads of girls like never before and soon like magic some girls went through motions like robots, with queues to get physical and leave the club to get fucked. Like I said, girls were the same up to the advent of social media. Back then, there was no rape hysteria and ‘rape’ was the farthest thing from my mind. It was about controlling your frame and keepng your cool magnetic buzz going and the girls would make the booty call. Rape was for losers or retards who weren’t social. At 20, a real job or LTR was inconcievable to me. I was too busy figuring how to elicit the booty call from club sluts.
With nights of striking out, occasionally I’d get some same night lays, straight from club to my place (parent’s garage). It was all about getting laid and I don’t think I had the capacity to grasp a relationship. It was all ho bag sluts, but fine ones and dumb ass me though it was destiny to eventually marry one of these sluts and she’d magically turn loyal. So you can guess what I jumped into for the decade after that.
My most memorable club fuck was this one girl I slopped good on my couch in ’84. I never felt chemistry with a girl like with her. We could have raw fucked forever and she was just as much into it. We were like a team, a fucking machine and I met her three hours before. Afterwards she wanted a ride home on my dirtbike. It had no street tags but she held tight as I rode her home at 4am. I dropped her off a few houses down from hers so as not to wake her parents. I wrote her number down but the next day it didn’t work and I didn’t even know her exact address. Bullshit number but she was an animal I wanted to hook up with again. The greatest fuck I’d ever had, but she didn’t leave me with any valid contact info and at the time I felt embarrased to ask her what her name was again after I fucked her. I really did forget names when spitting bullshit lines back then. Giving me a bogus number after such rockin’ fuckin’ was bogus. So she was basically another bullshit flake fuck just like today’s pumpty dumpty club girls.
Then by sheer chance, I saw her working in a hip clothing store at the mall months later and I knew it was her. Couldn’t remember her name but she turned white as a ghost when I said ”hey you look just like a girl I met last summer at the club”. She had these medusa eyes that seemed to see into your head. She fucked the same way like she penetrated into you, instead of the other way around. She was my most memorable fuck. I think she had some witchie-poo spell shit going on. She may have been a maneater wiccan something, don’t know though. But the way she shrank and nearly hid under the cashiers desk when I looked in her wierd eyes. I was pretty badass then, so maybe I burned her wick as she tried to ‘maneat’ on me. Still don’t know. I didn’t quite have the game then to either drive a convo when a girl wierds out on you like that or to invite myself to hang behind the counter with her so I left her with my number and went on. But that was ’80s girls for you, at least the club carousel ones. There was a carousel back then, maybe not so much in the workplace but clubs were a smorgasboard of hotties hell bent on getting fucked.
And then one night when I was 21, I transformed from average bar worm to superchicken! The club had a raised platform for show off dancers above the lower dance floor which I had never scaled. I was drinking 50 cent highball specials, running cheesy p/u routines when I asked a 8+ green eyed brunette to dance. I started shuffling like a slinkie and she had some smooth moves. I got close but grinding hadn’t been invented yet (1985). They were playing extended club ‘Rock Me Amadeus’ or some shit. I put my hand on her lower back and wanted to feel her ass curve. She clasped my fingers and pulled me up to the raised platform. I don’t know what came over me but suddenly my brain began functioning properly. I pointed to a hot blonde on the lower floor and she came up with us. I soon had an honest to god ho-train of four hot girls up there dancing with me. A friend told me he’d never seen me dance like that. He said I was like an electrified jigaboo on crack up there but all I remember is feeling like I had anti gravity boots. I had no money at the time, some cool clothes and a fake Rolex but that night was a first for me. This I believe is true, that game is learned in leaps and bounds but you never know when. You can wane and go through long dry spells but then you make great leaps.
@ MCGOO, yes, this.
Basically until the advent of lower priced, consumer smartphones and mainstream social media use, women going to clubs had roughly the same mindset from the year 1967, until about 2006 (everything came to an end when the iPhone became popular in 2007 and Facebook became the premier social media site, a year later, in 2008). In fact, in the 1990’s, I knew MANY old players from the disco era that were able to shake off the cobwebs after divorcing and were able to pick up many young women, despite being 20+ years older and somewhat out of their element. That still happens today of course, but on a much smaller scale (mostly really rich older guys). However, back in the 1990’s young people didn’t seem to think it was “creepy” for good looking, older guys, to be in a place hosting mostly young people, like they do today.
2007-2008 is basically a kind of metaphorical “End of Days”.
Still I don’t know about ’67. Remember the nickel dances of the early ’40s? It was before my time but girls would hook up right then with a military man on leave. Marriage was a buck fifty and the dance was five cent!!
Bush senior, the pilot, met barbara at a christmas dance in fact. It was quick wife then the disco was quick pussy. Bush senior is in a wheelchair now and can maybe remember a few things but he couldn’t pull shit now. Younger guys need to begin learning to power diet and exercise early before shit breaks. I’m almost three times older than my gf and getting her to eat right is like pulling teeth. Teens and (20)twen-teens eat garbage until their looks and ‘good feels’ of a kid start to ebb. Once you ache when you wake, you’re already rotting from the inside out. Once the junk food hits the surface, it’s too late. Older guys aren’t older unless they wreck themselves. Dummy fat chicks are especially bad shit food eaters. Keep it lean, superfoods, and try to chat up whoever you want. There’s always a 18 yo hottie with a daddy complex or ‘ozzy’ fever. Lol.
@MCGOO, spot on.
In the olden days before Smartphones and Social Media, the act of “Attention Whoring” was a VERY expensive hobby to maintain, once a woman was a few years past high school age and living on their own (i.e. not living on their parents dime). That’s why, back then, celebrities & socialites with trust funds, like Paris Hilton, were the ONLY kinds of people whom were able to successfully “Attention Whore”, full-time, in the PRE-Smartphone/Social Media days. An average woman simply could not get the level of attention that they get today, especially on a “part-time basis”, back then. Good clothes, knowing how to wear make-up and being stylish, in general, was a lot more expensive and time consuming to learn 10+ years ago. If a stylist didn’t show a woman how to wear clothes and makeup, like a movie star,Training them IN PERSON, there was simply no other place to get correct info on how to do it all CORRECTLY. Unlike now, where an ugly woman can watch a free Youtube Video on hair, make-up and style, then suddenly is able to bump their overall look up by 2 points.
So what do I think about this trend going foward? I believe, it may be possible to stem the tide of this cultural phenomenon by treating Smartphones and Social Media like Cigarettes were treated. Basically a public service campaign outlining the “Dangers of Smartphones & Social Media”
How many women die per year in car accidents because of Smartphones/Social Media?
How many women, per year, develop lymphoma and/or Breast Cancer because of constant close proximity to Smartphones?
How many women are kidnapped per year because on online dating, versus those not using social media?
How many women need to file restraining orders because of Instagram and Facebook posts?
However, with all that said, I don’t think such a strategy would make a dent on today’s current addicted female population, but like cigarettes, the next generation of women may “pass on smartphones & social media”, IF, the message is as strong as the “Cigarettes Cause Cancer” campaign that we have been living with for the last 20+ years.
Yummy. Sausage fests are my favorite.
When I was in university, Tuesday was comedy night at the school pub, the next night was “Depression Wednesdays” down town ($2 cover and $2 drinks) then Thursday was Pub Night. The thing was that I had a co-ed group of a dozen or so classmates who I hung with, danced with, drank with and otherwise had fun with. I really enjoyed being a young adult and the idea of scoping out bar sluts to get laid was not on my radar.
The closest thing I had to picking up a girl in a bar was when I finished a night of training with the army reserves and a pair of Catholic school girls came into the mess. One of them liked my uniform and I liked hers. God bless Canada an its 16 year old age of consent law.
I enjoy watching the evolution of Roosh. He finally connected the dots regarding who runs the planet — and was naturally labelled an anti-Semite. Then the rape shit storm hit him, which is likely not completely unrelated to him connecting said dots. Now, we have the realizations of how bad and degrading the gaming and clubbing shit is. Sure it’s worse now, but it was never actually good. You just didn’t know any better.
Well, Roosh, I know where you’re going next because many of us have been on the same trajectory for years, albeit more advanced than you. And that is traveling for P-4-P.
Work hard, earn well, build your little castle and network of loyal guy friends, have a lot of genuine laughs with good comrades, enjoy stimulating your mind with interesting hobbies, insulate yourself from the absolute banality and psychosis of local women (which may include female family members), then plan 2-3 trips per year (solo or with other like-minded guys) to places that offer adventure, activities, good food and paid pussy. Buy it, enjoy it and leave it behind. Always guaranteed, never a shoot down. No entitled fat bitches ever. Never deal with cock blocking friends again. Practice your “game” if you want! It’s heaven.
From experience, I can tell you it’s practical, efficient, interesting, liberating and you feel like a lion. Think you might feel guilty, degraded or like a pathetic loser?? No, not really, unless you are an actual pathetic loser in life. Try banging young hotties for relative peanuts, then have laughs and stimulating drama-free conversation with the boys afterwards while playing golf or doing some deep-sea fishing. Pros are always on their best behavior and always trying to look their best for you. They perform and are honest with what they expect from you: $$$. It’s an uncomplicated win-win. A man needs fulfilling work, like-minded male friends, stimulating hobbies, a loyal dog and occasional young pussy for top-level happiness. No wife, no in-laws, no kids, no church, no white picket fence. Might as well enjoy the downfall!
You’re exactly right and I have been advised the same thing by a good friend.
In a rather ridiculous scenario I took my girlfriend to Pattaya, Thailand. That is not the place where men who are spoken for go. Funny thing is that she offered to get me a hooker to do all the horrible things that she won’t. I took a pass on that.
I have said in other places that if this girlfriend does not work out, then it is all LBFM from here to eternity. Right now I am based in Shenzhen. Airfare to Bangkok runs about a hundred bucks or so; hotel is maybe 60 bucks a night; and bar girls run about a hundred bucks a night while freelancers – who can be a bit dodgey – are maybe half that or less. So a long-weekend fuck fest would cost less than a G-note.
You’re thinking along the right lines. A decent and clean hotel in Pattaya for 2 weeks will run you about $40-50 per night average. Decent bar girls for long time are often about $75. Pay a real cute freelancer a little more and get her to be your travel guide. Treat her like a girlfriend for 3 days, then grab someone different, rinse and repeat. Fantastic way to see the country and experience the culture.
What’s “LBFM”?
You’re from TO, correct?
LBFM = litte brown f*cking machines
I know to many former marines and sailors who been through Subic Bay.
Taking the ‘business trip’ to vegas once a year is like going to disneyland. Then that leaves you during the rest of the year with what?
Vegas is the worst and most expensive place to buy pros. Avoid at all costs!!! I can bang a hottie in Mexico for $60 who would cost $600 in Vegas.
Instead, stay at the MGM Grande (or somewhere with a decent pool party) and bang so-so drunk cougars for the cost of a few drinks — which will likely run you $50-75 anyways.
If you’re only able to sneak away for 1 business trip a year, then you’re either married, cash strapped or just not adventurous / creative enough.
I’ve realized that I can’t spend any more than 10% of my time around women and still be happy. So coming back home after trips still single is ideal for me.
I can’t do the P4P thing. I just don’t have it in me to pay for it. I did it once abroad and couldn’t enjoy it thinking about how many dudes have ran through that shit. Besides, there’s just a satisfaction that comes from smashing a girl that’s with you because she wants to be, not just a commodity exchange.
1) Every “good” civilian girl you will bang from here on out has been pounded by all sorts of cocks, whether she admits to it or not. Thus, no significant difference to a pro. In fact, in many parts of the world, hookers have to get regular health / STD exams and have their results on them. Of course its no guarantee (so always wear a condom), but better than a random Tinder hook-up. Here’s an interesting observation: percentage of hookers I’ve been with with foul-smelling pussies = 15%.
2) You already pay for sex EVERY TIME in some capacity, whether you want to admit it or not. Drinks, food, taxi, gas, parking, club entrance fees, movies, gifts, phone bills, hotels, etc. Not to mention all your wasted TIME — which has become ridiculous with modern flaky women. Pros are almost always significantly cheaper and don’t waste your time.
3) I get satisfaction from banging young women who are a 9/10 to me. I look down at their pretty, smiling faces and perky C-cup tits and think it’s not too shabby. Their conversation tends to be very honest, refreshing and entertaining, unlike the lame, tedious and banal venting you have to put up with non-pros. Besides, I’m not with women for their conversation and opinions anyways. Are you???
4) I’ve never done a pro who did not want to be with me on some level. Granted, I’m in shape, well dressed and very easy on the eyes, but I never pick a pro who I don’t establish real chemistry with. You can always see it (or not) in the eyes. It’s not as fun if you don’t.
5) Of course it’s a commodity exchange — it always is regardless of the woman’s job, be it hooker or bank teller. I’ve found that when a civilian gets drunk, she frequently turns into a money-grabbing whore regardless of what her day job is. However, they’ll be too drunk or weird to fuck at the end of the night — plus you run the risk of a false rape allegation due to her regret of acting like a whore! That’s almost never the case with a pro.
6) You need to go to places where hookers and escorts are well entrenched into a foreign society. Take them overnight, or pay them also as a travel guide for the following day. Take her to dinner and spoil her with a new bathing suit. In these foreign locals, most gals will hang with you and give you passionate sex just for paying their way to do fun things. It’s the best of both worlds.
Roosh is well on his way to embracing this approach, it’s just a matter of time — within a year, me thinks.
The most expensive pussy in the world is free pussy!
Exactly right, both financially and EMOTIONALLY.
A lot of people slag on internet game, but given this article and the observations therein, why would you not get yourself an OKC account? Seriously, here is what Toronto – motherfucking Toronto, the shithole of all shitholes – looks like these days:
Number 3
Is it the blonde hair, the blue eyes or the cocksucking lips?
I was thinking about the piano girl but that one is good too. I just not sold on the one in the suit.
Girls love internet dating. Is because they get to take selfies?
They get so much attention, even moreso than in a bar. It’s a bit of a trick to catch that attention but well worth the effort.
Piano girl had a few other nice pics but I think that one was the best. Suit girl is slim and has a nice face. I didn’t read their profiles but from experience I can say that if she has a power job then dollars to donuts she wants a real man to put her in her place in the bedroom.
She spends 40 or 50 or 60 hours a week extroverting and being all testosterone like dealing with alpha males in a professional environment. On the weekend she wants her own alpha male to take care of her after completely putting the blocks to her.
Then knock her up and put her in a pretty apron. She will be in heaven and never look back. I’ve dated career chicks before who have begged to be made into a mummy house wife. Not sure though if they can make the transition… What do you think? Maybe it comes down to the skill of the man. ,aye there should be a RoK article “how to domesticate a career woman to become a successful wife and mother”. I’m currently dating two girls. One is a nurse and the other is a receptionist… So no seriously ambitious types at the moment…
It’s a hard transition. The career chicks wife up nicely and help you pay off your mortgage but it is really difficult for them to do the whole mommy thing. Personally, I don’t care. I make enough to get by and raise a family. In the past I have dated professionals who brought in low to mid six figures; the fuck of it is that they were ok with taking my cock in every way imaginable but they did not consider me lifemate material.
It was hypergamy at its best. Women always want to marry up; they always want resources from their man, even when they have more resources than they know what to do with.
The problem with “career women” is that they are past their prime. The trick is to find a worthwhile woman between 22 and 29 and DERAIL THEIR CAREER SO THEY WILL MAKE YOU A BABY. Knock up a 22 year old, she gives birth at 23 and the kid is off to school before she is 30. She still has 35+ years to make a career. It is all so backwards because if she has a career first, she can never have a family.
I can’t comment particularly on the quality of the women you are dating but my advice is to dump the nurse and spend more time with the receptionist. Nurses are clever but neither smart nor ambitious enough to get their MD. They are susceptible to a God Complex even more so than doctors, lawyers, teachers or journalists.
Listen to yourself: you are the most solipsistic and self-involved jackass I’ve ever encountered.
And, you’re a pudgy little shit to boot.
Solipsistic. . .that word.
You know absolutely nothing about philosophy or psychology.
And, your recommendation that someone knock up a young woman suggests you treat children like chattel. You should get a vacestomy so you are unable to bring any children into this world.
I am a real man. I am self-educated in several disciplines. I could likely write a challenge credit in any frosh or sophomore philosophy or psychology course. You however, present nothing. No name, no face, no location, no background, no nothing.
I actually offered you a leaf to bury the hatchet and get over your anger. You refused, which says to me that your are the mirror-mirror Elliot Rodger.
Children are the most marvelous things and the fact that a woman can create one is her most marvelous gift. It is a shame when a quality woman wastes this to have a “career” and make filthy lucre.
You have no grasp of the English language. Pudgy and little? Choose one, moron. However, 90 kilos makes me neither.
When you can articulate Heidegger’s philosophical argument without googling it, let me know.
Ohh wow, big man. That must hurt. . . a child.
I love how filtered and modified girl’s photos are online. We really do live in Baudrillard’s hyperreality.
That depends on which argument. The man had more than one, you fucking illiterate.
You don’t even know who Heidegger is, you fool.
You had to google solipsistic to ascertain its meaning, you mendicant.
Who the fuck are you? Another woman hating asshat that gobbles up every meaningless morsel of Roosh’s drivel?
There, there let it all out. That’s better.
Lord Indra is redundant, you fucking moron.
Ha ha. I am Groo the Warrior, I am no mendicant.
Says the phony who admits to having no formal training in philosophy. Why do you pretend to know things that you obviously do not know? What are you so insecure about?
You mean Groo the Wanderer, you idiot. You’ve no clue what mendicant even means.
Just because I did not pay for some useless university degree does not mean that I don’t know my philosophy. I dabbled in Existential bullshit in my angst-ridden youth but having matured I have no use for it. I am more Aristotle and William James now: organic and pragmatic is how I approach things. Your philosophy is what, Kim Kardashian? Miley Cyrus? Fred Flintstone?
You’ve no idea who Heidegger even is, you cunt of a fraud. Do you know who Gadamer, Husserl, or Rorty even are, you fucking lightweight?
You know jack shit. You fucking skim Wikipedia to pretend you know something, you weak fucking cunt.
And, you really fucked up by outing Michael J. Carn, you stupid fucking pussy.
You went to Ryerson. This suggests that you paid next to nothing for your education because you probably lived with mommy and Daddy while you were in college, you fucking joke of a man.
Don’t waste your time on hyper-critical posters such as this guy. They all have an axe to grind and are trying to get the satisfaction of thinking they’ve “one-upped” you due to personal insecurities.
They’re not here to contribute or learn. I appreciate your comments.
But the fact remains that I know Groo off the top of my head but you have to doxx him. And a mendicant is a poor person who lives off the good graces of others. That is off the top of my head but it seems to jibe with the dictionary definitions. Of course the fuck of it is that Groo, like you, has no fucking clue about what they are talking about. Unlike you but more like me and what I have in common with Groo, I can do the whole twin swords thing.
You are so stupid that you wanted me to bring a fucking epee so you could shove it up my ass. LMFAO. I would bring twin sabres – a king George infantry sabre and an artillery sabre that was German made for the Spanish civil war. I have a few other options like my Mongolian broadsword and “Conan” blade, but they are not as fast as I like.
Obviously, that is not going to happen because I do not threaten people – even mealy-mouthed little pieces of shit like you – with death.
Still, it would be epic to strap on my gloves and lay a beat down on your ass. However, you still hide like a cockroach. I am living in China but I will be in Toronto in August. You strike me as a Toronto boy because there are a limited number of cities that breed morons like you.
You’re one of those desperate men who posts about Latinas, fake breasts, and Russian women. What’s wrong? Local women must find you hideous and terrible in the sack, so you move on to unsuspecting women so you can get laid? Fuck you, you joke of a man.
Time and place, you lying cunt.
Oh please. You can’t fight to save your life.
As I have explained to this waste of DNA, I have been on vacation. This is just fun for me. He is such a soft target that I cannot resist. The pace will slow down tomorrow once I have to get back to work. The funny thing is that it seems like this moron spends his working days talking trash rather than doing his job.
Many guys I know who married a nurse got taken to the cleaners. She was too busy caring for others and gave scraps in bed. Keep the nursing skill at home on the ranch. The only longtime married nurse I ever knew lived on 15 acres with many animals and kids. They were highly religious. But nursing home LPN’s are the worst divorce raping pigs. Avoid.
That doesn’t make any sense. I’m not a woman. I don’t normally post about Russian women. I usually post about Latinas especially from the countries I’ve been to.
Actually no, local women tell me Im attractive and well dressed. I just heard that tonight when I went to Wal-Mart.
Hardly desperate.
Not real sure what your malfunction is, but if you’re not here to learn or contribute you’re wasting your time.
Learn? From whom? A collection of insecure dolts who have no idea how to talk to or relate to women? No. You’re nothing more than a collection of immature fools that will never have a real relationship with a woman. Just keep jerking off because that’s the only satisfaction you’ll ever get.
Clark, you are a failure of a man. You’re 50 years old. You’re a failed lawyer. You abandoned your country and are seeking solace in the arms of a woman young enough to be your daughter. Real men laugh at you. They do not envy you.
You are a bald, out of shape, walking cliche, and I’d love the opportunity to show you up in front of your girlfriend so she realizes the colossal mistake she made in spending time with the fraud and loser that you’ve always been.
You are a pussy who cannot fight his way out of a wet paper bag. And, you’re girlfriend needs to get fucked by a real man. Once she has, she’ll drop you like the loser that you are.
Wal-Mart? Did you fuck the disabled greeter? Of course you did.
I think the dude is playing ‘cut down’. We did it all the time on the school bus. It sharpens you to authority and being taken advantage of. Actually me and my old wingman, we used to cut each other down all to shit before we went into the clubs. It opens up your brain pores like a steaming shower opens up your skin pores. You go into the club all wound up with plenty of fodder and lines to spit. Getting cut by a good cutdown burns like a swig of everclear going down but it gets you revved up.
I am not sure what part of “10 years in the military and 7+ years of martial arts training” does not register with you.
You made a Karate Kid reference and I suppose you are partially right. I learned how to fight so I never have to fight.
You have no conception of what a “real man” is. You hide like a cockroach, so I don’t expect that you will present yourself as the pinnacle of manhood. However throw me a bone here and post a picture and a bio of what you – a cockroach – considers to be a “real man”.
With this girlfriend and my previous two, I had to be particularly gentle. I suppose that is not a problem for guys like you with a three inch dick.
You are so predictable. You’re insecure over your anemic cock, so you project your raging insecurity onto others.
You use, manipulate, and exploit women, you coward.
I said “knock up” and it wouldn’t be the first time. You are so gay and so in love with 66Scorpio. There are gay sites out there you know.
He is a phony. A fraud. A woman hater. Like you.
Not hater.
Yes you are. You a serial dater because once women realize what a shitheel you are, they kick you to the curb.
I’m saying no. If you comment again it’s rape.
That’s the only way you can get laid: drugging women and raping them.
I don’t think you realise how much combined experience there is between some of the guys who post here… what’s your problem anyway? Why are other people’s posts upsetting you so much?
The hot females will get 10 messages per hour on OKC. That’s over 200 messages per day. Its a fucking joke.
Yep, just like a hot chick in a bar will get hit on 100 times before you come along. Be presentable and interesting and you can cut through the noise and perhaps get a response.
Online dating is totally gynocentric. It should only be used as a supplement to game, not a replacement for it.
“5. An increase in group size with the presence of beta orbiters who purchase drinks and thus lock in the girls for the night.
6. A hostility to “random” men who are not pre-screened via social circle or a swipe of destiny on Tinder.”
This is my recent experience in NYC.
The ethnic makeup in these bars is interesting. Rapefugee’s entering into European night clubs have made those places unattractive because of the aggression and safety issues brought in. The more civilised European cultures is what made night clubs attractive and possible.
I would say one reason these night clubs are empty of females is because they are empty of appropriate males. Perhaps the club owners have got it wrong, its the presence of high status or at least well behaved males that makes a club, not attractive females.
“My most positive night game interactions came when the girl was highly into my appearance or believed that I possessed some type of status. I did not have a case where I approached a girl, she was neutral, and then I was able to increase the attraction by being interesting, cocky, and so on.”
This is 100% true. I am confused if he is trying to say that game used to be enough and now it’s not or if it was always shit? Wasn’t his entire job to teach people game for all these years?
Roosh is making a transition. He saw, he conquered, he came. . .so to speak. I have no particular use for “game” or his Bang books even though I paid full freight to own PDFs of all of them, to support his new project.
He is now 36 and has wised up the same way I did when I hit that age. Fucking sluts is empty. The new game is to find a quality woman and then use all of your new-found skills to bag her on a permanent basis. So he stands by all of his erudition but has put a new spin on things.
thats not what i got from him. you did hit on something important though – age. you get uglier, weaker, lower energy so your percentage of positive interactions drops even lower than it was in your 20s… age is the ultimate red pill. lol @ guys who think men “peak” in their 30s or 40s rofl.
This is pretty right on, love the color coded photos. I was in Atlanta and Miami for many years, now southern California and I’ve been at this long enough to see the changes mentioned here. I’m good looking enough that women approach me and also in the music business so have dated lots of wild and hot ones. So the first thing I will tell you is don’t even try to score in discotheques unless you’re in the promoter or photographer’s crew or you’re offering drugs – coke or molly, and preferably all of these. This is the only way to cut through on a regular basis, as you’re competing with loud music, flashing lights, and other dudes offering drugs. If you’re in this category and also personally know the staff, then looks while helpful are largely irrelevant. Your age is also irrelevant: 18 year old, hot tramp, fake ID low self esteemers are fucking the 60yo staff and promoters in the back every night to cop drugs. Women who frequent these places are usually clinically narcissistic, so nothing attracts them other than something that appeals to their vanity – photographs, egocentric drugs, or faux status “I’m with the promoter or DJ.” You’re risking arrest for possession so that has to be factored into the CPF (cost per fuck), ultimately making it very high. Almost every dude banging bitches in this scene has multiple DUIs and felony drug convictions, so nothing is ever what it seems and careful what you wish for. And if you start to DJ or play in a band, you’ll be painfully surprised to learn that these women don’t give a fuck about your music – they are with you because you (the guy on stage) picked them instead of the other bitches and so they get to hang out in the booth and be on stage by proxy, the very essence of narcissistic groupie psychology.
I never got into the drugs so even as the featured talent with good game, I figured out about 5 years ago, that it was easier and cheaper to date online and this includes models, strippers, camwhores, porn stars. they are all on there, hoping to meet someone better than their perceived choices in a bar. Not only will you meet better people in general, but their guard is down relatively speaking and they will (iniitially) treat you better. The CPF is way lower, it is easier to cut through. If you have not mastered your online presence, learn how! Begin testing your profile, do your research, learn the nuances of each site you join, and get KILLER photography. It costs very little money, only your time. Use the clubs only as a means of mastering your approach and charisma to build confidence to use on the women you will meet online, instead of expecting an immediate return. Wear boots and smuggle in your own liquor, get on the guest list (easy to do on most nights) ask for free drink tickets from the promoter, and do your best not to pull a dollar out of your pocket save for the bathroom clerk. And never buy drinks for bitches you don’t already know or silly bottle service unless the club is comping it – buying this is for suckers. Befriend those who do buy bottle service and hang in their section if you must, but once you know what you’re doing, even this is rarely necessary. And finally, no matter how high the bitch shield, remember that no woman spends 4 hours getting ready to go out to a club to meet no one, and she can dance with her friends in her living room. Deep down, every single woman in a club is hoping to meet Mr. Right, or exploit Mr. Wrong… and you can score either way 😉
You should write an article for ROK.
Thanks! I sent one awhile ago, they turned me down —
The quality of articles on ROK has been declining, they need help.
They’ve declined me also…
Would love to read it!
Would love to read yours too!
If the M/F ratio was that skewed where I lived there would be no way I’d bother going to clubs. Hell there’s a much better M/F nightlife ratio where I live and I still don’t bother! lol It’s daygame and online for me.
It is a fact that sexually frustrated men will drink a lot more. So clubs crank up the music so you can’t have any conversation.
It should be red-pill knowledge that business in the US creates sexual frustration in men in order to get into their wallets. Men should spend their money on shitty beer, cars and trucks for their ego, expensive rent, expensive weddings and shit to impress women.
Red pill men should boycott the US economy and the materialistic bitches it uses.
“Night game is becoming more about looks and status instead of raw game ability”
So Roosh is now acknowledging what average and below-average men have been saying all along. But to say this before made you a “game denier”. Now Roosh has finally come around to the same conclusion.
I’ve been in the nightclub business for 12 years and I completely disagree with this. Most men stand in line outside begging to pay to get in and spend 500/bottle on liquor that costs $17.50 wholesale. I expected to be paid to show up… and I was. As written in my comment below, nightclub bitches will bypass the Ken Doll guy every time and leave with the fat ugly guy age 45-65 and fuck him, his friends, and other bitches for three days straight at a penthouse orgy. Or fuck the owner and the staff after hours at all night house parties or right on the bar at the club when the doors close. The key to the game is drugs: you are either offering them to girls or you get passed over. The other angle is you are the promoter or club staff paying the gogo dancers waitresses etc. and the “audition” is whether or not the girl will fuck them for the paltry cash (as little as $75) being paid which appeals to their vanity and gives them a stage to attention whore. For example, many professional ball teams pay cheerleaders almost zero, make them fuck for the slot, and make them buy their own uniforms lol. And these bitches will DO it. Dating online is the way to go (see comment below) but If you insist on trying to score in nightclubs, you need to seriously learn how the game works and befriend people in the industry. You don’t want to be the cliche dumb fuck buying full price VIP bottle service that is frequently discounted or comped to the “in” crowd… and bankrupt in 2 years, while the whole staff makes fun of you —
I’ve noticed this trend in nightlife in general within the last one or two years. You used to be able to go out and most places had a 50/50 ratio or it would favor men slightly as women would go out in larger groups then men. I was out last night and the ratio in most bars was at least 5:1 men to women and most of the women who were out already had guys in their group. Even if those women were not attached to any of those guys they were definitely not looking to mingle with other guys.
A younger guy (late 20’s) who was out with us said most girls he meets up with he either finds on Tinder earlier that day or online elsewhere. Then they just meet up one on one and then are usually having sex within a few hours of meeting up. If that is true it is vastly different from even my night gaming experience 5-7 years ago.
The smartphone killed the club scene.
Only 20+ years ago women had to wait for men to approach them. Women now have cock without leaving their homes and ruining their repetition of being called a slut around her friends.
Most women in the west are just used up sluts hence no valve. A womens valve is based on her purity!
I prefer the valves on men. Hmm, getting me all sweaty.
Try New York city. 200,000 excess single women. You get a girl every night on the Internet plus those who approach you in bars (Admittedly, I’m French)
Thinking about the club scene and thinking about being in a club is worse than one of the college homework nightmares where you wake up and remember, thankfully, you graduated.
I’m too old to be interested in nightclubs now, but I have always hated nightclubs, never seen the point of going somewhere with so much competition. Plus girls are usually drunk, and sex with drunk people is disappointing on the whole. Festivals and raves were always more fruitful, as were gay clubs for pulling women, because they were riled up by all these hot unattainable men, that they’d leap on you if you were actually half way good looking and available. Plus gays know how to party, if you’re willing to deflect the odd come-on.
I got a train pulled on me once in the bathroom of a gay club. I was leaking cum for about three days. It was so HOT!
I live in Colorado Springs. It may as well be Barrow Alaska. Go into a bar at night you will see 20 men for every woman, and most often those women are with a boyfriend. Some nights you may not see a woman at all; it’s that bad.
I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for a young guy in his early 20s these days. The quality of women has plummeted, they are all narcissistic IPhone addicted sluts Thank God I grew up in the 90s and am now happily settled down
Agreed, but please define happily settled down.
Happily engaged to a buxom Ukrainian babe who cooks my dinners and irons my shirts… dreams do come true!
Its worse in London, U.K., all the worlds men have moved here to make money, its dreadful. 3’s & 4’s have high value here.
Been going through London on business for years. Great place to spend a weekend, but would not want to live there. I feel sorry for my mates who are living there. Miserable lot.
So right, infact this inferno has spread all the way down to India. Yeah club life a decade ago was pure, unadultered and exciting, now the moment as you enter any regular club or night life bar, you notice the same old familiar 30+ pushing women clinging on to their beta orbiters for free drinks and conversation, Oh yeah and the desperate outer orbit captain save a hoe aligned passively to break out any disturbance by an Alpha male trying to game his way.
So I do this…go in with a bang, loud and talk to a few of my wingmen and then when those women expectation dies out and know i’m not interested in them, I tap right back into them only to get them get cautious and then I introduce a nice guy who would bore that girl to death, n me I step back , sip on my drink and keep teasing and laughing at her until I notice the signs that she is conscious in my presence and then break off to another target leaving her wondering wtf am I doin?;)
Remember: they can only reject you only if you are interested in her…Period.
Just don’t care and see these bitches sending you secret frnd requests on fb.
Oh btw I don’t have an official fb account, fb is for chicks n betas attention seeking hoes. My 2 cents, no offense to my brethren here.
over the years, i’ve pulled tons of pussy out of bars, but the ones i’ve kept around for any length of time, i’ve met in normal daygame situations……..go figure
All the young girls are online dating old married men for their money lol.
The decline of men and women indeed!
Even more dangerous to bar game is the new idea that (effectively) the moment alcohol touches a woman’s lips she is incapable of consenting to sex. That is both disturbing and far more dangerous in the West right now. Every single bar pickup now has a higher probability of turning into the woman regretting the opening of her legs (and the subsequent sexual olympics) and making a false allegation of rape. Personally I think it’s far better to stick to picking up girls in the daytime.
Change in mentality too. In the 1990s early 2000s the clubs were still the places you’d go to for random hook-ups. Everybody knew that. Girls might be at a club with 2-3 girl-friends, guys could go in single or with a similar number of bros. But everybody understood you were there to drink, dance and hook-up. Now days girls tend to go out in bigger packs, they only want to dance with each other and the goal seems to be smash down as many free drinks as possible, then spend the remainder of the evening crying in the toilets with each other about how shit their lives are. And the clubs don’t promote themselves as the place to hook-up any more. Having the hottest girls in town that weren’t paid to be there used to be a big selling point for clubs. Now days, it’s all about ‘fun and partying’, and occasionally a DJ that nobody has heard of. So I guess the rape-squad has them whipped as well.
Aside from technological and social changes the most destructive factors are:
1. Totally crazy gender ratios that puts China to shame – in cities it is certainly above 50% more men than women except for New York
2. The fattening of women which again decreases the pool of attractive women even more
It is little solace that 35+ cougars are on the rise. Those were relatively easy to get always.
Good article. In my opinion, as you eventually mature (I’m talking very late twenties to early thirties) and establish your own SMV, it’s wasted effort to try and meet girls in clubs anyway, especially in the West. The more you learn about the world and yourself, the more you see that the girls in the clubs are all actually only sixes and sevens at the most, if their vapid personalities don’t drag them down a further few points. They’re trapped in a perpetual whirlpool of drinks, easy lays, thick makeup and skanky clothing, wondering why they can’t find the man of their dreams in these dingy establishments while their social skills, appeal and beauty crumbles along with their cheap foundation makeup.
Tell me, Kings, as a established SMV male, would you go looking for a quality woman in a club? Fuck. No. Try gym game. Try grocery game. Try restaurant game. One of my most enjoyable STRs started when I challenged myself to try ‘barista game’. If you open a girl when she’s doing ‘good girl things’ like working or serving you your coffee (as opposed to getting her whore on in a club) you can set the frame and tone for the entire relationship by always bringing her back to that one moment when you met and she was respectful, well-dressed (yeah, maybe old Snowblind has a thing for girls in tiny aprons) and looking after you. Not once did I catch her acting like a spoiled millennial while we were together (though she lapsed with her girlfriends), and I have fond memories of our time to this day.
As you get older, you’ll start looking for more in your women, even if they’re not ones you’re considering for some kind of relationship (from booty call to FWB, short-term, etc…). You’ll look for class and style, natural beauty, submissive traits, eloquence and mental stability (it hurts that I have to even mention that last one) and once you get into that abundance mindset and build that self confidence you forged in the crucible of young adulthood, your options for game become truly vast in scope.
On a side note, I have been to Club b5 in Reykjavik a few times over the last four years or so (I try to stop off in Iceland every time I’m up that way, and you all should too if you get the chance – it’s a beautiful little place), as well as many of their other little pubs and clubs, and one thing that has always impressed me about the nightlife in Iceland is the sheer diversity of people you will encounter. It’s not at all uncommon to see cute young couples grinding to the music alongside middle-aged folks out for a good time as well. It all depends on what your taste in nightlife establishment is over there, and there’s no judgement; they’re all there to have fun and it shows. It’s a truly refreshing experience and I’ve met some pretty awesome people there.
Tbh I don’t think nightclubs have ever been a good place to pull. Usually too big, too many people, too loud, etc, etc.
Bars are better because you can take your time, scoping in the talent and making your move. Also, you can also hear what each other are saying. Not only that, suggesting you move to another bar is a lot easier than suggesting some chick leave the club after she’s paid her money to get in, or some chump is offering her VIP table service.
This is a genuine question from a genuine woman, I’m not trying to cause controversy or anything, just wanted some honest opinions (sorry, just thought a disclaimer might be necessary in this kind of environment).
You guys seem concerned about weight a lot of the time, which I think is perfectly understandable considering the obesity epidemic that has swept through the West (I don’t consider it acceptable for either men or women). I was just wondering what you consider fat?
I apologise if this seems like a stupid question, but it’s something I’m actually curious about.
It’s when you have excess body fat, and you no longer have even a slight hourglass shape. Its really just something you kind of recognize. I think most people can make a pretty accurate assessment when they look at a person if said person is overweight
I think that’s very generous, some guys here say they wouldn’t touch a girl over 120lb!
It just depends
anything above 24% body fat
… so, about this Thailand trip?
I’m a fairly attractive woman, bordering-on-but-not-quite hot, who’s red pill. One of the things I realized after breaking-up with my boyfriend is why you don’t go to bars. It’s not because it’s filled with a bunch of rapey pirates. Oh, if only. No, it’s filled with the likes of Dohinder, yesman types who served in the military, and libtarded men who may be cute, but are too chicken-shit to ask you to dance. Not even for game reasons, like they would pee their pants and ask for mommy. It’s a display of nature’s weakest links.
I was just looking for a makeout session, to get my mind off of Bae. It was a really horrible breakup, and I needed to move on. I spiffed-up and looked awesome: full makeup, shorts with tights, heels, etc. I didn’t even go with a posse. Bought myself a drink. Stood there, waiting for someone to ask me to dance (this was Salsa). Dohinder, Jose, etc, and they wanted to dance far into the night.
Finally, around the end, I whipped-off my sweater to reveal a belly shirt. A lot of girls wear those, but I have a bangin’ bod, so it caught some attention. It definitely caught lesbian attention. I had lesbians trying to make a move on me, so I guess lesbianism is a real thing at least.
The best I did, before leaving, was got the attention of one or two normal, plush white guys (that’s actually really good for me) and an attractive foreign guy with no game. All I got was “hey, you are so beautiful, do you wanna dance? Please?” By the end of the night, I was too tired. Otherwise, I would have given it a go like the sport I am, to probably no avail.
Part of me wonders if it’s just the fact that the bars are so liberal. I struggle to see how, with strap-ons and cheating and all, liberal women ever, ever manage to get aroused by these men. Even the cute, well-groomed ones. Once you get past the facade, they’re still the type of guys who are very sensitive about their attractiveness. I just needed one good makeout session, a little fix of feeling overpowered. Not even a PUA in sight. Oh, well. I watched Jane Eyre instead. Point is, there are only a few bars or clubs that are able to quench the thirst, but from my end, the thirst is a thirst for masculinity in a desert of pajama boys.
Nunja you are on the right track.
We live in an age where it is “cool” to be a metrosexual eunuch. This is true for women and men alike.
It is even worse than that. If you are strong and fearless like the knights of old, you can choose to be a gentlemen for this very special woman.
The men you saw had no such choice.
Nunja, here is some insight. The men you are seeking in a club are: 1) too savvy to buy an unknown woman drinks, they’re smart with their money. Unless you are a friend of their other women friends (i.e. part fo the “in” crowd) they won’t approach. 2) Are in the industry (promoter, photographer, staff, hired talent). They don’t have to approach you, attention whores will approach THEM. 3) Are mainly seeking out women who are wanting to fuck for drugs, as it requires less effort and zero seduction. Metaphorically speaking, there’s a sort of “secret hand shake” that goes on here – all drug users can spot other drug users. In the rare event of any doubt, the code phrase is “do you party?” 4) do not even bother going out on friday and saturday as it’s too much work to cut through the “weekend warrior” sausage fest. The hottest women will also avoid these spots, unless they’re in VIP with someone dumb enough to pay for that crap or so rich that for them, handing out Ben Franklins is like offering someone a cigarette. Your best bet for meeting a guy in a club that is up to your standards is to go on a weekday “industry night.” Thursdays are usually best, however depending on the event, any night mon-thurs is an option. It is useful to think of a nightclub as a “church” where narcissism, alcohol and drug abuse are worshiped instead of deities. I would recommend dating online in general which is generally what I do, especially if you avoid drugs like myself. I’ve worked in entertainment for over a decade and I have not bought a drink for a woman I don’t already know or is not a mutual friend of my crew since 2008, and that is generally the case with many in the industry that I know. You may also want to try the sugar daddy sites as you are more likely to meet someone with significant confidence and skill, just make it clear you don’t want a sugar daddy and the best men will find YOU. Hope this helps!
You boys really have to come to Thailand for nice girls.
“..but how will you even be able to begin the connection process if women are losing the ability to converse with new people thanks to their slavish addiction to technology?”
IS thst the excuse now? Because frankly it seems more and more difficult finding people to have a sensible conversation without me saying “I’ve made a big mistake, please stfu” in my head. Nothing is worse than the one sided conversations either. Not to mention lack of ability to carry on an intellectual conversation not based on emotions. Just try talking about say politics. It all comes.back to not liking or liking a cadidates based on what is on the media. No measure of actual research done. Simply put, you’re seeing the successful products of cesspool-schooling and buzzfeed-based information. Nothing but hit it and quit its.
and now something a little more amusing to cheer you up…..
Can a writer at RoK or even some readers explain more about the sexual marketplace in a sort of economic sense or point me to good articles? How does men’s value continue to plummet and females skyrocket? What would actual charts of these things look like? What drives it? These things are still similar to other real world markets and products.
So Rooshy ….
If womens’ actions are to be controlled by men …
And if men are suppossed to have interest into marrying ONLY a virgin …
And if the population is essentially 50% male and 50% female …
WOULDN’T that mean that ANY interaction between man and woman not leading to marriage is abominable ?
Then isn’t this post of yours COMPLETELY irrelevant ?
AHH THE FUCKING Cognitive Dissonance …
Actually you better change the title to :
“Trying to sell more copies of my book “Day Bang”
I have the solution though. I ‘m not just complaining.
I think approaching a woman online is a complete waste of time Truthfully, I would say a woman who is on Tinder or something like that should actually be looked at as a casual hookup and nothing more… ever… because any girl, even the ugliest girls, can put their profiles on the internet and get inundated with hookup requests from guys 6 – 7 points outside their relationship range… just b/c the guys want to hookup… but of course the girls don’t know those guys would never be serious with them. They’ll just get strung along… but of course that means they are not going to be good for you. Honestly, I think the only way to meet girls today is through work, school, church, a hobby, or a friend of a friend type introduction. Basically a place where you get to know them by being around them where you aren’t having to come on to them or vice versa… they start liking you by being around you and then you can escalate it.
Well this is cool because I’ve never been good looking enough to score in even the trashiest nightclubs. The only time i did OK was in the Caribbean where the woman had never heard my hackneyed lines or seen my affordable leisure wear. Fuck it, I got a phone number from a lovely English woman on the bus yesterday. I probably won’t call her but it’s nice to prove i’ve still got it.
You obviously had some sort of ‘coming of age’ in the 2000 to 2005 period, so see it as a ‘Golden Era’. I was there my friend. But imagine a time, before the internet. A time when dance floors were jam packed with scores of women and two guys who new how to dance to High BPM Techno on a Wednesday ‘All you can Drink’ university night. The ’90s.