Melissa Harris-Perry, best known for mocking Mitt Romney and his adopted black grandchild, has launched an epic tantrum after MSNBC chose to focus on the Presidential primary season instead of her “race and diversity” television program. She claimed her employer, who had put up with her mediocre ratings for an extended time, was “racist” and began boycotting her own show, if that is even possible. MSNBC’s response was to cancel her show (and fire her personally) on February 28, after escalating patterns of histrionic behavior.
The two-hour show, named Melissa Harris-Perry, began its syndication just over four years ago, but during that time MSNBC has invariably lagged behind both CNN and Fox in the ratings. Despite widely being viewed as the leftwing version of Fox, the media group has struggled to find the regular viewership of its News Corporation-owned rival. Slowly, executives there have realized the need for more rigorous reporting of news, not handouts of airtime charity to SJWs like Harris-Perry.
In a move befitting of a woman naming 120 minutes of televised talking after herself, Harris-Perry tearfully claimed that she was being “silenced” by MSNBC. This speaks volumes about the mentality of race baiting SJWs like her. When you become upset that your personal narcissism factory is playing second fiddle to the nomination processes for President in the world’s most powerful country, populated by 330 million people, you know you think far too highly of yourself.
The dilemma facing her, however, is that she was just not bringing in the proverbial bacon for the network. Someone like Bill O’Reilly of Fox can get angry at the world or life in general because he has the highest rating cable news program. He, unlike Melissa Harris-Perry, is also aware of the imperatives of business and profit-making. News networks are not deliberately loss-creating fantasies.
If “diversity” is so vogue, why did her show eviscerate itself and its ratings?
Times have never been better for delusional SJWs, particularly those of the race baiting variety. So why did Melissa Harris-Perry’s Melissa Harris-Perry (I love saying it this way) struggle so badly and for so long? You already know the answer. While the rest of the population, even the vast majority of leftwing voters, are out living their lives and being reasonably productive members of society, a small but preposterously vocal minority has been trying to make themselves look much bigger and more important than they actually are. From Black Lives Matter to Feminist Frequency, these related groups do not command the sort of audience that MSNBC can profit from.
Still, these SJWs are squandering some spectacular examples of political correctness over past months and years. The recent Oscars furore, where self-promoting actors and actresses forgot the overrepresentation of black performers in terms of nominations and wins since 2000, has been a boon for anyone interested in not just ignoring facts but also deliberately twisting them. That Melissa Harris-Perry’s show was canceled on the exact same day of the Oscars is an irony more supreme than any other I can imagine.
And this Oscars beat-up comes hot on the heels of the self-defense killing of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, a topic Melissa Harris-Perry took every opportunity to misrepresent and lie about. The aftermath of this shooting incident played throughout 2015, illustrating the rabid propensity of SJWs to interfere with and plain reject investigatory procedures, then claim that any carefully drawn together findings are “cover-ups.” Nevertheless, the release of a Federal Department of Justice report irrefutably confirmed via (black) witness testimony, plus ballistics reports and other expert statements, that African-American Brown was the aggressor and criminally tried to take Wilson’s gun.
Compare this gerrymandering of current events to suit SJWs to the non-existent advantaging and even persecution Return of Kings receives. Facing down 1,600 slanderous articles from vested media interests, we successfully attracted tens of thousands of regular new readers in February, all without the financial largesse of an MSNBC or New York Times. If Melissa Harris-Perry could not making a one-egg omelette with the countless chickens she received, something is deleteriously wrong with her message.
Do not bite the hand that feeds you
It is clear that MSNBC either stoked Melissa Harris-Perry’s sense of privilege and vanity, or did not do enough to file it down considerably in the early stages of her time with the network. Whichever answer is the correct one remains to be seen, but we can attribute the real blame for her massive fall firmly and squarely on Harris-Perry herself. SJWs, including the wacky “academic” kind she represents, have long regarded themselves as invincible (or huge victims when their “God mode” runs out of steam). Well, first Harris-Perry’s ratings and now her virtual firing have dispeled that illusion, albeit probably not in her own mind.
Once again, we have been presented with a wonderful addition to our ever-expanding album of “SJWs Who Do Our Work For Us.” It is tempting to just get angry at Melissa Harris-Perry, or curse MSNBC for why they ever had her featured so prominently on their network. But why? Of course, my preference would be that she had never (dis)graced television screens in the first place. Irrespective of the mistake that was made, though, the cause of common sense always benefits when SJWs conclusively prove with their own efforts that they should never have been hired.
Tragically, beyond SJWs, the usual suspects, prima donna antics like Melissa Harris-Perry’s are found in countless other women, too. An article I wrote last week, for example, exposed readers to it’s-all-about-me syndrome sufferer Nina Paunova, who killed herself after her boyfriend, who promptly dumped her, figured out she was using him for money and gifts. The week before that, we learned about truly depraved false rape accuser and Game of Thrones actress Souad Faress.
Appearing like disparate situations to some, they are actually all intricately related testaments to female self-entitlement gone mad. Expect many more of them going forward, potentially through ever worsening permutations.
We can only hope that MSNBC will learn its lesson this time. Ha, unlikely!
Read More: Fake Conservative Megyn Kelly Exposes Her Anti-Trump Agenda During Presidential Debate
The Left always eats its own.
The only thing is to survive to that point.
The devil breaks his tools when he’s done with them.
I think those tampon earrings might be SJW nunchukas.
Nah, she is just acknowledging her kindred nature with tampons. Both her and the tampons are stuck up cunts.
Maybe she’ll pull some strings and get her job back.
Not bloody likely.
She could always make a porn flick with Rachel Dolezal.
That made me shudder.
Dolezal would start off blacked up. After all that licking though..
No, it’s not doing anything for me
I bet she stays plenty black throughout!
Get it?!
Yes, I know where the door is located.
Youre pretty clever for a 20-something; it must be hard to crack jokes with your humorless peers, yes?
My jokes tend to piss everyone off because they offend some category of people. It this case, it offends black men. Even they would not touch that lady and her vaginal abyss.
I’ll take “Things I Never Want To Think About” for $500, Alex.
Wasn’t this the same monster who said the government should take your kids away because they aren’t “your children”?
got a link – I’m curious?
what an insane communist.
I think the community knows what it would have done with her
God, what a fucking idiot.
As the SJWs say, “wow, just wow”.
I’m part of a community. Other people’s children are not my responsibility.
Bitch be crazyyyy!
These are people who like the sound of their own voice.
My kids would be my kids…not the governments, not the lady up the road…they are my kids. I don’t know what the hell this woman is talking about but she needs therapy.
“My kids would be my kids…not the governments, not the lady up the road…they are my kids.”
They’ve been the government’s children for generations now. The vast majority of children are given over to compulsory schooling and government indoctrination for 12-15 years. Schooling takes up the majority of the day, and family time is what can be made out of what’s left before bedtime. Children with single mothers “who don’t need no man” often go straight to daycare after getting out of school. Of course the Millennials are all socialists and think it “Takes A Village” to raise (idiot) children and that children belong to the state.
Yes, but you have a choice to home school your children, let them go public or private. If my kids went to school (today) they would be in private or home school. The propaganda going on in school (now) is ridiculous.
I can truthfully say that, outside of her being mentioned on Breitbart, I don’t have even the vaguest clue who this broad is, nor do I care if she throws her entire Affirmative Action career down the toilet. In fact, I celebrate it.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
I don’t even know what her voice sounds like. I’ve ready some of the bile lunacy that she spews, and that’s about as far as I want to become acquainted with this vile witch.
Who’s the other bitch on BSLSD? The white girl with the butch haircut? She’s an obnoxious little twat too.
That’s Rachel Maddow or something isn’t it? Another useless mouth breather that I know only from reading political websites.
Mr. Maddow
Think Cindy Brady, voice- wise.
Consider yourself lucky. She is indeed the epitome of Poe’s Law.
She’s famous for saying this in response to someone calling some people hard workers (I’m paraphrasing): “We have to be careful when we’re using the language «hard worker». I actually keep a picture of folks working in cotton fields in my office and also single moms are hard worker so basically that’s offensive to black people and women”
She’s utterly insane.
And that’s not including the commercial where she tells us that we need to get away from the idea that we own our kids and adopt the idea that the community owns them.
^^This one- a true “WTF am I listening to?” moment.
Glad the tv “news” racket is dying an all-too-slow death…
Scary thought that.
PLEASE tell me that she was going for the “It takes a village to raise a child” sentiment and just misworded herself in the heat of the moment. Please?
It’s 2016 bruh. The communists are in the wa- ah, shit we still don’t have walls.
Clearing your throat?
Clearing your mom’s throat.
Try harder than that or keep it quiet. Bruh
You sound angry. Take a chill pill.
You thought callin me bra sounded dumb, so instead you called me bruh.
I didn’t call you shit. Might want to recheck the convo.
You might want to learn how to not talk like a faggot. Bruh.
Go take your meds, aspie.
Ok bruh.
Indeed. These types are always looking for that angle (the woman angle, the black angle or both). Why can’t people just be hard workers…why is there always this need to place the label on someone?
Again, who is keeping racism alive (and well) in the 21st century? It’s not whites and it’s not men.
I blame Reagan. He’s the one that closed all the psyche wards.
Honestly lol 🙌
She’s a typical Academia Nut.
I’m sure she would prefer the term lazy worker instead
I think network executives fucking flock to hire batshit crazy people to host shows.
I only know her because I’ve seen the BLM bullshit with her name attached to it in another article and the nonsense she was spewing about how children don’t belong to their parents any longer (they are raised by everyone, the community, etc…)…more socialist bullshit.
Yes, we only need to wait for the lawsuit to pop up over her being fired because she is a woman, she is black or both. These types never just go away quietly because, again, in their mind it’s all about them. That is the disease…and there ends the lesson.
Regarding lawsuit: Spot On.
You’ve got to love these race-baiting degenerates who preach “White Privilege.”
No white male could bring up a discrimination suit when terminated due to poor performance and win. I’ve said this a couple times: the most privileged in this country are women. They’ve got Daddy Government making sure they get paid more for doing less and can sue and win with little resistance when they’re canned for failing at the JOB.
Imagine if a white man went on TV and pushed all of the racial nonsense that this woman was pushing on her TV show. The show wouldn’t last two episodes and it would have been canceled.
Women (especially black women) have been given a license to say whatever they want in public, on TV, etc….about anything. Words like diversity are code for “no more white people”. It’s astonishing to have this one sided racism going on today (brought to you by minorities). They keep racism alive, not whites.
Totally agree.
Look at the two BLM FATTIES who took over Sanders Mic in Seattle. Ridiculously scary the way black women are consumed with the — entitled — mentality that they can do whatever they want with in your face threats and physical assault.
Totally Agree.
I found a clip from the BLM FATTIES who took over Sander’s Mic in Seattle. Black women have a scary — entitled — mentality that they can do WHATEVER they want. Including in your face threats and physical assault w/out ramification.
(After this event the bitch on left was welcomed on PMSNBC and lauded as “heroic.” Via another link, I watched 5-7 minutes of this shit show. She claims she wants actions taken for black lives lost in violence. Yet it always comes back to Michael Brown. These people NEVER discuss the epidemic of black on black murders in Chicago as example.)
No group of blacks are more segregated, entitled or insane as Seattle blacks. They are surrounded by white libs who kiss their ass, coddle and pedestalize them to a surreal extent. They are GODS on earth in Seattle and a brother giving a random hipster an unexpected high five could literally make the hipster (even if he’s straight) cum in his pants right there and then just due to the explosion of his “Look at me. I’m not racist tingles.”
Now I hate these BLM knuckle-draggers more than I already did. And that’s saying something.
In another video that showed more … once she got the mic, she told Sanders Seattle was a racist hell-hole occupied on Duwamish Land. She then said the people in the crowd were racist. (If there was one thing I enjoyed — it was lefties flipping out on being called racist.) And finally … about black lives lost with it ultimately being about Michael Brown. She demands a 4.5 minute moment of silence for “The Gentle Giant” and won’t begin the moment of silence until everyone is silent.
What a Fucking Joke!
Agreed. I’ve never heard of her either. Probably because I actually work for a living and don’t have time to sit around the house all day listening to yet another mentally deranged liberal vomit out her insanity on the air.
No joke… what a pathetic twat.
Why is it that the most militant and loud-mouthed of the American “blacks” appear to have a lot of cream in their coffee, and if they were to visit sub-Saharan Africa, would NOT even be considered real blacks by the natives.
Just like this featured bitch.
…because many Blacks despise their hue and desire to claim and vicariously live through lighter-hued half-white people to feel a sense of “artificial pride…” all while the half-cream individual takes advantage of the resources bestowed upon them by Blacks because he or she believes themselves superior to Blacks and knows most Blacks will practically do anything to feel a sense of tribal pride and belonging. Obama played a similar role to his advantage too by failing to recognize his mother and calling himself the Black President in order to appease Blacks who claim him as one of their own. He and many others who have more than half their coffee filled with cream and claim only Blackness are often opportunists who feel superior to Blacks and know Blacks will practically worship them because many Blacks despise their hue and wish they had much more cream in their coffee.
You hit it on the head. Her only claim is that she was a professor of African American Studies someplace. I don’t know how to describe those programs, as they’re in universities but designed to turn out delusional malcontents who have no place in society. Even African countries won’t take them because they’re not fit for anything and can hardly read or write.
I’ve only scrolled past BSNBC….I mean….MSLSD…crap still not right…
Anywho, each time I saw this “news” network, the female speakers were always self-righteous, smug, cunts. Could only stomach about 30 seconds before their bullshit began stinking up my house.
She doesn’t like Star Wars because she identifies as a Klingon.
Cis-gender Klingon? If so, she’s an oppressive alien shitlord.
You know how the Starship Enterprise and toilet paper are alike?
They both travel to Uranus to wipe out the Klingons!
Have you heard about John Wayne toilet paper? It’s rough and tough and don’t take shit off nobody!
I can never un-read this.
She looks like one too.
That is an insult to Klingons.
Well, she does look like she circles Uranus.
Not gonna lie, I’ve never heard of this lady. But I do find myself weirdly hot for her.
No, Jim. Look away! Look away before you lose your job too!
Jim. Save yourself!
Goddamnit, Jim, I’m an engineer, not a witch-doctor! Break the voodoo!
If it’s in a “I want to hate-fuck her” sort of way, I understand.
Same for me with Suey Park. Can’t stand her, but I would love to dominate her in bed and really have at it.
The self-styled HJP SJW’s of the world live in walled cities apart from the rest of humanity. When they cry their shrill screams, the empty sound of their rage reverberates off the walls of their ideological prisons leading them to believe their few voices are legions. The fail to realize that silent majority of conservative leaning working folk characterize the din beyond the liberals’ walled gardens as pathetic whining.
Their megaphone of mainstream media is a joke, and rightly scoffed at as irrelevant and void of substance. The proliferation of networked cable and satellite TV paired with inexpensive technology has led to this explosion of diarrhea that has only discredited and diluted any real voices liberals had to at least present a coherent case for their ideology. Everything is degenerating into childish tantrums over the most inane concocted issues the toddler mind can come up with.
This chick forgot her role and strayed outside her lane. She’s an entertainment monkey in an infotainment culture whose primary job is to sell soap, Cialis, and depends undergarments to the very people she wants to take to task on social issues. As a result, she lost her Mr. Microphone and white-hot spotlight. And like any spoiled 2-year-old, she’s not going out without an epic scream and cry.
Tampons as earrings? Feminism needs to be treated as a psychological condition.
Oh please!! Making an ass of yourself is so empowering.
More like pathological psychiatric condition.
She’s had her own show for 4 years on MSNBC and the first time I ever heard of her was just a couple days ago in relation to this story. No wonder she was fired, no one ever watched her show.
She had a show for FOUR years! I thought it was maybe a year.
Appearing like disparate situations to some, they are actually all intricately related testaments to female self-entitlement gone mad.
Great pattern recognition. Well done David Garrett Brown.
She should check her own quasi-white privilege, because her skin is pretty light from where I’m sitting.
For a second I didn’t know who she was. Then I remembered she quoted a Jay and Silent Bob flick as if it were true.
Enough of these racially ambiguous media personalities. Our elites push them on us as propaganda to make us accept random race-mixing, despite the fact that these children often grow up without a sense of meaning and belonging in the world.
Can you imagine a white guy saying the same thing about a black family? Hairy Scary sure has privilege.
Some article on here said to never trust a woman with a hyphenated name, and that goes double for men with hyphenated names. I even know of two men who bitched up and hyphenated THEIR names when they married, which is unfathomable to me.
My surname is short, simple, impossible to mispronounce and misspell, and has heritage. If I ever get hitched, which is unlikely, she will be taking that name, that is one of four non-negotiable terms that will happen.
If you get hitched to the right one, she will want to take that name. No negotiation necessary.
Any slut would say ,,I don’t think so !” on her taking on your last name. To be taking on her last name, would be just fucking stupid, but be aware, many men (omegas, betas) have already made that mistake.
Two things I especially look forward to under President Trump:
1. A rock-solid libel law making it straightforward to financially ruin false rape accusers and the SJWs and MSM outlets who repeat their lies, ensuring that no network ever seriously considers hiring a Harris-Perry again.
2. An end to the importation of the breeds of mankind who commit all the actual rapes.
These, of course, are the rapes of poor white men in prison, usually for crimes they did not commit or acts that should not be illegal in the first place (such as refusing to pay child support to a faithless wife for a child that isn’t yours), at the hands of Third World scum who live better in First World prisons than they ever would on the outside at home.
I wouldn’t count on it but it’s a nice thought.
Reminds of a scenario in my early twenties when I was more liberal…
I disagreed with a supervisor on Part 17 of his 18 point world view. A few weeks later, I was cut loose from the program. It was then I learned how intolerant the far left really is, and how incapable they are of “agreeing to disagree.”
MSN is seeing what happens when you refuse to give in to all the demands of the far left.
I really hate that shit. “Tolerant” people are actually the most intolerant people out there of anything that isn’t their worldview. It’s exhausting dealing with them; I’m fairly decent to everyone, but they try to pit people against each other. Got one that showed up at my workplace recently, I hope she doesn’t last.
Gotta figure out a place to work where we dont have to deal with them.
Who is this? I understand the article, but what possible merit is there in even discussing an unknown?
TWO HOUR show!!?! What the fucking fuk?!?
An undisciplined, mentally-challenged child.
A few months back we learned she owes the IRS big $ in back taxes. So much for “inequality”
She’ll just say that is retribution for slavery, even though she was never a slave.
Imagine a girl in a princess costume running around a playground with her wand, tapping everyone on the head with and telling them they’d turned into frogs. When one of the boys, after repeated taps, told her he wasn’t a frog and that she couldn’t turn him into a frog, and then took her wand off her… her reaction would probably be pretty much the same as Melissa Harris-Perry’s has been.
And then everyone went back to playing in the playground, and no-one cared.
I had to laugh with your thought as I was actually that kid when I was younger-at 10 years old and wouldn’t buy into that kind of bullshit. I was ‘red pill’ insofar as I called teachers out for their pandering to all these moronic causes and then at 17 I branded the high school a pack of Communists for scaling grades as I busted my ass only to have mouth-breathers benefit.
Her getting fired at the end of February truly made it a Black History Month worth celebrating.
While I can’t say I have many close black friends, the black colleagues, neighbors and other acquaintances I do have are fine warm-hearted people. It’s so unfortunate that the self-anointed “leadership” of the American black community are so atrocious. They take up the most trivial crusades and defend the worst and most shameful characters making the whole community look bad. Unfortunately anybody too calm and moderate would never get the same kind of media attention those outrage whores provoke. A perverse and tragic unnatural selection we have.
“It’s so unfortunate that the self-anointed ‘leadership’ of the American black community are so atrocious. They take up the most trivial crusades and defend the worst and most shameful characters making the whole community look bad.”
A true leader would call out these self anointed leaders and shame them for insulting their ethnicity. The people fall prey to this victim mentality and spreads like cancer.
We need to stop catering to these cockroaches.
What a freak show.
I make it a rule to never pay attention to any woman with a double-barreled surname.. it screams “feminist SJW” right off the bat. But it’s a sad day when Bill O’Reilly is one of the better news channels out there.
Didn’t she say that your children didn’t belong to you, but belong to the community?
Sounds similar to the term “state.”
Yep. Pretty messed up by itself.
Porn is always an option for these biotches, in this case bestiality. That’s big in some parts of the world…
I have often wondered if she was a right wing plant to make sjw’s look more terrible than usual.
I find it difficult to believe anyone can be as insane and stupid as her…
People like her are legends in their own mind.
“Thith ith totally unfair! Damn you cithgendered Anglo-Thaxon men. Damn you to hell!”
Never heard of her thankfully. Good riddance
For such a soi-disant Black Life, she certainly appears to have more White blood in her than, say, Obama’s daughters.
That whacked out psycho when someone on her show described someone as a hard worker she had a big problem with that because she has a picture in her office of slaves working in the cotton fields and be careful who you call a hard worker because it be racist! MSLSD
I remember that. You’re right, that was her.
Fucking ridiculous!
She will fade into obscurity just like Al Gore. Every once in a while you will hear his name as the butt of some joke about Global warming. Same with this women she will be the joke about race baiting.
the tampons are to mop up the blood after i skull fuck her in the earhole
Seems like the best strategy for dealing with the pouting princesses is to encourage them. We need to incent this self-revelatory behavior. Of their own free will they refute Feminism. As is noted in the book of Job, “Your own mouth condemns you”.
She looks liek that white chick who said she was a black chick.
I can’t believe anyone let her on the air with those poverty hair extensions.