A recent article on CNN’s site painted a rosy, rapturous picture of Iceland as a nation that has finally figured out a way to survive and prosper without marriage. The article was entitled, “Is Marriage Outdated In Iceland?”, and it typifies the kind of agenda-shaping propaganda that passes for journalism in the mainstream media.
We are first presented with a startling statistic: 67% of children in Iceland are born to parents who are unmarried. Then a woman is interviewed, who gushes:
You have this horrible term in English, ‘broken families,’ which basically means just if you get divorced, then something’s broken. But that’s not the way it is in Iceland at all. We live in such a small and secure environment, and the women have so much freedom. So you can just, you can choose your life.
Bryndis, we are told, has three kids with two partners and “not a drop of shame or regret.” What is left unsaid, of course is the fact that this paradise on earth is made possible by special confluence of factors that would not be possible in most other countries.
To begin with, the entire country has a population of only 320,000 people. Everyone generally knows who is who, and a lot can be deduced just by knowing what part of the island a person is from. So when the statistic of “67% of children born outside of marriage” is bandied about, we must also remember that the people of the country have a degree of consanguinity and homogeneity that not even Japan or Korea can match.
Iceland runs almost completely on renewable energy (geothermal), due to the fact that it sits atop an area of extensive volcanic activity. No other country can say this. The result is that the country does not need to spend the huge sums that other countries do on petroleum refinement and importation. Citizens and the government have to spend very little on electricity and hot water. The country has no external enemies and, as a consequence, spends nothing on defense or weapons systems.
Also left unsaid—for reasons I will let the reader reflect on—is the fact that this marriage-less paradise is made possible only by the fact that Iceland has one of the most extensive welfare systems in the world. Even the recent financial crisis has left the welfare system relatively unaffected. According to one recent study,
Family care policy has, comparatively, been minimally affected by the financial crisis. However, there have been some changes to generous parental leave policy. The ceiling on parental leave payments was lowered in July 2009 from 400,000 ISK [Icelandic kroner] to 350,000 ISK, and then further decreased to 300,000 ISK in December 2009. To compensate, the allowable timeframe for parental leave was extended from 18 months to 36 months. Additionally, payments have been increased to 80 percent of earnings for earnings lower than 200,000 ISK and 75 percent of earnings over 200,000 ISK. Thus policies on family care have retained their socio-democratic character despite cuts in government expenditures necessitated by the economic crisis.
Actually, it’s even better for Icelanders: according to the CNN article, Iceland guarantees “some of the most generous parental leave in the world, nine months at 80% pay (three months for mom, three for dad and another three to be divvied up).”
So it’s not hard to see why it’s so easy to “choose your own life” when the government is paying for everything, your country has no external threats, spends nothing on defense, and you are an isolated island in the middle of the North Atlantic.
I say all this not out of any desire to criticize Iceland. I have much respect for the fact that they value their heritage and culture, and take real steps to ensure that their language retains its distinctive and unadulterated character. They’ve found a system that works for them, and they are doing what is in their best interests. But to imply that their system can and should be duplicated in other places would be misleading.
The coded message here, of course, is that marriage is dead, and the government (that is, everyone else) should pay to support children born out of wedlock. This is the paradigm shift that the mainstream media has been creeping towards for some time now.
It is impossible to deny that Iceland’s social institutions and customs are impossible to apply to the rest of the world. For the reasons given above, a “no marriage” policy is possible only because Icelandic women have found a far more wealthy “husband”: the government. Who needs a husband when Big Daddy government is there to pay for everything?
I question the motives of news outlets like CNN when they deliberately fail to disclose material information when it comes to reporting on social issues. The impression given by the article—and the message that no doubt the average reader will take away—is that marriage is unnecessary, family is unnecessary, and everyone can just do whatever they want. One can only conclude that American media outlets are deliberately trying to undermine traditional social institutions by presenting materially false or misleading information.
This is hardly new news to readers of the alternative media. But it is important to document examples of mainstream media disinformation, so ensure that agendas and biases are placed squarely on display.
Read More: Why Creating Outgroups Manufactures Outrage
How do they pay for welfare up there? Tourism?
Don’t you know?.They have plenty of exports. They include:
-World’s Strongest Men competitors
-Some of the most gorgeous blonde women to grace this planet
-huge amounts of rotten shark meat
-the hit children’s series Lazytown, including Robbie Rotten and his creepy pedo Elvis visage.
LOL- thanks.
Bjork is responsible for 18% of their exports haha
Bjork is angry lesbian music.
The best icelandic bands are Solstafir and Kontinuum
Song is interesting. RoK has Icelandic readers? Why is Bjork angry lesbo music? I listened to her in the 90s
one guy has dreadlocks- thats not a good look. You should knock on his door and tell this.
I will have to check them out…thanks!
That was before she hit the Great Ice Wall
You forgot to mention Reyka
Ha! Good call.
are you Icelandic? Tell us more about that land and culture.
Nope, Im not.
I’ll take Sigur Ros over Bjork
Hello, you forgot their most obvious export.. ICE
What about the lava they export for our lava lamps?
Mostly fishing industry. They also only have 870 registered Muslims (luckily).
“Iceland’s economy is highly export-driven. Marine products account for the majority of goods exports. Other important exports include aluminum, ferro-silicon alloys, machinery and electronic equipment for the fishing industry, software, woollen goods. Most of Iceland’s exports go to the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, the United States, and Japan. The 2005 value of Iceland’s exports was $3.215 billion FOB.[39]
The main imports are machinery and equipment, petroleum products, foodstuffs and textiles. Cement is Iceland’s most imported product. The total 2005 value of imports was $4.582 billion. Iceland’s primary import partner is Germany, with 12.6%, followed by the United States, Norway, and Denmark.”
Fishing? Figures. Men’s tax dollars propping up the bullshit.
It seems their economy is unsound.
it’s an island surrounded by ocean….lots of fish to export to a hungry globe. If they had any resources of real value that could be extracted, I’m sure the Soviets would have landed a couple of submarines filled with Spetsnaz during the Cold War.
I’m going by the numbers. Exports $3.2B, imports $4.6B. They need to catch more fish. They have no monopoly on fishing. All of Europe fishes the Atlantic.
BTW, the Soviets were not a strong naval power in the Atlantic. Nato had a huge advantage.
Iceland had and has strategic value just from where it is. That’s why it’s been a NATO member from the start. That kept the Spetsnaz away.
“They also only have 870 registered Muslims (luckily).” — still 870 too many by my count. At least its ‘only’ .02 % of the population….nothing like Sweden or France numbers…
CCP…they built a global MMORPG based on spaceships….forgetable in most economies, up there it becomes a major player.
Holy shit, that MMO is at least 10 yrs old! Its great that it is still profitable.
The institution of the family is under attack for the same reason social services are so robust throughout the West and the Leftists are so adamantly against weapon ownership and self-defence. (Australia is gearing up to prosecute a man for the “murder” of a prowler who crept into his daughter’s bedroom)
The Elites want to see people become completely dependant on the government. Strong families are an obstacle to this. As is a sense of ethnic identity or a tight-knit religious community. They’d rather everyone be a secular, ethnically-mixed single parent with no clan to support them. A tabula rasa. The perfect consumer.
If you watch some TV, you’ll see this insidious manipulation at work. Fatherhood is played up to be a huge joke, siblings hating each other is portrayed as normal, and the single mother’s kid is rarely much of an obstacle in her quest for a good man.
I think you just gave out the plot for Modern Family in that last paragraph.
I watched American Horror Story once, the season with the freakshow.
One hell of a piece of leftist propaganda; the only half decent father figure is a closeted faggy stongman, the other is truly an evil white patriarch sexually obsessed by his daughter. There is a scene in which he gets the tarring and feathering treatment from all the strong empowered females.
I’ve been watching the Peaky Blinders. It’s an excellent lesson in the 48 Laws of Power.
Any idea why a copy of that book is like $150? My friend is a corrections officer, apparently that book gets passed around alot by the inmates. I think it would be a good idea to ban that book…
$150? I listened to it for free on YouTube and the 48 laws are posted and discussed all over the internet. I would think most inmates would have a fairly instinctual understanding of many of these laws.
Did you miss a decimal point?
I think the director or writer is a gay man, which might help explain the representation of fatherhood you describe
And just look at this:
Iceland has the highest rate of antidepressant use in the world.
Compare that to the happiest country in Europe, the Dutch, and look at their traditional sex roles and you quickly see a relation.
Women don’t get to be “independent, they get to be broken.
Quintus should have made a comparison with the Dutch to showcase what independence does to women and to provide the solution.
That may also have to do with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) [Which may or may not exist] — but in winter they have like no sunlight for up to 12 hours a day as well as bitter cold.
Iceland isn’t the only place like this and as said compare them with the Dutch the happiest country in Europe. The completely opposite family units are noticeable.
Apparently depression causes broken families which in turn causes more unhappiness.
The debauchery in Amsterdam must be like a trip down memory lane for Germany’s Weimar republic. I can see why you would endorse it.
As there is nothing to indicate that you only ridicule yourself.
I’m not into labeling everything as its own distinctive “disorder” per se, but I am considerably different when I am not able to absorb the natural rays of the sun. These past few weeks, when it has been beautiful outside, I find myself skipping work to sit on the back porch and read with my shirt off, absorbing the wonderful vitamin D.
Actually, the very laws of God and the peaceful way of Christ is being sabotaged. All of today’s thrieving society is built on christian values, values that are being attacked on all plans via any means necessary. The family unit is only one of the most important christian values – family, piety, kindness, selflesness, sacrifice, love, moral values, virtue, the masculine, the feminine – shit even nature’s laws are attacked – and they are attacked on all plans, via every means available on the fucking globe – radio, tv, music, products, movies, books, articles, news, actors, sculptors, MGTOW-movements, presidents, legiferators ( senators and deputees). If I were to be mistaken and I am most surely not – the world built on christian values is being destroyed, the world made in God’s image is being destroyed and reshaped, this is an age of true darkness. I hope we are worthy to fight. Long live the Christian values !
God bless us gentlemen !
Cheers !
Excellent article and well balanced. I love when a journalist doesn’t feel the need to attack something he might not agree with. Adds far more weight and credibility to your point when you can acknowledge the positives and more importantly explain why it works and what makes it the exception to a rule
It’s got a much greater chance of being persuasive. It’s time there was less preaching to the choir
Couldn’t agree more even when i agree with a point but they labor it and use cheap tricks to undermine the opposite view,it just turns me off if i know im worked over.
They’ve also completely glossed over the damaging effects of children growing up without fathers, which Gavin McInnes correctly describes as child abuse.
I agree. I watched a lot of his videos and I find myself agreeing with a lot of it.
However he also tells women it’s okay to slut up and is basically a generation Y cuck. I can’t take him seriously any more because guys like him rely on logic, rather than instinct and logic, to come to their conclusions, and conclusions derived without Male Instinct (we may alternatively call it God or what is Divine within us) are prone to become rationalisations rather than rationality.
The perfect example of this is his inability to make the connection between slutty whores and divorce / broken homes.
I actually think that articles are sometimes more effective when the author’s views are broadcast through a megaphone so to speak. Nobody here is going to disagree that children need fathers, that’s taken as a given
Excellent post. As the neo-gramscian strategy of the long march through the institutions progresses through mainstream institutions, alternative information sources pop up to do the media’s erstwhile job. Reality marches on, leaving ideology behind.
The effort to promote Scandinavian-style socialism in the U.S. makes no sense any way, because in other contexts we hear all this propaganda about how white people suck, that our era has ended, and that the remaining white redoubts don’t deserve their good standard of living because they got it unjustly through white privilege.
And you can’t possibly get any whiter than an Icelander.
Make me think of the “World War Zimmerman” episode of South Park…Cartman is afraid the minorities will riot with the Zimmerman verdict, and he has his map of the world….Iceland is the only area listed as “Safe”
Excellent point .
It’s very calculated propaganda. Whether it goes back to the Frankfurt School, globalist corporatists promoting feminism, or modern feminist progressivism,promoting ‘alternative families’ have been explicitly on the agenda for a decade or so. ‘Equal marriage’ is a part of that, but it wasn’t until I was doing a social sciences course about a decade ago, that I discovered how broad this attack on traditional hetero-normative marriage is. Many people, not all of whom are paid-up feminists, or gay rights activists, support that agenda, but what’s so disturbing is the way the change agents try to introduce the changes they want to see happen under the radar, so nobody quite knows what’s happening until it’s too late – a fait accompli.
Iceland falls into the scandinavian group of experimental nations, which have been chosen to guinea pig the new humanity of socially engineered men-women, where gender is irrelevant as far as parenting is concerned. I think its right to emphasise the small size of the nation – every scandinavian country has a relatively small population: it’s quite easy to capture the institutions of small countries, and create ‘models’ which the rest of the world can be encouraged to follow.
One interesting thing about Iceland though is that while the feminist social engineering aspect seems to be typically scandinvian, the icelanders don’t seem to be quite in the pocket of the banks in the way that seems to be the case elsewhere – at least when the financial crisis hit in 2008, Iceland appears to have been the one country which didn’t bail out the bankers. The globalist agenda is certainly alive in Iceland, but its worth noting the diverging tendencies here
They told the British bankers to pound sand. Apparently, the Brits were seriously considering invading Iceland at the time.
a lot of British people lost money in Icelandic banks, and they certainly weren’t happy about it. Quite a few pension schemes in particular. I think we could just about manage to invade Iceland actually, but it would be easier to kidnap and ransom Bjork
How much rotten shark meat is Bjork worth to her people?
Wall street big shots and cabalist bankers convinced Iceland to pump everything into banking and finance before the GFC. Thankfully they didn’t collapse like Greece.
have you got any links for that?
There is information out there that mainstream media has chosen not to disclose of some big players that benefited handsomely in the theft of Iceland. Il give you a hint, they’re not of Icelandic heritage or Eskimos.
American Frederic Mishkin, possibly another Eskimo aiding the deception.
thanks, I’ll check it out
I really wanted to punch that guy in the face. That was a good documentary.
To me this is common sense.
But I feel a lot of people have been groomed to become selective processors.
To me this point counter point and real analysis of rhetoric was the bread and butter of my humanities degree. But who knows what my classmates got from the program.
This is why it’s hard to take anything on its own.
I think the utopia of Iceland. Could be a good ideal. But clearly is not currently practical
The media pushes nothing but nonsense. Every TV show has an inordinate number of gay characters even though the US is only 2.5% gay you would think it is 50%. Basically in a nutshell- black good-white bad, homo good-hetero bad, muslim good-Christianity bad, women good-men bad. So what you have here is the white hetero Christian man is the worst possible thing anyone could be. It all falls in line with what they are doing- blacks and browns overtaking white societies, mix with whites lower the IQ of the populace making them easier to control. Next phase eradicate whites that don’t buy into the mongrelization.
Arthur C. Clarke in his novels writes that the human population would “brown” through race mixing in the coming centuries, and yet still maintain the ability to run and progress a technologically advanced civilization that could colonize the solar system.
Well, we can tell now from the huge amount of IQ data available that Clarke’s plan won’t work. The browning of humanity just makes future generations dumber.
Clarke apparently moved to Sri Lanka for several reasons, but high up on his list he found that he could bugger the Sri Lankan boys without legal interference or social disapproval. Given his broken and degenerate sexuality, we shouldn’t take his advice about breeding future generations.
“So what you have here is the white hetero Christian man is the worst possible thing anyone could be. ” — and right now on college campuses they are told to ‘check their privilege’ — next up will be Nuremburg Laws.
I don’t mind having a lgbt character in a show, but its starting to get a bit too trendy and over the top in the media. Check out this list of recent tv shows (and this is just the dramatic shows, not sitcoms & reality tv).
JJ Abrams recently announced a gay character coming up in the next couple of Star Wars movies. If you were to bring this up in public and you’ll get the usual homophobe accusations
“…mix with whites lower the IQ of the populace making them easier to control”
That is Kalergi plan.
– Practical Idealism. The Racist and Supremacist Roots of the Ideology behind the European Union
“Elites” want that white nations to follow Ancient Egypt path. Read Arthur Kemp books. Start with “The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt”. Stoopid mongrelized people with low IQ are desirable.
– March of the Titans. The Complete History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp
– Arthur Kemp – WHITE RACE – Interview
– Jewish involvement in the promotion of ‘hate speech’ laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.
Why anyone would watch TV is beyond me. It’s all the same every show had the same plot archeotypes, same lame jokes, same stupid characters. Everything on TV tells me that as a straight white man I am the root of all evil. Not only this I feel that because TV is so vapid TV viewership must be like a drug for most people, they only watch it to stimulate certain reward sensors in the brain and while they are under this high the “narrative” is slipped in.
Doesn’t Iceland have a replacement fertility rate also, or at least near it?
Regardless, I say all the time, don’t watch or read the media. Get your information from the splendorous word of mouth network that the internet allows dissidents to provide.
Mass media is owned by gatekeepers with an agenda.
What this article shows is that the socialists do have a point that if the capitalist cronies such as Gates and Zuckerman were taken to a basement and shot, in theory, the people would be a lot better off with the money. The USA is a hellhole work camp and even though France and Germany have no-go Sharia zones, the USA has plenty of inner cities that few dare to walk around in after nightfall.
But the problem is that even when socialism does appear to work… leftism came in and made the men soft and the women into raging, destructive monsters. It’s like the garden of eden with Eve falling for the snake.
Quintus, there’s an even more fundamental problem with this – nowhere in the article is the effect on the children examined.
Sure, it’s great for mom to have a welfare-state license to fuck innumerable dudes and pop out bastard children, but unless we have established that those children don’t grow up to have significant problems, the number of children born out of wedlock isn’t something to be proud of. Just ask the American black community, which has also long enjoyed an out-of-wedlock birthrate (70+%) that beats Iceland, but has also been subject to horrible rates of disease, death, poverty and cyclical violence.
What a surprise that CNN ignores similar recent reports about Iceland’s children, see, e.g.,:
Iceland has the highest rate of antidepressant use in the WORLD.
Go suck it you independent and strong sluts.
The only system that we should be emulating is that of the Dutch. The happiest country in Europe with striking traditional sex roles.
Women aren’t “independent”, they are broken.
Dutch women… stay far away from those chicks.
Yeah, I hear that often but apparently the Dutch are the most traditional in Europe.
I mean they bring their feminists to the edge:http://www.returnofkings.com/17392/helen-mees-is-a-feminist-role-model
Never stick your finger in the dyke.
Yeah speaking of that…you think Amsterdam’s legendary red light district is gonna survive Sharia? At least weed is considered ‘Islamic’ (hasshish), so that part of the economy will keep chugging along.
Oh, I see were you’re coming from and stop right there. I never said that the Dutch are perfect. Weren’t we only talking about family units? How come that some people have the specific brain faculties to think that I go against homogeneity just because I deem Iceland as a failure?
Explain to me how your brain works step by step.
Homogenous white societies really scare you don’t they.
So, you are here ready to stand in for all those independent and strong women, aren’t you?
I shouldn’t be debating and only mocking white knights and manginas but whatever.
Tell me exactly what makes Iceland great. Tell me exactly what such a feminized nation could possibly be worth no matter how homogenous it is.
Aren’t you just pathetic. How can you be this stupid? What in the world makes you think that I have anything against a white and homogenous society?
That you would steep so low as to defend feminism just because of your own bigotry…
How do you jump to such conclusions? Where is this emotion driven thinking coming from in a man?
All this proves is that White people can prosper in any setting in any economic system and any governmental apparatus. On the other hand in Africa where you can trip on diamonds and tons of gold are still just meters underground, blacks kill and rape each other every day. Genocidal tribal conflicts go on forever and no amount of aid from the government or the outside World can create a moment of peace stability or harmony.
If you still believe race has nothing to do with it, you’re just hopelessly stupid.
This goes to show the bullshit of “diverse” space colonists in science fiction. If space colonization ever becomes a reality, it will show massive disparate impact instead, in favor of the people who can science the shit out of their survival challenges. You just won’t see communities of black people from Earth living on Mars because they lack the intelligence to survive outside of protected environments on this planet.
I’m sure you’ll see some ‘affirmative action’ on colonists…at least for Blacks & Hispanics. Asians will be highly represented obviously.
Outside of Bjork, I don’t anyone of note form Iceland. I knew a guy stationed there once and he hated it. They were not nice people from his reports. It reminds me of Finland as it is probably the only place where I saw socialism actually work, but again they were mostly a small, noridic people with their own language.
I’ve never been but the perception is it’s a land of lots of blondes, lots of alcoholism, and easy women. Plus it has the northern lights and geysers. Bang Iceland showed it to be fairly easy pickings.
These leftists need to understand that they can’t tell the native people how to live.
It also helps that the country is almost entirely of NW European white origin.
Also conveniently neglected from the CNN article is the prevalence of unmarried monogamous relationships in Iceland. For all we know, Icelandic couples might pair bond for life and breakups are virtually unheard of, despite not being formally married. Contrast that with the Western feminism-fueled utopia of women hopping from one cock to another all their happy lives, and exchanging men for the government as the walking ATM.
I would like to know what divorce law is…that might explain why marriage isn’t so prevalent.
Yes, I know a few libertarian types who shun legal marriage, but otherwise are rather conservative and traditional, and are taking life partners without ever “marrying”
Destruction of the traditional marriage is motivated by simple consumerism.
Per person, a single person spends more as they are filling the void of companionship with the material, completely ignoring psychological fulfillment.
“To begin with, the entire country has a population of only 320,000 people. Everyone generally knows who is who, and a lot can be deduced just by knowing what part of the island a person is from…we must also remember that the people of the country have a degree of consanguinity and homogeneity that not even Japan or Korea can match.” — with a population that small and homogenous, it’s almost REQUIRED that fertile young women ride the cock carousel to prevent genetic defects (and men of course would be encouraged to father children by multiple women, knowing the state takes care of them)
Fortune 500 wants us to be a herd and not a family.
A few generations from now all the bastard kids will be fruit loops and some vicious animal from the Middle East will take it over. They’ll be riding bicycles without seats to generate electricity.
Great analysis. The wealthy elite don’t want us to have families. Families have legacies not easily abandoned. To earn vast sums of money, which would naturally entail taking some from the elite, requires the continued efforts of generations. The elite don’t want anything to shake the status quo. This is their devious the genius method for ensuring nothing does.
For a small population a lot of world champion ‘Strongmen’ are produced by Iceland. Good genetics and a healthy active culture.
Yeah, this is a really good article with really great analysis. All day long I hear white feminism and leftards cherry pick simple little scenarios as proof that things should be different. Nice one.
The fact an Icelandic person can claim ‘broken family’ is a term that does not exist is a huge indicator of why perhaps divorce does not phase their society. In America, we curse when we divorce. People scream, yell, and even fight and destroy property. Fathers and mothers leave with no inclination to see their children, leaving behind true bastard children. (What is the term for a child that does not know it’s mother?) Mothers and fathers spit vicious words into the ears of older children to try and destroy the image of the other parent; often one parent may go to great lengths to keep the other parent and their family from seeing the children. Courts will imprison and run parents dry through child support even in the rare instance the one receiving child supports speaks out in interest for the payer against the courts. A parent, upon hearing they received only partial custody, will suddenly travel half way across the country to make such arrangements implausible. Bitter feuds break up housing arrangements, transportation, and everything a child might have grown to love.
I don’t think Iceland has those problems, I’m guessing our way is not how they handle divorce and split parenting. We do, we have broken families.
I’ll tell you ONE thing the Icelandic people aren’t doing anymore. EXPLORING.
When you become matriarchal and let your bitches rule, you become fat and sedentary. Worst of all you become LANDLOCKED like the stupid pygmys of the South Pacific isles. It doesn’t matter what race you are, when you let your bitches rule over you, all races become one and the same. They become equally STUPID.
In the South Pacific, the aboriginal islander males swing from the tops of coconut trees but can’t even quarry a stone. They cannibalize the flesh of enemy tribes and they all answer to the big fat queen matriarch of the village who wears a big toothed necklace and stirs a large cookpot of kooshimbrine with a human leg bone. Those matriarchal pygmies couldn’t build a sea vessel in a million years. Iceland is headed the same direction, BITCHWHIPPED and landlocked unless they get control of their women pronto. The ‘explorer’ energy is a male energy that is supressed under bitch rule.
Icelanders haven’t paddled the North sea in ages. They were doing so well 1000 years ago. Would the modern day bitchwhipped Icelanders ever be able to get off their lazy butts and finish the job of colonizing Greenland and Newfoundland? The old Vikings astoundingly made inroads beyond the hudson river:
The modern Icelandics are cucked, fem-hammered and douche-gagged and they aren’t going anywhere until they regain control over their women. They will remain stagnant until they clear the foulness from their lungs and bring the crisp clean air of domestic patriarchy into their homes. They must REFRESH the dormant male energies waning beneath their culture.
HOW to revive the Icelaners you ask? Simple. ‘CHHAUPADI’. No Nordic peoples that I know of enforce menstrual isolation upon their women BUT THEY ALL need to start doing so. ‘CHHAUPADI’ for Iceland. The early Newfoundland Viking settlements had structures actually that resembled Tibetian ‘chhaupadi’ huts (a shack downwind of the residence where a woman is confined while she menstruates). A Hindu chhaupadi hut in Nepal looks like this:
And then in 1960, in L’Ainse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, Viking settlements dating back to 1000 AD were unearthed which had outhouses that resembled the Hindu chhaupadi huts.
They weren’t chhaupadi huts of course but earth covered warm and insulated dwellings, but I’ll bet if they had practiced menstrual separation, the male energies would have been given the boost needed to forge through the impossible arctic climates and colonize southward.
They did in fact reach the Hudson River:
Get the stink of DOUCHE PAIL out of your home and the male energies in your civilization will rejuvinate. It’s basically among the similar ‘latrine’ rules that separate true Abrahamics from the stinky human animals that shit right on the ground and wipe with their hand, then wipe their hand on their jeans.
So CHHAUPADI it is for the Nordics. Viking explorer Lief Ericcsen was Christian and thus the influence in the settlements:
But I like to take choice morsels from different religions, things that WORK, and put them together into a credo that is purpose oriented. TODAY we really need a silver bullet cure for feminism and the bitch-rule onslaught in the west. We need CHHAUPADI. Get those smelly douche pails OUT BACK where they belong and where they’ll stop choking the air in the house with that suffocating emasculating funk smell.
Many cultures do the chhaupadi thing. There is one in Mali with funny houses.
Jesus, you’re a fucking kook
Well put!
I hope you’re not using aboriginal in the broader sense. Most indigenous South Pacific Islanders are Polynesian. Their culture isn’t matriarchal although the family is central. Also they were amazing seafarers.
I’m finding nothing on the web on “kooshimbrine”.
EDIT: I’m finding some characterize the Polynesians as matriarchal. Apparently there was polyandry in the Marquesas. But I know Hawaii was ruled by warrior kings.
The non sea faring people I’m talking about are inhabitants of Oceana, the vast scattering of rocky mountain tops jutting out of the sea. They rest on a tectonic plate and indicate a submerged continent. Some tribes found here are stalky with large women and resemble mountain people. They appear to be ancient aboriginal mountain dwellers and still won’t venture into the water although they’re surrounded by it. These would be the matriarchal cannibals of the South Pacific, remnants of the CONTINENT THAT SANK.
Years ago I saw a miss universe contest where miss Fiji was a tall beautiful lady that looked like a French model. When asked her opinion about women’s rights, she replied ”It’s not an issue where I’m from. Women own all the businesses, the tourism, the resorts. It’s natural”. So appearantly there was widespread matriarchy in prehistory on THE CONTINENT THAT SANK.
But no I wouldn’t consider the inhabitants of Hawaii, Japan, the Filipines or the ‘islanders’ of Iceland to be remotely related to these folks:
The cannibalism and the matriarchy of the South Pacific islanders is a peculiar wonder amongst the other wonders of the planet. They are time separated far beyond tracable migrations of modern peoples. They had hard core baby eating matriarchy which leads to full on cannibalism and then THEIR CONTINENT SANK.
Sounds like your average Red-Piller from this forum would clean up in Iceland …
The author missed the very crucial issue of why the Icelandic model is a disaster in the long run. That is the fact that the population of Iceland is NOT reproducing at replacement levels and that as their population ages and dies off there will be fewer and fewer people to tax to support the welfare state model that currently exists. (Part of this problem is that there will be many elderly retirees and not enough young to support them). Also, the lack of fertility and reproduction at replacement levels means that just like Europe, Iceland is demographically doomed to terminal decline and eventual extinction!! This is what living in a matriarchy results in! (According to the same CNN article, Iceland is a “matriarchy”) If this is what matriarchy is, Yikes!!
Alike minds hehehe. I also first checked the fertility rate, which indicates if a society will survive or not. Iceland is at 1.9, which is on par with the Nordic countries. http://www.indexmundi.com/map/?v=31
On the issue of child custody they seem to have a joint custody obligation, but on the other hand a “mandatory cuckoldry” regulation that gives the cohabitation partner custody after one year of cohabitation. http://www.mcc.is/english/iceland/laws-and-regulations-/
Alimony laws are puzzling (to say the least) from what I could grab from the internet. So we’d need an Icelander to let us know how it really plays out in front of a judge.
They’ll end up like the inhabitants of Easter Island.
Yeah, the U.S. and Europe are doomed in the long run! as the expression goes, “demographics is destiny.” Both Europe and America face a “dark future” with the white population ceasing to be in the majority in the next twenty years! Furthermore, matriarchal societies are eventually destroyed and replaced by patriarchal ones! In Europe that is the Africans and Arabs and in the U.S. it is blacks and hispanics! What this means is that the first world nations will resemble the third world ones within twenty years or so! Unbelievably sad!
Is there a historical example of a country which has disappeared because of its fertility rate? I view a low fertility rate as a sign of a stable, modern society, not an “indication if a society will survive or not”.
Yes, the Romans! The Romans were replaced by the Germans and now the Germans (their descendents) in Europe and North America will be replaced by Arabs and Africans and Mexicans, respectively! (Due to lack of reproduction at replacement levels, thus the correct term “demographics is destiny.”) Erol Pedersen MA Political Science MA International History
Not coincidentally, in its last stages, Rome had its own version of feminism in every nook and crevice of their culture.
Hmm, at best I’d say one could argue reproduction levels were only a minor contributing factor, if at all. There are many theories on the causes of the decline of the Roman empire, and like most things, the answer is probably a mix of several. There was corruption, degeneracy, immorality, military expansion, financial insolvency, an out of touch and strong federal government, etc. If anything I would say the demographics may have just been a symptom of some of the more serious issues. There are plenty of small nations that don’t fail. Hell, if anything, the correlation between population and advancement of a civilization is that the most advanced societies tend to have the *lowest* birthrates while the most primitive ones spawn like rabbits. Either way, I prefer to live in a society with a stable to declining birthrate, and not deal with the problems of rapid growth.
No, in order to be a great civilization you need to AT LEAST reproduce at replacement levels! look at China, it has a large population and now has the second largest economy in the world! India is up and coming too! Now, granted if you are a third world country with limited resources than having high birth rates is obviously NOT an asset or attribute but to have reproduction rates that are abysmal and not at replacement rates is a long term problem too! That is precisely why strong leaders like Vladimir Putin of Russia are striving to increase the Russian birthrates! That is also why recently in France and Italy as well as Spain the governments have implemented financial incentives and pro family policies to increase the birth rate in order to ensure that the nation and people survive into the future! The trajectory that they are on now, with reproduction not at replacement levels, they will be doomed to extinction! That is why some smart countries like Russia, France and Italy are now trying to reverse course but unfortunately it may be too late for them!!
Also, and more importantly, please keep in mind that the most important resource of all, is the HUMAN Brain/Mind: it is called HUMAN CAPITAL!! That is the most vital and important resource a nation/civilization possesses! If it does not reproduce at least at replacement levels then it does not have the capacity to keep growing and thriving! Is it any wonder then that the West began to go into downward death spiral at precisely the same time it stopped reproducing itself??
Erol Pedersen MA Political Science
MA International History
Also, and more importantly, please keep in mind that the most important resource of all, is the HUMAN Brain/Mind: it is called HUMAN CAPITAL!! That is the most vital and important resource a nation/civilization possesses! If it does not reproduce at least at replacement levels then it does not have the capacity to keep growing and thriving! Is it any wonder then that the West began to go into downward death spiral at precisely the same time it stopped reproducing itself??
(1) China is a large physical nation with a big population but below replacement level birth rate (see link below).
(2) Having a population rate of less than 2.2 children per couple does NOT lead to extinction (citation needed).
(3) The human brain is valuable to a degree, but only for the controlling class, perhaps the top 5%. The vast majority of the economy could be run through robot labor in the future. The brain or human capital is unnecessary, when talking about the mass billions
(4) The population of America is about twice what it was today as it was in 1960, when we peaked economically. One must be careful to consider correlation vs causation, but clearly the west began spiraling down *while* its population increased.
(5) There is actually a correlation between great civilizations and LOWER birth rates, not the opposite as stated above.
(6) There are many strong civilizations on this list (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Singapore, Spain, S Africa, S Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Thailand). That is almost every major successful stable culture in the world today:
(7) The trend in every stable civilization is for population levels to accelerate, top off, and then decline once the society has matured. One cannot argue against science.
No, wrong! You need to inform yourself! I don’t need to keep banging my head against your stubborn and thick wall! If demographic decline were such a good thing, like i said before, why are numerous countries trying to INCREASE their birth rates like Russia, Italy and Spain? plus, watch this documentary!
and plus many of the countries that you provide examples of are failed states or weak and decrepit states and nations that I would not want to send my pet pit bull dog to live in! South Africa??? really??
Plus, you are also missing the point entirely! Having too high of a birthrate is clearly bad, but having a birthrate that is BELOW replacement levels is bad too!! just watch the two documentaries Demographic Winter and Demographic Bomb! I have attached the links! Finally, (and after this comment I will cease and desist from debating you because it seems that your mind is made up and you don’t want to be confused with the facts) IN the U.S the population is being REPLACED by the higher birthrates of Blacks and Hispanics (while the white birthrate is, just like Europe at BELOW replacement levels) and in Europe the population is also being replaced by the higher birthrates of Africans and Arabs! If you think this is a good thing, let me drop you off in downtown Brussels and then lets talk! Jesus man, open your eyes!! Moreover, the Romans underwent a MASSIVE demographic decline due to endless wars, rampant disease, famine, and were subsequently REPLACED by Germans (thankfully a pretty smart race) but in the West, can you now honestly say that the Africans and Arabs, and Hispanics and Blacks that are REPLACING the successful whites, can you honestly say that they are just as good as the people that they are now replacing?? The fact that Arabs/Africans are now streaming toward EUROPE and not towards AFRICA speaks volumes!! Syria and the middle east are closer to africa, yet the arabs know which direction to go, and it ain’t to africa!!
Erol Pedersen MA Political Science
MA International History
(this is my last comment on this subject, I don’t have time to endlessly debate someone who has clearly made up their minds and don’t want to be confused with the facts) just watch the documentary Demographic Winter
Hey, easy on the emotion. Let’s be a little more objective in the discussion, please. I’m not trying to debate any particular point with “you”, just present some data, and point out that personally, I don’t want to live in an overcrowded shithole.
The idea that a birthrate can be “too high” or “too low” implies that there is some magic number that we should try to artificially target for our birthrates. The truth is, birth rates are naturally high in some (poorer, less developed, less educated, low infrastructure) nations and are naturally low in other (stable, high tech, educated) nations.
There’s not really much one can do (or even much that governments or societies can do) to change birth rates–there is a strong correlation between the level of education and development in a society. Attempting to control or raise or lower birthrates has had little effect.
It’s simply a matter of personal preference, but I prefer living in a society with a lower birthrate (both due to the higher quality of living and also avoiding the problems of high population growth). If you prefer living in a society with a high growth rate, kudos to you, but keep in mind it’s extremely difficult to *change* birth rates.
I will take a look at those videos but I’m quite familiar with Harry Dent. I like a few things that he says, but he believes that we are about to experience huge DEFLATION, and I couldn’t disagree more; if anything the opposite is what we should worry about–mass devaluation of our currency or inflation. So it wouldn’t surprise me that he holds a contrarian view on population as well.
Good points, plus it is true that if too many countries had high birthrates we would tax and overburden the earth’s precious few resources even more! the earth’s carrying capacity is only one or two billion and we are already at seven and a half billion! The only problem is that in the west the reverse is happening where the population is not reproducing at replacement levels and this will present new problems such as not having enough workers to support an increasingly elderly and retiree population. But, you are correct in that as a country becomes more educated and developed, “modern’ so to speak birthrates tend to decline and family sizes shrink and whether that is “good” or “bad” depends on your value judgement but also the specific situation of that particular country/nation you reside in. For example, all of the population growth and high birthrates are occurring in precisely the nations that DO NOT NEED IT! (AFrica and the middle east and some parts of Asia) I think maybe the solution might be somewhere in the middle where Africa and the middle east are encouraged to implement family planning measures to reduce the burden on their poor society while in the west we need to encourage family formation and having more children so as to balance out the declining birthrate and increasing elderly population. (But not drastically though, still maybe around two children per couple) I would not mind having two daughters myself, but in this day and age I wonder if that is such a good idea, with all the competition for increasingly scarce good jobs and also worrying about them when they become young adults and worrying about them making bad decisions like sleeping with the wrong kind of guy! 🙂
Thanks for an informed debate, sorry if I got excited there, no hard feelings!
They usually get invaded, conquered and assimilated.
If you killed everyone on welfare, the population would be back to 60s levels. Population levels only count when the population are productive (and white).
Did they welcome the Syrian”refugees” with open arms?
I believe Iceland and Estonia are holding pretty tight with their culture so far. Having an attitude similar to what’s depicted in the movie ‘Wrong Turn’ would deter outsiders. Last year it was reported that Iceland took a whopping 13 Syrian refugees in and 11,000 Icelandics, mostly women, offered up their homes to take them in. Damn their women are overdue for spankings.
Iceland may be able to get by without strong families, yet they will never achieve anything great as a society. Maybe they will be able to survive, but all they will be able to achieve as a society is a bland mediocraty, an existence devoid of meaning and purpose, spent fulfilling oneselves enjoyment of momentary pleasures. Years from now historians will look upon Iceland as an afterthought, that it only existed and contributed nothing to the world in terms of culture or advancement.
It actually has a rich culture. It has the highest rate of both readers and authors in the world. Also has a very rich music culture too with music that is a thousand years old. Not saying none of what you say is true but maybe its just an anomaly.
Icelandic men are wimps….
Idiocracy is not far off. With the browning up of the west someone with an IQ of 85 will be the smartest person in the world. Keep the animals out!
CNN should be considered a threat to national security in every nation in broadasts in. Its goal is to weaken the family structure, overthrow the respective governments, and leave the country in a state of general anarchy.
Sound extreme? If anything, I am guilty of understatement….
While it is true that Iceland has chosen to prioritize the needs of its people over elitist corporate welfare interests of the military industrial complex, or importing dead dinosaurs from the middle east, this is not to say that Iceland sits at an advantage that other nations do not; living in a cold isolated island is a disadvantage in many other ways. A small island nation is dependent on other nations for trade (just look to the example of Cuba, who, when isolated by the hypocritical trade embargo by its nearest non-island neighbor, the USA, has suffered economically.
And the US could choose to spend little to nothing on defense, if it realigned its priorities, as it is also separated from most of the world by huge oceans and has borders with 2 peaceful neighbors (note: something would have to be done about the narco state that Mexico has become along the southern border, but this has been true for the majority of history, up until the last few years). Countries like Germany, who don’t even receive that much sunlight, are leading the way in solar and other renewable energy, and will eventually reap the same benefits that Iceland does by avoiding dependence on importing fossil fuels.
In other words, while Iceland is a unique country, it is not unfair to compare them to other western nations. If other nations had the political will and priority of the Icelandic peoples, they could achieve similar results.
Other than that, I think the value of the family is mixed. On the one hand, there is literally zero incentive today for any man to marry. In fact, the only reason I would consider a legal marriage is to grant citizenship to a foreigner who I wished to bring back to the states–I would never legally marry for any other reason. The institution of marriage was historically more of a business transaction, often instituted by the parents, through arranged or suggested marriages. The idea of marrying for love by choice is an entirely new phenomenon, and when right wing social justice warriors bray about the “sanctity of marriage” they are usually conveniently ignoring the fact that modern marriage today has nothing to do with the sacred biblical and historical marriages of the past.
As much as nationalism is simultaneously something that can be valuable, and something that I absolutely do not feel for a nation which is sick and evil, marriage is a double edged sword–the modern institution of marriage is a broken failure (anything that has a greater than 50/50 chance of failing is a horrible idea) and while I appreciate the need for children to be raised by 2 parents, at the same time I feel like the modern family is not an idea worth preserving.
What would you propose replace it then?
What should replace nationalism?
My answer would be 1) a nation that is worthy of me supporting, praising, and honoring it. Personally, that’s not going to happen unless I emigrate, or there is another revolution, which is practically impossible.
2) Alternatively, and I feel this is a better idea anyway, as humans are the same worldwide, nations come and go, and governments do not stay benevolent for long, would be a strong institution that we could all unite behind. In the past, the church served as this, which is why Europeans from various backgrounds, living in different nations, and under different kings speaking different languages, would all unite and defend their faith, risking life and personal safety in defense of the truth. This could be neomasculinity, science, a new religion, I don’t know what, but it does not exist today.
I meant marriage, not nationalism.
Perhaps the concept of a large nation is simply beyond the capacity of human beings. Every time it is tried, it ends up getting too big for its britches and then declining/collapsing. I’ve said before, it’s amazing that the US has lasted as long as it has, considering how different the regions of the country are. Perhaps the goal for humanity moving forward should be smaller nations and little to no imperialism.
What worked throughout history was a less romantic idea of marriage. I mean sure, you hopefully weren’t married off to a fat sow, but then again, any thin woman is reasonably attractive. So I would return to the historical marriages which were either formally or informally arranged by the parents, and could not be dissolved, except in extreme cases.
The woman of course, would have to be virginal, and proof of this would be expected by the family, otherwise the marriage would be null and void. This would greatly decrease the desire of the woman to later want to “explore herself” because she just wasn’t “satisfied” in her life and wants a divorce because reasons.
In these relationships, mistresses were often accepted and tolerated, but there wasn’t the level of jealousy, because the man was permanently married to, and developed a love for, the wife, and the mistresses were usually nothing more than a sexual outlet. It sounds like a winning model to me, and it had a far higher success rate than 47%.
I agree that arranged marriages, or at the very least marriage where the family has involvement in the selection of mates, should again become the norm. As for the men having mistresses, I doubt that your average Joe was banging mistresses on the side from his wife. That was probably exclusively for the upper class. The best way I think this could be resolved is by having legal and well-regulated prostitution.
My grandfather was working class, and had several women on the side. Thinking back, I believe that many of his contemporaries also did, from what I could tell by hanging around and listening to them talk in the garage. All non-upper class men.
The word mistress seems to invoke a well kept woman in silk lingerie sitting in an apartment rented for her by her rich boyfriend. In reality it’s the girl that your grandpa/dad bangs on the side.
I’m not saying it never happened, nor did I ever define a “mistress” exclusively in the terms you put it in. I just remain a bit skeptical that throughout the course of human monogamy your average factory worker/farmer/serf/beta was banging women on the side. I think for the most part they were just happy to have any kind of sexual outlet at all. Around what time was your grandfather alive?
Quite a lot of the world still have arranged marriage and purchased brides. It’s only the West that doesn’t do this, and the west is less than 1/3 the world.
I purchased my wife, and it’s been great.
And I have other women on the side, accepted with no problems.
In Thailand, every man bangs women on the side.
If you don’t earn much, you just do it less often.
Village girls don’t cost much, my brother in law (farmer) pays $3 for a shag on the side. (half a poor mans daily wage)
I’d love to see an article on that.
I believe you are in Asia, right? What society is this? That’s looking like a viable option for me.
No need to worry, Iceland will become extinct by the end of century, but they’ll still be one whiney woman claiming everything is alright.
I actually think new mothers should get as much time off as possible. Based on child rearing to produce the most psychologically sound and productive adult, 4 years of constant contact with the birth mother is essential. However, that being said, modern women would abuse the issue and pass the kids off to daycare so they could get paid to party and sleep around behind the husband’s back. I remember working in an office and women would get hired, and within a year would get pregnant to take advantage of benefits. What boggles my mind about women is how they use childbirth to game the system and catch their idealized guy. It’s not like pulling a freakin’ tooth; Besides the whole bad scene of childbearing and birth, it’s a lifelong commitment. They take children so lightly and use them as bargaining chips, I understand why, historically, society has taken responsibility for children away from them.
Glad to see that someone else saw this article for what it is and was. Thank you again Quintus!
Don’t forget that in the financial collapse that Iceland tossed the banksters there in prison. Don’t expect the mainstream media in the USA to include that too.
What Icelands illustrates more thsn anything else, it is that neo-masculinity is a fools errand. With technology and science, most western countries will eventually be able to emulate Iceland’s Economic success and development. When that happens, western countries cultures, will naturally emulate Iceland’s as well. The only way to stop it from happening, is to stop progress. This is why men have to forget about trying to recreate some old false paradise, and focus on building a life for themselves without female cooperation. Mgtow is the only future for most men. Traditional male-female relationships CANNOT survive modernization.
That’s some blue pill shit. The US would never survive a welfare state. We open-border with a third-world region with over a billion people, have considerably unfavorable demographics compared to Iceland (more blacks), 100x the size, importing Syrian terrorists, horrible debt, while spending a fortune to protect the world. The US CANNOT be Scandinavia.
The point is that every country is trying to attain Icelands level of economic independence through science and technology. A large part of that is the push for energy independence. Some countries might eventually succeed, with the US being likely one of them because of US innovation. Once that happens, then the rest of Iceland culture will be adopted. The only way to stop it, is to stop technological progress.
Yeah, but they will still need men to run the technology and science.
Women aren’t up to doing it.
CNN is just anti family. Undermine family groups and replace them with government “services”. Just an obvious strategy to grow the government bigger and bigger… Progressivist jihadis. They demonise men and fathers as a abusers etc etc… Same thing over and over…
I am all for the “deadbeat”. If big Govt can save the day let it. There is no legal reason a man should be forced to pay any support it is all a moral issues. If liberal slime can push abortion and gay marriage as the morally right thing then financial abortion is also the right thing to do.
Even if the government is paying everything, I wonder how happy are those people. Marriage is not just a social institution, is an natural rite of mankind. The family is the only thing that will assure you that you’ll die happy.
There’s no meaning in a life without family bonding, and it’s an illusion that one can have a healthy family without a healthy marriage.
LMAO Iceland is a fucking joke. That country is even more feminist than the US
Wonderful language you use. The gutter must be proud of you.
Fuck off troll.
I see you still have a gutter mouth. You must feel proud in the slime.
You wanna explain why youre stalking me??
Icelandic girls who grow up without intact parents lack any form of identity and become one of the islands many depressed alcoholics.
Even with everything you said, it is still a miserable way to live.
“I question the motives of news outlets when they deliberately fail to disclose material information when it comes to reporting on social issues.”
— Sounds like the Ghomeshi trial.
Marriage is one of the greatest schools of life. It requires and teaches self-sacrifice, commitment, loyality and forgiveness. If that institution ceases to exist, then we can wave our civilization goodbye. Welcome Egomania!
Besides, there is another aspect: incest.
If fatherhood gets sidelined, to the extent that children don’t even care about who their father IS any more, then how will they know as adults that the wo/man they date is not their half-brother or -sister?
Of course, not all woman will have four kids from four different men. But some of them will. And those kids will grow up, most of them in Reykjavik, a city with a population which barely exceeds 100.000 people. Now let’s look at the fact that many of those people are old, kids, or not part of the dating scene for other reasons.
How likely will it be that half-siblings will meet in the future and fall in love with each other? Quite likely, I assume.
The children from those love affairs won’t win Nobel Prizes for sure. On a sadder note: they may be fragile and retarted or even ill.
Monogamous marriages bestow the children of the future with the best genes.
Incest …………
Christian propaganda to control the sheeple. No idiot children unless you keep at it for 10 generations. Monogamous marriage gives the worst genetic outlook for a family, if one of you is genetically defective, all your kids will be defective.
And how often do you have sex with the intent of reproduction?
I’ve been at it for 40 years and only managed 5 kids.
“Look, goy! This very wealthy and almost completely homogeneous white country with a population smaller a single American city can raise their children collectively like a village! Marriage is dead! Oi, and your white women need to have more sex with black people!” :^)
It could be duplicated if and only if the Big Western nations would lookat replacinf the exploitation of men.
Take child support which should be a pool and have limits. no man /high earner should be required to give such a high percentage of earnings nor have threat of jail etc if misfortune falls.
Parental leave is not nearly as useful as child care 24/7 with boarding school possibilities. This become the Nobles family paradigm not the peasant’s. Many Asian & other upper class families older children have live alone and go to school something unheard of in much of the US. The economic future will belong to the brains.
There unskilled jobs will disappear and machines will take over many career and other skills. Even repair workers will need extensive education. That means a educational system change.
Yes that means a society that functions for a known future and leaves no one behind. Yes the NWO bunch of corporate government(think ruled by the East India company) has had a shock and with luck put a stake in it’s demonic heart. but it does mean social change. Identity politics must end and single language nation must emerge.
The current system is a disaster for the future. Soon the technology will be possible for out of body gestation. The economics of the “growth” are out of date. The system itself must adapt to a smaller, healthier, smarter,population.
84% of the US is Urban. It was 80% in 2010. We live in changing times. Times that were not planned for. It is now we must adapt. Men need to start coming together for a future that does not see us as beasts of burden.
Yet what do I find? The theme of beast of burden as what men are for. We are moving to a under class of precariat(no security,no stability). The government is corrupted by campaign financing. The government see the population a sheep to be fleeced. Family when 70% of divorces are started by women. Please come to your senses and see you are stacking the deck against your best interests. Noble families for centuries had males presence in trainers,the fostering lord(yes children would be sent to a lord who fostered noble children)
Strong families have been the way the elite control the populace.. It kept most content with scraps from the table. Yea, the mass hiring days are gone. Even in China they are looking at at least 40% reduction in work force due to automation.