Should Racist Words And Drawings Be Forbidden To Not Offend Muslims In Europe?

A drawing (seen above) by the Norwegian artist Thomas Knarvik, with Swedish politician Ali Esbati depicted as an ape, has sparked controversy in Norway. The satiric drawing shows Esbati’s head on an ape body saying “You are racist” over and over again, with the title “the King of Apes” above.

Thomas Knarvik posted a series of similar caricatures on Facebook, and got his profile pulled down after people made reports. Now Norwegians are debating the limits of freedom of speech.

Ali Esbati

Ali Esbati.

Ali Esbati, born in Iran and now a parliament member for the Swedish Left Party, calls the caricature of him racist. He’s made several appearences in Norwegian media after he was a witness to the terror attack on Utøya in 2011, where Anders Behring Breivik killed 69 people.

“It’s very hard to discuss racism on a systemic level in Norway and it has only gotten worse,” the left-wing politician says. “Today it’s almost regarded as an extreme position to stand for anti-racism.”

The artist himself denies that his drawing is racist and says that it should be interpreted in its proper context. To understand it, you should know that Ali Esbati is one of those typical leftists who’s made a career of calling everything and everyone racist.

You can see how the monkey has been portrayed in earlier satires, and in Aesop’s fable. The monkey is smart, while the cat is spontaneous and impatient. Ali Esbati knows what he’s doing when he accuses everyone of being racist. It’s actually well done to accuse such a leftist media company as NRK [Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation] for being racist. He’s like a parrot who repeats the same things all the time, as I have tried to convey through the drawing.


The parrot strikes again.

Thomas Knarvik says that he’s for “full freedom of speech.” He supports Pamela Geller’s call for a special day when people draw Muhammad, which he calls “provocation for the sake of provocation.”

Norwegian socialist politician Snorre Valen has written an article where he urges Knarvik and those who have defended him to apologize to Esbati. Valen writes: “The drawings follow a tradition of portraying non-whites as subhuman and wild animals, monkeys who can not control their sexuality and bodily functions.”

Politically incorrect art is outlawed

dan park

Dan Park.

So Knarvik got banned from Facebook for sharing his art with the world. But far more severe punishments can be dealt to those who are politically incorrect in Scandinavia. Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland all have laws against hate crimes. The Swedish law states that “expressing contempt” for certain groups can get you in jail for up to four years.

Swedish artist Dan Park has been convicted several times for his “hateful” art. His work is provocative to say the least. In 1998 he was convicted for wearing a jacket with a swastika on it. In 2012 he was convicted again for putting up posters with the words “Our negro slave has escaped.” In 2014 he was sentenced to five months in prison for a set of artworks, one of them with the text “Anxious negroes go crazy.”

On Park’s blog you can see that he continues to put up his art on the streets, despite the establishment doing everything it can to shut him down. His resistance and perseverance is admirable, and I think many more should follow his example.


It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m against laws that put limits on your ability to express yourself and what opinions you’re allowed to utter. It seems obvious to me that the only ones that are against freedom of speech today, is those who are afraid that the truth will come out.

With growing awareness of my own country’s injust laws, and seeing how conservatives are being shut down and silenced in other countries, I’m beginning to think that what’s called “hate speech” should not only be legal, but that we have a duty to express it for the sake of it being expressed. Or as Thomas Knarvik might have put it, we should provoke for the sake of provoking.

I normally never use the word negro and I fully understand anyone thinking that it’s an offensive word. But when dirty words are prohibited, something has gone wrong and one has to take a stand against it. One way to do that is by merely using those words and refusing to comply when people tell you to shut up. That’s called exercising your freedom of speech, and doing it becomes even more important when that freedom is being curtailed.

Thomas Knarvik, Dan Park—and Roosh as well—are three men who have paid dearly for speaking their minds and making art. Because of their actions, we know where the limits are. I hope more people follow their example, and make art that is intentionally provocative and offensive. It will come at a price, but it cant be worse than what will happen if we lose our freedom entirely.

In a society where offensiveness is illegal, being offensive is imperative.

Read More: Horrible Beast: 13 Drawings That Depict The Shameful Fatties Of America

219 thoughts on “Should Racist Words And Drawings Be Forbidden To Not Offend Muslims In Europe?”

        1. I can delete the text but not the image, after “save edit” text and image return. Googling for solutions, they still didn’t work but this made me laugh from the others:
          “I can’t remove the comment – it just removes my attribution and leaves it, along with the image. This sucks. Also, my 2nd comment didn’t upload the image. So, now I could “delete” that comment too, and try a 3rd time… sheesh. This is crappy.
          13 •Share ›
          Nekromanteion Phillip Harrington • a year ago
          Sometimes it is difficult to comprehend just how hard Disqus sucks.
          15 •Share ›
          ChipsAhoyMcCoy Nekromanteion • a year ago
          I’ve seen disqus suck in a black hole. It was disqusting.
          3 •Share ›
          Lucas McCain Nekromanteion • a year ago
          1 •Share ›
          Amerikztan Phillip Harrington • a year ago
          GO BACK to your comment. Click the EDIT button.
          CHANGE your comment to read : ” – – – “.
          Save your edit. Now press the delete key.
          You’re welcome. Now just say ‘D-uh”.”
          Still nothing! Hell, I’ve been banned faster than this, where’s a mod when you need one?

        2. Follow this instruction :
          Put the cursor over your comment. Near the top to the right you will see a flag and an arrow. Press the arrow. You will have 2 options, one of which is delete.
          There you go.

  1. “Ali Esbati is one of those typical leftists who’s made a career of calling everything and everyone racist.”
    So he’s basically Scandinavia’s version of Obama.

  2. Of course, every good Swedish atheist will be able to appreciate the art work “Piss Jesus”. That shows how “open minded” he is. Just don’t insult Islam.
    Leftism is vomit.

      1. I’m an atheist. an unapologetic atheist in fact.
        but I can’t lie, it kinda pisses me off when you have the militant atheists, that think being an atheist automatically means you attack religious people and their beliefs. it’s bs to me. live and let live is my thing.
        this is america, whatever religion you choose to believe in is fine with me. and even if you aren’t in america, I believe in freedom of thought. as long as your belief system is harming others, it’s fine by me. don’t tread on me I won’t tread on you.

        1. “this is america, whatever religion you choose to believe in is fine with me. and even if you aren’t in america, I believe in freedom of thought. as long as your belief system is harming others, it’s fine by me. don’t tread on me I won’t tread on you.”
          I look around at the world today and that kind of talk sounds as obsolete as Communism as a viable economic model.

        2. and let me guess, your religion will save the day? lmao
          “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
          since you are smarter than the founding fathers of this country and you are better at making these sorts of arrangements than our constitution….by all means, tell us your grand plan.

        3. The grand plan is using force to defeat our enemies, both foreigners and leftist traitors.
          Once we are in power again we restore our preferred social order. No female voting rights, removing equalists and relativists, asserting our superiority.
          It’s a war out there. This planet is too small for both of us.
          The time for ” cultural libertarianism ” is over. In fact, I would say, if we knew human nature, there would have been none to begin with.

        4. It absolutely exists :
          1) support populist candidates like Trump
          2) go redpill people in comment sections on various news sites and on Twitter
          3) create and support alternative sources of news
          4) make and support red pill content on Youtube. As well as games, music, etc .
          5) finance and support anti-establishment organizations
          F.ex : Milo, recently there were White Student Unions organized and a White Safe Space movement in colleges

          6) get in shape, save money for collapse, join a group of like minded men
          We are already winning. The popularity of anti-feminists and alt-right as well as populist leaders in Europe proves it.
          Just continue doing what we have been doing up to now.

        5. You sound just as bad as the others …
          Who in their right mind would want a society where all expression is stifled ?

        6. Exactly.
          Since the only plan of those who want to save us from the misery of our current oppressors is to substitute the current oppression with a new oppression, noone in their right mind would go for the kind of society they promote.
          If the alternative is only some other brand of Oppresion, noone wants it.
          Another society is needed. I ‘m working on it…

        7. I think of the NatSoc model of Hitler’s Germany.
          Remove foreign propaganda and have all the free speech you want. Hitler removed the jews from newspapers and then gave free speech to his people. Criticism of the Reich and Hitler was allowed.
          That would be a model I agree with. Remove Soros and his ilk from subsidizing propaganda, as it has been done in Russia and then let the natives use their free speech.

        8. Agree 100% with that.
          1.create a strong nation
          2.avoid destructive influence from outside
          3.enjoy yourselves within your nation

        9. A-the-ist! A-the-ist! A-the-ist! You hear angry mobs chanting this all the time!

        10. I can honestly say I haven’t been around a mob of atheists before, but then again I don’t attend rallies or anything like that. but I definitely know how annoying the militant atheist could be to a person of any religion, because honestly, they annoy me as much as evangelists and jehovah’s witnesses annoy me.
          I don’t like when ppl push their religious beliefs on me, I feel it’s disrespectful. so I respect their beliefs by not pushing my thoughts on religion on them.

      2. So so Hackneyed.
        But the ”humanist” would not deride the other key religions, for sure

      3. the kind of shit you get from an “activist” like university news mag.
        I remember a uni in ireland that friends’ went to,
        the had a caricature of Jesus on the uni front cover
        … but they wouldn’t touch islam, where many amongst the tiny minority of muslim students, openly called for sharia law (they had their own “islam society’),
        where speakers at Israel/palestine debates speaking on behalf of Israel would be stalked/harassed.
        (note: i guess they don’t want to end up like the charlie hebdo team personally i would have said “je suis charles martel”, a man who pushed back islamic invasion in the past, without which europe may have become one large ISlamic state).
        the average offended “moderate” muslims;

    1. well Christianity is a white supremacist religion! Even though the Pharisees killed Christ for preaching about how all races can receive the gospel

    1. Wow, knowing that Marvel is leftist it is amazing seeing them drop these gems.
      Just like the movie American History X , they make the “bad guy” speak common sense, only then show him kicking a minority so suddenly he is all bad.

      They seriously think this will make Red Skull look bad ?
      As I said in another thread, Hail Hydra. Here is some dank meme I made.

      1. They make him look bad by making him look angry and hateful and all that and naking him overtheedge. Doesnt exactly look trustworthy.

        1. Yes, but take that away and what he says is reasonable.
          The original book and movie had him return to being a nazi.
          I think that if you look at it differently it shows the failure of multiculturalism.

      1. Red Skull will probably pledge allegiance to Trump as leader of Hydra.

      2. Captain America WILL BE MADE GAY. Have you not heard the social engineering that’s planned for him?

        1. Surprisingly enough, Marvel went out of their way in Civil War to play him as straight. I don’t think they’ll cave on this one. Money is more important that SJWism to Hollywood.

        2. He’s queer. That’s the only way they want white males to bond these days.

        3. Captain Russia or his equivalent would never be transmogrified into a queer, but, in America politics and the will to make everyone “equal” is even more powerful than the other national obsession to become rich, successful and famous. Captain America eats his own pants, I predict…

        4. Ghostbusters proved that there’s a silent majority out there who don’t support these overt leftist shoehornings.
          Cap will probably make nice blonde babies with Mrs Big-nose in a few films.

        5. Nice blonde babies!…man I like that, it’s real 1950s stuff, when we were young and strong. The white “solid” upstanding male of that era is a figure of derision and contempt to today’s indulgent generation.

        6. Say anything positive about the pre-70s, and you’ll be inundated with chants of ‘Racism and Misogyny!!!!’

        7. Screw them. They’re complete idiots. You and I know better than the histrionics and vapid slogans of this retarded and dull generation.

        8. Soo… can you make more money by appeasing girls who are flabbergasted and excited about a gay CaptAn or by appeasing girls who get wet when he kisses a woman on screen?

        9. They dont want them to bond at all. They want to make them so afraid of being gay that they will rather stay isolated and fill the voud in their hearts by fucking stupid whores and consuming mindkilling entertainment.

        10. If you are white but your hair are not that blonde, try to avoid having kids with a white woman that is blonder than you. The man in a couple should always be equally blond or blonder than the woman.
          Blonds are an endangered species. Anyone who not only does not try to protect it, but rather tries to destroy it by promoting miscegenation for white women, is a genocidal maniac.

        11. Racism is the act of promoting miscegenation, so that races will disappear. Anyone promoting race mixing OR DOING IT (having sex is not race mixing, having kids is) is a racist.
          Anti-racism is the practice of protecting the races from miscegenation. We are the true anti-racists.
          SPREAD THE WORD.
          Ask them : If you love races so much, why do you want to destroy them through race mixing ? Are you particularly interested in seeing the white race go extinct ? If they answer yes, they are racist. PROVEN. FINISHED.
          SPREAD THE WORD.

        12. America was a country that remained in the hands of north american tribes (there are no natives anywhere on this planet. Noone is entitled to any land. EVERYTHING is up for grabs) until stronger tribes came and took it away from them.
          Anyone who PROMOTES the mass immigration of people who don’t belong to the tribes who conquered America, is actively trying to destroy the well being of the tribes who have America under their control.
          ANYONE who promotes mass immigration is commiting genocide of the white american people.
          SPREAD THE WORD.

        13. Apparently, modern women find blonde haired men the least attractive…so the Nordic types are definitely being bred out through various different stratagems it seems.

        14. Not exactly.
          ALL superhero movies are shit, the stories suck, the action sequences suck, and still people watch them and the studios make billions.
          Their purpose is PROPAGANDA.
          Idiots will go watch the movies anyway, and they’ll make money ANYWAY. So they will put in the movies the kind of propaganda they want to put in.

        15. well. I mean he does seem pretty gay when you think about it. The guy has no family, never got married, doesn’t bang hookers…

    2. Wow.
      Cap has always been my favorite. I never thought I would agree so adamantly with his arch-rival. Everything but the hail Hydra part, yeah I think all of that to a T.

    3. You mean Germany? Well that’s where much of the filth is, past and present.

      1. From where? Can you write about your experience? Why there?
        Details please!

      2. I was in Thailand and Tenerife before. I’m very happy to be here during the summer, a lot of good chicks. No comparison to Spain, much less England or Portugal. This is a country where the men are men and the women are women.

  3. The answer is yes.
    It must be done.
    Otherwise you accept that the moral premise of society is to protect the feelings of brown people.

  4. The Swedish law states that “expressing contempt” for certain groups can get you in jail for up to four years.
    I’d like to know more details about this. Does it even preclude speaking truth or does it only cover opinion? Does it cover only public expression or can private expression be prosecuted too?
    To say “X are dirty thieves and deserve to die” is different than saying “X are 25% more likely to be gang members, which suggests they need closer scrutiny from law enforcement”. Where would the second statement fall under the Swedish law if made in a public forum?

    1. You already know the answer.
      Uncomfortable truth is hate speech. Not kissing ass hard enough is hate speech.
      Disagreeing that white people are evil and should die off is hate speech.
      This are laws meant to justify White Genocide, nothing more.

      1. Yeah, I know and concur with the overall approach to “hate speech”. But I am, in this case, looking for examples of how the Swedish prosecutors and courts actually apply this law. I wouldn’t ask the question, except the nuances I hope to learn are almost certainly buried in Swedish language news articles (which I cannot read enough of to extract the fine detail), or worse, unpublished word of mouth type type stuff.

    2. Expressing contempt against all men (“rape culture”) can get you arrested and jailed in Sweden? Who would have thought…

  5. We need to assert “racism” and white identity as healthy, life-affirming responses to people in other tribes who threaten our tribe.
    Kind of like the “Mad as hell” scene in the film Network back in the 1970’s, in fact. “I’m a white man, god dammit! My life has value!”

    1. We need to make it so it would sound insane to be anti-racist.
      Racist and proud.
      White solidarity is healthy and natural. We are correct, the haters are on the other side. It’s the truth

    2. Why don’t you assert it in real life then? Your generation are addicted to social media activism. Say it and practice it in your everyday life.

      1. There are no balls anymore. Although I must admit that the consequences of speaking out are severe.

        1. Even when you use the most logical of arguments against multiculturalism and race mixing, the opposition will not accept them and try to twist it around.
          Our opposition just want to take us out. It is as simple as that. I don’t know what will happen, since we do not control the money supply. Money is needed to keep society running. If you don’t control it, then they can use their control of it to bring you and any revolution down.

    3. Racism is the act of promoting miscegenation, so that races will disappear. Anyone promoting race mixing OR DOING IT (having sex is not race mixing, having kids is) is a racist.
      Anti-racism is the practice of protecting the races from miscegenation. We are the true anti-racists.
      Ask them : If you love races so much, why do you want to destroy them through race mixing ? Are you particularly interested in seeing the white race go extinct ? If they answer yes, they are racist. PROVEN. FINISHED.

      1. What’s the matter? Can’t get a white girlfriend? Every time a white person doesn’t do better than everyone else it’s the Jews’ fault, am I right?

        1. I am white honey and I have a 20cm long 16cm in circumference dick.
          I can get any woman of any race AND HAVE ALREADY. How big is your dick ?
          Yeah, look at it, cry a little and don’t bother to answer …

        2. I know you’re white. And sure you do. Everyone’s a big schlonged alpha on the internet.

        3. hehehe I feel for you brother. I mean I have a dick this big, and sometimes I feel it’s not big enough. I can imagine how you must feel.
          You ‘re goddamn right I ‘m white and proud of it. Are you white ?

        4. No, I’m not white, but at least I’m a human being, unlike some people around here (I won’t mention any names). And keep living in your delusions. Like I said. Everyone’s a big-dicked alpha on the internet. Have a nice day!

        5. Thanks for proving our point !
          EVERYONE who wants to flood our countries with non whites and who wants to take away our countries from us and who wants to eliminate our races are :
          Non whites
          Females who hate themselves

        6. Where did I say I want to eliminate the white race? Where did I say I want unlimited immigration?

        7. Where did I say that the Jews are responsible for everything ?
          if you want to protect the white race and the countries our race populates, then you ‘re a friend.

        8. “What’s the matter? Can’t get a white girlfriend? Every time a white person doesn’t do better than everyone else it’s the Jews’ fault, am I
          As a general rule, yes, yarmulke boy.

        9. This guy is often on here ridiculing “racism” and anyone who criticizes the tribe. Draw your own conclusions.

    4. If humans would view themselves as individuals to be bettered rather than members of a tribe that fights against other tribes, life would be a lot better.

      1. Le Sargon of Akkad intellectual.
        Sure buddy. That will definitely happen any time now.

  6. “We should provoke for the sake of provoking.”
    No. True men don’t do things just to get attention. If you wouldn’t say something offensive were it not for leftist agitation, don’t say it. This kind of intentional bitching is a political weapon that favors leftist arguments and their style of thuggery.

    1. It’s called :
      1) Culture jamming
      2) Cultural shock tactics
      3) Shifting the Overton window
      4) Counter – signalling
      Why do you think leftists use it ? First, they create outrage, then you get used to it. If everyone started using ” nigger ” or saying ” gas kikes ” it would create outrage, but eventually it would be normal.
      I understand you consider yourself to be above the equivalent of cultural graffiti tagging or dogs marking their territory with urine, but I’m not LOL.
      And most importantly the Alt-Right Twitter battles proved this to work.

      1. Yes, and it’s how leftists destroyed traditional morality by abusing their freedom to do increasingly antisocial things, as well as how the Nazis caused great damage to European culture by linking its promotion to a social Darwinist ideology of genocide, wars of plunder, and extreme racism.

        1. ” Yes, and it’s how leftists destroyed traditional morality by abusing their freedom to do increasingly antisocial things ” – Yes, so ?
          We are using it to restore those values.
          ” as well as how the Nazis caused great damage to European culture by linking its promotion to genocide and extreme racism. ”
          The nazi genocide meme. This jewish hoax has to stop. It’s jews who associated nazis with genocide. Nazis were outstanding individuals.

        2. What’s considered the Holocaust didn’t even start until later in the war.

        3. “Nazis were outstanding individuals” Most of them were completely banal and mediocre in their outlook and sensibilities. I hear Nietzsche yawn at the counter of last orders.

        4. Hitler killed over 16,000 of his own people in the useless Polish campaign – just for starters.

        5. Some find it outstanding to be uniformed, obedient and unoriginal. But then, I am on a site that often suggests all men must share the same values, so…

        6. Have fun when you bring down the Judeo-Bolshevik hordes upon your women again.
          Can’t fight fire with fire unless you are the fire. Which you aren’t unless you decide to be a commie.

    1. “my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr”…..!ti440ur

      two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here !ti440u:➽:➽:.➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsMarkGetPay$98Hour…. .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::::::!ti440o….,….

        1. 98 clams an hour for an ugly cum drinking skank whore is pretty good….almost union…

    2. ive actually seen leftists and westernised arabs try to redefine islam into being more politically correct.

      1. Yes they do.
        Funny how EVERYONE who promotes mass immigration is either :
        non white
        a cuck
        a fucked up miserable woman

        1. ” fucked up miserable woman”
          there was i think she was (around 40) a “No Borders”, or one of it’s allied state funded NGOs activist around calais, accused by her own team of
          having sex with immigrant minors (and getting them to call her “mommy”.)
          i’d hate to imagine how much this is the norm.
          (mixed races breeding, and women converting to islam is a fashionable epidemic in france)

    3. sounds like the feminists of Köln, Germany, shouting against “sexism”, and”racism,” and handing out roses to muslim immigrant rape mobs, defending their reputation, to rest assured that they won’t ever be called “racist” or “islamophobic.”

      1. I still don’t get why blondies are so fking obsessed with middle eastern culture and so adamant about defending islam. Those dudes wouldn’t think twice about gang raping them and leaving them in dumpsters covered in piss.

      2. Firstly, Muslims are portrayed as being bad by mass Global Elite media, so take that into account, Muslims don not accept Feminism or SJW philosophy, Muslims have families in which the men are the head of the household. So why do you hate them so much ? Is it because they are succeeding where you have failed, in reatining your manhood, or do you just love being a global elite peon slug waiting for orders to live or die on poverty. By the way, there never was any mass rape or sexual assaults by middle eastern men in Germany, it was made up to piss off stupid men, so you would more willing to give up financial freedom, personal freedom and take orders to sacrifice your life to kill them. The global elite only want us to devide in every way possible so we can more easily be led. Together we are strong, devided we are weak. The Global Elite are the real enemy. You have to use your brain, man.

        1. I am a Christian but follow my own beliefs, I know Muslims though and have always found them to be good, reasonable humans. I know there are insane extremists, they are part of the plan, started initally by the CIA and Mossad to control the middle east, part of the “Greater Isreal Plan”. The intelligence agencies thought the extremists would be easier to control and direct. The whole end game being the Global Elite, getting us to hate “them”. Divide and conquer, think depopulation and control, think money and you will have your reason for this whole scharade. Muslims, who are not extremists, 95% of them, are good humans holding onto a value system feminist hate, plus they don’t listen to the Elite. War is money, a never ending war on terror is like the war on drugs, a money shaker raining money on a certain few, while middle class America pays for it. The rich pay less in taxes than anyone else but for the lowlifes who stay on income assistance. Income assistance is for people to make it until they can find work. Not permanently stay on it because its easy. All in all, as man, I would prefer to be in a Muslim nation of reasonable Muslims than under the oppresion of Feminist dictated laws and values.

        2. Having said all this I love my country, but it has been over run by its own form of extremism, by extremist women.

        3. “Together we are strong,,,”
          Global unity to defeat the Global Elite I doubt you thought that one out. Islam since it’s inception has been trying to destroy Western Civilization. Read something aside the Qur’an…

        4. How do you ” know muslims” ?
          Are you buddies with one at a restaurant or candy store?
          Or some guy at work that youre pals with?
          How many have been to your house? Have you been to theirs?
          Im certain that you do not “know muslims” .
          I had to learn their stupid language. I did 2 tours in helmad, 1 in iraq. Believe me when I tell you, muslims are a low dirty, evil people. An inscrutable breed apart. They hate us and are simply here to steal and scheme, they are a virus, a plague, that have destroyed their own countries in the space of 50 years.
          He “knows” muslims…

        5. I don’t think German men can work with Islamic men to defeat the powers that be. Or any other European men. They have to take back their own countries themselves and then send the islamic men back to their own countries and they can decide what to do there.

        6. Before they defeat the Muslim invaders they will need to defeat the faithless and treasonous women that make up the bulk of the traitors.

        7. “Together we are strong”
          Are you drunk?
          Yes, muslims are “good”!
          Did you read the news today?
          – German MPs recognise Armenian ‘genocide’ amid Turkish fury

          Look how good they are:
          – Syrian Holocaust: Turkey Copies The Armenian Genocide Game Plan

          – The Syrian Holocaust: A Preplanned Genocide And Forced Exodus

          – Erdoğan’s Turkey: A War Profiteer That Plunders And Pillages Syria At Will

          – Turkey’s Donmeh Jewry And Their Sabbatean Roots

          Guess who’s behind?

        8. I can’t tell you how you feel and what you witnessed. I’m sure your views were valid, I can tell you my cousin is Muslim, from Mozambique, I spent a few years living with him, seeing his friends and visiting a mosque. So could it be that we both have valid points. I know there are evil Muslims in the world. I can tell you there are many misconceptions about the Quran and this 72 virgins idea is complete nonsense. As with any place in the world and any religion, the temptation to aquire power is often overwhelming. I hope you understand that many countries see U.S. presence as Imperialism and it is. Why is the U.S. in so many places ? Its for the resources, it has nothing to do with defending freedom (Northern Hemisphere version) or liberating people from oppresive regimes. This is merely huge corporations run by the rich elite pulling strings to steal resources that aren’t theirs. What is happening in Africa is evil beyond the scope of comprehension. In the middle east, we allowed and helped ISIS and ISIL start with the thinking we could more easily control extremists. Again I bring up “The Greater Israel Plan” maybe read it and tell me something beyond hatred. The similarities between Judaism, Christianity and Islam are far more the same the different. I have been to Malaysia, Indonesia which are almost exclusively Muslim and spent two years there. So I think I know Muslims too. I doubt you read this so what does it matter. You limit yourself to your experiences as a soldier and that is too bad. Indonesia is very pro-US.

        9. Its hard to admit this but you may be right. The problem is the global elite have blessed this Muslim influx in order to make us hate Muslims more. There never was a mass rape by Muslims in Cologne, it was all made up. There was a woman in the square, she said there were a few small groups of Muslim men and no women were among them. She took photos because she was a tourist and posted them and her story later only because the rape story came out. She simply said that it never occurred. Again, the Muslims are here because the elite want them here and the elite wanted the bad with the good. It works two ways, we see the bad and hate them all, the good see how we react and tell people back home how they are treated upsetting the extremists. Now we have a war that never ends until only the controllable people are left as slaves.

        10. All muslims support terror. Mark my words its only a matter of time before everyone of them are removed from white countries.

        11. Horseshit, have the balls to name your “global elite”. They are jews who have simply used brown immigration as a battering ram against white countries to advance their goals.

        12. Brumm, your comment is totally untrue, I don’t think you have actually ever been anywhere beyond your TV walls. I have tried not be insulting but you are beyond reason with your comments. History is full of these false flag operations and this war against Islam is the worst ever commited by the Elite. it is meant to be, feminism, immigration, race, religion all in hatred along with the decline of anti-biotics and diseases so lethal we can’t help the victim. This is the end game, and we are living in it. Why do the elite live in virtual castles, own security forces and build vaults and huge cave bunkers to live in ? Because they know what is coming and if you can’t see outside your bubble then you are part of the problem. I advocate only for guns because I fear those in power more than any terrorist group. The elite own the army and police plus their own armed security. ISIS and ISIL were allowed to grow because the US and Isreal thought they could more easily influence them than corrupt governments. The “Greater Isreal Plan” is part of the reason for letting the extremists have power, so we would hate them, destroy them and leave the middle east for Isreal.

      3. Ideologically feminists are radical liberals/socialists. They don’t just hate men, they hate western civilisation and they want to destroy it. To a large degree this is emotional, it’s not reasoned it is rationalisation of impetuous emotions based around typical personal insecurities.
        Once you realise they mean to destroy Western Civilisation their illogical behaviour makes sense.
        They are NOT trying to improve the position of women, with rare exception, they are not about the welfare of women but their own prestige, some political agenda and just the rage that comes from the frustration of feeling inadequate.

        1. “my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr”…..!ti828ur

          two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here !ti828u:➽:➽:.➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsCentreGetPay$98Hour…. .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::::::!ti828o….,..

    4. Isn’t the answer just to form our own branch of Islam? There are something like 100 offshoots of Christianity. Why don’t we just form our own version of Western Islam (most Muslims already recognize Jesus; so we just tweak the creed a bit). Something like a patriarchal society that believes in free thought, a non-secular state, and strict social rules which are enforced by the church. Rooshlam.

      1. The Sunnis will kill you. They don’t even tolerate Shia.
        As for a moderate Islam, there is Sufism. Which is a mystical offshoot of Abrahamic religions. It is practiced by muslims as well. They are best known for reaching enlightenment by spinning around really fast. The practitioners are called “dervish” if I am not wrong.
        Needless to say the Sunnis don’t like them either.

        1. Bit wrong,
          1- ISIS, Al Qaeda et al. come from Wahhabism, a sub-branch of Sunni Islam.
          2- Most Sunnis are fine with Sufism. (See above) Most Sufis are actually Sunnis as well.
          3- More information on Sufism is available on which is the only website owned by the family of Mevlana, founder of the Sufi Order.

        2. Interesting. I’ve heard the term “whirling dervish” but never knew what it meant.
          I suspect they are feeling lightheaded dizziness from the spinning and interpret it as spiritual enlightenment, much as the evangelical Christians attribute tingling when they raise their hands in the air as holy ghost.

        3. Supposedly if you go fast enough long enough, you start hallucinating.

        4. Sufism is not an alternative, it is part of the Islamic system. They merely promote and advance Islam by other means: spiritual mumbo jumbo. It eventually gets displaced by standard Islam.

        5. Trivia: Omar Sharif ( actor…Lawrence of Arabia) was a Sufi . He also was a grandmaster bridge player..

      2. It would no longer be Islam. Remember, the “perfect man”, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, was a mass murdering child rapist, and an advocate/practitioner of institutionalized rape, torture, murder and slavery. Do you really think that anything “good” can come from a source like that?

        1. Where are you getting your information ? It seems like it came from a Zionist Jewish or Evengelical Christian source. That is exactly how they speak of Mohammed. Your source is just agitating, I am getting sick of this, I don’t hate anyone, I am Christian though much of Islam makes sense as I have read much of the Quran. I don’t care where someone comes from, what their background is or their belief system, it is about how they are as a person. For every extremist from one religion there is one from a different religion, the evil is the same, one is just televised the other is not covered. The Athiests damn everyone and the Elite are Satanic or at the least, worship another God. Is there only hate here ?

  7. To sum up….to keep the barbarians from the gates….
    we must punish those who speak their minds about them.
    The barbarians are always at the gates. Its their leverage. The morons running the asylum are always looking at the moment appeasing their way along.

      1. There is no rape as long as you don’t call it rape.
        There is no murder if you don’t call it murder.

  8. Is it racist? Doubtful. Offensive? Certainly. But then the question becomes, why are you offended? The picture implies that non-Europeans are apelike and primitive. To be offended also implies you find truth in the message. Why not just ignore it?
    All Leftists are attention whores. By crying about racism and being ‘offended’ they perpetuate the supposed ‘problem of racism’. In short, they bring it on themselves and diminish freedom of speech for others.

    1. I found the naked Trump painting to be offensive, too, however, I prefer it when the artistes stick to their own canvases, unlike the enfants who spray-painted my home and my neighbors homes with dicks and balls and a rudimentary Crips bleeding crown several years ago. Lol – a tenant of one of those homes wryly noted “my house gets more dick than I do.”

        1. No; however, it’s near a public housing complex and a state university so ferals and drunktards play in it sometimes.

      1. unlike previous muslim immigrant invasion carried out by forced CONQUEST, our islamophilic politicians and many europeans have allowed muslims to breed like rats and act like in conquered territory, with a continuous invasion carried out with european CONSENT,
        where the majority of europeans would rather have their daughters raped, and fellow europeans assaulted, looted,
        because of the fear/phobia of being called “islamophobic” or “racist” (a big example rotherham,uk).
        a product of of labour left wing islamophiles;

  9. What led the left–always for sexual liberation, gender equality, and affirmative action (with plenty of ignoble qualities as well)–to side with genuinely racist, fascist, women-beating, child-fondling, savage Mohammedan barbarians?

    1. Because it’s part of their religion and thus deserves to be protected, so they say. You can get away with a lot if you say it’s practiced in your religion. There’s a off-shoot Mormon group in British Columbia that practices polygamy and marries off teenage girls to fifty year old men….in the name of religion. Some of these guys have over 50 kids. This would be considered statutory rape amongst the general population.

    2. It’s called oppression theory.
      If you believe in absolute equality then any group who underperforms is a result of a flawed system. Seeing how whites and Asians perform best while Arabs and blacks don’t, the leftist assumes it must be ” the system “, since biology and culture is ruled out a priori.
      The more worthless a group the more a leftist defends it. Only making racism acceptable again will stop it.

      1. Aside from “oppression,” it’s also a combination of daddy issues and the sad fact that a more violence prone a group is, the more likely the left is to support it. Abiding and the law and being a productive citizen is SO blase.

    3. There are communists/leftists who just want to get paid for what they work. They want rights, they fight for them. BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. They deserve only respect. You can tell when you ‘re talking to a nazi/right wing scum when they insult people like this.
      And there are communists/leftists who are so ONLY because they hate themselves and others, and they want to “kill themselves” and others through mass immigration and miscegenation.
      You will find that ALL of those people are either :
      non white, or mixed with white
      depressed females
      Those people side with muslims, because they want the muslims to come and destroy us all.

  10. The author finds the word “negro” offensive???? Please don`t EVER let him know that there is a word known as NIGGER,he might start crying or have a fucking meltdown.

  11. My first feature film (self funded) got an x rating, stopped me dead in my tracks
    At a screening in Switzerland a group of fembots surrounded me after the film yelling at me, how dare you make a film like this, you pig….
    At another screening it started a mini riot.
    In 2012 I almost got put away for 5 years for an art prank,
    it’s good to have the protection of the Gods.
    Am working on a script now called Misogynist – A Love Story,
    Gasper Noe vs Takeshi Miike vs Lars Von trier.
    Definitely time for everyone to be putting their money where their mouth is.

  12. Top German Journalist Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake: “We All Lie For The CIA”
    By Tyler Durden
    Created 03/28/2016 – 22:40
    Tyler Durden’s picture [1]
    Submitted by Tyler Durden [1] on 03/28/2016 22:40 -0400
    Germany [2]
    With the increasing propaganda wars, we thought a reminder of just how naive many Westerners are when it comes to their news-feed. As Arjun Walia, of, notes, [3]Dr. Ulfkotte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.
    He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:
    I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.
    But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.
    It’s important to keep in mind that Dr. Ulfkotte is not the only person making these claims; multiple reporters have done the same and this kind of truthfulness is something the world needs more of.
    One (out of many) great examples of a whistleblowing reporter is investigative journalist and former CBC News reporter Sharyl Attkisson [4].
    She delivered a hard-hitting TEDx talk showing how fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.
    Another great example is Amber Lyon [5], a three-time Emmy award winning journalist at CC, who said that they are routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report and even distort information on certain events. She has also indicated that the government has editorial control over content.
    Ever since Operation Mockingbird [6], a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, more and more people are expressing their concern that what we see in the media is nothing short of brainwashing.
    This is also evident by blatant lies that continue to spam the TV screen, especially when it comes to topics such as health, food, war (‘terrorism [7]‘), poverty, and more.
    Things have not changed, in fact, when in comes to mainstream media distorting information and telling lies. They have gotten much worse in recent years, in fact, so it is highly encouraging that more people are starting to see through these lies, even without the help of whistleblowers like Dr. Ulfkotte.
    One great example is the supposed ‘war on terror [8],’ or ‘false flag terrorism [9].’ There are evenWikileaks documents [10] alluding to the fact that the United States government planned to “retaliate and cause pain” to countries refusing GMOs.
    Mainstream media’s continual support of GMOs rages on, despite the fact that a number of countries are now banning these products [11].
    The list of lies goes on and on. It’s time to turn off your T.V. and do your own research if you are curious about what is happening on our planet. It’s time to wake up.

  13. “Anxious negroes go crazy” – No idea what it refers to but that’s actually kind of funny. Kind of Woody Allen meets Black Lives Matters but described by Bernard Manning. I’m kind of in two minds about all of this. I despise anti-racism zealots but equally I haven’t been called a paki in decades, and I can’t say I’m nostalgic for a return to 80s style calling a spade a spade, whatever the opportunities for practising one’s anti-fragility. In the context the monkey pic makes sense as it’s puncturing the abuse of a form of crazy leftist power, but equally there are a lot of people who’d just love to be making ‘ooh, ooh, aah, aah noises’ every time a black footballer comes onto the pitch’. As satire it’s perfectly acceptable, but it needs to be be able to justify itself which in the context I think it can

    1. I have 0 concern for the feeling of minorities at this point. Leftist fatigue.
      At this point there are 4 conclusions :
      1 ). The establishment hates natives
      2 ). Minorities are a tool to weaken natives
      3 ). The leftist media gives them podium to complain non-stop
      4 ). Minorities use this as an opportunity to get opression-bux.
      The conclusion is to deport incompatible population out of Europe and to impeach the cultural machine of the left to ascertain our superiority, as recently happened in Poland.
      There is no other solution.

      1. well good with luck that. BTW you’re the one complaining (about white genocide). If you played the game you could call it a form of racism, but since you support racism all you can do is doff your hat to any ethnic group that gets the better of you.

        1. I’m saying if you’re worried about white genocide address it as a form of racism, because if you see racism as the solution then you can’t really complain if racism is directed against you

        2. you got it brother … here is the text you can use verbatim :
          Racism is the act of promoting miscegenation, so that races will disappear. Anyone promoting race mixing OR DOING IT (having sex is not race mixing, having kids is) is a racist.
          Anti-racism is the practice of protecting the races from miscegenation. We are the true anti-racists.
          SPREAD THE WORD.
          Ask them : If you love races so much, why do you want to destroy them through race mixing ? Are you particularly interested in seeing the white race go extinct ? If they answer yes, they are racist. PROVEN. FINISHED.
          SPREAD THE WORD.

        3. It is clever.
          It can not be used however to convert our enemies. What they actually want to do is eliminate us.
          This mantra can be used to allow ANYONE who would want to align with us, but does not do so out of concern for our positions, to do so. This is an IRONCLAD position. Use it …

        4. Concerned, you do know I’m mixed race? I may or may not reproduce. But if I do it will be race mixing by necessity. No race will be made purer by my contribution, and to be honest that concerns me not a jot

        5. everybody is racist to a degree but arguing from national or even ethnic interest – if you’re worried about being overrun by immigrants for example – doesn’t have to be racism, it can simply be to argue from self interest, self-hood etc. But racism as a policy tends to be emotional and value conflict for its own sake.

        6. Whites tried to argue from self-interest, and only get labeled as a hate group and called “white supremacists”.
          Face it, only whites are not allowed to congregate and push ideas for their own self-interest, because it is only called racist when whites do it.
          We have seen the “game” you reference, and every ending is naming the white person racist, when he only wants the survival of his culture and people.
          You are just pushing for their destruction.

        7. “You are just pushing for their destruction.”
          So unless I as a non-white support a policy of racism for whites concerned about immigration etc then I am pushing for their destruction?
          You’re effectively allowing your enemies to position you as ‘white supremacists’ or whatever rather than challenging them on their own terms by arguing legitimate self interest and the hypocrisy of their position.

        8. 1. Advocating for white interests at all is NOT racism.
          2. Attacking whites for advocaing for their own interest in a way that would be done for any other group is in fact the real racism. THIS IS THE HYPOCRISY WE DEMONSTRATE.
          3. We are allowing nothing, we are merely exposing the true racism which has been there all along.

        9. I thought that’s what I said, but obviously it depends on the nature of the argument made.
          I believe every person and every group has legitimate self-interest, but how it goes about arguing (or pursuing) that self-interest determines the legitimacy of its case.

        10. Whites are advocating for their own self-interest using the same rules as non-whites.
          The problem is, the true racists declare the game differently for whites. As far even as to say that non-whites cannot be racist. Whites have no ability to congregate for their collective defense without being called supremacists.
          There is quite simply no way to collectively push for equality for whites without them being labeled supremacists.
          With this limitation there are only two options left. Elect white heros who will allow them to defend themselves (potentially Trump). Or the much worse option that nobody wants.
          If you do not allow peaceful revolution, you guarantee violent revolution.

        11. I see nothing wrong with that in principle. But just as with SJWs claiming equality while advancing only their interests the devils in the detail. I condemn hypocrisy as you consider yourself to do but by the same token I won’t support anything detrimental to my material interests.

        12. If your material interests are the destruction of my race and culture, then we are doomed to conflict.

        13. I am mixed race. As such I am miscegnation.
          I’m not playing a zero sum game. But I’m not so sure you aren’t. I don’t care for mass immigration or multiculturalism. But I’ll be damned before I give up any rights or allow myself or those like me to become second class citizens or worse. The only thing which really threatens you is mass immigration and very few people care for that. But it’s your choice

        14. I am not playing a zero sum game either, nor am I saying you and others should give up rights.
          But I AM saying that my people and culture have every right to survive and thrive.
          As it stands right now, MY people are the 2nd class citizens, en route to annihilation.

        15. Well it should be clear by now I have sympathy with that predicament but equally it would be a fool who couldn’t imagine things getting out of hand. Right now and pragmatically speaking there are things most people would agree on, the fact that immigration is out of control is the main one. Treating everybody fairly rather than eroding rights by stealth should be another

        16. I would say illegal immigration is out of control, not immigration.
          Additionally illegals have no rights. Rights are reserved for citizens.

        17. Quite. But its this refugee madness that has spooked everyone. People don’t trust the politicians that let that happen

        18. I agree. Especially given that the refugees could be better placed within the races and cultures which more closely align with them.
          Strange that to suggest such things only brings about cries of racism though.

        19. Definitely. It can only create tension and conflict. It’s bad for everyone including them

  14. Leftist progressive ‘art’ is no longer able to shock nor is it ‘cutting edge’ e.g canned shit, cum stained bed and the much lauded so called graffiti art
    So that art that IS as to be banned. Such action is all so Soviet. So Yesterday

  15. Every body is offended this days, but the problem is that the goverment doesn´t care about what offens me, i good citizen and a tax payer. I´m offended to see halal food in the supermarket, i´m offended to see Mosques, I´m offended to see women with a piece of cloth on their heads. And the goverment doesnt´care about my feeling ?????????

    1. You must be white.
      Your government wants you dead.
      They are ALL sold out. This is our last stand.
      Go out and throw up watching all those mixed children left and right. They are creating a new people …

  16. What an horrible advice. I think freedom of speech should not be a toy for imbeciles to play with and see what happens or how people reacts. Provocation for the sake of provocation is a childish behaviour that should be discouraged, not encouraged as if it was some sort of holy mission, like this article does. This only benefits the enemies of free speech.

  17. I can’t say that I feel very sorry for Mr. Park. A couple of reasons why:
    1. “Dan Park … was convicted … for putting up posters with the words ‘Our negro slave has escaped.’” Sounds to me like he was flyposting; anyone putting up a poster illegally would receive a similar conviction regardless of the poster’s content.
    On his Wikipedia page there’s a photo of one of his posters … right next to a sign which says “Affischering Forbjuden”. I’m no expert in Swedish, but I’m guessing that translates to “No putting up posters here.” Just because Park’s works piss off the SJWs doesn’t mean we should support him flyposting – there’s laws against it for a reason. Do you really want your streets to end up buried underneath posters local businesses put up shilling their wares? Apparently he just got a fine for that conviction, which is what I would expect the average flyposter to receive by way of punishment.
    2. As for his imprisonments for his other works/exhibitions: being sentenced to a few months in prison was good from Park’s point of view. Before being arrested and sent to prison, Park was just your run-of-the-mill starving artist producing subpar satire whom no one had heard of. His sentence got him in news stories around the world earning him the fame and fans he’d wanted all along. The Streisand effect ensured that any of his works the government tried to ban would shoot up in value and earn him loadsa money.

    1. Affischering förbjuden = placing posters is forbidden.
      So yes you are correct. And I agree with your points.

  18. Freedom of speech was never intended for garbage like this. It was created to express your opinion. It’s logical that you do this in a decent and civilized way. Especially if you do it in public, like this ‘artist’.
    In most Western countries freedom of speech is the same as freedom to offend and freedom to create hate. I can’t take people seriously who create cartoons like this and hide under the label of ‘satire’ and ‘freedom of speech’. They simply want to offend people or certain groups or create hate and chaos in society and call it ‘satire’.
    Imagine you’re having a discussion with someone and he calls you a monkey or goatfucker. People like that have zero credibility. It’s the same with freedom of speech. People who create retarted cartoons to express their opinion have zero credibility. It’s one of the downsides of modern information society. Stupid people have a medium to express the garbage of their fucked up minds. .

    1. Are you trying to argue that the right to express ideas should only be possessed by people who express opinions in a “decent and civilized way”?

      1. AryaVarta … I am afraid you are non white. Are you ?
        We the whites, need to come together and attack our enemies. Are you with us ?

        1. I was replying to AryaVarta.
          I pressed the wrong button sorry …

    2. AryaVarta … I am afraid you are non white. Are you ?
      We the whites, need to come together and attack our enemies. Are you with us ?

    3. thank you for your input,
      but we don’t need or want your black lives matter or Islamic NGO to dictate our constitutions and rule of law in US or europe.
      please don’t behave like in conquered territory

      1. Fun fact. Most Muslims voted for leftists parties that, ironically, support the opposite of their religion. Our constitution won’t change any time soon.

    4. you can’t take people serious who create cartoons like that. They have zero credibility. But that’s the point. It’s a cartoon. It is literally the definition of what not to take seriously. Don’t people have jobs?

  19. Do you want us to find out where you live? It is much easier than you think.

  20. To answer the question in the title: NO! Fuck Muslims and their feeeeeewingssss. Let them get insulted like the rest of us. Worthless pussies.

    1. If they–and by and large, only they–would grow the fuck up, the world would become instantly safer.

  21. Banning words does not stop truths no matter how offensive it is the left who do not wish to face reality of what they have wrought . Sad fact is censorship only protects the corrupt, the immoral and the tyranical.

  22. No, in fact someone should draw Mohammed receiving gay anal sex from a tranny while eating bacon!

  23. What kind of a miserable shit does one have to be to spend every waking hour explaining how and why they’re offended by something or someone?

  24. I believe in free speech- you are free to say what you like, but I am also free to punch you in the face if I disagree with it.

    1. Free speech is not allowed if it is against the nation.
      Anything else pretty much goes …

        1. A free strong and beautiful nation will give no reason to its citizens to act anti-social.
          Hence no violence will be necessary towards anyone. 🙂

  25. laws that put limits on your ability to express yourself and what opinions you’re allowed to utter
    Depends on the location, depends on the circumstances, depends really on what works for the people in that region.

  26. “I normally never use the word negro and I fully understand anyone thinking that it’s an offensive word.”
    Oh, my. It a pearl clutching time, isn’t it?
    So “caucasian” is also “offensive”, is it?
    Instead of striving so diligently to remain within PC confines why don’t you decry the absence of a 1st Amendment?
    Or is that simply a bridge too far for you to cross?

    1. I say them all the time: Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negro. The 3 basic races. There’s simply no acceptable alternatives (like white, brown, and black – try calling a milk-skinned SE Asian “brown” and brace for an earful… because, obviously, they’re not brown, they’re white and proud of it).
      For the sake of being able to communicate basic ideas – which is a prerequisite for intelligence – those 3 words need to be used. People who refuse to use them typically cannot communicate basic ideas (i.e. they’re dumb).

  27. Criticizing a person with is itself an atheist and supports call for a special day when people draw
    Muhammad is a big mistake. We need more of these people. He’s for sure better than 99% of the immigrants, even non-muslim immigrants

  28. Except Islam isn’t a fking race. In fact, the whole race thing is bs. That’s why commonfolk will never get anywhere. The globalist won already.

  29. Oh fuck off I’m sick of you. Your room-mate couldn’t get paid $5 to suck a dog’s cock she’s such a useless slut and so are you.

    1. why would someone pay someone else 5 dollars to fellate a dog?

      1. I don’t know, but evidently it happens because there’s videos of it all over the net…

  30. Wasn’t this already covered in Harry Potter. Fearing the word is what gives it power. Literally, childrens books have this all figured out but overly sensitive idiots have no idea.

  31. “It’s very hard to discuss racism on a systemic level in Norway and it has only gotten worse,” the left-wing politician says. “Today it’s almost regarded as an extreme position to stand for anti-racism.
    Is this guy an idiot? Does he have any clue whats going on??

  32. “Racism” is another term that’s been adopted and fudged by SJW’s and the media. Right now it means nothing. It’s not racist when it based on fact. But now it’s used just to disagree with and demonize someone they disagree with. Like here in the U.S.: Freddie Gray, Mike Brown, etc. What the blacks want is to be exempt from laws everybody else has to live by. The fact that they got into trouble with cops wasn’t because they were black, it was because they were breaking the law. On the flip side, if the cops DIDN’T arrest them, the same degenerates in the media would be accusing the cops of not doing their jobs.
    The whole racism boogey man that’s going on has the effect of breaking society down. Right now in our city the cops have stopped patrolling black areas because they don’t want to get tried by a media judge/jury. So for a couple of years the black neighborhoods have made local news as Murder Capitals. Now more recently, the crime is spreading as the blacks leave their own areas and victimize the suburbs.

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