Many guys come to me looking for answers to problems that they have with girls. While these of course vary in their details, inevitably they all point to a much bigger issue: the guy who has sought out help just does not have enough options. Rather than look for quick, silver bullet fixes for apparent situational issues with this or that girl, what the alpha is doing instead is seeking out other opportunities elsewhere.
‘But she hasn’t responded to my text for 24 hours’
I’ve lost count of the number of times guys have asked me what to do in a specific situation like this. Recently I was chatting with my good friend Nick over WhatsApp. Nick had met a cute girl in a bar, chatted her up, enjoyed a quick make-out and then taken her number before leaving. The next morning he sent the girl (let’s call her Alice) a message and she responded, leading to several rounds of flirtatious WhatsApp banter. Then, just as he was about to go in for the kill and ask her to meet up with him she stopped responding. Just like that, the whole interaction was dead in the water.
Puzzled and perturbed by this turn of events, Nick contacted me and asked me what he should do to reignite Alice’s interest and get things back on track. Now, while text game is a thing, and there are techniques you can try to pull back a situation like this, in the end Nick’s problem is a macro one rather than a micro one.
Whatever the Question, Abundance Is Always The Answer
So why did Alice flake on Nick? Who knows—it could be for any of a huge number of reasons, many of them entirely unconnected with Nick. Perhaps Alice actually had a boyfriend or fiancé and was feeling guilty. Perhaps she had been horrendously drunk that night and couldn’t remember what he looked like. Perhaps—and this is the killer—she had already hooked up with someone new who she felt more attracted to than Nick. Or perhaps she had simply lost her phone.
The truth is, in the majority of cases such as this you will never know the woman’s reasoning for sure. Nor should you want to—what do you want, closure? Dude, closure is for girls.
Closure Is For Girls
Here’s the thing gents—the sexual market place is a cold, wild, barren and unfriendly place. When you interact with strangers (as the girls that you meet through pick-up inevitably are) then you run the risk of playing with emotional fire. Remember, everyone is out for what they can get, you included. You want to meet and sleep with the hottest girl that your SMV will afford. But girls have an agenda too. They also want to meet the ‘hottest’ guy that they can get—it’s just in their case the definition of ‘hot’ might expand to encompass things like status, influence, wealth or even ‘bad boy’ indicators.
You may have been in the frame for that hour you spent talking to her and making out with her in the club, but be in no doubt that she has other options, other guys blowing up her phone asking for a date. Now, that’s not to say that a clever piece of ‘text game’—a smart quip or cocky-funny line—could never help in such a situation. It is just possible that, delivered correctly, such a line could indeed prompt her reappraisal of you and make you a contender once more. But realise that the cards are stacked against you and that such a turnaround is unlikely.
It’s a Jungle Out There So Get Hunting
Here’s the thing—what you must recognise is that the modern dating arena is a ruthless place where everyone is out for him or herself. Don’t be fooled by a pleasant half-hour conversation with a girl at a lounge bar, or a make out at a friend’s party. Girls especially tend to act on their feelings in the moment. OK, so when she met you at 2am after she’d drunk three Sambucas you seemed to her like the perfect guy—that doesn’t mean she’s feeling the same way on Tuesday morning at work. Especially after that cute guy on Tinder has started messaging her again, on that model the subway passed her his business card. Life moves on very quickly, especially for hot young girls in their prime.
In truth, the only way you can insulate yourself from the vagaries of the market and ensure that you don’t leave money on the table is by constantly filling your pipeline with potential sexual and romantic prospects. In the sexual marketplace, just like in sales, the only way you can ensure a consistent ‘income’ is by opening new prospects every day. Remember, the more girls you approach, the more opportunities will open up to you. And the more opportunities you have, the better the chance of you having regular sex.
Next Steps
Rather than worrying about the minutiae of an interaction with this or that girl, you want to be in the position where you have so many girls ‘on the go’ on text, WhatsApp, Facebook, Tinder or whatever, that you really couldn’t care less if one or two drop out of the funnel every week or so. And it is only by systematically approaching every day that you will achieve this and sufficiently insulate yourself from today’s sexual marketplace. Of course, once you have a regular girl who you like, or several regular girls, depending on your preference, then—but not until then—will you be in a position to slow down and adjust this strategy.
Want to find out more about how to approach and seduce sexy girls every day? Buy Troy’s bestselling book, The Seven Laws of Seduction. To learn more click here.
Read More: Why You Don’t Deserve That Perfect 10
Fill your pipeline. It’s just like sales, you have to have so many people you’re trying to sell you’re grateful for the ones who drop out because they free up your time to pursue better options.
Pro comment. Agree 100%
Perfect analogy. In sales, many people pursue the ‘Big Fish’. That one deal that, if it works, means you’re set. The odds are against them but they let smaller deals slide. They get both lazy and (over) optimistic. Inevitably, as the deal slides away, the prospect gets the whiff of desperation and walks.
Just as sales requires steady work – hunting, being out, strategy, etc – so does ‘woman hunting’.
The more options you have, the less that ‘hot’ girl has over you. it becomes that much easier to deal with silence and absence. As AD notes ‘be grateful’. Get rid of the ‘under-performers’.
Yep not all deals are going to close so keep prospecting. But that does feel like a try hard beta mentality that gets tiresome.
Sales folks hate lookie-loo time wasters.
This…this is the only solution. Never give a shit if she doesn’t return the text or flakes. Move on fast.
The thing is: men are more likely to have a crush. And that’s a really bad deal in a globalized market where there’s plenty of options.
It’s not like years ago, small cities, no internet, closed groups, so almost no new people. Now everyone can choose among a huge offer, specially hot chicks.
So the best advice is no crush under any circumstance. Play and enjoy. Times have changed.
yup. falling in love is as dangerous as ever. (that’s why they call it “falling” in love and not “rising” in love)
Some good cold hard info in this article. It all boils down to that basic trap we call “oneitis” in this sphere. Oh yeah, and don’t you dare touch Pokemon Go if you expect to get laid as well.
but be in no doubt that she has other options, other guys blowing up her phone asking for a date.
This kind of thinking is kind of weird to me. Women make up 50% of the population, men make up 50% of the population (don’t get pedantic on me with actual “no, it’s 50.456%”, you nerds, I mean generally). Women have options and phones blowing up? Yeah, well so fucking what, so should you. They are not magical creatures with sole dominion over the sexual market place, if they were, Game wouldn’t work. Women’s assumed role as “Gatekeeper of Sex” is nearly meaningless when she sees a hot alpha, she’ll give up the puntang fast and often in that case, at the whim of the alpha. There is no Gatekeeper, there is only a man’s ability to get her to have sex. If you’re a natural, or somebody who crafted himself into an alpha over time, you’ll find so much pussy that you’ll get it at whim, and you’ll get bored with it.
The problem is the assumption that you’re Mr. Lonely with nobody texting you, while she’s getting 200 texts per minute from thirsty guys. Yes, there are hordes of thirsty guys, thirsting for hot women. If you’re the male equivalent of a “hot woman”, aka, an alpha (type) then your phone should similarly be blowing up. All of these “hot women” want that top 20% tier of men, if you make effort to put yourself in it, then you will be in the same situation as hot females.
If a chick flakes on you, you shouldn’t even really notice except as a statistical anomaly. You should already have two or three alternative plans laid out with your sides/plates. Barbie flaked? Whatever. “Hey, Cindy, I’m heading to the club, meet me there at 6. Great times!”
EDIT: I realize now this is beginner’s article. Let me amend my intent of this post. This is the mindset you should shoot for having, over time
WRT your first paragraph, you are correct. However, the problem lies in beta supplicants. I have girls blowing up my phone and it gives me that abundance mentality, but it is NOTHING like what women receive. Between social media, dating apps and randos from the street I imagine a girl in the 6-8 range (who desires affirmation and attention read: all) will get between 100-200 messages a day calling her beautiful or sexy or begging to spend time with her or blah blah blah blah. I have had girls show me some of the messages from, frankly, decent looking guys and we would sit there laughing at how desperate they are. Blue pill supplicants make it so an average girl can sit home and devour attention. I may get girls hitting me up with requests to go out or have dinner or even just to fuck but nothing in the volume or desperation that a decent looking girl on 5 different social media platforms and 3 different dating apps gets. It is important to remember, not for sake of game but for your own sanity, how much these little bitch boys are feeding these girls.
As for everything else you say, spot on.
Betas blow up her phone, no doubt. But they are vapor to her, we both know that. When you text, you’re the “exception” and the one that she was, or should be, waiting for. She sees betas as invisible, so should we. The “real” texts are between you and her, the rest is a cipher.
Her showing you her gaggle of betas kind of drives that point home. You’re “not one of them” so you can share the giggling at their pathetic antics. Betas are to her, what fatties texting you would be to you. They may complement you, but would it mean anything? Fatties are invisible to me, I’m sure they are for you, just like betas are to women. I may laugh or cringe when I get a fatty texting me, but it’s entertainment only. A pretty young Chess player texts me, I notice, just like she would notice if I text her.
It’s kind of an attitude of nobility/royalty, when you think about it. We’re the royalty. The serfs shouldn’t even be visible to us, no matter how thick their hordes.
oh yes, 100% absolutely. However, it is always important to remember that the female mind is different and plays different kinds of games and feeds on different sustenance. I wouldn’t suggest changing tactics to deal with it, only keeping it in the forefront of your mind. If you are going to play a game, you should always be conscious of the rules, tactics and strategies.
Right, I know it’s different. I’m suggesting that if you’re ticking all of her boxes to the point where she’s constantly wet for you even when you’re not around (iow, you’ve got the rules of the game down pat) then who cares about her hordes of nobodies? She doesn’t, why should I?
yup. After that it all comes down to passing shit tests which very well may be her not contacting you for a day or two despite her wanting to. A girl I went out with a few months ago and banged out on a Saturday didn’t get in touch with me for a few days (after my customary next day text to get confirmation that the sex was consensual, screen shot and save to my computer–this fucking world). On the following Wednesday she texted me with a pissy mood wondering why I didn’t get in touch with her. I said “hadn’t heard from you, figured you were busy…..but look, hmu later I am at work (which was true)” She texted me later with some pretty graphic stuff. Shit test: passed. If you check her boxes there is a chance she won’t get in touch with you for a bit anyway. It’s just girlie games and ignoring is the only way to properly deal. I think the article is geared towards younger, freshly divorced or otherwise inexperienced dudes who may take the ghosting (of Jefferson) as a slight and go into panic mode.
Yeah. I guess I’m just not used to the mindset and am pretty blunt about things. I’m great at “tough love”, but the whole empathy thing eludes me most of the time, heh. I didn’t consider the target audience of the article, iow.
yeah, I figured. I am like you but a lot of guys aren’t They have a hard time with this shit and for different reasons…..sometimes just because they are pussy faggots but sometimes because they just don’t have the requisite experience and knowledge. Consider this an intro class I think.
If you guys have women down to a science, you are far more advanced than me. What location are you in? I’m in socal, (from Ohio originally,) and I’m amazed at the flakability. Even if you make out with a girl in front of all her friends, then meet her parents, she still might flake and never see you or reply again. (BAck to the numbers game. )
My friends are amazed at some of the lays I pull off, but I still have no idea how these women’s minds work. I don’t think they are intelligent or logical enough to see my value in a pile of text messages. I think I just get lucky playing every odd possible.
I don’t think it is so much a science david. I think it is more about raising your own value. Also, my success is also directly related to my desires. Meet her parents? gtfo. I basically work on a 4-6 week time line with girls. I have no desire to pair bond, much less marry or procreate.
The female mind isn’t complicated. Men, to them, are like any other shiny object. They want to show it off to their friends. Like dogs, they chase rabbits not rocks so they will always pursue something that retreats from them.
In a nut shell, I have made my self successful, I have got myself in shape, I have become good at hobbies I am passionate about and I have done it all for me. I have no desire to be locked down, I have an easy way with women because their opinions don’t effect me and I am genuinely fun to be around. I am also very picky with women and as a result constantly have enough girls that I find attractive in my stable that I never have to dote on any one of them.
How do you keep an LTR or wife? no fucking idea. But how to show a girl a good time and make sure she names her fish after you and thinks about you when she fucks her future husband…just be excellent
SoCal girls are the biggest flakes in the U.S. If you want stability, look elsewhere. Otherwise, surf the wave of poon and don’t take anything seriously.
“fatties are invisible”
Oh, how I wish it were so….
But to your other point, the attention women receive via social media / texting far outweighs that of even an alpha. The 80/20 rule is no longer applicable. It’s more like 95/5 by this point.
I usually get paid approximately $6k-$8k every month on the internet. For those of you who are prepared to work easy computer-based task for 2h-5h daily at your house and make good salary while doing it… Test this work
Tits or GTFO
The attention they receive from thirsty simps? Sure. The attention they receive from men that they truly crave? Not even remotely. I’d say it’s about even odds, on that. So a woman gets 200 texts an hour from losers, which she mocks and ignores, and one from me, which she answers immediately. I get 20 texts from loser fat chicks that I mock and ignore, and one from a girl I want to fuck an hour. She has a higher volume, but the quality to quality ratio is dead on the same.
The quality doesn’t matter though. Attention is currency in the sexual market, Those who give it away easily (betas) have nothing left to bargain with. I honestly don’t think most care about the source of the attention they get. If they did, why would they not set their profile to private and block all the losers?
Because they like the fake validation as a steady background noise to let them know how awesome they are. They don’t care about the betas though, and outside of leading a few on to keep them on the hook, she ignores them. Chad Thundercock texts out of the blue “Sup?” and she rushes to answer, and he gets a bang that night.
We’re not really in disagreement much here. Yes, the Betas have nothing to bargain with, ergo, they’re ciphers. I simply note that they’re a nice white noise that she enjoys while she waits for her one truly desired dude to contact her. When he does, she’s up for anything he wants.
Regarding chad, I found this funny tweet:
“der ewige chad” made me LOL
Hey I recently got into a a situation where I thought I needed a confirmation text, even though I didn’t even hit, just messing around on my bed (this FCKING world). What kind of text message set up do you utilize to extract that “confirmation” of consent? “Hey it was fun hanging out” kind of deal?
I got right for the jugular “baby that was great last night” hell the more graphic i can get her the best. Ultimate goal is to get her to say “I can’t wait until next time”
I am at a point where I screen shot pretty much every sexual or complimentary text. I have files like a fucking lunatic but I have two big fears in this world. One is going into surgery with too little anesthesia to be numb but too much to say so and the second is the Shawshank fear…being in prison for a crime I can’t prove I didn’t commit. If I girl texts me “I miss you” snap. In the file. I want you. Fuck even if she thanks me for a nice night. And I don’t cherry pick. Every girl because AWALT
Great advice. I been screen shotting texts and tinder messages. But I often think even suggestive words aren’t enough. Dark times we live in
With ease of use comes new rules. That’s all. I wouldn’t have had to do this 25 years ago. I also couldn’t find a woman, invite her over simply for the act of sex, send her a cab, fuck her, get a cab again and send her home without leaving my bed just holding my smart phone. What is important is, if you are playing the new game do not play by the old rules.
You can watch my balls for 2h daily.
It’s literally 2016. You should be doing this on your smartwatch.
I tried a Filipino dating site once. I received around 100+ messages a day (it said 100+ because it could only count to 100 apparently). Unfortunately, those messages was from 35-50 year old worn out factory workers. It did nothing to boost my ego. So yea I guess you are right, beta supplication means nothing to girls. Unless you are real crazy and love to see the suffering of others, which perhaps some women do. I had to delete my account after 2 days, I found it cruel to ignore each and every girl, not that I could do anything else, it would be a full time job responding to them.
Point is, of course the hot girl among the 100+ worn out factory workers would stick out, but she could also get lost in the noise.
well said, mr ghost
What you’ve highlighted is that no other beast, in the known history of the earth, can be compared to the contemporary slore. Mobile web technology has contorted reality into proportions hitherto unknown for her. It was only a century ago that women in their 30s would wear shawls like old crones, to cover their grey hair. Now the whole world has been augmented in their favour. It’ll be interesting to see if the boat is rocked any time soon.
You forget the 80/20 rule. 80% of women only want to date 20% top men. The rest is invisible to them.
Actually I didn’t forget it at all, I outlined it explicitly. See quote below.
All of these “hot women” want that top 20% tier of men, if you make
effort to put yourself in it, then you will be in the same situation as
hot females.
But is it not kinda true the same way the other way? 80% of men want to fuck 20% of women?
Ah sorry I hadn’t read that far yet indeed but your comment seems to imply that “don’t worry, the others are betas so they’re only noise and you’ll be fine” whereas being an ROK reader doesn’t necessarily imply that I’m alpha. I AM the noise who is invisible to women. Red Pill to me isn’t something that auto-magically turned me into an alpha. it’s the bitter realisation that I compete with alphas.
100% correct and that creates such a huge bottleneck that only the top alphas bang hotties.
I suppose you can’t argue with biology.
I readily admit that I myself would rather be alone than in a relationship with a girl who doesn’t really turn me on.
I have a cutoff but I have to admit that being a beta myself and especially a SHORT BALD MAN I don’t put the cutoff as high as most ROK readers here. 9? 8? Forget it. A 6 will do if she fits some of my other requirements such as being exotic (brown girl) and have a cute face.
Raising the bar would only waste my time as most girls hardcode their profile settings to exclude men under 6’0″ so I’m invisible before they even saw me.
Actually, there was this one time that I totally couldn’t admit to myself.
I had been occasionally hitting on a girl who was something of a mild oneitis to me.
So I called her up to meet at some bar to chat and whatever.
My last memory was of a skinny blonde hot bitch that I desired.
We met up and she wore ugly glasses and had gained weight. Not much! Just 5 kilos or so. And suddenly the bubble burst. I couldn’t quite understand what I felt. It was this: The regret that I have waited too long and now the girl I wanted does not even exist anymore.
I tried to make a move nonetheless, but I just didn’t feel almost anything anymore. Weird shit. But then, I am generally fucked up, so I may be too extreme.
What you lack physically, I lack socially and emotionally.
Nonetheless, I just wouldn’t know what to do with a girl that was not at least cute. I mean, these numbers are all relative, anyway, but a 6 or 7 it should be. As they say, boner test.
I think I lack all 3 although reading ROK I’m slowly trying to work on the other 2.
I think my only advantage is that I’m attracted to girls that I consider 8 but am aware ROK considers 6, if not 5. One example is Indian girls, clearly reviled here. (can’t say they are easy to get for me though)
You can always put on muscle. I heard it works very well for some short guys. As for bald … just shave it all off. I actually like ‘losing’ my hair every now and then.
Yeah I’m working on that as well as for the baldness it’s been many years since I shaved it all off but I think even if some girls like that look, a full head of hair will always trump it for most girls.
I was corrected below on my rather harsh “tough love”. Troy’s articles are meant for newcomers/beginners/non-alphas (yet) in the manosphere, I neglected to consider that.
I’m going to edit my initial post and add “This is the mindset you should shoot for having, over time”.
Looking around, lots of betas (the 80%) seem to be quite content to settle for all but the bottom 20% of women actually. And sadly.
I think it’s all about how you sell yourself, heh.
Do it like Trevor here:
It’s not just the physical, in fact since you’re male physical plays a lesser role. I’m not saying ignore it, but don’t worry about bald. Work on the fat part, for your own health.
When you have a text convo with a woman don’t worry about instantly responding or some shiat like that. Women go nuts when you aren’t at their beck and call. She expects you to respond like (almost) every other guy. She expects you to drop everything (well almost everything) to engage her. When you don’t it’s like a kick in the stomach, especially if you are what we refer to as “high smv” at all.
Whereas I agree that showering them with attention makes them run away I tend to disagree that ignoring them works unless they are already into you. There are enough other men, even alphas, they can choose from so ignoring them might just make them totally forget I exist. Tinder & FB time-slices are volatile.
I totally agree, I am the “noise” as well, its not my fault I didn’t grow taller. In my case, 99.99999 % of women don’t know I even exist. My game is finding older 30-40 year old women who have too much to drink. Do I want this ? No But its this societal double standard that women are kinder than men and more open minded which frustrates the hell out of me. The lieing women do and the feminist lies being perpetuated and how to deal with them, along with meeting men in my situation is the whole reason I’m here. I don’t need to bang fifty chicks a year, I just want to unite and form a front, a line in the sand to which we stop letting feminazi’s cross.
Everyone on this site is at least 7 feet tall with foot long ding dongs.
My game is young but poor 3rd world girls. The only difference between when I was Blue Pill and now is that I used to want to marry one and take her back to my country but now I only want to date them in their country, even if it means that I’ll pretend I’m interested in marrying them and then opt out at the last minute.
Honestly, I think 90% of men would fuck 75 % of women but men would rather bang the 20% of women who look after themselves. As I see it, fat guys shouldn’t get to fuck hot chicks, fat chicks shouldn’t get to fuck attractive muscular guys. If you are fat, you can’t control yourself and should not have any choice, you get what you are.
shorter guys who are fit are definitely noticed. I don’t know if shorter guys just build muscle faster or it’s more noticeable but damn I have seen some very nice bodies on short guys, hair or no hair.
Penis size means almost nothing.
wow, it’s that simple. Just put yourself in the top 20%. How incredibly profound. So if you put yourself in the top 20% of men you can have access to 80% of women. I have to ask, what are you selling?
Some of the best, most charismatic and successful men regarding women that I’ve know are short. Mostly because they have to learn everything there is to know about personality, and excel at it.
Damn right
It’s not ignoring them, it’s simply acknowleding facts.
First off, getting into a text conversation with a woman is fraught with problems. You don’t have the ability to really direct her attention. She can be texting you and six other guys, right? So why prioritize her at all? Reply as you see fit, but realize that if she sees conversing with you as a rarer privilege (because you’re actually busy doing stuff) she’s going to want to engage more directly.
Second off, if you’re actually doing something “exciting” a simple picture reply with “busy right now” will cause her panties to get damp far quicker than endless text convos. Example: I’m a pilot (for fun) and quite often I’m flying when some random lady texts. Snapping a nice pic of the view and sending that with “busy right now” has netted me more blowjobs and pussy talking to a lady about her day. You like rock climbing? Get to the summit then snap a pic and say you were busy. You like sailing, snap a pic and say “busy”. Most people are passive.
A particularly red pill comedy movie had Meryl Streep and Goldie Shawn desperate to avoid the wall. Bruce Willis was as beta as a beta simp could be, and loathsome. The women basically killed themselves to stay “beautiful” even with terms and conditions most men would find abhorrent. That movie (Death Becomes Her) had an ending where the beta simp runs off and lives life. He dies much later, after climbing mountains and a litany of other achievements including many children and grandchildren.
A woman is made by being pretty while a man makes his mark by doing.
Oh I always wanted to learn to fly helicopters but I’m not sure if I can pass a Class I or even II medical because of slight colour blindness and -6.00 (the ultimate limit for which correction is accepted) myopia. Not to mention the huge cost if I wanted to actually fly many hours.
I don’t know about other men but I kind of want 100% of women.
I feel the same way about a particular aged out porn star I never got to “work with”. A woman who is actually attractive and sexually skilled is so rare that it is disappointing when they retire. Basically a mythical character in the civilian population.
There’s another aspect, which I think is pertinent : a shorter total package means less bone mass to be lugging around, smaller squirts of testosterone and other hormones suffice to juice his body, nerve conduction occurs over a shorter distance… you’ll notice that all the best soccer players in history were (mostly) short. Messi, Maradona, Xavi, Iniesta – their brains are able to control their bodies more efficiently, with less caloric expenditure. Persona wise, this applies to short men too – almost all charismatic actors are short men, their brain isn’t fogged up with the arduous biological tasks of maintaining homeostasis in a big body, their posture isn’t stooping, etc. Having a big body isn’t all that the short-arses believe it to be.
never thought the day would come that i’d upvote you.
So, basically, like always, wrong again 🙂
Its not really about ignoring the woman, but the timing and the substance of the response. Keep in mind that women should (and like) to do most of the pursue once you (the guy) rolled the dice. They instinctively know whether you are into them or not, thus you are not effectively ignoring her. Making her wait a tad longer as opposed to the vast majority of saps out there, will make her go bonkers.
I guess she already has to be into you then because as a way to provoke her to be it never worked for me. I can’t count how many times I was into a girl and she must’ve realised it and I didn’t do anything as I’m too shy and she could’ve interpreted that as ignoring her but it never led her to pursue me.
You said it yourself: “I am too shy” and that is the number one attraction killer for a woman. Conversely, the number one attraction booster is confidence. What you need in reality is to focus on yourself and your objectives in life, not women. Get in shape (if you aren’t already) women will DEFINITELY give you a second look if you are in decent shape. Also, how you dress is paramount. If you look like a hermit, women won’t give you the time of day. Like the old adage says, you have to fake it until you make it.
I know all of that, I was merely refuting the idea that “ignoring a girl” is an effective attraction technique unless she is already into you.
And believe it or not, it is an effective attraction technique. Knowing how and when to employ it, is the key. And she doesn’t even need to be all that into you either. But you need to pass the physical attraction first to make it work.
I don’t know about choppers, but correctable to 20/20 or 20/40 vision is the only limit in the US for vision on a 3rd class medical. I don’t know about other countries, but I never had to learn anyway since I have 20/20 vision. Also, in the US color blindness (even total) is not a disqualification. They just train around the issue, similar to how you don’t have to see color to drive a car.
Flying isn’t the only activity, just pick one. Women are, on average, tag a long types – passive. If you’re doing interesting things, she’ll want to tag along to do those interesting things. I’ve screwed more pretty 19yo-26yo young women after a flight than I can count. Curvy (male defined curvy not fat cow feminist defined curvy) gals that are juicy, energetic, and desperate for “adventure” – and willing to spend their currency (sex/their bodies) to get what they want. I’ve had friends who own nice sailboats (or nice speedboats) and they drop panties too.
YOU being busy doing something is more important than her being able to do it in some ways. Again, women tend to be passive at “adventure” and want men who have adventures. Yes, even if they’re completely incapable of doing it themselves in any serious manner. One of my friends climbs mountains. Most gals he meets wouldn’t be safe more than 500′ off the ground. He still gets a ton of pussy because they want him for his adventures.
It’s also amazing how many girls who “don’t swallow” will when they’re 15k’ AGL. Can’t mess up the plane, but she wants to join the mile high club? She’ll swallow a quart of your baby batter just so she can brag to her friends.
Physical attraction? I thought it was about confidence only?
EDIT: Sorry I misread that as physical attractiveness, and I’m short and bald. Ignore post (why is there no delete button?)
My friend, confidence is the KEY trait to have, but women will need to find something physically attractive about you first, whether is your eyes, your physical built, the shape of your face, etc. Just because you are short and bald doesn’t mean that you can’t enhance your physical appearance, so don’t be so hard on yourself.
80/20 is so pre 2012.
At this point its more like 95/5. I’m not joking.
This is especially so with social media and Tinder. The guys seen as top dogs on there no doubt are getting blown up in the DM but that % is shrinking daily and it is fleeting even for the momentary apex alpha.
One day the number might be 100/0
Somewhat disagree. If you’re older and married you might not understand how the culture has changed. Using test profiles of male and female models who are both considered equally hot, the females will get 10x the activity of the male. That’s real. They dynamics have shifted since the 1990s.
It’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand.
Women are women, they respond to the same things they always have. If you’re not grabbing her attention away from an army of beta orbiters that she loathes but uses for validation, then you’re doing it wrong.
An army of men she doesn’t care about means nothing if you’re the alpha. See my convo with lolknee below.
In the 90s the value of game was a male 6 could approach in real life an pull female 7. None of that translates to online game, if a male is sub8 he’s deleted.
I don’t know what you mean by “equally hot”, but it’s less about looks for women than it is for men.
This is timeless advice, it’s not restricted to technology. You can read it from authors across the ages. Disregard women’s flaky nature, be your own man, women will find you. Don’t give a fuck about their foibles and stupidity, go ghost, find another woman to take her place.
Note [edit: none] of that translates to online game, if a male is sub8 he’s deleted.
This x 1000. And sub 6’0″ means all filters cut you off.
I disagree that it is less about looks for women, it’s just that “looks” don’t mean a pretty face but certain traits like height, strong jaw, good hairline,killer eyes etc.
That might be something you’re not grasping. With the game moving to online its 90% about pics.
No, looks are important, but it’s not the top factor. Attitude, dominance, leader qualities are the prime pussy wetters. My wife, who was an easy HB 9 in her prime, always had a huge thing for Telly Savalas. Dude was short and bald and middle aged.
Looks do matter, but not top rung. The things women respond to the most are things that you can’t really convey well on the internet. I have a buddy from Louisiana who can literally (Hitler) charm the panties off a woman in less than 30 minutes. Put him online on a dating profile though and he’d be batting zero. In real life, he’s got women eating out of the palm of his hand. The smooth country boy accent, the funny quirks of language he uses, his utter lack of fear and supreme confidence, his utter social proof, none of that translates “online”. Real life, he can outlay everybody here combined in a weekend.
No, what you’re not grasping is that this is only your perception. You’re taking the Eliot Rogers outlook and applying it as valid. It’s not.
Don’t make assumptions about what I do or don’t know. Lolknee is in the market, we say the same things, and that boy slays pussy.
Screw online shit. It’s worthless. Do the old fashioned legwork.
Ah but it is online that I meant looks were particularly important. those sets of alpha behaviours are very hard to convey on Tinder, FB, OKCupid etc. The more little settings & dials there are (height, eye colour, hairstyle, body type etc) the worse it becomes as women actually set a lot of filters (I usually leave everything to very large ranges except max age)
Why are you looking online anyway? Your strengths should be your conversation, your confidence, you dominance. Online, what’s the point?
I don’t care what others may think about my age, I can and do easily get girls attention in real life, hot girls. The same girls y’all are complaining about being unaccessible. If I were only on a dating profile (obviously, not going to happen) I wouldn’t.
If you’re hunting for deer in the ocean, you may be hunting in the wrong place.
So don’t do online. I was under the impression (from the young bucks) that online dating was basically dead anyway.
Letting women set the filters (frame) is precisely the thing we should avoid. Her filters mean shit when in real life she can’t help but giggle and get hot when you charm her, regardless of whether you’re a 9 or 10 or not.
Yeah I will travel abroad. I deleted my FB long time ago anyway.
Perfect. You’re on the right track CARP. (Just realized your acronym is Carp. Weird. Heh).
It has nothing to do with being mental or killing people. Its simply data analytics. Online activity is easily measured, pics are easily ranked. You can say well then I’m not going to compete online in that case, I will only approach in real life. But you can’t stop her from going online.
You’re not hearing me.
Stop with the “online”. It’s worthless. It puts you entirely in the girls frame. That’s why this entire thing is Big Ol’ Fail. Online Dating = Girl World, Girl Filter, Girl Choice. Of course you’re going to get metrics that favor women. It’s Girl World, online dating.
Walk outside the door, and things change drastically and immediately in your favor. Texting is not a dating app, it’s texting. If you can get her attention and impress her as alpha in real life, then text flaking generally won’t be a problem most of the time. That’ s my point. I could give two shits about Girl World Online Dating.
Take your game to where your strengths are. Someplace where you have home-field advantage?
If you insist on playing on the opponents turf, don’t play by their rules. I have a buddy who isn’t tall or particularly good looking. His dating profile picture is his cat. He doesn’t provide his own physical details- he lists the cat’s. It is amazing the amount of traffic he gets– and he is great at bantering back and forth.
FWIW- he set up a second profile using his dog’s (rotweiller) picture and didn’t get anywhere near the same amount of interest.
The article is about texting. That’s done online. Its difficult to have a conversation with old people about technology.
Exactly. I’m not sure why this is a hard concept. You hunt for white tail deer in the fields and woods, not in the desert. If you’re in the desert and bitching because you can’t nab any white tail deer, the problem isn’t the white tail deer.
When did texting= online dating? The implication here is that you’ve met this girl, in person, had some kind of relative success to the point of trading numbers.
You’re communicating back and forth, and then, silence.
Online Dating is not texting. It’s going to places like OK Cupid (or POF, or whatever) and putting up a profile. You even mention “profile”.
Stop with the “old people”, I know more about technology than you can possibly imagine, I program computers and make apps and can out tech you in every conceivable way. That dog don’t hunt with me.
This article is about TEXTS. Your online Girl World experiment means nothing. Real life attention grab, hook her in, then texts come into play. If you only want to work online dating sites, this article is not really what you’re looking for.
Its difficult to have a conversation with old people about technology.
switch (conversation.assumptions.ToString())
case “Looks mean almost everything!”
if (height.value == true)
Its difficult to have a conversation with old people about technology.
String strReturn = “”;
for (int i = 0;i < 2;i++)
switch (conversation.assumptions.ToString())
case “Looks mean almost everything!”:
if (height.value < 6)
strReturn = “Somewhat true, but it’s not everything”;
i = 0;
strReturn = “Only in Girl World”;
i = 0;
case “You’re old, you don’t understand!”:
strResponse = “Ad hominem, not a factor”:
i = 0;
case “Tell me what works”:
strReturn = “Real life, confidence, good rap, humor”;
i = 2;
case else:
strReturn = “Where you at?”;
i = 0;
The article is about text ghosting.
Yes. TEXT ghosting. Not online dating. You’ve met a girl (that hints at “real life”). Have some fun. Get her number. Later, she ghosts. What to do?
It is not about “Online dating, looks mean everything”.
Because it’s not about Online Dating.
Here, from the article. Show me where it mentions “online dating and why looks matter”
Don’t make me code-spank you again, hoss. Heh.
You’re both right.
Guys with top-notch looks get laid like tile online. It works. I’m one of them (no ego). In fact, I rarely approach IRL.
But IRL you get to show the thousand other signals that display social dominance. You can get laid like tile that way.
Precisely. Of the two, only one is germain to the article. Copping out with “But looks matter on Tindr” has fuck all to do with the actual article. It may be true, but it’s a non-sequitur. I don’t like when guys try to cop out shit because “not fair!”. If it’s not fair, even the odds by trying a different path. In this case, “real life” was already assumed in the article as far as meeting is concerned. That’s all I’m saying.
Texting is online game. People who haven’t done online game, and its obvious when they haven’t, shouldn’t pretend to be knowledgeable about it.
You’re too stubborn to hear me. Text is TCP/IP, online dating is TCP/IP. That’s the only similarity between what you and I are saying. You’re disagreeing with me about texts because “online dating and only looks matter!”, which is irrelevant to the point.
Ol’ Nick, he went to a bar and found a chick. It was only AFTER that, when text came into play, that the trouble arose. That’s the focus of the article, not screaming about how it’s not fair that on OKCupid chicks only go for Brad Pitt. Who fucking cares? In real life they go for any man who can charm their panties off, and looks are only one factor of many factors. So even the odds, and stop playing with online dating where Girls set the frame.
Then, if you have issues with texting, the article’s advice comes into play.
Online game is much more than dating sites like okcupid. Stop showing how out of touch you are.
You know what? I’m going to let you stew in your ignorance and self victimization excuse (No chance if you ain’t Brad Pitt!). You are totally ignoring the article and trying to run your own crusade against OKCupid and POF and other dating sites. That’s irrelevant to the article, which is about girls flaking AFTER YOU MET IN REAL LIFE (by whatever means), but you want to “feel right” and are getting pissy and digging in your heels, so I’ll let you do so. When you can calm down, reassess the conversation with reason instead of emotion and anger, realize this is about something other than Online Dating sites and “looks matter!”, then we can speak again. Until then, I hope your day gets better.
I like your hunting analogy. It also applies to, if you’ve got the skills to be a good hunter in the woods but not the desert— why exactly are you out here in the desert?
If you want to build your skills fair enough. But like you said, don’t bitch about it while you work on the skills. If you need a kill to take home, go to the woods where you’re solid.
“Online Dating = Girl World, Girl Filter, Girl Choice.”
you’re fucking damn right about this man !
all the shit online is designed for girls
I would be alongside your wife, screaming deliriously and throwing my panties at kojak. Where did all the good actors go? The guys from the golden age just exuded manliness and command that enthralled everyone from toddlers to old ladies. Every actor now seems to be a variation on Edward from twilight.
Just to develop the point a bit, kids in the 80s developed looking at actors of the calibre of gene Hackman and jack Nicholson as comic bad guys (lex Luther and the joker, respectively). No wonder kids are spazzing out now having had their reality glitched by these silly twerksters like ‘why so serious’ joker and Bane, with his weird voice
That’s right. When you are THE GUY, everyone else falls off the radar immediately. And you don’t even have to get your hands dirty about all the stooges hitting on her because she will swat them like flies for you.
-Men who work in overwhelmingly-male careers.
-Men who live in areas with slim (quality) pickings.
-Men who travel often, and rely on dating apps/sites for pipelining.
-Men who don’t smoke/drink, which makes going out to bars and clubs even more of a chore.
-Men who live in other cultures where running day game on the locals isn’t necessarily practical/feasible (this could be due to language barriers or cultural taboos).
That said, I agree that a proper alpha is at his best face-to-face with his prey.
Anyone who has to ask what to do when a chick does not respond is MILES away from having constant texts from chicks, I can tell you that much.
That sir, is correct. That’s why I had to amend my post. I forget sometimes that some of the articles here are Game 101, and that’s my bad.
With all due respect, Jefferson, you’re really underestimating the sheer volume of simps, thirsty losers, kiss asses, and other dregs on social media. All of these dorks are swarming over hot chicks 24/7, to the point now where their senses are actually suffering from input fatigue.
And with the rise in obesity in the West, the number of decent women gets smaller and smaller, with a corresponding increase in intensity of the simping.
No amount of alpha behavior is going to equalize this reality. Is it hopeless? No, of course not. Tinder still works well enough to make it worth using.
But we need to be realistic about the limitations of social media.
Instead of repeating my argument again and again, I’d refer you to below on my initial post on this thread. Beta orbiters mean nothing to her but empty validation, if you’re the kind that can get her to crawl over glass, then you’re the only text she sees. The betas literally don’t even become a factor. If it is a factor, then a dude needs to up his game, fitness or whatever other factor is causing a dry spell.
Again, down in the article, I laid this all out. Lolknee, who competes in this market daily and is my age, is of the same mindset.
Everything you’re saying is almost spot on. I don’t speak for all girls but for sure, if a girl is totally into you all other guys fall off her radar.
Thank you Genie, that’s all I’m saying. So many clueless men these days (not casting dispersions on them). Dads dropped the ball in the Baby Boomer and Gen X generations. This used to be common knowledge.
As feminism continues to be on the rise, more and more men will continue to be emasculated by it.
Yep, this is dead on accurate.
Women get an incredible amount of attention. 100 likes per picture, 100 likes per mindless thought, 30 likes for ever stupid check in at the gym.
But all this attention is coming from fucking losers on social media. Yeah, the ladies may get an ego boost, but they know the commenters are all losers. Getting comments from a loser actually makes the woman feel more pathetic.
So be a winner. Shoot for the top 10%.
I mean fuck, how hard is this to grasp? Thank you Lee, I’m glad some folks are getting it.
Chick nature is chick nature, now and forevermore. If you are her apex alpha, it doesn’t matter if she’s on the Starship Motherfucking Dildoprise, you’re going to fuck her at the end of the night. Period. Full stop.
Now let’s move on to planets full of green chicks and pussy. Warp factor 9.
Actually, in case you haven’t noticed, yeah they are. Bcz a female 6/10 will be approached at least 5 to 6 times a day, whereas a male 9/10will get hit on once every two weeks if he’s lucky.imbalance makes the magic
I’m betting that when I ask you “what is a male 9/10” you’re going to say “looks and money”. In which case, you’re wrong about what women consider a 9/10 male, which would explain your confusion.
A man that pings a 9/10 based on what women would consider a 9/10 on *their* evaluation, is hit on way more than you can realize. I’m not Brad Pitt (at his prime) looks wise, nor am I a billionaire, yet I get hit on every single day. It’s because I hit the 9/10 according to *womens* scale of that, not the fake men’s assumption of “looks/money”.
All true. But let me inject that a huge number of those women that make up 50% of the population are sitting out the SMP. They have decided about 40 (plus or minus 5 years) that they will just nest and have outings with their girls. The young cohort includes a significant portion that have decided that they just can’t get that alpha aren’t willing to “settle” for anyone closer to their SMV. Others are fat and sitting on their couches eating ice cream, drinking wine, and petting their cats. Men, no matter their status, still want sex. Women seem to be able to shrug it off and go their own way in a world of women only. They might put out in a New York second if an alpha male showed even a speck of interest in them. But how would that happen when they are essentially hermits except for work.
No women constantly focus on guys, how to attract them, keep them, basically get commitments out of them. Most women don’t want to go their own way in a world full of other women. In fact many women, once they land a guy they really like, remove themselves from their group of single girlfriends. If it seems like women shrug it off, its bullshit, they’re bitter and acting nonchalant about it for self preservation. I’m sure there are exceptions but the average woman really just wants to be in a relationship with an non asshole guy who is mentally intact. Woman who think highly of themselves want men out of their league. Unfortunately social media has lead to a lot of self absorbed Karadashian wannabes.
wow….You understand that the top males are dating 2, 3 or even 4 women at once right? You know that high value even married men usually have mistresses as well. If you are average looking and not in a top income bracket you’re screwed. …Unless you are a very small % of the population who happens to be incredibly charismatic.
I understand absolutely all of that.
I reject “looks matter and money” as the sole criteria. That’s bullshit. Utter bullshit.
You kinda scratched on the truth with “incredibly charismatic”. That’s Game. Learn it.
Abundance mentality is all fine and good but what this article misses is that few men aside from self appointed lifestyle coaches who spend 24.7 chasing tail have the time for this inane racket.
You wont be much of a so called alpha at 45 if your networth isnt in mid 7 figures and you’ll never get there if you spend your time on pussy not business and money in your 20s 30s.
At the end of the day … when it takes that extra couple of hours to nail your work home…. will you be laying the foundations for your future or wasting time on twenty something chics that could care less about you.
I’ll take a lonely night and a million bucks thanks…. you can keep your smart phone and your social media. If you’re caught up about responding and keeping up with all that crap you are already lost….. go do some real work……you’ll be amazed how confident and secure real commerical success makes you. Only pussy men have to chase tail to validate themelves.
mid 7 figures? That’s 98th percentile. ($5,000,000)
1/10 of that is still in the top 20%.
And that’s household, so it includes married couples. For single men those percentiles are going to be even higher.
You’re writing your own reasons why you will fail. Your predictions will come true.
We all write our own lives and they come true. If you’re going to be defeated, you have to defeat yourself first. You have. Good job.
I’ve got plenty of scratch btw, thanks for “advising” me on success, heh.
“We all write our own lives and they come true.”
Did that come from The Secret? Jesus Christ, you’re clueless on multiple levels. Even for your generation.
Troy….this is all dead on. Good advice for the boys out there. Also, I love that you bring up that closure if for girls. James Ellroy (writer of LA Confidential) is an interesting guy. His mother was raped and murdered and left at the side of a road. He investigated the rape and murder (to no avail) himself. In his book My Dark Places he details his obsession with his mothers rape and murder and goes over his investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice. He even includes very graphic crime scene photos. In the end, Ellroy concludes that “closure is bullshit.”
When I first read this back in the mid 90’s it struck me as an insanely powerful idea. If closure is bullshit than the search for it is bullshit and we can obtain freedom by letting things go. In business, in game, in family relations, in every single fucking aspect of life I have applied this ever since reading those words. Those three simple words “closure is bullshit” have always stuck with me.
That thought is perfect, I agree with it. I don’t even remember when “closure” became a thing. The 1990’s maybe? I don’t recall people “looking for closure” before the Pussy Age. You fucking dealt with shit, and after you were done, you moved on. What the fuck is “closure” anyway? I mean, seriously, what is it and how is it different than “Job/relationship finished, moving on”?
If closure was a 90s thing, it had to have been popularized by Jennifer Aniston of course.
The only thing she popularized for me was the notion that if she ever came within a county of where I was living, that I’d have her out on a date and in the bed in less than 24 hours. Other than that, I really don’t care about the chick.
What about post-wall Jen?
Meh. She seemed to be aging pretty gracefully until about 5 years ago, and then bam, the wall. Up until then though, yeah, I’da done her.
yeah, I don’t remember when it became a thing either. Ellroy was calling bullshit on it in the mid 90’s so I assume it must have been around as a concept for at least a few years since.
As a side note, his writing is generally excellent and My Dark Places was hard, even for me, to read. Talk about raw emotion. When the title page has a picture of your dead mother laying with dress torn to shreds on the side of the road you know the book is going to be dark. And, after all of that, years of really being obsessed, he came out knowing closure was bullshit and moving on. But it is easy to tell someone that closure is bullshit. A lot harder to pour over the excruciating details of your mothers rape and murder and THEN tell them.
ha. train of thought.
You say “what the fuck is “closure” anyway
I think: Closure? That’s what you do to the door when the air conditioner is on or else ya get whooped
Then I thought back to when Darfur was a thing and I kept waiting for someone to say “Darfur” so I could say “what the hell’s a Darfur….to git into the room?
That is a pretty radical thing to say. I’ll look up his story as I can sort of relate.
With women it never really should be a why. Maybe if you are overly invested and have her as your only option this can come up, but if you haven’t had sex, you have no claim or guarantees. After you have sex, the girl is your’s to lose. This dynamic never changes or at least it hasn’t for me.
Have you read his trilogy that starts with “American Tabloid”? Lotta truth in these books masquerading as fiction.
yes, the Underworld USA trilogy. I have read all his stuff. I went through a big detective phase starting with Sherlock Holmes, then Raymund Chandler and then a bunch of modern writers of which Ellroy was my favorite.
Check out Gillian Flynn. Only three books, but they’re incredibly good. And red-pill.
In fact, female writers have picked up the psychological mystery genre and been running with it for several years now. I have to admit that they’re doing it damn well.
I will. thanks.
Top-notch author. Some of my favorite books.
Another good read by a chick is Dr Norrell and Mr Strange by Sushanna Clarke.
It is the exact same thing behind the idea of forgiveness. Stop letting the past control you, don’t dwell. Forgive, move on.
just had this conversation with someone the other day
“I’m so sorry”
“I don’t fucking care. You’re being sorry does exactly nothing for me. Just don’t fuck up again”
For me, the awakening about closure / truth came from this line… if truth finds its way to remain unveiled, just let it be. There may be a hidden purpose to be so.
Yep, it reminds me of an old saying that goes something like: The harder you squeeze the more it will slip through your fingers, if you love something, let it go, if it loves you it will come back (or stay).
In other words don’t be a clingy chicken shit lol
What to do? Simply move on, do not lose time informing her, she probably is with another man all ready. No you are not impolite, she is for not telling you straight that she wants to move on, and now she cannot face you. Move on, period….
How about … not giving a fuck?
Heh, this. If a chick stops replying to texts simply remove her number and move on.
Somebody should write a book that is obligatory before reading “Bang”. It would be called called “Self-Respect”.
And if enough people read the “Self-Respect” book, no one Bangs…
Some more. Some less. I’d think.
no! never remove number. Ever. never! She will eventually call and you don’t want just numbers showing up. That is the worst. Always know who is calling/texting
I remember back in days of my Motorolla Star Tac Flip phone I had a great system worked out. When I nexted a girl or, for whatever stopped seeing them, I would put a “z” infront of their name. So when I was scrolling down my numbers looking for a bang all the ones I was done with were at the end
etc etc etc
It was on drunken nights when I would get down to the z’s that I would get in trouble, but most the time it was a pretty good system. I would know who it was if they called and I wouldn’t have to scroll through them when I was looking for a bang
Isn’t it great when just the number shows up? Asshole game without effort: ‘Yeah, who’s calling?’
Actually that’s true. If you totally Next her, keep the number so that you can “Block” it when she starts nagging you two months later. Removing the number lets her hit you up later.
That’s pretty much what I would do. Then when asked, “Don’t you remember me?” I’d reply, “Describe what you look like and what we did. My schedule’s been full.”
Why so complicated.
I would ask: ‘No. Should I?’
Yeah. I usually leave an opening. I am on a good rotation. If I leave openings then every few weeks ill get hit up by someone and I can make the decision whether to see them or not. I am like King George when the DoI is delivered sitting, contemplating and making a choice about what to do.
Blocks are rare and come when shit goes psycho. For instance, if you recall, the comedian. Enough time may have passed for this to be shared with ROK. I have all the screenshots saved on my computer under “psychotic comedian” I will review this weekend and see if I can tell the story.
Right, for psychos, yes.
Mommy-whipped! ‘What kind of way is this to answer the phone?’ Fuck you bitch!
you think it is time to unleash the comedian texts?
Oh, yes. Definitely yes.
there was nothing funny about that comedian
I thought she was comedy gold. Just not, you know, intentionally.
“you’re not even a feminist!”
You should make like a commie and share.
You sound like a Common Core teacher
This weekend I will grab all my screenshots of texts (there are like 20 of them) and contextualize into a story and send to @unabashed and @ghostofjefferson for comments. It is really a funny story. If it meets with their approval I will share.
I’m gonna have to agree. Don’t delete. But definitely ghost. Helps when I need to avoid being her safety branch when she’s swinging away from the new dick that pumped & dumped her.
yup. I get texts, I would estimate at least one every three weeks but sometimes more often (especially as the summer winds down) from girls I used to fuck. stuff like “hey. wuts up with you” I make decisions. I think “was her crazy / good lay matrix at a good enough ratio?” “was there something I enjoyed about this one” and “what do I have going on now” and then I might bring in or not. Case by case basis. However, knowing that it happens and will continue to happen also puts me in the right mind set with what I have going on at current. I cannot see a dry spell in my future. The fields are that lush.
There is a bizarre new culture of women giving out their number, flirting like sluts (including sending nudes) and then refusing to meet up by simply ignoring any message with an invite. I think they are all mentally ill.
They’re meeting up with *somebody*. Be that somebody. If you aren’t, then you’re not dinging on women’s radar. Fix that.
I was going to comment this pretty much word for word half way through reading the comment.
If women are doing all this you are already that somebody to some extent.
Not if they’re not returning texts.
They thrive on attention. There’s beta attention, and then alpha attention. Beta attention is what you describe. She flirts, plays fun fun, but doesn’t actually return any texts or calls. Alpha attention is the same, except that she texts you and is eager to meet up.
What is alpha attention?
I just told you. She flirts, she’s fun fun, she gives you her number, and then texts you, or returns your texts and goes out with you and eventually fucks you. Betas get nothing but “boost my ego and then go away”.
Rather vague. A lot of folks say “You need to have game,” but a guy can be squared away in that regard, flirt with a chick, and get the same outcome in some cases. There is only so much that can be done over texting.
In “some cases”, dismiss her and move to something else.
Vague? It’s pretty cut and dried the difference. In one you get dates and sex, in the other you don’t.
In other words you can act like an alpha and still lose out at times. Even guys like Troy admit this.
So what? If you’re actually alpha, you will still get flakes, but it won’t be this epidemic like you originally described. Sometimes shit happens. Big fucking deal, move on, she shouldn’t even register as anything except a statistical anomaly as you text the next girl on your list or your plates on the side.
I’m simply commenting on a new trend in dating culture that men are experiencing. Given that you are out of the dating market I suspect you are less aware of its prevalence. Definitely not the end of the world, but a reality nonetheless.
I’m going to smile a bit and let your comment go un-responded to, in order to preserve peace and an educational atmosphere. Heh.
The truth hurts. Heh.
Yes, it does. But the question is, who actually knows the truth, and who doesn’t?
I’ll let you ponder that for a bit.
Those individuals immersed in current realities, not 25-year retirees from the dating market. Assuming fidelity of course, because that is the honorable thing to do.
You’re doing the same argument as “It’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand”.
You also make some interesting assumptions.
In toto, you’re doing nothing but a form of ad hominem. You’re making it about me, instead of actually attending to the point I was making about being “zero fucks given” and moving forward. Neither of these two pieces of advice are attached to age or status, they’re common sense.
“OMG you’re using ad hominem!” Makes you sound like a progressive.
I made a comment accurate to the experiences of many men in the current dating market. You replied with “you need to be more alpha hurr durr!” Then you said you’ll lose out in some cases anyway, which I never disputed.
It is about you ultimately. If you haven’t dealt with modern dating culture’s obsession with texting and online interaction your insight on the subject is limited.
All my assumptions about you are reasonable considering your past comments.
Look, you’re free to accept or reject my advice. It’s the same advice given by Troy in a nutshell.
It’s becoming clear why you’re being passed over. Sorry to go there brother, but you seem incapable of accepting advice that you don’t agree with. If you’re not listening to others, then you can’t interact with others in a positive manner. I’m not attacking you, I’m trying to summarize basically what Troy, and others here, are saying. Arguing and getting snarky with me, is your problem. Address that splinter in your mind, learn to listen to voices other than your own no matter if it’s what you want to hear or not, and then improve. Or reject with a thousand reasons of why “you’re wrong!” If chicks are passing you up with regularity, clearly you don’t know what’s right, so what can it hurt to try something new?
In any event, I’m not of the mind to get into some prissy bitch fight with some random dude on the internet. Reject my advice at will, not my problem. Or slow down, stop thinking that it’s your way or the highway, and attend to what I’m saying. ZFG and moving on are universal advice throughout the ages, including today. You can’t accept it. That’s something you either fix, or you remain in the pass-over slot in her iPhone.
Your call.
I deal with modern dating culture. I deal with it constantly. I do not doubt your comment accurately expresses the experiences of many men….those are the people that articles like this are trying to help get their shit together and start acting right so that your comment ceases to be indicative of their experiences.
I have not noticed a trend in girls being cock teases either digitally or in person. Has it EVER happened? Yes. But I would be hard pressed to remember when. I can tell you that I have had a girl at my place showing me texts from some other guy and laughing about it. I am sure she feeds him sometimes.
I think the larger point is that it isn’t a simple matter of do A and result B will happen. You have to forget about women and re-understand yourself as a person of value. If you see yourself as a victim of an ongoing trend you will fulfill that prophecy.
I almost never have fewer than 5 plates spinning. I am not even sure I would notice if certain plates didn’t text me for a day or two. Some I would. Depends on how much I enjoy them.
In the end, I have focused on myself and added to my own worth and value rather than being a skirt chaser or trying to be good for all weather. The end result is that women don’t go looking to feed their bullshit narcissism off of me by playing give and take. They know it won’t work. They know, deep in their soul, that I have other things going on in my life…other women, other values, other hobbies….as well as a total comfort with being alone. I make sure they act in such a way that they are trying to EARN my attention and not the other way around.
As an experiment: the next time you experience this trend you are talking about go dark. Totally ghost. Keep doing that over and over again. Then if she sends you a text a few days later that says “i want to fuck your brains out” tell her you are busy and will talk to her later.
Women do not have the power to enslave men with their pussy. Men put those shackles on. The “Recent trend” you are noticing has more to do with a culture which is creating weak men and less to do with the way women are acting.
Perfect advice.
I like to give back ya know.
Women have never really changed. Men have been the catalyst for social decline. They wisely restricted women’s base instincts, and now they foolishly permit them.
Excellent comment. You illustrate a clear grasp of the modern dating market and have workable solutions, unlike GOJ.
He’s said a longer version of what I said actually.
Going ghost is zfg/move on.
You truly are deluded. I pointed out what happens in some cases. You began by insisting men need more game before conceding it doesn’t always work, which is my own position. You’re getting trapped in a web of your own contradictions. Unlike you, lolknee can provide an accurate assessment of the modern dating market and means of improvement.
Ok, do whatever you wish young man. I’m sure you’ll succeed.
I think GOJ has a pretty good grasp of it, just a different way of explaining it. He is also not a great golden god of FUCK like I am. But that’s ok. Really, no one is….no one
You’re not using the new, hip terminology. ZFG is soooo 2014. “Going ghost” is so now. You should identify pretty well with it.
correct. women didn’t change. technology changed so it may appear that way but if you watch an episode of Happy Days girls were doing the exact same shit, just lower tech.
I was going ghost before going ghost was cool. Literally (Hitler).
Note the use of upper case. That means it’s serious bizness.
sit on it GOJ
Up your nose with a rubber ho….oh wait, wrong show…
GG homie. We abbreviate everything now. We have no more time for full words.
yeah @disqus_aHyDBkvUW5:disqus GOJ has been going ghost so long he taught it to Hamlet’s father. In other words, he was ghost (of Jefferson) before it was cool.
I dunno about being mentally ill, they havent been taught proper manners
You must be online dating. It’s simply a form of validation
I think Bank of America hired Daivd Icke as a consultant
Some will. Some won’t. So what? Next.
Depends on your height. The shorter the guy, the less new options he has. There’s a very sharp cutoff under 6’0″ or 180cm.
No, the cutoff in the US is about 5’8″. Then it becomes noticeably short. Solution: Go abroad. The world is packed full of tiny women.
But I’m in Europe, the cutoff here is 180 cm (since we use metric) and in fact it is now considered very average (in the 80s that was kinda tall) I agree on going abroad though, I like Asian/Arab/Indian girls.
Yes, the Dutch for example are the tallest people in the world. Consider the global scale.
180cm is not 6feet. its a little shorter than 5’11
I know but it’s about round numbers and about the same height.
Young men <25 yrs old:
You have years and years and years ahead to develop your life and career and body. If you’re 21 yrs old and a 21 yr old hottie has stopped replying to you, just remember that those hotties will be available when you are 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, etc. That’s who you’re probably losing out to right now. In a few years, you’ll be that guy, and you’ll be swooping with much more ease than you’re currently experiencing.
tl;dr Work on yourself and it gets much, much easier.
This is really really really simple:
Q: What to do when she stops replying to your texts
A: Anything other than give a shit
1) Do not send anything to her.
2) Do not await for her.
3) Do not be weak or whine.
4) Do not depend on one girl. Move on.
5) Do get a job/ Keep yourself busy.
6) Do travel domestic/ international.
7) Do positive thing with Smartphone text.
8) Do not waste time on one girl.
9) Do chores/ housework/ fix cars etc
10) Do turn off cellphone/ Do come back spend time with family.
Basically, move on with your life and forget about her.
Yes or Keep yourself busy.
Should be staying busy regardless.
You be surprise in Man and Woman relationship. Men do not keep themselves busy enough.
11) swallow your pride and remember that it’s just a random number game
It is called ” Human Dignity” do not lower your pride. Do not beg, Do not give impression that your dog on the leash relationship. It will make yourself very weak person.
exactly, i would add “man dignity” instead of human. but we’re talking about the same thing
Gotta diversify that portfolio.
It seems to me that any guy expressing concerns like this is experiencing a basic form of oneitis, and we all know the more you pursue, the more of a generic thirsty chump you appear as.
Ah the days before smartphones and social media.
if youre reading this and you have a girlfriend/fiance: break up w her now. whatever youre doing, however your relationship is going, just fuckin end it today, and for absolutely no reason. this will work esp if the relationship is going well.
why? he who cares the less, wins in the relationship. breaking up is the best of showing you care less than she does. watch her grovel and beg and lose her mind, then watch her do whatever it takes to get back w you.
in this day and age, gotta keep women on their toes to the fullest.
this is such good advice and doubly if you have never broken up with anyone. It is such an amazing feeling. The two best parts of being with a girl is the first time you fuck her and the first 5 minutes alone after you tell her you don’t want to be with her anymore.
yea another benefit of this is that its so unexpected, so unpredictable, that she cant help but find it sexy. on a really sick level. thats biology/thats life
if she asks why just be honest. Say “I’m just not into a relationship right now” You are under no legal, ethical or moral obligation to be there for someone just because you have shared some times. I like to use the ole “listen, we had some great times. if we continue when I am not feeling like I want to be in a relationship it wont be fun for either of us so what are you holding on to”
I would tend to try to mind-fuck her by sending a text thanking her for DIFFERENT (and fictitious) evening, dancing – etc, looking forward to weekend or coffee, etc (again, a fictitious thing). If she replies WTF? you can reply oops – replied to the wrong text. If she was interested and is playing mind games with you, turn it around on her – and it might make her sense competition, etc. If she doesn’t reply, you’ve only lost a couple of minutes and had a chance to practice mind-games.
Millennial chicks will flake for any reason. The culture has changed. If they aren’t getting emotionally invested, then why should you?
yeah, you wanna hear about “flake”? i got engaged to a 23yo girl in asia after being together 3 years. then moved back to the US to start on new career. our plan was she’d follow me here by Nov. well, last month she ended it over the phone. didnt feel guilty, didnt feel like after 3 years + being engaged she should have at least made an attempt to come here first to check it out and talk face to face. and that was the end of that
moral of the story: 2 words never come up in women’s lexicon: 1) loyalty and 2) responsibility
i should’ve broken it off first and for no reason when things were going well as a power play. lesson learned
Asian means what culture? Lot of diversity there. Many asian cultures won’t approve of foreign marriage unless they think its their daughter’s only chance. Anyway, breaking off an engagement is different from “flaking”. Flaking is more like ghosting on texting in hook up culture. Those are different issues.
japan. well i use the word “flake” understatedly. nah, it has nothing to do w family. her family loved me and has not even spoken to her after she called off the engagement, bc they realize its wrong and heartless. plus i too am asian (american born) so it doesnt have to do w that. its just another case of straight up women being women
Well, I met a Japanese online, we both said right away we are in for marriage and children, not bf/gf , went over to check her out, was good. Back a few months later to meet the parents and get engaged and have a vacation together. She came here a couple of months later and we got married as soon as we could get it booked and the paperwork done, and less than 2 months later she was expecting my son.
I could be wrong but I think your case is one of sitting on your hands for too long. I also don’t buy this BS we have in the west of cohabitation for ages or whatever before marriage. Wanna get married? Find a girl who also does and do it, no waiting.
Well, your experience is necessarily going to be atypical. Everyone knows all Japanese girls have a Hitler fetish.
but do they have a literally hitler fetish
Is that Bert or Ernie?
Who doesn’t?
I had a incredibly hot girlfriend from S America tell me she wanted to visit me here in the US last spring. I research flights and ESL schools for her.
Then she flakes. Doesn’t come.
Months later, she msgs me to tell me that she’d lied. She had, in fact, come to my city. She stayed in a hotel and everything for a week. Did she bother to contact me? Nah.
This was a girl who I’d fucked so good and for so long the first time we met that her eyes had rolled backwards in her head and her period had kickstarted eight days early. (It happens; look it up.) She’d been eating out of my hand. We’d gone on exotic adventures together on the Caribbean coast. She’d given me head on command.
Despite all that, she flaked. Hugely.
Moral: Don’t take a woman seriously UNLESS she first demonstrates her commitment to you THROUGH HER ACTIONS.
weird. this girl was SO COMMITTED to me before this gigantic flake. while i was in the US last year on business, my roommate called me from taiwan and told me if i dont move my shit out by tmw, she’ll throw it on the street. obviously i couldnt go to tw on a day’s notice so i called my girl, who lives in japan. she booked a flight to taiwan th next day and moved out everything for me, and stayed in an airbnb till i returned. then we lived together. after that i was sold on her being loyal till the end. so why after all this time she backed out of an engagement the way she did… i will never understand
It taught you how to relate to women the right way, e.g. no pedestalizing. Their actions don’t make sense, not even to themselves. Sad to say, but treating most women like children seems to best preserve your mental health. (There are some exceptions.)
in retrospect, i shouldve employed “Law of Who Cares Less”
“What To Do When She Stops Replying To Your Texts”
Forget her and move on. Don’t be Stalker Guy.
Want some fun. I once sent a girl a text at 11 pm that said “coming over?” and then instantly replied “shit…sorry, wrong text” and then turned my phone off for 20 minutes.
and what happened next?
I turned on phone and read through her 8 texts and watches her go from ha really funny to wtf to your an ass to this isn’t funny to why do you have phone off. I could literally (hitler) see her range of emotions then I texted her and told her “just fucking with you bt srsly, you want to come over”
she did
Remember, 70% of american women are overweight. That leaves only 30% that we are all fighting for. Now, how many of that 30% are too old, ugly, tattooed, lesbian, super feminists etc? A bar with 20 women has maybe 2 girls that are hot. You can bet your ass those two are surrounded by thirsty hounds. So, I believe we are all fighting over that 10% of women.
So the “abundant” mentality is great, but it usually means tackling some nastier girls, or going out every night of the week and approaching like a madman. (I will admit to both.)
Is it 70% now? This shit show is getting worse. I thought it was like 30% obese and 30% overweight, with the beta males trying to convince themselves that overweight meant curvy.
What’s your source for that stat, if you don’t mind my asking? Around here (a college town) there are loads of thin, attractive women, but I fully recognize that this is probably not the norm.
From personal experience, the fat-bloat usually happens either right after HS (if she doesn’t go to college), right after college, or right after marriage.
The women you’re encountering still have social standards they are expected to meet, publicly. Competition keeps them trim. Find them in 2 years, and they’ll be manatees.
Oh, quite so, absolutely agree. It even peculates down to the older broads, who generally stay more fit than I’ve seen in other places.
Here’s a link about women’s obesity being higher than men’s:
I can’t find the article I saw last week including data from the last 5 years about women skyrocketing and men losing weight, but here’s one about americans in general: (check out the minority women especially. 57% of black women are obese! )
I’m not done with the second article yet. I wonder what they use to measure body fat/weight? Technically I’m “overweight” if we go by the broken FDA definition, but that weight is nearly all muscle. By that standard, the Mr. Universe level Arnold was overweight.
I’m NOT suggesting that this is the case of the majority, just wondering exactly what metric they used.
70% is way high unless this is a pole taken in the Midwest. I would say it is closer to 20% being overweight. Of course, I am in NYC. Probably even lower in LA. But nationwide? Single women between 18-30? I would guess that 40% is more accurate for overweight.
Well, a poll taken in the South.
🙂 inside a wallmart.
Walking certainly helps in a place like NYC
Cobbling businesses would agree. Also, the sexual market place here is skewed drastically towards men. I feel it is about 3 or 4 to 1 single women to men when I go out. Competition always good.
no sharnados to worry about in nyc either
There are ALWAYS sharknados to worry about
There’s nothing more frightening than a nado, full of shars.
Such a stickler for the spelling. Tried to find the ep where Chris gains the power of super-spelling, wasnt there.
one of the best shows ever….
It was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1994
oh you are missing loads of them then. I mean, SciFy alone has Sharktopus, Piranhaconda, Dinocroc v Supergator, Megapython v Gatoroid, frankenfish, squidtopus, tigersharktiger, crocoshih-tzu (not kidding), Ostrichsaurus Rex and PandaConda…..I mean, yeah, the Sharknado is the king of them all, but some of these are pretty terrifying.
I wish I could find the clip (I looked and can’t) where Elliot finds 5 dollars on the street and goes into dream sequence where he is buying a suit and a Ferrari and is a man about town while sharp dressed man plays.
Just spit up on the keyboard- Piranaconda? Thats awful. I stopped watching that channel after they cancelled Caprica and Alphas
killin me
I am (literally) dying…gotta get away from the desk
Haven’t watched since SGU.
oh man, I watch them all. So good. Piranaconda is an old one already. Tigersharktiger is really awesome because it is a tiger shark AND a tiger
I was actually being a spelling Nazi (literally, Hitler) about “shar”. I know he meant shark, but it was too tempting to let slide.
Its sad. Used to be quality. This show had so much potential, never picked up
That’s because only stupid bitches want to live in a filthy, stinking, overpopulated shithole like NYC
Ha! Yes. That’s right I’m sure. Smh dude, are you ever not dumb
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I endorse this message! Literally!
Somehow, I don’t think the Aryan princess in the forest would have a cellphone to text anyone with!
This is why I’m glad to be a married boomer. For me, texts amount to “if you’re still at the market pick up (whatever)”. No drama
Fantastic article, Troy!
It doesn’t matter why she is not responding. Fact is, she is not. You can’t argue with reality!
She might have a good reason for not responding, she might not.
THE ONE doesn’t exist anyways. There are many other great girls out there…it took me quite a while to figure that out myself.
I wasted too much time wondering why she is not responding in the past…and that is bad, as you think about her and your interest level is automatically rising.
You are much more successful, if you leave her wondering why you are not responding! (Works especially well with attractive girls, although she must be interested in you, otherwise she doesn’t even notice…until she shits the WALL!
Bam! Schadenfreude can feel great!
Thank you. 1000 times thank you. You get it. Well done.
I hate it when people shit the wall.
Great article – spot on!
With sheeple’s attention spans = those of the common house fly, you have to be ready to reel in/instadate/instabang now.
There’s too many “new, shiny” things being thrown out all the time; waiting is a killer, especially when you’re dealing with “adults” that have the mentality of 3 year olds.
Plus, instabang gives the inner hamsters the rationalization “out” that “it just happened” instead of admitting that they’re the sluts they really are.
Agreed. Game has accelerated. You game her successfully in the club, get the number close and make out, return her to her friends, and the first thing she does is turn on her phone and start checking messages. Some guy snap chats her a shirtless pic, an you’re forgotten. Game over.
^^Textbook breakdown.
Its just real. If you’re retired player you don’t see it. Hook up culture is different. Your game is only as good as your snapchat pics.
Nope. It’s just that you made less of an impression than shirtless dude. Same thing applied in 1990, 1950, 1710, and 800 B.C. You’re either *the* alpha she’ll crawl over glass for, or you’re not. If she’s crawling over glass for you, she won’t give a shit about shirtless dude on Tindr. It’s fine if you’re not, but let’s not blame it on technology or “It’s the current year!(tm)”. It’s how women have always been.
There ain’t nothing new under the sun, son. You may not realize that yet, which is where *I* can legitimately play the “old retired man” card on you with good effect.
It may be how they’ve always been but there are factors at play you are ignoring, ie the ENABLING factors of:
-slut culture
-beta shaming (EW….)
-TECHNOLOGY (don’t care what anyone says, this is a YUGE factor)
-lack of wymyn shaming
Basically these mechanisms are DESIGNED to optimize hypergamy. It’s no coincidence either.
Female nature is female nature.
Feral women act like feral women throughout history. Feral women near the fall of Rome were exactly the same, including with the feminist tag on them.
The problem is very few men are apex alphas. They have literally (Hitler) no experience with it, so when girls blink and go to Chad, they think “Women, technology, ptooey!”. What they don’t get, is that this is normal woman behavior AND that if they were Apex Alpha, this wouldn’t be happening to them.
Improve yourself, improve your game, and chances are that this won’t happen as much as it might be now (not to you specifically, to most in general).
Nobody is denying female nature is what it is. You didn’t acknowledge the list of enabling factors I provided. They count for something, even if they are being overstated by the ‘sphere.
Another thing; sexual markets are no longer as fragmented as they have been in times past. What was an apex alpha in the past was what was DIRECTLY and IMMEDIATELY available to women. Now, with social technology, you are (indirectly) competing with the top male models of instagram, and rich spoiled kids like dan bilzerian who flaunt their wealth for millions to see and “appreciate”.
In the past, guys like dan would have their harem of adoring whores, and that would be that…but now ALL CHICKS, everywhere IN THE WORLD, can see what they are missing and want to get in on that action. If you don’t think that affects your average guy’s standing in the sexual market you are mistaken. Women are fickle and will literally (hitler) demote you in their mind the second they get a DM or a “like” from someone higher on the food chain. They may not be able to act on it right there and then, but it plants the seed in the back of their mind that says “I can do better….”
Look, here’s the deal.
She’s fucking somebody. She is *not* fucking some fantasy model dude, because fantasy model dudes are 1 in 10,000,000 and, last check, they’d all be dead of exhaustion if they were the only ones fucking, ergo, she’s fucking a non-fantasy model dude. So find out who she is fucking, who will be somebody close by and in real life (Dubai whores to the exception) and find out what he’s doing, that you are not.
All this “culture, technology, sluts” stuff is nothing but excuses for why you failed. She’s fucking somebody. If it’s not you, then you need to improve somewhere.
The “looks, money!” schtick is Eliot Rogers. Somehow, other men are getting laid without model looks and a bazillion dollars. Crack that code, and you’re golden. Complaining about fantasy men online is a cop out.
My son regularly scores really, really hot chicks, he’s in college. He knows the game better than you and me combined. Why is he, a non-model, non-billionaire, scoring hot college babes, where you (not you personally) fail? Why are young, hot nubiles routinely approaching me, a non-model, non-billionaire?
This entire thing is a victimization rationalization, imo. There’s always ten million reasons you can use to excuse failure. I say, accept failure, learn from it, improve where necessary, try again.
Last, lolknee is nearly my age (decrepit, probably of ancient Roman times origin) and is in the dating market. He manages to keep 5 plates at any given time of 20-something model quality hot women. He’s a nice looking guy, but he’s not Brad Pitt and he’s not a Billionaire. What is he doing, that you’re not?
You’re misinterpreting my point. I am not harping on the looks thing. I am not saying the average guy can’t get any. I was simply pointing out what I have observed (and many others, no doubt) to be the many reasons why the deck is stacked against average guy. In my personal experience, game has been a feast or famine. I’ve banged my fair share of hotties as well and I know how to run game. I’ve been doing it for 11 years and in that time i’ve seen change after change, and shift after shift in how the game works and it always gets harder, ratios get shittier, women get bitchier, and my point was external factors ARE RELEVANT. You seem insistent that this is not the case, well you are wrong. It may not be an excuse for failure (and i agree with that) but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong.
I agree that complaining is the realm of MGTOW losers. I’m not one. Nor are the many other men out there sharing info and giving feedback on how to get laid.
“This entire thing is a victimization rationalization, imo. ”
Sure, if i was to say i was “checking out” of the market or whatever. never have I said any such thing. I’m trying to arm people with knowledge here, not convince them to give up. I’m just trying to be realistic at the same time. I have found cynicism about the sexual market to be liberating, and leads to greater success so my intent is to share that with the other commentators here.
I recognize that external factors change circumstances. I’m saying, adapt to the circumstances and sally forth.
The posts I’m writing are to you, but are more towards the others on this thread who are fronting this stuff as an excuse. If that comes off as a personal attack on you, it was not meant to be, which is why I tried to do the “not you personally” thing where applicable.
If you’re wanting them to arm up against the market changes, then realistically we’re on the same team and same side of the discussion. I just don’t happen to see anything particularly difficult about changing circumstances and technology, and I’m not as “out of it” as some assume. Technology and culture may change till the cows come home, but end of the day, the girl is going to be fucking somebody. Make it you (ok, this can be you personally, as a well wish). Some here are complaining about tech with a woe-is-me attitude. That’s silly.
“Dang, I’d have totally tapped her ass, but Bigbufficus and his new fangled horse and chariot won her heart!”
So get a horse and chariot. Problem solved.
Sean Shirtless takes her attention away on Instagram, why? Is he better built than you? Fix that. Problem solved.
i never used a smartphone and flirt apps in my life and i never will. i have one of those throwaway cellphones and i rarely use it, but all the girls want me because im the last samurai.
There is some sort of “kitch” factor at play with flip phones, that’s different.
the point was i dont use technology to get her attention. i just let her write her number on a paper using a real pen. i understand if this would never work in the U.S.A.
It works in the U.S.A.
ok then millennials just shut up and stop imposing your incompetence on others. beta clowns that need facebook and tinder to get in contact with the mystical opposite sex.
I’m going to be a bit of a broken record here. But GoJ and RoR are talking past each other.
A market consists of various products and people at various price points they are willing to pay. When this society was in better shape we had more honest markets.
Back then when a man had his fancy chariot he paid for it or at least couldn’t get it on an 8 year loan with 0% down or worse lease it. Today Bigbufficus financed or leased it and may be staying one step ahead of the repo man. If a man isn’t willing to go into serious debt then he can’t compete financially even with men of half his income.
Time in the gym is another price. That’s time and effort taken from other things. That means giving that a priority to compete with Sean Shirtless. Problem is our subject has to spend a lot time working to make his income to compete with Bigbufficus without being a debt slave. Sean Shirtless has no job or maybe works part time as a bouncer. He may even have a $4000/mo section 8 apartment. He has lots of gym time.
Neither of course is an issue if one puts pussy as his highest or near highest priority and what it takes to get it over his own interests and works hard at it. GoJ is correct there. But the market is very heavily distorted and often illusionary. That’s where RoR is correct. Plus everyone has a price of effort and risk they are willing to pay and then there are the prices women think they are worth these days thanks to various sources of distortion from SJWs to feminism to social media and beyond.
Yes, it can all be overcome and some men value sex enough to overcome it. Others don’t.
This is the world we’re in:
The gym takes 30-45 minutes, 4 times a week. It’s effortless compared to the total hours in a week. The chariot, you earn more money and buy one. Fuck debt.
You’re looking for reasons to be a victim. Stop that mindset in its tracks. Look instead for how you can succeed.
You don’t want to recognize the point so you want to make this personal. It’s not about being a victim, it’s about valuing pussy so highly you’ll do things women are impressed with over things you want to do. Now maybe in your case they align. They do not align for me.
Since personal is all you want to understand fine, here’s a personal example so you can grasp it:
I am a bicyclist. I like bicycling. I spend my exercise time bicycling. I hate lifting weights. I don’t value pussy high enough to spend even four hours a week doing what I hate and paying for the privilege of doing what I hate. I certainly don’t value it high enough to replace something I enjoy with something I hate. When I have time to exercise, I bike because I enjoy it.
I can address the others too, going full into your little trap, but that would sound like some guy on the internet making it up.
The message from you to me is that I should rearrange my priorities around what impresses women. I won’t. They aren’t worth it to me.
So you’re saying you should do nothing that attracts women and just “be yourself”?
Yeah, that works great, dude.
So you again choose to ignore the point. You’re not stupid so you’re doing this by choice. I’ll keep playing anyway.
Again, the point is that in any market there is a distribution of people vs the price they’ll pay. Did you pay $4,000 for cell phone in 1980s? You probably did, but most people were not willing to do so. When the price dropped to $400 the number of willing people increased dramatically.
You’re deploying the reasoning feminism uses. The reasoning that all men will pay an infinitely high price for sex. When confronted with men that won’t pay the new higher prices feminists then shame those men much like you do here. The reality of a market distribution is simply not accepted by either side. They both agree, whatever price is set men should pay. Those who walk away are to be shamed. But those who say no thanks are part of any healthy market to keep prices from soaring ever higher.
Why is prostitution largely illegal and where it is not regulated and restricted? Because it lowers the market bid price for sex. If sex were bid low then a tool to stimulate male productivity and hence tax revenue is lost, or so prostitution is feared by the state.
Now as to being yourself. This new subject you want to introduce. You want to play a role? That’s your choice. But there’s a cost in playing a character 24/7. Why is the divorce rate so high? Could it be that men can’t keep up the role for decades for decades and hence their frame breaks and then they lose everything? It’s a price. Risk is also part of price.
The market analogy is a very good one and the refusal to accept it fully is due to those who simply wish to shame men who score their priorities differently.
This scenario has happened to me, almost to a T.
Effectively, this has changed things from the 80/20 rule to 95/5 rule…with a time limit! It’s like game on expert mode.
Woe betide the beta who still tries traditional courtship methods.
The more time / hypergamy / technology goes on, the steeper the exponential curve of the SPEED of game gets. Even 3 years ago it wasn’t like how it is now….
Actually around 68% or so of adult Millenial men are married or getting married. The 95/5 and 80/20 things are kind of an exaggeration we take as gospel in the manosphere, with no real numbers to back it up.
I may not have empirical data to back up that claim, but my own experience validates it. I would consider myself to be within the top 20 percent. I can compete. However i am NOT within the top 5 percent. I’ve felt the pinch in the last few years. I can still swoop but it’s been getting harder to HOLD their interest as I could before and I’ve had to adapt to some very drastic changes in the market.
I know it’s declining. I just find the 95/5 and 80/20 to be entirely out of the realm of current numbers. Ten years from now though? Could happen.
I don’t see how that contradicts the 80/20 rule…if anything, those single chicks are holding out for a bigger chad. Plus, of the married millennials, how many are “poly” or just fat rejects who had to settle?
If it’s 68%, then they’re getting more than the bottom 20% of women.
Just sayin’.
Eventually women will settle. 80/20 is more like “80% of women will instinctively write off 80% of men on nothing but looks alone.”
That doesn’t mean that you can’t overcome that through other methods. The last girl I dated wrote me off as soon as we met, but by oozing confidence and charm throughout the night, things changed rather greatly.
Technology has accelerated game to a different place. Hot or not, SNL or friend zone.
Was she attractI’ve at least?
of course
I know a dude who continues to cuddle closer girls he meets at the club. And no, I’m not making this up (but I wish I was). These girls invite him back to their rooms–they’re ready to put out–and somewhere between A and B he dries their pussies up like the Mojave Desert. Then he complains about these women ghosting him when he texts a day or two later. This is life for most men. No wonder the male suicide rates are going through the roof.
How would you know he’s drying up their pussies unless you talk to them all? I sense ROK is dominated by retired players who don’t understand how tech has changed culture, who are selling older brand of game which still has value, but it has blind spots.
The girls he met were from out of town staying in hotel rooms connected to the club. They invited him back to their rooms after several drinks and only knowing him for 2-3 hours. The entryway into the pussy couldn’t have possibly been any easier, so something he said/did between the club and hotel rooms dried her up.
Or you don’t understand millennial chicks and hook up culture and how tech has changed game. That’s the new norm. Millennial chicks have the attention span of a bird dog.
If he’s getting back to their rooms, at what point does Tindr come into play? They’re about to fuck and she swipes right on Chad Thundercock? Heh.
You’ve got to stop throwing out straw man arguments and eliot rodgers to deflect. It just makes you look old.
It has nothing to do with technology. He had obviously built enough attraction seeing as the girls invited him back to their rooms. They were ready to fuck HIM, right then, right there. It’s like a salesman who has the person hooked, ready to purchase, and then at the last second says some really dumb shit that makes the person think twice about it. That’s what this guy is doing. He sold the girls, they were willing to fuck him, and HIS actions turned them cold, thereby leaving him with blue balls as he spooned them all night.
“stop throwing out straw man arguments” as you proceed to bring out a completely unrelated point in an attempt to discredit him…
I’m asking you directly, if he gets back to their rooms, at what point does your “he doesn’t understand how tech has changed game” apply?
You seem intent on arguing anything except what’s being spoken about. Answer the question I put to you, because hey, maybe I am ignorant. If he gets to their bedrooms that night after 2 or 3 hours, where does his misunderstanding of technology cause him to strike out?
Unfortunately I think he’s on a roll and cannot hear any voice but his own at this point. I had to disengage with him earlier for the same thing.
Please explain to an old, dried-up, product of the patriarchy where tech plays into a girl changing her mind between the bar and the room? I’m ready to receive whatever wisdom you can bestow upon me.
That’s what it sounds like. Should I now be concerned when, just as she’s about to blow me she receives a text?
Dick in her hands, mouth wide open, “Wait, I gotta answer this.”
This is too stupid to respond to. ROK has morphed into a site for politics and culture, there’s almost no intelligent game discussion. The Roosh Forum is still useful for game though.
He asked for an answer. You are directly commenting that technology is the reason he’s failing after getting back to the girls bedrooms after 2 to 3 hours. Explain to us old geezers how? We’d love to know.
Admit that you put your foot in your mouth on this one example, fess up (no shame in it), and move forward.
Retired player game is a shrinking demographic. Good luck with the web stats.
Damn, I’m in my early thirties. According to Meta, I’m already at OG status. Fuck I feel old.
To be fair, I’ve had chicks blow me out due to a text they’ve received. Literally (hitler) on the way out of the bar to go to her place and BOOM “omg tracy txted mee and she says i shouldn’t leave with you”
It’s happened.
So really, you have no way to answer. You made a distinct claim, and now you back out like a little pussy with insults thrown because you know that you fucked up but you can’t admit it.
I thought I was talking to a man, not an evasive, effeminate hipster Millenial. Go drink some craft beer and talk about your pit bull with other dudes at the trendy pub. When you grow a set of balls and can talk direct and back up your claims without being a little bitch, get back to us.
On the way, I can accept. Once in the room, with multiple women (over multiple times I mean)? Gonna have to doubt that it’s a technology problem. My guess is that the guy has good opener and closing game, but isn’t yet adept at sealing the deal. Seems the simpler answer, and I’m always one for Occam’s Razor when I shave.
“I know a dude who continues to cuddle closer girls he meets at the club. And no, I’m not making this up (but I wish I was). These girls invite him back to their rooms–they’re ready to put out–and somewhere between A and B he dries their pussies up like the Mojave Desert. ”
Where does technology of any kind come into play in this scenario?
CuddleBot 1.0
But that’s on the way out of the bar. The original scenario was after he already got them back to their room.
Possibly semantics. Possibly not.
I have a feeling that, after putting in the initial work, he expects to get laid simply because the girls take him back to their rooms. So he stops gaming, he gets lazy, and the girl has a few minutes to think twice about it. Also, I’m sure a lot of these girls offer up a bunch of last minute resistance, to which he hasn’t learned to maneuver around. One of the girls even admitted that she had been fucking too many guys lately, but she didn’t fuck him, out of all the guys she took back to her room on previous nights.
Right, he can’t get past the slut shield to the lay. Can’t seal the deal.
“We’re not having sex tonight”
“I know baby, that’s cool” (move hand behind her back and start unsnapping bra), etc.
Yeah I have difficulty believing that’s a function of tech and not just bad game and or bad escalation tactics. Once her buying temp is that high I doubt swiping is on her mind.
That is exactly 100% what I’m saying.
He thinks he’s barbing me, but he’s not. The older a man gets, the more attractive he gets to women in their 20’s and 30’s if he has his shit together and stays in shape. It’s the young dudes that have more problems, realistically speaking. Calling me old in regard to Game and women is like implying “watertight” is an insult to a ship.
Even if, for some inexplicable reason she goes for that phone, head her off, make a move, slide it out of her hand and gently toss it somewhere soft.
Damn man, directly denying technology to her as you position her for a blowjob?!? You must have amazing old guy super powers!
I think at the end of the day tech makes it harder to KEEP a girl rather than GET her. I know when my ex was checking out she was addicted to instagram. Mind you she was like an 8 , posted selfies all damn day and accrued 2k followers in a matter of like a month…
Now that, I can agree with. It takes either being a hard natural, or having 100% constant frame control, to keep one in line. But for just getting laid? Gitouddahere. Heh.
Your days are numbered, old man:
If she’s whipping her phone out and you’ve already got her in the room, she’s probably giving you a final test to see if this was a mistake. Kinda smart, from her perspective, if you think about it.
Dead on. I blew countless opportunities in my late teens and early twenties. We live, we learn, we grow.
That’s more or less accurate, although Rollo put men’s peak too early. I’d say around 45, give or take.
My apologies for coming off as stupid’ and my attempt at humor. You are correct in that my time was prior to the social media rise. Never really been a participant- just monitored my kids activities on it. I do have a son that’s going to have to deal with it, and in all sincerity one of the main reasons I’m on this site is getting the perspectives of people who are very different than myself. I grew up in a different era, when women (at least to me) seemed far different. My view of them is skewed by reliable trustworthy women as mothers to both myself and my friends, and as faithful wives to their husbands. And reading too much Louis L’amour and Zane Grey .. So, I think having broader perspective to ponder when talking to him helps.
Projecting some other man’s failed interaction onto me and demanding I defend it? Retired players trying to stay relevant, that’s all that’s coming through. Is ROK a site in decline?
You were relevant… like in 1996.
Bird dogs are Literally Hitler. Wait, I take that back. Millennial chicks are Literally Hitler.
I hate Chad Thundercock. LH, man, LH.
Poor guy, thinking that hitting back hours later makes you cool.
You keep trying the age thing. You have no clue how silly you look. You show up around me with your sisters and mom and I’ll charm the lot of them out of your grasp in 30 minutes. You’re a loser, you’re looking for excuses and are mad at anybody who doesn’t give you room to whine.
Go play in a ditch.
He means that you refuse to back up your shit, and throw out your own faults onto others. Child.
You’d be good for viagra commercial. Your game is in the past.
You’re obsolete.
I’m selling you “If you’re losing to a factor, then the problem is not the factor, but you. Improve where that factor is concerned, and you’ll win”.
That works regardless of technology, culture or slut status.
Can we change it to literally (elliot rogers)? eh?
No, but I will always accept Literally Hitler as a valid currency.
That type of unwavering stubbornness is Literally Hitler.
If all men read Rok and quit being thirsty, we’d all have a good time.
My opinion is that of someone of a generation that had to adopt text messaging later in life as we didn’t grow up with it, but I find texting to be juvenile behavior that is annoying and an unproductive form of communication. If you want to have a conversation call me on your phone. If you want to tell me something which I don’t need to immediately respond to then email it to me. Is that so hard?
Also I keep texting to a minimum when out there is the field. I get that you have to do it to some extent, but beyond the introductions I’ll always try to transition into a real life meeting. I don’t need a pen pal girl texting back and forth ad nauseum wasting my time. I’ll do maybe a mex of 20 back and forths before throwing down the “let’s meet up” line and making arrangements. If she doesn’t bite then I move on.
Also, I get why women “ghost” but it is a real annoying behavior. Back before everyone had a computer in their pocket most women had the common courtesy of just telling you briefly “hey I’m not feeling chemistry but it was nice meeting you” or a similar bullshit line before jetting off. Now they just fade away. Nothing. You don’t know if she genuinely wasn’t interested, didn’t see your text message notification pop up, accidentally deleted your number, etc. I’ve found unscientifically that probably about 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 fall into the category they missed your text, meant to respond and forgot, or deleted your number by accident. Hence why I always try to send at least one follow up within 2-3 days of the conversation drying up before deleting the number. I didn’t use to do this until I noticed that a good percentage of the time the woman had a legitimate excuse for not responding and wanted to continue chatting.
“I’ve found unscientifically that probably about 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 fall into the category they missed your text, meant to respond and forgot, or deleted your number by accident.”
Keep tellin yerself that, bub…
I’m not telling myself anything. That IS my experience. Maybe the woman is lying, but does it really matter if they continue what was an otherwise dead convo?
Don’t women always have a legitimate excuse for everything? If you are important enough to her, she will not lose the text or your number. Don’t believe what they say but what they do. I personally prefer texting since you have something in writing that is concise and to the point and you don’t have to rely on talking to someone in real time. Detailed conversations are better communicated verbally (prior to written agreement for business related topics). But, what ever works for you personally is what matters. For what it’s worth, I’m 62 and one of the old geezers who had to adapt to texting.
Sure women lie all the time. It is the end result that matters. I say “legit excuse” because that is essentially a woman apologizing for dropping the ball. Sure she could have done it because latest Alpha fuck dropped her, a more interesting man was a dud, etc. The end result that matters to me is the result – we pick back up the conversation. I don’t care that if in weeks time she ends up in my bed if she really did delete my number or just was using it as lie. Results are results.
No problem with your approach since that is what works for you. One follow up text after waiting 2 to 3 days is one thing, but when someone sends a barrage of texts without getting a response then that is a demonstration of low value to her and I think we can agree would be a mistake. There could also be the initial power-play going on where the woman is seeing how far you’ll jump before she responds. You clearly don’t do this by keeping your text count low and also by waiting 2 to 3 days before you send your follow up text. I am now cynical enough to avoid playing the game of “I lost your text” with anyone who wouldn’t bother keeping my contact info and who fails to respond/acknowledge my initial text since most people make more of an effort to safeguard what they care about. If she has so little regard that she can’t be bothered to even acknowledge a text, then that is an indicator that she views you as lower value. It’s a jungle out there so best of luck.
A lot of chicks use apps like Burner that give them fake numbers to hide their real ones. Once those things expire, if not renewed, you lose all contact info. Sometimes you can get the old number back, just without the info. Keep that in mind.
Why would an adult man rely on this pre-teen mode of communication?
“Passing notes in class” is it?
gimme a fukkin break.
I agree and find texting annoying. At my company if you are in a meeting with anyone under 30 all they do is constantly text not paying attention. You have to remind them multiple times to put down the phones but then get a chorus of “but I am dealing with something important” (like sitting in this fucking meeting which you boss called you to isn’t important). I’ve routinely been putting in meeting invites subject line NO PHONE MEETING:(Description of Meeting) but people still bring their phones. So finally I installed a gun safe to the conference room table and make everyone stick their phones in it before the meeting starts. I even had to discipline one woman who is 31 for repeatedly breaking the no phone rule. I actually had to write up a grown adult who couldn’t follow simple directions. I felt like a grade school teacher.
That starts with their parents discipline.
We eat dinner, home made, every evening with the kids. There is a ‘no phone’ rule we’ve instituted from day one. Now, wherever we go, when we’re out to eat, they put their phones away by habit, even if they’re out with other people and we’re not around (been told that).
Generally managing anyone 30 or under these days is exceedingly difficult. They act as if every company policy and rule is flexible or optional. Generally want praise for just doing an adequate job. Try to give them a fair performance review and they just become bitter if it is not glowing or has deficiency counts that must be addressed. They show up to work hung over at least a few days a week (if you want to drink fine by me just do it in a manner where it doesn’t affect your performance in the office). They think a “work from home” day is a “day off” and if they just respond to email by the end of the work day and keep their cell phone on that is “work”. One time I had to call a guy who was working from home in do deal with an emergency. After making several excuses he finally had to confess he has been drinking and couldn’t drive. I didn’t fire him because turned out he had a legit drinking problem and got help but you can bet that was his last work from home day allowed.
When you have to discipline them you might as well just fire them outright. They rarely ever address deficient behavior, become bitter that they were disciplined, and just become toxic to the company culture. I usually end up firing someone who is disciplined within 3-4 months do to ongoing issues. I almost always seek permission to offer severance or a buy out if I have to discipline anyone under 30 so I don’t have to go through the song and dance for months before I can finally terminate them.
Also, their turnover is usually 12 to 18 months and not because they find something better. At exit interviews they will routinely say the work was “too hard”, they had work too many hours, or the company culture was not as trendy as they would like it to be. And no none of this is evenly remote true. We run about at 35 hour work week, offer more PTO then most in the area and industry, and in order to try to attract and retain younger workers we basically have a girl on staff that works as a cruise director (err professional development assistant) whose whole job is to plan fun things for staff to do.
I don’t discriminate against younger workers when hiring (because it is illegal and immoral) but I really do wonder how many hiring managers have blanket unspoken rules to avoid them if possible.
I’ve heard that from people who hire for companies before.
Let’s be honest showing up for work hung over predates this current generation. When my father was working it was the WWII generation that ran everything. These guys went out for lunch, would get hammered and go back to work. Those were the good old days.
For young people they learn the hard way. When I graduated from college in 1991, I got fired from a number of my first jobs. I assumed I could just get buy, just like in college. That’s not how it works in the real world. Your employer expects you to learn the job quickly and become productive. Basic things like showing up for work on time, meeting deadlines, and following orders these things need to be hammered into the minds of young adults. They don’t understand you don’t get points for just for showing up. It’s unfortunate but you are in a position were you have to teach these young men and women what is expected of them. Life is sink or swim.
I’ve worked during the “drinking years” (just at the tail end) and that was more then norm because work flowed at a much more leisurely pace. You would literally have hours until the next mail dump came around and might of had nothing to do (it was also the norm for most men to pull down 10-12 hour days instead of the current 7-8 hour days to make up for the slow flow of information.) Drinking in the office was basically the same reason why you might drink on a plane or train, it was boring and you had nothing better to do. It was routine for a few of us to meet in my boss’s office in the afternoon before the 4pm mail dump to have a few shots of whiskey.
The reason for the change was a few fold. First, with more women in the workforce starting in the 80’s companies had to pay them lip service when they complained about boozy company cultures. Second, sexual harassment which had always been around became a serious thing companies had to deal with or face real liability and bad press. Third, email sped up the flow of information and no longer did you have to wait for mail to arrive in order to move something along. Fourth, travel got a lot cheaper so sending more mid rung employees on business trips was a lot easier. If your job involved travel in the 70’s it was probably very little. That all changed in the 80’s and 90’s. Fifth, political correctness ruined a lot of it. After the early 90’s every company was trying to be diverse, woman friendly, blah blah blah. The old boy’s drinking network had to go in for the victim classes to feel like this was happening. Sixth, at least in my sector, profit margins got a lot tighter in the 90’s. Companies were no longer willing to pay the expense of having a fully stocked liquor closet that got as much service as the water cooler. Seventh, companies start to pull a lot of administrative support your rank and file employee would rely on. All the sudden you need to type up your own correspondence, keep your own calendar, get your own calls on the phone, make your own copies, etc.
It was just different back then. When you have to wait for letters and literally your office of 100 might have 10 outside lines information just moved slower. Technology changed it all now. If I have a hung over 28 year old and they can’t effectively make decisions for the first two hours of the day it really drags down the productivity of the entire team.
All these changes brought on by technology in the work place yet the resident pompous douchebags assure you the same technology has had no affect whatsoever on beaver trapping
I think at least some acknowledge the role of technology has changed the nature of game somewhat. Read Strauss’s The Game these days and many of his methods are obsolete. Who is going to carry a bag with magic tricks these days? Even Mystery has pretty much abandoned Peacocking, at the least style he used to advocate. Night game is essentially dead because of apps like Tinder. I even had a younger friend tell me when you go to a party you don’t actually meet people. You meet them on social media before the party then interact with them in person at the actual party. So much for a good third of the Mystery Method being executed in person these days. I’m sure some of the old methods have parts that still apply even though technology has changed the game completely. But, picking up chicks in 2005 as opposed to 2016 is now completely different in most forms. The thought I would go out to a bar in NYC and probably find a group of single girls looking to chat up single guys is almost foreign now.
Sounds like you’re striking out and looking for a scapegoat to avoid responsibility for your own failure. One can tell by your beta boy snarking.
“So finally I installed a gun safe to the conference room table and make
everyone stick their phones in it before the meeting starts”
You are a KING!! I may do this.
Bolted it right to the center of the table. It has two keys. One is in my office the other is in my pocket. Before the meeting starts (and I have a standing rule that if you are more than two minutes late you have to sit out of the meeting and deal with the consequences) everyone comes in powers down their phone and puts it in the safe. Meeting starts and the gun safe gets locked. Forgot to silence your phone or turn it off and it starts ringing too bad. Safe stays locked until end of meeting, no exceptions. If you were the idiot who left your phone on at the end of the meeting I find out who it was and deal with them accordingly.
It is amazing how — if you set the standard of starting on time, people will make the meeting. If you set the standard of waiting around for 5 minutes, you’ll have to wait 15 minutes for everyone to show up or dial in.
I’m sending my resume….
Exactly and have real consequences for those who fail to comply. If the meeting is at 3 at 3:02 that door closes and doesn’t open absent a real emergency. If you find yourself in the hallway you deal with the consequences. You might miss out on a sales pitch, fail to have your input considered in a decision, might need to get debriefed by a colleague that made it, or even get fired (which has happened) because you were the stakeholder in the meeting and missed it.
Also, every meeting is agenda driven. You want to bring something up not on the agenda then you call your own meeting. There is a moderator dedicated solely to keep the meeting on agenda. If you have an issue not related to the agenda it goes in the “parking lot” and is followed up with after the meeting if necessary. And if you are on the phone I better not see a time stamped email during that meeting time (and I will occasionally audit). Our meetings average 30-45 minutes with numbered and published accomplishments sent out immediately afterwards whereas at other similar companies I have been in meetings that have dragged on for hours without accomplishing everything.
Even more amazing that you can bring anything remotely related to guns into the office without triggering some anti NRA sjw
Welcome to the world of millennials my friend.
She needed a paddling.
What to do if she stops replying to your texts? Go on with the next fuckable bitch, you see.
That’s what you do.
Absolutely…I just take her number out of my phone. If I get a future text, and there is no name affixed to it, I know it’s a female I relegated to the “damaged goods” category.
Or…your Windows computer is causing Windows technical support to call you in order to avoid having bad things happen. Or the IRS is calling to get you to send them iTunes cards because you’re in big trouble mister!
Or am I the only one who gets those calls?
Wouldn’t want to miss the chance to pay a wealth transfer fee in order to get your share of $25 million left in an international account when Prince M’ofo died. Better answer that phone.
I’m on that team, too. Constantly running from the latest “You owe us money” scam as well. I feel like I need to go full-on Richard Kimble in “The Fugitive”… hide in the bush and throw my watch away, because it might be tracked. But the chick texts are easier to identify. “Bob? What are you up to…” or “What are you doing, Bob”. Or whatever. I strip my phone of probably three or four numbers a week. Some twat grabbed my phone about a week ago, punched her number into it. We texted a few times. Last time I saw her she says, “You can CALL ME, you know. I can actually talk on the phone, I’m not one of those girls who only texts.” So I called her once. No answer. Took her number out of my phone right then. Fuck that chasing shit, I’m too old for that game. They are like buses and there’s another one coming along in 10 minutes…
Hey, I am waiting on that payment still! And for several hot Russian brides to meet me at the airport…
I recorded a fake IRS call on my iPhone while I took it on my landline. Kept the fucker on the horn for 1 hour and 55 minutes. At the end of it he was *pissed* and said some very politically uncorrect things to me and about me. Heh. I shared it with lolknee and unabashed on our Telegram channel. It’s comedy gold, I’m good on my toes conversationally and was putting on my best dumb country boy accent and throwing in a little Hillbonics here and there to make them think I was dumb instead of evil.
A guy I work with gets calls from those services to get your prescriptions filled. He has about four personas he assumes in dealing with them. Same goal, keep them on the phone wasting their time so they don’t make their quota.
Fuckin’ nice. Feels good to get even with those cunts occasionally. I get spam emails all the time because I’m a web developer. That’s my pet peeve. Guys emailing me 24/7, “Hello Sir, we are SEO experts and we notice your websites are not being found in the search engines” (and they all have Top 5 rankings, heh.) They drive me nuts. I’ll bet that phone call is hilarious, got a link to that Telegram channel, how does that work, no clue here…
Well first you need the Telegram app. It’s multi platform, Windows, Mac or Linux and various “phones”. Set it up, set up an account, and then contact me when you’re ready via email (it’s in my profile if you hover over my picture) and we can chat.
Cool, bro. I will check it out…
When you’re really bored, and it’s raining out, and you’re stuck at home, it’s no end of fun. You have to be really quick at responding to things they might say, in a convincing manner. My experience with lots of women, and time as a bartender really comes into play with that.
It’s because your number is on the geezer lead list being sold to cold callers in boiler room telemarketing offices
that’s what i do too
Your love is like baaaaad medicine…bad medicine is what I need…
Give ’em hell Dick! Nixon in 2016…
“Next”. That is all.
Next, yes. If I wanted to orbit, I’d be an astronaut…
This is related with the pussy on the pedestal thing. Men begin to overthink, the mere fact that she does not respond to text messages and, therefore, begin to deduce that the reason is that she did not like us. Quite the opposite. My advice? Besides the abundance mentality, that i agree with, i believe the key word here is patience. Patience is simply the most important issue a man as to master to be good at…well, pretty much everything.
If she does not respond to your messages, just wait, be serene and just continue with your life. Believe me: if shes in to you, she will respond. I have the case of a girl that texts back only 2, sometimes, after 3 days…Just wait and be patient.
Honestly Heres what I do when she stops responding. Maybe this is creepy or beta, but it requires no more effort really:
Plug her number into facebook and add her. Same with instagram. They love followers. Let her see how awesome my life is on social media with traveling, working out, playing guitar, business meetings, pics with other cuties etc. Eventually she likes a post or comments on a pic. Then, I might text her in a month when Im at a bar by her house.
If you have mutual friends, buddy up with her friends or sister and take a ton of pics together having blast. Three times Ive played sisters against eachother this way in the last few years. Each time I got 1 of them in my bed. This also works with besties. They love stabbing eachother in the back.
Maybe its beta to think this way, but having a powerful social media presence and looking popular and fun has really helped me with dating. Great travel pics, loads of parties, other chics, and its always someone else tagging me, never me uploading my own shit. Just my own two cents.
You still need to get over her but you let your personal brand do the talking. She might come back around or bring a sister!
That sounds like entering into her frame. That’s becoming another beta orbiter online. That plays to her position instead of other way around.
After reading the title I wondered how you can take “Move on” and turn it into 8,000 words or what ever the minimum article length is.
It’s so scary how on point this article for me is at this week in my life. The last few months I’ve been juggling multiple girls at a time and last Friday my main girlfriend dropped out and stopped replying to my texts. This was weird and I ascribed it to her being sick or possibly meeting someone new or rekindling something with an ex. I hardly noticed it due to the other girls who were blowing up my phone.
My solution: Deleted her number and I approached new girls and set up a date with another girl. In truth, I liked the girl but after I gamed some new girls I was over it and realized abundance of women is the cure to all relationship issues.
Then I read this article today articulating the SAME exact thing I was thinking about.
New pussy always > than that pussy you’ve already had.
As a corollary, I’ve dated other feminine girls who after dating a few months would would get mad and freeze me out and then come crawling back after I stopped texting for a week or two. After that, they wanted me even more.
No luck in dating? Not responding to your texts?
A. Read 10,000 game articles on ROK
B. Spend thousands on RSD products /services
C. Watch 10,000 ‘how to be alpha’ youtube videos
D. Plastic surgery / Earn more money
The answer should be obvious.
You’re welcome.
Forgot mainlining kratom
Instead try the suppository approach.
Abundance solves all problems.
By having so many, better yet TOO many girls in your rotation, you naturally will neglect to text each girl enough to let them think you’re that available and accessible. Their natural inclination towards insecurity will make them wonder why, out of all the men blowing up their phone, you’re the ONE guy who doesn’t give a f’k about her and don’t text her incessantly like most needy simps.
That solves the problem of her not texting you back. Either she wonders if your value isn’t higher than hers and begins to text you again, or she’s a lost cause anyway, in which case you’re saved oodles of time chasing a cat who’s focused on another dangling ball of yarn.
She may not even notice if getting flooded with texts.
It works both ways
Lord Humugus said it best.
Just walk away.
Another woman doesn’t want me or wants me to chase her? Pffft. Her loss.
A proper tit feeding woman is too busy to text. She’s in her proper place. Even the orbiters are accountable. Amen!
wow that’s a really really fat baby
Yes sirrr. That direct source colostrum from mama’s milk is the lip smackinest bestest form of growth hormone for your tribe’s little kings.
It’s a perfect biochemical match for the baby’s metabolism. Like cookie monster says “mmm nummy nummy. It make me BIG AND STRONG”
its a numbers game, only way to win is keep lots of women in your feed
Being in a place with a lot of eligible targets is important too. As a Black man with Yellow Fever, America has too few Northeast Asians and even fewer willing to be with a Black man to be an appropriate hunting ground. Another reason why life is miserable in that country.
Have you tried Hawaii? Lots of NE Asians there.
Yeah, but still difficult for Black men due to the high numbers of White and Hispanic men. Also, lots and lots of Filipinas and Hapas. No thanks.
Hawaii is also expensive, and it’s hard for Black men to get jobs.
Learnt this lesson the “hard way” – lessons learnt – Don’t get bitter and start knocking back potentials that come by after that “disappearance”, Numbers keep you in the right frame of mind, Ditch any contact details, kept messages of that “disappearance”, keeping them have the potential of ruining any future chances.
just be yourself, don’t prostrate, don’t capitulate, don’t jump through hoops. If she wants your cock, she will let you know,
the more i think about the sexual market place, the more i think that, we, men (and men only) should see ourselves as poker players.
Whatever your hand is (your intellect, appearance, status etc.), the field (flop, river, turn) is rarely in your favor. You have a tiny statistical chance (in the range of 3-5%) to get a good game and you have to bluff in some way (read : you have to practice game).
for women, whatever their hand is (even good or even bad), the field is in her favor and she just has to make you bet and call.
In this light, relying just on your hand is just a fool option. You cannot ignore and skip the field’s influence. flaking (which is a consequence of abundance of thirsty men) is omnipresent, and the only way to bypass is to play a large number of rounds. Read : it’s just a numbers game…. and you should better be warned of it if you don’t want to go insane because, as troy said : the smp is a harsh and cold place.
Great article.
Just remind yourself that a good number of old withered hags were once young, nubile & hot. You’re the man doing the work. Hustling & risking rejection. And building up the necessary mental scar tissue.
The typical hot young girl just has to show up. She has no need to develop mental scar tissue the way we do.
I know what it’s like to encounter & date the same ultra hot 19 year old who looked at me & said NO to my 19 year old self years later as a 29 year old where’s she’s fighting to keep me from walking away because..options.
Keep working on yourself & do not give in to despair.
It’s something like 75% of relationship break-ups are initiated by women (both married and unmarried relationships). When the woman initiates the break-up then the guy is suppose to sucks it up while she is validated and congratulated by her girlfriends for being strong and independent. When it’s the man who initiates the break-up, the woman will just about want to castrate the guy. The scar tissue of rejection is a bitch for both sexes but the only time it’s a concern is when it happens to a woman by that evil, dirty rotten man who dumped her (which only happens in about 1/4 of relationships).
I dumped my ex because I saw the writing on the wall with certain things. But I was a bitch and asked for her to take me back and that was my biggest mistake (I missed the sex, one of the only things we really had going for us). I have discovered that once you break that level of “trust” with a woman it is basically over. She’ll never see you the same way ever again. My ex still hasn’t dated anyone (we still work together) and has embraced the SJW lifestyle with the haircuts and dyed hair.
But you’re definitely right. I was the asshole for not giving in to her initial advances at trying to get back together with me (because I told her, rationally speaking, I didnt want to hurt her if I wasn’t ready to enter into a relationship again). And now im the biggest asshole in the world because her family respects me and im good friends with her siblings. She has a group of betas at her church in which she said she sought advice about me and they naturally took shots at me without even knowing me.
Go 24hrs without a response……Text back a different girls name and say you suddenly experienced a change in plans and became available for the next Friday-Saturday night at THE restaurant of your town.
Good one.
You sent the text, she should have it and if she doesn’t respond then time move on is the simple answer when trying to establish a new relationship. There could also be the initial power play going on where she doesn’t want to appear too eager and wants to see how high you’ll jump. Just like I think that a man shouldn’t be too eager or quick to respond to texts from potential relationship prospects, she could also be doing a similar tactic. You’re too busy and have other things going on to respond to her immediately (give it some time even if its only several hours). Similar to negotiations where the first one to talk after a proposal can be an indicator of a weaker position (proverbial 1st one to blink). If she never responds, then the article explains the likely causes and it wouldn’t be because of the initial power-play scenario.
“Or perhaps she simply lost her phone”.
Yeah fucking RIGHT, Troy! A woman losing her Instagram and Snapchat lifeline would be akin to her drowning. They guard their iPhone like The Ark of the Covenant!
On another note, when I worked at a popular nightclub in town and we would close and start the long process of kicking everybody out, every night without fail a good number of girls would start thumb jockeying away at their phones relentlessly and wouldn’t look up to even save their mother’s lives. Guess what? I seriously doubt they were texting any women at 2am (unless on the off-chance a female relative happened to be on her last rites)! For any woman she is friends with is already with her at the club!
This. Exactly.
The nature and behavior of most modern women seems kinda evil and mean in my opinion.
I find that when I’m busy with my interests or with other pussy, I don’t even think about non-texting pussy. So just stay busy. Be a man and have stuff to do. This is easy, guys.
What To Do When She Stops Replying To Your Texts
= Stop writing them.
My solution to this problem is one I have used many times.
If I feel a girl is being stingy with her replies, I simply delete the first 4 numbers of her phone number in my phone, save it, and then delete all her messages in my inbox.
That way, It forces me into a situation where I can’t message her, but if a message comes in from her, I can compare the ‘sender number’, to the remaining digits in her contact details, and thus know its her, and reply appropriately.
There is nothing women hate more than getting no attention. Don’t feed the beast.
Here’s a tip – stop reading shit like this and tell her your making dinner. Women can smell misogyny a mile away these days you guys are hopeless.
Hahaha cold wild and barren. Hahaha yes it is when you have no respect for women morons. We can smell douchebag a mile away and run for the hills. Why would anyone ever want to date guys like you? There are no advantages.
Ok. As a women – first of all – the way you guys think about dating is disgusting and if women know you thought like this you’d be placed in the no-fly zone immediately. Second of all – we don’t want one night stands with a player who doesn’t give us the type of satisfaction we want. We learn about “guys like you” and start getting better at flagging you as douchbags. Word gets around that your not in it for a relationship and you can be the top alpha but we still know that all your going to leave us with is sadness and regret. Your going to be the 40 year old guy at the party who is alone and has no family and keeps hitting on young women except now your old and ugly and they aren’t into you. You have to realize that when your trying to exploit a women – by sleeping with her and not having an exclusive relationship – she’s not going to be into you. And if your goals in life are to just sleep with a tonne of women then maybe you have a sex addition problem and haven’t really matured or found better meaning in your lives. I suppose your mothers didn’t raise you very well coming out like a bunch of wreckless whores. Let’s not forget STDs too. If you sleep around, it’s gross and she might think based on your personality that you have herpes. I find slutty guys gross and never trust them. Of course your probably looking to get a chance to rape someone much younger. Just words of warning though, someday you might want a nice family and you’ll never find a nice girl to settle down with if your a man slut and have herpes. She’s going to want a nice guy and will be busy finding one while your making bastard children all over the city.
Notice how you’re attacking men, but not women, why is that? If all women kept their legs closed men might take your advice, but it’s not the 1950’s anymore; feminism happened. Men are no longer rewarded for being good men, so they take whatever they can get out of an unjust system. The only rule today is that there are no rules; you sink or you swim.
We didn’t create this, you did.
We’ve come a long way since 1950 and I couldn’t be happier. In the 1950s domestic violence wasn’t even a crime. I am so incredibly happy with feminism that I want to push further until we finally get the respect we deserve. So your affinity for the 1950s just goes to show that you lack character and morals. I hate the 1950s mostly because how my grandmothers describes how much worse it was. Sorry it’s hard for you to ever imagine trying to make a women happy. Women don’t talk to me like assholes like you do. You deserve to be attacked a disciplined. If you like how women were treated in the 50s then you must like not having the right to speak up about abuse. And I’m not attaking men, I’m attacking men like you, your a whole other breed.
feminism has created tremendous achievements in advancing the status and well being of women. You were born in a fucking barn and raised by wolves if you don’t know this. “Men aren’t rewarded for being good men anymore”. What like holding my door open? Not allowing me to make my own money? Beating up your wife and not getting prosecuted? Men were not “good men” in the 1950s. Women were enslaved to household labor jobs and essentially worked for their husbands and were treated like cattle. Feminism did destroy that. How about the rule is to treat people with dignity and respect. Treating people with dignity and respect isn’t holding them hostage and calling them stupid and treating them like they aren’t people. It’s not rocket science. The way guys like you think about women is so fucked up when it’s really pretty goddam simple: treat others how you want to be treated. If you want to lie and exploit then expect that in return. I’ve had enough of all these double standards and quit whining like you have an actually oppression problem like violence against you not being prosecuted or something that actually gets close to undermining your basic human rights. Your like a whinny little coward blaming all of the worlds problems on women. “if women only kept their legs closed” – well nobody forces you to have sex with them if you value chastity you should practise what you preach or don’t judge. Your not an animal who can’t control himself, your a lazy childish coward that likes to blame problems on other people. The system is more just than it’s ever been. If people only treated each other with decency and respect you wouldn’t have so many problems. It’s not rocket science and I’ve never had any problems with men and dating so maybe I know a bit more than the losers on this thread who are so frustrated with women because they are incredibly ignorant to how incredibly simple life can be when your not busy being a women hating monster who’s fabricated facade of masculinity is always so fragile because it’s completely delusional. You guys are so far from understanding reality it’s not surprising your having such a tough time.
Your just a whinny cranky spoiled brat that thinks he deserves things and is entitled to things he hasn’t worked for. The only thing that’s unjust is how people in this day and age still think they can treat women as lesser beings. Jesus Christ we are people you fuckingt morons.
Furthermore if men are so mighty and great then why do you whine so goddam much and why are women basically held responsible for practically everything. Do everyone a favour – grow a fucking pair and realize how delusional you sound trying to argue that men are players because they can’t be slave owners. Makes sense only on the premise that you all have absolutely no capacity to treat women well. In which case pretty must further justifies the need for feminism and women to call you out on your bullshit.
This is the reason why: you talk too much. Women use to be feminine and appreciative of men, and in return, men would be masculine and gentlemanly towards the lady, but your comment perfectly demonstates why it’s no longer a fair deal. You want to act like a man but still expect men to be the traditional gentleman? nope, today it’s about making the most of a bad situation. And i’m already sick of your attitude, so why should i treat you with any respect? What can you offer a modern man other than sex?
First of all buddy – I don’t want to date you. I think your about as valuable as the gum under my shoe. I have my relationship situation well sorted and couldn’t be happier with my current partner (male). Literally every day is like an amazing euphoria of happiness. I think I’ll act how I fucking want to act and you can go fuck yourself. I don’t want some 1950s gentlemen and if you don’t see value in modern women then it’s probably a good thing your kind fails to reproduce. Sound like your in a happy relationship? Let me guess – you have a really tough time with women because of your horrible personality. If your happy being celebate then I totally support your choice to have your children as either lonely bastards who continue to make my food at restauants.
And here’s another tip Sir Sadahad – stop dressing up in your plus sized homage armour and pretending to fend off a dragon. We all know you’d just fail then get angry at the nearest women if you were ever put to the test to do something athletic. Having the genetics of a half breed hillbilly maybe that’s why your so upset with women because your so stupid that being a meninist is your only hope to ever achieve anything. Can’t let the women work because you know a 5 year old could probably out-do you.
Here’s a tip – go to the nearest mall and find a women with Down’s syndrome with your armour and offer her hand in mairrage. She might find value in you. Might.
I don’t want to date you either, at least we have that in common. And don’t worry, i’m not even a player, i refuse to become something i’m not just to please a woman. I’ll die a single man but i’m fully content with that, all i want is to serve my Creator. I’ve tasted the fruit of this world and found it rotten, you can keep it.
Most young men try and be themselves to get female attention, but it doesn’t work, so they emulate those who do succeed. So if players (bad boys) didn’t succeed with women, then men wouldn’t have to become the type of men you despise. So again, it’s up to you women to change, not men. How many times do i have to explain?
“I think your about as valuable as the gum under my shoe.” I already know, this is how most women think about men, i’ve known this since an early age.
Jesus your so sad. This is making me feel depressed I’m going to get back to my incredibly awesome and rewarding life. The creator didn’t invent gender roles : people did.
And if “yourself” is a guy who believes the creator made women to be subservient to men than your creator has really fucked you over in terms to giving you a grasp on reality. Your not going to have a good time dating believing that old fashioned garbage. It’s completely man made and entirely synthetic.
And I’m not the one looking for advice – I’m completely successful when it comes to dating and do not having dating problems. I’m trying to give you guys a realty check because your going about it all wrong. In order to find a women – you need to respect women and not believe in old fashioned oppressive bullshit.
It doesn’t really matter what you think of me, i’ve already accepted the way the world is, and the way women are, i’m now free of worldly cares and ready to pursue other things. The world won’t return to the way things were any time soon, so i’m not really missing much.
And of course your life is ‘awesome and rewarding’ and ‘successful when it comes to dating’, you’re a woman, you got the whole world in your hands, enjoy it while it lasts.
Ok, since I feel bad for you I’m going to offer you some simple steps to a better dating life:
1. The answer to success with women will never ever be on meninist blogs. A bunch of men getting together and talking about women is probably the reason why everyone has gotten so confused. Men’s advice on women is never effective – you need to ask a women about women.
2. Women are people too. We eat, we drink, we sleep, we get upset, we make relationships, we like achievement, and there’s many different types of women. We have dreams and families.
3. Don’t go after women with different values. If your a computer geek and all she talks about is Louis Vuitton your not going anywhere. If she’s superficial then she’s going to want to date a good looking man. If your not good looking then it won’t work. If your a hardcore Christian and she is an atheist it’s not going to work.
4. Be open to friendship with women you have things in common with or even platonic friendships. They can introduce you to people and you can learn how to relate with women without giving off rapey vibes.
5. Look down. If you see a pair of balls that’s all you need to be a man. It’s very simple. If your friends call you a pussey and make fun of you for not doing stupid things to prove masculinity then pull down your pants and show them your balls. Don’t let trying to prove your masculinity lead to bad life decisions or doing things that hurt others, especially women.
There you go. 5 no-bullshit steps to better dealing with women.
I’m not worried about your sad little merry band of meninists. What are you going to do? Launch a civil war and kill all the women? Why don’t you just save yourself the trouble and move to Saudi Arabia – you know you have more in common with facist regimes in your views on women than you think.
So your arguing that you can’t be happy because your right to dominate women and participate in domestic violence is no longer socially acceptable. And that women being allowed to work and contribute to society is bad for men. So men are treated unfairly and oppressed because you get in trouble now for rape and domestic violence? Sound like a good argument I think the justice system is more likely to all drop acid than go back to not persecuting crimes against women. Good luck arguing for that type of barbaric behaviour to again become commonplace. Jesus your an animal. Are we going to be allowed to steal too? Maybe murder is ok? Let’s not forget that feminism was created to counteract real mass oppression that made being a women dangerous and unsafe. So much for men being adequate protectors! All you did was protect yourselves from prosecution for crimes against women and provide no means for single mothers to support their families. Men have never effectively protected or provided for women. All you do is care our your big fat selves and “what do I get out of it”. Where does it say in the bible that men are built to be selfish and abuse their wives without trial? I don’t remember that part. You can argue to traditional laws, but your can’t simultaneously say that you have concern for the well being of women at the same time. If your going to argue for things to go back, then you must also be open about your lack or regard for women’s happiness and their general safety and quality of life and that such desired are founded upon selfishness and desire to exploit. So basically your a psychopath with no regard for women’s happiness. At least be honest with your views, it clears up a lot of confusion.
Yeah and it’s not because I’m a women, it’s because I’m not retarded. My boyfriend is also the same amount of happy as me. Survial of the fittest I suppose.
Newsflash – if women liked that arrangement so much then we wouldn’t be fighting to change it. There’s a reason why we created feminism and the 1950s women were no happy in general, many were depressed (women are still twice as likely to be depressed – no it’s not biology – it’s men), and many were in bad relationships where they were disgusted with him and couldn’t leave. Everyone was so preoccupied with being proper that many people were forced into mairrage a they didn’t want to be in, and women weren’t allowed to pursue their dreams and goals. It was bad. Very very bad time for women. I’ll make my own money any day and don’t need some masculine domineering asshole telling me what to do. I do better making my own decisions.
It’s got nothing to do with dominance or domestic violence, it’s merely about living in accordance with nature. We use to live like that and women were happy. Your view of history is really skewed, it’s not as simple and clear-cut as you’re making out, women WERE protected, men were taught to be gentle-men towards women, a man’s life was designed to solely revolve around a woman. He was expected to marry her before having sex; he was expected to provide for her; and he was expected to adhere to his marriage vows. Then feminism happened, now men are no longer obligated to put women first, and so they don’t. Again, this is your creation, you screwed all that up by destroying traditional gender-roles. Now men are free to treat women like sluts or not bother at all, enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Domestic violence was commonplace in the 1950s. Much more prevalent than it is today. Thanks to feminism the courts now prosecute men who beat their wives, and there are shelters. Men would use domestic violence to “show a women who was boss”. Women were also talked down to and assumed to be intellectually inferior. 99% of domestic violence cases involve the perpetrator of such violence being financially dominant. The model didn’t work. And it’s not nature. There isn’t an animal on the face of this planet where one sex is completely useless and stays in the home their whole lives. Apes and other animals close to humans are equally able to find food, tend to young ones, and do not have segregated roles. So it’s not natural. There were magazines that openly discussed when it was appropriate to hit a women. The only reason women in “traditional” relationships are respected these days is because feminism has risen the status of women. We didn’t have respect as equals in the 1950s. It wasn’t considered “natural” to work in the home, it was thought that we were too stupid to do anything like management, engineering, or medicine. That was the prevailing thought. That we were stupid. Thanks to feminism women who choose traditional paths get appreciation for their choices and respect. Furthermore, women have been in positions and occupations outside the home since the dawn of humanity. We have been inventing things, creating art, and creating enterprise all throughout history. My own great aunt was an executive in the 1950s so this housewife bullshit isn’t in my bloodline. None of my ancestors were useless hosuewives. I was born to lead and was born to be more than someone inordinate object. My grandmother lived through the 1950s and told me that women weren’t listen to or taken seriously. We were thought to be crazy if we weren’t happy doing housework. So to get more energy doctors would perscribe ampetamines to hosuewives to keep them going. Your rosy view of life in the 1950s is naive and short sighted.
Furthermore – men have never put women first. Not to such a scale that it can be relied upon legally. We need laws protecting women from the exploitations of men because it happens. I states with “traditional values” somehow the man-to-women murder rate is much higher than in more democratic egalitarian states. How is that “protecting women” sounds like it’s increasing the risk of death by hommicide. It’s a facade for men’s desire to dominant and repress women’s true aspirations to be equal citizens under the law.
Things were as bad or worse in the 50s, only difference is that people kept it all swept under the rug due to shame. Your virtuous ideal of “traditional values” is a product of modern thinking and vaguely linked to the realities of 1950s life.
Annd women were not happy. But they weren’t allowed to say so. They were seen to be delusional and were treated like cattle. Well that’s according to someone I know who lived through the 50s. Women weren’t happy and many of them did work outside the home especially since they grew up in the Great Depression. My grandmother worked and helped manage the finances and they did what they needed to do to get by. She had an illegitimate daughter and the shame it brought forced her to not bond with her correctly, and she went missing from the family. The 60s was a rebellion against traditional and stringent values of the 1950s because people had had enough and saw firsthand the damage such strict ideals can do. If we don’t learn from the past, we are destined to continue to repeat our problems.
Your free to enact your values with someone who’s shares them. But it is illegal and unethical to demand that everyone shares such values. Women have a right to choose.
Again, none of this matters to me anyone: i’m out of the game already. And i don’t need your dating advice, lol, i already know how the game works, it’s easy, but i don’t do that anymore. And rule number one: Never take dating advice from a woman. Thanks for putting in the effort, but if your advice worked then none of us would be here on this site.
Good. The world needs less bad fathers and stupid kids. Thumbs up.
I didn’t even read the article, I’m just here to release repressed rage on insecure mysoginists. You make great emotional punching bags. Your almost like my little emotional prositutite. How sweet.
Go on Tinder and talk to 65% of the accounts on the site which are male trolls, or the remains 35% fat chicks, hookers and single mothers.
I’m not as dumb as the people who buy your books.
very accurate article and ready to apply… if you’re : white, handsome.. if you’re from a minority social group (Indian, arab, asian..) “approaching” in a daily basis / Tinder / whatever app .; is simply not working. I’m close to my 60th approach in 25 days (with energy, fun, balls in the most difficult city : Paris) all I got is two dates (with the same hot girl, a nice german girl), but know the case is pretty much closed cause I was too much demanding (lake of abundance yes). so she probably felt that she’s my only option. It’s funny, but girls are like banks, they give you all the money that you need .. if you’re rich.
Girls out there are looking for hot white dudes / white dudes with ressources . if you’re from a minority group you must KILL in other areas (wealth mainly, social life, travels..). it takes time and just few do.
Man logic….sigh.
So, to make a long story short, move on. If she stops replying, she’s not interested.
Wow, Troy. Such a solid write-up. Thanks
Good reminder of some basic, timely fundamentals that all unmarried men should heed.
Great piece. RoK addresses many important things, but we always need articles on game, and we always need to review the basics.
She isn’t texting you because she doesn’t need your dick or money. When she does, she does. When she doesn’t, she doesn’t.
There is no point in looking for the trees in the books they were created from. When women want you they will do what they need to, to get what they want. When they don’t, they keep it moving.
There is no need to look deep into this if you as a man are waiting for a text. She maybe does have a emergency or possibly could be dead but, majority of the time, the reason she isn’t texting is because she doesn’t give a fuck about you…..”Right now”
Keyword is “Right now” because its all about “Moments”. In one moment, you are special, in the next, you no longer are, and, are nothing more than another comment in the dead bodies of a 1,000 comments she receives daily if her looks can afford it
You as a man are the Boss of a company. Its not about YOU its about what you represent. She fucks you physically but invests in the idea of you beyond that. If she could, she would fuck the idea over you.
Isn’t it funny how “Immaculate” and on “Perfect” women are in the workplace yet lack a certain “Ummpf” at home once they get comfortable in their relationship?
The IDEA of the place she works at causes her more fear because that job if she loses it can effect her money and status. Its authority that can as a man can’t achieve because its you, against society. Her losing money effects her ability to buy certain clothes, loses her ability go to certain club spots, loses her ability to take certain photos online, etc, etc, etc.
You being gone just effects her emotions and physical state………….for the time being but, that can be replaced quicker than a trying to get a new job
Point is, when she isn’t texting you, fuck it. Not in a mad way but, still, fuck it. Keep it moving. When she wants dick she will contact you. When she wants money she will contact you. When she doesn’t want anything from you, she will not contact you.
It is what it is.
Admittedly, it’s a little tough to have an abundance mentality when the vast majority of girls you meet are already in a relationship.
Decent article. A lot of guys just don’t get it. Men today are dangerously blurring the line between their own self worth and a woman’s personal situations and preferences. There’s a very good chance she didn’t text you back because she just didn’t feel like it at that exact moment in time. I happen to ded girls frequently when they hit me up. Or hey man, maybe she’s not that into you. In that case move on like the article mentions.