How To Fake Your Way Into The Pants Of Hot Communist Girls In Latin America

So you are planning on doing an academic exchange program to a University in Brazil and you want to know how to become the Latin American version of Chad Thundercock with Latina college students. This article will give you all the insights you will be needing to become the next hotshot with girls inside college majors already totally contaminated by cultural Marxism and left-wing ideals. The tricks shown in here will also work with little to no modification in other Latin American countries besides Brazil, they all suffer from the same cultural Marxist fungus.

Time to pack your bags

Warning: This guide assumes you want to bang Latina college chicks so badly that you are willing to blend in and disguise as one of our left-wing socialist enemies. It also assumes you’re not planning on having any relationships with those chicks, since they will never be good girlfriend material and are already totally brainwashed by Marxist ideals and feminism.

The techniques we will cover in here are mostly for gaming chicks from humanities majors like arts, journalism, language, history, social studies, psychology, design, philosophy and others. So the techniques described in here might not be very effective with women from STEM fields, fortunately the cultural Marxist fungus has yet to totally infect the STEM fields in here.

Step 0.01: Pretend that you don’t support Trump

I think this one is so obvious that I don’t have to describe it in a lot of detail. Also if your liberal arts professors or colleagues ask anything about your political views, say to them that you voted for Hillary, that Fidel Castro is the greatest man on earth, that you love Karl Marx and that Trump is the devil and that everything about Western culture is “bad and wrong.” Say what they want to hear not what you really think and you will soon become a popular figure among those left-wing simpletons in no time!

Also if any liberal arts Brazilian asks you what do you think about Bolsonaro (The Brazilian Trump), tell them that you think he is “evilzzz” as well. After all, as I said before: say what they want to hear not what you really think. This is called the art of blending in when inside enemy territory.

Step 1: Dress like the biggest hipster/hippie ever

Making the conversion from American chad to Latin America´s chad isn’t that hard. The Brazilian Marxist version of Chad Thundercock is basically a hippie version of Ellsworth M Toohey if he was born in Latin America.

Always walk in the University Campus holding in your hands a copy of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto to look “cool” in their counter-culture social circles. Don’t worry! You wont have to read that pile of shite! Most Marxist liberal art students probably never read it anyways they just keep parroting what they hear from their Marxist college professors and you can do that as well. Sometimes talk about some new age stuff like astral signs, Buddhism, and Woodstock culture. It will make you look cool in their group.

Step 2: Have a hipster playlist in your Spotify

John Lennon from heaven: “Peace n luv brah lets smoke some pot!”

Bands like The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Ozzy Osbourne, Bob Marley, and others from the 60s Vietnam War/Woodstock era is a must if you want everyone to appreciate your musical taste.

Also don’t forget to throw in some Brazilian bands from that era as well such as Legião Urbana, especially their song Geração Coca Cola, which is basically Brazilian Marxist Elite Academia’s anthem. Those simpletons Marxist left-wingers will never suspect you are just faking to be one of them in order to game their hot, but crazy, chicks.

We ask you to do all of this because Latin American Marxists and Brazilian Marxist elites are stuck forever in the 60s as if they were trapped in a time machine that keeps sending their minds to the counterculture of that time forever.

Step 3: Get good at talking counterculture/hippie gibberish

Liberal Arts Student 1: Bruh why hit dah bookzzz!!  Smoking pot is dah real dealzz it gives us dah real knowledge.

Liberal Arts Student 2: Dassss Riteee!!!!!!!

Liberal Arts Student 1: Shieeet I dont even remember what I was saying anymore.

Liberal Arts Student 2: Shieeeet!!! Its those evil capitalists trying to control your brain brah!!!

Liberal Art Student 1 and 2: Shieeet put on “Geração Coca Cola”! DAS RITEEEE!!! DAS RITEEE!!!! DAS RITEEE!!!!!

All you have to do is basically adopt a  Ellsworth M Toohey persona. Say things like:

  • “Individualism is bad!”
  • “Money turns people into evil greedy assholes!”
  • “Collectivism is the greatest thing people can do!”
  • “Dah Police and Dah Military are evilzz man!”
  • “Lets fight against dah man!!!”

Also every now and then mix your Woodstock/anti-capitalist counter culture socialist rhetoric with some mumbo jumbo talk about new age stuff like chakras, spiritual energies, aligned planets, crazy conspiracy theories about the government, and East Asian religion stuff. Then just watch as everyone cheers you up and the college chicks go wild for you. Soon those left-wing chicks will all be wanting to get inside your pants in no time.

Bonus points for:

Step 4: Become the biggest Hipster ever

Hippies be like: Brah where is the Weeed!!! Make love not war maneeee!!!!

Step 4 is basically mixing of all the other steps in order for you to adopt a total hipster left-wing counter culture facade persona to get all the hot liberal art chicks into you. They will be liking you so much that soon they will be inviting you to their parties, activities and way of life.


Liberal Art´s chicks from Brazil/Latin America will go crazy for you  if you have one of those.

You score bonus points with your fellow Latin American Marxist college students if…

  • …you know how to play the guitar. Make sure to sing counterculture songs from the 60s or romantic songs in the college campus. Liberal Arts college students here love guys who and play romantic songs or anti-capitalist/counter-culture anthems.
  • …you tell everyone that you hate Paulo Coelho’s books and Orvalho de Carvalho’s ideas. Brazilian liberal art students and Brazilian Marxist elite’s favorite hobby is to spend their time hating and cursing on them.
  • …what you say to them doesn’t have to make sense at all. All you have to do is talk the same old speech used by socialist politicians/dictators and make it look believable by using Aristotle’s art of rhetoric tactics.

But be careful to not become one of them

AAAAAAARGH!!! It´s too much wickedness I cant handle it!!!!                                     “When you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” – Nietzsche

Never forget what the manosphere really stand for. Spending too much time with those kind of people, even if you are just faking it, might brainwash you into becoming one of them in the long term. Make sure to have on hand some books from Ayn Rand, Thomas Paine, Socrates, or Adam Smith in your baggage or Kindle. Or just bring the Holy Bible (KJV preferably). Hearing God always heals the soul. This way you can read about real wisdom, character, and virtue to keep your mind sane in this socialist hellhole country/continent and to not let yourself succumb into their SJW PC culture madness.

As Nietzsche would say, “if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you,” so even if your intention was only to have some fun with hot, wild, left-wing liberal arts Latinas, you need to be careful not to allow them to convert you.

To sum it up. If you follow all the tips in my guide you are most likely to get at least some hot liberal art college girls during your stay in Brazil and other Latin American countries.

Read More: Is It Easier To Get Laid In Poor Countries?

135 thoughts on “How To Fake Your Way Into The Pants Of Hot Communist Girls In Latin America”

  1. The moment one bangs Izabel Goulart type girls by dressing as a hippie is the moment I become an astronaut.
    I believe there are better ways of giving latina girls the Tingles than vouching U’re a communist.

    1. So I pretend to be a Cuck to get into a girls pants?
      To do so, Goes against all I believe, and nature itself.
      In truth, She will respond to my hyper masculine Alpha ways despite what others think and believe. The Look, mannerisms, self confidence, approach and build assures it. I can show her the errors of her ways in ideology when Im through.

      1. If you are a smart man along with being high T, the intellectual conquest of the woman is also as satisfying as the physical conquest of her.

        1. “the intellectual conquest of the woman is also as satisfying as the physical conquest of her.”
          this. my opinion exactly

        2. I disagree with everyone here who is bashing this article. If anything the author is making a sincere depiction of the current state of Brazilian Hardcore Universities. I dont get why he is receiving so much criticism for telling the truth. I guess it might be because he writes in a way that sounds that he is trying to make fun/mock about this sad situation.
          I did an exchange program to a University in São Paulo in 2003. And It was exactly as described above. Hypocrites who played the good hippie guy and talked about “money being the root of all evil” or “stopping all wars”, while at the same time the same doubled faced guys owned fancy cars like a Camaro, Porsche or Chevy Silverado. Would get to bang all the hot chicks at least in the majors mentioned by OP´s article.
          Open your eyes guys! Learn to research the damn internet, before criticizing a sincere and awesome article!

      2. Just because you are part of a counter culture movement doesnt automatically make you a loser… I knew some hippies who were alpha as fuck and took advantage of their position to bang as many girls as possible. Then when being a hippie stopped being cool they moved on….
        The author give us a good example of this by asking us to impersonate Ellsworth M Toohey personality:
        Toohey is a power-seeker. In various ways, he attempts to gain control over the lives of other men. At the personal level, he acquires a legion of followers who blindly obey his every command. Toohey deceives his victims by posturing as a humanitarian, but the code he preaches — that of self-sacrifice — is utterly destructive. Under the guise of offering spiritual guidance, Toohey convinces his followers to give up the things most important in their lives — their values. He tells them that virtue lies in selflessness, in the renunciation of personal desires, and that they must exist for the sake of others. He succeeds with a number of weak-willed individuals, who then surrender the things and persons most precious to them. But when a man gives up his values, he necessarily gives up that with which he formed them — his own thinking. His life is then empty, devoid of meaning and purpose, and he is incapable of internal direction. He needs external guidance. Toohey is never too busy to give them his full attention; he is always there to tell them what to do.

        1. Charles Manson comes to mind.
          Don;t think he was alpha, but he did pull a lot of tail.

      3. Awesome article Howard! Dont let the incels that invaded ROK discourage you from writing more excellent pieces!!!
        God I miss the good old days of ROK when It used disquis. The comment section was pure wisdom and gold. Now its a bunch of losers who have nothing better to do than to write negative remarks to every author that tries to bring us awesome neat content.
        Keep doing a great job!!

      4. Awesome article Howard! Dont let the losers that invaded ROK discourage you to bring more excellent pieces!!
        Dang I miss the good old days of ROK when it used DISQUIS. The former comment section was pure wisdom and gold. Now its a bunch of AFCS who have nothing better to do besides trolling and insulting every author that brings new content!
        Keep doing a great job Roark! We believe in you! You are the man!

        1. @The man from Texas
          Being smart is hugely important. But also important is the ability to successfully sell your ideas to others. Which requires non-nerd characteristics.
          Roark knows how to sell his ideas very well. The problem is that haters will keep on hating instead of focusing how to improve themselves.
          But anyways great article indeed!

        2. @The man from Texas
          So true!
          I think there are two important elements to working hard—first, that it will indeed raise the probability of your achieving success, and second, it is good for the soul.
          Men particular need a mission in life that is unconnected with women. Whether it is a movie script, a sport or a microbrewery business, you need to have something that obsesses you that you are inspired to work on day and night. Not only are you more likely to be successful through sheer intensity of effort, but also you will lead a happier life.
          I think some of the negative comments here are made by men who couldn’t find a mission in life, distanced themselves from our beloved God and wasted their precious youth with futile goals…
          Anyways this was a good article!
          Interesting stuff Roark!

        3. I think there are two important elements to working hard—first, that it will indeed raise the probability of your achieving success, and second, it is good for the soul.
          Men particular need a mission in life that is unconnected with women. Whether it is a movie script, a sport or a microbrewery business, you need to have something that obsesses you that you are inspired to work on day and night. Not only are you more likely to be successful through sheer intensity of effort, but also you will lead a happier life.
          I think some of the negative comments here are made by men who couldn’t find a mission in life, distanced themselves from our beloved God and wasted their precious youth with futile goals…
          Anyways this was a good article!
          Interesting stuff Roark!

      5. I disagree. Roark is totally right! He writes with mastery!
        Willpower + momentum + Consistency + = success
        If you want to get really good with women through Roark´s Strategy, and achieve a lasting skill set, then you should make your habit consistent during your trip to Latin America.
        Great advice Roark!

        1. “I think you should have done it like this,” and “You’ve still got a lot of work to do” are phrases guaranteed to strike grey gloom into the breast of any author who’s spent his timing trying to bring quality content to Return of Kings.
          Roark ignore the losers who are trying to bring you down. I bet none of them will every risk themselves to try to write something!
          Criticism, when it is constructive, can be very valuable. But all too often it is a weapon used by those who are jealous of us or insecure in themselves to limit our potential by making us doubt ourselves. This is compounded by the fact that human beings seem programmed to most desire those options least open to us.
          Keep bringing articles Roark they are getting better plus your grammar is improving!

        2. @A Nietzschean Tale
          I think what we can see happening a lot on ROK is called truism, but you can’t please everyone all the time. As you go through life you will receive negative feedback. But thats ok….. you will encounter people who don’t like you or your work. This is normal.
          Roark needs to keep writing more and more and to not let the losers stop his path.

      6. This article reminds me of my good old days during the 60s-70s…… I would ride my old VW van across all the good ol USA listeening to rock songs and gaming all kinds of chicks from hippie communities.
        I dont get why the author of this post is getting so much criticism. This is not the first time an author get trolled by commenters… Troy Francis, which is another good author was trolled as well. Such a shame ROK has become a place where a bunch of nerds gather around to insult every author that tries to bring new content to this website!

      1. No bruh this is for losers who havent accepted god yet!
        Better yet pretend to be the reincarnation of John Lennon and his personality and bring your Thundercock to bang all those hot Latinas!!!
        Great article Roark, not only you have a deep knowledge about philosophy but you also know how to bring us useful information in a very funny way!!!
        I will even share it to my son so whenever he decides to travel to latin american he will know some good tricks to bang those chicas.

        1. Right on bruh!
          Cant wait to go there as well and try those tips!!
          Awesome article!

        2. @Old but Wise American Grandpa love your comments!
          So True!
          Great article so far if compared to some unoriginal ones we had this week
          But remember: Authenticity is the key
          I think what Roark tried to tell us is that what you should avoid is trying to be too perfect, so that you’re basically a clone of some idealised person. Your essence is valuable. Your quirks are what make you. You stand out because of them. You are special because of them.
          So he means that if we decide to get laid in Latin America by faking to be somekind of modern John Lennon. We still need to have the basic quality of every alpha guy. Be agressive, dominant like any other Chad would be!
          Good one Roark! Keep bringing us quality content!
          Cant wait for your next article!

    2. Yooo I dont care wut dem crackazzz from ROK r talking about this article.
      I´m gonna go to Brazil and then when I get there I will tell dem Brazilian college girls that I´m an ancestor Egypt King Tut
      Dem girls will want to check the wrath of my big black dick
      I wuz kangz n shieeet!!!

    3. I like getting laid, but I don’t need to get laid that bad.
      Nobody does.
      Just a thought.

  2. You need to take a step back and consider how retarded this article sounds.

    1. He completely mixes two very different subcultures (hipster and hippies) and uses them interchangeably, in addition to blending two very different ideologues (Marxism and Cultural Marxism). Last time I checked, this pretending thing didn’t work either with women. You should never counter-signal Trump. That is a bitch move, and while a woman may agree with it, it certainly will not make you attractive because it is wreaks of mangina territory. Politics should never be discussed with women under any circumstances. If she brings them or Trump up in a conversation with you, immediately change the subject, as if politics were not your concern or domain. Women are faking their interest in politics anyway to impress men.

      1. Shut the fuck up fakes ass racist cracka dem Howard Roark is a genius!
        Jerry We defeated your kind in WW2.
        Go back to your bunker before I sent some napalms in your fake white ass

    2. Those commie Latinas from Argentina, Chile, etc. also tend to sport smelly-ass dreadlocks quite a lot.
      I like to actually enjoy spooning and cuddling a woman after I’m done pounding her. Not embrace a woman whose hair smells like the streets of Calcutta.

      1. Girls with smelly dreadlocks, stupid tattoos and primitive piercings! Fuck that. That is reason enough to fight this culture and eradicate it. instead of immersing in it.

      2. Hey Grudgy, I don’t give a fuck about pussy whose hair smells like Bourbon Street of New Orleans !!

    3. I disagree the article is pure gold and wisdom!
      I once dated a Brazilian girl and she was into the stuff the author talks about!
      Astral signs, Tarot cards, budhism and asian stuff!
      Lots of girls enjoy those things
      I dont get why this author is being ostracized so much. Its a quality post. If anything one of the best ever written on ROK! It deserves to be a featured article!!!

      1. Amen brother!!!
        Countless of otherwise interested women in the nightlife lost interest in me when I wasn’t aggressive enough…
        But the funny thing is when I was in Brazil the rules were different at least in high class universities! If I wanted to bang some good pussy there I had to pretend to be a “liberal” guy at least in my manner of talking but I could still act like an agressive alpha male!
        Nice work OP! Quality article!

      2. Indeed, Roark knows his craft very well and how to keep his viewer deeply engaged on his ideas and writings!
        The major issue in modern intersexual dynamics is that men are more concerned about chick calling them an asshole, than about never getting laid.
        There’s nothing hard about being willing’. Actually, though, that’s not true. You see for a very long time I wasn’t willing to change, I wasn’t willing to sort out my problems.
        It was only when I got to a place where I thought ‘right, enough—I refuse to live like this any longer’ that I was able to become willing.
        Willingness is not always the easiest impulse to acquire, particularly if you are depressed and down on yourself. If that’s the situation you find yourself in now then try this. Get comfortable and do a little meditation.
        Great article OP!

  3. The problem with the article is that it implies that a girl cares about what you think, when we know they don’t.

  4. If Latin women really are attracted to this bullshit,they must be whores with roast beef pussy,
    fuck alphas then settle with betas

    1. The elements of “conscious leadership”, but no one of them is predominant or transcends the level
      of a given social stratum’s “popular science”—its “common sense” or
      traditional conception of the world.96 This is precisely what De Man,97
      empirically, counterposes to Marxism; but he does not realise
      (apparently) that he is falling into the position of somebody who, after
      describing folklore, witchcraft, etc., and showing that these conceptions
      have sturdy historical roots and are tenaciously entwined in the
      psychology of specific popular strata, believed that he had “transcended”
      modern science—taking as ‘‘modern science’’ every little article in the popular scientific journals and periodicals. This is a real case of
      intellectual teratology, of which there are other examples: precisely, the
      admirers of folklore, who advocate its preservation; the “magicalists”
      connected with Maeterlinck, who believe it is necessary to take up anew
      the thread—snapped by violence—of alchemy and witchcraft, so that
      science may be put back onto a course more fertile in discoveries, etc.
      However, De Man does have one incidental merit: he demonstrates the
      need to study and develop the elements of popular psychology,
      historically and sociologically, actively (i.e. in order to transform them,
      by educating them, into a modern mentality) and descriptively as he
      does. But this need was at least implicit (perhaps even explicitly stated)
      in the doctrine of Ilitch [Lenin]—something of which De Man is entirely
      ignorant. The fact that every “spontaneous” movement contains
      rudimentary elements of conscious leadership, of discipline, is indirectly
      demonstrated by the fact that there exist tendencies and groups who
      extol spontaneity as a method. Here one must distinguish between the
      realm of pure “ideology” and that of practical action, between scholars
      who argue that spontaneity is the immanent and objective “method” of
      the historical process, and political adventurers who argue for it as a
      “political” method. With the former it is a question of a mistaken
      conception, whereas with the latter what is involved is an immediate
      and vulgar contradiction which betrays its manifest practical origin—i.e.
      the immediate desire to replace a given leadership by a different one.
      Even in the case of the scholars the error does have a practical origin,
      but it is not an immediate one as in the latter case. The apoliticism of
      the French syndicalists before the war contained both these elements:
      there was a theoretical error and a contradiction (there was the
      “Sorelian” element, and the elements of rivalry between the anarchosyndicalist
      political tendency and that of the socialists).

    2. @Jane
      Its called originality and experience.
      Roark has an incredible way with his words.
      Nice article!

  5. The question is NOT how to get into the pants of a “Leftie” female instead ask how do we turn those “Lefties” into “Righties”?
    So lets deconstruct! (favorite leftie pastime)
    Why is Leftism “hip”? Well it’s not because the lefties understand economics or social dynamics and think they are better, it’s because they don’t!
    But don’t waste your time trying to enlighten them!
    You make a philosophy “hip” not by convincing everybody else of it’s superiority by argument but by “fire and sword”! Hey that’s how Cuckristinanity and Islam became the dominant religions of this World, so it’s proven to work.
    Well since we can’t quite, yet, use literal fire and swords we need.. S.W.A.G.
    (Socially Widespread Agressive Guidance) – show them you are the MAN!
    So what is S.W.A.G? Short it’s the anti-SJW movement.
    S.W.A.G. is not about politics or economy or religion – it discriminates nothing and everything.
    It’s about spreading the message of “Might makes Right” (yea not in those words.. at first) but it’s about giving those soy-boys and girls a taste of what a real man looks and feel likes, it’s about NOT hiding your masculinity but blatantly putting-it-out-there, like a ships flag.
    Put your “MAGA” hat on, put your “Stars and Stripes” T-shirt on, be loud be brazen be all you can be to slam those “leftie” pussies into submission!
    Women don’t give a shit about the “poor” they don’t give a shit about “social equality” they don’t give a shit about “starving children in Africa” they want a Man a Man’s man – give it to them! Big and Hard
    The Left got big in the 60’s because they where the Counter Culture the Rebels the Anti-stablishment, it time we become all that because we are – and we need to show it at every opportunity.
    Don’t turn “left” to get pussy make the pussy come to you, that’s how real Men do it!

  6. Thanks but no thanks: at my ripe age, my mid 40’s are not that far away, even if I was not overall happily married I would want to limit my social circle to people with whom I can at least share some minimal communalities.
    In general I prefer to interact in my social life only with native citizens of high income countries situated in relatively cold climate zones even if I’m open to being friendly and get to know outliers from all over the world.
    In general though I simply detest the typical specimen of Southern nations (including Southern Europe): you can be the hottest most sex-crazed cunt the world has ever known but the second you utter leftist woe-is-me third world victimology trash you’re dead to me.
    I have relatively few years left that I can spend in pristine health, I definitely DO NOT wanna waste any of that precious time engaging third world refuse.

  7. This might work for a guy like me cuz I do share some left wing views. Like I don’t think gay marriage is a big deal. They don’t hurt me and no one is forcing me to do it. I am proof not all big dicked alphas have to be right wingers.

    1. In a theoretical world I would be inclined to agree with you. 2 faggots or 2 bulldykes tying the knot don’t really bother me per se, I’m a live and let die type of guy. I think the whole thing is rather pharcical and I would have to really restrain myself hard in order not to laugh to their face but hey whatever float their boat.
      Unfortunately though in real life, in this present day and age, these douchebags are using their coveted civil rights to impose a police state on anybody who doesn’t agree with their lifestyle and wanna simply be left in peace and free to disagree with them.
      First of all they insist on being allowed to adopt, despite the monster rate of child abuse documented among their “families” (one of the most taboo subjects of research in our current environment). Second they pretty much witchunt out of the room anybody who simply dares to freely inquire and research the destructive behaviour of most of their community in terms of sexual mores (STDs, drug abuse, sexual and domestic violence etc.).
      Third they ruthlessly go after any individual, business etc. who simply don’t want to engage them with such a spiteful, vengeful mean spirit that truly makes me wanna hate them…in my life I met very few homos (and absolutely no lesbian) who were not despicable, obnoxious, horrendous human beings, so fuck ’em, truly.

        1. Che was a douche-bag, but still I would wager that if Che were born today and surveyed the aesthetically fucked up cultural Marxism and feminism, he would probably be a Right winger. It was the early stages of International Marxism and Cultural Marxism was in its infancy.

    2. Why the thumbs down so quick? Closetd fags here afraid of different point of view?

      1. To many here, your “I don’t think gay marriage is a big deal. They don’t hurt me” view can be summed up as: “Screw the kids, screw society, freedom of speech and religion are boring trifles, I only care about my immediate comfort. YOLO! BTW, I’m alpha.”
        Whether that’s true of your attitude or not, that’s going to be a source of thumbs down, not your different (uninformed?) point of view.

        1. I’ve always looked at the, “I don’t mind gay marriage, doesn’t hurt meeeEee” comment this way: clearly this is the path of least resistance for someone who is on the fence. If you are for it, the backlash you get from the right will be pretty mild. If you are against it, the backlash you get from the left is big (potentially lose your job, big). When someone asks me what I think about gay marriage, I say, “I think it’s gay.”

      2. Thumbs down because it becomes more and more apparent you are actually
        (((Steely Dan))), here to cause problems and troll.

  8. Brazilian here.
    My comrade, you do not need these things to get laid in college. If you are a Trump supporter, but you are self confident, you are going to bang girls anyway.
    Brazilian girls are usually easy, so you don’t need to look as a clown to make things work for you.
    And there’s more.
    Do not go after girls you know you won’t have a nice time or you don’t care at all. It is a time waste.
    Sex is just the climax of a nice time. Nice time is good chat, rapport, enthusiastic ideas coming and going.
    Roosh, I am waiting for articles that improve me as man. I am 29 right now, so in my 20’s I had the experiences I wanted to have. Now, I look on my career, money and sports.
    Please, forget about leftists, muslims, jews, Karl Marx, homos. We are tired. Every day on ROK it is the same thing over and over again.

    1. Bro you just got an article on the benefits of unilateral strength training. In any article about society and culture and you extrapolate ways to improve your own life. Best of all if you don’t see something you want write it yourself and share with us. When you have to crystallize your ideas by writing them it improves you as well.

  9. This article is poorly written and has a bad premise. It should have been reviewed before becoming ROK material. It’s repetitive and has several errors. Faking socialist attitudes to smash Brazilian chicks is the same tactic as cuttle fish betas. Get them out of the cult with your alpha ways instead.

    1. Shite article, exact same tactic that unauthentic ‘nice guys’ do to try (and fail) to get pussy.

  10. Tldr; smile, drunk with them, flirt, and say “let’s watch some tv at my place”.
    If you dress well and give not one fuck what they think, the worthwhiles will come.
    Substitute watch some tv with “smoke a joint/drink some more/do a line” where applicable.
    FYI I’m drug free, and it doesn’t matter if you actually do. Girls aren’t smart even when they are, but you fool nobody when you offer to be alone. She knows. Act accordingly my bros.
    Thanks anyway Señor Roark.

  11. Sabre-toothed crotch crickets might be a problem with these girls. Not sure about the whole hygiene thing with them.

    1. John Lennon beat a guy half to death for calling him a queer. True Story.

  12. banging a hipsteritas girl in a Volkswagen van, a brand founded in 1937 under supervision of the 3rd Reich 🙂 how Ironic.

  13. sell your soul for sex. Just be white with a American citizenship is enough in latin america

  14. Most retarded article I’ve read all year so far. – Did you really have to act like a buffoon for you to score a Latina? Lmafo

  15. I’m sorry but this is just plain idiotic. There are hundreds of soyboys who live this way yet they don’t get any pussy. Why do the same shit? If you want to fuck hundreds of Latinas just promise them a trip to your country and the possibility of a future green card.

  16. Dude who wrote this doesn’t seem to be Brazilian OR live here. This strategy might have work on the 90′ or something.

  17. Article reads like a parody and makes ROK look bad.
    Feminists will have a field day with “faking” as that’s what they think manosphere is about.
    And fooling girls into night one stands while supposedly getting your values from the Bible? Not very consistent.
    From an entertainment standpoint the article is not that bad.

  18. This is the second article from you that sounds ridiculous. How can you say the Brazilian alpha dresses like a hipster? This is total bullshit. The average Brazilian dude dresses and acts way more alpha than the average American guy. During my time in Brazil, the Brazilian guys that got laid the most were the ones that were extremely aggressive and alpha and weren’t hipster at all. You make it seem like the U.S has been untouched by these cultural Marxist ideas but in reality, we are the ones that made them popular.
    Overall there are some nuggets of truth to this: if you run around a Public Brazilian college campus proclaiming that Trump is the greatest person to ever exist the average person will think you are crazy and will get offended because they have been told that he hates Latinos. Use your head and keep some things to yourself, but there should be no reason to get into politics with a girl you are just trying to bang anyway. It’s the same shit here in the U.S, Canada and Western Europe. But that doesn’t mean you should completely cuck yourself and hide who you are: that is just terrible advice and girls will smell that shit from a mile away. Most of these supposed “feminist” Brazilian girls on campus are getting drilled by the masculine dude who frequents Sertanejo clubs and is a devout conservative, not the cucked hippie dude who protests every week and can’t squat the bar.

  19. Easily the worst article I’ve ever read on ROK. Everyone has already torn it apart so I won’t rehash, but even the gut feeling I got while reading this was that of a leftist rag. This horrible article has no place on ROK, hopefully Roosh will see to deleting it. Be better.

    1. What Roosh should be deleting is your ugly ass face, thats scaring viewers away!
      Stupid Ignorant kiddo! Go back to high school and travel more before talking trash!

  20. I dont think the article is bad. Trying to be in the shoes of the author I think he probably hates the fact that he has to live in Brazil, which is a society that is already deeply affected by cultural marxism. Brasil was under military dictatorship for almost 30 years so any person with Right-Wing views is instantly criticized and ostracized just like in Germany.
    I think that there is a lot of truth to this article. The author is just trying to make fun of a society he is tired of living inside. Its his way of coping.
    I think he is trying to tell the truth about the current state of his country/continent by mocking the mentality of the average joe born in Latin America.

    1. When I was in College in Montreal for my major in philosophy. It was just like that if I ever said I was against “progressive” stuff I would get ostracized by females and their white knights. So I dont think this article is bad. OP is trying to tell the truth in a very sarcastic way about the current reality in colleges.

  21. This is wrong in so many levels. I’m South American and this is false in all senses, because those girls you describe, yes the very same socialists and feminists, will rarely fuck a hipster or hippie. Even though they say they hate masculine men, they are still getting fucked by them, not your millennial hipster. Be alpha, do your own thing and that’s it.

    1. @Conqueror of Empires I disagree… The character that the author mentions, Ellsworth M Toohey is a power seeker who makes people submit to his will by pretending to care about them. If had read the book The Fountainhead you would know the author is making fun of people who believe in socialist dicators/leaders only to end up screwed by them. There are a lot of alphas inside cults and hippie groups. Just because you are a hippie doenst mean you cant perform “bad boy” behaviour or be manly.
      Here is a good description I got from Cliffnotes about Ellsworth M Toohey:
      Toohey is a power-seeker. In various ways, he attempts to gain control over the lives of other men. At the personal level, he acquires a legion of followers who blindly obey his every command. Toohey deceives his victims by posturing as a humanitarian, but the code he preaches — that of self-sacrifice — is utterly destructive. Under the guise of offering spiritual guidance, Toohey convinces his followers to give up the things most important in their lives — their values. He tells them that virtue lies in selflessness, in the renunciation of personal desires, and that they must exist for the sake of others. He succeeds with a number of weak-willed individuals, who then surrender the things and persons most precious to them. But when a man gives up his values, he necessarily gives up that with which he formed them — his own thinking. His life is then empty, devoid of meaning and purpose, and he is incapable of internal direction. He needs external guidance. Toohey is never too busy to give them his full attention; he is always there to tell them what to do.
      At the personal level, Toohey is a cult leader of a type such as Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Sun Myung Moon. He gains a private army of unquestioning followers, some of whom occupy positions of authority. He controls the souls of various government bureaucrats, of numerous Wynand employees and of millionaires like Hopton Stoddard and Mitchell Layton. It is through and by means of his victims that Toohey — like a virus — gains survival. Because he creates and contributes nothing, Toohey can exist only as a parasite. In this regard, he is the perfect antipode to Roark’s creative genius.
      But Toohey’s power-seeking is not limited to his cult activities. He is the one character in the story who has political goals. Toohey seeks to establish a collectivist dictatorship in America. Because he is a Marxist intellectual preaching communism to the masses, he desires to control editorial policy of the Wynand papers. With The Banner as a platform, Toohey hopes to spread the ideas necessary to establish a totalitarian state in America.
      Toohey knows that a Fascist or Communist state requires a citizenry willing to obey. He can establish a dictatorship only if the majority of individuals are willing to give up personal autonomy — to surrender their minds to a leader. The Roarks of the world will not do it. But the Keatings will — in exchange for approval. Toohey understands that Keating, in order to be liked, will yield his thinking and values to others. Just as Keating fawns over professors, employers, critics — anyone in authority — so he will toady to the political leaders. Toohey’s conclusion is simple: his plan requires many Keatings and no Roarks. This is the two-pronged goal that he attempts to reach: destroy the independent thinkers like Roark, and, by convincing individuals to surrender their judgment and values, turn them into followers like Keating. A dictator requires a flock of sheep; he cannot hold power over a citizenry of independent men.
      Toohey is a power-seeker. In various ways, he attempts to gain control over the lives of other men. At the personal level, he acquires a legion of followers who blindly obey his every command. Toohey deceives his victims by posturing as a humanitarian, but the code he preaches — that of self-sacrifice — is utterly destructive. Under the guise of offering spiritual guidance, Toohey convinces his followers to give up the things most important in their lives — their values. He tells them that virtue lies in selflessness, in the renunciation of personal desires, and that they must exist for the sake of others. He succeeds with a number of weak-willed individuals, who then surrender the things and persons most precious to them. But when a man gives up his values, he necessarily gives up that with which he formed them — his own thinking. His life is then empty, devoid of meaning and purpose, and he is incapable of internal direction. He needs external guidance. Toohey is never too busy to give them his full attention; he is always there to tell them what to do.
      Toohey has a clear vision of his role in the collectivist state. He himself is not the brute of physical force who gains dominance by unleashing a reign of terror. His role, rather, is to be the intellectual advisor behind the throne. The brute will hold physical power over the masses, and Toohey will hold spiritual power over the brute. Toohey is a behind-the-scenes puppet master, who surreptitiously wields the real power — and this will be his place in the totalitarian state he seeks.
      If anything the author of this post is one of the best on ROK due to his deep knowledge about philosophy and ideologies. Such a shame ROK readers arent aware of the criticism he is making about socialism.

    2. I would imagine that would the case with Latin culture being a male dominated (machismo) culture.

  22. Not gonna lie, I would love to have an old VW van to take on small trips.

  23. I expect so much more from a man who’s pen name is Howard Roark. (Shakes his head in disgust). Don’t sully that fine name with Merida como eso en el futuro.

    1. I try not to call people stupid but in your case I’ll make an exception. Game and PUA is basically faking it, stupidfuck.

  24. John Lennon beat a guy half to death for calling him a queer. True story.

  25. Or maybe… just be un-apologetically Fascist, with a half-smile on your face.
    A straight White male Fascist BAD BOY, a real ladies man.
    Do not try to appease them.
    Seduce them. Dominate them. Fuck them.

  26. Chatting up communist girls: “Heh babe, wanna move and heaven and earth to save the life of Chairman Gonzalo” (old Shining path graffiti – sure to make her wet). If she doesn’t put out, threaten to report her to the party and have her shot.

    1. Likely some Jow or faggot tranny interfering with the coding of the comments database.

  27. TORONTO WOMEN ARE FUCKING SHIT! I finally left Toronto. I walked over fifty miles to leave this fucking feminist sewage city….Toronto women are fucking femicommie whores! Fuck that place! Toronto women suck!

  28. I only have a few minutes left at the public library in Vaughan. Where is my comment?

  29. This article reminds me of my good old days during the 60s-70s…… I would ride my old VW van across all the good ol USA listeening to rock songs and banging all kinds of chicks from hippie communities.
    I dont get why the author of this post is getting so much hate. This is not the first time an author get trolled by commenters… Troy Francis, which is another good author was trolled as well. Such a shame ROK has become a place where a bunch of incels who keep insulting and humiliating every author that tries to bring new content to this website!

    1. Such a shame is to betray everything you believe in just to fuck some thots. Pure degeneracy in a nutshell. Next article, I guess, will be “how to fuck hot Arab girls pretending you’re West-hating, anti-Christian Muslim”

  30. This article reminds me of my good old days during the 60s-70s…… I would ride my old VW van across all the good ol USA listeening to rock songs and gaming all kinds of chicks from hippie communities.
    I dont get why the author of this post is getting so much criticism. This is not the first time an author get trolled by commenters… Troy Francis, which is another good author was trolled as well. Such a shame ROK has become a place where a bunch of nerds gather around to insult every author that tries to bring new content to this website!

  31. Do Brazilian chica’s shave their underarms? Use deodorant? Douche? Fastest way to send me running away is a smelly coochie.

    1. yes, they do. except the hardcore left-wing girls that the article really talks about

  32. One of the most “Twilight Zone” RoK articles I’ve read in a long while…awesome. LOLz as if to stoop so low, to mock your very identity, to go THAT far out of your way — all merely to get laid.

    As inanity goes, some dare to succeed beyond hobby-level…pro tips indeed, Sir Roark. Please tell me your life is not a reflection of a fucked-up vanity circus illustrated semi-coherently above. To learn how to play the game, we must also keep our guard up and see what games we will NOT play. The merciless hail of thumbs-down replies you have provoked — every long-time reader who has been triggered* — is the answer to your survey and litmus test. Very clever. I see what you’ve done there…”dat’s ka-razeee, Yo.” +1

  33. Step 5: Come to the manosphere and whine about the degeneracy. Because degeneracy is only when women want dick, and never when wankers want to lie their way to women’s panties.

  34. I don’t think I could pretend to be a freedom hating commie even to get a Brazilian chick

  35. What the fuck am I reading? Pretending to be liberal anti-Trump cuck just to stick your dong into some lefty pile of garbage? Do you have any dignity at all?

  36. Fuck that shit! I grew up in Boulder, CO. Which, for those who don’t know, is commie heaven. I fucked crazy, commie hippy chicks all the time while proudly professing to be right wing as hell! Those girls want to fuck real men too!

  37. One of the most “Twilight Zone” RoK articles I’ve read in a long while…that was good for a laugh. As if to stoop so low, to mock your identity by play-acting and assuming another, to go THAT far out of your way — all merely to get laid.

    As inanity in the pursuit of females goes, some dare to venture far beyond hobby-level…pro tips indeed, Sir Roark. Please tell us your life’s not a reflection of the repulsive “vanity circus” illustrated semi-coherently above. To learn how to play the game, we must also keep our guard up and see what games we will NOT play. The merciless hail of thumbs-down replies you have provoked — every long-time reader who has been triggered* — is the answer to your survey and litmus test. Very clever. I see what you’ve done there… just testing the limits of “dat’s ka-razy, Yo.” +1

  38. Howard Roark needs to change his name to Peter Keating. WTF. This article better be some parody or dark humor of some sort.

  39. What the hell did I just read??? This is one of those moments you can’t unsee.

  40. American and Canadian women are feminist shit.

  41. “fortunately the cultural Marxist fungus has yet to totally infect the STEM fields in here.” hehe maybe becauase there’s no much women in such fields yet. due to brazillian colleges not having “holistic proccess” in choosing students, but tests. they have quotas, yes, but may be filled by a bunch of sad mullato males instead of womyn

  42. you gotta be effin kidding me!!!
    how thirsty can you get???
    To what end is this for?
    You REALLY want to risk
    catching an incurable disease?

  43. I like Howard as he seems to be trying to attack the beast head on, I can appreciate that as a Brazilian who unfortunately has to dwell here as well. ‘Tis a shithole after all. The Brazilian chick mystique that many “gringos” have is way over-rated in my opinion after having travelled quite a bit around the world and having an above average view on the matter from my travels and experiences. No matter what kind of porn you watch on xvideos the great majority of Brasileiras are not that hot, really, (taste is subjective of course however Isabela Goularts and Gisele’s don’t just prance around by the million here) and are going to act in an extremely predictable (although schizophrenic) pattern of alpha-fucks-beta-bucks seeking, hypergamous manner which can facilitate notch elevation in the short to mid-term but will probably lead to burn out in the long run. Here is why; Brazilian PUBLIC universities are overwhelmingly filled with second tier mulherada at best and nerdy, “ugly duckling” bitter, feminists with colored hair and suptum rings at worse. They are the overwhelming female student body. THE REASON is they are the ones who were not courted in their adolescence and instead reverted to academic studies while the hot patricinhas “novinhas” were out at top-$Real® nightclubs, country clubs and festivals since ovulation and have no doubt had anal BEFORE vaginal intercourse as their virginal sanctity is of the utmost importance to these nymphs (yay Catholicism!). The fugly-ducklings study and dedicate years of planning (with their families help) to pass the absurdly difficult Brazilian PUBLIC University entrance exams (vestibulares) while the upper and upper-middle class girls work on their bundas at academia’s and wear heels and tight dresses on the weekends because they have the funds to attend private universities. The advice Howard gives might actually serve gamers well if they want to smash mostly second and third tier ass here, but I personally prefer a great view. The second and third tier hookah-smoking-septum-pierced, skinny (malnourished) hippie bitches are going to be quite receptive to gringo white knights that will Bolsonaro/Trump-bash with them while sitting around toking shwag weed and strumming shitty folk music with them but why settle for them? Honestly, to me, personally, just run jerkboy or cocky game here at top notch nightclubs and spit game (in English) at nicer establishments thursday through sunday and pull quality > quantity. Brasileiras are hypergamously trained since toddlers and will gladly fuck (apparently more affluent) gringos just for giggles and presents while he is here and when he leaves, oh well, that pre-wall, hypergamous cock carousel will keep spinning, just like their hamster wheel brains. So go easy on ol’ Howard, I’m sure he means well. NEO out…

    1. Thanks for the support, Neo. I wish we could get rid of all those bad ideologies deeply rooted in Brazilian Culture. Before we can gather enough strength to remove our corrupt Politicans and crooked Entrepreneurs we need to fix Brazilian Culture. Otherwise things will keep being the same since most Brazilian are too brainwashed by Cultural Marxism and socialist ideals to be able to see the flaws in those ideologies. Until this doesnt happen Brazil will keep being a Third World shithole where the masses are quite brainwashed by Marxist´s Ideals. Its only after we fix Brazilian Culture/Mentality we can start thinking about how to remove all these greedy corrupt parasites in power.
      I believe the best way to get our voices heard is to keep writing the truth on the internet. This is why I love to write bad things about the current state of Brazil. I´m tired of living in a country where everyone thinks capitalism is bad, while thinking Communism and Socialism is awesome. This is why Brazil will take a long long time to catch up with developed countries in case its ever able to.We might not be able to gather a lot of followers yet. But I just feel happy that I´m changing at least some lives by showing these truths in my writings.
      Unfortunately this criticism I made about the current state of Brazil disguised as a guide to bang college chicks made most readers in this website angry. Guess people dont have a sense of humor here and cant stand the truth in the form of dark comedy/sarcasm. Nevertheless Its all true! Brazilian Universities are like that and if they do all the steps described above they will get all those crazy marxist college chicks. The readers here dont want to believe but the cultural marxist fungus is so strong here that Brazilian Colleges are reaching disgusting levels of degeneracy.
      Despite my attempts to show the truth unfortunately it looks like most Americans and foreigners want to keep believing on their pipedreams that Brazil is somehow a paradise with feminine, loyal and virtuous girls which is not. This is confirmed by the heavy amount of criticism I received on the comment section. I guess thats the price for telling the truth…. most people dont want to hear the truth they´d rather keep believing in lies, since the truth hurts them so much sometimes….
      Well I will have to be more careful in my next articles, when tackling and criticizing the shitty state our country and Latin America is currently in unfortunately. Anyways hopefully maybe one day we will get our voices heard and make Brazil become a great place to live with. I know this dream is very far away and probably impossible but I´m trying my best to make it possible.

      1. Brazilian colleges, especially “humanas”, is indeed a cancerous environment. But I think we are closer to the cultural change than it seems. Not a lot of Brazilians go to college and that’s a good thing. For real. The poor working class is conservative and they are tired of the stupid left wing speech. They are open to more conservative / libertarian ideas and maybe, after a lot of work, it’s possible to turn the ship around.
        I don’t believe in that for America as much as for Brazil. America has much, much more pseudo-intelectual liberal idiots.

  44. Well you gotta do what you gotta do but I bang leftists all the time without actively hiding my support to bolsonaro. After a while I let them see the myth in my phone wallpaper just to piss them off. They put it out anyways. Girls don’t care. As long as you are alpha and have the right frame.
    Plus, if you’re American and coming to Brasil, especially if you are blonde and tall, pussy will rain over you. Be prepared to spend a lot of money in condoms lol

  45. First of all, one should give peace a chance. If it works, great. If not, well, nobody can say you didn’t try when it’s clobbering time.
    Obviously this article was a parody. Yes, it might be fun to do these sort of things but the WHOLE PROBLEM WITH MODERN WOMEN IS THAT THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES TO THEIR ACTIONS ANY LONGER. There, I said it.
    Look at Jackie Coakley of Rolling Stone Rape Hoax infamy. Did anything bad ever actually happen to her for what was a potentially lethal hoax? No. Is there anyone here naive enough to think that she didn’t know there would be no consequences if her lies were exposed- and as blatant as they were they very nearly weren’t?
    If women become misandrist feminists and no man will have sex with them, no man will even want a simple relationship with them- in other words, such actions have serious consequences- how long do you think modern feminism would last among younger women? No money, no gifts, no sexual relationships, no attention from men, nothing…much of this sort of thing would vanish almost as quickly as in a “Lucifer’s Hammer” scenario.
    The sexual revolution was actually like the total downside of the welfare state- why work for something if you can just get it? If a female wants the most desirable male she herself had to work at it. Mary-Ann would have a much better chance of getting a Lucas McCain than any Trigglypuff, but if there is no such natural selection then you get the situation you see today. Trust me, it wasn’t always this bad, even in the 1970s and 1980s, and that’s why I’m so dismayed.
    So if you do anything like the above you are merely sowing the seeds for the very things we complain about at Return Of Kings! If we want to lead we must be more like real kings, not court fools. We can and will goof up, but we can at least try to do better starting right now.

    1. Thanks for your contribution to the discussion Allanon.
      Such a shame most ROK readers didn’t get the joke. All I was doing was bashing the cultural Marxists and the left wingers with this article.
      Humor is the best way to deal with difficult subjects, that we want to criticize, unfortunately most readers here took my article in the literal sense. Thus as a result they became as triggered as the very type of people we stand against such as: SJW and Left-Wingers.

  46. As a brazilian, I would not advise you to have anything with these communist whores. It is not worth the effort unless you prefer teasing over fucking. What I mean by this is that what is really worth with these girls is not sex, it is the fact that after having sex and make her fall in love with your cock, you can reveal yourself as the White, Christian conservatist Trump supporter (you can also say you are a supporter of Bolsonaro, which is the brazilian Trump) just to see them freak out in their minds while you expose her to some redpills about masculinity, as you remember her how she got submited to you in the most feminine manner, even though she despises the traditional notions of gender.
    This is gold.

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